#platonic pack
deathsdaisy · 4 months
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convo with friends
grogu in cat bag
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theurbanspaceboi · 9 months
i am in the midst of the agonies of graduate school application season and em has written a stellar letter of recommendation:
“have i read his statement? no. but i have read his musings on tom hardy’s characterization and design in the hit film mad max: fury road. if your establishment is one that doesn’t value scholarship on sexuality and muzzles, then i am not sure what the point of your establishment is— perhaps that is all the more reason to invite him to your hallowed halls, to usher in a new wave of exciting and poetic minds.”
if this doesn't get me a full ride at one of the top universities in the united kingdom what will
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dear-galileo · 1 year
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tag yourself
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malaierba · 3 months
My unpopular (why) opinion is that Toshiro's and Falin's relationship (platonic obviously) is quite beautiful and if fans weren't so odd about shipping they'd see how very sweet it is that Toshiro started liking Falin when he realised she's an odd but gentle person, when he felt a sense of kinship that he likely never felt before.
From what we see they got along, Falin has a positive opinion of him, on the few instances when we actually see them talk (beyond just memories of them talking but no actual dialogue being shown to us) it's obvious she feels comfortable enough to be completely honest and transparent with him, while still minding his feelings. She likes the guy well enough, she doesn't want to hurt him.
The marriage proposal is actually so interesting... The way they communicate with each other. Falin let's Toshiro down gently, and reveals something so intimate about herself, how she's behaved until now, what she wants to do in the future, that she'd like to visit him again!
And Toshiro is so gentle. He obviously cares about her so much (and water is wet BUT im talking specifically about how it's portrayed in this scene). If what Maizuru says is true, that was the second time he made a "selfish" request ("marry me and come with me") but he simply asks this from her and offers reassurances, "I'll make sure you're comfortable", but he's not you know the Hardass some people pretend he is.
And what I love the most... When she rejects him not only does he accept it gracefully, he's inspired by her declaration that she wants to be more independent. Why did Falin say that? To spare his feelings further? Or because she knew that this realisation, which meant so much to her, would resonate with Toshiro too?
Gonna get personal but. I'm aroace, hello. I've had a few friendships go to shit because someone confessed to me and I rejected them. And exactly one where the person accepted it gracefully and our friendship, after surviving an awkward moment, blossomed.
Like. Relationships CHANGE, and they can develop and deepen and strengthen in many ways, regardless of the dynamic they take on. When aspecs say "friendship can be as important as romance" one of the things we mean is, allow romantic love to go back to platonic love and be stronger regardless OR EVEN because of it.
Like. How beautiful, that these two recognised a bit of themselves in each other, and knew how to approach the other. How beautiful that Ryoko tells us "their friendship survived a rejected proposal, when the commonly used trope would've made their friendship unviable from then on".
How beautiful that narratively Toshiro's sacrifice is never played for laughs or made fun of or devalued because """he didn't get the girl""', but instead the manga says "it didn't pan out but it wasn't a pointless sacrifice because Toshiro genuinely cared for Falin as a person, and always did what he thought was best even when it went against his normal behaviour." How beautiful that Falin wants to meet his friend Toshiro again, that she thinks to tell him "I'm going to start being an active participant in my own life" and Toshiro thinks "I think I need to start doing that too".
How beautifullll that a rejection ended with a promise to meet again, it's so beautiful am I insane? Can someone hear me hello?
The love was there and it mattered, but it's even better. The love shifts and survives because the care is genuine, because when you truly care about a person you'll want them in your life in whatever dynamic suits everyone involved the best. Because love, whether romantic or platonic or a mix of something else entirely, is selfless.
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slices-of-naranja · 10 months
do any of my friends know the love I carry in every word i say to them. When I add too many words, drag on a joke that’s over, when I message them despite the fact the conversation barely ended five minutes ago? every word i speak is an intimacy that’s laced with outright adoration for them as people and all the little details that make them who they are. Do you know I love you? Do y’all know how much of you I try to commit to memory? How much I try to make you smile? do y’all know the love I feel for you?
