#please I am very committed to my ships I WILL get very annoying if I get fed even more
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chialattea · 9 months ago
Im not going to spoil you anything, I just looked at your tags and the major development of shuggy comment you made
If you already saw potential? You’re not ready
Just brace yourself for what is coming
Can’t wait for the meltdown
what do you mean anon
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melkor-did-nothing-wrong · 1 month ago
hi!! i read your tags on your latest rb (the one about the angbang child) and idk if you posted about it in the past but i would love to hear more!! i also have my own hcs and im always interested in hearing other peoples ideas <3
(from what i read in your tags, if you dont feel comfortable talking about this, i understand, or if youd prefer, my dms are always open if you dont wanna reply publicly to this)
Ok I am going to start by apologizing for taking a long time to answer, as well as thanking you for sending the ask in the first place. I still don't know if I should answer this publicly, but after years of either being told off for it being "boring" or "not canon" or "ooc" or even seeing people leaving the conversations on read every time I mention angbang with a baby of their own, I really really do want to yap while having the opportunity of saying: "well, as you can see, someone asked, so I'm just answering! clearly that's for the asker!". So thanks for the opportunity and the encouragement. I'm going to put these events/developments in a numbered list, so you'll have an easier time asking me to elaborate on anything specific later on if you so choose. They're not perfectly coherent but it is what it is, you know?
(Also: People who think the whole concept is bad or cringe, don't interact with this post. I've been hearing this for years but if y'all are allowed to make your own fankids for literally every other ship ever, then so am I!)
First of all, I'm gonna be using terms like "having a baby" but I want to clarify it's actually weirder (and arguably sillier, depending on who you ask) than that. I am not talking about developing another person's body to birth here. I am talking about developing another spirit or soul, which will only get a body when the whole process is done. I am just using terms that will be familiar to us as people even if the process isn't identical (the same way people would sometimes talk about birds or reptiles being "born" even when everyone collectively knows they just hatch from an egg).
So obviously at the end of the WoW, the army of valinor comes over to arrest Melkor and drag him through the doors of night
Melkor immediately throws his hands up like "Nope, you guys really shouldn't kill me. I'm going to have a baby and it'd be incredibly rude of you to kill me given the circumstance"
Exhausted collective sighs. Obviously that's typical Melkor BS so we're not gonna believe that, but I suppose disproving it publicly back at home and putting an end to the bs will not be a huge amount of time wasted. whatever.
Yeah sure ok Melkor whatever you say. we can drag you back west to officially call the bluff and get rid of you there.
Drag Melkor back. Whatever. just end this farce please.
Wait. Wait what the fuck. What the fuck do you mean there actually IS a baby??? HUH???????? How come???? WHY?????
Ok fine whatever UGH you are SO annoying. Fine. you can stay in jail until you have it and we'll kill you AFTER. Whatever.
Manwe is just. Trying to ask Melkor wtf is going on. Melkor, who is having a very very bad time in prison, predictably tells his brother to flock off.
Meanwhile, Mairon, who has just learned of that development, sighs and makes an effort to get to Valinor to drag his annoying (but beloved) hubby out of there.
Shortly after Melkor has the baby and manages to configure a physical form for him, Mairon commits a few acts of terrorism around as a distraction, then shows up in front of Melkor in dragon form like "Get on, we're leaving".
They make it east, and have to start living on the run from place to place out of fear of being pursued, as well as trying to find any remaining allies.
Eventually when they realize there are most likely no immediate plans of attack or attempts to retrieve them, Melkor and Mairon decide to temporarily settle near a settlement of humans who were on Melkor's side in the war, partially because they won't be kicked out by allies and partially in hopes of discouraging Manwe from ordering any attacks due to the fear of human casualties.
What follows is a lot of trial and error in raising what is essentially an immortal Ainu who is both completely new to this world but is simultaneously technically an ancient spirit who has partial knowledge of all things but can't make sense of them.
Another part of the life they build raising a kid is Melkor having to deal with the personal trauma of basically everything and everyone else being gone- it's a significant struggle for him to go from doing whatever he wanted pretty much consequence free, while having the support of his entire court, to just sitting here with Mairon and the baby, just the three of them. He genuinely thought it would happen sooner, that their son would grow up a prince, safe as can be, surrounded by friends and be as adored by all as he himself was. Unfortunately that was not the case, and now he has to raise him very differently while knowing he'll never meet any of the people Melkor had called friends or had any sort of fondness for. You know. Because they're all dead and it's mostly his own fault.
Mairon on the other hand is less affected by it all that much. He always liked being alone just fine, he isn't exactly a huge fan of big crowds. It's difficult for him too, starting over somewhere new and knowing all the people he knew are dead, and also having to keep in mind that he might have to hop around every so often to evade his weird immortal ex-employers, but if there's anything that mf can do is dodge taxes. You're never gonna Al-Capone him. Ever. Can't put him in jail if you can't find him etc. And he's very good at not being found. He's also mostly okay with not being bothered as much. He has his own thoughts on the matter but he doesn't have the time to be an angstlord because now he's got to watch out for double the troublemaking chaotic Ainur and has to make an effort to prevent them from getting into too much trouble. Honestly it's not that different from runing a fortress, in terms of how busy he gets, if you ask him. Anyway he is very fascinated by the baby because unlike Valar (Melkor and Manwe, Yavanna and Vana, Nienna Namo and Irmo, Nessa and Orome…) Maiar are not created in sets of siblings, so Mairon is familiar in theory, but not familiar in practice, with the idea of a family unit. He doesn't entirely understand what it's like to have a connection with someone that runs this deep but he's absolutely fascinated by this little family of his.
Considering how Melkor is "No longer counted among the Valar" specifically, and considering the original plan was 15 Valar, I like to think of the kid as the Vala who will eventually gain the role of replacing Melkor. To that end, I needed an aspect for him to embody that is at least slightly similar to how I view Melkor (as an aspect of change and transformation), as something that can be associated with the creative process like Mairon, and as a bonus, something that Tolkien himself would consider at least a little bit negative. In the end I have decided to settle on that thing being Technology. It can be used creatively to innovate and streamline tedious or difficult processes, but can also be used for evil/selfish ends (especially these days…)
Last but not least, because I can't stress this enough - just because I prefer Melkor and Mairon to be loving partners to eachother and loving parents to their son, that does NOT mean they're suddenly "good" or "kind" or "redeemed" or any of the thousand other words used to describe either post first age Mairon or post fourth/whichever age Melkor. I am not opposed to the idea in general, in fact not only do I get the appeal, I even love it because I love reading about these evil little feral creatures being happy together. but to me personally just because they love their own boy and are cordial to allies who were dying for their cause during the recent war in this specific AU, it doesn't mean they're suddenly going to be good and nice and friendly towards any and every person they come across in the rest of it. In other AUs, sure, in other projects written by other people, absolutely, in other nonsense written by me, even, yeah absolutely I'll allow them to be nice. But here specifically they're still annoying evil disaster creatures who might kill any mortal for the heck of it just to see what happens. They just do it less often because they don't have a thousand Umaiar, ten thousand Orcs and a hundred dragons to back them up this time. So if they do the killing they'll have to face consequences this time, and they really wouldn't like that, so they play nice for the sake of, you know, not being murdered in their outnumbered, outmatched current state lmao.
