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queers-gambit · 7 months ago
The Black Dread part two
prompt: after word is sent for Dragonseeds to raise up, you shockingly claim The Black Dread. knowing your stance would all but determine the war, both Alicent and Rhaenyra send emissaries to persuade your allegiance through means of marriage. when tragedy strikes, you fly to war. -> in this part: receiving the Princes at Highgarden and a little flashforward.
pairing: Jacaerys 'Jace' Velaryon x female!Tyrell!reader pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female!Tyrell!reader -> hair color specified reader -> technically Targaryen!reader -> ALL characters aged 18+
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
series masterlist: The Black Dread part one: read here part three: read here
word count: 6.4k+
warnings: cursing, more set up, depiction of anxiety, i think that's it and that's suspicious
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You winced when the seamstress pinched your waist again while hemming the gown you modeled in front of a trio of mirrors atop a pedestal. "Apologies, my Lady," the woman with a heavy Braavosi accent excused with a quirked thick brow, "I appear off my clock, think I am seeing double."
"Expected after such long travels," you nodded in agreement. "Perhaps we should pause to let you rest, we can resume later - "
"No, no, nope, we have no time," the jittery ginger Maester Keiff Foral insisted, hands rushing in a flurry from where he was pacing behind you, "we have to get your dresses done now before the Princes arrive!"
"This is so superficial - "
"Stand straighter."
You huffed, "Tell me in earnest, why are we even entertaining these proposals?"
"Because war - "
"Not our war."
"Ours now that you've claimed a dragon!"
You sighed, just watching Madam Oraena Ostiris work in the reflection. "So we come to it," you whisper.
"To what, child?"
"You are angry I have claimed Balerion!"
Maester Foral pursed his lips, moving around to sit at the available table. "Angry? At you? I am weary," he admitted. "Bringing The Black Dread here, it has put a target on us, my Lady. The Greens and Blacks both were content to look the other way, we had declared ourselves neutral; they need Harrenhal more than they need Highgarden - and Oldtown's on their own, but now? Now, your dragon has beckoned them to our door."
"I can always refuse them," you mused.
"I do not know how the Princes would handle rejection from you in that dress," Foral chuckled. "Your father would choke if he saw you, my Lady."
"I suppose it is good he will not see again," you sighed, petting the material of your new gown. It was modern, chic, new; albeit revealing and daring, it was different. "I suppose I should ask, is there news?"
"No, my Lady. Your father makes no change."
In the tallest tower of the Highgarden Keep, your father, Lord Paramount Tyrell, laid in a bed; unmoving, unwaking, still breathing, as he has for the past 4 years following a swift and sudden infection. Your Targaryen Princess mother passed just a year prior to King Viserys, leaving you to inherit the lands, riches, titles, and all that comes with Lordship Ladyship of The Reach. This was until your brother, Ryden, now ten, came of age in another four years. Technically, he could assume Lordship at ten-and-three, but it was so stipulated he would remain under education until ten-and-four, pending your father's health.
"What do you think I should do, Maester?" You asked stiffly. "Prince Aemond and Prince Jacaerys both fly for us this day, what should I do?"
"Well, what feels appropriate?"
"As if that matters," you scoffed. He waited as you and Madam Ostiris chittered over your dress; making necessary changes in posture to let the seamstress hem and sew.
"Humor me, pretend it does," Maester Foral spoke to you through the mirror.
You frowned, rolling your eyes, "Well, ideally, I'd have time to get to know them both before being forced to choose who I want to bind myself to for life."
"For the love of the Gods, be helpful, Keiff, or get out," you huffed. "Do not just agree with me, please."
He chuckled, "All right, all right. You are the acting Lady of the House, you hold more power than you realize, and you now ride the largest dragon in the known world. So, receive them both and offer accommodations for the week their mothers have bartered for, and in that time, make clear you wish to spend equal time with them both before you declare for either side."
"I'm able... To do that?"
"Why not? If Rhaenyra can be Queen, why can you not take a week to get to know suitors you might possibly wish to spend your life with? Times are changing, my Lady, just look at the dragon you now ride, the position you hold." Keiff paused to take a long, deep breath, "You know, all-in-all, perhaps this will not be too bad."
"How so?"
"I hear both princes are rather becoming."
Your eyes rolled as Madam Ostiris snickered and softly mused, "Sounds as if, at least, whoever you choose will be someone pleasing to look at. There are worse fates, worse prospects of husbands, my Lady."
You hummed in acknowledgement, admiring your figure cut in the dress, directing to Keiff, "Do me a favor, old friend?"
"Of course, my Lady, anything."
"Keep me logical. If I fall prey to emotions, keep my head straight - I want to make the best, most logical, strategic pact for our people as possible."
"Do not be so pessimistic. Love can be so - "
"This isn't about love, it's about strategy, and at the very least, compatibility. A single week to decide who I will spend this life with, a week to consider which scales I tip in this war. This is about survival and stability, Maester, not love."
He sighed, watching Madam Ostiris tighten the laces of your exposed corset in a finishing touch to your attire. Since you were a babe, Maester Keiff Foral served your family; a surrogate father, nanny, tutor, friend, brother, the fun uncle you run away to when pissed at your parents. He hated how repugnant you sounded at love - wanting that magic for you, never wanting your marriage to be akin to a sales transaction.
Maester Foral, however, knew you to be a noble and honorable woman and if duty compels, someone who would agree to a marriage pact for other's benefit. So, he wasn't surprised by your determination to do your duty, but the way you spoke, the hostile acid used when speaking about marriage, about love - it saddened him. He knew you had so much love to give with nowhere to put it, nor were you equipped to accept authentic love - let alone give it a chance to let a flame catch and ashen.
One of the servants entered the chamber, hesitating only a moment before informing, "There's been a dragon sighted, my Lady. The watchmen predict no farther than 10 minutes from our location."
"Thank you," you breathed, Madam Ostiris finishing her work, allowing you time to finish prepping to your pleasure. "Maester Foral, please, uh, gather members of our court to the Throne Room. We'll receive the Princes. Oh, we'll need their rooms finalized, please, send some maids to double check the guest chambers are ready, as well. Ensure they're in separate wings."
"My Lady," he agreed, bowing out of the room to go do as you asked while you heaved a grand huff of breath.
There came a long pause as you looked at your dress, nodding in approval. "It becomes you," Madam Ostiris noted casually, packing up her sewing kit.
"Hmm?" You hummed.
"Power," she smirked.
"She's right," a voice chimed, Grandmother Celia came into the room; lips spread in a smirk, hands clasped before her. "Power becomes you, sweet petal," she chuckled. "That dress is exquisite."
"Madam Ostiris is a genius," you complimented, stepping off the pedestal. "I'm glad you're here. Tell me," your arms spread in bravado, "is this appropriate to meet our royal convoy in?"
"I would say," she approved, petting the skirt you wore. "Thank you, Madam Ostrich."
"Ostiris," you swiftly corrected with a smirk. "Madam, you've been shown your quarters, yes?"
"Yes, my Lady, thank you."
"Thank you," you dismissed softly, watching her scoop her personal sewing kit into her arms and scurry out of the room. "Grandmother," you directed, pouring a goblet of sweet wine, "would you attend today's affair with me? I do not wish to stand alone."
"Maester Foral will be there."
"I would feel stronger with another Tyrell at my side."
She chuckled and took your arm, patting it in assurance. "I will always stand with you, my girl," she assured. "Are you prepared for their arrival?"
"As best I can be. I feel as if I am standing trial."
Celia chuckled, watching you take a nervous gulp. "To what crime?"
"Claiming to be a Targaryen is a heinous declaration, bordering on a punishable offense. None believed me, said I did not look akin to my claims; now I ride Balerion and am fielding marriage proposals from Dragon Princes. It's as if I am defending myself from tension that brewed in my mother's generation, and none of it feels real."
Celia nodded, "And yet, you carry this responsibility beautifully."
"Begrudgingly," you corrected with a smirk. "Shall we?" You finished your wine, setting the goblet down and offering your arm to her withered hand.
"To the Throne Room?"
"Courtyard," you corrected. "I intend to meet the royal envoy."
"Then we shall meet inside," she decided, "there's no chance I'm traipsing through the mud. Nor nearing your beast."
You agreed, watching her part as you were swept up by a swarm of maids and guards all escorting you towards the front of the Keep.
"My Lady," your usual lady's maid rushed up to you, "there's a dragon - "
"Yes, Eyme, I'm aware," you smirked, waving her to follow. "Did you have the guest chambers made up?"
"Yes, my Lady, in the East and West wings."
You nodded, "And the kitchens?"
"Stocked and preparing tonight's welcome feast," Eyme confirmed. The winds swept your dress skirt back when the doors opened, surging down the stairs as more of your Household Guard joined the procession.
"Open the gates," you commanded, leading the way out of the Keep. Things seemed relatively calm as the dragon in the distance was a growing speck, but then, the peace shattered when Balerion lifted his head and released a loud, reverberating growl. "Shit," you muttered, "stay here, stand at the ready!"
You rushed to your dragon laying in the valley beneath the Highgarden Keep, trying to use broken High Valyrian but making absolutely no sense - turning into a blubbering mess out of panic. There was no true calming your beast, especially when he lifted onto his feet and bared his teeth in threat. You cursed again.
Balerion stretched out, making you keep pace at his shoulder as the distant dragon drew closer. "You know them?" You asked The Black Dread casually, sighing and patting the scaly hide of his ankle - the only place you could honestly reach. "Is it a familiar smell?"
He grumbled and in truth, you had no honest idea if he understood the Common Tongue or not - but after so many years, perhaps he did to an extent.
"They're guests," you warned your dragon, who breathed heavily; shoulders hulking, leering in threat as the other dragon became more defined. "They're kin," you sighed. "One is your old rider's son, and the other, his grandson. Did you ever meet her? The Black Queen, Rhaenyra? Daughter of Viserys?"
Balerion huffed and you smirked, successfully distracting him. "I haven't either," you told him. "We'll judge them fairly, yes? You sniff out their dragons, see if they smell deceitful." When he grumbled, you patted his hide again, "Good lad." The dragon began it's decent, you musing, "Here we go..."
The first dragon that touched down was tiny in comparison, your curiosity peaking when another dot was spotted in the distance. "Easy," you told Balerion, "Vermax is young, he's not a threat." Your dragon grumbled as the dark haired Prince dismounted. "Vhagar approaches, she's who makes me nervous. Remain vigilant, that's a good lad."
You did not move far from your dragon, standing a few paces beside him as his head leered in an arch to watch the exchange as you faced the Prince. His dragon leered at your own; hissing and spitting, backing up a few paces as you smirked. When he was close enough, you greeted, "Welcome to Highgarden, my Prince."
"Lady Tyrell," he halted himself, eyeing Balerion with mistrust. "What a pleasure it is to make your formal acquaintance. I am Prince Jacaerys Velaryon."
You relaid your full name, using your manners to ask, "I trust your travels were safe?"
