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sanscat0414 · 11 months ago
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pro hero!hawks x reader drabble ☁️ ོ
a/n: i just thought this would be cute, hawks getting all upset- I mean- Keigo. 🙄
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“You know for someone who’s always out and about, you always seem to make time for me.” You softly smile upon hearing your front door open and then close.
“How’d you know it was me?” He asked, taking off his coat with a tussle.
You paused your tv show before turning around to look at him.
“Can smell the kfc on you from a mile away” you teased as he scoffed in offense. “Woah, I wear the best cologne.”
“You mean axe body spray?” You added, his lips escaping a laugh. “Not to much on me birdie.” His eyes followed yours as you got up from your spot on the couch to be in his embrace, a smile peering through his lips as he sweetly pecked you.
“Mmm..” you hummed in satisfaction. “How was work sweet boy?”
“The same as always.” He replied, holding you in his arms tiredly. You noticed how he tried to hold himself up. You knew how exhausted he was from working so often, and how bad he wanted to collapse into your arms. Still, he always kept that last bit of energy for you. It didn’t matter how much of it he had left, he’d always be strong for you.
“You need to get sleep baby.” You said, pushing the hair out of his face, “nah im fine, I wanna spend some time with you.”
“You can do that in the bedroom.” You added as a smirk grew on his face.
“Not in that way weirdo!” You gently punch his arm making him laugh. “Oh but I was hoping~”
“and I hope you go to bed, finally~” you cut him off.
He looked into your eyes for a moment before saying “your right love, guess I should start listening to you from now on.”
“Took you how long to realize that?” He hummed as he gently placed his head down to rest on you. “Not that long~”
You sighed out a slight smile, your hand playing with his hair.
“Hey.” You said, making him slightly come up. “Yeah?”
“I love you, hawks.”
His head popped up, a look of disgust on his face.
"Excuse me??" He said, pouting.
You can’t help but start laughing at him. He looks like you just insulted endeavor to his face.
“UHM who is this other man in your life??!!” He says dramatically.
“Ughh, I love you Keigo~”
“Mm..” he settles back down into your comfort, “much better.”
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sanscat0414 · 11 months ago
Hi! I really like your Hawks fics, I love him so much, it hurts. I want to make a request, if it's fine. How, do you think, will Hawks tell fem reader his real name? I feel like he needs time for it, like a year or something, will he just going to say it randomly amid the conversation or he will prepare himself and reader for it? Thank you in advance!!
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hiya anon! tysm for this request!! this was really interesting to write, i can’t tell if it’s an imagines or more of a character study - but i loved writing it nonetheless. thank you for stopping by! ^_^
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Hawks might have a silver tongue gifted to him by the Commission, but Keigo Takami is nothing but pyrite.
At least, that’s how he sees himself.
Even before he met you, he always wondered if he was capable of being loved, being the son of Takami The Thief and coming from extreme poverty.
Then, he met you. The most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, breathed life into his dead heart. You were on his mind constantly; the sweetness of your voice, the softness of your hair - god, how he wanted to run his hands through your hair and hold you.
It took him a while to ask you out, simply because of his low self-esteem. He feared that you could do better, but he also feared that the ‘better’ would come and steal you from him.
The only thing was - you knew him as Hawks. Hawks, one of Japan’s top heroes. The suave bachelor with wings redder than the faces of his admirers every time he soared into view.
He was afraid you wouldn’t accept Keigo. He was nothing compared to Hawks. Still, he would rather lose his wings than lose his girl.
He asks you out rather suddenly, calling you in the early morning. You could tell he’d been up, pacing his room as his mind paced around his skull at the thought of asking you to be his girlfriend.
You’d accepted, of course. You loved him, you just didn’t know there was more of him under all his feathers.
A year into your relationship, you couldn’t ignore that it seemed as though Keigo was hiding something.
He was almost on autopilot, distant from everyone, from you. It hurt, especially since you had no idea why.
So, you confronted him. You sit down on the edge of the bed in your shared apartment, fear glazed over your eyes.
When you ask if he was hiding something, Keigo’s heart sinks. He knew it was time. He couldn’t lose you, he loved you more than he loved himself. You were his girl, and nobody else’s.
“My name…is Keigo Takami.”
You were visibly confused, Keigo desperate to read you for any signs of abandonment. Then, it clicked.
Hawks was yours, but Keigo always had been. He had just been waiting for the right time to unfurl his wings, show himself to you.
After a hard conversation for the both of you, he’d explained everything and completely opened himself up to you. It was the most vulnerable you’d ever seen him in your time together, feathers sharpened, more on edge than he was. Hardly making eye contact and messing with his hair, he fumbled through his story.
And you hung on to every word. You were his, he was yours. Keigo was yours. Hawks was just a part of him, not who he really was.
Hawks was pyrite. Keigo was gold.
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sanscat0414 · 11 months ago
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Last call
Hawks x Hero Reader
Scenario: You got caught up in a clasping building, heavily injured and the only thing you wanted was to have a call with your favor bird man. Only this was your last call to him.
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“Hey, Dove! What’s up?”
You smiled at hearing his voice. You mustered up the most energy you can to sound normal.
“Nothing, just miss you.”
He laughed, God that laugh, its as sweet as honey, something you’ll never get tired of hearing no matter how long you and Hawks had been together.
“I miss you too.” He cooed.
“How’s your day?” You asked as you stared down to you blood covered abdomen with your hand applying as much pressure as you can.
“You know, this that, some borrrrning paper is work. I should have just taken it home and did it there.” He whined.
You smile imagining his cute grumpy face as he complain about work.
You knew there was no hope for you. You’re stuck under rubble and there’s no chance for anyone to find you in time. At least you get to hear him one last time.
“Can you sing for me? I wanna hear your voice.”
“Of course any thing for you.”
You close your eyes listening intently to his voice. He started humming a song and then fully singing it. A song you recognize oh so fondly, it your song together, a song you coined to perfectly describe your relationship together, Best Part by H.E.R. You can’t help but smile listening to soothing voice of Hawks. Sure he no professional singer but his voice always calmed you even now when your near your end.
“That was great love. You should be a singer.”You joked.
“Why thank you~ but this voice only works for you.”
“Way my name won’t you?”
“Only if you say my name too~”
“Keigo~” you said full heartedly with a sweet tone.
“______, my baby bird.”
You giggle, of for it hurt, but it’s worth it. You loved him with all your soul, you didn’t want him to worry about you, at least not right now.
“I don’t want to keep you long.”
“Okay, I love you. And thanks hearing from you made this boring day a lot better.”
“I.. I love you too, more than you’ll ever now Keigo. So much.” You said as tears started to run down your face.
“Talk to you later, Dove.”
“Yeah, Goodbye Kei. Love you.”
You let out laughed to yourself, thinking how cruel the world can be. You promised him, you promised each other to be together forever. Here you are under a broken building struggling to even move anymore wishing more than anything to be with him. To hold him and to cherish him. To make silly jokes together. So many things you wish you can still do with him.
You wonder what the world would be like without you as you bleed out. You’re sad knowing how much you’ll hurt him when you’re Gone. You hate seeing him down in the dumps. Imagining him so devastated after finding out made you feel guilty. Hawks will be the last thing you ever thought of and the last person to ever hear you. You looked at your phone, now very cracked but still useable. You shakily held it to record one last message before you fell limp.
Something felt off to Hawks. That goodbye didn’t sit with him right, along with that wobble in your voice when you said you loved him.
“They’re fine, I’m probably worried over nothing… right?” He said to himself.
He thought he’s probably just over analyzing, but then again he over analyzes everything about you. Your voice, your beauty, your personality, everything that many you so charming to him. Still he could not shake that sinking feeling in his heart.
He couldn’t sit still and was bout to go look for you, knowing you where you go on patrols when a call came in. He was anoyed but still answered.
