#steve rogers x platonic!reader
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I love you and I hate it - part 2
Summary: After your fight with Bucky, you put all your efforts into avoiding him, convinced that your friendship is over. Bucky, however, has other plans.
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Reader being dramatic. Angst. Language maybe. Minimal use of Y/N. Fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: I promise I didn't mean to make it this long, but I couldn't help myself, again, and I didn't want to end on another 'cliffhanger' so here it is! hope you like it!
Part 1
Bucky can't believe what he just heard... You like him?
No, you used the word ‘love’. You love him.
Do you love him?
Certainly, he would’ve noticed if you did... Right? He is a trained assassin, he was taught how to see beyond people’s words and actions.
And he knows you, you can deny it all you want, but he knows you better than anyone. He knows you better than he knows himself.
And if he’s being honest, you know him better than anyone ever has, Steve included.
You feel safe, you feel calm. You feel like the peace he’s always wanted, the quiet he needs.
You feel like home. In a platonic way, of course.
His thoughts of you are interrupted by Sharon’s voice. He didn’t even realize he was back at the party.
"Where did you go?" she asks and, suddenly, her grip on his arm was just a little too tight for his liking. But it was probably nothing.
"I went to check if Y/N was okay."
"Oh." something in her voice felt wrong, but Bucky tried to ignore it, that is until what she said next.
"Why would you even care about her? All she does is embarrass you like before. She’s useful to no one, I heard the only reason she’s even on the team is because she slept her way to it." she laughed like it was the funniest thought in the world, and Bucky couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Not only was she saying hurtful, untrue things about his girl, but she has the audacity to laugh at her own cruelty?
"How dare you?" he does his best not to yell, but his tone still startles Sharon. "Y/N is the best agent in all of Shield, that’s why she got in the team! She’s not an embarrassment, she’s a valued member of our family and she’s my best friend! Of course I care about her, she’s the most important person in my life! Don’t ever talk about her that way again."
Sharon seems shocked at his words but, looking around, she realizes people are starting to stare so she tries her best to defuse the situation. "Alright, I’m sorry, I won’t say things like that again. Let’s just calm down and have a nice rest of the evening, ok?"
In his head Bucky knew her request was reasonable, he could forget about this and keep having fun with his girlfriend. But in his heart he just knew he couldn’t let it go.
The words were coming out of his mouth before he can stop them, not that he even wants to.
"You know what, Sharon? This isn’t working. We have to break up." He doesn’t even give her a chance to say anything before he’s turning around and making his way to his room.
Meanwhile, on the roof, Steve’s trying to talk you down the ledge. Metaphorically speaking, obviously.
"He hates me, Steve." you can't stop the tears.
"Stop saying that, sweetheart, he doesn’t hate you."
"You saw what happened at the party, the way he looked at me. And he heard me say that I love him and walked away like it was nothing." You sniffle. "If he didn’t hate me before, this certainly pushed him off the edge."
Steve has nothing to say to that, he knows Bucky doesn't hate you, but he also knows that you’re too stubborn to hear any reason, especially not right now when you're in the eye of the tornado and can't see a way out.
Right now you need a friend and shoulder to cry on, usually Bucky would take on that role, but, given the circumstances, Steve decides to step up and be that friend.
He wraps his arms around your crying body and holds you as you let it all out. Neither of you say anything else, the only sounds in the dark of the night being your sobs, until eventually you calm down and after a few moments of silence Steve glances down to see you fell asleep.
Not wanting to wake you he carefully picks you up and makes his way to the elevator.
When he gets to the floor you both reside in he finds Sam and Natasha chatting at the kitchen counter, probably about to go to bed after coming up from the party.
Sam gives him a confused look, while Nat seems to understand what is going on right away as she moves without saying a word, walking ahead of Steve towards your room.
She opens the door for him and walks in behind, moving the covers back as he lays you on your bed as carefully as he can, and then Nat delicately takes your heels off before covering you with the duvet.
As they’re leaving your room the door opposite yours opens, revealing a hopeful Bucky but when he sees it’s not you, his face becomes stoic once again. He’s about to ask where you are when Natasha beats him to the punch.
"Leave her alone, Barnes. You’ve hurt her enough already." Is all she says before she steps into her own bedroom.
Bucky looks to his best friend for help but, at his confused face, the blonde super soldier just shakes his head in disappointment and walks away without a word.
Bucky stands there for a few minutes, just staring at your door like he's gonna will you to open it and talk to him.
He sighs and goes back to his room where he spends the next few hours overthinking about you and this whole night, eventually falling into an uneasy sleep.
The next morning when you wake up you feel at peace for about 10 seconds before the events of last night hit you like a truck, and all you can feel is humiliation.
How can you face the team after they witnessed your fight with Bucky?
How can you face Steve after he saw you at your most vulnerable and, apparently, carried you to bed after you cried yourself to sleep?
How can you face Bucky after he heard you say you love him and he walked away from you?
You can’t, that’s the answer.
Should you just move out? Just quit the team, ask Hill to be reassigned? Maybe you could even get transferred to another country...
You’re not overreacting, right? This is a very embarrassing situation and you have every right to want to run away from all of it.
As you’re making up an escape plan in your mind you hear a knock on your door, followed by Steve’s voice. "Hey, are you awake? We just want to make sure you're okay…"
You try to be as silent as you can, slowing down your breathing praying he’ll think you’re sleeping.
You can hear him exchange some muffled words with what sounds like Natasha, and then you hear their footsteps as they walk away, so you let out a relieved sigh.
Okay, step one is definitely getting out of this room, it’s just the most obvious place where to look for you.
You get up and out of your awfully classy dress, take a shower being sure to clean away all the makeup from last night and put on the most comfortable sweats you own.
Just as you’re opening the door you can see Bucky opening his about to get out and, in a panic move, you run back inside your room and slam the door shut.
Very subtle, yes.
You rest your back against the door and can hear him sigh and then walk away.
You wait a few minutes, just to be sure, and then relax a little. Your plan was to go to the gym and work out a bit, but now all you can think about is getting the hell out of this compound.
You grab your purse, make sure to have your phone and keys in it and open the door, making sure no one’s around before getting out.
You’re practically running, taking the stairs for good measure, and in a flash you’re at the garage. You jump in your car and drive away as fast as you can without breaking the law, not even knowing where to go.
Once you’re in the city you stop at a cafe for breakfast near your favorite book store, the one you and Bucky have visited together a hundred times.
Okay, stop that. No more thinking about Bucky.
You spend the rest of the day just going from one store to the other, stopping to have lunch at the diner you always go to when you’re in the city, and trying not to kick yourself for not being able to stop thinking about Bucky.
Seriously, why can’t you stop thinking about him?
It doesn’t help the fact that every one of your favorite places has at least a hundred and twelve memories of Bucky.
God, have you ever gone anywhere on your own in the last two years?
The more memories come to mind the more you think that maybe transferring wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Go somewhere new, get a fresh start.
When it starts getting dark you decide to drive back to the compound, but when you park and turn the car off you can’t find it in yourself to get out.
You take out your phone, which you’ve been ignoring all day, and go through all the messages of your worried friends, hating yourself a little more when you catch yourself looking for his name in your notifications.
Just as you’re about to answer Tony’s texts first, you get a call from Steve. You stare at your phone, unsure if you can stomach answering him right now, but your decision is rendered moot when someone taps against your car window.
Your head snaps towards it and you let out a breath of relief when you see Steve standing there, holding his phone and using it to tap on your window again.
You close your eyes for a second but resign to your fate as you gather your things and get out of the car.
When you lock your car you turn to see that Steve moved to be leaning on the trunk of your car, so you join him and wait for him to say something, not knowing what to say yourself.
"So," he starts, with his arm folded in front of his chest and looking at his shoes "you’re avoiding all of us now?" You let out a sigh, feeling bad for hurting his feelings.
"I’m sorry, Steve. I just…" you can’t even look at him as you talk, so you just look ahead of you at all the cars "I’m just embarrassed. After everything that happened last night, I don’t know… God, you even carried me to bed like a child." you cover your face with your hands.
You finally look at him when you hear him chuckling. "That’s what friends do, Y/N. They lean on each other." he bumps your shoulder with his playfully.
"I know we’re not as close as you and Bucky, but I am your friend too. I’m not gonna judge you for last night, I just want to make sure you’re okay. That’s what we all want. You made us worry that you might run away on us." He says the last part as a joke, but you can’t help looking away from him.
That’s exactly what you wanted to do.
You bite your lip as he keeps looking at you and you feel like he can see the gears turning in your head, like your thoughts are so loud and your guilt so visible that he knows right away he was right on the money.
"Y/N…" it’s almost a warning, but you still can’t find the courage to look at him. "You were seriously thinking of running away?!" he seems almost shocked.
"Okay, it’s not like I’m a teenager running away in the middle of the night after a fight with her parents!" you finally look at him. "I was just considering… I don’t know, maybe asking for a transfer?"
"So you actually want to leave the team just because you had a fight with Bucky?" He scoffs.
"It’s not just the fight, Steve, he knows I love him and he doesn’t even care!" You yell before sighing and lovering your voice.
"Do you realize how much that hurts? And now I’m supposed to, what? Just go back to how things used to be? Pretend like nothing happened? Even if we’re not friends anymore, he lives across the hall from me! I’m bound to see him and it’s gonna hurt every fucking time!" You’re almost crying, again, but you hold back not wanting to go through that again and you look away.
"I know it hurts, trust me, sweetheart, but… what about us?" you look at him again as he goes on. "We’re your team too. We’re your friends, we’re your family... You can’t just leave us. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but we can help you make it better. We all care about you a lot." It’s honestly a miracle you’re not crying already. You feel him take your hand, but don’t look away from his face.
"Please let us help you." you squeeze his hand and nod, not trusting your voice not to break and the flood to hit as soon as you open your mouth.
He smiles at you and you can’t help but do the same. "Good. Then let’s go up and have dinner like we always do." He starts walking and taking you with him, his hand still in yours.
While you’re waiting for the elevator you can’t hold yourself back as you turn to him and give him a tight hug. "Thank you."
He hugs you back just as tight. "Anytime, rookie." you snort and let go of him, giving him a punch in the arm you’re sure he didn’t even feel as he laughs with you.
When you get to the big kitchen most of the team is already there and you sit down next to Natasha while Steve sits at her other side.
The seat next to you is quickly occupied by Sam as he bings the pizza to the table. He gives you a side hug and squeezes your arm in sympathy but aside from that nobody even mentioned what happened last night, which you're grateful for.
You eat like always, having conversations, laughing and teasing each other like normal, you didn’t feel like anyone was pitying you and you realized Steve was right: these people are your family, you could never leave them.
And, as you watch Loki and Peter trying to make you laugh by messing with Thor’s hair, putting tiny umbrellas in it while he's not looking, you just know they’re gonna help you through everything.
What makes you sad to notice is that one brooding super soldier is missing, though you don’t bring it up for fear of opening that particular door.
And that’s how you spend the next few weeks: avoiding anything and everything that has to do with Bucky, including the man himself.
You start training with Natasha and realize how easy Bucky went on you.
You do more missions with Sam and Steve and realize that missions aren't as fun for everybody as they were for you and Bucky.
You hang out during your down time with pretty much everyone and realize that you couldn’t have as much fun with everyone as you had with Bucky.
So yeah, as much as you could avoid Bucky and talking about him to anybody, he lived rent free in your head.
Fun, huh?
It also didn’t help the look that Steve gave you every time you basically ran out of a room as soon as you caught a glimpse of your former best friend.
Everybody noticed the change in your friendship, but it felt like they all took a silent oath to not mention anything to either of you, and you were glad they were respecting your choice to stay away from Bucky.
He, on the other hand, was going crazy.
He hasn’t seen you in weeks, except for those few seconds before you realize he’s in the same room and run away.
He doesn’t hear your voice unless he’s eavesdropping on you with someone else, but even then he never hears his name come out of your mouth.
Nobody will tell him anything about you, the only thing he can get out of Steve is ‘she’s okay, just give her time’.
He’s been trying his best to give you the space you need, but he feels like he’ll lose his mind if he doesn’t hear you say his name soon.
It’s been a month of successfully and not so subtly avoiding Bucky.
There was one time where, as the team about to land for a mission, he got much too close to you for your liking and you thought he was about to say something so you grabbed a parachute and quite literally jumped out the jet, then walked the rest of the way to the Hydra base.
Everyone had to wait for you, some annoyed, but most found the situation too amusing to be bothered by it.
You’re at the gym for an early morning workout, a habit you took to when you started avoiding Bucky.
You know he usually stays up at night. Occasionally because he still gets nightmares, usually because his overthinking mind tortures him until early hours. So he uses mornings to sleep in when he doesn’t have missions.
You’re on the treadmill when you hear the doors of the gym open behind you but think nothing of it, assuming it’s just Steve replacing his morning run with a workout because it’s too hot to run outside.
When you don’t hear him say anything, you’re about to turn your head to see who it is, but before you can do anything you feel two hands, one cold and one hot, on your waist.
You squeal when they pick you up and take you away from the treadmill, setting you down on the ground in front of it before turning off the machine.
"Bucky, what the fuck?! I could’ve gotten hurt!" you were so shocked you didn’t even fully realize you were actually talking to the person you’ve spent so much time and effort avoiding, or that you were walking backwards while Bucky was getting closer to you.
"Oh please, I’d ever let you get hurt." he’s sounds almost amused, like this is a normal thing between you two, but the truth is he’s just happy that you’re actually talking to him.
When your back hits the wall you realize too late that it’s Bucky in front of you and suddenly you’re looking around you to find a way to escape. But all you find is that he’s successfully trapped you between the wall and his body, his hands on the wall at either side of your head.
You swallow hard and if he notices he doesn’t say anything, but your brain is too busy registering the warmth of his body so close to yours to even be ashamed right now.
"Is this the only way I’ll get to talk to you now?" you almost miss his question, your eyes snapping up to meet his and, where you expected to see a smug look at having caught you not only off guard but also ogling, you found a frown and a slight pout.
Something about the hurt on his face stopped you from lying or straight up kicking him so he’d move and you could run away.
No, Bucky was your best friend, you’ve always felt the need to be honest with him ever since that first day, and even now you owe it to him to tell him nothing but the truth.
"I just need time." You hoped he understood.
"How much more time do you need?" Apparently not.
"I don’t know, can’t you just be patient?" You can't believe you really have to ask him this.
"It’s been a month, doll, I think I’ve been plenty patient. Are you planning on avoiding me forever?"
"Not forever… just… I don’t know." If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know how long you would’ve kept on avoiding him.
You were so busy doing the actual avoiding that you didn’t take the time to think about when you’d be able to stop.
You let out a sigh, but didn’t look away from his eyes for a second. He needs to know you meant every word you're about to say. "I was hurting, Bucky. I still am. I get that you have a girlfriend-"
"I broke up with her." he interrupts you.
"You… What?" you weren’t expecting that. "When?"
"The night of our fight. I would’ve told you sooner but it was hard to catch you, you know, with you avoiding me and everything."
You almost lost your train of thought, but it didn’t matter that he was single, he was still the first one to walk away, why was it so wrong for you to do it now?
"It doesn’t matter… I know you don’t owe me anything, but you walked away from me. From my feelings." you can see Bucky’s confusion so, before he can say anything, you explain yourself.
"That night on the roof. I know you were there, you heard me say that I loved you and you walked away like it was nothing. Like I was nothing. I know you don’t like me like that, and I can live with that in time, but it hurt. It still hurts." you don’t know what you were expecting him to say, but it definitely wasn’t he says next.
"Do you remember the day we met?" you furrow your brows in confusion but he waits for you to nod before he keeps going. "We’ve never really talked about it, have we? It's ironic since we’ve talked about pretty much every topic we could possibly come up with. But that day, you introduced yourself and I just got up and walked away. Kind of what you’ve been doing this past few weeks." he chuckles a bit and you have the impression he's getting closer to your face, but you're probably just imagining that.
"Yeah, I thought I did something wrong, but you were just a rude bitch." he laughs and you can’t help but smile.
"I’m sorry about that, I just… the second I saw you I felt weird. And when you talked to me it was too much, I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t know what I was feeling and my brain just screamed at me to get out, so I did. Then you came to my door and said all those nice things and that weird feeling started to feel more and more comfortable as you talked. It was nice. Then we became friends and I guess I just dismissed that feeling as friendship. It was a different type of friendship that I’d never had... But then again I’ve never been this close to a woman. Emotionally speaking, of course." His hand comes to cup your cheek and you can’t speak, so he takes the opportunity to say everything he needs to say.
"This month has been hell for me, doll. I’ve missed you more than I’ve ever missed anybody in my entire life. Not being able to spend time with you, joke around, talk to you, barely even see you. It's been driving me insane. Being away from you for so long made me realize what that feeling was. You’re not just my best friend, you’re my person. You’re my calm, and my reason. You’re my happiness, my home. You’re the love of my life."
"What?" you're basically whispering, so quietly you’re sure he wouldn’t have heard you if he didn’t have super hearing.
"I love you too, doll. I love you." he holds your face in his hands "I love you."
You feel like your brain shut down all of a sudden. You barely know how to breathe, let alone talk. All you can do is stare at him, the look he's giving you making you weak in the knees.
"You’re killing me here, doll. For the love of god, say something, angel." The nickname seems to snap you out of it, and there's only one thing in your mind left to ask.
"If you love me, why didn’t you tell me on the roof?" He let out a deep sigh, you can feel his breath on your lips, but you try your hardest to focus on his words and not his lips.
"For one I was still with Sharon. And I didn’t really know what I was feeling. Also, I wasn’t even sure you were serious. Honestly, I was just confused about the whole thing, and still mad about the fight. Nothing good would’ve come from me staying and talking to you that night. I probably would’ve ended up hurting you more." All that makes a lot of sense, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurt.
The look in Bucky’s face at the moment though makes you want to forgive him right this second and let this whole thing go. Pretend like the last month didn’t happen.
So that’s what you do.
"What if…" you start, looking back and forth between his eyes and his lips "what if we forget all of this happened?"
"No." he answered so fast and firmly that it made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and disappointment. "I don’t want to forget anything about us, doll. Good or bad, it’s all worth it, as long as it ends with you in my arms."
You're melting and can't hold yourself back, you grab his face and bring his lips down to yours.
He freezes, probably not expecting it, but when you're about to pull away, he holds your face to keep you there, deepening the kiss.
After a few moments you hear someone clear their throat and almost throw Bucky off of you, looking behind him while he turns to see who it is and you see Steve and Sam standing there, amused looks on their faces.
"We were just talking." You blurted out and Sam cracked and almost doubled over with laughter.
"Really?" Steve said while raising an eyebrow, almost exasperated and knowing damn well what you were doing.
"Sure they were, Steve, she was obviously trying to get the word out of his mouth!" Sam said to the blonde, still laughing his ass off.
"Oh, of course she was. Tell us, sweetheart, what did you find in Bucky’s mouth?" Steve was now laughing too, and you were so embarrassed you hid your face in Bucky’s chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, barely glaring at the two laughing idiots. "Ok, just get out of here, punks." Fortunately for once in their lives they decided to actually listen and left, their laughs echoing through the halls.
"You okay there, doll?" Bucky was now chuckling at your embarrassment.
You raised your head and, meeting his eyes, you said "I can’t believe Captain Dumbass is making fun of us for kissing."
He started laughing and you gladly joined him, looking forward to making up for the time you missed with him, unknowingly promising each other to never let go of the other ever again.
taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @spookyparadisesheep @scott-loki-barnes @pattiemac1 @emerald-writes @sapphirebarnes
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes imagine#sebastian stan#marvel fanfiction#bucky x reader#bucky x you#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes x f!reader#avengers x reader#avengers x platonic reader#avengers x platonic!reader#steve rogers x platonic!reader#steve rogers#sharon carter#sam wilson#natasha romanoff#tony stark#maria hill
723 notes
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Rogers my dear you’re too good!! Bucky honey 😭😭😭
okay I send a mini request?
Can it be please like in a new relationship with Bucky Barnes (like when the reader & him first start to date?) and she notices how touched starved he is - and maybe when she goes to touch him (in a non sexual way, like maybe she goes to take his hand or rubs his back??) he flinches at first? But soon realises that not everyone who touches him is gonna hurt him? 🥺 thats just what I’m thinking about this afternoon 😭
I hope this inspired something! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
Thank you so much for requesting this. I loved the idea so much. It's a little different from what you suggested but I hope you still like it!
Missing Piece
Part Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Not beta read, a whole lot of fluff, talks of anxiety and anxiety attack but it doesn't go into details.
This is my first request ever and I hope I did good. Feel free to send me more requests, I had so much fun writing this.

When Steve first mentioned that Bucky would soon join them at the new house, everybody got a little wiry. The Winter Soldier’s reputation preceded him everywhere he went, his past was far from being a secret, whether you were an avenger or not.
You had gotten pretty close to Steve after you joined the team. Everyone had welcomed you with open arms and you had nothing to complain about, but Steve always went the extra mile. When you first moved in, he always made sure you were included in their group activities, if no one wanted to train with you he would always volunteer quickly so you wouldn’t feel like an outsider. The team had been together for a very long time before your arrival and it was never easy to let anyone in and to trust them, especially in life or death situations.
Steve had even made sure that your room was on the same floor as his so you’d know you always had someone you trusted around. He treated you like his baby sister and you loved it. He told you all about his life pre-serum and post-serum, telling you everything about his history with Bucky, never calling him once by the name Hydra had given him. You had heard so much about Bucky that you felt like you already knew him. You got excited when Steve told everyone he was going to join the team, from all the stories you had heard from Steve, he was definitely someone you wanted to have watching your back and to have as a friend.

