#please someone write this for me
elliethefroggy · 3 months
What if Eddie had been a little less oblivious and had invited to Buck to trivia-karaoke night.
They’re all three going to hang out at the karaoke bar, and at first Buck’s nervous because Tommy is super cool, but once the trivia quiz actually starts, all the nerves go away, and Buck’s sponge of a brain has a chance to shine.
He gets question after question right, barely having to consult the two others. Eddie’s probably used to this side of Buck, but Tommy gets to sit there, mesmerised because not only is Buck exceedingly attractive but he also has brains (does Tommy have a competency kink? Who’s to say).
By the end of the night, Tommy’s probably forgotten all about trying to answer the questions, too busy watching Buck’s eyes light up every time he knows an answer (and those eyes light up an awful lot). Overall, the night goes well, and Buck’s amazing brain probably wins them a pitcher of free beer or something.
Because that night went so well, all three of them start hanging out more and more. Maybe Tommy somewhat discreetly suggests to Eddie that they invite Buck along, just so he has the opportunity to stare in Buck’s eyes some more.
But Tommy doesn’t do anything at about his developing crush, at least not right away.
Firstly it’s because Tommy’s trying to figure out just what the deal is between Eddie and Buck. Are they dating? Are they the most healthy divorced couple of LA? BFFs? Platonic soulmates? Not-so-platonic soulmates?
Maybe it doesn’t take him that long to figure out that those two are not together, but then he still needs to make sure that there isn’t some unrequited or very-requited-but-they’re-both-oblivious crushing going on between Eddie and Buck.
My guess it takes him a while to finally decide that they’re some flavour of queerplatonic life partners (he decides on this after a lot of subtle and not so subtle questions; Christopher is probably his most helpful informant).
(Realistically, Tommy would have probably just straight up asked one of them if they were together because Tommy seems pretty good at communication, but that’s no fun for me.)
But then, once he’s figured out that Eddie and Buck are definitely not a thing, he still needs to figure out what exactly Buck’s sexuality is.
Because, sure Buck’s only ever dated women and is such an ‘ally’. But Buck spends way too long looking at other men’s asses. Tommy notices this because he’s probably caught Buck staring at the same asses Tommy himself was just looking at (remember the hanger scene when Tommy very blatantly checks out Buck’s ass).
So now Tommy’s having to figure out just what Buck’s sexuality is. Is Buck gay? Is he closeted? Is he as straight as he claims to be? Is he repressed? Also what’s with all the flirting (because of course Buck’s going to be unknowingly flirting with Tommy; Buck just can’t help himself).
Eventually, Tommy and Buck are going to have some one-on-one bonding time without Eddie.
Buck takes him up on those flying lessons which means Tommy gets trapped in a confined space with Buck on a regular basis, having to deal with his growing feelings towards what can only be a golden retriever in human form. Buck is kind and sincere and so so earnest, Tommy has no choice but to fall for him.
But Tommy still doesn’t know where Buck’s sexuality lies, and he’s getting to the point where’s pulling his hair out in frustration, trying to figure it out. Because no way can a heterosexual man stare at Tommy’s lips that often. There is no straight reason for that, right?
He then makes the mistake of also offering Buck Muay Thai lessons.
He doesn’t realise his mistake until they’re both sweaty and shirtless. Buck looks very good sweaty and shirtless. But it’s fine, Tommy manages to cope, he just avoids looking at the large expanse of wet skin right in front of him. He’s not distracted by all that skin. He’s fine.
(Luckily, Buck doesn’t know enough about Muay Thai to notice how badly Tommy is fighting.)
Somehow they both get tangled up and they fall to the ground (I don’t know shit about Muay Thai). Buck lands flat on his back and Tommy ends up on top of him. Tommy goes to get off Buck immediately because Tommy’s not exactly light, but then he makes another mistake: just as he places his hands on either side of Buck to push off the ground, he looks at Buck’s face
Buck’s cheeks are nice and red (because of exertion? Because of Tommy’s close proximity? Both?), Buck’s breathing heavily, his breaths getting faster and faster the longer Tommy stays where he is. Buck’s eyes are near black, his pupils leaving only the thinnest band of colour.
Buck’s staring at Tommy, and Tommy’s staring at Buck. Then Buck once again glances down at Tommy’s lips as Tommy is lying over him, their sweaty chests pressing against one another.
And Tommy cracks.
He throws himself off Buck, getting to his feet, and crosses over to the other side of the mat to put some distance between himself and Buck.
