#play me a full episode instead of just a clip
wild-battlebond · 9 months
the imminent closure of pokémon TV is still so sad. literally over a decade of existence& several redesigns... all just to be shut down sadly
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tastesousweet · 5 months
⭒ blurb : “if a girl walks up to you …”
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary : headcannon/blurb based on the tiktok trend “if a girl walks up to you and flirts what are you doing?”
mickey speaks : randomly had this thought tdy & hamzah has been on my mind lately soooo this one’s for my slushy girls 💐 PRETTY FLUFFY (but i hope it’s not like … cringy instead of cute)
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you’re both fully in pajamas, tucked and wrapped in each other’s arms when you come across the tiktok trend that has flooded your for you page as of late
hamzah’s naturally aloof (due to a long day spent with you and it currently being almost 1 AM) and unfocused as he fights sleep while watching his tenth episode of teen titans.
so when you quickly unravel yourself from him and move across the room, adjusting your low hanging sweatpants accordingly, he’s dumbfounded and asking you what you’re doing and why you’re leaving him.
“you’re so dramatic, can you come here? i wanna do something”
“insulting me and asking a favor in the same sentence…” he sighs then pauses with a hand closed over his mouth, muffling “wow.”
literally and metaphorically tugging his arm to get him to participate but he’s adamant on knowing what exactly he’s getting up for
when he’s almost out of bed you tell him it’s “this tiktok thing” and he exaggerates a “NOOOO” and releases all of his weight so that he falls back on the bed and you practically fall with him due to your connected hands
of course he’s eventually convinced with a few kisses
hamzah fiddles with your hand while listening to you explain: “okay, pretend im not here and some girl comes up to you at target.”
he just stands in the center of the frame looking around the room as you walk away then return in character
you approach obnoxiously and begin some surface level flirting “hey good looking”
“you can back up a little bit,” he looks you up and down
“pause- did you just check her out???”
“no? you know there was definitely some judgement there.”
“sure ok, resume… now.” you play with your hair, “what’s someone as cute as you doing in a place like this?”
“bruh, we’re at a target” hamzah laughs through his words
you stop your role again, “and why are you taking time to respond to her?!”
“oh kill me for being distracted! you couldn’t have hired an ugly actress?”
you look up at him with squinted eyes, “you need to learn to resist the hot girls too!”
“i’m tryingggg!!!!” he rubs his eye harshly, “restart, restart.”
it cuts to a clip of you two acting once more
“yeah, we both loooveee target we’re, like, so alike,” you go to grab his arm and he turns completely away from you
“ok, and i have a girlfriend” he pretends to grab something off of a shelf
“that doesn’t matter if i don’t see her…”
you continue pestering so he resorts to plugging his ears with his fingers and talking over you, repeating that he has a girlfriend
eventually he turns back to face you and yells “OH MY GOD GIRL, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!” right into your smiley face.
he then fully manhandles you over his shoulder and spins you around before dropping you onto the plushness of your shared bed
he doesn’t even look to check on you (you’re outrageously laughing and yelling “it hurts!” in regards to your poor stomach cramping)
he runs to grab your phone from the desk while recording himself in faux panic, “guys, you can’t tell y/n i just beat up a woman please, please, pl- AHHH”
he and the video are cut off by you jumping on his back and attacking his cheek with kisses through your loud giggles.
you cuddle in bed again after turning off the lights and hamzah rewatches it for a third time since you’ve posted it to your spam account (everytime it’s over he says, “no, that was actually pretty funny.”)
by the morning it has thousands of likes and plenty of comments either full of love for the two of you together or calling hamzah the funniest man in the world (they’re just like u fr!)
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bitchcakegreen · 4 months
I finally watched all four episodes of season 3 part 1 and I have thoughts, as a fan and as a screenwriter/former romance novelist, and professional director. I didn’t have netflix but I got it for this season. I did this kinds of analyzations and such during Game of Thrones. Hopefully people enjoy reading. Full disclosure, I have not read any of the Bridgerton books. (I’m about three chapters into Romancing Mr. Bridgerton)
First off, give me all the Pen and Colin all the time. I’ve been hoping they get together from season 1 and I’m so happy Shondaland didn’t make us wait another season, as the books go in a different order. There’s a lot of subtle nuance to Pen and Colin’s scenes, Colin always seeking out Pen wherever they are, the tent pastry scene followed by Colin clearly eating the same pastry as Pen did. The tent scene was freaking hot. I said what I said. Things of this nature make their love affair so lush. It’s that journey to getting to the carriage scene that’s so thrilling.
I didn’t mind Francesca’s subplot or the Mondrich one but I do agree with many I’ve seen here that the subplots almost took over. There was a lot of emphasis placed on things other than Pen and Colin which annoyed me somewhat. Hopefully when we get to part 2 there will be more intense focus on Polin and the subplots are just rotating around them because right now, with the pacing of these first four episodes, it’s the opposite. Polin feel as if they are somewhat an afterthought.
The Cressida redemption movement I don’t think will last into part 2. I think all this work is to try and make the audience sympathize with her and then when she goes after Pen, Pen as Lady D, and so forth we are supposed to think “OH! But she was being so nice.” Hopefully I’m wrong and they follow through on her storyline because if they don’t…they wasted a lot of time and storyline on her instead of focusing on Polin.
I’m ambivalent about Lord Debling, so meh. Sorry about it.
Anthony and Kate - absolutely unnecessary but I know why they brought them in. One, he is the Viscount so he would be around. Two, they are fan favorite. I get it. I accept it. It was just wasted real estate for me. But to each their own.
I love Mr. Finch and I LOVED he got to be such a beaming brother-in-law for Pen in the green dress. I do wish they hadn’t shown us the dress reveal in the trailer. It would have been such an awestruck moment for us to see it first in the show. Sweeping cape removal and glittering loveliness.
Pen’s sisters and their race to get pregnant. It’s all a setup for Pen to be pregnant first or with the male heir by the end of the season. Cute but really long winded in getting there. There is a now since deleted promo clip of Pen, with Colin standing behind her, where she takes his hand and places it on her stomach. So we’re getting a pregnancy nod somewhere next part. May even be why she faints in whatever scene they show in the trailer for part 2.
Eloise needs to get her head out of her butt. I don’t think she’s angry Pen is LW but more angry that she didn’t figure out Pen was Whistledown sooner. She’s mad that Pen didn’t try to see her during the offseason, yet she tells her at the end of season 2 to get the fuck out of her life. Get it together Eloise. I love Eloise, don’t get me wrong, I adore her. I just want her to stop acting like an ass and TALK to Pen.
