#please i’m sorry tried help PFFF
chellestrash · 2 years
Shane shaving his head cause he's tired of you pulling his hair but now you just slap him on the head.
He really thought he did something there huh??
his fucking face every time you slap it i cant sksksk you just walk by and do it and he’s just like
*loud sight, eyes closed, jaw clenched* “i swear to god…”
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wxniesrxse · 2 years
When Your Drunk
@aalonerssimaginez on instagram
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Pairing| Trainee A members x Fem reader
Synopsis| You’re in party where loud music is blasting on giants speakers. Whatever you’re celebrating with your friends, it made you so happy and got you into a good mood. Some goofball decided to bring alcohol to the party when it wasn’t permitted. Although you aren’t interested in alcohol and because of your happy good mood you took shots and shots with your friends, leaving you so drunk and making your best guy friend taking care of you.
Genre: fluff? Cute best friends! 💕
A/N: sorry for bad grammar! 🥲
•”Y/n? Are you for reals? You said you were going to drink 2 shots only…..liar….” He would mumbled.
• Tries picking you up by putting your arm around his shoulder and his arm holding your waist.
• He thinks it’s time for you to go home so he would give your drunk self a ride home.
• “ yeah haha….Y/n was having such a great time! It’s the first time I’ve seen her smile brightly“. He would try to be positive in front of your angry parents so you won’t get in trouble.
• “ yeah no worries! I protected her all night!” He grins nervously while fidgeting with his sleeves.
•” ah this girl? She really is drunk?…hey….hey!….oh come on….now I gotta take her home…..but I don’t want to….” Leo complained as he watch you laid on the floor. “Leooooooo~ why do you look like a monkey “
• Leo got triggered by this comment “what?!….pfff….whatever let’s go home”.
• Drops you home with Sangwon helping him out to carry your heavy body to your house. Your father was waiting in front of the door.
•”Sir your daughter is a fugly-“ Leo got interrupted by the sweet and kind Sangwon.
•“ Sir here’s your beautiful daughter safe and sound….and a little drunk” he smiled at him.
•”a little?” Leo asked Sangwon.
•” dude are you still angry because she call you a monkey?” He ask Leo.
•“ N-no!” Leo starts walking fast towards the car.
•” Y/n?! Can you get down from the table?…… you’re looking ridiculously haha…..” Sangwon laughs nervously while watching you dance
on the table all crazy.
•”Woniiiieee~!DanCE with mE!” You yelled.
•“No, please get down….” He got close to you to grab your hand but your stupid drunk self decided to jump on the poor boy.
•You probably broke his back.
•” Y/n…..I’ll call Yorch to take us home alright?”. Although you jumped on him like a Tarzan he forgave you and just had your head leaning against his shoulder while he on the phone.
•“Don’t worry! Your daughter did not do anything that would humiliate herself nor did she jump on me and almost broke my back! Good night Mr.L/N!” Sangwon bowed.
• “Neukkyeojyeo, nae meorin daze, daze, daze Jungdoge ppajyeo replay, play, play~” yes you were singing to drunk daze from your most favorite group called Enhypen.
•The song was playing on the party while you dance to it all drunk looking like a zombie on glittering dress.
•“Y/n?! Are you drunk?……you’re not allowed to drink alcohol!” He said worry while holding your shoulders.
•“ WOooOochAAAAn! I’m sOuur happy! I won the best artist award! Woooo!” You yelled.
•“That’s good but you didn’t have to drink alcohol to celebrate it….you’re lucky to have a friend like me to take care of you……then later make fun of you….anyway let me call Leo to drive us home!” He said proudly.
•“ Mrs. L/n, don’t ever….just don’t ever let your daughter go to a party! Good night!” He bowed and fixed his glasses.
•” let’s go….Y/n?….Y/n come on let’s go!” You were playing a betting game with your friends, and while doing so you were taking shots.
•Meanwhile James and JJ were trying to get you out of the group so y’all can leave home.
•“Not even us are drunk….” JJ said while scrunching his nose at you.
•“Hey!Justin Jay! Don’t give her that face! Can’t you see she was winning on the games and gaining money? Of course she was happy! I would’ve gone drunk too!” James said proudly while defending you.
•“Yorch hyung! Take her home and I’ll take the money-“ he called Yorch on the phone.
•” hey you’re not going to steal it are you?” JJ asked.
•“Whuuuuuuat??” James exaggerated. “Pfff no! Haha you think im-yes imma steal it but it’s for my next prank on her! So don’t snitch!” James said while running away with the money and leaving JJ dumbfounded.
𝑱𝑱 🐻
• You two were enjoying dancing together, hitting every beat with y’all’s unique moves.
• “ Y/n! You’re so good at dancing! How come you didn’t told me before?” He yelled since the music was loud.
• “ that’s because I’m drunk!!” You yelled and immediately started twerking in the most horrible disgusting and ugly way ever done!
• JayJay widen his big eyes and gave you a nasty look. “Uhhh Yorch! Leo! Help!!” He yelled feeling scared of you.
• “Pffff I’m glad she left, she could’ve killed me if I kept watching her dance!” He said through a face time with Jihoon after Leo and Yorch took you home.
• “ I know my sister can be crazy” Jihoon laughed.
• “ IVE HEARD YOU TWO PIGS!” you yelled in the background.
• “ So I told my dad, “look a male who dances to female choreography is not gay!! But he doesn’t understand me! He can be quiet…toxic?….Y/n!….Y/N?!” he shook your shoulder to wake you up from your sudden nap.
• “Ah! Yes! yes I agree with you! It’s the governments fault! It’s the governme-….what are we talking about again?” You said with your slow drunk voice.
• “ you drank didn’t you?” He sighed but chuckles after.
• “ hyung, pick up Y/n please….she’s….drunk” he laughed at you.
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djdangerlove · 3 years
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My collection of 911 & 911LS fics on Ao3. Individual fics with summaries are under the cut.
911: Lone Star
To Love You in Phases // Married Buddie
Eddie smoothes his thumb across the black silicone circling Buck’s swelling and bruised finger, touch as soft as his voice as he says, “We need to slide this off before it swells anymore.” Like a streak of lightning, Buck pulls his hand away from Eddie, fast and with a resounding spark of electricity that charges the air around them with something that feels dangerous. “No.”
Now There’s No More Almost // 4x14 Coda 
Buck picks up a leaf, giving it a twirl between his fingers before tilting his head and squinting to look at Eddie through one if its holes. “Did you know that sawflies-“
“Buck,” Eddie drawls, leaning over enough to look at the other man through the leaf before plucking it from his grip. He gives the stem a final spin and lets it flutter down to the ground. “You can tell me all about sawflies, but back at the overlook you know I didn’t mean-“
“Yeah, yeah,” Buck hurries to curb the implication and takes off in the direction of the car once more until Eddie can get his hand around his arm and pull him to a stop.
“I wouldn’t have made it these past few months without you."
I Meant That Too // Sick Fic
Eddie can't even be surprised that the first time he tells Buck he loves him is while his best friend is fever sweating through tiger face paint and throwing up in the bathroom at Christopher's school.
Together Because of You // Post Tsunami 
“Okay,” Eddie breathes once and cups Buck’s face between his hands. His tears feel cool against his skin, the stark contrast to the heat of him making it sting against Eddie’s palms. He doesn’t let go though, can never let go after this, and drags his thumbs slow across the unblemished parts of Buck’s face. “Okay, Buck. You’re alright, you hear me?”
Or: After the Tsunami, Eddie is there when the emotions catch up to Buck.
911: Lone Star
Remember I Love You 
After a rough shift, Carlos takes care of TK by loving him gently.
Winning Forever at the County Fair 
Carlos wasn't sure how he was going to ask TK the most important question of his life, but he never would have guessed it would be at a county fair.
Love Lasts After the Dreams
TK ends up sleepwalking at Carlos' apartment. Unfortunately, waking up disoriented feels a lot like coming down from a high but Carlos is there to love TK through it.
Do We Want This? 
Carlos and TK attend their niece’s soccer game and come to a decision about the future of their Saturdays.
Love Me More Tomorrow Than You Do Today 
"Carlos meets his gaze in the mirror, taking him all in and realizing with gut-wrenching clarity that every little thing he’d been annoyed by this week had been signs that something was wrong."
Or: TK struggles with the urge to use
One More Dance With You
TK just wanted to dance with Carlos at the Austin Police Charity Gala, but a broken foot keeps him from attending. Carlos makes sure he gets his dance anyway.
The Meaning of a Blue Shell
“What’s the matter? Afraid you can’t out run a cop?” “Pfff, please. You’re looking at the Capture the Flag champion of River East Elementary three years in a row.” “Good luck to you, Strand,” Carlos grins menacingly before shifting one way then taking off in the other.
Or: a simple game of Mario Kart ends in a real life chase
Finding You Beneath the Bruises 
“Babe,” Carlos’ voice seems to reverberate in the bathroom, in his ears, in this moment of time. “You gotta let me in.” TK flinches, the request feeling like another open wound among the many he’s forced to bare to everyone. TK meets his gaze in the mirror again, shame distorting his eyes with unshed tears. “There’s no hiding this.”
Or: TK tries to deal with the aftermath of being held hostage. Carlos helps.
I’m Sorry, Tiger
TK gets food poisoning. Carlos takes care of him.
My Sobriety Looks Good on You
On the morning of TK's one year of sobriety, Carlos is the very first person to tell him just how proud he is.
Forever Doesn’t Depend on Burnt Risotto
Their love for him, imperfect as it may have been, had been enough to carry the burden of silence. Up until now, that is. Until the second Carlos' father with flawed love and a hard way of showing it stepped through the front door and directed it at TK. “But I meant what I said earlier. This is my house and one day, I hope TK feels comfortable enough to call it his.”
Or: Carlos invites his parents over for dinner to finally introduce them to TK, his boyfriend.
Take My Couch, Take My Whole Life Too
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” Carlos amends while standing from the couch. He makes himself busy by turning on the light above the stairs and shutting the TV off. “It’s just safer if you stay.” TK’s mouth goes dry at that, heart beating double time at the word he feels like he’s never quite been able to grasp, but knowing the closest he’s ever came to it is right here next to Carlos.
Or: the first time TK spends the night with Carlos
The Start of Eventually
He leans against the doorframe trying to imagine a little girl bouncing on a guest bed, stuffed bunny squeezed tightly between her hands as she listens to her Uncle TK read a dramatically, adventurous bedtime story. It’s not hard at all, except for the painful beat of his heart against his chest.
Or: Carlos decides he has to have a guest room if he's going to be an uncle to the newest addition of the Ryder family.
The Right Ingredients to Call This Ours
TK rubs a thumb at the chocolate on Carlos’ cheek bringing his attention back to him. “What are you thinking about?”
The corner of Carlos’ mouth curves up at the feeling settling deep in his belly, the warmth spreading across his chest and says, “I’m thinking about how much you’ve taken over my house.”
Or: Carlos asks TK to move in with him
Planting Rash Decisions 
“What’s all this?” Carlos asks, motioning to the bags of gardening soil and light blue flowers waiting to be planted. He’s never known TK to have a green thumb despite how much he cares for the planet, but he supposes it’s possible.
Or: TK deals with grief by making rash decisions at the hardware store
The First to Twenty-One
“Seriously?” TK questions as he catches the racket Carlos tosses him while walking across the lawn. “Badminton?”
“Ever played?”
“Not enough to own rackets.”
Always With You
“Babe?” Carlos calls as he steps into the room and circles to TK’s side of the bed. When he’s hovering over him, he can see pain etched into lines around his boyfriend’s eyes as he squeezes them shut. “Hey, you okay?”
TK’s swallow is audible, his groan as he tries to uncurl from his fetal position even more so. He blinks glassy eyes up at Carlos, face pale and jaw clenched. “My stomach hurts.”
Or: TK has to get his appendix removed
Close Enough
“Hey, what’s really going on? You and Carlos okay?”
“Yes,” TK rushes to assure, but then thinks of the way he could barely look at him while standing in the doorframe. “I mean, I guess so. No? I don’t know.”
Grace takes a deep breath like it pains her just as much as TK that whatever she picked up on between them a few minutes ago is real and tangible and not going away until somebody has the nerve to make the first move.
Or: The Ryders help Carlos and TK figure out their problems.
Even When
TK walks through Carlos’ front door on October 1st and walks right back out. He stands on the doorstep having a silent moment of freaking the hell out before the door swings wide and Carlos leans through it. He slouches against the frame, relaxed and calm, like nothing is out of sorts and grinning at TK with amused confusion.
Or: Carlos loves Halloween and is on a mission to prove to TK how fun it can be.
A Long Day for Both of Us
“I’m right here, Ty,” Carlos assures again, frowning in concern at how disoriented the other man seems to be. He brushes his thumb against TK’s jaw, encouraging him with a gentle tap to a patch of stubble and a, “Hey, look at me. You feeling okay?”
TK nods, grinning like he doesn’t have twenty-three stitches in his head. “You just look different.”
Or: Another coda for 2x08
A Not So Proper Introduction : Part 1
TK faces another sleepless night after the events of 2x08, but instead of letting him toss and turn Carlos has another idea.
A Not So Proper Introduction : Part 2
TK not so properly meets Andrea Reyes over homemade pancakes.
Help Me Find a Way Back to Shore
“They’re going to be okay, baby,” Carlos assures unfairly, because he can’t know that for sure and because the lie shouldn’t start to ease the panic coursing through him like it does. “They’re going to be fine.”
Or: TK dealing with the Ryders' accident
To Keep You Safe
Carlos starts acting different after someone breaks into their house.
And I Never Will
TK doesn't show up for the first Sunday Dinner at Tìa Lucy's he's invited to, but he does show up at Carlos' desk at the precinct a few days later.
I’ll Still Love You Anyway
A moment between TK and Carlos as they wait for the officer to be discharged from the hospital after getting hurt on a call.
A Grand Gesture
Carlos asks TK a very important question. Yes, that important question.
Running Away to a Sunrise 
“You said it yourself,” Carlos says with a shrug, going for nonchalant when he’s desperately hoping TK will agree. “We have the next two days off. If we left right now, we’d make it to Galveston to see the sun come up over the ocean.”
Or: Carlos and TK take an impromptu trip to the beach
I’ll Consider It
TK stopped leaving his shoes under the table by the stairs and left them by door next to Carlos’. He made the bed if he had the later start to a shift. He washed the dishes if Carlos cooked. TK was the perfect roommate and that was the problem.
Save Me Once
TK drags Carlos to a diner in the middle of the night to check up on somebody he saved on a call.
Or: TK struggles when he saves a patient from the same thing that nearly killed him.
Reassurance in Broken Glass
TK comes back from a call just as Owen and Carlos finish their conversation.
Or: TK comforting Carlos and an explanation for Carlos' bandaged thumb in 2x08.
Saying I Do to an Unpractical Life
After being approached by his Captain, Carlos talks to TK about whether or not he should go for a detective title.
Only When You’re Ready
TK goes back to work before he's ready. Carlos comes to get him.
Or: Another coda for 2x08
Loved Me Back to Whole
Carlos and TK arrive home for the first time after getting married.
Adding New Players
Carlos and TK both want kids, but TK's fears go beyond those of just new parent jitters.
The Way We Part
“What’s really bothering you?” Carlos asks and doesn’t back down from the glare thrown his way by TK’s reflection.
Or: Carlos and TK struggle to admit to the remnants left behind from TK's kidnapping.
Only and Always You
“Anybody sitting here?” TK asks, eyes trailing down to the empty seat next to Carlos and raking back up with hungry eyes.
“Actually, yeah,” Carlos replies like letting a stranger down gently and barely manages to hold it together when TK’s eyes narrow just a smidge at the response he clearly didn’t expect. “I’m waiting for someone.”
Or: Carlos pretends he's waiting for someone else but ends up telling TK how much he loves him anyway.
Meet Me Here
“If it were just a bruise,” TK fights to keep his voice above the sound of the water beating against the tile, “then I wouldn’t be feeling it, too.”
Or: the soft, but painful aftermath of Carlos taking a bullet to his kevlar vest in order to protect TK
Bearing It Together 
Sympathy tugs Carlos’ mouth into a frown and sits heavy across his chest forcing a sigh to billow out across his pillow. “Sweetheart,” he says, keeping his hand at the edge of TK’s cocoon so as not to break what little comfort he’s found there. “Why didn’t you wake me? How long have you been awake like this?”
Or: Another 2x08 Coda
Even After Always
“Don’t say it,” TK says, dropping his gaze down to the white bandage wrapped around his thigh and tugging at the hem of the hospital gown riding up his legs in an effort to cover it as Carlos steps into the room.
Truly Loved in an Autumn Sun
“I’ve always liked hiking,” TK corrects, gentle in a way that seems timid like the barely there pressure Carlos can feel on the back of his hand. “I just…don’t have good memories of it, I guess.”
Or: Carlos takes TK on a hike that he actually enjoys
Drabble Collection
A collection of Tarlos Fluff Drabbles from my Tumblr Asks
Late July Crickets and a Half-Eaten Pizza Moon
Carlos and TK go skinny dipping.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello there! your writing is amazing so i was wondring if you could do a tbhk x reader💙💙i was thinking a s/o with really bad social anxiety like.. really bad and they just feel so different because they can see others effortlessly speaking about their presentations or see their classmates confidently performing in drama class. one day a teacher makes a rude comment on it and it just sends them into panic . i struggle with anxiety like this and i need my boy tsukasa and others to comfort me💜💙
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, kou minamoto x gn!reader, (alive!) mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: hihi!! thank you so much for the compliment, and sure thing! i do hope youre doing well, because i know from experience how crippling anxiety can be :(( rude, inconsiderate people like that only make things worse- but!! Tho i can’t do much, i hope these are at least a bit comforting!! You only specified tsukasa, so i threw in a few personal favorites as well, i hope that’s alright <33 if you’d like anyone else, simply let me know! oh and! Thank you so much for requesting <333
please i kinda realized that- whenever i write for kou it’s lowkey biased i just,,,, i love him a lot
warnings: social anxiety
word count: 1,846
Tsukasa Yugi <3
To be completely honest, he doesn’t fully get it. The best he grasps it is “(Y/N) can’t handle social situations”, not meaning it in a derogatory way. Just that it’s something that makes them feel very uncomfortable!
One thing is for sure though! He’ll take it very seriously, and does his best to keep you out of situations that may be less than ideal. He also will fight anyone who pokes fun at you- it isn’t funny, and that’s coming from a boy who practically thrives off of pain. Not your pain though. Nope- no one should dare upset you, or cause you any sort of pain or distress. You’re his precious s/o.
When he sees you getting uncomfortable, Tsukasa is honestly just the type of dude who grabs your hand and drags you away. Heck, it’s not like he wants others talking to you anyway :D! His s/o, not theirs!!
If you aren’t fully in panic, or have calmed down enough, he doesn’t pester you or make a big deal of it. He’ll ask if you’re okay, and sort of… leaves it at that. He doesn’t want you to be reminded of anything upsetting, and he doesn’t want you to feel like you have to talk about it. If you want to, he’ll listen of course.
Tsukasa… isn’t the best comforter. If you start to have a panic attack, he’ll stay with you, sitting next to you and rubbing your back. However, he isn’t sure what to do outside of that. He may try to converse a bit, hoping to maybe distract you? Either way, once you calm down, he’ll ask what he should do, and will very obediently do it. Though Sakura compared him to a cat, he’s almost like a dog at times-
Tsukasa definitely notices if you start comparing yourself to others, and will do his best to stop that. He’ll grab your face in his hands, look you in the eyes, and declare that you’re perfect the way you are!! You can’t help your situation! SO, don’t feel bad!
Of course, having someone say “nooo, don’t do that!” doesn’t automatically fix your problems- while Tsukasa wishes it was that simple, he keeps up his encouraging you whenever you need it.
Oh boy though- the moment he heard those rude words leave your teacher’s mouth, he was ready to throw hands. Like, genuinely, put ‘em up old man/woman/person. Tsukasa isn’t the type to lose his cool when it comes to anger- it’s more weird/strange things for him, y’know- but he’s genuinely angry at that.
Yet, because you’re his priority, he does focus on you. He’ll grab your hands, and pull you out of the classroom. Tsukasa will then sit with you, hugging you if you’re okay with it, and rubbing your back.
“Don’t listen to them, (Y/N). That’s so dumb!! You can’t help that!!! They don’t understand, and they aren’t trying, and it’s stupid. I’ll take care of it! I’ll fight ‘til the death-!!!!”
“You’re already-”
Overall, even if he doesn’t intend or realize it, Tsukasa does try to help you through humor. He attempts to comfort you, rubbing your back, telling you the plain facts- that it’s so dumb of your teacher to say something like that, how inconsiderate it is, how it’s ridiculous that they don’t even try to understand where you’re coming from- that you’re perfect the way you are, and you good and well don’t want social anxiety so, my goodness, people need to stop treating it like it’s your choice. But! It’s also a whole lot of rambling, pouty expressions, and hugs-
Kou Minamoto <3
Like Tsukasa, Kou doesn’t fully grasp it. However, he does a lot of research, and will side with you no matter what! He doesn’t see you any different, but he does do his best to keep you 1,000% comfortable. If he notices you getting uncomfortable, he’ll excuse the two of you, and immediately ask if you’re alright.
Bless his sweet little heart, he does worry for you a lot. Whenever you’re uncomfortable, Kou instantly feels uncomfortable as well. So, getting out of those situations is always beneficial for the both of you, pfff-
Although, should you be put in a situation that you can’t slip out of, Kou will try and take over the conversation in your place. Sort of get the attention directed away from you, in hopes that it provides some sort of comfort. As soon as the conversation is over, he’ll do as he always does- turn to you, a precious worried expression on his face, as he asks if you’re alright.
Should you start to have a panic attack, though he’s on edge the entire time- he just wants you to be happy and comfortable after all- he stays with you, and looks surprisingly calm. He’ll place a hand on your shoulder, or hold you if you’d like. Kou will do breathing exercises in hopes that it calms you down, and is so proud of you once you’re back.
After moments like those, he’ll also run to get you water, then sit with you for as long as you need. He doesn’t mind if you just want to sit in silence, but he’ll probably sit there carrying a conversation primarily with himself. Consider it… background noise, I suppose? He understands if you don’t feel like talking, or even listening, and won’t hold anything against you. It’s mainly a way for him to calm down, to be honest- good ol’ nervous rambling.
Much like Tsukasa, Kou will admittedly fight someone for you. Is he a precious boy, who wouldn’t want to hurt a human? Yeah, of course! Is a human anything more than an evil supernatural in his eyes, should they intentionally upset you? Nope, of course not!
Kou usually sits next to you in classes, simply because he’s your friend and boyfriend. However, in that moment, it provided him enough to know whether you’re alright or not.
Kou’s face the moment he heard those words leave the teacher’s mouth was pure… confusion- anger- the perfect “?!” expression. He wasn’t focused on what he looked like though- he was focused on you. That was enough to hurt his feelings, so he couldn’t imagine what you were feeling.
At seeing that pure panic on your face, Kou stood up, and stepped over to you. He grabbed your hand, carefully ushering you out of the room, offering the teacher nothing more than an, avoiding eye contact and barely turning himself to face the teacher, “excuse us.” He couldn’t give two cares about whether or not it’d get him in trouble. Right now, the teacher was scum, and you needed to get out of there.
Kou would sit with you, comforting you in the same way he did any other time, hugging you and rocking back-and-forward slightly, hoping that it helped. If it didn’t, he’d sit back, still offering any other forms of comfort he could. Once you calmed down as best you could, Kou would hug you/tighten the hug (if it was alright with you) and, similarly to Tsukasa, tell you plain facts.
