#stick wtih me ok...
exoscreamsoda · 5 days
i really really want there to be a crazy plottwist where they make daniel a blood relative to lestat or louis and thats one of the reasons louis was so intrigued by him. do i have any basis for this thought? no. have i read the books? clearly not.
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crazymuff1n · 1 year
ok heres my pitch for a new how i met your mother episode thats like a pride special or whatever
Barney hears his brother(gay) make a joke about how "they/them dick hits different" so Barney naturally figures that they/them pussy is also different, and then proceeds to pickup and have sex with one them/them individual and gives his review and rating. Ted however, in professor mode says that basing his assumption on one trial is unscientific (can't be published on his blog), and he needs more thussy (short for they/them pussy)
"challenge accepted" "its not a challenge" "I, Barney Stinson, will dedicate this pride month to sleeping with every they/them person i come (self-high five) across"
Next day he wears a prideflag tie and has a blue wig sticking out of his pocket (laugh track)
We see him coming around with what do the audience appears as just, average cis women. Ted at one point says "she" and he gets kicked so hard by Barney for cockblocking that he is seen lumping out of the booth when picking up some beers. Also several of the flirt with Robin. Some of them mention the hockey team she played for when she was younger and lived in canada. saying they were a big fan of her.
A whole sequence is spent in a bro-meeting asking if they/them lesbians/bisexuals should count in the "always let a woman go if she is trying to have sex with another woman" bro-code rule
At one point Ted questions his morality of sleeping with queer folk and Barney says "THEODORE" "That's not my na-" "how DARE you say that nonbinary people dont deserve love? dont deserve sex (wtih me?) I am going to spend this whole pride month giving every enby i can my love! for shame, Ted, for shame"
afterwards the people he is hooking up with gradually start to fall more in to the "blue hair and pronouns" trope
one of the hookups mentions their friend who uses xe/xer pronouns and Barney faints from realizing there's more and he wakes up in a hospital (he fell down the stairs) the nurse is distinctly similar to last sequence of enbies, and also hot. He looks at the camera and smirks. even though he is in a cast. the end (laugh track)
also as a B-plot Lily and Marshal are discussing how to handle potential future queer children and they go to discussing names and marshall keeps trying to insist that they should totally encourage their kid to have a name like bonecrusher while lily is leaning more towards normal human names.
also at some point theres a joke about being attacked by a bear and the cutaway flashback uses that one shitty bear costume but then its corrected to "gay bear" cutaway to the same bear but with leather "no the OTHER gay bear" cutaway to human gay bear
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
Ok let’s see how drunk you are: Ginny/Cousin Barney
(There’s no Alabama flag emoji so let’s stick with ‘Merica) 
Alexander Weasley was excited to attend his cousin's William's wedding. Not only was it his first wedding that he has ever attended, but his future cousin-in-law was going to be part v eela wtih a bunch of veela cousins. He was very excited.
He sat with his mom and dad on the groom's side of the aisle. He didn't know his uncle Arthur very well, let alone Bill and his six siblings. However, family always invited family to their weddings, so here Alex was.
He didn't know if Bill was is second cousin of third cousin twice removed, but he did know they were related because they shared the signature Weasley red hair.
Alex recognized a lot of his Weasley family from various reuinions held throughout the years, but one face was new to him. They called him Cousin Barney.
He must have been close to Bill's side of the family since he was an usher like Bill's siblings. It was George that ushered him into his seat, but it was Barney that caught his eye.
From the way he was awkwarldy escorting guests to their seats to the way he stared at his Cousin Ginny throughout the entirity of the wedding. There was something odd about him.
His red hair did not match the same signiture Weasley shades of red, and he had 0 freckles. He talked to both International Quidditch Star Victor Krum and Elphias Doge all while staring at his own cousin.
Disgusting really.
But it was the way she reciprocated, that truly caused him horror. Some old hag made a loud comment about his cousin's dress, and she turned around and winked at her cousin!
