#please reblog this and spread it around
john-bracket · 1 year
Jacket 3: I Don’t Have A Funny Name For This One: John Variants Time Tho
Basic rules:
1. No real people, fictional John variants only please. Please only submit fictional characters, I won’t be accepting for example, concepts or place names.
2. The form will remain open until 1pm CST on June 2nd.
3. Please only submit each variant once and only one variant per form.
4. I’m gonna accept pretty much anyone. If you can make the argument to me that it is in fact a John variant, there will be a place for it in the form, but I’ll make the final call.
4A. If I get enough of certain variants, I will break the bracket down into more specific variants (ex. maybe a Jon bracket, maybe a Johnny bracket), this will depend on numbers of submissions.
5. The bracket will be 32 variants max, as last time. This time my One Mod Blorbo automatically in is Ianto Jones (Torchwood). Please do feel free to nominate him though as the number of nominations will determine the seeding.
6. It will still be mandatory to give a reason why you’re nominating your variant. This is both to make sure no one spams, and because I want to know your reason! You will also be required to give a reason why your variant is a variant (if yours is like Johnny or Jon, you can just like... put that, and I’ll get it).
7. Any follow up questions, please feel free to send an ask!
Submit your John variant here!
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deadtower · 1 year
This thirty-page guide is specifically written to help you navigate the world of working-class jobs. In it, I break down what to put in your resume (even if you have no experience at all!), how to dress for the interview, how to play the very confusing and nonsensical world of the working-class interview, and what happens after you drag yourself out of the crucible of the interview on your hands and knees.
It's helpful! It's for those of us who want to know how to get hired for something as menial as a food runner! It's not that long, so you don't need to carve out several hours to in-depth research! It's got jokes — and Brian David Gilbert references!
Please reblog to help reach as many people as possible, because sometimes we all need a little help adulting, and I'm here to share what I know with you, no judgment.
(If you want to make sure I am not forced to be victim to website fees, you can always just send me $3 on Ca$h@pp/V3nm0 (deadtower) or P@yp@l (paypal.me/deadtower) and email me at [email protected] with your username/when you sent the money, and I can send you the PDF that way! Also, if you can't afford it, no worries! Just shoot me an email and I'll send it to you discounted to as low as $1, or for free, depending on your financial situation. I want everyone to have access to the resources they deserve. <3)
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i have a plan for punctuation day everyone! so here's what i want you all to do!
my goal for the day is to get punctuation trending. is this too ambitious? maybe, but i don't care. i want everyone to appreciate punctuation a little
what are some things i can do you ask? well let's look at some things i could think of:—
you can make a post with every punctuation on it (but try, and here's the hard part) to put some text around it and not just list them all out
you can make up a new punctuation mark! for inspiration i would look at the works of people like hervé bazin, martin k specktor, or other people who tried to invent new punctuation
you can make a post about your favorite punctuation mark and why you like it
you can post anything related to punctuation really, those were my ideas but feel free to. i dunno. dress up as an interrobang or make art or something. go wild
so everyone! mark your calendars! september twenty fourth is the day we get #punctuation trending!
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fabled-lady-twilla · 3 months
Twilla's Ever Growing ShigaDeku Fanfiction Recommendation List
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Before diving in, please be advised that this list has everything from platonic friendship, soft and fluffy romance, omegaverse fics, problematic or dead dove content, fantasy, scifi, and horror fics, some fem Izuku and fem Shiga, and of course, plenty of smut. I'm open to reading (mostly) anything as long as I think it's well-written and it's something I find interesting or compelling. These fics are just the ones I've found so far, and eventually more will be added.