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clare-with-no-i · 11 months ago
20 q's for fic writers
thank you sooo so much for tagging me @kay-elle-cee I unfortunately could not approach this in a completely earnest fashion due to who I am as a person, so everyone please take this slightly ersatz set of answers with all of the love I intend…which is a lot I swear…
AO3 Username: clarewithnoi (pronounced 'clare with no eye')
1. How many works do you have on A03? lol I keep orphaning stories when they annoy me but for now 37 (I think?)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 403,419…what is this word city
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, others which I have not published lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
not the statistics page!!!!!!! john mulaney voice that's the thing I'm sensitive about!!!!!!
one long day (all my love will make you shake) at 1,151 WOW my god I did not realize it had surpassed 1k!!! did I know that? holy shit!
I will carry you, always at 873 ok this is also shocking but I do know that my they-lived AUs tend to be more popular and they're older so they've had time to accumulate hits
foreigner's god at 701 still can't believe this <3
theogony at 682 (!!)
growing pains at 675 another they-lived AU! I really carved out a niche early on
5. Do you respond to comments? don't look at me…I always want to…I swear I just get overwhelmed…put the gun down please…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhhh jesus idk, probably the derelict art of letting go? I don't write a lot of angst but I guess that one is on the sadder side
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? foreigner's god! or I will carry you always! in one of them I contend with reincarnation and shared grief and second chances at life. in the other one they hook up in the DADA classroom. so it's a toss-up
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really, and given the number of public fights I've had on this account you'd think that people would take their dislike of me to ao3 more often, but everyone's been remarkably charitable in that regard. thanks guys <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? only if I can exorcise personal trauma through it. or if it's 2020 and I'm dissociating in my studio apartment.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no and no one say theogony or I'm turning this bus around
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? yessiree and it was not pleasant!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! a few! the ones with my permission were lovely. the ones without my permission not as much.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur…
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? it's like a three-way tie between jily, percabeth, and zelink tbh! but I've mainly read jily fic in the past few years I think. but this answer can change dependent on me developing a new hyperfixation lmao
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? the last time I answered this question I did it as a joke and then I wrote theogony about it so I'm going to choose peace and just plead the fifth here lest I commit to another wip that'll take three years
16. What are your writing strengths? I do a lot of (an excess of) research, I'm good at description, I am funny when I want to be, I've had some really good prose moments if I do say so myself (I do)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am structurally a very weak writer, I can't be succinct, I don't have a great literature background so I never really know what I'm in conversation with and have limited points of reference for writing, I am very bad at writing characters who are subtle about their emotions/romantic feelings, I submit to time pressure and rush myself, the list goes on
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've always wanted to write a fic in Spanish omgggg
19. First fandom you wrote for? either Zelink or Percabeth when I was like 12 lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? theogony!
tagging @thequibblah yes I know you've been tagged already. cope <3 and @mipwrites go get 'em champ
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darkenforcer · 10 months ago
QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN || accepting !
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
reading and writing have always been hobbies of mine, so when i learned i could write as the fictional characters i love? with other people!? i was so down!
i don't remember what keyed me in on it, though? i used to play pretend (it was just LARPing, lbr) on the playground until i was around 11, so maybe it kinda clicked in my mind that writing was the natural next step? no clue.
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
KINDA... i tell people i write with a community online and create "collaborative stories," but i never refer to it as rp or go in-depth unless i know that person's also done it before / is in similar fandom spaces.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
sure, i don't have any major complaints about his writing! it's consistent and fun to compare how differences in the localization shift the tone of certain character/rship-building scenes, while still managing to keep the spirit of his character intact. my only "issue" is that they could've put more time into expanding his character arc in the third act (but the same can be said for every character... a fumble all around tbh).
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
NOPE! can't do it. if i'm not weird about that fictional character from the start, it's very unlikely i'll ever put the effort into forcing myself to write them. i need that click! that spark!
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
i haven't developed an oc in yearssss so i'm the last person anyone should be asking. uh... (1) be a preteen, (2) develop an insane normal fictional crush, and (3) make an oc to ship them with. bam.
Who was your first OC?
i made my first in-depth oc when i was a wee 9 year old... she started out as a self-insert sonic oc that i obviously had to ship with sonic and shadow bc, duh. i also forced my cousins to make ocs so we could roleplay together lol.
i had more before that one but they were basically just vague roles i slipped into when playing pretend with my friends.
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
can i say all of them njgnjg i think every fandom out there has its subset of annoying fans who'll make you reconsider ever interacting with anyone you haven't personally vetted lol, even if briefly. for example -- just bc of its infamy -- i never interact with sonic fans outside my circle; i've seen way too many pointless debates and shitty opinions to risk venturing out there again...
In what fandom did you start?
i am SO glad sonic was the first because the ones after it are infinitely more embarrassing.
What are your favorite ships on here (feel free to tag?)
OOO good question!!! i'll start by saying i've been rooting for break/zhilan since day 1 -- love those goobers!! other than that, i enjoy seeing any ship get together on here, like lloyd/zelos, vash/wolfwood (both iterations), nicolette/wang yi... if you're shipping with someone just now i'm hooting 'n hollering whenever they interact.
Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?
nope, not yet! it's not that i'm against developing ships after noticing chemistry betwen muses -- far from it! -- it's just never gotten to the point where i wrote one.
What’s something you find weird on here?
i can't think of anything in particular, so... tumblr's commitment to making their layout as annoying as unoriginal and bloated as possible.
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
commence the taggening... you (duh), @kleinstar, @moraypower, @hollowfaith, @cladinivcry, @ultimatelifefcrm, @innerbeast, @nicawlette, @twohundredpower, @spiderstaff, @lalaluuz, ... i can't keep tagging people i'll go on forever...