Alex grabbed a shot of firewhiskey from the back table. Purebloods stay purebloods for a reason, he justified. If his cousin was in love with some cousin he never met, what was he to do about it?
Maybe he could find some veela cousin of Fleur's to forget about it.
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thesschesthair · 6 years
Rogers taking a toddler Alice to the hospital, after a nasty fall... He's losing his mind with worry, while Alice just doesn't give a shit.
I made her a wee bit older than a toddler, i hope that’s ok! And if they’re cursed, i’m gonna stick to cursed names and imagine they grew up in HH lol. 
He was livid. All he kept seeing was the slam of her tiny frame falling off the side of the wall and the thud, followed by the horrific cry.
He knew it was dangerous to let her walk along that wall and yet the idiot he was just couldn’t say no to giving in to her.
“It’s stopped bleeding now!” she informed him excitedly from the gurney she was placed on.
She’d been put in a cubicle once they’d got to the emergency room and were awaiting the doctor’s results from the X-Ray to make sure nothing was broken.
Once she’d gotten over the trauma of the fall, she’d become obsessed with the large gash running along her little leg.
“The skin, papa! Look! The skin! I can see inside!” 
Wtih every excited revelation he crumbled and grimaced, feeling all the more awful about the whole incident. It was killing him. 
“Alright, Tilly. Don’t touch it, please.” He begged her.
All sorts of horrid thoughts ran through his mind. What if they thought he’d been negligent? What if child services got involved? What if they said he was unfit to be a parent? i mean, single father... they’re bound to-
“Little Miss Rogers!” The doctor greeted cheerfully as he entered, placing the X-Ray scans up on the lighting board. “Good news, nothing is damaged, just a nasty cut!” he assured her with a winning smile. 
“She’s alright? Nothing’s wrong or badly-”
“It’s just a nasty cut, Mr Rogers.” the doctor assured him. “She won’t even need stitches.It’ll be sore for a few days and she’ll need a bandage, but she’ll be fine.” 
He sighed in relief but the tension and worry was still evident.
“She’s a child, Mr Rogers. These things happen. I’ve seen all sorts come through that door, believe me, this is typical and absolutely nothing to worry about.” 
“Will I have a scar like my papa?” Tilly asked as the doctor began to clean the wound, making him chuckle.
“You might have a little one if you’re lucky.” the doctor winked causing her to cheer.
Rogers could only shake his head at her excitement. Tension left him and all that was left was fatigue at being so wound up with worry and being unable to comprehend how he ended up with such a brave little girl. 
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warmau · 7 years
{Special} College!AU Taeyong
major: medical laboratory science 
minor:  mathematics 
sports: tennis team 
clubs: was a part of math club and won a regional competition when he was only a freshman,,,,the math dept begged him to switch majors but he said he wouldn’t be able to handle a degree that made him a teacher,,,,,because schools can be,,,,,,,a mess  
taeyong is like the model student and everyone in his major thinks he’s a genius,,,,,,,,,,,,but in reality he just stays up three nights in a row neurotically drinking coffee and listening to edm remixes of like jazz songs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,like that is the Truth of his college life
was originally going to go into pre-med,,,,but when an emt came to visit and was like “sometimes blood just gets everywhere! and i mean EVERYWHERE” taeyong was like,,,,,,,,,,well he first got out his hand sanitizer and decided then and there that working with machines and in a lab was his aesthetic instead
having random people cough on you in the ER is not
like blood is cool in the study of hematology and taeyong will get enthusiastic over working with new specimens in his microbiology lab
but ,,,,,,, he’s a theory person,,,,,,he wants to help doctors figure out why someone is sick and then the doctors can treat them
taeyong is a-ok being behind the studying and lab work,,,,not on the front lines
which is baffling to most people because taeyong puts effort into going unnoticed but,,,,it’s Impossible to not notice him
even in his lab coat, thick framed glasses, and the usual perfectly bland outfit of black jeans and a button down,,,,,,someone might be like haha what nerd
but,,,,,,,one look at his face and it’s like WOAH WHAT 
and countless times on his way to his internship or when he’s out getting lunch wtih jaehyun and ten people will be like excuse me,,,are you a model? a site model? a idol? are u on some tv show?
