#please correct me if i put the wrong source of quote/comic
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brucie-baby · 8 months ago
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“hope” is the thing with feathers - emily dickinson
batman/superman: world's finest #6 // red hood and the outlaws: rebirth // batman v3 #135 // robin v4 #126 // shadow war #3 // nightwing v4 annual 2 // batman v3 #148 // batman v3 #125 // batman v1 #633 // batman incorporated v2 #8 // detective comics #1000
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pearwaldorf · 5 years ago
If I never see another post from Franzeska aka olderthannetfic here it will be too soon. How dare she answer questions about racism and AO3 like she wasn’t one of the people who helped build it into the very structure of the site? I am quoting this directly from her post (emphasis mine): 
We picked the archive warnings from things that were common on older fic archives. Which, yes, reflects what fandom cared about at the time and is not neutral. (And when I say “we”, I do mean me specifically. I can’t remember how much my committee chose those and how much the Board and others drove the exact selection, but I did a lot of the research into older archives at the time. Including something about racism straight up never occurred to me in 2008.)
And sure, our views can evolve a lot in a decade. But Racefail happened in 2009, and none of the topics discussed at the time are different than those we’re focusing on today, 11 years later. For shits and giggles, here is my archived Livejournal post about the entire mess. If you click through to the other links (synedochic’s in particular), I think you will see this is something that didn’t just pop up with Tumblr and the SJW/anti contingent. (I’m not comfortable with conflating antis/fandom fundies/purity wankers with fans legitimately criticizing racism in fandom, but that is how a lot of it gets lumped together as a dismissive tactic.)
Which brings us to That Piece of Shit Meta in 2016. I am linking to the Fanlore entry for context, because the Actual Piece of Shit Meta is archive-locked (you can access it from Fanlore if you really want to read it, but it’s 16K of garbage).
A selection of commentary about it:
Guys, this was the problem all along. I’m doing fandom wrong by falling in love with the wrong source text. If I’d only understood that this wasn’t my space to enjoy non-white and/or non-male characters, because the majority of characters are white men, imagine how much happier I’d be in my life. (allofthefeelings)
they’ve been spouting yt apologia while fetishizing asian culture for years, this is nothing new. i’m pretty sure i’ve read franzeska saying the same things back when racefail ‘09 was going down. like most of this isn’t surprising bc it is exactly what we saw yt lj fandom peeps spouting in 2007-2010 and i’m personally not shocked that these people learned absolutely nothing. they don’t want to learn and being accountable for their actions. (astro-projection [edited to correct quote attribution and link])
Franzeska goes deep into the history of AO3 to talk about why slash is represented heavily there... But in 16,000 words over 13 chapters, there is not one mention of Racefail ‘09. Not a single reference to the time a popular Harry Potter LJ community used a racial slur as a prompt in 2007. Nothing about the Supernatural RPF Big Bang story that used the 2010 Haiti earthquake as a backdrop for a J2 love story (THAT’S A REAL THING THAT HAPPENED). Nothing about the time in 2006 that comics BNF Te pointed out the marginalization black characters faced on two then-juggernauts of white m/m slash fandom, Angel and Smallville. (snarl-furillo, the entire comment is worth reading so please click through)
This erasure of context and history is violent. Because many of the women of color who originally (and still) critique/d and resist/ed fandom’s normalized racism/misogynoir did so to their own detriment and with not insignificant risk to their personal well-being, safety, and privacy. Women of color were ‘outed’ by other fans for speaking out (doxed). They were attacked and silenced from all sides. They lost friends and community. They had to, with great vulnerability, cut themselves open and drag out their own private, internal experiences to air for all the (white) people who disbelieved them. They often found themselves speaking directly to a fucking wall of over-sensitive whiteness that would just as easily topple right on top of them. If anything in fandom is precious, it’s white feelings. And it always has been. (halfhardtorock)
In 2017 she was part of a Kickstarter to do a film about fangirls and fandom. I asked (you’ll need to hit “show comment” to see it) her to publicly comment about That Piece of Shit Meta, which she did. 
