#sleepy sirius
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lulublack90 ¡ 7 months ago
Prompt 31 - Fluff
@wolfstarmicrofic July 31, word count 753
Part twelve of werewolf Sirius
This is probably going to be the last part for now. I might do a second part but a Jegulus. Let me know what you think 🙂
Previous part First part
After finally getting rid of the bat bogeys that were attacking his face, Sirius raced out of the castle after Remus and his brother. They apparated together back to the new camp. Remus checked their wards, and then they headed towards the sound of happy people chatting merrily. 
They all got bowls of food and went to find somewhere to relax. Marcus waved them over to a spot he’d laid blankets on and they settled there. 
Sirius found he wasn’t all that hungry, but he ate anyway, so Rorbey didn’t scold him. It was some sort of rice and chicken dish and was delicious. He felt very full once he'd finished his meal and ended up curled on the blanket with his head in Remus’s lap. Remus ran his fingers lazily through Sirius’s hair, and he could feel his eyes beginning to droop shut. He must have drifted off as the next thing he knew, Remus was gently waking him and leading him into the forest. He glanced back and saw that Regulus had fallen asleep as well. Someone had covered him with a blanket and Marcus was watching over him. He felt bad for abandoning his brother already, but whatever Remus needed him for, it must be important. 
They walked deeper into the forest and came upon a small open area full of wildflowers. Sirius ran out into it, letting his fingers brush the delicate petals. He spun back to smile at Remus, but Remus was right behind him. Suddenly, he was on his back in the middle of the flowers with Remus above him. Remus dipped his head and they were kissing. Sirius laughed and rolled them, not letting Remus’s lips go. Remus rolled them right back, pressing his hips into Sirius's to keep him there. Sirius couldn’t remember the last time they’d been so carefree. 
An hour or so later, Sirius had his head on Remus’s bare chest, and they were watching the clouds drift by in the sky above them. 
“That one looks like the birthmark James has on his arse,” He pointed to a wonky cloud. 
“How do you know Prongs has a birthmark there and what it looks like?” Remus chuckled. Sirius could feel the vibrations through Remus’s chest. 
“Quidditch locker room. I know more than I ever wanted to know about our peer’s naked bodies.” Sirius scrunched up his nose. 
“In that case, I’ll take your word for it.” 
A blueish-white hyena came bounding towards them. They both tensed until they realised it was a Patronus. Marcus’s voice sounded out of its open mouth. 
“The wee Black is waking up,” It told them, then vanished. 
“Come on, sweetheart, time to go back.”  
He snuggled into Remus’s side, holding his hand firmly as they explained everything to Regulus. Regulus stayed silent the entire time they were talking. They told him how they were captured. That Sirius was now a werewolf and how they’d usurped Greyback and Remus had taken over as the pack leader and their plan to rescue him. 
But before Regulus could ask his questions, a loud wailing siren went off. They all jumped to their feet, wands out, ready for an attack, apart from Remus. 
“Oh, good he’s here,” Remus flicked his wand, the air around the treeline wavered and a figure appeared. 
“James!” Sirius cried out, running full pelt at his best friend and launching into his arms. “James!” He cried again, burying his face in James’s chest. 
“Pads, I thought you were dead!” James sobbed as he held Sirius tight.
"I love you, Prongs!"
"I love you, Padfoot!" 
“Bleh,” Regulus gagged behind them. “Are they always this much?” He asked Remus. Remus chuckled.
“I��ve seen worse.”
James peered over Sirius’s head and his eyes bulged out of his head. 
“Regulus?” He rasped. “But, you’re actually… In the papers… Your own family…” Regulus rolled his eyes. 
“Do try to calm down, Potter. Stories of my demise were greatly exaggerated. I’m perfectly fine, as you can see.” Regulus turned more serious. “I have vital information for the Order.”
“Can it wait?” Sirius whined as he wiggled closer to James, missing the contact he hadn't been able to have over the last few months. 
“Only if you want to lose the war,” Regulus scoffed, turning away. 
“Save the world now, hug later?” Sirius suggested, before dropping from James’s arms and bounding after his brother, grabbing Remus’s hand on the way and dragging him along with him. It looked like their adventures were far from over. 
Second part of the series (Jegulus)
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siriusdraws ¡ 24 days ago
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blood and darkness boys (wip)
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lijeuxs ¡ 2 months ago
okay hear me out
i don't like short sirius x tall remus
what i DO like is tall sirius x FREAKISHLY tall remus
give me sirius who is like average tall or whatever and then freaky fucking mr lanky bones okay
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p4perhug ¡ 4 months ago
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Here is some really cozy sleepy Wolfstar for you 🧡
I hope you like it :)
I had a proud little moment, because my art style kind of evolved a bit there....🙊
Anyway, enjoy 💌
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albi-bumblebee ¡ 3 months ago
Sirius calls James using the mirrors and he’s just been in a bad row with his parents and he feels awful. James wants to hug him so badly but obviously they can’t because of the physical separation! So he vanishes his old plush Lion in front of Sirius, and tells him to use the spell to bring it back from nonbeing. So Sirius does that and holds onto the plushie as James talks, and he realizes it smells so much like James. And he is overcome with the warmth of familiarity, but then is sad because he can’t sit with the real James and sniff his hair and be cuddled by him! But he keeps smelling the plush as he listens to James ramble about misconceptions relating to transfiguration during the medieval period. Because he Has To. To keep himself sane. But still wants his James so badly!!!
