chaoticcorvidium · 46 minutes
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New lousnoopys to celebrate the big day (ldpdl birthday) i dont know who those other guys are tho sorry
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chaoticcorvidium · 3 hours
shut up watch this
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chaoticcorvidium · 3 hours
I've seen people worrying about Moodeng and Khao Kheow zoo in general, can't help but also notice literally everyone making accusations are foreigners who are not Thai/local and doesn't actually know about the zoo outside of socmed....
thankfully, some people are correcting the misinformation, as a fellow Thai and supporter of Khao Kheow zoo, I feel obligated to share it here
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(^ this exactly!! there are a lot of zoos to attack in Thailand, Khao Kheow is NOT one of them. in term of both quality and ethics Khao Kheow is one of the best in Thailand, not a super high bar but yk)
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(^ !!!! important too. aside from the keepers' safety its also so that it makes it easier to do checkups or treatments on her)
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ok I think that's long enough and tackled many of the points the original tumblr callout made. If you want to read more check the comments in the link
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also ahaha-
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chaoticcorvidium · 6 hours
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happy birthday louis and happy snoopy day to all we who celebrate <3
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chaoticcorvidium · 6 hours
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Backstage photos shared by Quinn Allman on Twitch // Sep 28th 2024 Screenshots via BURLEDMYSELF on Twitter [x] [x]
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chaoticcorvidium · 6 hours
The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil
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chaoticcorvidium · 6 hours
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chaoticcorvidium · 10 hours
shakespeare wasn't lying that tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow can creep in this petty pace from day to day
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chaoticcorvidium · 12 hours
Welcome everyone
My name is Mohammad Ayesh, and I’m raising funds for my younger brother, Yasser, who was born during the 2014 war and developed a hearing impairment due to missile strikes. He received a successful cochlear implant through a Qatari delegation, but the external device, which requires charged batteries, often fails due to the lack of electricity caused by the ongoing blockade. This has affected Yasser's ability to hear and speak, undoing much of the progress he made through costly speech therapy.
Before the war, we struggled to afford Yasser’s therapy sessions, and now, his device frequently malfunctions due to heat and sweat, with repairs being expensive and hard to access. Yasser also faces psychological challenges as he struggles to express himself clearly
I’ve chosen not to show Yasser in a vulnerable state, but instead, to share images of him before and during the war. The funds raised will cover the repair of his device, ongoing speech therapy, and help our family rebuild after the war’s devastation. Your contribution will truly make a difference
And now, after dedicating my time and effort for many months during the war to supporting Palestinian families and their campaigns to reach the world through(gaza-evacuation-funds )I feel it’s my duty to care for my own family and try to support them. After much hesitation and deep reflection, I’ve decided to launch my own campaign. However, I will continue to share and support other campaigns and help those in need.
Your donation, no matter how small, will make a big difference in keeping my campaign going. If you donate, you can take a screenshot and share the campaign using hashtags for Palestine, encouraging others to contribute just like you.
Thank you for being as usuall … Supportive 🙏🏻
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chaoticcorvidium · 23 hours
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I have a thing to get to but had to get this out real quick
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chaoticcorvidium · 1 day
Wanna shout-out hexroll, a fantastic app that basically generates a ready to play B/X compatible hexcrawl, with populations and everything
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chaoticcorvidium · 1 day
do you think the jaegers scream when they die…..
you are built. you are coded by a man who creates you out of love. you house two being inside of you. these creatures share a brain & plug themselves into You. you can feel them they drift with you as much as each other. you are sent to fight. you are sent to-
die? no! you are sent to protect. you must protect the little ones inside of you and the many more little ones outside. the ones who built you. who dreamt you up. the ones who depend on you, the little ones are scared. you know of what. when it rises up at you you do your best. you fight and you follow the little ones’ lead and you protect. you have never felt pain before. you do now. you feel it in the hydraulic fluid that sprays and bleed out of you. you feel it in the broken wiring and the snapping of metal sheets and the fear of your souls. souls- pilots- souls- little ones. you burn with nuclear pain and they feel it echo across the drift. you are not winning. You are not Surviving. but you can Protect. so you do.
you fight and when it rends through your core you scream. you scream with the screeching of metal tearing. with the sparking and crying of electronics. with your souls- your pilots- your souls. you scream and creak and when the little ones cry you do what you can to take this monstrosity down with you. you scream. you scream with your core and with your souls and you force that radiation to overload. you die screaming yes, but you also die Protecting.
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chaoticcorvidium · 1 day
disability rights involves the right to do fuck all. the right to be a useless member of society and STILL be loved and cared for and have a fair standard of living. human beings are not defined by the capital we produce.
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chaoticcorvidium · 2 days
can someone please send me that post abt washing your sheets "climb in my brothers"
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chaoticcorvidium · 2 days
sometimes plushies make me cry because it’s like. they’re little guys made to be loved. their only purpose is to be held and hugged and loved. we made them because we love making things and we love loving things. and they’re so cute
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chaoticcorvidium · 2 days
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DEVIL'S MINION (insp. by this post from @toyboy-molloy )
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chaoticcorvidium · 2 days
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Autumn hunt 🍂🍂
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