But before she did, Chelsea Woods, the co-creator of the project, emailed me about the comment. I don’t remember what exactly the email said, because it was a really long time ago, but she wanted to talk to me about the meta, perhaps to help formulate a response. Chelsea also reached out to somebody else outspoken about the issue at the time, and this is from a DM exchange I had with them:  
I understand why Chelsea reached out, as the head of the project and probably because she thought I would be more likely to respond instead of Franzeska. But tbh it feels like Franzeska's trying to get somebody else (a woman of color) to do the legwork for her. To the best of my knowledge I don't have F blocked on Twitter or Tumblr, and it's not like my email is hard to figure out.  I don't exactly relish the thought of talking to her, but as the one who fucked up, I feel like it is incumbent upon her to make the gesture...
I basically told Chelsea the same as you, that at this point there is very little she can do to demonstrate she understood what she did was fucked up, and that she has learned anything from the experience.
And when I tried to reblog her response, I found out Franzeska had blocked me, if that gives you any indication of how much she honestly wants to engage in discussion. 
Which brings me to now. I was literally today years old when I learned that Franzeska was head of the Abuse team for A While. (Bess says 2008-2012.) So suddenly a lot of things make sense, especially the lackluster (to put it politely) response about racist nonsense I’ve heard over the years, like in male hockey RPF. [edit: additional context in this post, ty Rukmini]
Certainly Franzeska is not responsible for everything racist about AO3, but she has definitely had a hand in shaping a culture that sacrifices the well-being and comfort of black users (among others) on the altar of “maximum inclusivity of content”. To turn the phrase back on them, who is “our own”? Why is it important to preserve an environment where a racially fetishistic fic that objectifies a black hockey player can stay up but a black fan basically has to go in like Viago checking for sunlight?
There is a balance between draconian content restrictions and letting racism, sexism, transphobia, etc run rampant on the site. I’m not saying it will be possible to find it immediately, or that it won’t change over time. But we have to try, if the AO3 is truly committed to making it a place that includes everybody, and not just the specific group of people who designed the site.
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bloodraven55 · 5 years ago
Gaslighting as a Form of Abuse in RWBY
With another comic focussing on an abuse victim having just been released today in the form of Weiss’ issue of the DC comic series, I want to tackle another analysis post in the hopes of bringing some more understanding surrounding emotional abuse to this fandom because in some parts it seems to be sorely needed.
There are a couple of points I’d like to address in this post, the first being the identity of the person speaking to Weiss during the sections set post-V3 in the comic. Most people assume it to be Jacques, but some also think it might be Willow. I can understand both arguments, and I’m not totally decided myself yet on which I think it is.
On the one hand, the type of abuse seems more subtle and manipulative compared to Jacques’ usual direct and aggressive approach, and we’re never actually shown who’s talking, which could suggest Weiss’ mother. But on the other hand the only thing we know about Willow is that she drinks to excess and fights with Jacques a lot so there isn’t really any basis to assume she would be manipulative towards Weiss, and the tone of the dialogue does fit Jacques’ sleazy and condescendingly pleasant demeanour that he assumes when he’s pretending to be nice to Weiss like in V4, so it would also make a lot of sense for it to be him.
For the purposes of this article I’m simply going to refer to them as Weiss’ parent to avoid any confusion and prevent me having to change it later if we get more information or I form a concrete stance on who it is. Their identity doesn’t impact the content of the post at all so it seemed the most logical solution.
With that covered, let’s move on to the main thing I want to talk about, which is the parallels between the way that Weiss’ parent gaslights her in the comic and the way that Adam gaslights Blake multiple times throughout the show but primarily in his Character Short.
“You are not the first Schnee in history to suffer disappointment, and this behaviour is really rather excessive…”
“Blake, I'm sorry. I told you it was an accident.”
This first part is representative of the main principle of gaslighting, which is to undermine the other person’s judgement and make them doubt their own ability to think rationally so that they’ll act the way you want them to.
Weiss’ parent diminishes her suffering by claiming it’s no worse than what other people have been through before—an interesting reference to the quote in the White Trailer which directly contradicts it by stating that “everyone is entitled to their own sorrow, for the heart has no metrics or forms of measure”��to invalidate Weiss’ pain.