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whisperingn1ghts ¡ 9 months ago
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Oh to be surrounded by James all around
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interstellarlyinlove ¡ 10 months ago
Bed Sharing (May 18th)
word count: 471
“You know what annoys me?”
Remus huffs, tugging at the blanket that Sirius is hogging. “Sharing a tiny twin bed with someone who doesn’t understand that also means sharing the blanket?”
Sirius laughs, letting go. “Sorry, love. I didn’t realize. Are you comfortable?”
Remus smiles. He’s with Sirius, of course he’s comfortable. Still, he says, “No.” 
“Too bad,” Sirius says. “You’re stuck with me. All winter break.”
“Lucky me,” Remus says, and he’s giggly despite himself. He loves spending winter breaks with the Potters, and he loves spending them there even more now that he and Sirius figured their shit out. 
“Candles,” Sirius says, tugging at Remus’ hair. 
“Huh?” Remus asks because he mostly loses neurons when his hair gets played with. Sue him. But also he’s pretty sure candles have nothing to do with anything at the moment.
“What annoys me. Candles.”
“Sure,” Remys says. “Why not. Let’s hate candles. Who needs to see in the dark, anyway. Might as well be blind for–”
Sirius is laughing. “I don’t hate the concept of candles, necessarily–”
“What the fuck are you going on about, my darling?”
“I hate that they have candle memories. I don’t burn a candle right one time and it’s fucked up for life. Like, grow up.” 
Remus blinks. He’s so fucking in love. “It is kind of unkind to hate something for having a memory though, isn't it?”
Sirius smiles, and it’s blinding. Even more so in the barely lit Potter guest room. The only thing Sirius’ parents did right in their entire existence was naming Sirius after the brightest star in the sky. Remus would believe that the star was named after Sirius and not the other way around in a second. “That is a very prettily-worded question.”
“You are a very prettily-named person,” Remus says, kissing Sirius’ temple. “It also really isn’t hard to just let the candle burn correctly the first time so you don’t fuck it up for life.”
“It’s the principle of it, Remus.”
“Because you’re such a principle person.”
Sirius looks scandalized. “I could be!”
Remus laughs. “I’m joking, babe.”
“Ha ha, hilarious,” Sirius says, and Remus thinks Sirius wants to scowl but he’s smiling too much for it to work. “Are you tired?”
Remus shakes his head. “Not really.”
Sirius holds out his hand, palm up. “Come. I want to show you something.”
Remus hates apparating, and he’s in night clothes that are far too light to be anywhere but under blankets on a tiny bed in the middle of winter, but it’s Sirius, and Remus would follow him to the end of the world if he asked him to. So Remus takes his hand, and they apparate together to wherever Sirius wants to take them at 2 am on a Tuesday, and Remus wouldn’t have it any other way.  
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corwnvus ¡ 2 years ago
Sleepy boy!
I have a hc that remus will fall asleep anyway and everywhere. You go and sit down, hes on the chair or even the floor. He's fell asleep out side, on concrete, in small places , windows, other people... and even mid smoke.
He dosnt even need to be comfortable.
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equippedtolove ¡ 5 months ago
prompt: pumpkin - @wolfstarmicrofic
word count - 363
based on a request by @demetercabingreen-thumb
Remus lets out a soft groan, nuzzling further into the chest in front of him. He's curled his impossibly long arms around Sirius' torso, their legs gently tangled together under the sheets. Out of all the places in the world, this is Remus' favourite; lying on Sirius' chest, inhaling the smell of leather and musk that's slowly incorporated itself into one of Remus' jumpers, eyes fluttering closed as he pulls Sirius closer.
Sirius' hand finds its way into soft, tawny hair, the other clasping Remus' jaw with nothing short of affection. He looks down at Remus to see him smiling sleepily before he burrows himself further into him, making Sirius grin.
"Morning, love," he whispers, and Remus offers him a grunt of acknowledgement, along with the refusal to lift his head from the knitted warmth beneath him. Sirius chuckles and presses a kiss to his temple, and he feels lips on his sternum in reply.
Remus slowly turns them over so he's lying fully on top of Sirius, tucking his legs around Sirius' hips and wrapping two arms around his waist, trapping him. He moves his head further up to his neck, leaving a gentle kiss there as he sighs, rubbing his eyes.
"Morning, Seren." Remus replies, voice deep and raspy with sleep, and he promptly returns to closing his eyes and sticking his nose in the crook of Sirius' neck.
There's a little mole behind his ear, which Remus gives a sleepy little gnaw on before kissing Sirius' earlobe gently. "Don't w'nna wake up," he groans, just as Sirius starts lifting himself up from the bed.