“I promise you, (Y/N), what they said isn’t true. It’s inconsiderate. It’s- not right. You’re doing your best, and if they can���t see that, then- then? I… I don’t know. They should keep their mouth shut and try to understand. Put themselves in your shoes… I’m sorry- I’m sorry that you had to deal with that, (Y/N). I’m really sorry.”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
He’s your #1 defender. It’s well-known that Mitsuba isn’t afraid to speak his mind- and is also pretty good at making someone feel guilty. He’d never use that skill on you, of course. He saves it specially for jerks that provoke you like that.
He doesn’t personally suffer from social anxiety, but he does understand it better than the other two. It’s completely rational in his eyes. He understands it just fine, and it frustrates him when others don’t. It especially frustrates him when others don’t even attempt to understand.
Mitsuba isn’t extremely fond of talking with others- once he befriends you, he sort of keeps to you and him. He’s content with that as well, and honestly dislikes it when others try and intrude on that. People like Kou or Kou’s friends are slight exceptions, but none of them are as close to him as you are. No one tries to understand him like you do- and he likes to think he understands you a bit more than they might.
When you get uncomfortable, Mitsuba will tell the other person directly that they’re disturbing the two of you, and that they should hurry up, or simply go along on their way. Like I said, Mitsuba isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even if his mind is a bit ruder than others’. Heck, if someone doesn’t get the very obvious hint, he'll put it even blunter for their small minds to understand. All in all, he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable, and uses his questionable social skills to his advantage.
Despite his ability to get you out of situations, he isn’t the best at dealing with the panic that results from the situations. He does have a decent grasp on what he should do, but his slight tsundere tendencies make it difficult.
So! Mitsuba will sit there, next to you, probably with his shoulder pressed against yours. He sort of… talks you through a panic attack? He isn’t entirely sure how to help you out of one, but he’s decent enough at keeping you grounded. Plus, even if he doesn’t help tremendously, he at least shows that he cares. Heck, if he’s feeling generous, he may even place a fleeting kiss on your shoulder as a “reward.”
One thing especially keeping him tied with the other boys, is he’s fuming the moment your teacher makes that comment. As soon as the words leave his mouth, Mitsuba is sitting there, practically forcing himself to keep some sort of composure.
“Tch. The crap? What kind of audacity do you have to disregard a student’s mental health. What’s wrong with you? How would you feel if I made a comment on your receding hairline, hm? Oh? Oh, that’s not something you can help, hm? Well, whether it can get through your thick skull or not, (Y/N) can’t help it either. So, unlike your forehead, which will continue- why don’t we leave it at that?”
Mitsuba doesn’t really bother to excuse the two of you- heck, after that, he’s already confident he’s in deep trouble. It’s not as if he cares though- no, he’s perfectly content, as he takes your hand and guides you out of the classroom.
Mitsuba, as he usually does, sits with you, letting you cry as much as you need. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). If that much didn’t get through to them, I have a few more choice words I’d be glad to share. No matter what, it’s not your fault, and I’ve got your back.”
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*Salted Caramel*(Steve Rogers x Platonic!Reader)
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and a very, very complicated parents-child relationship (I don’t know how to write warnings, I’m so sorry).
Summary: You have an anxiety attack one day and the First Avenger comes to the rescue. In a fatherly way, just to clarify, hehe.
A/N: Eeehh, I have no clue if any of this makes any sense, haha, but I’m not gonna lie, I wrote the fic I desperately needed, so anyways I hope you enjoy it, my lovelies. Also, know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, my dms are always open. :)
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You were the newest member of the Avengers and, although you’d only been part of the team for a couple of months, everybody had welcomed you with open arms. Nonetheless, you didn’t have as much opportunity to interact with them as you would’ve wished to, since you, not only being the newest member but also the youngest, still lived with your parents. Everybody had agreed that that was fine as long as you attended training sessions at the compound three times a week, which your parents agreed to. And now, even though you’d celebrated your 18th birthday a week ago, your living situation hadn’t changed much. At least not so far.
In spite of it all, the team had quickly embraced your presence in their lives and you felt more comfortable and at home with them than you’d ever felt with any of your relatives, including your parents. As a matter of fact, you didn’t really feel at home with your parents at all. Due to some issues from the past that had had its peak only a few months ago, the effect in the present was that your trust in them had broken completely and, even though you’d tried to fix the relationship several times along the years, the truth was that your parents kept letting you down constantly, making the damage irreparable by now.
This had taken a toll on your mental health and your anxiety had worsened a lot lately, nevertheless, telling your parents about it was obviously out of the question, and you didn’t want to bother the group of superheroes with such insignificant problems like yours. The world was in their hands, and in yours now too, you couldn’t make so much fuss about something like that.
Until the day you reached your breaking point.
Which sounds very dramatic, yet if you thought about it too much, you’d been through a lot worse before.
The circumstances and its specific details are irrelevant, the point is that, while you and your mother were having lunch, you had quite an intense anxiety attack. The kind you hadn’t had in a considerable amount of time.
Your hands started sweating, your heart began pounding inside your chest, making you feel like it could burst out of your ribcage at any given moment. Your breathing became shallow and quick, your lungs always asking for more air to breathe in, and a weird sensation that felt very much like losing ground and any sort of control over your life and yourself invaded you. At one point you even thought you’d pass out, but fortunately you didn’t.
You had to get out of there, fast.
So you told your mother that oh, crap, you’d just now remembered that you had a training session with the Avengers that afternoon, so you really had to get going. And without another word, not even waiting for a response from her, you took your phone and nothing more, and exited the house.
Once outside you walked aimlessly, trying to get as much air into your lungs as you could in an attempt to calm down. A million thoughts were rushing through your head, making you feel slightly dizzy, but you tried with all your might to concentrate on your inhalations and exhalations. After several minutes, you started feeling the tension in your whole body loosen up a bit, your breathing becoming steadier and your train of thoughts no longer on the verge of crashing. However, you still felt the urgent need to talk to somebody. Yes, the last thing you wanted to do was bother any of the earth's mightiest heroes with your problems, but this really seemed to be the last straw for you.
Therefore, you unlocked your phone and called the first person you could think of.
“(Y/N)?” Steve Rogers’ voice called from the other side of the line.
“Uh… Hi.” you said hesitantly, with a remaining shakiness in your voice that certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Steve.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” he asked preoccupied, and you could almost picture the expression on his face: the furrowed brows, the worry reflecting in his blue eyes.
“I, um, I’m… I’m fine, I just… I just needed to talk to someone. I’m sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with this.”
“No, no, you’re not bothering at all. What happened? Where are you, at your house?”
“Umm, no, not exactly, I’m… I’m a couple of blocks away, but…”
“Oh, okay. Do you want me to go there, or maybe meet somewhere, so we can talk?”
“I-,” tears started gathering in your eyes, making everything around you blurry, but you weren’t exactly crying out of sadness, “I don’t want to be a burden, really, I’m so sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice…” you mumbled, your voice cracking.
“(Y/N), you’re not a burden. Whatever happened, if it’s important to you then it’s important to me, okay? We can talk. Just tell me where and I’ll be on my way.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? You barely know me…,” you sniffled, tears rolling down your cheeks now, a sign of how moved you were by Steve’s kindness. He didn’t have to do all that, leave the compound to go meet with you somewhere, to listen to a problem that had nothing to do with him, but he was willing to do it nonetheless.
“Because I care for you. Even if you haven’t been part of the team for as long as the rest of us, you are family now. And families are always there for each other,” he stated softly but with determination.
“Thank you…,” you whispered, feeling like not all the thank you’s in the world could express how grateful you were to the man. “Um, well, there’s… There’s a small coffee shop relatively near here, I guess we could… we could meet there… if it isn’t much trouble,” you added.
“Sounds good. Can you send me the address?”
“And text me when you get there, all right?”
“Yeah, I… I will. Thank you, Steve. Really.”
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo.” You smiled to yourself, feeling another wave of tears coming up. “And, hey,” he added, “it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
Minutes later, you were at the coffee shop, sitting at a small table for two by the window. It was a lovely place you’d discovered at the beginning of the year, one day you were wandering aimlessly around your neighbourhood. The food was quite tasty in general, and both the place and the people who worked there gave off a very warm and cosy vibe, the type you only feel during Christmas, sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa in your hands.
You’d already texted Steve to let him know you’d arrived, and now all you had to do was wait for him to get there. According to him, he was just about to.
And it was true, because a moment later you saw the tall, blond-haired man enter the establishment and search for you with his eyes. He finally spotted you, and you were able to notice, even from a distance, how his expression softened, while he made his way towards you.
“Hey,” you muttered standing up, still ashamed that you’d made the superhero travel all the way there for such a mundane reason.
“Hey,” he greeted you back with a soft smile, before sitting down on his chair, prompting you to do the same, “so… What happened, kiddo?”
You sighed. “Well, I just… I, um… may or may not have had… um, an anxiety attack…,” you could feel your face heating up due to the embarrassment you felt by admitting it to somebody else. An anxiety attack. Pfff. It felt so absurd now, making such a big deal out of it when there were clearly more important things…
“An anxiety attack?” Steve asked, tilting his head to one side in that particular way of his. His ocean eyes were overflowing with kindness, and that single-handedly was more than enough to make you want to cry again. Your heart was definitely not used to such a level of sympathy.
“Yeah…,” you breathed, your eyes starting to water up once more.
“Does it happen to you very often?”
“Umm, not exactly, I don’t know… It’s… It’s been happening with more frequency lately, but… I-I don’t know, it’s… it’s complicated. I mean,” you sighed again, “I’ve… I’ve lived my whole life... with anxiety and, well, I know there isn’t an actual cure for it, but I’ve… I’ve learnt to handle it, more or less, it’s just…”
At that moment, a waiter walked up to your table and asked if you wanted to order anything. You wiped the few tears that had escaped your eyes as discreetly as you could, hoping the waiter wouldn’t notice anything. As a matter of fact, you were embarrassed by letting yourself cry in front of Steve too, but at this point you couldn’t really help it. The superhero looked at you inquiringly.
“Have you eaten already? Do you want anything?”
“Um, yeah... yeah, I have… Uh… no, I don’t know... if you want anything… I can tell you that the salted caramel frappe is really good,” you offered him a small smile.
“Is that so?” He smiled too. “Well… I’ll have one if you have one. If that’s okay.”
You chuckled lightly. “Okay. It’s a deal.”
“All right then, two... salted caramel frappes? Please.”
“Sure,” the waiter wrote it down on his notepad and gave you both a warm smile, “I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you,” you and Steve said in unison.
“So,” he began, “you said your anxiety attacks have been happening more frequently lately. What do you mean lately? Is there a specific reason? Is it because of the Avengers?”
“What? No, no, not at all, you’re actually kind of my escape from everything… Umm, it’s complicated…,” you let out another sigh and proceeded to explain the situation to Steve, at first hesitantly, but after a while you were capable of talking a bit more freely.
You told him about your parents, about how you no longer felt at home in your own house and how the trust you ever had on your mother and father had been broken. How the comfort they were supposed to provide you was long gone and, in spite of your past efforts, it always ended unfavourably. It wasn’t easy, not in the slightest, nevertheless, as you kept talking, you could feel a heaviness being lifted from your shoulders, one that you didn’t even know was there in the first place. And, yes, the possibility of things ending badly even now was still there, but Steve’s expression, his whole energy made you feel safe in a way you hadn’t felt for way too long. So you might as well give it a try and get this off your chest once and for all.
Not long after you started talking did your beverages arrive and you both thanked the waiter before you continued.
He listened to you attentively. Never interrupted you, waited patiently for you to go on every single time you paused to take a breath or sigh or calm yourself down, never pushing you to keep talking. His furrowed brow reflected his worry for you, but it was in an understanding and serene way. He was glad you were finally telling all this to somebody and felt honoured that from all people you’d trusted him. He was perfectly aware that you were opening up to him and the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel like your emotions were invalid or unimportant. So he kept listening until you finished, and then waited a few seconds more, letting you sip on your frappe, before he spoke.
“I gotta ask, is that the reason why you go to the compound more than the necessary three times a week?”
Touché. You’d been constantly lying to your parents, telling them you had training sessions almost daily, or making random yet believable excuses so you could get out of your house and spend more time with the people who actually made you feel good.
You simply nodded to confirm Steve’s suspicions.
“It’s okay, (Y/N), I understand, I really do. Families can be tough sometimes, and people may disagree with what I’m about to say, but you don’t really owe your parents anything, especially after the way they’ve made you feel. It might sound like a bold stance, particularly for someone as old-fashioned as me, but as the saying goes “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. You’re not obliged to like your parents, let alone if they have had abusive conducts towards you. Now, in addition to that, it doesn’t have to be a greek tragedy for it to be valid. If something makes you feel bad or uncomfortable in any way, if it hurts you, then it does and that’s it. Other’s don’t get to say whether they hurt you or not, only you do,” he made a pause, pondering what to say next, ”Maybe someday your relationship with your parents can be rescued, or maybe not. Both things are fine, as long as it’s what makes you feel better. For now, however, I think we should find a quick and satisfactory solution to the problem, so why don’t you come live in the compound with all of us? You’re an adult now, you don’t need your parents’ permission,” the blue-eyed man offered you a sweet lopsided smile full of warmth, a tiny hint of fear that went unnoticed by you sparkling in his eyes, since he wasn’t sure of what impact his words had had on you. He was hoping he’d said the right thing, but he was terrified of the possibility that he’d screwed up.
Nevertheless, his fear couldn’t be further from the truth. Steve’s speech had reassured you profoundly, reinforcing that sense of safety of yours that had already started to develop around him and the rest of the Avengers. You lacked words to express how grateful you were towards him, but this man would always have your eternal gratitude. Needless to say, tears were streaming down your cheeks as quietly as you could keep them, your heart overwhelmed by the tenderness and the understanding he was offering you.
“I-,” you began, but your sobs became too much for you to contain and you broke down crying. Still, you tried to articulate your thoughts as best you could,” I’m sorry, it’s just… nobody had ever been so understanding with me and… and had ever comforted me so much in my life… you’re being so kind to me I… I honestly can’t thank you enough… I don’t even know what to say, I’m so sorry, I’m so lame...”
“You’re not,” Steve assured you softly, placing his hand over the one you had on the table. How were you supposed to stop crying if everything he did filled you with a sensation of comfort you’d lost a long time ago?
“Thank you,” you sniffled, wiping your tears clumsily with your free hand, “Thank you. And… yeah, I’d… I’d absolutely love to live with all of you at the compound. But will it be okay for everybody?”
“Of course! I told you, you’re part of the family now. We would all love to have you there with us, kiddo. We simply have to tell Tony, he’s the one in charge of that sort of stuff. And, of course, let your parents know. If you want, we can go to the compound right now and tell him. I’ll be there with you if you need me to. Both with Tony and with your parents.” Steve gave you a loving smile. His heart felt so relieved now knowing that his words hadn’t been a mistake.
“Okay, yeah… That… That would be nice. I told my mother I had a training session, so she won’t expect me to be back until later.”
“All right then, perfect,” he said, before taking another sip of his frappe, which had been reduced by half by now. Yours was almost untouched, but only because you’d been too busy speaking. Or crying. Or both. “By the way,” he added, “you were right, this thing is really good.”
You giggled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Steve motioned the waiter to ask for the bill and once it was paid (he of course didn’t let you pay for your drink no matter how much you insisted), you both stood up from your seats, grabbing the remains of your frappes.
“Steve,” you called, making him turn back to look at you attentively once again, “thank you. So, so much. For everything,” you expressed with as much sentiment and gratitude as you were capable of. He was definitely the best man you’d ever met in your life. And that was saying something, having in mind that you’d met all the Avengers.
“Come here,” Steve said with a smile, his arms open, asking for a hug. You did as you were told, a wide smile now plastered on your lovely face. Yeah, it was a bit swollen from the crying, but it was still lovely.
To be honest, all you wanted to do at that moment was to keep hugging him and never ever let go; nonetheless, you knew that wasn't possible and eventually you'd have to break the hug. So for now, you breathed deeply, inhaling Steve’s scent (he smelled like bar soap and clean laundry, with a small touch of cinnamon), and you let yourself enjoy every second of that warm and strong embrace, and its newly found feeling of home.
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revirushifaa · 3 years
Okay- hear me out on this one-
MC was on cooking duty and basically their cooking is bad not that good, they asked for the brother's opinions on their cooking
what would they tell MC? 👀
Sure, sure! I'm a terrible cooker too, anon so another thing I can relate to MC here and my folks are too honest about it with me pfff.
Six bros are in order! (Sorry for my lack of knowledge on Belphie, it's not that I'm excluding him purposedly, but I need to know his character well enough to write him justice. Progress is slow though. Darn dance battles-)
Terrible Cooker MC:
Lucifer and MC:
-He is disgusted. Like totally. DISGUSTED. He looked down at his plate.. his expression was just one like "._." very poker face full on. He wasn't one to lie about something that he didn't like, but... he didn't want to get MC to go in a full breakdown. The last thing he wanted was dealing with a sobbing MC over their bad food.
-What the hell did this human just cook? Why was that thing on his plate moving that way? Was this human trying to poison him?? He couldn't help gagging at the sight of his plate, he even poked it with his fork, and when it let out such a horrendous odor, he coughed and really couldn't eat that.
-MC had arrived to him expectantly. Lucifer really didn't know what to do about this, he was forced to eat a portion of that plate. His eyes almost began to water at the taste... what was even this? His tasting buds got cursed perpetually after this, it took all his willpower to swallow that thing down.
"How did you like it, Lucifer? Was it nice?"
-Just what should he tell them. What...
"....MC, leave the cooking to another of us, please.
-Just with that sentence he made MC's spirit to drop ten meters underground. Wow, Lucifer was so honest with his answer... he didn't like what they cooked.
"O-oh, okay, Lucifer..."
-Seeing that MC was close to tears, he immediately shoveled the whole darn thing down his throat, inwardly gagging and resisting the urge to puke it all out. "....It was nice...."
Mammon and MC:
"Mammon! Chow time, I made your favorite!"
-Oh gosh no... no, no, no. What in the Devildom's name was this thing?! It was supposed to be the noodles that he enjoyed eating, but they looked atrocious, sooo... blegh! But how to tell them that they were not that good of a cooker...
"Uh... thanks, MC! Yes, my favorite indeed!"
-He took the think in his hands and looked at it with a disgusted look. Oh here goes nothing.... *GULLLLP* he ate the whole thing, and his eyes immediately watered. Oh please, someone hand him some drink quick... he felt like puking it out.
"Well? Yummy, right?!"
"....Oh MC. Not to insult your cooking but... but...ugh, don't do that again. Ever."
-....Mammon why, how dare you. MC's eyes welled up in tears. And Mammon had no choice to eat every single food that MC cooked, always gaining such a terrible tummy ache and getting sick.
Leviathan and MC:
-NO. Spicy rainbow pizza his most favorite and MC just made that for him, but why in the Devil's name was this?? Why is the pizza's topping looking like a Little D had puked on it? His appetite was big but when he saw... that thing... he just lost his appetite. Ugh, why... and he had to eat it because it would break MC's heart to know that he rejected their food.
"Levi! I hope you like it, I tried my best!”
“Uh yeah. Here I go...”
-He had to go to the bathroom immediately. And after that, he kindly told MC that their food was not that great, but he didn’t it in a way that made them understand that he wasn’t trying to be jerk.
-MC didn’t get teary, in fact they decided to take cooking classes to keep the food enjoyable for everyone.
Satan and MC: 
-What the living hell is that thing... it’s moving in a way that it shouldn’t. Was it even edible?? Oh no he had to eat that thing in order to put MC at ease. He swallowed a bit and he widened his eyes and felt how his throat burned with that.
“I made it specially for you, did I please you?”
-That innocent proud look in their face.... what should he tell them, oh gosh he didn’t want to be the jerk that ruined their day with any harsh word or snarky comment.
“Oh... how to say this without being too honest? The plate itself looks interesting but the taste....”
“So I maybe put too much of that thin on. I’m sorry Satan, I’ll do better next time!”
-Well that didn’t go that bad, he half expected them sob their eyes out if he was too honest with them, but alright. That was a very good reaction from MC’s part.
Asmodeus and MC: 
-Why dear MC. Why did you have to put him in such difficult decision. He appreciated MC’s hard work to cook something delicious, but that just didn’t look too well. That just look so wrong.
-He looked at them with one of his many smiles that he had. He had to be careful with his words.
“MC-chan... I know that you worked so hard to make this. However...”
“It’s not that good, you want to say... Oh well...”
At their look turning grim, he shook his head and waved his hands, grabbing the plate and taking a big bite from it. Even if he had to cough out for water but just to show MC that he was grateful with their food he did that. He just couldn’t have them look all gloom and doom over their not so good food.
“I appreciate it your hard work.”
-And lots of kisses for the both of their cheeks.
Beelzebub and MC: 
-The Avatar of Glutton is... well. He loves eating even if it is the worst of food, so eh. He gulped down his plate without second thought, there was not much to think about the plate.
-But MC felt that it was not that good of plate, they had gotten different reactions from the others brothers that were not so pleasing, but had understood that they had to get better.
“Beel, be honest with me please. If it is that horrible, I can do my best next time... you don’t have to pretend to like it when it’s not like that.”
“What are you talking about? This is all nice!”
-He was made of gluttony after all, he just ate non-stop and he didn’t mind the taste long as he was eating he was just fine. MC at least didn’t have to worry about having to please him, it was all good for them. But they will get better for sure next time.
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
howdy again! if you don’t mind, could you do a bakugou, mirio, and kaminari (separate please) where they try to do kabedon on their s/o and the s/o dIES laughing? i just find this hilarious. thank y’all so much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️💖❤️
Bakugou + Mirio + Kaminari kabedoning their s/o
🌻~SFW & Gender Neutral!Reader
⚡️~Happy reading!
Katsuki Bakugou💥
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💥~ I-....this one is a little...🧍🏼‍♀️
💥~ You won’t believe me when I tell you this...
💥~ But Kirishima told him too-
💥~ Bakugou is a bit of a sneaky little shit, and he likes to get you all flustered and stuff because of how funny it is to him. It’s also an ego boost-
💥~ But umm...let’s just say this didn’t work out the way it was intended.
💥~ At least on your part-
💥~ So yes, Kirishima somehow read Bakugou’s mind and then told him about the kabedon...
💥~ How Kirishima found out HIMSELF is a whole different story-
💥~ BUT-
💥~ You were the last out of the locker room changing, putting your stuff back in its little case before heading out and back to class.
💥~ Bakugou stayed behind waiting for you because he’ll never say it but he loves walking with you and being all sweet with alone time.
💥~ Something in him kinda clicked and he decided he wanted to try it and see what happened since no one else was around.
💥~ He waits patiently for you to come out of the locker room, and when you do he just goes IN-
💥~ Before you can even see him he’s got you pinned, looming over you with an exposed arm at the side of your head.
💥~ At first you’re like OH HI HELLO- but then you realize...
💥~ Oh no, your boyfriend is kabedoning you. You’re supposed to be all shy and stuff, but in reality...
💥~ It was the funniest shit you’ve probably ever experienced.
💥~ “Agh, why the hell are you laughing!”
💥~ “Ahaha I’m sorry- I’m sorry I just- your arm- pfff I can’t-“
💥~ In his head he’s cursing Kiri for even mentioning the idea to him, let alone convincing him to do it.
💥~ He just takes his arm off and gets all grumpy, and you just latch onto his arm and start walking with him as you laugh it off.
💥~ “Did Kiri tell you to?”
💥~ He’s just embarrassed, but he likes your laugh. He swears you to secrecy though, and when Kiri asks him how it went he sends sparks flying-
Mirio Togata🌻
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🌻~ In all honesty it was a COMPLETE accident-
🌻~ He was just trying to get your attention and he got excited. So like..he tried but he didn’t?
🌻~ You were walking down one of the dorm hallways on the way to your room when you suddenly hear a familiar voice down the opposite end of the hall.
🌻~ “Hey! S/o! Wait for me wait I gotta ask you something!”