Adam downplays the importance of innocents being killed on his missions by framing them as mere “accidents” to make Blake seem paranoid and foolish for being concerned by them and prefaces it with an insincere apology so that she’ll immediately feel bad because she thinks she’s hurt his feelings.
These both show the abuser using the way they talk to make it seem like the victim is totally detached from reality and as though their point of view on the situation must be false, leaving the abuser’s way of seeing things as the only correct option.
“Weiss, I just… don’t understand why you’re behaving this way. You act as though you’ve been kidnapped or imprisoned, and that is simply not what happened.”
“I don't know. I'm out there fighting for us, and when you fight, people get hurt.”
This is a continuation of the first part, further cementing the supposed “irrational” nature of the victim’s behaviour and showcasing the abuser moulding the scenario so that they’re never the one in the wrong.
Weiss’ parent feigns confusion and disbelief at the fact that Weiss is upset at being dragged away from her school and friends against her will, insisting that she isn’t being forced to stay and outright denying the validity of Weiss’ perception of what happened.
Adam dismisses Blake’s concerns at the deaths he’s caused by shifting the blame away from himself, falsely presenting the loss of life as an inevitability of fighting, and placing himself as the victim who’s having his heroism questioned.
In both cases the abuser warps reality to make themself seem as though they’re in the right so that the victim will stop trusting their own perception of events and come to believe that their abuser is right.
“It is natural to be unhappy to leave Beacon Academy, but friends come and go, and go more often as they get older… but family is forever.” / “And if you did have to leave those radicals, those ‘friends’ behind, well… all the better.”
“What, do you want me to just abandon our cause? Like your parents?”
This part ties into another major aspect of emotional abuse which is isolating the victim from their support network of friends and/or family so that they have nowhere else to go and no one else to rely on. However, it is also another example of gaslighting as it involves making those close to the victim appear like the bad guys in order to push the victim away from the people who might try to help them and further into the abuser’s control.
Weiss’ parent describes Weiss’ friends as “radicals” and mocks her bond with them, saying that it was good for Weiss to leave them and reminding her that she’s alone now without them, even spinning it to sound like they never cared about Weiss at all in the first place and as though her family—a.k.a. them—are the only people she can trust.
Adam deliberately brings up Blake’s parents, which he knows is a vulnerable topic for her, to remind her that they’re “traitors” and brand her a traitor too by association, reinforcing the idea that he is the only one she has left.
I suspect that this is the aspect of gaslighting that most people have the least trouble identifying since it basically amounts to guilt-tripping and even the majority of people without much knowledge of emotional abuse are aware of how that works.
“Weiss, sweetheart, please, don’t sulk!” / “Weiss, I love you, but you are really quite overreacting to the whole thing.”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought them up. I just get scared when it feels like you don't believe in me anymore.”
This part I think is what blinds a lot of people to the fact that emotional abuse and manipulation is happening. And that’s because the abuser offers what might appear to be a sincere expression of affection or a genuine apology, when in reality it’s simply a way of convincing the victim that everything that they’re going through is for their own good and that their abuser has their best interests at heart.
Weiss’ parent calls her “sweetheart” and tells Weiss they love her, while in the same breath solidifying the idea that her behaviour is unwarranted and undermining her grievances.
Adam apologises for mentioning Blake’s parents after the damage is already done, while in the same breath making Blake feel guilty for being worried that he’s killing people and making it her job to reassure him instead of the other way around. He deliberately blows what she says out of proportion so that he can pretend to feel hurt in order to illicit sympathy from her.
The veneer of niceness that the abuser uses to hide the way they double down on their manipulation is what makes this facet of abuse hard to spot and can lead other people as well as the victim into thinking that the abuser is right because they seem to be being honest, when in reality it’s all part of how they manage to deceive their victim as well as sometimes serving the added purpose of further isolating the victim from their support network as the people close to them will often side with the abuser here.
“At a certain point, you have to take responsibility for your role in all of this. If you choose to continue in this way, Weiss, then we will have no choice but to keep you here. And you’ll have only yourself to answer to.”
“Why did you have to come into my life and ruin everything?!” / “… but not before you’ve suffered for your betrayal, my love.” / “I wouldn’t have to be doing this if you’d just behave.”