"Too bad, Moons, it's breakfast time! I heard they've already started to put pumpkin tarts out, something about getting ready for Halloween early..."
Remus lets out an incoherent string of mumbles and groans before retreating under the sheets and sticking a half-hearted arm out in an attempt to get Sirius to return. He merely chuckles and kisses Remus' knuckles, and turns to the clock at the side of the room.
"Go back to sleep, love. I'll bring you a tart when I'm done."
And on the cusp of sleep, eyes closed and body slack, Remus smiles.
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starcrossedbrothers ¡ 2 months ago
happy new year to escaped convicts, werewolves, ex-death eaters with a master plan, chasers with a heart of gold, the brightest witches of their age, traitors, bisexual queens, mean lesbians and their scarily competent girlfriends, ethereal seers, and those two up to dubiously legal shit in the back
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iiinkos ¡ 4 months ago
character i even slightly relate to: h—
me: GET GNC HEADCANONED MOTHERFUCKER *blasts them with gnc laser beam*
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lulublack90 ¡ 1 month ago
Prompt 17 - Difficulty
@jegulus-microfic January 17, Word count 523
Previous part First part
Sneaking back into Gryffindor Tower was far easier than the last time, as most of the Gryffindors had gone up to bed. He paused at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Was he really going to do this? If he did, his relationship with James would mean something. Could he trust his brother not to tell their mother out of spite? 
“He won’t do anything bad, I promise,” James said reassuringly. “He might have a record-breaking strop, but he won’t do anything to hurt either of us,”
With difficulty, Regulus managed to get his feet moving again as he slowly walked up the stairs. 
Once they were at the right dorm, James pushed the door open to be greeted by a moan. “Oh, shit!” James pulled his wand out and pointed it at Remus’s bed. “Sonorus!” He cast quickly. “No, no, no, that’s not the one I meant!” He cried out as he tried to remedy his mistake. But it was too late.
“OH, REMUS. OH, OH, OH… FUUUUUUCK!!!” Sirius’s amplified voice filled the entire room with the sounds of his moans and heavy breathing.
Regulus felt like his ears were bleeding. He was too stunned to react. James finally managed to remove the voice-amplifying charm and cast the silencing charm he’d meant to cast.
“I am so sorry,” He said, spinning to face Regulus, his face white and his hand holding onto Regulus’s tightly as if he was afraid Regulus was about to run, which was probably a good reading of Regulus as he was seconds away from running out of the dormitory. 
Regulus closed his eyes and breathed. He needed a moment to wrap that memory in Fiendfyre and destroy it from his memory. Once he was happy that he would be able to sleep, he nodded to James, signalling that they could go to bed now. 
James took him over to the bed furthest from the door. He opened his trunk and took out a T-shirt. He handed it to Regulus, and Regulus held it up to himself. It went down to his knees, but it smelled like James, and he hurriedly put it on. He pulled the super-soft material to his nose and sniffed. It spelt so good. He felt a wave of calm wash over him. He climbed into James’s bed. James followed him and pulled the curtains closed. They settled down, curled up together in the too-small bed and fell asleep. Regulus only woke up once when he realised that his brother was sleeping with another boy just like he was. Damn, copycat.    
Next part
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accio-sriracha ¡ 5 months ago
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The week of the full moon <333
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resident-gay-bitch ¡ 1 year ago
Remus loves books, he loves reading so much and Sirius knows this. He knows this so well because half the time when he wants Remus to look at him, and pay attention to him, Remus simply just won’t because he’s so bloody, infuriatingly, adorably invested in whatever book it is he’s reading.
It doesn’t even matter the genre, Sirius has learnt, nor that it’s fictional or otherwise. Just words on yellowing pages, with cracked spines and a warm smell emanating from within, that’s what Remus loves. He likes to escape there, to lose focus, time, and reality. And Sirius respects it.
He used to love reading himself, when he was younger. His favorite books were fantasy action. He got lost in the tales and strange lands, imagining himself as the noble hero, saving lives and running off into the sunset on a noble steed, or perhaps even with a lover.
He’s lost the knack for it these days, mostly. Sometimes he still picks up a book to read, if it really captivates him. Or if it’s so painstakingly good that Remus, rather than just expressing that it was enjoyable to read and outlining the basic plot, rambles about it for ages. Especially if he goes back and reads it a second time over, taking a quill to the pages, underlining his favorite phrases, adding exclamation marks for emphasis, and writing out every thought he has about it.
Sirius always reads those, but mostly for Remus’ input. And mostly so he can sit there and listen to Remus talk about it again, and get so brilliantly excited when Sirius agrees that particular characters sucked, or when they disagree about how certain plot points were brilliant, or how painstakingly heartbreaking the use of symbolism added so much depth to the entire book.
Sirius has two large bookshelves in his room. Both of them he’s built himself because he refuses to let Effie and Flea spend any extra money on him, and he himself doesn’t want to spend money on bookshelves when he can just make them. He also made Remus one, when he first learnt just how much Remus likes to read, when he first moved in with James. He’s still very proud of it to this day.