There is discourse about the second Colin threesome scene, but there really shouldn’t be. There’s a reason for it. It showcases that Colin is done with the charade he’s been playing all season. He isn’t the bon vivant, dashing rake he’s supposed to be. It’s jarring but it’s a scene with a purpose.
All the Polin scenes are delightful. The balloon scene might be my favorite - the pastry scene I include in this. And of course the first kiss and the carriage scene (which lives in my head on repeat) but I have to say, I wanted more Polin screen time. I think if we spliced all the Polin scenes together we see that out of four hours of film, they have maybe a cumulative 1 hour of screen time. Which isn’t much for a couple that is the lead of the season. Hopefully the ratio will be better in part two.
Merit badges and raises to the Featherington coachmen and to Pen’s maid Rae. They are MVPs and are totally gossiping about Polin. You know that tea was flowing in the servant’s quarters about the carriage ride…
Scenes I hope we get in part 2.
1. Full on sexfest with Pen and Colin, the likes to rival Daphne and Simon.
2. Whistledown reveal to Colin. First I want him angry - that passionate angry we use in romance novels. The kind where the hero is always “I’m so mad at you right now I can’t see straight but I need you writhing with passion underneath me screaming my name RIGHT NOW!” kind of angry. I want ripped corsets and torn skirts. If you know you know.
3. Pen and Eloise make up.
4. Big stupid lavish wedding.
5. More unhinged Queen Charlotte wigs. Because reasons.
Sorry this was such a long post, but I needed to get my thoughts out. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Now excuse me while I go watch part 1 elevenity million more times.
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alarmsofmyheart · 1 month
Tyme has the best rizz ever. I can't accept all the Tyme has zero rizz/awkward flirt/introvert flirt etc etc.. I dont want to keep quite anymore. From amongst all the doctor gays I've seen in any media I've consumed, and from the real life surgeons I've worked under, TYME HAS THE BEST RIZZ. I kept typing and deleting this. Because obviously, I didn't want to communicate and my opinion really doesn't matter. And there's hella lota things happening in the show, but
- TYME TUCKING IN HIS SCRUBS BEFORE GOING TO SEE PATIENT GREAT (internally screaming since the day I saw that clip/episode, surgeons atleast any single one I know don't fucking tuck in their scrubs, at least not in my country, UNLESS ITS SOME VERY IMPORTANT SUPERIOR COMING OR MEETING THEM like health ministry people checking the quality at hospital etc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass so Tyme tucking in his shirt before seeing Great is so important to me atleast)
- TYME KNOWING HIS FULL NAME, i don't really know how it is in hospitals in Thailand, do they use their full long names or both the nickname and full name, but either way, TYME KNOWING HIS FULL NAME AND HIM TELLING HE KNEW IT FROM THE BOUQUET (instead of the case sheet which is what I expected) was sexy
are infact some top quality rizz and quality realistic writing(atleast to me).
I don't consider Tyme putting himself between Great's legs/leaning in while examining the wound as rizz, it's obviously unethical, there's no need to compare reality with fiction but still I'm most of the time a boring person. So I don't mention that in the list. Rest of that happenings were pure pure flirty cutey pie thing.
Did the rizz work on Great? Yes. That's all that matters.
Also I'm posting this now because I didn't have Tumblr account till two days ago. Anyway what an episode today!!!!
Sad. Fucked up. Happy.
Not just the characters but Timeline is not straight as well. 😌
Also it's nice of them whoever from production editor writer cast whoever decided to spell TYME as T Y M E instead of T I M E because they all know we be writing time time time multiple times in our meta/posts and it kinda easily seperates the character name and the entity of time, probably plays an part in trending hashtags etc etc. but great decision.
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adragonsfriend · 5 months
CinemaTherapy, Tone Policing, Mace Windu
The CinemaTherapy video on Palpatine contains, I will say it nicely, opinions about the Jedi in general that I disagree with, (I love most of their videos, and their advice on avoiding manipulation in this one is useful and good, I hope it helps people, etcetera) but what I want to talk about is the specific moment where they mention Mace Windu for literally half a second.
At 14:07-14:29, they say, (copying directly from the episode transcript):
Jono: But what Anakin is not mature enough or mindful enough or experienced enough to be aware of, is that he's being steered right, and that Palpatine is doing it deliberately to drive a wedge between Anakin and the people he cares about and who care about him. At least a few of them do. Um, not Mace. Mace. Come on...
Anakin [ROTS clip]: I must go, Master.
Mace [ROTS clip]: No.
Alan: Do better, man.
Jono: Do better, Mace.
I firmly don’t know what explanation there is for this other than tone policing of a black man. Whether it’s CinemaTherapy’s problem specifically, or if they’ve just been drinking the fandom koolaid I don’t know, but it’s a problem either way. Let me explain.
The casualness of the remarks is wild. There is a full eyeroll, and several *theatrically* shaken heads. The transcript does not fully convey how out of place it feels watching it. It's almost to the point where I really want to give the benefit of the doubt and believe it's sarcasm, but the rest of the video does really not support that assumption. (If this is my failure of interpreting other humans, and it was sarcasm, then forgive me, I suppose).
I’m not even sure what aspect of Mace's behavior toward Anakin they’re addressing? The ROTS clip they choose to play of him—presumably an attempt to highlight whatever they’re talking about—is from Mace telling Anakin to stay behind when he's going to face Palpatine.
Of all the moments, if I was ever going to try and construct a “Mace is mean to Anakin specifically narrative,” I would not pick that one? It’s quite literally the chillest interaction they have in all three movies? If I was them, and trying to actually showcase an “Anakin’s doesn’t get enough affirmation or connection from the Jedi,” narrative, I would choose a scene like when Mace says Anakin won’t be trained. At least there you could make a argument that the council’s decision could’ve been explained a bit less bluntly, and that there’s something of a “conversations that adults should be having privately are instead occurring in front of a child” situation.
The casualness of the remark, the “Do better, Mace” and the knowing head shakes, those matter. The way they’re just tossed in, as if every audience member will instantly agree and chuckle at how of course Mace Windu is being mean and rude, they tell the casual Star Wars viewer that this is a universally accepted position, when it is not.
