#please please please tell me you see the connection too
widow-tarot · 2 days
MINI PAC READING: What Would They Tell You If They Could? (Romance)
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GROUPS: 1 - 2 - 3 4 - 5 - 6
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Instruction: Think about your person while choosing a group. Do not use more than 1 group for one person. Just to remind you, this is only for entertainment purposes.
If you don't feel drawn to any group, then this reading is not for you.
Cards: Ace of Wands, Knight of Wands rx, Wheel of Fortune rx, I Like You, Girl Talk rx, Pond, Archangel Metatron.
I like you. I know it's straightforward, but I cannot say it in any other way that's more meaningful or more direct. It might not sound meaningful but it is to me (I hope it is to you too). I feel there is a spiritual connection between us and it seems no matter what, we keep coming back to each other. Our connection is like a pond; can be insignificant to others but to us, it holds so much life and secrets but it can easily be destroyed if not cultivated. We are so hot and cold; we like each other, then we hate each other over something trivial (we both don't know what exactly annoyed us). I want to move towards you but things are holding me back. There's so much I want to do and say but I'm standing still. I know we will truly come together someday. No one knows about it because I don't share those feelings with friends. It seems too private and sacred.
Eric by Mitski ("Take off my clothes and watch me move; You can come closer, I'll let you hurt me; But how long, how long can we play this way?; I'm tired, I'm tired of not loving you"
Blue Velvet by Lana Del Rey ("Ours a love I held tightly; Feeling the rapture grow; Like a flame burning brightly; But when she left; Gone was the glow")
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby by Cigarettes After Sex ("Whispered something in your ear; It was a perverted thing to say; But I said it anyway; Made you smile and look away; Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby; As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine")
Cards: 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, Noose rx, Mushrooms, The Snake, Hammer rx, Seraphim Seraphisa rx.
You will forever be in my heart and mind, but we can never be together in the way we want. There are way too many blockages and I do think we are not fit to be in a relationship. I am in a committed relationship (or you are) and I do not wish to leave her for I love her. Maybe I am a coward, but I am a practical and cautious one. I will not take reckless actions just to wake up one day and regret it. I think what we have is a fantasy, pleasant make-believe, daydreaming. However, I don't want you gone because you're an important person to me. I wish you happiness but I can't follow you.
Lonesome Love by Mitski ("I call you, to see you again; So I can win, and this can finally end")
Blue Banisters by Lana Del Rey ("She said, "You can't be a muse and be happy, too; You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy"; And that scared me; 'Cause I met a man who said he'd come back every May;Just to help me if I'd paint; Now when weather turns to May; All my sisters come to paint")
Flash by Cigarettes After Sex ("I'm a flash; You were blinded by the love I had; I'm a flash; The light could only get in through the cracks")
Cards: The Hierophant rx, 8 of Wands, The Devil, 10 of Swords rx, Wildflowers, Mirror, Keys on a Ring, Archangel Raphael.
You are the temptation, the chaos in my life, the wildflowers that can still be growing but can also be already taken by someone else while I wasn't looking. You're untouchable, unable to be caught, translucent. One minute you're here only to leave seconds later just to come back and stay for a long time. You're unpredictable, a sin worth sinning for. But I hate to be alone and you make me sad. I love to see you but I hate myself when you leave. I don't know if you have any feelings for me; is it something serious or is it just casual and convenient? I can't do this anymore, I'm trapped and I feel miserable. I wish I could tell you to stay away, to abandon me, to never come back. It would be easier for me to move on then but I am a fool for you. I wish I was strong enough to talk things through but I'd rather have some of you than none of you. Then again, being with you hurts me so what should I do?
Should've Been Me by Mitski ("Relive all the ways you still want me; I haven't given you what you need; You wanted me but couldn't reach me; I'm sorry it should've been me"
Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey ("I will love you till the end of time; I would wait a million years; Promise you'll remember that you're mine; Baby, can you see through the tears?; You went out every night; And, baby, that's alright; But when you walked out that door; A piece of me died")
Ambien Slide by Cigarettes After Sex ("Take my love with some pretend; You said you couldn't help it; Had everything that you wanted; When my love was something yours; But now you're feeling helpless")
Cards: Death, Page of Pentacles rx, The Chariot rx, Archangel Sammael, Eileen Chang rx, Boat rx, Engagement Ring rx.
I don't want to try to fix this thing between us anymore, it's a fool's errand. We tried and it didn't work, it's time to move on to something else because we are just wasting our time and I'm exhausted. Let me go. Let me leave, peacefully. I don't want to fight but I'm frustrated. I think we tried to escape the inevitable but at the end of the road, we cannot pretend any longer. Relieve me of this burden and don't resent me.
Working For The Knife by Mitski ("I always thought the choice was mine; And I was right, but I just chose wrong")
Bel Air by Lana Del Rey ("Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate; Trying to tell me to wait; But I can't wait to see you; So I run, like I'm mad, to heaven's door; I don't wanna be bad; I won't cheat you no more")
Tejano Blue by Cigarettes After Sex ("We wanted to fuck with real love; Wanted it sweet, so pure and warm; And when you say you want it all, I know you want it all; Baby, take it all from me; I always will make it feel like you were the last one; So get in the waves like it was the first time")
Cards: The Star rx, 7 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords rx, Glove rx, The Phoenix, Paradise rx, Archangel Haniel.
I wish we could start anew, without any bitter history between us that holds us back and clouds our judgment. We cannot fully be together while all these thoughts are troubling us, making us suspicious of each other and insecure. I know we both lost hope for this connection, yet we are still going and proceeding with it in any way we can. We don't want this to be over but we need to find a solution. I want you in my life and I'm willing to put work into it. Are you? Someone needs to make the first step though and it's the most difficult thing to do. We cannot stay still for much longer though. We communicate telepathically but we also have to communicate in real life.
First Love/Late Spring by Mitski ("Please hurry leave me; I can't breathe; Please don't say you love me; One word from you and I would; Jump off of this ledge I'm on; Tell me "don't" so I can crawl back in")
Video Games by Lana Del Rey ("It's you, it's you, it's all for you; Everything I do; I tell you all the time; Heaven is a place on earth with you; Tell me all the things you wanna do; It's better than I ever even knew; They say that the world was built for two; Only worth living if somebody is loving you")
Goodbye Mr Blue by Father John Misty (" But maybe if he'd gone sooner; Could've brought us back together last June; When the last time was our last time; If only then I knew; The last time was our last time; Would've told you that the last time comes too soon")
Cards: Page of Swords rx, 9 of Cups rx, 4 of Swords, Sappho, Archangel Chamuel, Cupid's Arrow rx, Separation rx.
Do you love me? You say you do why does your love cause so much pain? Why am I in agony instead of being elated and happy? Is this how you show your love? I feel neglected and manipulated. I feel ignored and mocked. Am I your partner or your pet? Do you even care what I want? Do you care what I have to say? You treat me as a child as if I cannot think or decide for myself. Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think so lowly of me? When you're not here, I don't miss you and my mind is at ease. I lost all hope for anything to change. It hurts even more because I love you, but your love is weird and dysfunctional. I feel trapped. I even stopped speaking my mind because it was met with ridicule and anger.
Wife by Mitski ("For if I am not yours, what am I?; I daydream I'd give one a name of my own; For even I am on loan; For even mine is unknown; So let me go towards the morning star; With hope it won't disappear;)
Carmen by Lana Del Rey ("Baby's all dressed up, with nowhere to go; That's the little story of the girl you know; Relyin' on the kindness of strangers; Darlin', darlin', doesn't have a problem; Lyin' to herself, 'cause her liquor's top shelf; It's alarmin', honestly, how charmin' she can be; Foolin' everyone, tellin' 'em she's havin' fun")
Hot by Cigarettes After Sex ("Is it all in my head? 'Cause I keep getting scared; That I'll always be lost forever; But I don't give a shit if I'm too delicate; When you hold me, it's always better")
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heartofbusan · 19 hours
My live reactions of AYS's final (for now 😌) episode 💛💜
Jimin really had a lot of input on the itineraries and restaurants. He should get a producing credit 🤧 : 'Keeper of JK's every want, need and desire in the form of food, accommodation and more 👀': Park Jimin
OH MY BABY Like Crazyyyy!!
They really are the top singers in Korea lmao. You sometimes forget it, with how normally weird they are.
The owners of the restaurant must have been thrilled to have them. #Blessed
The boyfriend shot!?!?!? YOUR HONOR! HE DID NOT deny nor refute the outright allegation!!
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Jungkook enjoys life to the fullest.
Also, Jk loves beer.
ESCUSE ME?!?!?!?
Jungkook is such a good boy. You tell him to do something, and he does it. #obedient
JK's stomach makes all his life's decisions.
This hot tub scene is going to end me as a functioning member of society. WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLL
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COME ON BABY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? WHAAST
Jimin doesn’t want to extend JKs suffering. So sweet!!
"That’s my Jungkook." Omg
Baby reference no. 4852820 and counting.