Point is, he has two large bookshelves, and they’re each only half full of books. There are other things on them, taking up the space. Such as his record collection, which is excessive now, and brilliant, and takes up a lot of space. It’s also riddled with gadgets, and thingamabobs, and dust collectors, and whatsits, as well as little things he’s tinkered.
He’s building himself another shelf at the moment, this one will have a stained glass door- so, more of a cabinet, he supposes. It’s made especially for his records, measured to fit the height and width of them perfectly with just a little wiggle room. That, once it’s done, will clear out plenty of space on his bookshelf for more books.
He’ll build himself another shelf or two, he thinks. Ones to mount one the wall, a place to keep all his little things that don’t really have a place, other than randomly on his bookshelves. He wants to leave as much room as possible.
Because, see, Sirius doesn’t read much. And the books he does read are already found on his shelf, or Remus’, because he borrows them.
But Remus reads a lot. He’s always looking for new books, everywhere he goes. Sirius can’t count the times he’s been pulled into random stores just to look at books for hours, only for Remus to walk out empty handed.
Because Remus doesn’t have the money for books. He never has. Maybe a few, here and there, cheep ones that is, from second hand stores. And on his birthday and Christmas his parents spoil him by picking out a couple of big ones.
But Remus’ money is saved for things other than books.
That hasn’t been much of an issue, because there are libraries. He spends a lot of time in the library at Hogwarts, when they’re there. And over the breaks, he spends it in the library by his house. And he borrows books from Sirius, and James, and Lily, and Peter, and Mary, and Marlene too.
But the thing is, Remus is running out of books. And sure, he’s happy to read the non fictional books, ones about the history of magic, or life in the trenches of the First Muggle World War, or how to bake cakes, or the biography of Salazar Slytherin, or whatever the hell else he can find. But nothing captivates him the way a good story can.
He needs tales to escape in between the more boring stuff. Remus never raves about the non-fiction. Sure, he tells Sirius random facts when he finds them out, or puts his new knowledge to use. But the novelty of a made up world excites him.
Sirius likes to watch Remus read fiction. He likes to watch Remus shift in his chair and tense his shoulders, he likes to watch blush bloom over Remus’ cheeks with a giddy smile as his eyes twinkle and lock onto the page. He also likes when he hears Remus’ sharp gasps, and gets to look up to find him sitting in the most awkward, on edge positions as he fixedly reads, and watches as tears begin to roll down Remus’ cheeks and dance over freckles.
He mostly likes when Remus smiles at his page, sure and familiar, a knowing look in his eye that makes him glimmer right before he looks up to try and find Sirius in the room, and blush immediately when he does before tucking his face back into the pages. Sirius likes that one the best, because he knows, whatever Remus read, it made him think of Sirius. He especially likes when Remus scribbles something on the page right after, or just dog ears the corner so he’ll never loose the page.
Sirius really likes when Remus finds a good story, and Remus clearly also likes when he finds a good Story. Remus doesn’t have the funds to by himself stories and has read his way through the entirety of his local libraries fictional section, as well as everything on Sirius’ own shelf twice.
But Sirius does have the funds for books. He has part of the inheritance his uncle Alphard left when he died, he has his weekly allowance from the Potters, as does James, and he has money saved up from working in Mrs Florence’ garden across the road all summer.
So he goes out, and buys books, and hopes Remus hasn’t read them.
He gets home, and puts them on his own shelf, because the last time Sirius bought a book for Remus just simply because he wanted to, Remus slapped him with the book, made his knee buckle with his cane, and told Sirius to never spend his money on him again.
So naturally, Sirius stole him a book, and Remus hit him twelve times with the new book, called him a stupid fucking idiot, and made him promise to never do it again.
He then promptly went and read the book, and made a note at the very back that Sirius was the one who got it for him, with a star placed by his name, thinking Sirius wouldn’t notice. Because Sirius would never snoop through Remus’ bookshelf when he’s not looking to try and read whatever annotations from Remus’ brain he could, hoping to find one that Remus made after doing his adorable glance and thinking of Sirius. No, no he’d never do that, Remus, he promises.
So Sirius buys himself books, ones that wouldn’t look too out of place sitting on his shelves, ones he doesn’t recognise Remus ever holding (though, that doesn’t mean much as Remus reads at the pace of a race car, Sirius is sure there’s a new book in his hand each time Sirius looks up), and prays Remus will like them. He thinks he will. He likes most books.
Sirius just hopes he makes annotations in them before he remembers they’re not his books, and puts them back on Sirius’ shelf to find.
So Sirius stacks them on his shelf, and waits for Remus to take the bait.
The first time Remus comes into his room once they’re there, he clearly notices, but doesn’t comment. So Sirius goes out to buy another.
The second time, he makes a comment, asking if Sirius ever actually reads the books he carelessly spends money on, and nothing else.
