#platonic I Can Fix Him disease
decepti-thots · 2 years
idw bumblebee will see the worst guy you've ever met, go 'is anyone gonna befriend him' and not wait for an answer
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darkbluekies · 8 months
Make things right? Or make them worse?
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Yandere!doctor husband (platonic to his children) x twin daughters ocs x female!reader
Summary: Dr Kry’s children finds out their fathers dark secret, and he's determined to silence them.
Warnings: toxic household, yandere, favoritism, guilt, poison, mentions of murder (things along this way)
A/N: I have created my own poison for this story, so I choose the effects. Lol.
Word count: 6.2k
“Bye, dad”, Lydia says and closes the car door.
Her twin follows out of the car, almost hides behind her like a shadow. Lydia frowns confusedly. She’s been more silent than usual this morning. They turn to walk into school.
“Girls”, Dr Kry says through the open car window, catching their attention. “I want you here at three sharp, okay? I’m not in the mood for waiting.”
“Yes, sir”, Lydia answers. 
“Good. Have a good day, girls, I’ll see you later.”
With that said, he drives off. Lydia turns to Nadia who finally raises her gaze from her feet. 
“What’s wrong?” Lydia asks and fixes her backpack. “You’ve been acting off all morning.”
“I have to talk to you about something”, Nadia says hesitantly and looks at her with uneasy eyes. 
Lydia blinked and frowned. “What?”
“I was meaning to talk to you earlier, but I didn’t want to do it when dad was around.” Nadia glanced at the other students swarming around the school grounds. “It’s about mom … and her sickness.”
For as long as they can remember, their mother has been bound to her bed by a rare disease. Thankfully, their father is a remarkable doctor and has been caring for her ever since the twins' birth. He works at a hospital in the city and travels forty minutes back and forth every day, dropping the twins off at school on the way there, and picking them up on the wayback. When they were young, they were put in a private school carefully chosen by their father — who has been very active in the administration.
Their father is a complex person. Although they’ve been by him their entire life, they still feel like they don’t know him. He rarely talks about himself, and seem to have a human side for their mother only. Very rarely, there’s a soft side for the girls … often they’re met by a doctor, rather than a parent. Despite that, Lydia has always been a daddy’s girl, while Nadia has clung to their mom for love and comfort. 
“What about it?” Lydia asks carefully. 
“I heard something …”, Nadia starts and licks her lips nervously. “I heard these noises, from mom and dad’s room-”
“Don’t tell me you heard them have sex”, Lydia grimaces. 
“No …” Nadia shakes her head, eyes shaking. “They were talking. Mom was crying and daad was standing by the bed, holding her cheeks in his hands like this …” She cups her sisters cheeks in demonstration, “...while saying: ‘you’re never going back there, I’ll never share you like that again’.” She shivers. “I-I don’t know what that was, but it made me feel really weird.”
Lydia frowns, trying to picture the scene in front of her. 
“Are you sure that it wasn’t just dad’s weird love language?” she asks carefully. 
“I don’t know”, Nadia sighs defeatedly. “Mom seemed … scared. She looked up at him with eyes full of terror. She could have had a nightmare or something, but dad’s voice- … it was awful. I don’t know how to describe it, but it sounded extremely dark.”
“We could try to ask her.”
“What if dad hears?”
“I could distract him while you ask, if that helps you ease your worry.”
Nadia smiles gratefully. “Thank you, Lyd.”
Lydia gives her an unsure smile and grabs her hand and they walk into school. 
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Like Dr Kry had asked them to, they stand by the gates at three sharp. His white car rolls over and the two of them jumps in, Lydia in the front seat and Nadia in the backseat.
“How has your day been?” he asks and drives off. 
He always asks about their classes, teachers and friends. If there’s a small detail he doesn’t like, he makes sure to contact the school and let them know his thoughts. More than one friendship has ended thanks to his overprotectiveness and the twins has learned to dilute the truth enough for him to be able to swallow it. So once again, they answer in the way he wants to hear it. 
The car drives from the city, gets off the highway and enters a countryside road. The dirt road is divided in the middle with grass, creating enough space for the wheels of his white car to roll forward. Here, nothing can be heard except the sounds of distant birds. Their white, edwardian villa is surrounded by a deep, dark forest, close to a gigantic sparkly lake with the closest neighbor being a kilometer away. Despite the isolating upbringing the twins have had, getting away from the noisy, stressful city to the empty forest always cleanse their brains. 
The white, Scandinavian, edwardian aged, wooden villa appears behind the trees like a castle. The house has two floors with a green atticroof, and a bushy, blooming garden in the same color, two glass verandahs on either side of the house and a white fence around the garden.
The twins get out of the car. Nadia gives her a look and Lydia nods. 
“Dad”, she says. “I’ve been feeling a bit weird these last days … I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Really?” Dr Kry asks and frowns. He closes the trunk of the car. “Who have you been around? Are any of the other students sick?”
“A few.”
“Nadia, are you feeling bad too?”
“No”, Nadia replies.
“Could you please give me a check up?” Lydia asks. 
“Alright, come with me”, Dr Kry says and nods at her to follow him. 
While they walk inside, their father and Lydia walks to the living room and Nadia sneaks off upstairs. She moves carefully to their parents’ room and knock gently on the door before entering. Their mother, you, is lying in bed with a book in her hand. You look as weak as ever. Nadia shivers. 
“Hi, sweetheart”, you smile and puts down your book on your chest. “Did you have a good day in school?”
“Yes …”, Nadia mumbles and sits down on the side of the bed, unsure on how to start this absurd conversation. 
“What’s wrong, Nadia?”
“What happened yesterday? WIth you and dad?”
You flinch. Your smile disappears for a moment for it to appear quickly again, but this time in a fake manner. 
“Why did he say that?” Nadia asks carefully. “Why did he say that he wasn’t going to share you again?”
“O-Oh, that …”, you mumble with an embarrassed smile. “It was nothing, don’t worry about it. It was just some adult stuff that me and your dad were talking about.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, honey. Why? Did it make you worry?”
Nadia nods slightly. Y/N gives her a smile and takes her hand. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, there’s nothing to be afraid of”, you reassure Nadia. “Whatever happens between me and your dad is nothing you have to be afraid of. We will always put you and your sister first, okay? There’s nothing you have to be worried about. I love you, darling.”
“I love you too, mom …”
You hug her, and Nadia hugs back, but she can’t help but feel that her heart sinks. Something isn’t right. 
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The very next day when they’re left off at school, Nadia grabs Lydia’s arm. 
“Let’s go to the hospital”, she says the second their father’s car disappears behind the corner. She holds up a metallic key. “I have the key to mom’s old room.”
“What?” Lydia asks in confusion. “Why?”
“I have a feeling that mom isn’t really sick and I have to take a look around in her old hospital room. Something isn’t right!” She clears her throat and lowers her voice. “Mom and dad met at the hospital and that he was her doctor, that much we know, right?”
Lydia nods, trying to follow along. 
“Isn’t it weird that a doctor as professional as our dad decided to start a relationship with a patient like that?” Nadia asks, sounding unsure. “And wouldn’t he have done everything he could to make mom feel better? Shouldn’t she be better now? I just … I want to know if he has done something.”
“Do you really think he has?”
“I don’t know. I really don’t know. But something isn’t right, and I feel that. Mom seemed to be put on the spot when I asked her about the interaction I had overheard. She seemed scared.” Nadia grabbed her hand in hers. “Please, Lyd, can we go there and just take a look?”
Lydia hesitates and glances at the private school behind them, contemplating the consequences. 
“Please”, Nadia repeats. “If mom is getting hurt, I want to help her.”
“Okay”, Lydia nods. 
With that said, they hurry past the school gates before a teacher has the time to catch them. They take the first bus to the state hospital their father works at and hope that he’s with a patient while they sneak around. 
They hurry inside the hospital and keep their heads down to make sure that none of the working receptionists would recognise them and report to their father right away. They stay silent until they get into the elevator. 
Once out, they sneak over to the door. Lydia stands guard as Nadia presses the key into its lock. The click from the key opening echoes in the empty corridor. Nadia’s hand hovers above the door handle. Her heart twirls around uncomfortably. In a moment, she will be in the room where their parents met, where something happened that made their dad take the decision of stepping over the professional line. If that was good or bad is yet to be known, but she can’t help but feel worried. 
The room is empty, in more than one way. The spirits of old memories haunt the room and they leave a sour taste in the twins’ mouths. Lydia looks towards the bed. Their mother has been lying here for months with a sickness that has kept her bed bound for years. But what happened while she was here?
“What are we looking for?” Lydia wonders. 
“Anything”, Nadia shrugs and looks around. “Whatever that can help us is fine. Journals, reports, notes — anything.”
They start to rummage through drawers, in binders and notepads. Lydia finds herself holding a yellow paper binder with their mother’s name written on it, in their father’s handwriting. 
“Nad, look at this”, Lydia says and holds up the binder. 
They put the binder on the desk and start to pull out papers. Every paper is written from the top to the bottom in ink.
“He has documented her every day …”, Lydia says, perplexed. She shakes her head in denial. “Every single day, every single hour. Obsessively. Look, every little detail is written down. ‘12:35, eaten an apple’, ‘16:52, took a shower’, ‘22:30, called for me on the telephone’. What is this?”
Nadia picks up another paper, a smaller, clearly supposed to be hidden between the other sides. She puts her hand over her mouth as her eyes widens. 
“Oh no”, she gasps and drops the paper. “No, no, no, no …”
Lydia frowns, bends down and picks up the paper. Her heart sinks as she reads the note. It’s a single word, but they’re familiar with it. They’ve found bottles of it in the cellar and the attic multiple times, and when they asked Dr Kry about it, he answered that it was a substance to kill vermin.
“He’s poisoning mom”, Nadia whispers in horror and looks at her twin with wide, terrified eyes. 
Lydia feels the air disappear from her lungs. Suddenly, she feels nauseous. She sits down on the rolling stool and tries to control her breathing. Nadia sinks down on the bed with her head in her hands. 
“What the fuck do we do?” Lydia breathes out with her eyes staring dimly in front of her. She has never felt this empty before, this helpless. “What the fuck do we do now, Nadia?”
“W-We have to call the cops”, Nadia gulps. 
“The cops? Nad, he’s our dad!”
“But if he hurts mom …” Her voice dies out. “We can’t let him take more years from her.”
Lydia nods and wipes the few tears that have begun to run down her cheeks. With shaking hands, she unzips her backpack and shoves the binder down. They will need evidence if they have to prove to the cops. 
The door behind them opens. Both girls fly up from their positions and scurry over to each other. Dr Kry walks in and stops abruptly in the door. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks quickly. 
He’s trying to force a smile, but the red eyes of his daughters and the trembling bodies of theirs are all he needs to see, to know that they know. 
“How fucking could you?!” Nadia screams. 
Dr Kry hurries to close the door as she continues to shout through sobs. 
“What’s your deal with mom?!” she screams. “How can you keep her like this?! Where’s your fucking conscience?!”
She thinks that she’s going to explode in pure fear, anger and sorrow. Dr Kry clenches his jaw and sighs heavily. 
“Your mother is a very, very special person”, he says slowly, as if he is talking to a ticking bomb. “It is all a misunderstanding, girls, I will tell you everything at home. Come, we’re going home now.”
“We’re not going anywhere with you”, Nadia spits and stands in front of her frozen sister. 
“You don’t have to be afraid of me.” Dr Kry rolls his eyes when they don’t answer. “You’re my daughters, and you are not yet of age, you have to come with me.”
Nadia wants to refuse again, but she doesn’t want to leave her mother alone with him, not when he knows that they know. 
“Now”, Dr Kry decides. 
Nadia picks up Lydia’s bag and gives it to her sister. It looks like Lydia is going to throw up any second now. Nadia takes her hand and they follow their father out of the room, and out through a back door. For the first time, Lydia sits down in the backseat together with her twin. They hold each others hands tightly and keep silent the entire car ride home. 
“Girls, I never wanted you to see that”, Dr Kry sighs and tries to meet their eyes in the rear view mirror. “I- … It’s hard to explain. Your mother is a very special person who I’m very lucky to have met.”
Lydia squeezes her eyes shut, but she can’t keep him out of her head. 
When they come home, Nadia drags her sister into the house. 
“Girls, don’t go upstairs”, Dr Kry says in that same dark voice Nadia had heard him talk in a few days ago. “I want you to stay down here.”
They halt, suddenly too scared to move. 
“I want you to help me with dinner”, Dr Kry says. “Come on.”
The twins glance at each other. Lydia starts to drag her sister to the kitchen. They help in complete silence. Lydia’s hands are trembling while she cuts cucumber and it slips, cutting a slit in her finger. She yelps and drops the knife. 
“Oh, honey”, Dr Kry breathes out and grabs her hand. “You have to be careful.”
She doesn’t look at him as he washes her hand under the kitchen sink and puts on a bandaid. Her entire body is in fight or flight mode. 
When Dr Kry takes care of the final touches, the twins scurry up to their mother. Your face drops when you see them. 
“Why is he doing this to you?” Nadia asks thickly as she tries not to cry. “We found out.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, girls”, you say sorrowfully. “I wish that you never had to know.”
“Why do you let it happen?” Lydia asks quietly. 
“I have no choice … I can’t do anything.” You lower your gaze and voice to an ashamed whisper. “I don’t have the energy to run away, and if I managed to, you’d be in danger and I’d be dead. Your father has the only antidote to his self made poison. It’s safer for everyone if I stay here.”
“But mom …”, Nadia whimpers, “... he’s hurting you.”
“I … I know, dear.” 
The door opens behind them. 
“Girls, dinner”, Dr Kry says shortly and nods towards the corridor. “Go downstairs.”
The twins turn to you, wanting you to make their decision. You give them a reassuring smile and they leave. You look at the man who has become your husband, much to your dismay. 
“Why did you let them find out?” you whisper with tears in your eyes. “You promised that they would never know!”
“I didn't think that they would.” He wipes the tears that roll down your cheeks. “I’ll fix this mess. Don’t worry, darling.”
With that said, he tucks you in and leaves to go downstairs. The twins have sat down by the dining table with their blank, staring eyes turned down into the table. Dr Kry sits down and start to eat, without seeming to care at all about the incidents that happened earlier. Nadia stares down into her plate with disgust roaring in her stomach. If she eats, she’s going to throw it all up in a matter of thirty minutes. She closes her eyes and sighs sadly. Lydia tries to eat a bite, forcing it down her throat. 
“Nadia, eat a little”, Dr Kry says. 
“I’m not hungry”, she mumbles. 
“You need to eat a bit. I won’t allow you to leave the table before you have eaten. Look at Lydia, she’s eating.”
Lydia feels her cheeks heat up as the attention turns to her. She’s suddenly embarrassed over obeying. Feeling exposed and naked under Nadia’s look of disbelief, as if she’s just broken a silent pact. But instead of saying anything, Nadia picks up her fork and takes a bite of the white rice. The twins can agree that this might have been the worst dinner they have ever experienced. 
Nadia puts her hand over her heart and clears her throat. There's a heavy feeling over her chest, something almost suffocating. She looks to the side, seeing how Lydia is frowning as well, trying to clear her throat. Nadia think that she looks like she’s going to faint. She wants to ask her how she’s feeling, but doesn’t dare talk in front of their father, afraid to start a conversation. 
After dinner, the twins decide to go upstairs, but their legs suddenly feel weak enough to break apart. 
“What’s going on?” Lydia whispers and grips the staircase railing. 
“I think that he put something in the food”, Nadia whispers back. 
“I feel really sick …”
She falls down on her knees in the middle of the staircase, still holding onto the railing. Nadia hurries to pull her up again and drags her over to her bedroom, lazily tucking her in. 
“Don’t leave me”, Lydia whimpers and grabs her hand before she can leave the room. “Stay … please. Don’t go. I'm scared.”
Nadia agrees, not wanting to leave. She climbs down under the covers of Lydia’s bed. They lay in silence and look up at the tilted, wooden ceiling. For every minute passes by, they’re growing more and more sick. Every muscle in their bodies seem to ache, twist and turn. 
“He’s doing it to us too”, Nadia whispers. 
They hear the lock on the door click and give each other terrified looks. Nadia stumbles out of the bed and feel the handle. She gulps in horror and turns back to the bed. 
“It’s locked!” she says and breathes out in shock. “He actually locked it …”
“Come back …”, Lydia begs and reaches for her. 
Nadia returns to the bed, crawls down under the covers and hugs her. She wraps her arms around her sister and rests Lydia’s head on her shoulder. 
“I’m scared”, Lydia whispers. 
“It’s going to be okay”, Nadia replies, although she doesn’t believe it herself. “We’re going to be okay.”
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Dr Kry removes his tie, about to go to sleep. 
“I can’t believe you …”, you whisper from the bed, with her eyes down at her trembling hands. 
“Darling …”, Dr Kry sighs and turns around. 
You raise your tone, but keep it hushed enough not to exceed the bedroom walls. “You promised that they would never get hurt! You promised that they would never get exposed to this fucking substance!”
“They haven’t … yet.”
“Yet?! Don’t fucking tell me-”
“They figured it out, okay? They heard our conversation and decided to check out the hospital for themselves. I underestimated their intelligence … and their love for you.” He sighs annoyedly. “I’m not going to let their lack of understanding break apart our family — that I have fought so hard for. I put something in their food to keep them still for a while. It’s nothing dangerous, little one. I promise you that.”
“If I knew that you were going to break your promise-”
“I had to.”
He is about to caress your cheek, but hears sounds coming from next door. One of the girls is banging on the locked bedroom door, and calling for him. Dr Kry excuses himself and gets out of the room. He walks over to Lydia’s room, where the noise is coming from. Quickly, he unlocks, finding Nadia leaning on the wall right next to the door. Her eyes are full with tears. 
“What’s going on?” Dr Kry asks. 
“Lydia isn’t waking up!” Nadia cries.
Dr Kry feels his body turn cold. He runs over to the bed where his other daughter is lying on her side, and he soon finds out that Nadia is right — she isn’t waking up. He shakes her, gives her gentle taps on her cheeks and lifts her up. Nothing wakes her. He has to take her to the hospital. 
“Wait, where are you going?!” Nadia screams after him as Dr Kry carries her sister down the stairs. “She doesn’t want to be alone!”
“You have to stay here with mom”, Dr Kry says over his shoulder. “I’m taking care of Lydia.”
He hurries out of the house and quickly places her down in the back seat. Dr Kry’s usual forty minute drive to the hospital took only twenty five minutes this time. He picked her up in her arms and ran inside through the backdoor, and didn’t stop until their reach the room you have spent many, many months in. Dr Kry places his daughter down on the very same bed you have laid in. He placed an oxygen over Lydia’s mouth and nose, turning on the machine. He hasn’t felt this scared in a long time. 
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Finally, after an hour, Lydia opens her eyes with a small moan. Dr Kry hurries over to the bed and removes the mask. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks her and brushes the hair out of her face. 
“I feel really sick”, she whimpers. 
“Do you need to throw up?” 
Lydia nods. Dr Kry picks her up again and moves her into the bathroom where she hovers over the toilet for ten minutes. Dr Kry holds her hair back and grimaces sadly. He does feel bad for putting her through this, but he has to. 
“There you go”, he says and puts her down on the bed again. 
“Why am I here?” Lydia asks weakly.
“You weren’t responding when anyone tried to wake you up. I got worried, so I decided to take you here.”
“Am I going to die?”
Dr Kry scoffs out a smile in a weird sensation of deja-vu. He has heard that question a lot, in the exact same tone and manner, but from the generation before her.  
“You’re not”, he reassures her and strokes her hair. “You know that I would never let anything happen to you.”
“Why am I feeling like this?”
“I put something in your food to make you and Nadia calm down, but you seem to have reacted badly to the substance … weirdly enough. Since you’re identical twins, i thought you’d react the same, but it seems like you are a bit more sensitive than your sister.”
“Nadia ate less than me.”
“Yeah, you might have gotten more substance in your body, which is why you feel worse. It’s going to be okay, I will not let anything happen to you.”
“But you hurt me.”
His smile drops and his hand stops stroking her hair. He knows that Lydia shares half of her mothers genetics, but he didn’t know that she would sound exactly like you. She has never heard you use these phrases, and yet Lydia has chosen the exact same wording that you have tortured Dr Kry with years ago. 