-The more relaxed they are, the more they forget they're being filmed. The touches increase, and the fawning commences. Also, Jimin watching himself and seeing how he's presenting himself for the show is such an interesting occurrence. There's an interesting thought happening there as he becomes aware of it... Is he seeing and becoming aware of his layer of veneer as they were filming? He scaled it back for sure. He let more of his acute feelings through as the seasons progressed. I love that it became less like work for him.
-They are idiots! And I love them for it! The Jeon Park household is filled with laughter. And grunting ofc. Don't forget the copious amounts of grunting. I'm watching this at work and by God if someone walks in on me listening to this...I'll get called into HR 😃 #worthit
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Also: Jungkook loves cooking. Whomever is making fun of him for choosing to be in the kitchen is an idiot. Please always be happy JK!
Precedent. This show is setting it. Remember it well.
You realize that they have the means to travel like this all the time?!?! But they chose to take us with them? WE ARE BLESSED.
Jimin always finds a moment to connect, physically as well as emotionally. He'll never leave his man hanging on a joke.
BUT JUNGKOOK IS RIGHT THERE WITH HIM ON THE EQ SCALE..He sees Jimin fully, and he treats him gently and with tender care. Knowing Jimin is quiet because the trip is nearing its end😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
They deserve to live their lives without serving us. Without feeling like they need to show us, just because it makes us happy to see them happy. Then again, if this is them normalizing them as a unit and seeing them together, and if it serves them just as much as it does us. Well then I hope they keep up this exceptional excuse to make content. The hate will always be there. The shippers too.
But what will never change is the commitment they have towards each other. They really do complete one another *bawling*
I loved this episode! It was so relaxed and paired back. They really are a give and take couple, giving each other space, patience or attention. Really, they should get married. It's just too perfect a union.
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earth4angels · 2 days
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if yall get me cancelled istg very short drabble — smut, swearing, experienced jace, needy jace, established relationship, fast, quick sex over the dining table — p in v.
scenario: jacaerys is coming home late from work and you welcome him with a nice dinner and bath which turns into more of a”fuck that i need you” from jace and he takes you over the kitchen table.
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you kiss him desperately, grabbing his white button up in desperation, tugging, pulling to announce you want it off.
Jacaerys only laughs into your mouth, grabbing your thighs to pull you up on the dining table, his hands pushing the plates to the side. He resumes to kiss you, his hands expertly rip open your nightgown, leaving you bare and ready for his ever growing need to devour you.
He pulls away, a string of saliva still connecting you both. He stares into your eyes and with no words he pushes you back, all the while his hands removed his shirt, you heard the noise of his belt unbuckling, the sounds sending shivers all through your body.
You knew Jacaerys was always gentle and loving but at the moment you just needed him to have you. You needed every inch of his length sliding into you fast that you couldn’t form any words. You needed him so bad that you didn’t mind if your legs wouldn’t be able to function the next day.
It was as if Jacaerys felt the same, or rather he heard the way you whimpered his name. It was different to other times you wanted soft loving, and at the time, Jacaerys just needed you.
He pulled your hands, your body lifting and in a second you were bent over the table, you were not given a second to react to his touch till you heard him spit into his hand and his length sliding up and down your folds in a tease. You only whined before you grabbed onto the edge of the table, and in a second you felt your fiancée, deep inside you that it only left you shouting his name into the table.
Your breath fogged where you laid, your breasts rubbed against the table with every thrust he pushed, you felt as if your feet couldn’t catch up to his movements. You felt too good to even process the feeling of how Jacaerys found the spot that made you see white.
Jacaerys grabbed you by the neck, his hold soft yet he pulled until your entire upper body met his front. Never once, he stopped pushing fast and long.
His breath sounded raspy, shortened, as if he ran a marathon and it turned you on. With a hand still wrapped around your neck, his mouth found your ear where he bit slightly into as he began to encourage you.
“Feel that pretty girl?” he whispered as paused his thrusts, he began to go slower, pulling out to pushing back in inch by inch. You gasped as you held onto his arm around your neck.
“Jacae-Jacaerys…” you mumbled, your brain beginning to loose its sense of reality.
“My pretty girl,” he kissed your neck, then your cheek where his teeth grazed softly into, “Such a pretty girl, mine. Tell me, are you mine?”
You nodded, drooling as you felt his fingers reaching your sensitive bud, he went in circles softly.
“Use your words baby, tell me.”
You attempted to open your eyes to meet his, but when you did, you found his dark honey eyes waiting to loose themselves in yours. You realized then, Jacaerys never took his eyes off you. He enjoyed to watch you loose yourself in his touch, how he made you fly.
“I can tell you right now,” he whispered as his leaned to kiss you, “You feel amazing, that being inside you is like nothing i’ve never felt before.”
He began to thrust himself into you slower, and then faster, his breaths coming out sharp into your mouth. You only whimpered as you grabbed into his arms.
“There’s never going to be anyone else,” he whimpered now, his hold around your waist tightening, “You belong to me, as I do to you.”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you felt your core tightening, and Jacaerys knew as your walls clenched around him. He moaned with you, his forehead resting onto your shoulder. Never once did he let you go.
“Come,” his hand reaching your behind where he lightly rubbed, you felt too overstimulated that you only moaned. “All this is mine. You are beautiful, give in to me my pretty,” he begged.
Your toes curled and you began to pant. Jacaerys felt you shaking in his hold, so he pulled out abruptly. He turned you around and had you wrap your legs around his waist. He didn’t waste a second to push his leaking length deep inside you.
Your head rolled back as Jacaerys licked into the moist of your neck, you didn’t hear the way he whimpered as you were lost in your pleasure. Only focusing how he held you and how his length pushed until you saw nothing but stars.
“Jace.. Jace … Jace..” you moaned.
“Tell them baby. Tell them who you belong to,” he whimpered, “I love you,”
Your lips blindly looked for his lips and when you did you sloppily kissed him, “I.. I love you.”
“Seven hells, you feel so good, god i missed you, i love you,” he mumbled over and over. He held you as you began to twitch and he knew that the moment you squeezed your eyes shut and mumbled his name in gibberish, he knew he had you.
“Fuck. Fuck. That’s it. Give in to me,” Jacaerys held you tighter, and just seconds later he followed you into a sweet heaven both of you created.
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Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you paid and are helping my new cats get spayed, neutered, chipped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a "hero" to take care of Astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense? You said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break, Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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starhvney · 16 hours
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mcd laurance x reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: when your lover can’t calm himself from a nightmare, you try to calm him through a connection only you can give
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: angst with comfort, shadow knight laurance, once again i present laurance angst, yet another fic where i write laurance obsessing over reader’s safety, do i have a thing for it? yeah, do something about it, also can you catch the canon line i slid in here? i couldn’t help myself
𝐂𝐖: nsfw/smut. unprepped sex, large size difference, does this count as monster fucking? not really? but he’s a big boy
𝐀/𝐍: thank you to @thebunnednun for giving me this prompt!! shadow knight laurance *convulses* anyways i hope this is coherent guys i wrote most of it last night while half asleep ahshah
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you had been just there.
right at his fingertips.
at the comfortable distance where he knew he could protect you if something went wrong.
but it’s never enough, is it?
one second you were next to him, the next you were separated by what could practically be considered a herd of shadow souls. he didn’t know where they came from. he hadn’t even sensed them. but now they were overwhelming him, and overwhelming you, too.
he had even transformed, using every ounce of power he could to tear through the shadows around him. his movements still somehow managed to be too slow—too sluggish. each one he cut down it seemed like two more were on him, and two more were on you.
your screams were haunting. over everything he could hear, your cries for his help echoed against his eardrums, shaking his head like a bell.
“laurance, please!”
he has to get to you. he has to. he thinks he can as he slices through several of them, before one of them leaps towards him, knocking him down onto the ground with a groaning screech.
“no! get off of me!” he groans, struggling to push it away enough to grab his sword.
immediately it digs its claws into his cheek, and despite trying to turn away the sensation doesn’t leave his skin.
“laurance!” the soul cries, the empty and dark void of its mouth mimicking your voice. your distress.
it was mocking your pain in his face.
his vision is tinted red.
he’s going to kill it. he has to. he has to kill.
“laurance, get up!”
his vision goes dark, but he can move again, and he lunges forward, pinning down the soul closest to him and keeping it there. he’s going to kill it once his eyes focus again.
he got it. where’s his sword?
“laurance?!” the soul asks in a panic, its voice clearer and a lot more like yours than the warbled disjointed one from before.
it felt smaller, too.
his hands squeeze against the arms of the creature to keep it in place. he knows he has to kill it, but there’s a part of him screaming at him to stop, but it’s drowned by the echoes of your screams for his help. what’s happening? why is it so dark right now?