and taeyong seriously doesn’t get why he gets asked this so many times,,,,every time humbly apologizing that he’s not the person they’re looking for and getting a little anxious when people are obviously taking photos of him
like the amount of times jaehyun has literally had to get up and sit in front of taeyong so people wouldn’t be noisy is insane
and the amount of times ten has started an argument on taeyong’s behave is even more because ten is always like taEYONG YOU HANDSOME FRIEND OF MINE I GeT THAT u R BEAUTiFUL but WhY DO peOPLE JusT DISREGARD UR prIVAC-
and taeyong always has to calm ten down but all of their friends agree that it’s super weird and gets out of hand
but taeyong is too nice to shut it down himself,,,,,so most of the time he slips on those glasses and a hat when he goes out and avoids looking people in the eyes
johnny once came over to his dorm and was like “bro i got you this wig. wear it if things get too creepy.” unfortunately the wig was the bright color red and mark was like hey johnny i know ur a senior and all but,,,,,,is ur head in the game,,,bro,,,please,,,
is the designated mom of his dorm’s floor because he has evERYTHING on hand from extra chargers, to a first aid kit, to pain killers
and every time someone comes into his room (taeyong begged for a single bed,,,,roommates can get a Bit) they’re always amazed at how a boy in college keeps his room sparkling clean
and i literally mean sparkling his bed sheets are white, his desk is completely free of everything except his laptop and a cup to hold pens in,,,,,his closet is organized by color: white, black, grey, and brown
and he has a little whiteboard where he writes due dates and everyone is like ur seriously a star student why cant i be clean and organized like u
except they don’t understand,,,anytime before finals the clean room turns into disarray,,,,,like taeyong literally pulls all his covers off the bed and takes power naps at his desk only to wake up with post-it notes stuck to his face
and when finals are over he goes on a cleaning spree in which he offers to do the laundry for everyone on his floor because it calms his nerves
he’s a sweet, polite, hard-working kid tbh with the face of an actual god which makes some people think he’s stuck up when he’s the absolute least from it
like taeyong is that kid that tutors his seniors for FREE in subjects they should be tutoring him in like what an angel?????/
anyway you’re taking organic chemistry with him this semester but the only problem is ,,,,,,you transferred in the middle of the year and therefore are completely falling behind
to the point where you don’t even care about saving your grade because no one wants to help and the teacher is super like “well,,,,,,,,,,do it urself im not doing it for u” kinda stick up their butt situation
so u start skipping class
because everything else ur doing fine in,,,,u have people sharing notes and teachers who get ur situation but organic chem????? the Devil
until one day as ur standing in line at the school cafe and u feel a tap on ur shoulder 
and u turn around to see this guy,,,,,who u know but ur not sure from where until he’s like “taeyong,,,,im in your organic chem class.” and you roll your eyes at the name of that class but then ur like sORRy,,,,,it’s just that class is so,,,,,
and he’s like “ive noticed you’ve stopped coming,,,,,is the material too hard?”
and you kind of are taken aback because this chem class isn’t ,,,,,,small it’s a lecture hall full of like 150 people and he noticed,,,,,,you?
but you shrug not wanting to come off like ,,,,, obvious and ur like “i transferred and a lot of things didn’t make sense,,,,so i gave up? ill just retake the class next semester.”
but taeyong frowns and for a moment you think to yourself: how does someone still look so attractive frowning wth
but ur like “it’s whatever, it can’t be helped.” but taeyong is like ,,,,,,,if,,,,if you still want help,,,,,,i can help you
and for a moment you’re gonna laugh because there’s like four weeks left of classes,,,,,,the only way to save your grade is to ace the big course final
but taeyong seems to fidget a bit when u don’t answer and he goes “b-but if it’s weird,,,,if i seem we,,weird,,,,,,im sor-”
and you’re like no no it’s not you,,,it’s just,,,how can u teach me so much in so little time ?? it’d be a lot of work on ur part and we don’t even know each other?