“We need you here, there’s a collapse building and we want to find any survivors.”
Though he was no rescue hero, his quirk was always handy when it came to fining survivors beneath rubble so he does get the occasional call from rescue heros to help.
“Okay send me the location and I’ll be there in a flash”
His eyes widened when he saw the location. It was were you were patrolling that day. That feeling he got earlier in the day just got worse and he rushed out of his office as quick as he could worried sick about you.
Once he was there he was filled in by the other heros. Apparently this was caused by a villain but they couldn’t find them yet. Hawks asked if anyone has seen you since he knew you somewhere closed. They didn’t which made more anxious than before. He’s praying, hoping you’re safe. He tried to call you.
‘Come on baby please answer.’ He thought as he sent out of feathers to help look for survivors.
“Hi, this is H/N! I’m currently working so I won’t be able to answer your call! Sorry if you need anything please call my agency.”
You didn’t answer and Hawks was growing increasingly more concerned that you were bought up into the rubble.
He was able to find many survivors but not you. He felt a clearing under the rubble though his feathers but nothing seemed to be in their until he felt something soft as his feather rushed. Around the clearing.
“Hey! There’s a gap over here, there might be someone trap under,” Hawks called out as he carefully pulled some stones away.
After a few minutes work of him and some heros, they were able to see inside. Hawks heart sunk as soon as he saw the sight. You were leaning on a still standing pillar, unmoving and a slash wound on your stomach. One hand holding a cracked phone, the other hold on to your stomach. Hawks dived in to grab you but you felt cold.
“Baby?” He said softly in disbelief.
He held you tight not caring about the blood or the fact there is other heros were there watch him with pity. He started to cry holding your limp body.
“No…: no ______ why…. Why did it have to be you…” he hugged you close so close.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Hawks.” One of the heros said “At least now we found them.”
“And we found the villain too.” Another said looking across form where you laid to see the villain’s body crushed under the rubble infront of you.
“Common let’s get them out first this place is dangerous.” The hero said placing here hand on Hawks shoulders.
Hawks was silent but nodded.
One they were out of the area, Hawks held you for along time before someone pried him off of you. He couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t accept you were gone. He had your phone you were holding with you, still had the cute chicken charm he gave you hang on it. He turned on the thankfully still working phone, first thing to pop up after being unlocked was a recording app. He opened the last thing that was recorded.
“Hey… if someone find this. It’s a message for Hawks... it’s private so this is only for him.”
He could hear how exhausted you sound in the recording, realizing it was probably your last words.
There as a long pause before you said something again.
“Birdie…. I’m sorry. I broke our promise. Please don’t be sad. Thank you for singing to me earlier, it really helped with the pain. Smile for me will ya?”
He could stop his tears, it was then it click in his mind. That was your last goodbye to him. Even in your last moments you were on his mind.
There were so many questions in his mind “why didn’t you tell me… why didn’t you ask for help…. Why couldn’t I tell that you were dying…. Why didn’t I….”
Hawks stood there for along time crying to himself. Finaly he muster all his emotions together just to smile.
“I’m smiling… just for you… Dove. Wherever you are.” He said broken and shaken.
Finally he walked off, going back to a now cold apartment with surrounded by everything you both owned. Everything a reminder of you which he will never get rid of because he wanted to keep you alive in his own way.
“I.. miss you already.” He said as he plopped himself on your side of your shared bed taking in your scent as he cried himself to bed.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Aftercare~ +18
Hawks x Reader
Scenario: After a steamy night, Hawks takes care of you.
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You both are panting, Hawks on top of you as he held him self up. He looks at you, with the most goofy and adorable eyes. He lands a kiss on top of your head and smiles.
“I’m going to pull out now.” He said softly and removing himself from you carefully.
It wasn’t your first time in bed together but this time he was partially rough so he wanted make sure your okay. You let out a small whine as you felt the fullness leave you. You’re still trembling but your hands still reaching to hold your birdie. Hawks chuckles at your cute display and rolled over to the side and held you in his arms.
“How you feelin? I know I was a more rough than usual. You’re not hurt yeah?” He whispered quietly into your ear.
Your brain was throughly fried form the intensity of your interaction and all you could go out was “So~ So good~”
“Good. Now I’ll be right back okay?” He said as he let go of you.
You whimper at the lack of physical contact of your man as he walked off to the bathroom. You stared at the ceiling as your recall what just conspired trying to get your body to listen to you but you still tremble from the overstimulation.
After a few minutes Hawks walked back in and gently picked you up. He carried you to the bathroom and helped you wash the mess you both made off. It felt incredible having his hands running through your hair and just having him close. Once he was done he pick you up again and placed you down in the bath. He stayed with you for a bit before trying to He walk off again but you held his hand.
“Stay~” you whined.
“I’ll come join you after I put our sheets in the laundry and changed the sheets.” He said gently patting your head.
“But I wanna now~” you complain but still let him go.
“It’ll only be a few minutes.”
Hawks personally didn’t mind having the mess, he loved having his scent on you and yours on him. But he knew you didn’t like feeling filthy in your own fluids. He changed the sheets and made himself know to you once more. He carefully walked into the bath and sat down. Once he got comfortable he pulled you towards his chest and held you as you both relaxed in the warm bath water.
“Feeling better? Less fried now?” He asked.
You gave him a small hum and leaned back your head to look at him. You smile at him and he returned it. You loved the sensation of being in each other company and listening to Hawks hum a little as he held you. The two of you stayed like that for a while until you two need to get out before becoming prunes. Hawks handed you one of his shirts and shorts which you gladly accepted.
Once the both of you were changed, he picked you up again and walked over to the now mostly clean bed. Once he placed you down, he got on to the bed with you and let you find a position that comfortably for the two of you.
“Want some snacks? Movie? Anything?” He asked.
He was alway so sweet especially after an extra rough session. Hawks knew he can be a bit much sometimes and feels no matter what he always were the one doing the aftercare except for when you totally fry his brain being Dom that is.
“That sounds nice. Maybe some sweets?” You said looking up at him.
He nodded and sent his feathers to grab your favorite sweets.
“I love you~” you cooed and kissed his cheek.
“Dove~ you missed.” He joked and kissed your lips.
You giggled at the act and place your face into the crook of his neck.
“Thank you really. I appreciate that aftercare. “ you said as you stared up at him.
“Of course~ I’m the king of aftercare! I gotta make sure my queen is well taken care of.” He joked as he handed you to your favorite sweet.
You smiled as he put something on for the both of you to watch. You both fell asleep after a bit cuddling close to one another.
Next Morning:
You reached out to pull Hawks closer only to find an empty space. You groggily opened your eyes and saw Hawks already dressed to go to work.
You gave a little moan of annoyance, not to him but the fact that he can’t stay longer.
“Morin Cutie.” He said turning towards you.
“Stay? For five more minutes?” You whined.
“I would but got morning patrol Dove.”
You nodded and tried to get up only for your legs to give out and nearly falling flat on your face. Luckily Hawks caught you before you could.
“Take it easy. I’m guessing you sore from yesterday.” Hawks said as he helps you up.
“Yeah. It was soooo worth it.” You said happily as you wobbled yourself to the bathroom.
“Be careful okay? Don’t slip, I put the bottle of painkillers on the bedside table. Oh and I made toast so you better get to it before it’s cold.” He said.
“I LOVE YOU!!” He shouted before he was about to leave.
“LOVE YOU TOOO KEI!!!” You shouted back.
Hawks can’t help but think to himself how lucky he was to have someone like you. You showed him so many new emotions and tough him new things. You showered him in affection when he needs you the most. He took one last look at were you were before flying off to be everyone hero.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
“no, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave - i don’t mind changing in front of you.” With Hawks please!
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Pairing: Hawks x f!Reader
Part of this little prompt game I'm doing for the day (perhaps the week), come join!
