#please don’t remind me
joeyisourranger · 2 years
“so it’s no secret that the avs have lost in the second round three years in a row” YES WE ALL KNOW
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emablckthrn · 2 years
Jace isn’t allowed to be 31 so I’m just gonna pretend he’s still 17 and not think about it
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ferresuggestions · 6 years
Ever caught your friends more than make out?
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valjeans · 3 years
He can't have a career revitalisation in2022 he's stuck in the tour
all year
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landlessbud · 4 years
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pencilscratchins · 2 years
ofmd is the perfect show for u it has multiple gay middle aged man and its genuinely funny. also stede bonnet dilf
it was tailor made for me. kristen johnston from 3rd from the sun is in it for gods sake, that’s a “for rebecca” detail if i’ve thought of one. also yes stede is THE dilf
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bpdohwhatajoy · 2 years
If you’re seeing this, this is your sign.
Do not check their socials.
I know it’s temping but seriously do not. It’s not worth it I promise you. There’s nothing left there. You don’t need to check up people who don’t even think about you and who hurt you like it was nothing. Save your peace of mind. You’re worth everything and they’re worth nothing.
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leejungchans · 2 years
sigh i hate being that person but also not really bc it can be frustrating sometimes so please please please leave feedback for content creators instead of only leaving likes/empty reblogs!!!! obviously we create content because we like doing it and it makes us happy, but it takes time and effort and it helps a lot a lot more than what you might think to give us some feedback/tell us what you liked. trust me, 99% of us aren’t expecting a paragraph (let alone a ten page essay) back, even a few words or a keyboard smash already mean a lot to us, and it can be very frustrating and demotivating to put out content only for it to be silently consumed w/o any sort of interaction. so please support the content you enjoy by rbing (to help circulate it) and leaving feedback 💗💗
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don’t ever base your self worth on somebody else’s opinion.
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licensedfuckwit · 2 years
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ladyddanger · 2 years
Quackity uploaded las’nevdas the full movie to YouTube. meaning he’s been looking over old footage to put it together like that. Meaning that he has been thinking about lore. Meaning that we’re getting a c!dream and c!quackity and confrontation- *is killed by a stray arrow*
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edettethegreat · 2 years
remember last time I said that was my one and only post about that anime called Bungo stray Dogs? I lied.
<<DISCLAIMER: I was gonna edit this but then I forgot about it and left it in drafts for too long and I only remembered it now. SO it’s still all phrased in ways that’ll bother many people in the fandom (unlike part one, which I tried to tone down a bit). Also it’s pretty messy. So. Read at your own risk I guess.>>
I was gonna replay via reblogs once again, but once again I went too off topic and didn’t want to hijack or derail OP’s post, so here’s a link to the post, here’s the post, and here’s OP: @sparkofsummer​
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I have so much to say on this topic, so just consider this my anti-Dazai propaganda rant part 2
(You can find part 1 here)
Of course last time I said I’d never post another bsd-related post ever agin, but exceptions must be made for topics such as this.
And now onto the topic at hand.
<full disclosure- when I mention Sskk and skk here, I’m referring to the duos (in terms of teaming up to fight someone), not the ships>
OP is right. OP is so right and this is the reason for my unreasonable dislike towards Sskk.
Sskk is created to be the “next generation” of skk. That’s the first noticeable flaw. The age gap between Mori/Fukuzawa and skk is what.., 20 years, give or take? The age gap between skk and Sskk is 2-4 years. That’s not a “next generation”, that’s just taking your coworkers who are around your age and saying “heyyy I really don’t feel like working, can you cover for me?” The point of a “next generation” is that when one generation goes into retirement, there’ll still be a strong duo protecting Yokohama. But by the time skk will be too old to get anything done, chances are so will Sskk. So that’s reason number 1 that Sskk does not serve its purpose.
