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sillyguycenteral · 1 year ago
Gibbs as your father headcanons (plus the team)
Gibbs is the only consistent parent you have in your life
Sure you have Ducky but he isn’t always around and you don’t live with him
And your mother died before you could even remember her 
All of the step moms left eventually sometimes even violently 
Gibbs isn’t perfect but he’s your dad
But once you’re old enough to start really hanging around the team it gets real fun
Abby is the coolest person you’ve ever met
She’s the sun and moon in your mind
She colors with you and makes fun of your dad! 
What more could a kid want in a person?
Kate is a close second to Abby only because you’ve known Abby longer
Kate is the one who grounds you and Abby when your at NCIS
She’s still really fun and colors with you and might even play catch with you if you play your cards right
She won’t do any of that if your dad is around though which sucks and knocks her down to third if your feeling spiteful
Tony has nothing on Abby but him and Kate are usually tied for second in your mind
When Tony joins the team your around 8 ish 
You didn’t warm up to him as fast as you did Abby
That was until he’s heater broke and he needed a place to stay after that the rest was history and he become the honorary brother to Abby's honorary sister
Whenever he has to stay with you and your dad you guys go ham
It’s board games, pizza, every kind of soda you can get your grubby hands on and if there isn’t a case you know you both are going to the movies!
Gibbs acts like he’s annoyed but he’s very glad you’re able to have a somewhat normal childhood
He’ll participate in a round of monopoly only if he can be the banker 
Though this isn’t a frequent event in the Gibbs household it is always a memorable experience
More about your relationship with Gibbs now!
Gibbs is a complex man and even more complex father
He loves you more than life itself there isn’t a doubt in his mind or anyone else's that he wouldn’t die for you
Now how he expresses that is…very much how you would expect him to
He’ll hug you if you’re the one initiating, you would have to be a near sobbing mess for him to really just come up and give you a hug 
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want he’s just not a super touchy person
The mans just awkward and your a teenager now and he doesn’t want to embarrass you (in that way)
Speaking of embarrassing you… oh my god this old man is the literal devil
He gets such a kick out seeing you yell at him or even look slightly annoyed at him
He’s such a dad in that way (when he’s not almost crashing the car you know his ass is trying to get that dad tax)
And if you’re easily embarrassed you’ll have to grow out of that quick
Like anytime that you visit him or any of the team members at NCIS and it starts to get late lights out immediately 
 This old man is forcing you to go to bed
Not tired? 
He couldn’t give less of a shit 
Your still his kid and have school tomorrow
Is he going to drive you home? No chance, that’s a waste of gas money kid 
You’re the one who wanted to be here so suck it up, take his jacket and go to sleep
A little off topic but he is such a “it’s that damn phone” kind of dad
Like of course he is
You have cold cause it’s going around at your school
Wouldn’t have it if you weren’t always texting now would you?
What a silly man
I’ll definitely add more later but hope you enjoyed it :) Let me know if there is anything I can do to improve or anything you want to see!!
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vviolynn · 2 years ago
Y/N: Can I touch it?
Bucky: Touch what?
Y/N: That.
Y/N: *Points to his metal arm*
Bucky: *Looks at Steve who’s next to him.*
Steve: *Shrugs and hums ‘i dunno?’*
Bucky: Uh… sure?
Y/N: *Lets out a girly squeal and wraps her hands around his metal bicep.*
Bucky: *Looks to Steve again.*
Bucky: Is she always like this?
Steve: Pretty much…
Y/N: *Screams in fangirl and shakes his arm aggressively*
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elizabethzoopzoop986 · 7 months ago
This trio is so Plastics coded and nothing can change my mind
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Terus Regina, Akanes Gretchen and Nene is Karen
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pieflavoredartz · 1 year ago
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toji n sukuna TOJIKUNA if u will oooo 😳😳😳
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deathandnonexistentialdread · 2 months ago
Kant becoming a car thief because of Style's infodumping about car parts and their values. Kant stealing cars but still treating them with care because Style taught him the basics of dealing with cars.