“it’s me!” you hiccup, eyes wide and breaths short.
this wasn’t him right now.
no, not when your body was telling you to run. that you were in danger. not when you look up to see unfocused and rageful dark red irises trying to focus on something, his chest heaving as a whirlwind of unstable emotions seemed to batter against his rib cage.
you knew something was wrong when you had woken up so suddenly and so late, your skin sticky with sweat and feeling strangely on edge as your mind wandered to the possibilities.
why do you feel like you’re in danger right now? was it a predator? something lurking in the shadows of your room?
when you’d turned to get a look at your lover, you had your answer. he hadn’t completely transformed in his sleep, his armor hadn’t formed against his body and he still wore the thin and loose linen sleepwear he’d gone to bed with last night.
but it wasn’t loose anymore—he was nearly bulging out of it his already tall legs now hanging over the edge of the frame. his skin wasn’t that beautiful olive shade, but rather a desaturated almost deathly pale color. and his eyes. they weren’t open, but the skin underneath them showed unnaturally red veins that webbed from his eyelids just under the skin.
what was he dreaming about that had him transforming into a shadow knight in his sleep?
after some hesitation, you had reached out to his cheek to wake him up, calling out his name as he seemed to almost growl in his sleep. you almost regret your decision when blood red eyes snap open in a frenzy, and a split second later you find yourself forcefully pinned against the sheets.
you can see it. the instability on his face. he wasn’t here with you in this moment, his judgment was clouded by whatever rage had overtaken him in his dream. but what could you do? he already had you, his hands holding down your arms rather painfully and heavy body pinning you in place. the only thing you could possibly be capable of was to soothe him with your words.
“laurance… it’s me. it’s me.” you whisper, cursing at how your voice was the least bit assuring as it shook. “you were dreaming. you’re here with me.”
his chest heaves with ragged breaths, expression twisted in a lost and distressed frenzy. the startling blood red of his eyes dart across your face, before locking onto your eyes.
there he is.
you see a piece of him return, as rage turns to horror and realization.
“you—it’s you.” he manages to get through disjointed breaths, whatever scene that was looping in his mind clearly still clouding his ability to calm down.
“it’s me.” you whisper.
he closes his eyes, pulling in a sharp breath as he lets go of your wrists and moves his hands to beside your head. he ducks his head, shoulders shaking and mouth curling in an expression that could only be described as pure self loathing.
“…it’s okay.” you breathe, your words quickly cut off by his own.
“it’s not.”
it’s harsher than he probably intended. his voice is hoarse and deep, an underlying growl there that he can’t seem to get rid of. you watch as a few sparks of ember float up into the air, fizzling out thankfully before it could hit your sheets or spark the wooden ceiling.
he was going to hurt you. you. you. you.
a second goes by and shakily you raise your hands, cupping his cheeks. “laurance. look at me.”
his jaw clenches and unclenches. once, twice, three, before he cracks open his eyes again, focusing on you.
“i’m okay. see?” you keep your voice hushed, thumbs running along the red veins beneath his eyes. “you need to calm down so you can transform back.”
“i ca—i can’t. you should’ve heard—no. no.” he shakes his head, lowering it again—but this time resting his face into the crook of your neck.
your heart sinks. he sounds so unstable. so panicked.
fingers drift up to the nape of his neck, massaging into the tense muscles there and drifting to the now impossibly broad expanse of his shoulders. they seemed to double your own, his form completely swallowing yours as he leaned over you. he breathes in, taking in your scent as his lips pressed against the juncture of your shoulder and neck. it makes your heart rate involuntarily spike, a shuddering breath leave your lips in a mix of fear and something else you don’t want to admit to.
a few more beats pass like this, you frozen under him like prey caught in the jaws of a predator, before his lips part and he bites down onto your skin.
his teeth were sharp, and a small whimper of discomfort involuntarily leaves your lips at the feeling.
it makes him flinch back and freeze in place, like once again he hadn’t even realized his own actions—the primal part of him taking over his rational thoughts.
“i can’t.” he mutters lowly, moving to get up, like he was going to leave. “
“no.” you quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders, trying to pull him down to you but instead pulling yourself up to him.
“i’m going to hurt you. i don’t have… control over myself right now—“
you gulp, before slinking your legs around his waist and pulling your hips up to connect with his.
he inhales sharply. “what are you doing?”
“you’re here with me. let me show you.”
“no. no, i’ll hurt you.” he says, groaning as you pull yourself closer and roll yourself into him.
there’s a low warning of your name from his lips, forehead dropping to rest against your collarbone. “you don’t know what you’re doing—”
“i do.” you reassure, cutting him off. “i want you.”
he settles back down with a groan, lifting his head to look at you. “i’m dangerous to you right now. why can’t you understand?”
leaning up, you connect your lips with his and he groans against you. you can feel his self control beginning to crumble, and the much thicker bulge pressing between your legs through the material of his pants and your nightgown.
“i understand.” you say. “i understand that i love you more.”
“you’re going to be,” he groans, the deeper timbre of his voice sending a shock of electricity down your spine. “the undoing of me.”
he rolls his hips down into yours, and you gasp. regularly, what was under his belt was nothing to scoff at—his flirtatious remarks irritatingly wasn’t just all talk. but now? in this form where he towered not one but two heads taller than you? just from him pressing into you alone you could tell he was huge.
this is what he needed, though. you can already feel the tense trembling of his muscles beginning to calm, his ragged and uneven breathing turning to just a shuddering tempo.
his hands find themselves on your hips, his thumbs pressing into the soft skin. “is this… what you want? tell me right now, because i’m losing my grip.”
you were almost ashamed of the damp spot that had already begun to form on your panties, and how just his touch was enough to send shockwaves through your nervous system.
it’s like a switch is flipped, whatever wall of self control his conscious had put up crumbling to the ground. his hips push down into yours, harsher this time, while his lips press into your skin. he begins to pull your skin between his teeth, suckling bruises against it while his hands no less than tear your nightgown from your body.
cool air hits your skin, a small gasp leaving your lips at his sudden eager need to have his skin on yours. his hands briefly leave your side, only to pull his own clothes and briefs from his form. you don’t dare to look down, the length that was pressing against your thigh enough to intimidate you.
“i—“ he stutters, the internal war being fought in his head stopping his movements. “i’ll hurt you. i don’t know if i can control myself.”
tilting your head up, you kiss him once again, fingers threading into his hair and massaging his scalp. “you won’t.”
he shudders against you, breathing in your scent and deepening the kiss. eagerly he shifts your hips, moving you closer with one hand and dragging the fat tip of his cock against your clit. you were already well lubricated with the slick that covered your folds, but you still weren’t sure if it would fit. regardless his lips continue to devour yours, pulling each breath from your lips and leaving you dizzy as he shifts his hips up, dragging the length against your folds and pulling back. the mere girth of it was startling, but you don’t get to think about it for long until you’re subjected to it, the tip bullying it’s way through your entrance.
he slowly keeps pushing in, making you feel like you were going to split in half by his size. the stretch was entirely new, an uncomfortable one you hadn’t felt before. it was almost too much, but you didn’t want him to stop, either.
but you needed to breathe. managing to part from the messy lock of your lips with a gasp, you throw your head back with a shuddered moan. he keeps pulling out just so he can push back in deeper, each thrust somehow filling you out impossibly more. your body was protesting against the push, squeezing against his length like your insides were trying to shove him back out. each time you fluttered around his cock he’d groan lowly under his breath, the noise a gravelly sound that rattled against your ribs and send a lightheaded wave of pleasure up your spine.
your eyelashes flutter down, a shocked gasp leaving your lips when you see he’d barely pushed halfway through. he pulls his attention from the spot on your collarbone he’d been leaving bruising kisses on, eyes darting across your face as he keeps bullying his way inside. it was bordering on being painful, but the shocks of pleasure shooting through your nerves overpowered everything else.
the veins under his eyes had begun to recede, the red of his irises now dulling in color. his nose wrinkles for a moment as he looks at you, his hands cupping your face as a conflict of emotions crosses his face. you can tell what he was thinking, with the look of guilt that crosses over his eyes at the sight of your smaller body trembling underneath him.
he was meant to protect you. and everything in his nature now wanted him to do the opposite. even as he fought against it, it still wasn’t enough. your screams, real or not, still echo in his head.
he was always so gentle with you. always taking his time to make sure you—the most important thing to him—felt safe and comfortable. the thought that he was possibly hurting you right now was revolting to him, even though he needed you close right now. you have to reach up to his face to snap him out of his thoughts before he spirals once again.
“it’s okay. i’m okay.” you whisper.
he presses his face into your hair, before a shuddering sob leaves his lips.
“i couldn’t protect you.”
you reach for his face pulling him up to look at you. his eyebrows are pulled together, red glazed over in angry and distressed tears.
“laurance, my love. it wasn’t real. i’m safe with you.” you tilt your head. “you’ll always protect me.”
he shakes his head, gritting his teeth. “but what about when i can’t? when i fully lose control? when i finally lose you? it would be my end. i couldn’t handle it. i can’t. i can’t.”
“you’re not going to lose me.”
“you don’t… you don’t understand…”
“yes, i do.”
your voice is firmer, and it snaps his attention back to you.
“i know you. i know what you’re capable of.” you gently brush your hands across his face, and his eyes slowly shut, taking in your words. “i know your strength, and your values. i know you’d rather throw yourself into the worst pain imaginable before letting something happen to me. even now, when you claim you’re so dangerous, i know i’m safe.”
his breath shudders as he hunches over you, seeming to feel a pang through his chest that knocked the breath out of his lungs.
“i love you.” you whisper, before the breath is knocked out of you as he gives a harsh thrust of his hips, rocking you up against the pillow.
