#please continue to see it as a tragic love song if you so wish
kmesons · 9 months
i've seen a lot of people say that 'the summoning' is the most unnerving song in npmd, and for good reason; it is immensely well-executed and excellently communicates how terrifying the lords in black can be. however, i don't see many people talking about 'cool as i think i am (reprise)' in this respect. yes, it's primarily meant to be tragic and pull on your heartstrings, because it makes you believe that pete is going to die and steph, his lover, will be the culprit. but honestly, the first time i listened to it, it was genuinely unsettling because of the contrast between the lyrics and its perceived purpose. at this point in the show, we've heard the song before and we know that it precedes tragedy. however, in this context, when pete and steph are finally revealing their feelings for one another, this song is when we as the audience are given the "confession of love" moment. thus, it is framed as a love song (however tragic). but the lyrics are literally pete trying to convince steph to kill him. it was very disconcerting, at least personally on the first watch.
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shanieveh · 1 year
please don't take my sunshine away...
— genshin men makes you sleep through a song
LYNEY only knows of simple hymns, that was used by his sister to make him sleep when he was young. As he brushed his fingers onto your skin, seeing you lose yourself off to dreamland... it was more than enough to bring a smile on his face. You saw behind the tricks and discovered the man that wants to please everyone, and with a simple goodnight, you lay in his lap hoping to see his face when you wake.
It was no secret that KAVEH had no sleep, maybe it was the works that made him busy but it was mostly the thoughts. So as he lulls you to sleep in the middle of the night, seeing your peaceful stance, so defenseless, yet something he wanted to defend with his life. Melodies filled the room that made you see the sweetest of dreams but right at the brink of your sleep, the music stopped. He was... asleep, hand on your hair, smiling soundly.
You giggled as CYNO's voice cracked while singing a lullaby. It was rare for him to make you laugh, enough to make him laugh as well. And as the many attempts of him to hum you a decent tune he looked at you again to see you fast asleep. Oh, I guess all of his efforts were in vain. As he kissed your temple goodnight, it was time for his favorite activity. Admiring you all night.
DILUC was scarcely home, but when he was it was always special, and even more so at night. His voice was raspy, but gentle all the same. It was almost like you didn't wanna sleep and just listen to him all night long. And so you lay there faking your rest, but he realized your plan and stopped. With a whine, you demanded him to start all over and giving in he sang another song.
FREMINET was very conscious with everything he does as he awkwardly looked at you, eyes glinting and dreaming of hearing a melody. And so he copied his mother and tried to pat your head, the more words he sang, the more comfortable he got. And when he finished it he saw you were already asleep. Did he do a good job? He hoped so, maybe one day he can sing you another one. Maybe. After all, he wished you knew him as well as the waters do.
NEUVILLETTE knew a lot of songs, maybe hiring an orchestra or overhearing a hymn from the guards. The night skies were so clear that day when he first sang his love to you, his emotions were deeper than his voice. Now he understood all those tragic plays, and romantic sacrifices. And as you lay there still sleeping he continues, hoping that his tune of joy and fondness for you reached the bottom of the abyss and to skies in Celestia.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
hiii!!🤍 idk if you are taking requests at the moment but yesterday i had this idea of fem!reader and rafe fic inspired on the song maniac by conan gray lmaoo
in my head this sounds like a good idea but idk lol
love uuuuu<333
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Accusations of Being a Stalker
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.8K
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Rafe sets eyes on the one person he doesn’t really want to see. The one person he loves, but who is too good for him. So he let her go. By the time he notices her in the crowd, he is on his sixth cup of whiskey and the alcohol is getting to his head. He shouldn’t do it, yet he does. He stumbles through the crowd to get close to her and his finger points at her in accusation. “I wish you were dead. Maybe then you’d stop popping up everywhere I go like a stalker,” he slurs, his finger wavering a little. She chuckles, “You wish I cared enough about you to stalk you. Except I know you need this so can go tell all your friends that I’m a stalker, a watcher or that I drive you mad. I really don’t care.” She flips her hair over her shoulder as she turns to go back to her friends. Their break-up was anything but friendly. Rafe had to resort to cruelty to get it to set into her mind that there was no salvation for them by talking through their problems. She was too good for him and he was just going to bring her down with him. That’s why he had to do it. As she goes to her friends, he catches a whiff of her perfume and he is dying to be able to properly take the scent in before she leaves again.
Later in the night, Y/N hears rustling in the backyard. She gets up from her bed to spot a familiar figure on the grass through her window. She groans; the irony of him calling her a stalker when he is the one at the back of her house late into the night. She goes downstairs and swings the backdoor open to get rid of him before her parents can wake up. She has to laugh at the sight of him stumbling through with a rose and a shovel in his hand. He holds both items up in his hands like he is balancing out the weight between the two. He comes to a decision and throws the shovel to the side. “Take me back,” he pleas. She chuckles, slamming the door in his face. “You are such a maniac.”
A few weeks later, her phone rings from her nightstand in the middle of the night. She presses the phone to her ear and rolls her eyes at who is on the other side. She puts some clothes on, heading to her car to make another mistake. She swears up a storm at the sight of the car smashed against the tree. She sets her car in park and runs over to the driver’s side to make sure he is okay. “You came,” he mumbles, looking at her with a dopey look. He reaches out to pet her hair. She jerks out of his touch. “What do you want me to do about this Rafe? You wrecked your car,” she states in frustration. His lips pout, “You always know how to fix my problems. Because you are perfect. That’s why I had to break up with you because you are too perfect.” His eyes start to pool with tears and she wipes the salty water away. “I’m going to call the police and they are going to take care of it,” she informs, pulling out her phone.
“No, please, don’t. I need you. I need you to stay.”
“It’s all I can do, Rafe. Look what we had was magic, but you turned it tragic. So I really don’t know what you want me to do.” 
“I want you to say that you are going to take me back.”
She lets out a low laugh, “You are a maniac.” Y/N leaves his side, listening to him whine as she goes to call the police. She couldn’t take any more of his bullshit. It breaks her heart that all he ever wants to do is use her for help and pretend like he really wants her to stay. He doesn’t love her. He made that clear when they broke up.
The next time he calls is during the day. He had just snorted a shit ton of coke and he was feeling his regret at a tenfold. “Come on, Y/N. Pick up. Pick up, Beautiful,” he begs into the phone at the continual sound of the call dialling. One ring. Two rings. After the third ring, he is sent to voice mail. 
She looks down at the phone, pressing the red button with a shake of her head. “He’s a maniac if he thinks I’m going to come back.”
 Rafe throws the phone against the wall, screaming as this is sinking in. He lost her and he was never going to get her back. This thought is enough to turn him into a maniac. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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jellyfitzjelly · 3 months
Please do write that fanfic of Ruyi and Ling Yunche. Both of them deserve the whole world 😭
Anon sorry for leaving you hanging I swear I am working on it! It's an AU where Ruyi marries Yunche instead of Hongli! Here is the beginning of my fic! I might actually post it as a standalone... Under a cut because it's long lol.
Ling Yunche looks between the doors of the Cold Palace every night when he’s on duty, and watches the fairy crying in the moonlight. She reminds him of the beautiful and tragic fox demon of his hometown’s folk song, condemned to cry forever under the moon with no possibility to join her human lover in the underworld. He misses his village so much. The capital is big and foreign to him, and the palace is a whole world contained within high red walls. He is blessed to have his sweetheart and his childhood friend here with him. They form Yunche’s own world, a cocoon of familiarity and warmth.
The beautiful, sorrowful girl looks terribly lonely in comparison.
He hears the other guards talk about her. She’s an Ula-Nara, the precious daughter of a powerful Manchu family now fallen. Her aunt was the lofty empress of the Forbidden City, but she is now locked away in her palace and disgraced. They say the favorite son of the Emperor wanted to marry her, courting his parents’ wrath. The Emperor was so enraged he ordered to have her thrown in the Cold Palace, even though she does not belong here. Yunche finds her lover a very weak man. Who wouldn’t feel chivalrous looking at that delicate face? And yet he lets her rot here, bending like tall weed in the wind to his parents’ will and marrying the women they have prepared for him. He should have eloped with her, he reasons, and escaped the capital. She must be heartbroken to have placed her love in such a fickle man. He always makes a prayer for her to find a better man, though he grimly knows that beautiful women have tragic fates more often than not. His Yanwan is certainly not as beautiful as this fairy, but she is his and she sings like a goddess. They have loved each other since they could remember. Her father was a joyous though incompetent man, spoiling her rotten when he was still alive. Yunche chases away the memories, not wishing to start thinking of his own parents, buried in his hometown. He has grown up a wild child with no parents to love him. But one day, he promises himself, he shall have a family again.
If the heavens have eyes, they will grant this beautiful girl a family too.
He watches her every night, hearing her quiet sobs. This time though, she turns around and in the semi-darkness, the moonlight is reflected in her eyes like precious jewels. Yunche should do the sensible thing and close the doors lest the girl starts screaming, but his hands refuse to obey him. The fairy approaches him slowly, the simplicity of her attire highlighting the porcelain of her skin and the delicate features of her face. It is as if the statue of a goddess had suddenly gained a life of its own.
“Who is this?” the beauty calls quietly.
“I am Ling Yunche, guard of the Cold Palace!” he whispers back. “And you, beautiful fairy, who are you?”
She looks at him, blinking in obvious surprise. He wants to smash his forehead against the heavy doors, cursing his foolishness.
“Beautiful fairy?” she repeats, confused, her brows furrowing.
“Oh, forgive me! You must be a ghost, rather than a fairy,” he jests to hide his mortification.
Her chuckle is a delightful sound, and her smile is as sweet as honey and as bright as the sun in summer. What possessed her man to abandon her?
“I am Ula-Nara Qinying, daughter of Naerbu.”
“So it is true? You are the woman the fourth prince wanted to marry?”
He sees her face contorts in hurt, and he curses himself once again for his blunder.
“Hey,” he continues, eager not to leave her with a dreadful impression of him, “if you need anything, call for me. I shall do what I can.”
“Thank you, Ling Yunche,” she smiles.
After that they speak leisurely when he is on duty at night, and familiarity has yet to succeed in making her startling beauty fade. He shares his cheap wine with her, and tries to make her laugh. She must be a fairy in disguise, he muses. She loves music and poetry, though she cannot dance; she loves to embroider swallows on her younger sister’s handkerchiefs; she likes to look at the moon when it is full. He never knew such a woman existed. Regularly he wonders how unlucky she is to have given her heart to such an ungrateful man. He never visits her, nor enquires after her. He lives his luxurious life, and has forgotten his sweetheart.
Finally, she is allowed to go back to her parents. She still looks heartbroken, but she gives him a smile as she thanks him for taking care of her. He does not see her again, though he regularly dreams of the fairy sobbing under the moonlight.
Yunche is promoted a week later, and he tells himself that perhaps her man is not so much of a cad as he believed him to be.
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daigyu01 · 2 years
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synopsis: in which a girl falls in love with the boy that goes on the morning train.
pairing: beomgyu x f!oc
genre: angst, romance, sad
warnings: this is based on the song "jueves" from La Oreja De Van Gogh, which is a song based on the terrorist attack in Madrid in 2004. If this triggers you, please do not continue reading!
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March 3rd, 2004.
The sound of morning birds chirping and the cool breeze flowing by as she ran. The smell of fresh bread at 8 o'clock in the morning engulfing the city as shops opened up. The people of Madrid getting up to start their day.
Yasmine was one of those many people. She held her bag firmly against her as she ran in heels to the metro. She wasn't worrying about being late to the metro, no. What she was worried about was not making it in time to see him.
She met him 2 months back when she was waiting for the regular train she took to get to school. The girl was staring at the wall daydreaming until a person stopped right in front of her view, making her come back to reality. That's the first time she ever laid eyes on him. It shocked her that there was such a beautiful man standing near her. He didn't seem to notice her though.
Tragically, the girl has never spoken to him. She wanted ever so badly to have just one conversation with him, even if it's just a "Hi."
But, she was too afraid and insecure to approach him.
"If i was prettier and a little smarter. If i was special, a magazine girl. I'd be brave enough to cross the train coach and ask you who you are."
He had no idea how much she loved him. she always wore her favorite skirt just for him, hoping he will one day notice her. Just looking at him as he yawned made her feel fuzzy and warm inside, and she hated the fact that all she could do was just sit there and watch him, begging for him to look up and see her.
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She had no idea how much he loved her back. He always missed his early train just to see her, even if it meant that he would get scolded by his teacher. He saw how she would stare at him from the other side of the tracks, and it made him look forward to waking up every morning if it meant he could see her face.
He was always afraid to stare back at her. This time though was different, he looked away from the magazine he held and stared straight at her.