Style looking after Babe when Kant ends up arrested. Kant asking Style why he is not angry with him. Kant and Style still maintaining their friendship and closeness despite everything.
The fact that Kant stole cars while having a mechanic bff and Kant being very open to Style about the Captain's dirt on him regarding the car thefts is very interesting.
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eebygeebiez · 3 months ago
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lulublack90 · 7 months ago
Prompt 31 - Fluff
@wolfstarmicrofic July 31, word count 753
Part twelve of werewolf Sirius
This is probably going to be the last part for now. I might do a second part but a Jegulus. Let me know what you think 🙂
Previous part First part
After finally getting rid of the bat bogeys that were attacking his face, Sirius raced out of the castle after Remus and his brother. They apparated together back to the new camp. Remus checked their wards, and then they headed towards the sound of happy people chatting merrily. 
They all got bowls of food and went to find somewhere to relax. Marcus waved them over to a spot he’d laid blankets on and they settled there. 
Sirius found he wasn’t all that hungry, but he ate anyway, so Rorbey didn’t scold him. It was some sort of rice and chicken dish and was delicious. He felt very full once he'd finished his meal and ended up curled on the blanket with his head in Remus’s lap. Remus ran his fingers lazily through Sirius’s hair, and he could feel his eyes beginning to droop shut. He must have drifted off as the next thing he knew, Remus was gently waking him and leading him into the forest. He glanced back and saw that Regulus had fallen asleep as well. Someone had covered him with a blanket and Marcus was watching over him. He felt bad for abandoning his brother already, but whatever Remus needed him for, it must be important. 
They walked deeper into the forest and came upon a small open area full of wildflowers. Sirius ran out into it, letting his fingers brush the delicate petals. He spun back to smile at Remus, but Remus was right behind him. Suddenly, he was on his back in the middle of the flowers with Remus above him. Remus dipped his head and they were kissing. Sirius laughed and rolled them, not letting Remus’s lips go. Remus rolled them right back, pressing his hips into Sirius's to keep him there. Sirius couldn’t remember the last time they’d been so carefree. 
An hour or so later, Sirius had his head on Remus’s bare chest, and they were watching the clouds drift by in the sky above them. 
“That one looks like the birthmark James has on his arse,” He pointed to a wonky cloud. 
“How do you know Prongs has a birthmark there and what it looks like?” Remus chuckled. Sirius could feel the vibrations through Remus’s chest. 
“Quidditch locker room. I know more than I ever wanted to know about our peer’s naked bodies.” Sirius scrunched up his nose. 
“In that case, I’ll take your word for it.” 
A blueish-white hyena came bounding towards them. They both tensed until they realised it was a Patronus. Marcus’s voice sounded out of its open mouth. 
“The wee Black is waking up,” It told them, then vanished. 
“Come on, sweetheart, time to go back.”  
He snuggled into Remus’s side, holding his hand firmly as they explained everything to Regulus. Regulus stayed silent the entire time they were talking. They told him how they were captured. That Sirius was now a werewolf and how they’d usurped Greyback and Remus had taken over as the pack leader and their plan to rescue him. 
But before Regulus could ask his questions, a loud wailing siren went off. They all jumped to their feet, wands out, ready for an attack, apart from Remus. 
“Oh, good he’s here,” Remus flicked his wand, the air around the treeline wavered and a figure appeared. 
“James!” Sirius cried out, running full pelt at his best friend and launching into his arms. “James!” He cried again, burying his face in James’s chest. 
“Pads, I thought you were dead!” James sobbed as he held Sirius tight.
"I love you, Prongs!"
"I love you, Padfoot!" 
“Bleh,” Regulus gagged behind them. “Are they always this much?” He asked Remus. Remus chuckled.
“I’ve seen worse.”