Steve walked in first to make sure that not everyone was waiting for them, like he had asked, as to not overwhelm Bucky as soon as he stepped inside. No one was really looking forward to meeting him, anyway. When he saw that the coast was clear, he gestured for Bucky to come in.
You had been reading in the other room, close to the front door, when you heard the door open, some shuffling and the door close. You stood up from the couch, securing your bookmark in between two pages before closing your book and holding it close to your chest as you walked over, grinning at Steve.
‘’You’re back!!’’
You looked around, not seeing Bucky anywhere. You frowned. You took a few steps towards Steve to hug him and that’s when you saw him, standing behind his best friend. Almost hiding.
You gave your friend a big hug before smiling at Bucky.
Bucky nodded towards you, not saying a word and avoiding eye contact. He looked at the book you were holding and focused on it instead of you. You kept your eyes on him for a few moments, looking at his face and how exhausted he looked. Not only physically but emotionally and mentally. You wanted to hug him so badly, tell him that he’s finally safe but you didn’t. You knew it would take some time before Bucky warmed up to you, and you were willing to wait.

After that day, you weren’t hanging out with Steve as much as you used to do. You didn’t want to force his best friend to be around you, and Steve was the only person he knew and trusted so of course they were always together. You spent most of your days training at the gym or reading in your room, leaving the door open almost hoping someone would come over and talk to you but without Steve, you were always alone.
You were surprised when one day, as you were reading yet again, Steve knocked on your door before walking in, Bucky following right behind him. The soldier gave you a small nod before walking over to your book shelf and looking at every book you owned. Making a mental list of the ones he would to borrow one day.
Steve sat down next to you on your bed and wrapped his right arm around your shoulders, hugging you.
‘’Hi.’’ He grinned down at you.
‘’Hey, stranger.’’ You smiled, hugging him back.
He held you close to his chest, your head on his shoulder as you played with his fingers.
You were a very anxious person, always worrying about something or overthinking situations that happened long ago or could happen in the future, near or far. Steve picked up on it really quickly after meeting you. He did some research on anxiety and read somewhere that hugging anxious people helped calm them down, if they were ok with being touched. The next time he saw you, he told you everything he had learned about the subject. It touched you that someone had taken the time to look up ways to help you and to better understand you. You told him that you had read the same thing but you didn’t know if it worked with you because no one ever hugged you.
The next time he saw you getting anxious, he walked slowly towards you and held his arms open, giving you the choice whether you wanted to be touched or not at this moment. You didn’t hesitate before walking into his opened arms, wrapping your own around his torso and closing your eyes, resting your head on his chest. He hugged you so tightly, it was almost difficult to breathe but for some reason it only made you feel safer. From that moment on, he was always hugging you or holding your hands to ground you. The heroes living with them had gotten used to it but Bucky was surprised when he turned around to see you all over each other.
He noticed how relaxed you both looked, how at peace you seemed to be and he almost asked you to hug him in the same way but instead looked away, staring out the window. The thought of you touching him made his heart flutter while terrifying him at the same time. When strangers touch him, it never ends well for Bucky. Afterthe super soldiers left your room that night, Bucky asked Steve if you were his girlfriend and when Steve said no, he asked why he was holding you as ifyou were, that’s when he told him about your anxiety and that it was one of the ways he had found to ground you toreality when your mind started to go into the big, black hole that made you lose touch with your rationality.
Bucky spent the entire night reading about it on the internet, a tool he had found useful ever since he had ran away from Hydra, surprised to see that there were actual scientific researches about the whole thing. He thought about all the nights he had spent awake and terrified to go to sleep because of the things he would see once he closed his eyes, wondering if he had someone to hug would make him feel better. If he had you to hug. Without even knowing why, he realized that he had never craved someone’s touch more than he did yours. Maybe together you could help the other one heal but first he had to get over his fear of people touching him.
He decided to start small. Steve had told him multiple times that you weren’t scared of him but he wasn’t completely convinced, he was careful to not give you any reason to actually fear him.
Bucky joined yours and Steve’s conversations more often, not talking much but still participating. The first time you heard him laugh at something Steve had said, you thought your heart was literally going to melt in your chest. His eyes had lit up, the little creases around his eyes deepened and you swore in this moment you’d do anything to hear him laugh again.
After a while, you started to notice that Bucky was opening up to you more every day. You were happy about it; and scared you might do something wrong and make him shut you out like he did the rest of the people living with you.
A few weeks later, he started seeking you out on his own. Steve was gone on a mission for Fury, Bucky panicked, it’ll be the first time Steve would leave him on his own since he was brought to the house. Steve had told him that he’ll be okay, he wasn’t really alone. You were there, he could trust you. Then, it dawned on him. He was finally be able to spend time alone with you, without having to ask Steve and explain why he wanted to be alone with you. Panic was quickly replaced by excitement.

You were in your room, sitting at your desk for once, looking at videos Steve had been sending you during his flight. You rolled your eyes every time you received a new link. The poor man thought he had just discovered all the hidden gems of the internet and you didn’t have the heart to tell him these videos had been going around for years. You were about to write back to him when you heard a small knock on your opened door. You almost jumped at the sound, no one ever came around when Steve was gone, you weren’t expecting anyone. You turned around in your chair and couldn’t stop the grin that spread on your face.
‘’Come in, James. You don’t need to knock.’’ You waved for him to come in.
His knees almost buckled under his weight every time you said his name. He had always hated it when people called him James but when you do, it had such an effect on him that he was sure he’d be ready to do anything for you as long as you kept calling him James. He cursed at himself in his head, he used to be so smooth. One tiny smirk and girls would line up to go out with him. He always knew what to say, how to make the girls blush. Now here he was, not being able to make a sound while blushing, just because you smiled at him and called him by his name.
He cleared his throat before talking, not trusting his voice after his little moment of weakness. He gave you a small smile and pointed his thumb over his shoulder, at your book shelf.
‘’I was- I was wondering if I could maybe borrow a book? I promise I’ll bring it back. It can be anything.. even if there’s some pages missing or somethin’..’’ He bit his lower lip to shut himself up, rambling too much for his own taste. You don’t think you had heard him say that many words in a row before and you tried to ignore the little butterflies that erupted in your stomach, all just from hearing the sound of his voice.
You brought a hand to your chest, pretending to be offended. Bucky opened his eyes wide when he saw your expression and cursed at himself, once again. Of course you wouldn’t want to lend him anything, he thought. It was stupid of him to even ask. Why would you trust him with anything? After everything he’s done, he’s surprised you even felt comfortable having him in your room.
‘’You think that I-’’ You paused dramatically. ‘’I have books with pages missing? Mr. Barnes.’’ You shook your head before continuing. ‘’I thought you knew me better than this.’’
He looked at you for a few seconds before laughing. It was definitely not the answer he was expecting. He was full on laughing, like he had done with Steve a few days ago, and you were glad you were still sitting because your knees went weak, once again, at the sound.
You had made Bucky Barnes laugh.
‘’Sorry doll, won’t make that mistake again.’’ He told you once he had stopped laughing.
You definitely needed to stay on the chair, your legs couldn’t be trusted around him, the new nickname having the same effect on you as his laugh.
Your cheeks felt hot as a bright pink crept up on your neck, all the way to your ears. Bucky noticed the sudden change of color on your face but didn’t say anything about it. He caught himself thinking about how soft your skin looked and about how much he wanted to brush his fingers on your cheeks.
‘’You can take whichever book you want, just not the one on my nightstand because I’m reading it.’’ You smiled.
It took Bucky about 5 minutes before finally picking a book. Well, actually it had taken him one minute to decide and 4 minutes to try to find an excuse to try and stay with you longer but he couldn’t think of anything. He grabbed the book and turned around, facing you to thank you and started walking out when you called out to him.
‘’Actually, I’d feel better if you read the book in my room. You talking about book missing pages worries me a little.’’ You teased, hoping he would stay with you.
He chuckled and walked back inside, holding both his hands up in surrender, one of them still holding the book. His heart started to beat faster at the simple thought of you wanting him around.
‘’Fair enough.’’ He smiled.
You pointed to the bean bag chair sitting in the corner, close to the book shelf and then to your bed.
‘’You can either sit there or on my bed.’’ Her eyes lit up and he recognized that look. He had seen it hundreds of times on Steve. That’s the look that came before he made a joke about him. ‘’Although, you might be too old to sit in a bean bag chair.’’ You stood up, pretending to look for the tag that had the warnings on it. ‘’How old are you? I think this if for child over 4 and adults under 70.’’
There it is. You had definitely been spending too much time with Steve, he thought before sticking his tongue out at you.
‘’My knees are probably in a better shape than yours.’’ He teased back before sitting on your bed, his back against the headboard.
You chuckled. ‘’Oh, most definitely.’’
You spent the entire day in your room reading while sitting next to Bucky on your bed. Never touching him, but being close enough that you could feel his warmth.
He couldn’t focus on the book at all, his thoughts always going back to how close you were sitting and how if he juststretchedhis hand out a tiny bit, he’d be able to hold your hand or wondering how it would feel to have you all snuggled up against his chest. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t feel you moving your hand towardshis arm. You wanted to read to himsomething in your book that you thoughthe would love and without thinking you reached out to him to get his attention. Before you could even touch him, Bucky flinched so hard you thought he was going to fall off the bed. You brought your hand back to your body, holding it close to your chest.
‘’Bucky, I’m so sorry. I- I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.’’
Tears started to blur your vision. You felt bad for not thinking before acting, you were scared that you had crossed a line and that he wouldn’t want to be around you and a small part of you felt sad that he didn’t want you touching him. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, so the tears wouldn’t fall. You weren’t about to cry in front of Bucky when he was the one that needed comforting.
‘’It’s okay.’’ He reassured you but it wasn’t okay. He was mad at himself for reacting in the way he did, when literally just seconds before all he could think about was feeling your skin against his own.
After what your refer to in your head as ‘’the incident’’, you were very careful to avoid any physical contact with Bucky. Every time you could feel him or his body temperature, you would take a few steps in the opposite direction to put some distance between the two of you.
Something Steve noticed the few days after he had came back from his mission. Bucky seemed almost sad and you well, guilt was clearly eating at you. Steve could tell something had changed while he was away but he didn’t know what. He didn’t ask questions, you would tell him in your own time.

It had been a week since Steve had gotten back from his latest mission and he decided that a movie night was very much needed. He told everyone to be in the living room at 8pm sharp and that everyone had to wear their best Pjs.
‘’Yes Bucky that also includes you.’’ He added before his best friend had even opened his mouth to ask the question. He mumbled something under his breath, something only the other super soldier could hear. Whatever was said, it made Steve roll his eyes and chuckle to himself.
You ate dinner in your room, something that happened quite often, and decided to watch a few episodes of your favorite show while you finished dinner. You completely lost track of time, until FRIDAY’s voice echoed in your room.
‘’Captain Rogers would like to know if, and I quote, you had any intention on joining them in this lifetime?’’
You looked at the clock and cursed, running to the living room. Everyone was already sitting down and were waiting for you. You whispered a small ‘’sorry’’ before looking around to find an empty seat. There was one. Next to Bucky. You felt a little bit of anger towards your teammates for not wanting to sit next to him, it had been over a month since he had moved in, it was time they started warming up to him.
Little did you know that the empty spot next to Bucky had been left empty on purpose. He had been one of the firsts in the living room, he wanted to sit on the small sofa and to not be piled up on the big couch with everyone else. Every time someone had tried sitting down next to him, he glared at them until they sat somewhere else. Even Steve.
Tony almost warned you to not sit next to Bucky, that he didn’t want anyone sitting next to him but stopped himself as you sat down. Everyone was surprised that Bucky hadn’t glared at you, if they looked close enough they could almost see him smiling at you. A light bulb went off in Steve’s head and he smirked, understanding what was happening.
You were nervous to be sitting this close to Bucky, there was absolutely no space for you to move. You tried to stay as still as you possibly could to make sure you weren’t going to touch him by accident.
Bucky was looking at the screen but he wasn’t watching the movie. He noticed how you tried not to move but all he wanted was for you to be close to him, a lot closer than you were right now. He was racking his brain, trying to find a way to let you know what he wanted without having to actually say it out loud. He looked down at your hand that was laying flat on your thigh. The Avengers were way too engrossed in the movie to notice if he decided to reach over to you and held your hand.
He missed his old life. He missed his old self, the man he was wouldn’t be nervous at the idea of holding your hand. Hell, the old Bucky would probably be all over you; holding your hand, hugging you, kissing your cheeks and playing with your hair while you had your head on his shoulder.
You were sitting in a weird position and your butt started to feel numb. You needed to move. Looking at Bucky from the corner of your eye, you took your hands away from your thighs so you could uncross your legs and stretch them. You had been so focus on his face that you never saw his hand that had almost reached yours before you knocked into it as you moved. That also meant you didn’t miss the way Bucky flinched and recoiled, moving moreto his side of the sofa. Your heart tightened in your chest, a selfish part of you was hoping that Bucky would trust you by now.
You stood up so fast that everyone’s attention was on you instead of the screen.
‘’I don’t feel like watching a movie, I’m going to bed.’’ You mumbled before storming out of the living room. Bucky clearly didn’t want you anywhere near him and he should be able to enjoy the movie without having you ruining his night. You were always hiding in your room anyway, no one would miss you.
Steve looked at Bucky as confusion could be read all over his face, he frowned and waited for Bucky to say something but he just shrugged and looked away. From the outside, Bucky looked like he wasn’t fazed but inside, he wanted to explode. He couldn’t believe it happened, again. He didn’t mean to flinch, and hurt your feelings in the process.
The blonde stood up and walked over to your room. He listened for a few seconds to see if you were sleeping and when he heard you moving around, he knocked gently.
‘’Toots?’’ He called out. Steve had called you that once and you had hated it, so of course Steve started using it all the time and you secretly started loving it.
You opened the door and smiled at Steve. ‘’What’s up?’’
‘’Wanna tell me what happened with Buck?’’
You sighed and stepped aside, letting him in and closing the door behind him. You sat down on your bed and shrugged.
‘’I don’t think Bucky likes me that much. I thought we were getting along fine but he keeps flinching whenever I touch him and I totally understand why, with everything that happened to him but I don’t know.’’ You sighed and looked down. ‘’He almost looks disgusted every time I touch him by accident.’’
Steve started laughing, almost uncontrollably, the kind of laugh that would be contagious if it didn’t feel like he was laughing at you. You raised an eyebrow, frowning. You crossed your arms over your chest, hurt.
‘’Are you laughing at me?’’ He stopped laughing almost instantly and he shook his head, walking over to you quickly and sat down besides you.
‘’No. No, absolutely not.’’ He grabbed your hands. ‘’It’s just that Bucky is nervous around you.’’
‘’But why? He looks fine around other people. Did I do something wrong? If I did something he should tell me so I don’t do it again.’’ You pleaded.
‘’I assure you, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s the opposite. You’ve been nothing but sweet to him and he’s just waiting for the other shoe to drop. He doesn’t think he deserves kindness, from anyone, especially not from you. He’s so used to have people turn on him, he’s expecting the same to happen with you. Not that you would turn on him, but y’know.’’ He squeezed your hands.
You nodded. Of course you knew. Bucky spent the last 70 years being manipulated and tortured by people who claimed they were on his side. You wish you could make him see and understand that he isn’t the Winter Soldier anymore, that what happened was out of his control and that he deserved kindness and love as much as any of them did.
‘’I can’t believe I made this about me.’’ You dropped your head in your hands. ‘’I’m sorry, Steve.’’
‘’Stop it, don’t feel bad. This isn’t a ‘’normal’’ situation. It’s totally understandable for you to be confused. I’ve known Bucky my whole life, I can read him like a book otherwise I’d probably feel the same way you do.’’
‘’I should probably go apologize to him.’’ You started getting up.
‘’Apologize for what? For having feelings and being confused as to how to act because it’s your first time being around a former brain-washed assassin? Toots, there’s nothing to apologize for. It’s human nature, I’m sure he’s not upset with you in any way.’’
He wrapped his hand around your wrist, making you sit back down on your bed. He was right.
There was a small knock at your door, so small you would have thought you had imagined it if it weren’t for Steve turning his head to look at the door.
‘’Come in.’’ You said, sitting back down on your bed.
The door slowly opened, Bucky was standing on the other side of it. He had a sad look on his face.
‘’Is this a bad time?’’ He asked hesitantly.
‘’Not at all.’’ Steve said while getting up. ‘’I was just about to leave. Good night toots.’’ He kissed the top of your head quickly and walked out, closing the door.
Neither of you talked for a long minute before Bucky finally moved and sat at the edge of your bed.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ He said, looking down.
You were surprised by his apology because he had absolutely nothing to apologize for. You moved on your bed, getting closer to him while still keeping some distance between the two of you.
‘’Sorry for what?’’ You sounded confused, and you were.
‘’For flinching.’’ He mumbled, embarrassed.
‘’Oh, James, no.’’ You wanted to comfort him so badly, there was this urge inside of you that screamed to try to take away all of his pain. Without even thinking, you raised one of your hands to his shoulder but stopped yourself before actually touching him.
‘’Don’t.’’ He pleaded, looking at you with pain in his eyes.
‘’I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.’’ You looked down.
‘’No. Don’t stop.’’
‘’Wh- What?’’ You looked up at him.
He didn’t know how to ask. He wanted you to touch him so badly, just to feel your skin on his but saying Please touch me would sound all kind of wrongs. He looked down at your hand and then looked backintoyour eyes, hoping you would understand.
Then something clicked in your mind.
‘’You-... You want me to...?’’ You trailed off, scared to finish your question. What if you’ve been reading this situation all wrong and pushed him even further away, but he nodded.
‘’Please, sweetheart.’’ He pressed, he almost sounded on the verge of begging and he would probably have felt embarrassed if he hadn’t needed you so badly.
‘’Are you sure?’’ You looked in his eyes, the answer written all over of his face. He was more than sure, he had been waiting for this almost since the moment he first saw you.
You raised your hand again and slowly moved it towards him, giving him every opportunity to stop you if he changed his mind. You first thought had been to put your hand on his shoulder, then you saw how he was looking at you and couldn’t stop yourself. Your fingertips gently brushed against his cheek, easing him into it. This time he didn’t flinch and you were so relieved, you could have almost cried.
You wanted to go slow, not wanting to scare him but the moment your fingers touched his skin, he leaned into your touch, nuzzling his cheek closer toyour palm. He closed his eyes and sighed, content. He looked beautiful and you felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest, it was beating so fast.
You brushed your thumb softly across his cheek a few times and slowly started to let go of his face. His eyes snapped open and he grabbed your hand with his, a small whine rumbling in his chest. You took his hand and smiled.
‘’It’s okay.’’ You whispered, scared that if you spoke up; it would ruin the moment or worse, you would realize this was all a dream and you would wake up.
You let go of his hand, shuffling on your bed until your back was against the headboard. You moved around a little bit, sliding a little further down on the mattress so only your shoulders and head would be held up by the headboard and your back rested on your pillows. You wiggled your legs under the covers and smiled. You extended both arms towards him, making grabby hands and grinning.
He smiled before quickly moving towards you. You lifted the covers so he could get under them, and let them fall on his lower half once he had settled next to you. You let him snuggle against your side, almost halfof his body being on top of yours as he tried not to crush you under his weight. You watched him as he got comfortable. Now that he knew how you felt against his skin, he didn’t want to let go and he was going to be as clingy as you would allow him to be. He had spent over 70 years without being touched in a way that didn’t make his skin crawl, he had over 70 years worth of loving touches to catch up on. He had found someone who wasn't disgusted by who he was and what he had done. For some reasons he didn't understand, you cared about him and actually wanted him in your life. He had found someone who didn't want to hurt him or manipulate him. He found his person.
His flesh arm wrapped around your middle while his vibranium arm snaked under you, wrapping you completely in his arms. He laid his head on your chest and closed his eyes, listening to your heartbeat. Your right hand went to his head, running your fingers through his long hair; over and over again at a soothing pacewhile your left arm wrapped around his shoulders, holding him impossibly closer to you. You closed your eyes and felt your entire body relax.
As you both fell asleep, you knew you weren’t ever letting the other go. You fell into place like two puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly. You had found the missing piece you needed, finally whole.