When he turns back to look at Buck, Buck is still lying on the ground, now leaning back on his forearms, looking up at Tommy. Which is a sight Tommy would love nothing more than to see again.
“Look, I’m sorry,” Tommy says, “but are you really straight?” Which is definitely not how Tommy wanted this conversation to start, but sue him, he’s having a breakdown. “Sorry,” he repeats, “It’s just there’s been a lot of flirting and a lot of starring at my various attributes,” he tries again, poorly, “Not that I’m complaining; I would love nothing more than to have you stare at my lips and flirt with me for as long as you want. But I need to know where we stand before I lose my mind trying to figure you out.”
And the thing is, Tommy’s not the only one who’s been struggling these past few weeks.
Buck’s been dealing with these weird feelings towards Tommy since day 1. At first he just figured it was because Tommy was so cool (which he is), and then he thought it was because he was jealous that Tommy was spending so much time with Eddie, thinking maybe Tommy was trying to steal his spot in the Diaz household. But is wasn’t either of those things. Buck’s been wracking his brain for weeks, trying to figure out just what he was feeling towards Tommy.
And here’s Tommy, all sweaty and shirtless, so much glistening skin on display, and Tommy’s offering Buck a possible answer to all these feelings he’s been unable to name.
And what Tommy’s implying makes some sense. Buck thinks over all the instances he’s hung out with Tommy, compares his behaviour to the times he’s had crushes on women, and thinks maybe Tommy’s onto something.
Buck, who is a big believer of the scientific method of experimentation, figures there’s an easy way to test Tommy’s theory.
Buck slowly gets up from the mat as his brain goes into hyper-drive, processing the fastest sexuality crisis known to humanity.
Maybe Buck flexes a bit as he gets up because Tommy’s watching him and he’s always liked attention.
By the time he straightens up, the sexuality crisis has been dealt with and he’s ready to act on these newly revealed feelings.
He likes Tommy’s theory a lot.
“I have been staring at your lips a lot, haven’t I?” He says, purposeful flirty.
(Once again they have both been (knowingly or not) starring at each other longingly for weeks, they are both shirtless and covered in sweat, and had their naked chests pressed up together just moments ago; neither of them are thinking very rationally.)
And Buck (flirty Buck who made picking woman up into an art-form) walks/stalks over to Tommy, leaving enough room for Tommy to back away if he wants to.
“Maybe you should do something about that?” Buck suggests, and very deliberately stares down at Tommy’s lips.
Tommy knows they should have a more thorough discussion about where both of them stand, but he’s only one man.
Tommy closes the gap between them, places two fingers underneath Buck’s chin, and slowly leans in to finally kiss Buck.
The kiss lasts no more than a moment, not nearly long enough for either of their tastes, but Tommy needs to be sure that Evan’s sure.
“So?” he asks simply, fingers still under Evan’s chin.
“Yeah, definitely not straight.” And Evan leans in to kiss Tommy again. Tommy does not mind at all.
(They then spend the rest of their Muay Thai lesson making out.)
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nivellesart · 2 months
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A Buddie AU inspired by Sleepless in Seattle for the @summerofbuddie week 2 prompt Romcoms
It's Buck's first shift since Abby left him at the airport, when he hears a kid talk about his dad being alone on the radio. Eddie is in the middle of trying to figure out his and Christopher's life after Shannon left them. Talking about his problems has never been an option for him to even consider, especially not on the radio. But it's not like he can say no to Chris yet again today. And if it means Chris will go to bed without any further argument, then Eddie will even talk about the mess that is his life on the radio.
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Using Brahms chest as a pillow 😫😫 I would lay there forever.
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That’s it. That’s the post.
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timelessfools99 · 7 days
Macdennis fic rec - season 13 ep the gang does a clip show. The gang alters reality and Mac and Dennis wake up in a reality where they are in a long term sexual loving relationship.
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dodger-chan · 8 months
Steddie plot bunny, free to a good home:
AU set in the late 80s or very early 90s (before Smells Like Teen Spirit is a hit)
Steve is doing a summer internship at a record label, working under a friend of his dad (In college? Instead of college?). The label wants to sign Corroded Coffin. There’s just one hitch: they need the frontman/lead guitarist, Eddie, to step back into the closet and it’s Steve’s job to convince him. It's not Steve's job to fall in love, but Steve's always been a sucker for talented, confident guys.
