#please please let there be a season 3
exoscreamsoda · 5 days
i really really want there to be a crazy plottwist where they make daniel a blood relative to lestat or louis and thats one of the reasons louis was so intrigued by him. do i have any basis for this thought? no. have i read the books? clearly not.
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cuepickle · 10 days
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If stranger things was a comic (and I was the artist)
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theshippirate22 · 9 months
season 3 starts. normal pan of The Street in soho. Nina is bussing tables. Maggie is opening a shipment of records and excitedly sorting them. Muriel is answering the phone, and while they’re wearing markedly more human clothes than we previously saw them in, the conversation they’re having with the other end of the line is unsurprisingly cryptic and/or misunderstood. We see a pale hand with a black sleeve take the phone and hear him mutter something along the lines of “fuck off” before slamming the phone back on the cradle. there’s an immediate cut from his hand to a startlingly similar one- but with a white sleeve instead. he’s tracing a familiar black car parked on the curb with tentative fingertips like he’s trying to summon a memory.
The bell to the bookshop rings and the door closes absurdly loudly in the silence. “Hello!” Muriel cries, reaching for the man behind them. He’s turned away, arms full of books that don’t really need to be moved but it gives him something to do.
“We’re closed,” he says vaguely, adding quickly “Indefinitely.”
“That’s a shame.”
Crowley drops the stack. The books clatter to the floor in a deafening heap. Muriel makes a noise like it physically hurt them
Crowley turns to face Aziraphale. It’s an awkward, stumbling moment of silence.
“I suppose you’ve come to take me to heaven, then.”
Aziraphale smiles. “No.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t think you’d like it.”
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emiliagrant · 29 days
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Buck and Tommy ♡ flirty, kinky and in love
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adh-d2 · 4 months
So, THAT Clone X trooper...
is 100% definitely, undoubtedly Tech, yeah?
I mean, physically/literally:
His accent is different under the voice modulation
I stg those pained grunts as he lifted the stones were pure Tech
He runs in Creature Posture
The pocketses
He still doesn't give a fuck about following orders
But also narratively:
The lingering closeups whenever he's about to act in regard to the Batch. Is it consideration? Hesitation? They sure want us to wonder.
The story's repeated emphasis on Crosshair being able to anticipate his moves, and the way they match each other beat for beat the whole way down.
The fucking intimacy of the way he almost kills Crosshair. I mean the whole physicality of the fight, but especially the way Clone X had to stare into his eyes while he drowned him.
Why, as a writer, would you waste those story beats on someone who had no personal significance to the Batch? You just wouldn't.
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timetodiverge · 4 months
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welp they're truly on the run from the Empire now. ....TOGETHER. how long until crosshair cracks
Memes: The Bad Batch | Ahsoka
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Has anyone else noticed Crowley and Aziraphale continuously kissing on the theatre box yet?
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vocallywritten · 5 days
The only thing I want out of season 4 is to see a Colin that is secure about Penelope’s love. We got a tiny bit in the epilogue but I just want to see him care free and living his best life because he knows his wife loves him.
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waywardmillennial · 1 month
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"They do seem upset do they not. Eros and Psyche battling it out."
[much flailing after the cut]
okay I only spent about 10 mins googling the mythology but I started to hyperventilate and had to make a post about them. that Cressida line was so specific that I looked and:
Psyche: the Most Beautiful Maiden, the Youngest of the Three Daughters
Eros: personification of intense love desire, tasked with making Psyche fall in love with someone else, he got distracted by her beauty and fell for her himself
I cannot even describe how much I love that Colin went to his knees to confess his feelings for Penelope - and then when I saw that statue of a very similar pose of Eros and Psyche, dearest gentle reader, I required smelling salts
"A feeling that is like torture. But one which I cannot.. Will not… Do not want to give up."
yeah - intense love desire for real
@abucketofweird - I know this isn't a full on research paper but I hope it scratched some itch
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ghoulishfoxx · 1 year
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submitting my application to the huntlow community. please let me in oh god i love them so much
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itskindnessinfinite · 3 months
the recency bias in the f1 community is insane actually
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spirker · 5 months
I think the reason I like to write Ed and Stede being domestic and sweet so much is that they both have had such bad experiences with domesticity in the past.
Ed was raised in an abusive household, with the threat of violence always lurking. His mother tried to protect him as best she could, but ultimately he had to resort to violence himself to protect them both from his father. He knew that he liked fine, soft things, but that they weren’t meant for someone ‘like him’.
I think it’s pretty safe to assume he’s never had a ‘home’ since childhood that wasn’t a ship - and those ships would have been hotbeds of toxic masculinity, casual violence and power struggles.
Stede was also raised in an abusive household, where his father taught him that he was weak for being soft and controlled his life to the extent of arranging his marriage to a woman he’d never met.
Then during that marriage, his life was controlled by the expectations of society and heteronormativity. He was lacking in any kind of intimacy, physical or emotional, and he didn’t have anyone around him who understood him.
Just think how happy Ed and Stede were when they met each other and realised that here was a person who finally understood them.
I just think that when they get that chance at domesticity with each other (and I like to write that it’s at the inn, but it could be anywhere) they are going to relish the chance to be soft, and sweet, and vulnerable with each other. And also be silly. And have lots of sex.
It’s my favourite thing to imagine for them.
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zaya-mo · 5 months
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Ohhhh my god it's Omega and Crosshair
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bbygirl-aemond · 11 days
why are hotd writers so afraid to let women commit to the bit
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karma-karma · 20 days
Ranking possible romantic fates for Nancy based on how much I want them
1. Ronance
2. Single
3. Jancy
4. Death
5. Stancy
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glitchedcosmos · 6 months
“ shadow thinks he can take sonic away from me, not a chance”
- a eight year old with a death wish
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