James peered over Sirius’s head and his eyes bulged out of his head. 
“Regulus?” He rasped. “But, you’re actually… In the papers… Your own family…” Regulus rolled his eyes. 
“Do try to calm down, Potter. Stories of my demise were greatly exaggerated. I’m perfectly fine, as you can see.” Regulus turned more serious. “I have vital information for the Order.”
“Can it wait?” Sirius whined as he wiggled closer to James, missing the contact he hadn't been able to have over the last few months. 
“Only if you want to lose the war,” Regulus scoffed, turning away. 
“Save the world now, hug later?” Sirius suggested, before dropping from James’s arms and bounding after his brother, grabbing Remus’s hand on the way and dragging him along with him. It looked like their adventures were far from over. 
Second part of the series (Jegulus)
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applejuicebegood · 1 year ago
My Home, My Heart - Platonic!141 x Reader
Fem!reader Summary: Y/N has invited her teammates to her farm relax after their deployment, they enjoy an early morning together with Y/N's younger sisters. Masterlist
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Cw: Mentions of an absent mother, mentions of alcohol, very cringe writing
Word Count: 2232
The morning air was cold and thick with the scent of brewing coffee and dusty curtains. You winced, pulling yourself from your cocoon of quilts and comforters. You reached for the knitted sweater you left on the floor with a yawn, still tasting last night's bourbon on your tongue. You scratched the back of your head, tangled hair falling down your back. A pleasant sting in your muscles drew you further into consciousness. The intricate tattoos stretching over the scarred skin was a prideful mapping of your stories and ancestry. A permanent reminder of what you cherished most. 
You made your way across the familiar path of your bedroom, your socked feet creeking across the worn wooden floor boards. You thumped down the stairs to squint away the morning light shining through the fogged windows. Tracing your nails across the scratches in the wooden railing as you did when you were little. Your farm house was quaint, nestled into a vast, rich, valley that was folded into the ocean cliffside. If you were lucky and the morning mists parted in time, you could see the sun kiss the churning waters golden. The property had been in your family for decades, the imprint of different generations found in the old oil-stained recipe books stored over your stove, the tablecloths and plaid quilts your grandmothers had sewed together by hand, the worn-in farming tools that you had been teaching your sisters to use, and in the welcoming promise of security you returned to after every deployment. You cared for this home, the same way it had cared for you and your sisters. So when money grew scarce and your mother abandoned the property, you joined the military, trained as a combat medic, and sent the majority of your checks back to the farm and into your sister's schooling. Little did you know that in joining the army and eventually qualifying as an SAS soldier, you would find yourself under the command of Captain John Price along with the other chosen candidates for the coveted 141 squad. In which you had managed to find the comfort of home far away from it. 
You had found it in their smiles and their hearty laughter. In Johnny's jabs at Simon for his British mannerisms and in your conversations with Gaz regarding his nightmares surrounding the night he first met the captain. You found it in your Price’s encouraging rants about bravery and in his habit to always make sure you had eaten at least one thing that day. You found it in random bars and around a deck of cards, in the bottom of cheap beer bottles and the barracks of the different bases you were rotated between. When you first joined, you believed that you had only two goals, make sure none of these men die, and if they do make sure they don’t die alone. It was only through the many bullets you had to dig out of their muscles and the frantic stitching of open wounds did you begin to see these men as your brothers rather than colleagues. You cared for them with disciplined tenderness, never treating them as broken but always ready to help fix and mend their wounds. And as your first year on the team stretched into three you eventually had invited them to spend a few nights at the farm. Before, only Gaz, Roach and Johnny found time to make the trip. It was only now that you had convinced everyone to come up for at least one night, with Price and his wife meant to be driving up that evening. It was meant to symbolize how far you had come as a team but also a merging between your two homes. A celebration of your camaraderie and friendship, or that's what you told yourself as you stocked up on ibuprofen for the inevitable hangovers you would have to deal with. Your sisters were ecstatic, to have someone else in the house to talk and play with other than you. You couldn’t blame them. In your phone calls with Marigold in the days leading up to your flight back, she couldn’t stop talking about how happy she and Emi were to see their uncle Johnny and to finally meet the mysterious Simon Riley you talked so much about. 