So Sirius buys another book, and begins to read the one with the most interesting cover. He makes sure the spine is cracked, the pages withered, and a crease on the cover from bending it wrong.
Remus notices it, the next time he visits, and asks if Sirius enjoyed it. He didn’t mind it, but he tells Remus he really liked the character named Liam (who reminds him vividly of Remus), and recommends it. Remus takes it home. Sirius rambles to James about how brilliantly smart his plan is for hours.
The next time Remus comes around, he returns the book. It’s in a similar state to when Sirius had last seen it, besides a few extra wrinkles on the spine, and creased pages. Sirius smiles and admires it for a while once Remus has left, with another book, another one Sirius made himself read, he didn’t like that one at all.
Naturally, Remus really enjoyed that one. They argue about it for a while, and Remus tosses the book at Sirius with a laugh, and Sirius resists the urge to throw himself back at Remus.
James and Peter go out in the sun, but Remus’ hip is bad that day, so Sirius stays inside with him. He sits and watches Remus read, it’s one of his own books, one he’s read at least four times before. He’s got a pen between his teeth that he keeps pulling out to scribble things down before placing it back.
Sirius wishes he were a pen.
Remus finishes his book and whines about it for a while, because he doesn’t have another, and he can’t stand to go outside. So Sirius gets up, grabs a book, and plops it in Remus’ lap. Remus blushes. It’s some muggle book, it’s about magic folk, and fairies, and a really cool protagonist with long black hair and tattoos and a winning grin.
He’s not even shy when he tells Remus he bought it so he could read about himself. Remus lightly thwacks him with his cane and tells Sirius to fuck off.
Sirius sits on the bed, and grabs Remus’ discarded book, and opens it up to page one. Already there, marked in blurry ink on the first page reads: this is what it feels like to have a star wish on you, right back. Sirius smiles, and begins to read, mostly for Remus’ annotations, but the book is good no less. It’s about doomed love, written through the metaphore of the night sky, and unsettling undertones of cannibalalistic desire, all wrapped up in one neat little bow that ties itself off with an accidental murder suicide.
Honestly, Sirius understands why Remus likes it now. He’s heard Remus talk about it in great detail before but bloody hell, it’s good. And Remus’ annotations make it better.
“Bloody-fuck.” Remus gasps, catching Sirius off guard. He sticks his head up and wonders how on earth Remus had gotten to the “bloody-fuck” part of the story yet, that’s over halfway through, and they’ve only been reading for twenty minuets.
“What’s the issue?” Sirius asks.
“Do you have an eraser?” Remus asks, “A magic one, for ink? Can’t use my wand.”
“Erm, no…” Sirius mutters. He knows Flea has one in his office, and he’s allowed to go get it if he ever needs, knowing it sits in the top left drawer, right by the paperclips. But he doesn’t say that, not yet.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Remus mumbles, “I forgot it wasn’t- I just… I still had the pen in my mouth.”
Sirius feels his heart race, “Remus, did you… write in my book?”
Remus looks so ashamed, and he holds up the neat pages and flips through all that he’s read, and… yeah, there’s a lot in there already. Scribbled lines, phrases, exclamation points, question marks, little stars drawn everywhere.
Sirius feels himself fall a little harder in love, “You can write in my book.” He mutters and swallows, “You can write in all of my books, whatever you like. It doesn’t matter, I probably won’t read most of them anyway.” Sirius lies. If they have Remus’ annotations he certainly will.
“Why would you buy them then?”
Sirius shrugged, “I had empty space on my bookshelf… I like having them there. Besides, I could read them, you know, I just… usually don’t.”
Remus snickers and shakes his head, “You’re strange- like a dragon. You’re a dragon that hoards treasure. Your treasure is books.”
Wrong, Sirius thinks, my treasure is you.
“A dragon.” Sirius mutters, “Do you fear me, Remus, a big mighty dragon?”
Remus scoffs and turns back to the book, “You’re such a small dragon you don’t even have the ability to fly.”
Sirius throws his pillow at Remus’ head. Remus laughs, flipping Sirius off, which only spurs him on.
Sirius promptly jumps off the bed and changes to Padfoot midway through the air, landing right on the arm of the chair Remus occupies before crawling all over him.
“Get off me, you stupid mutt!” Remus laughs, tacking Padfoot away, “You’re going to rip the book.”
Padfoot only barks and wags his tail high in the air.
Remus laughs again, sticking his good leg out where Sirius now sits on the ground, he uses it to pet Sirius’ side as he fixes his hair and book.
Padfoot tilts his head up at Remus, tongue hanging out of his mouth, as he watches.
“I can really write in it?”
Padfoot scoots closer, licking Remus’ knee.
Remus snickers and shoes him away, “You’re so gross, Padfoot. Your dog slobber stinks, you know that?”
Padfoot barks, resting his paw on top of Remus’ hand for a moment.
“Fine.” Remus breaths, “But you can write in mine too, that means.”
Sirius will be, he knows it.