"Yes, my Lady, thank you," he nodded, clearing his throat. "Though I regret to ask - "
"Vermax will be provided ample feeding," you smirked, clocking his breath of relief. "We've prepared for your arrival... And mine own, I suppose."
"I've often wondered, how much does The Black Dread consume?"
"Enough to feed several villages," you chuckled, glancing at the large head that dropped beside you. You laid an arm on him in a show of affection, "He's very good at self sustaining; though, I buy his love by feeding him livestock. I hope it makes up for my inability to speak High Valyrian."
"Perhaps we could arrange some lessons," he smiled prettily.
"That would be appreciated," you nodded. "In fact, I was hoping for your opinion on a tutor, while you're here. I'd like to learn of my heritage, but being able to communicate with Balerion is paramount."
"Of course, my Lady."
You watched as Prince Jacaerys was welcomed into your court as Vhagar eventually made her descent. You required a moment or two to collect yourself, swallowing nervously in the presence of the Velaryon Prince; a young lad you found almost dreadfully attractive. Despite his thick head of dark, luscious curls, he was every bit Targaryen you were - perfectly one half, on your mother's side.
For some reason, to the Realm, the mother's lineage is erased and forgotten - but blood doesn't lie. Neither do genetics, but that was a conversation for a different day.
You thought the Prince was well groomed; his thin face angular, high structured, and sharp, framed by his corkscrew curls. Though lean, he appeared to have the makings of muscle; standing taller than you, freckles sprayed across his nose and cheeks, lips plump and perfectly pouting.
Balerion bellowed when faced with Vhagar - even at a distance. You were unsure what word to use, but smoothly, you heard Jace provide the High Valyrian word for clam, "Lykiri."
You repeated the word with a stutter, Jace gently repeating himself to allow your tongue to form the foreign word. After another try or two, you were rolling your pronunciation; Balerion shifting his weight and growling, even under your patient hand. You muttered a few words in the Common Tongue, the beast glowering with literal smoke wafting from his nostrils as the One-Eyed Prince stalked across the short distance between dragons.
"Prince Aemond," You greeted kindly, "welcome to Highgarden."
As you went through the usual spiel, you got a good look at the Kinslayer Prince. He was handsome in a much more unique way; perhaps unconventional, but certainly alluring. His jaw (and nose) came to a point, his expression full with his single eye; stoic yet oddly expressive. His pin-straight platinum locks were down, pieces at his temple tied back simply to accommodate the strap of his eyepatch. His cheeks were chiseled. His scar was a dark pinkish-tan against porcelain flesh, indicating years of healing. Thin, bowed, quirked lips - even with a neutral and passive expression.
Handsome, indeed.
After hearing your court greet Aemond respectfully, attention had shifted towards you again. You told both Jacaerys and Aemond smoothly, "I hope to come to know the extent of our hospitality during your stay here. I apologize for greeting you outside the bounds of the Keep - I was unsure how Balerion would react to visitors. And I should apologize for our lack of Dragonpit, I understand the anxiety you might feel from leaving your dragons exposed; there's never been need to host dragons at Highgarden before."
"Mh," Prince Aemond hummed, "though appreciated, no apology is necessary, my Lady. Thank you for granting me your audience. The King was most pleased to learn you accepted our parlay invitation."
"No thanks necessary, my Prince," you shot back, saving Jace from rebuttal, "but I have yet to bend the knee, and therefore, encourage you do not mistake my hospitable curiosity to receive your envoy, my Prince, for alleged proclamation of support in the war ravaging the Realm. Yet while I do not declare for either of your sides yet, it's akin to alining with both." You paused, lips straightening in tight emotion, "I've learned those who refuse kings - or their kin - end in demise, so, at the very least, I'd be a fool to reject your entry under my roof."
"Nevertheless, the King appreciates your cooperation."
Balerion growled as if in disagreement with the term "King", but you just hushed like a parent would a child, "Aht! You behave."
Seeing them both offer kind amusement to your words, you noted how effortless Jace appeared and how Aemond's expression appeared to host veiled impatience. You remembered this wasn't some romantic meet-cute, but a very disingenuous way to marry; to find a partner; to start a new life - what very well could be the rest of your life.
Something in your gut stirred.
You were pretty as a petal, protected by dragon hide; knowing that when people saw you, they saw a meek, unmarried maiden and concocted their own narrative, snap judgements, harsh in their opinion. They thought you looked weak - a death sentence in this day and age; looking the part of vulnerable, all but offering for others to take advantage and manipulate you - only to dine on them. As dragons do.
Pretty girls were viewed as prey, appearing as easy targets. It was sickeningly frustrating to always be the bigger person; to remain ladylike, soft, kind, seen and never heard even in the face of adversity.
Like your grandmother said, it was time to be a dragon - who don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep. Dragons leave absolutely zero room for disrespect, and they never ask for respect - it's given, warranted, collected, nonverbally demanded all out of fear. Respect universally bestowed to the top apex predator who could end life in a single stream of fire, crush anyone or anything under their legs, decommission entire cities; talons that can easily eviscerate, teeth that could shred human flesh and bones like cheese on a grater.
Be a dragon.
So, you smirked, "Follow me, then, my Princes, Grandmother will be eager to meet you."
Two guards walked ahead of you, leading the procession into the Highgarden Keep. Maids and other guards placed themselves strategically between the Princes, but it seemed the Prince in green leather followed you closely at an even pace, lanky legs moving him with a distinct swagger; feeling almost magnetized to you while gliding through the Keep.
Upon entering the Throne Room (which wasn't a real "throne room" but instead, the room the Lord of the Reach would sit when receiving his peers, guests, counterparts, and citizens), you saw Maester Keiff Foral with your grandmother, Celia, standing at the front of the room with your brother, Ryden, around the seat you were to occupy.
Not feeling secure enough to sit in your new dress, you remained standing while introducing the two Princes - but it was still obvious, you were at the helm of Highgarden.
"Prince Aemond and Prince Jacaerys wish to discuss an alliance between our Houses - we are going to hear their marriage petitions," you announced officially, finally taking a seat - but in a perch, teetering at the very edge. "Now," you cleared your throat, "you both sent words of parlay that we have agreed to hear. Are you both designated to offer terms of negotiation?"
"Yes, my Lady," Jace nodded, your eyes shifting to Aemond, who nodded and repeated his words.
With a hum, you continued, "Then I encourage you both to listen closely. As Lady of this House, I will do whatever is right by my people - not this war. I am not currency for either of you to collect, this is about negotiating terms of peace. Nobody today is present under false pretenses, yes?"
There was a murmured wave of agreement.
"Then we are all aware that this alliance means the fighting rights to Balerion." There was another few nods. "I would see peace return to our land, to this Realm, but first, we have much to discuss. So, I will offer you both one week. In this proposed week, I will attempt to spend equal time with you both and learn of you; since marriage is served over a lifetime, I want to be sure about the man I willingly spend it with. Is this agreeable?"
"I accept your terms," Aemond nodded.
"Oh, you haven't heard my terms yet, love, sit tight," you mused; longer fingernails drumming on the armchairs. "Is this agreeable? A one-week term?"
"Yes, my Lady, most gracious of you," Jace agreed.
Aemond's head tilted to the side, slowly regarding those who ruled The Reach - all watching him like a wild dragon. "Tell me," Aemond leered, "when Lord Tyrell passes, who inherits Highgarden?"
You scoffed gently.
"Lady Tyrell, my Prince, until the new Lord Tyrell comes of age," Maester Keiff Foral answered strongly. "Your father, Gods rest his soul, was a peaceful King and the Realm is forever grateful that the Quiet Age lasted this long after King Jaehaerys ruled - but Viserys was not the first man to name a woman heir. Yes, first woman to the Iron Throne, but there are known keeps and kingdoms under the leadership of women - The Reach, for example. The Vale and Dorne, too."
"I am well aware. Does Lord Tyrell have any bastards?"
"Uh, n-no, my Prince. None that are known...?"
"Can anyone lay claim to her inheritance?" Aemond asked plainly, cutting off anyone ready to scold him for his brash questions.
"No, but she is expected to rule until her brother ages, and Gods forbid, if something happens to Ryden, she is to birth presumably the next Lord of Highgarden," Keiff answered slowly, as if piecing the idea together in real time.
"Then, forgive my hesitance, but why bother with Prince Jacaerys?" Aemond dared. "If he's to inherit the Throne," he mocked, "Lady Tyrell would have to forfeit her duties and the family's ancestral seat for a time, produce heirs for her husband's line, stand at the King's side when she's meant to rule here. Begs the question who Prince Jacaerys means to propose for this alliance? Surely, not himself as he's previously betrothed - to his cousin, uh, stepsister, Lady Baela?"
"And what of your engagement to Floris Baratheon?" Jace shot back.
Sure, his question was being answered (both engagements broken) and actually spurred conversation around the room, but Aemond couldn't hear anymore. Yes, he started this, but salty, warm, pressurized waters had flooded the chamber through sealed windows to trap Aemond in waves of anxiety. Suddenly, his nerves compressed, lungs emptied but couldn't refill; veins dilated to accommodate his worrisome racing heart, throat closing immediately after.
Jacaerys... Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, who would be a legitimized, recognized, acknowledged Targaryen upon succession... Jaecerys. Jaecerys. Jaecerys. Jace... Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace. Jace...
Memories flashed to silently - privately - remind Aemond of that day when Vhagar killed Lucerys - the little bastard brother of Jacaerys. That infamous day haunts Aemond, feeling unfamiliar guilt and shame with himself - which didn't say much considering Aemond's entire life was a steady-handed written tragedy. Now, the other object of his ire would face off with him as Luke had... Vying for a Lady's hand...
Aemond wondered if Jace - being older with dropped testicles - would scream, and if so, would it be like Luke's? Shrill? Or something "deeper"? Lucerys screamed in sheer terror before being swallowed whole; arguably the day that started the war, but definitely being first blood shed (unless you believed that to be Lord Beesbury). Blood was going to be spilled one way or another! This was war, after all!
Aemond hated being mere feet from Jacaerys, but for the sake of the Realm, he restrained himself.
Yet nobody in that room was stronger than Jace - who stood, patiently, pleasantly, mere feet from the man who murdered his beloved baby brother in brutal cold blood. There would never be a more opportune time to strike for vengeance, but Jace kept his cool - insisting to himself that if he remained patient, he'd get his chance. Or perhaps karma would get Aemond! But one thing was for sure: Jace refused to "lose" you to this Kinslayer. So, he kept calm.
Aemond was sent to Highgarden by his mother; by the Green Council; by anyone not himself. Jace, sure, had been sent by the Black Council - but he had wanted to do his duty to his mother, in this war; to history. Jace felt honored to be received by your Ladyship - and by Gods, it showed.