And this final part is a clear example of the end goal of emotional abuse, which is to make the victim think that everything bad that happens is their fault. This is achieved by distorting their perception of reality via gaslighting, as we’ve already covered, so that they trust their abuser’s judgement before their own and will believe it when they’re told that they’re the one to blame for the harm that the abuser causes.
Weiss’ parent makes it Weiss’ fault that she’s not okay with being confined within her own house in a relentlessly unpleasant environment and puts the blame for it on Weiss while claiming to have “no choice” but to inflict pain on her.
Adam places responsibility for the results of his own actions—a.k.a. Blake leaving him, his losing power in the White Fang, etc.—on Blake instead of himself and insists that if she doesn’t “behave” then he has no option but to punish her.
When people in this fandom blame Weiss and Blake to any extent whatsoever for the actions of their abusers, they’re doing the same thing as Weiss’ parent and Adam do here. It’s victim blaming pure and simple, and y’all who are still saying that Weiss deserved to be “disciplined” by Jacques and denying Adam’s abuse of Blake need to just stop.
If you’re interested in reading some of my sources, then here’s a list:
How to Recognize Gaslighting and Get Help
11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting
What is gaslighting? And how do you know if it's happening to you?
You’re Not Going Crazy: 15 Signs You’re a Victim of Gaslighting
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zoocross0vers · 6 years ago
Plea to the Zootopia/WildeHopps Community: (Borba)
I really, REALLY hate to bring any attention to this but I just really feel like I have to. For those of you who know and for those of you who don’t know a certain comic made by the person on the title of this post, has finally ended. But...This particular person has not surprisingly announced a third comic. One that I believe may be titled, “Never Say Die” (At least I think that’s what it is, I don’t remember, nor do I care to correct it if I’m wrong).
Anyway my point to this is really to reach out to those of you out there that still have plans to read it, share it, and have hope that Borbleh may actually decide to have a happy WildeHopps ending to it. 
Everyone is free to do as they wish of course, but I do ask everyone to at least please hear me out. Please don’t share or even give any further attention to that comic series, or Borba even. He is not going to change his mind. If you still believe that he is a WildeHopps shipper...he’s not. He probably was at some point, but the minute he made that first comic and received hate and practically banishment from this community, he stopped being for the ship. I say this as a REAL WildeHopps shipper. I and I know many of you, if not most of you as WildeHopps shippers, wouldn’t ever think of making a comic like this. Much less a follow up to it like the one he made. My main reason personally is because when I love something I’m actually faithful to it and I wouldn’t butcher it for likes, views, or scandalous attention. 
Just because he releases “WildeHopps” art every once in a while, like that Breakfast at Tiffany’s one that was circling sometime late last year, that isn’t reason enough to have hope for this new comic that will come out. He does this as bait so people think that he’s going to change his mind and give everyone the “beautiful WildeHopps” ending that we’re all hoping for. You know, because deep down he’s really a “WildeHopps” shipper. Nope.
If you’re asking how I know this? It’s obvious, didn’t anyone notice that in his journal entry on Deviantart prior to “Born to be Borbleh” (sorry, but I don’t care to give dignity to these titles) he never once displayed any sort of regret, remorse, or even understanding toward the community regarding the negative impact the comic had? He never once said: “I’m sorry”, “I apologize for upsetting some of you”, “I understand why some of you were upset”, etc. He never once showed any sort of concern for anyone but himself. Also, what kind of “WildeHopps” shipper ends their comic (where Nick and Judy don’t end up together) with “I just love happy endings!” (He’s really subtle about throwing it in everyone’s faces isn’t he?)
This is revenge people. Don’t be fooled by this guy. The third comic is going to be worse if this second one is anything to go by. I can very easily make a wild guess that it’ll probably be July (I know I spelled that wrong. I’m not referring to that heartless abomination he made as Judy, because that’s NOT Judy) and her girlfriend wanting to get pregnant by getting sperm from a sperm bank (you know, because she’s her actual “true love” and not Nick. Again, a “WildeHopps” shipper wrote this, is it obvious? smh) and then maybe there’s complications and then July’s going to have a hollow enough heart to say “Never say die” to that kid’s survival. You know, like the way she didn’t have any care or concern for Mick’s (you know who I’m referring to here) kid. And then Mick’s going to commit suicide while all this is going on or suddenly have a new sexual appetite as well. Really the third one will be any other thing you can think of that’ll butcher them or tear them apart even more so than they already are.