Dividers were made by @bwbatta full credits to her and her talent.
#bucky barnes#james bucky barnes#james buchanan barnes#steve rogers#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#steve rogers x platonic!reader#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes fluff
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Steve: I’m not gonna lie, Y/N scares me a little bit
Natasha: Oh, don’t worry about Y/N. She wouldn’t hurt a fly!
Steve: Oh, that’s reassuring-
Natasha: She would kill a man, though
#mcu x reader#mcu#avengers incorrect quotes#mcu incorrect quotes#avengers x platonic reader#avengers x reader#avengers#steve rogers x reader platonic#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers#natasha romanoff x reader platonic#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff
4K notes
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Y/n: *flopping down on the couch with a bag of chips* Is stabbing someone immoral? Tony: *eyes glued to his phone* Not if they consent to it. Natasha: *trying to find a movie on Netflix* Depends on who you’re stabbing. Steve: *staring at them like they're all big stupid* YES?!?
#mcu#marvel#incorrect quotes#mcu incorrect quotes#mcu x reader#the avengers#avengers x reader#steve rogers x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#tony stark x reader#avengers x platonic reader
879 notes
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avengers x nurse! reader: Nurse Knows Best
The Avengers were like a group of overgrown kids who happened to have superpowers, and as their designated nurse, it was your job to keep them in one piece—not that they ever made it easy for you.
You’d worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. long enough to know that most agents had a tendency to push themselves too hard, but the Avengers? They were on a whole other level. It didn’t matter if they had a broken rib, a twisted ankle, or a mild concussion; they’d brush it off like it was nothing. And every time, you were there to scold them.
The med bay was bustling after a mission gone sideways. You stood with your hands on your hips, surveying the chaos as various members of the team wandered in, clearly worse for wear.
“Okay,” you said loudly, clapping your hands to get their attention. “Everyone who’s injured, sit down and let me take a look at you. No exceptions.”
Tony Stark was the first to protest, of course. “I’m fine, Nurse Killjoy. It’s just a scratch.”
“A scratch?” You raised an eyebrow, pointing at the deep gash on his arm that was still bleeding. “Sit. Now.”
Tony rolled his eyes but obeyed, muttering under his breath about bossy nurses.
Next up was Clint, who was cradling his wrist. “I don’t need—”
“Don’t even start, Barton. Sit.”
He sighed dramatically but plopped down in the nearest chair.
Steve Rogers walked in next, limping slightly but trying to hide it. You immediately spotted the blood seeping through his suit at his side.
“Captain Rogers,” you said, narrowing your eyes.
“I’m fine,” he said automatically, his voice calm and reassuring.
“Uh-huh. And that’s why you’re leaking blood all over my floor.”
Steve looked down, as if noticing the injury for the first time. “It’s not that bad.”
“Sit down before I make you,” you said firmly, pointing to an empty bed.
His lips twitched like he wanted to argue, but he gave in, sitting with a sheepish smile. “Yes, ma’am.”
Natasha was the only one who didn’t fight you. She sat quietly on the edge of a cot, holding a cold pack to her shoulder.
“Thank you for not arguing,” you said as you passed by.
She smirked. “Why would I? You’re the only one here who scares Steve.”
“Nat!” Steve protested from his bed.
Natasha just laughed, winking at you.
Bruce Banner was next, looking drained but otherwise uninjured. You handed him a bottle of water and told him to sit and rest, which he did without complaint.
“Where’s Thor?” you asked.
Bruce sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Last I saw, he was outside arguing with some agents about carrying Mjölnir into the med bay.”
You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Of course he is.”
As if on cue, Thor burst through the doors, looking as proud as ever despite the torn sleeve of his armor revealing a nasty gash on his bicep. Mjölnir dangled from his hand as if it were a paperweight.
“Lady Y/N!” Thor greeted you with his usual booming enthusiasm. “Fear not, for I am unscathed!”
You raised an eyebrow, gesturing to his arm. “And what’s that?”
Thor glanced at the wound as if noticing it for the first time. “A mere trifle! This is nothing for the God of Thunder.”
“Thor, sit down before you bleed all over my med bay,” you said, pointing to an open chair.
Thor blinked, clearly unused to being bossed around, but when Natasha smirked at him from her cot, he sighed dramatically and sat down. “Very well, Lady Y/N. I shall allow you to tend to this insignificant injury.”
By the time everyone was settled and you’d cleaned, stitched, or bandaged them up, you were exhausted. But that didn’t stop you from giving them your usual lecture.
“You all need to start taking better care of yourselves,” you said, crossing your arms as you stood in the middle of the room. “You’re not invincible, no matter how much you act like it.”
“Technically, I kind of am,” Tony said, waving his hand. “You know, with the suit and all.”
You shot him a glare. “Even you, Stark. You have to rest and recover like everyone else.”
“I do rest,” Tony said defensively.
“Falling asleep at your desk doesn’t count.”
Natasha chuckled quietly while Steve looked at you with an apologetic smile. “You’re right,” he said, surprising everyone by agreeing. “We’ll do better.”
“Speak for yourself,” Clint muttered, earning a sharp look from you.
“You will do better,” you said, your tone leaving no room for argument.
Once the med bay had cleared out and everyone was patched up, Steve lingered behind, watching as you cleaned up your supplies.
“You’re good at what you do,” he said, his voice warm.
You glanced at him, softening slightly. “Thanks. Someone has to keep you all alive.”
He chuckled, leaning against the counter. “We don’t make it easy, do we?”
“No, you don’t,” you said with a smile. “But I guess I can’t blame you. You’re trying to save the world, after all.”
Steve tilted his head, studying you. “Still, we owe you a lot. I don’t think we say that enough.”
Your cheeks warmed at his sincerity. “You just did, so… thank you.”
He gave you a small nod before turning to leave, but not before adding, “Don’t work too hard, Nurse Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile. “Right back at you, Captain.”
A few days later, they were off on another mission. When they returned, battered but victorious, you were there, hands on your hips and ready to scold them all over again.
But this time, as they filed into the med bay, Steve caught your eye and gave you a sheepish smile.
“We tried to take it easy,” he said.
You sighed, shaking your head with a small laugh. “Sure you did.”
And despite their stubbornness, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride for being the one to keep this chaotic, mismatched family in one piece.
The Avengers were many things—heroes, legends, earth’s mightiest—but they were also, without a doubt, the biggest pains in your life. While you loved them (in a professional sense, you often reminded yourself), there were days when they seemed hell-bent on driving you to the brink of insanity.
It started innocently enough. You’d handed Clint an ice pack for his sprained wrist, warning him to use it and not to get into any trouble while waiting for you to finish with Tony.
Apparently, “trouble” was Clint’s middle name.
By the time you turned around, he was using the ice pack as a projectile, aiming it at Thor’s head.
“Barton!” you shouted, but it was too late.
Thor caught the ice pack midair and grinned like a child who’d just been handed a toy. “A fine game, indeed!”
Before you knew it, Thor had launched it back at Clint, narrowly missing your head in the process.
“Guys, stop—”
Steve walked in at the worst possible moment, only to get hit square in the chest by the ice pack. He froze, blinking in confusion, before turning his disapproving gaze on Clint.
“It wasn’t me!” Clint said, pointing at Thor.
“I’m ending this now!” you barked, snatching the ice pack off the floor and holding it like a grenade.
Everyone froze, the room dead silent.
“Good,” you said, your tone clipped. “Now, sit down, or I swear I’ll superglue all of you to the med bay chairs.”
Tony Stark’s caffeine addiction was well-documented. He was rarely seen without a coffee cup in hand, and he had a bad habit of wandering into your office to steal your coffee whenever his ran out.
You’d warned him repeatedly. But today was the day you finally snapped.
“Tony, I swear to everything holy, if you take my coffee one more time—”
“I’m not taking it,” Tony interrupted, already mid-sip.
You glared at him, debating whether it was worth the potential HR complaint to tackle him. “That’s literally my mug, Stark.”
“Is it, though?” he quipped, holding it up to inspect the “World’s Okayest Nurse” lettering you’d bought as a joke.
“Yes, it is!”
Natasha strolled in, took one look at your murderous expression, and immediately turned on her heel. “Nope. Not my problem.”
Later that day, you found a brand-new espresso machine in your office with a note that read, “Bribes work, right? - T”
You should’ve known better than to challenge Thor, but you were running on two hours of sleep, and logic had abandoned you.
“Thor, please stop leaving Mjölnir on the exam tables,” you said for the third time that day. “I can’t move it, and I’m not calling you every five minutes to come and get it.”
“It is perfectly safe where it lies,” Thor said proudly, arms crossed.
“It’s not safe for me,” you shot back. “I’m not worthy, remember?”
Thor grinned. “Perhaps you underestimate yourself, Lady Y/N. You should try lifting it.”
Your eye twitched. “Thor, I don’t have time for this.”
He ignored you, stepping back and gesturing dramatically. “Go on. Prove yourself worthy.”
With a deep sigh, you grabbed the handle and pulled with all your might. Nothing happened, of course.
“You’re impossible,” you muttered, grabbing a clipboard and swatting his arm with it.
Thor just laughed, retrieving Mjölnir like it weighed nothing and promising, “I shall endeavor to do better.”
He didn’t.
Bucky had a habit of sneaking up on people, but today, he outdid himself.
You were focused on updating patient files when a voice spoke from directly behind you:
“Whatcha doing?”
You screamed loud enough to send papers flying everywhere.
“Sorry,” he said, though he didn’t sound remotely sorry. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Like hell you didn’t!” you snapped, clutching your chest. “Do you even know how jumpy I am?”
“Natasha bet me ten bucks I couldn’t make you scream,” he admitted with a shrug.
From the hallway, Natasha’s voice called out, “Worth every penny!”
The final straw came when you found Steve Rogers—America’s golden boy—eating chocolate pudding out of a biohazard container in the lab.
“Steve. What are you doing?” you asked, your voice unnervingly calm.
He froze, spoon halfway to his mouth. “Uh… eating pudding?”
“In a biohazard container?”
Steve frowned, staring at the container like it had betrayed him. “It was in the fridge. I thought it was clean.”
You closed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Steve, that’s for medical samples. It literally says ‘Biohazard’ on the side.”
He looked so horrified and embarrassed that you almost felt bad for yelling at him. Almost.
“I… should probably stop eating this,” he said quietly, setting the container down.
“Ya think?” you muttered.
By the end of the week, you were exhausted. You collapsed into your chair in the break room, head in your hands, wondering how you were still sane.
Natasha walked in, holding a cup of coffee. She placed it in front of you without a word.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, sipping it gratefully.
“Don’t let them get to you,” she said with a smirk. “They’re idiots, but they’re our idiots.”
You sighed, leaning back in your chair. “That’s the only reason I haven’t quit yet.”
From the hallway, you heard Tony shout, “Who used my arc reactor as a paperweight?”
You groaned, already bracing yourself for the next round of chaos.
#avengers#nurse#steve rogers x you#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff#natasha x reader#thor odinson#thor of asgard#thor#thor odison x reader#iron man#tony stark#tony x reader#Tony start x reader#bucky x you#bucky x reader#bucky fanfic#james x reader#james bucky buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#winter soldier#platonic#bruce banner#incredible hulk#hulk#hulk x reader#bruce banner x reader#steve rodgers x reader#avengers x reader
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Sit Down Now and Rest
Description: You had anxiety and depression, and Tony and Bruce were more than happy with getting you anxiety meds the moment that you asked. When you stop taking your meds, your mental health plummets and spirals as well as your physical health, and everyone notices. Don't worry though, they're there for you.
Pairing: (Platonic) Avengers x Teen!Reader
Type: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Depression, anxiety, sickness, fainting, dizziness, taking meds(both medicated and just vitamins/iron supplements), dehydration, insomnia, depressive and hurtful thoughts, reader doesn't talk very much in this, nicknames(Kiddo, Kid, Hun)
Word Count: 1,627
Note: I may or may not have written this with too much of myself being present… But it's fine! I also wrote this at like 2 in the morning so it's kinda rough but I just needed to get this typed out so here ya go! Also, the characters might be kinda ooc because I haven't watched any marvel movies in a little while but I've been hyper focused on fics with them lately so yea. And I am working on my tlou and tech fics, it's just hard to find the motivation to write them, but don't worry, I'm working on em.
You were quick to notice that you stopped taking your meds. You knew that they helped you, but you couldn't get yourself to start the habit of taking them again. You wanted to, most definitely, but you couldn't. Every day was the same. Wake up, look at your meds, contemplate taking them, saying you'll take them later, go train, eat, and then not take them.
You also stopped taking them at night too. You had even set alarms so that you'd remember to take them, but it didn't help at all. Natasha was the first to notice that something was up, being the closest one with you. When she realized that something wasn't quite right, she made sure to keep a close eye on you. She was quick to pick up how dizzy you looked when you'd get up, sometimes not even being able to stay standing before you crumbled back onto the couch. You'd always play it off as if you just lost your footing but she and everyone else knew that that wasn't the case.
One morning you had gotten up much later than you had recently been getting up. When you checked the time, it was around two in the afternoon. You got up and went to the kitchen, feeling extremely hungry after forgetting, and also just not wanting dinner the night prior. When you arrived in the kitchen, Tony was there. He had kind of taken up the father role in your life.
The moment he saw that you had finally arose, he was quick to make a snarky comment in good fun, “Ah! The beast has finally awoken from their slumber, now off they go to find their beauty.”
You only roll your eyes, ignoring him. You felt exhausted, even though you got close to ten hours of sleep seeing as you fell asleep around 4 in the morning. You couldn't find anything easy to fix or that looked appetizing in the fridge or pantry so you just opted for a bottle of water that you would only take a sip or two of then leave with your other five almost full water bottles on your nightstand.
Before you could go back to the confines of your room, Tony had to ask you a question, “ Hey kiddo, did you take your meds?”
The question caught you off guard, not expecting him to ask seeing as he hasn't asked in a real long time.
“Oh yea! I, um, took them earlier but fell back asleep. Yea, that's what I did!”
You try to make it seem like you weren't lying through your teeth, but weren't very successful because of how exhausted you were. However, before Tony could confront you, you book it to your room. You hide there for the rest of the day, not coming out for Dinner. Steve had come by to tell you that dinner was ready but you told him that you weren't very hungry as you just kept your
on the book that you had your nose in. You kept your light on all night, not feeling tired.
The next morning, Nat knocked on your door around eight, coming to get you so that you could train with her. When she opened your door, she saw you laying on your back staring up at the ceiling. You looked exhausted and had dark circles under your eyes. When Bat opened the door, you flung up in surprise. You hadn't heard her knocking so you weren't expecting for the door to randomly open. You couldn't tell who it was at first because your vision went fuzzy black as your body tried to accommodate the sudden movement that you caused. Nat waited for you to acknowledge her.
When you did after a couple seconds, you looked over at the time, confused. It had just been two the last time you looked at the clock. How could it be eight all of the sudden? You were brought out of your thoughts by Natasha trying to talk to you. You zoned back in, giving her a questioning look.
“I said, are you ok? You look exhausted Hun. I came by to get ya to come train but it looks like you need to rest for a couple days.”
“Oh! No, I'm fine. Just give me a couple minutes to get ready and I'll be down and we can get to work in no time!”
She gave you a skeptical look but nodded, closing your door behind her.
When you got down to the training room, Bucky and Steve were there with Natasha. They smiled upon seeing you walk in. However, Bucky and Steve's bright smiles dropped upon looking at your figure. You were slouched, tired eyes not fully open and your eye bags were extremely dark.
Bucky was the first to point it out, “Hey Kid, you ok? You aren't looking too good.”
You only shrugged, your body aching and your throat feeling scratchy and sore for some reason.
As you're sparring with Natasha, you continuously have to stop the match because you go into coughing fits. As finish with your last coughing fit you go back to Natasha, but she's packing her stuff up.
“Wait, where are you going?” You're voice comes rather harsh and rude as you ask the red head.
“I think you should rest for the rest of the day Hun. I'll come check on you in a little while. But go take your meds and also some cough syrup and eat something.”
You didn't say anything as you grabbed your stuff and walked back to your room. This was stupid. It was just a little cold. You can still fight. You need to train. Deep down though you knew you needed to listen to her and do as she said. In the end, you don't. You go back to your room, take a sip or two of water, get a small snack and then sit down in the living room with a book.
You try to read it, but you can't stay focused for long enough to. Your mind is spiraling and racing. You kept replaying how training went. You were so pathetic. And rude. How could you be so rude? Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You slam the book down onto the sofa, huffing.
You hadn't noticed that some of the others had joined you in the living room. They look up at you, surprised. They weren't used to seeing you like this. You tried to get up quickly, wanting to get away from this embarrassing situation.
The moment you get up, the world goes black, buzzing and ringing is the only thing you can hear as you collapse. You feel something picking you up and setting you down on the couch. You blink your eyes a couple times, slowly feeling sensation being restored in your body. You look around you and see that Bruce is coming over with a damp cloth and water. Nat has your head resting in her lap and Tony has your hand in his. They all look worried as they stare down at you. You hear gasped as Steve and Bucky walk in.
Questions are being thrown at you, too fast for you to comprehend. You instinctively put your hands on your ears, feeling overwhelmed. They all quiet down upon seeing this. Tony is the one to ask the questions from then on.
“Hey, it's ok. We're sorry, didn't mean to overwhelm ya like that. Can ya sit up?”
You nodded, feeling embarrassed now. Tony nodded and Nat helped you sit up, allowing you to lean against her.
“Ok, drink some water, you're ok,” Tony hands you the water that Bruce had brought over as Bruce is wiping your face with the cold damp cloth.
“Ya feeling better?”
“Ya, I'm fine.”
“Have you been taking your meds, kid?”Tony doesn't hold back, knowing what it looks like when you don't take the meds that have been helping you produce what your body needs.
You sheepishly look down at your hands that are fidgeting in your lap. You inhale sharply before shaking your head no.
They all sigh, Natasha being the one to talk this time, “Why haven't you been taking your meds, Hun?”
“I-I just don't want to… I don't like the feeling.”
They looked at each other, wondering what to say. As they look at each other, you go to stand up, but they make sure that you don't get up.
“Sit down now and rest,” Bucky's voice comes from behind you, his hands still on your shoulders.
“I'm sorry…” Your voice comes out in a whisper.
“You're forgiven kiddo, but ya gotta start taking your meds again.” Steve comes over and sits on the other side of you as he speaks.
“I know.”
“How bout I take my medication with ya? God knows that I haven't been taking it as much as I should be,” Tony chuckles as he tries to negotiate with you.
You didn't know if it would actually help you but you were open to the idea.
“Good, drink some more water. Now what do you want to watch? Hm? TV's all yours,” Tony stood up, giving you the TV remote as everyone decided to sit down on the couch.
You picked your comfort movie as you snuggled up with Steve and Nat. Tony had gotten you some actual food, and by the time the movie was over, you had drank all the water, ate all the food, fell asleep, and almost everyone else had fallen asleep as well. You felt safe with the people that cared about you all around you. You knew that this would be a journey, but you also knew that you weren't alone.
Tag list: @fakegingerrights @macchiato-dreaming22 @silnebula
#the avengers#avengers x reader#avengers x teen!reader#avengers x platonic reader#natasha romanoff#tony stark#steve rogers#bucky barnes#bruce banner#fluff#angst#hurt/comfort#avengers angst#avengers fluff
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B-u-c-k-y? Bucky
Pairings: father!Bucky Barnes & child!reader, featuring Steve Rogers & child!reader and Tony Stark & child!reader (all platonic)
Imagine: The beginning of your relationship with your father and a glimpse at the progress
Warnings: angst, fluff, mention of Hydra, mention of child mistreatment, mention of experiments, reader describes as tiny to clarify more that hydra treated them bad, mention of medical equipment such as syringes, not proofread, if you find anything else please tell me
A/N so don’t know where this came from but I haven’t been able to write something in months so I’m just happy to be able to write again hopefully, don’t know if I like it or not but here we go anyway enjoy
Kinda short, dunno about 2000 words or so
might make more parts to this
Sparks lit up the dark corridor as Bucky and Steve walked down the stairs to be met with red lights flashing above each door as the alarms blasted their annoyingly high pitched sound that made your ears ring afterwards. One look at each other, they gave a nod and split up as they took one side each of the corridor.
The first room Bucky opened was filled with cabinets made of plastic and in each was different kinds of test tubes with what looked like some kind of poisonous liquid. Syringes were spread out over the desks neatly. Bucky felt chills run down his spine as he saw the hospital bed (or more like a table with white a quilt?) in the middle of the room. Handcuffs made to restrain a person laid neatly on the bed. Blood covering the sides of the bed and his mind went back to 1945, when Arnim Zola experimented on him. Which had coincidentally also been at a hydra base. His gun raised as he searched the room for any kind of lifeforms, when he found none he went on to the next door.
This continued for at least five more doors, some of them being lab rooms and some what looked like prison cells fortified with extra protection, meaning whoever had once been inside couldn’t have fled on their own.
When he opened the sixth door, Bucky scanned the room and had it not been for the red lights flashing once in a while and the lamp that flickered out a dull light he would've missed the tiny child in the room. Knees pressed to their chest. Hospital gown clinging to their skin from blood and cold sweat. The room had cold chills and even for Bucky who tolerated the cold more than others he could feel the freezing temperature in the room. He lowered his gun and put on the softest expression he could muster during these circumstances. Bucky glanced out the door and yelled out with a soft voice (to not startle the child) once for Steve, Bucky’s gaze not soon after fell back to the quivering child, that was you, who stared at him with wide scared eyes.
Bucky took a careful step towards you as he kneeled down slightly to put his gun onto the floor. He gave you what was supposed to look like a kind smile but looked more like a grimace as he thought about what you must have been through. As soon as you saw Bucky coming closer he watched as dark blue smoke covered your tiny frame and not a second after you were gone. Bucky stopped in his tracks and looked around the room for you. His eyes fell on the coroner farthest away from him. You had covered your ears with your hands and your eyes were shut. Your body was tense and knees still pressed to your chest as you quivered further into the corner. Bucky stayed in place not knowing entirely what to do. At that moment he saw Steve walk through the door sparing a glance towards you before back at Bucky his shield raised as they both heard people run their way. With a sigh from Bucky they both left you for the time being as Hydra soldiers started to fill the end of the corridor.
As soon as you heard the sound of shots (your hands not able to muffle out the sounds that came right outside of the room you resided in) die down you opened your eyes. You watched with curious eyes as Bucky (not that you knew his name) walked into the room once more. Like before he put his gun down and gave you a kind smile, this time his hand slowly reached out for you. He watched as you pressed yourself girder into the corner as you stared at his hand.
“hey, hey, okay, it’s okay” Bucky raised both his hands into the air to show he meant no harm as he cautiously took another step closer. “I won’t hurt you” Steve watched from the door opening as Bucky interacted with you. His gaze shifted to the metal objects (or what looked like toys for children) in the room that had started to slightly hover over the ground, including Bucky’s gun.
Bucky’s eyes glanced towards the hovering objects and was a tiny bit glad that you hadn’t done anything to his left arm. “What's your name?” he let out a sigh as you didn't answer knowing you probably wouldn't answer anything he asked you, hell he didn’t even know if you could understand him. His head tilted slightly as he took slow steps forward until he knelt in front of you. The metal objects (except his arm) are rising higher into the air.
“are you alright, you hurt?” He said clearly as he watched you start to pick at the side of your arm where blood was running down onto your hospital gown. He watched as you picked at multiple wounds, some of them he could clearly see were from syringes and his eyes saddened. Both Bucky and Steve watched as you pressed yourself deeper into the corner, as you tried to hide the many bruises that littered your body.
“can I-we help you, can you let us help you out of here?” Bucky gestured with his hand to him and Steve as he said the word us. Once more he didn’t get a verbal answer but instead he got you to move out of the corner slightly. Bucky held his hand out to you once more and watched as you carefully placed your tiny hand in his much bigger one. He couldn’t help but to give a soft smile once more towards you.
"Can you walk?” And yet again there was no answer. Bucky looked at you with an uncertain expression as you stood up. Your body swaying from side to side. He carefully and slowly to make sure you could stop him if you wanted to, took you into his arms. Making sure you wouldn’t fall he stood up straight and started to walk towards Steve who smiled slightly at Bucky as he watched you shut your eyes and bury your head into his chest. The metal objects all crashed to the ground with a loud clatter of noise in various directions.
This had all been four months ago and Bucky had finally started to get you to trust him enough for you to let him teach you how to talk, write and read. By now you also trusted the rest of the avengers enough so that you wouldn’t try to hide from all of them except Steve (excluding Bucky). Tony would most days let you sit beside him as he made new iron man suits and at some time along the way he’d let you help him by using your powers to bend a metal the way he wanted it to be. This would in the end result in you running up to Bucky proud of your accomplishments and for Bucky to ruffle your hair and tell you how proud he was. These interactions with Tony also led to you having more control over your powers at least one of them. You still tended to teleport yourself unintentionally to the other side of the room if you were scared.
Today it just so happened that Bucky held another lesson with you to help you speak. So far you were able to say yes and no and some other basic things such as “hungry” and “tired”. However even though you were starting to learn you still most of the time stuck to being nonverbal and only shook your head yes or no or shrugged your shoulders when you didn’t know.
At this moment Bucky had tried to teach you to say his name and so far your tries had been good but as he knew you were a slow learner which he realized the first time he started to teach you, he knew you wouldn't be getting his name right in a while. For Bucky however this was just a minor setback as he felt he had to teach you everything after all as it so happened he was your father.
As soon as you had gotten to the Avengers base they tried to find out if you had any family that had filed a missing child’s report and to know what your name was as you refused to speak (them not knowing you didn’t know how to). Bucky had to promise you that he would be there for every test they did to you to make sure you were as healthy as you could be at that moment for you to let them be near you with any medical devices. As it turned out Hydra had somehow created you from Bucky’s DNA meaning he was listed as the father in the old Htdra records they found at the Hydra base they had attacked. They had also found out that you were around 8-9 years old. There wasn’t a specific date listed anywhere on when your birthday was, only what year you were born. This had shocked all of the heroes as they by the way you looked were way younger. All the more information they gained only made Bucky feel more guilty. Even if he didn’t know about your existence he still felt guilty over the things you had suffered with Hydra. The fact that you looked so much younger made him feel more guilty as it showed how poorly they had taken care of you. If he just looked at you he would assume you were around 5-6 years old and maybe your powers helped your appearance look younger but it still made him feel guilty.
Bucky had to shake himself out of his thoughts as he watched and heard you try to pronounce his name correctly.
“B-b-a-b-a-ck-y” You fumbled over the words as you hugged the Iron Man plushie Tony had given you a few days prior after he saw you holding a Captain America plushie. Ever since you hadn’t let go of the new plushie, much to Bucky’s demise and Tony’s ego.
Your father couldn’t help but to smile at you, it had been a long time since he smiled as much as when you came into his life and he hoped that maybe you could heal the part in himself that he found to be broken.
“not A” he pointed to the letter a in the book you held in front of you “sweetheart, it’s b-u-cky” Bucky pointed at each letter as he said them. He had originally wanted to teach you to call him dad first but as you had no idea what that word meant yet and only ever heard people call him bucky that's what he went with to for now to not make you confused.
Bucky chuckled slightly and remade his actions as before. He pointed to each letter as he said them. “b-u-c-k-y, bucky”
“That's right sweetie, B-u-c-k-y” Steve spoke from beside you as he took the other seat next to you as he brought you a plate with different types of sliced fruit as they were still trying to see what you liked to eat.
You took fruit from the plate and tasted it. Munching on it you smiled slightly up at Bucky. “Bu-cky, Bucky? Bucky”
Both super soldiers let out encouraging smiles as you repeated Bucky’s name as if it was a chant. Bucky’s smile held more pride than the others who had heard you as he ruffled your hair. He smiled more brightly as he watched you stand up and ruffle his own hair mimicking his actions. With that he let out a small laugh and kissed the top of your head as you sat down once more, ready for Bucky to teach you other words.
#Bucky Barnes x child!reader#bucky Barnes x reader#bucky Barnes x teen!reader#x reader#mcu x child!reader#marvel x child!reader#x child!reader#Steve Rogers x child!reader#Bucky Barnes x child reader#tony stark x child reader#marvel x reader#marvel x platonic reader#Bucky Barnes x platonic!reader
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id lovee to hear ur rankings of the comic book men from appearing to be the most normal to something is obviously wrong w them (if that makes sense... like,,,, who is and isnt an obv red flag)
ur writing keeps me fed :3
!!! GN reader, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of stalker-ish picture-taking, mentions of schizophrenia and anxiety, poor treatment of mental illness, mentions of violent behaviors, murderous Bucky Barnes, Tim Drake (he’s just a problem), mentions of suicidal tendencies, can be translated as platonic or romantic.
Remember, this is from least to most, meaning we’ll talk about the seemingly well-adjusted folks first and gradually move up to the, “okay, what the fuck is wrong with him” peeps.
Wally West: The way he’s playing everyone like a fiddle is downright disrespectful. He’s filled to the brim with green flags, easily appearing as one of the safest guys on the planet. Even when you start to suspect something, you have to constantly second guess yourself, because come on… it’s Wally. What the fuck can he do wrong? Don’t even bother voicing any of your concerns. No one — and I mean no one — will believe you. Having problems with Wally West? The embodiment of a warm summer evening? Damn, that sounds like a you problem. Poor Wally, having to deal with a crazy weirdo.
Dick Grayson: He’s got an amazing personality and pretty privilege working for him. At this rate, the masses manipulate themselves. Only those who are extremely perceptive will pick up on the cold glint in his eyes, and even then, the mystique only adds to his charm. By the time you realize he’s been hiding a darker side, it’s too late. Everyone’s too captivated by how endearing Dick is to hear you out. Even those who know him personally — who know about his struggles and rough patches — think you’re full of shit. Dick’s an emotionally mature man, so why don’t you just talk it out with him?
Steve Rogers: This is a bit unfair, considering the leverage he’s granted as Captain America, but hey… work what you got. While it may seem obvious to you that he’s way too overbearing and protective, good luck trying to get other people on your side. Everyone else thinks it’s a part of his 40s charm. Social norms were just different back then; why can’t you be more appreciative of his old-fashioned care? Besides, you’re probably overreacting. Is it really that bad? Steve is the leader of the Avengers, so maybe you’re just taking his authoritative demeanor the wrong way.
Clark Kent: I’m gonna be so for real, any man from a fuckass state like Kansas is going to come with some personality quirks. People will probably give him the benefit of the doubt by default. Just a farm boy trying to navigate the big city and can’t even hurt a fly. Sure, he can be odd at times, but nothing makes him an inherently bad guy. This is the same man that helps old people cross the street, for god’s sake! He most definitely means well, it’s just a matter of setting boundaries with him. What’s the worst he can do?
Remy LeBeau: Despite what differing opinions may say about The Gambit, Remy seems like he’s got his head on his shoulders. His “red flags” are more on the blurry side. Do you count excessive flirting as a red flag? What about hiding behind charisma and a fake ego instead of going to therapy? Some people may say yes, others no. But in terms of glaring red flags, Remy’s relatively clean. We’ve all got our issues, no? Being a thief doesn’t make you a psycho. That being said, due to Remy’s shifty past, people may be more inclined to listen should you ever express that something’s wrong.
Peter Parker: Honestly… he’s a bit of a weirdo. Nothing obvious at first, but the longer you know him, the more behaviors you may pick up on that make you go, “oh… well… that’s weird”. Take his Polaroid obsession, for example. He’s got at least one photo in every jacket pocket, dozens in his wallet, and a fuck ton in his desk. Poor guy accidentally spilled them all over the ground once, which naturally sparked rumors. But Peter’s a sweetheart. Clingy, but still a sweetheart. Maybe he’s just a little messed up due to everything he’s lost in his life.
Bruce Wayne: Okay. Red flags in the playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne? Absolutely unheard of. He’s an absolute angel. According to all of the stan accounts out there, he could do nothing wrong. But red flags in the real Bruce Wayne? Where do we even begin. Distrusting as fuck, paranoid, argumentative, the occasional fit of violence, a known manipulator and liar… want me to keep going, because I can. It’s very hard to rank Bruce due to the ginormous contrast between general public opinion and those who actually know him, so he goes smack in the middle. Billionaire Bruce Wayne would never be a horrible person to you, but the real Bruce Wayne 100% would.
Jaime Reyes: Because of how mental illness is stigmatized, Jaime’s unfortunately labeled to be dangerous. But it’s not really his fault. That damn scarab has him muttering to himself like a crackhead, and naturally assumptions will be made. When actually given a chance, people will learn that Jaime’s a nice kid. He just probably struggles with schizophrenia or really bad anxiety. Yes, his paranoia can get bad, but again; mental illness. He’s never proven himself to a threat, despite what others may think. He just needs help (but there’s no way to combat the manipulation of Khaji Da. Jaime lost that battle the moment he became Blue Beetle).
Hal Jordan: Oh, yeah. He’s got red flags alright. But they’re mostly normal ones, like his ego and horrendous stubborn streak. Lots of guys out there are like that, and are they considered freaks? No. Well, not all of them. However, it is a bit concerning that he’s willing to throw hands at the drop of a hat. Bro’s one major freak out away from catching assault charges like they’re Pokémon. But if it’s any consolation, it should be noted that he hasn’t gotten into major legal trouble. On Earth. Yet. Some call him rough around the edges, others call him a severely troubled individual. Either way, he definitely needs to seek professional help.
Scott Summers: MAJOR red flags. He’s an overbearing control freak that really needs to work on his… well… his everything. Emotional intelligence, temper, daddy issues… yeah, no. He’s an amazing leader, but probably someone you should steer clear from otherwise. Most wouldn’t be surprised if you two were having issues. It’s not like he wears all of his problems on his sleeve; the iceberg goes much deeper than that. Though he sure as hell doesn’t present himself as a well-adjusted member of society. Proceed at your own risk. Don’t say you weren’t warned, because you probably were.
Bucky Barnes: This is the opposite of Captain America’s case. His reputation as the Winter Soldier kind of skews the perception of him to be a walking red flag. And you know, he really is. Bucky is extremely dangerous. Down to snap necks anytime, anywhere, no amount of charm or endearing quirks will make people feel fully safe around him. His history of violence did not stop post-brainwashing. And it’s not like he’s hiding it, either. There’s this crazed gleam in his eyes that just screams “fuck around and find out,” no matter what his mood is. Who in their right mind would involve themself with THE Winter Soldier?! Yeah, no shit you’re having issues with him. He is an issue.
Tim Drake: Bro is the epitome of “you’re scaring the hoes.” He could be walking down the street — face neutral, hands in his pockets — and total strangers will get the sense that something is deeply wrong with him. The aura around him exudes the reddest of flags. Yes, his face and intelligence are attractive, but even those who have fallen for his pretty boy swag can’t help but sigh dreamily and think, “he really needs to be institutionalized.” Disturbing humor. Creepy staring. Mood swings. Suicidal tendencies. Sadomasochism to the max. The list goes on and on and on. If Dead Dove: Do Not Eat was a person, it’d be him. What were you expecting? It’s Tim fucking Drake.
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I miss when the Avengers hung out, Thor ate Poptarts, Loki moved in, Natasha did Ballet, Clint was in the vents, Steve couldn't cook and was drawing, Bucky and Sam were bickering, Tony and Bruce were in the lab, Wanda cooking, going to school with Peter.
…it was never real but I miss it.
#mcu peter parker#mcu x platonic!reader#mcu x reader#mcu fandom#marvel mcu#mcu#mcu loki#mcu imagine#mcu fanfiction#marvel cinematic universe#marvel#marvel fanfiction#marvel x reader#peter parker x chubby!reader#peter parker#tony stark#steve rogers#natasha romanoff#girlblogging#this is what makes us girls#im just a girl#just girly things#this is a girlblog#girl blogger#blogging#girlhood#wanda marvel#wanda maximoff#marvel x you#marvel x y/n
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Y/N: Can I touch it?
Bucky: Touch what?
Y/N: That.
Y/N: *Points to his metal arm*
Bucky: *Looks at Steve who’s next to him.*
Steve: *Shrugs and hums ‘i dunno?’*
Bucky: Uh… sure?
Y/N: *Lets out a girly squeal and wraps her hands around his metal bicep.*
Bucky: *Looks to Steve again.*
Bucky: Is she always like this?
Steve: Pretty much…
Y/N: *Screams in fangirl and shakes his arm aggressively*
#and bucky went wtf#mcu x reader#plationic steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#platonic steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky x reader#marvel mcu x reader#platonic bucky#platonic bucky x reader#bucky and steve#platonic stucky
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Friendship In Escape
Summary: Steve Rogers x fe!Reader -> After escaping a party, you meet Steve Rogers. It's in a simple conversation, you and him find common ground and from that a friendship grows. Question is, will either of you ever find the courage to act of the underlying feelings?
Disclaimer: This is a LONG one. Spoilers ahead for most of the main Captain America/Avengers films from The Avengers. Also, there's probably a lot of plot holes in this fic so we're just gonna ignore them. Slow, slow burn. Angst-y moments. Found family, fluff, taking care of each other. Some swearing. Reader helps Steve adjust to the modern world. Lots of hugging. Probably spelling and grammar mistakes but we're gonna ignore them, too (it's late and I'm pretty sure my brain is fried). Hope you enjoy it <3 Not proof read.
The party had been humming to life for an hour or more before the honorable host finally showed his face. Dawned in a big name branded suit, Tony Stark stood at the top of the stairs, calling for people to start the party.
There was meant to be music, laughter, too many drinks and a fight he’ll be able to tell a story about at the next party. And you were sure, by the end of the night, he’d get his wish.
This party in particular had been the third you’d been dragged along to in the space of a month. It hadn’t changed since you were a child.
Posh names belonging to posh people with deep pockets and, when the time called for it, had long arms, too. The amount of money that was gathered from parties like this were worth the events being held.
But never once had you felt comfortable.
It wasn’t the shoes or the dress. In fact, getting ready was the best part of the night. But being dragged to the same people, with the same stories, being told about the same single people in their family, their sons, nephews, cousins. Being told to stand and take a picture with a smile that will let everyone know how fun the parties are.
But they weren’t.
For others they were. But for you? You had more fun spending time alone in the libraries at University, studying, answering company emails and working, mostly, from behind the curtain.
If you could have done that, you would have avoided the parties all together. Relationships with other businesses were already solidified and had been for almost fifty years.
So, after the fourth hour of walking around the gala room, standing and being forced to listen to the same conversations that you’d heard your whole life, listening to people be more interested in what Tony Stark had placed around his hosting room, and being introduced to another twenty something with a multi-billion dollar company behind his family’s name, but no integrity, you found your escape.
“Darling, where are you going?” Your mother asked as you handed her your drink.
“Just to the bathroom.”
She gave you a smile. “Hurry back. Sandra told me she’s bringing her cousin. Special invite from Mr Stark himself.”
You forced your millionth smile of the night and nodded. “Will do.”
As you took the stairs up towards the upper floors and bathrooms, you looked down over the edge of the balcony. They were preoccupied, listening to somebody’s story.
Rather than taking a right, you took a left, bumping into a waitress.
“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”
She nodded. “Can I help you with something?”
You looked around you. “Just promise you didn’t see me. I need a break.”
The waitress just smiled. “There’s some rooms that haven't been decorated yet. Just take a right at the end of the hall.”
You looked down the hall, looked back and smiled at her. The first genuine smile of the evening.
“Thank you.”
She shrugged. “This is my fifth party helping the host. We all need a break every once in a while.”
You thanked her again before walking down the hall. The minute you turned the corner, the party seemed like it was miles away. Every once in a while, you heard a roar of laughter but it never got any louder than that.
With a sigh of relief, you decided to explore the different rooms. Some had tarp over the entrances, the insides not being suitable to survive at least an hour in. From holes in the floors to fresh paint fumes and drying plaster.
But then one at the very end of the hall had a door. So, taking your chance, you opened it.
Inside stood a man dressed in a woolen style suit, his tie loose around his neck. He looked as if he’d been pacing and deep in thought before you’d opened the door.
“I-” You looked around you, fearful you were about to get into trouble. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone- Sorry.”
“Trying to escape the party, too?”
You stopped trying to close the door and looked at him. You couldn’t put your finger on it; maybe it was the way he stood, maybe it was the tone in his voice or maybe it was the way he was looking at you, but you saw something trustworthy in him.
An unlikely friend in a place where you had none.
“What gave it away?”
He smiled, softly. “You’re welcome to stay, if you’d like.”
You stepped inside. “Thank you.”
“I- I’m Steve, by the way.” He held out his hand and you shook it.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
For the second time that evening, you gave a genuine smile. “Likewise. So, what are you hiding from? A match-making mother, or a business minded father?”
“Neither.” Steve laughed a little.
You walked further into the room before finding a spot with less sawdust on the ground. You’d been on your feet for a long time. You found the perfect spot against a wall between two windows.
“Wow,” you brushed what sawdust you could with your feet before turning around and tucking the skirt of your dress down. “Sounds like there’s a story there.”
He chuckled. “Not a big one.”
You shrugged, stretching your legs out and crossing them at your ankles. You patted the ground beside you. “My parents want me to socialise. I’d say talking with you qualifies as that. I’ve got time.”
Steve smiled as he watched you, finally agreeing to sit beside you.
And for the first time in almost a month, you weren’t bored.
Talking and listening to Steve didn’t make you so bored out of your mind you would have rather ran a cross country race. Talking with Steve was the first time you felt comfortable at one of these fancy galas.
You’d come to learn that he was, in fact, the man they’d dug out of the ice. That he was the soldier lost to time, being forced into a new century without any idea how to deal with it.
“I know a little of what that’s like,” you admitted to him. “To feel lost. I’ve been attending different parties like this since I was a kid. And never once have I felt comfortable attending them. I can talk to everyone in the room and feel completely loney, but I can sit on my own in a quiet place like this and…feel comfortable and be myself.”
“I had that once.” Steve told you. “I’d say back home, but I’m still in the same country. To be honest, I don’t know what anything is outside of this room.”
Then an idea popped into your head. “I could help.”
You shrugged. “I could help you adjust. I’m no therapist but I know how most things work in the 21st century. Movies, media, books. You said they gave you a document packet?”
Steve nodded, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a folded over thick document.
“With all the stores and street names, I don’t recognise anything anymore.”
Opening it up, Steve handed it to you. It had an address, some pictures, different appointments and different wifi codes.
“I know where this is.”
“You do?” Steve seemed surprised. They’d given him the address three days ago with no instruction on how to find it. They just told him something about Google Maps. Whatever a Google was.
You nodded. “It looks kinda old.”
Steve shrugged. “‘Guess it’s their way of giving me some familiarity.”
You shook your head. “When do you move in?”
“End of the week.”
“I’ve got a meeting in the morning, but I can take the rest of the day – help you move in, if you’d like.”
Steve looked at you. “You’d really do that for me?”
You handed his document back and nodded. “I would. Just because you were given an image for them to control, doesn’t mean that they should take advantage of the person you are behind it all.”
“That’s really kind of you, ma’am.”
You smiled. “Don’t mention it.”
For an hour more, you and Steve just talked. Filled with quiet laughter and genuine smiles, you and Steve found an unlikely friendship in each other that evening.
A friendship that would only grow stronger and stronger over the years.
At the end of that week, you met Steve outside the SI building before walking with him towards the underground and pointing out different landmarks for him to recognise. A university campus, a museum, a deli store that served the best sandwiches. You explained about the times for the trains that headed towards the different states. Finally, walking down the different streets, Steve started to recognise a few different places. New businesses stood in their places, but the bricks around them were the same.
“Pretty sure I got beat up in that alley.”
You followed Steve’s eye-line before looking back at him. “Bet your mom was beside herself with the amount of times you came home with a black eye.”
Steve held a reminiscent smile on his face as he looked at his shoes. “Just a kid from Brooklyn who was too dumb enough to run away from the fight.”
You watched Steve for a moment; something in his tone told you those weren’t just his words.
“Come on, we’re almost there.”
You took Steve’s hand, leading him down the street before you both arrived at the apartment block. A couple of younger kids were playing out in the street, kicking a football around until they scored it round the corner of the building, one of their mother’s yelling to play in the back.
A guy with a coffee cart served passers by heading back from their lunch break, on the corner.
Unlocking the front door, you and Steve walked up the first few flights of stairs before finally reaching his new home.
As Steve opened up the door and walked inside, he was met with a living space that probably hadn’t had someone live there…maybe ever. The furniture seemed old, the kitchen table was rusting a little at the bottom of the legs and the curtains had seen better days.
A few boxes had been stacked by the entrance way with different labels scribbled on them.
You rifled through them. “Bed sheets, books, clothes.”
You took a note of the size label. “You know, I think one of my friends might have some clothes you’d like. She runs a clothing company that does everything from a vintage style to modern day. I’m sure she’d love to let you rifle through her products; see if there’s anything you’d like to take off her hands.”
You turned around but Steve hadn’t been listening. Instead, he’d been focusing on the case files that were strewn across the kitchen table.
Standing beside him, keeping your eye on his reactions, you looked down at the table before you came across a picture. You had to take a breath.
Steve had told you a little about his friends from the war. The Howling Commandos.
“Is that them?”
Steve nodded.
It took Steve a while to get used to his new apartment, but with your help, he found it becoming a home. You helped him change the bedsheets and work out his washing machine before putting your phone number into his phone.
“Think of it like a telegram,” you told him. “But rather than waiting weeks to hear back, it’s almost instantly.”
In the weeks that followed, you met Steve at his apartment every few days. On the weekends, you showed him around some of the thrift stores where he’d found a new kitchen table and some dishes to use in the kitchen.
One of your friends – the same friend that ran a clothing company – had delivered some new curtains. They were plain, but they were better than the ones Steve had been left with.
Meanwhile, Steve found an old gym where he could spend his evenings and, with your help, had figured out the basics of a phone and computer.
The one Shield had given him was far too high tech, even for you. So, you had brought Steve one of your old ones. It was still pretty modern, but it was a lot simpler to use than the Stark Industries issued one.
Then he got pulled into helping Shield with a threat that, to him, would have been best left in the ocean.
News reports came in thick and fast during the attack on New York. You hadn’t heard from Steve during it, until you nearly ran into him in the middle of the street as mechanical…whatever the hell they were, were flying through the sky.
“Why are you still in the city?! Everyone needs to get out.”
You nodded. “I know, but people needed help.” You looked down at his shield. “You know how to use that?”
Steve nodded.
“Can you break a lock with it?”
Steve followed you as you ran down an alley before disappearing around the corner and to an employee entrance. Neither you or Steve could tell what had welded a lock shut, but considering some kind of blue weapon lay not too far out in the middle of the street with similar residue being left of the door, you could only gather it had been some alien technology.
It took a few tries but the lock finally busted open and a bunch of parents with their kids came flooding out of the doors. As you and Steve started directing people to safety out of the city, you saw the way the kids looked up at Steve.
The whole image of Captain America had been controlled by the government, making him an image away from Steve Rogers. But nothing could control the way those kids looked up at Steve as their hero.
A comic book hero that existed in real life.
“Ma’am, is that everyone?” Steve asked one of the women that left the room.
She seemed distressed as she looked around. “I-I think so.” Then she ran off with the others.
Something in your gut told you to check the rest of the room, and Steve followed you inside.
“Go! Help the others! I can look after myself.”
“Steve.” You looked at him. “Go. They need you.”
It took him a minute but he took your word for it and ran back out of the door. Meanwhile, you checked under every table and desk before something caught your eye at the side of one of the cabinets.
A kid, no older than six.
“Hey, honey.”
“Mommy was meant to pick me up.”
You looked around, hearing something hit a building nearby.
“I’ll help you look for her. Can I pick you up?” The kid nodded. “I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sophie. Come on, let's go and find your mom.”
After three hours of destruction over the city, and countless injuries being collected by people, it wasn’t until a mom came running through the crowds of EMTs and doctors, screaming out for her child that you and Sophie, sitting in the back of an ambulance, looked up.
And Sophie called out.
Jumping from the bench, Sophie looked outside and saw her mom running through the crowd. You watched as they collided and sank to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why aren’t you with the rest of your class? Where are they?”
“Hey,” you said, walking behind Sophie. “They got separated when trying to clear the city.”
“Did you save her?”
“I got her out-” Suddenly, the mom crushed you with a hug.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t know what I-” The tears continued to flow from her eyes.
“It’s alright. All that matters is that she’s safe.”
“Thank you so much.”
Hours later, you had finally made it back home, had showered and switched your TV on. The news had been following updates and different people’s theories of what had happened.
Then a knock came to your door.
Upon opening it, you were greeted with a fresher looking Steve Rogers.
“Shouldn’t you be with a medic?”
Steve smiled, “Shouldn’t you? Between the pair of us, I’m the one who has a serum running through their veins.”
You looked in his hand. “Is that a pizza?”
Steve nodded. “Didn’t know which kind you’d like, so I got the classic. Figured you haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
Inviting him inside, Steve laid it on the coffee table.
“Shouldn’t you be helping The Avengers or something?”
“Avengers?” Steve looked at you with a curious look.
You just pointed at the screen. “Oh, right. Yeah, we’ve all decided to take a break. But Shield tells me they’ve finally found me a job.”
“That’s something to celebrate.”
Steve shrugged. “Kinda hard to celebrate when an entire city almost got levelled to the ground.”
You understood. “I’m gonna head back tomorrow and see if they need any help.”
“Can I come with you?”
“You don’t have to ask, Steve.”
He smiled, if a little sheepishly.
For the rest of the evening, you and Steve shared a pizza and talked until neither of you wanted to say anything else.
So, you picked out a film and placed it into the DVD player. And you and Steve just sat and watched it.
As the months passed, you and Steve slipped into a familiar routine. He got better at texting, but you’d come to find he preferred to call. And during the days he was at the training facility in Washington and devoid of signal, he’d write you letters.
And you wrote them back.
He’d also started keeping a list, you’d noticed, of things you’d say in passing or you’d tell him to listen to or watch.
On the quiet afternoons you spent together, Steve would open up more. He told you more about the 40s and being in the army. He told you more about his childhood and his best friend, Bucky.
You’d surprised him one afternoon by taking him to the Smithsonian. They had a new exhibit put up – one pillar being dedicated to Bucky and his friendship with Steve.
In one of his final letters, he’d told you of a man he’d basically been trolling on his morning runs. You’d come to find out his name and you smiled.
Outside of you and the members of his team, Sam Wilson was the first friend Steve had made.
However, you didn’t get to meet him in person until you got a call from him, under Steve’s contact. Of course, the minute the headline had flashed on your screen, you’d tried to get into contact with him. He’d fallen, or rather, jumped, from an elevator and fallen a hundred feet or more to the ground. His own work seemed to be after him.
So, when you were told he’d fallen, once more, from one of the jets and had been in surgery, you rushed to him.
Entering his room, Natasha had been the one to take you to his room after two nurses read your name on his file but wouldn’t let you through.
“He’s alive, as you can see.”
“If I get a call like this again, telling me you’re dead, I’ll kill you myself.” You warned Steve before you walked to his side. The bastard had the audacity to chuckle.