“i love you.” he groans back. “so much. you’re my everything.”
you can’t respond to that, can’t even think of the words as he fully pushes himself in, his pelvis meeting your ass. his hands grip onto your waist like you would disappear between his fingers if he let go, head dipping down to your chest as he begins to set a rhythm. pain has faded to pure pleasure at this point, the stretch of his girth and the veins that dragged along your walls with every thrust left your mouth gasping for air and back arching up into him.
his tempo was rough and sloppy, leaving you unable to catch your breath and stirring your head into a mindless haze, your fingers grasping onto the firm expanse of his shoulders for any sense of stability as you’re knocked into oblivion.
his mouth latches onto your neck once again, but unlike his brutal thrusts his lips are soft against your skin. that was your laurance. the one that laced his hand with yours as he took you in a slow and sensual pace. the one that whispered sweet nothings in your ear and treated you so gently—focusing on pleasuring you until you couldn’t think before even beginning to focus on himself.
despite how much you loved how he treated you regularly, you couldn’t even try to deny how good this felt.
he lifts his head up, fingers brushing along your breasts and up against your collarbones, taking you all in as he sped up the pace. you can tell he’s already close to his release from the way his chin tilts up in the air and his glazed-over eyes roll back, his lips parted as he pulls in ragged breaths. suddenly he’s pulling your thighs up, large hands squeezing into the plush skin and hitching them up against his shoulders.
“so beautiful. and mine.” he murmurs, voice a deep rasp. he turns his head down, leaning back over you and staring at you through hooded eyes—practically folding you in half. “don’t you dare ever run where i can’t protect you.”
you’re close, too, and the way he looked at you now was about to send you over the edge. the mix of the new angle his dick was brutally drilling into you and his possessive and borderline wild need to protect you has you squeezing against him, your cunt sucking him in deeper and not letting go.
he moans out lowly, his hips stuttering into yours and slamming to a sudden stop. it’s so much, in more ways than one, when his hips grind in a slow circle and the heat of his cum overflows into you. you swear you feel it in your guts, with how much of it keeps coming, and how he jerkily pushes it back into you. it snaps you over the edge, vision going white and limbs turning shaky and weak, the mix of both of your releases spilling from your stuffed cunt and creating a sticky mess where your skin connected.
when you regain your vision again you find yourself looking back into gray-blue eyes, his eyebrows turned up and under eyes wet with tears. his skin had returned to its normal tone, but he still looked so pale, still so filled with a fear he couldn’t swallow.
you bring a hand up to his cheek once again, wiping the stray beads of sweat away from his face and leaning up to press a soft kiss against his lips.
“there you are, my love.”
your voice is merely a hoarse whisper, but it’s enough to knock him down. he crumbles onto you, forehead landing on the pillow next to your head, breaths shaky and fanning across your skin as his arms circle around your waist and pull you tight. slowly, he pulls out, leaving the both of you softly groaning in discomfort at the absence of each other’s warmth. his cum continues to spill out from inside you, dripping onto the sheets in a messy mix.
“…did i hurt you?” he whispers, voice trembling in the fear of it being true. his hands feel so very gentle on your waist, like he was holding fragile porcelain in his hands.
his breath hitches in something like relief, a choked sob leaving his lips. “i love you more than anything.”
“i know. and i love you.”
his shoulders relax, and he rolls to the clean side of the bed, pulling you right into his chest and hugging you close. strong arms wrap around your shoulders and waist, leaving you little wiggle room against him. with the fragile state he was in, though, you don’t dare to say a word about it.
“i’m sorry. i don’t know what happened—” he starts, his voice an exhausted and hoarse whimper as he buries his face in your hair.
“laurance. i’m safe.” is all you say, silencing the self-deprecating thoughts he wished to express.
in the quiet dead of night, you both lay there, limbs tangled and pressed together as the moonlight filtered through the window and illuminated your sweaty skin—shining from the afterglow. the fears that plagued your lover’s mind melted away for now, his breaths evening into a deep and steady cycle and mind lulling into a peaceful sleep.
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©starhvney 2024. do not plagiarize, feed to any AI, or repost my works to any sites.
taglist: @wasting-away-on-the-internet @angelhyperfixates @valentique @dazedbydeath @theaquaticplant @starsbrightly @kalegrinch (if you are a minor or uncomfortable with being tagged in nsfw please let me know immediately and i will take you off of my taglist for nsfw works in the future)
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enanansbbg · 9 hours
Anhane’s relationship, and it’s complexity:
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this was originally uploaded onto twt, but I wanted to reupload it here because I was very proud of this analysis, so please enjoy and feel free to add anything I may have missed or skipped over!
With that being said, here we go! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Let’s start with the basics. The pure power of their aibouness, and its connections to vivid street.
To begin, you must understand what a partner is in VBS terms. In this case, it’s ‘a person who brings out parts of you never knew existed’.
In relations to Anhane, this is based off pure raw emotions. This is shown through An’s abandonment issues and Kohane’s want to make her heart pound.
Kohane wants to recreate that feeling she felt when she first heard An singing inside of An, to ‘make her heart pound’, while An’s abandonment issues cause her to fear Kohane’s rapid growth may lead to Kohane abandoning her.
This also plays into a certain factor about Kohane and the idea of her and angst, I believe.
Many people want Kohane to have some kind of angst event, especially related to her backstory, but that would go against all her motives.
See, Kohane’s pure movies for pursuing music—for working to surpass Rad Weekend all tie back to An. It was hearing An singing at WG that made her heart pound and An asking her to be her singing partner that caused her to even consider music as an option.
From here, their relationship develops into a lot more, and it’s when the idea of partners ‘bringing out an ugly side of you’ comes to play.
You can see even in the maim story An not seeing Kohane as an equal. It only gets called out and resolved in Singing in Sync.
Singing In Sync, ep. 1 and 3
🎧: “In the unlikely event that something does go wrong, I’ll cover for you and get you back on track, okay?”
🎧: “I failed as her partner…I couldn’t protect her…
🎧: “I mean, she’s my partner…And I wanted to guide her so that she could sing without worrying…”
🥞: “You don’t think of Kohane as one of the team.”
An telling Kohane “I’ll protect you if you mess up” subconsciously puts the idea into Kohane’s head “I’m not good enough, so I’ll probably mess up” This is what caused the entire issue in SIS to begin with.
But it’s once An tells her “you can protect me too” that Kohane is able to subconsciously think “I have the power to make her heart pound too”
Singing in Sync, ep. 8
🎧: “If I miss a cue at the next event…”
🎧: “Could you cover for me?”
🐹: “An… Sure, I can do that!”
After this we get Awakening Beat. Kohane is able to come out of her shell and fully adapts the idea “I can make her heart pound too” and has a large boost in confidence because of it. An both brought her confidence down and back up in the spam of one rotation.
Awakening Beat, ep. 8
🎧: (“It’s like she’s not even the Kohane I know. Could this be because she’s completely resolved herself?”
🎧: (“But even with just that, she can really change this much…?”)
However….In the same event, An’s insecurities begin to bloom and in Bout for Beside You, An has to face them for the first time.
Awakening Beat, ep. 8, BFBY, ep. 4
🎧: (“I was just gonna tell her she did amazing… That I never knew she could sing that amazingly, but…”
🎧: (“What’s going on? I just can’t get the words out—”)
🎧: “Kohane is…going to leave me behind?”
Here, An realizes her and Kohane ‘perfect’ relationship is more complicated now. While Kohane’s adapted the idea of “I want to make her heart pound”, An opens to idea of “I wont he able to make her heart pound anymore” (they doki doki more than ddlc i swear)
At the end of the event, An ask Kohane the golden question. “If I were to leave somewhere far away, would we still sing together?”
BFBY, ep. 8
🎧: “But what would you do if I said that I’d be going somewhere far far away someday?”
🎧: “And I wanted to reach greater heights just like what Uncle Taiga did exploring the world. If I were to go to someplace even greater and far far away from here—”
Of course, Kohane affirms this. Naturally, Kohane takes a lot of pride in being An’s partner, being the only partner for her. (as said in ORS) She wants to keep singing with An forever.
BFBY, ep. 8
🐹: “Even so, I would want to keep singing with An-chan!”
🐹: “No matter where you go or what you become, I’d still want to be with you!”
🐹: “I want to properly stand beside you and sing with you!”
We’re gonna skip ahead a bit and jump up to KIUAN, where we get our lovely “She looks like Nagi-san” line, the line that killed every Anhane shipper in the tristate area.
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But what makes this line so special? Well, for that let’s discuss what made Nagi’s death (and the lie surrounding it) so impactful.
Nagi was someone An looked up to highly. So, when she was suddenly told that Nagi moved, not even saying goodbye, to pursue her music career, it left a mark on An. Added to the fact that Nagi wasn’t returning An’s messages or calls, just completely disappeared.
Now, looking to Bout for Beside you and KIUAN, you can see the importance of these lines. An fears that Kohane will improve so much that she leaves without a word, never talks go her again and just moves on. It’s why she looks so distressed.
VOT ep. 8, BFBY, ep. 8, KIUAN ep. 7
🎧: “…Aww. I wonder what Nagi-san is doing over in America? I wish she’d give us a call at least.”