But anyway getting back to my point, I can give several reasons why this is actually a revenge ploy on Borba’s part. 1) he made the first comic and people hated him for it. 2) he was barraged with dozens of comments to make a second comic to correct things between July and Mick. 3) It was discovered that he had made some unsavory art work depicting lesbian women in a negative light. Put that all together and what did he do??? He gave us exactly what we “wanted”. He gave us a second comic, where he had a lesbian couple have a ”happy” ending, meanwhile “correcting” things between Mick and July by having them drift apart even further rather than having them come back closer as we actually wanted. See the pattern here? He just went opposite of everything his fan base wanted. We wanted Mick and July to get back together, did it happen? Nope. We wanted July to keep the baby, did she? Nope. That kid’s dead, buried, and forgotten like day old garbage. 
He’s mocking everyone. Whatever you ask for, he’s going to do the opposite just to spite you. But first he’s going to fill you with false hope with a “WildeHopps” drawing. Is this really someone who’s work you want to support? Just because it looks nicely drawn? Is curiosity really worth more than your dignity?
This man is a sociopath that borders on a psycopathic mentality. I’m not even joking or trolling with this statement. I’m honestly concerned that we’ve accidentally stumbled upon an artist with psycopathic tendencies. I honestly don’t know of any other type of person who gains so much joy out of people’s misery, which is exactly what he does. He’s patient, conceited, manipulative (as is evident with his bait art work depicting good WildeHopps art), deceitful, calculative, vengeful, and toys with people’s emotions. If this doesn’t sound like a sociopath bordering on psychopath then I don’t know what does. Don’t quote me on this, because I don’t know the man, but this side of his that he has revealed to people more recently is very concerning. 
Anyway, this comic made me feel sick and I personally want to know absolutely nothing of his ongoing series nor about him. Despite my better judgement, I did see where he went with his 2nd comic (even though all the red flags were there) and I was not wrong. He’s completely butchered Nick and Judy’s loving natures and names. And I refuse to give any more chances to someone who is sick enough in the head to take great joy in harming others, even if it is over a silly kid’s movie or comic. 
As I said before, I can’t control what you see and don’t see. If you want to see it, then so be it. But I do ask you to please not share it. Don’t give him attention, because in that sense he’s winning, because he’s getting the best of you and this community. This is not how you deal with a bully because giving them attention just fuels them even more. And honestly, at the point this comic is at: Do any of you really care anymore if July and Mick get back together? I’m a WildeHopps shipper through and through (hell, I’m a purist, meaning I don’t share anything where they’re with someone else), but this is actually the first bit of work where I could care less what happens to them. They could fall into a vortex or die a horrible death in the comic for all I care. Because they are completely unforgivable and just so out of character that it really feels like it’s not even Nick and Judy I’m looking at anymore. This is a toxic relationship being depicted by two characters who would NEVER be toxic to one another given the actual source material. In real life, July is the type of person no one would ever want to be with. 
More so because she’s written by a guy who clearly has no idea what love is. He took what was beautiful about Nick and Judy’s relationship, which is that Judy is the light in Nick’s otherwise dark past. She saved him from his own personal demons, she gave him a reason to fight and believe in himself. And he in turn proved to be the first person to ever believe in her and give her the support and faith in her dreams that no one, not even her parents ever gave her. And what did Borbleh do? He took it and made this wonderful bunny character as Mick’s worst nightmare that single handedly broke down everything the real Judy worked so hard to build. So forgive my foul language but: FUCK BORBA!