Eventually, you spoke clearly through both Prince's internal thoughts, turmoil, and monologues:
"In this week, you are both welcomed guests, and all of Highgarden's amenities, resources, and services are at your disposal, my Princes. What livestock can be spared, your dragons will be fed - though do not be startled if they venture off with Balerion, he enjoys hunting in the surrounding areas. You're both to be hosted in different wings of the Keep," you laid out plainly, "and under no circumstances shall violence nor taunting be permitted. I understand the animosity between you two, there's been plenty of rumors - so I will not see bloodshed in nor around my home," you directed at Aemond, "to one another, myself, family, or dragon; nor any staff members, occupants of the Keep, and / or citizens. Can you both agree to these terms?"
"I agree," Jacaerys almost instantly accepted.
"I agree," Aemond nodded stiffly.
"Good. Then, come next Sunday, I endeavor to have a decision for you. I ask you both to consider a single question that I will expect answered in the coming days: what role would you have me play in this war? What would you see me do? Have me do?" There came a pause. "If there are no questions, I think we have much to discuss - privately."
When neither Prince argued, you and Maester Foral lead the terms of negotiation. You worried mostly over how The Reach would either suffer or benefit; hardly caring about personal expectations, you wanted to know who would overhead the barley production that season - since ale was so precious to the Realm. You wanted to know who would be funding the new irrigation system. You wanted to know how quickly either side would retreat once their alliance was made - essentially asking how long this war was expected to last post alliance. You wanted to know how best to help your people, fearing they'd suffer if you chose the wrong side to aline with.
After several hours, you understood the terms set by the Blacks and Greens; insisting they disperse for supper and get a fresh start for tomorrow. When the chambers emptied, leaving you, Keiff, and Celia, it was eerily quiet for several long heartbeats.
"What is it?" Maester Foral asked, leaning his crossed arms on the tabletop. "What do you think, my Lady?"
"This feels... I don't know, futile?" You struggled to think rationally, sighing deeply. "Like, what's the point? Rhaenyra isn't gonna let her claim to the Iron Throne go. And Aegon is more likely to tap dance naked in the streets of King's Landing than stand off the Throne. His mother, I hear, would probably shove him out a bloody window if he dared give up the Throne she stole for him. No matter what, Keiff, both sides think they're right and it's too late now. So, what do we do? Do we affirm this usurper's claim? Or do we help the Queen get her birthright back?"
"It is not a simple thing I can answer."
"Nobody can - yet I am expected to," you huffed. "They won't back down... We all know they won't - neither side will consent. So, no matter what I do, who I choose, I'll be on the frontlines with Balerion. They'll expect us to commit some incredible yet treacherous acts, like The Conqueror fucking burning Harrenhal. No matter what we choose, this war isn't gonna end, will it?"
Celia just sighed as Maester Foral was quiet, then he, too, sighed deeply. He spoke softly, "In truth? I always worried this would happen. There's nothing wrong with a woman heir, I never understood the fuss. Yet this country is so - so - so...?"
"Traditional?" Celia guessed. "Stubborn?"
"Closed minded," Keiff found the words, you nodding along. "They think because we started with a King, we should end with a King, and nowhere between should there be a ruling Queen. I don't know if Rhaenyra stands a chance winning..."
"What do you mean?" Celia asked stiffly.
"Even if she defeats the Greens, takes back her Throne, she'll still have to face the entire Realm - who whisper about her predicted downfall. A Queen will never rule," he frowned, "and the people would become restless and unhappy, betrayal would always brew - someone would always plot against her. She wouldn't be winning the war - but affirming it."
You frowned, "Who would think they have better claim than Rhaenyra?"
"Aegon - "
"Besides him," you chuckled.
"Prince Aemond, probably. And by the same right, Prince Daeron would have a claim - being Viserys' seed," Celia considered. "Could even be a bastard or two lingering in the shadows. Consider if Baelon had bastards, huh?"
"Prince Baelon? Bastards?" You laughed. "The man was devoted to his wife!"
"Devoted men can still fuck around! A cunt is still a cunt!"
"Oh, Grandmother, don't say that - I don't think you're allowed to say that and I certainly don't wish to hear it!"
Keiff spoke over you both, "There could be any number of bastards - from any number of royals. But there's no real proof of lineage, less the sire steps forward, and in this case, all sires are dead. So, I wouldn't worry about any bastards trying to raise and lay claim."
The night was still young and the questions only just starting.
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Dawn would peak in less than an hour, and yet, instead of being safe and warm in bed, you were slipping in dew-dotted grass while carting a wagon full of sickly lambs. In a tremendously unladylike fashion, you cursed like a sailor, annoyed with nature; pacing further from the border of the Highgarden Keep.
After clearing the dewy hill, you descended into the valley Balerion had curled up in. His head lifted as you approached, his grumble causing the earth to quake and send birds squawking into the skies. "Yeah," you panted, "I'm hungry, too, love, just gimme a second. Good lad."
For the past nine weeks you've had your dragon, you had fallen into routine of bringing him little treats. Cattle, goats, chickens, sometimes dogs or horses; and today, after an entire litter fell fatally ill, lambs. Vhagar and Vermax were in the sky above the Keep.
"All right, love," you sighed, approaching your beastie. With a tentative tongue, you tried the commands in High Valyrian both Princes had taught you that past week, "Serve, Balerion."
No story could do this beast justice. He was magnificent, but also absolutely terrifying - horrifying - devastating to gaze at. It's said “his wingspan was so large that his shadow could engulf entire towns when he passed overhead. His teeth were as long as swords, and his jaws were large enough to swallow an aurochs whole, or even one of the hairy mammoths that are said to roam the cold wastes beyond the Port of Ibben.”
In person, he was the living embodiment of Death.
You repeated yourself, listening to your dragon huff before lowering his head. "Be calm, Balerion," you commanded with a stern voice, smirking when he grumbled, "be calm. Easy... Easy," you chanted, extending your hand. His lip twitched as his snout extended, allowing you to lay a gentle touch to his cracked ebony scales. "Good," you praised, "good, be calm."
He breathed deeply, eyes bright and blazing a menacing flame red. You were lost in thought as you stroked his face, mind whirling with all that happened the past week; mind nagging about the stark differences in Dragon Princes. Balerion did not find his feet, there was no need; lifting his head only slightly when you pulled away to overturn the wagon before him. At your feet, the lambs were too sick to run away, bleating helplessly; the great large beast locking eyes with you and waiting for permission.
After several steps back, you smirked and called, "Eat, Balerion."
Behind you, a voice called your name. Balerion didn't care, indulging in his breakfast treat, allowing you to peak back and locate your best mate, Alora Flowers, waving you down. "C'mon, love," she called.
"You! C'mere," you told her, lugging the now empty wagon behind you.
"Gods, no!" She squeaked. "You get up here! I'm not going around that beast, you know this!"
"Absolutely! Proudly!"
You laughed, lugging the wagon to a certain height and then leaving it to meet Alora on the hill incline. "Still scared of him?" You teased.
"Of the big arse dragon?" She laughed, "Yeah! I'm still scared! Even at this distance, he could reach out and snack on us."
"Good thing he won't," you assured, nudging her to sit down. "What're you doin' out here? It's early."
"You were not in your chambers," she noted, "and today's the day you announce to the Princes... I wanted to check on you, see how you're feeling about everything."
You scoffed, shaking your head in amusement as she revealed the miniature picnic basket she brought. As Alora unpacked an array of fruits, some cheeses and breads with jams, honey, and dried meats, you admitted, "I've no bloody idea what to think anymore."
"Oh, that's not good."
You hummed, biting into an apple as Balerion crunched three lambs between his jaws at once. "It's been a touch overwhelming," you muse. "But either Prince has made an impression, I am now tasked with choosing a side in this Godsforsaken war."
"You could truly turn the tide in it," Alora nodded, biting into a plum. "Take the Realm in a direction it's never been before... Or support it going in the same direction it's always gone. Which, you know, lead us here anyways."
Your eyes rolled, "Well, when you phrase it like that..."
"C'mon," she nudged your shoulder. "They're both very handsome, but for different reasons."
"Prince Jacaerys is handsome in a stereotypical way. You know, cut jawline, chiseled cheekbones, luscious curly hair. He's young, but in a charming way - seems green to the ways of the world. He'd be a match to learn with you," she chuckled, sighing to herself.
"You seem enraptured - surely, you'd hate me for choosing Prince Jacaerys since you sound so taken by him."
"Unless the Prince's penis suddenly reverts within his body, I don't envision myself with him," Alora teased, making you both laugh loudly. She flinched a little when Balerion grumbled and lifted his head to seemingly glare at the pair of you for interrupting him. After clearing her throat, she continued, "On the other hand, Prince Aemond's handsome in a rugged way. He's entirely chiseled, mysterious and confident. His entire presence drawls you in."
"All seems so simple when comparing men on parchment," you frowned, leaning back onto your elbow as the sun began its ascent above the horizon.
"Well, let's break it down."
"If you aline with the Greens, what would that look like?"
You paused to consider her question, answering, "Chaotic."
"Think deeper."
Chewing a piece of bread with cheese, you considered, "Probably a logical choice, since the Realm has only ever known men to sit the Iron Throne. It wouldn't challenge norms, would relatively keep the peace since there's plenty to be expected when a man rules. Balerion would be put to use; that, I can all but guarantee. Things would... Become predictable, but perhaps that's preferred. After decades of peace, perhaps it's best to not change the status quo."
Alora nodded, "Alining with the Greens would keep Aegon on the Throne."
"Use Balerion would neutralize Rhaenyra, though?"
"Probably. And anyone who offers Aegon insult."
"And if I aline with the Blacks, then I would dethrone a usurper..."
"What an adventure that sounds like," she chuckled, you agreeing. "Keep going, we could expect what outta you alining with the Blacks?"
You huffed, "Chaos."
Laughter felt a little misplaced, but still, you shared in the exchange of amusement. "Rhaenyra's the emotional choice - where it almost doesn't matter her qualifications because the Realm swore to her; she was declared and her claim upheld by her father, the King. We would be putting a Queen on her Throne, as intended. The Greens would be extinguished... We'd be heralding in a new age. Her son would sit the Throne after her..."
Alora blinked, "Am I just realizing that now?"
"If you marry Aemond, you'll be the King's sister-by-law. If you marry Jace, you'd... You'd be Queen one day."
"What a fate after all I've been denied," you scoffed bitterly, "all my mother and aunt were denied."
"The Vanished Princess and the Queen Who Never Was. Quite a pair."
"I hear, in their youth, they were," you frowned with a sigh. "We'll never see their likes again."
"No... But perhaps, we'll see something new in you. Answer me this, who did you think was nice?"
"Oh, fuck off - nobody cares for that - "
"I do," she snapped. "Now, answer me. Who do you think is nice? Which Prince? Either? Neither? Both?"
You hummed in consideration, answering nervously, "Jace was nice - is. Is nice, Jace is nice."
"Who do you think you have more in common with?"
"Maybe Aemond."
"Are either of them funny?"
"Jace has a sense of humor, Aemond is so very... Rigid and stoic."
"I imagine it takes longer than a week to truly know someone, perhaps he is anxious?"
"Or perhaps he is simply doing his duty," you scoffed gently. "At the very least, Jace seems... Somewhat..." You shrugged, "Excited to be here, maybe even intrigued."