“I didn’t mean for you to end up here”, Dr Kry sighs and continues to stroke her hair. “That was my fault, I admit that. However, I had to keep you and Nadia a bit sedated because of how scared you were.”
“Why did you use so much?” she whimpers. 
“I was a bit shaky myself, I wasn’t meant to hurt you, Lydia.”
Lydia sighs shakily and sinks down in the mattress. She wants nothing more than to go back home, to Nadia, but at the same time she knows that if she goes back home, she will be locked in her room again. Continuing with life now that they know their father’s secret will be difficult. 
“How long do I have to stay here?” she asks quietly. 
“Until you’re feeling better”, Dr Kry replies and stands up. “For now, I think that you need to sleep. It’s late.”
That’s the last thing she wants to do. She has always been Dr Kry’s (not so subtle) favorite, and she has always had a preference for her father … but for the very first time, she’s afraid of him. She can’t trust him anymore, especially about her health. Being unconscious is the last thing she wants to do. 
“I don’t want to”, Lydia says pleadingly. “I’m not tired … please don’t make me sleep, dad.”
Please don’t make me sleep. Your voice echoes in his head, in the exact same tone. Dr Kry knows that he did a million things wrong when he kept you here, and now he has a second chance to fix things. 
“Okay”, he breathes out and sits down on his stool. “You don’t have to sleep, darling.”
Lydia gulps and looks around in the room, trying to imagine how you had felt while being here. She feels a heavy sensation over her chest, like a heavy stone. She couldn’t see the poisoned air purifier that was mentioned in the journal. 
“Did mom lay here?” Lydia whispers. 
“Yes”, he answers quietly. 
“How long?”
Dr Kry looks down at his nails, eyes faltering. “A, uh … very long time. Many, many months.”
She starts to look around again. “Where is the air purifier?”
“It’s not here … it broke, a long time ago. I had to throw it away.”
“Do you still use that kind of thing on mom?”
“No, I don’t. Not often.”
But he has his new way to make sure you stay.
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Nadia runs her hand through her hair. Her poor sister. What should she do? Dr Kry left the rooms unlocked, which means that she can move around. She drags herself into your bedroom. You look at her with wide, nervous eyes. 
“Is she okay?” you ask and take Nadia in your arms. 
“I-I don’t know”, Nadia responds shakily while shaking her head desperately. “She wasn’t waking up and …”
“She’s going to be okay. I know your father can all of those medical stuff … maybe a little too well.” You sigh and caress the seventeen-year old girl’s face. “It’s going to be okay.”
Nadia shakes her head. “No fucking way things are going to be okay! He’s a madman, mom.”
“I … I know.”
“We can’t stay here.”
“Where are we supposed to go, Nad? We have no car, nearest neighbor is a kilometer away and we have poison in our blood. Sweetheart, we can’t walk far.”
“Mom, we have to leave. We can’t stay here with this psychopath!”
“Nadia …”
Nadia sighs frustratedly and hides her face in her hands. Something has to work. The farthest she has seen you walk is out to the garden when they’ve had picnic evenings. You take her hand, removing it.
“Sweetheart … you know dad loves you, right?” you ask carefully. You don’t want her to hate her him, after all he is her father … but you have to let her know the truth, no more living in the shadow.
“Fucking doubt it”, Nadia mutters. 
“He does. In his … own little way. But I need you to understand that he has sides that he hasn’t shown you … a-and I don’t want you to see those sides.”
Nadia’s face goes blank. You’re trying your best not to get swindled back into old memories, but thinking about that murderous side of Dr Kry brings you back to a time you much rather would want to forget. 
“Mom?” Nadia asks blankly and almost shouts in panic. “Mom! What sides?”
“He … He is a very patient man, but he can't take as much as possible, so please, whatever you do … cooperate.”
“What does that mean? Mom?”
Nadia goes cold. That’s it, she thinks, they have to leave. 
“Mom, get up”, she says and grabs the blanket before ripping it off. “Now. Before he returns.”
“We have to try, at least. Please.”
You hesitate before getting out of bed. Nadia grabs your hand and try to pull you out of the bedroom, but everything around you seem to spin. Your entire body is heavy and aching in all the wrong places. 
“Nadia, wait”, you groan. “If I’m going to move, I have to move slowly.”
“Alright”, Nadia agrees. “I’ll go get some stuff and then meet you by the stairs.”
Nadia runs to her room to collect her wallet and hoodies for herself and her sister, then runs to get your jacket. She meets you by the stairs, helps you put your jacker on and then start to lead you down. You’re terrified of falling. 
“Nadia, I don’t think that this is a good idea”, you mumble and think back of your numerous escape attempts, all ending with someone losing their life. 
“We have to, mom”, Nadia pleads. “I can’t leave you here.”
“What about Lydia?”
“I’ll figure something out afterwards.”
Nadia unlocks the front door and leads you out on the glass verandah. You’re filled with fear. What if you can’t walk? What if you hurt yourself? What if Dr Kry finds out? Your body won’t be able to take his anger. Besides, you have barely left the house in eighteen years — apart from a few car rides here and there — what if the world has changed to something you don’t like?
“Mom”, Nadia says slowly. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I’m terrified”, you admit. 
“We will be okay.”
They start to walk along the dark countryside road. There are no streetlight this far out in the forest, but the moon lights up enough for them to see where the road is heading. 
“It’s been years since I was outside last”, you say. “I think the last time I was out walking was in the garden, last summer when we had that picnic.”
“Have you ever tried to run away from dad before?” Nadia asks. 
“I have”, you answer quietly. “A few times.”
“Did you ever succeed?”
“That depends on what you mean by ‘succeeding’, because I’m still here, aren’t I? But I got away a few times … the only problem was that he found me again.” You sigh, realizing that perhaps you shouldn’t have this conversation with your underage daughter. “Forget that. Where are we going?”
“We need to go to our neighbors. They have to help us.”
Nadia has only spoken to the neighbors a few times, because of how rarely they run into each other. 
They only manage to walk a hundred meters before bright, beaming headlights light up in front of them. Nadia wants to flee into the forest — in case it happens to be her father behind the wheel — but can’t seem to pull you with her. The car stops and to Nadia’s horror, her father gets out. 
“What the Hell are you doing?!” he shouts, sounding both angry and terrified. “Y/N!”
You freeze in your spot and seem to crawl together like a hurt dog, sounding like one too. Dr Kry runs over to you. Nadia watches in horror and starts to panic, wondering what she should do. Stay here with you and get caught in Dr Kry’s claws … or make a run for it to try to get help. 
“I’m sorry”, you shriek in fear. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
Dr Kry hugs your shaking body in his arms and strokes your back, hushing softly.
“I know you didn’t come up with this stupid idea”, he reassures you. “Don’t cry, my dear, I'm here now. I know this wasn't your fault. I'm not mad at you. I’ll get you back home and I'll take care of you. It’s going to be okay.”
He helps you into the front seat. You don’t fight back in the slightest. Nadia looks back at the dark forest and gulps. Her eyes glues onto something in the backseat and realizes that he has come back with her sister! 
“Nadia, get in, we've had enough of these childish outbursts”, her father tells her. “Get in. Now.”
“Is she okay?” Nadia almost stutters and points at her sleeping sister. 
“She’s okay. If you don’t get in now, Nadia, I’m taking them both with me and you’ll never see them again.”
His favoritism has never been clearer, Nadia thinks. She can’t leave her sister … so she gets into the backseat. Nadia wakes her sister up and caresses her cheek. 
“Are you okay?” she whispers quickly. “Did he hurt you?”
“I feel okay”, Lydia whispers back. “Just … tired. I had tro throw up a lot and I think that he gave me some sleeping pills or something. I insisted on going home … so he let me.”
Nadia breathes out. She glances over at the front seat. Their father holds the steering wheel with one hand and yours with the other. 
“Please don’t cry”, he wishes. 
Nadia watches on in disgust. 
When they get back to the white villah, Nadia pulls her sister up to her own room and lays her down on the bed while Dr Kry takes you into the master bedroom. 
“Here you go”, Nadia says and tucks her in. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“Some water”, Lydia says quietly. 
Nadia disappears downstairs to get a glass of water. She meets her father in the stairs. 
“Nadia, I’m not sure your sister will be able to leave her bed for a while”, he says warningly. “I wouldn’t try to leave, if i were you. If you do, I will take both of them with me, and you’ll never see them again.”
“Do you like to hurt your family?” she spits back. “What kind of sadist are you?���
“One to make sure my family stays with me. If you don’t want to end up in the same physical state as your sister and mother, you’re going to continue living as if everything is normal, got that? Go to school, come home, study, continue everything. No talking to anyone about this. Is that clear?”
“So everything as normal … but without Lydia?”
“Why aren’t you healing her?”
“Because I’m not going to let you, or anyone, take my family from me. Be glad that I’m still letting you live normally.”
Nadia glares at him and continues up the stairs. She holds the glass to Lydia’s mouth, watching her sip. 
“What now?” she whispers. 
“I’m allowed to continue living like normally … and you don’t”, Nadia says quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“But … but I don’t want to live like mom!”
“I know. I’m sorry, Lyd.”
The girl in the bed sighs sadly. Naida takes her hand and gulps. 
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The coming weeks seem normal. Nadia goes to school, studies, returns to the villah, but nothing is the same. Without Lydia, there’s no use in being on top. She has no one to impress anymore. Her father is dead to her, and sucking up to him makes her sick. She barely talks to her friends anymore. They’re always asking her about Lydia, and why she’s not in school anymore. Nadia can’t come up with countless excuses … it’s easier to distance herself. 
Life doesn’t seem that bright and colorful anymore. Nadia can’t bring herself to be excited about things that used to interest her badly. Now, every day is a chore, something she wants to get done, until something happens … but she doesn’t know what it is. A death in the family? Someone saving them? Someone killing someone? 
Nadia walks out of school, seeing her fathers white car parked outside the gates, and him inside … waiting for her. 
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bumblinv · 2 years
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--- human's period ☆゚.*・。゚
platonic!various x gn!human!reader
!! in my hc, na'vi women doesn't menstruate !!
jake and your friends takes care of you during your time of the month. basically just period comfort with momma jake
part 1 part 2!
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"they. peed. blood"
spider's terrified screech brings jake one thought;
and he was dammed right.
the moment he stepped into your marui, he found the kids circling around your bed. their faces contorted with worry yet suffers from cluelessness because they could only watch as you curl yourself into a ball. hand clutching your stomach as you cry into kiri’s lap.
his eyes darted to the blanket under your legs, wich were soaked with blood. jake clicks his tongue with sympathy, "poor baby"
your friends moved back, forming a circle behind jake as they watch him kneel on your bedside.
“this your first period?”
“yes. my... my second day, sir” you whimpered out a weak answer.
“they never left their marui until noon, and we found them like this”
“i never knew periods could get this worst”
“did they got shot?”
you were overwhelmed.
the staring, the murmurs, your marui being crowded. having to experience all of that stimulations mixed with your cramps, made you shake. jake could feel it once he puts his hand on your upper arm.
“will they die?”
“they wont, spider”
“bro, how do you know?”
“shh!”, finally neteyam hisses
even neteyam understand that their questions were all honest, yet stupid that jake doesn’t even spare them any care. his full attention is fixed on your vulnerable state.
“no, kiddo. don’t curl yourself up like that”
“it hurts", you groaned. another wave of pain shakes your entire body.
“baby, squeezing your stomach like that wouldn’t make it any better. lay normally”
“they would move if they can, dad”
kiri's words made his gaze soften. he could see your tiny body jerks slightly with every wave of pain that goes through you. you were sobbing, yet no sound comes out of your mouth
“im gonna help you, okay sweetie?”, jake gives your upper arm a comforting squeeze, “we’re gonna get through this together”
the warmth he offers makes you nod weakly. jake smiles, satisfied with your response. then he turned his head towards his daughter,
“do you have medicine for muscle cramps?” the girl looks at her father, clueless. but the confidence in jake’s voice sounds like he knows what he was doing. with that, kiri nods surely.
“i could come out with something”
kiri waves her hand at tsireya, signaling her to come closer. ever so gently, the beautiful metkayina moved your head to her lap so the sully could run off and complete her father’s demand  
jake puts his other hand on tsireya's shoulder, “you stay to help them clean up, okay? and neteyam” his head turns towards his eldest, “get us warm water, son”
“yes, sir”
“what can we do?” lo’ak asks as his brother went running
“you boys could help, by giving them space”
your watery eyes met with jake's, whispering a weak thank you as your marui, at last, went quiet.
if jake had let them inside longer, you would’ve broke down because even with them being outside, their noises still fills your head
“what is this period? a disease?”
“you see spider, the female human body-”
tsireya could only sigh, “they are good friends, worrying over you like that. but they were being too loud"
"you're right kiddo. now its all quieted down, lets get you cleaned up, yeah?”
not long after you could feel his warm hands coming down. lifting you up by behind your knees and back. you might think that your weight would have weighted him down, but to jake, it was like carrying a mere child
“tsireya, please get the blanket for me. oh good, the blood doesn't soak up your bed”
“i put the blanket there so when i leak, my bed doesn’t get soaked”, you grin
“great thinking”, tsireya chuckles. but her laugh quickly died out.
you were whimpering in pain.
jake was only settling you down on your bed, yet you look so hurt. “sorry sweetie”, jake whispers after you flinched some more. the man was just straightening your stiffen limbs
the girl approaches you, giving your hand a comforting squeeze.
“everything’s sore, hm?” jake tucks your bangs behind your ears as you nod helplessly.
“i guess i'll wash my blanket after i get better”
“no, you stay here” he ruffles your hair, standing up and grabs your bloody blanket from tsireya’s grasps.
“jake, you don’t have to”
he laughs, “kiddo. if you’ve raised 4 children, you’ve cleaned worst”
“but its gross”
jake looks at you with confusion. why do you have to bring yourself down like that, for something as natural as breathing? he bites his lip. he remembers someone who would insist that he doesn’t need to help wash her ‘dirty’ bloody blankets.
oh how you remind him of her.
he went back to his previous position, kneeling beside you. golden eyes fixed on yours.
“baby, what’s dirty could be cleaned. after all, what’s so dirty about blood?”
you went silent.
“period blood are as natural as snots, tears, and other body fluid you have. so, no biggie, yeah?”
“no... biggie” you repeated after him. a small smile on your lips
“atta girl” jake grins, his hand went up to wipe away your last tear. “i'm gonna wash this. and while i'm gone, tsireya will help you get cleaned up, okay?” and with your nod, he smiles and walk off.
he was about to step out to the beach, but tsireya’s worried call stopped him.
“will they be okay?”
“they will, kiddo" jake shoots her an assuring smile, "they are in good hands”
and he was right.  
the second he walked back to your marui, he couldn’t help to stop on his tracks. your marui was filled with joyful chatter, meaning you were getting better. and he could hear laughing too. your laughs
“bro, i thought you were dying”
“oh please”
“no offence, but you do look like you were dying” jake recognize that voice. it was spider’s
then rotxo’s iconic snickers was heard,
“when ya called jake, what was the shit ya told him? somethin' bout them peein’ out blood?”
“spider!” you exclaimed, voice full of embarrassment
“oh, cmon boys. leave them alone”
jake’s chuckle startled all of you.
your marui went silent again. even rotxo shuts his mouth.
you never knew why, but the sudden awkwardness coming over every time jake steps in is unbearable. maybe it happens because none of you were used to the usually strict man being so loose.
“i... uh, i’ve washed your blanket. should dry by tomorrow”
“thank you” you smile at him. jake returned your smile.
your friends are around you, again. but this time, you didn’t seem to bother. you were enjoying they company, even. they were all sitting down near your bedside with empty bowls around their feet.
good, they had feed you
his eyes drift to your side where he found neteyam, pressing a small water sack on your stomach. presumably filled with warm water. but the ceramic mug you were holding catches his attention the most.
the mug was filled to the brim with liquid that smells almost sour. he recognize it. and its strong yellow color, brings him back home.
“kiri made them drink pee”
“i did not, ao’nung”, the girl rolls her eyes as rotxo’s ugly snort-laugh filled the room.
“hey, i know this”
their laughter died out.
jake kneeled beside you. he was looking into your mug with his gaze so soft and loving, you were afraid he was taking a liking to it.
“there’s tamarind and turmeric in it, right?”
kiri’s mouth went agape, “never knew you know herbs, dad”
“i’m not. but i’ve made this drink all my life”
“you see, kid,” he looks at his son with a loving smile he rarely gives. his hand went up to squeeze neteyam’s shoulder.
“back on earth, your uncle tommy and i would make this drink for your gramma, when she was on her period” his golden eyes shows such softness as he gazes back into your drink.
it was just some mere drink, yet it was able to make the former toruk makto and olo’eyktan so soft.
“but of course,” he snickers, “we don’t need to boil real turmerics nor tamarinds. they sell it on instant packages”
no one laughs.
there was one question filling their heads, yet even rotxo’s loud mouth does not dare to ask.
where is she now?
lo’ak cleared his throat. “the period, was she in pain too?”
“yes, her whole body would turn so sore she couldn’t move. my dad was never really around, so tommy and i would be the ones running errands”
“oh, so the whole cramp thing is normal?”
“right, kiddo. that’s why you need all the support you can get during your period” he ruffles your hair, making you giggle.
“i need you all kids to take care of them, you got me? its already hard having periods on earth, its even harder when you are the only one having them, in this whole village”
“yes, sir”
“good. its turning dark. they needs rest" with jake’s words, the boys gives you an acknowledging looks before one by one steps out of your marui. not forgetting to bring their dirty dishes from their previous dinner. the girls however, are squeezing the life out of you with their hugs.
“come to me when your stomach’s all messed up. i would make you that drink again”
“yes, i will kiri”, you giggle.
“you know, if its hurting you too much”, tsireya starts, “maybe i could ask my mother to try to stop your periods”
you laugh, shaking your head at the thought of loosing your uterus, “no, reya. i will not, but thank you”
one last hug and the girls were off
“well, i guess my job here is done” neteyam smiles. he was the only one left beside you. his hand still pressing a water sack to your tummy,
“your trusty hot-water-sack-holder needs to go”
his smile turns brighter when you laugh.
“we should hang out tomorrow, teyam”
“yeah”, he whispers as he press his forehead on yours. a soft smile on his lips. your moment was quickly cut off by muffled laughs, your face went bright red as you realize the rest of them were all still standing near your marui
even his dad.
jake cleared his throat, “cmon, son, lets go”
their laughter broke as soon as neteyam approached them with burning cheeks, and was met with lo’ak’s playful swats on his shoulders that even the tips of his ears went flushed.
they weren’t so far away when you could hear spider’s voice,
“jake, when will i get my period?”
“men doesn’t get periods”
“ah shit... can i though, if i try hard enough?”
“just hold your shit in for a week, then you’ll get a period”
“that’ll be my ass bleeding”
their laughter broke once again. you too, couldn’t help but giggle. upon them, neteyam’s roaring laughter stand out the most. he was just glad they had stopped teasing him.
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velocesainz · 7 months
Hiiiiiii would you want to do
Childhood bsf Annabeth chase x Apollo reader who is dying of an illness that can't be cured , only Luke and reader know about it and reader refuses to tell anyone else, wanting Annabeth not to worry thinking that reader just gets sick often.
When Annabeth leaves for a quest when reader's sicker then normal only to come back and reader is gone only leaving a sentimental gift to both Luke and her behind with a letter saying goodbye and sorry something like that ?
She/her or they/them please do tell if you cannot write this
I love this request, thank you so much!
Summary: reader is dying of a terminal disease and nobody knows except Luke. Annabeth sees that reader is getting sick but doesn’t think much of it but realised when it’s too late
Warnings: very sad, angstyyy, mentions of death
Pairing: Annabeth Chase (platonic) x Apollo! Fem! Reader, Luke castellan (platonic) x Apollo! Fem! Reader
A/n: this might be the saddest thing I’ve ever written and I’m here for it. Make sure to request!
Percy jackson masterlist | Main masterlist
Improper Goodbyes
Reader pov:
I was in the bathroom in the apollo cabin spewing my guts out into the bowl along with blood. I found out I had cancer a few days ago since father had sent me a letter (I am the favourite child).