She widened her eyes before glancing away in disbelief that her prayers were finally answered,yet she still didn't have the guts to continue staring at him.
She felt tiny in his gaze, and started to shake in both excitement and nervousness. That was the day she finally met her dream boy.
Once the train arrived they both got on and the boy instantly headed towards her. She was taking a seat without realizing he was right behind her.
"Hey." The boy breathed out as he tapped her shoulder. She jumped and turned around, the moment she saw him she wanted to leave the train so badly. It was her wish though, and it was coming true, why would she want to leave?
She was confused on why he was suddenly speaking to her, it didn't feel real. Maybe she was dreaming?
Yasmine awkwardly stood there next to the man that towered over her. When he didn't hear a response, he smiled down at her. "I'm Beomgyu. Choi Beomgyu. And you are?" He raised his hand for a hand shake.
she slowly took his hand and gave him a small smile. She knew he could see how red she was right now and it made her feel even smaller and insecure. "I'm Bae Yasmine." She replied as they shook hands.
Beomgyu smiled softly at her before the train started moving. "Let's take a seat, do you mind if I sit next to you?" Beomgyu asked.
"No!" She raised her voice without even realizing. He chuckled at her cuteness and sat down, continuing to look at her.
"I don't know you, yet i still miss you." He studied her face when he spoke.
To her, she was nothing but an average looking girl that no boy was interested in. But to him, she was everything he could ever imagine, the prettiest girl he had ever seen and he couldn't get enough of her.
From that moment on, they started forming their friendship, that they both prayed would become something more.
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March 11th, 2004.
The last day they would remember. The most special day that would happen to them both.
They continued their normal routine, going on the same train together and having conversations. Sometimes even forgetting to get off at their stop, or purposely missing it just to see each other more.
This particular day was different. It seemed normal at first. They both got up, got ready, headed to the metro to see each other, and talked during the whole train ride. But this time that train ride was cut short.
"What do you wanna be when you graduate Yasmine?" The boy leaned over at her, waiting for her response.
"You know, i honestly don't know. I've thought about it but i can't seem to find anything." She sighs, quite embarrassed. "What about you Beomgyu?"
Beomgyu beamed a boyish grin when he heard her say his name. "I enjoy dancing a lot, I wouldn't mind having a career based on that. I was thinking about applying to hybe, but now I'm not sure."
Her eyes glistened as she listened to him. "Why?" She asked.
"I was blessed and met you." Beomgyu licked his lips and moved her hair out of her face.
He lightly touched her cheeks and slowly moved his lips towards hers. She was too stunned to move, almost feeling like passing out right in the spot. Right as their lips finally touched, the lights of the train shut off.
That was the moment everyone started screaming. People started running around, freaking out as they started to hear sounds of what seemed like bombs.
Yasmine panicked as well, and tried to feel her way through the crowd that pushed her off her chair. She screamed out his name, touching everyone to see if it's him.
She didn't know what else to do but stand there. She had no idea what to do now. Everyone was shoving each other, pushing people into walls. She couldn't see anything but darkness.
"Yasmine! Is that you?" Beomgyu yelled, feeling her face. She gasped and quickly grabbed his hands feeling relief.
"Beomgyu!" She brought him into a hug as she started to cry. He felt worried for her, and completely forgot about the situation.
"Hey, don't be scared okay? It's alright. I'm here with you, I'll protect you." He rubbed her back and planted a kiss on her head.
She brought her head up and looked at him. All she could see was a slight shadow of him, but he still made her feel safe, and brave.
She suddenly caught him off guard and grabbed his face, bringing their lips together again into a real kiss.
"I love you Yasmine." Beomgyu started to feel tears go down his face when he heard the bombs get louder.
"I love you too Beomgyu." She replied, giving the last beat of her heart to him.
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Some thoughts on House S1
House was one of the first shows I really got into. Even from a young age, I had a soft spot for the comedic relief character that has a tragic backstory and doesn't want to let people get close for fear of being hurt again. Always a banger, rarely misses.
I was also waaaaaay too young to be watching, but watch it, I did. It was probably in its fourth season when I got into it? So, about 2009? Maybe 2008. So, I would've been around 10. That's some formative entertainment, right there.
I don't recall watching the show after it ended, so, this recent rewatch for the past week is the first time I've touched it since 2012. Really, I gave into temptation after seeing for the dozenth time tumblr's continued enthusiasm for it.
So, Season One.
I could recall the general plots of most of the episodes, sometimes could remember how some ended, sometimes just vaguely familiar. Considering how long it's been, it's still impressive how much has stuck with me.
God, I remember when I used to think Hugh Laurie was American. It's so funny growing up with Britcoms, not realizing that's him in stuff like Blackadder. I've always found Foreman's name funny because it's literally the same as Eric Foreman from That 70s Show.
I've always enjoyed the original team's dynamic: Foreman butting heads with House constantly, but only because they're so alike. Cameron wearing her heart on her sleeve, but also not afraid to try new things (the episode where she tries to persuade her coworkers by using their first names, and the way it works). Chase being so laid back, but he can get really opinionated at times, though, and adds nice conflict and contrast with the other two.
Cuddy and Wilson help balance out House's personality and antics so well. It's also interesting watching Wilson's more passive development, where we only get occasional updates. Like how he's at first happily, though strained, married, and then he's having casual lunch with one of the nurses, insisting that's all it is, and then spending time with House instead of his wife because his buddy needs the company and she's used to him being away. Then by the end of the season, his relationship is in the toilet.
With Cuddy, it's so hard to concentrate, because she's so damn pretty. The costuming department, wherever you are now, THANK YOU. Her attire is so on point, speaks volumes about her character, and is so aesthetically pleasing, and her office?? Is so gorgeous?? And is peak academia?? How are there not tumblr blogs solely dedicated to her outfits??
Truly, Cuddy's wardrobe for me is "God, I wish I had these clothes, these accessories!" But in reality, I dress like House. Well, I wear more plaid, but you get the picture.
A couple of highlights from this season; so, I only cried twice. Once during 1X10 and then 1X21. The former, with some of the best character development for Foreman, and how he goes from dismissing this poor woman to holding her hand as she dies of rabies, god DAMN was that a gut punch. Just, exquisitely done. And Three Stories, just as the audience puts it together that these are all very similar to what happened to House, BOOM, they reveal just exactly that: he's expressing his past trauma the only way he knows how, as a teaching moment. Just, I needed a moment after the episode ended, because it just makes you feel like shit. If you or someone you love has ever been misdiagnosed, or doctors have ignored your symptoms, or inadvertently made your condition worse, you know exactly how this feels. It's just so heartbreaking.
That bookending moment, with the season opening and closing with You Can't Always Get What You Want, is so good. The way it, again, socks you in the stomach by reframing the context of the song, showing how House and Stacy were it for each other, and still want one another, but they're bad together. House may be the One, but Stacy's husband is what she needs. Jesus fucking christ, this first season is so good.
Is it perfect? No. The writers are still getting to know these characters, and that's expected. But it's a really strong start, and is really great at looking at the many different facets of these characters very early on.
Fun little side note, despite having health related anxiety, this show doesn't freak me out. Maybe it's because it can be funny, maybe it's reassuring in how, no matter what's wrong with you, there's likely someone out there that can help. They may violate your privacy while they're at it, but they'll help you. It's oddly reassuring.
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astarionenthusiast · 7 months
taylor songs i haven't written for
this is a list of every taylor swift song and i'll be marking off ones i've written for as i continue writing. i am open to writing multiple for the same song, but if you want to request one with a song that hasn't been written yet, this is the place to go!
my hardcore swifties will notice this list is missing several songs. i typed this list out manually and chose to skip over songs i am not comfortable with writing, whether that be because of the song's personal connection to taylor or myself or simply because i do not want to write something based on it. if you have a favorite song by taylor that is one i took off, please don't make a request for it.
I DO NOT WRITE NSFW, please do not request that. i will happily write things that are suggestive. i'm also not great with angst, but i can do it if necessary :)
requests do not have to based on taylor songs! they don't even have to be based on songs. as long as you are operating within the rules stated above i will take any requests!
an asterisk (*) indicates a song that has multiple entries based on it.
a pen 🖊️ indicates a work for this song is in progress!
Taylor Swift
Tim McGraw
Picture To Burn
Teardrops On My Guitar
A Place In This World
Cold As You
The Outisde
Tied Together With A Smile
Stay Beautiful
Should've Said No
Mary's Song (Oh My My My)
Our Song
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
A Perfectly Good Heart
Fearless (Taylor's Version)
Love Story
Hey Stephen
White Horse
You Belong With Me
Tell Me Why
You're Not Sorry
The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always
The Best Day
Jump Then Fall
Come In With The Rain
The Other Side Of The Door
Today Was A Fairytale
You All Over Me
Mr. Perfectly Fine
We Were Happy
That's When
Don't You
Bye Bye Baby
If This Was A Movie
Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
Sparks Fly
Back To December
Speak Now
Dear John
The Story Of Us
Never Grow Up
Better Than Revenge
Last Kiss
Long Live
Electric Touch
When Emma Falls In Love
I Can See YOu
Castles Crumbling
Foolish One
Red (Taylor's Version)
State Of Grace
I Knew You Were Trouble
All Too Well
I Almost Do
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Stay Stay Stay
The Last Time
Holy Ground
Sad Beautiful Tragic
The Lucky One
Everything Has Changed
Begin Again
The Moment I Knew
Come Back...Be Here
Girl At Home
Better Man
Nothing New
Message In A Bottle
I Bet You Think About Me
The Very First Night
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Safe & Sound
Eyes Open
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Welcome To New York
Blank Space
Out Of The Woods
All You Had To Do Was Stay
Shake It Off
I Wish You Would
Bad Blood
Wildest Dreams
How You Get The Girl
This Love
I Know Places
You Are In Love
New Romantics
Say Don't Go
Now That We Don't Talk
Suburban Legends
Is It Over Now?
...Ready For It?
End Game
I Did Something Bad
Don't Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
So It Goes...*
Getaway Car
King Of My Heart
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Call It What You Want
New Year's Day
I Forgot That You Existed
Cruel Summer
The Man
The Archer
I Think He Knows
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
Paper Rings
Cornelia Street
Death By A Thousand Cuts
London Boy
False God
It's Nice To Have A Friend
All Of The Girls You Loved Before
the 1
the last great american dynasty
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
illicit affairs
invisible string
mad woman
the lakes
champagne problems
gold rush
'tis the damn season
no body, no crime
coney island
cowboy like me
long story short
right where you left me
it's time to go
Lavender Haze
Snow On The Beach
Midnight Rain
Vigilante Shit
Sweet Nothing
The Great War
High Infidelity
Hits Different
0 notes
2ndsparrow · 2 years
Message from Santa-
The Carol of Our Belonging
Merry Christmas 2018
Revised 12.19.2022
image credit - jrr tolkien - letters from father christmas
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Hallo my Loves!!!
Seems time to say a few things about this and that.
I love all the thoughtful notes. Thank you. Please, though, I hope you might let a few questions go. Please as well, when another dreadful Santa story comes on, turn off the Telly. Maybe leave it off but for the rarest delights.
“So which Santa am I?” you ask. The real one? “And which nickname is the true one?” “What part of the world do I come from?”
Do you, my dear children, believe in me?
I am at home in each region, with every family that invites with sincerity, and I am home in the deepest north.
Please don’t bother with all those stories explaining what is mysterious about me. The mystery is lovelier than the explanations could ever be. Those who seek simple answers, as most do these days, would insist that no man could be in all places on a single night.  Perhaps they would be right about such a solitary old soul, but I’m also quite sure I may come home just as we wish. How could these both be true?
If your imaginative appetite and faithful wondrous curiosities flourish even though you have found no simple answers then you know that I am. 
On the other hand, if your logic leads you to some apparent fact that no person could circumnavigate the globe on a particular calendar night, stop for a personal visit in each child’s home, all while traveling through illogical means from the verifiably most desolate, inhospitable, unforgiving region on the planet, -and you are then expected to disregard your quite reliable sensibilities-  then there could be no rational conclusion to be drawn but to trust your judgment. Yet for open-hearted of you who trust that there is much we can never understand, and you continue to Love, I visit you and your children and I quicken your faithful spirit each Christmas. Ask me how I must either be none or many and I say just that I am.
But also that I am called to you in song - a voice - in harmonic resonance - a Carol of our Belonging. I am at home with you if you feel even slightly intrigued (that does not require blind disregard of well warranted and battle weary suspicions) but if you feel at least marginally intrigued by the currency of the ideas about the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Son of Man -if you find wonder in the Christ as that mysterious Holy Breath we draw in and let out marking every single NOW, then He is. I am. We are. I visit you in His Holy Name every Christmas Eve with the blessed marrow-born memory of the very first breath.