She nodded. "So, no matter who you choose, we're looking at war - but the end of the war, so... Where do you wish to stand? Since it's inevitable, I think this comes down to what kind of chaos you want to see - a chaos we've endured or one we've never seen before? I mean, never before has a woman come so close to the Throne..."
There was a long silence. Like, several minutes long. After deep-enough contemplation, you whispered, "If this past week if any indication..." You trailed off, sighing deeply for the hundredth time; staring at Balerion. "I think I know what I should do."
"Talking it out helps."
"Then talk," she leaned back in the grass. "Tell me about this past week - tell me about the Princes."
And where to start?
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part one: read here
part three: read here
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
The Black Dread series masterlist
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mcflymemes · 7 months ago
PROMPTS FOR ROCKSTARS, ACTORS, AND CELEBRITIES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i just got ambushed by a horde of photographers.
think we could slip in the back without being noticed?
i don't like to draw attention to myself.
tonight's the big premiere.
i was born to be on stage.
it's too late. i'm front page news.
tonight's the biggest show of my life.
no one told me fame would be like this.
they're all shouting my name, but they don't know me. not really.
i hate saying no to fans.
so many people look up to me. i can't let them down.
i don't think i can go up there and sing tonight.
if i can help just one person, it's worth it.
let's take the private jet this weekend.
someone told the media i'd be here.
i'm wearing a disguise. don't you like it?
if we could make it out of here without being seen, that would be ideal.
don't let them get a photo of me.
how many bodyguards does one person need?
i don't know, my schedule's pretty packed enough as it is.
how did i sound? did i sound okay?
we're running late for our mic check.
i don't want to go on stage tonight.
that was the longest standing ovation i've ever seen in my life.
they're looking forward to seeing you perform.
you've earned this.
don't let the fame get to your head.
no one knows the real me.
we are now "instagram official."
the gossip websites have it all wrong.
how does it feel, dating a world-famous celebrity?
never take this job seriously.
someone spotted me last night leaving your house.
they're going to write endless articles about us.
i didn't do this for the fame.
that was the worst interview of my life.
where did they get that photo of me?
ACTIONS AND SETTINGS these are very generic on purpose so you can adapt them to whatever kind of celebrity your muse is. please adjust as necessary and specify 'reverse' if needed
[ dressing room ] sender finds receiver in their dressing room minutes before a big performance
[ red carpet ] sender and receiver make their first public appearance as a couple on the red carpet
[ thanks ] while sender wins an award, they find receiver's eyes in the crowd and thank them for their support (and make a dramatic love confession, perhaps?)
[ crowd ] while sender is on stage, performing, they lock eyes with receiver in the crowd and continue to find them throughout the performance, offering smiles and winks their way
[ sign ] sender signs something for receiver
[ selfie ] sender and receiver take a photo together
[ protect ] sender protects receiver in a sea of photographers and fans as they race to safety
[ speech ] sender gives a speech and mentions receiver
[ dedicate ] sender is about to sing a song, and dedicates it to receiver in the crowd
[ gossip ] sender and receiver find an article written about them that suggests they might be a couple, as they were seen together recently
[ fans ] sender watches receiver interact with their fans and sees how sweet and generous they are to their supporters
[ standing ovation ] sender and receiver receive a standing ovation for their performance
[ celebrate ] sender is waiting backstage for receiver and greets them with a huge hug after their achievement/performance
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of flowers to celebrate their latest achievement/performance
[ champagne ] sender douses receiver in a spray of champagne to celebrate their achievement/performance
[ gesture ] while in the middle of their performance, sender makes a gesture of love to receiver that only they can identify
[ photographers ] sender and receiver hide from the paparazzi as they make a pubic outing together
[ reserve ] sender reserves a public space for just them and receiver, and they get to wander the space alone without the public or photographers bothering them
[ jet set ] sender and receiver take a private jet
[ comfort ] before a big performance, sender comforts receiver and reassures them they'll be amazing
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petalsprompts · 2 months ago
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change  pronouns,  tenses  and  other  details  as  deemed  necessary. &  please  specify  muse  when  sending  to  a  mumu. slightly edited wording for roleplaying purposes.
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My  fault,  my  failure,  is  not  in  the  passions  I  have,  but  in  my  lack  of  control  of  them.
What  reason  weaves,  by  passion  is  undone.
None  of  us  can  choose  where  we  shall  love...
Feeling  too  much  is  a  hell  of  a  lot  better  than  feeling  nothing.
You  are  enough  to  drive  a  saint  to  madness  or  a  king  to  his  knees.
A  great  fire  burns  within  me,  but  no  one  stops  to  warm  themselves  at  it,  and  passersby  only  see  a  wisp  of  smoke
I  want  to  know  what  passion  is.  I  want  to  feel  something  strongly.
I  envy  people  that  know  love.  That  have  someone  who  takes  them  as  they  are.
If  something  burns  your  soul  with  purpose  and  desire,  it’s  your  duty  to  be  reduced  to  ashes  by  it. 
I  have  loved  to  the  point  of  madness;  that  which  is  called  madness,  that  which  to  me,  is  the  only  sensible  way  to  love.
I  raised  you  so  high  that  every  other  on  earth  is  now  doomed  to  live  in  your  shadow.
You  have  corrupted  my  imagination  and  inflamed  my  blood.
You  know  that  when  I  hate  you,  it  is  because  I  love  you  to  a  point  of  passion  that  unhinges  my  soul.
People  wait  around  too  long  for  love.  I'm  happy  with  my  lusts.
The  human  body  is  the  best  work  of  art.
I  would  rather  die  of  passion  than  of  boredom.
Your  memory  feels  like  home  to  me.  So  whenever  my  mind  wanders,  it  always  finds  its  way  back  to  you.
What  if  you  find  your  soul  mate...  at  the  wrong  time?
Only  the  united  beat  of  sex  and  heart  together  can  create  ecstasy.
Light  yourself  on  fire  with  passion  and  people  will  come  from  miles  to  watch  you  burn.
My  eyes  were  dazed  by  you  for  a  little,  and  that  was  all.
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untitledmemes · 10 months ago
Self-Care Prompts
Whether it's sender's or receiver's muse, they need time to reset, relax and focus their energies anew. Here are some prompts for interaction between muses who want to have some self-care, either together or alone. You decide who's Muse A and Muse B. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
[ CLEAN ] Muse A is feeling overwhelmed and asks Muse B to come over and help them clean out their entire/part of their home. Muse B gladly comes over to help, well equipped with Muse A's favorite snacks/favorite drink/a playlist of their favorite songs/etc.
[ INTERIOR ] Muse A has been wishing to redecorate a corner/a room in their home for a long time, and finally has enough energies to do so. They contact Muse B, who is glad to come over and help them with the task.
[ EXTERIOR ] Muse A wanted to plant a garden in their home for a long time, but they can't do it alone. They contact Muse B, who is glad to come over and help them with the task.
[ GIFT ] Muse A knows Muse B is having a hard time lately, and sends them over a delivery to cheer them up. It can be takeout of their favorite food for lunch/dinner, a home spa kit, scented candles, a bouquet with a card, etc.
[ LEARN ] Muse A wants to find a new craft hobby but has no idea where to start. They contact Muse B for advice, and maybe a little help.
[ TASTY ] Muse A knows Muse B have been neglecting their food habits for some time now. They come over to help them prep food for the week, whether they know how to cook or not.
[ ONLINE ] Muse A is having a hard time but Muse B is far away. They schedule a time to get on an online call together and just vibe with each other online, together or seperately.
[ IN PERSON ] Muse A and Muse B have been seperate for a long time and it was very difficult on Muse A. Muse B comes over to visit and spend some time with them, just doing things they want to do.
[ SKY ] Muse A takes Muse B to a short outdoor trip during the day/night. They go to the park, lay down a blanket and rest, cloudwatching/stargazing together.
[ ROUTINE ] Muse A has been having a difficult time managing their daily routine for a while now. Muse B offers their assistance, and they work together to find ways to get said routine under Muse A's control again.
[ HEART ] Muse A decides to go volunteer/donate to lift their spirits. Muse B happily joins them for the mission.
[ HEALTH ] Muse A motivates Muse B to try exercising/meditating/praying with them for the day. Muse B agrees.
[ FAR ] Muse A and Muse B go on a spontenous road trip/vacation abroad together to get away from it all.
[ TREAT ] Muse A comes over to Muse B's place to have an indoor spa day. It can be painting nails together, face masks, sharing a bath, massages, etc.
[ TALK ] Muse A just needs to let it all out. Either in person or on phone, Muse B sets a time to contact Muse A and having a deep conversation about what bothers them and lets them vent.
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judasrpc · 2 years ago
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[PAGE] - Are they a curious person? If so, what are some topics they would like to learn more about?
[PAGE, REVERSED] - Have they been deceived? If so, how (and if known, why)?
[ACE] - Do people consider them sharp/witty? Are they quick to adapt to social situations?
[ACE, REVERSED] - Do they have a fear of rejection? If so, is there anything that's influenced/affirmed that fear?
[TWO] - Are they indecisive, or do they know what they want when they want it? If they are indecisive, what do they do to help make a choice (e.g, talk it out, flip a coin, etc.)?
[TWO, REVERSED] - What confuses them the most? Is it something literal, or a broad concept?
[THREE] - What is something that gives them grief, or otherwise makes them feel suffering and sorrow?
[THREE, REVERSED] - Is it easy for them to let go of their pain, or do they tend to hold it closely to their heart? Is it dependent on the situation that causes them pain? What factors go into it?
[FOUR] - Do they get enough rest? What does their nightly routine look like, if they have one?
[FOUR, REVERSED] - What are the telltale signs that they are exhausted and/or burnt out?
[FIVE] - Are they competitive? If so, what lengths are they willing to go to in order to win?
[FIVE, REVERSED] - What is something they do to reconcile with those they've had conflict with? Do they do anything?
[SIX] - Is there something they need to "move on" from? If so, is it a specific event or person?
[SIX, REVERSED] - Do they have any unfinished business? A score to settle? If so, what is it?
[SEVEN] - Are they secretive? If so, what about? Is it something small, or something serious?
[SEVEN, REVERSED] - Do they struggle with imposter syndrome (self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals or in comparison to their peers)?
[EIGHT] - Have they been in a situation where they've manipulated someone into doing something for them/in their favor?
[EIGHT, REVERSED] - How do they define freedom? Do they feel free in their life, or is something keeping them entrapped?
[NINE] - Are they an anxious person? If so, what makes them feel that way, and how intense do their feelings get?
[NINE, REVERSED] - What is their general mental health like? Is there a lot of inner turmoil, or do they manage it?
[TEN] - How do they react in a crisis? Do they jump into action, or do they freeze?
[TEN, REVERSED] - What was their lowest point, and how (if applicable) have they moved upward?
[KNIGHT] - What is a belief they have that they would "die on that hill" for? Is there anything that could change their mind, or are they steadfast?
[KNIGHT, REVERSED] - Are they good at guessing/predicting how situations/events will turn out?