Your lieutenant was someone you knew didn’t have a home like yours to return to. You had never forced Simon into feeling obligated to accept your offer, even if you told him every holiday and summer season that he was welcomed in your home and that your sisters would love to meet him. So, when you made your way to the kitchen and saw from across the tiled counter that your youngest was sitting at his side, asking feverish questions about his tattoos while tracing them with her small chubby fingers, you felt a mixture of relief and pride bloom in your chest. ‘Morn’in… you sleep well?’ Gaz asks who stands at your coffee maker, pouring himself a cup. You smile, realizing that the tension that held his shoulders back and his jaw tight had finally dissipated. The cream cable-knit sweater was pulled up to his elbows so as to not get the fabric dirtied with coffee grounds. 
‘Of course.. How could I not after last night?’ He smirked, dumping fresh grounds into the machine. You were referencing the long card game you had played the night before. All of you finally went to bed when Roach’s slurred speech was entirely indiscernible, elated from the bottles of Geniuss Johny had brought from his trip into town that day with Simon. 
‘Well, you are still the only one who has managed to stay sober, that might change tonight once captain gets here’ Gaz says, you snickered as you pulled the fridge open, finding the coffee creamer. You handed it to Gaz, knowing he is the only one who likes the stuff, you stocked up. In a trade, he handed you a cup of coffee of your own. You took a generous swig, the dark liquid burned down your throat, waking you up. 
‘Y/N!’ The squeal of your little sister's voice made you smile widely, giggling at the way she perked up from Simon’s arms, finally noticing you. Her bright red hair was messy and tangled. Your old shirt she had chosen to sleep in hung from her small body with the tube socks bunching down her calves. You set the cup down before crouching down to pick her up and swing her into your arms as she ran into the kitchen, peppering her freckled cheeks and forehead with kisses. After coming back from every deployment, you tried to give your sisters as many kisses and hugs you think they missed when you were away.
‘There’s my little lass! What were ya do’in with our Simon there lovie? This early in ‘da morn’in?’ You cooed, brushing back the frizzy strands from her bright round face. Her arms pat your shoulders in her built up excitement. ‘He- He was tell’in me ‘bout the dwa’ins on his a~arms.. It’s like yours!’ She said pointing back at Simon, who sat idly on your couch. The one requirement you gave him was that he wasn’t allowed to wear his ski-mask in the house. You wanted your sisters to know the real Simon, not the soldier. You chuckled, looking back at your lieutenant, his lips drawn upwards as he looked down at his hands. Gaz reached over and ruffled your sister's hair before kissing her head and turning back to switch on your old stove and pulling out a large pan from your cupboard. ‘Was he now? That is just… huh’ You said fake-surprised. Only your baby sister could have gotten Simon to smile so easily. Gaz softly chuckled as you set your sister on the island counter. You heard Simon scoff, leaning back on the couch. You winked at Gaz, realizing that you and him now had the best blackmail for when you were back on base. ‘What do you want in your pancake’s Emi?’ Gaz asked you sister, fishing out the carton of eggs, fetched yesterday by Marigold from your coop. 
‘Chocolate please.. And blueberries!’ Emi said, swinging her feet ‘Is Roach and Soap up yet?’