It also supposes the idea that Mace owes Anakin special emotional labor. A relationship therapist might, I don’t know, consider the relationship between Anakin, Mace, and the very relevant context of the interaction before making this judgement? Mace is not one of Anakin’s friends, confidants, or even a member of his lineage. He is, especially in the moment they chose to highlight, the leader of the Jedi Order. Anakin’s boss, to oversimplify, and the leader of Anakin’s people, to say the truth. He’s worried about the fate of the entire galaxy at that specific moment!
And guess what? He’s not even being rude, at all. He’s being direct, that’s it.
If they had chosen to highlight the line, "If what you have told me is true, you will have gained my trust," and talked about Mace not trusting Anakin, I might have been willing to humor this argument out of respect for the relevant textual evidence and for the sake of having some peace. But no, in their own words, this is about, "Anakin and the people he cares about and who care about him." This remark is about care, not trust.
And guess what again? Despite all of the other things he has to think about, Mace is considering Anakin’s feelings here. He isn’t telling Anakin to stay behind because he doesn’t want Anakin to be allowed to participate is the cool fun lethal lightsaber duel. He does it because Anakin is emotionally compromised. Even if you think of the the Jedi as flawed, you cannot think taking Anakin to fight Sidious would be a good, safe, or healthy idea? Would you take the person who you’re just figuring out has probably been groomed for years into a violent confrontation with their abuser?
Mace Windu is doing everything, thinking of everything, and caring about everything in this scene, and yet fans still find fault with him. They still find him insufficient and mean.
Opinions like these are not subtle, they are not cute, and they are deeply influenced by what Mace looks like in relationship to what to what Anakin looks like.
Step back, examine scenes for what actually occurs in them, rather than what larger fandom and larger society tells you is happening in them. This is the core of analyzing and creating art. What do you see in the world that others do not? I beg of you, see Mace Windu for once.
(If I was going harder, I would talk about how I think their very lame opinions of the Jedi are causing them to actually miss some of the depth of Sidious’ manipulation (including leaving out so much as a mention of the scene where Obi-Wan very explicitly tells Anakin he’s proud of him), but again, for the interpretation they’ve decided on their advice seems good, so I’ll leave it alone.)
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bre1995 · 8 months
Fellow Traveler Scenes that make me sad
Hello everyone again!! This post is going to be another lengthy one, but I hope that you enjoy <3
(Yes I know there are a lot of these moments, but these are the ones from pretty much each episode that just shatter me each time)
In episode 1 when Marcus shows up you can see the scared look on Hawks face and then when Marcus is talking about Tim. I know a lot of things went down and Hawk kept his distance, but that doesn't mean he still wasn't scared.
Episode 2 when Hawk is making Skippy write that letter. You know 99% of those words are for Tim and you can see Hawk getting emotional when saying them and when Tim stops writing you know that he realizes that those words aren't just for Mary they are for Tim and that just shatters me.
Episode 3 when Hawk goes to Tim's apartment and even though Mary and Marcus had been telling him how bad things were, Hawk witnessing it for himself completely overwhelmed him and you could see it on his face. Also, when he excuses himself to the bathroom and almost starts crying because he realizes that he will be losing his Skippy sooner than he thinks. Then later in the restaurant when Tim is singing 'Perhaps' he looks at Hawk and some of the words he's singing and the force in which he says them you know are directed at Hawk and then he gets upset when he realizes he has embarrassed Hawk.
Episode 4 When Hawk has to take the lie detector test. Him having to mentally and physically prepare himself so that he can pass. Him lying about loving Tim (which was also was the longest pause of any of the questions), but that is also one of my favorite parts because he was wearing the tie Tim got him for Christmas, but the fact that he had to lie just to be able to keep his job. Just broke my heart, but also talking to Marcus you could tell that he felt completely guilty and broke his own heart. Also, in episode 4 which I know it's in the beginning when Hawk and Tim get into that huge fight and then at the end of the episode he apologizes, but Tim isn't there, but also him saying Skip instead of Skippy. There's just something about it that I can't explain.
Episode 5 Hawk not only breaks his own heart, but Tims too when he tells Tim that he's going to ask Lucy to marry him. When Hawk says that you can SEE it on his face that he doesn't want this to be happening and doesn't want to do it, but he FEELS like it's what he has to do. Also, Tim you can tell was absolutely shattered too and I know that's why he ends up signing up for the army. In this same episode when Hawk and Tim are in the bell tower and Hawk goes "Skippy, I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier." Hawk is so sad, broken, and doesn't want this to be happening. Also, Tim's "promise you won't write." These two love each other so much and it just pains me they can't be together the way they want to.
Episode 6 when Skippy comes to the house and looks in from the trees and sees Hawk with his family. I do love Tims bond with Jackson and the conversation they had about Hawk. In that moment you can tell Tim has no resentment fully towards Hawk at all and understands how he has to love and HOW he loves.
Episode 7 I know the threesome was sloppy and everything, but the small little moments between Skippy and Hawk just make me tear up. When Tim starts rubbing Hawks back and plays with his earlobe like he's always done thats my sign of him saying "I'm here for you and I've got you." The next part in this clip is when Hawk sees Jacksons picture and fully shuts down and starts to panic. Then him starting to break down and apologizing because he feels like he can't cry and Tim tells him its ok and then thats when Hawk fully lets go. Hawks "Let me die." Literally SHATTERS my heart. Hawk is so broken and hurt and that just makes me hurt. But when he full on has the breakdown is when I lost it. You can just see all the pain and anguish on his face. He really did need Skippy. At the end of the episode even though he has no one to blame, but himself, Hawk starting to panic and freak out about Skippy leaving and saying he's free of Hawk really got to him. He felt like he lost him again forever. Then the flash to the present of Hawk at the hospital while Skippy is in the hospital bed. The fear and sadness on his face. But that kiss to the forehead in a public place just makes me tear up so, so hard. It was the first time Hawk had done something like that in a public setting.