🌻~ You don’t even really have time to register what he says before you’re pinned against a wall, a strong arm beside the right side of your head as your panting boyfriend catches his breath.
🌻~ You know he didn’t mean to...you know he didn’t...but goodness was it hilarious-
🌻~ “S/o I gotta- wait why are you laughing?”
🌻~ Sweet baby is CONFUSED-
🌻~ “I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch movies with me tonight, you down or what?” He flashes you an iconic smile and your heart melts as you try your best to stop laughing. Mirio always has a habit of doing the most.
🌻~ “Sorry Mirio it’s just funny..”
🌻~ “What?”
🌻~ “Look at what you’re doing.”
🌻~ He notices and then GETS SO FLUSTERED-
🌻~ Gah please help him calm down he didn’t even know he was doing it pff he was just trying to stop you before you made it to your room-
🌻~ He’s too precious though, so please go watch those movies with him.
Denki Kaminari⚡️
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⚡️~ He thought he was slick- 😭
⚡️~ He basically convinced himself during class that it would be really suave and cool of him if he pinned you against a wall and sweet talked you.
⚡️~ But bonus! You’re already his s/o so frankly he didn’t even need to do that but just...just humor him I guess?
⚡️~ Class ends soon enough and of course Kaminari spent most of that time planning out how he was gonna do this in his head.
⚡️~ So right as you left the classroom he sneaks up behind you, twirls you around, and kabedons you against the wall...
⚡️~ Like, right outside the classroom...
⚡️~ All of your classmates are like- 🧍‍♂️
⚡️~ “Wanna hang out in my dorm later s/o?”
⚡️~ You can’t help but BUST out laughing.
⚡️~ That’s when he gets embarrassed-
⚡️~ “Hey why are you laughing s/o I was trying to do something cool!”
⚡️~ “I’m sorry Denki but that was just too funny!” You continue to laugh and he brings his arm down from the wall to hug you instead, pressing a little kiss to your forehead.
⚡️~ Most of the class is still staring at the two of you though-
⚡️~ Including Aizawa- 🗿
⚡️~ “Well this is embarrassing...”
⚡️~ “Yeah let’s just go to lunch.”
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Hearts Club
Seokmin: Chapter 2 (The Heart Wants What It Wants)
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Characters: Seokmin x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), bondage (sort of anyways?), pet names, creampie, squirting, dirty talk, angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, genocide mentions, mental illness (depression implied), sexual mentions, mentions of death, violence mentions. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I had the thought to use the song The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez for this chapter. Don’t ask me why. I just did. And I’m too sick to change it so here it is.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Slight 🥀 but mostly just pure 💋tbh
Lonely Hearts Club Master Club
Chapter 2: The Heart Wants What It Wants
“Come on Sol! Hurry up! By the time we get there it’ll be dark!” Seokmin complained to the younger wolf, wanting to reach their destination as quickly as possible.
“Aya! I’m moving as fast as I can. You ever think that maybe you’re just a little TOO excited to go see her?” Hansol smirked as he sped up his movements slightly to appease his brother.
It was true, they both knew it. Hell, at this point, Seokmin was sure you’d even realize that he had been counting the seconds before he could come see you again. It had been five days. FIVE DAYS. He felt like he was going crazy without you. His pack tried to cheer him up as best as they could, Jihoon even asked if he wanted to wrestle around outside with him, something Jihoon had hated more than anything. But still, he wanted to do nothing other than sit in front of the window and wait the minutes out till he could see your beautiful face again. Since he met you, he’s never wanted anything more than to spend time with you. And you being gone… well that made it impossible. So you could say he was just a TAD too eager to get back to you…
“Shut up and just- just hurry up would you!” Seokmin growled, slightly out of annoyance that the younger wolf was taunting him and slightly because he had been taking away his newly promised time with you.
It was bad enough he had him carry all the supplies he needed in his backpack, now he was slowing him down too. It was exhausting.
“Geez, you sure are grumpy now. What’s gotten a mate done to you hyung?” Hansol chuckled gently while poking fun at his brother innocently, knowing full well that he was actually being quite tame compared to what most mated wolves would’ve done without seeing their significant other for as long as he had.
“Nothing! I just- I just want to see her is all! You don’t understand. You don’t have a mate yet!” Seokmin groaned while hiking his way up the start of the mountain your cave was located in. He didn’t even have to try to remember how to get there like Hansol did, he could sense you, it was one of the reasons he agreed to bring him along even though he knew it was most likely annoy you.
“Pfff. You’ve had a mate all of five minutes and you’re already acting like you’re a love expert. You’re a piece of work you know that? I didn’t even have to let you come with me today. I fought with Seungcheol Hyung to get him to let you tag along. Don’t make me regret it yeah?” Hansol rolled his eyes, trudging along right behind his older impatient brother. He felt for him, he really did. He couldn’t imagine what he’d do in his situation, but he wasn’t about to let Seokmin be a dick to him just because he hasn’t seen you in a week. Surely it couldn’t be THAT hard for him to be less of an asshole.
“Look- I’m sorry okay? I just…” Seokmin halted his actions of climbing up a rocky trail before he turned to his friend, “Its bad enough she doesn’t love me. But with her not loving me AND being gone for almost a week, it feels like- like all my insides have been scooped out and… and I can’t find them anymore. I feel like an empty shell.” He continued, “But I know that if I could just- if I could just see her again, all of it would just heal over and I’d be happy to wake up in the morning again. So I NEED to see her, okay?” Seokmin gripped his hair tightly, partly in frustration and partially in defeat.
He wasn’t even sure what would happen when you’d see him again. You could really just slap him and tell him you never wanted him in your presence again. But he HAD to try, he NEEDED to smell your sweet scent again. He HAD to look at your angelic face again. He felt like he was gonna explode if he didn’t.
“I don’t know what’ll happened if I don’t. And trust me when I say, you don’t want to find out.” He finished as he started his trekking back up, leaving his brother taken aback by his sudden exposed fragility.
“It’s okay. I get it, I mean, I may not have a mate, but I’m not an idiot. We can all see how it’s killing you not to be around her man. She’ll come around. Don’t worry. It all just takes some time. Especially after everything that’s happened to her.” Hansol assured as he sat his hand on Seokmin’s shoulder in a comforting manner, causing the older wolf to smile at him in gratitude.
“Thanks Sol. I hope you’re right. Because I’m gonna start worrying for my sanity if so have to wait much-” Seokmin suddenly stopped speaking mid-sentence once he sensed that something was… different about you as they had gotten close enough to your den for him to feel you.
“Hyung? You good? Is everything alright-” Hansol tried while waving his hand in front of his brother’s zoned out face.
Seokmin quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it away before growling, “You need to leave.”
“Leave? What do you mean leave? We have to check on (Y/N) remember?” Hansol laughed aloud, attempting to start his walking back up.
Seokmin wraps his hand around Hansol’s wrist and spun him around to look at him.
“No. I’ll check on her. You need to go back to the house and make sure no one else comes up here. Got it?” He lets out, tightening his grip on the young boys arm without even realizing it.
“Seokmin, what the hell? Why on Earth would I do that? I have to help her-” Hansol tried to reason and attempted to break the hold he had on his wrist.
When Hansol met Seokmin’s eyes, he could see that they had turned blood red. He jumped back slightly, startled at his brother’s sudden mood shift.
“No. I’m the only one that’s allowed to help her the way she is. You need to leave. Now.” He growled as he released his hand from Hansol’s limb and started to continue walking to your den.
“And DON’T wait up for me.” He declared to the younger wolf, leaving him standing there stunned in his spot as he watched him stomp up towards the cave’s opening.
You had been pulling and pulling to no avail. You needed out. You felt like you were a living flame that needed to be put out. You moved your hips a little too quickly one way, causing a small whimper to emit from your lips. You were too fucking sensitive. Everything hurt.
“And you didn’t think to tell me that this-” Seokmin surprised you as he gestured around your cave, “Was your important business?” He chuckled out as he knelt down beside you.
Before he walked into your cave, he could already feel the change in your energy, he wasn’t sure what it was exactly. But he just knew he didn’t want ANYONE ELSE but him to see you in your current state. Red flags went off in his head the second Hansol stepped even one foot too close to the vicinity of your cave. He got territorial without even knowing why he didn’t want anyone else around you.
Now that he had actually entered your cave, he understood why. You were against the farthest rock wall from the opening. You were wearing nothing but your small green tank top and a pair of lacy panties. Your hair was damp against your skin, your lips were chapped, and you had a thin layer of sweat adorned on your glowing skin. You were growling out in frustration. Chains laid above your head, your wrists tightly held in place as you winced in pain. Not from trying to get out of your restraints, but from the obvious discomfort between your legs. Your panties had, at this point, been completely soaked through, the wetness clear to anyone who would have dared to witness your display.
That’s when he understood why you had been trying so hard to get away from him: you were in heat. You needed to run away so you wouldn’t go crazy around his pack. So you came back to your den to ride it out. Alone. Even though you had a mate.
“I thought you would’ve figured it out by now” you respond, lolling your head to the side from exhaustion with a seductive smirk on your face. Heat was truly fucking horrible chained to a wall. And now that Seokmin was here, it was like the Gods had finally answered your prayers for release. You HAD to have him and you had to have him right then and there.
“Help me- Please!” you whined out, tugging on your chains hard hoping he would get what you were hinting at.
“I don’t think taking them off you is a good idea. Who knows what you’d do” Seokmin replied before he took off his pack and pulled a rag out from the biggest pocket.
He drenched it in one of your buckets of water and placed it on your scorching head, you hissed at the feeling of something so cold having touched your flaming skin.
You let out a dry chuckle before responding, “You. I’d do you. Now help me out of these. Please.” You begged, eyes turning emerald green at the thought of finally getting your neediness taken care of by the man in front of you.
“(Y/N)- I- I don’t think you understand what you’re asking.” He attempted to reason with you, trying his absolute best to remain unaffected by your current state.
But it was hard. You were half naked, chained to the wall in heat, pleading with him to help you. And God, did he want to help you. Every instinct in him was telling him to ravage you and make you his.
“I know exactly what I’m asking you to do. Please Seokmin- It hurts! Please take my pain away. Please!” You groaned out as you shook your chains in impatience, “Don’t you want to help me?” You questioned him with an innocence face, but your eyes couldn’t have been more dirty. Fuck. You were gonna kill him with that mischievous little glint in your eyes.
“I- I do. But I cant. (Y/N), you’ll regret it if I help you that way. The best I can do is-” His sentence broke as you rubbed your foot against the crotch of his jeans, causing a cut off hiss to expel from his lips, “Is- is help you ride it out by taking care of your symptoms.” He stuttered as he denied you, it was taking everything he had to hold himself back from attacking your lips. You were making everything EXTREMELY hard for him. Literally.
But he knew you’d be upset with him if he did what you wanted him to do right now. He’d be taking advantage of your vulnerable state. That’s not how he wanted his first time with you to go. Or anytime with you for that matter. He wanted you to be fully aware of what would be happening and he wanted you to be glad it was taking place because you loved him, not because you were a sex crazed animal in the middle of mating season.
Tears started to form in your eyes and began to slide down your cheeks. You couldn’t take it anymore. He was right there, and touching you, but not in the place you needed him most. It was killing you. The ache between your legs was getting to be too much for you to bare.
“PLEASE SEOKMIN PLEASE! I can’t take this anymore! You’re so close but you’re too far away. I want you to take care of me. Please!” You wailed out, thrashing yourself around as you tried to find some stimulation, hell, ANY stimulation you could get to rub against your heat.
“(Y/N), I can’t. You’re just saying that because you’re going through your mating cycle. If you were thinking normally, you would probably have already pushed me out of your den by now. You don’t want me, you want your pain to go away. And that’s not reason enough for me to break, I’m sorry. ” Seokmin spoke softly, upset that he had to speak his reality into existence.
He wanted you to want him, but he knew that normal you didn’t. Hormone you only wanted him to scratch an itch for you. And as much as his inner wolf was pleading with him to heed to your request, he couldn’t. Not if it meant you’d hate him more afterwards.
“You think I don’t normally want you? Do you know how hard it is to stay away from you? Do you even know what it takes to be as cold towards you as I am? It kills me. I want to be sitting in your lap all the god damn time for fucksakes. All I want to do is get on my knees for you 24 hours of the fucking day and suck your soul out. I want you to hold me down on a bed and fuck the living daylights out of me. I want you to pound me so hard all I know is your name. But it’s just my natural instinct to resist you after everything that’s happened. But PLEASE, I can’t take this anymore. I want you to help me. I NEED you to help me. Please Seokmin?” You yelled out to get his attention with one final plea, looking at him with watery red eyes and a pushed out lip.
He stared you deep in the eyes as he debated what to do. On one hand, he didn’t want you to be remorseful over this. But on the other hand, his cock was already scrapping his jeans because of how aroused your current state had made him. You were ducking dripping onto the cave floor and it was all because of him. It was all FOR him. Oh, fuck it.
He quickly attached his chapped lips to your near bloody ones from biting them to suppress groans, feverishly moving his in an effort to make up for lost time. You whimpered into his mouth and tugged on your restraints, showing him that you wanted them off. He gave you a dirty smirk before he grabbed the key setting juuuust out of your reach and unlocked your chains. Once free, you all but threw yourself at Seokmin, smashing your lips back onto his like your life depended on it. You were gripping his hair roughly while forcing your mouth to his with such force, you could feel your teeth clashing. You had to have him touch you more, you NEEDED him to touch you more.
He stood the both of you up and rid you of your shirt and panties in a flash. Soon, his own articles of clothing were gone and, before you knew it, he was holding you against the cave wall, you legs wrapped around his waist as you grinded against his member for some sweet friction.
He grabbed your hair and forced your head to the side for better access as he started making small love bites up and down your neck and chest. You scrapped your nails through his hair, the little pleasure starting to affect you in ways you had never even dreamed it would. It felt like he was the only thing holding you to earth as you held onto him for dear life, both of you far too gone to care about anything else but the feeling of each other’s touch.
The hand that was still in your hair pulled you to look back at him as he spoke to you with soft eyes, “Are you sure you want this baby? We can stop if you want to. I don’t want to do something you’re not ready for.”
He knew the chances of you wanting to stop while you were in heat were slim to none, but he also knew that you wanted nothing to do with him most of the time. He didn’t want you to be angry with him later. He needed fo be SURE you knew the consequences to what you were asking him to do.
“Yes. I’m sure. Now PLEASE just fuck me before I go crazy. Please!” You replied as you held his hair in a death grip, slowly rubbing your slit against his member. This let him shallowly dip into you and caused a light squeal to emit from your chest.
He positioned himself fully in front of your entrance, giving you a final look, wanting you to give him another form of assurance before he continued with his actions. You nodded your head at him as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss of approval.
He hurriedly buried himself completely inside of you, both of you moaning out from pleasure in the process. A deep growl came from Seokmin’s chest as he dug his face into your neck in an effort to try and hold himself still so you could adjust to his long length. As much as he wanted to start fucking you into the cave wall, he refused to continue until he knew you were comfortable enough to move on.
Soon, you started to rut against him, trying pathetically to get him to move. He got the hint fast and pulled out so that just his tip was barely inside you before he pushed himself back in at full speed. The action had forced all the air out of your lungs and had you grasping for any part of him that was within your reach. He was fucking you brutally against the wall and you felt like you were in Heaven.
“Fuck- you take me so well baby. Like you were made for me. Bet you wanted me to fuck your pretty little pussy since the day we met” He breathed out, causing you to whine in response to his filthy words.
You were so sensitive from the days of being locked away with no satisfaction, your walls were already fluttering around his cock after just a minute or two of him being inside you. The feeling of you clenching around him made his eyes roll to the back of his head from sheer ecstasy. He wasn’t gonna last long, but he was determined to get you there first. You were his main priority. Especially with you being in heat, he was insistent on making you cum first.
“Do I really feel that good?” You asked in choked out breaths and chuckled lightly at his fucked out expression. He had his eyes partially closed and his brows were pushed into a concentrated face, he looked spectacular.
“Baby, you have no idea how good your little cunt feels” he groaned out and pulled you in for another kiss, quickening his pace as he was getting closer to his release.
He halted his actions before he sat you back onto the cave floor and positioned you on all fours. He entered you from behind and started thrusting into you at an inhuman pace. He grabbed your hair and pulled your body to his chest, making your mouth fall open in response to your new position as he moved his hand that was in your hair to your throat. He was sooooo much deeper now, he was hitting your cervix with every movement. You were sure he was gonna break you in two.
You gasped when he hit juuust the right spot inside you, “Fuck! I- I’m so close!” you squealed out, grabbing the hand he had around your throat and squeezing it tightly in an unsuccessful attempt to ground yourself.
“I know baby- fuck! You’re getting so tight around me, like a good little cocksleeve. So fucking perfect.” He darkly chuckled out, still mercilessly thrusting himself into you. He quickly added his other hand down to rub your swollen clit.
“Please- I-I can’t. Fuck! It’s too much I’m gonna-” you said as you tried to push his hand away. The pleasure his hand provided was too much for you, It felt like you were going to explode.
“Shh. It’s alright, I want you to. Go ahead baby, I know you need to. It must’ve been soooo hard going all this time without my dick to help you,” he cooed at you with a seductive smirk, “But You’ve been such a good girl princess. And Good girls deserve to be rewarded. Good girls get to cum on their daddy’s cock” he whispered as he licked up evilly from your collarbone to your ear, still pounding into you so hard you could hardly breathe and still rubbing your clit like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
“But I- You have to stop before I-” just as you were about to finish your sentence, a white wave of euphoria hit you, stopping you dead in your tracks.
“Holy shit” you heard Seokmin say as you started to come down from your high. You had thrown yourself out of his arms and onto your palms, now holding the ground in front of you.
“I made you squirt. Jesus Christ that was so hot baby” He spoke as he tapped his now soaked cock on your plump ass before he slid himself back into your pussy.
You whimpered loudly in response, “No please daddy- it’s too much. I- I cant-” You started to squirm from the overstimulation before Seokmin took your arms and pinned them behind your back with his hand, pushing your upper body to the ground.
“You can take a bit more baby. I know you can. I need to finish still. And It’s only fair that you’re nice to me now that I’ve been so nice to you right princess?” He teased while still pushing in and out of you sloppily to get himself off.
You whined slightly before you started to lazily clench your walls around him, trying to get him there quicker through the pain of your sensitivity. But you started to feel that familiar feeling building back up in your stomach. For most female wolves, their heat would start up their need immediately after relief unless one thing was done…
“Shit baby, I’m close. Where do you want me to cum? I could cum in your pretty little mouth so you can swallow all of me. Or I could paint your sweet ass with my cum so everyone will know you’re my little cock slut. It’s up to you princess” Seokmin gritted out through his teeth, smacking your ass with one hand and using the other one with the grip on your waist to pull you back to him over and over again.
“I- I need you to cum inside me.” You mustered out, already moaning out incoherent sounds from being so close to your own high so soon after your last one.
Seokmin’s rhythm faltered for a moment as he took in what you had just said before he spoke up again, “But baby… are you sure?” He did his best to sound as concerned as he could while he was still balls deep inside you. But fuck, it was hard when all he wanted to do was breed you like the bitch in heat you were.
“Yes. Please! It’ll make it go away for longer. Please! Cum inside me daddy” You all but screamed as he managed to graze your sweet spot.
He wouldn’t normally want to risk something like that, even with his own mate, he’d still want to be sure they were both ready for the possibility of a child in case. But all he could focus on was your tight cunt sucking him in over and over and how he wanted to help you with your heat as much as possible. You asked him to cum inside you. So that’s exactly what he was gonna do.
He threaded his brows together in concentration as he worked his way to his high. You had already started going over the edge for the second time today. Your moans and sounds were music to his ears, so his fangs had elongated. But because he wasn’t sure where you two had stood, he just decided to bite his bottom lip instead to keep himself from marking you.
“Fuck! Be a good little slut and take all of it.” He groaned as he pushed himself as deep into you as he could, emptying his load and releasing his hot thick cum against your walls in the process.
You were both a panting sweaty mess. He pulled out, an action to which you whined from the lack of fullness, and grabbed his shirt to help you clean up. Once you were both clean, he sat down beside you against your wall. You were still panting, but were remarkably quiet
“Are you upset with me?” Seokmin asked looking at his hands, doing everything he could to keep from meeting your gaze that had found him the second he started speaking.
“No I’m not mad at you. What makes you think that?” You answered, your mind still a little groggy and your voice still a little strained from the sex.
“I just figured you would be because we fucked. And then I came- well you know…” he responded, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.
“I’m not mad. Just tired. I asked you to help me and you did. I asked you to cum inside me and you did. So even if I wanted to be mad, I wouldn’t really have the right to be.” You added, hoping to ease his worries slightly while you were trying your best not to nod off to sleep.
“Yeah about that… why did you ask me to-” Seokmin started his sentence before you stopped him, immediately knowing what he was referring to.
“It keeps the need away for longer. Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. And I figured you’d need at least a few minutes before we could go for another round, so it seemed like the most viable option.” You stated matter of factly, running your trembling fingers through your messy hair before you sat them down on your lap.
“Oh. I see.” He said as he started to get visibly nervous. You knew where he was about to go with this sentence too, but you decided you’d let him ask anyways, “so… what does this mean? Are you gonna go back to hating me now?”
“I never hated you to begin with Seokmin. I just- I didn’t want a new mate. After what happened to my old one, it just- it didn’t feel right. So I was cold to you, and it’s not like I felt nothing for you then. I just- didn’t want to. As for the state of our relationship, I’m not really sure what we are myself. But I do know that I don’t want to be mean to you anymore. You never deserved it. You were just trying to love me, you didn’t do anything wrong. But I’m just not sure how good of a mate I’d be to you at the moment. I’ll do my best.” You huffed out earnestly as you turned your entire body to look at him.
He looked exhausted and you knew that that was your fault. But that still didn’t change the fact that you thought he was the most attractive person ever in that moment, still attempting to catch his breath, his hair matted and stuck to his forehead from sweat. He beamed a smile at you.
“I can live with that” he let out as he grabbed your petite hand in his big one and brought it up to his lips for a kiss.
“But why? Why would you want that if it means that you’d have a mate who still wasn’t capable of loving you properly?” You questioned. That thought had been on your mind since the second after he told you he had imprinted on you. Why would he want you if you didn’t even know how to love him?
Seokmin played with your fingers for a moment before he spoke again with a sweet smile that melted your heart, “The Heart Wants What It Wants I guess.”
(Updated 9/8)
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lu-undy · 3 years
Another Sniper/Spy fluffy “short”
Spy and Sniper are sent on a mission where Spy has to disguise himself as a woman. Sniper falls for him *even more* and when he catches Spy flirting with the bad guy, well, the Aussie takes it badly. But in the end, all is well ;) Follow this link!
"Hey, Miss Paulin'?" 
"Hey Scout, d'you know where I can find Spy and Sniper?"
"Ya got a job for'em?"
"Yes, I do." Miss Pauling had barely arrived at the base that the young man was all over her, like a bee on a flower. 
"I can do it. I'm sure I can do it on my own too, I'm pretty strong, see?" He flexed his arm and Miss Pauling rolled her eyes before looking away. 
"Scout, I need those two to do the job, not you." 
"I can do it with them, if that works better for you, eh?" 
The young woman sighed and pushed living-room's door.
"Hey everyone."
"Howdy, Miss?"
Most of the team was there but as Miss Pauling scanned the room, she didn't find Spy or Sniper. 
"Any idea where Sniper and Spy are?" 
"You'll find Slim in his van I guess, and for Spy? I'd say give a knock on his door." The Texan answered from the sofa, a beer in his hand. 
"Alright, thanks." The young woman spun on her heels and bumped on Scout. "Scout!"
"Yeah, I'm here." 
"You wanna do something for me?"
"Sure!" He excitedly answered. 
"Get Spy and Sniper in the meeting room in 2 minutes."
