#terrible cooker mc headcanons
revirushifaa · 3 years
Okay- hear me out on this one-
MC was on cooking duty and basically their cooking is bad not that good, they asked for the brother's opinions on their cooking
what would they tell MC? 👀
Sure, sure! I'm a terrible cooker too, anon so another thing I can relate to MC here and my folks are too honest about it with me pfff.
Six bros are in order! (Sorry for my lack of knowledge on Belphie, it's not that I'm excluding him purposedly, but I need to know his character well enough to write him justice. Progress is slow though. Darn dance battles-)
Terrible Cooker MC:
Lucifer and MC:
-He is disgusted. Like totally. DISGUSTED. He looked down at his plate.. his expression was just one like "._." very poker face full on. He wasn't one to lie about something that he didn't like, but... he didn't want to get MC to go in a full breakdown. The last thing he wanted was dealing with a sobbing MC over their bad food.
-What the hell did this human just cook? Why was that thing on his plate moving that way? Was this human trying to poison him?? He couldn't help gagging at the sight of his plate, he even poked it with his fork, and when it let out such a horrendous odor, he coughed and really couldn't eat that.
-MC had arrived to him expectantly. Lucifer really didn't know what to do about this, he was forced to eat a portion of that plate. His eyes almost began to water at the taste... what was even this? His tasting buds got cursed perpetually after this, it took all his willpower to swallow that thing down.
"How did you like it, Lucifer? Was it nice?"
-Just what should he tell them. What...
"....MC, leave the cooking to another of us, please.
-Just with that sentence he made MC's spirit to drop ten meters underground. Wow, Lucifer was so honest with his answer... he didn't like what they cooked.
"O-oh, okay, Lucifer..."
-Seeing that MC was close to tears, he immediately shoveled the whole darn thing down his throat, inwardly gagging and resisting the urge to puke it all out. "....It was nice...."
Mammon and MC:
"Mammon! Chow time, I made your favorite!"
-Oh gosh no... no, no, no. What in the Devildom's name was this thing?! It was supposed to be the noodles that he enjoyed eating, but they looked atrocious, sooo... blegh! But how to tell them that they were not that good of a cooker...
"Uh... thanks, MC! Yes, my favorite indeed!"
-He took the think in his hands and looked at it with a disgusted look. Oh here goes nothing.... *GULLLLP* he ate the whole thing, and his eyes immediately watered. Oh please, someone hand him some drink quick... he felt like puking it out.
"Well? Yummy, right?!"
"....Oh MC. Not to insult your cooking but... but...ugh, don't do that again. Ever."
-....Mammon why, how dare you. MC's eyes welled up in tears. And Mammon had no choice to eat every single food that MC cooked, always gaining such a terrible tummy ache and getting sick.
Leviathan and MC:
-NO. Spicy rainbow pizza his most favorite and MC just made that for him, but why in the Devil's name was this?? Why is the pizza's topping looking like a Little D had puked on it? His appetite was big but when he saw... that thing... he just lost his appetite. Ugh, why... and he had to eat it because it would break MC's heart to know that he rejected their food.
"Levi! I hope you like it, I tried my best!”
“Uh yeah. Here I go...”
-He had to go to the bathroom immediately. And after that, he kindly told MC that their food was not that great, but he didn’t it in a way that made them understand that he wasn’t trying to be jerk.
-MC didn’t get teary, in fact they decided to take cooking classes to keep the food enjoyable for everyone.
Satan and MC: 
-What the living hell is that thing... it’s moving in a way that it shouldn’t. Was it even edible?? Oh no he had to eat that thing in order to put MC at ease. He swallowed a bit and he widened his eyes and felt how his throat burned with that.
“I made it specially for you, did I please you?”
-That innocent proud look in their face.... what should he tell them, oh gosh he didn’t want to be the jerk that ruined their day with any harsh word or snarky comment.
“Oh... how to say this without being too honest? The plate itself looks interesting but the taste....”
“So I maybe put too much of that thin on. I’m sorry Satan, I’ll do better next time!”
-Well that didn’t go that bad, he half expected them sob their eyes out if he was too honest with them, but alright. That was a very good reaction from MC’s part.