Please read the warnings on the fics themselves! All of the following recommendations can be found on AO3. I hope you enjoy! 😊
Queerplatonic Friendship
FGAP (Four Games about Pain) by 13thStep
reconcile by whatagoodegg
Cherry Milkshakes by smol_bird
Marks and Ties by GrowingAHead (shelleyk0503)
ShandMan18 by ShotoTodorhoeki
Rebuilt Anew by em_proxy
it's all fun and games till somebody falls in love by orphan_account
The Push And Pull Of Death And Life (But Which Is Worse Depends On Your Perspective) by Otaku6337
Some Degree of Romance
Baby Spice by MidnightTrashGoblin
Logical Ruse by AngeliaDark
Ask me if you dare by Niftyhope
Losing Definition by LittleLady95
Reach for me. by Lubylu1989
Lovers of Lost Dimensions by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Home Within The Light by MissMidnightsPlace
Lusus Naturae by TenkonoTama
answer me. by supercrunch
To Depend on the Enemy by AMedicalMistake
What the Heart Wants by erza_mikazuki
Sleepwalking (When You're Gone) by ReadingToMusic
Total Simp Behaviour by ReadingToMusic
Mind-melting by ReadingToMusic
Red Ledger by AdoxographicGrim
What Baking Can Do by ACafeofSandandBones
Resthaven by StarsGarters
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might fall in love with them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might want to marry them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Dead Dove, Problematic, or Smut
Wicked Ties by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
Push and Pull by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
good boy by a_sentimental_man (Dub-con)
Prince and Pauper by 13thStep (Obsession)
Hatakikomi by 13thStep (Captivity)
Made for me by overwhore (Captivity)
Corrosion by ReadingToMusic (Corruption)
Step It Up by AdoxographicGrim (Step-siblings)
How to Court a Broken Omega by StarsGarters
Changes by A_Single_Cactus
“Can’t You See That You’re Lost?” by DerpressoResso
It's Called Public Service by AdoxographicGrim (Mild Dub-con)
Dear Agony by miss_nighteye (terryh) (Dub-con)
praying mantis by adipocere (Non-con, probably the darkest fic)
Adventure, Scifi, Fantasy, Horror
What Grows Here by Aravis
The Last Dragon by celebisaur
Castaway by StarsGarters
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by StarsGarters
Hidden in Plain Sight by A_Single_Cactus
Female Izuku + Male Tomura
According to Persephone by MamaDonovan (Very Dub-con)
Queen of the Underworld by MamaDonovan
Beautiful Disaster by miss_nighteye (terryh)
Female Izuku + Female Tomura
tell me lies, lies, beautiful lies by miss_nighteye (terryh)
i’m yours to keep by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Familiar Sensation by A_Single_Cactus
Sad or Tragic Ending
and my one true love called me a monster by orphan_account
Nothing Else in the World but One Another by tristeza
Let me know if you have a recommendation to add! 💚💚💚
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coldgoldlazarus · 7 months
It's frustrating how, regardless of where you fall, there's this assumption of a binary between Biden or Trump. Voting in November or not voting at all. Those are the only options we have guys. Biden or Trump. Vote or no vote. It's so easy to fall into binaries. If you criticize Biden or his policies, the assumption is you're obviously angling to abstain from voting and land us all back in the same mess as 2016. If you try to urge people to vote who actually ARE getting nilhistic about it, obviously you're a liberal shill who supports the same atrocities Biden does. On some level I get it, because third-party candidates simply aren't viable.
There's this little thing happening earlier in the year, before November. It's at different times in different states, and you should go look up when it's happening in yours, but it's really important to know about. It is the Democratic primaries.
Because guess what? The world is bigger than two shitty old men. Instead of going to bat for the slightly less shitty of the two, I'd rather direct everyone's attention to the possibility of other options that lie outside that binary. If you want to avoid a slide into facism, but you also don't want to just vote for the lesser evil who will keep supporting a genocide, guess what! You don't have to!
Go look up the Primaries. Find out when and where they're happening. Talk to other people you know about them too. Look up the other candidates in the running, and find someone who you can at least stand to see in the Oval Office. None of them will be perfect, but there has to be someone better than the current selection. And push for them. Push for them, get other people to consider backing that person instead of the decrepit one, and vote in the primaries. And then vote in November too.
It doesn't have to be a matter of choosing between Biden or Trump, if we make sure someone else wins the Primaries instead. Instead of a binary of voting or not voting, consider voting twice.
The systems we have in place suck and need to be heavily rebuilt. But we aren't going to do that overnight, so until then, we really should make the full use of those systems to make sure someone at least halfway decent is in charge, someone willing to help tear down and rebuild those systems instead of just shoring themselves up.
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
🌀🌀 You are getting sleepy ⌚ and when you wake up you will start reblogging fandom works ooooooohhhh 🌀🌀
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theprodigypenguin · 9 months
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forgetthegouda · 4 months
I have commissions open for writing and art! Please DM me for the prices! I'm starting as low as 3 bucks for sketches!
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gnarliest-phone-dude · 2 months
for the love of all that is holy can we. stop anon spammin violent/harmful asks on these askblogs???? theyre funny sometimes and in moderation but constantly it just gets annoying and repetitive. seriously. there ARE real people running these blogs trying to have fun with the thing they created and when all they get is the same "*kicks you out the window*" type asks over and over they sorta lose motivation to keep runnin it. at least on my end. think before ya type jesus
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sombrathedragon · 1 month
Day 74 of drawing random Wof dragons from the wiki…
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“Kindle is an adult female SandWing who was introduced in Deserter. She formerly worked as a doctor in Burn's army, likely in the same encampment as Six-Claws on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Sand, but later fled to the Scorpion Den alongside Dune and Six-Claws. She is currently in a relationship with Six-Claws and is the mother of Ostrich.” -The WOF wiki.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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theinsomniacindian · 1 month
I have noticed that most of the messages in my inbox are people requesting help so I have compiled a list of all of their blogs + fundraiser links. The link to this list will be provided in my pinned intro for more visibility.