"I'm on it!" 
And a couple of minutes later, both mercenaries were in the meeting room with Miss Pauling. 
"Alright, guys, I have a job for you two. I know, it's quite unusual for both of you to team up with anyone but unless one of you can split himself into two, you'll need each other." 
Spy and Sniper were sitting face to face on one end of the long table, the closest to the screen. The Frenchman lit a cigarette and raised his hand. 
"Spy?" Miss Pauling was surprised that he should have a question so soon.
"Is this mission only to be heard by Sniper and my ears?" He asked. 
"Yeah, why?" The young woman raised an eyebrow. Spy stood up and went to the meeting room's door that he opened abruptly. Scout was trying to look and listen through the keyhole. "Ugh, Scout, if you don't leave right now, I swear I'm never giving you any jobs anymore!" 
"You never do anyway!"
Sniper pushed his chair back to stand up but Miss Pauling put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. 
"I did! I asked you to go and get Sniper and Spy and you did it brilliantly, now, please let me have this meeting with them." 
"Does that mean you… were impressed by how well I handled it?" Scout's eyes shone with enthusiasm. 
"Yeah, it does, now please…?" 
"Alright then, I won't be far though, just in case you need anythin' eh?"
Spy looked at Miss Pauling and she nodded, after that, the Frenchman pushed the door shut on the young man's face.
"Ooh, sorry about this, I know neither of you like to waste your time…" Pauling grabbed a remote and switched the big screen on. "Now, let's talk about the mission. The Admin's got you two tickets for a ball given by this guy. Apparently, he has a bar of pure unrefined Australium that the Admin wants. One of you will have to distract him while the other retrieves it." She pushed a button and the screen showed a mansion. "That's his house, where the ball will be. I'm told that the Australium is in his bedroom, upstairs, right there…" She pushed another button. "It's on that shelf. I talked to Engie and we'll have the CCTV system and the security rigged off so it's just a matter of picking it up."
"Do we know anything about this gentleman?" Spy asked. 
"Yup," Pauling pushed a button and the next image appeared. 
"Bloody hell, how many sheilas is that…?" Sniper straightened his back on the chair and started counting them. The picture showed the man surrounded by women of all colour and all tastes.
"Five." Spy answered. "Those ones are in a group of five, admirable women and very helpful in times of need." Sniper's eyebrows jumped and he looked at his colleague across the table. "So he enjoys the company of women?" Spy asked Pauling, unfazed.
"Yeah, so Spy, you'll have to go as one, keep him busy while Sniper goes upstairs and takes the prize. Any questions?” 
Spy raised his hand.
“Yes, Spy?”
“When is this mission due?”
“The party is tonight. Here’s the address.” Pauling took a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to Spy. The Frenchman took a second to look at it then nodded, and Miss Pauling showed it to Sniper.
“Y’know the area?” Sniper asked his colleague and Spy nodded, blowing the smoke of his cigarette between his thin lips. “Alright then.”
Miss Pauling took the paper and burnt it. “There, you guys have the address. Now, the Admin insists on doing the job cleanly, no corpses. Besides, there’s no respawn there, so try to not get killed, ok?”
Both Sniper and Spy nodded.
“Right, if you don’t have more questions, I’ll be on my way.” Miss Pauling went to the door, both mercenaries on her heels. Spy opened the door for her and both Sniper and her passed through before he went through last and shut the door.
The evening came and Sniper had spent his entire afternoon on his own. After the dinner that he shared with his colleagues, he retreated to his van again and prepared himself. Well, a fancy ball, huh? Good thing he had kept a suit in his stuff. It had been his father’s so it was old, out of any kind of recent fashion and a bit on the short side for the tall Aussie, but who cared. He was just going to steal something and he would be back before midnight no doubt. Sniper trusted Spy to offer whatever distraction was needed for him to take the Australium stick easily.
When the Aussie finished putting on his black, now dark greying, suit, he quickly combed his hair and looked at his reflection on his van's window. 
“Well, that’ll do.” He concluded and exited his van to go and get his colleague out. 
“Ooh, looks like Snipe’s goin’ on a date, eh?” Scout said and whistled at the older man. Sniper growled and bared his teeth on the side. “Who’s the lucky one, eh? There ain’t any lady kangaroos over here, eh?”
“Bugger off, Scout.”
“Pfff….!” The Bostonian snickered as Sniper disappeared in the corridor. 
There was a knock on the Frenchman's door.
“Go to your van, I shall join you.” The voice with the French accent answered from the other side of the door with the knife symbol.
Sniper rolled his eyes. 
“Alright.” He answered, and left. A minute later, he was in his van and the door on the passenger’s seat squeaked open. “Are you read-oh, wow…”
“I am indeed ready, now let us not waste time.” Spy answered matter-of-factly.
Sniper’s eyes lingered on his now very lady-like colleague. He couldn’t see much but the long hair and the shine on Spy’s lips was a change and a half. 
“Jesus, that’s one hell of a disguise… You really look like a sheila…!” He started the engine and off they went. 
“Thank you, I take it as a compliment on my make-up and disguise skills.”
“Yeah... How did you manage that…? I mean, I guess the long hair’s a wig, right?” Sniper cast a glance at his colleague. “No... Is it really your hair?”
“Non, you Bushman, of course not. It would never fit under my mask. This is indeed a wig.”
“And you put on make-up?”
“You know how to do that?”
“Wow… ‘M not gonna ask how or why.” Sniper said more to himself but of course Spy heard him.
“It is a skill, like shooting, you get it through learning.”
“And trainin’.” Sniper added. “You did that much?”
“Oui, not usually to make myself more feminine. Make-up can be used to hide your distinctive features, or create some that you do not originally possess.”
“Makes sense for a spook I guess.”
Spy raised a curious eyebrow to his colleague but of course Sniper was way too focused on the road to notice it. The Frenchman was surprised that his colleague did not mock him for his womanly disguise but instead chose to compliment him on his efforts. Hm, surprising coming from Sniper. Although anything that came from Sniper was a surprise. The man lived like a hermit in his van, he was almost as secretive as the Frenchman himself. Looking at him better, Spy noticed that Sniper had put on a suit. Well, something that vaguely resembled one. Even through the darkness of the night, the Frenchman could tell that this was no custom-tailored three-piece suit.
“And you have put on a suit?”
“Well, it’s an old thing, but yeah, I tried.”
“If you wanted something a bit more modern, I could have lent you something.”
“What? Seriously? You’d lend me one of your super expensive ones?”
“Well,” Spy answered. “I would have given it to you, no doubt you would have deformed the silk and cotton. But still.”
“You’re smaller than me though, so I don’t think anything would have been my size.”
“Hm, that is correct. Such a shame we had so little time to prepare or we could have gone to find you something a bit more appropriate.” Spy said.
“Well I certainly would not trust you to find something adequate on your own, no offense.”
Sniper smiled. 
“None taken, I think you’re actually right…”
They exchanged a glance and a smile.
“Still, it’s weird to hear you with your usual voice but see you with long hair, I mean… I can hardly see anythin’, it’s dark, but your silhouette’s like a sheila’s.” Sniper’s eyes went down to Spy’s chest and nodded to himself. The Frenchman definitely looked like a woman.
“And you have seen the gloss of the lipstick and the longer eyelashes because of the mascara. You have keen eyes.”
“Guess so.” The Aussie took the compliment with a smile.
“No doubt about it.”
“Alright, Spook, we’re in the city now so you’ll have to guide me. I remember the address but no clue where that bloke’s palace is.”
“Fair enough. Go straight until the natural history museum…” Spy started helping out his partner in crime. After a few turns and a few more minutes, both could see the palace. 
“That bloke’ house is as big as my parents’ entire farm.” The Aussie queued after the line of cars to enter the mansion’s parking lot.
“I take your word for it.” Spy answered. 
“I mean, seriously, why d’you need a house that big? Must cost ya a fortune to take care of… Plus you’re eatin’ out space for other people or animals, makes no sense.”
“Animals?” Spy asked.
“Yeah, imagine if he had a normal house, the rest could be a forest or something, you could have a bit of life there instead of marble and whatnot.”
Spy smiled. That was such a typical thought of Sniper, thinking of the wildlife almost before he thought of himself.
“The queue’s not movin’ that much…” Sniper said, drumming the steering wheel with his index and middle finger.
“Indeed it is not. Cigarette?” Spy took his cigarette case out of his purse and flicked it open between Sniper and him.
“Oh, uh, why not? Thanks, Spook.” The Aussie helped himself to one and Spy lit both of their cigarettes.
“Would you mind if I adjust your tie knot. It is not straight.”
“Oh? Uh, ok, thanks, mate.”
“No problem, it is inconveniencing me more than you, no doubt.”
“Well, I’m not seein’ it so yeah, I guess you're right.” Sniper stopped the van’s engine and turned towards Spy. 
“Is there any light in your van?”
“Oh, sure, here.” The Aussie flicked a switch and his eyes snapped wide. 
Spy raised gloved hands to his collar. But it wasn’t his usual dark, short pair, nah, those went up to his elbows, they shone shyly, in white satin. The Aussie realised that Spy was wearing a dark blue, bustier dress with thin sequins, revealing a shy, yet womanly chest. 
“You may breathe normally, Sniper. And I am only adjusting your knot, no need to be so anxious. I can hear your heart beat through your breath.” Spy chuckled, not understanding why his colleague was so nervous, but he soon finished and raised his eyes to meet Sniper's. And that's when he understood. Sniper’s face was flushed as red as a brick. “Sniper?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, thanks, ahem…” Sniper looked away and gulped down hard. That split second that Spy had looked into his eyes had been so intense. The Frenchman sure did know how to put on makeup! As Sniper shut his eyes to erase that image, those eyes so light, they look like angel’s, that eyeliner highlighting their mellow, curvy shape, the mascara making his eyelashes look like butterfly wings, and his thin, red lips… To no avail. The image of that face was burnt into the Aussie’s memory. 
“Are you alright?” Spy asked. “Is my cigarette too strong?”
“N-nah, nah, it’s fine, actually, they’re not strong at all.” Sniper started the engine again and followed the caterpillar motion of the line of cars.
“Indeed, if it were my cigarettes, I would have been surprised.” Spy answered. “I know that I smoke like a fireman as we say in French, so I keep to light, menthol ones. I do remember you smoke occasionally too, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sometimes. But mine are cheap and taste like crap next to yours.”
Spy chuckled and Sniper followed him. 
“I understand my appearance surprised you.” Spy said, blowing the smoke of his cigarette in a little cloud. 
“Yeah, I mean, you really look like a sheila.”
“I have to.” Spy answered. “By the way, thank you.”
“For what?”
“For appreciating my efforts. I imagine that had I gone to complete this mission with any other one of our colleagues, my feminine disguise would have been almost blackmail material for them.” 
“You mean they’d make fun of you for it?”
“Oui, I would imagine so.”
“Well, yeah, guess that’s true.”
“But you haven’t. Instead, you complimented my hard work. I appreciate it.”
“Hah, well, you’re welcome, Spook. And thanks for the tie. I never manage to get them right on my own.”
“An easy skill to learn, you just need more training.”
They eventually entered the property and found a parking spot. 
“From now on, you do not know me and I do not know you.” Spy said when Sniper stopped the engine. The Aussie nodded. "You do have your earpiece on, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do." 
"Good. Then we shall either communicate through that, or as we usually do." 
Sniper nodded again. Over the months working together, Sniper and Spy had developed a form of wordless communication. It was useful ok the battlefield, when one distracted the enemy and the other took his chance to take them down. 
"Anythin' I should or shouldn't do?" Sniper asked. "'M not exactly used to sneaking around and all." 
Spy got flattered that Sniper should ask him for advice. 
"Well, do not overdo it. The best way for you to go through people is to mingle with them. Those people are here to party? Well, you shall partake too, but reasonably so. Needless to say that a drunk partner in crime is a useless one."
"Yeah, o'course. How will I know when to go upstairs?" 
"Keep an eye on me, you will know when you can go."
"Alright, ok." Sniper tried to store all these words preciously in his memory. 
"Could you please switch the light back on for an instant?" 
"Oh, uh, sure, here." 
"Ah, I knew it. This isn't my usual brand of lipstick and part of it went away with the cigarette… I should have had some imported from France, I knew I was running low…" Spy looked through his white purse and took a tube of lipstick. The Aussie couldn't help but stare at his colleague fixing his make-up. "There…" Spy brushed his lips against each other to spread the red lipstick evenly. "This should do. How do I look?" 
Sniper was speechless. 
"Uh, I-I mean, great, I mean, for a sheila who isn't one, it's… I'd never guess you're a bloke, unless I hear your voice." 
"And what about now?" 
Sniper's jaw dropped, his colleague now sounded like a woman. 
"Alright… You're a sheila alright…" 
"Perfect, I shall exit the van first, you wait a few minutes and make your way inside."
"O-ok, yeah."
"See you, Sniper." 
"Yeah, see ya…" 
Sniper did as he was told and waited in his van, in the silence of his own mind. How the hell could Spy do that…? He looked like a sheila, sounded like one…! The bloke even had at least the upper body of a woman! 
"Bloody hell…" Sniper leaned his head back and dived in his own thoughts. He closed his eyes and saw it all again, the feline eyes, the thin lips, the long mane of wavy black hair… "Gosh." 
Spy looked attractive as a woman… too. 
Sniper took a deep breath and sighed. 
This was better than Christmas. He got to spend an evening with the ladykiller dressed and made-up like one himself. Even as a man, Spy was far from repulsive, Sniper thought even if his face was mostly hidden by his mask. His silhouette was exquisite, a bit shorter than Sniper, his shoulders slightly less broad, long, thin legs and he couldn't possibly dress more elegantly. The man was a candy bar for the eyes mounted on two skinny legs, and Sniper had nothing against skinny legs, far from it. 
He remembered that one day he had seen Spy without his jacket, just with his white shirt, his tie and his vest. The Aussie had seen him from behind and only then did he realise that the Frenchman's trousers moulded his waist and thighs deliciously. Well, especially his waist from behind… 
Sniper blinked and shook his head as if to land back on Earth. 
"Right, anyway, time to go." 
He exited his van and walked towards the house's entrance. Two massive bodyguards were standing there. He passed them without an issue and climbed the white stairs to the house itself. 
Gosh, that's a lot of people…
Immediately, Sniper found himself swimming amongst the dresses and the suits, some waiters were coming and going with trays of thin, fancy glasses on them. One of them stopped in front of Sniper. 
"Ah, thanks." He took one and walking through people to find Spy, Sniper kept close to the walls, melting with the wallpaper itself. 
C'mon, Spook, where are you…?
The Aussie's keen eyes darted left and right, scanning the crowd. 
Or I could find the bloke we're gettin' the Australium from, I'm sure Spy's not far from him. 
Sniper looked left and right, crossing different rooms, some wider than others. Finally, he made it to the most spacious one. Along one of the walls were tables filled with food and drinks and opposite that, a jazz band was playing. The Aussie recognised the tune. He leaned back against the wall and sipped on his champagne while his eyes looked at each and every face. Without realising it, his foot was drumming the rhythm of the tune. 
Ugh, there were so many people and they were dancing, swarming the place like bees around honey… 
"You like this song? Maybe you'd like to dance?"
Sniper's eyes darted down to whoever the woman was who was talking to him. He gasped when he recognised him. 
"I-I can't really dance, I mean…"
"Come on, it'll be fun and easy, follow me…" 
Of course it had to be Spy. Ah, it had been too good to be true! The Frenchman had been too nice with Sniper and the Aussie had started to wonder if the mischief in his colleague was just something he put on with his colleagues and decided to turn off with him…! But no! Of course he had to play games like these…!
Spy had taken the Aussie's hand with his white gloved one and he pulled him to the dancefloor. The song in the background suddenly sprang to Sniper’s ears. The Frenchman put his colleagues’ hands on him, one on his hip and the other against his palm. Spy started moving left and right, gently rocking the both of them. Sniper looked down and his eyes shot back up when he saw Spy’s chest. Even though he knew it was all an illusion, make-up and some hard work, his parents had nonetheless not raised him to look down womens’ cleavages…
“Mh, not bad.” Spy said with his female voice. “You lead now.” He stopped moving and Sniper, still looking up at the ceiling as if it would burn his eyes to look at his dance partner, started leading. Well, leading was a big word, he was moving, rocking left and right. “Just follow the rhythm…”
Sniper’s heart threatened to burst out of his ribcage. Spy was leaning his head against his chest.The Aussie gulped down hard and looked down. The fact that Spy wasn’t looking at him eased him somehow, he relaxed and moved in rhythm now. His hips swung with the double-bass, and soon, without realising it, his hand slid from Spy’s hip to his back. The Frenchman smiled, his eyes closed against his colleagues’ suit, and he pushed his hands to splay them both on his broad chest.
“What’re you makin’ me do, Spook…?” Sniper had managed to forget the people around him to only focus on the warmth of Spy’s body against his. He spoke with his eyes closed too.
“You took your time to join me here.” Spy answered. 
“Sorry… I just… Bah, whatever.”
“It is fine, as long as you are here now.”
Spy’s feminine voice just wrapped Sniper warmly in a fashion that only rivaled with his normal, male voice.
“S-Spook, we should be gettin’ to work…”
“Oh but we are.” Spy smirked before he raised his fair eyes to Sniper. “You see the man in the black and white suit over my shoulder? He is wearing a red satin scarf on his shoulders.”
Sniper looked in the direction indicated by Spy.
“Yeah, I see’im.”
“That is the man that I shall entertain. I tried getting his attention but I am afraid that the competition tonight is hard for me to match.”
“What’re you talkin’ about?” Sniper asked.
“Those women following him, he has eyes only for them. He is practically blind to the rest of the world. Arh, Miss Pauling should have told us earlier, I would have had time to dye my hair black….”
“What’re you talkin’ about? Your hair is already black.”
“It has some grey, too much of it. I couldn’t dye it so I had to use a wig with matching greying temples and front. It would have been odd to have long black hair but some grey roots.”
“I don't think your grey hair’s a problem. I mean, it’s beautiful as it is, I mean the wig, heh…”
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper again. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome… But uh, so what’s the plan, now?”
“Now, I need to attract his attention in a different way. If my looks in this attire are not enough, then I shall try something else. You, keep an eye on me and wait for my signal, d’accord?”
Spy freed himself from Sniper’s dancing embrace. 
“You… You be careful, ok?”
Spy gave him a smile, one that he had never seen before, it was a lopsided grin, his eyes were smiling too, his eyelashes bowing gently.
“You too.”
And just like that, Spy was out of Sniper’s arms. The Aussie’s eyes lingered on the Frenchman and that’s when he realised that the dress he was wearing had two long slits left and right, revealing his legs up to a half of his thighs. Spy was also somehow managing to walk with high heeled stilettos, black ones, that laced up his calves. The laces then dissolved into black stockings that hugged his leg in the most enticing way, up to his thigh.
“God, he’s somethin’...” Sniper said out loud, even though no one heard him. “Hold on, what is he - what the…?”
Spy walked to the jazz band and Sniper saw him talk to the leader. After a few seconds of Spy talking, the leader of the band nodded and the music died down. Sniper went to the table and grabbed a glass before he leaned on the wall next to him. 
The music started again and Sniper frowned. Why was Spy staying there? Why was he taking the microphone? Why was - oh…
{To the reader, the song is “Dream a little dream of me” by Pink Martini and the Von Trapps}
“Stars shining bright above you,
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you",
Birds singing in the sycamore tree,
Dream a little dream of me.”
Sniper’s jaw dropped. The song was so delicate, the dancing area filled quickly, and as Sniper cast a glance over to the wealthy man surrounded by his harem of lightly dressed ladies, he noticed that the performance had caught his eye. Good old Spook, has more tricks up his sleeve than we imagine, Sniper thought. His eyes went back to Spy. He sang with his shining, satin, white gloved hands left and right from the microphone stand, his hips swinging deliciously, revealing in rhythm his left and right thigh. A spotlight switched on, right on him, and Spy pushed a lock of his fake long hair behind his ear. Sniper could definitely not agree with Spy, his greying hair at the front and on his temples was absolutely an asset, not a setback at all. It shone in silver under the spotlight.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me...!”
A man shoved Sniper as he passed by and the Aussie was about to say something when he realised that it was the man in question, the man they were about to steal the Australium from. His face then radiated in triumph. Go, Spook, go! You got him! That's it! And you were doubtin’ yerself, look at you…! Who in their right mind wouldn’t take a second to look at you now? I mean now and anytime! You’re just… Sniper bit his lip. Thinking those words was too much. He shall not even think them but keep them in their raw form, as a thought, not mould them into letters and sounds, no, he shall keep that warmth inside him and leave it as a flame. 
“Stars fading but I linger on, dear,
Still craving your kiss,
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...”
Gosh, Sniper wished he could stay and listen to the whole song, listen to more of them even. How could Spy sing so well and with a feminine voice at that…? How…?
“Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you,
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you,
But in your dreams whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me…!”
 The plump man and his flock of sheilas was at the very front now watching the show. Sniper saw him and his eyes quickly darted back up to Spy, he did not want to miss anything of his performance. It was certainly the first and the last time that he would hear the Frenchman perform this way.
But the song ended and the guests applauded loudly. 
“Thank you.” Spy said in the microphone. “I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
Sniper took it as his cue. Without hesitating, he spun on his heels and went to find the stairs. On his way, he heard Spy starting a new song. 
So I have about three minutes before the song ends… He thought to himself and climbed the stairs. Once he reached the first floor, he walked through the corridors until he found the right room. 
He gasped. A guard was coming! Quickly, Sniper stuck his back to the wall at thecorner. Arh! He needed something to distract the guy away from his path, but he had nothing on him but that short suit and - oh! 
The Aussie got an idea. He took one of his sleeves and tore a button of his cuffs off before throwing it on the hardwood floor. 
"Huh?" The guard heard the noise and went to inspect whatever caused it. Meanwhile, Sniper snuck past and slipped in the right room.
Alright, let's do this… 
He closed the door after him and looked around. The room might have been part of a museum. It contained all kinds of artefacts, statues, coins, paintings, knick-knacks of all sizes and shapes. 
Ah, there ye are…
A stick of Australium not longer than a pen but quite thicker was under one of the glass panes. Sniper looked left and right before he got his fingers closer to the glass. 
Please, Engie, tell me you disabled the alarms…!
The Aussie put his fingertips on the glass and taking a deep breath, he pulled the glass upwards very slowly, the sweat breaking on his brow. No alarm rang, there wasn’t a sound. 
Hah, piece o’piss!
Sniper put the object in his inside pocket and made his way out of the room. He luckily found his button back and picked it up from the floor to put it in his pocket. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he melted in the people, looking for Spy to tell him he had what they needed; that they could leave that posh party. 
Sniper stopped sharp. From where he was, people walking around him, swarming like ants, he stood tall, his head above the average crowd and what he saw had an unexpected effect on him. Spy had indeed caught the guy’s attention, no doubt about that. Sniper found the Frenchman off the stage, a bit further were laid a few sofas for the VIPs no doubt. Spy was on one of them, well, not directly on the sofa, the Frenchman was on the guy’s lap, a glass of champagne in his hand, one leg elegantly crossed over the other, his stockings showing entirely on one leg. The Aussie was fuming. He wanted to go there, cover Spy’s leg with his jacket, take the Frenchman’s hand and drag him out. He frowned, furious.
At some point, Spy caught sight of him. He murmured something in the guy’s ear and Sniper couldn’t bear it anymore, he spun on his heels and made his way to his van. Well, Spy would understand that those parties weren’t really Sniper’s natural habitat and that he preferred to wait in his van. 
So Sniper left the mansion, hurtled down the white marble stairs, retreated to his van, and slammed the door shut as he slumped down on his seat. He sighed and taking the steering wheel in his hands, he started drumming his fingers impatiently. 