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carbonateds-oda · 6 months
it doesn’t fully hit chuuya that he misses dazai until winter hits and the cold that touches his skin feels achingly familiar but still not close enough to the way no longer human would flood his senses with relief whenever dazai used to touch him and he realizes that no cold breeze could ever replicate that feeling or satisfy his restless soul the way the chill of Dazai’s touch could
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chronicallyleggless · 2 months
Lucifer obey me! Userboxes (Full pack)
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writing-on-eafv23 · 2 months
i have a lot of ideas for A/B/O stuff, but i can't deny myself fluffy Grandpa Bruce
INCLUDES: A/B/O, there not really much of Danny in this because he's sleeping but he is here!, light Bruce x Minhkhoa, implied Bruce x others (Selina, Talia, Harvey, etc.), Danny is de-aged in this (up to your interpretation but i was writing this imagining Danny was like 5), Omega Bruce, Beta Minhkhoa, Jason is mentioned, Omega Jason, a few spelling and grammar mistakes, It was late when I was writing this
“You never told me you had a new puppy” The familiar voice of Khoa sounds from beside Bruce, had he been any less distracted with trying to babyproof the hallway he would have noticed Khoa creeping up behind him with Danny in his arms, bundled up in a blanket they all had scented. Danny’s lack of any scent, even a personal scent, had made their pack instincts go into a tizzy, so they took turns rubbing a blanket against their scent glands so at the very least their scent would rub off on Danny while Jason was making a safer safehouse to raise his new puppy. Honestly, if it were up to Bruce, Jason and Danny would be locked in the manor where they can be properly cared for and doted on by the pack, but Bruce knew better than to interfere with a very hormonal, very broody, first-time, Omega parent. Bruce practically bristles at the sight of Minhkhoa, someone who (although he does have a situationship with) is not part of their pack, holding his new grandpup. All this earns from the Beta is a chuckle, ignoring Bruce’s warning growls. 
“And such a cute one too, look at those little fangs” Khoa coos, drawing attention to how the little pup was gnawing at Khoa’s fingers as he slept, leaving little indents in the brown skin. It wasn't often Khoa was soft. Even with his own adoptive son, Phanton-One, Khoa saw the boy more as a project and a way to one-up Bruce than an actual son. So, to see Khoa genuinely coo over a pup was… odd, and Bruce ignored the way it made his heart flutter slightly. However, Bruce’s growls return with twice the strength when Khoa sniffs at Danny’s scent gland, or rather, lack thereof. Minhkhoa quirks an eyebrow under his mask when he notices the lack of scent, pulling his face back
“Pup’s got a weird smell though, where'd you pick this one up from, Brucie?”
“Don’t call me that,” Bruce replies curtly, returning to placing silicone protectors on the corner of the decorative table in the hallway, trying and failing to ignore how Khoa was holding Danny so gently. “Danny was found wandering the streets at night. He has no records, no documents, no missing posters, not even a birth certificate. And he's my grandpup, not my puppy”
“So, one of yours claimed the first orphan child they saw, it seems your adoption habits are contagious” Khoa always did have him pinned, though, that's what happens when you’ve been rivals with somebody for so long.
“Don't you ‘hn’ me. Tonight was supposed to be our date night!” Comes Khoas's complaint, his voice almost whiney, though he quiets down when Danny whimpers in his sleep, which prompts a deep growl from Bruce that makes the Beta snicker. “But I GUESS since you are SO busy with the new grandpuppy, we can reschedule… but you owe me two dates next month”
“Hmn.” It’s a fair ultimatum, more time to get the new pup properly scented and used to the manor and then he gets to have two date nights, Bruce just hopes the others won't get jealous. It's hard to juggle multiple situationships, but Bruce (somehow) manages to make it work.
“Good,” Khoa’s lips curl into that familiar grin, and he transfers Danny from his arms and into Bruce’s, not even bothering to hide his chuckle when Bruce begins to purr in that rumbly bass and nuzzle his cheek against the top of the pup’s head. Pressing a short kiss to Bruce’s lips, Khoa quickly pulls away with a smirk, earning a grumble from Bruce.
“and don’t be so grumpy. Your pheromones will set the puppy off”
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formosusiniquis · 5 months
Obviously I think Steve and Robin share one mega stobin wardrobe that is almost exclusively thrifted, but I think when they do go shopping for new clothes they'll buy the same outfits but in their preferred sizes for maximum allure (Steve buys his just the right amount of too small, and Robin perfectly oversized).