but taeyong seems unfazed by the amount of work,,,,tbh he smiles a little when u mention how it’ll take hard work and u dont know because ur new to the school but it’s because every1 always tells taeyong he does too much and works too hard,,,,,but to him it’s all fun like he has fun in his major
and he shakes his head and looks at you and again u catch urself sinking a little into his dark,,,pretty eyes and he’s like “im in ,,, if you’re in.”
and the line has moved up and the bored looking girl behind the register asks what you’d like to order and ur like ,,,,, one sec- and she’s like i don’t have time tell me so you say ur order,,,turn back to taeyong and ur like “ok,,,,let’s try.” and he’s like “meet me in the library at 8.”
and you watch him give a little bow and turn around and for a moment u cant be really sure that just happened,,,,,,,most people in college dont waltz up to others to offer to tutor them,,,,,
but as u pay the girl for ur coffee she goes “don’t try asking taeyong out. he never dates.” and ur like ????? what a guy like him definitely has a significant other????? right?????
so 8pm comes around and u bring a fresh notebook and the textbook u bought for the class and find that u dont even have to look for a seat because u can see taeyong already at one of the tables
and he’s got his lab coat over his chair,,,,his laptop open with some charts up and a heavy looking medical dictionary ,,,, he looks like a straight up doctor tbh 
and u sit down,,,startling taeyong who’s glasses slip down his nose just a bit until he’s chuckling and closing his laptop 
and u think how good of a tutor can he be to help someone as hopelessly lost as u,,,,,,,,,,,,but the minute taeyong begins to explain it’s like,,,,it’s like everything makes /sense/
nothing is complicated or abstract,,,,and u can’t help but be entranced by his smooth, slightly deep voice and the way he points out keywords and writes down formulas in near perfect handwriting 
like everything about him is so Professional he’s like,,,he’s like a professor,,,,
and it’s kind of super cute how when u ask him to repeat something he doesn’t get ticked off,,,no he gets excited because it’s obvious,,,,this is something taeyong loves
and at the end of ur first study session u feel so much better about everything
to the point that u even show up to ur class the next day and taeyong doesn’t look up from his notes,,,,,so u cant say hi but,,,,,suddenly it’s not like the teacher is talking nonsense
and every other day taeyong comes to the library to teach u,,,although he moves the time up to 10pm and ur not sure,,,maybe classes or clubs
and by the sixth time as ur packing up to leave taeyong goes “i see ur coming to class, that makes me happy.” and u don’t know why but,,,,,,,
just saying that,,,,,,,,it,,,,,it makes ur heart skip a beat
but u remember the words of the girl from the cafe about taeyong never dating and u itch to ask him,,,,but u don’t want to make this relationship more awkward
which is why the only time u do ask is when u end up in another class of urs partnered up with yuta and taeil,,,,two boys who immediately go “you’re the one taeyong is tutoring right?” and you’re like,,,yes??? and yuta scratches his head and is like “for organic chem or for immunology? or wait,,,,he’s giving someone tennis lessons too right taeil??” and ur like wow,,,taeyong sure helps a lot of people
and taeil nudges yuta but nods and is like “taeyong is really too nice for his own good,,,,,,,,,,” and u nod and try to focus on the project,,,but taeil gives u this like ???? knowing smile
and ur like ,,,, w-whats up and taeil is like “u want to know if taeyong is seeing someone?” and u straighten up because ur like ,,,,, UM,,, no-
and yuta laughs into his palm and is like “it’s ok,,,i know taeyong as a fellow pretty boy everyone always asks us that” and taeil rolls his eyes but he’s like “he’s not, he hasn’t dated anyone in college.” and from the shock on ur face yuta can only nod his head and go “i know,,,it shocks all of us,,,,,,hot girls and hot guys and everyone else all the hot people on campus have made moves on him but he just,,,,,,”
and yuta throws up his hands in defeat and taeil shrugs and for a second u think,,,,,,,,well what kind of chance to i stand,,,,,,,but u shake it off and ur like “maybe he’s just waiting!! he’s really nice i hope he finds someone.” 