The fact that the patient hunter lost his ability to behave professionally and wait made him blind with rage, boiling on his seat. He shut his eyes and leaned his head back to take a nap. He tried, but the frown on his brow kept him up, he could not possibly relax. 
He opened his eyes. Spy had opened the passenger’s door. 
“Do you have it?”
“Perfect! Let us be on our way then.”
“Yeah.” Sniper waited for Spy to fasten his seatbelt before he started the engine, and off both of them went back to the base. 
The drive back was mostly silent, if one ignored the rumble of the van’s engine.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Spy frowned. 
“What is it?” He asked.
"What's what?”
“This attitude of yours.” Spy answered. “I left you after the dance and come to find you another different man altogether, and not in a good way, what happened? Did you get caught?”
“Did you have to kill someone?”
“Did you get hurt?”
“Spook, please.”
“What?” Spy asked.
“Get off my back.” Sniper coldly answered.
“I will not.” Spy replied, determined.
“For Christ’s sake…”
“What happened for you to turn so… furious?” Spy asked. “I demand to know!”
“Pfff, you demand nothin’, mate.”
“Yes, I do.” Spy answered and removed his wig. “I thought you were in a good mood up until I left you, what happened then?”
Sniper sighed.
“Was it something I did or said?” Spy asked.
“Leave me alone.”
“Non.” Spy started removing the padding on his chest and he sat back on his seat. 
The rest of the drive back to the base was utterly silent up until Sniper parked the van in front of the base. He waited for Spy to get out but the Frenchman remained marble-like. 
“We’re here, Spook, you can get off.” Sniper undid his seatbelt and hopped off. He went to the back of his van to get a change, but as he climbed up at the back, he noticed that Spy hadn’t moved, as the van hadn’t shaken on its tired suspensions. So the Aussie went back to his driver's seat and opened the door. As he did so, the lights came on inside the van. “Hey, you heard me? We’re back at the base.” Sniper wasn’t even looking at Spy.
“I know.”
“Well then get out, go to your room and do whatever your spooky arse does in the evenin’...!” Sniper said, looking at the base.
“Non.” Spy answered. “Not before I know what is driving you to speak to me in this manner. But If you do speak to me so, then surely I am responsible for your foul mood. So I demand you tell me what I did wrong.” 
“Arh, for fuck’s sake, Spy, you did nothin’ wrong! Now just go, will ya? I’ve got stuff to do!”
“Oh, that you have, Sniper.” Spy finally uncrossed his arms and turned to look Sniper in the eye, the Aussie raised his head and with the lights of the van on, he noticed that Spy had removed the make-up somehow and the wig had gone too. He was… He was Spy again... minus the mask! “And the first thing you will do is explain to me what I did for you to become aggressive!”
A light switched on in the base and it lit a window brightly. Sniper looked at Spy who was still in his dress and himself, still in his suit. 
“We can’t stay here.” Sniper said and hopped off, followed by Spy this time. Sniper opened the back door and hopped in, he turned and saw Spy extending a hand up to get some help. Sniper raised a curious eyebrow.
“Some of us are wearing high heels and a dress, Sniper.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Sniper took Spy’s satin, gloved hand and pulled him in, as he did so, Spy climbed the high step as best as he could but his balance was fragile, so Sniper pulled him by the waist before shutting the door after both of them. 
“Now, pray explain everything to me.” Spy said.
“There’s nothin’ to explain, I’m just… I’m just tired, is all.”
“Liar, and a very poor one at that.” Spy switched the light on inside the van and went to a jar containing some candy. He helped himself to one, which pushed Sniper deeper down in his anger. 
“Alright, it’s you! I mean, me!”
“What did you or I do?”
Sniper sighed and Spy knew he had won. 
“It’s just… It’s my fault, I got carried away…” Sniper sat on the bench and lowered his head, holding it in his hands. 
“Carried away?” Spy asked, taking a seat next to him. “What do you mean?”
“The… The whole thing… You as a sheila, the party, the dance, your singin’... I put funny ideas in my head, is all.” Sniper admitted and immediately regretted it. It was Spy he was talking to, the man who used blackmail as butter to spread on his morning toasts…! “Yeah, alright, you can go tell the others or laugh at me, or whatever it is you wanna do with it.”
“Sniper…” Spy put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you mean that… you thought there was more to my performance than mere acting?”
Sniper silently nodded, still not looking his colleague in the eye, his head lowered. 
“I enjoyed this evening too, you know.” Spy said. “And you surprised me with your dancing skills.”
“Spy, spare me your mockin’ and go straight to the point. You’re gonna ask me to pay you to not tell the others or somethin’? Well I don’t give a rat’s arse, you can tell’em, you can tell what happened and even more than what happened, I don’t care. I just…”
“I… I don’t follow you, Sniper.”
Sniper shook his head. 
“I surprised you with my dancin’? Yeah, well I told you I couldn’t dance but you insisted. That’s what you get.”
“Sniper, I did not mean it that way, on the contrary!”
“What?” Sniper’s head jerked back up and he looked at his friend with wide surprised eyes.
“I… You were hesitant at first but when you finally let go, it was… divine.”
Sniper raised an eyebrow, he expected to see irony in Spy’s eyes, but either he was playing too well or there was really none…
“I didn’t really dance, I just, I just moved a bit, that's all.”
“Yet you held me close and…” Spy chuckled, hearing himself. “Pardon my sentimentality, it must come as a surprise to you.”
“That, or you’re really actin’ a part.” Sniper answered. 
“I am not.” Spy shook his head. “Would I be sitting here with you, in a dress and face naked, to tell you lies?”
Sniper sighed. 
“I don’t know.” He answered.
“But all that does not answer my question, Sniper. Why were you so tense, angry even?” Spy gently brushed his hand on his friend’s arm and Sniper turned to look him in the eye before he realised that Spy’s eyes were a lot to take in, and he averted his gaze instead. 
“Well, I told you a bit, I might as well come clean with ya.” Sniper took a deep breath. “Look, I saw you today and uh… Well, I mean, usually… Uh… Arh, I’m sorry, I’m not the best when it comes to words.”
“Then, stand up.” Spy stood up and offered his still gloved hand.
“Stand up, come on.”
Sniper obeyed, although he had no idea where Spy was going.
“Alright, now what?”
“Now close your eyes. Can you hear it?”
“Hear what?” Sniper asked with his eyes closed.
“The music, the same mellow tunes that we heard and danced to, a few hours ago. How were we, again? Ah, yes, just like so.” Spy put Sniper’s hands back where they were. “Are your eyes still closed?”
“What do you see?”
“We’re back there and uh… I’m wonderin’ what you’re makin’ me do.” 
Spy smiled when he felt Sniper’s hand slide from his hip to his back, exactly as it had done earlier. The Frenchman leaned his head on Sniper’s chest.
“Now, tell me what bothers you.” Spy’s voice was velvet like.
“I just… I held you there and you, you looked amazin’, Spook, you were… beautiful. Heh, as a bloke you’re not too bad either, but I don’t know, seein’ you like that, it was just… Gosh…” Sniper was talking almost to himself, out loud, forgetting that Spy was against him, even though he felt the warmth of his body, the comfort of his sweet embrace. He was rocking him left and right, as he had when they danced.
“What happened that made you so angry?” Spy gently asked. 
“Seein’ you on that bloke’s lap.” Sniper admitted, his eyes closed. "I just… I don't know. I felt like… I saw you there, drinkin' and-and your dress…"
"What about it?" 
"It…" Sniper frowned. "It was wide open and… You might as well've been naked, it was wrong, it was so wrong, the way he… He groped you and touched you… I felt like…"
"What did you want to do?" Spy whispered, and he felt Sniper tighten his embrace around him. 
"Wanted to cover your legs with my jacket… Didn't want him or anyone else to see you like that." Sniper had now stopped dancing, he was only holding Spy dearly against himself. "I'm sorry, it's… patronisin' and pathetic, I saw you like a defenseless sheila even though I know you'd never let anyone play with you."
"It is not patronising, I appreciate the thought. Besides," Spy slid his hands on Sniper's chest and raised his head. "I thought I was clear."
"About what?"
"Do you remember what I said at the end of the song?"
"Somethin' about a hunter climbin' stairs and getting some gold, yeah, that was your signal, wasn't it?" Sniper was looking down at Spy. 
"Oh oui, it was a signal, it was a lot of signals. Do you remember my exact words?" 
"Nah, not exactly."
"I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
"Yeah, poetic, eh?"
"It was a declaration, Sniper." Spy's tone of voice was serious. 
"A declaration of what?"
"Of love." Spy answered. "I sang that song, Dream a little dream of me, as a declaration of my love for you." 
Spy paused for a second, to let Sniper take the measure of what he had just said. He saw the shock in his wide open eyes and his cut breath. The Frenchman leaned against Sniper again. 
"I enjoyed dancing with you so much that for a second I dreamt that we weren't there for business, that we could take our time, that I could have a dance with you. While I was waiting for you, the hesitation of the choice gnawed me on the inside: should I go and dance with him? Should I not? Well, although the answer was 'I should not or we could get caught together', my heart decided to ask you to dance anyway." Spy basked in the warmth of Sniper's body against him. "I wished that we could make that music last forever, I wished that I could prolong that song and that dance until the end of time."
"W-what…?" Sniper's voice came out as a hoarse whisper. 
"But listening to what you felt now," Spy went on. "I have to ask you." He raised his head to Sniper. "Were you feeling… jealousy in your heart?"
Sniper closed his eyes and nodded. 
"It's stupid but… I felt like, because of that small dance with me, I felt like we were, y'know, something. And when I saw that guy touchin' you and treatin' you like one the other sheilas, I lost it. Because you're not a sheila, and even if you were, you wouldn't be one of those. You're different." 
"You know, in my long career and even longer life, it is not the first time that I have to disguise myself as a female. However, it is the first time that I felt natural doing so, all because of you, Sniper."
"What d'you mean?" Sniper looked down at Spy. 
"You looked at me as if you were looking at a woman, you did not see a shred of masculinity in me and your eyes devoured me, not the Spy me, the woman, me. The jealousy you felt, was all because I looked like a woman." Spy took a step back from Sniper. The loss of warmth between them made them realise that the van was quite cold in fact. "Thank you for helping in that wordless way, my performance was enhanced by your faith in my skills." Spy removed the long, white gloves. "I… I shall not bother you any longer, it is quite late already." 
As Sniper had been mostly silent all along, not once contradicting Spy, the Frenchman thought that the Aussie had only been attracted by the disguise, not the person under it. He sighed and walked out of the van, leaving Sniper alone. 
The Aussie 's knees gave up and he sat on the bench.
What? He thought. He sang… To me? What did the song say again? Uhm… C'mon, it's a classic, I know it… 
Sniper closed his eyes and pressed his brains. The lyircs came back to him.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me…"
Gosh. Sniper looked through the window. The lights were out in the base, at least the side of the building that he could see. 
"I need to talk to him. He thinks I just felt jealous of the sheila he played, fuck!"
Sniper leapt out of his van and ran to the base, he entered and ran again through the corridor, he took a flight of stairs down, hurtling down, and stopped in front of the door with the knife symbol. He gave a knock. No answer. He knocked again and waited, looking at the keyhole and the whole door, wondering how he could enter even if Spy didn't let him in. 
"Whoever is bothering me at this hour of the night, prepare your spine, my blades will kiss you goodnight!" A furious voice with a French accent roared from behind the door. Spy opened the door, in his pyjamas with a blade in his hand and a balaclava on his face. He stopped sharp and sighed, lowering his weapon. "What are you doing here?" 
"We need to talk." 
"I said all I had to." Spy answered and didn’t move from his door. "There is nothing for me to add."
“Spy, please…?”
The Frenchman sighed before he yielded and moved from the doorway, letting Sniper in. He shut the door after him and removed his balaclava and gloves, before he put his blade away.
“Can I…?” Sniper looked at the sofa. 
“Pray do.” Spy nodded and took a seat on the sofa too.
“You were wrong.” Sniper said without introduction and Spy scoffed.
“About what, if I may ask?”
“Pretty much everythin’.” Sniper answered.
“Ah, well, in that case, please enlighten me at this advanced hour of the night where my heart and mind have suffered long and through, please add to my misery.”
Sniper looked at Spy in a way that meant that he had not come to him for an exchange of witty remarks.
“I didn’t just feel jealous cause you looked like a sheila and I somehow forgot you were a bloke. ‘M not stupid.” Sniper said. “I felt jealous anyway. I just didn’t like the way the guy touched you, regardless of what you look like.”
“Ah, charming and very gallant.” Spy’s sarcasm was a way to let his frustration go but it contaminated Sniper. 
“Listen,” He answered and Spy could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I got jealous regardless, I got jealous because the guy had his dirty hands all over you, Spook, you.” Sniper pointed his finger at his colleague. “I didn’t care that you looked like a sheila, I didn’t care and I don’t care what you look like at all, cause before this evenin’ I had no idea what you looked like without the mask.”
Spy’s eyebrows jumped. He hadn’t thought of that.
“So… It wasn’t because of my disguise as a female?” He tilted his head.
“No, you idiot! I just… I loved the dance with you, it felt… normal. I’m not big on these things but it felt nice with you, even though I had no idea what I was doin’, it was almost like it didn’t matter. You were there and… And you were holdin’ on to me and… Me too. Felt nice, really nice.” Sniper crossed his arms on his chest. 
Spy scooted over to Sniper on the sofa. He slipped one arm around the Aussie and hugged it while leaning on him. 
“Hm?” Spy had closed his eyes.
“Did you sing that song… to me?”
“For you, oui.”
“Did you… mean the stuff you sang?”
“Every single word.”
“Oh.” Sniper relaxed his arms and looked down to his left. Spy was clinging, breathing slowly.
“And you, were you really jealous?” He asked with his eyes shut.
“Yeah… Yeah, I was, for real. I’m a bit dumb like that. You touched me and I just… I just imagined things. Felt like a dream though, really.”
“The best kind of dream, the one that you make with open eyes.” Spy answered in a sigh, his heart swelling in his chest.
“Hold on…” Sniper pulled himself out of Spy’s embrace and the frenchman failed to hide his disappointment at the lack of contact. “It’s gettin’ late and uh…”
“You want to return to your van, I suppose?”
“Yeah, I mean… As much as I'd like to stay with you, uh…"
"Who said you couldn't?" Spy asked. 
"No one, but… Even my bunk's more comfy than your couch."
“What about my bed?”
The surprise of the question made Sniper stop talking for a long moment. Spy smiled. He stood up and extended his hand to Sniper, the same way that he had done to invite him to dance. Sniper's eyes went from Spy's to his hand. He hesitated for a second, but raised his hand and put it on top of Spy's. 
"Come on." Spy led him to his bedroom and shut the door after them. "I can lend you something to sleep with, although it might be a bit short on your legs."
"It's fine… I mean, I usually don't sleep with much but uh… Spy, you sure about this?" 
Spy went to the other side of the bed. He satdown and gave his back to Sniper. 
"I would love you to join me, please."
"A-alright." Sniper took the opportunity of Spy not looking at him to shed his clothes only to stay in his tanktop and boxer shorts. "You can turn, Spook." 
"May I?" 
Spy turned and even in the low light of the night lamps Sniper saw his pupils blow wide. 
"Uhm… So, you take that side?" The Aussie asked. 
"The only side I take is yours." 
Both slipped under the blanket and Spy latched on his lover. He put a hand on Sniper's chest, slithered a leg between his and rested his head on his shoulder. 
"Woah…" Sniper said, overwhelmed by it all. 
"If you would rather I faced the other side,-"
"No." Sniper cut Spy. "Nah, it's… you're alright."
Spy raised his lips to be near the Aussie's ear. 
"I am yours." He whispered.
"Gosh… c’mere…” This time Sniper wrapped his arms around Spy and hugged him dearly. He kissed his brow and the Frenchman moaned in thanks. “Oh, sorry, too much?”
“Non, on the contrary, please?”
Sniper kissed Spy on his forehead again and he felt the Frenchman’s legs stretch against his. 
"Someone's happy, eh?”
“Delighted…” Spy purred and buried himself down Sniper’s neck, softly nuzzling there. He whispered words that the Aussie barely heard. 
“Ah, wow… Spook, we’re never gonna sleep…” Sniper heard the soft sound of kisses, he felt the Frenchman gently exploring his skin. “Also, what’re you sayin’? Can’t hear you…”
“I am saying things that you know already, so you don’t need to hear them.” Spy purred. 
“What? Nah, c'mon, tell me, I wanna know…” Sniper chuckled, Spy’s kisses were tickling him.
“I was saying…”
“Je t’aime.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I love you, Sniper.”
Sniper’s eyes snapped wide. 
“I uh, me too, Spook. I… I love you.” 
Spy pulled himself out of his hideout and looked down at Sniper, his cheeks red. He bent down until their foreheads touched, he gently brushed his hooked nose against Sniper’s. One of Spy’s hands was on Sniper’s cheek, the other was in his har, massaging his scalp.
“Gosh, Spook…” Sniper’s heartbeat filtered through his breath. 
“May I?”
“May you what?”
“Do something that I have yearned to.” Spy whispered. “Please, I beg of you, Sniper, let me kiss your lips…”
Sniper’s breath hitched. 
“I-yeah, pelase, Spook, I mean, yeah-mmmh…”
Spy did not wait for the end of the sentence and gently pushed his lips against Sniper’s, tightening the grip he had on his hair. Sniper rolled his eyes up in bliss and felt his entire body go limp. Only his heart burnt in his chest, and his lips too.
When Spy withdrew, they both took a deep breath and chuckled. 
“Sorry, I’m…” Sniper looked away. 
“Oh, please, don’t apologise you did nothing wrong.” Spy smiled and rested his forehead against Sniper’s again.
“Gosh, Spook, I can feel you breathin’ against me and… You’re layin’ on me… I love that, I mean, you’re warm and, I don’t know, it’s comfy.”
Spy chuckled. 
“Can we do it again, I mean, pelase?”
“As much as you want.” Spy bent down to meet Sniper’s lips and the Aussie rolled on the bed to be on top of the Frenchman. He frowned as he took the lead and decided to kiss him better, not just pushing his lips. He gently grabbed Spy’s upper lip between both of his. Spy moaned low, like a pur, he hooked his arms up around Sniper’s neck and pulled his body down.
The night was spent. Sleepless, but it was spent.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Accidental Family - I am..WHAT?!
Henry Cavill x OFC Phoebe (Bee) 
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Warnings: mentions of smut, strong language, unplanned pregnancy, sad fluff
Word count: 2.414
Author’s note: OKAY..one more to finish the year. I’m writing this while frying oliebollen (Dutch dough balls we eat during festivities) and my fingers are all sticky and sweet, but hey; I can’t leave you readers hanging on the last day of this miserable year! Kisses 😘
(Link to my Masterlist)
Phoebe was done with it all. Done with this week; done with the slump that was her life right now. She just worked through a week with three over-time shifts at the hospital, some annoyances with her new IUD and Leon. Fucking-fucktard Leon. 
But tonight she was going to be a big girl and suck it up, because heck; she was a good friend and tonight was Megan’s night. After long years of hard toil and shitty side-jobs, Megan had MADE it. She had gotten her first serious acting gig and tonight was the premiere, to which Phoebe would be her +1. 
Single girls unite. 
Sighing, Phoebe leaned into her make-up mirror, applying a coat of lipgloss to her pursed lips, heavy eyelashes fluttering. She never wore this much make-up, but it seemed like a thing you did when you went to such a fancy party. An A-lister party. Would Meryl Streep be there? She always had wanted to meet Meryl Streep. 
Smacking her lips to feel the stickiness of her lipgloss - why did people like wearing this crap? -, she moved out to the hall of her small apartment where she heard the intercom buzz. Alright. Showtime. 
‘Coming!’ She called to nobody in particular, hastily looking over the rows of shoes that were messily stacked by her door. Heels - heels - heels. And that scarf. Leon’s scarf. “Accidentally” left behind after he had come over to finally pick up the last of his things. She couldn’t stand the sight of it, and if it were a “good girl thing” to do, she’d shove it down the trash right now - like the trash he was. Cheater.
Hurry! -- Okay, shoes! Purple, brown, practical, no - no - no.. And then her eye fell on the perhaps a bit painful, but very much sexy heels she had once bought to wear for her 6th anniversary with Leon. Fuck-Me-Pumps. With silvery diamond straps and all. He hadn’t given two damns about them, about her dreams she had tried to talk about during that dinner - kids - but then again, Phoebe learned a year later why that was; CHEATER. 
‘Please bring me luck, babies.’ Phoebe mumbled, picking up the intercom that buzzed again. ‘Just putting on my shoes. Down in a minute.’ 
‘Alright m’am.’ A deep voice responded politely. 
Was that the driver? It must be the driver! They had a driver?! OH MEGAN, YOU! 
Excitement started to bubble in Phoebe’s tired bones as she realised that perhaps for tonight, things could be fun - painful shoes and all. 
The water boiler gurgled lazily on the countertop, two pairs of eyes staring down at it, willing it to go faster. 
‘You didn’t respond to my text.’ Henry tried to keep a casual tone, but even with all his acting experience, the hurt was evident as his blue eyes swiftly moved over to Phoebe, who that had just knocked on his door after 3 months of radio silence. 
‘Yea...’ Phoebe cleared her throat and awkwardly leaned into the opposite kitchen counter Henry was leaning into. The tension was tangible and for a moment she scolded herself for pushing Megan to find out Henry’s address. 
‘..some..stuff happened.’ 
‘Is this the point where you’re going to tell me you’re married and your husband found out?’ 
Phoebe’s eyes widened and a chuckle escaped her lips, making Henry frown. ‘That might have just made all this a bit easier. But eh..no. I ..’ 
‘FEEEEBBsss where WEREEEE youu. Oh my god. Have you met..’ Phoebe could barely manage to stay balanced on her high heels as Megan’s hand dragged her away from the toilets - away from him - and onto one of the far corners of the crowded room where some mildly creepy man was waving at Megan. Megan waved back, but Phoebe could only focus on the burst of white camera flashes behind her, her eyes wishing to look if he followed. 
But Megan’s grip was tight and Phoebe was perhaps three shot glasses too drunk to stay on her feet AND look over her shoulder - the deep pink blush on her cheeks betraying that something was going on. 
‘..so I had this super fun chat with Michael. You know Michael right? I mean he was crazyyy excited about..Phoebe? Earth to Phoebe!’ Megan’s neatly manicured nail prodded into Phoebe’s silvery dress, awakening the blond woman from her over-shoulder stare when they finally had halted. 
‘Wh-what? Hi! Sorry. Eh..’ Instantly the deep pink worsened on Phoebe’s cheeks as Megan shot her one unbelieving wild eyed stare - she knew. Oh fuck, she knew. 
‘You know what - if you’d excuse us for a moment.’ Megan smiled charmingly at the old man that was checking her out for all the wrong reasons. 
Again Megan’s hand pulled on her arm, but this time they travelled less far, walking out to a more quiet area guarded by some heavy red curtains which offered a walkway for the staff who much resembled an army of tuxedo clad ants moving large trays of fizz around. 
‘You are 50 shades of red, hun.’ Megan chuckled, wiping some mildly smudged lipgloss from Phoebe’s chin. 
‘Oh, woops.’ Phoebe quickly mimicked the wipe on her chin, but the sticky residue was already gone - though other sticky residue on some other lips were most definitely still there. 
Shit, she had to get cleaned up fast. She wasn’t even wearing any PANTIES. DAMMIT. Oh my...how..why..Wobbling dangerously on her heels again, Phoebe lurched for one of the walls, a sudden wave of nausea coming over her as her red cheeks turned bitter green.
‘Awh shit Feebs. You OK? Eh..Ehhhhh...’ Nervously Megan looked around the stretch of the hallway, black and white tuxedos cruising deftly around with the patterns of a well-practised champagne carrying dance. 