I was just sitting on the floor thinking about how I was just going to disappear. I felt relief but also was overwhelmed by the faces of all my siblings and friends especially Annabeth, my best friend since the day I was born.
I was sitting there thinking about all the good times I had at camp when the door burst open revealing Luke, my other best friend.
“Hey y/n I was thinking about heading out to pick some strawber- what happened?” Luke asked incredibly worried seeing the blood in toilet bowl.
I didn’t want to tell him but he deserved to know. As one of um closest friends he deserved to know what was wrong with me.
“I-I have cancer Luke. Leukaemia stage 3. Incurable” I told as I saw his face drop with every word I said
“H-H-How long do you have left?” He asked me and I could see tears springing into his eyes
“6 months maximum. I’m sorry Luke” I told him and looked away, I couldn’t bear to see Luke crying
“We’re going to make these 6 months the best you’ve ever experienced. Let me just tell ever-“
“No Luke. You’re not telling a single soul about this.” I cut him off
I looked back at him and he gave me a sad smile. He was upset that I wouldn’t let him tell anyone but he also wanted to respect my wishes.
“Alright then. But if Annabeth finds out and tells the rest of the camp don’t blame me! Now come on, we have memories to make” Luke said as he dragged me out of the Apollo cabin
I was talking to Annabeth by the fire when I felt nauseous again. This is the 5th this happened today and Annabeth seemed to be catching on slowly
“Hey y/n are you alright? You seem to be extremely pale and sickly looking recently” Annabeth asked me
“Yea I’m fine, just been a little under the weather recently” I lied through my teeth
“Nothing a little ambrosia can’t fix! I’ll go get some for you right now” Annabeth said as she got up but I pulled her right back down
“There’s no need for that Annabeth. I have some back in the cabin, I’ll drink it before going to bed don’t worry about me” I tried reassuring her but she didn’t really seem to buy it
Annabeth pov:
Why was y/n acting so weird? It’s weird enough that she’s been sick for so long and in top of that she refuses to take ambrosia even though she takes it multiple times a day when she is sick.
Am I missing something here?
No Annabeth, you’re overthinking it. She’s a child of Apollo, she can take care of herself.
“Annabeth, Percy and Grover please join me up front here” Chiron called out probably to inform us of another quest.
I was really getting fed up of being dragged by Percy everywhere for his troubles and quests. I wanted to spend more time with the others at camp.
I want to take care of y/n like how she took care of me.
I rarely even see her anymore since she’s mostly just locked in her cabin or I’m on a quest with seaweed brain.
I don’t know how much more I can take of this. I hope this ends soon.
I was packing up for the quest and just as we were about to leave y/n came up to me along with Luke .
“Can I hug you? I really want to get a hug from you before you leave for another long quest” she also mumbled something at the end about this being her last hug or something but I didn’t pay much attention to that.
“Of course honey! You don’t even need to ask, you know I absolutely adore your hugs” I said as I hugged her.
I then realised how much thinner she had gotten. I could feel the bones in her back as I hugged her.
I again didn’t pay attention to it because some people here at half-blood have had really bad flu and other diseases but have always recovered from it.
But this time felt different. I felt a strong twine in my gut. Something was wrong.
Probably in the quest. That always happens.
Y/n pov:
I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker day by day and I knew my last few moments were drawing closer.
I started writing letters to the ones I cared most about and also gave all my stuff away leaving only the sentimental pieces for the ones who mattered the most to me
It hurt to let go of this beautiful place but our fates have been decided and there is nothing we can do to change it.
As I laid on my death bed surrounded by my cabin mates and Luke they told me how much I meant to them and how much they will miss me.
I couldn’t focus on that however. I just wished Annabeth was here with me. I wanted to say a proper goodbye but she wasn’t here.
I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier. I could barely speak but I had to tell Luke what I wanted to say to Annabeth.
“Luke tell Annabeth that she was the most amazing friend I could ever ask for and also give her this” I told told him as I gave him a letter that I had addressed to Annabeth.
Luke pov:
I couldn’t believe it. My best friend was dead and her last wish to see her childhood best friend couldn’t be fulfilled.
I felt grief sadness and guilt overcome me as I feel to my knees next to her body.
The only person who truly understood me was dead. How was I to move on?
I walked with heavy steps to my cabin and I saw her ring on my bed with a letter.
That ring meant to much to her. It was given by her mother and it contained the most beautiful sapphire I had ever seen.
She never let anyone touch it since it meant so much to her. I guess I meant just as much to her as this ring.
I looked at the contents in my hand. Annabeth’s letter along with a small box.
If only Annabeth was here. Y/n would’ve passed away surrounded by all of whom she loved.
Annabeth pov:
I returned to camp after the quest but that feeling never went away.
Everyone at camp looked grim and depressed, especially the Apollo kids and Luke.
I tried to look around for y/n but I couldn’t fine her anywhere.
Luke came up to me and handed me a letter and a small blue velvet box.
“Y/n wanted you to have this. It was her last and only wish” Luke said with a coarse and scratchy voice. It sounded like he had cried for hours.
“What do you mean last and only wish? Is y/n ok? What happened to her?” I asked Luke hoping to find some answers but he just gave me a sad look.
“Read the letter. You’ll understand everything” he told me and left
I hurriedly opened the letter and read what was written:
Dear Annabeth,
I hope I was able to give this to you in person but if not then so be it. You have been my best friend for over 10 years at this point and our friendship was the most cherished thing I ever had. You made me laugh, think, enjoy life and many more things. I’m sorry we couldn’t grow old together like we said we would but just know I’ll always be supporting you along the way. I have stage 4 leukaemia and it is incurable. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier but I didn’t want to worry you. This is getting really long but I just wanted to let you know that you were the best thing in my life and I will always be with you in your heart. Please don’t grieve over me. I love you.
Your best friend,
Tears pooled in my eyes as I continued reading the letter. After I finished I opened the small box which had her necklace inside it.
Her most prized possession.
It was given by her father. A bow and arrow pendant with the most beautiful diamond I had ever seen. She wouldn’t even let people see it forget touching it.
How was I to live without my best friend? I can’t be without her.
Why are the gods so cruel? Why did they have to take her away?
I broke down in the middle of the field crying.
Everyone passing by gave me sad looks and walked away knowing I’d want to be left alone.
My best friend was dead. My sister. My lifeline. My support and my soul had been ripped away from me.
All she wanted was to see me before she died and I couldn’t even do that. What kind of a friend was I?
She was gone and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.
A/n: Let me know your guys feedback on this and let me know what other people/genres you want me to write about! Requests are open. Kissies ✨
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Sick and Tired
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Summary: you can't say that anything about having a chronic illness is fun, but at least you have friends who care about you. 2.7k words
Disclaimer: GENDER NEUTRAL READER I wrote this in one go at like 3am. So. All of the brothers are in this but it's more platonic than anything else? If you want you can read it as romance because I did imagine kissing several of them on the mouth while writing it. also shout out to the author on ao3 that called Asmo "Momo" and then pointed out that it means "peach" in japanese. I did steal that nickname. lmk if it was you though bc I will credit you.
Notes: This is based on my own personal experience with a mystery disease that has been plaguing me since I hit puberty. I'm going to be very real, I wrote this for myself as a way to cope because I got #sad. it sucks, for sure, but there are some things that make it more bearable and isn't that how life works anyways?
The cool thing about being a human in what is essentially hell is that when diseases happen, you are more or less immune to them. The bad part about being a human in what is essentially hell is that you’re human and it’s essentially hell. Because of this, there are some things that you’ve had to explain to your housemates, or to an overeager Diavolo, or to a concerned Luke. You had to talk Lucifer down from renovating the whole House to put in an elevator because he was “worried about your flimsy human joints.”
“I have bad joints, regardless.” You remember saying, “I’m a human, it comes with the territory. Don’t put an elevator in the House, I don’t like them anyway.”
You’ve had to explain that while you’re grateful that they managed to find vitamin D supplements, they’re meant to be just that, a supplement to spending time in the sun, something the Devildom doesn’t have. So while your symptoms have been alleviated, they have not been fixed. Levi fixed this by buying you something like a heat lamp.
“Where did you even find this?” You’d said after he’d forced you underneath it.
“You’re gonna hate the words that are going to come out of my mouth.” His hands stilled from where they were busy attaching it to the wall by your bed.
“Just tell me.”
“Some demons used to, emphasis on ‘used to’, own humans as pets. So they made these little lamps to mimic the sun or whatever.” You blink at him, rapid fire before shrugging a little.
“Humans used to own each other.” He turns his head to gape at you like a fish.
“Yeah it was a whole thing. There are still lasting repercussions that echo through our modern society.”
“That’s insane.”
“I thought I told you before that human cruelty knows no bounds.”
Solomon of course, is no help, because while he may be human, he is old. You’d complained of jaw pain once, something about your teeth aching.
“It might be a demon.” He’d said this confidently at the one dinner a month he’s allowed to have with the brothers. As per the dating-Asmo-agreement he made with Lucifer.
“It might be a what?” Satan’s head whipped towards Solomon so fast you thought he broke something.
“A demon. Tooth pain is caused by little demons in the teeth.” You stared at him like he grew a second head.
“No, it’s not. It’s caused by bacteria eating away at your teeth. And that’s just for cavities. This could be something completely different. Also, I don’t think humans have believed the demon teeth thing in forever. God, you’re old.” Your frustrated rebuttal of Solomon’s “wisdom” had not stopped the brothers from checking you up and down for curses or signs of possession.
So, for the most part. It’s fine, and you don’t mind explaining these things to them just like they don’t mind explaining demon culture to you. This though, you’ve never been able to explain to anyone, so you can’t explain it to them either.
“I’m so tired,” it’s noon and you woke up from sleeping two hours earlier. Asmo has dragged you out of the house for some shopping spree, and while you were excited to go, your energy levels have quickly depleted.
“But darling! We just started!” Despite saying this, he’s walking towards the register with the clothes he’s decided he likes, willing to cut his trip short if it’s for you. You shake your head.
“No, no, keep shopping. I’m always tired, Peach.” He hums and goes back to perusing the shelves while you stay seated by the dressing room for his mini fashion shows.
You don’t just get tired while hanging out with Asmo, it happens everywhere. Beel has to catch your head when you almost faceplant into your lunch. You spend a Devildom History class fighting to keep your eyes open while Satan takes twice the amount of notes as usual so you don’t fall behind. Levi asks you to watch a special livestream of a Sucre Frenzy concert and you have to sit down halfway through because you’re suddenly dizzy. You even fall tired while driving Mammon’s car, once.
He’d been in the passenger seat, fretting over your every move, and you’d understood despite the fact that it was incredibly annoying. This car was his baby, something he was incredibly proud of, something he worked hard to get. Still, having someone freak out over your driving usually makes it worse.
You’d been gently reassuring him of your skills when you felt it, the familiar pull of your eyelids, the way your brain seemed to slow down. It takes you a second longer than it should to register the red light and you have to slam on the brakes to avoid running it. It’s not too soon after that when you decide to pull over and have Mammon drive you home. You fall asleep on the way back.
This all comes to a head when you manage to outsleep Belphie.You aren’t sure how you did it, honestly. You went to bed on Friday afternoon and vaguely remember being woken up because a meal was ready. You remember making some sort of affirmative noise and then going back to sleep. You have hazy memories of stumbling to the bathroom and chugging down bottles of water, but mostly it was just sleep. Then, Belphie is shaking you awake. He’s saying something you can’t quite hear and Beel is picking you up and carrying you to the living room and the lights are so bright it turns your brain back on.
“Belphie, did you do somethin’?” It’s Mammon’s voice, accusatory. Someone pokes your cheek.
“So you kill a guy once and suddenly everything that happens to them is your fault?” His reply makes you snort.
“Did you or not?”
“No. This is… this is something else.” He sighs and then one of your eyelids is being manually opened so he can make eye contact with you before he lets go and your head drops slightly. “I know what my sin feels like. I know what Sloth feels like. It’s a choice, mostly. It’s the action of choosing to do nothing rather than something. This is something else. Something completely different.” You yawn and scrub at your eyes, finally opening them to stare at your posse.
“Did I get a fanclub while I was napping?”
“You’ve always had a fanclub,” Levi says quietly.
“Napping? You call that a nap?” Asmo pokes your cheek and you assume he’s the one who did it the first time.
“How do you know they have a fanclub?” Satan turns his head to Levi and his brother turns a bright shade of red.
“I’m the president.” He says. Beel raises his hand.
“I’m VP. We hold meetings every Wednesday. Lucifer pretends it’s stupid but he’s always in the club room ‘doing student council work’.”
“Can we get back to the matter at hand?” Lucifer finally interjects, not wanting to deal with his brothers’ needling. Satan grumbles something about him being a loser under his breath. “Are you aware of how long you were asleep for?”
“I mean, I dunno,” you stretch your arms above your head and almost hit someone in the face. “I remember someone coming to me about dinner, so probably a while. Why?” Lucifer sighs and rubs a hand down his face.
“It’s Sunday afternoon.” You stare at him blankly.
“This is the worst joke you’ve ever told.”
“I am not joking,” he says and Levi shoves his D.D.D under your nose. Sure enough it says that today, the day you are finally awake, is Sunday. It says that it’s 2pm. You’ve slept for almost a full 48 hours. The thought brings tears to your eyes immediately and Levi freaks out.
“No wait, don’t cry. I don’t know what to do when you cry!” His hands are flapping around your face uselessly and it makes you laugh and choke on a wet sob.
“You can back the fuck up, for starters.” Satan bodily pushes his brothers out of the way to get to you, placing a box of tissues on your lap and sitting next to you. Not close enough to touch, but enough so you know he’s there.
“Sorry,” you take a tissue and blow your nose. Beel holds out a trashcan and Asmo pretends not to be disgusted. It’s sweet. “Crying in front of people is so cringe.”
“Being vulnerable and crying is not something you should be ashamed of,” Lucifer says and it’s weird to have your own words parroted back at you.
“Why’re you apologizin’ anyway? ‘S not like you did anythin’ wrong. We’re just worried is all.” Mammon runs a hand over your hair as he says it before remembering himself and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Because it’s never been this bad before. I’ve never slept for damn near two days.”
“So this is a recurring problem?” Satan has procured a notebook from out of nowhere and has his hand poised to write down what you’re saying. Presumably to go scour his books for a solution.
“Yeah. It’s … I’m tired a lot. Always, really. I’m tired right now, actually. Sometimes it’s worse than others but … I don’t really know what’s wrong.” You huff, “I was actually in the process of getting tests done to figure it out when I got magic-ed here. Isn’t that funny?”
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Asmo is resting his head on your shoulder and you tilt your head so it rests on his.
“Not really. ‘M sorry, Peach. I’d tell you if there was.”
“I always wondered why you had such deep eyebags. I thought it was something in your skincare routine.”
“It’s also genetic.”
“Humans have genes for dark under eyes?” He sounds horrified at the prospect.
“Sure do.”
“That’s miserable.” You laugh at him and he squeezes your hand gently.
“So, yer just… tired.” Mammon asks.
“Also yes.”
“I didn’t know you knew the word ‘chronic’, Mammon,” Belphie ribs Mammon from his spot on the floor. You kick him slightly.
“Don’t be an ass.” He sighs dramatically and flops over onto his back.
“It’s good to know it’s not a freaky demon thing.” He peers up at you from underneath his bangs.
“Yeah. I’m kind of tired of dealing with freaky demon things. No offense.” There’s a chorus of agreement throughout the room and you can see everyone relax a little now that they know.
“It is a shame though,” Lucifer says, “that it is not demon related.” His brow furrows. “Those I can fix.” You shrug and slightly jostle Asmo’s head.
“Eh. That’s life. Thank you for being concerned though, I appreciate it.” Your stomach grumbles. “I guess I should eat, huh?” Asmo graciously lifts his head off your shoulder and you head to the kitchen, Beel on your tail.
“There’s nothing we can do?” He looks sad, and he’s rubbing his wrist in that way he does when he’s nervous. You’re struck with the realization that Beel is the defender of his family. He’s physically the biggest and the strongest, and he’s been looking after them and taking care of them physically for basically forever. It must be excruciating for him to not be able to help you.
“No,” you shake your head sadly, “I’m sorry, Bug.” You step forward and give him a hug. He returns it and you pretend you can’t feel him cry.
Things are different after that. Asmo tries to hang out with you in places closer to the House or in his room. Lucifer pulls you aside and tells you both his room and his study are always open for you if you need them. Beel takes you to the gym with him so you don’t stay too sedentary, but is always willing to stop working out if you need to go home. Satan almost gets into a physical altercation with a teacher over you sleeping in class and you find out later that Belphie gave him nightmares for a week. Levi doesn’t make you sit through as many anime binges anymore, instead separating them up into something more bite sized so you can properly enjoy it. It’s nice, you think, that they’re trying to take your needs into consideration.
Diavolo catches wind of it and sneaks his way over to the House to ask you questions. Walks into Lucifer’s study where you’re trying to do assigned reading like he owns it, and you think that he probably does in some way.
“Diavolo–” Lucifer stands up and Diavolo laughs.
“Don’t worry! There is nothing wrong! I just had some questions for our lovely exchange student.” He sits down in the armchair across from you and you set your notebook down.
“What’s up?” You can hear Lucifer mumbling prayers to a God who will no longer listen to them and it makes you snort.
“I have learned of your condition.”
“I gathered.”
“There is nothing I can do?”
“Do you have several degrees and a shit ton of fancy machinery?” Lucifer chokes at your language. Diavolo smiles at you.
“Can’t say that I do.”
“Then, no. There isn’t.” He hums thoughtfully and you busy yourself with trying to figure out Lucifer’s Demonus organization pattern. It doesn’t seem to be by age, so maybe it’s by color?
“What does it feel like?” Diavolo’s question draws you out of your comparison of two almost identical wine reds. You think one has a brighter undertone but that could be the color of the label.
“Have you ever been tired?”
“Have you ever not slept, for like, a whole day, and you can feel that your brain isn’t working at maximum capacity?” He nods. “Have you ever felt like you were trying to run in a swimming pool?”
“I can run in swimming pools.” You roll your eyes.
“Can you run through slime?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“It’s like that. It’s being so tired that you know you aren’t operating at your best and being able to do nothing about it. It’s like moving through water. It’s never getting enough sleep. I could sleep the perfect amount for a human my age and I would still be down to take several long naps throughout the day. And it’s not something I can ignore, either. I can’t just power through it. Because after a while, it starts to hurt.”
“Hurt?” He frowns, and it’s weird to see him not smiling.
“Yeah. It’s. When I get too tired my eyes will hurt. It feels like they’re grapes and someone is squishing the life out of them. It feels like a thousand tiny needles poking at my eyes. It feels like someone is squishing the bridge of my nose in their fist and refuses to let go. It makes my stomach hurt, it makes me nauseous and sick, and it makes me dizzy and it’s awful.”
“I see.”
“So, I have to sleep. I have to sleep because if I don’t it hurts and if I manage to get through that my body will make itself sleep, anyway. It’ll just turn off, regardless of if I want it to or not.”
“That. That is miserable. I am sorry you have to experience such a thing.” You shrug a little and stare at your hands.
“What can you do?” It comes out sarcastic and dry. There’s a silence, tense and weighty, and you know what he’s going to ask before he does.
“Do you need to go to the human world?” You can hear Lucifer’s sharp inhale even though he was pretending to not listen.
“Maybe. But, if it is what I think it is, it won’t go away. I’ll just know and get medication. Probably.” Diavolo stands and nods.
“At least you will know. I will figure something out for you.” He nods again, this time to himself. “There is no reason for you to suffer this way.”
“It won’t go away, Diavolo. I’ll still have it.” You need him to know this. You need him to know that it won’t be permanently fixed. You don’t want him to be disappointed when everything’s said and done and you’re still sick.
“Yes, but things will be better, no? Some progress is better than no progress, no matter how small.” He pauses and smiles at you, warm and comforting. “And we will all be there for you. Regardless of the outcome.”