(Oh, and if you’re one of those people that are like: “yeah but July’s girlfriend supports her and her choices, cuz strong woman power!” Spare me that crap. I’m a woman and a career girl, but I am not betraying my maternal instincts for a job and this bad sort of feminism. Real Feminism is about equality, not throwing male characters down and stepping on them and falsely believing that this is empowering. A man who supports you and wants to be a father is a God sent. And again, Nick supports Judy’s desire to work and Judy cares about others more than her job. I refer you to the movie when Nick stands up to chief Bogo and when Judy GAVE UP HER CAREER for Nick. Sha-sha (the vixen) is just a controversial tool in this comic to start another controversy. The only thing that vixen supports more than Mick in this comic is that she’s submissive enough to put up with July’s heartless overbearing and dominating attitude.)
After this post, I don’t care how nice his art looks, I don’t care how “cute” a singular “WildeHopps” piece of his looks, I don’t care what horrible thing he does in the third comic, I don’t want to hear about it, see it or share it. Because Borba and his work were “Born to be Dead” if this is how he’s going to go about with continuing his work.  
PS. Sorry for the rant, but I’m serious. Please boycott his comic. It won’t be worth it. You’ll be holding on to a non-existing hope if you still want to give him a chance. Save yourself (and the rest of us) the depression and blues, because I guarantee that’s all you’ll get from him and that comic series. By the way, sorry if I said anything controversial to some, but yeah, I’m pissed. 
P.S.S. Why do we even give this comic so much attention? Let’s give this kind of attention (but positively of course) to the comics that deserve the attention and praise, like Sunderance, Savage Company, The Mark, and every other comic by true WildeHopps artists. Yeah, I know they have great attention already, but let’s give them more, because they remember why we’re all here for. For these two lovable characters:
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suzanneshannon · 5 years ago
Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes
It’s all too common to see the incorrect HTML used for quotes in markup. In this article, let’s dig into all this, looking at different situations and different HTML tags to handle those situations.
There are three major HTML elements involved in quotations:
Let’s take a look.
Blockquote tags are used for distinguishing quoted text from the rest of the content. My tenth grade English teacher drilled it into my head that any quote of four lines or longer should be set apart this way. The HTML spec has no such requirement, but as long as the text is a quote and you want it to be set apart from the surrounding text and tags, a blockquote is the semantic choice.
By default, browsers indent blockquotes by adding margin on each side.
See the Pen The Blockquote Tag by Undead Institute (@undeadinstitute) on CodePen.
As a flow element (i.e. “block level” element), blockquote can contain other elements inside it. For example, we can drop paragraphs in there with no problem:
<blockquote> <p></p> <p></p> </blockquote>
But it could be other elements, too, like a heading or an unordered list:
<blockquote> <h2></h2> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </blockquote>
It’s important to note that blockquotes should only be used for quotations rather than as a decorative element in a design. This also aids accessibility as screen reader users can jump between blockquotes. Thus a blockquote element used solely for aesthetics could really confuse those users. If you need something more decorative that falls outside the bounds of extended quotations, then perhaps a div with a class is the way to go.
blockquote, .callout-block { /* These could share styling */ }
Quoting with Q
Q tags (<q>) are for inline quotes, or what my tenth grade teacher would say are those under four lines. Many modern browsers will automatically add quotation marks to the quote as pseudo elements but you may need a backup solution for older browsers.
See the Pen The Q Tag by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
Typical quotation marks are just as valid for inline quotes as the <q> element. The benefits of using <q>, however, are that it includes a cite attribute, automatic handling of quotation marks, and automatic handling of quote levels. <q> elements should not used for sarcasm (e.g. “you would use a <q> tag for sarcasm, wouldn’t you?”), or signifying a word with air quotes (e.g. “awesome” is an “accurate” description of the author). But if you can figure out how to mark up air quotes, please let me know. Because that would be “awesome.”
The citation attribute
Both <q> and blockquotes can use a citation (cite) attribute. This attribute holds a URL that provides context and/or a reference for the quoted material. The spec makes a point of saying that the URL can be surrounded by spaces. (I’m not sure why that’s pointed out, but if you want to anger the semantic code deities, you’ll have to do more than throw spaces around.)
<p>The officer left a note saying <q cite="https://johnrhea.com/summons">You have been summoned to appear on the 4th day of January on charges of attempted reader bribery.</q></p>
That cite attribute isn’t visible to the user by default. You could add it in with a sprinkle of CSS magic like the following demo. You could even fiddle with it further to make the citation appear on hover.