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Your ideal date with Keigo fell into pieces the moment rain started falling onto the ground. Your date was going fine until you felt the water droplets on your skin, forcing you to run to shelter. You end up back at Keigo’s apartment, completely drenched. 
“Next time we have to do a better job at checking the weather.” He chuckles as he hands you a towel. You would be laughing along with him if your outfit wasn’t completely ruined. You take the towel from him and dry yourself off.
“Do you have anything I can wear?” You ask, hoping that he does. It’s too early in your relationship for you to have clothes in his place, but you pray that he has something. You absolutely hate the feeling of wet clothes on your skin.
“I’ll check.” He says before walking away, leaving you in the living room. You begin to shiver, the wet clothes making your situation worse. You look out for him, getting impatient. He finally appears, wearing some dry clothes as he brings out some oversized clothes that certainly aren’t your style– But you don’t care. “I’m sure these will work.”
“Thank you.” You take the clothes from his hands, putting them down on the couch before you lift up your shirt. You begin to get dressed without a shame, and the cold that once threatened his body goes away as his cheeks get warm. He doesn’t waste a second before turning around, about to leave to give you some privacy. 
Is he seriously nervous? He’s seen much more before… But not from you. He shouldn’t feel embarrassed at all. In situations like these he’s usually confident. He clears his throat before telling you, “I’ll be in my bedroom, call out my name when you’re finished.”
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to leave– I don’t mind changing in front of you.” You mutter out, and you realize just how imprudent it sounds. You feel your face get hot as you hurry up and finish getting changed. You hear him chuckle, but he still remains turned around. “I’m finished, you can look now.”
“What do you want to do now?” He asks, feeling a little awkward after what just happened. It’ll go away in an instant though, he’s sure. 
“How about a movie?” You respond, and he nods in response. 
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
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pro hero!hawks x reader drabble ☁️ ོ
a/n: i just thought this would be cute, hawks getting all upset- I mean- Keigo. 🙄
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“You know for someone who’s always out and about, you always seem to make time for me.” You softly smile upon hearing your front door open and then close.
“How’d you know it was me?” He asked, taking off his coat with a tussle.
You paused your tv show before turning around to look at him.
“Can smell the kfc on you from a mile away” you teased as he scoffed in offense. “Woah, I wear the best cologne.”
“You mean axe body spray?” You added, his lips escaping a laugh. “Not to much on me birdie.” His eyes followed yours as you got up from your spot on the couch to be in his embrace, a smile peering through his lips as he sweetly pecked you.
“Mmm..” you hummed in satisfaction. “How was work sweet boy?”
“The same as always.” He replied, holding you in his arms tiredly. You noticed how he tried to hold himself up. You knew how exhausted he was from working so often, and how bad he wanted to collapse into your arms. Still, he always kept that last bit of energy for you. It didn’t matter how much of it he had left, he’d always be strong for you.
“You need to get sleep baby.” You said, pushing the hair out of his face, “nah im fine, I wanna spend some time with you.”
“You can do that in the bedroom.” You added as a smirk grew on his face.
“Not in that way weirdo!” You gently punch his arm making him laugh. “Oh but I was hoping~”
“and I hope you go to bed, finally~” you cut him off.
He looked into your eyes for a moment before saying “your right love, guess I should start listening to you from now on.”
“Took you how long to realize that?” He hummed as he gently placed his head down to rest on you. “Not that long~”
You sighed out a slight smile, your hand playing with his hair.
“Hey.” You said, making him slightly come up. “Yeah?”
“I love you, hawks.”
His head popped up, a look of disgust on his face.
"Excuse me??" He said, pouting.
You can’t help but start laughing at him. He looks like you just insulted endeavor to his face.
“UHM who is this other man in your life??!!” He says dramatically.
“Ughh, I love you Keigo~”
“Mm..” he settles back down into your comfort, “much better.”
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
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♡ Dabi ♡
Dabi, maintaining his usual nonchalant demeanor, brushes off Valentine's Day as insignificant. "It's just another day," he grumbles when you inquire about plans, his gaze fixed on something distant.
Despite his indifference towards the holidays of any kind, Dabi ensures that you feel loved every day. He might not express it verbally, but through his actions, like a gentle touch or a shared glance, he conveys his affection.
Dabi, surprisingly in touch with emotions, recognizes that you might have different expectations for Valentine's Day. "I get it, you want some romantic crap. Fine," he reluctantly admits, acknowledging the importance it holds for you.
Instead of traditional gifts, Dabi puts thought into finding something unique that resonates with you. It could be a rare book, a piece of artwork, or an item related to your hobbies. "I figured you'd like this better than some cliché crap, doll," he remarks.
During the day, Dabi might express his affection in subtle ways. A brush of his fingers against yours, a lingering glance, a warm hug, a rare smile or a shared cigarette.
Dabi, not one for grand gestures, suggests spending quality time together. "We can do whatever you want."
Dabi prefers low-key activities, so he suggests a casual day out rather than an extravagant date. It could be a stroll through a less crowded part of town or a visit to a place that holds personal significance.
Dabi values private moments over public displays of affection. He might pull you aside for a quiet conversation or a shared moment away from prying eyes, kissing you passionatelly in an alley after picking the order from your favourite restaurant.
In the evening, Dabi might create a quiet, intimate atmosphere. He pulls you close, whispering, "I'm not good with words, but you know what you mean to me, right?" His actions speak louder than any declaration.
The evening is peaceful, just the two of you, enjoying each other's company without the need for excessive words.
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♡ Shigaraki ♡
Shigaraki openly expresses his disdain for Valentine's Day, dismissing it as a celebration that glorifies something horrific. "It's just a stupid, commercialized excuse to sell crap. I don't get the hype," he grumbles.
Despite his aversion, when he notices your excitement for the occasion, Shigaraki chooses to bite his tongue.
In a rare show of consideration, Shigaraki instructs Kurogiri to order a bouquet of your favorite flowers from the local florist. This act of embracing the holiday, even reluctantly, is his way of showing that he cares about your happiness.
"I don't get why people like this crap, but if it makes you happy, I'm willing to change my mind."
Shigaraki, true to his personality, prefers a minimalist celebration. Instead of grand gestures, he might suggest a quiet evening or a simple dinner, keeping the focus on the two of you without succumbing to excessive sentimentality.
He ensures that all the League of Villains members are assigned unexpected additional missions, even though they may express their discontent. Shigaraki wants to spend this day with you only.
As the day progresses, Shigaraki might quietly observe your joy. "You better appreciate this. I don't do this for just anyone," he remarks, a hint of satisfaction in his tone, showing that your happiness matters to him.
For the evening, Shigaraki proposes an anti-romantic movie night, selecting films that defy typical romantic clichés. "None of that sappy stuff. Let's watch something that doesn't make my teeth hurt," he suggests.
As you drift into slumber nestled in his embrace, he delicately traces patterns on your back with his pinky cautiously elevated to prevent any accidental decay. "I love you, little Y/N," he whispers, even though he's well aware that you're already lost in the realm of dreams.
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♡ Bakugo ♡
Valentine's Day, according to Bakugo, is a bothersome and superficial affair, hiding behind a facade of fake sentimentality. Ranting about the superficiality of the day, Katsuki loudly declares, "I don't need some capitalist crap to tell me when to appreciate someone, tsk!"
"It's a dumb day. Why should I care?" Initially dismissing the idea of celebrating, he flaunted his lack of interest until the sight of your disappointment shattered his nonchalant façade.
Experiencing a pang in his chest, he noticed your lower lip trembling as you tried to assure him that you didn't need to participate. Even though he often expressed his emotions through actions, he couldn't shake the feeling that this time might be different.
With a resigned sigh, he swallows his pride, extending a genuine apology. He confesses to a change of heart, "Look, I changed my damn mind. No harm in spending time together or making this stupid day special, I guess. You're important or whatever."