“I promise. If I’m gonna die, I’ll ask your permission first.”
From behind you, you heard a voice smile. “I like her.”
“Y/n, this is Sam. Sam, this is Y/n.”
From that day on, the movie and pizza nights came to include both Sam and Natasha. However, unbeknownst to you and Steve, the movie nights also came to include the rest of the team.
Natasha had been trained to read people. And she’d never read anyone easier than you and Steve.
And her information soon became Clint’s information which soon became everyone’s information when he accidentally let it slip to the others.
Tony had been planning a party. Rather, he wanted to throw one and Pepper had come up with a list of people to invite. And when she read out your name, Steve had looked up but Clint had spoken first.
“Is that Steve’s girl?”
They all looked around at each other before looking at Steve. He had a girl?
Steve faltered. “Yes, well, no. She’s my friend. We’re friends but-”
Tony turned to Pepper. “Invite Steve’s girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend. We’re just friends. And she doesn’t really like big parties so-”
“Invite her anyway. I can’t believe Clint knows about her before we do.” Then he turned to Natasha. “I suppose you already knew.”
She just nodded.
And that was just the start of it.
A few nights later, Steve had given you a heads up which you appreciated but it did put you on edge a little. But all in all, it was…fun.
It was the first time you enjoyed yourself at a party and didn’t hate every minute of it.
Firstly, the attire was fancy but not gala fancy. It was a celebration of Hydra finally being overthrown from Shield.
You arrived in your heels that didn’t hurt your feet so much, wide legged trousers and a graphic t-shirt.
“Now, who is that?”
At the bar, Rhodey, Thor, Tony and Maria all stood watching as you entered the room, clearly looking for someone. Tony and Rhodey had met most of the building at the party. Maria had met them all – at the very least, she had a file on them all.
But not on you.
From behind the bar, Natasha leaned over. “That’s Steve’s girl.”
From the bar they watched as Sam noticed you first and called you over. You looked relieved at seeing a familiar face. Even more relieved at seeing Steve. Tony watched as Steve noticed you, too.
The game of pool Steve had been winning at suddenly took a dip as his aim went off kilter, his attention immediately going to you.
“Steve has a woman?” Thor asked, the other just nodded. “Well, we must meet her.”
However, as they all went to walk towards the pool table, Maria reached her hand out. “You boys swarm her, Steve will make sure you never get to speak to her again. I will go.”
And so she did.
The others watched on as Steve introduced you to Maria, every protective instinct a man got when introducing his girlfriend to the rest of his family going up. And somehow, with simple ease, Maria had gained a small part of your friendship and led you towards the second bar.
Meanwhile, Steve watched as you walked away, the heart in his eyes never leaving. Not even when Sam nudged him and they got back to the game.
Throughout the night, Steve kept his eye on you.
He almost broke the sound barrier by how quickly he turned up at your side when you were dragged into the conversation circle with most of them.
“So, tell me.” Tony said, sitting beside you. “How did you meet our fellow Captain?”
“Tony.” Steve warned, though no true malice could be traced in his voice.
You smiled. “It’s okay. We actually met at one of your parties.”
Tony sat back. “Really?”
You nodded. “Some fancy gala a few years back.”
Conversation between yourself and the rest of the group seemed to take a natural flow until eventually, all your nerves had subsided.
But that didn’t stop you from needing a break by the end. Between talking with Natasha, Maria and Thor for most of the night, and beating Sam at a few rounds of pool – something Steve found incredibly entertaining,
Tony had backed Sam on his idea that you were cheating. Nobody won that many rounds of pool one after the other. So, as the others gathered and watched the game, Steve stepped forward and he covered your eyes.
For a moment you looked up at him and smirked, and he smiled back with a light shrug of his shoulders.
“Yes, thank you, Cap.” Sam said. “See. This will prove that she’s cheat-”
As you hit the white cue ball, everyone watched and was left speechless as every ball suddenly found its home in the pockets, leaving you with an automatic victory.
Opening your eyes once more and standing up, you looked at the pool table with a proud look before looking at Sam. You’d never seen him as shocked. Looking at Steve, he seemed shocked but also proud.
“Still think I’m cheating?”
Tony just looked at you. “She’s a witch. She had to be. Were you cursed as a child? Born to some Vampire in Europe or something?”
Steve chuckled, as did you.
“Come on, Tony. Accept your defeat.”
As the hours passed, eventually you found yourself outside on the balcony, taking a breather from the party.
“Figured you’d find some place quiet.”
You stood back up, holding onto the balcony bar. “Hey.”
Steve smiled. “Hey. You okay? They can be a bit much.”
You shook your head. “No, it’s not that. Just needed a minute. You know, this is the first time I’ve enjoyed myself at one of these?”
Steve looked up at the building before looking back at you with a smile on his face. “It is better when people aren’t trying to show you off.”
You nodded with a smile. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for escaping the last one and finding me in that room.”
It was in that moment that you realised the last time you’d gone to any kind of gala or party of the same scale was the first time you’d met Steve.
You smiled fondly at the memory. “Thanks for not being mad when I opened the door.”
“I could never be mad at you.”
“You didn’t even know me.”
Steve shrugged. “I’ve got a good judge of character.”
You felt yourself chuckle before you looked out across the rest of the city before a cold wind blew through making you shiver.
“Here,” Steve shrugged off his jacket but before you could tell him you were fine, he placed it over your shoulders.
It smelt of him.
Steve just nodded with a smile watching as you placed your arms through the holes and wrapped it a little tighter around yourself before you looked out at the rest of the city with him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Is something going on between Maria and Sam?”
Steve couldn’t help but laugh. “She’ll eat him alive.”
“He might be into that.”
Steve laughed and closed his eyes in disgust. “What makes you ask?”
You shrugged. “Just something I’ve noticed. He looks at her like she hung the moon. Though, of course, that’s when she’s not looking. When she is, it's like I’m back at school rehearsing for Much Ado About Nothing.”
Steve’s joy widened. “You were in a play?”
You laughed. “I wasn’t any good. I was only put on stage because my folks donated so much money to the school. All I wanted was to work with Tech.”
Steve chuckled. “I’d pay good money to see that. But, I get what you mean about Sam and Maria. Who knows? If the timing is right…”
Steve looked at you and you felt something bigger was being hidden behind his words. Part of you certainly held out hope that there was.
“We should probably get back inside.”
An hour later, most people had gone home so it was left with just Steve, yourself, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Maria, Tony, Rhodey and Thor.
Still wearing Steve’s jacket, you were sitting in the middle of the sofa, your legs curled towards your chest. After he stood up, Steve came back and handed you a beer before he nudged your legs allowing him room to sit down before he pulled them across his lap.
It was the standard procedure for you and him to sit on a sofa together. Mainly because his sofa in his old apartment had been small enough to do so.
Despite changing apartments and the sofa, it was just something that stuck.
The others took silent note of it as the debate continued between Thor and Clint over his hammer.
By the time everyone was trying to lift it, Steve became one of the last. Sharing a look with you before looking at Thor, Steve stood up and tried to lift it.
You watched as it squeaked on the table for a moment, but moved no further. However, your knowing grin – despite it never truly lifting from the table – caused you to look at Thor.
He looked panic stricken.
But Steve stood back and held his hands up.
“Or…you’re all not worthy.”
“It’s still a trick!”
In the moments that followed, everyone turned to their own conversations; including you and Steve.
But Clint and Natasha kept their eyes on you and Steve. Your legs over his lap, wearing his jacket, his focus solely on you, his hand rubbing lightly against the bottom of your leg that was exposed under your wide-legged trousers, your ever loving gaze on his that matched yours, light and soft smiles on your faces.
“Ten bucks says they’ll be married in two years.” Clint whispered up to Natasha.
Something that Clint didn’t know, that Natasha did, was that you and Steve were fucking oblivious.
They’d all be lucky if it happened in two years.
Quite frankly, it should have happened two years ago.
Suddenly, a high pitched noise rippled through the room.
“Of course you’re not all worthy…”
Your eyes landed on an oil leaking…zombie robot?
His voice was deep and menacing and nothing about any of it felt comforting.
In a single turn of events you’d gone from laughing and joking with each other to suddenly defending yourself against a robot who claimed he’d killed someone.
A swarm of them flew in through broken glass panels and Steve kicked up a table before any of them could hit either of you.
You landed on the floor beside him, a little winded.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I’m okay. Go, go, go. I’ll be fine.”
Steve helped you up before running off in the other direction. It was a whirlwind of blasts, bullets and shattered glass.
At one point, one had you cornered as Tony unhooked another. And for a moment, you thought you’d be sent flying out of the window and out into the open before Steve took hold of it, throwing it back towards Thor before Clint threw him his shield.
And it all ended as Thor sent his hammer flying through Ultron.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Banner.” Tony called him over before they headed towards their lab.
Meanwhile, Steve turned around before heading straight towards you and holding you in his arms, almost lifting you from the ground.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, letting the scent of him, his clothes, his jacket, calm you.
“Yeah. Thanks for saving my life.”
Steve truly breathed for the first time since the high pitched noise had rang through the room. With a hand at the back of your head, he pressed a kiss to your temple and he closed his eyes.
“Come on, let's go and find the others.”
However, as he took your hand, you pulled him back. “Steve.”
“Right, you-you’ll want to go home-”
You shook your head. “It’s not that. You’ve got glass in your arm.”
“Does Tony have tweezers in his lab?”
Steve nodded. “I think so.”
Less than five minutes later, you sat Steve in one of the chairs, Bruce handing you and Maria a set of tweezers each.
Staring with his arm, you plucked out the small fragments of glass before his skin healed over them, before holding his palm up to face you. Meanwhile, they began discussing the extinction of The Avengers and the possibility of nuclear codes getting out to the rest of the world.
Then rage got passed around the room.
By the time morning rolled around, Steve drove you back home.
“Whatever happens…” You looked at Steve, a small voice in the back of your head begging for him to be imprinted in your memory as if he hadn’t already. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
Steve nodded. “I promise. You’re the only one that can kill me, remember?”
You felt yourself laugh. At least he remembered.
Looking at him again, you hugged him. “I mean it, Steve. Please be safe.”
He hugged you back, the feeling of him strong enough for you to still feel hours later.
“I promise.”
Each day you didn’t hear from him was a little more worrisome than the last. And then when the media reported Shield helping evacuate people from a floating country…all you could do was hope Steve wasn’t one of the casualties.
“Maybe I’ll take a leaf out of Barton’s book.”
“The simple life?”
“You’ll get there one day. Maybe you could get there with Y/n?”
Steve couldn’t deny he hadn’t thought about it once or twice. You and him. Together. More than friends. A part of him did think you felt it too. The same spark. Familiarity. The same love.
“If something was gonna happen, it would have happened by now.” Steve told him. “Besides, I think the guy that wanted all that went into the ice seventy five years ago.”
Tony shrugged. “Don’t count on it. That guy is still there somewhere. See you ‘round, Rogers.”
As Tony drove away, Steve took in the building in front of him. And despite the acceptance he felt of being home, the idea of you and him…he figured that would always be with him.
Even if it never happened.
That night, Steve turned up outside your apartment with the next movie on his list and a case of soda. However, when you didn’t answer, he went in search of you.
Opening the door to the roof, he looked around before spotting you in the very corner, sitting on the table of the picnic bench.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Looking around, you gave a sigh of relief at seeing him. He dropped the case on the table before you reached for him.
“Thank god you’re okay.”
“How long have you been up here?”
“Since Nat called me and told me you’d landed. I couldn’t sit in my apartment anymore so…I came up here. Last time I looked out at the city was before everything went to hell.”
Steve looked out at the city himself before looking back at you. “We’re not out of the woods yet. Ross is probably about to reign hellfire down on…everyone.”
“What about the girl?”
You nodded.
“I don’t know. She went through a lot, losing her home and her brother in one fowl sweep.”
“You should train her.”
“Train her,” you repeated. “You’re the only one who knows what it’s like to be in a war, to sign up to be experimented on. She’s gonna need someone who actually understands some of what she’s going through.”
Steve agreed with you. You had a point.
“Tony can have a lot of influence and his heart can be in the right place but he doesn’t always remember that people didn’t have his childhood or his life.”
“He’s been through a lot.”
You agreed with Steve. “He has. But he’s never lost a brother, or his life to somebody’s cause. She’s gonna need help.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
The rest of the evening was spent talking over what had happened, what Steve had thought when the earth quite literally started to lift from beneath him, what had happened with Banner and Nat and then you gave him your news.
Bucky had been spotted.
The next time you saw Steve was at Agent Peggy Carter’s funeral. You sat at the back for most of it, watching as Steve helped carry the coffin and as people gave their eulogies.
You didn't know much about Peggy Carter personally, though you could remember learning about her in school. The founder of Shield, working alongside Captain America in her early career. And from meeting Steve, you’d come to know more about her. As well as how deeply both she and Steve were in love.
You’d seen the clips at the museum, and with Steve beside you, it gave them a whole other meaning. And even though Steve living through the ice and landing himself in the 21st century had given you one of the greatest friendships you’d ever had, part of you felt angry for him.
Angry at the fact he missed out on his chance with Peggy and that she had to live a life where, as far as anyone knew, Steve was dead.
A soldier and a love story left stranded in time.
You could remember when Steve had first visited Peggy, again.
And now he had to say goodbye, again.
“It was a beautiful service.”
Steve looked up and down the aisle to where you were walking towards him. He felt the breath get knocked out of him. Or maybe back into him.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Thought you could use a friendly face?”
A silent conversation then took place between you and Steve. Silent conversations weren’t unusual between you. A thousand words could be said in a look, but you’d both understand.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen after I leave here-”
“No, I know. I know.” You understood completely. After he walked out of the church, Nat would be leaving without him.
“Today’s been a lot. Tomorrow’s gonna be a lot.” You looked back at Steve. “Right now can just be…right now. You’ve lost someone, Steve. Right now you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You don’t have to be Captain America right now.” Your gaze turned to Peggy’s picture. “I might not have met her, but I know you and I both know she would be telling you, you don’t have to be Captain America right now. At this moment, you’re just Steve: World War Two veteran who has just lost a great love in their life and deserves a moment to breathe.”
Steve gave you a weak smile, his emotions building up in his chest. “Thank you.”
Stepping forward, you wrapped Steve in a comforting hug and for the next twenty minutes, you both stayed inside the church.
There he told you the smaller facts about Peggy – the ones he’d learnt when she was with him and his Howling Commandos.
But then the time came to leave.
Walking down the different streets, hearing time tick away, you and Steve soaked up what time you could before everything was about to go to shit.
And on a bench beside the River Thames, you and Steve said your goodbyes. Both of you knew something was going to go wrong. What that was exactly, neither of you could put your finger on it. But something was going to happen.
It was only a matter of time.
“What’s this?”
Steve read the piece of paper. It was a set of coordinates.
“I own a house. It’s in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Europe. If anything happens, Ross can’t touch you. The house had been in my family’s name for generations but one of my great aunt’s left it to me. It’s yours to use.”
“Take it, Steve. Nobody knows it exists so they won’t find you. It’s run down but there should be running water.”
Steve finally accepted it. “Thank you. You know, if Tony ever finds out about this, he’s gonna believe that you are a witch from a vampire family.”
You shrugged. “Maybe I am, you just don’t know it.”
Steve shrugged, pocketing the paper safely.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
You took his hand. “I’m gonna miss you, too.”
You tried your best to avoid the tears, but they were trying their hardest anyway.
“Just promise me one thing, Steve.”
Steve nodded, squeezing your hand a little tighter. “Be safe?”
You nodded. “Be safe.”
Your eyes locking with his, Steve decided to take a risk. There was a chance he might never be able to see you again. Whatever was going to happen, the first person they’d put a tail on would be you.
He kissed you.
With your hand on his lapel, you held him closer. It was short and bittersweet, but the memory of him and his kiss would forever be seared into your brain.
And for a few moments, you just held onto each other, fearful of opening your eyes and accepting that one of you would have to walk away.
With his finger, Steve gently brushed the stray hair from your face away and behind your ear before kissing you quickly for a second time.
“One of us has to say goodbye.”
“I know,” you sniffed. “I know.”
“If there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it's that you walked into that room when you did. You were the first person to treat me like one and to help me. Thank you for wanting to escape that party.”
You laughed through the tears. “You never have to thank me for that. It’s crazy to think I almost didn’t go.”
“I’m glad you did.”
“So am I.”
Looking at each other for one final time, you leaned in and kissed him. You prayed that his hand by your waist would leave a brand – a different pain to carry with you than the one in your heart.
Feeling yourself stand, the kiss broke away and you were the first to say goodbye.
Walking down the stone pavement, you looked behind you before you turned a corner, only to find Steve had already gone. Between the bustling people, the bench you’d both just been sitting at was exactly that.
A bench.
Going home, you tried to find a way to keep yourself busy but no matter where you looked, everything reminded you of him. The movies you’d watched with him, the ones you didn’t. The pizza’s shared, and soda spilt, the curtain, bedsheets, books, clothes, pictures.
You had some of his artwork in your house. Some of them people, most of landscapes – people and places you’d seen together.
And in an album under your bed, you had his letters.
Each one in its original envelope on one page and the pictures he’d drawn of the skyline from wherever he’d been.
Some evenings, you’d reread his letters – still able to hear his voice.
Then the headlines started to roll in.
Captain America was a fugitive and had broken his team out of a high secure facility.
And for almost two years a hunt was put on for him. You were interviewed every couple of months with the same questions.
Did you know where he was? Had he contacted you? What information did he share with you?
Just because you’d given him a set of coordinates didn’t mean he’d use them. The last time you’d heard from Steve was in London and the only information he’d shared with you that day was about Peggy Carter and some of the old stories of when he was first in London in the 40s.
In the meantime, your parents had convinced you to attend different dinner parties, charity shows, fundraisers and galas, all the while helping you find a date.
Most of the people your mother had first introduced you to years ago, they were recently married. But the single ones she’d found; you dated some, though it never went any further than a sixth date – usually the date after your parents invited them to attend dinner.
But no matter the fancy meal, or the conversation, or the man; none of them could beat a pizza, soda, a movie and…
None of them could beat Steve.
But that all changed one afternoon when you were gardening.
Living in the city had reminded you too much of Steve, and with the constant reminders of the memories and new threats and superheroes popping up, you decided to find somewhere nice to live.
So, buying a house outside of the city with a few acres of land, you started renovating. Any business meetings you had could be done online which meant you had more time to fix your new home up.
The smell of plaster, paint and sawdust filled your home for most of the days until finally things started to come together. New windows and locks were installed, the faulty taps were fixed and finally the entire place was given a new lease of life.
And just as you were half way through with fixing your garden; planting some flowers and digging patches for a small allotment, a car pulled up outside your drive.
On your knees in the dirt, it took a moment for your eyes to focus on the person climbing out of the car in the distance.
They were tall, broad and had a beard.
However, the closer they got, memories started to kick in. The walk, the frame…
You stood up and walked closer until you stopped again, feeling the breath being knocked out of you.
“Oh, my god…”
He watched as you stopped in your tracks, your brain confirming who he was. Then you started running. Across the grass and onto the gravel path, you collided with Steve.
“This is you, I’m not dreaming, am I?”
Steve shook his head and he held onto you, the essence of you filling his senses.
“No, you’re not dreaming.”
You leaned back and looked at him before hugging him again.
Finally, Steve set you back onto your feet and his hands remained at your waist.
“Why are you back? Last I heard…”
“The team and I are keeping our distance for a few days. Nat’s headed to Ohio and Sam is trying to see his sister. It’s the best way to avoid Ross.”
You nodded, checking him over. He didn’t seem like he was dying.
With a hand on his cheek, you smiled a little, pointing out the obvious. “You grew a beard.”
Steve smiled a little. “Helps me blend in.”
You looked into his eyes and smiled. “It suits you.”
Holding gently onto your wrist, Steve turned his head and kissed your palm and for a second you closed your eyes, leaning into him.
“I’m really glad you’re okay.”
Placing your hand over his heart, Steve seemed to bear into your soul. “So am I.”
What followed was two hours of conversation around where he’d been and what he’d been doing since he left, and what you had been doing.
Then he started to help. Painting the porch on the back of the house as you continued planting in the back garden, you spent time together.
Time that was all too precious knowing he was on a clock.
“Where did you learn to cook?” You asked Steve as you helped him chop up veg.
With a smile on his face, Steve continued to prepare dinner. “I have a contact in Scotland. Their aunt runs a cafe and needed a few extra hands in the kitchen.”
As you helped Steve prepare dinner, you listened to the stories he’d gathered over his time away. Scotland, Spain, Germany, Italy, England, Poland, Norway, and many others.
Once dinner was finished, you started to clean up. But from the table, Steve looked at you standing by the sink in front of the window.
You’d never left his thoughts.
Sat on that bench in London, he watched you walk away and for a moment, he remained where he was. He didn’t know if he’d ever be able to see you again – not without heavy restrictions.
He wanted you so desperately to turn around, but if you did, he would have followed you. He would have stood up and ran after you.
So he left.
He left before you could look around, he left before he would stop fighting himself and follow you.
And each day he woke up, for the few moments in the morning where he would forget what had happened, where he would forget the world he’d been found in, he thought about you. He thought about calling you or writing you a letter. He thought about seeing you when he’d roll over in bed. But each time…
You weren’t there.
You weren’t with him.
You were at your home, thousands of miles from him.
And he had no way of talking to you.
Walking across the kitchen floor to you, he placed a hand on your waist before reaching across to the window cill.
“What are you doing?” You smiled.
Looking at you and turning up the dial, Steve smiled. “Come with me.”
Taking the cloth from your hand, Steve dropped it back into the bowl of soapy water and took your hand in his. Then, pulling you into the middle of the kitchen with him, you both started to slow dance.
“What’s this for?”
Steve shrugged, holding your hand over his heart once again. “I don’t know how long I’ve got with you. Figured we could spend it not washing up.”
You felt yourself smile. “I think I like that.”
It was soft and slow. Swaying with the beat until the radio turned static, you and Steve remained in each other's arms.
“Can you stay the night?”
Steve nodded.
The night soon settled over your home, the stars slowly emerging from behind the clouds. With your porch taking on a blue hue in its own shadow, you and Steve sat side by side on your porch swing.
Your hair still a little damp from your shower, Steve continued to run his fingers through it. And with your head on his chest, you let his heart beat calm you. For a moment, Steve turned his nose into your hair and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
After a few moments, he didn’t say anything. Not that you would have heard anything considering your body was begging for sleep.
Carefully standing, Steve slipped one of his arms around your back and one under your legs before carrying you inside. He tucked you under your bed covers before making his rounds, locking up the doors and windows. Finally, he got in beside you.
For years, he’d dreamed of it.
Being with you, by your side, a domestic and loving day before laying beside you knowing he would be waking up beside you every morning.
And Steve smiled as in your sleep you moved closer to him, your arms wrapping across his middle.
You couldn’t remember when you’d gone from the porch to your bed, but you could remember Steve. Feeling his arms around you, his heartbeat under your cheek, his lips on yours…
Steve was sitting on the edge of the bed by your legs, fully dressed.
“Hey, what time is it?”
Steve kept his eyes on you. “A little after four.”
You gave a groan and closed your eyes again. Steve chuckled. Reaching out, he gently swept the hair from your eyes, your head turning towards him. With his hand on your cheek, he felt your smile.
It was your turn to hold onto him and kiss his palm.
And just as the knowing sadness started to grow, Steve still smiled, leaning forward and kissed you.
You would never get bored of his kiss.
Peppering it out, you held onto his face before your hands slipped around his back and you held him closer.
With a sigh, Steve held you closer to him, trying to imprint the feeling of you in his arms.
Trying your best to ignore the growing tears, you spoke.
“Just promise me you’ll be safe?”
Steve chuckled a little. “You know you’re the only one who's allowed to kill me. But I promise.”
Holding on a little tighter, you silently begged for more time with him. But the clock was ticking.
From above, there was deep rumbling.
“You better go,” you told Steve.
It took him a moment before he let go and with one final kiss, it was his turn to say goodbye.
Hearing his boots walk across the floor of your bedroom, down the hallway, through the living room and towards your front door.
You heard his pause for a moment and in that moment, you wondered what he would do if you called out for him.
But he couldn’t stay any longer.
People needed him.
The world needed him.
Hearing your front door click open, Steve’s footsteps trailed off as it closed once more until eventually the only sound that was left was the ever quieting sound of a rumbling jet engine.
Six months later, half of the world disappeared.
With a snap of Thanos’ fingers, Steve watched as half of his team, his family, disappeared. And upon returning back to the Avengers’ compound, you were his first call.
Only, you never answered.
“Go.” Natasha told him.
He didn’t need to be told twice.
Making a break for it, Steve ran down into the garage before hopping on his bike. He’d made it to yours in half the time.
Pulling up, he started calling out for you. His voice filled with desperation and fear, he ran up to your front door.
It was unlocked.
He almost tripped inside as he tried the door, the hinges getting stuck.
He raced around your home; checking the kitchen, living room, pantry, washing room, office, bathroom, and the bedrooms before finally reaching yours.
The bedding was strewn a little, the soft lines of the fitted sheet folded into where you would have been laying. The pain in Steve’s chest seemed to grow heavier by the minute.
You weren’t here.
One hand on his hip, another covering his mouth, Steve turned around in a slow circle. Tears pricking at his eyes, his mind had gone from running a thousand miles a minute to…being completely overrun by pain.
He had nearly a thousand chances to be with you, to share a life with you that he’d always dreamed of – all before everything went to hell.
But it was too late.
You were gone.
Just like half of the world, you were gone.
Gripping onto the cold metal of your bed frame, Steve tried to steady himself.
You were gone.
Somewhere behind him, he heard a click.
His entire body stilled.
Slowly turning around he found…
No one.
Somewhere down the hall, a door closed.
As quietly as he could, Steve walked from your bedroom and down the hallway. The noises started to compile together.
Shoes shuffling, a bag being thrown onto a counter, a bucket handle rattling against itself.
From a corner, Steve saw an apron thrown across the back of a kitchen chair. A tap started to pour before someone switched it off.
Then someone started to hum.
You started to hum.
Fully stepping into the kitchen doorway, Steve felt the entire life get knocked back into him.
Then you turned around.
He scared the shit out of you.
The bucket slipping out of your hand, it knocked against your sink, the water spilling down the drain.
Just as it did, you recognised him.
Rushing forward, Steve enveloped you into his arms, your feet lifting from the ground.
“You’re alive,” you breathed.
“I thought you were gone.” Steve mumbled into your shoulder, holding onto you tighter.
“Steve, what’s going on?”
“He won.”
Steve set you back down on your feet and for the first time in almost seven months, you finally got a good look at him. He looked tired, worn. Beaten.
“We almost did it, but he won.”
“Whose left?”
Steve tried his best to name those who were left.
“We think Tony’s gone but we can’t be sure.”
The tears were falling from Steve’s cheeks as he told you. Wiping them away, you pulled him back into a hug.
“I tried calling you but when you didn’t answer…” You could feel Steve’s entire body shaking under you. “I thought I’d lost you, too.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t answer. Steve, honey, you need to sit down. Let me get you some water.”
As you sat him down, Steve watched as you moved around your kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard, running the tap until it was cold before handing it to him.
“I’ll make you some food. When did you last eat? You should call Nat.”
After calling and updating Nat, Steve hung up the phone. And for the next few hours, Steve talked you through everything he could; right up to him running through your door.
In the months that followed, a transition started to take place. People had to get used to a world where half of the people they loved were gone.
And somewhere between Steve finding you in your kitchen and Tony and Pepper having their daughter, yourself and Steve finally came together.
This time there were no goodbye kisses and fear of never seeing each other again. That biggest fear had been and gone.
What you were left with was…acceptance.
Acceptance that you had both almost completely lost each other for good. There was no point in avoiding feelings, or being scared of what might happen.
You both had a chance at a life together.
So you both took it.
From then on your home with Steve became interchangeable between the Avengers compound and your house. Saving her from the lifetime supply of peanut butter sandwiches, you dragged Natasha when you could to your home with Steve and made her a decent meal.
Being out in the open also gave her a breath of fresh air away from the training facility walls that never changed colour.
And eventually things…settled.
People found a new way of life, coming back each year to celebrate those who were lost. And then new life was brought into the mix.
Not too long after Pepper had given birth to Morgan, you were faced with a positive pregnancy test result yourself.
And Natasha was your first call.
“What’s going on? I have an extra gun in the car if we need it.”
You showed it to her. “What does that show?”
“Holy shit, you’re pregnant.”
A small whimper left your lips as you handed her the test stick and started pacing around your bathroom.
“Are…are we not happy about that?”
You whimpered again as you paced up and down. “I-I don’t know. We-we haven’t planned anything. I mean, we’ve talked about it a few times but what if something goes wrong? Are you sure it was positive?”
Natasha looked back at it. “Well, it’s got a plus sign so-”
“It’s the third I’ve taken this week. The other two came up invalid but that one was like a bright flashing light.”
Reaching for you by the shoulders, Natasha sat you down. “Okay, first off, breathe.”
You did so.
And then some more.
“Okay. Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna go and get you another box of tests. Proper ones, not these things. And you’re gonna call Steve.”
“He’ll probably pass out. Why do you think I called you?”
Natasha laughed. “Just call him. I’ll be right back.”
And she was.
Walking back inside, she called out and Steve called back.
Three minutes later, you were all huddled in the bathroom waiting for the result to finally show.
“What if it’s a false positive? If it’s positive-positive, will I be able to carry the baby?”
Crouching down in front of you, Steve held your hand. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out. Together. Okay?”
You took a breath and nodded. Leaning up, Steve kissed you and you kissed him back.
You’d been having conversations about starting a family together for a while, but neither of you had started planning it just yet. Mostly because you hadn’t gotten around to it. And you didn’t know if you could even carry Steve’s kid. For all either of you knew, the serum would carry onto your child.
Natasha looked at her phone.
“It’s time.”
With a shaky breath, you and Steve stood. However, you paused as you reached for the test.
“Count me down.”
Steve chuckled softly, counting back from three.
After one, you turned it over.
Pregnant 3+ weeks
You felt yourself smile and laugh a little before showing Steve.
“You’re gonna be a dad.”
Taking the test from your hands, Steve took one look at it before the water-works started.
Nine months later, inside the Avengers compound, Natasha was walking with you.
“Once they started arguing over what the manual said, I made a break for it.”
Tony had surprised you and Steve at your home and after an hour, Steve had wrangled him in to help build the crib. It was the final thing that needed to be built and since Steve had banned you from lifting heavy things since you had elected to ignore your midwife and pushed the crib from the living room and into the nursery. You couldn’t help.
“Have you decided on a name yet?”
You shook your head. “Not yet.”
“Well, I might be biassed but Natasha is a really good name.”
You laughed a little. “I’ll think about it.”
Natasha smiled, holding onto your hand as she helped you down one of the narrower steps.
However, halfway around the building, you stopped.
“Everything okay?”
You nodded. “Just a bit of cramp.”
But it wasn’t just cramp.
Barely a second later, you felt water trail down your leg until there was a louder splash against the tiles.
“Oh, shit.”
You looked down. “Oh, my god.”
“Okay, okay. We’re okay.”
You nodded, taking hold of her hand as she walked you down the hall.
“Steve’s old room is just down the hall. Once we get you there-”
“Call him.”
“I know, I will.”
“No, call him now. Please.”
Twenty minutes later, Tony’s car was kicking gravel up and onto the windshield. Steve ran inside, nearly taking out a few employees on the way.
Almost fifteen hours later, a healthy baby girl was delivered.
With her in Steve’s arms, bundled in a fresh baby blanket, everyone stood around the bed.
“Only took you a decade.”
Steve chuckled, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from his daughter. And neither could you.
And for almost four years, it was blissful.
As your daughter grew up, Steve told her stories and showed her pictures of the 40s. Even at the age of three, she seemed wise beyond her years.
Then one night, everything changed.
Recently, she hadn’t been sleeping. So, lay in bed with you whilst Steve was still at work, you told her a few bedtime stories but when Steve came in an hour or so later, he found her still awake.
“You should be asleep,” he whispered to her.
“I tried. Mommy fell asleep, though.”
Steve looked over and smiled. “Come on, let your mom sleep.”
Picking his daughter up, Steve carried her down the hall, leaving his jacket on the bed beside you. Making sure to close the door behind him, Steve started to talk to his daughter.
Their conversation eventually turned to someone from Steve’s past.
“Daddy, whose that?”
Steve looked at the photo. It was him and Bucky during his army days, though both were out of uniform and in civilian clothing. There weren't many pictures of Bucky in normal clothes.
“That’s Uncle Buck.”
“But he’s not in green.”
Steve chuckled. “You’re right, he’s not. That was when we were in London. Pinky, one of the Howling Commandos, decided to take us on a tour of London.”
She was awe-struck.
“Does he know I was born?”
Steve felt a pang in his chest. “Maybe. I don’t know if he can hear me, but I’ve told him.”
“Would he like me?”
Steve smiled. “He’d love you.”
Kissing her temple, Steve sat down in one of the chairs. “Try and get some sleep.”
Steve himself must have fallen asleep because next thing he knew, you were waking him up. Your daughter was still fast asleep, he carried her to bed before you led him down the hall and he collapsed onto your shared bed.
The next time he woke up that morning, everything you both knew was about to change.
Time Travel.
There was a chance everyone could be brought back.
And after a long conversation, one that was overheard by your daughter who had been playing in the back garden with the family dog, Steve accepted what he had to do.
“You and Aunty Nat will have pictures again.”
Handing Steve a slightly mud scattered, crinkled, crayon drawing; your daughter had drawn a picture with everyone on it.
Herself, you, the dog, Steve, Nat, Bucky, Sam with his wings, Clint with his bow and arrow, Thor and his hammer, Tony, Bruce…the stick men with different items, standing on a green field with a corner sun, continued on and on.
It was that night you kissed Steve and he said what could have been his final goodbye to your daughter. She held onto him tightly, telling him she loved him. The only thing that carried him on his feet was the thought of going through what Scott was.
In the time he got stuck, he thought his daughter was gone.
Steve would have done anything to get his daughter back.
And it didn’t take much for him to remember the pain that washed through and over him when he thought he lost you.
Scott, like many others, had lost someone they loved. So had Steve. But he hadn’t lost you, though he thought he did.
People needed their families back.
And that’s what they got.
At the cost of Tony’s life.
After everything had settled, you drove as fast as you could to find Steve. And you found him far outside of the Avengers compound, crouched on the floor.
“Steve!? Steve!”
Looking up, he spotted you amongst the grey smoke. A shining light in the darkness.
Running as fast as you could, you eventually reached him.
“I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to know if you were okay. Are you okay?”
Steve’s voice was quiet. “He’s gone.”
“Gone? Who’s gone?”
Steve’s voice broke. “T-tony. Tony’s gone.”
“Oh, my god.”
As Steve hugged you, you held him as tightly as you could. He asked about your daughter.
“She’s with my dad back home. She’s safe. She just needs a cuddle from her dad.”
Steve nodded. “I think I need one from her, too.”
Two weeks later, Steve brought Bucky and Sam home.
“Honey, come here.” Your daughter ran to her dad’s side. “Sam, Buck. I’d like you to meet Aurora. Rory, honey, this is Sam and Bucky.”
Sam knelt down and shook her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you, miss.”
Meanwhile, Bucky was in pure shock. Slowly, he knelt beside Sam and Bucky felt his life flash before his eyes.
“Steve…she looks like your mom.”
As Rory studied Bucky, she decided to hug him. Sam smiled and so did you and Steve. And eventually Bucky hugged her back, frightened he might break her.
“Can I show them my room?”
The consensus was yes and whilst Sam was dragged towards her bedroom, Rory shouting for you to follow, Bucky and Steve followed behind.
Inside her room, her walls were covered in different pictures she’d drawn of the different stories Steve had told her. Of course, most of them were stick men, but the message was still clear.
A week later, a funeral was held for Tony and the Stones had to be returned.
Standing beside Bucky as Steve stood on the platform, Aurora stood and waited in between both of you.
And in what was a few seconds later, Steve returned with Natasha by his side.
Aurora gasped and bolted forward.
“Aunty Nat!”
“Careful, kiddo.” Steve warned just before Aurora collided with her, but Natasha shook her head.
“It’s okay.”
Lifting her into her arms, she hugged her tightly.
“You’re back.”
Natasha smiled. “Thanks to your dad.”
Looking at her dad, she smiled before hugging Natasha again.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
Natasha nodded and carried Rory back towards you before everyone started running over. Meanwhile, you watched as Steve walked over to Sam.
Ten minutes later, your daughter bolted from the crowd and towards her dad who was finally out of his protection suit.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
Seeing you again, Steve kissed you before kissing Rory’s cheek.
“Everything okay?”
Steve watched as Fury made his way over to Sam, and he smiled.
“Everything’s good.”
Kissing you again, Steve smiled. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For walking into that room when you did.” Steve told you. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to do something about it.”
You shook your head, looking from him to your daughter and back to him. “It happened when it was meant to.”
Steve smiled before he kissed you. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Tony was right; Steve found the life with you he’d always wanted, even if it did take him a decade to do something about it.
#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x you#steve rogers#captain america x reader#steve rogers captain america x reader#captain america x you#steve rogers captain america x you#steve rogers captain america#this fic is long#in google docs its 23 pages#found family#reader helps steve adjust to the modern world#the avengers#marvel#mcu#mcu x reader#tony stark#natasha romanoff#clint barton#sam wilson#bucky barnes#x platonic reader#falling in love#fluff#angst#kissing#spoilers for marvel pre and during endgame#probably plot holes and spelling mistakes#Natasha comes back with Steve and Sam becomes Captain America#aurora means 'dawn' -- also new beginnings
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I love you and I hate it
Summary: Bucky's your best friend, but you're in love with him. Now that he has a girlfriend, will you be able to get a handle on your feelings?
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Bucky being a bit of an ass. Reader being dramatic. Angst. Language maybe. Minimal use of Y/N. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: this is a two part because otherwise it was too long. Hope you like it! also, it's 4:30am and I can't help myself lol.
Loving your best friend is not something anyone ever plans.
Getting those kinds of feelings for the person closest to you changes the way you look at them, the way you interact and essentially your relationship with them, making everything unnecessarily complicated.
At least that’s how you see it.
You definitely didn't think something like that could ever happen to you. But to be fair, you also never thought Bucky Barnes would ever become your best friend at the compound.
When you first arrived as the newest avengers recruit the brooding supersoldier was not your biggest fan. Things didn’t start on the best note for you two.
- 2 years ago -
Steve was showing you around the compound and introducing you to people and team members as you met them. You arrived at the common room where Bucky and Sam were watching Tv.
"Hey guys. This is Y/N, the new recruit I told you about," Steve introduced you "this is Sam." he said to you as Sam got up from the couch putting out his hand.
"Nice to meet you." he said.
"You too," you said, shaking his hand "it’s so exciting to be here and meet all of you. You are all such remarkable people."
"Oh, complimenting me? I like you already." Sam said chuckling.
"Of course you do." Steve said, rolling his eyes with a smile, then turned to you "and this is Bucky" he said, pointing at the brunette still sitting on the couch.
"Hi Bucky, it’s nice to meet you too." you said, getting closer to him and holding out your hand for him to shake. Bucky, however, just looked at you for a moment before standing up, turning away from you and walking out of the room without saying a word.
"Uh... did I do something wrong?" you asked, very much confused, still looking at the door Bucky just ran out of.
"No, it’s always him." said Sam.
"Sam, don’t." Steve told him, then turned to you again "don’t mind Bucky, he’s not good with new people. It’s nothing personal, he’ll get used to it, don’t worry."
"Right. He’ll get used to me." you said as he gave you an apologetic look "yeah… anyway, let’s finish the tour."
"Sure, bye Sam. See you around, I guess." you told Sam with a smile.
"Yeah, see you guys at dinner." and with that you left to finish the tour of the compound that ultimately ended with your assigned room.
"So this is your room, Natasha has the room on the right and Sam has the one on the left." he pointed at them as he talked and then pointed at the room across from yours "that's Bucky, to his right is Peter and mine is to his left."
"A lot of neighbors, got it." you said chuckling with Steve.
"Yeah. So I’ll let you get settled and I’ll see you at dinner with the team." he said.
"Yeah, see you later."
If you were honest with yourself, you were a little disappointed at how meeting Bucky went, you were really looking forward to meeting the super soldier.
While all the other girls were busy crushin on Captain America, you always felt more attracted to Sergeant Barnes.
Something about him just made you curious, and, after all the Winter Soldier stuff came to light, you were one of the few people that saw right away that Bucky was a victim.
You never did understand how people could read all the details of what happened to him and still call him a monster, like it was his fault that he was captured, tortured and made to do things no decent human being would ever do.
In fact, you got in trouble more than one time for fighting when things escalated while you were defending the super soldier from agents that didn’t see it like you.
It’s really a shame that a lot of agents of Shield itself thought so ill of the Sergeant. Maybe that’s why he didn’t like you, maybe he thought you were one of them.
You had to make sure he knew you weren’t.
Having made up your mind, you decided there was no better time like the present. You crossed the hall and knocked on his door, and after a few moments he opened.
"I know, Steve, don-" he interrupted himself the second he laid eyes on you.
"Sorry, not Steve. Clearly. I’m sorry to bother you, Sergeant Barnes, I just wanted to let you know that I don’t have anything against you. I know some agents feel like you should be held accountable for the things you were forced to do, and they’re not really afraid to get vocal about it, but I’m not one of them. I don’t think any of it was your fault. It may not matter much to you, after all you don’t seem to like me very much, but it’s important to me that you know this. You’re kind of my hero." you finished, a little embarrassed at admitting this to his face. He looked at you for a few moments and, just as you thought he was about to slam the door in your face, he grinned.
"I’m your hero, doll?" he asked, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed in a way that made his biceps look huge and a smirk on his face.
After that you and Bucky became quick friends, spending more and more time together. Missions, training, down time, you were practically attached at the hip.
You were always careful not to let any feelings grow other than friendship and, mostly, it was easy.
There were some times where you somehow ended up flirting, but they were fleeting moments that passed as quickly as they came, and you decided, for your own peace of mind, to not overthink them and let it go every time.
Now, back to the present, the reason why you’re lost in your thoughts and feelings for Bucky.
You’re watching from a distance as Bucky smiles and laughs, happier than you’ve ever seen him surrounded by his friends, more relaxed than he’s ever been during a party.
You smile at his happiness, glad that he’s finally comfortable around pretty much everybody, but your face falls pretty fast as you see him wrap his right arm around her.
You’ve known Sharon for a while now, she was one of the agents in the list for the spot in the Avengers before you got it. You always felt like she resented you for it, like she should’ve been the one to get it because she was already close with some of the members of the team.
She was never openly hostile with you, but you did notice her hanging around Bucky more and more in the last few months. You didn’t think anything of it, but you were proved wrong just half an hour ago when Bucky started to introduce her to the avengers she didn’t already know as his girlfriend.
As soon as that word came out of his mouth, so casually you’d think he'd been saying it his whole life, you felt like you were gonna throw up.
It took all your skills to keep your face as neutral as possible, you felt like Sharon’s eyes were on you the whole time, trying to see every micro expression she could find to know what you were thinking.
But you were probably just imagining that, right?
You excused yourself as soon as you could and went straight to the bar to get the strongest drink Nat could make, which she handed to you with a knowing look while glancing behind you.
You barely had time to think before you felt his hand on your shoulder, feeling his body next to you but you didn't turn to look at him, taking a sip of your drink instead.
"Hey, doll, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sharon before, it’s still pretty new."
You tried to keep your voice as cheery as you normally would around him. "Why would you? It’s your relationship, why are you apologizing?"
He gave you a weird look you'd never seen before, before saying "Because we’re best friends? We usually tell each other everything… right?" he sounded a bit uncertain.
"Yeah, right, duh." you said, trying to give a genuine laugh "Well, it’s alright anyway, now I know! Stop worrying, just go be with her."
He looked around your face for a few more moments, like he was looking for something, before he said "ok, then." and left.
You managed to keep the smile on your face until you were sure he was gone, but dropped it as soon as you looked back ahead of you.
Taking another sip of your drink and making a face at how much alcohol was actually in it, you looked at Nat and, nodding, you left before she could comment on the scene you’re sure she just watched in its entirety.
So here you are now, in a corner watching people enjoy themselves, just like you used to do at parties with Bucky by your side, except you’re alone.
You try to look on the bright side, you really are, but you can find none.
You can't talk about it with anyone either since nobody knows about your feelings for the super soldier, except for Natasha who always seems to know everything, but you aren't too close with her and neither of you ever actually spoke about it out loud.
Not that you would've, you aren't the most outgoing person, usually keeping your feelings and most of your thoughts to yourself, with the exception of Bucky.
With him talking seems like the easiest thing in the world, it doesn't matter about what. He knows almost everything that he could possibly know about you, the only thing that you could never bring yourself to talk about is your feelings for him.
You feel a hand in the low of your back and, just as you're bringing your fist up, you realize it's just Steve. "Easy there, tiger." he chuckled, lowering your arm for you. "You seem a little on edge. Everything okay?"
"Everything’s just fine, Captain. You can salute your way to someone else now." His laugh makes you smile against your will.
"Okay, rookie, you don’t wanna talk about it." you roll your eyes at the old nickname, but he keep going, "you know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a party without your moping buddy."
You glance at Bucky, who's busy laughing it up with Clint and Laura, his arm still around Sharon. Your eyes find Steve’s again, and you simply shrug. "We’re allowed to do our own thing, aren’t we?"
"Of course you are... I was just wondering why you weren’t with him, that’s all."
You avoid his eyes while you quietly say, "he already has someone at his side tonight, doesn’t need me there."
"What’s that supposed to mean?" comes a voice from behind you.
Damn. The one moment you weren’t looking at him and he sneaks up on you.
You turn around and see him standing there, arms crossed in front of his chest, Sharon at his side with a smug look on her face that you convince yourself you’re just imagining.
"What’s what supposed to mean?" You try playing dumb, but you know Bucky can see right through that.
He raises an eyebrow at you expectantly but when you just shrug and give him your best confused look, he sighs and looks at Sharon. "Hey babe, can you get me a scotch from the bar? I’ll meet you there."
You don't know if you're more hurt at him calling her that or relieved at the fact that he didn’t use the nickname that was usually reserved for you.
She just nods and, without taking her eyes off of you, gives him a kiss on the lips. Okay, you definitely didn’t imagine that. As soon as she’s far enough, Bucky turns back to you.
"What’s wrong with you tonight?" He asks sharply.
"Excuse me? Who said there was something wrong with me?" You say defensively.
"Oh come on doll, you’ve been weird ever since Sharon got here. What’s the matter, do you not like her or something?"
You don't know what to say. You certainly aren't about to tell your best friend that the reason you don’t like his new girlfriend is because you have feelings for him. That’s not gonna end well for anybody. So you decide to just keep on denying.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bucky, so why don’t you just go after you little girlfriend and enjoy your night with her."
"That, right there." he points at your face in a very accusatory manner. "What the fuck was that?"
"What was what?" you’re starting to raise your voice a little and swatting at his hand, getting annoyed at him for not letting this go.
"You’re being a jerk about Sharon, what is your problem with her?"
"I don’t have a problem with her!"
"Yes, you do!"
"Why are you trying to make this into a problem?!"
"Because I know you!" At this point you're both yelling.
"Well, clearly, you don’t know me as well as you think you do!" Lie.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?! Just tell me what the hell is your problem!"
"Why do you care so much? Even if I had a problem, it’s my business, it’s not like I’m your girlfriend!" Bucky just looks at you with a face you’d never seen on him before and you can't decipher.
The whole room seems to go quiet as you two just look at each other for a few moments, then Bucky finally speaks.
"You’re right." he says, in a much quieter voice than a second before "you’re not my girlfriend. I just thought you were my friend. Guess I was wrong. I’ll go after my little girlfriend now."
You can't find it in you to say anything and, when you just look at him, he scoffs and turns around to make his way to the bar.
Slowly it feels like everyone else starts to go back to what they were doing before your yelling match stopped the party in its tracks, but you feel like you can't breath, let alone move, as you watch the spot where Bucky was standing just moments ago, tears starting to form in your eyes.
You can’t believe that just happened. Did Bucky really just say you aren’t his friend?
A hand on your shoulder brings you back to reality and you hear Steve saying "are you okay?" from next to you.
In all honesty, you forgot he was even there.
All that comes out of you is a broken sob before you turn around and make a run for the elevator, as fast as you can run in heels and a floor-length cocktail dress.
Steve runs after you, but there are too many people around that slow him down, and by the time he gets to the elevator the doors had just closed.
He waits to see where you would stop, assuming your shared floor but you never know. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and he pushes the button of the elevator, glad that he waited a second more.
When he gets to the roof it's so dark outside that it takes a second before he find you, and once he does he slowly gets close to you.
What he was not expecting was to find you sitting on the ground, hugging your knees and crying.
Steve sits down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulders wordlessly while you cry.
After you calmed down a bit he says "He’s really worried about you, Y/N. If there’s something going on, you should just tell him. He’ll understand…"
You think about it for a few minutes while you find a way to tell Steve what's going on.
"How do you tell someone that the reason you’re sad is because you love them?" you say with tears starting to form again in your eyes.
Steve can only stare at you, at a loss for words.
You hear something behind you and when you turn you see Bucky’s back, walking towards the elevator.
It doesn’t matter how long he was there for, he obviously heard you.
You look back at Steve that has an apologetic look on his face, confirming your fear. Damn super soldier hearing.
Well, it looks like your friendship with Bucky is officially dead.
Part 2
#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes imagine#sebastian stan#marvel fanfiction#bucky x reader#bucky x you#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes x f!reader#avengers x reader#avengers x platonic reader#avengers x platonic!reader#steve rogers x platonic!reader#steve rogers#sharon carter#sam wilson#natasha romanoff
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😭😭😭oh my loves
Missing Piece
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: no beta reader, fluff and angst, touch starve Bucky.
Some of you asked for a part 2, and finally here it is.. Depending on what you all think, I might do a part 3. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.
I wrote with Beefy!Bucky in mind.