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dastardly-espionage · 1 month ago
𓆩 Bonjour.
𓆩 I am the Spy. Currently affiliated with the RED Team, though that could change in the blink of an eye.
“I never really was on your side.” 🥀
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❇ A TF2 comic, game and headcanon focused rp and ask blog for the SPY of Team Fortress 2.
❇ ꒰A Warning: This blog is run by an adult that is 18+, and over 21. This blog will contain subjects/conversations pertaining to: War, blood, gore, torture, trauma, smoking, absent fathers, neglect, childhood abuse/trauma, mental illness, addictions, gore, swearing, sexual comments and situations and flirting in character.꒱
❇ Viewer discretion is advised. Minors may interact at their own discretion. Curate your own internet experience.
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❇ SPY is a man of mystery, an enigma wrapped behind a balaclava and a finely tailored suit. Is he here as a friend or foe? What truly does he want from you? Only time and a well polished balisong will tell...
❇ The SPY uses he/him and they/them pronouns. He is 46 years old. Currently, he has no relationship but was in a relationship for several years with SCOUT'S MA.
❇ The SCOUT [Jeremy Willis] is his biological son. Though, it is very likely that he has more biological and half biological children out there. He's a man that is poor with commitments and staying in relationships, but has many one night stands and flings.
❇ Currently, Spy is dating the SOLDIER.
❇ SPY can be a bit of a bastard, cold-hearted and stoic. Though underneath his layers, he is loyal, kind and cares greatly for those few he's let into his life.
❇ More info for the Mun is below.
●Now, onto some of the more important things. The Mun behind this blog is 18+ and over 21. You'll find my official warning a few scrolls above.
●Please call me Tony. I use he/him pronouns, and am autistic, along with other mental illnesses.
●This is not my only rp/ask blog. Hence, the activity here will be sporadic and low activity. It is not likely I will share my other rp/ask blogs unless I trust/know you.
●This is a drama free space. If you're one of the cunts that's come from the situation involving those screenshots, kindly go away. What you know of the situation is very little-considering you weren't there- and I do not care to continue this, considering it's been about six months.
●If the above statement makes you annoyed and/or unhappy, block me and move on. I am not here to cater to your needs, nor hide away.
●By now, the reader has likely guessed that the Mun is straightforward and seems blunt, but that is merely how I present when I need to be firm.
●DO NOT INTERACT: Get the fuck out. Don't even look at my blog. If you support/voted for trump, if you've come to start drama, harassment, trouble. If you're a nzi, a pdo, a pro/comshipper, and if you ship Spy/Scout.
●I blog liberally. I block if you give me off vibes. I block even if we've had no interactions.
●Anons/asks are a privilege. Kindly do not abuse them and get that privilege taken away.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year ago
The Abbey Grange pt 3
I'm fairly confident I've pieced this one together correctly. I'm a little annoyed that it appears that Lady Brackenhall didn't do it herself, but I suppose I'll allow it. I feel confident that she could have done it herself, though, had the narrative allowed her to.
...our door was opened to admit as fine a specimen of manhood as ever passed through it. He was a very tall young man, golden-moustached, blue-eyed, with a skin which had been burned by tropical suns, and a springy step which showed that the huge frame was as active as it was strong.
I stg, every time Watson describes someone in this story he gets hornier. 'As fine a specimen of manhood as ever passed through it.' Put your tongue back in your mouth.
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He's looking respectfully.
I've always thought that how horny literally every version of Watson seems to be was just exaggerated, but no. Reading/rereading these as an adult shows me that Watson is exactly that horny on main.
And by 'on main' I mean 'in a widely distributed publication'.
"I know so much already that if you go one inch off the straight I'll blow this police whistle from my window and the affair goes out of my hands for ever.” The sailor thought for a little. Then he struck his leg with his great, sun-burned hand. “I'll chance it,” he cried. “I believe you are a man of your word, and a white man, and I'll tell you the whole story."
First, the captain's kinda racist, I guess.
Second, this is an exact template of what not to do when being interviewed regarding a crime you have committed. Never believe that they know everything. Never agree to tell them anything. Say nothing.
Captain Croker is kind of an idiot.
But then, given the racism, we already knew that.
"So far as I am concerned I regret nothing and I fear nothing, and I would do it all again and be proud of the job."
This is also exactly what you should not say in this situation. He's just determined to be a waking talking exemplar of what not to do, I guess. And he's doing a great job of it.
"...many a time since have I kneeled down in the darkness of the night watch and kissed the deck of that ship because I knew her dear feet had trod it."
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That seems unsanitary. Sir, please desist.
Is this why they transferred you to another ship? So people would stop coming across you licking the deck? People walk on that. Sir. Sir, please.
This is yet another example of things you shouldn't do. Just in case you were wondering.
If you want to kiss her feet and you're both into that, go for it. But don't just, like... kiss the dirty deck of a ship where hundreds of people have walked because she walked there. Not only is it unhygienic, it's kind of stalkery.
Yeah.... no.
This guy is giving unhinged vibes.
"One day out in a country lane I met Theresa Wright, her old maid. She told me about her, about him, about everything."
Theresa 100% knew what she was doing here. There is no way she looked at this guy literally kissing the ground Mary walked on and didn't realise that he would be down to murder. Theresa wins the prize here. Excellently executed. Get the dumb stalker to kill the abusive husband. A+ work. She deserves a raise.
"This drunken hound, that he should dare to raise his hand to her whose boots he was not worthy to lick!"
Was not expecting to tick off 'foot fetish' on my Sherlock Holmes bingo card, but there we go.
"Theresa was always my friend, for she loved Mary and hated this villain almost as much as I did. From her I learned the ways of the house."
My dude, my dude. Theresa fucking played you.
"At first she would not open to me, but in her heart I know that now she loves me, and she could not leave me in the frosty night."
That's a really quick turn around from 'it was only friendship for her and I was happy with it' to 'I know she loves me now'.
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"Theresa was as cool as ice, and it was her plot as much as mine."
It was all her plan. I bet she made sure the husband was awake at the right time.
"...since she was trying hard to shield him and so showing that she loved him."
Really? Was she though?
"See here, Captain Croker, we'll do this in due form of law. You are the prisoner. Watson, you are a British jury, and I never met a man who was more eminently fitted to represent one."
I guess Watson has enough horniness in him for 12 people.