Padfoot, however, watches Remus go back to reading, too invested to pay him any mind now. He plucks the pen from his ear and starts making more marks. Padfoot rests his head on Remus’ knee, and mindlessly, Remus reaches out to pet him.
That’s how James and Peter find them, two hours later. Remus deeply concentrated, halfway through his book, and Padfoot looking up at him like he hung the sky. James teases Sirius mercilessly about it later.
Over the week, Sirius reads. He reads Remus’ book, the one he left behind so Sirius could finish reading. And Sirius takes a red inked pen, because one time Remus said Sirius looks good in the colour red, and makes his own annotations. There aren’t many, as there isn’t much room left and Remus has basically said it all, but he underlines the things he likes, and draws wonky little circles half shaded in by the things that make him think of Remus (they’re supposed to be moons, and he hopes Remus won’t be able to tell at first, because the first wonky circle is placed right next to the phrase: nothing consumes her they way the need to taste his skin on her tongue does-).
The next time Sirius sees Remus, they’re at the Lupins. He brought Remus’ book with his own red annotations, and two other books, one about space, and one about a dog that dies.
He’s almost at the end of the one where the dog dies, and it’s honeslty devastating. It’s bound to make Remus sad. So very, very sad.
They sit on Remus’ bed, Remus up by the headboard, and Sirius himself laying over the foot on his stomach, a pillow tucked under his chin.
He’s crying, down to the last pages of his book, his heart being ripped out of his chest as he reads. When he started crying, Remus silently extended his legs and crossed them, letting his heels sit on the small of Sirius’ back. Because Remus is brilliant, and he knows Sirius likes to be touched when he’s sad.
He closes his book with a sigh, buries his face in the pillow, and screams. Remus laughs.
“You have to read this, Moony. It’s devastating.” Sirius sobs.
“If you insist.” Remus agrees, still reading his book.
“The dog dies!” Sirius rolls onto his side to look at him, “He dies, Remus, isn’t that horrible. I mean- it was bad enough for me, I can’t imagine what it would be like for you.”
Remus glances up over his book at raises an eyebrow at Sirius.
“You know…” Sirius sniffles, rubbing his nose before waving his hand through the air, “Because I’m a dog, and you won’t be able to stop thinking about me, and losing me, and-“
A pillow was thrown at his head so hard it shoved him back. But Sirius loves the dramatics, so he takes it further, and rolls until he topples off the end of the bed and groans about betrayal. Remus pretends not to listen, Remus continues to read. Sirius wants to give him the world.
Sirius eventually gets up and selects a book off of Remus’ shelf, admiring his own handiwork for a moment. He flicks the book open, and finds no annotations, so he puts it back. He grabs another, finds the same, and repeats.
“What are you looking for?” Remus asks.
Unashamedly, Sirius tells him, “One with your thoughts written out. Those are my favourites.” He picks up another, sifts through, and puts it back.
He turns when Remus is quiet for a while, he’s grinning, like he expects to find Remus with his head in his book, so distracted he didn’t hear. But he’s not.
Remus is blushing, and he’s looking at Sirius so curiously.
“I like your thoughts.” Sirius clears his throat, “You’re smart, they’re interesting. Besides, I hate not knowing what’s going to happen, you always manage to make correct predictions, so good at picking up clues.”
Remus smiles and ducks his head before reaching out and grabbing a book off his bedside. He tosses it at Sirius, “That one’s a children’s novel. It’s about a frog. I’ve annotated it seven times.”
“Brilliant.” Sirius grins, plopping himself back down on his bed and opening the book, “I love frogs.”
Remus laughs, a quiet laugh, embarrassed and bashful. They both continue to read. Sirius pulls out his pen and scribbles a red, wonky circle when the frog finds himself in love.
Four weeks later, and Sirius and Remus have been swapping books back and forth in trade. Remus takes his pick of whatever is on Sirius’ shelf, or whatever he’s “accidentally” left at Remus’ place, and in turn, Sirius reads whatever books Remus has annotated. Eventually, he begins to read his own, purely for Remus’ annotations.
Remus never fails to leave annotations, and Sirius leaves them right back.
One time, Sirius even worked up the courage to write annotations in one of his own books before handing it off for Remus to read, just in hopes of Remus liking them too.
He does. He circles Sirius’ annotations with his own black ink, and adds little stars in random places, and he even goes so far as to argue with Sirius in the margins.
This week, they meet at the movies with James and Peter. As they wait in the popcorn line together, Sirius hands him two books. One of Remus’ own that he’s returning, and one from his collection. He read it, another book about love. There was a line about reliability, and loyalty, and pure, blinding admiration, even in petty fights and bickering, and Sirius took a bold step and wrote: This reminds me of us.
Remus returns the book about a fierce dragon, and slaps a new one in his hands about a man driven to murder by his untidy roommate, “Maybe you’ll learn something from this one, hmm?”
Sirius didn’t get it until the book was done, and he had read every snarky remark aimed right at Sirius that Remus wrote, including the note at the end that requested Sirius keep his mess to his corner of the room before Remus is driven to a murderous fate. Sirius laughed so hard James came rushing into the room out of pure concern.