Bakugo, true to himself, plans unconventional celebration. "If we're gonna do this, we'll do it my goddamn way. Tsk, I heard there's a place with those damn fluffy dogs. Don't get any ideas, I just thought it might be amusing or something," he grumbles, leading you to a Shiba cafe.
Bakugo finds himself in a rare, awkward position as one of the dogs playfully jumps on him. "Stupid mutt, get off!" he protests, but you catch a fleeting, embarrassed smile as he secretly enjoys the canine attention.
As you both sip coffee surrounded by Shiba Inu companions, Bakugo, unaccustomed to public displays of affection, reaches for your hand under the table and rubs its top with his thumb while drinking his espresso.
The sheer joy on Bakugo's face as a Shiba snuggles against him is a sight to behold. He attempts to hide it with a dismissive comment, "They're just damn dogs, but whatever, they're kinda cute, I guess."
Upon arriving home, Bakugo could catch you off guard by presenting a dessert skillfully shaped like a heart. "It's stupid, but fine. You better eat it," he grumbles, a touch of pride in his eyes surfacing as you commend his cooking prowess.
As the day draws to a close, Bakugo may catch you off guard with an unforeseen tender moment – enfolding you in his sturdy arms, drawing you snugly against his robust chest. He gently massages your shoulders and plants affectionate kisses on your face. "I love you, Y/N. Make sure you never forget that," he declares, his words carrying a sincerity that transcends his usual gruff demeanor.
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♡ Shoto ♡
While Shoto may come across as indifferent to Valentine's Day, the truth is, he's like a child eagerly anticipating a visit to a candy store, envisioning a day filled with profound love shared with you.
Shoto brims with an unusual level of excitement, eager to shower you with pampering and spoils. While he typically engages in such gestures, this time, he has elaborate plans under wraps – surprises that would catch you off guard and leave you pleasantly astonished.
On Valentine's morning, you wake up to the irresistible aroma of a homemade breakfast. Shoto, armed with a chef's apron, presents a heart-shaped feast, each dish crafted with precision and love. As you enter the kitchen, he greets you with a warm smile, "Happy Valentine's Day. This is just the beginning."
Throughout the day, you discover tiny love notes strategically placed in unexpected corners. Each note holds sweet affirmations, showcasing Shoto's meticulous effort to sprinkle your day with joy.
In a quiet moment, Shoto presents you with a carefully crafted, handmade gift. It could be a piece of art, a personalized item, or something that holds sentimental value. He shyly admits, "I wanted to make something special for you. I hope you like it."
Unbeknownst to you, Shoto unveils a surprise date that surpasses all expectations. "I thought we could spend the day doing things you enjoy. It's all about making you happy." From a tranquil picnic in the park to a spontaneous dance under the stars, every moment is curated to create lasting memories.
Upon returning home, as evening approaches, Shoto unveils a cozy haven, complete with blankets and your favorite snacks. The ambiance exudes warmth, inviting you to unwind and revel in the tranquility of your shared love.
The day concludes with a handwritten love poem, penned by Shoto himself. Each line is an eloquent expression of his feelings, capturing the nuances of your connection in words as sweet as the love that binds you.
Before you retire for the night, Shoto pulls you into a gentle embrace. "Thank you for being with me. Happy Valentine's Day," he whispers, planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
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♡ Hawks ♡
Upon waking up on Valentine's Day, you're greeted with a pile of gifts neatly arranged beside the bed. Hawks, unable to contain his excitement, watches for your reaction with a grin. "Happy Valentine's Day, babe. Open them up!"
Hawks takes Valentine's Day as the ultimate opportunity to showcase his love. From breakfast in bed to surprise outings, he plans an entire day filled with over-the-top affectionate gestures. "Get ready for a day all about you, songbird."
Hawks, with his love language being gift-giving, meticulously selects each present. "I thought of everything you might like. You're worth it," he mentions as you uncover thoughtful and personalized gifts.
The day unfolds with whimsical adventures – perhaps a surprise trip to an amusement park or an impromptu picnic. Hawks is determined to make the day unforgettable.
Throughout the day, Hawks showers you with unexpected compliments. "You know, you're the best thing that ever happened to me," he confesses.
As the day progresses, Hawks concludes with a romantic dinner, whether it's a home-cooked meal or a reservation at a fancy restaurant. "To us and many more Valentine's Days to come," he toasts, a warmth in his golden eyes.
As the day comes to a close, Hawks proposes the idea of late-night stargazing. Draped in blankets, both of you settle on the spacious balcony of his apartment. Hawks, pointing out constellations, weaves stories of the night sky. "Just us and the stars. Can't beat a moment like this, huh?"
As the day winds down, Hawks might surprise you with a midnight snack. "Can't end the day on an empty stomach. Here, your favorite, babybird," he says, presenting a thoughtful treat.
As you both drift into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms, Keigo can't help but revel in the profound happiness that washes over him. Having found the love of his life, he's determined to cherish this precious connection on a daily basis, not just during Valentine's Day.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
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vday with birb boy
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Sideline 2
Hawks x Timid Reader
Scenario: Hawks loses his memories after a villlan fight leading to head trauma. His sidekick was all the more ready to take your place as his girlfriend. She fed him lies to make Hawks hate you. Will he remember you or will you remain a thorn in his eyes.
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Part 1
It’s been two months since Hawks was out of the hospital. He knows something wasn’t right. Some things just didn’t make sense. Vivian, his ‘love’ just chalks it up to him being fuzzy because of his memory lost. He loves her right? Hawks felt something about her just didn’t seem right. He started noticing your absence, sure he didn’t know what he thought was missing was you but he could tell something was wrong. Going back to his apartment he felt like there was always something that is missing. Like his home wasn’t his home or how he would feel like he wasn’t complete despite having Vivian by his side. So he started distantly himself from her. Vivian tried to get more attention form him but he brushed her off saying he was busy.
He went back to hospital to check out what was that feeling of emptiness and if that was normally for someone who’s missing some of there memories.
“Well everything looks fine, Hawks. Side form your memories not completely back you are as healthy as a dime.”
“It’s weird tho. It’s like something is missing and I just can’t put my finger on it.”
“Well my guess that is your body remembers a feeling that your brain couldn’t. It’s kind of like muscle memory in a way. It’s like your instincts is telling you something is wrong because something isn’t the same as it used to be. That’s just something you need to figure out on your own. Maybe you should ask that lovely lady that was always by you bedside she might know something.”
“Vivian, purple hair girl with hot pink eyes?”
“No, she had (color) hair and she was super timid and wears a nice sliver feather necklace. What was her name…” the doctor said as he looked through Hawk’s papers “ah there she is, Y/N L/N. She was your emergency contact. She was here every time she had free time. She would help the nurses take care of you when it was possible.The poor girl was so worried for you she alway leave crying. She was heartbroken after you didn’t let her see you.”
“Why would she be in my emergency contact? also what about Vivian did she visit me?”
“Nope, only once or twice a week. Uptil you woke up.”
As he flew home, he thought long and hard about what he had learned. He was right something definitely didn’t add up. He thought maybe his cool bird intern could tell him something. Once he was home, he called Tokoyami to ask about you. Tokoyami didn’t say much other than you were important to him and how Vivian lied to him about about your character. Tokoyami said you were the sweetest person he knows and how He would constantly talked about her like a you where a goddess in private settings of course.
He decided there was no use sitting around and doing nothing so he went for a fly. He flew aimlessly around the city in deep thought only to land on a random apartment balcony. He didn’t know why he landed there but it felt right. He look around To see some cloths still out on the drying rack. Not long after he saw the light turn on and wanted to fly away, best not to disturb the resident who live here right. Something in his gut told him to stay. After a few minutes the curtains were opened and there you were.