Oh, and my dear sweet children, let me be quite clear on this next point. I am very very old. My names and my history serve the Christ by aspiring to the image of the Most High - Gloria in Excelsis Deo - exalting the man of Jesus at his birth. He said in later years, “Before Abraham, I am.” You see he knows the reverie of Abraham, Krishna, Siddhartha, Fatima… it is not such a short list. Brahman, or the Chi, Source, Unified field of Consciousness, God - call it what you will - this is eternal and many beautiful mortals have known The Ineffable Divine. To honestly know this is to know that one’s particular context is no obstacle. Quite the contrary, arrogance does most adequately suffice in the tragic denial of Love. 
Our dear beloved Desmond reminded us that God is not a “Christian” AND He loves us, is Love, and will absolutely continue on Loving as Love. These are all narrow words for pieces of a wide eternal pulsating “now” within which we are unbearably privileged to bear the tension of divinity in our mortal moment. I simply return tonight to remind you.
None of us can sleepwalk through this holy night if we wish to truly wake each day. One day, as the promise inspires, we may all come to know what has always been true. We are one conscience, one body - and we truly wake each day knowing that We Are as I Am. This is the promise. And to be sure, even I, Nick, am still a trifle clumsy with all of this, just like you. (I know, it’s “Saint” Nick, but you can’t even get started without humility.) This, my beautiful children, is the what - the who - the how I serve. This is the Carol of our Belonging. Emmanuel God With Us.
Finally, hang in there my children. Just do your best. Yours is the heart of this journey.  Your reverence - your commitments - your honor - your grace - HIS GRACE- (Surrender and Gratitude, my loves)-  these are yours to carry and be carried toward this dreamlike sleigh-ride into Humanity. Be not discouraged.
Merry Christmas all my dearest Loves (that would be you, whoever so hears me) and God bless us, Everyone!
— GP X (Grand Père Christmas)
St. Nicholas
Father Christmas
Père Noel
...And whatever other names I have forgotten.
0 notes
absolutebl · 2 years
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Kpop Idols in BLs 
Ironically the first idol to appeal in a Korean BL role so far as I can tell is Japanese idol Terada Takuya (Cross Gene) who was ½ of the BL couple in 2015′s The Lover.
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The first Korean idol to do so was Yoo Dong Kyun (Khan of ZPZG), who was in Tropical Night (2017). It v. sad.
Idols in BL Shows
2015 - Terada Takuya (formerly Takuya of CROSS GENE) The Lover
2017 - Yoo Dong Kyun (Khan of ZPZG, disbanded) in Tropical Night 
2020 - Cheon Seung Ho (Seungho of THE MAN BLK) in Mr. Heart
2020 - Kang In Soo (MYNAME, disbanded) in Wish You & Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (2021)
2020 - Lee Sang (IMFACT, inactive) in Wish You
2021 - Hur Hyun Jun (formerly Hwall of THE BOYZ) in Color Rush
2021 - Son Woo Hyun (Ghun of X-5, disbanded) in To My Star
2021 - Kim Yoo Hwan (SPEED, disbanded) in The Tasty Florida. I am gonna add that amazing body of his is well earned. He was one of SPEED’s acrobats and they had some of the greatest trick work EVER fielded in the industry (fight me). He’s the white shirt in this one (watch until the end, that swing flip I CAN’T EVEN. And he’s the ripped jeans + run dmc shirt in this one (yeah they’re fucking dancing in wheelies). 
2021 - Choe Chan Yi (formerly Chanyi of THE MAN BLK) in Light on Me (ACE did the song)
2022 - Park Bum Jun (Bumjun of band 2Z) in Behind Cut (2Z also appears in Ocean Likes Me)
2022 - Eom Se Ung (formerly Seung of THE MAN BLK) in Behind Cut
2022 - Park Jun Hee (Jun of A.C.E.) Tinted With You 
2022 - Han Sang Hyuk (Hyuk of VIXX) in Color Rush 2
2022 - Kim Ji Woong (INX, disbanded) in Kissable Lips & Roommates of Poongduck 304 
2022 - Park Seo Ham (formerly of KNK) in Semantic Error
2022 - Park Jae Chan (DKZ) in Semantic Error
2022 - Ok Jin Uk (trot group SUPERFIVE) in Cherry Blossoms After Winter
2022 - Holland in Ocean Likes Me (soloist, first out gay idol in a BL, also appears in Roommates of Poongduck 304)
2022 - Leo (VIXX) in Happy Ending Romance 
2022 - Karam (THE BOSS, inactive) in Happy Ending Romance 
2023 - JunQ (MYNAME, inactive) in Individual Circumstances 
2023 - Jaehan & Yechan (BOTH from OMEGA X) in A Shoulder to Cry On 
2023 - Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) in Unintentional Love Story 
2023 - Lee Dong Won (main rapper of KNK) in Happy Merry Ending 
2023 - Kim Kyu Jong (formerly of SS501, major stage musical actor) in Happy Merry Ending 
This has been a brief history of idols in BLs, Love in Spring not included. I’m sure I missed some and I’m sure there will be more. Comment with additions, please. 
I’m stopping now. Pretty much every new KBL has soem kinda idol in it from 2023 on. It’s actually stranger to see one without an idol now.
I did dither over THE MAN BLK legitimately counting for various reasons, but then decided Kpop-ness is not my judgement to make, and left them all in. 
Also it should be noted that Rowoon of SF9 does a killer job as a bisexual character in The King’s Affection, but that’s not BL. 
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Kpop MV BLs:
K.will - Please don't... - unquestionably the most famous, this is a tragic BL and features two extremely famous Kdrama actors from almost a decade ago! 
Park Won - Fuxxxxx crazy - features Han Se Jin from Mr Heart and Lee Ki Hyun from Light On Me) 
Park Won - Fuxxxxx crazy - in English, vocal by 스텔라장, with additional sexy footage 
The Rose - Beauty and the Beast - 3 fairy stories, one of which is gay 
OnlyOneOf’s hit libitO also has BL themes. 
There’s a lot more sensuality and queer context out there, so I’ll pass you along to this fun video on the subject with samples. 
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The OnlyOneOf BL MV series 
YooJung (main dancer, visual) - begin - BL love story continued in... 
KB (lead rapper, visual) - be free - continuation and other side of above story 
JunJi (lead vocalist, lead dancer) - be mine - second BL couple story continued in... 
Rie (lead vocalist, lead dancer) - because - other side of above second couple, this one has the BL pool trope and is a break up MV 
Mill (main rapper) - beat - this is my favorite of the series it’s a “saving him from his bullies” romance, very cute, completed in... 
Nine 'beyOnd' (vocalist, mak) - beyond - other side of above third couple, bit of a bad boy trope 
Bonus: 'Fuxxxxx Crazy' MV Making Film 
Most of Holland’s stuff is hella gay, but not necessarily BL. 
Taiwanese Bl actor, Lin Yu (OuWen in Love is Science?) featured in a sad gay MV
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Takara & Amagi were both played by Jpop idols. Arata Sato is a member of IMPACTors, and Oriyama Nao of Shounen Ninja (both groups are managed by Johnny's Jr). I’m not going to track the Jpops in JBLs because challenges.
That said, 2022′s The Usual Night (Twitter account) from Japan is a 10-ep fake documentary series starring the members of Jpop group the Fantastics. It flew under everyone’s radars but apparently has a BL subplot featuring Yagi Yusei (My Beautiful Man) and Seguchi Leiya. This officially means they beat OnlyOneOf to the punch as the first inter-group BL pairing. Keito Kimura (Onoe from Candy Color Paradox) is also a member of Fantastics and in the show. Source reddit.
Follow up question: 
Do I think any MAJOR idols will do BL? 
I think it's pretty unlikely right now.
ACE's Jun is probubly the biggest idol to have done a BL so far (at the time, pre-BL, not post). I do think the Jaehyun (NCT) possibly doing a BL thing thing was a rumor. Boy do I neither care nor want to argue about this, please don't comment on the subject. He's cute, it'd be fun, *waves hand in air* go away NCTzens.
If it's a major idol currently active it'll be a non-Korean (contract allowing) or one of those 3rd Gen out-of-contracts we are about to see a lot more of. (You better believe everyone is watching GOT7 to see what they do and how they handle it, so...)
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But I think BL will still only be able to tap second tear idols even then - so VIXX not GOT7, for example. No shade on VIXX, they’re amazing, but they don’t have the same numbers in any arena, literally and figuratively. Also those from defunked and fractured groups seem to be fair game. And it’ll still be mostly the shorter idols who want to break into acting. And/or the ones old enough not to give a shit about reputation anymore. (None of this applies to Japan, attitudes are way different there.) 
The personality of the idol really plays into this too. Like I could see Ten or Yuta (NCT) being all “fuck it, I’m doing a BL” (eventually) but not Mark (GOT7) for example. 
It's unlikely any studio would allow a highly active 4th gen do a BL. And yes, I do think it's studio controls in place, they’re very careful with their stable.
You don't let a triple crown racehorse do dressage no matter how popular dressage becomes. 
That said, if the racehorse doesn’t perform well but dressage can somehow help?
Kpop group DKZ’s prior album first week’s sales? 1,482. Comeback in April 2022? 107,965.
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The reason for that 100x increase? Most likely Park Jae Chan’s appearance as SongWoo in Semantic Error.
Apparently he had to convince his company to let him do it. 
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Do you feel drunk with power BL universe? I do. (info via KPOP Junkee)
In other news NuNew & Nat (Thai BL Cutie Pie) do a fun acoustic cover of Blackpink’s Lovesick Girls, which I find rather amusing for some reason. 
Other BL + Kpop crossover stuff from me: 
BLs as K-pop groups
K-pop Allegiance chart 
Match a Kpop song to that BL! 
GOT7 Jay B singing wet track 
10 Korean Male Beauty Ideals 
Top 10 Kpop Idol BL Fantasy Cast List
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My Favorite BL OTSs
Okay so “sing your feelings” is one of my least favorite tropes but still I often get asked about my favorite OSTs (original sound tracks), if I gravitate to anything it’ll just be one OTS (theme song) here are some of mine in no particular order:
Dark Blue Kiss - I genuinely love the weird drama-llama intro music, but yeah, no singing 
Color Rush by Ryu Su Jeong and Finding You Kwon Soon Il- I like both theme songs enough to have actually purchased them 
Wish You’s Wish For You by Kang In Soo & Lee Sang (IMFACT)
I'll Be There by Johnny (To My Star) 
Light On Me’s Spark by A.C.E. 
Ocean Likes Me by Holland (for the BL of the same name)
My Oxygen sung by Nut (though I got tired of it fast) 
I Still by Leo (VIXX) for Happy Ending Romance (Leo’s voice is just...) 
Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu (for Eternal Yesterday) was my favorite of 2022, it’s still lives on my playlist in regular rotation, the BL on the other hand... 
Rainbow - the refrain, not the main theme song, for Love Tractor 
I’m probably missing a few, but I’ll add to this so long a Tumblr lets me. 
13 K-pop Idols Who Admitted They Are Part of the LGBT Community 
Last updated Mid 2023. Not sure how much longer Tumblr will let me update this one, also it’s kinda turning into a Kpop right of passage. So I’ve officlally stopped tracking. 
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Hello! I just wanted to ask what songs you associate transmigrated reader and cale's relationship with?
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) muach
i dont have the best range in in music taste since i just listened to whatever is trending rn so im sorry if this list is bland as fuck.
i explain some of why i associate the two songs with them, i hope you'll find them satisfactory ( ◜‿◝ )♡
with the those two, i would say:
In most popular opinions, In A Week is quite a gloomy and yet lovely song for its meaning.
A lot of people interpret the song as a couple laying together as they enter the afterlife ; it's bound to be quite a scary experience, but because their other half is laying beside them, they only feel a sense of peace and welcomes that death with open arms.
But my personal interpretation about this song is about how meeting each other could evoke such a peaceful atmosphere that it almost felt like death (basically romanticizing the peaceful death and not how quite it was) and that was interpreted in the first line :
I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
The whole world is such a rocky place for the two of them — how it continuously preys upon the peace they want to have so much and how the two of them cannot understand the thought to ruin another person who had done nothing wrong
I have never known hunger like these insects that feast on me
— is a line that I interpret as both of them admitting that they have never had the intention to feast (attack, prey upon, ruin) on others like how others are doing to them.
Both Cale and T!Reader are people with a tragic past and no one deserved to have their past, and yet it seems like they still kept on being good people.
I don't want to go on a tangent with this song analysis but the bottom line of this song is about how I think the two of them could find a sense of peace that almost feels similar to death when they are with each other and they could so easily drown in each other's presence
We lay here for years or for hours
This line explains how easily they are to be consumed by each other's presence — time no longer making sense. Were they here for an hour or for five? Was it a whole day? They don't know, and really, none of them cared.