and with that u leave after class,,,realizing that taeyong is helping u from the goodness of his heart,,,,,not because he might harbor something towards u,,,,and u need to accept that
but what u dont realize is that as u head toward ur dorm,,,,,taeyong is waiting in the library and when u don’t show up,,,,he goes into a panic
and the next day in organic chem he comes rushing up to
and for the first time his perfect face is scarred with worry and his hair is a mess and he looks like he hasn’t slept and he’s like,,,,,a,,,,are you ok?? and ur like yes wh- and he seems to calm down and even get embarrassed a bit as he steps back and is like “wi-will you come to the library tomorrow??” and ur like ofc omg 
and as ur trying to concentrate,,,u look over to see taeyong dozing off,,,,something he never does,,,,and u wonder why he didn’t sleep
and when u go for tutoring taeyong seems a little more reserved,,,,like usually if u make a joke he’ll laugh or if ur fingers brush it’s nothing
but now it seems like he’s keeping his distance,,,,,a bit more than usual and u want to ask if something is wrong,,,,,
so when ur done with the problem set he has and he gets up almost as if he’s in a hurry,,,,ur reach out and ask him if he’s ok and taeyong,,,looking down at your hand on his wrist ,,,, mumbles that u didn’t show up to tutoring so he thought he’d messed up but u explain that it just slipped ur mind,,,,,,taeyong could never do something wrong
and taeyong,,,,looks up at you and smiles just a bit and he’s like “if i do do something wrong,,,please tell me and ill fix it.”
and,,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,the pureness of his voice,,,,the way he’d gotten so worried over you,,,,,it makes your heart burst because where else could someone find such a damn near perfect boy
and before you can think and stop yourself from speaking you ask; “the final is in a week,,,,,after,,,,,would you want to go out?”
taeyong seems to need a moment to register what u mean,,,,but when he does,,,,it’s like all the heat in his body has rushed up into his face and he stutters over an answer until he just goes “im sorry,,,,,,,” and that’s enough for you to get the hint
you apologize at least ten times and ur like thIS is awkward,,,ill go and make a dash for the door as quickly as possible
because everything is so damn EMBARRASSING and ur like WHAT WERE U THINKING @ yourself the whole time u go to your dorm
and for a good hour u just lay down with ur head in ur pillow like gkhdlfjssdf whY DID I OPEN MY MOUTH
but taeyong,,,,,who also gets to his dorm just sets down his laptop and tries to think himself,,,why,,,,,,,why did he say im sorry?? when he wanted to say yes,,,,,
and the week goes by and the final comes and goes and at the end u want to ball ur eyes out because well one that final was hARD AS HELL but thanks to taeyongs help u feel like u did decently,,,,,but also the whole time u couldn’t help but look over at taeyong and not once,,,,,,did u guys cross eyes
and ur convincing urself that he’s forgotten about it,,,,,about you and helping you,,,and every night u spent in the library getting closer and god dammit if u hadnt gotten all worked up over him saying he was worried thiS wouldnt have happened
until you walk right into someone and they’re like “woah! watch yourself” and you look up to see the familiar face of taeil and ur like oh right whoops we got an A on our project did u get the email? and taeil nods but he’s like “more importantly,,,,,,,,hows taeyong?”