There he was in front of you. Majestic as ever was he perched on your balcony like those nights he would come after a long day of work, only for you to great him. It hurt you to see him, knowing he wasn’t yours anymore, you thought it was just your kind playing tricks on you. After all he had a new girlfriend. You walked out pretending he’s not there gathering your cloths.
it startled you to here his voice. You look up to him and said “YOU…. YOUR ACTUALLY HERE?!?”
“shhh don’t wanna wake up your neighbor now.” “Do you need something, Hawks.��� You said dejected and looking away.
“Mater a fact I do. I want to ask you something.” “Come inside. It’s cold we can talk then.” You said as you walked in followed by Hawks.
Hawks sat down on the couch. You offered him some tea and sat down on the couch facing Hawks.
“So what are you to me? I been thinking about stuff and something’s just didn’t make sense. With my memories I mean. “ “Why com to me then and not your girlfriend.” “Because it’s you that inconsistent. Viv said I hated you because you were a… well a b*tch, but evidence say otherwise. The doctor told me you been taking care of me day in and day out when I was unconscious. You were my emergency contact.”
“Would you even believe me if I told you the truth? You didn’t even want to hear a word out of me for the past month” You said looking down at your hands as you fidget.
“I just need to know… to be honest I don’t even know how I know how to get here. I just thought about see you. And here I am. I know I haven’t been the nicest to you but you clearly care about me. So be honest what were you to me.”
“I don’t know, that is for you to decide. What I can tell you is that you were my boyfriend.” You said and walked off.
You came back with an album/scrapbookk hoping that would help jog his memory. You handed it to him and patiently waited.
“You want me to look at it?” He said confused as you nodded.
He flip to a random page, it was you and him at the amusement park. He was in a disguise but both of you were smile and holdout cotton candy. There was a little note on the side ‘My babybird, best date ever my first time at an amusement part. -T.K.’
Flipped to another page it was him sleep on your couch with a mustache. ‘No fair got pranked today! -T.K’
Another photo, there were two pots infront of you guys. ‘It was so much fun to customize some pottery together! -(your initials.)’
Another with you and him in matching chicken oneis ‘Note: we need to get more matching out fits. -(your initials)’
He flipped through more of photos reading all the little snippets. There was warmth in it. He felt something in him changing, a sinse of longing for you. It’s like his body knew that it was you who made him feel so loved. Once he finished he hugged you. You flinched at the sudden contact and relaxed once he held you close wrapping his wings around you. This was it was missing. It was you. Your warmth, your love, your kindness, you and only you.
“I don’t remember our time together but after looking through these photos I did remember one thing. “ he said looking at you.
You look back into his eyes, there was no longer that hate you saw a month ago. It was replaced by the gentle look that loved so much. “What is it?” You asked quietly.
“That Hawks mate for life. And you are mine. My mate for life.”
“that’s two things.” You said as you give him a small smile.
“I’m sorry… so sorry. For putting you through so much. It must have hurt you to see me with another and how badly I had treated you. I’m sorry. “ he held you tight as he thought back form the way he treated you.
Guilt overwhelmed him as he held you like you would disappear in a moment. You wrapped your arms around him. For the first time in months you finally got to hug him. You took in every part of him. His dirty blonde hair, slightly muscular toned body, his sent of tropical wood, and his lovely crimson wings. Oh how much you missed being in his wings again. You two held each other for a long time before cuddling to sleep.
“Please don’t let go of me again, Keigo.” You said as you buried your face in his neck as your tears dripped down your face.
“Never again…. I promise and if I lose my memories again I promise I’ll fall in love with you all over again. If you lost your memory I’ll make you fall for me. I’ll hold you as along as I can. Babybird I will never let you go again. Not ever.” He couldn’t help but tear up too.
The next few months you two worked on building your relationship back up agian. Going on dates, looking through more scrapbook/albums and making new memories together. Vivian was abruptly fired from the Hawks agency after Hawks found out the truth. Slowly but surly Hawks would regain his memory completely and later Hawks would propose to you. Of course you said yes.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Sideline 1
Hawks x Timid Reader
Scenario: Hawks loses his memories after a villlan fight leading to head trauma. His sidekick was all the more ready to take your place as his girlfriend. She fed him lies to make Hawks hate you. Will he remember you or will you remain a thorn in his eyes.
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It had been 2 months since Hawks was hospitalized after a long stressful fight. Each day you pray he would wake up.
You were there every possible moment waiting and hoping for the day he woken up. You had to work but You would stay by his side up until visiting hours where over. You would come home to your small little apartment crying wanting to have him back. You missed his warmth and you miss all those silly moments you had together.
You immediately rushed over to the hospital once your business trip was over to check on him. When you opened the door you saw him with his side kick, Vivian, the Shadow hero. Vivian was straddling Hawks and they were flirting with one another. You were grateful that he was finally awake but heartbroken seeing him with another woman.
“Hawks?” You asked trying to hide your broken heart.
“That’s the woman I was telling you about. Always trying to tear us apart.” Vivian said.
“What are you talking about I’m-“
“Don’t act all confused now! You weee always budding in like a crazy Fan and you always harassed me! Saying mean things about my body and coming on to Hawks like a creep!” She said.
She win an Oscar if she was an actress with all her crocodile tears. That wasn’t that part that make you hurt. What made you stop and broken was the look in Hawks eyes. No longer was the loving stares he gave you, there was only hate in his eyes.
He gave you the coldest stare you ever seen and sternly said “Get out. Look I don’t know what your problem is but stay away form my girl friend and Me.”
“Wait Hawks but we ar-“
“I don’t want to hear your delusions, please leave before I call security.”
He wouldn’t listen to you. You had no choice but to leave the room. You figured by now that Hawks didn’t remember you. You look back through the small window of the door. Hawks was happy, staring lovingly toward Vivian. You left crying running home. You tried everyday to see Hawks but the staff inform you he didn’t want to see you. They looks at you with pity knowing that you cared for him deeply despite them not knowing your relationship with him other than you were on his emergency contacts.
Once he was out you went to his agency to try to reason with him. He never listened brushing you aside like you were nothing but trash to him. Vivian did her best to keep you or any memory of you from surfacing, going so far to go into his office to remove any trace of you. Hawks even told the secretary to not let you in after 3-4 times you ended up there.
After a while you gave up, Hawks didn’t want anything to do with you. You lost hope that Hawks would ever love you again. Night after night you cried and wake up from nightmares only to wake up to another nightmare. One which Hawks despise you, one that Hawks was no longer your man, no longer look at you with love, no longer Hawks even look at you. You wake up looking up hoping you catch a glance at him only for you to see nothing.
You were walking home when you came across Tokoyami. Tokoyami wasn’t that close to you but Hawks sometimes brought Tokoyami along to have lunch or dinner so you two were really well acquainted.
“Oh Hi Tsukuyomi. It’s been a while how are you?” You asked putting up the best smile you can.
“Fine. I noticed you and Hawks are not talking. Did something happen?”
You couldn’t hold yourself back from crying. You could barely even tell him the whole truth. He guiding you to away form the crowded streets and held you as cry on his shoulders. Once you calmed down you told him what happened, how Hawks hates you and refuses to speak to you.
“… he won’t listen to me. Hawks doesn’t believe me. I been sidelined by Vivian…”
“You shouldn’t give up. You love him don’t you?”
“OF COURSE I DO! But what can I do? He’s happy with her, He hates me. I can’t even get a word in before he pushes me away! I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know what to do Toki. I don’t….” You said.
“There you are.” You and Tokoyami heard.
You both look up to see Hawks. You immediately tried to hide yourself behind Tokoyami.
“Why are you here? Are you bothering my intern now?” Hawks said annoyed as soon as he saw you.
Tokoyami look back at you as you held on to his cap. You shook your head as if to tell him not to say a word.
“No, she’s not bothering me Hawks. She’s a friend of mine. I was helping her with something.”
“Oh. Well we should continue your patrols. I wanna ask if you want to have lunch with me Viv is gonna be there too.”