[QUEEN] - Are they more objective (neutral) or subjective (emotional) when passing judgment?
[QUEEN, REVERSED] - Do they resent anybody? If so, who and why?
[KING] - Do people consider them disciplined, or are they more rebellious?
[KING, REVERSED] - Do they believe social hierarchies are necessary, or do they believe that these systems are tools for control?
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hymemena · 5 months ago
Schoolyard Heroes Fantastic Wounds Lyric Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Witchcraft, religious themes, scarification, insect mention, amputation, surgery mention, medical, death, corpses, body horror, fire, burns, blood, obsessioin, possession, suggestive, wounds, injury, cannibalism implied, murder, poison, disease, illness, infections, vampirism
Body Shots
"You'd best adhere to the words of the oracle."
"Phineas sinned but he didn't sin every day."
"Now you rise?"
"Rise, rise, rise!"
"Now we're doomed!"
Panic In The Year Zero
"Kiss me."
"Curse me!"
"Carve your name with blunt precision."
"Greet me with this violence!"
"Taste my pores like an insect feeding!"
"Understand, there is no time."
"Understand, I could not care less."
"Reattach these severed limbs! Fasten velcro to loose appendages!"
"Die young."
"Leave a pretty corpse for me?"
"I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you."
Serial Killers Know How To Party
"Serial killers know how to party!"
"Leave your name and number sewn into my skin."
"It feels so strange…"
"Come with me?"
"I'll burn your heart in effigy!"
"Your blood runs cold."
"Your screams could raise the dead! But no one listens."
"That proves you're mine."
"Everything will fall apart, just like we planned it."
"We thrive in altitudes of Hell and places I can't speak of."
Centaur: Half-Man Half-Motorcycle
"Tonight, my dear, we need a sacrifice."
"Your lips won't satisfy my appetite."
"This girl has fallen ripe with pestilence."
"My stomach aches from taste of consequence."
"Undress these wounds! It's show and tell!"
"It seems so absurd."
"You can mark these words."
"I'll destroy them all!"
"If you could live one thousand lives, I'd watch you die one thousand times!"
"Soon you'll be consumed."
They Live
"We live like creatures, we love like homicide."
"We'll write your future!"
"We control reality?!"
"Deep within these shadows, we're alive."
"Look at all these imbeciles!"
"Come with me, you pretty thing!"
"Your secret's safe with me."
"I'll take it to the grave."
"God help you."
"Remorse is useless, now."
Battlestar Anorexia
"This disease will make your heart explode!"
"They took our blood."
"Your kiss shall poison me."
"Darling, won't you please?"
"This disease will make your blood turn gray."
"This is a jet-black field trip to the end of days."
"Maybe some things never change."
"You'll see."
"Revlon smiles steal your spotlight."
"You'll be saved if you repeat my name."
Nightmare At 20,000 Feet
"Strike the spark that melts our features."
"Salt the earth, I'll salt your wounds."
"You softly whispered in my nightmares."
"Hateful words fall on infected ears."
"Baby, baby, this ain't no dream."
"Listen, honey."
"I'll lick my wounds when someone tells me where I'm bleeding."
"Rescue me from this doom!"
"This burning mess is crashing to the ground!"
"No, we'll shake hands with our tongues."
Funeral Parlour Tricks
"Who will save you from his darkness?"
"Diamonds are a girl's best friend."
"How could you refuse this offer?"
"This is where the story ends."
"Taste my blood and live forever."
"Feel this cold touch one more time."
"Amputations last forever."
"Your face looks oh-so lovely tonight."
"A dark farewell."
"The story unfolds before my eyes."
Nothing Cleanses Quite Like Fire
"This is the worst of wounds."
"This is a call to arms!"
"Knives have started sharpening themselves!"
"I've told you this before!"
"You are mine again."
"This is my taped confession."
"Remind me of nothing."
"Dare you speak my name?"
"Your medicine is useless."
"Nothing cleanses quite like fire."
"Don't scream, your worthless calls will draw attention to me."
"Look at me!"
"Lie to me."
"Honestly? We're enemies."
The Girl Who Was Born Without A Face
"Their skin is melted to the floor."
"Oh, the horror!"
"I'm convinced you'd be so gorgeous if your face existed."
"Your eyes will turn to black."
"The tears you weep will cut like broken glass."
"Trade in your body for a model with these modern features?"
"I'd hold your hand if you had fingers."
"We're horrible creatures."
"There is no point in trying."
"We are so sick of dying."
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calliesmemes · 1 year ago
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CHANGE gendered words if necessary.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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I. WHO…?
“   Who did this to you? ”
“   Who are you? ”
“   Who is it? ”
“   Who are you talking about? ”
“   Who put you in charge? ”
“   Who will be able to stop them now? ”
“   What are you doing here? ”
“   What would I do without you? ”
“   What have you done? ”
“   What are you so afraid of? ”
“   What’s got you so worked up? ”
“   What are you hiding from me? ”
“   What’s got you so worked up? ”
“   What if that was you? ”
“   What if we’re stuck here forever? ”
“   What was that? ”
“   What did you just say to me? ”
“   What if I mess this all up? ”
“   What do you mean? ”
“   What is the meaning of this? ”
“   What made you change your mind? ”
“   When was the last time you slept? ”
“   When did you figure it out? ”
“   When will we be there? ”
“   When will this be over? ”
“   Where is it? ”
“   Where are you? ”
“   Where did it all go wrong? ”
“   Where am I? ”
“   Where have you been!? ”
“   Where are you from? ”
V. WHY…?
“   Why don't we find somewhere quiet? ”
“   Why did you lie to me? ”
“   Why do you need to know? ”
“   Why should I tell you anything? ”
“   Why did you leave? ”
“   Why would you say that? ”
“   Why should I care? ”
“   Why should you care? ”
“   Why would you ever trust anyone? ”
“   Why would you believe him? ”
“   How did you do that? ”
“   How am I supposed to be normal about this? ”
“   How long has this been happening? ”
“   How did you find me? ”
“   How can you be so selfish? ”
“   How could somebody do something so cruel? ”
“   How can I make you understand? ”
“   How can I help? ”
“   How often does this happen? ”
“   Did you ever really love me? ”
“   Did you know? ”
“   Did we win? ”
“   Did I just say that out loud? ”
“   Did you just do that? ”
“   Did you really mean that? ”
“   Did you kill them? ”
“   Will you marry me? ”
“   Will you come home? ”
“   Will you please just leave me alone? ”
“   Will you come over ? ”
“   Will you ever let someone else care for you? ”
“   Can I start over? ”
“   Can you do that? ”
“   Can you forgive me for this? ”
“   Can I come in? ”
“   Can you come over? ”
“   Can you please shut the fuck up? ”
IX. IS…?
“   Is it alright if I stay here tonight? ”
“   Is she alive? ”
“   Is it bad? ”
“   Is everything alright? ”
“   Is something wrong? ”
“   Is the meeting over? ”
“   Is there a problem? ”
“   Are my prophetic visions a joke to you? ”
“   We are friends, are we not? ”
“   It’s inevitable, isn’t it? ”
“   Do you believe in fate? ”
“   Could we have ever made it work? ”
“   We’ve been doomed from the start, haven’t we? ”
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untilxd3ath · 8 months ago
✖ — rules & intro! ⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
//hi everyone!! i've finally come around to making a tumblr blog dedicated to one of my favorite pieces of media, boyfriend to death! :D
first and foremost, obviously none of the characters nor art (unless specified) belongs to me. rightfully, they belong to Gatobob.
i'm definitely not new to roleplaying, however i am somewhat new to roleplaying on tumblr...how i never really roleplayed on here in my 10+ years of writing is beyond me LMFAO
that being said, i'd like to write out just a few of my personal rules/boundaries as well as some info about the muse just to put it out there! :-)
✖ —
☒ my name is link, however i'm 100% fine with being referred to as the character i'm playing -- in this case, it's ren! my pronouns are they/he. i am a neurodivergent 23 y/o writer, there will be 21+ themes ahead! violence, n*fw, taboo/dark/triggering topics are welcomed and encouraged!
☒ such topics involved in writing/the BTD games are NOT supported in real life, period. i do not condone, support or encourage ANY such interactions. everything written is PURELY fictional with no coorelation to real-life beliefs whatsoever.
☒ preferably, i like to write 2-4+ paragraphs in third person. literate writers preferred as well! in character banter/chatting/light roleplay (aka, using asteriks or something similar) is welcomed in a more silly/fun manner. i'm also open to simple, few-sentence roleplays in a more casual manner.
☒ absolutely discord friendly, however i would prefer some chatting on tumblr first!
☒ i am open to planning out a story or just winging it - i'm rather easygoing for the most part!! :D
✖ —
i will add to my rule list as necessary, however those are the main ones that i really would wish to be respected :-)
i'm definitely looking more for those who wish to play canon characters. i would also enjoy any other of gato's characters from any of the games!
if anyone is interested in being a strade or other BTD/BTD2/TPOF characters, and is open to group roleplays...well, i also have a lawrence that would be interested as well! please, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask if you could join!! while ren and lawrence are taken, we would LOVE to start a fun group chat via discord or something where we can just write and be silly and have fun!!!
✖ —
for now, that is about it. i really appreciate those who have read this! don't hesitate to shoot me a message if you are wishing for a fun roleplay! i love to recieve new messages, my inbox is always open.
i hope to chat soon! thanks for visiting my blog! :D
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devilishdanse · 14 days ago
As a ruler, how brutal can Lucifer be? Can he be cruel sometimes? Has he ordered executions? Who were his victims? 👀
Unprompted / Always Accepting
Lucifer is still a fresh muse for/to me, so bear with me here. For how I am aiming to portray him, the balance between his emotions is somewhat fickle. He can be brutal, but largely does not enjoy having to dip into that side of his nature. It is, however, a necessary element in being a ruler as not to appear weak. That being said, leading into your next question: yes, he can be cruel. Again, it is not something he often indulges in. There are times, however, where he forgets himself (especially in darker moods) and can be. . . Violent or merciless, cruel, as you specified, for no other aim than it pleases him to wield that power (this is a rarity, though).
To claim he hasn't ordered executions would be a lie. So, yes. Names are N/A as I haven't delved as far to give you that, lol. Thanks for asking! ;_;
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panmaewon · 1 month ago
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Ah... I guess I really am cut out for this .
— 판매원 . . . ind. & sel. SALESMAN of netflix's SQUID GAME . novella / literate — 18+ MDNI ( canon typical mature and triggering material will be present, minors do not interact ! ) — mun is 33 — high activity — rules under the cut
loved by , fleabag !!
GENERAL. this will not be a mutuals only blog. if you want to RP with me, don’t be afraid to simply shoot me an IM, meme prompt, or an ask to get something started! i’m open to most fandoms, and i especially love OC’s!
i’m generally a pretty busy guy as a standard rule. i am a full time parent, full time actor/model, and full time idiot. i treat RP as a hobby, and i won’t be around as often as i’d like to be, but i will always get to replies as quickly as i’m able to without distracting myself too much.