The next time they exchanged books, Sirius gave him one titled The Picture of Dorian Grey. Remus had already read it. Sirius scoffed, knowing this would happen sooner or later. However, when Sirius moved to put it back in his bag, Remus snatched it away. He only borrowed it last time, so now he could write his annotations, which excited him. It excited Sirius too.
“I have a strange one for you.” Remus said, handing it over nervously, “I… I’ve read this one a lot.”
“Okay?” Sirius asked, taking it slowly, looking at the cover, so withered he couldn’t clearly make out the image.
Remus swallowed, “It’s really one of my favorites.”
“I can’t wait, then.” Sirius grinned, flicking through it quickly and seeing almost no room to leave his own messages.
Remus nodded, “Just… just beware, okay?”
“Okay, Remus, I’ve got it.” Sirius snickered, wiggling the book like a fan, “What, has it got like, wild kinky sex in it. Does this book delve into your deepest desires, Remus? Does it make you feel sexy?” Sirius teases.
Remus swallows and turns his gaze away.
Sirius’ jaw goes slack, “Oh, my Merlin- I… it does.”
Remus blush’s, “Look- it’s not like that, it’s just-“ He mumbles, hiding his head in his hands, “Yes, there is a sex scene in it, near the end. It’s very long, and very detailed. But that’s not- I’m not trying to be weird, okay? I’d prefer to not give you a sexy book-“
Sirius snickers, “I was only teasing, Remus, it’s fine. Is that the weird bit? The long, sensual sex scene?”
“Mostly… it’s… well, I suppose it’s everything that leads up to it.” Remus swallows.
“Got it.” Sirius nods, and because he’s his own worst enemy, he asks, “Do you get off to it?”
Remus’ front door promptly slams in his face, and no matter how hard he knocks, or laughs, or pretends he’s joking, Remus does not open the door.
Sirius goes home, and he very pointedly does not pick up the book. He’s too nervous now. To nervous to read about this sex scene in Remus’ most favorite book and wonder if he’s ever… Sirius flops face down into his pillow and goes to annoy James instead.
When they meet up to swap back, Sirius still hasn’t read the book yet. He makes up an excuse, telling Remus he hasn’t been focused enough to read something important. Remus doesn’t seem to believe him, he seems so disappointed. He gives Sirius back The Picture Of Dorian Gray and barely talks for the remainder of their time spent together.
When Sirius gets home, he flips through Remus’ annotations, reading them all, and having to do a double take at one. Sure, there are plenty of snide comments about Sirius’ good looks, comparing him to Dorian and making theories on how Sirius must be in a similar situation. But there’s one that makes Sirius’ heart race: I’m annoyed at you. This entire fucking book Dorian’s been described as the most beautiful fucking man on earth and the only face I can fucking picture is yours you bloody idiot. Stop being beautiful, please? It’s detrimental to my sanity.
Sirius’ breath hitched in his throat. He ran to James, immediately, crashing into his room and jumping on the bed, not even caring he’s just interrupted James with his shirt off in a very compromising position with Lily. He doesn’t even care that she’s there.
“Look at this, James, read-“
“Really, Sirius? Now?”
“I’m sorry, Prongs, but you’ve got your happy ending so I don’t care- look.” Sirius shoves the page in his face, “What does this mean?”
James shoves on his glasses and gives Lily an apologetic glance before reading, “What the fuck do you think it means, Sirius?”
“I don’t know.” Sirius breathes, running his fingers over the black ink, “It could mean anything-“
“Sirius!” James laughed, flinging his hands into the air, “It means exactly whatever the hell your heart thinks it means, probably.”
Sirius glares and James and turns to Lily, “You’re smart, what do-“
“Might I remind you, Remus is my best friend, Sirius?” Lily smirked, “So no, I won’t be saying anything, and if you’re smart, you’ll know that’s enough. And I warn you, I will be telling him about this.”
Sirius swallowed and glared at her, “Shit.”
“Shit in deed, Romeo.” She giggled, “Go away please.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He sighed, crawling off the bed, “Not too loud, please.”
James tossed a pillow at him.
“Hey, Sirius?” Lily asked, catching his attention, “You should read his book.”
“Right.” Sirius swallows, and very pointedly does not do that. He goes to make dinner with Effie and Flea, and ask them questions about it instead. They just say the same things James did, and they’re old and happy and very in love, so he actually trusts that.
That night, he lies in bed, a lamp over his shoulder, and he learns extactly why Remus seemed so nervous to share this book. Especially about the sex part, which was… well, it was really sexy. Like, so sexy. Sirius didn’t think anything could ever get that sexy. All he could think about whilst reading was Remus, and how badly he wanted to do those things to Remus, and how he wanted Remus to do those things to him. It was terrible, really.
So good, and so terrible, and so delightfully strange to read about. Because, in the start, the main character was engaged to a very wonderful woman. But by the end, he had left her. He left her because he loved a man. Two men in love. Remus’ favorite book was gay, with so many annotations about his own experiences, with a gay sex scene, with annotations about how much Remus liked the sex scene.