You flinched a bit hearing him call Vivian by a nickname so lovingly. You kept silent. Tokoyami declined and said he was going to escort you home the continue work. You can’t do anything but watch as he leaves you and Tokoyami. As he lifted you couldn’t help but try to reach out only to pull your hand back as you watch. Once you were home you laid on your couch scrolling through all your photos. Hawks smiling with you on your date to the amusement park, he was in disguise but it was a funny picture with a fake mustache. You smile at all your memories but you tears continue to fall as you remember your nothing to him now.
You can only watch him soar from the sideline.
Part 2
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Hawks x Depressed Reader
Warning: including Self harm so if you’re sensitive to that please don’t read this.
Note: if your experience depression and/or SH tendencies please as for help form others. Remember you are loved and appreciated.
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‘Useless, A word that perfectly describes me’ you thoughts.
Numbers you counted as you slide the blade across your thighs. Thighs that so many said was ugly. They said “you’re too fat. You should lose weight.” “You don’t deserve to be with hawks,”
Words that hit you harder than any punch. Words that give hurt to you. Nothing matters but him. Nothing matters to you more than him. You want him to be happy but you see yourself as a burden when you where the vary thing that kelp him sane. You didn’t know that.
The moment you saw that crimson feather knocking that blade away. You knew you screwed up, you let him see the last part you never wanted him to see. He stood there in shock of what infront of him. His golden eyes that always wad filled with a hope and a shine of happiness, now dull and filled with hurt and worry.
You said nothing as you just started cleaning up like nothing had happened. It was only a matter of a few moments that he would leave you, like everyone else did. To your surprise a hand gently put your actions to a halt. Hawks got on his knees not caring for the blood that was spilled, you blood. The fact that is was yours made him sick to his stomach. He held you, pushing your head gently into his chest as one hand on the back of your head and the other on your waist.
“Please say something, Anything. Please don’t do this agian please.”
A man you knew to be have always worn a glided mask crumbling at the sight of you hurting yourself.
Empty . You felt empty as he held on to you desperately. He was horrified at that fact he could loose you. He didn’t want to let go. You said nothing as silence filled the room.
A moment after he let you go, he didn’t say anything but help cleaned you up. You didn’t rejected him but in your mind it only cemented that fact that you were nothing but a burden to him.
Once he finished he guide you to your shared bedroom. Once agian holding you as he desperately wanted to know why you did what you did.
“Kid, why? Why hurt yourself?” Was all he was able to say.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“YES IT DOES! You matter. Whatever made you do this to yourself.. I want to protect you from it.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I love you and I don’t want to see you do that to yourself so please let me in and let me help you. Like the way you did it when my life went to hell. When I was in my darkest moment you pulled me out. So let me in.”
“You should just leave me.”
“IM NOT LEAVING YOU LIEK THIS!!” Hawks raised his voice.
This was a surprise to you no matter the argument he never raise his voice at you, not until now.
“Just leave me… like everyone else did.” You said looking away. You couldn’t face him not like this.
“I’m here now, aren’t I kid? I’m not leaving even if you pry me away. I want to protect you, I want to be someone you can lean on. What kind of hero would I be if I let my beloved hurt herself.”
You said nothing.
“Please,______ I need you. I want you. I’m not going anywhere. “ he tightened his grip on you.
You finally gathered the courage to look towards him. It was you who hurt him. Seeing the hurt In eyes made you feel guilty.
You gently patted his golden locks “I’m sorry. Don’t be upset.”You look at him and gave him a small smile.
He knew all too well what your expression is. It was one he used often to cover his true feelings. One he could se straight through but Hawks didn’t understand why you were apologizing to him.
“It’s okay to not smile all the time. You can be real with me.” He said.
It was a saying all to familiar to you, words you offered as comfort when he need. Now those same words used on yourself. You dropped it after a moment, it wasn’t fair to him.
“Sometimes it’s just too much.” You said “when you feel like you don’t matter. All I am is someone’s problem. Someone useless the world doesn’t need. I’m not someone to be cried over . You shouldn’t have to worry about someone as useless, worthless and ug-“ he stopped you.
“Don’t belittle yourself like that. You’re so much more. You always bring joy to those around you. You’re kind and always thoughtful of others. You’re the most prettiest and compassionate person I know. You’re nothing close to being useless.” He said looking straight into your eyes, “whenever you have those thoughts agian, come to me. Let me show you just how great of a person you are, love. My sweet babybird.”
Your eyes widen as you hear his word. Words that had never been used to describe you so sincerely. Words that hits you like a warm ray of sunshine. Something about Hawks’s ernsty hit you hard, harder than any puncn, kick, or mean words. You couldn’t stop your own tears from flowing. Your hands raised up to grab him and hold him just as tightly as he held you. You sobbed letting all those years to frustration and self loathing out. He held you, rubbed your back and wrapped his wings around you. Shielding you from the rest of the world.
“I love you.” He said “don’t ever doubt that.”
The both of you stayed like that for a hour or so. Form then on Hawks was even more careful around you and always keeping and eye on you. Hawks never wanted to catch you like that ever again. He praise you at every chance he got, took you out went you felt down.
You started your healing with hawks, he was with you all the way.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Keigo Takami (Hawks) Master List
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This is my second Hawks master list. All of this is Hawks fanfics or Hawks-related. Please note that My English isn’t that great so grammar or spelling will be out of the window on occasion 😅😅
Hawks Master-List 1
“You Want to Cuddle Me?” (x Clingy Reader)
Aftercare +18 (x Reader)
Words (x Depressed Reader)
Last Call (x Hero Reader)
Long Stories:
Sideline (x Timid Reader):
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
“You Want to Cuddle Me?”
Hawks x Clingy reader
Scenario: Hawks comforts you about your insecurity in physical affection. Cuddles lots of cuddles.
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You were always insecure about being to clingy. Sure you family didn’t mine you coming up randomly for a hug or a small kiss on the forehead but they never really initiated any physical contact by themselves after you grew up. Your friends always pushed you off whenever you tried to hugged them, telling you to stop acting like a child. Your ex’s thoughts your clinginess was cute at first but started to think you were annoying. You ended up breaking up with him because he like a girl who constantly wanted affection. You had always shown your love through physical affection and contact but often times than not the people around you only found you annoying or incredibly clingy. This led you your insecurities around clinging to on or people.
You been with Hawks for a month now, and you were always the one who first offered cuddles or kisses. You always held yourself back form just running up to him to cuddle and feel his warmth. You would always kelp the cuddle time to a minimum and restraining yourself to only less than 10 kisses a day. You were afraid to scare him off with your overly cuddly personality. Sure Hawks was busy but he always to make time to spend with you even it if just a small movie date. You really loved him and the last thing you want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Today was a day off for the hero. He had originally planned to let you plan out your date like always but wanted to do something for you too. Hawks wanted to have a date he planned and make you happy. He had thought about this for a long time, what would be your perfect date?
Hawks started the morning off by making breakfast for himself and getting dressed to go to your place. He went to a couple of shops before heading to your place. As he flew to your place he texted you.
H: Hey feather, I’m coming over now.
y: Morning! Can’t wait to see you!
H: me too~
Like alway he would enter through the balcony door. You greeted him by running to your living room but you restrained yourself form hugging him immediately.
“Hey Kei! So you what did you plan for today?” You said happily.
He smirks sand proudly proclaims “a cuddle date! I thought about taking you out to fancy place but the I realized you probably get uncomfortable like how you got uncomfortable at the dinner date I suggested last time. So I bought your favorite snacks a few games and a movie we can watch while we cuddle and stuff.”
You looked at Hawks stunned at his cuddle date proposal. It’s not like your ex’s never liked cuddles but whenever you do cuddle they alway brushed you off after an hour or so. To have Hawks purpose something was a pleasant surprise to you.
“You want to… cuddle me?” You said timidly.