I mean, I don't have a problem with the guy being allowed to go free, the victim literally burned a puppy alive. Also, I'm pretty sure he was manipulated into being there at the right time. Because there's no way a maid who has been frequently mentioned to be really good at her job, just blurts out her mistress's private business to a guy they met on a boat in the middle of the road. She knew what she was doing. And the husband just happened to come along?
"Come back to this lady in a year, and may her future and yours justify us in the judgment which we have pronounced this night.”
I note that this is as much of a 'happily ever after' as we get for this story. I choose to believe Mary had already moved on in a year and had given up the pretence of being in love with him.
But I am cynical, as we have previously discussed.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year ago
Nancy Drew Rewatch 105: The Case of The Wayward Spirit
(or the one where everyone is serving looks)
Okay so we're back to more plotty episodes, and I am glad for it, though I did appreciate the last two very character driven episodes.
This episode features two new characters (well I guess one is on their second episode), neither of which made it past s1, neither of which I like.
I have discussed how Owen is....fine. He is...present. He was...on this show. That is really the most complimentary thing I can say about Owen, otherwise he's just kinda....Generic Man #3.
Laura. God, I actively dislike Laura. I get her motivations, but she constantly manipulates Ace, she disrespects what Tiffany wanted and she is just generally annoying and intolerable, and I can't wait for her to leave.
From episode 3's MVP of Tunji Kasim, Leah Lewis and Alex Saxon share the spotlight this episode.
But big praise for Leah Lewis. You cannot say she doesn't commit to a posession arc.
She looks freaking gorgeous in this dress too:
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Okay so, that is not a finger prick's worth of blood on the mirror?
I swear Nancy's hair is less blonde and more orange this episode.
Kennedy McMann serving looks here too. The orange isn't a great color but damn does it make her eyes pop:
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Ace being the best wingman ever.
A deep, profound sigh that I will have to contend with like 10+ episodes of Nick/Nancy and Nancy/Owen scenes to come. I swear it's not a Nace thing but it's just so....yeah.
Speaking of Nace, we get some classic baby Nace "no personal space" scenes this episode, along with some extended gazes. I can see why some started shipping them here.
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Also shout outs to Alex Saxon. They really seem to be noticeably upping his scenes, and he is excellent comic relief. One of my fave Ace lines:
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A prepared king and his knife
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I wouldn't give Laura the password either, miss me with that and please leave.
Fuck, I love Nick. That last scene with Tiffany....Ned Nickerson, the man you are.
Also baby Nace and baby Fanson!
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I said this to @middleagedresidentofriverdale but I LOVE George's style. If I didn't work in a super conservative environment with kids, this is exactly what I'd want to dress like.
I am...both looking forward to and not looking forward to the next few. Like I am already prepping myself for some Ace-less episodes.
But also the way they slowly unfold the mystery is SO GOOD and I am almost going to be disappointed when the two main murders are solved.
Thank you for being here to watch the cast of ND serve looks.
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allthingsfook · 2 years ago
If you're still doing ships (you put so much thought into them. It's amazing), I'm Jake [he/him]. I'm 26 and in grad school. I'm graduating with Masters's in History (studying queer history) in August with the intention of getting my Ph.D. so I can teach college-level history classes. I am always listening to music like Spotify told me I listened to 200,000 minutes last year. It's literally always in the background. my music taste is all over the place. Harry Styles, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, and The Smiths are probably my favorite groups. When I have free time, I like to read, i tell everyone my favorite fiction genre is High Fantasy and that's not a *lie* but it leaves out the part where my other favorite genre is romantic comedies. My love language is act of service, like being asked to do things for people makes me feel needed and loved. I hate the taste of coffee but drink it 1. because I have a horrible caffeine addiction and 2. because as a graduate student, I need to be awake more than my body wants to be. I have two cats one named after a star trek character the other named after my favorite poet.
This is my main blog, my GVF blog is @theintelligenceoflove if you get around to this thank you so much.
Hi Jake!!! Thank you!! I hope that these make everyone feel special 🤍🤍
I ship you with….
No surprise… Jake 🖤⚔️🤍
I wanna touch every point, so let’s start with your education! Jake would be incredibly impressed by your commitment to schooling, passion for history, and goal of teaching. I don’t think it would take long for Jake to be enamored by the way you talk about your schooling and what about it interests you most. Jake is definitely a history buff!!!!! As Kelly and Dan mentioned in an interview, Jake is the one that stays up until the early morning and will chat your ear off about anything under the sun. I can picture the both of you sharing a drink on the porch of his beautiful home, talking all through the night. The warm Tennessee air hugging you as you delve into the obscure details of a certain period. 🌅🏔️
No doubt music would fill the house if you lived together. To some people, it might be like an annoying mosquito that won’t go away, but you and Jake prefer it to silence, background noise, or even chatter. Just take a second and imagine the impressive record collection that man has!!! 🤯🤯 I think your music taste would be accepted by him (I don’t think there is much he wouldn’t appreciate) Even Harry Styles — I mean that sometimes the boys come off a little pretentious with their music taste and would like people to think they don’t indulge in anything mainstream, but let’s not forget that summer solstice shoot where they did, pose like Fine Line Harry!)
If I was going to give you and Jake a Smiths song, it would be Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want. I imagine that song is something people wouldn’t normally think Jake would listen to, but I didn’t think he paid any mine to Third Eye Blind either. He’s full of wonder.
I don’t mean to be unoriginal, but it’s not secret Jake loves to read as well. I hope that you could be the person that helps him create more time for it. I picture that being in the form of gifting him books he can’t contain himself from not picking up. As I’m sure you already know, any musician’s autobiography, or something about pirates 😂
Acts of Service is accurate for Jake as well. I remember him saying that if he wasn’t in music he’d probably work in healthcare. That’s very commendable of him and no doubt the biggest form of service to others. Through that statement, you can tell he has a huge heart.
WHATEVER YOU DO!!!!!! do not think about Jake stumbling down the hall, be-lining toward the coffee machine. His hair frizzy from a good nights sleep. His pajama bottoms sagging and lopsided on his waist. His bare chest appearing tanned in the morning sun. 😫😫😫 DO NOT GO THERE!!!!! The thought is more addicting than the coffee 🥰🥰🥰
Lastly, Jake would adore the fact that your cats are named after Star Trek and a poet. That’s right up his alley. And if you convinced him to get another, he’d insist on naming it something like Oscar (Oscar Wilde) or Bedivere (Monty Python).