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luvhhannie · 10 months
nothing new | y. jeonghan x reader
𓇢𓆸 synopsis: no one would’ve thought that unspoken feelings would’ve been the best for you and jeonghan
𓇢𓆸 genre: angst, non-idol au, mutual pining (if you squint), kinda slow burn romance, hanahaki disease
𓇢𓆸 cw: major character death, terminal illness hinted, swearing, blood and gore (at some point), yn basically being paths eren, a little bit of wonwoo x reader but mostly platonic, 96 line (wonwoo, woozi) to maknae line are all in freshman in uni, the rest of 96 line are in sophomore in uni, LOTS of references
𓇢𓆸 wc: 11.1k
𓇢𓆸 a/n: this is my first time in a while writing a fic again so please bear with me! and if you recognize my user from wattpad DONT remind me of my aki fic i lowkey completely forgot the plot. not really proofread i just wanna get this out there, ill edit it if i have to. anyways, all love!
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“jeonghan, meet my sister, yn. don’t you dare hit on her now.” your brother, seungcheol, said to his friend who only smiled at you.
“nice to finally meet you, yn-ie. cheol told me how much of a supportive sister you are.” jeonghan stated as you stare up at him. today is november 13th, the day you finally met your brother’s so called “university best friend”. you only knew jeonghan from your brother’s talks and calls but never actually gotten the chance to meet him, until today. you knew from your brother that jeonghan was quite a “manwhore”, in your brother’s words. seungcheol was only a year older than you, already in his sophomore year in college, while you were still enjoying the gap year you were taking. you and seungcheol are practically twins, only you being more laid back than him. he was your only sibling and so are you to him, making him very protective over you despite your undeniably, small age gap.
“hey, it’s finally nice to meet you too. seungcheol told me a lot of things about you.” you said to the long, dark haired man infront of you. he gave a sheepish smile and raised his brows.
“great things, i suppose?” he slyly asked, earning a scoff from seungcheol.
“you wish.” seungcheol said as he plopped down on the couch, changing the show you were watching to a show he liked. you rolled your eyes.
“A LOT of great things.” you chuckled with jeonghan as you finally bid your goodbyes to stay in your room, letting your brother and his guest do their own thing.
november 13th isn’t only the day you met jeonghan, but also the day he captivated your heart. the day he hung out with your brother in your home’s living room, he suggested to go ice skating with seungcheol.
“i saw the nearby lake here while i was driving and saw some people skating, you wanna get some fresh air and skate? we can call yn too, if she wants.”
seungcheol agreed to do so when suddenly you came out of your room to grab a bag of chips from the kitchen.
“oh, yn! wanna come with us?” seungcheol asked you. you looked dumbfounded for a second, still continuing to grab your food.
“where? are you guys gonna kidnap me and sell me?” you asked as you take a chip and eat it. seungcheol flipped you off while jeonghan only chuckled.
“no? what the fuck? and if we did sell you, we’ll only get 5 bucks, max,” seungcheol said, earning a gasp from you, “but seriously, you wanna go skate with us? it’s at the lake near our neighborhood.” he said. you pondered but still agreed. seungcheol and jeonghan smiled.
“alright, you guys have your own skates, right? i have mine at the back of my car.” jeonghan asked as you and seungcheol said yeah.
“yeah, go get ready then, we’ll meet you in my car.” seungcheol said grabbing his keys and your guys’ skates. you ran to your room and fixed yourself up, coming to seungcheol’s car and sit on the back passenger seat.
arriving at the lake, you, seungcheol and jeonghan wore your skates and finally walked on the frozen lake. you stared at your own reflection on the ice as seungcheol scurried off, skating and laughing away. jeonghan was just right behind him when he saw you just standing and staring down. he skated back to you, only noticing his presence when you saw his reflection on the ice as well.
“you okay?” jeonghan asked you. you sweatdropped, embarrassed about what you were thinking about.
“yeah…” you said quietly. jeonghan stared at you softly and patted your shoulder.
“you sure? because just a while ago you looked like you were about to piss yourself.” he joked as you removed his hand on your shoulder, blushing in embarrassment from his words.
“no i did not! and i’m just a little scared since i haven’t skated in a while…” you admitted to him. he chuckled and suddenly grabbed your hand.
“come with me, i won’t let go of you until you’re comfortable skating on your own, yeah?” jeonghan comforted you as he skates further to the lake, hand in hand with you. you looked at your hand with his and looked back up to the back of his head. you pursed your lips and blushed.
“okay…” you quietly said, almost silently, only hearing the loud thumps of your beating heart. november 13th was the day your heart started beating for yoon jeonghan.
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“merry christmas!” loud voices roared in the lit up room as you cheered gleefully. it’s been more than a month since you’ve met jeonghan, and tonight, december 25th, you finally saw him again. after exchanging gifts, a deep voice suddenly whispered into your ear.
“they’re a little bit crazy, huh?” your friend, wonwoo, said. you chuckled and lightly slapped his shoulder.
“don’t talk bad about your friends like that, wonu.” you said to him. you met wonwoo a month ago at a local game cafe. at first, you didn’t know who kept on beating you on a fighting game, considering you’re pretty good at them. until you got tired of losing for the nth time and walked up to the arcade stall in front of yours. there you saw a dark haired man with glasses, staring at the “you win!” sign on his screen. you walked up to him and he raised his head to look at you.
“you need something from me?” he asked you. you glared at him and looked at his screen.
“are you wonwonu96?” you asked with a glare evident in your eyes. he looked you up and down and nodded his head.
“you jjkl0vr? i beated your ass pretty badly in the past few games huh?” he teasingly asked, only making you irk more.
“well, i bet you’re cheating.” you retorted as he only shook his head.
“no, but i can show you a few tricks up my sleeve?” he asked and that’s what sold you to the mysterious man who kept on beating you on the game. you later on learned his name was jeon wonwoo and that you two were the same age. surprisingly, you two clicked as soon as the one sided beef simmered down in the game. you and wonwoo got dinner together and you later found out he had encountered something unfamiliar.
“you really had the hanahaki disease?! that’s fucking crazy, i’m sorry! it’s such a rare disease…did you tell them how you felt or got the surgery?” you asked him as you sipped on your hot chocolate. wonwoo sighed and took a bite of his ramyeon.
“i got the surgery. if i told them how i felt, i could’ve turned worse.” he admitted and you gave him a soft look.
“i’m sorry, wonwoo. you truly loved them…that means you forgot who they were huh? but hey! they do say there’s a lot of fish in the sea! or something like that.” you trailed off. you two ended up sharing numbers and became game buddies. after bidding your goodbyes and going home, you called your brother about what had happened.
“jeon wonwoo? i think he’s part of my uni’s esports club. yah! yoon jeonghan! you know a jeon wonwoo?” seungcheol yelled on the phone, asking jeonghan. you didn’t comprehend what jeonghan was saying, but hearing his distorted voice still made your heart beat.
“oh, really! just found out wonwoo is also a close friend of jeonghan’s younger buddies.” seungcheol spilled to you. you hummed as you lay down on your bed.
“but yn, i forgot to tell you but i’m coming back home for christmas break. jeonghan will be coming with me too, since one of his buddies is throwing a party. you wanna come with?” your brother asked you. you pondered.
“wouldn’t i be a nuisance though?” you asked your brother. you only met wonwoo today and now your brother wants you to come with him and jeonghan to a party of jeonghan’s friend? you suddenly hear shuffling in the background. your heart started beating louder when you heard the voice.
“you’re never a nuisance, yn-ie! and besides, i’ll be there! and so is wonwoo!” jeonghan said through the phone. you smiled and sighed.
“okay fine, what should i wear?” you asked him, hearing him chuckle and telling you that whatever you wear, you’ll still be pretty no matter what, earning a slap from seungcheol.
“i’m just saying yn, but how are you holding up? i know all of these guys are a little bit overwhelming and all.” he asked. you looked up at him and shook your head.
“i’m all good, meeting the other guys wasn’t actually that scary. i really like soonyoung, seokmin and seungkwan.” you said to your friend who chuckled.
“they’re the crazy bunch.” he said as he gets dragged by vernon, who told you that “you look a lot like seungcheol but prettier”, to play beer pong. you waved goodbye to your sighing friend and watched your brother and the other group play pool. seungcheol, jihoon, joshua and jun were chaotically playing as your eyes shifted to look for a certain dark haired male. not being able to find him, you sighed and continued drinking your cup of beer.
“you looking for someone?” someone said behind you and you flinched in surprise. you turned your head and saw the person you were looking for.
“jeonghan! you scared me!” you said to him holding your chest. he laughed and stood next to you.
“is that really the first thing you say to me after we haven’t seen each other in a month? wow, i thought you would say something along the lines of “jeonghan! i missed your pretty face, come kiss me!”” he joked as you blush. how the hell does he know about your tiny crush on him?
“crush? i don’t think so. you’re not my type.” you scoffed as he only looked at you with a smirk. he leaned in closer to you.
“your brother says otherwise.” he whispered. you blushed even harder and looked at him.
“shut up…” you meekingly said as he chuckles. he patted your head and put a hand on your back.
“did you like my gift?” he asked you as he pointed at the jewelry dangling from your neck. you held the moon shaped charm and nodded your head.
“i love it.” you said to him, as he smiled at you and held your hand.
“i’m glad, you wanna join us play pool?” he asked you. you nodded and looked over where wonwoo and his friends were.
“yeah, i don’t wanna get too drunk tonight.” you said to him and he shook his head.
“i get you. they’re a noisy bunch but i love them.” he said to you. you nodded and played pool with them. however, you got dragged by minghao, mingyu, chan and soonyoung to play beer pong with them. alas, you got really drunk after playing with them. minghao kept on insisting you to allow him to cut your hair since he’s having a “vision”. you ran away from him and sloppily went to where your brother was, who was also drunk in his end.
“you’re joking.” you slurred as you see your brother slumped on the pool table with jun and jihoon taking photos of him. joshua was just laughing while jeonghan was cracking up on a couch. joshua pulled him down and put him on the couch, next to jeonghan and a girl he’s talking with. suddenly, you felt throat tighten up and your heart starts beating faster. you tapped jun’s shoulder and ask him where the bathroom was. he looked at you with concern and pointed the directions. you ran your way to the bathroom and let all of the liquor out of your system.
“yn? are you okay?” a familiar voice asked behind you. you were kneeling down on the cold tiled floor and looked back.
“i’m good, jeonghan. don’t worry! just drank too much for my own comfort.” you admitted. he kneeled beside you and started rubbing circles on your back to comfort you. you were sweaty and him being this close to you just made you feel even hotter. despite this awkward and embarrassing situation, you felt your chest tighten up and your cheeks heating up. jeonghan kept on rubbing your back.
“feeling better, angel?” he asked you in a comforting tone. you nodded your head. you stared at him with tired eyes and he looked back at you. you two were unseemingly close to each other. jeonghan cleared his throat and broke his stare. you sighed and leaned your head towards the arm you were propping up. you suddenly broke the silence.
“ever since i met you, i thought you were the prettiest man i’ve ever seen.” you drunkenly admitted to him. jeonghan only stared at you. silence filled up the bathroom, only your silent snores keeping the silence calm. noticing that you’re already asleep, jeonghan sighed to himself.
“and i’ve always thought you were the most beautiful person i’ve ever met.”
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“jeonghan?” you said out loud while you were standing in front of the university’s office. you were sending some files for uni when you saw jeonghan walking with someone.
“oh, yn? are you starting uni soon?” he asked you. he walked up to you, saying a quick goodbye to the person he was walking with. you looked at the girl he was with as she walks away. you nodded your head.
“yeah, this fall.” you said to him, “how have you been?”
“i’ve been alright, but i kept on waiting on your text since new year’s night.” he chuckled as you slapped your mouth.
“oh god! i’m sorry! i was too drunk to remember i had your number!” you apologized to him as he only laughed at you and patted your head.
“it’s alright. here, put your number on my phone so i’ll be the one texting you.” he said as he gave you his phone. you nodded and put your number in his contacts. he smiled at you.
“i’ll call you when my class is over, yeah? i wanna hangout with you today.” he said as he waved goodbye to you. you blushed and slowly waved back at him. you shook your head and went back doing your business with the uni. since it was early in the morning when you saw jeonghan, you assumed he would be done by late afternoon, in which he called you.
“hey yn! where are you right now?” jeonghan asked in the phone. you were currently at a local library, trying to find a book that could keep you distracted from life.
“hi jeonghan! i’m just at evergreen’s library right now…” you trailed off, not really wanting to bring up what he said a while ago.
“oh, the library near the uni? i’ll pick you up, okay? i’ll probably be there in 5. see yaa.” he ended the call, you still blushing. you knew that you only had a crush on jeonghan just because he was mad pretty and handsome…but also because he might’ve been the sweetest yet teasing person you have met.
it’s just a small crush, you told yourself.
after pacing back and forth in the library, jeonghan finally called you telling you he was outside. you left the library and saw him in his car. he rolled up his window and revealed his blushed face, most likely from the cold. he was wearing a gray beanie and a red scarf. he turned his head towards you and smiled.
“cmon, get in.” he said. you get in the passenger seat and shyly sat in silence. he noticed your awkwardness and chuckled.
“hey, loosen up. i’m not gonna bite you or anything.” he teased. you smiled at him as he started driving. you were wondering where you guys were going.
“i know what you’re thinking, “where is this gorgeous man taking me?”, well we’re going to an ice sculpture show downtown.” he said with a smirk. you laughed at his words.
“whatever, but i didn’t know tonight was opening for the show…” you pondered. you have always loved ice and snow shows. you stare at the snow falling on the car’s windshield.
“mhm, seungcheol didn’t wanna come so it’s just us for tonight.” he said. your smile faltered for a second, but kept a focused gaze on him.
“that’s too bad. he also loves ice sculpture shows, especially when we were kids.” you said. this caught jeonghan’s attention.
“also? so you love ice sculpture shows?” he asked as you hummed.
“yeah, i just love how people get creative with their works, especially on ice.” you said as jeonghan hummed in agreement. you and jeonghan soon arrived downtown and walked together to the ice sculpture show. there were families and children taking pictures of the sculptures. you looked at the scenery in awe, with bright lights shining through the sculpted ice. the two of you walked around the show and you stopped when you saw a sculpture of a laying woman surrounded by carnations.
“it’s so beautiful…” you whispered to yourself. you were standing still in astonishment of the ice sculpture, not noticing jeonghan’s gaze on you.
“she is.” he quietly murmured. you kept on admiring the sculpture more when you finally noticed jeonghan getting closer to you. you averted your gaze to him and saw him gazing at you as well. you gulped.
“it’s a wonderful piece, isn’t it?” you asked him. the closeness of your body and his providing the both of you warmth in the winter of january. he took a breath out of his mouth.
“mhm, it is. artists are crazy talented.” he complimented, finally looking at the artist statement.
“if you were a sculptor, what would you make?” you suddenly ask him. he looked at you and wondered for a moment.
“hmm…i would probably sculpt the most beautiful person i know…or just sculpt a bunny.” he said, giggling at his last statement. you looked up at him in awe and giggled as well. his eyes softened.
“what about you, yn? what would you sculpt?” he asked. you only looked back at the sculpture.
“i would probably sculpt something meaningful to me…i’m not too sure, to be honest. i’m more of a poet than an artist.” you admitted to him. jeonghan looked at you in shock.
“ohoh! i didn’t know you were into literature and stuff like that! what’s your favorite book?” he said in awe. you lowered your face in shyness.
“i was literally just at the library a while ago, jeonghan. but yeah, i love reading and writing. i guess i could say it’s a passion of mine.” you stated. he kept his gaze on you as you kept talking, “my favorite book right now is i would say…hmm…meet me in another life? hmm yeah.”
“say, if you ever write something, like a story or a poem? would you let me read it?” he suddenly asked you, which made you instantly look at him. your eyes flickered with a glint of excitement. no one except your brother wanted to read any of your works.
“you serious?” you asked him cautiously, your heart beating faster. he nodded his head.
“why would you think i wasn’t serious?” jeonghan asked. you widen your eyes, wandering your gaze just to lose contact of his.
“dunno…but yeah, sure.” you said shyly to him. he only kept looking at you when he suddenly touched your nose. you flinched.
“what the hell, man! what was that for!” you squirmed as he just laughs.
“your nose was pink from the cold! you looked too cute.” he said with a teasing smile. you blushed furiously as you just huffed. the cold breeze of winter hitting your face only made you shiver. you dressed comfortably for today’s weather, yet somehow, you were in need of warmth. jeonghan saw your shivering state and walked to you. you looked up at him when suddenly you were being wrapped in a red scarf, your lower half of your face being covered. jeonghan giggled at the sight of you.
“you look cute.” he simply stated. you pulled his scarf closer to your face and averted your gaze, being able to smell the floral and pine scent on the scarf.
“thanks, jeonghan.” you whispered. he hummed as he looked at you, almost lovingly. all of a sudden, people started gathering around.
“mom! look! it’s the northern lights!”
“open your camera! this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the aurora!”
you and jeonghan looked up and saw the dancing pink and blue lights in the sky. hints of brilliant purple and blue danced the night away from the night sky. you heard jeonghan sign in awe of the sight. you glanced at him and made eye contact with him. he smiled at you.
“beautiful isn’t it?” he whispered. you looked at him and shifted your gaze back to the sky.
“hm, it is.” you hummed. you and jeonghan stood close to each other, watching the lights sway. your fingertips touched, making your hand flinch away from his. when he hook his pinky onto yours. your breath hitched, your head looked towards him. he was still watching the aurora. you smiled softly and turned your gaze back to the lights. the sound of children cheering and people being in awe filling your ears, but not overpowering the sound of you and jeonghan’s synced heart beat. january 11th was the night you came to terms with your feelings, that you were in love with yoon jeonghan.
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“oh, you’re back. how was it?” a voice asked as jeonghan entered his dorm room. jeonghan looked up and saw seungcheol laying on his bed. jeonghan removed his coat and beanie as he looked at himself on the mirror beside seungcheol’s bed.
“it was great. we even saw the northern lights tonight.” jeonghan said to seungcheol, who grumbled in annoyance.
“really? god, if only i didn’t have to do so much work load tonight, i would’ve been able to see it. did you guys took photos of it?” seungcheol asked. jeonghan nodded and gave seungcheol his phone, revealing the photos. seungcheol scrolled through the photos when suddenly he saw a notification.
yn-ie 🐰: i had a great time tonight! thanks for bringing me back home
yn-ie 🐰: i hope you have a goodnight sleep, sweet dreams :>
seungcheol stared at the notification and looked at jeonghan, who was now getting ready for bed. he softly smiled at his best friend.
“han.” seungcheol called for jeonghan. jeonghan turned his head towards him and got his phone back.
“yeah?” he asked. seungcheol sat up on his bed to face jeonghan.
“you like yn, don’t you?” he suddenly asks the long haired male. jeonghan was now staring at seungcheol with shock evident in his eyes. he averted his gaze away from seungcheol, not giving him an answer. seungcheol only sighed.
“don’t hurt her, please,” seungcheol begged, “i can tell that you like her. i don’t mind you dating my sister, but please just don’t hurt her. you know she has that condition.” jeonghan looked at seungcheol with seldom eyes.
“i don’t know, cheol. i’m scared that if i continue liking her, i might just end up hurting her. she’s so precious that i might even choose her over anything in the world. but i’m so terrified that loving her might break her.” jeonghan admitted. seungcheol looked at him with sad eyes. seungcheol breathed deeply.
“if you’re not so sure of your feelings for her, then don’t pursue her, don’t lead her on. you’ll just break her heart. do what your heart says, jeonghan.”
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“goddamnit, wonu! how the fuck were you able to beat me there!” you yelled at your friend as you two sat on his couch. he laughed.
“i told you, don’t spam attack. god, you’re like the worst person to game with.” he joked. you held your chest and gasped.
“huh?! shut up!” you argued when suddenly you watched your character die again. you sobbed in annoyance. wonwoo just chuckled and rubbed your back.
“it’s gonna be alright. it’s just a game yn…here, let’s go get boba to cheer you up.” he said as he turns off the tv and grabbed you towards the door. you flipped him off, still following him towards his car, carrying a red scarf with you.