Eddie’s bisexual, mostly sleeps with women, has never dated a guy, and is currently tragically single. So all he’s really being asked to do is not bring up a few casual hook-ups on stage or in interviews. It doesn’t sound like too much to ask in exchange for fame and fortune, so why does Eddie have such a hard time accepting it?
(Were I to write this fic, it would be less a cute romance and more look at why some people choose to be loudly out and why others choose to be more private, and their relationship would probably not last due to their extremely different perspectives on the subject.)
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dostoslaysky · 6 days
here i present my maybe-not-even-gonna-finish-it-wip palex angst hurt/comfort whatever tag:
"Pato," Alex said quietly, but with his usual calm certainty. With the familiar confidence that always made Pato stop and listen. It was the tone that would settle him mid-mischief, and Pato would blink up at him with those big brown eyes, because it was impossible for Alex to stay mad with Pato and his big brown eyes. And they would both cracked a laugh by it. And the thought of not hearing Alex's laugh every two seconds next year almost made him howl. Alex lift up Pato's chin, staring straight to Pato's watery eyes, continued, "Pato. I left the team, not you."
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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ultimatenomi · 5 months
A Ted Lasso Supernatural AU in which Ted and Beard go around saving people and hunting things- except that most of the time they (Ted) manages to smooth things over with the Supernatural beings and get them to calm the heck down and just believe in themselves the rest of the time Beard takes care of things as Ted sighs and hangs his head he hates when it comes to that
bonus if they still arrive at AFC Richmond as coaches- but they accepted the job because there really were 400 ghosts and they couldn't pass up the opportunity to interact with 'British ghosts, Beard! imagine all their fancy British EMF readin's!' haha like most everything in canon remains the same except that Ted and Beard go around 'hunting' between training/games
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A Very Specific Mental Image
Joe had only left for a day or so, nothing too serious, nothing of note should happened. He went to the hub world, hopped over to his beloved home of Nashville, Tennesse, built a scale model of an old castle, knitted some new fishnet gloves, and really, they might have lost track of time but it was only a day or two or maybe three?? She wasn’t quite sure.
So Joe finally gets back to Hermitcraft-9, ready to get back to work on her pinball machine, greeting the Muses as they all reattach to her mind. 
Waiting for Joe at spawn is Cleo, armed with an axe and a wicked smile, saying that she is in need of his head (I don’t know why, but shhhh).
So she charges and swings as Chat reaches of fever pitch until DING!!! Joepacity rapidly drops to 50% as spectral chains yank Joe into the ground as the axe phases through them.
Cleo reacts fast, grabbing hold of the chain as Joe plummets as if the ground wasn’t there, ready to claim her prize. 
Joe just very politely says that she’s being rather rude and that she will be the first person he haunts when he finally dies permanently.
Joe gets decapitated and he respawns a couple blocks away, not so much solid as stuck in place as their brain processes the past couple moments at which point, Cleo just sits by her and waits for Joe to recover because she just wanted the head, she still needs to ask them how their trip was.
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littlelightfish · 6 months
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This... this is a whole different kind of psychic damage here. When nightmares got Marcille, we get to knew that her's biggest fear is outliving her friends. This isn't even canon probably, but look at this. This isn't a "I don't want my friends to die" kind of dream. This is a "I'm terrified of loosing my daughters, of something killing them, and being incapable of stopping it" kind of dream. It's so simple yet it explains perfectly the whole of chilchucks character. He loves, he cares, deeply. But he, or doesn't acknowledges, or doesn't know what to do with that knowledge.
Besides that. Someone had to wake him up after this. Imagine the devastation in this man after he wakes up. He just saw his three little babys murdered corpses (or maybe he saw them die, wich isn't better). He would possibly not talk about it, and that would worry the hell out of the party, because we'll, they see him all down and only one of them knows what he saw. Imagine being the one to pull him from that nightmare. Seeing this man, usually so composed, fuking staring with tears and terror in his eyes to the composes of what you can only assume are his daughters. It would be heartwrenching.
Idk, I love this man so much...