Finally episode 8 the one that never fails to make me SOB every time. Tim telling Hawk that he woke up not knowing who he was and Hawk saying "Timothy David Laughlin, that adorable Catholic Boy from Staten Island." Tim returning from the army and reuniting with Hawk (yeah I know that's not sad, but it is special) and him almost getting his dream job. Recommended by Hawk and then skip to the naked slow dance (which is just so beautiful and emotional in itself) you see Hawk so at peace and happy then he's ever been and then Tim says they will be colleagues and see each other every day. You could immediately see the panic and fear on Hawks face. Then you get Hawk turning Tim in and then crying to Mary (rightfully so). Then going to the hospital to see baby Jackson and immediately thats when we and Tim find out why Hawk did what he did, but it doesn't make it any easier. Skip to Hawk climbing into Tim's hospital bed and holding him and Tim saying "I feel like I'm fading away. I'm disappearing a little every day." the way he says it just shatters me (I'm crying even typing it). Then eventually Hawk asking if he owns a tuxedo, them at the gala, and of course Tim's speech to Hawk. "I have loved you my whole life. I've never loved anyone, but you. You were my great, consuming love. And most people don't get one of those. I did. I have no regrets." That whole part of the speech makes me cry every time. Add on top of Hawk's kiss and Tim savoring it and then teasing Hawk like he always does. Tim wiping away Hawk's tears. Hawk telling Tim that he wants to show up for Tim, but Tim (understandably) sends him home. Even though Tim is his home. The "Hey Skippy! Promise you won't write" "I won't" being their last words to each other. My goodness let the tears roll. (Again crying while typing this). Skip to the Aids Quilt and Hawk finds Tims square and Kimberly coming up to him. Hawk trying to hide his tears and then just letting them flow with the quote "Sweetheart, he wasn't my friend. He was the man I loved." *Cue more tears from me* I know it took him until after Tim died to admit it, but I choose to believe that in that moment Tim was looking down and would be so, so proud of Hawk. I'm also glad that he has Kimberly and she's still sticking by his side. But the show ending on that note is so beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. I know this was another long one, but I'm so passionate about this show. Please feel free to share your favorite moments or even add to this!! I am up for conversation anytime :)
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braveblackbutterfly · 11 months
"One Reason Why I Will Never Forgive Disney For Shortening The Owl House: Luz Deserved a Better Coming Out Moment" A Personal Essay
Happy One Year Anniversary to "Thanks to Them"/season 3 premiere of The Owl House!!!
I wanted to make something in celebration and it got me thinking about a particular moment in the episode, and why it fuels my hatred/disappointment with Disney: Luz's coming out scene.
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Early October of last year, fans got to see the first six minutes of the final season premiere of The Owl House. I immediately clicked the link to watch the clip. During the intro montage, I was beyond shocked to see the part where Luz came out as bi and introduced Amity as her girlfriend to Camila.  
I know this show has had a lot of memorable queer moments, but I was still very emotional to see a character, particularly the main protagonist on a Disney Channel animated show come out. However, after watching the whole episode, my initial happiness about Luz’s coming out dimmed. While I’m extremely glad Dana and the crew were able to include Luz’s coming out, it should have been a main plot line in an episode instead of 17 seconds in a roughly 3-minute-long montage.
Why didn’t Luz get a full episode dedicated to her coming out? Because Disney shortened down the third/final season, ending the series with three 40+ minutes long episodes. Because of the limit amount of time to finish the main plot line, it’s understandable why Luz didn’t get a full episode dedicated to her coming out.
So I’m not mad with Dana and the crew.
I’m mad with Disney.
Disney executives strongly disrespected the show, the show creator, the main protagonist and the fans by cutting the final season short. It is all but confirm that they cut The Owl House short because of its LGBTQ content. I don’t believe Disney understand the harmful message this sends to the show’s targeted audience.
Fans have followed Luz’s journey on the show from the very beginning. We got to see her grow as a character and find a chosen family, friends and a girlfriend. For many young fans watching TOH, this is their first time seeing a bi character. It’s important for young people to see bi and other queer characters on TV.   
However, fans deserved to see the whole process of Luz’s coming out. We should have gotten moments of Luz making the decision to come out to her mom, her brainstorming ideas on how to come out, asking her friends for support, and maybe a scene where Luz questions if her mom will accept her. Instead, fans only got to see the very moment of her coming out to Camila with no words said, just the instrumental music playing in the background.  
I know I should be grateful that we even got a coming out scene. A part of me is, but another part of me feels like we got ripped off.
Luz’s coming out means a lot to me because I’m bi. Growing up in the mid-90s through the 2000s, there weren’t really any bi or pan characters on a kid’s TV show like the ones in TOH. So now seeing a show like this as an adult, it just warms my heart to see a bi girl of color get her happy ending which included having an awesome girlfriend and an accepting mom.  
Another reason why I wish we got a full episode is young people (and maybe even some older people) could have shown their families Luz’s coming out journey as a helping guide. Sure, they could show their families the montage, but it would be a lot better if they could show them Luz’s full coming out journey. Maybe their families would have a better understanding and be more accepting when they come out.    
Maybe if The Owl House or a show like it existed when I was growing up, I could have realized I was bi sooner and showed the episode to my family. Maybe then they would have been better understanding and more accepting when I came out. Maybe.
I know Disney executives are never going to see this essay, but I still wanted to voice my feelings about this prominent moment in “Thanks to Them.” Maybe one day Disney will be a little more respectful with future series that includes queer main characters. But until then…
Screw you Disney!
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goayda · 7 months
I usually try to be more positive, but fuck, sometimes venting just feels good so...
I happened to come accross a clip of episode 1x03 of TLOU (barely avoided bawling my eyes out once again, just needed one tissue instead of a full box) and then I remembered that Con O'neill was supposed to play Bill and back when the episode first aired I thought that he would have made a great job as Bill, but that I was happy that in the end he didn't because it would have been so terribly sad to watch and that I'd rather watch him in something funny like OFMD...
Yeah, that's me, the epic clown (in my defense I'll keep saying this till my dying breath: OFMD was supposed to be a muppet comedy, ffs!).
Now, after s2, I can't stop wondering if maybe it would have been better if Con had chosen TLOU and maybe just appear in a few eps of OFMD. I think maybe he would have gotten more fame/projects by doing that episode because it was very well received and I know he would have slayed the role.
But Con got to spend time doing a project he loved with people he obviously likes to work with and that's very important in the end so I don't know, I'm just rambling at this point.
(BTW, do I still have to tag anything s2 related as 'OFMD spoilers' or...? If people could answer that, it would be very helpful, until then I guess I'll keep doing it, just in case)
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stormyoceans · 6 months
MONICA!!!!!! The concert was so good!!!! 😭😭😭 I’m assuming you’re ok with spoilers so here goes 😬
The first half of the show was them playing and recreating the key scenes and singing in them which I thought would trigger me tbh but instead I think it did me good to see the scenes I loved again 🥹 and Jimmy, Mark and Sea were so freaking good they cried in some scenes and I cried seeing them cry and it was so emotional again!!! I really wanna go back and rewatch all the good parts now, it’s still 80% a really good series!!