Hope you enjoyed your ship, Jake! Let me know what you think 🧐❣️
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pepper-m00n · 6 months ago
okay SIT DOWN. do i have a lecture for you.
the most cannon ship in haikyuu imo is tsukkiyama, and since you didn't include tskym in your list and i am their #1 fan: i will be explaining my reasoning.
the official art speaks for itself. every devout tsukkiyama fan can list the DOZENS of official art examples where they making heart eyes at eachother. one of my favorite examples of this is in the music album cover where they are litterally gazing longingly and talking about music on the floor. please check it out there are so many posts about this i cant say any more that hasn't already been said. (look up tsukkiyama official art for proof you are welcome)
their charachter arcs litterally revolve around and depend on eachother. tsukkis arc would have never started without yamaguchi yelling at him at the training camp, and yamaguchis whole thing is that he wants to catch up to and be as cool as tsukki is and doesn't want to be left behind and tsukki WANTS HIM TO CATCH UP!!!
yamaguchi puts him on such a high pedestal and looks up to him so much that his whole thing in haikyuu bu (the parody manga) is how much he loves tsukki. idk how you can get clearer than this. the tsukki bento. the i love you tsukki. the putting up posters in the club room. and MORE.
they're one of the only pairings seen to interact post-timeskip (outside of the reunion game) AND its implied they regularly go out!!!! they are litterally at dinner together bruh. and they know things that happened recently so they have to stull be spending a lot of time together.
idk about you but if i only had one friend for most of my life and i shut everyone else out or was too anxious to get close with other people id probably fall in love with them . thats just me tho .
the hug ( WITH cheeks touching and basically squished together) at the end of the inarizaki game where everyone else is in a pile except for them, and yamaguchi pounces on tsukki. this is even more meaningful when knowing that tsukkis not big on touch.
after every big game yamaguchi runs over to tackle tsukishima
akiteru litterally doesn't believe that "kei has other friends besides tadashi" like bruh.
tsukishima has shown to be very anti-touch-- like wincing away from kuroo, refusing to shake hinatas hand, etc, BUT purposely touches yamaguchi multiple times ex) they high five MULTIPLE times, hes touching his hand when passing yamaguchi the number thingy when he's going to serve (when he holds the top for everyone else) etc.
both of their final apperances in the series is them laughing together
yamaguchi gets jealous when other people call him tsukki
yamaguchi used to call him kei-kun and its implied he goes over to his house a lot if he's so close with tsukkis family and is on given name basis with akiteru
they both see eachother as being better than themselves (ex. yamaguchi EVERY single chapter and tsukkis 'hes a man who walks ahead of me')
their whole symbolism with 'cool' and 'lame' how they think of themselves as lame but call the other one cool but hate when the other calls themselves lame and they both are always caught off guard or annoyed when they are called cool because it means that much to them
post timeskip yamaguchi says he wants to go to all of tsukkis games!!!! (cmon. not even close friends commit to that.)
yamaguchis company litterally sponsors the sendai frogs
tsukishima asks other people to stop calling him tsukki but he doesn't care when yamaguchi does it
tsukishima encourages him and actively makes yamaguchi more confident like the 'of course he made the serve hes been practicing more than all of you' and the 'i never thought i could do this by myself' (and it works! yamaguchi is eventually captain!)
the page long flashback parallel right after the serve and block where it goes from little yamaguchi following tsukki from afar, to teen yamaguchi being right behind him, to teammates standing side by side, to tsukki falling behind him. i mean cmon.
yamaguchi blushing while looking at tsukki. open your eyes people.
i dont even know what else i need to put here. i could go on and on about how they sit next to eachother on the bus, or the comments their voice actors have said about them or how relaxed yamaguchi looks around tsukki or how tsukki respects/trusts him more than anyone else up to the point where its more than his own brother but i dont NEED TO. BECAUSE EVEN WITHOUT ALL OF THIS THEIR INTERACTIONS ARE SO HAND IN HAND AND THEY ARE VERY RARELY SEEN APART FROM EACHOTHER THAT ITS SO HARD TO DENY THEIR CODEPENDENCY.
you could say they are best friends, sure. but i think it speaks wonders that when the fake interview saying they were supposed to be cannon was going around, nobody doubted it because there is so much evidence that it could happen. why not best friends AND soulmates? shouldn't your soulmate also be your best friend? checkmate.
okay yeah that was my little ramble you are welcome! (sorry im passionate)
I like most hq ships but the ones I consider 'most canon' would be kghn, bokuaka and asanoya (maybe even in that order). So like I was wondering what do yall consider to be more 'canon' ships, like there's arguments you could make based on the text for why they'd have to be romantic?
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cha0senergized · 1 year ago
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1- Although I may be selective with following, anybody is free to send in a starter for a rp, so don't be shy!!
2- I will not interacting with any NSFW blogs, and any NSFW will not interacting with me. The main reason is because I am under the age of 18, so, if you don't want me interacting with you, feel free to block me. Anybody 18+ is able to follow!! But if your rules state that you don't want any minors interacting with you, I won't follow back.
3- This blog will be heavily head-canon based, since I am not quite fond with roleplaying as a lot of muses
4- Sexual content, such as smut, will not be present. Inappropriate jokes are fine, just don't over-do it.
5- I have not been roleplaying for that long, and I don't have that much experience, so I will ask for anybody new writing with me to please be patient with me :'D
6- I am extremely shy, so about most of the time, I will not follow first, or send any asks most of the time. Please don't take this the wrong way. I just have a hard time interacting with a lot of people
7- Do NOT GodMod. A.K.A, taking control of a muse that isn't your own. It's very annoying to me when people do this.
8- This is not really a rule, but more of a suggestion. Like I said before, I'm extremely shy with role-playing with people. So, I'd most likely prefer if you'd be the one to send in a rp starter, but if you can't, I totally understand !!
9- Personals are able to follow and like posts, but, please. Unless you have any rp side blogs, do not reblog or reply to any posts. This is not a Fandom blog
10- Every blog I have are multi-ship. I will have separate verses for every ship on a blog. Although, please talk to me if you want to ship one of my muses with your own
11- This blog is OC and Crossover friendly!! I love roleplaying with OCs and crossovers, SM FUN
12- Don't pressure me to do or continue roleplays. Please just. Don't.
13- Do NOT try and redeem Fleetway in ANY WAY, as he will just not give a shit. He'd probably murder you lmao
14- MUN ≠ MUSE. Fleetway is a sadisitic and insane killer who most like commits 5 war crimes a day, I AM NOT HIM. Anything my muse says or does is not reflecting me lmao
15- Fleetway is EXETREMELY powerful, so if you try and pick a fight with him, your muse will get severely hurt at best :P
Ty for reading through !! More rules will be applied the more the blog goes on. Until then, this is all I have for now. If you have read the rules, simply just like this post. That's all I ask for. I look forward to rp with you all !!