Reason number 2 is, as OP said, it doesn’t follow the previous two duos brain/brawn rule. It’s double brawn. Neither Atsushi nor Akutagawa are strategists in any sense. Chuuuya’s arguably more of a strategist than them, considering he understands the way other strategists (ie Dazai) think, to an extent.
But wait. There actually is a brain among us in Sskk. And it’s Dazai’s. Unlike Mori/Fukuzawa and skk, Sskk often has direct interference and guidance from Dazai. While they were out beating up the virus ability guy, Dazai was out apprehending Fyodor. Prior to that he was with them, directing them on an outline of what to do. The role of Sskk here seems to be a role Chuuya could have easily filled. (And the virus needs two hosts, right? I may be mis-remembering this, but what would have happened if only one person would have gone in to fight the virus dude?) Regardless. It seems like the sort of role Chuuya could have easily filled, but Dazai’s having the duo he created himself try their hand at filling that role.
And on the topic of Chuuya, where is he anyway? I don’t mean in the virus arc, I know he was on a mandatory Ranpo-enforced vacation in a mystery novel. But where is Chuuya in establishing Sskk? It makes sense that only Mori and not Fukuzawa established skk, because Fukuzawa didn’t know or have anything to do with Dazai or Chuuya. But with Sskk, Akutagawa is Chuuya’s subordinate, and additionally he clearly respects him. For Dazai to intentionally make sure Chuuya has no involvement.., it would make you question why. Why would Chuuya intentionally be left out of the formation of the new and improved duo that’s supposed to take over from the duo he was once a part of.
Point is Sskk isn’t “the next generation” or “stronger skk”. It’s skk minus Chuuya, replacing him with two ability users who don’t even come close to his complete strength, considering he’s a literal god.
The fallacy lies in the fact that Sskk is a duo, when it’s actually a trio. Dazai fills the role of not only the mentor, but the brains to Atsushi and Akutagawa’s brawn. Dazai never left skk, he simply pushed Chuuya out of it by replacing him with two people who don’t even remotely amount to what he’s capable of.
EDIT from after I wrote this: 
Dazai KNOWS that Akutagawa is actively dying of some lung disease.
Dazai KNOWS that Atsushi can only control his ability with the help of Fukuzawa, ie someone a whole generation older than Dazai himself.
So that whole “oh this is the next generation of soukoku :)” thing? Yeah Dazai KNOWS that both parties involved  will only be able to be part of it for a short period of time. So. Dazai. What’s up with that, anyway?
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queerpanikkar · 2 years
hey, if you describe the diaz parents as significantly more hostile/more traumatizing than the buckley parents, that is racist actually.
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
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Man that “finally” here makes my brain buzz… Xehanort (and his various incarnations) not only want Sora to use the darkness but expect him to. They’re waiting for it, as if it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.”
And the way Ansem and Xemnas speak, it’s like it would be easy for Sora, like all he has to do is reach out. When did that happen? When did it become easy? Has it always been? Or did that happen after he temporarily became a Heartless, or after he fell into the abyss during his Mark of Mastery exam, or…? Is that what Rage Form is? Is that Sora calling upon the darkness? And doing it pretty quickly and easily, at that.
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It’s… interesting that Sora still has it in his head that darkness = evil, when Riku has proven that’s not exactly the case. Darkness can be used to do good. It’s just about… moderation. Self-control. The balance between Light and Dark is a big thing in KH. Anything taken to the extreme can become a destructive force, whether you’re hurting others or hurting yourself. Light can be just as blinding as darkness. You need a balance, and that’s where the past Keyblade Masters like Eraqus went wrong.
It’s still darkness. Using it to help someone doesn’t change what it is, but why does that have to be such a bad thing?
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
Random thoughts 🐝💭:
You’re Edwina Sharma, the picture of gentility and obliviousness innocence. The man your dating barely looks at you, doesn’t give you permission to call him by name, flat out tells you he could pretend to want the same things as you but he would be lying, but claims that he would do his duty by you. Yet you somehow find his honesty romantic, as if announcing to an entire party that he‘s only willing to promise the bare minimum to you as a spouse, is a good thing.