🎧: “Ah! Maybe I’ll send her a text then! I wonder if she’ll be surprised~?”
🎧: “But what would you do if I said that I’d be going somewhere far far away someday?”
🎧: “…She looks just like Nagi-san…”
And, it’s why she can’t even believe Kohane when she says just how important An is to her, how much she loves her and wants to sing with her because Nagi said the same thing and now Nagi is gone.
This manages to reach a resolve in WTWG, where An ‘fights’ Kohane, takes all those raw emotions out in a healthy way, through her song.
An’s card in WTWG is more than just ‘An takes her anger out on Kohane’, because in truth that’s not entirely what she’s doing. Instead, it’s An’s raw emotions taking form.
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An wants Kohane to grow, she wants Kohane to thrive fully, but that fear of abandonment—Fear that Kohane will leave and never speak to her again makes her want to hold her close and never let her go anywhere.
So what about Kohane?
Well, starting with thr WTWG card/story, Kohane wants to be An’s best partner. As she states, ‘to make An’s heart pound’.
So, to be vulnerable here is to accept all of An’s raw emotions. Let her lean on her and feel everything because to Kohane, that makes her a worthy partner.
She says over and over throughout the fight that An is amazing, that she wants to be like her, how much it makes her heart pound. Really, it reminds me of Kohane’s colorfes story.
WTWG, ep. 7
🐹: (“An-chan…really is amazing.”)
🐹: (“…Whenever I hear An-chan sing, it really makes my heart pound like nothing else. It makes me wish I could sing like her.”)
In it, Kohane goes to Vivid Street, but everyone thinks she’s An. This happens after she thinks about what it would be like to be An, but only going through this dream does she realize that she doesn’t want to be An, she wants to be her. She wants to be An’s partner.
Colorfes Kohane ep. 1 and 2
Record Store Onee-san: “You caught me off guard, using polite like that, An-chan!”
🐹: (“Did she just say An-chan…?”)
🐹: (“—An-chan’s so cool and strong…and there’s times I wish I could be like her…”)
🐹: (“I have to be me! Because—”)
🎧: “—Y’know, I was thinking, your singing is always so amazing, Kohane.”
🎧: “Whenever I hear your singing, it makes my heart race. The tension rises, and it makes me feel like I have to start singing right now!”
🐹: (“Because I’m An-chan’s partner—!”)
And to be An’s partner, is to drag all those raw, vertical emotions out of An, just like she does in WTWG.
In conclusion, Anhane explosion their relationship is so complex and strong and I love it
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deans-queen · 3 days
Repairing Hearts 👷🏻‍♂️❤️‍🩹
New Mini Series
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader (Y/N)
Summary: Reader (Y/N) is a single mom, struggling to fix her leaky roof. She posts an ad on social media desperate for help. When local repairman, Jensen Ackles offers to help, the two grow an unexpected connection that grows.
Warnings: SMUT (p in v, wrap it up kids), other mature themes, mild language, emotional topics. (If there is any that I missed please let me know) I will label the warnings in each part!
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Part 3: Jensen’s POV
Warnings: SMUTTTTTT 😜 and language
I could hear the gentle hum of the drill as I finished screwing in the last piece of flashing. The roof was finally done, every leak sealed up tight. I stood back and admired my work, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. This job had taken longer than expected, but I wasn’t in any rush. Not when every day meant spending more time with Y/N and her daughter.
Aria was special, no doubt about that, but Y/N… she was something else entirely. Strong, independent, but I could see the weight she carried. Every time I came over to fix something, there was this tension in the air, like she was holding everything together with sheer willpower. And maybe, just maybe, I liked being around because I wanted to take some of that weight off her shoulders. Maybe I liked her way more than I should.
Hell, who was I kidding? I was head over heels for her, and that terrified the shit out of me. But it was getting harder to keep my distance, especially when she smiled at me like she did that night in the kitchen.
“Looks like you’re all set,” I called out as I climbed down the ladder. Y/N was waiting for me on the back porch, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.
“Seriously? You’re done?” she asked, a hint of disbelief in her voice.
I grinned, wiping my hands on my jeans. “Yep. No more leaks. You’ll be dry as a bone in here, even when the next storm hits.”
She walked over, her eyes scanning the roof. “I don’t even know how to thank you. I couldn’t have afforded to fix this on my own.”
I shrugged, trying to play it off, even though every part of me wanted to pull her close and tell her I’d do anything for her. “Don’t mention it. You and Aria deserve a safe place.”
She was quiet for a moment, her gaze lingering on me. There was something different in her eyes tonight—something I couldn’t quite place. “Well, since the roof’s done, how about you stay for dinner? I mean, Aria’s at her best friend Hanna’s for a sleepover, so it’s just me here.”
That took me by surprise, but I wasn’t about to say no. I’d been trying to find an excuse to spend more time with her anyway. “Dinner sounds great.”
Inside, the place was quiet without Aria’s usual chatter filling the air. Y/N moved around the kitchen with ease, tossing together a simple meal while I leaned against the counter, watching her. It felt domestic in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Usually, I’d be out the door as soon as the job was done, but this? This felt… right.
We sat down at the small dining table, the soft glow of the kitchen light casting warm shadows across her face. We made small talk at first, about the usual stuff—work, Aria, the condo—but there was this underlying tension, a pull between us that had been growing stronger over the past few days.
After dinner, we moved to the couch, both of us lingering in the comfortable silence. I could feel my heart racing, knowing that I needed to say something. But how the hell was I supposed to tell her how I felt without sounding like an idiot?
Before I could figure out the right words, she spoke.
“Jensen,” she said, her voice soft. She turned to face me, her eyes searching mine. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately… about us. I don’t know if it’s just in my head, but I feel like there’s something between us. And I don’t want to ignore it anymore.”
Her words hit me like a freight train. She felt it too. Relief washed over me, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe.
“I’ve been feeling the same way,” I admitted, my voice low. “Since the first day I walked in here, Y/N, I knew there was something special about you. And every time I come back, it’s harder to keep pretending that I’m just here to fix the roof.”
I reached for her hand, my thumb brushing over her knuckles. Her skin was soft, warm, and the way her breath hitched told me she felt that spark too.
“I’m not good at this,” I continued, my eyes locked on hers. “But I can’t stop thinking about you. About how strong you are, how hard you work for Aria… and how damn beautiful you are. Every time I see you, it’s like you’re under my skin, and I don’t want to fight it anymore.”
Her lips parted, and in that moment, I didn’t wait for her to respond. I leaned in, cupping her face in my hands as my lips found hers. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, but the second her hands gripped the front of my shirt, it was like a floodgate opened.
She kissed me back with a fire I hadn’t expected, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I deepened the kiss, tasting her, letting all the tension from the past week spill out in every press of my lips.
“God, sweetheart,” I breathed against her mouth, my hands sliding down to her waist, pulling her closer. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this. How long I’ve wanted you.”
She gasped softly as I kissed her neck, her fingers threading through my hair. “Jensen…”
Hearing her say my name like that—so breathless, so full of need—it drove me wild. I didn’t think I could want her more than I already did, but the way she responded to me, the way her body arched into mine, it was like everything I’d been holding back came crashing down all at once.
“Tell me you want this,” I growled, my voice rough as my lips grazed her ear. “Tell me you want me.”
She let out a soft moan, her hands tugging at my shirt. “I want you, Jensen. I’ve wanted you for so long.”
That was all I needed to hear. My hands moved down her body, feeling the curve of her hips, the softness of her skin. I kissed her harder, my tongue teasing hers, and she responded with the same hunger.
“I’ve been holding back,” I murmured against her lips, my hands sliding under her shirt, feeling the heat of her skin. “But not anymore. I want all of you, Y/N.”
Her breath hitched as I kissed a trail down her neck, my fingers teasing the edge of her waistband. “Jensen…”
I paused, looking up at her. Her lips were swollen from our kisses, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. She was looking at me with that same desire I felt burning inside me.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, pressing my forehead to hers. “You and Aria… you’re it for me. I don’t want anyone else.”
Her eyes filled with something soft, something real, and she pulled me closer, her hands fisting in my shirt. “I don’t want anyone else either.”
Her eyes were locked on mine, filled with a hunger I’d been craving for days. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest, every part of me needing her more than I thought was possible. The soft glow of the kitchen light cast a warm hue over her skin, and as I sat there with Tianna in my arms, everything else in the world faded away. It was just her—soft, warm, beautiful.
“Y/N,” I whispered, my lips brushing her ear. “You drive me crazy, you know that?”
She let out a soft laugh, her fingers gripping my shirt tighter. “You’re the one who’s been driving me crazy.”
I couldn’t help the grin that tugged at my lips. “Sweetheart, you have no idea what you’ve been doing to me. Every damn day I come here, trying to keep it professional, but all I can think about is you. How good you look, how much I want to kiss you.”
Her breath hitched as I tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet my gaze. Her lips parted, her cheeks flushed, and I knew I was done for. There was no more holding back.