If you wish to be a part of this list, let me know in my inbox so I can add you to it. At the same time, I will also be looking out for people to add to share their fundraisers.
@ashrafanqer -> X
@rhq274 -> X
@mahmoudkhalafff -> X
@ahmed8311 -> X
@waseem4gaza -> X
@bilalassadabedrabou -> X
@ahmeadhilles -> X
@abedallhferwanagaza -> X
@motaz225 -> X
@90-ghost -> X
@fadifamily -> X
@hayanahed -> X
@ranoshfamily -> X
@alaakh99 -> X
@falestine-yousef -> X
@mohammadabujbara -> X
@majedgaza1 -> X
@safaakhatib -> X
@noor-family -> X
@mayadayyad81 -> X
@emanabosedo -> X
@abdelmutei -> X
@nisreensuhail -> X
@mohammedswierh2 -> X
@aiamaher X
@saveyouseffamily -> X
Mohammad and Shaima's fundraiser (no blog) -> X (This post has more info about their current situation)
A list of Palestinians who need donations to help them escape the genocide in Gaza by @taherabdalhamid
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niko-jpeg · 3 months
Heavy breathing. 6 days to go. You are NOT ready for the Big Bang going boom.
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dreambones · 1 year
No Content November
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The goal of NCN is to show what would happen if everyone stopped creating free content.
Your dash would be empty. No art. No fics. No comics.
The idea is that for the whole month of November, creators of all kinds (artists, writers, etc) don’t post any sort of content, this to create a simulation of what happens to posts when you only like them instead of rebloging them, the art/fics/comics/ don’t get circulated, and eventually there’s nothing to see and enjoy.
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Every content creator has experienced the unbalance between Likes and Reblogs.
Likes look nice, but Reblogs give exposure, which results in even more people finding your work.
Reblogs help creators grow, and be encouraged, which means even more content than before!
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What can you do to help as a non creator (and creator)?
During November support your favorite content creators by Rebloging, Commenting or sending an Ask!
Even a short “Nice work! Love it” is great to cheer up and encourage the content creators whom work you enjoy.
(You are also encouraged to do this the whole year!)
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The long term goal is to one day, make Reblogs as abundant as Likes, plus with this small but very meaningful support, we could all end up enjoying even more content than before! 
And if you are not a creator but the content you enjoy has ever made you happy, helped you in some way, even to just brighten your day a little bit, please, consider giving those creators your support! It will be very appreciated.
FAQ bellow the “Read More”
I don’t want to participate because [insert reason here]
That’s alright! Just like any other monthly trend in the internet, you are not forced or expected to participate. It is true that the more of us that do this, the more impactful it can be, but if you don’t want to do it the whole month, or just do a couple days, that’s fine.
You are just a big, popular blog trying to trick and damage smaller blogs
I get this assumption a lot, and I am not a big blog. I have been posting my content online for about 16 years and currently have 794 followers after having to move blogs in 2021 because I found out Tumblr was hiding my content in the search engine for being a side blog (and for reference, I had around 593 last year and 150 followers the previous one). This is not an effort to “jeopardize” smaller creators, nor a sneaky way to harm others, I am doing and have been doing this because year after year, the share vs like ratio has been worsening, and I plan on keep doing this as long as needed, even if I become a big blog, I won’t stop.
I want to help but I don’t want to stop posting, how else can I help?
Reblog! This is the perfect month to spam your followers by rebloging the work of other creators you follow, you can also leave comments and send asks! This is the moment to let know your favorite creators you appreciate their hard work and presence on the internet!
Artist and creators are not entitled to reblogs, you can’t ask that
You are right, we are not entitled, nor in the right to demand reblogs, comments or any sort of support. But in the same note, people that enjoy our content, are not entitle to demand more content, specific content, or faster content when it is being given to them for free. And sadly that happens way too often.
I want to participate but I depend on my Commissions / Patreon to buy food/survive
That’s alright, you can still participate! NCN aims towards Free content that we post, the one that we share with no sort of payment back, you can still do and share paid content you do.
I participated last years and nothing changed
Unfortunately, we can’t change the world in a single month. This is NCN fourth year, and granted, it’s not abysmally different now, but the worse that can happen is that nothing changes, and I rather keep trying than sit down and wonder if maybe it could have worked. On the other hand, I’ve received and found a lot of artists that enjoy this month because it gives them an excuse to rest and not focus on their blogs and just enjoy making, and that is enough reason for me to keep trying. 
As closing notes please remember I am just another human being behind the screen. You are 100% allowed to not like this idea, you can block me and the tag if you don’t want to see any of it. There’s no need for mean messages or attacks.
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Information about Community Labels
How to change settings: PC/Laptop || Mobile
Why Community Labels are destroying fandoms and creators
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