FOLLOWING. this is a fairly open versed blog -- i’m multiverse, crossover, and OC friendly of course! i thoroughly enjoy OC’s, but i’ll be more inclined to play with them if they have a bio/about page. i will not play with anime characters or cartoon characters unless they have an irl face claim-- sorry folks!
i have no passwords or secret codes or that you need to find in order to play with me, and although i can see where others are coming from, i refuse to send in passwords for anyone else’s rules. i promise you the first thing i do before following anyone is read through their rules religiously quite a few times.
THREADING. i match my partners in format and length as best i can - but in regards to length, i tend to get a little bit wild. one liners and simple chat threads are fine! but don’t be surprised if i get excited and respond with a couple of paragraphs. you are by no means expected to match my length.
unless otherwise plotted and specified, under no circumstances are you to godmode my character.
i love to continue asks as threads, but if you’d like to do so, please don’t reblog the ask! i’d prefer you start a new thread to continue it! if you don’t want to go through the effort, merely comment on the ask itself and i’ll start a new thread with that reply.
NSFW: SHIPPING + SMUT. my otp is muse/chemistry. i require chemistry in order to ship my muses with anyone, and generally that requires interaction. whether the relationship is built up within asks, memes, or threads, i still require some sort of interaction. despite this, don’t be afraid to come to me if you’d like to start our muses off with a pre-established relationship! I’m more than happy to discuss this before threading.
do not force your ship on me. i will never force a ship on you, so i require the same courtesy please. i honestly don’t mind if you message me to say that so-and-so has a crush! or ‘i ship our muses!’. potentially, if you’re feeling a connection, then i am as well. discussing it and telling me your muse has a crush is not forcing it, so don’t worry!
i’m a full ass adult, so smut is fine but i will not needlessly ERP, nor will i ERP with anyone under the age of 21. i won’t jump into it without some sort of build-up in their relationship or chemistry involved. i am perfectly fine with ERP materials, but unless it has been discussed and both parties are comfortable, i will fade to black.
NSFW: TRIGGERS. this blog will most certainly be triggering. i will tag things accordingly and use read more’s where necessary, and will always state either at the start of a post or in the tags if you should be aware of any triggering material.
the triggers on this blog may include: ↪ canon typical violence ↪ abuse as a metaphor for love ↪ murder ↪ blood ↪ gore ↪ manipulation ↪ weapons and weapon use ↪ alcohol and use ↪ drugs and use
i will tag any general triggers accordingly, as stated above, but i am not to be held responsible if you are to get triggered by either ignoring my tags or not specifying what you need tagged. i have no qualms tagging things if i’m asked to - please don’t be afraid to tell me to tag something for your own comfort, but do not come at me should you accidentally get triggered.
i have no triggers, and i like to explore dark themes, but this doesn’t mean i expressly want to only play dark themes. i’m merely open to discussing it ( please note that i will not rp incest, paedophilia, or non-con scenarios and that is not up for dispute ).
i want to address that muse =/= mun. the views and actions of my character do not reflect who i am as a person.
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greatesteagle · 6 months ago
I may be a tad confounded about my present situation, but I refuse to let it be said that I do not make the most of my situations! Perhaps I may discover here the thing that has long eluded me.
You may call me Resh'an. I humbly request your patience as I learn the details of this world--but rest assured, I would love to discuss anything with any of you!
{{ OOC under cut! }}
warning: i'm wordy. you don't have to read this whole thing, but i'd appreciate it if you at least skimmed the bold parts!
hiiii it's eve (22, any pronouns), mun of @lopunnears & @snowpointmailguy back at it again with another sad gay immortal. besides that though the tone of this blog is going to be pretty overwhelmingly different from my previous blogs in voice and storywise! they're also entirely separate. a few notes before i get to my guidelines:
this is a faller pokemon rp pokeblog for resh'an of sea of stars, or more broadly, the shared multiverse of the games made by sabotage studios (so, also including the messenger, as well as the ARG they run on twitch and discord). due to the already-complicated multiverse within the series, please consider anything resh'an says about the specifics of the canon multiverse to be somewhat modified/alternate universe so that the pokeblog can work in concept. also because new stuff is going on every day. thank you!
also relevant to the above: he is, at this point in time, pulled from a pre-canon canon point, but he's already countless years old at that point. spoilers for the direct events of the game not present, but general information spoilers may be. anything that i think may fall into spoiler territory will be tagged as #sos spoilers. there will be no messenger spoilers.
final comment on canon material: the game has an upcoming dlc and the saboverse as a whole is unfinished, so i reserve the right to do soft-retcons of information he's given out, or pull him forward in canon at anytime; there will be announcements of anything important
aaand he's an old man from a fantasyland he doesn't know how to pronouns in bio but, you know. resh'an uses he/him. someone please tell him to pronouns in bio. also he's canonically gay.
ok. now time for rules/boundaries:
there will be no explicit sexual content on this blog, ever. violence (and rare gore) may be present, but will be tagged if necessary. the general rating of this blog is pg13; mun and muse are both adult, but any mun or muse of any age is welcome to follow/interact.
i'll interact with any kind of pokeblog or pokemon-verse rp blog that participates in pokeblogging with a soft exclusion of self-insert fallers. the reason i specify soft exclusion is because i'm not necessarily drawing a hard line on this, but i need you to message me beforehand and confirm with me, the mun, in conversation, that ic / ooc interactions will not hurt you, the real person. i take the ic / ooc divide seriously and want to minimize the risk of hurting your real feelings. resh'an's opinions will not always be in alignment with mine. i like writing fictional conflict--not hurting people!
i do my best to tag any major/common triggers but if you need something specific tagged please let me know. things that may appear on this blog are: detailed descriptions of body horror (images will always be cartoony/in the game's style, if present), mentions of experienced homophobia*, and some very grey morality around ideas of sacrifice.
*unlikely to come up unless relevant in discussion, but while the details are vague it's canon that resh'an lived in a society where his being gay was not accepted, and he may mention it if it's relevant to the discussion at hand.
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manymagicalmuses · 6 months ago
Hello, welcome to my rp blog. You can call me K or Kai. This is just a blog to keep all my ocs and write with others on here! i also post things about the fandoms my characters are in.
Heavily associated with: @saltzblood and @glitchexmachina
1. No minors, I'm really not comfortable writing with minors, especially with some of the topics that will come up in my writing.
2. Reblog whatever u want as long as it's not an rp.
3 nsfw will be tagged as 'nsfw' and triggering content will be tagged as 'tw trigger', lmk if I missed anything!
4. If sending an ask from an ask meme please specify which which one bc I have posted many of them. also if this applies, specify which muse you are sending the ask for!
5. Anyone can send an ask and reply to open starters but I reserve the right to not rp with someone if that's what I want.
6. I'd prefer to plot with someone for our first time so I can get to know your character a little better. I do ship with multiple characters, each person i interact with, expect its a different AU unless otherwise specified
7. I'll ship with most people, but i don't ship any adult characters with minors or incest. That being said, besides that im not that picky, as long as i feel our characters have a chance. crackship, romantic and lovey dovey, toxic relationship, soulmates, you name it and i may give it a chance
8. Open starters are for everyone, check out my tagged posts here
9. If you want to plot but aren't sure where to start also see my wishlist tag plotting call tag
10. mun doesn't equal muse, do godmodding don't be a dick, the usual stuff, you get it
More to be added/ updated 2/7/2025
Characters (so far):
Original characters
(click on names to go to characters full page)
Xaria- Marvel OC, a teenager who was kicked out of home when her mutant powers manifested. Now she goes from place to place in her home town, transforming into different animals to steal what she can to survive.
Hope- A nephil of the Supernatural universe. Her father, the angel part of her heritage, wasn't around for her human mother when she died giving birth to Hope. Its been years since she turned 18 and left the orphanage. She lives day to day hiding her powers from the world. However, if the circumstances are right, you just may see them for yourself.
Hope (Savior AU): Hope has stopped hiding her powers with the intention of being able to save more people. Over time Hope is slowly gathering a following(cult?) as news of her power spreads. Who will she become in these times in the spotlight?
Kari- A completely original character from her own universe, born and bred to be an assassin. She spent most of her young life training and working for a small secret group of assassins in America. However one day they were utterly wiped out. Because of her age she was spared. Now she has to try and live a 'normal' life in a world she was never a part of.
Hallow- an elf of the lord of the rings variety. Still deciding what type (her real name is Merileth (meaning “Rose-Maiden”) given by her Elf parent but doesn't know that for plot reasons)- A young half elf surviving on her own in the woods, only venturing to towns when completely necessary. She had a family once
Logan- A mutant of the marvel verse. She has skin patterned like that of a tiger as well as having cat like eyes and longer nails. A recluse in many ways as her parents wanted her to hide her mutation, she is often alone in her parents mansion.
Rosalinda 'Rose'/Lady of the Lyre (DND/BG3)(based on Lady of the Lyre by Vinny Marchi): A half elf born of an elven nobleman father and a human mother in an a passionate but loveless encounter. She spent her formative years living under her father. After attempting to force her to marry a nobleman, she left to travel on her own. She travels around the sword coast as a somewhat well-known bard in Baldur's Gate.
Plumeria Flameheart (in the works rn): A part tiefling/part halfling. Also a babrbarian bard! Despite her delicate namesake and despite her small size, it's hard to reign in her and her brash behaviors
Other characters (not oc)
Carrie White- A telekinetic from 1974 Stephen King book Carrie (I do not own this character and I gain no money writing for her), also based on the 2013 movie.
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mcrcki · 2 years ago
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hello fellow investigators (i say as if i don't have all the answers and am only holding the magnifying class to look like i'm fitting in) anyways!! welcome to me rambling for no reason on a combo plot / starter call for hwevent15 !!! i will probably update this as the event progresses , or drop individual calls depending on the results but for now, this is just a blanket idea of where all my muses heads are at when the first murder gets reported!! so, please understand my super simple rules before reading on --  like for a plotting dm !! and then SPECIFY characters for the starters or like deadass i will not write it! the starter cap is four per writer !! i just wanna make sure i get to write with everyone!!  ** please note that i will most likely be taking this opportunity to drop a bunch of old threads (unless they are plot heavy / newer), so if you request a thread for a pairing of ours, i will likely delete the older one. this really only applies to those that are focused heavily on the violentines day mini event from earlier this year! but as always, thank you for taking the time to read through my ramblings, please enjoy me talking to myself for a while and i really really hope you all love this event as much as we all love it !!!!