You hadn't meant to fall asleep but it was late and Bucky was like a human heater, his weight on top of you grounded you and for the first time in a really long time you slept through the night.
Sunlight blasting through the window was what woke you up. You had forgotten to close the blinds last night.
You opened your eyes, only to be blinded by the bright light. You groaned. You couldn't move because of Bucky but you also didn't want to move because of Bucky.
You were ashamed of how good it made you feel to be wrapped in his arms like this. You would never say it out loud, but it almost felt like you were home.
As you grew older, you realized that ‘’home’’ had a different meaning for different people. To some it was a house and to others it was a person. You didn’t know in which category you belonged but now you had a small idea.
You'd never feel this way before, and it worried you. You trusted the wrong people many times and had gotten hurt many times in the process and now you had trouble trusting and opening yourself up completely. It scared you to see how you did it all so easily with Bucky. You weren't scared because you thought he would hurt you, but scared of the speed at which the walls you had spent so much time building had crumbled around you and let him in.
You felt slightly reassured by the fact that Bucky had clearly opened himself to you. You don't think there are many people that could touch Bucky like you had or being touched by Bucky like you had and he most definitely wouldn't fall asleep with just anyone. You’re at your most vulnerable when you sleep and it makes your heart flutter to know he trusted you enough to, pretty much, pass out in your bed.
Although you could have stayed in this position all day, your bladder had other plans in mind.
"Buck…" You called out softly. Nothing.
"Buckyyyy…" Still nothing.
There was no way in hell you'd be able to move from under him without his help. You started tickling him gently on his neck, then on his side. He groaned, finally waking up.
"Buck, you gotta move!" The urgency in your voice woke him all the way up and he rolled on his back, freeing you.
You untangled yourself from your sheets, jumped out of bed and ran to your bathroom; closing the door behind you.
Bucky looked at you as he slowly sat up. He didn’t wake up, not even once, during the night. His anxiety slowly crept up on him. He looked around, panicking slightly.
What if you had tried to wake him up all night but didn't succeed? What if you didn't want him to spend the night in your bed but he forced that decision on you? Did you run to the bathroom because you wanted to get away from him? Were you waiting for him to leave before coming back out? A dozen questions went through his mind at high speed. Before he could make a decision, the bathroom door opened and you walked out.
He had been so deep in thoughts that he never heard the toilet or the water running in the sink. As you stepped out, you looked at Bucky and you froze in place. He looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"Hey…" You whispered. "Are you ok?"
He just looked at you, not answering your question.
You slowly walked towards him, trying not to scare him. You didn't know what triggered him to be like this.
"It's ok, you're ok." You added, stopping before you could reach the bed and leaving some distance between the two of you. "You're in my room, you're safe." You tried.
He looked into your eyes and relaxed slightly. You didn't look mad that he was still here.
"You left…" He started, looking at the space where the bathroom door had just been closed. "I- I thought you wanted me to leave." He looked at you again. "Do you want me to leave? I can leave. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I'm sorry."
His rambling would have been the cutest thing if what he said wasn't so heartbreaking. When you ran to the bathroom, you never thought he would think you were running away from him. You shook your head and went back under the covers as you chuckled, mostly to yourself. The idea that you wanted him anywhere but here was funny to you. If only he knew how much you wanted him to stay.
‘’No, stay. Please.’’ You wanted to reach out and touch him, but you weren’t sure if all the progress you had made last night had been ruined by your tiny bladder. ‘’I’m sorry I ran, it’s just that-’’ You chewed on your bottom lip, slightly embarrassed. ‘’I woke up and I needed to pee but you seemed so comfortable so I decided to wait until you woke up, except it didn’t look like it was going to happen anytime soon and by the time I decided to wake you up well… It was urgent.’’
Bucky followed you with his eyes and turned slightly in the bed so his body was facing you when you settled back into your spot. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see if you were lying; he noticed the little signs of embarrassment and felt himself relaxed as he finally believed that you didn’t run away from him. At least not for the reasons he thought you did.
He laughed and laid on his back, turning his head to look up at you. You smiled down at him and laid on your back, turning your head to look at him.
‘’Hi.’’ He whispered, grinning.
‘’Hey.’’ You whispered back, a similar expression on your face. ‘’How do you feel?’’
He waited before answering, thinking. How did he feel?
‘’Ok, I think. I feel… rested.’’ Something he hadn’t felt in… too long to tell, exactly.
You nodded, looking up at the ceiling; smiling. ‘’Good. That’s good. You deserve to rest.’’
Hearing you say that he deserved something that wasn’t punishment or eternal damnation made his heart melt a little. Ok, a lot. Not that he’d ever admit out loud. Not to you, at least.
You spent some time in silence, not moving. You were too lazy to move in the slightest.
‘’FRIDAY?’’ You called out in the room.
‘’Good morning, agents.’’
‘’Good morning FRIDAY, what time is it?’’
‘’7 am.’’
‘’Thank you.’’ You groaned. It was too early to get up. You should still be sleeping.
Bucky chuckled at your reaction and got up from the bed, disappearing in the bathroom and coming back out two minutes later. He stopped to close the blinds and got back in bed, laying down next to you in his previous position.
‘’Want to go get breakfast?’’ You asked, not bothering to look at him because it was pitch black in your room and you couldn’t see anything.
‘’Actually…’’ He trailed off, turning his body towards you to lay on his side. Feeling more confident in the darkness, old habits die hard. ‘’It’s still early so… Maybe we could sleep a lil’ more?’’ He suggested.
‘’I like where your head's at, Sergeant.’’ You teased, already half asleep anyway. ‘’You do outrank me, so I guess I don’t have a choice but to sleep in.’’
Though you couldn’t really see him nor hear him, you knew he was laughing from the way his body moved on the mattress. You liked that, most of the time, Bucky barely made any sound when he laughed. It’s like whatever you said or did to make him laugh, he wanted to keep it between the two of you without anyone else knowing about the moment you just shared. Even now, it was just the two of you and his laugh stayed in your little bubble.
He opened his mouth to say something and closed it without saying anything. He did it a few more times and then he noticed how your body started to relax; you were beginning to fall asleep. He had to ask now, while he still could.
‘’Sweetheart?’’ He whispered, in case you had fallen completely asleep.
‘’Can I-’’ He hesitated. ‘’Can I hold you?’’ His voice was barely audible.
‘’Of course Bucky, you don’t have to ask.’’ You mumbled.
He grinned.
Although he had been hesitant to ask, his actions were anything but hesitant. He reached out, wrapping his arm around your waist; his hand falling to rest on your hips and he pulled you to him until your body was flush against his.
‘’Comfy?’’ You ask.
You turn to lay on your side, turning your back to his chest. He pulled you even closer, until there wasn't any space left between his chest and your back. He put his left arm under your pillow as it couldn’t be numb from not moving for hours. He buried his face in your neck and laid his hand flat against your stomach. He let out a long sigh, finally content with his position.
‘’Comfy.’’ He said against the skin of your neck, making a chill run down your spine from both the scruff of his growing beard and his hot breath tickling you.
As you were falling asleep, you felt Bucky’s hand on your stomach sneak under the hem of your shirt and find its previous position but this time on your skin. He stroked his thumb on your skin until he fell asleep, his face still buried in your neck.
For a few minutes, the old Bucky had resurfaced. The Bucky that wasn’t scared to be touched or scared to touch, the Bucky that asked for what he wanted instead of keeping it to himself because he didn’t think he deserved whatever it was he wanted. You were the one who had brought back that side of him. Whenever you two would be together, it always felt so… right to him. He wasn’t ready to let that feeling go, nor you.
He promised to himself that he would do anything to prove to you that he was good enough, anything to make you want to keep him around for as long as possible.
You promised to yourself that you would do anything to show to Bucky that he was good enough, anything to show him that he deserved everything he wanted; hoping you were part of it.