‘Pfff...’ Phoebe tried to breath in deeply, inhaling whatever air she could muster in her suddenly claustrophobically tight lungs. Oh what did she do?!!! OH NO. Oh Christ. Good girls don’t shag in toilet stalls. Good girls don’t... ‘Pff - pff -pff’ With short little puffs she let out the air, but the nausea didn’t fade. How did pregnant women do that? Damn. 
‘I gotta go home.’ 
‘Yea-yea. Let me fix you a cab.’ Megan clipped her fingers and in a few minutes Phoebe was loaded into a cab, away from the bustling bubble of Hollywood A-listers and hot shots. 
The fairytale, was over. 
‘I got scared.’ 
‘Of me?’ Henry’s face pulled into one of agony, making him look even more disheveled with his wild curls, crumpled white shirt - which looked much too good on his large chest - and loose hanging grey sweatpants. 
‘No. I mean. Eh. Well. I lost my phone and..I called..and..someone picked up.’ 
‘Lea? Miranda? What someone?’ Henry stepped a little closer as the water cooker started to come to a slow boil. 
‘I don’t know. I -- They said they never heard of me, so I explained what..happened - oh fuck I shouldn’t have..I...pfffff. I panicked.’ A heavy blush crept over her cheeks as she nervously eyed the water boiler, the little lever moving back to “off” as the water danced in a heavy boil within.
‘Gr-green tea? English tea? Mint? I got some..’ Henry’s voice trailed off.
Phoebe shrugged and brushed a hand over her cheek, willing herself to stop blushing as the large stranger of a man brushed passed her to reach for the tea bags that were located just beside her head. 
‘Oh sorry.’ She quickly tried to get away, but Henry could only grin. 
‘It’s not funny, Cavill.’ Phoebe pouted shyly. 
‘Well you stood me up. I’m allowed to..smile, no?’ 
Phoebe opened her mouth to say something. Perhaps ask for forgiveness, or further her explanation to why she chickened out to trying again - and how she had even gotten his address. But no words came and so she just watched as Henry turned back to the task of making tea, bunching a few mint leaves in the two grey mugs that were settled on the smooth grey kitchen counter. 
This man sure liked his greys. 
‘I eh..actually ..had to tell you something.’ 
Even Phoebe herself wasn’t prepared for the words that had just escaped her lips, but there they were, earning a surprised quirk of Henry’s eyebrow. 
‘You don’t say.’ His lip curled into another cheeky grin and Phoebe couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. Henry chuckled and hinted in the direction of the kitchen table. ‘Let’s sit.’ 
-- And that was a very good idea -- 
‘Meg..oh I’m in deep shit.’ Phoebe paced her small hallway as she waited for her friend’s voice to soothe her stomach fluttering nerves, her new smartphone clutched tightly in her hand. 
‘Oh- oh- wait a sec. Baby..yea..mommy is gonna be righttt there. Just a moment okay?’ A short pause followed and then Megan finally answered. ‘HEYY booo. What’s cooking goodlookin’?’ 
‘A baby, that’s what.’ 
Why didn’t he say anything? Phoebe nervously fingered the ear of her mug, waiting for Henry to give any kind of response to what she had just explained, and for the slightest moment she considered fleeing again - like she had numerous times when she tried to find the courage and call him, text him - anything. But that just hadn’t sat right, felt right. And then for long weeks she just pushed the reality of it all away. How could she be pregnant?! HOW?! 
The new IUD, that’s how. But, Henry had used protection; how much bad luck could one have?! So much for accidents that happen in cramped little bathroom stalls. 
Finally Henry made a noise, but it was more like a surprised squeak, then any normal sound a man his size would make. 
‘I’m sorry.’ Phoebe lowered her eyes a little more, taking it up as a; yea, this is not cool, girlfriend.
No, scratch that - she was not even his girlfriend. Ha! They were strangers for fuck’s sake. 
‘O-okay.’ Henry inhaled deeply and nodded, brushing a hand over the head of his dog, who was pushing a curious nose into his lap. ‘Okay. Wow.’ 
‘Yea..’ Phoebe swallowed thickly. ‘I..I’m keeping it either way. But..I thought..’ Her fingers had apparently curled around the mug so fiercely that it right about screamed as its small ear broke off. ‘OH FUCK.’ Her eyes widened as her lips turned into a shocked little “o”. 
Henry laughed. ‘Well, we better get new mugs before that baby is born.’ 
Was he being sarcastic? Phoebe felt like she was close to tears as the man before her cracked out the mug joke. Oh, why did she always ruin things?! 
‘Oh don’t cry. Please don’t cry. It’s just a mug.’ Henry’s smile turned into a pained lip bite as he saw the silvery tears rim Phoebe’s eyes. But Phoebe couldn’t help it, her lower lip already shivering as she looked down at the broken little tea ear in her hand. 
‘I’m sorry..’ She whimpered pathetically, the first tears already beading down her cheek before Henry could push away his chair and squat down beside her. 
‘Hey-hey. It’s okay. It’s..hey, come on now.’ 
‘I’ll *sniff* g-get a new..ha..new one *sniff*’ 
Henry smiled, slowly shaking his head before he carefully brushed his fingers through her golden locks, hooking them behind her ear so he could properly see her face. 
‘Bee..’ His voice lowered to a gentle hum.
‘It’s Phoebe by the way.’ She sniffled. 
‘Okay. Hello Phoebe.’ His hand folded around her hand that was carefully holding onto the broken off mug ear. Hesitantly, Phoebe looked away from her hand, right into the blue ocean that had drawn her in some three months ago from across the crowded room. She now too noticed a little fleck of brown in there - a little accidental mutation. Would the baby have his eyes? 
‘H-hi.’ She sniffled, trying her best to turn her lips in a smile, but it only worsened everything, more tears bursting from her eyes as the stress and chaos of the past months came crashing down. In an instant she felt herself be enveloped by large warm arms, a hot breath fanning over her head as Henry nuzzled her hair, his lips brushing over the shell of her ear as he spoke: 
‘It was just an accident, okay? No harm done.’ 
Phoebe nodded, but scolded herself anyways. Sure enough he was just talking about the mug. The stupid fucking mug. But what about the fucking baby?! Her..- his - baby. 
‘Phoebe? Bee?’ He settled back a little, his fingers brushing through her hair again. ‘How about we go sit on the couch and I make you a new cup of tea and we..’ He licked his lip as his eyes quickly flew over her heart-shaped, tear bruised face. He had to try hard not to unnecessarily coo over her. He didn’t want to chase her away this time. Especially not now. Not with this..situation.
‘You don’t have to be so nice you know.’ Phoebe muttered, looking back at him. 
‘Well, too bad I’m a nice guy then.’ -- Who is going to be a dad!!! WOO! --  His lips curled in a sweet smile. 
‘Nice guys don’t shag women in bathroom stalls, do they?’ 
Henry cleared his throat at her sharp words, quickly looking down at his hand covering hers. ‘Yea..that was a ..bit uncharacteristic of mine. Ha..fuck..You know I scolded myself so hard for doing that. I-I sent you a pretty long Whatsapp message after, but..’ 
‘I never got that. Must be some syncing issue when I got my new phone.’ Phoebe’s lips curled in a watery smile. ‘The couch is fine.’ 
‘Okay.’ Henry’s smile grew a little. ‘Can you walk?’ 
‘Pff..Of course I can walk.’ She huffed, before she all but flew up into Henry’s chest in surprise when she was nuzzled by a very wet nose. 
‘Oh, I forgot to mention, this is Kal. My dog. And he likes the word “walk”’ - the dog borked softly - ‘very much.’ 
They both laughed and Kal’s ears perked up, his wet nose pressing in Phoebe’s elbow again, pushing her further up into Henry’s welcoming arms. 
The whole situation was weird, but as Henry felt how naturally they somehow melted into an embrace, her arms wrapping around his back, he could only smile. 
Sometimes accidents simply offered you the little push you needed all along. Be it in the form of broken mugs or babies. 
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira @tillthelandslide @elinesama
@tryingtoliveonmywishes @ceilingfann @do-youseeme
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chellestrash · 4 years
Neil x gn!Reader
warnings: some minor angst, mentions of blood and injury, also needles.
requested by anon:  The reader thinks they can bear any injuries if they try, but they are somehow afraid of needles. One day, because you got injured, Neil tries to give an injection of a painkiller or something.Inspired by the scene from the movie!
authors note: hey all you cool cats and kittens. IM NOT DEAD! and I haven't abandoned this blog or you or writing in general...yet PFF. I just hadn't had the time to sit down and write something fun but i really wanted to get something out for you today! its not great, I feel like whatever ability to write I could’ve had before is just gone at this point but...oh well. Let me know what you think because I really dont know pfff. this is short and not great but I just wanted to try to get back into this. love you all! have fun!
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You reached out to grab Neil’s wrist before he had the chance to get close enough to your arm. 
„What do you mean don’t?”
He asked slightly confused before pulling the syringe away from you.
„I mean what I said. Don't.” 
You propped yourself up on the bed, or at least attempted to but putting pressure on your injured arm was clearly not the best idea. 
You mumbled out and sunk your teeth deep into your bottom lip. The pain was overwhelming, it felt almost dull but so prominent at the same time, it made your stomach turn every time you attempted to move. So, defeated you let your head fall back onto the pillow. Gripping at your arm, just below the bullet wound. 
„I really should take a look at that.” 
His voice cut through the quiet humming of the van’s engine, and you sighed heavily. 
„I'm fine.” 
You didn't look over at him but nodded reassuringly. 
„You're not fine, you are clearly not fine. You’re bleeding all over the floor.”
„Well tell the floor I'm sorry.” 
You mumbled again, with a heavy sigh. In the corner of your eye, you could see him getting up from his chair. 
„There’s an actual hole in your arm, and you’re trying to tell me you’re okay?”
You turned your head to catch his glare and looked at him like he was making this a way bigger deal than it actually was. 
„I'm not trying to tell you Neil. I'm telling you. I'm fine.”
You sounded probably a bit more irritated than you intended, but you couldn’t help it. He threw his arms in the air, frustrated, and turned around with an eye roll and a loud sigh. You knew Neil was trying to help and you actually really appreciated it, even though he couldn’t really see that. You understood he was worried, and also that he was right. The bullet was still stuck in your arm and the blood kept slowly sipping through the bandages, it didn't look good, and centenary did feel good either, but there really wasn’t much you could do. 
„I’ve been worse trust me.” 
You started after a moment.
„So what?”
Suddenly he turned around to face you, resting his hands on the edge of the bed.
„You want me to just sit here and watch you pretending that thing doesn't hurt?That you’re not in pain?”
„Oh that’d be great thanks, and if you could just stop talking, so I can focus on not hurting, that’d be just wonderful”
You glanced over at him with a sarcastic smile and quickly looked back up at the ceiling. Squeezing your arm a little tighter you grunted quietly from the sudden blot of pain. 
„Right, that's it.” 
Neil picked up the syringe again, and you quickly scooted to the side of the bed.
„NO. Don’t I said don’t.”
You lifted your hand in the attempt to stop him, but he was faster. 
„Neil no! I'm scared!” 
You shouted, desperately grabbing his arm again, attempting to move away from the needle. And at that moment he stopped. He instantly stopped, the syringe in his hand inches away from your arm. You breaths short and quick, and you glanced at the needle and back up at him again. 
„Please I cant-im so fucking scared Neil.”
Your voice quiet this time almost shaky. He let go of your arm, and you sighed with relief, shifting your position on the bed a bit. 
“Thank you..”
 „I'm sorry. I didn't know… I didn't know you were scared of…needles?”
He raised an eyebrow, looking at you, still a bit confused. Like he was slowly piecing some things together in his head. You smiled softly to yourself, amused by his sudden change of tone.
„Yeah well, now you know so if you could please just try to-„
He cut you off
„Wait so…sorry…so you’re saying that you, YOU.”
„Oh don't you dare.” 
You threatened, knowing exactly where this was going. 
„YOU, the first one to go out and try to get everything done on your own.”
„Neil I swear.”
„The first one ready to go mess with the inversion, with the plutonium?!”
 He turned his head quickly to look at you. 
„Out of all people.” 
He shook his head and chuckled softly. 
„Oh my god” 
You covered your face with your hand and sighed frustrated. 
„You are… you are so lucky that I can’t get really get up right now and just tackle you right there.”
„Well, I’d love to see you try it someday. I've only saved your life…what, seven times?”
„Oh shut up!” 
You went to wave your hand at him but the sudden pain broth you back to reality. Neil looked down at the wound, with a concerned and worried look this time. He took your arm gently into his hand and brushing his thumb softly over the skin right under the injury, he inspected it carefully. 
You both knew the bullet was still in there, it didn't pierce through your arm like…it technically should.
„I can’t do anything without that injection.” He said quietly, looking up into your eyes, trying to understand. „And I need to do something. Fast.”
Once again he sounded worried, really worried, and honestly concerned. You felt your stomach turning at the thought, but you knew you had to agree. You knew how stupid it sounded, how irrational it had to look from someone else’s perspective, but you couldn’t help it.
„You can do it yourself you know?”
Neil pulled you back out from your overthinking session.
„I don't…honestly know if that's going to help, at all…” You looked up at him, a little concerned.
„Well we have to help you somehow, I can’t have you just lying here and suffering while you slowly bleed out to death.”
He handed you the syringe, and you carefully took it from him.
„Sounds a bit dramatic. 
You pointed out, and he huffed out a little laugh again. 
„Only a bit.”
With Neil’s help, you managed to prop yourself up on the bed. You thanked him quietly and quickly moved the needle closer to your arm, and then stopped. You didn't know how much time exactly passed before you heard Neil clear his throat quietly. 
„You have to…it needs to be…”
„I know! Shhh! I'm trying!”
A few more minutes passed.
„You need to push it in.”
„I know! I just… I can’t. Fuck.” 
You mumbled, suddenly feeling light-headed before moving the syringe away from yourself again.
„Here! You do it.”
He picked it up from your hand and glanced at you quickly. Biting your lip hard you braced for what was coming.
„Hold my arm. Here.” 
He moved closer to the bed and took your hand in his, gently. He set it down on his forearm, and you locked your fingers around it. You could feel your breathing speeding up again, the anxiety slowly feeling the surrounding space.
„Look away for me.”
„Look away or ill just do it right now.”
You turned your head to the side quickly, shutting your eyes and clenching your jaw as hard as you possibly could. How didn't you accidentally crush all your teeth into tiny little bits. You had no idea. You couldn’t see Neil, you couldn't see what he was doing you couldn’t hear what he was doing you didn't know what-
Turning to him confuses you glanced down at your arm and back at him.
You started but he cut you off. 
„If you’re going to say you didn't feel anything I promise you I'm going to give you ten more because if you really didn't feel anything we could’ve been done with this like an hour ago.”
He stated out and you shut your mouth quickly.
„… I definitely wasn’t just about to say that exact thing…”
He chuckled once again shaking his head softy. 
„You’re unbelievable.” 
He said with a little smile. 
„I'll take that as a compliment.” 
You joked, your voice was calmer now, quieter, softer. You could feel yourself slowly getting more sleepy, your eyelids felt heavier.
„Get some rest now, and when you’ll wake up it’ll all be over, yeah?”
He smiled softly when you nodded. His hand resting gently on your head.
„Thank you for everything. It means a lot.”
You spoke softly, turning your face to loot directly into his eyes. The corner of his lips lifted into a soft, kind, honest smile. 
„You have no idea what you’re talking about anymore love.”
You huffed out a small chuckle and turned your head to look at the celling again.
„Fuck you, Neil.”
You mumbled out barely loud enough for him to hear you, with a gentle smile on your face. 
„There it is.” 
He chuckled and bent down to press a little kiss onto your forehead. 
„Now rest, I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Cabin at Daytime
>>>Read on AO3<<<
You thought that you could escape EM cottagecore in a modern AU? Fools!
Eren was poked into consciousness by gentle yet unyielding fingers. Sitting up, he saw Mikasa watching him, eyes shining with tears.
“Another nightmare?”
She nodded.
“I know the continuation of the story, wanna hear it?”
Looking over her, Eren saw some major differences from the last time. Mikasa had tears in her eyes, but she wasn’t crying, her face had a sort of acceptance written into it. Her dream must have been bittersweet because she had a strong feeling of melancholy about her. Sad, but not terribly wrecked by it. Something happened, but it was bound to happen, and it was the best outcome of the events she was stuck at.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Eren gave her a warm smile, hoping to make her feel better.
“Of course. Told you that I’m on the edge of my seat.”
“Okay..”, she drawled, “But I have a condition.”
From the way her teeth shone in the darkness, Eren had a faint idea what Mikasa might want at three in the morning.
“Is it pancakes?”, he tried.
It was pancakes.
Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in the kitchen and preparing her sweet treat while Mikasa sat at the counter, bare legs swinging freely. Her hands were wrapped around a fresh cup of coffee that she was sipping in order to wake up.
“So?”, he asked, sprinkling the chocolate chips in, “Going to tell me while I cook?”
“Sure.”, Mikasa took a deep breath and looked Eren straight in the eyes, her voice serious, “I killed you.”
Not that surprising, considering that he was the big bad evil guy in her dreams.
“Again? Didn’t you dream about that already?”
“I did, but It was different this time.”
“And didn’t Armin off me too?”
Mikasa shook her head, the moonlight reflecting against her midnight bangs.
“You got up from that.”
“Guess I could have seen it coming, I’m nothing if not stubborn.”
She giggled at that, small simpers escaping through the tears that were present on her face.
“I cut off your head.“
“With a sword.”, she reached over, dragging a single black fingernail over Eren’s throat, “Riiiight here.”
“And then we kissed.”
Mikasa fell silent, pondering what she just said.
“Well,”, Eren began, “Did I see you before you killed me?”
“All good then.”
She looked up, a question on her face.
“What do you mean?”
“If I got to die while looking at you, then there is nothing more I could wish for.”
A sniffle.
“There was no other way.”
“Of course. I told you – that mess must have been my fault, I do not blame you in the slightest. Although there is one thing I’d like to say.”
“I think that I prefer kissing you while my head is attached to my body.”
Finally, she laughed out loud, scooting over on the kitchen counter to be closer. Taking a gentle hold of his head, Mikasa angled it properly, bowing down and pressing her lips against his. So warm and gentle, as only Eren could be, it made her eyes flutter close from the pure sweetness of it. His were closed too, she noticed, but he was very much alive against her mouth. Mikasa tasted like the coffee she drank and combined with the natural sweetness of her lips, it was downright delicious. Nip here and there, Mikasa was sighing into the kiss before she realized it.
“As much as I adore kissing you, I should finish the food.”, Eren murmured against her addicting lips, “Might burn it.”
Mikasa loved Eren’s chocolate chip pancakes and burning them was heresy. Releasing him, she sat back, leaning on her arms and watching him work.
“You know, maybe it’s not so bad that you cut my head off.”
“Eren, what in seven hells are you on about?”
“Well, even as a head I could be of service to you,”, like a damn snake, he wiggled his tongue at her, “You do adore my oral skill, don’t you?”
She did, but Mikasa also strongly preferred having all of Eren to enjoy, not just a damn head. That joke went overboard for her because she remembered the kiss from her dream which was so tragic and so far from what Eren was suggesting. Filled with a wave of slight nausea, Mikasa let her disgust show on her face.
“Fine, I’m not talking to you anymore. Even better, I’m breaking off our engagement and I’ll be moving out in the morning. Good day, sir.”
With that, she turned away from him, closing her eyes and overall just being done with Eren Yeager. Seeing it, he realized that he might have overstepped his boundaries, and the last thing he wanted was to have his angel mad at him. Turning the heat down for a moment, he leaned closer, gently nudging the collar of her too-large sleeping shirt down her shoulder with his nose. Once her porcelain skin was bare to him, Eren kissed it gently, moving his lips over the pale expanse. At the same time his hands got adventurous, one starting from Mikasa’s knee and moving upwards, kneading those wonderful thighs of hers. The other circled her unresponsive form, a finger tracing the curve of her spine. She didn’t pull away but didn’t react to him either, marking his efforts as inefficient for now.
“I’m sorry, it was inappropriate.”
Nope, nothing. Very well then.
Eren moved up, focusing his kisses on her neck now, gently biting into the skin. His hand also slid up to Mikasa’s inner thigh, caressing. Finally that coaxed something out of her, a tiny moan that escaped her lips.
“I’m very sorry, Miki.”, he repeated between the kisses, “Please forgive me.”
Even while apologizing, he couldn’t help himself when his nose was pressed right against her skin. Her scent invaded his mind, gliding around the familiar place, reminding him of everything good that was in his life.
“God, you smell so good.”, he murmured.
She snickered, and the combination of joy and pleasure produced by Eren was enough for Mikasa to forgive. She turned towards him, grey eyes sliding over his face.
“Eren, I love you, but please don’t say things like that again. That kiss was so far from anything even remotely sexual that…”
“I know, and I won’t. I’m sorry, again.”
“Good.”, leaning close, she pecked him on the lips, “Now get back to cooking, I’m supposed to get my pancakes.”
With a grin, Eren let go of her and returned to the task at hand. Turning the heat up, he watched the pancake simmer into existence, all under Mikasa’s hungry gaze. She loved chocolate, and Eren made sure to put an extra portion of the brown chips into the next pancake he began creating.
“There was something else.”, she said, “Like a dream within a dream.”
That piqued his interest.
“Do go on.”
“The other Mikasa…”
“Dreamkasa?”, Eren offered, making her frown.
“Yes ma’am.”
Dreamkasa. Almost as bad as that incredible nickname she had, Gothkasa. Pfff…
“She had a vision or something, of her living together with the other Eren, in a cabin.”
“Sounds peaceful.”
“It was. But at the same time…”, Mikasa rubbed a hand over her temple, trying to remember, “It was sad because they gave up something very important to have that life together. Still, he was so sweet to her, it was a wonderful experience.”, a memory coming back made her smile, “He caught fish for her.”
“Damn, I better step up my game then. But isn’t dream Eren a bad guy?”
“I don’t rightly know, the details escape me. I do remember how she felt about him though.”, Mikasa’s fingernails scratched the kitchen counter when she shifted her position, “She loved him, loved him so much. It reminded me of how much I love you.”
“Well, I can’t speak for the Dream Ere-,”, a grin, “Dreamren, but I love you to death. Not sure about catching, but if you want, I’ll buy you the biggest fish I can find.”
She smiled at that, softly.
“I’ll keep that in mind. I think that Eren loved her too, in his own way. It was the world that didn’t allow them to be together.”
“That’s a tragedy if I ever heard one.”, Eren flipped the pancake, “If the world was keeping me away from you, I’d be pretty darn pissed.”
“I don’t think that I would let anything keep us apart.”, Mikasa interjected, unconsciously flexing her impressive musculature.
“And to think that we almost broke up in the past over such stupid stuff.”
“Did we really?”
“Uhm…”, Eren looked up from his work, “You don’t remember?”
“I do, but I’m not sure that it was a breakup. We both felt terrible during it, didn’t we?”
“It was the worst time of my life.”, Eren immediately confessed.
“Same here. My point is, I doubt that we could ever stay apart, we craved each other so much.”
“Makes sense. Somewhat.”
“Yet all these problems and issues we have seem so trivial compared to what she went through. War, apocalypse, fighting for her life every damn day.”, Mikasa shivered, “She was a real hero.”
“Well, I for one am glad that no man-eating giants are chasing us around.”, he put the pancake on the growing pile, making another one right after, “I strongly prefer having you for myself and kissing you while not being dead.”
Stealing the fruit of his labor, Mikasa popped it into her mouth. Chewing, she had to agree with Eren on this one. Living like this was much better than the daily nightmares she had to go through in her past life-or-dreams. Here, Eren wasn’t threatening to destroy the whole world and she wasn’t forced to kill him to save it. Here, she could kiss him as much as she wanted to, their first kiss was very far from being the last. Here, they could get lost in each other’s bodies and consummate their love physically, without a worry in the world. Here, she could fall asleep in his arms every night and wake up to his yawning every morning. Here…. Here was everything she could ever ask for.