and ur like ?????????/ idk im not his frie-
and taeil is like ur not??? taeyong literally tutored u right after his internship for four weeks straight sacrificing his time for u and ur not even friends? doubt it
and ur like wait what
and taeyong is like yEAH why do u think u had to meet so damn late the poor guy had a class load + an internship in a lab + tutoring and believe me as kind as he is,,,,,,he wouldn’t go to such lengths for a stranger
and u can’t believe it,,,,like at all,,,,,,but u feel like such an asshole and ur like “do u know where-” and taeil is like “bus stop near the gym. he should be going there n-” and ur like thANKS SEE U LATER TELL YUTA WE GOT AN A BECAUSE HE NEVER CHECKS HIS EMAIL
and as u run u can see taeyong,,,holding his lab coat and his shoulder bag at the stop and u don’t know how much time u have till the bus comes
but when u show up in front of him,,,huffing and puffing taeyong immediately worries and tries to offer u his water and ur like no no listen to me 
and he’s lie ???? with wide eyes and ur like “im sorry. i never thanked u for tutoring me and we left of on an awkward note and it was sUPER embarrassing but if we could push it aside like i really like u,,,,,,,,but like i want to be ur friend first and foremost because i think ur great and u helped me pass that satanic class and i just didnt know u were staying up so late to tutor me and i just i have a lot more to say but most of all thank you so much taeyong. i appreciate what you did for me.”
and u cant believe u had enough breath for all that but taeyong,,,,taeyong is smiling,,,,,,,and it’s the smile that makes his usually stoic, handsome face turn somewhat childish and warm
and he puts his hand out to carefully take yours and he’s like 
“im happy i could help, but also i,,,,,,,,,”
and you think he’s holding ur hand in like ???A friendly way??? but taeyong is literally also shaking??? and ur like is he nervous???
but taeyong finally swallows the lump in his throat and goes “but also i don’t want to push what you asked me aside. i,,,,,,,i want to take you on a date,,,,,,,can i?”
and you can hear the bus approaching and you can see taeyong’s eyes flash between yours and the road and you know you need to answer
but ur like stuck and the bus doors open and taeyong is like “i need to let go but tell me-”
and he’s halfway up the steps when you get up into the bus with him and the driver is like ? and you lean up to kiss his cheek and you’re like 
“yes,,,,,,,please take me on a date. it would make me really happy.”
and the bus driver is like hello are u also getting on and taeyong turns cherry red but he tells u he’ll call - but wait ur number - and ur like oh !! message taeil he has it we were partners and taeyong is like ok!!
and the driver is like AHEM but this nice old lady is like “don’t ruin their moment”
and basically,,,,you get off the bus and wave to taeyong in the window as it leaves and practically skip back to school because oh my god the undateable taeyong,,,,,,just asked you on a dATE
and the date,,,,,,is so simple and sweet 
everyone thinks taeyong is some stuck up snob with high taste but nooooope in reality u two go to a cafe that specialize in board games and u guys play monoply on ur first damn date and then some connect four and when u beat him at jenga ur pretty sure he might cry
but ur like “taeyong,,,,,,top of ur major and yet,,,,,,,bad at jenga?” and he’s like !!!!!!!! im not rematch!!!!11
but u win again and poor taeyong has his head in his hands but he’s having fun and gladly does the penalty (which is buying u guys two more drinks)
and it’s like afterwords u learn that taeyong is not flashy,,,,,he takes so much happiness in just walking u to ur dorm afterwords and when u tease him about jenga he just bites his lip and mumbles that it just wasn’t his night tonight,,,,,,
and when you lean up to kiss him gently taeyong mumbles against your skin if it’s alright to take u out on a second date and u think how cute,,,,but completely agree
and two dates turn into more dates and before u know it u and taeyong are dating with matching couple rings to prove it 
which yuta thinks is cheesy but taeil just tells him to shut it and be happy for taeyong 
but on a real note taeyong takes dating as seriously as his studies,,,he puts his efforts into making you happy and learning more about you
and it’s so adorable when he’ll point something out and be like “it reminds me of you!” and,,,,it’s like,,,,,,,what an observant, caring boyfriend 