And they did Blame the Stars together!!! And you saw they did the “can I have my shirt back” scene!!! 😵🫠
(They played the breakup scene but not the reconciliation, it kinda just skipped to “happy ending” and I’m actually glad that we don’t have to rehash all of that)
They did full group songs and unit songs and what got to me was that MarkNamtan and OhmFilm did songs but so did NamtanFilm and MarkOhm!!! The NamtanFilm song was 😙👌
They did a whole Vice Versa medley!!! They did it for me!!! 😄 I was so happy and excited to see it!!! I hope that gets more of the newer fans to go watch it!!!
Jimmy, Mark and Sea had solo moments too, love that for them!!
They were surprised with a fan made video in support of them!! 🥰
Their speeches at the end were emotional and everyone cried, including me 🥹 Sea went second to last and Jimmy went last and he spoke the most 😁
It was just under 4 hours long, it started a little late (as all GMM concerts do tbh) but it was so good and worth only getting 4 hours of sleep 😅 I really hope you get to see it and enjoy it too!!
ngl reading this and seeing all the clips on twitter is making me want to buy the ticket for the rerun so badly like i always knew it was gonna be great and that everyone was gonna give their all but damn. the concert actually felt so well organized and thought out, i love that they basically turned the show into a musical and gave space for all kind of performances and pairings!!!!!! i've always wanted a duet version of blame the stars and im so happy they finally gave it to us!!!!!! and seeing namtanfilm and markohm slow dance alongside jimmysea was such a blessing THEY TRULY SAID THERE AIN'T NO STRAIGHT PEOPLE LEFT IN THIS SHOW
i really wasn't expecting it, but tbh i feel the same way as you. i think this did me good. maybe im just saying this because i haven't seen any videos of the break up scene so i can just keep pretending it never happened, but the parts i did see are kind of healing the hurt i've been feeling over the last three episodes of the show and bringing back all the love and excitement i used to have for morkday
ALSO NOT TO BE DRAMATIC BUT JIMMYSEA SINGING THE ENTIRETY OF THE VICE VERSA OST WITH A BRIGHT PINK STAGE SURROUNDING THEM MADE ME CRY LIKE A BABY like i truly did not expect them to bring vice versa up because last twilight is what brought them the popularity they always deserved so i was afraid they would kinda forget about vice versa, but im honestly just so ridiculously happy and emotional to know that it's still in their heart. or at least that they know it's still in ours, even if we may be a minority in the fandom now
i already had a meltdown over jimmysea this morning and i really can't afford another one and i don't think i would even have the words to express everything i feel but. im just so proud of them. it's honestly insane to me that they were able to pull off a performance like this in such a short period of time and with such a busy schedule. their dedication, their hard work, their kindness..... I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS THESE TWO BOYS DESERVES ALL THE LOVE AND RECOGNITION IN THE WORLD
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doesnotloveyou · 11 months
Don Johnson Filmography - Free Links!
Instead of you spending countless joyful hours trawling the web for grainy old '70s flicks, I did it for you! Here's a list of FREE places to watch DJ's stuff.
This list will be in reverse chronological order as they appear on IMDb. Some are just placeholders until (if) better links can be found, and some are bootlegs from other countries. I'm excluding music videos since those aren't hard to find.
And if you want to skip boring/annoying plot but don't want to miss him, I've made a key:
MC (main character) - much of the story involves his character and he is onscreen often
SC (side character) - only part of the story involves his character, so he's onscreen far less often than other characters
C (cameo) - he's got one or two scenes and they're small, in which case I'll mark his appearances in 0:00:00 format
I'm leaving most content warnings to viewer discretion, but some I don't feel comfortable ignoring. Also, some of the YouTube vids may get taken down at any moment :( If you like something, back it up! I'm using KMPlayer to download my faves, but I've heard you can also use VLC.
>> Links below cut! <<
First, check out my list from Tubi which has the most high quality versions of his work and TV appearances. If it's on Tubi, it won't be on this post!
Home Movie: The Princess Bride - (C, 0:41:30) the entire film is hilarious, especially if you've seen the original; made by a bunch of celebs during quarantine.
Knives Out - (SC) ok, there's no link, but i'm begging you to go buy this movie on DVD it's like $5-$10 tops in stores these days.
Moondance Alexander - (SC, 0:18:20)
Just Legal - (MC, eight episodes)
Word of Honor - (MC) this vid has "helium" audio and other insufferable flaws.
Goodbye Lover - (SC, login req)
In Pursuit of Honor - (MC) WARNING: animal death/abuse
G.I. Joe: The Movie - (SC, voice only, 0:30:35...) spare yourself, skip this movie that he probably did for his kid.
Tales of the Unexpected - (SC; one episode)
Matt Houston - (SC; one episode)
Melanie - (SC)
Soggy Bottom, U.S.A. - (SC; German dub) clips of his character.
Elvis and the Beauty Queen - (MC; Portuguese subtitles)
Revenge of the Stepford Wives - (SC, 0:12:40, 0:25:15...) he has multiple scenes including one at the end, but these movies stress me out.
Beulah Land - (SC) only in part 1, but his character is replaced by a young Jonathan Frakes in part 2. WARNING: non-graphic rape
From Here to Eternity - (C, one episode, 0:07:10, 0:36:00)
The Rebels (MC, two-parts)
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill - (SC, 0:13:39...)
First, You Cry - (SC, first scene, 0:24:20, 0:44:20, 0:57:07, 1:15:38, 1:32:16)
Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold - (C, 0:19:48, 0:32:19, 0:44:03...) can't stomach this film to find the rest of his scenes, he's a very minor character.
The American Girls - he's not in this! the main male character is played by the lovely Charles Haid from Hillstreet Blues, but it isn't listed on Haid's IMDb. Also, the character he plays does not go by the name DJ is listed under for that episode, so maybe DJ's in a different one? Regardless, I only found two episodes and DJ is in neither.
Ski Lift to Death - (SC) he shows up in the second video...don't make me watch this.
What Really Happened to the Class of '65? - TV spot w/ the only footage of him that I can find.
Cover Girls - (SC, 0:27:21, 0:40:40, 01:01:15...)
The City - (MC) costarring Mark Hamil
Barnaby Jones - (SC, one episode) I watched this and now it's missing...it sucked anyway. DJ plays an amateur arms dealer with a sickly son, a wife in jail, and a hideous mustache. He loses.