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil : village ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - like always, dani is thriving in these situations. they are kinda loving the energy that is in the streets, i mean people are afraid of everyone, accusing anyone and there's just bodies being left??? she's gonna absolutely be taking advantage of that. i mean, a free meal is a free meal right? ➳ potential plots : unrelated murder lol, injuring people, throwing off the trail, giving people the wrong information, just all around menacing people
alcina dimitrescu
elliot alderson
elain archeron || a court of thorns and roses ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - will be stress baking her way through this tyvm, she basically still just got here and elain handles transitions very poorly. she's already been so stressed with the fact that her sister has been here for so long, some of the inner circle doesn't remember everything that happened, people don't remember her at all-- safe to say she is hiding in her bakery. she is a lover not a fighter, unless necessary but ya know rn, she doesn't want to be ➳ potential plots : free baked goods for people helping solve the mysteries, someone to help reassure her, people she can help, someone that might be able to help her use her seer abilities to help solve things, open for injuries :)
ellie williams || the last of us ( 1 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - okay cool cool cool , so there aren't any infected around here but there are serial killers????? yeah that makes them feel so much better. though, tbh they'll probably be out thinking they can solve all these mysteries, will probably get involved really quickly even if they will just be providing dumb answers only. will be checking in on friends and family, cause like fuck are they losing anyone. no thank you !!! milliams family you better be keeping your phones on you. ➳ potential plots : general tomfoolery, pretending you're detectives together, helping someone know how to fight, someone to make light of all of this with, open for injuries :)
kaya dura || star wars - the clone wars ( 0 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - kaya cannot catch a break, this is something that is only going to make it worse. i really don't know if this whole situation is going to make them want to fall further into the jedi training, or is worried that somehow its not enough. i mean, there's always some nightmare thing going on in this city, is their training now enough??? she just wants to keep her family safe. will be having a breakdown but will offer up help if asked ➳ potential plots : who wants to tell them the jedi are in fact-- not all powerful, people they can protect, general helpful opinions, just someone to take your mind off things with, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
leia organa || star wars ( 1 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - ngl leia is staying so fucking close to her detail right now, she has been through enough in the past year, and she is more worried than ever about losing her memories again since she isn't sure if she'll forget being president a second time. she also is staying well away from any fighting, she simply cannot afford to trigger bastilla-- but if her family gets hurt, i can't make any promises. in the meantime, she is going to be doing everything she can to stop this, pulling military help, getting whatever she can to assist, etc. she's not going down in a pr nightmare this time ➳ potential plots : someone to instigate said pr nightmare, people she can assist in keeping safe, political conversations about what resources they can pull to help, people to test her patience, open for injuries :)
vex de rolo
marlene mckinnon || harry potter - marauders era ( 5 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - fresh secret service agent alert!! this time around things are gonna be so different for marlene. she's like so used to dicking around and getting drunk during these kinds of disasters, but now she as a Real Job during this and will be sticking very close to her charge, sorry jacen lol. but honestly, is gonna be very much focused on Not Fucking Up their first disaster as an agent so wish them luck pls and thank you ➳ potential plots : she likes to think she's really good at solving things like this so will def be offering advice, people she can protect?, someone who needs a little extra like encouragement to relax, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
narcissa malfoy
ginny weasley
jacen solo ( meme sent )
oliver mckinnon
maddie mckinnon
morrigan || a court of thorns and roses ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - uh yeah @ the human world what the fuck is this??? y'all just chilling, having serial killers running around like it's no big deal?? no thank you!!!! she is just trying to get herself fucking sorted in the city. but she will be there, keeping people safe because if nothing else, mor is that kind of person. if she sees people taking advantage of the fear to make it worse, she's jumping in. mainly focused on keeping her family safe, but, she'll help where she can ➳ potential plots : offering to protect people, helping ease any fear, helping with theories, open for injuries :)
omega archeron || star wars - the bad batch ( 1 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - didn't we just do this shit???? omega's over it. will absolutely not be getting involved, will not be trying to help, will truly be ignoring it and going about their life. they cannot keep getting involved in all of this mess, they will just be making sure to keep locations on on their phone, making sure their family and friends answer texts, and otherwise? pls do not think she's here to help until someone actually needs help and then she's actually just a liar and will be very involved ➳ potential plots : people to ignore this with, lowkey debating throwing a whole party so people to come to that, someone who needs help, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
jill roberts
pj halliwell || charmed '98 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - mentally !? not doing well! so this is just the icing on the fucking cake right now, god. like, okay they're doing better but this is making it worse, almost immediately. especially because there has never been a disaster that she'd been able to fucking ignore, so, next gen charmed one is on her way. she will be doing whatever they can to help, assisting police and victims, offering up her help of scrying and other witchy things, just anything and everything. it'll give them a task. they love tasks. ➳ potential plots : someone who needs help, police she can assist?, someone to vent to, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
josie saltzman
wyatt halliwell
gnudy niknud
rosemary winters || resident evil : village ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - breaking news : local girl cannot catch a break. seriously, rose just wants to be normal!!! it's summer!!!!! her classes are over!!!! she has a crush she's trying to see through!!! she was working on controlling their moldiness!!!! and now this?? nah, they are just going to be sticking close to the school, not getting involved, hanging out with her friends as much as she can just to make sure they're all safe. will be ignoring this for as long as they possibly can ➳ potential plots : who wants to have a sleepover and pretend nothing is going on!!!, other xmen characters bc she's vibing at xaviers school like this whole time, people to drag them into some kind of mess, open for injuries :)
charles xavier
eddie munson
mouse honrada ( moon made one )
ahkmanrah (meme post)
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter - founders era ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - starting a tally for how many of my girls are simply Over It™ and staying the fuck out of all of this. rowena will be doing what she can from the sidelines, mainly making sure her family stays very safe, assisting with the police if need be, but really, she is not getting involved unless someone gets her involved. sure, could she probably solve all of these clues very easily? yeah. is she really wanting to even think about it? no not at all. ➳ potential plots : someone to drag her into it, someone who needs help, other people who just want life to be normal, open for injuries :)
helga hufflepuff (mario made one)
sella palpatine || star wars ( 5 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - ok so like.. maybe having a detail isn't so bad. she will be right at steve's side like the whole time, she is not letting herself go down again like stars, she has dealt with enough in the past few months she doesn't need to go through more. honestly, this might also pull her out of her petty moment and like, go and make up with her family just because she needs to know they're all safe. and if something happened to them while she was being petty, she won't forgive herself. ➳ potential plots : others who are scared about this whole thing, survival buddy, open for injuries :)
hope mikaelson
naomi pierce
sabina palpatine ( meme sent )
samara palpatine ( dead -- ill make up for it post event )
sion val palpatine
sophie hatter || howl's moving castle ( 0 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - throw another tally on the list of people who are over it!! making howl ward their apartment and is laying low. people are welcome to come stay with them, she will be stress cleaning the entire time, but will definitely be staying out of it so long as her family is safe. she's keeping morgan out of school, the shop is going to be closed until these people are caught, just absolutely keeping everyone they hold dear at their side. ➳ potential plots : people to join in the most stressed out sleepover ever, someone that needs help, someone to drag them out of their house, open for injuries :)
tatum riley || scream '96 ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - is in the hospital and will likely be there for the duration of this event with the physical therapy she has to go through and all the healing etc. lowkey pissed about it, knowing that her family is out there, dealing with a fucking ghostface resurgence (bc she is so utterly convinced she was just the start of it, that now that there are all these secret killings going on, how could she not be convinced that it's billy and stu???) will be panic calling everyone trying to make sure all of their locations are on, doing whatever she can from a damn hospital bed ➳ potential plots : people coming to visit, phone threads, someone to come give her the rundown of what's going on, hospital staff she can annoy, police she can annoy that dewey put on to watch her room, open for further injuries :)
buffy summers
roman roy
victoria sutherland || twilight ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - victoria is absolutely going to be using this event to let off some freaking steam, she is taking the opportunity to just go on a bit of a rampage tbh. she likes the fact that she can blame literally anyone else for it and who's going to stop her?? she has had so much go on in the past few weeks she needs this, so so sorry to anyone who has a working heart and passes by her bc she's at an all you can eat buffet :) ➳ potential plots : unrelated murdering, injuring people, being an all around menace and monster, pointing people in the wrong directions, people to join her in the chaos she is creating
benjamin (dead -- ill make up for it post event)
ylfa snorgelsson || d20 : neverafter ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - ylfa's bottleneck is open for business babey!!! let someone come at them, they are ready to let their powers show again. they are sort of hoping that if they do end up getting into a fight it'll help them learn how to use them again now that they aren't super used to using them every day. she's pretty good with puzzles and things so she'd like to help where she can, but will definitely be leaning towards fighting if she needs to fight. ➳ potential plots : people she can beat up, people who need protecting, someone who can idk make sure they aren't sleeping in the park in the midst of this, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
fabian seacrest
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petalsprompts · 5 months ago
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𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄; 𝒌𝒆𝒚𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔.
change  pronouns,  tenses  and  other  details  as  deemed  necessary. &  please  specify  muse  when  sending  to  a  mumu.
“To  die  will  be  an  awfully  big  adventure.”
“One  does  not  discover  new  lands  without  consenting  to  lose  sight  of  the  shore  for  a  very  long  time.”
“No  matter  my  origins,  there  is  worth  in  what  I  am.”
“Go  to  the  edge  of  the  cliff  and  jump  off.  Build  your  wings  on  the  way  down.”
“You  always  have  free  will  to  choose  your  path.”
“If  you  don't  take  risks,  you'll  have  a  wasted  soul.”
“Keep  reading.  It's  one  of  the  most  marvellous  adventures  that  anyone  can  have.”
“Adventure  is  not  outside  man;  it  is  within.”
“There's  only  one  place  I  want  to  go,  and  it's  to  all  the  places  I've  never  been.”
“I  love  to  sail  forbidden  seas,  and  land  on  barbarous  coasts.”
“Let  us  step  into  the  night  and  pursue  that  flighty  temptress,  adventure.”
“The  biggest  adventure  you  can  ever  take  is  to  live  the  life  of  your  dreams.”
“You  should  enjoy  the  little  detours  to  the  fullest.  Because  that's  where  you'll  find  the  things  more  important  than  what  you  want.”
“Until  you  step  into  the  unknown,  you  don’t  know  what  you’re  made  of.”
“Only  you  can  charter  the  course  of  your  destiny.”
“It’s  the  unknown  that  draws  people.”
“We  strive  for  harmony,  but  it  is  not  always  realized.”
“May  your  adventures  bring  you  closer  together,  even  as  they  take  you  far  away  from  home.”
“In  wisdom  gathered  over  time,  I  have  found  that  every  experience  is  a  form  of  exploration.”
“Fall  in  love  with  someone  who  tastes  like  adventure  but  looks  like  the  calm,  beautiful  morning  after  a  terrible  storm.”
“I'm  an  adventurer,  looking  for  treasure.”
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untitledmemes · 1 year ago
Valentine's Day Date Prompts
Can you feel the love in the air? You decide who is Muse A and who is Muse B. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
🐠 Muse A is taking Muse B to a special, limited time jellyfish exhibit at the local aquarium.
📖 Muse B's favorite author is signing their latest book at a nearby bookstore, and Muse A surprises Muse B by taking them to the signing.
⛺ Muse B returns home after a long day, only to find Muse A has already packed their stuff for a date night camping under the stars.
🧩 Muse A takes Muse B to do a special Valentine's Day escape room.
🐴 Muse A and Muse B go horseback riding at a beautiful valley away from the city.