So long we become the flowers
This one is a bit scary haha. This line explains how they both lay together, still and in peace to the point they could have become a part of Mother Nature.
Though the bottom line of the song is how no matter where they are, if they are still with each other, that's home.
This song is inspired by bog bodies in Ireland but I have my interpretation that I think goes along well with the series!
This song, to me, talks of how two people with their own pasts and scars are questioning each other regarding their pasts — something you see Cale do often in my stories.
Why were you digging?
What did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I thought this was a perfect song for Cale who always wondered about Reader's past.
"What happened to you in the past?"
"What are you looking for?"
"Before you met me, what exactly did you go through?"
"What kind of past did you have to bury?"
And almost instantly, Cale's reaction to his own curiosity appeared — selfless and patient, where he still respects their privacy and was willing to wait until they're ready.
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask you, neither should you
That second line is Cale's realization that he also has a past and scars that he wished to not talk of. He knows that Reader knows, but he does not wish to talk of it, and therefore he cannot pressure Reader to talk further about their past.
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
This line is so sweet to me because despite the questions, scars, the pondering, they decided to just "you know, let's try". They decided to continue the relationship although there's so many things blank, but they love each other too much to let each other go just because the other party isn't comfortable yet.
We should just kiss like real people do
This line makes me a bit bittersweet because it could be saying something about how the two of them are still dancing around — they haven't think of what they have as something real, so they try their best to convince others or even themselves.
For me, this song meant a lot about the act of waiting and being patient until you reach the point of your relationship where you're both ready to talk and become transparent. Very slow burn.
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ncitygirls · 3 years
forgive - hyunjin x f reader
angst, fluff, smut, royal au, 4.1k
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to die just as one graduates to motherhood is the tragic fate of countless women of your time. though there is no shame in falling victim to eve’s curse, one does feels a deserving sense of pride in their ability to look the devil in the eye and turn one’s cheek. to crawl through the forest of death and drag oneself towards the light. many are denied the privilege of survival. living is a sign from the heavens that perhaps there is a reason for such trials. that strife is a lesson in one’s journey, a meaning to life.
but to die before bearing your husband a son is a fate you would readily accept in place of the dark nothing you nearly surrendered to. the thought drifts into your mind the moment your greatest trial and grandest reward shifts in your arms, your daughter’s wails slowly rising in pitch and frequency as you smile loftily at her bundled form in your lap. she sings a song most would call unbearable. the screech so shrill, it pierces through even the most impenetrable guard. but never through you. you could continue to find peace in the deafening sound had it not been for your husband. your dear, sweet husband.
your king.
your king, whose presence thus far escaped you. that is until he asked, just a decibel louder than the wailing infant, “could you please settle her, sweet?”
“oh,” you glance at his rigid form, across your living quarters, to find his pretty scowl trained on his heir, only softening when his eyes meet the familiar orbs of his queen. “my apologies, hyunjin. is she distracting you?”
“no,” he breathes, allowing his head to fall back on the loveseat, his sculpted cheek puffs. “it’s just annoying.”
“it?” your eyes quickly return to him, only to be met by the back of his morning paper. “i do hope you are referring to the sound itself and not to your child, my love?”
“does it matter?” he sighs, realising moments too late that the room has stilled. “my dear, i did not mean to offend.’
“of course not, your highness,” ah, ‘your highness’. you call on the title in the times you wish to hurt him most. “she is but a child, of course you meant her no offense. i ask for your mercy, sire.”
“i sense hostility in you.”
“shall I call on a nurse for you, your grace?” he wonders for a second what the reason could be before you readily come to his aid. “it is most unlike you to use sense of any kind.”
“that was out of turn-”
“me? my king, you believe it is i who is out of turn?” hyunjin knows there is no answer to such a question. because yes would present grounds for annulment and no would mean he is wrong. and kings cannot be found in the wrong. “not the new father who refers to his daughter as ‘it’? of course it is not he who is speaking out of turn, not when he is a king.
“when he is a man.”
“ah, ‘men are the source of all the world’s ailments’, must we hear excerpts from your manifesto again, my love? it is only noon,” he assumes you hear only humour in his tone and decides to take it a step further. “is it in your plans to fill the house of hwang with women just to spite me?”
“oh,” you breathe, smiling softly as he watches, “is it a son you desire, hyunjin? is that what you want?” his eyes squint as he watches his love rise to place his only heir in the cot before you glide over to him, sweetness vanishing from your eyes as you succumb to your wrath. “you want a son, king hyunjin? then give me one.”
“leave us.” the servants standing by flee the room, quick to abandon a maid who halts as hyunjin blocks her path. “take the child.”
she takes a hurried step towards your child before she is stopped once more. “take my child and i will take your hand.” the poor girl is quick to abandon her king’s direct order before fleeing the scene, closing the door as she departs.
a biting silence takes the place of the bodies that once filled the chamber, thickening every corner of the room. minutes pass before hyunjin realises you have no further interest in him. “if it were not for the fact my heart beats for you, my beloved, i too would take my leave.”
“your heart? is that what beats in your chest, hyunjin? a heart?” he scoffs, unbothered by the deflection masked by your jab. “kings are meant to rule, not jest. do not humour me.”
“was your tea cup mistaken for a bedpan?”
“i almost died, jinnie!” he withers as you tremble, your eyes misting as you try to find someone resembling your beloved in the man sat across from you. “i almost lost my life bearing you the heir you prayed for, only for you to treat her with the same regard one does a child born in illegitimacy.” he wishes to deny it, and you see it too. but your eyes are alight and hyunjin swears he sees his end in them. “she is your child, hyunjin. and should she be your only, she will wear your crown with pride and rule as well as any boy ever could.”
“i know that.” your scoff stung like a strike to the cheek and winds him like a blow to the gut. “i do. y/n, i swear it to you.”
“then perhaps you should act like it.” he finally sees what fuels your rage and rests behind your eyes: disappointment. “you cannot love me and not my kin, jin. i won’t allow it.”
“my love,” he reaches for you but you repel, moving instead to the babbling baby. “you mistake my desire for a son as a lack of joy for my daughter.” pulling your hands from the sides of the cot, he dwarfs them with his own. “i love her with everything i have in me. i swear.”
“had my father received me as you did our child, i would not believe that to be the case.”
“forgive me, my love.” you’re quick to cast your gaze elsewhere, ignoring his puppy eyed plea. “i will pray the heavens take mercy on me, but i need you to first. please believe me when i say i love her. i do. she is half of the greatest woman to ever walk this kingdom, i worship her.”
“then why? why the cold shoulder? why treat her this way?” he suddenly finds himself unable to answer, opting instead to rock the baby, basking in her glow. with a soft sigh, you raise a hand to his cheek, offering him reprieve as he burrows into your palm. “what troubles you?”
“nothing, my love.” your disbelieving gaze sends his shoulders south, his whole frame sagging. “it’s just my dealings with the courts.” of course. the courts. “i spent every night bowed in ceaseless prayer. i prayed for your health, for your life, for our child. i prayed until bruises formed on my knees, my love. and still i prayed. but as i prayed for my family, they prayed only for my successor, for a boy.” though you find it impossible, he manages to lower himself further. folding himself into you, almost in two, hiding his long face from view. “once I caught wind of their talks with the lord, i condemned it. i condemned any prayer against my wishes but the court can do as they please in their solitude and i know we do not rule on fear but after her birth, for the first time in my life? i wished we did.” it was inexplicable, the difficulty you had beholding an enraged hyunjin, the skin curving around his knuckles and jaw as they tightened with every word he uttered, your heart tightening in kind. “i wanted to make heads roll, to end them for the disregard they paid my child, my family, my wife.” it starts to make sense now, his grinding teeth and red rimmed eyes. his late and sleepless nights. the nights hypnos granted him even a slither of reprieve were spent clinging to you, a cold sweat soaking the sheets, puzzling you beyond belief. it all makes sense. “the courts have filled me with doubt. they warned of foreign enemies who would hear of our heir, of our girl. that they would see her as a sign we are weak, that we are lesser.”
“but how can they speak in such a way? we are ahead of such things.”
“my love, you must see past the likes of lord kim and baron han. the rest of the men in my court are old, and stuck in old ways. our nation has not seen a queen on the throne since the likes of my widowed great, great grandmother.” his hands cup your face, bleary eyes blinking back the tears his heavy words summoned. “i love you, y/n. and i love her. all i want is for you both to be safe. but i live in constant fear that i cannot keep you safe with enemies outside our walls and evidently within.”
“hyunjin, my love,” he settles at the soft spoken call of his name, the loving address soothing his forlorn heart. “i will burn the court to the ground before they bring harm to my kin. or to you.” it is not unlike you to let your anger consume you. in fact, it is but a facet of what made him fall in love with you. what continues to bother him is the fact he was not the first to make such a bold promise. “my love?”
“fret not, my queen,” his nimble hands gather his daughter from her cot, his lips pulling in a soft grin as the child gargles, reaching up for him. “it is just, with my brains and your ferocity, i believe this hwang might be the greatest queen- no, ruler levanter has ever seen.”
“forgive me, my love,” the apology fills the space to his left, from where your temple rests on his shoulder, fingers toying with his undershirt. “but you do not suggest that this girl will be inheriting her brains from her father-”
“watch your mouth.”
“watch it for me.”
“careful,” he warns, dropping his lips to yours for a brief peck before withdrawing but an inch, “i might just give you that son you asked for.”
“careful, or i might just let you.” your rebuttal has him fanning your lips with a breathless chortle, urging you to rise to the tips of your toes and connect your lips to his once more. when you withdraw, he follows, resting his forehead on yours, smiling softly as your eyes meet. your voice is barely a whisper as you enquire, “what do we do now, my love?”
“now, i will handle the courts,” huffing, hyunjin places a kiss to the crown of his daughter’s head, smiling as he does. “i am afraid you will just have to handle everything else.” the regret in his words do not match the smirk on his lips, though he confesses, “i do not envy you, my love.” placing the baby in the cot once more, he pulls you into his chest, resting his cheek at the uppermost point on your head. “but i will keep you both safe. i put my life on it-”
“sire,” you warn, leaning up to kiss his neck. “your life is no longer yours to wager.”
“is that so?” hyunjin only grins at your assured affirmation. “my queen, is there anything that is mine in this kingdom?”
“me.” even after all these years, hyunjin is undone by you. from your matter of fact utterance, a breathless admission of submission to your glowy eyed gaze, eyes shining with pure adoration. “i belong to you.”
“you do?” he sighs when you nod, the small bounce of your head forcing his own head up and down. his eyes and hands slowly trail down your arms stilling at your fingers. slipping his digits between yours, he raises them to his pouted lips, slowly pressing each one with a kiss so soft and so sweet, you nearly jump as he speaks. “and these? do these belong to me?”
“yes, sire.”
“good,” he breathes, joy flashing behind his eyes. “and what about this?” he whispers against your lips, his plump lips tangling with your own. only after playing with your tongue, sucking on the muscle and swallowing your whines does he ask, “is this smart mouth of yours mine?”
“all yours.”
he nods in agreement, fingers gliding down the side of your neck, dusting over your chemise to cup you over your stay. only to find you bare. “were you that hastened to join me for tea?”
“no,” you laugh, hitting his chest as he pulls you closer, enjoying feeling your near bare chest on his. “i breastfeed.” you love your king. for as slow as he is, he is twice as loving. you watch realisation dawn on him not once but twice, a slight pout stealing his lips, exaggerated by their natural downturn. “what is it?”
“i just,” he stops, laughing to himself. “i just realised these-” he cups your tender breasts, thumb barely dusting the sore nubs. “-they’re no longer mine.”
“hyunjin!” his laughter picks up before it stills, the sleeping princess nearly awoken by the delight of her parents. “no, they’re on loan.”
“that’s fine.” he sighs, ducking his head to kiss the center of your chest. “i’ll wait.”
“i’m proud of you.”
“thank you,” your pride does not last long, as he lowers his hands to cup your ass and pull you flush against him. through your chemise and slip, you feel him. all of him. he deftly slips his tongue between your gasping lips, filling your mouth in ways that force your panties to dampen, the fabric soaking with every roll of his hardening cock to your aching slit. “but this is mine,” he reminds you, leaving no room for misunderstanding. “do you understand?”
“yes, who?”
“yes, your grace.”