“Yeah? Whats wrong you don’t like the idea? If so we can go out probably for lunch or the arcade or whatever you want.” Hawks said worriedly.
“No is not that…” you said looking away form him.
“Then what’s the matter?” Hawks asked as he walked closer to you.
“It’s just…..” you didn’t know what to say.
Hawks guide you to the couch and sat down with you. He waited patiently as you gathered your thoughts.
“Feather~ you can talk to me okay?”
“You don’t find me too clingy? With cuddles and stuff?”
“No, it’s adorable actually. I like being cuddled by you. It feels like home, growing up I never really had that kind of connection with others not even with my mom. It’s nice.” Hawks said as he lifted you chin up to look at him.
“You don’t mind me randomly cuddling you? Or giving you kisses out of nowhere?”
“Not at all feather. Now would you tell me what gave you that idea?” He said and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Everyone thinks Im too clingy. That I act like a child whenever I ask for hugs or just hold hands. They always just pushed me off.”
“Is that why you always stop cuddling after an hour or two?”
You nodded and looked away feeling the intensity of the way hawks was looking at you. You suddenly felt yourself being lifted up only to be placed done on hawks lap. You blushed as he held on to you nuzzling into the back of you neck.
“Babybird~ I would never find you clingy. I love you just the way you are. I love your cuddled and kisses. I don’t care when or how you do it as long as I get to spend time with you. I don’t mind you being clingy in fact I think I like being clingy to.” Hawks said “I wanna be close to you to, so please don’t hold yourself back form cuddles, kisses, holding hands and everything in between.”
“Kei, you’re the sweetest.”
“Your sweeter for alway being there when I need you. I love coming to your place and just being able to hold you like this.”
You smile and turned around straddling him. You give him a kiss and nuzzled him and got comfortable with your head in the nook of his neck. You lived feeling his warmth and having him cuddle you back.
You two spend the rest of the day clinging on to each other watching movies and playing games. It was the perfect date for you and him.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Final Note
Hawks x Dead Reader
Synopsis: Hawks thinking of you and reacting to yoru feat after a villain murdered you.
Warning: Death, angst, Sad Hawks
‘You can’t be gone’ was the first thought Hawks had when he saw the carnage before him. Collapsed buildings surround him and you. You were on the ground unmoved with civilian. They were sad looking down on your body as they tried their best to help you. Hawks got a call a villain was a mist and came as fast as he can. He remembered you were on patrol in that area so he was extra speedy. The villain in question was only a few feet away from where you three stood, passed out with considerable damage on him.
He froze he didn’t know what to do. He’s love is now on the ground bleeding without a trace of life. The civilian started to talk “They.. saved me. They blocked me from all the fighting and they stopped the villain but the villain….”
Hawks snapped out of it and went to hold you in his arms, desperately searching for any semblance of life.
“ H/n told me something before they passed out. They said that they had a note in there pocket and make sure if they don’t make it to tell someone. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.” The civilian said as their voice was shaky.
After a few seconds Hawks finally spoke “there’s an ambulance that way. If you can’t walk I can take you.. just give me a moment.”
He sounded so dejected, the usual humor and cheer he had was gone. He wanted nothing more but to hold you and cry but he had to make sure the civilian was safe. The civilian nodded and went the direction that Hawks had pointed. As soon as the civilian was out of sight, he broke down. He nuzzled his had into your neck as he clung on to you as he cried. He knew, he knew you were gone but he can’t believe it. He couldn’t accept it.
“Please baby. Please wake up….” He knew but he still begged you to stay. Still begged you to open your eyes hoping that this was just a nightmare.
A few minutes passed but before a few more hero’s came to the scene. They saw hawks holding you as he cried. They knew they shouldn’t intervene, they saw how much Hawks cared for you, they saw how desperately he clung on to your cold body. They left him alone, dragging the unconscious villain away.
He searched your pocket remember what the civilian told him.
“Dear Keigo,
If your reading this, I am dead. I keep this pretty updated; after all being a hero is dangerous. I never know when will be the last time we see each other. There’s a lot I want to say and do with you but fate had other plans. I know how you are love, and I want you to know if we did have a argument before then I forgive you or if I was at fault, I’m sorry. My birdie… my love… my life. Thank you. Thank you for being my one and only. Thank your for being my hero. I want you to be happy without me. Find someone better or not just be happy. If not for yourself the for me. I know it’s tough, I probably break if I knew your were dead too. I know your going to have a hard time moving on but just know; no matter where I am or what I am (I might be a ghost haunted you oooOoOoOoooOo) I always love you. If there a great beyond then I will be waiting at the gates for you. Oh and there a box of stuff under my side of the bed is for you, to keep or to burn.”
He held you close for another hour before he carried you away from the scene. Hawks eyes never left your face. He was focused on getting you out. The heros had to pry him off of you. He loved too much to see you go, even if he knew that you were no longer with him.
Your funeral was a blur to him. Hawks had completely shut down after your death. He didn’t try to keep up his image, his once cheerful demeanor was gone. He no longer interacted with fans, no longer gave them any smiles, he just did his job. When he finally was ready he went and found the box you had left him.
It was a memo box, full of all your favorite moments together. There was photos, a book full of your thoughts, gifts you had planned to give you and the one that hit hard the most was the little trinkets you kept that he gave you. Hawks always gave you whatever he saw that he liked, that was his bird instinct coming out. He find little things to give you from his patrols whether it was a shiny rock or just some random thin go he found on the ground. You were always happy to see those gifts. Hawks looked at every item with love and sadness. It was the first time he smiled after your passing. Memories of you, and those gifts you left him was all so important to him. That box and everything in it was most his most valuable and cherished items along with all the photos of you together.
He knows you want him to live happy and he will try. Hawks wanted to create new memories to tell you when you find each-other once more. It doesn’t matter where he is he always remember you always think of you would like the place he went or things he did. He always will be yours and only yours.
“Baby, I wonder if you’re watching right now…. I miss you. When we meet agian I love to tell you all the things I did. I hope you’re happy wherever you are.”
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Love Hurts B, Love Again?
Scenario: You have a crush on Hawks but he loves another or so it seems. One day you learned that you have the Hanakai disease. Will you be saved?
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Y/n = Your name
Part 1
Part 2
Hawks rushed to the hospital front and got your room number and dashed to your room.
“Y/n!” He said as he rushed to your side and held your hand.
You open your eyes to see him.“You’re here….”Your voice was raspy, you were as pale as a ghost form all the blood you lost. You hated the fact that he had to see you like that.
“Mirko told me about what’s happening to you. Why did—“ he stop himself form question you, he had a to endure your survival first “please take the surgery, feather. It’s not worth dying for someone who doesn’t even know how much they’re missing out.”
You’ve long given up on Hawks ever recuperating that love you have for him. Seeing him so desperate to save you made you happy, knowing that he cared for you. You decided it’s scary, you don’t know what will happen but accepting that he wouldn’t be in love.
“Really?” Hawks said happily.
“Whatever…. happens, Keigo please stay with me..” you said as your squeeze his hand.
“I promise. I’ll be there every step of the way.”
The surgery was successful and doctors told him about how the surgery also removed memories of the person that you had unrequited love for. Hawks was also told that you might be feeling a bit off got the few days before getting used to not having those memories after all it probably would feel like losing a part of yourself. When you finally woke up you you saw Hawks.
“Hey, how you feeling?”
“A but woozy but okay.”
Hawks let out a sigh of relief. He called the doctor in making sure you were fine after everything. One. He left Hawks took the time to talk to you a bit.
“Must be werid right?”
“Yeah… just don’t remember much. Feels a little…”
“Empty?” Hawks asked.
“Yeah. I really appreciate you being here though Hawks. You’re probably super busy and you still went a took care of me. I’m glad to have a co worker like you.”
“Very funny Feathers, pretending I’m just a co worker~ Commone it’s just the two of us. You know you can call me by name.” Hawks joked.