With the pancakes gone they settled on the couch, Mikasa lying down with Eren on top of her, tangled together. His head was in her hands and she ran her hands through his hair, once again getting too long. She should cut it. The thought of a haircut brought back yet another slight headache and a new memory popped up, again of the cabin. Mikasa looked at it, inspected the picture in her mind. There was something about that place, the simple wooden building was drawing her in. Maybe she should see it for herself, experience that dream within a dream. Giving in to her temptation, Mikasa spoke up.
“Yes love?”
“Could we also go to a cabin for a few days?”
“Well aren’t you easily influenced.”, despite the tone of his words, Eren was smiling when he said them, “But I don’t mind, I should take a break from work. We’ll look for something in the morning, it will be nice to leave the city behind for a spell.”
Yet while running away from everything was cool in the concept, they both had several obligations to fulfill. Realizing that, Mikasa’s nose scrunched in irritation.
“Kiyomi won’t be pleased.”
“Neither will Erwin or Levi.”, Eren shrugged, “They’ll survive without us.”
This careless Eren was charming, and Mikasa found herself liking it.
“Okay. Let’s have a romantic getaway then.”
“Following the footsteps of a war hero and man who committed genocide.”
“They were quite the pair.”, Mikasa agreed, “But that only made their love that much special.”
“Let’s see, maybe we will get a whiff of it at the cabin.”
Plans made, dreams explained, pancakes eaten, they were tangled together in that comfortable silence achieved once a pair knows each other inside and out. The sun was slowly rising behind the windows, the night retreating. It was the incredible comfort and warmth Mikasa had in this love, it echoed through her entire being. Realizing it made her smile like an idiot because she and Eren were so lucky that they had each other forever. Although, if those dreams were truly her past life and she had to go through that much shit to get here, this love they had was well deserved.
Hundred times over.
In the end, it was surprisingly easy to arrange their little getaway. Erwin was happy to give Eren time off, Kiyomi would do anything for her star girl, and while Levi complained, he was secretly glad that Mikasa is taking a break. Sure, training was important with the Colosseum closer every day, but mental health was important too, and his sister more than deserved to have time for herself. And that fiancé of hers, Levi supposed. A tiny obstacle arose when Eren tried to pick the location because Mikasa was hard to satisfy.
“Not that one.”, she shook her head, “too modern.”
“Not this one either, I want to be close to the ocean.”
“Nah, not this, It has to be somewhere in the mountains.”
In the end, Eren gave up and let her search by herself while he packed. It didn’t take him long, as they needed just a few necessary things, the rest could always be bought. As he was zipping the bag closed, a sound of joy came from the table.
“Eren! I got it!”
He walked over to her, frowning at the cabin she picked. It looked archaic, old, and wooden, located away from any civilization.
“Looks savage.”
“This is the one. I’m sure of it.”, Mikasa was decided, and Eren wouldn’t argue.
This whole operation was her idea, after all. Mikasa’s cabin had an interesting rental system - once Eren paid the required amount the key would be waiting for them under a doormat. Guess it made sense, considering that there was literally no one around the cabin, and animals could hardly pick up the key and unlock the door. Unless they tried hard, that is. With the money transferred, all that was left was to get dressed and pick up the bags Eren packed, putting it all in the car. It was go time.
She was watching him from the passenger seat, he realized, her grey eyes studying from the dark shadows her makeup created. With a ruffle of her short, red pleated skirt, Mikasa put one foot up, the bottom of her white sneaker sinking a bit into the seat. The sunlight streaming in through the windows shimmered at her jewelry, the earrings and piercings, the studs in her choker, all the necklaces and most prominently on the silver cross that was snug between her breasts. Couldn’t forget her rings too, Eren reminded himself, watching as she smoothed a few bangs back behind her ear. Right, he should be focusing on the road, not on the way Mikasa dressed. Sure, the long black top was nice and all, hell, her whole outfit was amazing, but that was Mikasa for him. Beautifully pulling off the style that made Kiyomi’s teeth grit, because goth was dead but her top model didn’t care in the least.
Wondering if she will say what’s on her mind, Eren focused on the road, only sometimes stealing sidelong glances at her. He watched as Mikasa put one hand up to support her head, the sleeve of her shirt riding down and revealing the netted fingerless glove underneath. It was easy to know why she dressed up like this, even when they were going to a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Goth was her comfort clothing, she knew it inside out and put it on to prevent herself from being nervous. The makeup and jewelry were a routine that calmed her, her armor, it put her mind at ease. Eren knew why the cabin getaway put Mikasa in such a state, it must have been the dream. They worried her, even as they were approaching the romantic alone time, most likely because going there was triggered by them. To get her mind away from it, or offer encouragement, Eren spoke up.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
She stared at him for a moment, one black fingernail tapping at the corner of the dark red painted lips.
“I feel strange.”
“Strange good or strange bad? If it’s bad I’m turning the car around.”
“Neither, just strange.”
Talk about lack of information.
“Do you want to go back?”
Mikasa considered it for a moment but shook her head after, the inverted crosses in her ears swinging.
The word had a finality to it, and Eren didn’t question it. Mikasa was an adult, she could decide on where she wanted to spend her time. Focusing back on the driving and away from the alluring goth visage on the passenger’s seat, Eren gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter and the car ate away at the distance.
The cabin was everything Mikasa wanted it to. It was wooden, old and looked as if it would fold by a stronger gust of wind. It was perfect. She almost ran to the door, the grass sliding beneath her sneakers, found the key under the doormat and unlocked. Yes, she thought to herself with eyes wandering, this was so close to her dream it was unreal. Almost as if the cabin was torn from her thoughts and put into reality. Eren came up behind her with the bags in his hands, breathing slightly faster than usual. He insisted on carrying everything like the gentleman he was, knowing that Mikasa could carry both him and the bags and not even get winded.
“You like it?”, he asked, putting the burden down and looking over the interior himself.
“It’s amazing, exactly as I wanted it to be.”
Sure, it was rundown, dirty, and probably very far from the health standards Eren would want, but Mikasa was happy. And that’s what mattered.
With a smile, Mikasa went out, soaking in the sunrays. Noticing a bench under the window, she crossed the distance to it, running a hand over the aged wood. But just as her skin made contact with the coarse surface, something happened. Splitting headache brought Mikasa down to her knees, eyes watering from the pain. She could see it now, clear as day, a scene unfolding in front of her. Eren was sitting at the bench, strange markings on his face, almost like scars. She, or the other version of her, was standing in front of him, her hair longer than what Mikasa’s current style was. She leaned forward, gently taking Eren’s head in her hands. He looked at her, and the tiredness in his face, that hurt to see. The scene was so painful that it tugged at Mikasa’s heart, the ache only intensifying when the other girl spoke, so softly. She spoke to that tired man and his face lit up as if her words could take away the pain and suffering he was experiencing. As if her voice was that of an angel, sent to finally free him from his torment.
“See you later, Eren.”, the other Mikasa said before planting a kiss on his lips.
Her vision blurring, she clutched her head against nausea, the scene evaporating into nothingness.
“Hey, Miki? Miki are you okay?”, a shuffle of boots on the ground and suddenly there was a presence next to her.
That was Eren, her Eren, the one with a manbun and no scars on his face. She leaned onto his body for support, closing her eyes and breathing evenly, the headache slowly fading.
“Is something wrong? Are you sick?”, the doctor in him was out now, hands gently gliding over her face to check. She opened her eyes, letting him see her pupils.
“I’m fine.”, she said, “Just a headache.”
He wasn’t satisfied with that.
“And I saw a vision.”, she added, making his eyes widen.
“Vision? Like your dreams?”
“Yes... But I’m not asleep, am I?”
Gently as he could, Eren walked her over to the bench, the same on the other Eren was sitting at. There, she told him everything she saw, down to every tiny detail.
“I guess being here is too similar to what the dream was about.”, she concluded, “It must have triggered my “memories” somehow.”
“Do you want to leave?”
“No.”, the answer was immediate, “I might get more visions, but I feel so peaceful here, it’s beautiful.”
Eren chewed his bottom lip, obviously worried about her wellbeing, but Mikasa was determined. Leaning closer, she kissed him, trying to put his fears to rest.
“I promise that I’ll tell you when I feel unwell. Okay?”
Maybe moved by the kiss, or just because he was very bad at saying “No” to her in general, Eren agreed.
“Let’s stay here a while.”, he said, most likely to make sure that Mikasa was all right, but she didn’t complain.
Leaning on his shoulder, Mikasa felt his arm wrap around her as he pulled her close, and they sat together on the bench, staring over the never-ending ocean. She was right, it was beautiful.
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lochrannn · 3 years
Warnings: Sexual Content (M Rating)
Characters: Lila Pitts; Diego Hargreeves; Allison Hargreeves; Klaus Hargreeves; Hargreeves Siblings (background)
Relationship: Lila Pitts/Diego Hargreeves
Roommates AU; Fake Marriage; Slow Burn; Mutual Pining; Emotional H/C
Chapter 7/9
Leaving his apartment actually helps.
Diego’s not sure how long he’s been out but he thinks he spent at least thirty minutes at an all out run and he’s out of breath and his muscles are burning pleasingly, but he feels a lot more settled and about ready for sleep as he jogs back towards his bed.
He’s just passing a children’s playground when he spots a figure through the chain link fence sitting on one of the swings, gently swaying back and forth.
“Fuck!” he says out loud and then makes his way over.
“Oh hey!” says Lila with mild enthusiasm when she finally looks up at him as he’s just arriving right in front of her.
Diego’s heart is beating in his throat at the realization that she didn’t even notice him approaching and he could have been anybody. This may not be an incredibly dangerous neighborhood, but it is three in the morning, she’s a woman sitting all on her own in a dark and secluded playground, and he doesn’t actually need to be a detective to work out that she’s completely shitfaced.
Diego tries to reign in the anger that is usually his initial response to intense worry and fear. She’s a grown woman and she’s entitled to make her own bad decisions, and he’s overstepped on this sort of thing with her before, but when she just slowly blinks at him and then looks back down at the bottle of champagne that she’s loosely holding in the hand that’s not gripping on to the swing’s chain, barely keeping herself upright, Diego asks, in a tone that’s meant to be even but comes out pretty tetchy even to his own ears, “What are you doing out here?”
“Oh, you know, I got married today… just celebrating on my own, I guess,” Lila answers, lifting her bottle a little in explanation, but not looking up at him again. She’s doing a remarkable job of not slurring her words, he’ll give her that, but they do come out a little too slowly, far too deliberate, which confirms his suspicion that she is definitely pretty drunk.
“Uh huh…” Diego responds. He’s completely uncertain of what to make of the mood she’s in. The fact that her response to getting married to him is to completely numb herself with champagne certainly gives him pause, but he swallows down the lump in his throat, now’s not the time to wallow, and instead he asks, “D’you think you might wanna do that back home instead of out here in a fucking playground?”
Lila looks up at him with an odd clarity to her for a second before she takes a swig from her mostly empty bottle and says, “Nah, I’m good!”
Diego can’t suppress the noise of frustration that escapes him. “Lila! I’m not leaving you here all on your own in the middle of the god forsaken night! You’re gonna get robbed or murdered and then they’re gonna suspect me of marrying and then killing you for your money, and I really can’t afford to go to jail right now, so come the fuck back home with me!”
“Pfff, stop being so overdramatic, Diego, I’m not going to get murdered. And I’m not going anywhere in these heels, I tell you, I’ll just sleep here on this swing!” She closes her eyes and then wobbles precariously as she presses her face against the chain holding one side of the swing up.
Diego is very rapidly losing what is left of his patience.
“Also, may I point out,” Lila mumbles in her drowsy state, “that you did in fact marry me for my money— eeeeeeh!” she squeals, as Diego lifts her up – one arm behind her shoulders, the other behind her knees. Her bottle clatters to the ground and starts spilling the remaining champagne, and somewhere at the back of his brain Diego thinks he probably shouldn’t leave it lying around on a playground, but at the same time he’s also dealing with an armful of slightly flailing, very indignant fake wife (he knows intellectually that she’s not his fake wife, but his actual wife, but Diego can’t think too hard about that, because it causes all sorts of tumultuous feelings to twist in his gut).
Though Lila immediately wrapps her arms around his neck, she’s clearly not particularly pleased because she begins to argue as Diego starts making his way out of the playground, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m taking you home,” Diego growls, trudging along the sidewalk, a little amazed at how easy Lila is to carry. She’s almost larger than life so much of the time and even when they’d slept together, she gave as good as she got, Diego has up until this moment forgotten just how tiny she is, and his heart almost stops again at how vulnerable she was, what could have happened to her if he hadn’t come across her completely by accident. Diego sucks in a breath to try and calm the sudden wash of useless fear.
“That’s quite presumptuous!” Lila retorts, and Diego doesn’t need to look at her to know there’s an annoyed line between her eyebrows. In fact, he doesn’t think he can even look at her right now, not with the way her face is currently only inches away from his.
“We’re literally fucking married, Lila!” he scoffs. He’s not sure why he says it, but Diego thinks he might be going slightly insane with the whole situation.
“And you think that entitles you to something, now?” Lila asks in genuine disbelief and Diego suddenly feels way too exhausted for this conversation. “Yeah, I think it entitles me to making sure you don’t die of hypothermia, alcohol poisoning, or murder!”
There’s a long pause and then Lila grumbles, “Whatever,” and leans against his shoulder, apparently also overcome by tiredness.
And Diego is overwhelmed at how quickly his anger at her reckless and bratty behavior dissipates and is replaced with a much sharper feeling that digs its way almost painfully into his chest, when Lila tucks her face into the crook of his neck and promptly falls asleep.
Lila is almost completely still as he carries her back home and it gives his overwrought and exhausted brain time to contemplate how unhappy she seems to be with the situation and how that makes him feel in turn, and on top of that he even manages to feel a little guilty about the fact that the feeling of her warmth and weight against him does significantly settle his nerves, despite himself.
Diego’s always known that he’s not great with feelings. He usually feels too much of them and is never quite able to tell the people around him what that means and so he’s gotten quite used to not doing so. And even though earlier he contemplated telling Lilla, he realizes he can’t add another burden to the pile of shit she’s dealing with, especially not while she’s struggling to stay in the country of her choice and has to rely on him for her only solution.
Carrying Lila becomes a little bit difficult when Diego tries to unlock the front door. He ends up jostling her, attempting to wiggle the key into the lock with the hand that’s also holding on to her knees and Lila stirs but doesn’t wake fully, just snuffles adorably and cuddles closer to him, arms tightening in some kind of reflex to stop herself from falling.
Diego tries to concentrate on anything else, getting the door open, not slamming it, when closing it, because his neighbors would probably not appreciate the noise in the early hours of the morning, and then he makes his way straight towards her room so he can put her down on her bed.
He sets her down gently and then struggles to find the will to pull her arms away from his neck so for only a moment he allows himself to sit down on the bed with her and very gently put his arms around her in a hug. He’s not sure whether it’s to comfort Lila or himself.
“See, had no trouble getting home!” Lila mumbles into his neck and Diego scoffs at that, but it’s more out of genuine amusement than derision and he gives her one last squeeze before letting go and laying her against the bed gently. This time around Lila does let go and immediately buries her face into the pillow, and though her face scrunches up and he knows it’s only a matter of minutes before she’ll start drooling onto the covers with the way her mouth is half open, he can’t help thinking that she does look absolutely breathtaking.
Diego makes sure that her short red dress hasn’t ridden up her thigh indecently high and then gets to work on her sandals. Once he’s got them off, he finds a blanket on a small armchair in the corner of the room and covers Lila with it as she’s lying on top of her sheets and is fast asleep again, so he doesn’t want to wake her.
When he leaves her to it and closes the door behind him with a soft click, hoping to at least get a couple of hours of sleep himself before he has to get up for work later in the morning again, Diego lets out a long breath. He tries to convince himself that maybe it will take a few weeks, but he can get over this, get over Lila, but a niggling voice at the back of his mind points out that he’s never felt a sense of devotion for anyone quite like this before and that he is quite certainly in much bigger trouble than he’s letting himself believe.
Lila gets the hangover she deserves after drinking a bottle and a half of champagne, but is, unfortunately, not granted the luxury of forgetting what she got up to.
She remembers her evening and her night in vivid detail but from a perspective of a powerless operator, sitting somewhere in her skull, able to look out of her eyes and watch herself make an absolute nuisance of herself, but unable at the time to do anything about it.
She remembers feeling sorry for herself because she was in this situation in the first place, a thirty year old trust fund baby with no perspective in life, no family to speak of and while other women her age nave their lives together and are getting married and having babies, she just paid her roommate who she also happens to have a pretty bad crush on – no point in trying to kid herself about that anymore – to marry her for a green card. What a fuck up she truly is.
And then, wallowing in her misery as a selfish part of her even felt angry with Diego for just abandoning her on their wedding day – what a silly notion, seeing as this is a business arrangement between the two of them – she went out to buy some dinner for herself and instead brought home two bottles of champagne “to celebrate”, started dancing around to sad music the more intoxicated she got, and in the end feeling like she had to leave the flat or she would go absolutely stir crazy.
She obviously didn’t get very far, and she has no sense of how much time she spent sitting on that swing before Diego came to get her.
Lila feels desperately embarrassed. He must be so annoyed with her and thanking his lucky stars that he’s only married to her for the money and not actually stuck with the a fuck up like her. She could tell he tried to remain civil with her last night, mostly even indulging her, but he was clearly angry and she’d only goaded him further, out of some sense of righteous annoyance of her own. But in hindsight, she can’t blame him, he’s honestly been trying his best with her, gone above and beyond to support her efforts for a visa, and she can’t even keep it together for a single day.
Well, at least he’ll get a break from her, Lila muses as she pulls her cover over her head, trying to block out the little bit of light that’s filtering in through her curtains, because there’s no way she’s going to face him in this state. But once she’s recovered, feels a bit more like a human again, she’ll apologise and make sure he understands just how grateful she is for his help. It’s not his fault she’s developed some distracting feelings for him and he certainly doesn’t deserve her anger and frustration for not reciprocating feelings he knows absolutely nothing about.
And so Lila spends her day in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, half imagining and half dreaming about strong arms holding her close to a solid, warm body, and soft lips pressing gentle kisses to the spot just behind her ear.
A day and a half later they meet in the kitchen and it’s predictably awkward.
Lila tries to apologise for her behaviour but Diego just waves it away, says he understands that she’s having a hard time, and though that’s not quite what she wanted to say and part of her thinks he deserves a real apology, she also doesn’t particularly enjoy reflecting on her own behaviour and jumps at the opportunity to move on when Diego promptly changes the subject.
“I talked to a friend at my gym, Rodriguez. His wife isn’t a citizen either and he gave me some tips for the visa process,” Diego explains.
“Oh yeah?” Lila’s interest is piqued, because she still hasn’t quite worked out what that whole interview thing entails and she’s finally getting an inkling that Diego didn’t actually know much more beyond the fact that there is an interview.
“Yeah! So, he said it’s different for everybody but that he’d talk to his wife and they’d put a list together of the questions they remembered being asked. He said some of them were…” Diego looks down at the counter and starts scraping off an imaginary bit of dirt with his finger nail, “a bit personal… So, uhm, we’re gonna have to prepare for those.”
“I think we already did...” Lila mumbles under her breath.
“What was that?” Diego asks.
“Eh, nothing!” she rushes out, she didn’t actually mean to say that out loud even if he couldn’t hear her. “So, interview, okay, what else?”
“Yeah, uh, Rodriguez said this doesn’t happen too often and it didn’t happen to them, but there is a chance of an agent coming to inspect our apartment unannounced, so I thought maybe we should move some things around. You know, bring some of your things into my room, put some clothes of mine into your closet, just make sure it doesn’t look like we live in separate rooms. We can always say we’re keeping yours for guests,” Diego explains with a shrug.
“Okay, yeah, that sounds sensible,” Lila muses and starts worrying the nail on her thumb between her teeth because despite the fact that Diego seems to have a pretty decent handle on the situation, the whole idea of the interview process is making her nervous.
“You’re not really into this, are you?” Diego asks tentatively, and when Lila looks up at him his expression is one of concern, eyebrows drawn together, he’s lowered his head to try and get closer to level with her, and for a moment the tenderness in his eyes leaves her speechless.
“Yeah, I get it!” he goes on and then smiles slightly, “Hey, what are you doing the day after tomorrow? Are you working?” he asks.
“Uh, no?” Lila answers, hesitating a bit because the sudden change of the subject has her somewhat confused.
“I thought maybe we could take a drive to the shore, bring Ben’s camera and fill the film with some honeymoon photos. It’ll be too cold to go swimming, but the forecast seems like it should be pretty mild and sunny.” Diego suggests and, it seems without thinking, he reaches out and just very gently pulls on her wrist, so she stops biting her nail and instead lets her hand drop uselessly to her side.
“Yeah, okay…” Lila answers. She’s not sure why she’s not that enthusiastic about the idea. It’s not that she thinks she wouldn’t have a great time, in fact she thinks it could be kind of wonderful, spending a day driving to the seaside with Diego and taking a walk along the beach, maybe getting some ice cream. She wonders to herself whether the pang in her belly comes from the fact that actually she’d love a beach date with Diego, only she desperately wishes it wasn’t fake.
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stray-tori · 4 years
TPN S02E09 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
[ Reaction video w/ captions/subs ] we collectively have a breakdown about the pen, please enjoy it pff-
... hmmm... yeah I... ain’t feeling it. I think my tpn feelings overall are carrying this more than anything pff. I didn’t hate it, it was just...... mediocre... like if this wasn’t tpn, I probably would have dropped it at this point.
. Random thoughts I don’t want to re-arrange
when Emma was like “share your pain with us!!”, I liked how Norman turned to Ray like “Ray. help. tell her I’m right” kind of like Ray did in s1 pfff-
Norman cried the words he didn’t allow himself to say in s1 :( I’M EMOTIONAL. it might not be the icing on the cake execution wise but GOD MY HEART. And knowing he’s going to die to it’s just- (well not if the pen has something to say about it but more about that later)
where- wheres my trio hug :((( RAY HUG THE CHILD NOW
it’s interesting that while Emma got the entire emotional speech spotlight, only Ray got a reaction shot to “I won’t live long”?? equivalent.... exchange...?
I thought Norman had a seizure when he broke down in front of Emma and Ray and I kinda wish he had because while it’s good to have him say it outright (a win for communicationnn), imagine THE ANGST. “I want to live with yo- *coughs up fountains of blood*”.
So. yknow that hideout Cislo or Vincent referenced when talking to Emma and Ray. Yknow where Norman hid the children they stole from farms, making it look like demons did it? ... w-what about them? will we see them? Are they getting left behind? it would have worked for Norman’s plan, since all they had to do was stay put and wait for demons to be yeeted. But now... he’d have to take them all too. But... I doubt we’re gonna introduce a bunch of new designs and characters? Or are we? Who knows. I don’t. I have unreasonably amount of protecc feelings for those children I’ve never even seen haha- WHERE ARE THEY. I mean... the plan rn is to immediately use the gate right? or is the plan to eradicte the GF farm staff and higher ups? I guess if thats the plan it might work. Or I guess the plan is to save Phil for now???
the idea of Sonju just... slicing his arm and throwing it at demons in a loop sounds so funny to me please someone make that.
I liked that Mujika turned to the lambda kids after giving a cup to the demon children but then we didn’t see their reaction or anything and then it cuts to the temple??? that was weird. was there sth missing there? confusion.
I also like Isabella remarking "[a radio] was supposed to be there" regarding the shelter, because it further heavily implies they know of the shelters and just let them be. Which further confirms that they should have just reframed the shelter and had the kids escape from it quickly but oH WELL.