“add dorayaki to that. boba wouldn’t be enough for me to forgive you.” you said to him as he chuckled. today, february 2nd, you decided to stay at wonwoo’s for a day and decided to play against each other, as you two always do, but plans changed when you ended up throwing a tantrum, to him tending your tendencies. you two soon arrived at the boba cafe and started looking at the screened menus.
“i might get matcha brown sugar boba, what about you?” wonwoo asked you. you stared at the screen and pondered.
“i’m craving for some brown sugar cheesecake boba, oh and don’t forget my dorayaki.” you said. wonwoo nodded his head as he tells you to find a seat for you two. you walked towards the front of the cafe and sat on an empty seat. people were talking about their whereabouts as you stare outside the huge window of the cafe. suddenly, you saw a familiar face outside the flower shop, alongside another, hand in hand. your heart ached at the sight.
“jeonghan…” you whispered in your breath. after the date night with him at the ice sculpture show, has never then contacted you. you sighed. he got your number, yet didn’t even want to reach out to you. now you’re seeing him holding hands with the girl you saw at uni. you were stopped in your thoughts when wonwoo sat in front of you. he gave you your drink and pastry. you smiled at him.
“thanks, wonu. even though you keep on beating me whenever we play games.” you said as you took a sip of your boba. wonwoo chuckled.
“it’s no problem. and besides, you’ve been looking gloomier these past few weeks. anything bothering you?” he asked. you sighed and looked out the window, jeonghan and the girl still at the flower shop. you noticed them looking at carnelians and lilies. wonwoo noticed your silence and looked at what you were looking at. he looked back at you sadly.
“is it jeonghan?” he suddenly asked. you shifted your eyes to wonwoo and sadly hummed. he looked back at jeonghan.
“you know, that’s hwa-young. she’s one of those sorority girls at uni. she’s not all that to be honest.” wonwoo said as he took another sip of his boba. you suddenly looked at him in curiosity.
“she’s kinda a bitch too. i remember her telling vernon that he didn’t belong in uni. then seungkwan rocked her shit right after she said that.” you snorted at his statement. the girl, hwa-young, didn’t look mean at all, but you still believed wonwoo’s words.
“you’re joking? what happened to seungkwan?” you asked, now invested in the story. wonwoo smiled softly.
“got in trouble with the dean, and seungkwan’s reason was that what she said to vernon was racially motivated. god i remember laughing so hard when seungkwan got in trouble after that.” wonwoo laughed as you did as well. the rings of the bell of the cafe door suddenly jingled, stopping you two from laughing. there you saw jeonghan and hwa-young walking hand in hand, similar to the way you and jeonghan skated together. you pursed your lips. wonwoo sighed as he grabbed your dorayaki. you yelped and grabbed the pastry back, now grabbing your attention.
“that’s mine!” you said to him. wonwoo hummed.
“don’t worry about hwa-young, yn. she’s nothing but a piece of crap.” wonwoo reassured you as you just nodded your head. you kept your gaze outside as you finally hear the bells ring again. now you saw jeonghan and hwa-young leave with their drinks. your heart started clenching onto nothing and it made you breathe hard. you held your chest and wonwoo widen his eyes.
“yn, are you okay?” he asked concerningly. he looked around and grabbed your hand, “let’s get some fresh air, okay?” he suggested as he grabbed your drinks and pastry and went outside. the snow is still falling even though february has come to the new year. you breathed deeply as the cold breeze hit your face. you held the red scarf close to your face, feeling the warmth of nobody. wonwoo looked at you with concern as he pats your back, settling the drinks on an empty bench.
“breathe slowly, yn. there you go…you feeling better?” he asked as you nodded. you felt better but the tightness of your throat and chest didn’t leave. you breathe slowly, wonwoo helping you in the process. you looked up at him and smiled.
“thank you, wonwoo…i think we should get back to your place.” you suggested. he nodded his head as you two went back to his car. the ride back to his apartment was silent, but comforting. he helped you get out of the car and let you rest up on the guest bedroom. you felt helpless. helpless that you can’t do anything at all. helpless that you can’t even tell jeonghan that you love him. helpless that you’re so sure that you have lost him. you sobbed in silence, your throat tightening up in every breath you take. you laid in silence as the hours go, with wonwoo checking up you every once in a while. you opened your phone and opened your contacts. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, your heart thumping on your chest. nothing’s going to happen if i don’t do anything, you thought.
you: hey jeonghan, can we talk?
you pressed send as you wait for a respond. not even a minute later, he replied.
hannie bunnie: yeah, where do you wanna meet up?
you: you know the children’s park near uni?
hannie bunnie: yeah, what do you wanna talk about?
you: i’ll see you in 10, thank you
hannie bunnie: ???
hannie bunnie: okay, fine, see you in a bit
you grabbed your coat and the red scarf he gave you. you smiled softly and left the room. wonwoo was at the kitchen cooking. he looked at you.
“you going somewhere?” he asked. you shook your head.
“just going for a stroll. i’ll be back in a few. see ya.” you said as wonwoo bids you goodbye. you walked towards the destination, staring at the snow on the ground. you huffed as the coldness striked you again. arriving at the park, you saw a figure by the swings. your footsteps approached the figure as he turned his head towards you. jeonghan looked at you and smiled softly. you didn't return the smile back.
“it’s been a while, yn.” he said as he sat down on a swing. you hummed as you sit down on the swing next to his. you two sat in silence in the cold winter. he suddenly cleared his throat.
“so how have you been?” he asked you. you scoffed and looked up at the sky.
“i’ve been good. all my paper for uni are getting finished soon. what about you?” you asked him, still looking at the sky, snow falling down your face.
“i’ve been okay too…” he trailed off. you were getting restless. you wanted to tell him how you felt now. but the tightness of your throat was stopping you. he still kept his gaze on you as you stared up. he sighed.
“yn, why did you want to talk?” he suddenly asked. you gulped, the words ready to be revealed stuck in your throat. you couldn’t say anything. you stood up and started walking away. this is embarrassing, you thought. you stopped in your tracks when you heard jeonghan’s footsteps behind yours.
“i just wanted to see you.” you said, your back still facing him. jeonghan scoffed.
“really? because your eyes says otherwise. what did you want to talk about, yn. be honest with me.” he demanded. you turned your body towards him and finally looked him in the eyes for the first time. he stared at your gaze that was full of fear and love.
“yoon jeonghan.” you said sternly. he breathed heavily as he looks at you with such immense emotion in his eyes. you closed your eyes and breathed deeply.
“i like you.” you said, almost a whisper being buried in the snow. jeonghan just stood in his spot, mouth agape. you looked into his eyes and there was a glint of hope, but soon disappeared. jeonghan closed his eyes and sighed.
“i’m sorry, yn…but i can’t return your feelings.” he finally said. your breath hitched, sobs and tears fighting their way out of your body. you composed yourself and you smiled sadly.
“that’s alright…thank you for hearing me out, jeonghan.” you said to him as he only stare at you in place, “we can still be friends though, right? a little crush wouldn’t hurt our friendship, right?” you said with a chuckle. jeonghan only looked at you with sad eyes.
“yeah, of course. i’m sorry.” he apologized again as you shook your head. you then started unwrapping the scarf from your neck and held it. jeonghan stared at it.
“i forgot to give this back to you then. here, it helped me keep warm.” you said, giving the scarf back when jeonghan pushed the scarf back to you. you looked up at him. he smiled softly.
“you can have it. if i can’t keep you warm this winter, that scarf will.” he said. you smiled softly and turned your back to him.
“again, thank you for letting me feel this way. i hope you have a good night, jeonghan. be safe.” you said your farewell as you started walking away, not looking back as the tears finally released itself. jeonghan watched your moving figure walk away from him. his heart stings but shakes it away.
“be safe, yn.” after walking away from the park, you fell to the ground and sobbed. the feelings you were tucking away from everyone has now come out. you cried as tears kept flowing down your rosy cheeks. you knew the consequences of your actions, but now being able to feel what you were thinking hurts more. you stood up from the snowy pavement and started walking towards wonwoo’s apartment. your sobs and heartbeat were the only things you could hear. nearing the apartment, you suddenly feel your throat tighten up, making you feel sick. you ran to wonwoo’s apartment door and knocked furiously. wonwoo immediately opened the door as you rush to the bathroom. you fell down to your knees as you throw up in the toilet. your throat burned from the sensation, almost feeling being pricked by thorns. your tears blurring your vision, not being able to see things clearly.
“yn…who was it?” wonwoo asked behind you, rubbing your back in circles. you shot your head up in curiosity.
“what do you mean?” you asked him, voice hoarse. wonwoo held you in his arms.
“roses. you threw up roses, yn. who was it?” his voice stammered as your eyes widen. you blink the tears away and looked at the toilet. there it was, full of rose petals, some even in full bloom. you felt sick and threw up again. wonwoo held you close. you only sobbed in his arms, not being able to answer him. february 2nd was the day your heart screamed roses.
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“happy valentines!”
“happy valentines and birthday, jaehyun!”
“aw thank you! have you seen jungkook though?”
the university campus roared as valentines day filled the whole university. seungcheol stared at his friends at their lunch spot. every single one of them got valentine gifts, including him. he watched mingyu and soonyoung argue who got the most chocolates. he chuckled at the two. only one person was missing in the group. seungcheol turned his head towards joshua, who got a handmade gift and chocolate from his girlfriend. he nudged his friend.
“where’s jeonghan?” he asked the auburn haired male. joshua looked around and raised his brows.
“he told me he would be here in a few minutes…it’s been almost 20 minutes.” joshua replied. seungcheol facepalmed as he ate one of the chocolates he was given. suddenly, seungcheol was tapped by the shoulder, he looked behind him.
“oh, yuta. what’s up?” he asked the long red haired male behind him. yuta sighed in exasperation.
“jeonghan got stuck with his fangirls. he told me to tell you guys before he got engulfed in chocolates.” yuta said as he walked away, not giving seungcheol time to get up. joshua heard yuta and came with seungcheol. the others just stared at the eldest and shrugged it off, continuing to bicker. wonwoo, however, just looked at the two with gloomy eyes. mingyu looked at his friend.
“is something wrong, wonwoo?” mingyu asked. wonwoo shook his head.
“it’s nothing.”
seungcheol and joshua followed yuta through the halls and saw a group of girls surrounding someone, assuming it’s jeonghan. yuta sighed when he saw someone in the crowd.
“oh, hyungs!” he called out. the person turned around and waved his hand. seungcheol and joshua followed yuta to his friends.
“oh, i remember being in sophomore year and getting lots of gifts!” the red head said to the group of boys. the other male next to him agreed.
“yeah, i got lots of chocolates back then. too bad we’re depressed juniors now.” the raven haired male joked. yuta laughed as seungcheol and joshua chuckled. the raven haired male suddenly looked at the two.
“oh hey, cheollie and joshie” he said. they both greeted him back.
“hey, hobi hyung, jongin hyung. do you think you two can help us get our friend out of that swarm of ladies?” joshua said, earning a laugh from the two older males. jongin nodded his head and suddenly pushed through the crowd, hoseok did the same. yuta watched in awe while joshua and seungcheol watched in fear. just what the hell are they doing.
“hey!” hoseok suddenly yelled, “i have photos of jungkook shirtless! come to me if you wanna see them!” he said as he started running away when the girls started chasing him. jongin held jeonghan in place, preventing him from being trampled over. yuta laughed at the scene. jongin brought jeonghan back to his friends and smiled proudly.
“here you go, now i gotta get hobi back…see ya!” he said ss he chased his friend with the other girls. yuta chuckled and followed jongin. joshua and seungcheol just looked at jeonghan in disappointment. jeonghan raised his hands in defense.
“i didn’t do anything wrong!” he defended. seungcheol just looked at him in annoyance.
“yet you still let them surround you like that? god, hannie you need someone that’ll knock the sense out of you.” joshua argued as they started walking back to their spot. joshua and jeonghan filled up the silence as seungcheol just walked in front of them. they went back with their group and seungkwan finally clapped his hands.
“i have an announcement to make!” he said as he was pulled down by seokmin.
“sit down!” seoksoon said as seungkwan just glared at them. minghao chuckled.
“jungkook hyung is holding a valentines party tonight. he told me this morning that we’re welcome to come and i guess since we don’t have any plans for tonight, for some reason because we ALWAYS have plans during valentines, we should go.” he stated. the rest of the group stared at him when jun broke the silence.
“i think we should go.” he suggested. the others started agreeing then. seungkwan cleared his throat again.
“he also said if you have a date, bring them with you.” he added. the group agreed and started naming people they were bringing, while some said they would rather just get drunk tonight at the party.
“joshua, are you bringing your girlfriend?” seungcheol asked. joshua nodded his head.
“you?” joshua asked, seungcheol also said yeah. the two then looked at jeonghan, who glanced at them.
“what?” jeonghan asked the two males. joshua sighed.
“are you bringing anyone tonight at jungkook’s party?” he asked. jeonghan sighed and shook his head.
“nah…” he answered. however, minghao heard him.
“you’re not bringing your precious hwa-young with you?” he retorted. seungcheol raised his brows on his statement. jeonghan rubbed his eyes.
“me and hwa-young are just friends.” he argued back to minghao, who pulled back away from his seat.
“okay, okay, i was just saying because you two are getting awfully close to each other.” minghao said as he pondered for a moment. he then looked slyly at jeonghan.
“what about yn?” he asked. seungcheol made a face at minghao who just chuckled.
“hey, i mean, your sister is SOOO pretty and sweet, hyung. jeonghan hyung, if you’re not going with her, can i?” minghao teased as he got hit on the shoulder by seungcheol, who was also chuckling.
“my sister isn’t a toy that you can just pass around.” seungcheol defended you. minghao pouted and talked with jun and dino instead. he then looked at jeonghan.
“are you bringing yn?” seungcheol asked jeonghan. jeonghan’s breath hitched. he just shook his head no, when suddenly a voice came in.
“i’m bringing yn with me, is that okay, seungcheol?” wonwoo announced in the group. everyone suddenly went silent and looked at wonwoo, even seungcheol was surprised, even though he knew you and wonwoo are getting to the stage of being best friends. everyone was now looking at seungcheol, waiting for his answer.
“yeah, you can. you don’t have to ask permission, she’s your friend. i’m just her brother.” he answered. he felt jeonghan on his side tensed up on his answer. wonwoo hummed in satisfaction as they all continued talking again. seungcheol looked back at jeonghan.
“jeonghan, did something happen between you and yn?” he asked. jeonghan didn’t answer. seungcheol sighed and slumped back on his seat.
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“hyung! did you really sell photos of me shirtless?!”
“yah, jungkookie, i was just doing business, that’s all!”
“that’s pretty funny, hobi hyung. i should’ve seen it.”
“what the photo or hobi hyung being trampled on by those students?”
“the photo so i could burn it.”
“there’s a lot of people here, wonu…” you said in between coughs. wonwoo held you close to him.
“it’s okay, yn. and besides, we’re all friends here. we’ll go to my buddies and we'll stay there, okay?” he reassured you. you were wearing a mini dress with a bedazzled handbag. you were terrified that you might accidentally throw up and cause a scene, not with vomit but with flower petals. you nodded your head as you walk towards the 97’s of the group. seokmin greeted you with a hug.
“yn! i haven’t seen you in a while! we should’ve exchanged numbers so we could talk!” he enthusiastically said. you nodded your head with a smile.
“i know, seokminnie! hey minghao! mingyu!” you greeted your friends. they both hugged you and told you how their day was. wonwoo tapped you on the shoulder.
“i’m gonna go with soonyoung and the others real quick. will you be fine by then?” he asked. you nodded your head.
“yeah, i think so. i have them here so i think i’ll be fine.” you said as he pats your head and walks away. the three just watched the interaction. mingyu sighed.
“i wish i had my own wonwoo…ah, wonwoo…” he groaned as you laughed.
“you’re so silly, mingyu. you can have him.” you said as he chuckled. you four talked for a while when someone wrapped their arms around mingyu’s neck.
“yah, mingyu-ah! can you believe it! hyung sold my shirtless photos…only for 10 bucks! am i really that cheap!” the brown haired male groaned to his tall friend. minghao stifled a laugh while seokmin just laughed hysterically.
“ah, really jungkook? i would say those photos are just around 5 bucks…hoseok hyung was being generous…” mingyu teased the male when he looked at you.
“oh hey! i haven’t seen you around! i’m jungkook.” he introduced himself. you smiled at him.
“hi, i’m yn. it’s your party right? it’s fucking crazy.” you complimented as he hides his face with his hands.
“oh you flatter me! well it was nice meeting you- oh yugyeomie! bambam! you guys are late!” he yelled, walking to the guests who just arrived. you stared at the man in awe while mingyu looked at you.
“he has that effect on people. i swear he’s like…edna mode.” he said as you, seokmin and minghao just stared at him.
“what does that even mean?” seokmin asked. mingyu shrugged his shoulders as he took a sip from his cup. you suddenly felt your phone vibrate and took it out of your hand bag.
wonuuu: saury but kwan dragged me to play beer pong
wonuuu: might get drunk idk stay with kyeom or hao, gyu is too crazy for you
wonuuu: 🕺🏻
you laughed at his texts and showed them to your friends, who laughed at it. mingyu grumbled.
“guys, be honest, am i too crazy?” he asked you three. you felt bad since the tone in his voice actually sounded sad, but this feeling disappeared when minghao said “yes” in a millisecond. you three laughed while mingyu faked cried, with you comforting him. suddenly, minghao stopped laughing and nudged seokmin’s elbow. he looked towards the distance. you followed where he was looking and almost regretted doing it so. jeonghan was walking with hwa-young, with his hand on her hips. you could feel your throat tightening up again. mingyu saw you and held you close. you gulped. minghao looked at you in concern.
“yn, are you okay?” he asked you. you nodded your head. seokmin walked next to you and comforted you as well. he could tell that you suddenly looked uncomfortable. you breathed heavily when you saw the two walked up to you four. hwa-young was greeting the three males, not even giving you a single glance, whereas jeonghan was looking at you, almost regretful in his eyes. you held on to mingyu, scared to move, scared that the flowers blooming in your lungs might come out of your throat. hwa-young noticed your hold on mingyu.
“who’s this? heyyy! i’m lim hwa-young! are you and mingyu dating?” she asked you. you gulped and shook your head no, your grip of mingyu only became stronger. you could feel it. you could feel the thorns blooming out of your throat.
“no, they’re not, hwa-young. and that’s yn, cheol’s sister.” jeonghan answered for you. you were in shock. minghao and seokmin noticed the tension between you three and stood next to you. mingyu, on the other hand, was confused. being an athlete means you spend less time with your friends and more time with your teammates, meaning that mingyu had no clue why jeonghan brought hwa-young with him.
“why the fuck are you with him?” he suddenly blurted out. seokmin widens his eyes. you were frozen now. why? because the people surrounding you were now staring.
“huh? what do you mean “why am i with him”? he’s my date. right, hannie?” hwa-young asked the long haired male next to her. jeonghan didn’t say a word, but he only looked into your eyes. you looked back into his and sighed.
“right, hannie? i’m your date?” hwa-young asked jeonghan again, this time, he was out of his trance.
“oh yeah.” he simply said, pulling her closer to his body. mingyu just looked at him confused.
“but isn’t she a shitty person?” he deadpanned. minghao was now panicking, pulling his friend away from the scene.
“huh?! shitty person?! what are you talking about?” hwa-young argued when someone stepped in between them.
“YA’LL, LET’S KARAOKE!!!” jungkook yelled, everyone now distracted and started doing their own thing again. hwa-young scoffed and walked away from the scene. jeonghan tried to hold her hand but she shook it away. jeonghan just stood in his spot watching her walk away. seokmin held you as minghao held mingyu back, explaining some things he had missed. you watched as jeonghan’s hand held hers for a moment. you stared at his hand and back to his face, making sudden eye contact with him. you can feel your lungs about to burst, and so is your heart. jungkook, still between jeonghan and mingyu, looked at you with concern.
“yn-ssi, you look pale. are you okay? do you need to go to the bathroom?” he asked you. not being able to say anything, you nodded your head. jungkook told you the directions and tried to come with you, but you stopped him. you ran towards the bathroom, seeing a glimpse of jeonghan’s worried eyes. you accidentally bumped into someone as you ran. you looked up at the person and saw familiar, related eyes. seungcheol.