You looked at him confused “you never mentioned your real name before.”
That’s when it clicked Hawks immediately grabbed on to your arms gently of course and in a slight panic asked “Y/N what am I to you? And what do you remember of me?”
“That’s a strange question. You’re my coworker at the commission and the number two. Why?”
Hawkes desperately trying to look for any signs of lying and sign taht you were joking with him but at last there was none. Hawks let you go and sat back down beside you. He was silent for a good 5 minutes. ‘You don’t remember me…. But that means…. ‘ he shook his head thinking he was probably think to much. Not long after he went back to work but still couldn’t shake the feeling that it was him that you loved.
Once you were out of the hospital, Hawks took you home, and reminded you were you were and stuff. At this point it was obvious to him that you don’t remember him as Keigo anymore. There was no denying that, but Hawks didn’t know what to think so like many of his emotions he tried to suppress it. So many thought came to mine ‘how long did you love me? Why didn’t you confess? What do I feel about you. Did I love you romantically?’ Hawks decided for the time being to rebuild your friendship bit by bit. The more he hangout with you the more he realizes just how much he’s taken from you. You were distant and he hated it. More time passes the more realize just how much he missed messing around, hangout, cuddles between ‘friends’ and most of all he hated the fact that he didn’t see it sooner.
This frustration lead to anger not towards you but himself and guilt.
One night on your little hangouts on the roof of your apartment complex he finally decided to talk about it with you. He finally was able to gather his thoughts and wanted to talk about it.
There was an uncomfortable silence as you both watch the skyline. Hawks padded the place next to him urging you to stand closer. You did and you both sat there for a while.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For letting you go through so much pain.”
“It wasn’t yo-“
“IT IS! “ he yelled in frustration.
Hawks was never one to lose he’s cool around you so this was a ‘first’.
“The moment you called me Hawks I realized it was me. You may not remember but we’re childhood’s friends. We used to play together, pick up toys that some other kids would throw out. We joked, we laughed, we sleep together in the same bed.
You always have a way of making me feel at home. So when you called me hawks I knew. At first I didn’t know what to think. Knowing that I hurt you so much with out know it is what hurt me the most.” He said finally turning to look at you.
“I’m sorry, I don’t remember.” You said whipping tears off of his face that he didn’t realize was coming out.
“Y/n would you give me a chance to love you? Even if it took you losing your memories to finally realize how much love you? Give me a chance to make you fall for me all over agian?” He said sincerely looking at you.
You were sunned for a while as Hawks patiently waited for your response.
You chuckle a bit after thinking “Make me fall for you again huh? That sounds cheesy as hell. But I think it suits you.”
You held his hand and rested your head on his shoulder “I may not remember what we had before but I do know is how much care you shown me. You been nothing but great during these past few weeks. I think I like to see were it goes.”
“Thank you, I’ll do my best feather. Please call me Keigo agian when we’re alone. I miss having you call me by my name.”
You smile and said “Kei, what a lovely name. I like it. ”
Hawks talking on and on about how you were before all of this happened and reminding you of all your good times together and how you will create new memories together. Here’s to a new start, and a reborn love between you and hawks.
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sanscat0414 · 1 year ago
Love Hurts A, Love Acquired
Hawks x Reader
Scenario: You have a crush on Hawks but he loves another or so it seems. One day you learned that you have the Hanakai disease. Will you be saved?
Y/N = your name
Part 1
Part 2
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Hawks rushed to the hospital front and got your room number and dashed to your room.
“Y/n!” He said as he rushed to your side and held your hand.
You open your eyes to see him.
“You’re here….”
Your voice was raspy, you were as pale as a ghost form all the blood you lost. You hated the fact that he had to see you like that.
“Mirko told me about what’s happening to you. Why did—“ he stop himself form questioning you, he had a to endure your survival first “Please take the surgery, feather. It’s not worth dying for someone who doesn’t even know how much they’re missing out.”
You shook your head no.
“The tell me who is it that you love so much that your willing to die for them? I don’t want to loose you to this. Please feather. I promise I’ll get them here fast and you can confess and—“
You stopped him by gently lifting your hand to his face. You smiled and said “Okay.”
“So who.”
“I love, ” Cue dramatic pause mostly because your out of breathe “you, Keigo. I always have…. If I loose those memories and feelings for you it be losing a large chunk of my life…. I can’t risk that because that’s how much I love…. you.”
Hawks stared at you for a moment thinking back to the two of you. The times you help him and the times he help you. He thought that’s just what friends did now, the more he thought about it the more he realized just how much he actually love you. You were a bit nervous for a while form his intense staring, knowing he’s probably in deep thought. You couldn’t help but think he might wanted to reject you and your okay with that knowing at least you tried.
“Keigo, I’m perfectly fine if you——“ You were interrupted by Hawks hand sushing you following by a gentle kiss from him.
“I wish I had realized sooner, so I could have save you from all that pain. “ Hawks said once he moved away from you.
You about to say something before you started coughing again. Hawks slightly panic and rushed to get a doctor. Once a doctor was here they rushed Hawks out and tended to you. Hawks was nervous ‘maybe it didn’t work? Maybe I didn’t love them enough maybe I’m confusing romantic love for platonic loves? No that’s not it. Maybe I was too late…..’ A million thoughts ran through his head, hoping and praying that you be okay.
Once the doctor came out Hawks bombarded the doctor with a bunch of questions. “… is she okay?!”
“Uh. Your her emergency contact right?”
“Okay, it seems that she’s getting better. Hanakai is a bit finicky when it comes to healing after the confession. Some heal instantly some take a bit of time.. so we still need to do a few tests to confirm this. She’s fine right now buts she fell asleep not long after she stopped coughing up flowers. Well to the test tomorrow and compare them form the fromer test and see if there’s any improvement.”
Hawks have a small sigh of relief. You’re not out of the woods yet and he promised to comeback tomorrow to see if you felt any better. The next day Hawks went straight to the hospital after work. When you saw him you couldn’t help but blush thinking about yesterday’s kiss and confession.
“So how are you?” Hawks asked worriedly.
“I’m dying.” You said with a straight face
He looked modified thinking he might have not lived you enough to save you.
You not being able to hold it and laughed abit.” Sorry sorry that was in bad taste, the doctor said it will go away after awhile. Apparently I’m just those unfortunate enough to get our feelings reciprocated and still need to wait it out instead of having love magically fix us.”
He immediately went in for a hug, gently of course. He then flicked your head.
“Ow what was that for?!”
“For scaring the sh*t out of me. And this is for me being too much of a doofus to not realize how much I love you.” He said giving you a kiss on the lips.
“Here I thought you like Mirko.”
“Sure she a good woman but I only love you. It just took longer for me to realize that.”
“You always talked about her and…”
“Feather~ I just wanted to share some good time I had with her because I thought those stories were funny. Besides it being a hundred times better if you were there with us you know.”
“I guess I should thank her for spilling the beans.” You said feeling a bit sillly after everything.
For the next few weeks you stayed with Hawks after being cleared to leave. He helped you during your recovery. Showering you with love and affection thinking it might help speed up your recovery. Helping you with day to day life as there was a few things that took longer to heal like how anemic you became from all the blood loss. He complained how much he missed you and how he wanted nothing more than to be with you 24/7. It was nice living with him. Hawks didn’t let you go to work even when you felt like you were feeling a lot better.
“Hey Feather! No working until your fully recovered. I don’t want you getting infections or something.”
Once you finally got better, Hawks asked you to move in with him properly. It wasn’t that big of a difference form how you guys were before all of this ordeal but you loved all the New Romantic stuff that Hawks would do like trying to make dinner for you or getting you gifts. Naturally you did the same. You couldn’t help but think how luck you are to have him.
Here’s to new relationship you hope to last for years to come.
“I love you Kei.”
“I love you more My sweet Angel.”
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