I really liked demon Emma apologizing and Norman's reaction to that. it was a sweet little moment and like, the realization of apologizing for something that she didn't do but is aware of and all that. Cycle of hatred and all that shiz hell ye. Ik the anime won't rly delve into that but I kind of relish in the angst potential of the village - sure it was undone but some were still eaten and died and transforming people back won't bring those back. So, that’s some hella terrifying implications for families; and I'm assuming Norman is aware of those so. guilt time! not that he wasn't aware it was bad but yeah- I teared up at that moment :<<
I feel like this season really does its best when it’s doing the whole two worlds/species angle. Mujika and Sonju, the village, demon and human Emma... all that stuff.
I wish we had gotten more time (god this is really the season’s downfall) thought to see Vylk talk to the GF kids more often. it’s implied he told them not to hang out there before but I would have liked to have him show up a few more times before that but yeah. Runtime very RIP.
I also feel like CW is bending over backwards to put cliffhangers at the end of episodes. that was already a problem in s1 when they had Phil come in when Don and Gilda were in Isabella's room. it was obvious it'd be a copout but they still did it. I'm just wondering why we had to have Vincent disagree with the group to this extend (and if the shock value might play a part in that). we have 2 more episodes, why are they introducing more plot threads? Just streamline it you dofuses. I just don't know what good can come of it unless it's like an ultra big brain move to help them?? (and then we're back with the forcing cliffhangers thing) - if it's actual conflict, this'll just make things more confusing and clustered, and we don't have time for that right now imo. But who knows maybe it plays into something I just don't understand yet and it'll work out somehow
. Animation flow kinda dead.
I felt like this episode was kind of... awkwardly executed whenever something that was a slightly dynamic movement happened?
The whole bit while Emma is walking up to Norman could have been better, but it’s passable, except that a lot is spelled out for us.
But then she takes his hand really weirdly in a far away shot with bad inbetween timing?? what is that haha-
Or him collapsing is cut really weirdly. you barely really see it, you just kinda piece it together from Emma’s reaction and her catching him.
Most facial expressions are good though, which is arguably the more important part in this scene. I feel like a better execution just would have elevated it even more.
The only one I felt was really awkward in its entirety is Barbara’s scene with the children demons. I felt like that was in particular kind of stiff and the cut between the child and her was too sudden and felt jarring. TPN anime doesn’t really do that sort of stuff a lot, so imo it’s kind of “??” when they do it. With Norman it was too, but that at least had a good transition over to it (with bg and fg panning) and nice animation. Barbara’s just kind of switched. Tbh don’t switch it out, and as the child screams, switch over to her facial expression as her own voice fades into the scream? I think that would have done it too and also be low effort.
I think it’s moreso the flow of the shots than the actual shots though? it’s a bit too fast paced and sometimes missing inbetweens (like the wild demon eating sonju’s hand is literally just 2 frames) - it’s very weird. It’s jarring, but I can’t really explain why.
I’m sorry for the staff, I’m sure the production hasn’t been easy. maybe with the bluray release we’ll get some updated animations/inbetweens.
Some appreciation though:
as mentioned, most of the facial expressions, even if the body language was a bit stiff.
the cut from the trio talking to the eye-transition of the demon and the following breath animation looked nice. Also his arm regenerating!
Sonju smirking as he cuts his arm off, what a bastard
they didn’t have to show Vylk’s arm regenerating casually while they’re talking but they did.
. the lambda crew
If only I cared about you guys. Hahhh it’s just... introducing characters so close to the end is just. A mess. A recipe for disaster.
Where has the anime’s “show off the younger kids” angle gone? I thought they were always pretty good at that. but they haven’t really contributed anything since the whole tidbit about the older children always eating less for them. And even then it was just Lani and Thoma.
Potentially, what segments we saw in the shelter will come back for the GF raid thematically but I’m just... EH?
. the cure pen
at this point, just stick a syringe part at the end of the stick and just inject it and it’s gonna solve everything probably.
I just don’t understand why that needed to happen. Assuming they go to the human world, it’d be perfectly acceptable for me for medicine to be so advanced that it’d be able to like, lessen their symptoms and significantly improve their lifespan.
Don’t just... REMOVE their struggles. It’s okay to not be normal and cured. it’s okay for their lives to be impacted by it going forward. In fact, I’d much prefer that.
(added in later) OH wait they literally spell out why the cure being in the pen is meaningful - because it opens up a path where they can live through not having annihilated all the demons - it's essentially the moral "reward" for not killing them. Since they probably wouldn't have gotten it if they did that. I still think it wasn't needed and the blueprint on its own would suffice for another pen-convinience moment but I kind of get what they're going for, I just don't think it's worth it . In their case, going to the human world (while they don't know it) means having more medical expertise at their disposal which they can then use to survive. UNLESS they're actually not welcome over there and have to hide or something, in that case... that might be hard, true. I guess I'll come back to think about this once it's over. For now, it feels kind of unearned and it wouldn’t even have to be this way in my eyes which makes it somewhat worse.
But good, let’s say in-universe you need it NOW, then at least don’t put??? the medicine??? recipe??? INTO the hologram.
What if they just checked the GF blueprint and Norman goes “hey, Vincent... do you think this [database/archive room] could have some data on our experiments?” - Norman said he tried to develop a drug to help them but the supporters who had that data were purged. but... they had Smee to help them too. But SOMEHOW, a dude from 15 years ago just HAS the cure??? (at least let Norman develop it himself and have the data be just THE DATA and not the recipe).
It might still check out somewhat??
15+ years ago, James Ratri was assumingly still the gatekeeper since the switch to Peter seems somewhat recent considering his big "era of James has ended" speech.
I guess the implication is that just like Smee => Krone => Norman, a supporter all that time ago gave random person the pen when they escaped.
When Vylk found him, he also had just the data medium of the pen (not the entire pen), so maybe the farm thought they eliminated it and that’s why they didn’t change their methods to not work with those drugs anymore? It's still a bit curious that their experimentation hasn't changed at all in 15 years but maybe that's because they keep killing the smart people instead of making them scientists to research for them :D
Somewhere since those 15 years, Smee gave Krone the pen (probably a few years before she got to GF?), which means that at that point the gate the keyword "future" sent them to, was still in tact when Smee gave Krone the pen. Maybe WM wasn't discovered yet at that point?
then WM got discovered, James was chased. He made that phonecall update and was probably eventually killed, along with the human location (and likely bunkers since they knew a radio was supposed to be there, begs the question why they didn't remove it) being discovered (the one with the future keyword) and the gate there being destroyed.
The problem is just that it can make sense when you think about it for way too long and assume things in good-faith, but it still feels unearned.
Maybe I would care more or this would feel a little more earned if we knew ANYTHING about that person? They seemed fairly young, so it’s probably not Minerva/James Ratri. The “hope” talk reminded me of the book in the shelter, but I’m not sure if that checks out either? The cookies were rotten but not completely. I know cookies hold out relatively long, but would they rly not be completely rotten after 15 years? I MEAN. Maybe not. Who knows. I tried to google it but didn’t find anything. 
But anyway. That tidbit is going into my “shelter kids OC project” I guess.
But even if the worldbuilding makes sense, I think the data set in itself makes little sense?? How did they find that pen part? Did a supporter give it to them? Why do they have the cure? Clearly their group of escapees wasn’t doing too hot (#help) and they seemed relatively young too so they probably couldn’t have worked in the farm.
Were the shelter escapees lambda escapees? but if that was the case, wouldn’t the WM group have secured the cure information more properly than in just one pen (maybe it was and those were just destroyed, to be fair) - it’s just WEIRD to put the cure for Lambda experiments on the same blueprint as the GF layout??? that makes so little sense.
Plus, why would you send them to GF, when it’s so secured and all that, and not just send them to the human support place our GF kids were sent with the “future” keyword, which had a gate. Maybe it didn’t exist 15 years ago (that the humans had control over it, that is), but even then it seems weird to me to imply to send them to GF instead of one of the other gates that existed. I mean. The “future” location’s gate wasn’t destroyed when Krone got the pen right?
I’m guessing maybe it was meant as help for escaping? But then again, why the cure? I guess if they met lambda experiments? I’m just confused.
Also: do we just accept that the layout of GUARDS and SECURITY MEASURES has not changed in 15 years???
*sigh* welp. Still looking forward to seeing some stuff with Isabella hopefully. Time... is not on their side and it shows. Neither run-time wise nor production wise.
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Obviously I am dumb because after all these years I realized I had no idea what this dialogue meant: "I was trying to buy you" WHAT BUY MEANS? BUY WHAT FROM AARON? "You paid me off yesterday... I thought you were trying to blackmail me" WHEN DID EVER AARON GAVE THAT IMPRESSION? Then out of sadden Aaron push Robert against the wall "If you want ONS do them away from home"? How is this relevant? And last but not least, " So what was that about Fin? " 😂Is it subtext? What's the point of their conversation
2) Ohhh and also in the line "what was that about finn trying to rub my nose in it"???? I don't understand how and why the one line brings the next one... Why having an ONS with Robert would make Aaron want to use Finn to piss off Robert and how would that work in what sense?
3) I'm terribly sorry but I realized there are many things I can't explain about their interactions. Why would Aaron destroy Robert's car without a shame or remorse and then Robert was horny because of it? Also, after the failed Aaron/Finn date why Aaron looked angrily at Robert before following Finn in the 🚾? And what Robert was about after Finn said to Aaron that he wasn't so special?
4) Xoxoxo Camillie there is also another part of a scene I cannot complete disepher and it's their first time at their garage. I understand why Aaron says that Robert starts to annoy him (he was very hot and cold and Aaron is not a man of patience) but why Robert said likewise? How is Aaron annoying to him at that point? Also, a few seconds later, Aaron in a very pfff manner tries to escape Roberts move but Robert forces him to stop. You don't do that when somebody seems that doesn't want to do anything with you atm
right! hello and welcome to Robron 101 😂😂
anon most of these lines that make no sense to you can easily be summed up with "they're just two horny idiots who want to bone each other really bad and the sexual frustration makes them act like insane dumbasses", which they are. like that's all there is to know really lmao
but ok let's do this!
so 1st ask: aaron was very annoyed and insulted that robert thought he'd tried to blackmail him over their -at the time- ons when really they'd just both wanted it. so he says "your money means nothing to me mate, you can't buy me!" bc once again robert tried to throw money at him and aaron just wants robert to know he can't be bought (for sex or otherwise) and manipulated like that. robert says "i wasn't trying to buy you" to which aaron replies "you tried to pay me off yesterday" and robert explains "because i thought you were trying to blackmail me!". what we have here is very simply a panicky robert who - upon seeing aaron around chrissie - immediately thought aaron was trying to use the gay sex they'd had to get money from him, because aaron is poor and robert is with a rich family. it annoys aaron that robert throught that of him so he shoves him against the wall and says the line "if you want a ons do it away from home next time" bc indeed if robert is that stressed out about being found out and he just wanted sex then why do it with someone in the same village his wife lives in??
2nd ask: then robert goes "so what was that about with finn? tryna rub my nose in it, were ya?" probably to change the subject and maybe also as a reaction to aaron suggesting he should go and have sex further away from home next time/calling it a ons. meaning 'well if you're not that bothered about me like your words suggest and if we were just a random ons, how come you were trying to make me jealous with finn?' basically 'admit it.. you give a sheat'.
3rd ask: ahh Why would Aaron destroy Robert's car without a shame or remorse and then Robert was horny because of it? well see my original point about them being dumb horny boys, i guess this is the beauty of robron and doesn't really need an explanation haha.
aaron was mad that the engaged man he’d shagged was engaged so he tried to make robert as bummed and jealous as he was by taking finn on a non-date. but! robert saw through his plan so he tried to not give him the satisfaction and acted like he did not give a single duck #livingmybestlifehahahaha even though he clearly was bummed and kept looking over (discreetly) at the finron nondate. robert's apparent non-reaction and lack of jealousy annoyed aaron even more, he acted like the king of dickheads with finn which prompted finn to storm off and save the little dignity he had left. aaron didn't like that bc it looked bad and was counterproductive to the Plan so he went after him and was even more of a condescending dickhead by saying he was sorry if he gave him the wrong impression (after purposely asking him out for a drink). finn - tired of being taken for a mug by king dickhead aaron - told him "you're not that special you know" which robert saw bc he followed them like a loser. robert then proceeded to make fun of aaron for this whole charade that severely backfired on him by saying “this is brilliant, like being back in school. awkward doesn’t even cover it” ... which had aaron on the verge of murder at that point. i think he deserves some praise for only taking his frustration/anger out on robert’s wing mirrors tbh.
4th ask: first time yay! why does robert say “yeah likewise” when aaron tells him he’s starting to annoy him now? because he didn’t know what else to say probably azhyjk, and because it annoyed him that aaron was so offended by his earlier rejection that he was now acting cold and uninterested, when he knew he wanted it as bad as he did (on account of aaron being the horniest bitch in that layby). basically pre-affair era robron - and most of the affair era actually - is robron playing cat and mouse which is as compelling as it is frustrating/infuriating. also please don’t make this scene into some sort of gross thing because it’s really not. robert starts getting all up in aaron’s face, as an attempt to reenact their first kiss in the layby from earlier that day. you can see aaron consider giving in to his desire but he sighs and starts walking past robert (he’s protecting himself from robert’s hot n cold attitude) but robert’s like ‘no no i’m over it now, we’re doing this :)’ so he turns aaron around before he can get too far and then they share this long bit where they stare into each other’s eyes and where robert makes sure aaron wants this as much as he does. and sure enough aaron gives him that wicked, absolutely obscene smile and THEN they start making out and going at it! i adore this bit so so much, when they’re sharing that moment before they kiss where they can see how much the other wants it. very sexy.
there you go anon, hope that helped!
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sleepypanda27 · 5 years
Addicted To You
Bucky Barnes x reader
Request: I adore your writing💕 Could you possibly write a fluffy Bucky x reader where (Y/N) a new addition to the avengers is usually happiest amongst the members. It’s addictive and Bucky appreciates it *wink**wink*. Everyone has bad days though and it’s very clear (Y/N)s going through one. Bucky immediately takes notice and is simply there for her throughout the day doing what he can to help.
Warnings: Grumpy Bucky, so much fluff
Words: 2,196
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The first time you met Bucky you wandered around Avengers tower searching for Steve's office. You couldn't remember where exactly it was, and there was no one around who you could ask. Rounding the corner, you accidentally run into Bucky, knocking the coffee cup he was carrying over his shirt.
“Ah-what the-!?” He yelped in surprise, jumping back.
“Oh my god, I'm so sorry.” You apologized, seeing the mess you had accidentally made. The sleeves of his burgundy henley were rolled up to his elbows. When you noticed his shiny metal arm, you instantly recognized him.
“Good thing it wasn't hot.” He pulled the wet part of the shirt away from his chest. You looked so guilty and sorry that he couldn't blame you. “It's my fault I didn't look where I was going.”
“I'm really sorry, it's my first day here, and I got lost and...” you started rambling, your eyes were glued to the dark wet spot on his shirt that clung to his muscular chest. “I'll pay you back?” You offered with a smile.
“Don’t worry about it, who are you looking for?” He smiled friendly. “Maybe I can help.”
“Steve Rogers.”
“Follow me.”
“Hey punk,” he opened the door to Steve's office peeking inside to make sure he was there and then opened doors wider. “I found this Doll wandering around the halls spilling coffee on people.” He teased, earning a disappointed look from you that he absolutely loved finding it funny.
“Y/n, there you are, I was waiting for you.” Steve glanced at Bucky's wet shirt. “What happened to you?”
“Her.” He pointed at you. “Do you even listen to what I'm saying?” Bucky shook his head and left you two alone to go change his ruined henley. Later he returned. Leaning against the wall by the doors, he patiently waited while you and Steve finished the conversation.
“So that's that. I'll find someone to show you around.” Steve said with a smile.
“I can do that.” Bucky volunteered.
“You?” Steve asked skeptically.
“Yeah, me. Is that so hard to believe?” He rolled his eyes.
“You usually do everything that’s in your power to avoid doing something like that, so yeah.” Steve chuckled, leaning back into his chair. “I would say it's hard to believe.”
“Dude, don't say that in front of her, you are making me look bad,” Bucky whispered, intensely staring at his friend who only laughed.
“I'll pretend I didn't hear that.” You chuckled, standing up from a chair.
“Let's go doll, I'll show you everything. You can call me Bucky I will be your tour guide for today. You can ask me anything you want.”
“I’m getting a tour by Bucky Barnes himself,” You smiled, holding onto his arm. “I feel special.”
“You know who I am, huh?” He blushed and almost melted into a puddle from seeing your beautiful smile that was directed towards him. “So about that coffee, you mentioned earlier.”
It’s the end of a successful mission in the middle of nowhere. There's only trees and fields as far as the eye can see. A couple of old buildings scattered here and there on a brink of collapsing, and then there’s the one that was in a good condition before you accidentally blew it up.
Bucky managed to lose his boot after the explosion wave sent him flying in the nearby bushes. One of his feet stuck in between the branches where he couldn’t get it out, so he sacrificed his boot for his freedom.
He’s in a bad mood - grumbling, groaning and cursing under his breath. For others, he would look scary and threatening, but you only saw a giant puppy who needed a big hug.
Small drops of water fell on his nose, making him look up at the dark clouds that formed in the sky above. Like one of those summer rains that comes out of nowhere surprising you unprepared, It started raining, drenching him instantly.
You can see he’s about to lose his temper. Closing his eyes he takes a deep, deep breath holds it in for few seconds and lets it out. “Great, just great. Can this day become any worse?” Heavy raindrops hit his face, and you hear a low rumbling sound. For a second, you thought the sound came from Bucky but turned out it was thunder rumbling in the distance.
You chuckled at the scene, pulling off your boots.
“What’s so funny?” He looked at you, brows furrowed, a deep line between them.
“It’s just rain, Buck.” You spin in circles stretching out your arms as far as you can, tilting back your head, letting the warm raindrops hit your face. “Who knows what will happen with us in this crazy world, enjoy the little things.”
Bucky stares at you, his features becoming softer. You are drenched through the bone, clothes clinging to your body, hair dripping with water. And you don't even care about that, quite the opposite you are having the time of your life. It doesn't matter how long he knows you, he still gets surprised by all the small things that make you smile with excitement, like rain or seeing a puppy on the street happily wiggling its tail.
You're always so happy and full of life. He doesn’t know what it is about you that’s so attractive to him. He can't describe it. It’s not one thing, it’s every little detail about you. It's the feeling he has when he's with you, it's addicting like a drug he can’t get enough of. With every passing day, he falls in love with you a little bit more. 
Something tugs at his heart, and he feels warmth spread through his chest, his anger disappearing. He takes off his one lonely boot and throws it on the ground, forgetting about it. Not like he would need it anyway.
“Come on Buck, smile a little.” You come closer to him, taking his hand. The smile on your face is contagious, he couldn’t stop the growing smile on his face, even if he tried. He twirls you, bringing you close to his chest. There is literally a building burning behind you, how can this feel romantic? He wonders. But in some odd way, it does.
The smile on your face and the happy glimmer dancing in your eyes it’s his home. No matter rain, snow or storm, you are his little ray of sunshine, in the otherwise dark world. Sometimes he just wants to tuck you in his pocket and carry you around with him everywhere he goes.
“Are you going to kiss me or what?” You place one of your hands on his chest, and with other you brush back wet locks from his forehead, leaving your hand on the back of his neck. And he does, he kisses you like his life depends on it, moving his hand to the small of your back he pulls you even closer, leaving no space in between you. The rain ceased as the clouds drifted away. It was gone almost as fast as it started.
“Did you two turned into hippies or something?” Sam teased, seeing your bare feet when he arrived to pick you up.
“Shut up, we need towels.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Doll, what’s wrong?” Bucky asked when you walked into the common room. You hadn’t even uttered a single word, but he knew instantly something was wrong. You didn't look any different in your appearance, but he sensed it. It was as if a dark cloud was formed around you instead of the usual sunshine.
“Nothing.” It was one of those days where everything just seems so depressing that you can’t do anything about it no matter how hard you try. The only thing you can do about it is to live through it.
He didn’t believe you, not even for a second. He pulled you into his lap. You looked down in your lap, away from his eyes.
“Solneshko, (sun)” he curled his finger under your chin, gently tilting it up so you would meet his worried eyes. “please talk to me, what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing Buck.” You tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“It doesn’t look fine to me.” He didn’t let go searching your eyes for something, for some kind of clue.
“Just a bad mood ’s all.” You peck his forehead and stand up to go to the kitchen to gather some snacks. Bucky looks after you wishing that he would know how to cheer you up.
All-day he helped you with little things, like brought you snacks and gave you random hugs and small kisses throughout the day and even made dinner. He gave you his hoodie in hopes that in some magical way, it would improve your mood.
When the night came around, everyone gathered in the common room to watch a movie. Your head was laying in Bucky’s lap while he gently brushed your hair with his fingers.
Not once did he pressured you in talking, he knew you would tell him when you would be ready. Meanwhile, he did what was in his power to help you feel better, even if it was only some small thing. He was simply there for you as you were always there for him when he had his bad days.
There was a soft knock on your door. You grumpily slid out of the bed to open it. In front of you stood Bucky with a sheepish smile on his face, his hair tied up in half bun and wearing light blue plaid pajama pants and a black hoodie. In his hands, he held a tub of your favorite ice cream with two spoons.
“Where did you get this?” You moved away from the entrance so he could come inside.
“I have my sources.” He closed the door behind himself.
“It’s Sam’s, isn’t it?”
“It’s possible.”
“You are going to get in big trouble.” You crawled back into the bed.
“Pfff, I can deal with him.” He placed the ice cream tub on the bedside table and joined you in bed. “I’ll pay him back later.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, besides, you need it more right now.” He placed his hand on your knee. “I don’t know what’s happening with you today, but know that I am here for you no matter what.” He reassuringly squeezed your knee.
“I know, Buck, I know.” You wrapped your hands around him, hugging him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “I love you.” You murmured.
“I love you more.” He squeezed you tightly in his bear hug producing a small squeak from you. When you pulled back, he scattered thousand little kisses all over your face kissing away your sadness and making you laugh. It’s the first time today that he sees your genuine smile that he adores so much. His heart swelled with happiness.
When the ice cream was eaten, you felt cold. Bucky pulled off his hoodie, his shirt riding up, revealing his torso and disheveling his hair. He propped up a pillow against the headboard, resting his back against it.
“Come here.” He stretched out his legs in front of him. You obeyed sitting between his legs resting your back against his chest. “Give me your arms.”
“Why?” You asked but stretched out your arms anyway.
“I wanna try something.” He turned your arms around and tenderly, barely touching your skin, traced up and down the back of your forearms with his fingernails.
“Mmm.” You hummed at the sensation melting into him. “Feels so good.”
Bucky smiled, trailing his fingertips down your arms so gentle and loving. Playing with your fingers, he intertwined his fingers with yours bringing your hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand, and then to your temple.
You didn’t notice how fast the time flew by, somehow it was almost morning. You hadn’t moved from your positions Bucky’s arms around you and his chin on top of your head while you sat between his legs, back against his chest, cradling his forearms. You watch as the darkness outside the window turned lighter by the minutes.
You yawned your eyelids feeling heavy. Turning around, you winded arms around his shoulders. “Thanks for staying with me, Bucky.” You placed your head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his shirt, bunching up the soft material between your fingers.
“I’m gonna always be here for you, Y/n.” He whispered, brushing back the hair from your face and slid down to laying position. “Do you need a pillow?”
“You’re a good pillow.” You brought your leg over his thigh for comfort.
Bucky chuckled, pulling the blanket higher up over both of your bodies. He pushed his hand underneath your shirt, softly scratching your back until you fell asleep and then a little bit more because he loved to hear those little purring sounds you made.
There’s no warmth in this cold world without you, that’s why he would do anything that’s in his power to make you happy.
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