Asmodeus and MC: 
-Why dear MC. Why did you have to put him in such difficult decision. He appreciated MC’s hard work to cook something delicious, but that just didn’t look too well. That just look so wrong.
-He looked at them with one of his many smiles that he had. He had to be careful with his words.
“MC-chan... I know that you worked so hard to make this. However...”
“It’s not that good, you want to say... Oh well...”
At their look turning grim, he shook his head and waved his hands, grabbing the plate and taking a big bite from it. Even if he had to cough out for water but just to show MC that he was grateful with their food he did that. He just couldn’t have them look all gloom and doom over their not so good food.
“I appreciate it your hard work.”
-And lots of kisses for the both of their cheeks.
Beelzebub and MC: 
-The Avatar of Glutton is... well. He loves eating even if it is the worst of food, so eh. He gulped down his plate without second thought, there was not much to think about the plate.
-But MC felt that it was not that good of plate, they had gotten different reactions from the others brothers that were not so pleasing, but had understood that they had to get better.
“Beel, be honest with me please. If it is that horrible, I can do my best next time... you don’t have to pretend to like it when it’s not like that.”
“What are you talking about? This is all nice!”
-He was made of gluttony after all, he just ate non-stop and he didn’t mind the taste long as he was eating he was just fine. MC at least didn’t have to worry about having to please him, it was all good for them. But they will get better for sure next time.
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grimoire-of-seven · 5 years
hello lovely!!! i’ve been having just an awful time at school, so i was wondering if u could do a hc of one of the demon boys comforting the mc when they’re overwhelmed?? it would make my day thank uuu xoxo
PROMPT: “I’m here for You”
Rating: SFW || Barbatos’ Warning: Vague main story plot spoilers at Beelzebub’s headcanon.
Words: 300-600
Characters: Demon Boys + MC / Gender-Neutral Reader
Notes: I suppose, what I got after writing this prompt is that no matter what, you deserve to take a break every once in a while despite your mind telling otherwise. I hope you’ll enjoy this!~
Letting your shoes walk you around the House of Lamentation for some fresh air or change of scenery, your bedroom, a place where your bones could rest, became more like a pressure cooker with piles of your homework, additional projects and materials to read occupying your desk that it became obvious that shutting yourself in could not do any good.
With your fingers fidgeting, your worries came like waves clashing to the shore without any rock to interfere, the conversation with your favored professor was a subject that was hard to dismiss and with the exams fast approaching…
Perhaps the fireplace by the common room would be settling.
Or a nice distraction that is..
“Is something the matter, dear?”
Like a feline jerking from a sudden touch or caress of its owner, you clumsily tried to composed yourself, looking to your rear as to who might have spoken, seeing only a prominent string pulled to his chin.
“Oh. It’s just you, Lucifer. Thought I was having some paranormal experience for a sec.”
“Well.. your outfit seems to blend in with the sofa.”
Watching him place his hand close to his chest, an invitation escaped through his lips, asking you to sit beside him with your body just seemingly comply with it, tired should you think about it further.
“You are pursing your lips once more, human. It is like you do not have any lips anymore.”
“I don’t!”
“And your fingers are back in fidgeting again. You only do both of those things when you are upset and in terrible discomfort.”
Sensing how this might have been a private matter, with your lips tightly shut and eyes that are so unsure where to look, the Avatar of Pride himself knew too well how it must feel with other people insist on meddling with your own business. Offering you the cup of tea he had brewed himself for, he spoke in a gentle manner, a contrary when hearing him shout his brother’s name; “You could always tell me what is bothering you, dear. However, should it be something personal and intimate, you could always have a nice cup of tea to think it with and I would not insist on the subject. We could just silently stare by the fire and be distracted together.”
Self-consciously trying to compose yourself as you took the offer, it took courage for you to take hold of his hand, making the conversation into a confession;
“Well.. it is just about my academic performance…”
What supposed to feel awkward and perhaps humiliating, none of those surfaced with the light-bringer listening intently, much so that it felt good to be able to find someone to talk to and release what had been oppressed for only your mind to argue with.