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inkskinned · 6 days
this is just my opinion but i think any good media needs obsession behind it. it needs passion, the kind of passion that's no longer "gentle scented candle" and is now "oh shit the house caught on fire". it needs a creator that's biting the floorboards and gnawing the story off their skin. creators are supposed to be wild animals. they are supposed to want to tell a story with the ferocity of eating a good stone fruit while standing over the sink. the same protective, strange instinct as being 7 and making mud potions in pink teacups: you gotta get weird with it.
good media needs unhinged, googling-at-midnight kind of energy. it needs "what kind of seams are invented on this planet" energy and "im just gonna trust the audience to roll with me about this" energy. it needs one person (at least) screaming into the void with so much drive and energy that it forces the story to be real.
sometimes people are baffled when fanfic has some stunning jaw-dropping tattoo-it-on-you lines. and i'm like - well, i don't go here, but that makes sense to me. of fucking course people who have this amount of passion are going to create something good. they moved from a place of genuine love and enjoyment.
so yeah, duh! saturday cartoons have banger lines. random street art is sometimes the most precious heart-wrenching shit you've ever seen. someone singing on tiktok ends up creating your next favorite song. youtubers are giving us 5 hours of carefully researched content. all of this is the impossible equation to latestage capitalism. like, you can't force something to be good. AI cannot make it good. no amount of focus-group testing or market research. what makes a story worth listening to is that someone cares so much about telling it - through dance, art, music, whatever it takes - that they are just a little unhinged about it.
one time my friend told me he stayed up all night researching how many ways there are to peel an orange. he wrote me a poem that made me cry on public transportation. the love came through it like pith, you know? the words all came apart in my hands. it tasted like breakfast.
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stoopidstapler · 1 year
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diamondzart · 3 months
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Two goofy ahh muppets cuddling
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justaz · 9 months
country bumpkin merlin not knowing anything about city life and accidentally courting arthur without knowing
merlin, watching gwen give lancelot her favor: why do you do that
gwen, heart eyes at lance and not paying that much attention to the conversation: so he knows i’m rooting for him
merlin, with an Idea: ah.
gwaine, lover of chaos, pisser offer of nobles and royals alike, ultimate wingman: merlin…you have such lonely lips. shall i introduce them to mine?
merlin, unaware of the game gwaine is playing: so you can steal my breath away? i think not, scoundrel
arthur, crushing his goblet in his hand:
merlin: arthur’s been in a bad mood recently :( i should cheer him up
merlin, remembering when arthur was put out when merlin brought morgana flowers and not him: i know just the thing
merlin, bringing a bouquet of carnations, roses, and tulips and setting them on arthur’s table while he’s eating breakfast: good morning, sire
arthur, trained on flower language in hopes that one day when he was to take a queen he could woo her easily, trying not to audibly choke on his sausage as he reads merlin’s declaration of love sitting in front of him:
arthur, who recently found out about merlin’s magic and was trying to find a way to bring it up, catching him in the act and watching merlin panic to explain himself:
merlin, Freaking: and i swear to you arthur, i have only ever used it for you. my magic is yours. my life is yours. i am yours. i would never do anything to harm you. i have protected you for years and will continue to do so at your side if you’ll have me
arthur, already believing them to be courting, desperately trying to figure out if that was a proposal for marriage or not but tired of being confused and deciding fuck it: here.
merlin, taking it: i…uh…huh?
arthur, watching merlin with hawk eyes and trying to figure out what he’s thinking and feeling: it’s my mothers sigil
merlin, confused as FUCK but is focusing on the fact that arthur is handing him something of his mother rather than a death sentence: my…my lord?
arthur, realizing how scared merlin’s must be about him finding out about his magic and trying to comfort him while also proposing, killing two birds with one stone: i will always keep you at my side, merlin, so long as we both shall live. if you’ll allow me.
merlin, almost collapsing with relief and tearing up, smiling at arthur as if he had parted the storm clouds to allow sun to shine down on them in that moment: of course…of course, arthur. always and forever.
merlin, watching the castle staff rush this way and that: wow. this banquet must be incredibly important
sir leon the long suffering, day one ride or die, one of the original merthur shippers: banquet? merlin, this is for your wedding
merlin, overworked and exhausted: my WHAT? to WHO??
leon, regretting everything he’s ever done in his life that led him to this moment: to…arthur?
merlin, over joyed but also absolutely befuddled: i’m getting married to ARTHUR?????
leon: you two have been courting for the past year or so, have you not?
merlin: i’ve been COURTING ARTHUR?????? FOR A YEAR?????????
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arttsuka · 1 month
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Au where this happens instead of the portal incident
Edit: someone did write a fic about it. Wow. Click here
Original image:
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kingfuc · 4 months
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Sorry if this story makes no sense
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lazylittledragon · 22 days
ok someone please correct me if i'm wrong but am i weird for thinking those 'audiobooks don't count as reading' posts are ableist as fuck????
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