You ask both of them, fetching another mug and pouring a cup of coffee for Simon. Carrying the fresh cup over to your lieutenant. ‘Kid’s knocked out cold.. really can’t handle his liquor. Johny’s up though.. Took Mari out to chop would I think’ Simon said, nodding as he took the steaming porcelain cup into his large hands. ‘Did he? We should fetch them in a few.. wanna get started on dinner prep after Gaz finishes up’ You say, looking out the window expecting to see your sister and Johnny with arms filled with pine logs, trudging through the thick build-up of snow. You sip your coffee, fat lazy flakes of white drift lazily from the hazy sky. In the distance you can see the plump black bodies of your cows stomping through the blanketed fields, swaddled in their winter coverings. The soft crackle of the wood stove in your living room blended together with the muted conversation struck up between Emi and Gaz. Emi asking him if he had cows and chickens in Birmingham like we do here. You turned at the shuffled Simon standing beside you. One of his hands in his sweatpants pocket with the other wrapped around the rim of his mug. You smiled, hoping that Simon felt the same collective comfort you felt any time you would look out from this window. ‘My sister would never! She.. Sh-’ ‘Oh but she would! She’s an absolute menace lassie..’ You groaned, leaning your head back. Johnny’s voice carried from the back porch. Only now did you realize that having your teammates and your sisters in the same room meant they now had every reason to share the many embarrassing stories of you they had collected over the years. You took another swig of your coffee, smiling at the sound of Marigold's high-pitched laughter as Johnny recounted one of the nights he had to drive you home from the bar with you entirely shit-faced, trying to grab hold of the steering wheel from the backseat. You smiled down at your cup, downing the last of the hot liquid. ‘I’m really glad you're here Si’ You say, just loud enough for the two of you. Looking up at him, you couldn’t tell if the softening of his eyes was from the coffee kicking in or your comment. Either way, to see your Lieutenant so relaxed was rare and welcomed. You were proud that you could give this to him. Repayment for all of the times he had listened to your rantings about your mom’s non-involvement in your sisters lives. For the late-night walks around the different bases after one of you had a nightmare. For the constant reassurance that you could stick behind him and the rest of the team for protection and certainty. He turned to you to say something, only you had turned away at the crack of the porch door opening and snowy boots being kicked off.
‘Y/N! is it true that you were captured by yanks and..and Johnny had to save you? Your sister asked you, her face flushed red from the bite of the cold and the swinging of your axe. Between your two sisters, Marigold looked the most like you. The gentle swoop of her freckled nose and chocolate brown eyes always was a surprisingly reminder that you shared her beautiful features. You took the pale bucket from her arms, filled with split cedar logs. Looking over her shoulder to glare at your sergeant, who winked at you as he unzipped his coat. Snowflakes falling off of his shoulders. ‘You go wash up lovie, breakfast should be done by then, Ya Gaz?’ You asked into the kitchen, receiving a muted ‘yea’ from Gaz. You gently squeezed your sister's icy cheeks. You kissed her hairline, her darker red curls peeking out from the green headband she tied her hair back with. She hurried up the stairs with a hum. You sighed, placing the pale on your hip. You watched as Johnny ruffled Emi’s hair as he got himself coffee before taking his place beside Simon, who still stood watching your snowy farm through the fogged window. You sighed, crouching in front of the wooden stove and opening the hatch. The dwindling flames licked your arms as you placed the fresh wood over the coals. The ambient shrill of laughter and the warm buttery scent of Gaz’s pancakes settled you. You shut the stove with a harsh click. You picked up your baby sister from the counter and set her on your hip, tsking at the chocolate smudged around her mouth. A clear indication that Gaz let her get into the chocolate chip bag. You smiled, looking out over your home. Realizing that the people you cared for the most were all here. Tucked away in your warm, hidden paradise. There would be no surprises, no alarms or sirens, no uncertainty and panic. For once, you were certain in the safety of your team and certain in your care and appreciation for them. You just hoped that they felt the same.