More so, to share it with a nice warm chamomile tea.
.. And it is just all overwhelming.”
“I understand,” the Avatar of Pride remarked, as he poured more tea to your cup, followed by a string of advice that brought enlightenment to your studies. Perhaps, to a demon who is prompt to every work, his advice would really help.
“Say,” inching closer; “If it is fine with you, I could accompany you until you feel like returning to your room. Perhaps I could escort you then.”
“Would you not have agendas to attend?”
“Nonsense.” He chuckled.
“I would like to accompany you for once. It seems my brothers have been taking too much of your time and with this opportunity, I would not want to miss spending more time with you.”
“Hey! Ya ready?”
Bursting through the door like your room is his too, as he makes a race to the bed to your side, it is obvious that your great Mammoney is really on the mood for trouble.
“You could go ahead, Mammon… I don’t think I am in the mood…”
“Go ahead? But I only count myself in ‘cause ya agreed.”
Pursing your lips, they were only duplicated by the white-haired boy’s brows, now all stitched together.
“What’s wrong?”
Turning to meet his gaze, this little gesture made the Avatar of Greed’s cheeks crimson red, this intimate space between you was something he was so waiting to capture alone. Something that he could perhaps thank God for?
Or Diavolo?
Or Lucifer.. Definitely Lucifer..
With every one of them banned from using D.D.D., it seems they just went on with their business and they didn’t even bother pestering their little human.
And what’s a great Mammon got to do in this situation?
- Not waste the opportunity.
“Nothing?” Sitting up as he took a good look of you, it was obvious that you were not well. He may be what his brothers call stupid but he isn’t that stupid now. “What is it?”
“Just a bunch of schoolwork. They’re just getting on my nerves.”
Erecting from the soft mattress you and he just shared for a few seconds to get a sense of his surroundings, there were several open books sitting by your desk. One look and he knew exactly what it meant.
And that is your room is turning into Satan’s room with all the clutter there is on one side of the room.
Truth be told, he had been in that situation. Stuck on an academic project or an exam to pass and he knew just the right solution to get it out of their exchange student’s peabrain.
Or as everyone else calls it, a break.
“You could just… leave me here and tell me if the prank went right… Sorry about this…” you said so with your head already planning how to manage the time to get all your work done, making a walk already to the desk to reread your notes from the day’s lecture to get a grasp once more on what to do.
And obviously, the Avatar of Greed didn’t take this as a hint to leave.
“Well…” Mammon went on contemplating, “I did not like making fun of Lucifer anyway.”
“I always get the short end of the stick with him anyways. It’s all fun and games until you could hear that cry for my name at the end. And that’s when you’ll know, I screwed up.”
“How about this,” the demon schemed, “We go shopping! Huh? Ain’t that fun while not necessarily trying to think about how much we’re gonna spend?”
“Lucifer would not like this..”
“Who cares if he doesn’t. I already got my credit card thanks to you anyways.”
Unable to suppress a smile since you already knew how this would end to both of you, mostly him, getting in trouble, it was that smile that made him more convinced to take you out of the room.
“Whaddya say? Are you in?”
“You.. are going to spoil me? With your credit card?”
“Well.. as long as I don’t get tempted at buying something.”
Knowing how that would be difficult to the literal embodiment of Greed, you could not help but feel sorry and laugh at the same time to this moment.
“What if Lucifer decides to tie you up upside down again?”
“I got you to untie me up again.”
“Don’t count on your chances.”
Taking the first step out of the door, you could only hear what seems to be a cry of desperation trying to catch up with you.
“Hey, human! Just what do you mean by that?”
 Leviathan: Hey, you okay?
Leviathan: We’re supposed to meet a while ago to check if my package from Akuzon has arrived.
Leviathan: You still there?
Leviathan: Hey normie! Come into my room. Quick!
Leviathan: I have something to show you. Just hurry!
Leviathan: I’ll be here waiting for you.
And that was how you were hoisted from your room and off to the otaku’s. With your previous class just overwhelmingly taking too much of your energy, it could have been easy to dismiss the text and decline… but it is obvious that he wants to spend some time with you and it sure was convincing enough to get you walking from the hallway to his room.