See the Pen Attributable citations by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
Neither of those options are particularly great. If you need to cite a source such that users can see it and go to it, you should do it in HTML and probably with the <cite> element, which we’ll cover next.
The citation element
The <cite> tag should be used for referencing creative work rather than the person who said or wrote the quote. In other words, it’s not for quotes. Here are the examples from the spec:
<p>My favorite book is <cite>The Reality Dysfunction</cite> by Peter F. Hamilton. My favorite comic is <cite>Pearls Before Swine</cite> by Stephan Pastis. My favorite track is <cite>Jive Samba</cite> by the Cannonball Adderley Sextet.</p>
Here’s another example:
See the Pen Cite This! by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
If the author of this article told you he’d give you a cupcake, and you <cite> him by name, that would be semantically incorrect. Thus no cupcakes would change hands. If you cited the article in which he offered you a cupcake, that would be semantically correct, but since the author wouldn’t do that, you still wouldn’t get a cupcake. Sorry.
By default, browsers italicize cite tags and there’s no requirement that a <q> or <blockquote> be present to use the cite element. If you want to cite a book or other creative work, then slap it in the cite element. The semantic deities will smile on you for not using either <i> or <em> elements.
But where to put the cite element? Inside? Outside? The upside down? If we put it inside the <blockquote> or the <q>, we’re making it part of the quote. That's forbidden by the spec for just that reason.
<!-- This is apparently wrong --> <blockquote> Quote about cupcake distribution from an article <cite>The Article</cite> </blockquote>
Putting it outside just feels wrong and also requires you to have an enclosing element like a <div> if you wanted to style them together.
<div class="need-to-style-together"> <blockquote> Quote about cupcake distribution from an article </blockquote> <cite>The Article</cite> </div>
N.B. If you google this issue you may come across an HTML5 Doctor article from 2013 that contradicts much of what's laid out here. That said, every time it links to the docs for support, the docs agree with the article you're currently reading rather than the HTML5 Doctor article. Most likely the docs have changed since that article was written.
Hey, what about the figure element?
One way to mark up a quotation — and in a way that pleases the semantic code deities — is to put the blockquote within a figure element. Then, put the cite element and any other author or citation information in a figcaption.
<figure class="quote"> <blockquote> But web browsers aren’t like web servers. If your back-end code is getting so big that it’s starting to run noticably slowly, you can throw more computing power at it by scaling up your server. That’s not an option on the front-end where you don’t really have one run-time environment—your end users have their own run-time environment with its own constraints around computing power and network connectivity. </blockquote> <figcaption> — Jeremy Keith, <cite>Mental models</cite> </figcaption> </figure>
While this doubles the number of elements needed, there are several benefits:
It’s semantically correct for all four elements.
It allows you to both include and encapsulate author information beyond citing the name of the work.
It gives you an easy way to style the quote without resorting to divs, spans or wretchedness.
See the Pen It Figures You'd Say That by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
None of this is for dialogue
Not <dialog>! Those are for attention-grabbing modals. Dialogue, as in, conversational exchanges between people speaking or typing to each other.
Neither <blockquote> nor <q> nor <cite> are to be used for dialogue and similar exchanges between speakers. If you’re marking up dialogue, you can use whatever makes the most sense to you. There’s no semantic way to do it. That said, the spec suggests <p> tags and punctuation with <span> or <b> tags to designate the speaker and <i> tags to mark stage directions.
Accessibility of quotes
From the research I’ve done, screen readers should not have any issue with understanding semantic-deity-approved <q>, <blockquote>, or <cite> tags.
More “ways” to “quote”
You can add quotation marks to a <blockquote> using CSS pseudo elements. The <q> element comes with quotation marks baked in so they need not be added, however adding them as pseudo-elements can be a workaround for older browsers that don’t automatically add them. Since this is how modern browsers add the quotation marks there's no danger of adding duplicate quotes. New browsers will overwrite the default pseudo elements, and older browsers that support pseudo elements will add the quotes.