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laisai · 2 years ago
I am in so much pain tonight (flare up 😭) and I hd horrible insomnia last night (only slept 4 hours) so im just
anyway trying to think of happy things
one of which is Jing Yuan's fluffy hair. IT LOOKS SO FLUFFY? i want to touch it. I wish he were rea so i could pet his hair. someone on reddit described him as a confident, well-groomed cat and it's like. that is correct. he is such a satisfied big cat. i love him. i wanna pet him 😭😭
also the idea of jing yuan/dan heng/blade as this very tragic and cursed (literally not firguatively) ot3 is just. im dying here. there's not enough fic ahout them. at.least not in english. im so bad at writinf fic but at this rate if more people dont join the ship im gonna be annoyed into writing something (which will be left unfinished probably like my mdzs fics 😭😭😭😭)
but theyre SO tragic and angsty and dramatic!!! jing yuan stuck watching as his lovers ebd up in a life and death spiral that he can't save them from. stuck kn the sidelines with all his Duties as a general, stuck on the luofu raising yanqing (there was a very suspicious leak saying yanqing might be another hidden dragon boy and if so like. look. im not saying dan heng's love child bc the dragon people apparently don't reproduce but like. he will be their love child in my headcanons all right)
and then there's blade with his spotty amnesia and horrific pain and regenerating body and wanting to die abd being unable to. im in so much pain tonight and just imagining like. if that were to be me every day of my life but even death couldn't end it??? gods I'd be so insane. and then being like, the person i trusted most in the world INFLICTED this agony on me??? out of a selfish love???? dear gods what a tragedy banquet
and dan heng too!! his powers are sealed, he has the most complete ammesia out od all of them, he's like a teenager/young adult in memory but there's basically this old incarnation of his that haunts his every move, and he's being hunted down for something his past self did without knowing why. and also he was raised IN A PRISON for crimes he doesn't remember and didn't personally commit (except it WAS him) and then he gets exiled from his home abd people forever as a "mercy" by the guy who was supposed to care for his best interests (jing yuan)... even if that was ultimately a good thint since it got him on the express, it's still got to be bizarre and painful to long for a homeland you are exiled from abd also literally were barred from seeing much of, except during that day you got exiled.
and now everyone is back on the same ship!! i swear they wrote these three guys with like the tragic angsty shit that chinese BL often does, on purpose. it seriously feels like a rsuper tragic danmei novel lmao
😭😭😭😭 theyre living in my head rent free
please give them a happy ending together hoyo pleeeeease 😭😭😭
(knowing hoyo tho they're gonna drag this out for 8 years before killing at least one of them off permanently lmao)
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years ago
Hello there twitter refugees! As I have seen an uptick with followers I feel the need for both of our sakes, to let you know what to expect on my blog before we all commit to each other and some basic ground rules here on my humble tumblr land piece and if you as well need to block me:
1: You follow or reblog from any self titled “Anti-MXTX” bloggers with that specified carrd description, unfollow me and don’t reblog my posts please. 💜 This also involves anything do with “MXTX critical” as well.
2: Jin Guangyao stans don’t try me, I am not nice about him so just block me if you don’t enjoy that as well as me very much despising Xiyao as a ship. I generally tag anything to do with him as, I hate jin guangyao and jin guangyao stans block me.
3: I adore my submissively breedable Jiang Cheng as a joke because he is damn trash, if you portray him as best UwU jiujiu and bro evar blocking me is best for your benefit. To put bluntly, if you think Wei Wuxian was more in the wrong toward him through the plot, my meta here are not going to be for you as my sympathy for this character is low. I don't tag anything as anti jiang cheng, as I do like him as one of my favorite characters to analyze, and what I have here is simply reiterating what we are given from text and the author.
4: I am rather critical of the portrayals of fandom tropes for MDZS that is horribly prevalent on Twitter and this runs the gamut of all sides. I am more than happy to expand on my thoughts on anything for this as well for any questions sent my way about what I think of "so and so".
5: I am a Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen stan first and foremost and will make that apparent through my meta as I get rather annoyed when the points of these two are missed.
6: Don't come to my inbox because I ranted or made fun of a bad OOC fandom headcanon and it personally upset you, your bad takes upset me. Equivalent Exchange, as Edward Elric said.
7: I do not and will not post anons linking to other blogs, this is basic courtesy only on my part as I am not comfortable with providing direct links that are not my own or of those that I have reblogged or commented on with my additional post commentary If I get particularly annoyed enough to say something in reaction.
8: FengQing shippers can block me instead of responding to my posts, I take none of what you say into account, thank you, don't come again 😊
9: Yue Qingyuan owes nothing to Shen Jiu himself and as the plot significantly changes due to Shen Yuan, there's nothing more for him to take responsibility for by the end as Shen Yuan exonerated him from any further responsibility to move on. Don't argue this with me as any what if's are unwarranted, needless and useless semantics.
With that, call me Orion or Ava!
98% MDZS here with a few smatterings of the other MXTX novels, c-dramas, Priest’s novels, video games and shitty memes. And uhhh, lots of clothes and pretty photos.
Only other info that is needed is that I am a lesbian, mexican/latina and 30+.
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mohluskiepedard · 5 years ago
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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starfire-s · 4 years ago
here’s a list of the best, mediocre and worst kdramas i watched in 2020
no one asked for this but it’s happening because i have thoughts (also all opinions are my own if you disagree then get well soon i guess... no i’m kidding make your own posts about it don’t hate me please) ahsjsj anyways click to read a lengthy post and if you actually read the whole thing then thank you i hope you enjoy this wild ride! 