“good. now, go get a nurse for the princess.” the king proclaims, emphasising his point with a firm slap to your ass as you almost sprint out of the room. as you return with the nanny, you feel your heart swell to almost double its size. you find hyunjin by your daughter’s basket, a soft lullaby floating in the air as he gathers her in his long, folded arms. you watch him pass her to the nanny, his fingers passing over her puffed up knuckle, in awe of her inherent daintiness. “sleep well, my dove.”
you fear he might have forgotten you as the two leave and he stares in quiet longing. you finally approach him as his sniffles begin. “hyunjin?”
“i have missed her.” he whines, wet eyes cast skyward, guilt staining his face. “i have been a terrible father-”
“no.” your scold has his gaze falling, his shining eyes searching your frowning face. “not terrible. never terrible. just a little distant.” you soften as he nods, understanding pouring into him as you craddle his face in your palms. “you know now.”
“yeah,” he agrees, leaning to press a wet kiss to your lips. “please forgive me, my love.”
“there’s nothing to forgive.” you hum against his pouting lips, moulding your mouth with his as you try and tear him from this spell of despair. “come sit,” you whisper, guiding him towards his original seat.
when he lowers into it and feels you lower in kind, though to the ground, he frowns deeply. “i-” he stalls as you palm him through his slack breeches, fingers gripping him through the fabric. he grinds up into your closing fist, eyes squeezing shut as you momentarily silence him. the peace is short lived as he moans, realising what you’ve done to him. “i wanted to pleasure you.”
“and you will,” you quickly assure him, smirking when his frown deepens. “once i pleasure you.”
“fine.” he concedes, crossing his arms as you unfasten his breeches. you glare at him through your lashes until he huffs, stiffly raising his hips to allow you room to lower his garments down his thighs. “is there anything else i can do for you, mrs hwang?”
“that is all.” you chortle, fanning the reddened, leaking head of his cock. the sound forces a smile on his face until your tongue glides against his glistening slit. he almost chokes when you gaze up at him suddenly, eyes full of too much love for one king to fathom. “you just relax, okay?”
he can barely make himself nod as he fills your sight with his lovesick smile. “i don’t deserve you.”
“i know.” you rise to your knees to swallow his retraction, enjoying the lurid way he melts under the touch of your lips and palm. you offer languid strokes up and down his length, thumbing at his slit as he practically dribbles down himself. “jinnie, you’re making a mess.”
“‘m sorry.” the whine isn’t worrisome, but rather his second admission of guilt. with a gentle shake of your head, you raise your unsoiled hand to his lips, smearing your mingled saliva across his chin.
“i like you messy,” you admit, watching his eyes glaze over at your confession. “you’re always so proper now. you were never like that.” you squeeze him tighter at his base as you speak, dragging up the length of his cock, forcing a mewl from his throat as he releases his bitten, spit slicked lip. “remember when you were still a prince, and i just a lady?” he nods dumbly, head rolled to the side as drool pools on the corner of his mouth. “you used to fuck me in the greenhouse as it rained on a starry night. and behind the guards’ stables. even in the old maid’s quarters-”
“tha-that’s because we couldn’t anywhere else.”
“true,” you tut, wiping his chin as he fucks up into your closed fist. “yet now the kingdom is yours, you only ever fuck me in the castle.”
“but i always fuck you well.” when you just smile his hips falter, brows knitting as you massage his tensed thigh. “say it.”
“say what?”
“that i always fuck you well.”
“you do fuck me well,” you knowingly half agree, pumping him in your tight fist before he grabs your wrist. only a few seconds pass but the small fire ignited by your defiance burns for an eternity. the warm embers blazed to a full village fire when you squeeze at his base, moving to restart your ministrations. hyunjin only scoffs, clicking his tongue with a soft shake of his head. “a king’s ego should not be so dependent on his queen-”
before you can finish, his fingers cling to the base of your neck, squeezing in a way that traps the words in your throat. he feels you swallow, his dark eyes watching how you struggle to breathe. it’s dizzying. the way he eyes you, flitting between your expanding chest and gasping mouth. he presses the back of his hand to your chin, tilting your lips toward his mouth as he leans in. “it seems my ego rests on the mocking words of my smart mouthed wife,” he whispers into your open mouth, sucking softly on your bottom lip. “so, my queen, mightn’t you humour me? tell me that which i desire to hear.”
“you-” he senses an unfitting retort on your tongue and tightens his grip, marvelling at the delicious way your eyes roll back. he only loosens when theu water, gleaming in pitiful surrender. “you always fuck me well.”
“like i will now.”
“li-like you will now.”
“good,” he grins, proud of your slow but gratifying progress. helping you stand, hyunjin gathers the hem of your chemise in his fists, hiking it up to your waist before placing the fabric in your waiting hands. he feels for your undergarments, fingers gliding along the soft skin of your belly, purposely missing the waistband of your panties. he watches your breathing change with every long second he teases you, missing your sex in obvious ways. when you whine he only tuts, watching a frown kiss your features. “it’s not nice to be kept waiting, is it?”
“no,” you mumble, jutting out a full blown pout. “please touch me, hyunjin.” you too can sense your lover’s utterances before they are ever fully realised. like now, when he smirks, knuckles dusting over your throbbing heat. “properly.”
your emphasis has him chortling, the sound delighting you in ways you cannot explain. how long had it been since you had him like this? warm and open, delighted by the trivialities of foreplay. excited by your pending coitus. it brings a sudden joy to your heart, and, to your husband at least, an inexplicable grin to your bitten lips.
“what tickles you, my love?”
“i just missed you.” you confess, not too dissimilar to his earlier realisation. “i want you happy always.”
“oh,” he breathes, finally pinching your panties and sliding them down past your ankles. “one can feel nothing but joy when you are near.”
“is that so?” you hum as he pulls you to his lap, his thumb dipping into your soaking cunt before slow dragging it along your swollen clit.
“it is so,” he affirms, offering soft pecks to the taut skin of your neck. “it’s why i married you.”
“really- oh,” words stick in your throat as he dips a lone finger in you, his thumb still circling as he presses against your walls. your lips find his in your daze, somehow still embarrassed by the awe with which he regards you. your hips roll against his cramped hand, chasing the beginnings of a tightening coil in the base of your belly. “you’re still infatuated with me?”
“always.” he removes himself without leaving your lips, swallowing your taunt as he guides you onto his awaiting cock. time stills for a moment as you adjust, brain whirring as you both realise the time that has passed since you had him like this. your throbbing walls clamped around his pulsing cock. the subtle tremor of his thighs as you sink onto him, buttocks resting in his waiting palms. he offers a gentle squeeze, one of comfort and question. “can you move?” you nod against his skin, damp forehead pressed to his as he guides your motions with gentle tilts of his wrists. his tongue slips into your mouth, readily lapping at your own as you wrap your arms around his neck. his hands rise to your hips in time, guiding you with a firmer grip, enjoying the slow rock of your hips on his aching cock. he feels you squeeze around him as he sucks on your tongue, his thighs shaking with a looming orgasm. he pulls you in closer, lifting you inches in the air before leaving your slippery lips. before you can even think to protest, hyunjin snaps up into you at a steady pace, enjoying the mewls he conjures from you.
“jinnie, i’m- i-”
“it’s okay,” he groans, on his own verge of release. “it’s okay, my love. let go.”
and you do. moments later you let go, loudly soiling his lap and favourite loveseat as he fucks into your soaking cunt. seconds later he follows you, head thrown back as he releases in you, fearful of nothing but the stained upholstery as he thanks the lord above that you are his wife.
“you owe me a new chair.” he says suddenly, still panting as you pepper soft kiss along his shoulder blade. “and new breeches.”
“it is you who is to blame, sire.” he watches with a raised brow as you rest on his knees. “you always fuck me so well, how could i help myself?”
“ah, right.” he folds when you laugh, the sound forcing his hands upward, along with the corners of his lips. “forgive me, my love.”
“i love you.” you whisper instead, settling against his chest as you both ignore the compromising position you’re in. “so much.”
“and i you,” he swears. “always.”
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alberivh · 3 years
Hii I hope ur requests are still open :")
If yes may I request an angst with Diluc and reader who is a fatui member?
Reader always wanted to tell Diluc about that theyre a member of the fatui but feared the out come since they know how much Diluc hates the fatui. One time reader was on a mission with some other fatui members and Diluc somehow was there and wanted to defeat them (he didn't know that it was reader cuz theyre wearing a mask) when he hurt them badly and almost wanted to kill them he heard them saying smth and thats when he noticed it was them
(U can choose how it ends since I hv too many ideas TT)
Also sorry if my English is a bit trashy-
incoming guilt
summaries : fate couldn’t be change and you know it, falling in love with the darknight hero of the nation of freedom is a sin for those who could only bow their heads to their god’s.
characters : diluc x GN!Reader
contains : angst, major character death, injuries, scars and burns, blood, angst with a light ending, comfort/hurt
side notes, thank you for requesting! I really love your ideas and it motivates me to do more of these type of tropes. Once again thank you very much! Hope you enjoy this!( this isn’t the best i could wrote but i hope you could still understand this in some-ways)
when diluc saw you unconscious in his arms because of the harmful burns and fatal cuts he committed to your once-flawless skin, he only wanted to apologize to your being for not being an-understanding partner he is. He wanted to tell you how much you meant for him although you were now conscious in his arms. Leaving him with 2 memories, death and love. i’m sorry for everything, it’s his only plea to keep you ‘alive’.
It was all back in the last 2 hours of your argument with him. Or should i say..a suspicious fatui maiden and the darknight hero himself. They are fighting over something the fatui nor monstadt could ever explain. No one could spotted both you and diluc fighting traces obviously, it was 11 PM, everyone have set tucked onto their bed watching their once favorite television show and sleep. But now, you were fighting your lover so he could see the side meaning of you who never want to do this painful job nor even wanting to explain why you apply to this job. bounties opression they said, it’s the main reason you’ve apply to the fatui.
Diluc knew something was up, he saw the glances of this one fatui hesitating to attack him. It was you, but he never knew that. You keep defending from his attacks and it pissed him off. As so he decided for the better good of monstadt and his deep intels, he gave you a blow of a fatal cut and burns in your chest. It blast out from your defense as it was burned onto the skin of your throat and chest. Making a big dark circlet and droplets of blood by your skins. Making sure you’ll spoke the truth to him other than hesitating to attack nor spoke to him clearly.
He pulls your hair into a tighter pull, to bring you stand and confess your explanation. it hurts you, it really does. But how should you refuse this treatment? You have no chance to discuss it with him, After-all you’re just a suspicious looking fatui in his eyes. You must accept this treatment even if it meant for you to groaned in pain afterwards. he is a merciless knight in the dust of the dawn and you should’ve known this better than the other recruits does.
of course, you aren’t prepared to die aren’t you? Especially in the hands of your lover. Isn’t that too tragic for you to die.
“my love..i’m so sorry for everything..pllease let me rest and apologize..”
you plead, holding your dearest life onto the choking pain of his tighten grip of your hair. The cuts and burns on your chest worsened in each seconds, it scared him.
“….i simply do not have time for this, speak the truth of your hesitation a—“ , he heard ‘this suspicious fatui’ hopeless hoarsing voice. He couldn’t continue his silent, knowing this voice was to oddly similliar to his lover. He was confused, too confused to ever let you go from this grip. why must you join them?
“I’m in too much pain diluc..please- i’m sorry..i’m sorry..”
as he realized in no time after hearing your hopeless plea, he came onto your side and catch your exhausted body in a second. It was you all along. the one who hesitates to fight him back nor even to harm him back. You have no intention to fight him yet a murderous aura around you have made him uncomfortable by the true nature of you with these infamous masks. You’re probably crushed in the face if you didn’t plead yourself to have him give you a mercy.
“please stay like this…you’re so warm..i could hardly forgive myself to let you act like that..”
“i-i’m sorry i didn’t mean to blo—“
“It’s fine…you did the right thing my love..”
A guilt trips onto his head. He was blowing you a cut and you don’t mind. He was burning your skin and you could only hopelessly wish he could gave you more time. How stupid it is for you to even forgive his action?
“…at least let me rest in your lap love..embracing me wouldn’t work…i’ll just fade at the end..”
You chuckled through out diluc panics and crawled your scarred-body onto his trembling lap, what a warm bed. It scared him, it scared him that you’ll be gone as soon as you laugh your pains of. You were you, and he knows it. You don’t want him to bare your pain, you prefer him to love you and forgive you for your inflation. You want him to know how much you love him despite harming you into numerous way.
Harmless lullaby comforted diluc ears and spine , you were humming his favorite song. To remember, you said. You were hurting and he could see it, yet the herbals he crushed for your injuries couldn’t cure anything but harmed you even more.
“I loved you, so much..and too much..sorry for being selfish diluc..everyone have their reason so do i am..”
“take my vision…you shouldn’t buried a sinner alone…you are loved diluc, by me or those memories..”