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patricide-doll · 4 months ago
Platonic lapidot...save ne platonic lapidot.......ughg
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arece · 2 years ago
hi! this isn't really a request but I was wondering if you had a playlist or any songs you associate with your heart to heart universe. I just strongly love the idea of John being a good father figure. I'm fueled by your content lol. I hope you're well 🫂💕
♤ a/n: You don't understand, this has me shaking in excitement. If a whole playlist is wanted I'll gladly make it. These are picked based off of how fitting I feel the lyrics are, though it might be kinda like a spoiler??? So, JOHN WICK 4 SPOLIER HERE DO NOT PROCEED! heart to heart masterlist
John Wick:
Remember Me, Coco:
Remember me, don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away, I hold you in my heart
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me
This Old Dog, Mac DeMarco:
As long as I live, all I’ve got to say is
This old dog ain’t about to forget
All we’ve had
Slipping Through My Fingers, ABBA:
The feeling that I’m losing her forever
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Then when she’s gone, there’s that old melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt I can’t deny
Sparks, Coldplay:
Did I drive you away? 
But I promise you this
I’ll always look out for you
Look After You, The Fray:
It’s always half and never whole
You’ve begun to feel like home
What’s mine is yours to make your own
Motion Sickness, Phoebe Bridgers:
I hate you for what you did
And I miss you like a little kid
Scott Street, Phoebe Bridgers:
Do you feel ashamed
When you hear my name?
I Want You, Mitski:
But I want you
You’re coming back
And it’s the end of the world
We’re starting over
Francis Forever, Mitski:
I don’t know what to do without you
I don’t need the world to see that I’ve been the best I can be
I don’t think i can stand to be
Where you don’t see me
First Love/Late Spring, Mitski:
Lately, I’ve been crying like a tall child
So please, hurry, leave me, I can’t breathe
Please don’t say you love me
taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @tamnight @hesvoid34 @scarletmeii @romanreignsluver1 @wi1steria @not-a-big-slay @howlerwolfmax @mizzy-pop
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years ago
could I request platonic dads kirishima and bakugo when their teen reader comes back home upset after a argument with their significant other?
♡ Always Here For You ♡
(A/N: Platonic Kiribaku warms my heart 💖 I tried my best with this but I had a bit of trouble with the prompt!! I hope you enjoy it!! I’ve been getting a lot of platonic bnha lately so prepare for that!!)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, platonic yandere, Kiribaku, parents kiribaku, teen!reader, toxic families, kiribaku, fights with an s/o, comfort and fluff 🥺💕
Summary: You get into a fight with your partner but your fathers are here to comfort you (Platonic!Yan!Bakugou x GN!Teen!reader x Platonic!Yan!Kirishima)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You love your fathers a lot, and you understood that they could be very overprotective. So they weren’t very accepting of your partner when you introduced them to your parents, although your dads knew you were growing up and they wanted you to be happy. So they let you date them, even if they didn’t approve of your partner.
You loved your partner a lot but you two did have your troubles. You sniffle a bit, trying to calm down your crying. You look at the notifications on your phone, most of them texts from your partner apologizing to you and begging you to call them. You two had gotten into a fight about how controlling your parents are, you got upset at the, for calling your fathers toxic.
A knock on your door alerts you. It wasn’t early in the morning anymore and it was rare that you didn’t eat breakfast with your dads, especially on the weekends. “Come on, brat, it’s time to get up. Your breakfast is gonna’ be cold” Katsuki says, knocking loudly in your door. “I’m not hungry” you call out to him, almost immediately noticing how silent he went.
He opens the door, looking over you as you’re bundled up in your bed. “What’s wrong with you? You sick?” He asks, crouching by your bed to be at eye level with you.
This was one of the few days that both of your fathers didn’t have work and yet you choose to sulk in bed? There had to be something wrong. You look up at him tearfully, telling him that you and your partner had gotten into a little fight.
“Is everything okay?” Eijiro asks as if feeling that you were sad. Or perhaps he wondered what was taking so long. “Hey, what wrong?” He says, you telling him exactly what you told your other father. You sit up in bed so your tears will fall down your cheeks rather across your nose bridge and onto your pillows.