And here you are, knocking thrice to his door.
“Took you quite a while.” He remarked, seemingly letting your tardiness pass as you dragged yourself inside, something the Avatar of Envy himself noticed.
“Are you okay?”
Were you always that easy to read?
“Just had a bad day.”
“I got something for you.”
With your eyes recognizing the green gem by the monitor of his sleek computer set, the said headline or icon of the game continued rotating until it went to the title screen. It has been quite a while since you have last played it, reminiscing the random shenanigans you ought to do at your saved file, your reaction somehow observed by the other entity in the room; “Have you ever played Sims before?”
“Only at an internet café..”
With his eyes somehow judging you closely, it was all shrugged off as he invited you to take a seat beside his gaming chair, hugging his Ruri-chan body pillow as he gave the controls to you;
“How about we make a new game and create our Sims? Game?”
Letting the visual cues guide you in properly making a household like a spark did an idea popped up and sure enough, this would take your mind off from worrying, at least, while the loading screen is out in the way;
“How about we design each other’s sims?”
Completely disagreeing to the idea, his cheeks only got more flustered, making him snuggle his face by the pillow in retreat; “Each other’s sims? But I could design my own Sims. How about we just go straight in designing our house instead?.”
It is too bad for him you got the controls. Selecting the sex “male” by the top corner, you began customizing the sims by removing every article of clothing to get a better picture of what you are working with.
“That’s unnecessary!” Exclaimed the blushing demon to your right but his cries were all ignored as you went through the categories, truly immersed in making the most accurate Leviathan sims yet!
“You have those striking sun-like eyes…” Squinting by the monitor as the zoom were not enough, every click and scroll to the menu, you would take a good look at him before returning to the monitor; “…and that stunning hair swept to your right. And your jawline just beautiful like that…”
“I think that just looks like me already, normie! Let’s move one!”
“And then your nose is a perfectly pointy and lips just thin yet striking…”
“Hey, I said that’s enough! Let’s design our house already!”
It has already come into conclusion to Leviathan that there is no getting through you. Not when you are engrossed and unbothered to his plea of taking the controls back as he somehow just keep on getting these remarks about him that all sounded like a compliment.
From his hair to his eyes… From his nose to his lips…
It is too much for an otaku to take in.
“And done!” Happily concluding your creation where you almost forgot naming it “Levia-chan”, turning to your right, you could just see the Avatar of Envy covering his crimson red cheeks with his hands that are accentuated with a blue-colored nail polish.
“I almost forgot about the nail polish! Wait!”
Just as you were to turn, he used the wheels of his chair to push you aside, sending you at the farthest left of the screen, giving him the full reins to the mouse, envious already to make you flustered just as he was;
“And now it’s my turn, normie.”
Knock knock knock
“I will bethere in a second!”
Knock knock knock
“Who isthere knocking so late this evening?”
Knock knock knock
“I swear,Mammon, if you are here to borrow money, forget abou—“
Perhapscalling out for the Avatar of Wrath’s help after dinner is not a good idea..
“I did notrealize it’s already that late.. I could just come back tomorrow.”
Trying notto get on his worse side considering there is no Lucifer or any of the brothersto interfere, your heels were already inching farther from the door, biddingyour goodbye already with a smile when;
“It is justfine. You already caught my attention, after all.” His remark making you pausefrom moving away; “What is it?”
But then again.. is your concernsomething to make him allot more time with you? He seems already bothered whenyou were knocking the door.
“It’sjust.. nothing..”
“Nothing?”With his brows knitted to one another, it is a definite statement to say, hewould not be letting go of the subject;
“If it isnothing, you would have not knocked on my door thrice.”
There is nopoint denying it, no?
“It is justthat…”
“I find thelesson a while ago…
His handsoon came across to your shoulders, his face closer;
“Whateverit is that is bothering you, you could say it to me.”
All right..
“I justfind the lesson a while ago.. quite difficult to comprehend..”