The vision blurred it lights into a thin air of memories. your eyes sorrowed, Closing it eyelids like it was meant to be. Unconsciously Sleeping in his lap, growing a smile of regrets and tears onto your fallen face. while diluc throat start to grow harsh and dry, he was fallen out of balance. He’s desperate, too desperate to ever letting you go. You left him with clear confusion and guilt, are you happy with this choice?
“I haven’t told you how much i love you..”
You were buried by his hands and his embrace, he guilt trips himself until the age of new monstadt. He couldn’t see your figure, yet the vision of you he kept inside his pocket are a resemblance of his guilt and regret towards your death. Blurry sight of his memories causes him to forget the small slight structure of your well being. It hardens him to forgive himself even now.
“wish i could still remember those smile of yours, love..”
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eclipsedpascal · 3 years
You Deserve This
Andy Dolan x Female Reader
Tumblr media
GIF by @kissxmedeadly !!
“The reader asking Andy about his kiddo (let's pretend is a lil boy 🤣) and him being very emotional about it and the reader who truly loves him conforts him 😭❤️” - anon
Please read the warnings!!
Warnings: use of drugs (weed), smut, oral (female receiving), slight public sex, slight angst, mentions of rehab, mentions of suicidal thoughts, a lil bit of crying and VERY slight Eden spoilers, but thats only if you don't want to know anything AT ALL, so basically none? idk lmao:)
Notes: hi! So this is my first Andy fic, I wrote it very quickly last night after a sudden burst of inspiration and it doesn't make too much sense, also it’s kinda cheesy? I don't think I've ever written anything this angsty or soft before, but i’m trying to be more in touch w my emotions nd this is my way of doing that, so hopefully i'll do more things like this soon:) also if you’re interested, the title is one of my favourite songs by Men I Trust that I just thought fit Andy well.
Word count: 1.8k
The warm, dancing breeze washed over your skin, plucking up your many goosebumps and blowing the rainbow coloured sea of petals that decorated the large garden from left to right. The bittersweet mix of their fragrances and Andy’s blunt rushed to you and filled your scrunched up, wrinkled nose as you let out a loud laugh. The vibrant expanse of fluffy grass felt close to a mattress underneath you, cradling your form whilst you laid amongst the greenery and watched Andy ghost a deep inhale of the blunt he had balanced precariously between two fingers. He flopped his arm across the gap between you and offered you another toke, the dopey smile spread over his features making you laugh even more.
“What’s so funny? Hmm?” He questioned you jokingly, rolling onto his forearms and bringing his face to hover just above yours as you brought the blunt to your lips. You couldn't hold in your laughter, your drug hazed state and the breeze that pushed his brown curls to tickle your blushing skin only exaggerating your amusement further as you choked out clouds of smoke.
“What??” He joined in laughing, finding humour in his own confusion and finding your laugh infectious. His lips found your own in a sudden yet gentle kiss which you gladly embraced, still not managing to fully compose yourself as you giggled into his open mouth.
You did your best to pull back from the kiss, but were reminded you didn't really have anywhere to go when you felt a blade of grass flutter against your ear. “It’s just.. your smile.” You rested your blunt carrying hand on his cheek as you spoke, feeling your heart swell when he pulled an overdramatic expression of insult at your reply.
“What’s so wrong with my smile?!” He half faked offence, not understanding what you could possibly find so amusing about it as you giggled more and more. “What’s wrong with it?- is it my lips? ‘They not good enough for you baby?” His thick accent aided his voice, making him sound even more attractive than he already was as he joked with you.
“Noo! it definitely wasn’t your lips, cause I love those.” You gripped his locks a little firmer, biting your lip as his stare changed from one of curiosity to one of want.
“Oh yeah?” He leaned back down and kissed you again, but this time rougher, the weed made you feel as if his lips were slowly melting into your own as it sent strong signals of lust through your body. He put all his weight on one arm, lifting the other and groping your waist with it whilst simultaneously moving to trail wet kisses down your neck.
His touches were deep, yet executed so delicately it convinced you if he was any rougher, you might just break. He opened the buttons of the flowing shirt you wore; one you had stolen out of his wardrobe that morning. He moved his head further down your chest to your stomach, mouth racing in slow motion to reach you were he wanted to most.
Forgetting to explain why you found his smile so funny in the first place, your high carried your thoughts closer towards how incredible his mouth felt on your skin, making you lean into his touch and let out a few small mewls.
As he reached your panty line, he tapped your hip, signalling for you to lift them so he could take your shorts off. He slid them off your legs in a quick, smooth motion that had them landing on a nearby lavender bush. The garden had quite a large variety of blossoming shrubbery and many clusters of beautiful flowers, it was probably down to the bi-weekly gardeners Andy had hired. You had known they were expensive and after spending so much time like this, lazing around, surrounded by the expensive home’s nature, you were beginning to understand why he had hired them.
You returned your gaze from the dangling shorts, back to the man nestled between your bare thighs. His beard was scratching at your skin in the best way possible as he laid small kisses over the thin fabric that covered your cunt. His hot breathe felt like fire as you wriggled and squirmed below him, just wanting some kind of contact from him.
He used two fingers to peel your panties to the side, groaning at the site of your glistening folds before kissing your clit gently. His tongue started swiping across your cunt slowly, taking all the time in the world to make you feel as good as he knew he could. You moaned loudly, grabbing at his hair once more as he sucked on you deeply.
“Mr Dolan?” You were interrupted by a throat clearing before hearing a man speak; one of Andy’s many servants you guessed. They had never seemed to leave the two of you alone whilst you had been staying there. No matter how big his home was, you always seemed to find another at every corner.
Andy looked up to the man with question and annoyance, raising an eyebrow at him as he wished for him to just hurry up and leave so the two of you could continue with your escapades. “It’s the phone for you Mr Dolan. Your son.”
Andy quickly rose from his place below you, his mind abandoning all thought of the act he was just partaking in as he jogged past the glass doors of his home, wanting only to speak to the young boy.
You sat up slightly, doing up a few buttons of your shirt and laying your crossed legs to the side of you as you held yourself up with your arm. You watched him as he scrambled into the house after his servant, little red marks from where he had been lying in the grass next to you were noticeably imprinted on the skin of his left arm, the one he had been leaning on, and his open shirt was flowing behind him with the speed he was moving.
You looked down to the flowers on front of you, picking a single daisy that bore tinted, pink tips on the end of each slim, white petal, twirling the stem around between two of your fingers as you listened to the breeze pick up. You could feel the mood of the air change as he left, the wind feeling more cold an irritating than once before as you pondered the call Andy was having.
You knew how desperate he had been to speak to his son again. It had been months since he had spoken to him without his ex-wife being the messenger. He missed him more than he knew to describe.
His recent divorce had been what had fuelled him to return home to Eden; hoping to find solace in the paradise he knew so well after feeling as if he had lost himself entirely. Spending too many years constantly playing other people had taken more of a toll on him than he had realised, that was until he was sent to rehab. After getting out, he felt as if staying in Eden was the only way for him to climb out of the dark hole he had managed to find himself in. Unfortunately, this journey of finding himself had meant making the decision to leave his son behind in Los Angles. Something he didn't like to speak on much.
When you had first met him in rehab however, he had been extremely open about his life, telling you how anger was the only emotion he could really feel anymore. Explaining that if he wasn’t at least the slightest amount intoxicated, he didn't think he couldn't go on with living; especially after the recent downfall of his career being showcased for the entire world to see. It was dark stuff, but you understood each other. That’s a big part of what made you grow so close.
You picked off petal after petal from the daisy, watching its beauty fade with each pluck and letting each one slowly blow into the breeze, creating a tragic stream as they blew away from you and down to the not so far off shoreline. As you plucked the last petal, you admired the daisy, still glowing with pollen and beaming in the sunlight despite have lost so many important parts of it. You stuck it into your shirt pocket and fell back down to lay on the grass as you waited for Andy to finish his call.
It had been maybe ten minutes you were lying with your eyes closed, enjoying the heat that beamed down from the clear, Australian sky when you finally heard the slow footsteps that you knew to be Andy’s, pattering along the grass. You shot up from where you lay to see the dopey-smiled man who had left you in the garden just fifteen minutes before, only to be faced with a red-eyed, teary one.
“Andy what happened? Are you okay?” He fell down onto the grass besides you, staring at you but completely wordless. You felt as if you could see into his soul. He was feeling so many emotions he hadn’t even been able to grasp at in so long. It was overwhelming him and you knew it. You reached out to stroke is cheek, concern running through you for the man that you had grown to love so dearly over the past few months.
He looked up “She’s gonna let me see him. T-They’re coming over next month.” A tear fell from his face as he smiled harder than you had ever seen him smile before. He was finally going to see his son after all these long months and you couldn’t have been any happier for him.
“Really?! That’s amazing, oh my god!” You moved forwards, wrapping your arms over his large shoulders and squeezing him in a hug so full of love it was palpable. “You really got to speak to him this time?” You questioned him once more before pulling away from his grasp, thinking back to the many times his ex-wife had promised he could speak with the boy but decided at the last minute he wouldn’t get to.
“Yeah!.. he uhh,” He took in a shaky breath, chuckling with joy as he recalled hearing the young boy’s voice so filled with excitement and energy over the phone. “He said he couldn't wait to meet you! You know, when I told him about you.” He stumbled over his words, running a hand through his hair as he shook with nerves, doing his best to calm himself.
In that moment, you felt your love for him soar higher than it ever had before. You were so proud of the progress he had made, and you knew his son would be too. “And I cant wait to meet him either.” You rested your forehead against his, the two of you enjoying a stand still and bathing in the happiness you both felt in the beautiful moment. The sound of the ever present breeze occupied your ears as the laughter emitting from two of you joined it, echoing a song throughout the garden that wouldn’t be forgotten any time soon.
Thank you sm for reading!!🥺💗
Tags: @celestialrequiem @ntxoza @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @blakescoven @ritualmichael @ghostangels @fernfiction @ferndolan @brattylovee @7-wonders @angelicmichael @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @kitty4860 @lavenderahs @michaellangdonstanaccount @9layerdevilfoodcake @chicaluna2410 @plymptxn-reborn I've just tagged anyone who I thought might be interested as per usual, but if you would to be removed feel free to let me know!! you can also lemme know if you would like to be added to the tag list too:)
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
How about-Hanahaki disease? Gerald/Jaskier? Happy ending please!
Nonny! Darling you read my mind, I’m an ‘angst with a happy ending’ kinda gal. Just so we’re clear, I know nothing of flower meanings and I didn’t research.
TW: Gore
Jaskier first coughed up a flower at age three.
Poets loved Hanahaki, it was considered romantic, and those prone to it were tragic beauties, destined to languish, delicately spitting blood and rose petals into a silk handkerchief. No one really wrote about how it could be brought on by deeply unrequited platonic love.
Jaskier coughed a violet into his little fist and brought it to his mother, who turned him away.
Fifteen years down the line and having graduated Oxenfurt with honors, Jaskier was old hat at taking care of Hanahaki. His feelings, although often unrequited, were also often fleeting. A night spent coughing tulips into a bowl and a sore throat the next mroning, but rarely more than that.
If it persisted for a week or more there was tea. Any apothecary in even a mid sized city carried it. It was putrid and thick and slid down the throat like a cup of slugs, but in the morning there were no petals, and after two or three days of the stuff, the disease was gone. 
He was almost thankful for being so prone to Hanahaki, it was romantic and lended much to his chosen profession. People gave him sympathetic looks and free drinks if he sang a sad song and discreetly spat a rose petal into a handkerchief. Most of the time he simply didn’t mind it, and considered himself twice blessed with his mobile heart.
Sometimes he had nightmares of what would happen if he found true love.
The notions of true love itself was romantic, but everyone knew that your true love, the one you were fated to, if they didn’t love you in return no tea would save you.
He’d watched a friend, a grad student at Oxenfurt, die of it. It was no delicate coughing into handkerchiefs, no poetic languishing. He’d held her hair back as she threw up petals and blood, crying as she clutched the bucket with skeletal hands because she could no longer force food down a torn throat. 
It had been so slow, she’d said between pulling thorned stems from her mouth. More than a decade of loving the boy she’d had a crush on in her small town village. She’d lived through it all, only occassionally throwing up flowers. Always snow white roses, for him, apparently. It would have been wonderfully artistic if Jaskier didn’t know how they looked covered in blood.
Then she’d gone to his wedding to the baker’s daughter and two weeks later he watched her cough out roots wrapped around a chunk of lung and screamed for a doctor knowing it was too late. The blood stain never washed fully out of the floor.
And she’d said it was worth it. That she wouldn’t have stopped loving him for the world, even as she said it through a throat full of thorns. 