The Streets of San Francisco - (SC, one episode)
Law of the Land - (MC)
Return to Macon County - (MC) login to YT req but there is also a Spanish dub that doesn't req login. costarring Nick Nolte
A Boy and His Dog - (MC) this version has the nude scenes edited out, sign in to YT for the full cut; much higher quality than Tubi. WARNING: rape, etc.
The Rookies - (SC, one episode) costarring Nick Nolte
Kung Fu - making an executive decision here uhhh skip this one
The Harrad Experiment - (MC; two-parter w/ odd in-video ads that you can easily fast forward) WARNING: they all get naked
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors - (MC, one episode)
Lollipops, Roses and Talangka - (SC; some scenes in Tagalog) can't find the 1975 sequel or much information on English sites, but one Filipino fanblog implies the film may no longer exist.
Zachariah (MC)
Endlessly impressed by how much has been preserved and curated over the years. Even if a ton of it was junk, it's nice to save people's hard work and memories :)
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totmatsu · 3 months
Because I just finished watching the full dub (Before, I'd only ever seen clips) here are my thoughts:
It's pretty good for a dub, all things considered. I do have some little qualms, but its highs are high and its really funny from time to time.
-Maybe its the lack of titles (Niisan, -chan applied to self for some sextuplets or to Ichimatsu by Osomatsu) or just the fact that I've been mentally ill about the show since 2016 and that is heavily influenced (obviously) by the original voices, but the sextuplets feel less close in the dub. This isn't something I can point out that many specific examples of, it's just an overall feeling.
-This is a problem that I think a lot of dubs probably have, but the dub doesn't like to let serious moments be. They often toss a joke in during moments that were previously solemn, either pre-punchline solemn moments or just normal ones where there's some amount of build up to it. Because I like the original, this feels bad from an artistic intent standpoint.
-Characters say things they did not or would not say in the original audio, which is something that also would naturally happen in a dub and I understand this, but at times it felt like low-hanging fruit (easiest example I can think of is when Ichimatsu says he's going to go jerk off to cat porn or something. I don't remember the specific dialogue, it was in the Ichimatsu and Choromatsu skit)
-While at times slang is used well, at other times it just seems strange and is like. No one talks like this. Like the amount of times they say "for reals" out loud is insane.
-Jyushimatsu is played as sillier and stupider than he originally was. This was kind of the biggest bummer for me since as a Venture Bros fan when they had announced the dub casting I was SO hype at Jyushimatsu's voice being the voice of Dean Venture, and he does a really good job, but I don't like the way the character's been written all that much...
Basically each voice actor/actress did a fantastic job but some of the localization decisions (that often feel typical of dubs) were just not the right call for me personally.
Some of the dub's best moments are these really simple things where a character just goes "Okay" or "Alright" instead of tsukkomi'ing, I actually liked that a lot (easy examples: In the car in the second episode, Choromatsu just goes "Okay" instead of "Who are you?" and the delivery is fantastic; When walking Jyushimatsu (in "Tell Us, Hatabou"), Ichimatsu is like "...and you're alright with this?" and Jyushimatsu is immediately like "OH YEAH" so quickly its really funny, and then theres a pause and Ichimatsu just goes "...alright.")
Anyway Totty fan moment, they changed his middle school essay to be more queer and I like it lol
"I want to be a cheerleader, by Todomatsu" Todomatsu: NO, WAIT! THIS IS WAY TOO HELLISH! STOP IT! "Cheerleaders are pretty. Cheerleaders are popular. Cheerleaders get to wear skirts and carry pom-poms around." Todomatsu: I WAS JUST A KID! EVERY KID SAYS THAT! HEHEH RIGHT? HEH? "I want to talk about boys with the other girls" Todomatsu: IT WAS JUST A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION!!! "And then in the evenings, we could sing campfire songs together" Todomatsu: OH COME ON THATS ENOUGH! "And, best of all, I'd look forward to shaving my legs-" Todomatsu: Oh this can't be happening "and feeling the breeze going up my skirt." Todomatsu: So I got a little curious! So what! All kids do! Nothing weird about THAT!
All this said, while I think it'd be cool to see the movie(s) or season 3 dubbed, I'm not sure what they'd do about Osomatsu's voice (Rest in peace, Billy Kametz). I'm cynical and I think if they thought enough money was in it, they'd probably recast, but I don't know.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion Episode 6: 100% Safe Water
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This is one of those episodes that you either get, or you don't. It takes a dive into the ridiculous, into foreshadowing that is miles ahead of where we're at, and sprinkles it over an episode that is by and large for comedic effect. That said, the staff doesn't give into the comedy, and still delivers on an incredibly well executed episode across the board.
I'd really love to start at the end, but I can't, so I'll start at the beginning. Yes, Kiruko and Maru waste two shots of the Kiru Beam on a bear. Yeah yeah, I'm sure plenty of people are arguing with the potential logic, but let me present this piece of information: they thought it was a Hiruko. If you knew your weapons weren't strong enough to kill, why would you shoot to kill? It's an easy thing to gloss over, but I feel like they do a good job of establishing that understanding through the whole sequence.
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Now, before moving on, the episode overall takes a bit of a twist in terms of direction. I wouldn't go near as far as saying it's bad, but that a lot of time is spent on comedy, so the direction reflects that. Undoubtedly, there's still plenty of cool shots that stick close to the overall vision like this one. We've really been spoiled with the static framing that shows off animation like this.
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Now, comedy, comedy. I think the voice acting really sells it this episode. Just top notch work that brings an incredible energy to the moments. So much energy that they're able to change up how they play things off. Undeniably it's more heightened than how the manga approaches it, but I think it's really fun with moments like this one. It's a very bold move to remove any sight or motion from the scene, but the voice actors throw themselves into it so well that it works quite well.
Overall, a lot of the changes made in this episode are for comedic effect, and I think they work really well. They translate the humor of the manga into something that works in motion with sound and color. In addition to that, it tones down the... well, I guess you'd say "sexuality" of some of it to make it more reasonable for television. Not in some lazy way of course, as they give us creative camera angles to hide that sort of thing.
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Of course, this episode isn't all comedy, as Ishiguro sneaks in some character progression with Kiruko. It's a very simple piece, but I like how earnest and curt Maru is about giving Kiruko praise for something so important to their character. It's partially to blame for him and his sister's predicament, but they also just want to be able to help people with it, so those few casual words from Maru really give Kiruko the push they need to find their resolve.
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Anyways, back to comedy. This piece killed me when I first saw it. Not at all in the manga, instead in the source it's more a casual/deadpan delivery without any sort of visual gag.