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry” Eijiro says, hugging you. You hated fighting with people you loved, you knew you would forgive your partner but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Katsuki has a slight scowl on his face, he trusted your partner with you and yet here you are crying in your papa’s arms because of them. He knew you would be upset if anything happened to them but he could help but want to hurt them.
Katsuki thought for a moment before getting up to go get you your breakfast and bring it up to your room for you. “I’m sorry, you d-don’t need this on your day off” you sniffle a bit at Eijiro.
“No, sweetheart. Don’t say that” He says, reaching up to wipe some of your tears. He still saw you as his baby, he knew you were a toddler anymore but it was so hard in situations like this not to see you as the toddler who would cling onto his leg and sob after your feelings were hurt but someone.
“Let’s do something fun today, okay? To make you feel better?” He says, you giving him a small nod. It would get you off of your phone so you wouldn’t have to see all of your partners apology messages.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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zuppizup · 2 years ago
for me, it’s the fact that they’re not even technically back together and he still did all that for her know if that isn’t true love, I don’t know what to say
They’s just super duper amazing besties
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strangerthingsreversebigbang · 10 months ago
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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A Chance to Fly by @karadanverss | Art by @madwomanwithawarehouse
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Martin Brenner, Bob Newby (Stranger Things), Lonnie Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper
Relationship(s): Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Jonathan Byers has never been like his peers. In addition to being socially awkward, and odd, he was born green. If that wasn't enough, he had power like no one in the town of Ozkins has ever seen before. When he goes off to school to keep an eye on his brother and sister he makes some unlikely friends, and despite what he's expecting, he starts to see a real future for himself in Ozkins. Unfortunately, nothing is quite what it seems and it isn't long before Jonathan isn't quite sure what he's gotten himself into. -- Wicked AU.
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Simple As That by @fuctacles | Art by DragonChris
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eleven | Jane Hopper, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Erica Sinclair
Relationship(s): Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair & Lucas Sinclair
Summary: Sometimes, home is a girl, her boyfriend, and the freeloader on their couch.
Erica, the bestest sister ever, visits her brother for the weekend and makes Lucas question what exactly is happening between him, Max, and El.
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Unseen Connections by @klausinamarink | Art by @yellowsweater-bluevest
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, The Party (Stranger Things), Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers
Pairing(s): Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Eleven
Summary: It's a miracle that Will Byers was found alive after a week of being missing. But Will doesn't feel like a miracle. Some days when it gets too much, he retreats into the void where he speaks to a girl with superpowers.
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Only You (Until It Is Done) by @rajumat | Art by @alduade-art
Rating: Mature
Warnings(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Steve Harrington, D'artagnan "Dart" (Stranger Things), Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington & Dart the Demodog
Trapped in the Upside Down after the night in the tunnels went horribly wrong, Steve is doing his best to pick himself up and keep going. Sure, his only company is Dustin’s ill-advised “pet demodog” Dart. And sure, they’re being hunted by the largest demogorgon that Steve has ever seen.
But it could be worse!
It’s not like the Russians are running their own experiments in the Upside Down or anything.
Fic 008 in 2024’s Reverse Big Bang!
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Still The One by @faithfulcat111 | Art by @karadanverss
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Relationship(s): Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington
Summary: Sometimes things fall apart. But sometimes they can come together again.
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In the Library There Lived a Hobbit by @formosusiniquis | Art by @thefreakandthehair
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington; Eddie Munson; Robin Buckley; The Party; Wayne Munson; Original Child Character
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve Harrington has always been a romantic. He spends his time in his head imagining possible futures with strangers, but one in particular has really caught his attention: the mysterious son of Wayne who comes to Baby and Me every week with his granddaughter Lucy. When opportunity knocks, Steve is quick to suggest that this mysterious dad starts volunteering at the library. Enter Eddie Munson, a high school crush, and now Steve has to deal with the fantasy single dad he'd been imagining being real, in the library, and reading fantasy books to kids twice a week.