you tell taeyong once you don’t like this specific kind of fruit so when u guys get a fruit salad he asks if u want him to pick out the ones u dont like and u just laugh and go i can just not eat them!!! and he gets red,,,,but like it’s the sentiment that counts
taeyong works most of his week and studies super hard so u don’t get to go out a lot and taeyong apologizes for that
but you just hold his face in your hands and tell him that no. his studies come first because it’s his future
and once taeyong mumbled that he hopes ur his future too and it made ur heart,,,,,,,,,it literally made ur heart burst and you were like taeyong don’t say things like that and he was like im sorry,,,but why not
and u were like because it makes me want to kiss u and u have calculus homework right 
people that took pics of taeyong when u go out always just get super long glares from u and at one point u were like “that’s illegal i can sue on behave of my boyfriend”
and taeyong was like ,,,,angel it’s ok,,,,,,,but u were like anyone who wants to disrespect him come @ me i will prote-
u and ten get along really well just fyi
taeyong introduces u to mark and ur just like !!!!!! wow!!!!! so adorable and taeyong is like rIGHT he’s so cute he’s my son and mark is like ??? but both u and taeyong dote on him and sometimes he’s like guys,,,,please,,,,
but most of the time he likes it because u and taeyong will cook for him if he asks LOL
for someone who hides behind his glasses taeyong sends u selfies whenever he’s with mark because he’s like !!!!!! look how cute
but also sometimes he sends some of himself and he’s like ‘i look so bad ive been studying for 4 hours’ but in reality. he doesn’t look bad. he looks like a model. what the heck. what the actual heck
taeyong keeps his desk super clean but he’s recently let u put up some photos in frames,,,one of them is his sister ,,, another his parents,,, then one of him and his friends ,,,,,,,and then one of u guys,,,,shyly holding hands under fireworks and it’s cute
because before he used to keep everything completely in check but when u doodle a heart on his whiteboard he can’t erase it,,,,he just thinks of u and smiles
doesn’t share his hoodies but it’s ok because when u hug him his smell gets stuck in ur clothes and u love it
u taught taeyong how to use emojis the right way because when u sent him a bunch of hearts he was like ‘isn’t one enough’ and u were like taeyong no i love u much more than one heart emoji and he was like oh! i should sent more too because i love u so much and it was cORNY but so damn cute
his pda is kept to a minimum because taeyong sees intimacy as something very special and he always wants to make sure it’s shared between you and him 
and he’ll like it when u take control because taeyong wants to do anything to please u and sometimes u have to remind him that it’s ok for him to indulge
and he’ll just shyly hide into ur neck but it’s ok because when u run ur hands down his spine u can hear a low sound from him and it’s,,,,,,hot
also loves being kissed on the back of his neck like the nape it always makes him really soft and if he’s overworking himself 
ull like come up from behind while he’s hunched over a book and kiss his nape and he’ll completely kind of loosen up and let u drag him out for a snack so he doesn’t die in all his class notes
and taeyong tells u after sometime that dating,,,,,and being close to people always worried him because he didn’t know if he could make someone happy
but you tell him that he makes u the most happy,,,,even if he has quirks about him and gets excited over math,,,,,that’s so adorable to you
like you’re the one person that taeyong should never be scared of hurting,,,,,,because you know how much effort he puts into his work and u know he’d never do anything to harm u or his friends
and it’s cute,,,,,,u wait for him to get back to campus after his internship and taeyong is always like !!!!! it’s cold and dark dont 
but ur always there and when he gets off the bus he makes u wait till it leaves but then u guys kiss and it’s cute and u laugh against each others lips
and although taeyong doesnt like to share his clothes he’ll pull his lab coat over the two of u and be like “kiss me again” and ur like ooo someone is actually more into pda than we thought?? and he’s like shy,,,but also u do kiss him and it’s soft
my conclusion is college!taeyong is soft ok everyone please be nice to him
college vixx (here) / college bts (here) / college seventeen (here) college monsta x (here) / college got7 + amber + kard (here)
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