“Come here, babygirl,” I murmured, my voice low and rough as I pulled her closer, capturing her lips in a slow, heated kiss. This time, I didn’t hold back. My hands roamed her body, tracing every curve, feeling her soft skin under my fingertips. I could feel her melt into me, her body pressing against mine as she kissed me back with just as much need.
“Jensen,” she moaned softly as my lips traveled down her neck, finding that sweet spot that made her shiver. I loved the way she responded to me, the way her body trembled when I touched her.
“You like that, don’t you, darlin’?” I whispered against her skin, my lips brushing the hollow of her throat.
Her fingers tangled in my hair, tugging just hard enough to make me groan. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” she whispered, her voice breathless, her eyes half-lidded with desire.
I pulled back just enough to look at her, my hand cupping her cheek as I pressed my forehead to hers. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I can’t get enough of you.”
She smiled, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw. “You make me feel beautiful.”
I kissed her again, deeper this time, my tongue sliding against hers in a way that made her gasp. “That’s because you are, baby. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Her hands roamed down my chest, tugging at the hem of my shirt, and I couldn’t resist the growl that escaped my lips as I helped her pull it over my head. Her hands were on me in an instant, tracing the lines of my muscles, making me want her more with every touch.
“You feel so good,” she whispered, her voice full of awe as her fingers explored my chest, my stomach. I could see the desire burning in her eyes, and it took every ounce of control I had not to lose it right then and there.
“Y/N,” I rasped, my hands finding her waist, lifting her onto my lap so she was straddling me. She fit so perfectly, her body pressed against mine in all the right ways, her warmth sending a shiver down my spine.
Her hips rocked against me, and I couldn’t stop the groan that escaped my lips as I held her tight. “God, sweetheart, you feel amazing.”
She smiled, her lips brushing against mine as she moved again, teasing me. “You like that?”
“Hell yes, I do,” I growled, gripping her hips tighter as I leaned in to kiss her neck. “I want you so bad. Can’t stop thinking about how good you’d feel.”
Her breath came faster, her hands sliding up to my shoulders as I kissed my way down to her collarbone. “Then take me,” she whispered, her voice trembling with need. “I want you, Jensen. All of you.”
Those words were all it took to break the last of my restraint. I kissed her hard, my hands sliding under her shirt, feeling the soft skin of her stomach as I lifted the fabric over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the sight of her bare skin had me groaning in pure need.
“Goddamn…” I breathed, my eyes drinking her in. “You’re so perfect.”
Her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t shy away. Instead, she smiled that soft, teasing smile that drove me wild. “Kiss me,” she whispered, and I didn’t need to be told twice.
I kissed her deeply, my hands roaming her body, feeling every inch of her. Her skin was soft, warm, and she responded to every touch with little gasps and moans that made me want her even more. My hands cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples until she was arching into me, her breath coming in shallow gasps.
“Jensen,” she moaned, her hands gripping my shoulders as she rocked against me again. “Please…”
I could feel the heat between us building, the tension coiling tighter and tighter until I thought I might snap. I wanted her so bad it hurt, but I didn’t want to rush it. I wanted to savor every second, every touch, every sound she made.
“You’re mine tonight, Y/N,” I growled, my voice rough as I kissed her hard, my hands gripping her hips, pulling her even closer. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby. I promise.”
She nodded, her eyes dark with desire as she leaned in to kiss me again, her lips soft and warm against mine. “I trust you,” she whispered, her voice full of so much need it made my heart race.
I kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the feel of her lips against mine. My hands roamed her body, teasing her, making her moan softly into my mouth. I wanted to hear more, wanted to feel her fall apart in my arms.
“Jensen, please,” she whimpered, her hips rocking against me again, her body trembling with need.
I kissed her neck, my hands sliding down to the waistband of her jeans, teasing her just enough to make her squirm. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart,” I murmured, my lips brushing her ear. “I want to hear you say it.”
She let out a shaky breath, her hands gripping my shoulders tighter. “I want you, Jensen,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I need you.”
“Good girl,” I growled, pulling her jeans down just enough to give me room to slide my hand between her legs. She gasped, her hips bucking against my hand as I teased her, my fingers brushing lightly against her.
“You’re so wet for me, baby,” I whispered, my lips brushing her ear as I slid my fingers against her again, making her moan. “You’ve been thinking about this, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” she gasped, her breath coming in shallow pants as I teased her, my fingers moving slowly, drawing out every sound she made. “I’ve wanted this for so long…”
I kissed her neck, my fingers moving faster, making her tremble in my arms. “That’s it, sweetheart,” I murmured, my voice rough with need. “Come for me.”
And when she did, her body shaking, her moans filling the quiet condo, it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
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Authors Note:
YALL!!! When I tell ya I was feeling some type of way after I wrote this part…omg 🥵🥵🥵 ANYWAYS!!! I hope you enjoyed this part, I may write a couple more parts of this series. But please feel free to let me know what you think! I always love reading feedback!
Like & follow for more !! Xoxo
Want to read more? Check out my other stories! (If you want to read the previous parts of this series it is located in my Master list )
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If you would like to be added on my Taglist for stories please send me a message
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lemotmo · 18 hours
I'm not sure how you feel about getting these anymore but I thought this was hilarious so wanted to share for you at least to read even if you don't want to post. 😊
Q. I really was trying to hold onto the belief that the show wasn't going to make Eddie gay but it's really hard to see what other storyline is possible given those latest Ryan interviews. I would love to say gay or not the show would just keep Buck and Eddie as platonic best friends but there is zero chance of the show not pairing them together. They really did just use my man as filler until they were ready to tell the Eddie story. That's so gross.
A. Well, anon that's the point of a plot device. Their only reason for being is to move a larger story forward. By definition their filler characters. They have no individual significance or purpose. Their purpose is the story they're being used in. I've been telling you this for months now. Many of us have. He was never going to be anything more than a plot device. The show wasn't subtle about it either. It's been pretty much a connect the dots picture of plot device usage. Go back and watch his scenes in season 7 with this new found realization and I promise it will not be hard to see. And I agree, especially with the context the latest Ryan interviews gave, there's really not any other story it could be. He also confirmed they're not turning him into the new Bobby, and he's not siding with Gerard. So it was nice of him to debunk the latest round of ridiculous takes during the interview. If I could offer you a suggestion though I would encourage you to give the story a chance. If you pay attention to Eddie, and not your fandom people telling you to hate him, you will like him. After all there's a reason you all tried to hijack his entire backstory and history for Tommy. Let yourself enjoy the character those things actually belong too. Let yourself enjoy the actual story.
Oh Nonny! I feel joyous and happy whenever I get another of these posts in my ask box. While I'm asking people to not ask Ali any questions through my blog, I'm still perfectly happy posting her asks here. 😋
Especially since, for most of us, this is the only way to read Ali's posts and we do love her posts very much. So don't hesitate to drop something in my ask box. The only things I don't post about are the direct posts about the BT fandom, but Ali has told me she isn't replying to those posts anymore anyway, so that eliminates that problem.
As for the ask itself...
Yeah, so many of us have been saying this since day one. Tommy was only ever there to help Buck out of that closet. He was never really meant to be anything more than that. Sure, the change of the storyline because of the early renewal, gave Tommy some more time on the show, but that's where it ends.
So yeah, going back to rewatch the previous seasons, knowing what you know now? It will change the way you see Eddie and Eddie and Buck's friendship and maybe you'll find some joy in them. Just let it happen.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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soireegurl · 1 day
wld u b able to do a ayndere riki, force marriage?
Thanks for requesting! Here it is!
In the small town of Eldridge, the days were tranquil, but the nights whispered of secrets. Riki had always been a quiet presence in your life, the kind of boy who blended into the background, watching and waiting. But lately, his gaze had shifted from casual interest to something far more intense.
It was late afternoon when you found yourself walking home from the library, lost in thought. The air was thick with the scent of rain, and dark clouds loomed overhead. As you turned a corner, you felt a chill run down your spine. Riki was leaning against a lamppost, his expression unreadable.
“Hey,” he called, his voice smooth yet slightly unnerving.
You hesitated, unsure of what to say. “Hi, Riki. What are you doing here?”
He pushed himself off the post and approached you, an unsettling smile on his face. “I wanted to talk to you. There’s something important we need to discuss.”
You swallowed hard, instinctively stepping back. “What is it?”
Riki’s eyes sparkled with an intensity that made you uneasy. “It’s about us. About our future together.”
You blinked, caught off guard. “Future? Riki, we’re just friends.”
“Friends?” he echoed, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. “You don’t understand. We’re meant to be more than that. I’ve watched you, seen how you light up a room. You’re perfect for me.”
“Riki, I—” you started, but he cut you off.
“Just listen,” he insisted, stepping closer. “I know you feel it too. The connection we have. You’ve been in my thoughts every single day. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
His words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. “It’s just a crush,” you said, attempting to defuse the tension. “You don’t have to—”
“No,” he interrupted, his tone sharp. “It’s not just a crush. I’m in love with you. And I need you to understand how serious I am.”
Your heart raced as he continued. “Marry me.”
You froze, the shock of his proposal echoing in your mind. “What? Riki, this is insane. You can’t just—”
“I can and I will,” he said, his voice low but resolute. “You belong to me. I won’t let anyone take you away.”