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I'm just gonna swim (until you love me) by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation | Art by @hereforanepilogue
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): steve harrington, eddie munson
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper (mentioned)
Summary: He came here to distract himself from his thoughts about Hawkins and all the things he left behind. Most of them horrible; most of them things he hopes he’ll never have to experience ever again. The horrors that still haunt his nightmares. The hatred and the bigotry of the fine townspeople. But also … But also. Also the only people he’s ever called friends. The ones who stuck with him and defended him, even when everyone else called him a freak and a murderer. Who not only dragged him out of literal hell, but stuck around after. When the mobs and the torches and pitchforks were gone, and the wounds were scarred over, and his name had been cleared, but the rumors and the looks and the goddamn whispers remained. He’s been trying to forget about the past for two years. And now it’s standing in front of him in skinny jeans and a striped polo, pretty and perfect and kissable as ever, measuring him with an expectant look. — Or: The one in which Eddie goes to the aquarium and finds his past (and maybe his future) in the shark tank.
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Let's Leave Nothing Unsaid by @salamandergoo | Art by @alduade-art
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Robin Arellano, Finney Blake, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Gwen Blake, Dustin Henderson, Jeff, Gareth, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Robin Arellano & Finney Blake, Robin Arellano & Steve Harrington, Robin Arellano & Eddie Munson, Robin Arellano & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Summary: Robin Arellano thought that if they could just get out of the basement of their kidnapper, he and Finney would be okay. They’d return to their normal lives. But normal was different, and years later he finds himself in Hawkins, Indiana on a desperate search to find his best friend. And then two days later, he’s searching again. Why can they not catch a break?
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Worth the World by @lemonlimelights | Art by @anaccidentwaitingtohappen
Rating: Teens and Up
Warnings(s): No Archive Warnings Apply 
Character(s): Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington & Mike Wheeler, Mike Wheeler & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, (Minor) Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve and Mike give each other pep-talks in their own unique ways, and it works! The almost end of the world is rough but they can figure it out together.
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Don't Stop Burning by @whataboutthefish | Art by @yellowsweater-bluevest
Rating: Teens and Up
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper, Eleven, The Party
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Summary: Escaping from Hawkin’s Laboratory had been hard, prying Papa’s phantom claws out of his mind took every strength he had. Seven thought that would be the hard part, but when he finally got free, running through unknown land with no direction to go he realized it had only been the beginning of this nightmare he was running from.
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corxoran · 5 months ago
Thank you, this is exactly what angst I was looking for. I'm so sad, this is your fault. (Do things get better??)
"Do things get better" I mean in general ummm probably (don't lose hope!) but in this au specifically yessss! ^o^ you know the twins, they probably have a terrible argument about it (about what, Sideswipe isn't even sure because Sunstreaker isn't really the type to tell you about his feelings until they're accidentally argued out of him, and it's normally a revelation to them both because Sunstreaker doesn't even understand himself!) and Sideswipe comes to some realizations, maybe tries to juggle his priorities better (as many priorities as you have as an 11 year old with a sociopathic brother) and learns a happy middle ground to keep with Sunny.
Things work out, because they always work out between those two. There's no 'not working out' because their love for each other is intrinsic to their beings, and there's no possible distance they can drift without returning exactly where they started. They know one another best, and it's only a matter of time before they gravitate together again.
I think that's the beautiful thing about people who really love each other! They never really give up on one another, no matter how daunting the task of understanding another person so different from yourself may be.
Especially with these two. Different as they may be, they're very good at arguing until they come to a strange state of understanding. They'll come together stronger than before, but they'll probably never grow out of arguing to communicate lol.
They are brothers! It'll be fine :)
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workplacefire · 7 months ago
I’m in desperate need of some handholding
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deux-jared · 1 year ago
getting into a healthy relationship CAN make you unkin kaworu from nge.
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