Though the compound was enormous, everyone had fallen into the same routine. You’d all wake up around the same time, you’d stay in your respective rooms as you got ready; fully waking up in the process and then you’d all meet in the kitchen to prepare a huge breakfast. You’d make a little bit of everything; toasts, eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, fruit salad, smoothies and whatever else you were in the mood for. You all had a task and when you were all done, you brought everything over to the dinner table and you ate together, as a family because that’s really what you were.
You did this every morning, even if some of you were on a mission and you rarely skipped it; especially not when the whole team was home, like today.
That’s why everyone was surprised to see you were missing from the kitchen. You were usually one of the first ones to get there, you would get everything out and start cooking what took the longest so that everything could be ready at the same time.
‘’Maybe she’s sick?’’ Wanda suggested. ‘’I’ll go check on her.’’
‘’No, no. It’s okay. I already went to check up on her, she didn’t really sleep last night and said she’ll try to go back to sleep. It’s best if you don’t go, in case you wake her up.’’ Steve said to her, standing in the doorway to keep her from exiting the kitchen.
No one really noticed that Bucky wasn’t with them, either. He rarely joined you.
Steve lied to Wanda, he didn’t check up on either of you but he didn’t need to.
Last night, after he left you and Bucky, he stayed at the end of the hallway for some time. He waited, a small part of him was worried your conversation might end in a fight. He doesn’t know how long he waited; after 5, 10 minutes, he smiled to himself when no one came running out the door. No one was screaming either, he took it as a good sign and walked back to the living room to finish watching the movie with the rest of the team.
When he woke up this morning, he decided to make a pit stop to Bucky’s room before breakfast. He knocked a few times and when no one answered he slowly opened the door, calling out his friend’s name and was surprised to find his room empty. Though Bucky kept his room always really neat and clean, somehow he could tell that Bucky hadn’t slept there.
Bucky barely ever left his room, especially in the morning when he knew everybody was together in the kitchen; he had never really been a morning person and living with that many people sure didn’t help. Steve hated doing it but he was worried about his friend, so he asked FRIDAY where Bucky was. He absolutely didn’t expect the AI’s answer to be that Bucky was, still, in your room.
Steve smiled to himself and joined the rest of the team. He would do his best to distract everyone to keep them from asking questions or go looking for either of you.