Gesturingyou to come in, perhaps it is only to your senses as to how awkward was itwatching Satan disappear on his clutter of books, only hearing his footstepsand the door shutting on its own. Seconds that soon turned to a minute, it wasunnerving how still it was, making you resort to a conversation;
“Is thereanything I could help you with?”
Followed bya series of footsteps, his head soon popped up along with several books on hisarm, carried like an infant to its mother.
“No need. Ifound what I need. Just that this room, needs organizing at the weekends.”
You couldfeel your fingers fidgeting, knowing not how to continue the talk but withapologies muttered under your breath;
“There isno need to apologize. I am most glad that I could help you.” Looking up, therewas nothing more but a genuine smile painted on his lips, something you werenot accustomed to but something you are comfortable with.
“How aboutwe discuss the lesson at your room? Mine might not provide the proper studyarea, to say the least.”
Was that a little joke added in?
“I could alwayshelp you sort your books if you want!” Offering the deal, for once, Wrathhimself cooled down and just fine.
“If it isnot our little human.~”
With thedemon approaching you by your seat at the dining, shopping bags occupying bothof his hands, your head could only take a quick look before declining once moreon your arms.
“What areyou sulking about? You know how that is a big no-no for getting a beautifulface like me.~”
“Not really helping, Asmodeus…”
Pouting hislips, you could hear the chair being pulled as he soon sat down, his shoppingbag all over by the table like how their meals were at the House of Lamentation.
“Are youfrustrated?”
“No. I’mhappy.”
Trying notto make this seem more of a topic considering how petty you think the case was,the Avatar of Lust did not take his eyes away from you, observing every movethe muscles in your face makes.
“Iunderstand. You do not want to talk about it then my lips are sealed.”
That was easy.
“But yougot to let me use your hands, please?”
Your hands?
“Morespecifically your fingers, sweetie.~”
Your fingers? Sweetie?
What isAsmodeus up to?
“What areyou gonna do?”
Looking athim search the largest paperbag, his hands were soon holding tons of nailpolishes, lining them all up on the hard surface as he kept on digging anddigging to the bag and out for your eyes to see, all so diverse and unique onits own.
There weremattes, gels, chromes, metallic, glitters, and pearls that are of differenthues, each one of them screaming to be tested out and was that little category orgroup by the farthest end of the line.. holographic?
“Likingwhat you see? I got them on a sale and the saleslady was happy to help me carrymy cart.~”
“I do notwant my soft skin and beautiful body pushing and doing any physical activityaside fro—“
“Right!”Flipping his hair, you definitely had a clearer vision of how his eyes areenamored to his newest collection that pray tell, still has a space on hisroom.
“Anyways.. Icould not test them all out to you, that would take us years but..”
Here it is!For whatever reason, his excitement was contagious as you scanned the wholeline of nail polish. Something you could not afford but could experience it nowwith the Narcissus.
“Which onedo you prefer? You only got to pick three.~”
You will definitely need more thanthree.
Down went another cup of strawberry-filled yogurt.
With your room a dumpster of books and lecture notes, the kitchen became your little paradise. It has been an hour since you sat down and it is becoming more and more discouraging to do any work despite your brain stressing enough to do move on and start ahead.
It had been like this for a couple of days already. Wasting the whole day then contemplating and scolding yourself for not doing anything related to academics that eating became a form of coping up with the stress. If only things could be simpler then maybe…
“Did Lucifer put you again on patrol to the fridge?”
Looking at your blinky box, the Avatar of Gluttony himself is rather prompt to his tummy schedule; 6 o’clock in the evening.
“Nope.. Help yourself.”
Like a giant going in for a snack, you could hear containers and bottles clinking and shifting as Beel started rummaging, closing the door with his feet as both hands were occupied with containers labeled with his name.
“Wow.. you’re going to eat all of that?” Honestly, by now, this amount of food should not come as a surprise anymore. Especially after you witnessed him devour a whole buffet Barbatos prepared during their retreat at Diavolo’s.
“I figured you would want some too. Eating yogurt is not really going to make a cut.”
Laying down two mugs, two plates, two dainty spoons, and a butterknife, it is difficult not to think about what would you be eating that would require a knife.