They plan out their outfits together every week so they can properly coordinate; and so they don't accidentally give the joke away by twinning
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breannasfluff · 6 months
Sky meets Wild’s gaze steadily. “What did you have in mind for a challenge?”
“First to yield?”
“That’s fair. Weapons?”
“Non-magical; otherwise, whatever you want to use?” Wild is adept at a multitude of weapons, a skill he’s counting on swaying the fight in his favor.
Sky nods and retrieves the sword he’s been using for dueling. “Any combat rules you want to institute?”
“No.” Wild has no qualms about fighting dirty if needed. Keeping to the rules doesn’t keep you alive. As long as he doesn’t go Hyrule’s route of overzealous attack, he should be okay.
“Time, will you count us in?” Sky holds up his sword and steps into the clear area near the trees where he dueled before.
Wild doesn’t move from his spot on the shifting sand. Instead, he taps the pad and withdraws Urbosa’s scimitar and shield. He could try a spear, but the scimitar is a unique shape the other hero likely hasn’t encountered.
Sky frowns—either at the weapon or that Wild hasn’t moved—grabs his shield from the pile of gear, then nods to Time.
“Three, two, one…start!”
Wild stays exactly where he is. Sky raises his sword and shield and paces the hard ground. The Master Sword is long and, while it can be wielded with one hand, two make it easier. To hold it easily as well as a metal shield? Sky’s strength is clear.
Finally, Wild edges a little closer, still sticking to the shifting dune sand. Sky is forced to leave the hard-packed ground to meet him. It’s a good strategy for Wild—he’s trained with the Gerudo and spent a lot of time in the desert.
Sky’s stance is firm, but there’s an uncertainty in how he places his feet that has Wild surging forward. Rather than fight the shifting sand, he lets his body relax into it. The continual shifting is an advantage against the enemy.
Their swords clash and scrape. Sky goes to break away, but stumbles in the sand. Wild is there, pushing his shield against the other hero, trying to throw him back.
Sky might have stumbled, but he’s not so green as to go down under the attack. He holds Wild off with his own shield, shifting to get his footing under him. When they disengage, Sky follows it up immediately with a vicious downward cut.
Wild catches it on his shield, grimacing at the shriek of metal skating off. Sky stays on the offense, raining blows without giving him a chance to counter. The sand is still a slight hindrance, but he adjusts quickly to the terrain, and the tenuous advantage is lost.
Wild skips backward, putting space between himself and Sky. They’ve made it down to the firm-packed sand of the beach. The rest of the group range in a semi-circle; watching, yet not so close as to be a hindrance.
Sky circles Wild and both look for an opening. If the terrain isn’t his advantage, maybe Wild can capitalize on his scimitar.
This time when they clash, Wild focuses more on his swordsmanship. The scimitar is different from a sword and has two hooked arcs at the end. It’s shorter than the Master Sword, forcing him to move in close.
Sky lets him, rather than fending him off with length. It makes his sword harder to control up close. It also means he can lunge forward and slam his shield into Wild.
He goes down with a grunt; rolling to avoid a follow-up blow and coming back to his feet. He turns the motion into a forward lunge, hooking the scimitar of seven against the master sword. With it trapped in the hooks, it only takes a sharp yank to send it flying from Sky’s hand.
Wild doesn’t give Sky time to retrieve his weapon. Dropping the shield, he scoops sand and runs at the other. At the last second, he throws it, blinding Sky before using the flat of the blade to smack into his shoulder.
Sky yelps and goes down. 
Read the rest here! Reblogs appreciated.
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My favourite part of Steve driving Robin everywhere is the fact that he’s been doing it for most of a year before he even finds out she can’t drive
He doesn’t question why she doesn’t get a car. He doesn’t let her bike or walk to school even though Family Video isn’t open yet and he doesn’t need to be up. He doesn’t even wonder about it without saying anything
He’s just like we’re besties, of course we go everywhere together and almost a year later Robin’s like ???? I assumed you knew that was why I need rides??? Why did you never ask if you didn’t know, you absolute dingus???