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Anyways, hurtling towards the end of this post, I just wanted to share this clip. For the uninitiated, this is a different color than the usual setup, and a great example of how the anime is working to improve upon the curiosities and oddities of the work. Such a great detail to add.
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Just one little detail here. I love that Ishiguro is accurate and consistent with their world. All of the stuff written by younger people is in Hiragana, like the sign for this Hotel. Such a simple piece but really adds a great deal to understanding the overall state of the world.
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And last but not least, I love how well they work with Totori in this episode. It really hammers home that post-apocalyptic feel even more. The sorrow, the dejection, the understanding that's apparent in here character and personality shift is really well expressed.
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It's such a painful, and very raw depiction of the world. This little girl, who was full of spunk and energy and hope the day before, finds it all crushed in the face of reality. Not left coming to terms with death, but moving past it, and in such a quick period of time. Her dream is absent from those eyes, and the passion has left her body. It alienates her from what makes her a child/young teen. She stands isolated, alone in the street, to work on her hotel.
It's such an incredible scene that helps refocus viewers on the state of the world. Kiruko and Maru can goof off because they have each other. They have someone beside one another that they can count on, lean on, share burdens with. And it's such an easy thing to forget. That there's other orphans out there, other people that struggle to find ways not to survive, but to live. After all, this is a world after the end of itself.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
I'm so mad they decided to cut those what 4 seconds of terrified eddie looking at buck? For what? Knowing life and death of the spiderman guy? It's me or since KR is in charge the setup for the calls lasts a lifetime? Honestly who cares about these strangers?
I know a lot of people are happy with how the breakdown scene played out and found it true to character and that’s fine! I personally am *slayed* by that clip that to me looks like Eddie just spilled out the line about them all being dead and has gone back to sobbing and then looks up at Buck, absolutely terrified of the judgment and disappointment he’s so sure he’s going to see, while we know Buck is nothing but understanding and brokenhearted to see someone he loves so much hurting so deeply. I think that’s incredibly powerful, and giving us a moment where Eddie realizes he’s not alone and Buck is going to hold things together so Eddie doesn’t have to, even if it’s just a moment where he leans into Buck and draws some strength from him before Buck goes to let Chris know his dad is okay would have been something to witness. I also personally think that the cut to after Buck has already gotten Eddie up and calmed down, gotten Chris calmed down, and put to bed was jarring, and I also thinks we should have at least seen part of Eddie destroying the room if nothing else.
I just think that seeing Buck’s interactions with Chris, Buck breaking down the door and listening to Eddie briefly, and then Buck coming back to talk to Eddie after putting Chris to bed sort of ends up centering the whole thing around Buck’s presence. His presence IS important, and I’m thrilled we got to see it, but I would have liked getting a fuller measure of the breakdown from Eddie’s POV, maybe hearing something from Chris as Buck is putting him to bed as well. IDK, I just wanted more focus on Eddie about the breakdown instead of it sort of being tacked on to the end of the episode and then never talked about outside of brief mentions between Eddie/Buck and Eddie/Bobby. We had more scenes of every team member showing concern and commenting on L’s inability to handle getting lucky on a call and having a tantrum about it than we did seeing any of them worrying about Eddie, (even if they didn’t hear the full extent of what happened) and I think THAT is what is so irritating to me about knowing there was more footage out there and instead we got a 10 minute set up for a call that easily could have started when May answered the homeowner’s 9-1-1 call. 
I won’t say that this is entirely a new thing and all on KR, because the show has spent time on call setups before but I think it’s been more noticeable because we haven’t been getting time for the things we WANT to see and the long set ups are for characters we don’t need to connect with! They only had that short set up scene with the three old men and we were still able to connect with the idea of 3 guys having been friends for most of their lives! Or look at Stuck and that escalator call! That one has me in shambles every time and we only see the briefest moment of him picking out the box for the ring! A longer set up when there is something in the story they want us to connect with our mains, or as just a little bit of fun to ease the tension elsewhere in the episode is something they’ve done before, but I can tell you I can’t think off the top of my head of any emergency where I was conscious that the set up was taking forever and wasn’t really needed, or had a thought of “are we getting to the point any time soon?” until season 5. They seem to be getting a little more back on track with the focus on the main character’s storylines so maybe that will help with that feeling but every time I get to the end of an episode and think about how there was a really good character moment I wished we had seen, I can’t help but look back at some of the longer emergency set ups and wonder why that was the thing that got kept instead of some of the character work. 
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exovapor · 2 years
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188 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
TMNT Holiday HC's
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Splinter prefers goose, but he saves that meal for Christmas Eve. Instead, he and Mikey take turns basting the turkey the night before.
Despite the color, Raph hates cranberry sauce and refuses to eat if it touches his plate.
Mikey will insist on having both of the turkey drumsticks. Then he will proceed to play a kicking rhythm on his plate with those 'drumsticks'.
Leo likes his food orderly and not touching - "It's presentation!"
Donnie enjoys mixing his food all together. "After all", he explains to Leo's disgusted expression, "it all goes down the same way, plus, this way makes eating the meal more efficient.". (Leo moves his seat)
Mikey is a fiend for deviled eggs, which used to be bad for Raph when they shared a bedroom. "Now", the big brute smiles with glee, "it's your problem".
Watch Donnie around the rolls!
Actually, watch Donnie around the desserts too.
At some point, early in the day, you will be sitting on the dojo floor thinking about that one episode of Friends as you watch a long-practiced, annual tradition of Teams Raph/Donnie and Leo/Mikey playing some sort of hybrid version of football and ninjutsu.
Several hours later you will join Splinter, Donnie, and Mikey for the second long-practiced, annual tradition of starting Thanksgiving dinner without Leo and Raph. The two alphas always end up in a dog pile on top of the football, refusing to concede.
Stories are told around the dinner table but the best one you hear from the four chuckling, yet proud turtles, is that when they were young, the guys snuck onto one of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade floats. The public thought that they were just part of the decorations. Splinter, of course, was furious. However, to this day you can still spy them in old footage clips from that year.
Mikey was always required to bunk with Leo on Christmas Eve so that he wouldn't sneak during the night to catch Santa. FYI, this still happens to this day.
As a kid, one of Leo's favorite things was to listen to Splinter read Twas The Night Before Christmas while curled up in his father's lap. He still insists that his father read the poem, but now he curls up on the sofa with a hot cup of chamomile tea.