“What do you have on the menu, Beel?”
“Well…”  he soon began opening every lid known to mankind, overwhelming what seems to be a little breakfast table by the kitchen; “We got a cheesecake, red velvet cake, some chocolate-chip muffins, vanilla ice cream, and a chocolate drink to go along with it.”
That is more than what your tummy could bargain for.
“Belphegor and I used to bond like this whenever he is conflicted too..  And since you are now part of our family, you could always talk to me if something bothers you.”
Perhaps talking it out rather than letting it grow within would not hurt a fly or Beelzebub’s appetite as he just munched and munched while listening intently. You could tell he has his attention to your story as he would nod and would look at you to see if you are eating as well. And you are definitely getting a slice of the cheesecake with a scoop of the cold dessert on top; He might have said something along with the chomp but it was hard to fathom with bits and pieces of food intervening and crumbs already escaping the inevitable in his mouth.
“Thank you, Beel.”
Watching how he could not wipe the titbits off near his lips, it became quite an eyesore that your hand went subconsciously searching for your handkerchief before leaning in, your face several inches from him;
“W-what are you doing, human?”
And with the napkin guided with your index finger, you wiped away what was intruding by the demon’s lips, meeting its doom instead at a cloth.
“Thanking you. I am all stuff and I feel better now, because of you.”
Genuinely smiling for the first time in days, what you said ended with a hug and you could not help but notice how his body got warmer but his arms stiffer too.
“Taking anap always helps, human.”
Tempted tooblige, even just for fifteen minutes to refresh yourself from being stressedby the day’s lectures, it was something you regarded to as a waste of timeconsidering how reality defies expectations. One minute you plan to only take arest for fifteen minutes and you would open your eyes to see you have beensleeping for an hour or two.
It does nothelp as well if you would just lie down either. Planning to only lie down forfive minutes only to extend it if the minute hand would go to six minutes.
“I do notthink so, Belphie.”
Feeling themattress pushed down, you could sense him taking a seat beside you, looking atyour distraught features with his drowsiness leaving the conversation, even forjust a moment.
“Why not?”
“Well..taking a short nap only makes it worse for me..”
“How come?”
“Well,”heaving out a sigh, it somehow brought to your knowledge how tired andexhausted you are from all the learning and lectures you have to remember..flashbacks of how those three hours of lecture became much more of a torture astime progresses slowly..
“It’s justthat.. instead of working and rereading the lectures for next week’s testdespite almost drowsing off by the last hour, I am wasting it on taking abreak.”
Facing theother side of the bed, your mind wants you to take a stand and resume onstudying, your body declined such proposition and soon, came in another insidebattle.
Having aninternal dilemma, it took you quite a while to sense a rather stronger forcepushing down the mattress, sensing it as your position went wobbly before itall came to a halt, with the Avatar of Sloth himself sitting nearly beside you,feet dangling on the floor.
“But what’sthe sense of working if you are under stress?”
Under stress..
“Wouldn’tthat only affect the quality of your work or how you would perform at least?”
You havenot thought of that..
It wasalways a race with time.. but what about that aspect?
“How aboutyou take a nap and I’ll wake you up?”
The Avatar of Sloth… waking you up?The embodiment of sleep and 5-minutes snoozes, waking you up?
“Hey! Don’tlook at me like I’ll let you down. I’ll wake you up, I swear.”
Seeing himtrying his best to make himself the suitable alarm clock, in retreat did youlie down, unable to suppress a giggle, or even a snort by how soft hisreactions were;
“Hey, cutthat out! If you won’t stop and sleep, I’ll sing Kumbaya out loud.”
And thatwas your queue for your eyes to shut tight.
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revirushifaa · 3 years
Female MC and Bros at the Doctor's:
Getting Away With Mischief:
Terrible Cooker MC:
Satan and MC & Cats:
Father Lucifer:
Daughter of Pride:
Remember Me I Lucifer:
Fluff time with Diavolo and MC:
Never Mess with the Daughter of Pride:
Flowery Pride:
Safe in My Arms:
Tiny MC not scared of the brothers:
Calling their names suddenly:
Blog Rules:
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