Jaskier never understood it, leaping from town to town, avoiding long term connections while knowing all the while that if fate wanted him to fall in love he would. Denying Destiny only made things nastier, he knew. And then, in a tevern in Posada, with bread in his pants and a hole in his boot, his eyes met pure gold. 
It took a split second, less probably, for him to realize that, although he didn’t love the man yet, for love at first sight truly is a poet’s myth, he could love this man. And if he died for this man, maybe the love would be worth it after all.
The man was a witcher, who punched him in the gut and stank of onion and talked to his horse. Jaskier followed him anyway.
He followed him and coughed up flowers, different blossoms for different people, and he began to fall deeper in love. He wondered sometimes what flowers he would cough, as the bouquets turned into only one kind. 
What flower would represent Geralt? Not buttercups or dandelions, certainly. Perhaps if someone else were to catch Hanahaki for Jaskier those would be for him. Geralt wasn’t a dandelion. He was grumpy and spiky and after ten years wouldn’t even call Jaskier a friend. 
In the dead of night Jaskier feared it would be white roses, like he’d seen once before.
And then Geralt died in a collapsing building only to be alive and fucking a purple-eyed sorceress after nearly killing Jaskier with a djinn. Jaskier vomited flowers not twelve hours after vomiting blood.
Snow drops, tiny and delicate. And from that point forth he never coughed up any other kind.
It didn’t progress so quickly though. Jaskier had expected to die within a month of Geralt meeting Yennefer. He didn’t. Love and sex weren’t the same thing, and his love didn’t go totally unrequited either. It wasn’t the same sort of love, but in the quiet moments just after dawn it was enough. 
Then Geralt made a choice.
He wouldn’t kill dragons, he didn’t hunt sapient creatures, he wanted nothing to do with the dragon hunt, until he caught sight of Yennefer.
And that left Geralt and Jaskier, on top of a mountain, as Geralt screamed into the wind that Jaskier meant nothing to him. Jaskier felt the roots set in.
He wasn’t going to get the story from the others. He could barely breathe, the pain was so sharp and intense and he could feel it growing, feel the flowers growing. Little snowdrops had no right to be so painful.
He wasn’t going to make it off the mountain.
Jaskier took a different trail down, and then wandered into the forest a little way, coughing blood and stems the whole way. He collapsed under a tree, blood staining his doublet. He wished he had a friend to clutch his hand, hold his hair back and rub his back like he’d done more than twenty years ago. 
There wouldn’t be a funeral though. No one would know what had happened to Jaskier the bard. Worse, no one would know what happened to Julian, the person, the man. As he threw up a clump of flowers and blood he felt very much like the scared little boy who threw up a flower for the first time. 
It hurt. It burned and shredded his throat and he wanted a friend and he didn’t have any. He’d thrown all his eggs in one basket twenty years ago and Geralt had kicked that basket off the mountain. 
Jaskier leaned his lute up against the tree. It’d be such a shame to get blood on the lovely girl. He curled up next to it, in a fetal position on his side as the coughs wracked his whole body. 
His friend had lasted two weeks, he thought. But her rejection was a wedding. Not her best friend and the love of her life telling her never to see him again. That he was a burden. That if life or Destiny could give him one blessing it would be to take Jaskier off his hands. And Destiny was going to deliver. She had made Jaskier love Geralt, and she would kill him by it. 
Still, Jaskier would have given anything for the comfort of his friend right now. He began to cry, snot and tears and blood and petals all mixing. He couldn’t even breathe, his lungs burned so bad. 
His vision was blurry.
He could hear noises, tromping through the forest and who knew what awful creatures lurked here. Just like Dame Destiny to have him disembowled while dying of Hanahaki.
It was dark, but it had been noon on the mountain. Black clouds swirled and closed in his vision.
A strangled noise.
No monster made that noise. That was a man-made noise. It sounded very much how Jaskier had felt on the mountaintop. He retched up a flower and tasted pollen and iron.
He didn’t remember hallucinations being part of the final stages, but the brain played funny tricks.
“Jaskier!” There it was again, and he was being bundled up tight to a chest that was not at all comfortable and smelled of horse and leather and sweat and onion. A buckle of Geralt’s armor dug into his cheek. Jaskier’s mouth was full of stems and roots.
GLoved fingers dug in, pulling snowdrops from between his lips and then Geralt kissed him. It was entirely awful and unsatisfying. 
Dimly Jaskier came to the realization that it was not supposed to a kiss, but Geralt trying to blow air into his flowering lungs. A nice gesture but unhelpful.
He lolled his head to the side to throw up another clump of root, not wanting to throw up directly into Geralt’s mouth. 
A shudder ran through the chest he was pressed against, like a tremor before an earthquake. Then a sob.
It was quiet. The worst sobs are. 
Geralt lay Jaskier down on the floor, one hand cupped beneath his head, gently cradling. Then the witcher curled next to him, face pressed against a pale neck streaked with blood, and cried.
Jaskier wanted to comfort him, to stroke a hand through soft white hair one last time and thank him for not letting him die alone. He just didn’t have the strength.
Another wretched, tiny sob, then, “I’m sorry, Jaskier. I’m so sorry.” Oh that wasn’t fair. A tear leaked from Jaskier’s eye.
“I’m sorry,” Geralt continued, face pressed into Jaskier’s collarbone. “I didn’t mean it, I was angry and tired and I’ve hurt you but please,” the voice faded to barely a whisper. “Please don’t leave me, I didn’t mean it, I love you don’t leave me here alone.”
Don’t leave him here alone. Jaskier though. Destiny owed him, owed them both for all she’d put them through. Don’t make him lonely, he prayed. I don’t want to leave him alone.
Geralt held Jaskier tighter, pressing even closer like he was trying to meld them into one. “I love you,” he said. “I’m sorry, Jaskier. I love you.”
The world went white.
Jaskier blinked his eyes open with blood in his mouth. It didn’t seem to deter Geralt, who kissed him so thoroughly his head felt light. Then Geralt pulled him upright. There was blood on the ground around them, some even streaked into Geralt’s hair. 
There were no stems though.
The forest floor had been carpeted for ten feet all around them with snowdrops, planted firmly in earth instead of lungs. They were so close together it looked like a sudden snowfall, trailing to fewer and farther between at the edges of their little pool of white. 
“I...” Jaskier said, letting Geralt pull him to his feet. He wasn’t sure what to say but it turns out he needn’t say anything. Geralt was clutching him like a lifeline and tucking a snowdrop into his hair.
“I smelled blood,” he said, lips brushing into Jaskier’s brown fringe. “I smelled blood and was so afraid. I haven’t been truly afraid in so long and then I found those wretched flowers.” Geralt took a shaky breath. 
“I truly thought it was too late.” He pulled back and looked into Jaskier’s eyes. Geralt’s own yellow ones were dry but the emotion was clear. “I thought I had lost you, my love.” A gloved hand, only slightly bloody stroked Jaskier’s cheek. “I thought I had lost you, my life’s greatest gift. And I wanted to lay down beside you and die as well.”
Jaskier chuckled wetly. “You overdramatic sod,” he said between watery sniffles. “What a ridiculous notion. And I can’t believe it takes me dying to turn you into a romantic.”
“Almost dying,” Geralt said firmly. There was panic written plain across his face, as if he was terrified that time would slam into reverse just to take Jaskier from him. Another embrace, just this side of bone crushing. “Almost dying, my love.”
“Not dead, my love,” Jaskier responded. 
As they made their way down the mountain snowdrops bloomed in their footsteps, but they were too busy looking at each other to notice.
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lyricsofravensong · 3 years
The beat of a longing heart
• Jake x MC • hurt/comfort, fluff • ~ 1 675 words + a chat•
• request by Anon:  hey, i don't know how to start this ask but... well i got the news that my favorite drummer has passed away and i can't deal with it without thinking about jake comforting MC... i think this is weird and I must be mixing things up, but it's a comforting thought...you are my favorite writer on tumblr out of all the blogs and i am always happy to read your works so if you are accepting requests could you please write something about jake and mc? thank you😢❤️
• Your evening was supposed to be a sad song until the end, but then an unexpected melody appears from the rain.
A/N: Here it finally is! 🌠 Thank you for the request dear anon, I hope you're doing well. 💕 Sorry again for being so slow! 😖
I wasn't sure if you wished for a chat or a written story, so I combined them a little. :) I was really struggling with the editing but this is the best I can offer at the moment and I don't want to make you wait any longer. I hope so much I'm not letting you down and this story gives you the comfort you were missing. 💚
And thank you @dreamer-writer-fangirl for the encouragement! ❤
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When you're happy, the beat of the music resonates with your cheerful heart; it dances and flutters in every corner of your body, making you feel powerful and alive.
When you're sad, the lyrics of the songs portray the pain your heart is aching with; they poke and stroke every inch of your bleeding soul, challenging and healing.
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The song of your evening starts with a heavy sigh escaping from your lungs. Disappointment burns in your throat, but you swallow it down painfully. It's not Jake's fault that the theme of your day had been nothing but a repeating chorus of a sad song, and it seems like the evening is going to continue the manner. But you can't deny that the absence of his presence is one note more to the chord of your grief.
Rain sets the tune by hitting the roof with a sound that's reaching the rumbling measures of a thunderstorm. The ambience of it is making you even more anxious.
The beat comes in as a pulse of your longing heart, echoing in every cell of your body. Your mind is helplessly out of tune and can't keep up with the racing tempo.
You give up on tears as the rain makes a crescendo that covers the voice of your sobbing. Your thoughts are a swirling mess of unsettling beats, counting every person there is for you to miss. A wave of sorrow floods over your soul and the pouring rain invades your brain until your tears turn to raindrops. 
You cry for a long time and the static rhythm of the rain is like a stereo to your feelings.
At first, the careful knocking on the door gets lost in the mixed concert of percussion going on in your head. When it comes again stronger, you sit up slowly. You have no intention of answering it, a single glance at your tear-stained face in the mirror confirms that. You're sure that the intruder will give up quickly since who in their right mind would be outside in that weather. The doorbell rings once and is followed by the uplifting tone of your phone receiving a message. 
Your heartbeat drops tragically as you read the text Jake had sent.
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Tension builds up as you hurry to the door without a second glance at the mirror. The beat of your heart drums in your ears when you yank the door open. And then - every sound goes silent. 
There's Jake, standing in the rain outside your door. His black hair is dripping wet as well as his hoodie of the same color. In contrast to them, he's holding a white plastic bag in his hand, phone in the other. Your eyes meet his and you stare at each other equally shocked. The shaken expression on Jake's face indicates that you look as awful as you felt a second ago. 
"I can't stop the rain, but… here I am. Ready to hold you," Jake says and a hint of embarrassment appears on his face. You follow his every move as he puts his phone in the pocket of his hoodie and then - trying to figure out what to do with his freed hand - runs his fingers through his wet hair. 
"I hope you're not bothered by me intruding like this," he mumbles awkwardly, making a shy glance towards you.
Words get caught in your throat and come out pitifully feeble, "Or course not, but… how?" Your voice breaks and you have to gasp for breath. "How? Why?"
There's a clear twitch on Jake's face by the tearful sound of your voice. For a minute he looks almost panicked as he struggles to find the next words.
"I was getting this when you texted me." He lifts the plastic bag so you can see the logo of a nearby Chinese restaurant. "Rain offers some cover so it's safer for me to be out. I was so insanely worried about you that my legs just carried me here."
Your mind is gradually catching up with the new tempo of this turn of events. Another wave of tears is blurring your eyes and you slap a hand over your mouth to cover the weird grin spreading on your face.
"And I'm glad they did," Jake continues, pulling the corner of his lips into a sympathetic smile. "I'd hate to think of you being alone like that."
You shake your head in disbelief at this unexpected change of key in the earlier flatness of your emotions. You let out a trembling breath. A new verse in the song of your evening starts when you sprint out in the rain and throw yourself into Jake's arms. You bury your face into his chest and let out the forceful sobs. Jake drops the bag on the ground and wraps his arms tightly around you. 
The drumming of the rain fades to the background as you stand in its shower, crying the whole record of your sorrows over Jake. He listens to it quietly and doesn’t let go even when you raise your hand to wipe your nose on your sleeve. Gradually your weeps quiet down along with the rain which is throwing the last separate drops on your already damped clothes. You rest your head on Jake’s shoulder and squeeze the back of his hoodie. 
“Have I ever told you why I like the rain?” his voice asks softly beside your ear. 
“No,” you sniffle. “I don’t believe you have.”
“I like it because it reminds me of you.”
“Why is that?” You raise your head to look at Jake’s face, forcing him to loosen his grip which he fixes by resting his hands behind your lower back. 