My second favourite thing is that in season 3, Robin had the conversation about how Steve was such a douche in high school and how he’d always come in late to the class he didn’t even remember them having together and Steve went from that being one of the major negatives about him that made Robin think he was such a self-absorbed asshole and Steve didn’t try to defend it at all, he just mentally went okay, well I’m going to care more about getting Robin to school on time than I ever cared about getting myself there on time
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
hello!! I love your writing a lot, thank you for considering requests :) I'd really like to see a follow up to 'make me feel closer to home', specifically when Dick comes home and sees the new pups for the first time lol, I love that part of the end note from that fic. thank you!!
Hi! I ended up writing a lot more for it than planned (apparently I’m incapable of keeping things short lol) so this got its own separate part.
Here you go anon! I hope you like it 💚
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theurbanspaceboi · 2 years
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dear-galileo · 11 months
navy + lilac + carmine
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what if i kissed you and kissed you and kissed you and kissed you!!!
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toska-writes · 10 months
Welcome back bestie!! *muah muah* 💖💕 A humble request for my weary heart-- Some wholesome language barrier Wolffe X Reader 😔✨️ The 104th is tasked to assist another planet with natives who unfortunately don't speak galactic basic, and the boys are kept entertained watching Wolffe trying to communicate <3
Ahhh thank you lovely! *muah muah*
Summary: all the pack could do was smile and nod, and maybe try to figure out what you wanted to tell them
Paring: Wolffe x platonic!reader
Warning: none just some fluff!
Word count: 1336 (Not proofread!)
Notes: I’m such a sucker for platonic Wolffe so I hope you enjoy this moot!
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The second day of a recovery missions were normally Wolffe's favorite. If everything went to plan of course.
He could see the tense shoulders and demeanor from his pack, the mission the day before wasn't exactly a walk in the garden as initially planned.
Sinker seemed to be lounged comfortably leaning against Boost, a strange serious look on his face as sleep seemed to run from his grasp.
The rest of the boys were in no better shape since most of them were dragging their feet and moping about while trying to load the ships before departure.
The village that they rescued was still in sight as natives started banning today to remove some rubble that cluttered the streets.
"Get up boys let's go." Wolffe ordered with a gruff attitude marching past the boy searching for a few things along the way.
Boost opened his mouth as if he was about the argue with the commander but quickly decided against it.
Following quickly on their commanders heels, Comet was almost hit in the face with a rubber ball Wolffe through quickly over his shoulder.
"I thought we were packing up Commander?" Comet questioned shooting a quick glance at Sinker.
Wolffe only shook his head as he continued with much more pep in his step compared to his pack.
"We have time" was all the clone said without a glance back towards his battalion which he knew was following him.
The cool breeze with the now setting sun seemed to wash away much of Wolffe's worry, taking a huge breath in after his helmet was removed, Wolffe quickly offered his assistance to a man carrying a heavy looking box.
Young eyes seemed to follow the rest of the men how were now quickly tossing the rubber ball back and forth between ranks.
Comet was the first to try and offer their games to the local kids with an outstretched hand and a kind smile.
The small boy took the toy curious and spoke a very quick sentence the some friends that waited by.
"That was a mouth full huh kid?" Comet spoke watching the kid throw the ball to a friend.
The young lad smiled up at the clone and with another catch said something that was definitely not in galactic basic.
"This is gonna be fun yeah?" Sinker spoke allowed waving Wolffe over now.
An invisible weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders as Wolffe watched his pack start up a few games with the younger natives on the planet.
Groups of about 2 clones and a few kids were seen sitting on the outskirts of the game, the younger looking kids babbling about whatever in the whole galaxy they wanted.
It was until a hand pulled at the kama that hung of wolffes waist. Immediately the clone was hit with a curious look and what seemed to have been a question.
Wolffe stood there looking for a second, not exactly sure what to do since he had no idea what just happened.
The kid continued to talk only this time taping the comm around Wolffes wrist and cocked their head to the side.
Kneeling down Wolffe held his wrist comm out while saying. "Curious in this kid? It's pretty cool I know."
Wolffe didn't know he was doing it subconsciously, but his normally gruff and sarcastic voice sounded lighter now.