mystic pop up bar - this show had everything i ask from a kdrama literally i can name it all found family (to real family), well thought out characters, a mystery plot, special effects, soft romances that were well written, a happy ending! no show in 2020 even comes close to how good this one was! the writers literally guided you throughout the whole thing so you could come up with theories and didn’t do a ‘aha! gotcha’ thing where they want to prove the audience wrong but they wanted us to be right and satisfied! the worst part about the drama is that it’s still so underrated and people just brush it off as some random fantasy show but it’s so much more than that! 1000/10
flower of evil - who doesn’t want to see lee joon gi being the son of a serial killer, living with the name of a man who is in a coma, and hiding his real identity from his wife who is a detective? this show constantly had me at the edge of my seat on a weekly basis so the emotions i went through while watching this are unparalleled! the writers also did such a good job on writing a coherent story that made sense and tied up all the plot points in the end. just a really satisfying show to watch! 10/10
where your eyes linger - i literally bought a $8 viki pass to watch this show so it should tell you everything you need to know about how i feel ahsjsj the episodes were 10 minutes long but we got a good story with well written characters who got character development in a total of 80 minutes it’s insane! honestly it’s still hard to believe this show had rookie actors because they were just so emotive that you could feel all the happiness, sadness, yearning and pining! probably one of my fave kdramas this year because of the acting that i always constantly rewatch! would recommend 10/10
crash landing on you - okay so this drama was actually released on my birthday last year and it was a time in my life when i was going through a lot so maybe it’s the comfort this show provided me through that time this is why i have such a soft spot for it? like the romance was good, it was funny, there was found family, the nk soldiers were all softies, there were strong female leads, soft male leads!!! ahh!! no other show on this list made me think about the unification of south korea and north korea irl because i wanted se ri and jeong hyeok to be together 4ever! but the only issue i had with this show was the ending they gave seung jun if they didn’t do that i’d give this show a 10/10 but just for that they get a 9/10
psycho but it’s okay - this was one of those shows where you’re literally like ‘wow everyone here needs therapy’ but this show was amazing i loved the story telling and how each episode related to children’s book/fairytales! the writers also did a good job with how carefully they talked about mental health in depth without villainising their characters but actually tried to make the audience understand why they were this way which included all the side characters too who had a well thought out story in each episode! also the dynamic between moon young, kang tae and sang tae was everything to me the actors all did an amazing job portraying their characters, it truly was a healing drama. the only thing i didn’t like about this show was the whole plastic surgery plot with the mother like that was very far fetched but it provided drama so i’ll let it slide because the rest was amazing. this show is a solid 8.5/10
18 again - another underrated gem! who would’ve thought a remake of that zac efron movie could be this good!! lee do hyun stole this show for sure the way he portrayed his character and gave heart eyes to his kids (when he’s only 25 irl was the best thing i saw this year ahsjs) i loved the family dynamics in this show, i loved how it talked about what it’s like to be young parents and how society still think it’s taboo to be divorced! it’s a show that makes you laugh and cry at the same time and that’s why everyone should watch it! however, the biggest clown thing this show did to me though was that i got sls for the first time while watching a kdrama... hwang in yeop if u’re reading this i love u and u deserved better 🤡 that aside this show was a 8/10
itaewon class - i actually didn’t watch this drama as it was airing because i thought i wouldn’t enjoy the plot but when i watched it i binged the whole thing in 2 days and my biggest regret is i didn’t watch it sooner! everyone knows i have a soft spot for park seo joon since he’s my favourite actor i’ve literally watched all his dramas like he could star in the trashiest drama out there and i’d still watch it and be like wow (looking at she was pretty 👀) this show aside from the acting had one of the best revenge plots in a kdrama! just watching a character realistically hustle his way to reach the top while fighting the corrupt man whose son killed his father was so so satisfying to watch! however, the love triangle in this show was questionable idk what they were trying to do with that but it personally annoyed me! but still i’ll give this show a 7.5/10 because i enjoyed it a lot!
do you like brahms? - kim min jae and park eun bin.. that’s all you need to know about why this is a good kdrama! i’m usually not a big fan of melodramas and everyone knows i prefer rom coms but this show was just so perfectly melo that i loved all the angst and pain we got!! also just watching two introverted people awkwardly fall in love was amazing! the characters story arcs were also handled pretty well with song ah finally learning to speak up for herself and joon young learning to express how he truly feels! but... the love square? was probably the most annoying thing the rest in my opinion was nicely done! i know people had mixed feelings about the ending but i loved that after all the pain joon young and song ah went through they got a happy ending together! 7/10
find me in your memory - okay this show started off very slow and it was confusing at the start but as it progressed everything in the plot started to fall into place! i mean this show really took opposites attract to a new level where the male lead could remember every single detail from his life but the female lead had to forget some of her traumatic memories to help her cope with her life! they were also tied together through a mutual character who was a big part of their lives in a different way! just an interesting melodrama with interesting characters i liked it! and moon ga young... i love you queen!!! 7/10
more than friends - was the storytelling in this show groundbreaking? no. was the acting decent? yes. also probably the main reason i stuck with this show until the end! i think we can all agree lee soo had the best character development on this show he started off as a bad boy who wore one ear stud to actually becoming a well liked character... who else did it like him? no one. also the chemistry between the mains was 🔥 but the second male lead was so annoying is there a opposite word for second lead syndrome because i had that for sure! i think the best part about this show was the people i watched it with on here... shoutout to the five of us ahsjsj also this show introduced me to a talented actor/singer like ong seong wu (y’all know my kpop knowledge is nonexistent so no i didn’t know he was in a band called wanna one) all in all a predictable show but i had fun watching it so 6.5/10
tale of the nine tailed - i didn’t actually watch this show i watched it through gifs and instagram posts ahsjsjs so am i qualified to talk about my opinion definitely no... will I talk about it anyways yes lmao. lee rang deserved better that’s all goodbye and take care. 5.5/10
start up - probably one of the most awaited opinions. y’all thought this would be in the worst kdramas section but i decided to give this show some rights. the show started off strong, lost it’s way after episode 6 and then the last episode gave me what i wanted so i have mixed feelings. the writing was not the best i think we can all agree, love triangle as a plot device? wow so groundbreaking 🤡 the characters on the other hand... i loved every single one of them i mean ship wars? i don’t know her. the show had a lot of potential that was wasted but we also got some cute moments between the characters so there was really no winning or losing with this show? but in all honesty you can’t put a talented cast together like this and then just decide to give the audience a mediocre plot but the writers did exactly that! i think i can redirect y’all to my ‘crimes this show committed’ post for a in-depth analysis. lastly nam do san was a GOOD and REFRESHING male lead and ji pyeong was also a GOOD and FUN second male lead!!! this show gave me the ugliest ship war ever that i was transported back to my high school tvd days so thank you for that!! but the cast was loveable and all had a lot of chemistry together so here’s a 5/10 maybe that's too generous but... i think the reason why i didn't enjoy watching this show as much was definitely because of the tag on here lmao