“It was pouring when I contacted you for the first time,” he smiles. “That was the day my life changed. For me, rain symbolizes the unpredictability of life. I feel like anything is possible on a rainy day.”
“That’s something you just proved to be true,” you laugh and brush a strand of hair aside from his forehead. Jake stares at your face with such intensity that you suddenly become very aware of your swollen eyes and runny nose. You blush and lower your head.
“I’m sorry about crying so much. I know I look hideous.”
Jake sets his hand gently on your cheek, making you look up at his face again as he examines yours even closer. 
“No, you’re still fascinating.” His whisper makes your heart sing with emotions you have never heard so vividly before. 
“My face is all swollen and full of tears…” you splutter in loss of words. 
Jake’s smile only widens and he wipes your cheeks tenderly with his fingers. “They’re just raindrops.”
You chuckle, “Then you can stop the rain after all.”
Tears of the sky are still dripping from the trees and corners of the roof all around you. They form an uneven rhythm of a harmony you’re now hearing differently; not as an echo of your pain, but more as a ballad for sadness.
But sadness is not the theme of your feelings anymore when you share the Chinese with Jake on the couch in your living room. No food has ever tasted so delicious as this slightly soaked and chill portion of noodles eaten straight from the container, taking turns of using the one pair of chopsticks Jake had with him.
The second verse of your evening is composed from comfort. After the food is finished and Jake’s drenched hoodie is drying on the back rest, you lean against his shoulder and slowly give lyrics for your sadness by telling him all about your previous distress. His t-shirt is wet too, but you forget it when his arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to his side. 
Jake's presence is a lot like music; without saying much he still makes you feel understood and healed. His comfort is mainly instrumental but filled with so many soothing nuances of warm touches and thoughtful nods. He is the melody your evening missed. He is the lyrics for your love and the stereo for your desire; resonating stronger than the drumming of the rain. He makes you believe that just like music, your feelings are also made to be shared with your loved ones. And as you let your head fall to his lap and turn on your back to meet the softness of his eyes, you realize that this one you love very much. 
Rain starts a new solo on the roof with full force as the song of this evening comes to the bridge. Jake bends down to you, his intention written clear on his face. Still he stops hesitantly right above your mouth, pausing the music just before the beat drops. But your heart is singing and you hit the play by reaching your hand behind his head and pulling him down to your lips. The kiss launches a full symphony inside you and every note makes you yearn for more. 
On a short rest between kisses you caress Jake’s cheek and say, “Now I hope it will never stop raining.”
“I thought you hated it,” Jake points out. 
“Not anymore,” you mumble while your attention is drawn to the way Jake’s mouth forms the words he speaks and how his lips are tuning into an amused smile. 
“What made you change your mind?” he asks. 
“No one in their right mind would go outside in that weather, so you have to wait here until the rain is over.” 
When you're in love, music understands your every feeling; the fluttering happiness, the aching yearning, and the healing comfort. All the lyrics tell the story of the two of you, of every smile and tear you’ve had. 
A perfect harmony is formed when two beats of two longning hearts meet each other in a beautiful duet. 
This song of your evening does not end yet, the music of your hearts continues beating in the calming dusk of a rainy day.
It was actually raining every time I wrote this. 🤭☔
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hehebread · 3 years
[BKDK] Izuku keeps mentioning a Kacchan to reporters and they think that's his gf
this was a request on twt that i had way too much fun writing. warning for suggestive language!
“And is there…. a special person….or a group of people you would like to thank on air today? Anyone who inspired you? Anyone you would attribute your success to? An image of victory per say?”
Izuku’s eyes glimmer as the bright lights of the studio reflect on his irises. “Oh!” He jumps in his seat, his perfectly- coiffed curls bouncing as he nods frantically to the show’s host. “Yes! Yes!” Leaning forward with his hands on his leg, the camera zooms in on his face where the blush is painting his cheeks. “I wouldn’t be the hero I am today if it wasn’t for Kacchan!”
And it’s as if an earthquake alert dropped on the talk show. The host grows this devious grin on his face as he turns to the camera team and says, “Well, well, well, behind every great man is a woman after all.”
Izuku isn’t quite sure why the host is bringing his mother into this since the interview is reaching its end and he has already discussed her influence in detail very early on, but he doesn’t get a chance to ponder.
The host, Yamaguchi-san, leans into Izuku’s space with renowned interest and an interesting glint in his eyes. Izuku feels himself sweating in his oversized maroon-striped suit.
“So, Midoriya-san, Hero Deku, Rising Symbol of Equity and Hope, can you tell us more about … Kacchan?” His voice goes higher at the last syllable, almost sing songs, and Izuku is not sure if he should be worried or not, but he won’t pass an opportunity to gush about Kacchan!
“Ah, Kacchan is very … confident, hardworking, strong, and smart. Kacchan is a hero who knows how to lead a team and perform under pressure, an inspiration to both myself and our entire graduating class, and a”—Izuku can feel the heat rise in his face as he tries to hide in his colour— “a shining star who was closer to me than All Might!”
The host makes a loud ‘AWWW’ noise at the same time as the small audience in the studio. “My, my! Sounds like Kacchan is very important to Hero Deku! Don’t be shy! Tell us more! Is there a physical description to go with your precious person?”
“Ahm!” Izuku fiddles with his fingers as he avoids the gazes on him. There a long beat of silence before he manages to say, “Muscles….Blonde…..Sharp eyes….” With a vague gesture to his middle section, he mumbles, barely audible, “Big, ugh…..” Heart.
“OOOOOOOOOH!” The host goes wild and so does the audience. “So are we talking Hiromi Oshima type big or maybe Rio Natsume, or aaaah Aki Hoshino even ….?”
Izuku feels his ears ring in humiliation as he tries to process what they’re talking about. Something Kacchan has in common with all these beautiful women is his big successful career so Izuku nods. “Yes!” Then, a thought occurs and he rises in his chair. “Even bigger!”
After all, Kacchan’s net worth is higher than these ladies.
“The biggest!”
“Oh my god!” The host is losing his mind now! “And is it … natural? Or did Kacchan get a little help from professionals?”
“No, no, no! Kacchan was a natural ever since we were in school together!” Izuku’s eyes shine with a fire to defend his childhood best friend, no longer trying to hide in his big suit. “No one helped Kacchan get this big!”
“That’s … amazing!” The host shakes his head in both awe and disbelief. “Now we want to see Kacchan in action! When the hero works around the city, defeating villains, does the size get in the way?”
Does Kacchan’s fame get in the way of his work? “Sometimes,” Izuku muses, “But Kacchan never lets the restless and perky nuisances stop him, y’know. With a little shake from his hands, and a few colourful words of wisdoms, nothing gets in the way!” Izuku laughs as he remembers Kacchan’s way of dismissing fans and reporters alike.
“Of course, there are times where Kacchan’s big firm moulds become springy and hard to control, but I have yet to see an instance where that has been a major issue. ”
Kacchan is still having some adjustment problems with his new hero costume, particularly his grenade mould, but that’s as far as distractions go.
“Does Kacchan not use support?”
“Uhm, only when it’s a dire situation! Sometimes I’m even allowed to provide assistance!”
“You must be very lucky…”
“I am! It feels … exciting and … very special! Kacchan doesn’t trust just anyone, y’know! I can never quite get used to the trust we built together. We are one unit working together.”
“Do you use your hands…. Or something else?”
“Oh, hands! Yes! But anything works really! Whatever Kacchan is comfortable with and needs at the time. Black Whip, combo moves, an iron grip...”
The host furrow his brows and seems to be considering Izuku’s answer before he opens his mouth again. “Uhm, never mind.” He then turns to the camera, smile back on. “Our time is almost running out! Thank you, hero Deku for your time! We look forward to seeing you again in the big screen!”
The next day, Izuku wakes up to the headline: Hero Deku And His Mysterious Busty New Girlfriend: The Beautiful and Spunky Kacchan!
He’s doomed
He sees Kacchan early the next day.
Having spent the morning talking to tabloids and the host show agents about the misunderstanding and whether or not it was possible to take down the episode at least, Izuku slumps his head on his desk in defeat.
Oh, this is very bad.
He starts thumping his forehead on the wood in sync with the bleeps noises in the phone, already planning his funeral in his head.
Okay, so it seems the suspense around this girlfriend is raking up his popularity, but god, at what cost.
“Nerd, we need to talk.”
Izuku’s soul near flies to the roof at the sound of the door to his office slamming close. Fuckfuckfuck.
Kacchan stands before him with his hand on his hip, teeth snarled and looking ready to tear his flesh open. Oh, this is going to be fun!
After flashing a haughty glare at the glass door to scare away the nosy friends hanging about, Kacchan continues, “About the interview.”
Of course! Yes! His final hour is approaching. “Haahahaha, what about it?” Izuku feels his undershirt cling to his torso, sweat collecting on his face. He directs a shaky hand to a nearby chair. “Feel free to take a seat, Kacchan! You want me to get you anything? Water, tissues, uhm, a knife, a body sized bag, or uhhh, a shovel? I think I have some spare sheets of paper if you’d like to give me a chance to—“
“So…” Kacchan starts.
“…this Kacchan, huh?” Having completely ignored every single word Izuku just said, Kacchan crosses his arms and scowls. “Is she strong? How come I never heard about her before? Since when did you start dating this gravure idol and pro hero, huh?”
“So, you just go around giving everyone pretty nicknames now?” Kacchan snorts and his expression darkens before he slams his hands on Izuku’s desk. He looks at Izuku from under his chin, and Izuku swear he can see flames behind his eyes. He growls, “What’s her actual name?”
An alarm bell rings in Izuku’s ears and he stutters, “Ka— Ka— Kat— Katsuko! Bakugan Katsuko…….”
Kacchan’s expression doesn’t change and Izuku feels his heart leap to his throat. God, Kacchan is gonna call his bluff at any minute now. He’s going to reject him then he’s going to break his heart and his bones.
“What’s she like?”
Kacchan shifts forward slightly and Izuku is just know noticing the ample cleavage in clear view. Right there. In front of Izuku’s face. “Uhm. Ah, she’s very, ugh, im- pec— impeccable!! And strong! Muscl— mature!! Breasty too – I mean, pretty! PRETTY!” Izuku bites his tongue then swallows thickly. “Beautiful, actually!” Lifting his gaze to meet Kacchan, he whispers, “Gorgeous. Just the most amazing person in my life.”
Kacchan is staring intently with his sharp red eyes, and Izuku feels his chest swell with confidence he never had before. “Kacchan is my inspiration, and I just … love … Kacchan so much. I wish I had the courage to tell him— um, her that.”
“Are you two serious?” Kacchan asks, impassive but there is silent rage hiding behind his words.
Something flashes quickly through Kacchan’s eyes before he narrows them. It takes Izuku a second to recognise that it’s /hurt/ and then he realise what he has just done.
“No, no, no!” Izuku backtracks immediately. “I don’t even know her that well! In fact, she kinda smells and definitely has sweating problem.” Izuku needs to do damage control and come clean NOW. “You know what? I will call her and break up with her right now. Ha ha ha.”
What the hell is he saying? Who is he going to call?
Kacchan stands up while Izuku fumbles with his phone. “Don’t be a dick,” he says, before he heads to the door.
Izuku jumps from his chair and is ready to chase after him when Kacchan stops him. “How big?”
“You said Bakugan was big.”
Ah, yes, he did. Tragically.
“Um, y’know just…” Izuku motions with his hands like he’s moulding two doughballs, palms up and fingers wiggling because he’s lost control of his life once he accepted his funeral date, but that’s not even happening anymore so what is he doing really.
He then makes am hourglass shape in the air and belatedly realises that he’s just outlining Kacchan’s shape in front of him. Izuku retreats his hands and puts them behind his back in shame.
Kacchan is looking at him funny. Like he’s trying to figure something out.
“Does she shoot aerial bomb or something? Is that a combat-style quirk?”
Izuku blinks.
Kacchan just sneers and turns around.
“Whatever. I’m doing a photoshoot this afternoon. The Sekushī clothing line is dropping a new summer set and they asked me to model.”
“Se- Sekushi?? You mean, like—” Izuku feels his face go impossibly red. “You’re saying that, you’re going to wear, like…..” his voice goes down to a whisper when he says “…..a b-b-b-b-b-bikini?”
“Swimwear,” Kacchan turns to say over his shoulder, “Among other things.”
The sexy smirk he sends Izuku’s way is doing very, very weird things to Izuku’s body and imagination, things too inappropriate to describe in a work setting.
Kacchan leaves but not without offering the most dangerous challenge to Izuku’s mental wellbeing. “Feel free to drop in.”
Oh, he absolutely will.
“Bring Bakugon.”
Oh, he absolutely will not.
Maybe, he will.
Kacchan is going to ruin Izuku
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