“yn?” he said as you just ran past him. you ran to the bathroom and closed the door. you kneeled down the toilet and cried out your tears. you threw up all the contents of your lungs. roses, petunias and daffodils filling up the toilet. you closed your eyes to calm yourself down when you suddenly thought of how jeonghan held hwa-young close to him, holding her waist, closer to his body. you felt sick and threw up once again, now red poppies, red carnations and mums coming out of your throat. you could feel the thorns of roses in your throat. you coughed once again and saw what you dreaded the most, blood. as you were throwing up, you didn’t notice the door being opened and closed again.
“yn…what’s this…?” the voice asked you. you refused to look at the person behind you. you sniffled as tears started to pour out. the person started walking to you and gasped.
“you’re fucking kidding…hanahaki…yn, who is it?” the voice asked. you shook your head no, refusing to say his name out of your mouth. the person kneeled next to you and turned your body towards them. you refused to look into their eyes. you can tell they were furious.
“yn! tell me! who is it!” they demanded. you refused when suddenly you hear them sobbing, matching yours. you finally looked into their eyes. red. same as yours. pain and regret in their eyes, tears flowing down their face. he held your face in his hands as you cried.
“is it jeonghan?” he asked. you looked at your brother and nodded your head weakly. his breath hitched and removed his hands on face. he was crying as hard as you are.
“why?” he asked you. you looked at him in confusion.
“what? what do you mean why?” you asked seungcheol. he looked into your eyes, tears still pouring out.
“why are you allowing yourself to suffer? does anyone else know? just how long have you been suffering?” he asked you. you were crying again, coughing up some petals as you go. you rubbed your eyes.
“2nd of february,” you sniffled, “was when it started. wonwoo first saw it.” you cried into the arms of your older brother. he sighed and held you close to his body.
“yn, you should get the surgery…it’s better to get it now since your condition isn’t bad-”
“no! i don’t want that! i would rather die than erase the memories of the person i love! i would rather watch from afar than forgetting his whole existence! i’m more scared of losing him than facing death.” you argued to your brother, pulling away from his hold. seungcheol’s eyes started to water as he blinks the tears away.
“what the fuck are you talking about! you would rather lose your own life for love? yn, please! think! no one wants you to suffer to death! i don’t want you to die! i’m your brother for god sake! we only have each other!” seungcheol cried, now kneeling beside you, cradling your weak frame. you sniffled.
“seungcheol, i’ve always made sacrifices for everyone…let me be selfish for once…please, cheol, just this once.” you begged seungcheol. you two sat in silence, your sniffles and hard breathing filling up the ambience.
“yn…you know i can’t do that. please, just consider the surgery. please, yn. i don’t want to lose my sister.” he held you tight in his arms as you both cried the night of valentines away, on the bloodied floor of red carnations.
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“hey wonwoo.” you said weakly, as you put your book and pen on your bedside table. wonwoo sits on your bed, and looked at you with somber and concern. he held your hand as his lips pursed.
“hi yn…are you feeling any better?” he asked you. you and seungcheol talked to your parents about the unspoken disease you have caught 3 days after the incident at jungkook’s party. your parents held you tight the whole time you were talking about it. they wanted you to get the surgery but also wanted to respect your decision, so now, they’re giving you a week to make a choice, either get the surgery or keep living until your body cannot handle the disease anymore. of course, they thought they could convince you to take the surgery on the last day. but for now, you were resting.
“i’m okay, wonwoo. but it still hurts.” you said, pointing to your chest. wonwoo sighed and rubbed your hand.
“i know, yn…” he said, almost having to say more. you quirked an eyebrow.
“are you going to say more?” you asked the man with glasses. he only looked at you and patted your head.
“yn, take the surgery.” he said. you coughed and shook your head.
“i don’t want to forget jeonghan, wonu. you know that.” you admitted. his eyebrows knitted.
“but yn, look at me. i took the surgery for my sake, even i probably didn’t wanna do it before. i forgot who that person was. i forgot the person that i loved so much, yet i lived. i lived and now i have met people that are precious to me. yn, please, we, your friends, want you to live on. so does jeonghan, he wants you to live.” he admitted. you widen your eyes, despite your limited body mobility.
“jeonghan…said that? does he know?” you asked him weakly. wonwoo shook his head.
“he knows about your condition, but we didn’t tell him it was because of him…he told us how he kept on calling and texting you, how he wanted to talk to you more.” wonwoo said, patting your head, “but he wants you to live…your condition is getting worse day by day. please yn, live, live for us, live for jeonghan.” wonwoo pleaded. you only looked at his hand when you suddenly hear sniffles. wonwoo was crying. you hated seeing him like this. you held up your hand and patted his head. he looked up at you and you smiled weakly.
“if it means for me to get more boba and wins, i’ll live for all of you.”
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“are you ready, yn?” your brother asked you as you lay down on the hospital bed. march 2nd was the day of your surgery, and the day your memories of yoon jeonghan will disappear from the world. you smiled sadly at him, feeling your body break down on its own, knowing that you’re already too weak to actually do anything but lay down. he told you that 12 of his friends will visit you before your surgery. the doctor has told you to rest for at least 24 hours before the surgery. now, you only have 5 hours left. suddenly, the door opened, revealing 12 guys. you smiled at them.
“YN!!” mingyu and seokmin cried out loud as they ran to your bed. you jolt in surprise as seungcheol smacked their sides.
“calm down!” he said to them. seungkwan, hoshi and dino came next and told you that you’re gonna have a good recovery and surgery, and that you don’t have to be nervous. by their tone, they were more nervous than you were.
“you’re NOT going to die, yn!” seungkwan said. you sweatdropped.
“hyung is right, yn-noona. don’t be pessimistic about it!” dino stated.
“yeah! just think like you’re going to the dentist or something!” hoshi enthusiastically said.
minghao, jun and wonwoo came next. jun cried to you telling you that he’s going to miss your pretty face, in which seungcheol had him in a chokehold. minghao told you that whatever happens, you will always be an important person and you have served a purpose. it made you wonder for a second if they thought you were going to die. wonwoo then held your hand.
“yn, i know that the surgery will be a success. just look at me,” he chuckled, “but i love you, as your best friend, and stay strong for the surgery.” he said and kissed your forehead.
jihoon, vernon and joshua then walked up to you and told you reassuring words.
“it’s going to be okay, love can be subjective, but it’s so powerful that only you can overcome it.” jihoon said to you.
“after the surgery, let’s go get boba and dorayaki. wonwoo hyung told me you love them. have a safe surgery, noona.” vernon told you as he smiled.
“tell you what, i’ll treat you after surgery as well. we can go wherever you want.” joshua reassured.
your brother only smiled at you, not really wanting to give you words after he just did a when you woke up.
“yn. whatever happens, when you start to forget who jeonghan is, as your brother, i’ll make sure to give the love you deserve and i’ll make sure you find the love you have always dreamed of. i love you. let’s live a long life, okay?”
you were still admiring your brother when you felt a presence by your side.
“jeonghan…” you whispered, almost silently. he smiled softly at you. he then looked at seungcheol and he nodded.
“i’ll let you guys talk. we’ll see you in a bit.” seungcheol said as he pushed the 11 boys out of your room. soonyoung suddenly yelled.
“but i still wanna talk to her!-” the door shuts as you and jeonghan stay put, eyes not looking at one another. he stood right next to you and sighed.
“i…didn’t know that you had it. i’m so sorry, yn.” he apologized. you finally looked into his eyes and smiled softly.
“it’s okay, really. i’ll forget them anyways.” you said to him. he stared into your eyes and placed his hand on top of yours. he opened his mouth.
“i guess so…” he sat in silence, trying to find the right words to talk to you. you looked up at him as he rubbed your hand.
“yn-ie…you don’t deserve this.” he said, now starting to caress your ill cheeks. you blinked slowly at him and hummed. you unconsciously nuzzled on to his hand. he smiled softly.
“even in your worst condition, you’re still the most beautiful person i’ve ever met.” he commented. you chuckled lightly when you suddenly coughed, carnation petals coming out of your mouth. he rubbed your back and comforted you.
“i look pretty terrible right now, thanks.” you said as you continue gazing at him. he brushed a strand of hair away from your face and held you.
“yn-ie…remember when we first met? the time when i helped you get back on skating?” he asked you suddenly. you nodded your head weakly.
“the moment i saw you, i thought to myself “there’s no way that’s seungcheol’s sister” because i thought you were so beautiful, as beautiful as a blooming rose.” he admitted. you looked at him sadly and pursed your lips.
“then i remembered what type of person i was. most of the girls i pursue, i just hurt them. i didn’t want to hurt you, you’re too precious for this world,” he said, now sobbing, “i pushed these feelings away, even when we went to the ice sculpture show, i tried so hard to push these feelings away. but the moment i saw your eyes shine watching the aurora, i just knew i…i love you. i didn’t want to admit to my own feelings, but deep down i knew i care for you.”
“ cheol told me how precious you are to him, and i don’t want to break you, so i pushed you away from me, so that these feelings i have for you disappear. it did, for a while, but when you confessed to me that one winter night, i felt so…guilty and angry at myself. so angry that i couldn’t even face myself the next day. so angry that i wasn’t able to come to terms with my own feelings for you. i was so angry that i tried to push these feelings away and try to pursue another girl.i wanted to be so selfish, so selfish to tell you that i love you. but i couldn’t…because i know i will only end up hurting you.” he finally finished, now he was looking at you teary eyed. you looked at him as tears come down your face.
“you love me?” you asked in a weak tone, coughing again, now roses and blood. jeonghan grabbed the sanitary kit to clean you up. you thanked him.
“of course, i did…i had to push the feelings away so i wouldn’t hurt you…” he said. you looked at him sadly.
“oh…jeonghan, do you ever wonder who caused me to turn out this way?” you asked him somberly.
“may i ask who it is?” he asked you. you chuckled lightly to his statement. he looked at you confusingly.
“what is it?” he asked you genuinely. you held his hand that was placed on your hand, you looked into his eyes.
“jeonghan, it’s you. you’re the one i love.” you confessed. his face has gone pale and his breath hitched. his eyes watered and blinked the tears away.
“oh my god…no…” he whispered to himself. you shushed him and held his hand. you smiled sadly at him.
“jeonghan…hannie…it’s alright. i love every memory we shared together. you were a wonderful experience.” you smiled at him. he cried as he held your face.
“i’m so sorry…i really am sorry.” he apologized to you. you could feel your heart beat slow down in the moment. you placed your forehead against his.
“don’t apologize, jeonghan. i guess we weren’t just meant to be together…” you quietly whispered. jeonghan raised his head to meet your eyes.
“what are you talking about, yn-ie?” he asked. you smiled up at him and held his hand. you coughed more and placed his hand on your chest.
“it’s not beating properly anymore. you feel it? even if i get the surgery, i’ll die anyways. hannie, i’ve come into terms with my feelings for you, and i’ve also come into terms that we aren’t just meant for each other. we hurt each other in ways that we show that we love each other. you love me yet you pushed me away because of past experiences, so that you could protect. i love you yet i loved you too hard and hurt myself in the process. maybe, just maybe, we were just meant to cross paths and nothing else.” you said to him, your voice breaking. jeonghan sobbed in your arms.
“so, this is it?” he asked. you nodded weakly. he interlocked his fingers with yours.
“you were everything to me, yn.” he whispered into your ear. you could now hear your heartbeat clearly, beating slowly.
“i love you, jeonghan.”
“i love you too, yn…i love you so much…can i kiss you?” you nodded. that day, march 2nd, the last thing you heard was your heart monitor beeping. that day, the last thing you felt was your first and last kiss with yoon jeonghan, the person you have loved and died for.
“let’s meet again, in another lifetime.”
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“jeonghan!” a voice yelled. the said male turned around and saw his friend, “wait up!”
“what is it, cheol?” jeonghan said to his friend. his hair was now longer than it did 2 months ago. his friend, seungcheol, has dyed his hair in a new color, his sister’s favorite color.
“the guys want to go karaoke tonight. are you up for it?” he asked the long haired male. jeonghan nodded his head.
“yeah sure, i have to stop by at the library near uni though.” he said to his friend. seungcheol nodded his head and told jeonghan to just meet him at their dorm room. jeonghan walked towards the library and looked through sections per sections. he coughed every now and then, going through books that haven’t been read. seeing a glimpse of what he needed, he checked the book out. the librarian, she smiled at him.
“meet me in another life, huh? this is a great book. i’m surprised only you and another regular read this book. have a great time reading it.” the librarian said. jeonghan smiled at her. walking back to his dorms. he suddenly felt his chest tighten up.
god, not again.
he ran to the nearest bathroom and locked the stall. he kneeled down and poured out all of the contents in his stomach. he stared at the toilet bowl and sobbed quietly. he flushed the toilet immediately and went back to his dorm, as if nothing happened. what he didn’t notice was that red carnation petals fell on to the floor. on that day, may 2nd, yoon jeonghan will have the same fate as ln yn. bound to end the same, never bound to end together.
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lovetei · 1 year
Hello! If you aren't busy could you try writing about an mc that looks identical to Lilith and maybe even has a similar name example: lily, Lillian etc. (If you can maybe mc that has a similar personality with lilith) And Ofc its platonic. (sorry if you don't understand this is my first time requesting on tumblr(⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
Wassuppp I'm back on the roll even though my internet is still not fixed.
And hey Anon! I hope you don't mind small angst :')
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The demon brothers reaction to an MC that looks and acts like Lilith
Warnings: Implied suicide, toxic behavior, slight horror, Lilian is used as your other name, Lilian uses she and her pronouns, no proofreading, grammar errors, spelling errors
Parts: One, Two
Links: Masterlist
It has been complete year ever since that human exchange student, MC, arrived and it has been three months after that same human died.
The government released a statement saying that the human suffered a heart attack and died but the note that human left says the other way around
Maybe the student did die because of a heart attack... But maybe, just maybe, it's because the students heart aches so much not because of the illness but because of the disease like beings around them.
Them ignoring you on the daily basis and even refusing to give you food that will actually help you get nutrients.
Them comparing you to their dead sister saying, there will be no way you can replace her.
Remembering all the things they did...
They got scared...
Because maybe the hatred of a human is indeed enough to warp the time...
And enough to bring everyone that treated them wrong on their knees...
Begging for forgiveness.
Months after that incident
A worthy exchange student!
Yeah, he hasn't seen this new exchange student yet
So what?
The fact that Lilian look exactly like her is enough affirmation that she'll be a good candidate
And when she arrive...
She look exactly like her...
She act exactly like her!
It's like Lilian brought his sister back to life
He truly is glad to have her in this program...
But whenever she smile...
It's like...
Someone else's figure appear behind her...
A figure
A figure similar to yours...
He must admit that your death bothered him a little
But seeing the new exchange student...
It's like all of his problems dissappeared
The moment he saw Lilian, actually, he ran up to her and hugged her.
But there's something wrong...
This Lilian smells familiar...
This Lilian smells metallic...
Like how your room is like the night they found your dead body.
He doesn't care about you at all
You're just so annoying and you like getting yourself involved in someone else's business
But this exchange student is different!
This exchange student...
This exchange student is his sister...
When Lilian touched his back to comfort him after he broke down and cried after he saw this new exchange student.
He felt something is wrong
Like Lilian's touch is similar to someone else...
Similar to... MC..?
So that's how Lilith looked like...
He doesn't know what to feel
Something inside him loved to have Lilian around but he's sure it's just because a part of Lucifer's emotion is inside him
But the way Lilian smirk whenever the others left after complementing her is different
Saying Lilian look like, act like, sound like their sister
If he was in Lilian's place he would have lost his mind
But Lilian...
Lilian seems to like it..?
Lilian despised it because they like it.
He doesn't care about your death at all.
Why should he?
The fact that he, someone who can be friends with anyone, hates you just proves that you really is despisable
But now Lilian is here!
Why should he pay attention to that weird feeling in his chest after you died?!
The feeling of guilt... Why should he care about it..?
Waaa! This Lilian is like Lilith..!
So fragile...
So lovable...
So much like... MC...
He doesn't care about you but that doesn't mean he needs to disrespect you
After you died
His rose is the only thing left for your grave
It seems that your death brought something better though... So he can't just help it...
He just can't help but be grateful that you died...
It's like the world brought you, the problem, in this world to see if they can handle it
And when they surpassed it they got the reward, Lilian.
But he feels uncomfortable somehow...
When you cooks he feel full...
But when she cooks he feels... You?
He laughed
He laughed when you died
He laughed when you got buried
And he doesn't feel bad at all
And now she's here?
He's thinking like his twin
He thinks that you're just the antagonist in this story that when you die the reward comes
. . .
Why is Lilian acting like this..?
Why is Lilian acting like you..?
Could it be...
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Raz Reads Les Mis (XX)
Marius - Friends of the A B C
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This chapter was incredibly fun, and introduced a cast that could carry the rest of this book
But I don't want them to because I want to see Valjean again
We meet the original Dead Poets Society, or at least the political French version of them
Their membership being comprised of Enjolras, Combeferre, Prouvaire, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, Bahorel, Lesgle, Joly and Gran
Enjolras is our natural leader, our beauty, our pillar of everything the Friends of the A B C aspire to, the logic, the backbone
Combeferre is the water to Enjolras' fire, the philosophy to his logic, the balance to his passion
Prouvaire (or Jehan) loves love, he is the soft romantic, he will bring flowers to a first date
Feuilly is an orphan and lives of hard work for low pay, obsessed with international relations and adopting the people of France when there was nobody there to adopt him
Courfeyrac is the exact same character as Tholomyes, but I beg to disagree - I have a hit on Tholomyes, I'd be friends with Courfeyrac
Hugo creates a trilogy of Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac; Enjolras the chief, Combeferre the guide, Courfeyrac the centre
Bahorel's whole personality is that he never wants to be a lawyer and sees even the law school as a carrier of infectious disease
Lesgle (called Bousseut) is berated for a whole page for being bald at 25 - this is just ergonomical for French summers, leave him alone
Joly is our medic, who is also a hypochondriac and if he were around today he'd run a witchcraft Tumblr
Grantaire is apparently ugly and in love with Enjolras and compared to both Patroclus and Hephaestion
I have opinions on Enjolras and Grantaire
But I will treat them as platonic (and not unrequited pining) and a metaphor until evidence suggests otherwise
And I think Courfeyrac is my favourite, from these descriptions at least - the irony
This is the group that Marius stumbles upon, all because he and Bousseut share a law class together that Marius didn't attend
Courfeyrac meets Bousseut and Marius while they are talking together at a cafe and Marius is introduced to the rest of the Friends
Courfeyrac calls him "a pupil" when he learns of Marius' political ideology - a little too pro-Napoleon for the Friends, but Courfeyrac's whole intro screams "I can fix him"
The Friends are drinking and Grantiare is rambling about 100 different topics, making the sort of sense that someone drunk will, the sort that they probably don't realise themselves doing
Somehow, through fate, the conversation turns to Waterloo
Waterloo! Marius knows Waterloo
The impassioned, naieve child talks with so much pride of how much he adores and respects Napoleon
The Friends are shocked into silence
But Enjolras is there to lead him out of the darkness of the woods
Poor Marius is confused for where his beliefs now lie, but the pupil will soon learn
Rent becomes due for his hotel, which Courfeyrac offers to pay, but Marius insists on doing himself
"Yeah I'll just sell my clothes and learn English and German and I'll be fine"
His principles even stop him from accepting financial aid from his aunt
And thus is how the life of Marius begins
This chapter was great! I really enjoyed meeting all the Friends and seeing their unique personalities and viewpoints all start to blend into one unified group. @pilferingapples is your url lifted from Grantaire's rant perhaps? I can just imagine him drunk and jovial and telling the Friends anything and everything that comes into his mind. He and Enjolras seem like the perfect opposites to bookend the society of the Friends with. And I want to know how Marius fares! Does his mind change? Is he accepted? Does he manage to find his way in the world?
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masterjedilenawrites · 9 months
Hello there! I have a promt for you :)
What about TBB reacting to Omega getting her first period and/or the reader having a fear of needles but she needs a vaccination to travel to a planet?
Hello! I actually wrote a piece on Omega getting her first period and how her Batch brothers reacted. Read it here! 
I haven't written anything close to the second prompt though, so I can do that one!