the king eternal monarch - i miss clowning this show so much. the amount of braincells i lost while trying to understand this plot... i should be compensated by the writers. however, woo do hwan was a treat to look at on a weekly basis... however the writers kept decreasing his screen time even though he had a dual role... make it make sense? and i cannot comment on the plot of this show because i still don’t understand anything? also in my opinion tae eul and lee gon were the most bland couple of 2020, there was no chemistry between them and there was just a random kiss in episode 5 and they randomly said i love you... where was the development? also lee gon was soooo boring and such a one dimensional male lead! literally all the side characters were so much more interesting and the cast was good... but this plot. 2/10
do do sol sol la la sol - i wanna fight the writer who decided that the plot twist on the show would be that jun is a minor? i had no expectations from this show but it looked cute and nonsensical but that plot twist made me run the other way so fast that i never looked back! just because jun is a boy they really thought this would be excused like lmao we all have critical thinking skills???? the clown behaviour. a solid 1/10
record of youth - i hate this show so much. imagine not utilising park so dam who just starred in the biggest oscar winning movie to her full potential. imagine just making her a love interest to park bo gum’s character in the year 2020. i watched it up until episode 6 and i kept waiting for her character to get development... but it never happened so i dropped this show. also this show featured the MOST useless love triangle i have ever seen in my life like what was the point? also park bo gum’s characters family was straight up annoying (minus the grandpa) but they got so much screen time like that should’ve been given to park so dam... also villainising a gay side character for no reason at all in the year 2020? this show was a waste of my time i want the 6 hours i spent watching this back. -100/10 
backstreet rookie - i watched one episode of this and literally wanted to rip my eyeballs out of my head. idk what ji chang wook was thinking when he signed this drama i think he lost his ability to read because that's the only reasonable explanation for why he chose to star in such a dumpster fire show! this show had a racist character... had a high schooler kiss an adult... sexist jokes... just the worst things you can think of in a drama... this show had it. i still can’t believe so many people watched this show to the point where it had better ratings than pbio... really made me question everyone’s taste? but sorry can’t relate my taste is excellent so here’s the rating this show actually deserves -1000/10
if you made it this far... thank you for reading. let’s continue to love some kdramas together and get clowned by others in 2021! looking forward to it 😅
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gwynsazriel · 4 years ago
hey guys!!!
so as you know, the chapters WERE leaked from an italian excerpt! and some of the few who read the book have reviewed it on good reads and answered some questions which i would put here!!
“I still don't know how many stars to give, but I have to say I'm pretty surprised. It's not perfect, please, but after leaving Crescent City halfway through I was terrified. Instead, the commitment of Maas is very noticeable. Among the books I have read (and I have read almost all of them except Kingdom of ash) this seems to me the best in terms of style (I REPEAT, it is not perfect, there are always some very ... "Maas-like" things, but they are not annoying, indeed they made me smile). Nesta is a wonderful, realistic character, for me the best written by the author. I saw myself a lot and I don't deny that in some scenes I was also very excited. I still don't know how many stars to give, but I have to say I'm pretty surprised. Ps. every scene where Azriel is present = tears <3 I LOVE IT”
“It's been a week since I finished this book and I still can't get it out of my head. I already know that it will be among the favorites of the year, because the story of Cassian and Nesta has really conquered me * - * The growth path of the two protagonists is crazy, but to be honest, I never doubted that Maas would have made their justice. I'll tell you about it on February 22, but I can't wait for you to read it all, and above all I need to have the next book in the series in my hands (although we don't know who it will be yet) <3”
“Very beautifull! I have to be completely honest, when I read that it was a 720-page brick, it took the anxiety. Could I have finished it in time? And then, would Maas have convinced me? Both responses came quickly. This is a transformative book for Nesta, there is so much inside her (and I had already seen it) that every page of this novel was necessary for her to grow up, to accept, to learn. Cassian is wonderful, as always. His patience, his sweetness, his love are deep and transpire from the paper. As announced by Maas, this book is downright hot, it contains explicit sex scenes and if that bothers you then be prepared. The relationship between Nesta and Cassian grows slowly like a fire which at first is just a flame but in the end burns with passion. I already loved them as secondary characters and now, even more. Maybe there will be flaws, but honestly I can't find them after reading. Get ready for a great book!”
“700 pages (in the italian version) dedicated to the Nessian! Oh, my little heart! :3 I enjoyed the reading so much, there's so much romance (very adult romance) and all my expectations were met. Rhys, forgive me, but I fell completely in love with Cassian. And Nesta, I feel you girl!”
Q1: I am very excited to read this book! Can you tell us something about Elain and Azriel? No spoilers, but do they have any conversations? Don't worry if you can't tell!
ANSWER: I wouldn't say they have a conversation, but there is a moment Elain and Azriel fans are sure to enjoy :)
Q2: Would you say you were satisfied with how Nestas' story went? how did she grow as a character? 😁
ASNWER: Yes, Sarah J. Maas handled Nesta's evolution very well! I'm sure you will all be satisfied;)
Q3: after reading ACOSF, do you think azriel and elain will happen or are we getting a new ship for either of them?
ANSWER: Unfortunately in this book it is not clear if Elain and Azriel will be endgame! Maas doesn't give us many clues, so it's possible that they end up together or be with other people. There is another ship that could come true!
Q4: Could you share if there is any heat going on with Azriel and Elain?
ANSWER: they are not very present in the book but there is one scene in particular that I think bodes well, even if it is a few lines.
Q5: can we expect much of Lucien in the book?
ANSWER: No, unfortunately, there will be very little
Q6: Please tell me Azriel finally lets Mor go in this book. Also, is there any character growth for Elain?
ANSWER: Azriel is said not to be as interested in Mor as before; Elain appears very little
Q7: do we get scenes with Lucien and Elain that would show a future romance?
ANSWER: I'm sorry to say that Lucien and Elain are present together in just one scene, with the Inner Circle all around, and they basically ignore each other.
Q8: is Nesta gonna make friends of her own? And does Az teases Cassian and Nesta a lot (like, ''who are you triyng to fool here? we all know you both are crazy about each other'')?
ANSWER: Yes, Nesta'll have new friends, far from the Inner Circle and the characters that we already know.
Yes, he does! ;)
Q9: Is Nesta and Elain's relationship explained in this book? I was always curious what made Nesta so protective towards Elain
ANSWER: Everything about Nesta's life (her family, her relationship with her parents, with Feyre and with Elain) is explained. This book's totally focus on her and Cassian, on their relationship, their past, their present, their future. So, our curiosity'll be satisfied!
SO, that’s it for now! i will update if they answer more questions!
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wokestraightpuffy · 4 years ago
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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