A rush of panic coursed through you. “Riki, this isn’t how relationships work. You can’t force someone to—”
He stepped closer, his eyes fierce and unyielding. “You think I’m asking? I’m telling you. We’ll be together, whether you like it or not. I’ll make sure of it.”
The sincerity in his eyes was chilling. “What are you saying?” you whispered, feeling trapped.
“I’m saying that I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine,” he replied, his tone softening, almost coaxing. “Imagine it: just you and me, a perfect life. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
“I don’t want that!” you protested, but the desperation in your voice only seemed to fuel his determination.
Riki’s expression shifted, a shadow crossing his features. “Don’t say that. You don’t understand what I’ve sacrificed for you. I’ve waited patiently, but I can’t wait any longer. I need you to see it my way.”
“I can’t,” you said, your voice trembling. “This isn’t love; it’s obsession.”
He shook his head, a hint of anger flaring. “You think I’m obsessed? I’m devoted! You just need to give us a chance. Once you do, you’ll see how perfect we are together.”
“Riki, please,” you pleaded, stepping back again. “This isn’t right.”
His expression hardened, the warmth fading. “You think you can walk away from this? I won’t let you. I care too much. If I have to, I’ll make you understand.”
The reality of the situation settled heavily on your chest. “What do you mean by that?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you,” he said, an edge creeping into his voice. “If anyone tries to come between us, I’ll handle it. You don’t need to worry about a thing.”
Fear coursed through you as you realized the depths of his resolve. “Riki, this isn’t how love works. You’re scaring me.”
He stepped closer, his gaze piercing. “You’ll see. Just give me a chance. Say yes to marrying me, and I’ll show you a world you never knew existed.”
Your heart raced, the gravity of his words pressing down on you. You felt cornered, both intrigued and terrified. “I can’t say yes to something like this.”
Riki’s smile returned, but it was colder, more calculating. “Then we’ll just have to find a way to change your mind. I won’t give up on you.”
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving you standing there, breathless and trapped in a whirlwind of emotions. You realized this was far from over. In Riki’s world, love and possession intertwined, and he was determined to make you his, no matter the cost.
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diazheartsbuckley · 3 days
Hello dear 💗
Make me write ✍🏻
NSFW under cut
🎓 🎓🎓🎓
“I could get fired if anyone found out about this” Eddie breathes out against the soft curve of Buck’s neck, slipping his hands underneath the hem of Buck’s shirt. A wave of heat connects with his fingertips, almost luring him in and at that moment, he knows that he’s lost. Lost in the feeling and taste and smell of one Evan Buckley. And he knows that he wants to stay there for as long as he possibly can.
Firm hands connect with his hips, pulling him closer and then make their way into Eddie’s hair, slightly tugging at it and Eddie hates how easily that sends all the blood rushing from his head to his already aching cock.
“Better make it worth your while then” Buck murmurs, opening his eyes to look at the man in front of him and their lips connect in a sloppy, passionate and almost dirty kiss as Buck yanks at Eddie’s shirt, sending buttons flying everywhere around them.
“Mhm… I really liked that shirt” Eddie breathes out against Buck’s lips, then glances down at his naked chest and Buck just smiles, looking immensely pleased with himself.
“Liked being the keyword here, professor. Semantics are important, you taught me that” Buck whispers before his lips graze against Eddie’s bare nipple.
“Why the hell do you never know when to shut up?” Eddie hisses through gritted teeth and Buck’s smile just grows bigger, knowing whatever Eddie is going to do to him is going to be the best thing that ever happens to him.
“Guess you haven’t given me reason to shut up yet, lieutenant” Buck tilts his head as he slowly unties his sweatpants, letting his fingertips slip beneath the waistband as he never loses eye contact with the older man.
It sends Eddie’s blood pressure rocketing to see Buck touching himself and he’s barely even doing anything - until he is. Eddie sees Buck’s hand grabbing around his own cock and he slowly begins to jerk himself off without ever breaking eye contact.
“Enough!” Eddie raises his voice but Buck doesn’t stop, it only seems to egg him on and soon he begins to moan too, panting Eddie’s name as he touches himself. It only takes Eddie four long strides before he makes it across the room, grabs Buck by the wrists and pins him up against the wall, ass pressed against his cock and he can tell that it’s giving Buck exactly what he wants.
He backs away and to his surprise, Buck stays in place but reacts to the sound of Eddie opening his belt buckle, pink lip tugged in between his teeth as he watches Eddie getting fully undressed. “Instead of mouthing off, I think we should put that mouth to good use” Eddie spins Buck around and Buck almost instinctively drops to his knees in front of him and all of the dirty fantasies that Eddie has ever had about this moment could never do the real thing justice.
“Los Diablos Rojos? Eddie, those guys are bad news” Buck says, frowning a little. He hears how it sounds, coming from him, as if he hasn’t done regrettable things in his life and as if he hasn’t made people hurt and suffer.
But Eddie is out of that life now. At least he’s supposed to be. And Buck feels an instant wave of anger and guilt washing over him, because he has a feeling that this has something to do with him. They’re using Eddie as leverage to make him back out of a deal with another gang.
“Yeah, you don’t have to tell me that” Eddie mumbles, a bitter taste in his mouth forming in his mouth as he gets a moment to think about his past.
This is why he doesn’t let anybody in. This is why he doesn’t trust anyone. Because people get hurt. Because he gets hurt. And the last thing he wants is for Buck to get hurt.
A tag for the wifey @tizniz 💗
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janetcage · 6 months
I’ve made a discovery
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foxgirlplushie · 10 months
I don't fit it anywhere
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eclarinet · 2 months
same soup... different day
#hello it is sarah in the tags again#i feel like i tell myself i'll actually use this as a blog and then i forget and then i remember and then i forget again#venting ahead if that is not ur jam (talking to the 2 followers who actually see my posts)#i like tumblr because it;s so removed from my personal life that it feels really like a place i dont have to be anything for anyone#anyway i've been wondering if i should go back to therapy again but i feel like they might get tired of me because i keep bailing and comin#back like an addict lol like i swear i'll commit this time! sike. ghost be upon ye#anyway this time i'd come in for the big D#i don't like the floor it just feels closer to being six feet under and a bit like where i belong#i feel like a great number of things have happened in the past year and i've met all of it with a very lukewarm sense of dread and anxiety#its not even about feeling happy i dont even think i can feel shaken by anything. i feel like people see my apathy and think it's confidenc#anyway im not going back. they always say the same thing. can't do shit about shit life syndrome. and i don't want pills i'm so sick of the#isn't it something that i'm especially depressed the day before i start my new job? it's a tradition at this point. cheers#isn't it cruel that everyone in my life seem to put me on some kind of bizarre pedestal and no one questions my decisions or authority and#i battle with myself to figure out if i'm doing the right thing (no one will tell me the truth they are all scared of me getting angry)#was talking with a friend about how it'll be if i join their group project in a module we're taking soon.#and she's like well isn't it obvious? everyone will just listen to whatever you say and we'll end up doing well.#no one would challenge you because you're always right. and it's like.. yeah. i guess. okay. (hate that i know she's not wrong)#lol can u tell this is why house is kind of getting to me. learning lots of things about myself watching that man commit medical malpractic#anyway. i didn't ghost my therapist this time i remember now. she left the clinic lol she asked me to connect on linkedin. that was amusing#i always feel like the therapists here never know what to do with me and i kind of have to hold their hand a bit through my psyche#also they seem to be a bit at awe of me which is a bit annoying. and i know that definitely sounds like Issues but it's just like#ugh not you too. please stop i'm sick of it i'm sick with it. i don't want you to be inspired by my awful life and how i handled it#and i have nothing to say for it but... *gestures vaguely* of all of this
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
in love with your novels in the tags, they're so much fun to read - @softvikings
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thank you!!! i have so much fun writing them and i love hearing that they bring other people joy as well, these are Our Tag Novels now 🥹💕🥰
#you GUYS cannot keep getting away with this. you’re gonna make my heart explode 💗💗💗#keyboard WHEN can i have a butterfly hearts emoji. please!!! 🦋🫧💖✨#i am gonna wax poetic a little bit about community and joy and also this is your standard personal update in the tags so skip if ur want#but i have been in the process of a really big change in my life!! kinda struggling!! feeling a little scared and lonely!!!#and then i get to come here and hang out with all of you who left me such lovely messages and i get to share in the collaborative joy#of creation and interaction in so many ways#(case in point!! you reblogged a post i rambled about with something that just set me off in a WHOLE new fun direction [that post is on its#way lol] and it’s just so fun to see everyone build off of each other and share and make such beautiful work. as always i love you gifmakers#i love you writers I love you artists I love you archivists I love you video transcribers and article translators and readers & commenters#& all the infinite ways that you can share and be creative with each other!! I love you human connection and love.) anyway. sappy as all#get out and i AM about to put my ass to bed and wake up and answer everything else and post everything else tomorrow but i had to get it#out into the world hanif abdurraqib style that i love you and i love y’all#liv in the replies#softvikings#do NOT let me forget to come here tomorrow. i have a post that’s been waiting a week because i missed wip Wednesday i can’t do it again 😭😭#dear nosy anon i did not forget you i promise i just wanted to abide by the tumblr days of the week schedule 😭😭 i see you i love you bestie#anyway again good night sleep tight i will be tucked up snug as a bug and cozy replaying all the messages in my head.#if you have a favorite Novel tell me!!! i want to know and odds are so good i want to daydream about it with you!! that’s how i met laura 💕#& also how i started talking to c &songs&swords &tofumilanesa &alexandra &everyone lol. as mentioned i will Yap &I love listening to u too
0 notes
Selina: Batsy, I'm glad you help my new cats get spayed, neutered, chupped and let them stay at your house.