When Raph was a kid, he liked to go sit on rooftops on Christmas Eve and daydream about living in one of the apartments with a mom baking cookies and dad, Splinter, allowing them to open one present on Christmas Eve. He still likes to go enjoy the solitude on Christmas Eve, but now he looks up at the stars and thanks each one for bringing you into his life.
Donnie has always been sleep-adverse, even as a kid; so, Splinter had a Christmas Eve ritual to get his genius son to sleep. Splinter would make Donnie take a hot lavender bath, then he would give him melatonin and some warm milk to wash it down with, then he would rub circles around Donnie's plastron, while humming a Japanese lullaby, until he was asleep. Splinter has now handed this tradition off to you, he even taught you the lullaby's tune.
Mikey's favorite thing about Christmas Eve is bingeing Christmas movies while indulging in hot chocolate and cookies.
Leo's least favorite thing about Christmas Eve is Mikey hyping up on the sugar of hot chocolate and cookies before he has to bunk with Mikey.
🎊🎊🎉🎉New Year's Eve🎉🎉🎊🎊
Leo's long-time dream for New Year's Eve is a perfect romantic, intimate one. He dreamed that if he ever had a significant other, he would want to cuddle in front of a fireplace, sip champagne, and enjoy a lovely meal prepared by them both. Then he would slow dance with her until midnight struck, telling her how special she was to him, ending the dialogue with a longing peck on the mouth (he tried to keep his daydreams from running wild).
Raph's long-time dream for New Year's Eve is to party up until nearly midnight, then get to take his special lady to Times Square and kiss her at midnight among the falling confetti. He would hold her close, to keep her warm and enjoy the moment of just being 'part of the crowd' with a lovely woman on his arm.
Mikey's long-time dream for New Year's Eve is to join Raph in partying until close to midnight. Then he would ninja his way to the big glittering ball, mount it, and ride it down its descent for the sole purpose of getting to say that "Three Balls Dropped" into the new year or, equally funny, "Everyone Celebrated My Balls Dropping" (he can't make of his mind which one he would yell). Then he would run to his girl, make sure she was giggling at his antics and then whisk her away to utilize the first few hours of the new year with wild sex.
Donnie's always dreamed of building a matter transportation device to teleport himself to the first time zone to experience midnight. Then, he would continue to visit each time zone in succession and experience New Year's Eve around the world. Of course, he'd have to take his lady-love with him and get to kiss her over and over again at each new midnight, in each new city. Although it's been a long-time daydream...his device is nearly ready...are you?
225 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
**update: She has removed a the TMNT fanfics from her channel. She is now aware to ask before posting and to credit the authors.
***ALL TMNT fanfic authors need to take notice***
There are individuals on YT who are reading fanfic stories into video format and posting them to their YT channels without crediting the original authors.
There are several but the one I found, and addressed myself, is a channel that goes by Luna Moon.
If you write fanfics and want proper credit for your work (that they are probably making money off of over on YT), go request to be credited or have the videos taken down.
Here is the conversation with "Luna Moon":
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286 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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Love how Donnie and Mikey have their tongues out in this shot!
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This right here...Raph's look of pure damn happiness. He's about to peg Vern with a spit ball. @turtle-babe83
314 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*ASK* Donnie & Raph 3some
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@fyreball66 Okay, first off....THANK YOU for the love. Next, THANK YOU for the patience! I hope the wait was worth it. This one is a little...uh...well...it sorta took on a life of its own and got away from me.
Basically, this one is rather long (as Donnie might say): "I have a hard time keeping it short".
See the full post
934 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I really need to find more time to write!
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tvtalk247 · 1 year
I came across a TikTok playing a clip of a tv show called The Rising. It’s just aired the first 2 episodes on CW for US audiences. However, it’s a UK show that’s already aired the full first season last year and apparently was recently cancelled too. Lol So i guess it does well on CW maybe they will be inclined to pick it up and renew it.
I just finished the first episode and I must say it’s making me think of Paramount’s School Spirit. Instead of the best friend being able to see the dead girl, on this show it’s her alcoholic father.
I’m intrigued enough to watch even with the knowledge the show is cancelled lol
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Helluva Boss S2E2 Spoilers!
I wanted to just make a whole post discussing little details I noticed that I don’t think have been talked about yet! All under the cut!
Do we have any backstory outside of the episodes on why Blitzo has a collection of those bloody and ripped playing cards, specifically the Aces of each suit? (And wondering if there is an intentional mistake with the Ace of Spades in the frame with 3 cards. It's not supposed to be a red card and it appears as a black card in the other frame where it is by itself so...) Just curious because it's a weird thing to have framed in your office, I guess.
The calendar has a lot going on and anyone can pause and read that but I wanted to point out the date of the full moon with Stolas written on it with the ?? I guess because Blitzo doesn’t actually know if stuff between them is still happening maybe they haven’t even talked up until this episode. It’s hard to know. Then the day after was a “fuck day” don’t know what that means but it was scribbled out and the only things scribbled out are things that did not happen. Maybe Stolas related maybe not.
I am realizing the small detail of everyone thinking that they are wearing "Demon costumes". Then at 8:13 in the episode you can see that the costume in the shop is very much meant to resemble Stolas. Wondering if the video of all of them from S1 went public and also viral. But instead of it being taken as real and serious it's mostly being looked at like an analog horror game of some sort. Then we see the protestors and I think maybe instead of just funny general protest statements the specific "demons walk among us" may come from the few who are willing to believe this stuff is real and are very against those who "dress up" and probably think people who do could be real demons. Hence, the hate directed at Via? (We later see Blitzo’s shadow in a newspaper clip referred to as possibly being an alien lol)
9:06 not hard to miss but tiny human Verosika keychain is cute.
Stolas genuinely being tickled by Blitzo’s specific brand of comedy (an acquired taste) is perfect and even more perfect because it came after the reveal that Stolas has always been the only one to genuinely laugh at Blitzo’s jokes in episode 1. Cue Stolas not being able to contain his crush and it hurting me a little because the genuine fondness he has for Blitzo is so apparent they act like a married couple the whole damn episode lol I wont point out too much more of it because people have already covered it pretty well. (15:46 though this poor man didn’t stand a chance after all that.)
13:08 must be a reference to the Ars Goetia?? There are a lot of them so I really don’t know which one is specifically being mentioned here. Via does not look happy, but I can’t make out the hashtag so if someone wants to point out what it says, please do!
Again this isn’t hard to miss or anything, but I love Loona and Octavia having a good sister moment. And then them with their dads. Wholesome, I needed it.
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