Both you and Bucky woke up again hours later, the little bit of sunlight that came through the blinds was brighter than it had been when you woke up the first time and you could hear everyone talking and moving around in the compound.
Bucky was still holding onto you tightly, not that you were complaining. His strength and warmth were soothing to you and you don’t think you ever slept that well in your entire life.
You stretched your whole body, leaning more into Bucky as you did. You felt him move behind you, he was awake now too. He stretched his arm away from your body and wrapped it around your stomach again. He brushed the tip of his nose against the skin of your neck a few times, the sweet gesture making you grin.
‘’Good morning.’’ You whispered, still half asleep. You were so comfortable and warm, it was hard to fight the sleep that kept your body from moving.
‘’Mh-mh.’’ He shook his head no. ‘’I wanna sleep.’’ He said, you could feel his breath against the back of your neck.
‘’We’re gonna have to get up at some point during the day.’’ You chuckled.
Bucky whined, you could even feel him pout. ‘’Why do you say such mean things to me?’’ His tone was overly sad, clearly trying to get you to feel bad so you’d stay in bed, which only made you laugh harder.
‘’I’m sorry Jamie.’’ You pat his hand that was still resting on your stomach. ‘’But I’m hungry, and I’m sure you, the super soldier, are starving.’’
‘’Ugh.’’ He sighed. ‘’You’re right. Fine.’’
The smell of the breakfast that was cooked an hour earlier was still lingering and it made you hungrier.
Bucky finally let go of you and you almost whimpered at the loss of his touch. You got out of bed, stretching some more and groaned when Bucky opened the blinds without warning.
‘’My eyes.’’ You hissed, dramatically.
Bucky laughed.
‘’Sorry, Dracula. You’re the one who wanted to get up.’’ He smirked, raising his hands in defeat.
You smiled at him and then it hit you. Your bubble was about to burst. As soon as one of you walked out, it was over. What if that was it? What if the second Bucky crossed the door, everything went back to the way it was? What if it had only been for a night and now that night was officially over. You were already regretting your stupid decision to force him to get up. Although Bucky had been the one that ‘’needed’’ it the most, you had also needed to be close to someone.
He had made you feel wanted in a way that you hadn’t felt before, in a way that wasn’t sexual. He wanted you near him, he wanted you to hold him and comfort him, you were the one he had chosen to trust and you were the one he seeked out. You didn’t even want to try and lie to yourself; Bucky was special. In many ways, but he was special to you. You couldn’t explain why, he just was. There was something about him that screamed ‘’You’re my person’’.
You hadn’t realized that you had been deep in thoughts until Bucky touched your shoulder.
‘’You ok?’’ He looked down at your face, worried.
Your eyes were very expressive and he had seen every emotion that went through your mind in them. You went from joking and smiling and then your entire face fell like you had just realized something, something sad. He called out your name a few times but you didn’t hear him. He put his hand on your shoulder, hoping to ground you back to reality.
Bucky looked at you, waiting for an answer. You tried to laugh it off and smiled as best as you could.
‘’Oh, yes. Sorry. Just zoned out for a second.’’
‘’You sure?’’ He frowned. He could tell that you were lying.
‘’Yes.’’ You nodded your head, to make it more convincing.
He looked at you for a couple more seconds before taking his hand off of your shoulder.
‘’Ok…’’ He waited to see if you were going to add anything else and when you didn’t, he stepped back. ‘’I’m gonna go get dressed. Meet you in the kitchen?’’
‘’Yep.’’ You simply answered, turning around to make your bed. You didn’t want to see the exact moment your little bubble would burst open.