TBB & Reader | 1.7k words
Content: fear of needles/trypanophobia and related symptoms, brief description of a deadly disease, Star Wars cursing, platonic but you could read more into the Hunter or Wrecker bits if you wanted (Tech or Crosshair too, tbh, they're not getting any more comforting than that lol)
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To say you were panicking was an understatement. You were utterly and completely freaking out. And worse, you were trying desperately not to let your companions see it. You'd fought valiantly beside them for the better part of a year, never once shying away from the things that would make others quake in their boots. But now you were moments away from having to face your biggest fear, and if they saw what it was, they'd never stop teasing you for it.
So you stayed out of the way as they made their preparations for landing, keeping your trembling hands behind your back and your gaze fixed as steadily as possible on an invisible point on the wall ahead. Thankfully they didn't seem to notice or care that you weren't helping out. But you couldn't escape their attention forever.
"Alright, you're next!" Tech called your name as the last of his brothers left their perch in front of him. You'd been keeping Tech and his needles in your periphery, not wanting to fully look at any of them, but also wanting to keep an eye out in case one of them magically took flight and caught you by surprise.
"No thanks. I'll be fine," you tried to dismiss the plan as nonchalantly as possible. But even Hunter stopped his packing to cock an eyebrow at you.
"You'll be fine?" he asked with a disbelieving laugh, like you'd just said you had a third arm. "It's a disease, sweetheart. You can't shoot it out of the air. Vaccine's the only way to protect yourself."
"It's an airborne virus, to be specific," Tech clarified. "Deadly to any species other than the natives of this planet. But thankfully they've donated enough blood to the GAR to help develop an effective vaccination. It's the only way we can go down to help them against the droids that ravage their world."
You made the mistake of looking over at Tech just as he held up a syringe and flicked its side. Holy kriffing bantha shit, was that needle long and thick. It was like a kriffing pipe. It glinted in the lights of the ship, like it was winking at you. Mocking you. Your heart immediately started picking up its pace.
"I'll take my chances," you tried one last futile attempt at escape. Somehow you kept your voice steady, forcing a normal tone around the frog that had lodged itself your constricting throat. But then Crosshair spared a glance in your direction and the ruse unraveled.
"You're scared," Crosshair stated plainly. He probably saw the bead of sweat that had just formed at your hairline. Or maybe he could see the veins in your neck pulsing quicker than they should've.
"You'll take large boils, severe dehydration, and bloody vomit over a shot?" Echo asked. Wrecker paused along with him and now everyone's attention was focused on your first ever display of fear. Fantastic.
"Not to mention death," Wrecker pointed out. "That's the worst symptom."
"I don't know if it could be called a symptom so much as a consequence," Tech mused.
"A consequence no one in the ship will be facing, thank you," Hunter asserted, finally walking over to you. He placed a firm hand on your shoulder, but his next words were a bit softer. "It doesn't hurt that much. You'll be okay."
You supposed you were grateful they were taking a more questioning and supportive approach than one of teasing, but it still didn't rectify the problem of you needing to go through with this shot anyway.
"I'm not worried about the pain," you muttered. "It's the..."
Your eyes flicked over to where Tech was still holding that damned needle high and proud. A chill overcame you and you felt yourself blanching.
"Okay, okay," Hunter quickly moved his hand to grasp your arm in an effort to keep you upright. "How about you sit down first. We'll walk you through this one step at a time."
Hunter waved Wrecker over and the burly clone immediately came over and picked you up. You weren't cured from your phobia but you did find his embrace comforting. You continued to cling to him as he sat you down on the counter by Tech. He chuckled but didn't protest. He stood next to you and kept his arm securely around you.
"Okay," Hunter said soothingly. "Now let's find a distraction for you. Keep your thoughts on something else."
"Maybe Tech could tell us all about the difference between bacteria and viruses," Echo said sarcastically.
You missed the glare Tech gave in response, unable to even think about what he looked like for fear of picturing a needle in his hands as well.
"Or," Hunter butt in, sensing your need for a different kind of distraction. "Let's practice your knife skills. Here."
He pulled out one of his trusty vibro-knives and placed it in your hand. The hilt was cold against your skin, heavy in your grip. You tried to focus on those sensations instead, and it almost worked in keeping your attention, until a different kind of cold feeling hit your other arm and you freaked out all over again.
"It's only a numbing swab," Tech said with a tinge of annoyance.
"No. No, no, no." You were shaking your hand frantically, scooting yourself backwards on the counter to get as far away as possible. Wrecker's arm tightened around you, preventing you from moving. "Nope. I can't do this."
"Sure you can," Wrecker tried to reassure you, but to no avail. You trembled against his hold.
"No. No, I'll just sit this one out. Stay on the ship. You boys go without me."
Tech huffed again, having to re-explain information he'd already shared when you'd first gotten this mission. "That won't work. We'll still be exposed to the virus and bring it back to the ship with us. We'll have to undergo a whole decontamination process when we're back on Kamino, the ship, too. And then it's quarantine for a minimum of 72 hours...."
You weren't listening. Your face felt wet. Were you crying or just sweating? Hunter was trying to get you to focus back on the blade in your hand, but your fingers were shaking so bad you couldn't even hold it.
"Maybe we should just knock her out," Crosshair said. He'd kept himself out of the situation but now couldn't help himself. Your agitation was too amusing.
"We're not knocking her out," Hunter rolled his eyes before cooing your name. You begrudgingly looked over at him. "It's okay. Please just twirl the knife and don't think about anything else. It'll be over before you know it."
A sudden clatter came from Tech dropping the syringe and you could almost feel Hunter's blood start to boil in annoyance. Just when he kept getting you to a good place....
"Tech," he growled.
You cowered into Wrecker's arms again. This could not be happening.
"What?" Tech was saying. "It slipped."
"I don't want to do this," you moaned, maybe a tad dramatically. You shut your eyes tightly, and prayed that when you opened them again, you'd find this was just some horrible dream.
"Oh for kriff's sake," came Crosshair's voice. "Hold her down."
Wrecker's other hand seized your arm in such a way that you couldn't move it. But even so, it happened so quickly you couldn't process fast enough to keep up. He gripped your arm and then there was a tight pinch as something broke through your skin. By the time your brain caught up to what was happening, Crosshair was already pulling the needle back out, swift and smooth. Your eyes flew open and your mouth formed a silent scream, but there was nothing to panic about anymore. The syringe was back out of sight, and in its place was but a mere drop of blood ballooning on the surface of your skin. Echo quickly stepped in to fix a bandage over it.
And that was that.
"See? Not so bad," Wrecker said with a chuckle. He finally released his hold on you, making you whine a little at the loss of such a solid support. You still felt woozy, though you had to admit the panic was dissipating fast.
Hunter, however, was not getting over his feelings as easily. He scowled at both Tech and Crosshair, though the latter was already leaving the scene to return to packing his weapons kit.
"That was a lot of fuss over nothing," Tech said plainly, refusing to meet Hunter's gaze. "Now I just need my shot, and then we can land and get on with the mission."
"You know, Tech," you said, glad you were able to find your voice again and it not sound too embarrassingly faint. "It might help me to get over this fear if I gave you your shot."
"Ha ha, very funny," the goggled clone shook his head, but then looked up at you nervously to gauge if you were serious. The smirk in your lips combined with the fact your face still hadn't recovered its color was indication enough you were not serious at all, only trying to give him as much grief as he'd given you.
"I think Cross has proved he has the steadiest hand," Echo played along with a smirk of his own.
Tech seemed to consider the idea before scooping up all the supplies onto his tray and shuffling away. "I think I can manage to inject myself, thank you. ETA is five minutes. Chop chop."
You let out a tired laugh as Tech disappeared into the cockpit. The others slowly went into their landing positions as well. Except Hunter, who folded his arms and gave you a strange look.
"So. Needles, huh? I was wondering what your weakness would be."
The faintest of smiles played on his features, helping you settle further into your own relief.
"Thank you," you said in response.
"For what?"
"For not making fun of me... And helping me get through it. Or, at least trying."
Hunter uncrossed his arms and stepped forward so he was close enough to put his hand on your shoulder once more.
"We've got your back. Always."
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully
Bad Batch Tag: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22
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Hello! I love yout headcanons, everytime you posts something I gladly eat up the information. Like literally, if not a bother or your not busy.
What would a female or male yautja or how would they react to a genz ooman?
I'm sorry if this bothers you and apologies for the wrong grammar, english is not my first language.
Thank you for the wonderful headcanons again, lots of love and take care
This one is very specific.
Yautja x Human Gen Z! reader (gender neutral, platonic)
cw:mentions of rape (just mentioned)
Well I could definitely take the piss here and absolutely insult an entire generation of children and young adults. Even if i'm not part of Gen Z, I can see the way they way they are portrayed online , so I can easily write them off as crybabies or whiney — I won't of course, generations are way more than their stereotype. But at it's core Gen Z is a very conscious generation. So If I were to write anything like this the story would start off with a Yautja that has his reservations about Oomans. He would see them as hardheaded and unreasonable. He sees them as willing participants of a dying planet, electing unqualified leaders to make it die quicker. He's see Oomans as lazy (fat slugish and weak)— especially the newest generation. NOT strong warriors like his Yautja younglings. Sees how Oomans let the sick get sicker. Sees how Oomans rape and hurt their birth givers; their sucklings. The Yautja would be deadset on on withholding his acquaintanceship with Oomans, for ever. Even if he was one of the 5 Yautja team to travel to Earth to oversee the Ooman's studies of their tech, making sure these destructive Oomans were not to get their hands on a fucking Yautja nuke. The Yautja would meet Reader in one of the facilities on Earth. Reader would be a scientist there studying the Yautja biology. Maybe they're part of a branch looking into using Yautja medical tech on Humans to help save lives, cure deceases. The Yautja would be surprised to hear how you and the rest of your team are interested in HELPING the ill. You'd explain your teams goal was to make a serum to help re-build the white blood cells of the body, making humans more resistant to viruses and other types of diseases in the future. The Yautja would be stupefied to see such a big team of Ooman scientists working on a beneficial cause. Reader would request to show him and his team to see how've far the humans have gotten with the experiments. Reader would show them how they've modified on of the schematics of a Yautian motor to fit on a train that would make public transportation quicker and less expensive. How they've used one of the elements on the Yautian healing serums to fertilize the soil and grow organic and highly nutritious foods at a higher pace and would be a key practice into getting crops to grow on barren contaminated soil; feeding more people in the process. How they've used Yautian tracking technology to better identify DNA/RNA left behind my beings; making the investigation process in crimes quicker and more accurate. The Yautja would see how Reader was very passionate in working towards these goals to further help their people. The Yautja would begin to have doubts of his previous stereotypes of Oomans, seeing how even this newer Gen was very sincere about fixing cracks in Ooman society. That's pretty much how I would write it. A Gen Z req has a very wide range to write stories on, so instead of making the Reader an activist, I tried making them something that can be associated with the Yautja's a bit more.
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 4 months
hi you gave the go ahead on sending you reddie asks so uhhhhh hi im here now
the losers club is one giant love heptogon. like poly qpr with romantic subsets
because everyone loved bev romantically and vice versa (cough cough sewer sex scene cough)
and richie loved eddie but he also had a crush on mike and definitely thought ben was hot (voiced this himself) and he has self worth issues and hides his insecurities with jokes (insecure hes bi so makes im-so-straight jokes, insecure hes ugly so makes im-so-hot-and-deffinatly-pull jokes) and even if hes stupid people love him because they KNOW why hes like that so thet play into it to make him feel better BECAUSE THEY LOVE HIMMMMM
and ben has always been just this little socially awkward idiot filled with love and definitely loved everyone in the losers club and hes emotional and i personally think hes arospec and feels unreasonable amounts of intense platonic love, to the point he mixes it up with romantic love (like me!!)
and mike definitely thinks hes not enough if he doesn't help people. he thinks if he doesn't help everyone around him hes useless and unloveable but at the same time only cares about the opinion of people hes deemed important (people that can hurt him and his friends) so of COURSE he helps his friends and hes the guy who keeps them safe (assuring they have weapons, making sure everyone is present and accounted for, ect) and everyone else loves him because hes there when they need protection and thats enough<33333333
and everyone loves bill to. how could you not hes just a stuttering dumbass little baby that need protected. plus he loves his friends for being there when he needed it (when georgie died, ect)
and eddie worrys about all his friends safety because they might be dumb and disease ridden assholes but there HIS dumb disease ridden assholes. and everyone loves eddie because hes like a weird overbearing jerk and he CARES. he CARES about there safety and no one else does.
and stan. he has some form of religous guilt. so when he found people that thought of him as stan and not stan the jewish kid he was over the moon. and everyone loves stan because even though he has his issues theyd NEVER leave him
sorry im just really fucking mentally ill and think my gay children need hugs and that my old man yaoi should have been allowed to be happy (reddie fix it fics save me. reddie fix it fics. save me reddie fix it fics)
Yikes, this got longer than I'd expected. Buckle in.
I read the sewer scene for the first time at school surrounded by my friends, and I think it was the one time I've read something that genuinely horrified me so much that I couldn't bring myself to be over-the-top scared of it to be funny. I have a younger brother who's turning eleven soon and the thought of it makes me wanna take a bath, if you know what I mean!!! Hm.
Also you are SO right about the Losers all loving each other. Yeah, there's the romantic pairings - Richie + Eddie, Bev + Bill (at least as kids) - but honestly they all love each other sooooo much it's kinda crazy. I'm kind of obsessed with how they conveyed how much they care for Richie in particular to the films - when he's crying after Eddie's death and they all hug him and he's like, 'Hm? They know I'm gay, and they still love me?', and he looks down at them genuinely confused for a moment - because it's so subtle but my God it's done so sweetly.
Speaking of sweet, HELL yeah Ben loved them all! My boy literally has love rolling off him like Sisyphus' boulder off the mountain. Whether it's platonic or romantic is personal opinion, but literally nobody can dispute that after Bill and Eddie (and Richie, in the film) took him into the Losers Club, he fucking adored them, man. Of course he loves Bev, that's kind of the most given thing to ever be given, but to be honest I think both he and Mike are the most symbolic of the Losers' love, because they were outsiders who found their family within the group.
Talking of Mike, he is the personification of 'the glue that holds the group together'. Literally, yes, when he calls them back to reunite after twenty-seven years, but you're right that it's in more subtle ways, too; the way he has the bolt-gun and ammunition, the way he is willing to sacrifice himself in the movie because he knows he messed up big time. And that last bit, too, is one of the biggest pieces of evidence in my opinion about your theory, dear asker who is definitely not a raccoon in disguise, that he feels inadequate if he doesn't actively protect the group. But they love him for it! <3
Ahhh, Billiam my boy. The one that every one of the Losers was genuinely a little bit in love with. The one who would not only readily die for any one of them, but who would die for a random kid with a skateboard who's only ever been rude to him! Of course in the book it is explored how much Georgie's death really affected him, of course it was, but that scene in Chapter 1 where he finds Georgie's raincoat and the Losers all just hug him without saying anything while he sobs is so fuckin' special, man. And that's the Losers Club, them all together, unconditional love and respect and love and love.
Eddie hiding how much he adores his friends under a mask of worry and ill-tempered arguments is genuinely such a lovely character trait. It doesn't take a genius to see that "You guys know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that?" is a masked-up version of "Guys please don't go into that alley, I don't want you cutting yourself and getting this awful and scary disease going around". It's literally just him saying, in his own little way, I fucking love you guys, don't get hurt, and taking it upon himself to keep them all safe forever. Bill's "He'd be looking out for us... the way he always was." is in NO way lost on me, man.
One thing the book did that I thought was so so good and so so interesting was looking at religious guilt, through Patty, but it's not difficult to imagine that it extends to Stan, too. I swear there are some points - usually from characters like Henry Bowers' points of view - where Stan is kind of just, 'the Jewish one' (like how Richie is the loudmouth, and Ben is the fat one), so I reckon you're definitely right that when the Losers got to know him as Stanley Uris, rather than 'the Jewish kid', it was probably like a huge weight off his shoulders. And that's one of the reasons that he loves his disjointed little group, because they were the first to accept him and his religion as one.
Anyway, yes, the Losers love each other and they would die for each other and I would die for them please and thank you.
(Also, I agree that Reddie fix-it fics were put onto earth by God Themself.)
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Finally after a million different designs I’ve finally settled on one that I like for my Lies of P OC
I’ve been working on her since the demo dropped but I wanted to wait until the game came out before I made a ref sheet for her in case I got stuff wrong
There’s probably a lot of stuff still wrong but I’ll just fix it later
You can read more of her info here and down below ⬇️
Before the Puppet Frenzy she was a very talented Stalker — reaching almost legendary status.
Most of the work she did for Geppetto was simply just acting as a bodyguard for him and escorting him to and from places. She was recommended to Geppetto by her parent’s.
She briefly left the Stalkers and joined up with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood as an act of rebellion against her parents. She regrets some of the things she did during her time with the Brotherhood.
Her time with the Brotherhood was brief, only lasting a couple of months. One of the members she was closest to was the Battle Maniac. They would often spar with one another and eventually their friendship evolved from simply platonic to something more romantic. Neither of them ever acted on their feelings, and when the puppet frenzy began they would never get the chance to.
When the city of Krat fell into ruin she parted ways from the BRB when they refused to put their stalker training to use and help those in need. Ever since then she’s been on her own, saving any survivors left despite her own body slowly decaying from the petrification disease.
Before she became a Stalker she wanted to become a painter, but her parents didn’t allow it. She still continued to paint as a hobby but had to stop once she lost her eyesight.
Her biological parents immigrated from another country back when Krat was still a fishing town. They both passed from an illness shortly after her and her sister were born.
Her sister was adopted and then experimented on by alchemists. She was able to escape and now resides at the cathedral.
Despite her parents being close friends of Geppetto’s she was only acquainted with his son Carlo. She never got to be friends with him because she was too focused on her Stalker training to form friendships with anyone at the boarding school.
She was around when Geppetto was still making P. She thought it was disturbing that he would make a puppet of his dead son but she kept those thoughts to herself.
Her friendship with P began when he helped her defeat a frenzied puppet that nearly killed her. Since then she has tried her best to help the puppet in any way she can. Assisting him with fighting frenzied puppets, the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, and many more. She knows he’s a puppet, but also knows that he’s different so she helps him try to become more human and understand his feelings and emotions. At first, she is only nice to him out of obligation for saving her life, but as time goes on she starts to think of him as a dear friend that she would do anything for.
Her sister comes first and foremost though, and she’d do anything for her sister even if they go against her own morals and beliefs.
— Random info that isn’t super important —
Right handed — is still a good fighter despite missing her dominant arm.
Her eyes used to be dark brown.
Really likes cats, loves petting Spring the cat whenever she stops by the hotel.
Tries to avoid Geppetto when she’s at the hotel. She doesn’t hate him but she can’t help but feel uneasy in his presence.
Often asks Eugenia to make sure her weapon is up to snuff since she has difficulty repairing and sharpening it herself.
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rinwritesfics · 9 months
Fix It
Plot: Hunter comforts the reader after difficult news is received.
Warnings: Comfort angst
Word Count: 1610
Author’s Note: This is entirely self-serving and my partner convinced me that it’s okay to share. I got some difficult news on a family member this past week, and maybe this will help someone feel like they’re not alone. This can be read as platonic or romantic.
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I quickly cupped my hand over my mouth as I set down my datapad, tears filling my eyes. The sob I choked back was held in silence – for now. This news wasn’t something I was ready for, let alone for anyone else to know. It was hard to hide anything on this shuttle, but I was going to damn well try.
Take a few breaths in, clear my mind, don’t look at the datapad.
The tears began to recede. Good.
I sniffed slowly, deeply, and it was quiet. Good.
Just as I was about to put away my datapad, a soft clearing of a throat came from behind me, causing me to jolt. I spun around, eyes wide.
“Sorry,” Hunter said softly. He took a good look at my face as I tried to avoid his gaze and his expression fell. “You okay?”
I looked at the floor and blinked back more tears. “I’ve been better,” I whispered, then wiped away a tear. “I didn’t bother you, did I?”
He shook his head. “No. But what’s bothering you?”