Bruce: It's what I do. You're my girlfriend after all.
Selina: Love you too, one issue, three of them are missing. I know because the chips show three at different houses. Did you let some of the kids take care of them?
Bruce: Why... Why are you asking?
Selina: Well I left you with seven of them. Damian said he'd watch them, but-
Bruce (coming up with a lie): You know what, I did let some of them watch the cats. You said three, right?
Selina: Yeah, it's fine though. I trust your kids, but next time tell me, okay babe?
Bruce: That I will, can I see the tracker for a moment?
Selina: Sure. It's connected to the chips and you can see the addresses they're at. Seems Isabelle is with Dick, Astronaut is with Jason and Batsy is with... Hmm Barbara. Huh? Didn't think she liked cats.
Bruce (laughing nervously): That is something she is into. One moment, please.
Bruce runs out of the room with his phone, to a secret room in the manor and sets up a three-way call for the culprits.
Dick: Hey Bruce.
Barbara: Is this important?
Jason: Is it, because I'm busy!
Bruce: Why? Why did you take her freaking cats without asking me!
Dick: ...
Barbara: ...
Jason: ...the only cat I have is Austen.
Two different meows are heard in the background of his call.
Bruce: Let me make this clear, I can tell when you are lying!
Dick (relenting): I'm sorry, she's so cute and precious and makes air biscuits! Damian couldn't take care of all of them so I just decided to borrow her until she has to go home.
Jason: Once he took one I thought he was ri- right and I stepped up and did my civic duty as a hero to take care of astronaut, who is so fluffy and plump! Oh God, did I say that out loud.
Bruce (exhausted, but smiling): You two caved, Barbara what's your defense, you said you didn't like cats.
Barbara: Give me a break Batsy is adorable.
Jason: You took the black hairless one? It looks like a plucked chicken.
Barbara: Sphinx cats are valid cute cats and he like snuggles. I'm snuggling him currently and he's wearing a sweater. I will take care of him until he has to go back with Selina I promise! God he's so cute!
Batsy is heard meowing softly in the background.
Bruce laughs surprising his kids and Barbara.
Barbara: You're not mad?
Bruce: No this is fucking funny to me. You could've taken some in, just ask next time.
Dick: You're not going to let us live this down, are you?
Bruce: Nope. Bring them back next Thursday.
Bruce ends the call while continuing to chuckle.
Bruce: I love this insane family.
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lxnarphase · 7 months
g. satoru who is a massive pervert and constantly whines for you to let him touch you all the time, even when you're both around others. you've lost count of how many times he grabs you and pulls you into his lap, his warm hands slipping under your shirt while sitting next to g. suguru, who's attention is no longer on the tv.
'he doesn't mind,' satoru always comforts you, grinning into the skin of your neck. 'sugu's my best friend, he knows i can't help but touch you, baby.'
best friend or not, that doesn't explain how you always ended up with your legs spread open wide in satoru's lap, your jeans and panties discarded somewhere on the floor as suguru kisses all over your thighs. the two of them talk like you aren't even there, as if you aren't growing wetter as each second passes.
"satoru," suguru purrs, his fingers running up and down your soft lips, parting them open to watch slick slowly drip out of you. "you must be doing something else to her. i've never seen it get wet so quickly." the way he speaks so calmly makes you dizzy. it's unfair, so fucking unfair how calm and collected suguru is when he's inches away from your pussy, those pretty purple eyes focused on it.
"yeah? 's wet?" it's also unfair how riled up it gets satoru, seeing his pretty baby getting shy because his best friend is rubbing his fingers up and down her slick folds. "she's so messy, isn't she? she's the prettiest little pussy," he coos into your ear. that gets a chuckle from suguru, his eyes finally looking at you. "always the one to talk to the pussy and not about it, aren't you, satoru?"
his fingers finally focus on your clit, rubbing little circles into it. both you and satoru look pretty from this angle, suguru notices. the pure need and shyness on your face paired with that manic desperation on satoru's...it's a perfect picture, one he wants saved forever. maybe next time you'll let him take some pictures...after all, he needs a new background for his phone.
"c'mooon, sugu...give her a kiss? c'mon, c'mon, give that cunt a kiss, tell me how sticky 'n' wet she is," satoru fucking begs, acting as if he's the one spread open and dripping. but you second the thought, giving suguru the prettiest little puppy eyes.
"anything for you, princess," he coos softly, leaning down and pressing a little kiss on your clit. it's so light you barely feel it but then he's peppering kisses on it, your wetness starting to get on his lips and making each press of his lips sticker and wetter. "s-sugu-!" before you can even beg for more, his mouth is on you. his tongue is so wet and hot on your cunt, it feels like he was drooling for you.
"does she taste good? how wet is she, suguru, c'mon, tell me, tell me how that pussy tastes, pretty please?"
"mm, satoru, it's almost as if you wanted to be between her legs."
"who wouldn't? she's so pretty, she's squirmin' so cutely, my pretty baby, my needy little mochi, her pussy's always so creamy and warm and messy, god, i miss it right now."
"shit...stop talking like that, you're gettin' me flustered, should i-"
"s-sugu, please, keep going," you so politely ask. it's unbearable how cute you are, it's taking everything in him to keep being nice, to keep treating your cunt nicely. he knows satoru is mean and practically bullies your pretty slit almost every day, but he wants to be the nice one, the one who you go to when your 'toru' is being too mean. yet, you're making it so fucking hard when you look at him with lidded eyes that beg him to be rougher with you...
but he knows he's done for when satoru whispers something in your ear that has your eyes fluttering a bit and gets a pretty little gasp from you. those gorgeous eyes—oh, do you have little tears in them too?—connect with his and he's fucked.
"s-suguuu, please," you coo to him, moving your legs to hook over his shoulders and pull him closer to the apex of your thighs. "i need your mouth on my pussy r-really bad, please don't tease me." you take a pause and squeeze your eyes shut, whining a little as satoru coos for you to keep going. "g-give my...my messy cunt attention, suguru..."
suguru shakily sighs and the next thing you know, his mouth is smushed against your pussy, his tongue hungrily swirling against your clit as his hands grab onto the fat of your thighs. he doesn't know what gojo told you in order to hear you say that, but he's silently thanking him as he messily sucks and slurps at your juicy cunt.
it's so hot, all it takes is a few swipes of his tongue and you're gushing everywhere. suguru lowers his head to dip into your hole and he moans. he missed this, missed the sweet taste of your juices on his tongue as you squirmed and moaned for him, your boyfriend's best friend.
"fuck, i-i can hear how wet she is," comes satoru's pitiful whine, his hand dipping down to swipe at your clit as suguru focused on lapping up everything that dripped out of you. "lemme help, lemme help, wanna help you get her creamy, sugu." the feeling of suguru groaning into your puffy folds has you keening, arching your back against satoru's chest. oh, he's in heaven watching you both. "yeah, you didn't know she could cream, didya? put your fingers in her, sugu, put 'em in that sticky little pussy 'n' angle up."
reluctantly pulling his mouth off you with a wet sound, suguru slips two of his fingers in you. he doesn't miss the cry of his name, but he really doesn't miss the delirious giggle and moan when he angles his fingers up, rubbing against that spongy spot.
"f-fuck, she's dripping..."
"go on, fuck her with your fingers, you know you wanna see her make a mess. make her fucking cream, suguru, get her prepped. maybe t'day she'll let you put it in...oh, based on your face, she just clenched on your fingers, yeah?"
his fingers are still swirling around your clit, his other coming down to press on your abdomen. he can hear you getting wetter, your little whimpers turning to moans as you slur their names desperately. he wants you to lose all thoughts, only able to think about him and suguru...yeah, he wants you all soft and sweet so he and his best friend can try and slip into those warm, slick walls.
"mmn...she's really creaming...god, pretty girl, can you cum for me? i wanna see you cum on my fingers. satoru, move your fingers, the poor thing needs my mouth on her."
"hmmm, suddenly you know what she needs? ehehehe, you're learninggg, suguruuuu!" if you had turned to look at satoru, you'd see the charged look in his eye, blue eyes practically glowing with insanity. his hand grabs a fistful of suguru's hair and pulls his face directly into your cunt, unable to handle any more of this. he wanted to see you cum on suguru's face.
"c'mon, c'mon, kiss it, suguru, make it messy for the both of us. mmh, fuck, listen to you making out with her pussy, s' wet and sticky, isn't it? oohmygod, both of you sound so good, she's gonna cum, sugu, she's gonna cum in your mouth...fuck, i love you both so much, can't wait to see you both fucking each other."
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