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But you can’t, like I did, assume that the above will always give you smart opening and closing quotes. Even if the font supports smart quotes, sometimes straight quotes will be displayed. To be safe, it’s better to use the quotes CSS property to up the intelligence on those quotation marks.
blockquote { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }
See the Pen "Quot-a-tizing" the blockquote by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
Multi-level quoting
Now let’s look at quote levels. The <q> tag will automatically adjust quote levels.
Let’s say you’re in an area that uses the British convention of using single quotes. You could use the CSS quotes rule to put the opening and closing single quotes first in the list. Here’s an example of both ways:
See the Pen Quote Within a Quote by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
There is no limit to nesting. Those nested <q> elements could even be within a blockquote that’s within a blockquote.
If you add quotation marks to a blockquote, know that the blockquote does not change the quote level the way a <q> tag does. If you expect to have quotes within a blockquote, you may want to add a descendant selector rule to start <q> elements within a blockquote at the single quote level (or double quotes if you follow British conventions).
blockquote q { quotes: "‘" "’" "“" "”"; }
The last quote level you put in will continue through subsequent levels of quotation. To use the double, single, double, single… convention, add more levels to the CSS quotes property.
q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’" "“" "”" "‘" "’" "“" "”"; }
Hanging punctuation
Many typography experts will tell you that hanging the quotation marks on blockquotes looks better (and they’re right). Hanging punctuation is, in this case, quotation marks that are pushed out from the text so that the characters of the text line up vertically.
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One possibility in CSS is using a slightly negative value on the text-indent property. The exact negative indentation will vary by font, so be sure to double check the spacing with the font you end up using.
blockquote { text-indent: -0.45em; }
There is a nicer way to handle this by using the hanging-punctuation CSS property. It’s only supported in Safari at the time of this writing, so we’ll have to progressively enhance:
/* Fallback */ blockquote { text-indent: -0.45em; } /* If there's support, erase the indent and use the property instead */ @supports ( hanging-punctuation: first) { blockquote { text-indent: 0; hanging-punctuation: first; } }
Using hanging-punctuation is better because it’s less fiddly. It’ll just work when it can.
See the Pen Hanging Your Punctuation by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
Can we animate quotation marks?
Of course we can.
See the Pen Dancing Quotes by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.
Why you’d need to do this, I’m not totally sure, but the quotation marks in a <q> tag are added are pseudo elements in the UA stylesheet, so we’re able to select and style them — including animation — if we need to.
Wait, maybe we just solved the air quotes thing after all.
The post Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Quoting in HTML: Quotations, Citations, and Blockquotes published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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I inform you ... every single time you bring in an attempt to enhance the quality your creature as well as lifestyle, whether it is actually cleaning our home, assisting your moms and dads, dealing with an ill buddy, falling short on assessments as well as trying again, life offers you identical aspects for that. Relationships are neither happy neither troubled; it is an impartial and also neutral element developed when pair of individuals come together for whatever reason. This belongs to your center being actually, however be conscious of this when she is actually all around and also offer her your full attention if you desire to maintain her delighted. I hated being an empty ship, and as I began going out with, I expected that special someone to find along, fill me up, and also create me satisfied. Charming life quotes are actually one such a way that make sure to bring immediate smile on your face. 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Typically, the songs are not should understand the tale, however I'm servicing including the lyrics to the tracks on the video posts in order that should be up soon.
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brucie-baby · 8 months ago
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brucie-baby · 8 months ago
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brucie-baby · 8 months ago
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richard siken // fortesa latifi // richard siken // @/ineloquent-creature // aeschylus & batman vol 3 #12
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angstandhappiness · 7 months ago
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“hope” is the thing with feathers - emily dickinson
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angstandhappiness · 7 months ago
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richey edwards // knight terrors: batman #2 // the stream of life - clarice lispector // batman: curse of the white knight #8 // eight - sleeping at last // knight terrors: batman #2 // fatima aamer bilal // batman v1 #416 // a hymn to childhood - li-young lee
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angstandhappiness · 7 months ago
DUDE, OUCH I really want that in-depth post
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richard siken // fortesa latifi // richard siken // @/ineloquent-creature // aeschylus & batman vol 3 #12
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