You tapped his shoulder plate now looking over his armor. With an idea dawning on you, you tried to speak again to the clone still kneeling.
His eyebrows furrowed as Wolffe tried to watch your body language to get a hint if you were asking, or telling something. But the quickness at which you spoke confused him.
Another tap tap across his armor was accompanied by some more words. "Look kiddo you can understand me yeah?" He asked getting an enthusiastic shake of the head.
Of course you could.
You shook your head quickly as if laughing at him before point to yourself and telling him your name.
Wolffe gave a small smirk before trying to repeat the name in the same accent.
Pointing at Wolffe now he was almost confused if you were asking him if something. The small rise in tone at the end of your sentence suggested that you were asking him a question.
Crossing his legs and sitting with you fully on the ground now he said. "Wolffe, my name is Wolffe."
A giggle escaped your lips as you once again forgot the clone couldn't understand you, but with a quick solution you made the howling sound of a wolf and point back his way.
"Yeah you're right." He said with a smile forming bigger on his lips.
This time your gaze was directed at where the game between the 104th and the native kids was being held.
He was confused for a moment before he looked down at your waiting expression.
Unsure of what you wanted Wolffe said. "Them? Those are my brothers."
The kid face lit up now as what Wolffe could assume the equivalent of 'brother' was in your language.
Testing the foreign word on his tounge a few time, Wolffe found himself sounding it out with the kid in front of him until it was perfect.
Getting the hand signals down now and repeating the word brother your could point to your self and hold up 2 fingers
"Ahh I got that of what you're trying to say." Wolffe laughed ruffling your hair as he continued. "You can take some of mine if you want."
A few sporadic motions later and you got the clone commander understanding a few different words in the planet language.
The clone commander was far from perfect which he wouldn't admit right away, but the joy he saw as you taught him was priceless.
Wolffe was in the middle of repeating the syllables of what he could understand was supposed to mean Sunset when a pair of boots came stomping over.
In the arms of Boost lay a small boy tired from the activities before. With a large gloved hand cupping the boys head Boost said. "Learning some stuff are we commander?"
With a shrug and a playful eye roll Wolffe responded "you could say that.
The comm at each of the men's wrist as the familiar voice of Plo Koon sounded out.
"'My dear men, I'm not sure how thrilled the council will be if we are any more late than we already are. I suggest heading back to the ship now."
Sinker joined his standing brother quickly looking at Wolffe and his companion before both men turned to retrieve the others.
Wolffe glanced back at you as almost a disappointed look crossed your face. "Sorry kid, but thanks for teaching me a few things"
Wolffe stood before quickly helping you to your feet as well. In a moment you were on the larger man in front of you crushing him as hard as you could in the biggest hug.
For a moment more words spilled from your mouth before watery eyes met his own.
"Awe kid it'll be alright. I'll come back and visit you, we all will." He gestured around as the village started to pack up for the night.
With a sniffle you reached out once again and grabbed the wrist of the clone commander. In one swift motion you moved one of the weaved bracelets that adorned your wrist to his own.
He started at it for a moment before you spoke one more word to him. He would always recognize that word now.
Brother, you said.
With one last squeeze and a wave you ran off to join some of the other kids who were preparing to go inside.
The braclet stood out against his white armor, and with a quick pat of it Wolffe turned and headed for his ship home.
Little did he know little eyes continued to watch him, hoping that one day they would see the commander and his men again.
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @gregorsmissingarmor
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mrsmiagreer · 10 months
I know it’s super standard and basic and default…but I CANT ESCAPE THE WAY I FEEL
“Oouu you look so delicious today”
“Bitch you know you can’t see without your glasses😂😂”
“If they do it, i’ll do it”
(instead of ACTUALLY knocking) “KNOCK KNOCK”
“Bye Milo i’m going out with ___. ”
“I’m about to have some of this cake for breakfast…you want some?”
“What did you do this time? Ugh I’ll be there in 5”
“You’ll never believe what happened last night-”
“Is that my shirt??”
“Shouldn’t you be howling at the moon or something?”
“I hope you know you’re paying the hulu bill this month”
“It’s Sam…will he really care what color you wear?”
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