My voice was shaky as I responded quietly, “No offense meant, I promise, but I’m not sure if it’s a situation you’ll quite understand….”
“Try me,” he said back just as quietly.
I bit my lower lip, then handed him the datapad. Detailed in my messages was the health diagnosis of a very close family member for an incurable disease. Tears filled my eyes and I looked away to try to stop them again as he read.
A moment passed before he handed the datapad back to me.
“And here I was complaining about being cold on this mission,” he said quietly.
I made an attempt to respond, but nothing would come out except a strangled sound in my throat.
“I am so sorry,” he continued in his quiet tone.
I hiccupped as I sniffled, gaining the courage to speak as concisely as I could. “You would think that this galaxy would have a cure for this since the science to give you guys life exists.” I paused, then my eyes widened. “I don’t mean that in a bad way against you guys, I swear.”
He gently touched my arm. “It’s okay. I didn’t take that personally. Do you know how long your loved one has?”
I shook my head, then whispered, “The doctor only gave estimates. With a disease like this, it could be a short time, it could be a long time. Maybe three years, maybe more.”
Hunter said softly, “It’s not an insignificant amount of time, but it definitely isn’t a long time. Maybe something will come along.”
“I can’t hold my breath and hope for a cure to speed run itself in three years, let alone available to the general public. And I can’t fix it. The only hope I have is how long their independence holds out.”
Hunter nodded. “With something like that, I can see why you say that. I’m here when you need to vent. I wish I could do more.”
I nodded, wiping away more tears at the same time. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” he whispered.
“I wish I could be there right now instead of on a mission,” I said miserably, more tears filling my eyes.
“I wish you could, too.”
I wrapped my arms around myself. “It’s not that I’m not grateful to be with you guys, I just….”
He nodded, looking at me with a gentle but sympathetic look. “I know.”
I felt sick to my stomach. Here I was complaining about my wants and needs while we were in the middle of a galactic war and the man I was complaining to didn’t even have his own freedom to make life decisions for himself. “Stars, do I ever sound selfish right now….”
He shook his head. “No, no you’re not selfish. You have every right to want to be with your loved one during this.”
More tears blurred my vision and my sniffles increased. “But -”
“No. I know it’s hard, but if you let this overwhelm you, then your hope is all gone. And you need to have hope for spending this time with your family member. You have to have hope.” He gently squeezed my shoulder and I leaned into that comfort.
“How can I have hope for something like this? There’s no hope for it to get better.”
“Even for something like this, there’s hope. Do the next right thing. It’s the light that still exists, even when the tunnel you’re in is collapsing.” He tried to make it sound optimistic, but my heart wrenched and anger grew.
I scowled and raised my voice, no longer caring that others might hear. “My family member has a fatal disease! There is no light at the end of this tunnel!”
“I know,” he whispered. “And I wish I could change it. I wish I could fix it. But you still have to keep that light to keep going. Even if right now, it’s just for them.”
My tears began to fall freely and I covered my face with my hands. Hunter immediately pulled me into a tight hug, one hand at the back of my head as I buried it in the crook of his neck and one on the middle of my back.
I cried into his shoulder, finally letting myself feel the devastating news as it washed over me. Finally, when I calmed down a bit, I whispered an apology to him. He shook his head.
“You’re going through a lot. This isn’t your fault, and I’m not about to judge you for needing a shoulder to cry on.”
“No, but still… I’m your squad medic, nothing is supposed to phase me….”
A small reassuring smile on his face grew. “That’s not true. It’s okay to let this out, because breaking points exist.”
What he did next surprised me. He brushed a few strands of hair behind my ear, but I was feeling too numb to let it affect me any further.
I sighed. “Alright. Maybe it is okay for it to affect me.”
He nodded. “Absolutely. You’re not emotionless. You’re not made of steel. You have every right to express them, and I will never shame you for your emotions.”
“Thank you….” I whispered. “Sorry to have bothered you about this. I had tried to keep it to myself, keep myself professional.”
He shook his head. “Don’t start that. You have every right to express it. I’m just glad I can be here to help you when you need it.”
I nodded and he pulled me into another hug. My head rested against his shoulder and I sighed. “Hunter?”
“I’m tired,” I whispered.
“And that’s okay.”
My mumbling took over and I closed my eyes. “I may just fall asleep like this.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
“You’d mind standing for so long.”
“Then let’s get you into a bunk. Come on, I’ll keep you with me and keep you safe.”
I pulled back and looked at him. “Sharing a bunk?”
“Yep. Come on.”
He led me to a bunk and laid down, pulling me in close to him. I closed my eyes.
“Hunter?” I whispered.
“Yeah?” he replied quietly.
“I’m scared.”
He whispered, “I know, cyar’ika. And that’s okay. I’d be surprised if you weren’t.”
I swallow thickly, tears filling my eyes again. “But I have to watch one of the strongest people I know become wholly dependent on everyone for things that include basic needs and functions. It’s so hard to think about. It’s not fair.”
He gently squeezed me. “No, it’s not fair at all. It’s extremely difficult. It’s not something anyone should have to go through on either side.”
“They would like you, you know.”
He smiled a little. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I just hope you can meet them while they can still shake your hand.”
“I promise to make every effort to get that to happen, cyar’ika,” he said softly. “I promise to be here for you and support you.”
I sniffled more. “Thank you.”
He rubbed my back, holding me close.
“Hunter?” I said after a while.
“You know this means now I have to get tested for the genetic markers, right?”
He froze, then pulled back to look at me. “W-wait, you mean you may end up suffering from the same illness, too?”
“It’s now genetic,” I whispered and he hugged me tighter.
“What happens if you come up positive for the markers?”
“Then we have to prepare for the possibility that I may develop it, too, at some point.”
“No matter what, I will support you for as long as I can and as best as I can.” He frowned, clearly more troubled than he was letting on. Both of us knew the unspoken words of him being owned by the army, his accelerated aging, and the possibility either of us could die due to this galactic war.
“Thank you,” I whispered anyway, holding him tightly. His arms wrapped around me, almost as if sheltering me. I blushed slightly and my eyelids began to droop.
“Rest. Nothing can be done tonight while you’re exhausted.”
I went to protest, but then I nodded. He was right, of course. Even if I didn’t want to sleep, my exhaustion was going to drag me kicking and screaming under the waves of unconsciousness due to my earlier sobbing.
“Thank you, Hunter,” I whispered as my consciousness faded away. Stress sat right on the outskirts of my rest, but with Hunter keeping me safe, I could get some shut-eye in. He was always right there for me. And for him, I was always grateful.
Tagging: @trixie2023, @maybethatfanfictionwriter
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dianneking · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Mainly in the Gwendoline Christie fandom & adjacent. 
 Requests are open, but I am slow at writing, so it might take a while to get to it.
You can also find most of my fics on my AO3 profile, DragonMist.
Ongoing weekly writing challenge masterpost.
Collections: 10 Days of Gwen Goodbyes  (100-word angsty drabbles with Gwendoline Christie’s main characters)
(Wednesday fandom) ------------
- Entwined Destinies - Oneshot, gn! Reader is an empath and a teacher |Tumblr  Also on  AO3
- Intoxicated - Two-shot, gn! Reader is a vampire and a teacher. Drunkennes, angst and drama |Part 1 - Part 2  Also on  AO3
- Dangerous Games - Oneshot, gn!Reader is not jealous. Larissa tries to prove them wrong. Angst. | On Tumblr and AO3
- Nightmares - Fluff & Comfort fic, established relationship | also on AO3
-  She - Songfic based on Dodie's song, angst, larissa x Librarian!Reader - also on AO3
- I wish I knew (you wanted me) - Oneshot, mutual pining. Larissa announces her engagement, Reader thinks something’s off| also on AO3
-Loving You (Amandoti) - Sad! Angst, hurt no comfort. Songfic.  Larissa’s wife waits for her on their anniversary, but Larissa won’t come home | also on AO3 
-Breaking the Silence - Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort. R! wants answers. | also on AO3 
- The Affair - Morally Ambiguous Larissa x Teacher Reader. Multichapter. | Also on AO3
- Surprising Like Good Coffee On A Bad Day- Longfic (30k+ words), coffee-shop AU, slow burn, COMPLETE! | Only on AO3
-Jealousy (I Could Be A Better Boyfriend Than Him) One-Shot, Angst, Jealous!Larissa |  also on AO3
- SOS One-Shot, Fluff, Flustered Larissa| also on AO3 
- All in her head One-shot Post-canon Fix-it. Laurel is visited in the hospital by Larissa | also on AO3. 
- The Disease - Hanahaki trope with not-really-unrequited love b/t Laurel and Larissa | also on AO3. 
- Shapes of Love - Longfic AU (SW!Larissa x RichWidow!Morticia), COMPLETED | Only on AO3 
- Between Them (There is no Space)- Two-shot, angst and feels. | Tumblr Part I Part II Also on AO3
- Secret Admirer - Oneshot, Ungendered Reader, Angst, jealous Marilyn and protective parental figure Larissa. From an anon request | also on AO3 
- In Sickness - Minishot, slice of life. Marilyn takes care of sick SO reader | On Tumblr only.
- Running yourself to the ground - Oneshot, Hurt/comfort, Platonic. TW: Self harm | On Tumblr only.
- Spa Night - Oneshot, Fluff | On Tumblr
- First Evening Back - Oneshot, short fic, angsty polyamory negotiations, feels. | Only on AO3
- Larissa’s Gloomy Summer - Multichapter fic. 19k words| Polyamory negotiations, quirky with feelings. | COMPLETED | on AO3 only. 
Brienne of Tarth/ Reader (Game of Thrones) 
- Unrelenting Love - Songfic to Madeline by Kiki Rockwell, Epic Love | also on AO3 
- It’s not too late if we’re alive - WWII AU oneshot where Brienne is an officer, R is a nurse,,and they are former lovers | also on AO3 
-On The Seashore - Queerplatonic Prompt Fic - Brienne and R are adventurers together and there’s talk of settling down | also on AO3
- The Bet - Bookshop AU - Fluff and Angst with a happy ending | also on AO3
 Miranda Hilmarson (Top of the Lake: China Girl) 
- Hold me (I need to cry) - Robin Griffin x Miranda Hilmarson. Robin realizes her feelings for Miranda and breaks down into her arms | also on AO3 
- The Set-Up - Miranda x Reader | Mutual pining, idiots in love | also on  AO3
- In Her Arms - Robin x Miranda. Prompt: Queerplatonic Relationship. Angst and Fluff. | also on AO3 
Captain Phasma x Reader  (Star Wars)
- -Curiosity killed the cat - ...and satisfaction brought her back | two-shot NSFW smut | Only on Tumblr
- Daddy's girl | NSFW smut, sugar daddy Phasma | also on Ao3
Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman) 
- Stranger in the Park | Lucifer x Reader post-breakup hurt/comfort fic| on AO3 
Rare Pairings & No Pairings
- Paradise - Larissa Weems/Valerie Kinbott - Fluffy angst - Valerie finds Larissa dancing in her office | also on AO3 
- Unscrupolous - Laurel Gates/ Sheriff Galpin - Darkfic, Emotional Manipulation. | only on AO3
- Time, and other hazy concepts - adult Wednesday / Larissa Weems | Weird, stream of consciousness fic | also on AO3 
- The Painter (Larissa Weems Snippet) - super short ficlet focused on Larissa’s past as a model for a painter. TW: Drug use mentions, off-screen death.| Only on Tumblr.
- New Teacher in Town (Larissa Weems x Melissa Schemmenti) | Crossover Wednesday/Abbott Elementary. | Mel is the new hire in Nevermore. Larissa has some issues with it.| also on  AO3
- Happy Birthday, Blondie! (Larissa x Melissa)  | Crossover Wednesday/Abbott Elementary. | Also on AO3
It you’re only here for the fics and my ask games or rambles bother you, you can find more on how to avoid having them clutter your dash here!
Requests for Larissa, Marilyn, Laurel, Morticia (with potential Reader mixed in) fanfictions are open! Here are my rules/ what I'm not comfortable writing. Also, know that I write excruciatingly slowly, so it might take a while for me to get your request out.
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sanscat0414 · 8 months
Love Hurts A, Love Acquired
Hawks x Reader
Scenario: You have a crush on Hawks but he loves another or so it seems. One day you learned that you have the Hanakai disease. Will you be saved?
Y/N = your name
Part 1
Part 2
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Hawks rushed to the hospital front and got your room number and dashed to your room.
“Y/n!” He said as he rushed to your side and held your hand.
You open your eyes to see him.
“You’re here….”
Your voice was raspy, you were as pale as a ghost form all the blood you lost. You hated the fact that he had to see you like that.
“Mirko told me about what’s happening to you. Why did—“ he stop himself form questioning you, he had a to endure your survival first “Please take the surgery, feather. It’s not worth dying for someone who doesn’t even know how much they’re missing out.”
You shook your head no.
“The tell me who is it that you love so much that your willing to die for them? I don’t want to loose you to this. Please feather. I promise I’ll get them here fast and you can confess and—“
You stopped him by gently lifting your hand to his face. You smiled and said “Okay.”
“So who.”
“I love, ” Cue dramatic pause mostly because your out of breathe “you, Keigo. I always have…. If I loose those memories and feelings for you it be losing a large chunk of my life…. I can’t risk that because that’s how much I love…. you.”
Hawks stared at you for a moment thinking back to the two of you. The times you help him and the times he help you. He thought that’s just what friends did now, the more he thought about it the more he realized just how much he actually love you. You were a bit nervous for a while form his intense staring, knowing he’s probably in deep thought. You couldn’t help but think he might wanted to reject you and your okay with that knowing at least you tried.
“Keigo, I’m perfectly fine if you——“ You were interrupted by Hawks hand sushing you following by a gentle kiss from him.
“I wish I had realized sooner, so I could have save you from all that pain. “ Hawks said once he moved away from you.
You about to say something before you started coughing again. Hawks slightly panic and rushed to get a doctor. Once a doctor was here they rushed Hawks out and tended to you. Hawks was nervous ‘maybe it didn’t work? Maybe I didn’t love them enough maybe I’m confusing romantic love for platonic loves? No that’s not it. Maybe I was too late…..’ A million thoughts ran through his head, hoping and praying that you be okay.
Once the doctor came out Hawks bombarded the doctor with a bunch of questions. “… is she okay?!”
“Uh. Your her emergency contact right?”
“Okay, it seems that she’s getting better. Hanakai is a bit finicky when it comes to healing after the confession. Some heal instantly some take a bit of time.. so we still need to do a few tests to confirm this. She’s fine right now buts she fell asleep not long after she stopped coughing up flowers. Well to the test tomorrow and compare them form the fromer test and see if there’s any improvement.”
Hawks have a small sigh of relief. You’re not out of the woods yet and he promised to comeback tomorrow to see if you felt any better. The next day Hawks went straight to the hospital after work. When you saw him you couldn’t help but blush thinking about yesterday’s kiss and confession.
“So how are you?” Hawks asked worriedly.
“I’m dying.” You said with a straight face
He looked modified thinking he might have not lived you enough to save you.
You not being able to hold it and laughed abit.” Sorry sorry that was in bad taste, the doctor said it will go away after awhile. Apparently I’m just those unfortunate enough to get our feelings reciprocated and still need to wait it out instead of having love magically fix us.”
He immediately went in for a hug, gently of course. He then flicked your head.
“Ow what was that for?!”
“For scaring the sh*t out of me. And this is for me being too much of a doofus to not realize how much I love you.” He said giving you a kiss on the lips.
“Here I thought you like Mirko.”
“Sure she a good woman but I only love you. It just took longer for me to realize that.”
“You always talked about her and…”
“Feather~ I just wanted to share some good time I had with her because I thought those stories were funny. Besides it being a hundred times better if you were there with us you know.”
“I guess I should thank her for spilling the beans.” You said feeling a bit sillly after everything.
For the next few weeks you stayed with Hawks after being cleared to leave. He helped you during your recovery. Showering you with love and affection thinking it might help speed up your recovery. Helping you with day to day life as there was a few things that took longer to heal like how anemic you became from all the blood loss. He complained how much he missed you and how he wanted nothing more than to be with you 24/7. It was nice living with him. Hawks didn’t let you go to work even when you felt like you were feeling a lot better.
“Hey Feather! No working until your fully recovered. I don’t want you getting infections or something.”
Once you finally got better, Hawks asked you to move in with him properly. It wasn’t that big of a difference form how you guys were before all of this ordeal but you loved all the New Romantic stuff that Hawks would do like trying to make dinner for you or getting you gifts. Naturally you did the same. You couldn’t help but think how luck you are to have him.
Here’s to new relationship you hope to last for years to come.
“I love you Kei.”
“I love you more My sweet Angel.”
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hinacu-arts · 1 year
Tags That Made Me Smile 2023 — Part 1 (Jan-June)
Ive collected so many of my "Tags That Made Me Smile List" that i wont be posting it annually this year, its going to be at least biannually (although a good portion of this list is actually random comments in the author notes/lines and not tags 🤣)
[2022's List] [2021's List]
Not Fandom Specific
if they seem ooc at times (to YOU) just ignore it... i know Them
“It’s impossible to figure out comic book timelines” - people who are not me and who I cannot relate to
im ace but i tried my damnest to emulate allo behaviour
canon is nothing more than the sandbox in which I choose to build my castle
Not canon, not fanon, but some other third thing (my love for extravagant world building)
fan fiction vs foe fiction
bro we are teens its ok to be vunerable in front of me #now we are kissing bro dont stop
They have my mind on fucking speed dial i stg
intentional miscommunication in the name of fuckery
Cheesy romance taken seriously
The universe frantically consults the rule book while fate runs off with their action figures
getting a toddler dumped on you by your ex’s ex
“I’m not dying without kissing you” #And then they don’t die #And It’s all quite awkward
"Now if you'll excuse me… Tonight's bad decision isn't going to make itself."
“What’s a ‘boyfriend’? And why am I yours?”
“It has come to my attention that you are, unfortunately, my favorite person on this planet.”
i’m staring at the ceiling fighting the urge to kick you -a love story
Accidental Soul-Bonding oops
Enemy to Caretaker
Wooing via Prank War
Allegedly Platonic Kissing
Fandom Specific
These are ordered by the chronological order of which fandom i was reading at the time
werewolves mate for life
The Gomezification of Wednesday Addams
Legend of Zelda
Hi my name is Link and Welcome to Jackass
Link and Sidon both get a little bit gay: The Chapter
Gerudo Vai Outfit shenanigans
DC x Danny Phantom
Danny is the Tom Bombadil of Superheroes
Jack Fenton’s ability to casually Cool-Aid-Man his way through walls is a symptom of ectoplasm exposure
Skulker, No Skulking!
Danger Twink!Danny Fenton
Red Hood: Civilian Edition
inception—magic school bus version
a guy on staff so adorable it triggers Jason’s fight or flight response
Jason gets diagnosed with "bro your ectoplasm is fucked up" disease
Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies #But make it Halloween #where Tim Drake finds out the true meaning of love and Halloween #a true Rom-Com that's just a lil spooky
keeps the Hallmark themes of anti-capitalism #Vlad is the capitalism
pit is gone #raging anger has been replaced with raging hormones
All the (pit) rage he felt at the Joker for killing him is now being redirected and funneled into admiration/gratitude for the guy who did kill Joker
What is a murderer, a maker of ghosts, to the king of ghosts, but a faithful servant?
“Hood, your boyfriend's haunted!”
batman looked at gotham and said "i can fix her" #gotham looked at batman and said "i can make him worse"
Various DC Media
DC stands for Disregard Canon
Pining batman? more like Down Badman
Fortress of Sulkitude
Hurricane Dick and smaller Tropical Storm Damian
Tim finds his missing spleen #:)
just two dudes chillin' in a sleeping bag zero feet apart because Bart stole the other one
Kon's jacket #(it's made from boyfriend material)
Batfam? Bat colony? #how exactly do you to refer to the fascinating taxon that is Tim's family
Breaking the laws of Nature with sheer fucking will and bullshit circumstance (Time and Dimension Travel)
"Ha! Ive been sleeping in his bed for years, i no longer register as a threat"
Let it not be said that Bruce Wayne is a coward. A fool, perhaps, but never a coward.
"This is not very slay of you Tim" Bruce said
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