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Then he invites you to his home to meet his family, talks to you like a little sister, displays absolutely zero romantic interest in you and cannot bring himself to propose to you when you expect him to. So you double down because for some reason you’ve decided he’s the one you want. And as of that weren’t a bad enough decision, you also convinced yourself that it’s not you he needs to fall in love with, it’s your sister so you force them to spend time together.
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His family has made it very clear that you are oblivious to his true temperament while your sister who sees him for what he truly is, calls him out constantly and consistently tries to warn you away from him. None of these things are red flags to you at all. He is perfection and you want to be his Viscountess.
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The man literally never tries to have ANY time alone with you, he never kisses you or even attempts to hold your hand once. Not even while proposing does he mention that he loves you, yet you accept his proposal and his inexplicable wish to rush the wedding after he told off your awful grandparents which you took as a sign that he cares deeply for you even though he literally blew you off when you tried to speak to him right afterwards. And you’re somehow shocked to discover that he’s not in love with you.
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milolunde · 3 years
Do you mind expanding on your HC about sonic and chaos energy ? So intrigued to hear , sorry if you’ve already explained this before
👁 I don’t mind at all
This got longer than I though it would so…
TL;DR: Sonic is wary of corruption after the events of Perfect Chaos and Sonic X’s SA2
The entire headcanon stems from the fact that one day I was thinking about Sonic and about the Chaos Emerald in general and tried to think of the times Sonic had actually used the Chaos Emerald’s powers outside of going super.
I couldn’t really think of anything other than his race with Shadow on the ARK in SA2.
Characters still can use Chaos powers; Shadow uses his Chaos spears in X and, for a more recent example, uses Chaos Control in the IDW comics. He seems to have a good relationship to the emeralds and their power. A relationship that we don’t see Sonic have with the emeralds, despite being more experienced in their use.
So, why?
Really, I think it’s just a thing Sonic stopped and really thought about. Something that Shadow has probably though of, but doesn’t seemed phased by as far as his actions go.
That’s corruption by the Chaos emeralds. As cheesy as it is, the emeralds have a balance of positive and negative that helps power them. Either one or both of these can be used, but using the pure negative energy, as we see with Final Chaos, can make you lose yourself. Negative emotions are just like that.
I think those events from SA1 and SA2 (more specifically, SA2 from Sonic X, ahem, Dark Sonic) and even the events of Unleashed (both the comics and the game) is what made Sonic realize, he’s not that above corruption*.
[*for the case of Unleashed, the comics aid it better. In the games Chip tells Sonic that his heart is too good; He’s too genuine to be overtaken by Dark Gaia, and that’s why he didn’t lose himself. In the comics, Sonic lost his shit the first time he transformed, damn-well nearly killing Mighty:
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…or at least seriously injuring him since a lot of Sonic characters aren’t allowed to die.]
And the Chaos emeralds are… Chaotic in nature. It’s their namesake,
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-Dr. Starline (IDW) about the Warp Topaz in comparison to the Chaos Emeralds
“[The Chaos Emeralds’ power] can change given the situation or their usage.”
We’ve seen this happen twice, as I recall off the top of my head, in Sonic. First, with Perfect Chaos only harnessing the negative powers of the Chaos emeralds,
And with Sonic himself,
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Given the situation, given the need for the power, given the headspace Sonic was in, is all why I believe Dark Sonic happened.
After all,
“Chaos is power… Power enriched by the heart,” -Tikal’s prayer, SA1
It’s up to the unifier what happens with the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic doesn’t want that to ever happen again.
He’s no scientist and all of his knowledge, though reliable because how else do you study Chaos, comes from experience, Sonic has the gut feeling that if he were to overuse the Chaos Emeralds or start using their power, as he sees, selfishly, that that could happen again.
So yeah. That’s why I don’t think Sonic uses Chaos Control and that all whilly-nilly after SA2.
I am very bad at closing “essays”. [Closing Thesis]
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