🍿 Muse A planned the perfect date night in for them and Muse B: Warm blankets, dim lights, their favorite snacks on the coffee table and a movie marathon of the cheesiest Valentine's Day movies of all time.
🧊 Muse A teaches Muse B how to iceskate as they go on a Valentine's date at the local indoor/outdoor ice rink.
🍴 Muse A and Muse B go on an outdoorsy picnic date for Valentine's, and it's a beautiful day.
🚲 Muse A convinces Muse B to try tandem biking for a Valentine's Day date.
🌠 Muse A and Muse B go stargazing just outside the city, resting on their car's hood side by side and reminiscing.
🎨 Muse A and Muse B go on a paint date for Valentine's Day at a local pub. Do drinks and paints mix together?
🎮 Muse A and Muse B spend their Valentine's Day evening playing their favorite co-op video/board games.
💊 Uh oh, Muse B is sick/injured on Valentine's Day! Muse A takes care of a sick/injured Muse B, giving them some special, extra loving care for Valentine's Day.
🛒 Muse A takes Muse B to their favorite store, telling them they can pick whatever they want for Valentine's Day.
🌃 Muse A takes Muse B to the rooftop, where a romantic, candlelit, home cooked dinner made by Muse A is waiting for them.
🥊 Muse A and Muse B are superheroes/vigilantes! They spend their Valentine's Day fighting crime together, taking down bad guys and saving the day.
🏴‍☠️ Muse A and Muse B are villians! They spend their Valentine's Day making chaos in the city together, giving the good guys a runaround and being their criminal selves.
🍳 Muse A teaches Muse B how to cook more than an omlette, and they make a nice Valentine's Day meal together.
🔞 Muse A creates a sexy date night for Muse B, willing to try one of their kinks they haven't tried before.
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 years ago
Laws of the Land
T h e   M o s t   I m p o r t a n t :
This is probably the rule that will make me sound mean, I promise I’m not. I’m going to be real with you all here. I am very, very old and tired of being used as people’s personal resource blog. I get it, you see something on your dash and you think ‘that’s awesome!’ and reblog it. Well, since rebooting my blog, I’ve made the unfortunate but necessary choice to become more firm on my stance here. So I ask that any content (be it photographs of FCs, aesthetics, musings, plot ideas, and especially ask memes) please be reblogged from the source wherever it is possible to do so. I completely understand that the source is not always available, so I’m not here to say “nEvEr ReBlOg FrOm Me!!”, But I always try to reblog content from the source myself, so that way the source is easily accessible to you all. I’m literally making life as easy for you as possible. I also use tags to remind people to reblog from the source on posts where I know for a fact that the source is available. If you do this despite how crystal clear this rule is, then you will be soft blocked.  The only exceptions to this rule are 1) if you are reblogging an ask meme that you have sent in to me, then I am 100% ok with you reblogging it directly from me and 2) if I have tagged you in the post. Like I say, I don’t want to implement this to sound like some asshole or whatever, it is just an accumulation of ten years in the tumblr RPC and a massive amount of that time being treated like a resource blog - mostly by people who don’t even have the time to interact with me or acknowledge my existence. So thank you for your understanding on this front, and now onto the general rules.
A s k s :
Anyone is welcome in the ask box, both RP and non-RP. If you are a non-RP blog, I ask that you do not send in memes/asks that will involve me ‘roleplaying’ with you as if you are a character.
If you wish to send memes, my meme tag is right here :) This link is not to be used for reblogging memes.
If you send a ask/meme, please feel free to specify which muse you are directing it at. If no one is listed, I will choose. 
Anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
F o r m a t t i n g :
I can do any kind of style - para, dialogue, icons, no icons. I don’t mind how you write, however I’m not personally a fan of excessive formatting. It just makes it difficult for me to read your replies and for me, the writing is way way more important than how the writing looks.
I generally tend to use small text (just the regular small) and medium sized gifs. Sometimes I use gif icons if that’s all that I can find for a FC. But you never have to match in your replies :)
If you don’t have access to resources of your muse, then I’m 100% ok to go without in a thread, I don’t mind not having any visual. I’m not really a fan of the big gifs found in the gif search or photos/gifs that don’t match the setting. It just really throws me off, that’s probably my only real no-no for this.
F o l l o w i n g   B a c k :
This blog is selective with follows; I will not follow everyone back. I also will often wait until we start writing before I follow people back too, so if you follow me and I don’t follow back straight away, don’t get the impression that I won’t ever follow you.
If I don’t follow back, please do not assume that lack of a follow means I will not write with you - I am NOT mutuals only. I merely wish to keep my dash from being cluttered. I will always make every effort to write with everyone if I can find a way for our muses to interact. 
Some other reasons why I may not follow back are things like: frequent and explicit nsfw content (I don’t mind reblogs of this stuff but excessive just gets a bit much), posting anon hate or callout posts, too many uncut posts that take up the entire dash. 
If you are mutuals only and I have not followed back, please don’t take it personally. And please don’t message me asking me to follow you. 
Please note that before interacting with anyone, I will always read your rules and about pages. If you have a rules password, I will 100% send it in to you should I initiate contact.
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
When it comes to the muses I have and their interactions, there’s no concept of ‘you must do X if you want Y’ here. We are all interested in the muses we’re interested in, some characters jump out to us more than others - we can’t force ourselves to be interested in a muse that just doesn’t click for us. So if you only want to write with male muses or only my female muses, I don’t mind. I’m just pleased that you want to write with me at the end of the day :) 
I don’t do ‘do not interact’ lists or anything, but if you are a blog that mainly/only writes smut and nothing else, or if you are a blog that exists for finding discord partners, then probably would advise against following me or liking my posts. Got nothing against either of those kinds of blog, 100% supportive of both, it’s literally just because I don’t write smut and I don’t rp on discord, so I unfortunately have nothing worthwhile to offer you. Saves both our time. 
L i m i t s / T r i g g e r s :
I have no ‘banned faceclaims’ (there are some actors/celebs who I’m not 100% comfortable with, however I don’t believe that the face you choose to represent a fictional character relates to anything that face might have said/done).
I will not RP with people writing as real life celebrities and I will not RP with people using faceclaims who have explicitly expressed that they do not wish to be used.
This might seem super specific, but if you have muses who are drastically different in age to their fc and resources, then I’m not really a fan. Like, if you have a muse who you state is 22, but you use a fc who is blatantly in their late thirties or older. Or the opposite, you say your muse is 40, but you use a fc who is 24. I’m just really not a fan of this, and I feel it perpetuates a lot of the issues I see around age in the rpc. 
If you have any triggers/fears that you wish to be tagged, please let me know - I want my followers to be comfortable on my blog. I generally try to tag the most common/logical things by default anyway, but if there’s something else I’m missing or if you have a less common thing you’d like to be flagged (such as a phobia or something), please let me know.
In turn, I kindly request that you tag the following content: rape/non-con/dub-con, suicide, self-harm, drowning, incest, mpreg, miscarriage/pregnancy difficulties. I will also never ever write this content under any circumstances - please do not try to get around this, as you will be blocked. If you have any of these things in your muse’s bios, I respectfully ask that it not be brought up in our threads (just ours, I'm not asking anyone to not write about it in other situations) as it makes me uncomfortable. 
I do not have an issue in writing some darker topics, but I will only do so if they are being treated respectfully and with care. I’m not here for romanticising awful things, so please respect that. 
M u n   A c t i v i t y :
My activity can be spotty due to work, however I will always endeavour to reply to messages and threads as soon as I can.
Majority of my replies run on the queue to help stop me from being overwhelmed (although it still happens somehow haha).
Please note that I do not RP on discord.
O p e n   S t a r t e r s :
My open starters are quite literally open to everyone! As long as your muse fits the bill for the plot, just go for it!
Please check who the open is aimed at. I specify things like gender, age, and other things relating to the connection I’m looking for. Please adhere to these, as they are specific for each muse and each set up. So if an open is aimed at males, please don’t respond with a female (and vice versa), or if there is a minimum age for any responding muses, please do not respond with muses younger. These are especially important if the open is directed towards a ship. 
Please avoid liking my opens, as I find that if there are notes on an open, people seem less likely to respond? If you’re saving for later, just go ahead and save to your drafts if you’d like to.
P l o t t i n g :
I love plotting. Give me all the plotting.
Plotting is a two-way street. Do not leave me to do all the work and I will do the same. This means no “I don’t mind, you decide” - I want input from you too.
R e b l o g s :
If you are not involved in a thread, please do not ever reblog it. If you do this, you will be warned once. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
As per the top of this page, please always reblog content (memes, aesthetic, fc pics, wishlist etc) from the source wherever it is available. 
S h i p p i n g / S m u t :
Even though I’m well over 18, I do not write smut. I will write some build up and then fade to black. I am absolutely not uncomfortable with that content, and I am happy to allude to things that have happened between characters in threads, and will happily discuss their intimacy in plotting if it comes up in conversation. 
I am also comfortable sending in nsfw ask memes for my partners if our muses are shipped, and I may even reblog the occasional meme that discusses nsfw aspects of my muses and on the rare occasion maybe drabble memes, but I won’t write out any sexual content in threads with other people. If I do reblog any kind of sexual meme, I will be VERY selective on who I accept asks from - generally only people who I have existing dynamics will and who I feel comfortable writing them for. If I do not respond to an ask from you, please don’t take it personally. 
That said, while I’m 100% comfortable with nsfw content, if you come to me in the IMs and your plot idea involves “can my muse fuck your muse”, we’re prob not going to be a good match. Power to you, but I’ve made it pretty clear in these rules and I keep getting people saying stuff like this to me. 
Shipping will vary from muse to muse - their information is available on their bios so please be sure to check them out. I have listed the minimum age of shipping partners for all muses who are open to ships - this can be found where their sexuality is listed on their bios. Some muses will be happy to date people who are quite a bit older than them, however they will never go below the listed age in their bios. I ask that you please respect that. If you have a query about an age gap, please don’t hesitate to check with me.
Please note that ALL of my male muses will only ever be shipped with male muses (even if they are listed as bisexual). I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I’ve had some godawful experiences shipping my males with females and it’s just much more comfortable for me to only write them in m/m ships. Please do not send m/f ship memes for my male muses, as they will be deleted. Platonic interactions with females are 100% wanted and encouraged though!
T h r e a d s :
If you request me to write you a starter and you never respond, the starter will be deleted. I will check your blog for activity first, because I understand you may be on hiatus. But if you have been frequently active and the starter goes unanswered, then it will be deleted/recycled for someone else.
I am a believer in ‘take your time’, however unfortunately my muse for threads can die out after a while. It’s sadly how it is for my writing muse, and I can’t force it. If you disappear for six months and then want to pick up a thread we had before, please don’t be surprised if I just don’t have the muse anymore. If I drop our thread due to lack of muse, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to write with you, so we can certainly start something else.
If I owe you and it has been a long while since I replied, feel free to gently and politely poke me about it - it will either be in my drafts or my queue, though there have been times where tumblr has not notified me of a reply.
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