Bucky’s heart sank into his chest. He knew that your little moment was over but he didn’t think it would be over, over. Your mood had shifted quickly, that’s when he knew that whatever it was that you shared, it was over the moment the sun rose. He had managed to make it last longer by sleeping a few more hours, fooling himself into thinking it was anything more than you just taking pity over him.
The thing is, he was already craving your touch. It had only been a few minutes since he felt you against him but to him it felt like hours. He wanted you just as much as he needed you.
You were too good for him, too pure for him. He didn’t deserve you and he knew it, but for a night he let himself think that maybe he did.

You were right.
Everything went back to the way it was.
After Bucky joined you to eat, you were cleaning up your plates and as you reached out to take his, you touched his hand and he flinched. You wanted to cry. He must have noticed your teary eyes because he started to panic.
‘’No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I swear.’’ He stood up, holding out his hand to touch you but you moved away quickly.
‘’It’s fine.’’ You turned around and left for the kitchen, putting everything away as fast as you could so that you could go back to your room.
You stood in the elevator, waiting to reach your floor. The lump in your throat made it hard to swallow. You blinked quickly, trying to keep the tears from falling. You just had to hold on a little longer, you were almost there.
The elevator doors finally opened to let you out but you froze. Steve was standing in front of you.
Crap. You thought. You didn’t feel like talking so you just walked out quickly, almost running to your room.
‘’Hi Steve. Bye Steve.’’ You said over your shoulder.
You closed the door behind you and locked it, sighing in relief when no one came knocking.

Steve smiled when he saw you and before he could even speak you had disappeared in your room.
It all happened so fast and he hadn’t had time to notice the tears in your eyes. He just assumed you were rushing back to your room because Bucky was waiting for you there.
He was extremely confused when he saw Bucky standing in the kitchen, his back turned to him as his fists clenched by his sides.
‘’Hey bud.’’ Steve called out to Bucky.
He didn’t even move to look at him, Steve frowned, moving closer.
‘’Buck… What’s wrong?’’
‘’Nothin’.’’ He mumbled before storming out of the kitchen.
Steve was even more confused. He thought the two of you were fine, what the hell happened?
He shook his head and turned around, making his way to your room.

You were sitting on your bed, your cheeks starting to dry as you finally managed to stop crying. You were angry, sad and in a way, kind of humiliated. You were usually more careful around people but you had let your guard down and now you were hurt again.
A knock on your door made you jump, your eyes snapping up to the piece of wood keeping you from the outside world. You didn’t move. Whoever it was, you didn’t want to see them.
Steve. Damn it. You laid down on your bed without making a sound, hopeful that he might think you’re either gone or asleep and leave. You should have known better.
He knocked again. ‘’I know you’re in there. I can hear you breathing.’’
‘’Creep.’’ You mumbled, under your breath.
‘’I heard that.’’
You rolled your eyes. ‘’Please go away.’’
‘’I just want to know what happened.’’
‘’Nothing. Nothing happened, now go.’’ You shut your eyes tightly, as if it would make him leave faster.
He sighed and nodded. ‘’Ok.’’ He added, realizing you can’t see him and he left.

Everybody was surprised to see Bucky walk in as they all sat down for dinner. You’d usually just bring him up a plate to his room and keep him company there, it was all too new to him and after spending 70 years mostly alone it was a little bit overwhelming to eat with that many people around.
Tonight though, Bucky decided to join the team hoping you would be there so he could talk to you but your chair was empty. No one but Steve and Bucky had seen you all day. Steve tried to reassure them and had told them not to worry but still it was really odd behavior coming from you.
Bucky turned to look at Steve; wordlessly asking him where you were. Steve only shrugged.
‘’Shit.’’ Bucky muttered. He messed everything up.

It was around 11pm and you couldn’t sleep at all. You had slept way too late to be tired and even if you were tired, whenever you closed your eyes you found yourself craving the warmth and weight from Bucky’s body around you. Your bed felt empty without the beefy soldier taking most of the space and it felt a lot colder than it did before. You couldn’t believe your body had gotten accustomed to Bucky’s so quickly.
You were getting frustrated and decided to grab your laptop and watch a movie to keep your mind from drifting to anything Bucky related.
You were about 20 minutes in, when your phone’s screen lit up next to your laptop. You grabbed it and opened the message before even looking at who it was from.
Can we talk?
Bucky. You hit your forehead with the palm of your hand, cursing yourself for not checking the name before opening it, now he knew you saw it. You sighed and stared at the screen until it closed on its own. It quickly lit up again.
I know you’re awake, it says you read my message.
Another message quickly followed.
I’m sorry I flinched. I really didn’t mean to.
You opened both his messages, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard as you tried to come up with an answer. A new text came in as you were thinking. What was written made your mind go completely blank.
I miss you. I can’t sleep without you.

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Natasha: *before a mission* Who’s turn is it to give a pep talk?
Steve: *sighs* Y/N’s…
Y/N: *stands dramatically on the table* All right, people, let’s fuck shit up out there and not die!
Tony: *wipes away a fake tear* So inspirational
#avengers incorrect quotes#avengers x reader#avengers#mcu#mcu incorrect quotes#mcu x reader#steve rogers x reader platonic#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader platonic#tony stark x reader#tony stark#tony stark x reader platonic
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Y/n: Why is Bucky so sad?
Steve: He took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes.
Y/n: And...?
Tony: He got Peter.
Bucky: *sobbing*
Y/n: Poor Bucky.
Peter: *standing there the whole time* I hate all of you.
#mcu#marvel#mcu incorrect quotes#the avengers#avengers x platonic reader#avengers x reader#steve rogers x reader#tony stark x reader#bucky barnes x reader#peter parker x reader
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The Avoiding Act
Warnings: unhealthy studying methods, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers x reader platonic
Request: Hey! Can you do MCU x Teen!reader, whose been feeling stressed out lately (I have exams coming up) and she also struggles with mental health. She constantly avoids the team because she knows they'll tell her to sit down and take a break, but one day they forcefully make her sit down and talk to them, and they're all telling her to take it easy and that they believe in her or something, and she's starts tearing up because she's never had anyone tell her reassuring things before she met the team, and one of them (preferably Bucky, Loki, Tony, or Steve) just hugs them? And like they end up watching Disney movies or something, and she falls asleep on Tony or Steve? Thank you!
Requested by: @wolfmoonmusic
*not my gif*
Summary: Your team hasn’t really seen you in over a week, and they start to grow worried
A/N: This isn’t my best work- but I don’t think it’s too bad; also I wrote this forever ago and just forgot to publish it
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
You practically had it down to a point by now. You had memorized your entire team's schedule in such a way that you could avoid them perfectly.
Steve was using the training levels at exactly 5:05 every morning, being the first one up- besides you. That was easy, just avoid all of the workout rooms. Bucky was sometimes up at that time as well, but he just stayed in his room.
Up next was Nat and Bruce. Nat would start off her day on the balcony of either her room or the one connected to the living room. Bruce would make a beeline for his lab right away and hide in there for a while. So naturally, you just skipped out on all three of those places.
That’s when it got complicated. The late sleepers were Sam, Tony, and Clint. Meaning, their schedules were unpredictable. But that was only in the sense that you didn’t know which time they would get up. All three of them would head straight to the kitchen as soon as they got up though, so all you had to do was make sure that you weren’t in there any later than 10:00.
That left your room, which you never stayed in because then they would be able to find you, and any other of the many empty rooms left in Avengers Tower.
Some might call you paranoid, but you made sure to switch rooms every two hours, that way you weren’t in one place long enough for them to find you there.
The reason you were avoiding your team?
It wasn’t becuase you didn’t want to see them or loved them dearly, it was simply becuase you needed to study.
To outsiders, that would seem like a weird reason to be hiding from your loved ones, but not when it came to you.
When you studied, you studied.
You hardly ever took breaks- not even to eat and sleep.
And if your team knew this, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that they would try to make you take a break. To take care of yourself.
You couldn’t have that happening, the biggest exam of the year was in three days and taking a break was not an option.
It was a day like any other in the past week, you were in a random conference room on the seventh floor, going on the eighth day without seeing your team for more than five minutes a day.
Like normal, you were hunched over a textbook, eyes sweeping back and forth along the pages as you eagerly tried to take in any bit of knowledge you could come upon.
It was well past dinner- not that you had eaten other than a granola bar early in the morning before the late risers made it to the kitchen- and your team, six floors up, were sitting around one of the many living rooms.
“So you’re telling me that nobody saw Y/N today?” Steve asked, standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, eyebrows creased with worry.
Clint and Sam shook their heads in sync from their respective positions on the couch in front of him. Bucky, who was leaning up against a wall with his arms crossed, repeated the gesture.
Nat and Tony both let out identical signs at this, the redhead running a hand through her hair.
“It’s been like this all week,” Bruce spoke up, concern lacing his tone, “I’ve hardly seen her for more than two minutes a day. Whenever I try to find her- she’s not anywhere I’d think she would be.”
“Same,” Natasha piped up, “It’s almost like she’s avoiding us.”
“You don’t think… she’s actually avoiding us, do you?” Sam asked, leaning forward in his seat.
Steve ran a hand down his face and sighed, “Why would she avoid us, though?”
Even Tony had the decency not to interject with one of his normal, snide comments. Instead, he announced, “JARVIS, tell me where she is.”
The team's eyes all widened in sync, clearly none of them had once thought of using the AI system to find you.
Instead of boasting about how he was just smarter than they were like Tony normally would, he just kept his lips in a thin, closed line and awaited the answer.
“Miss. L/N is currently occupying conference room number seventy two, on the sixth floor.” JARVIS’s voice rang out through the room, and everyone was on their feet in an instance.
Within the last week, every one of them had gone out of their way to try and look for you, never knowing where you were or if you were alright.
The door to your study room flew open and you let out a small yelp of surprise, jumping at the unanticipated arrival of every member of your team.
It was silent for a moment after they all pushed and shoved past each other to stumble into the room, as you all just stared at each other.
“O-oh, hey guys,” You stuttered, letting out a small, nervous chuckle, “What’re you doing here?”
“Why’ve you been avoiding us?” Sam blurted out without answering your question.
Multiple people face palmed and let out slight groans at his bluntness. Bucky- who was standing closest to him- slapped him upside the head. With his metal hand.
That had to hurt.
The question immediately made you defensive, and you crossed your arms, visually crawling back into your shell.
“I’m not avoiding you,” The words weren’t as firm as you would’ve liked.
“No?” Tony asked with a singular raised eyebrow, “Then why have we only seen you for five minutes in total this week?”
You shrugged, “I’ve been busy!”
“Busy doing what?” Clint prompted.
That was when you fell silent.
Your team didn’t say anything, though. They just kept staring, awaiting your reply.
The silence dragged and dragged, suffocating the room and everyone in it until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Studying,” You finally said softly.
Another silence followed, but this one was broken by Bruce, “And how many breaks have you taken to take care of yourself?”
They all knew you so well, they knew what your study habits were like. How unhealthy they were.
You shrugged stiffly, moving your eyes to face anywhere but where they stood.
“N/n,” Nat sighed, moving over to you, “You need to take care of yourself. This isn’t healthy.”
Steve moved up beside her, watching as you still avoided looking at any of them, tears filling your eyes, “We only say this because we care about you.”
His words were what finally made the first tear slip down your face.
“I know,” You whispered.
With a sigh, Steve opened his arms and wrapped them around you in a much needed hug.
Almost instantly, you broke down, relaxing in his arms and crying and crying until there were no tears left.
Someone from around you gently moved a piece of hair out of your face and someone else rubbed your back comfortingly.
When you finally opened your eyes, you were surrounded by your team- the people that cared for you more than anyone- who all wore soft expressions.
“Let’s take a break,” Steve whispered, stopping down to place a kiss on the top of your head, “You deserve it.”
Sniffling slightly, you nodded and allowed your team to lead you away and to one of the living rooms.
Tony had announced that you would all be having a movie night and you would be the one to pick what to watch.
Normally, there would be a lot fighting and bickering about what movie- but nobody said a word this time.
Some went off to get snacks- others getting blankets- as you all spread out around the room comfortably.
You ended up between Steve and Nat on the couch, the ladder absentmindedly running her fingers through your hair whilst you picked what you wanted to watch.
In the end, you settled on an old Disney classic, and we’re able to settle in while the opening music began to play.
“Thank you, guys.” You said softly to the room, truly meaning it.
“No need to thank us, n/n. We’re here for you. No matter what.” Steve said from beside you.
By the time the credits rolled around, you were fast asleep, breathing steadily with your head resting against Steve’s shoulder.
Said man smiled down softly at you, making sure to keep his movements to a minimum as you got some much needed sleep, surrounded by your loved ones.
We are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami @mythixmagic @toecrust69 @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic @nutellani @hyunzrii @scarthefangirl
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