And most of all…
Sirius knew exactly what a lot of those annotations meant. Because around them were little stars. Within them they used “he” and “him” and terms of longing and yearning and… and then it got to a point midway through the book where things changed.
Remus stopped writing things like: I think of him. He’s more beautiful. I’m scared to lose him too.
Instead, he just used one word. One word scribbled everywhere. Beside so many different phrases, with different intentions and different feelings. One word that shattered it all, and that word was: Sirius.
Beside the phrase, he’s so beautiful, I hate him.
Beside the phrase, I miss him, I never got to have him but I miss him, no less.
Beside the phrase, kissing the expanse of his throat is something I think about often, no thought could be as beautifully filthy as mine when he’s around.
Beside the phase, I love him.
“Wakey, wake- oh, you’re up love. Are you alright, I’ve never seen you up with the sun before.” Effie teases as she walks into his room.
Sirius turns to her, eyes blinking. They’re red rimmed from crying. He didn’t realise it was morning. He still has the book in his lap, open to the last page where there’s a message. It’s an apology, and then that apology is taken right back and replaced with a heart.
“I didn’t sleep.” He muttered.
“Oh…” Effie mutters when she sees the state of him, “My darling boy, are you-“
“I have to go.” Sirius whispers.
“What?” She asks.
“I have to go.” Sirius says with more urgency, and he scrambles to his feet and makes a run for it.
“Shoes, dear!” Effie calls, and Sirius runs right back. He stuffs his feet in his slippers and runs off again, “Teeth!”
Sirius races back and hurriedly brushes his teeth. She calls for him again to change his clothes and eat when he tries to leave again, but he doesn’t bother. He just grabs the book and runs, tying not to slip in his slippers.
“Where’s he going?” James asked, standing his his doorway.
“Im not sure.” Effie said, “He’s still in his pyjamas. All he had was a book-“
“A blue one?” James asked.
Effie nodded. James rapt his knuckles on the doorframe and ducked his head inside, “Lily, he’s doing it!”
“Oh, yes!” She shouts back.
James gets a slap on the back of his head, “Did you sneak your girlfriend in over night, James Fleaumont Potter?”
James goes red, “Erm… no?”
Sirius is rushing. He couldn’t get Elvendork up and running, she still needs a few more tweaks. So he’s running there instead. All the way to Remus’ at who knows what time of morning.
When he gets there, he’s panting. He knocks on the door, but there’s no answer.
Lyall is probably at work, Hope is probably tending to her garden out back, and Remus is no doubt still sleeping. He’s worse than Sirius, he’ll sleep until something wakes him up, meaning he’ll sleep through till the next morning if nothing does.
Sirius doesn’t wait, he’s around the corner and shoving open Remus’ window, and hauling himself in before he can even think about it.
The desk that usually sits under Remus’ window is not there. So when Sirius dives in head first, expecting to catch himself on a desk, he’s rather shocked to come toppling down to the floor face first.
He groans, splayed out there on the ground, looking at the roof.
“What… the fuck?” He hears Remus mutter, and he pokes his head up to find that Remus is in the process of rearranging his room.
Sirius furrows his brow and looks at the time, “Why the fuck are you up and active at seven ten in the morning?” He runs his face and sits up, “Why are you rearranging your room?”
“I was stressed.” Remus swallowed, “Didn’t sleep.”
“Why?” Sirius groaned, his nose hurts, so he pokes it, which doesn’t help.
“Lily said you read what I wrote about you in Dorian Gray… called me, said you were asking what it meant.”
“Yeah, uhm- ow.” Sirius poked his face again.
“Don’t do that.” Remus grumbled, reaching for his cane and walking over to help Sirius up.
“Sorry.” Sirius yawns, his lack of sleep catching up to him.
“Why are you up?” Remus asked, “You don’t do anything before nine if you don’t have too.”
Sirius smiles, Remus knows him so well, “Didn’t sleep either.”
“Why not?” Remus hummed, casually leaning on his cane in that suave way he does. James doesn’t think it’s suave, he tells Sirius it’s just normal, but Sirius knows better than James. He’s blinded by love, of course he knows better than James.
“Was reading.” Sirius swallowed, holding up the book and wiggling it in his hands, “Uh… I made some annotations back… where they fit.”
Yeah, basically just Remus’ name right beside his own, everywhere, and lots of little moons. He even underlined one very sexy line in the dirty scene that really made him think of Remus, and drew and arrow pointing to it, and wrote both of their names with a heart around them.
“Oh.” Remus swallowed, taking the book when Sirius handed it back.
They were both blushing.
“Go on, open it.” Sirius mumbled, nodding for encouragement.
So slowly, tentatively, Remus did. He opened the book, midway through, and found his name, and little moons, and a million hearts scribbled everywhere there was space.
Remus dropped the book.
Sirius leant down to pick it up, because he’s always willing to do things for Remus. He always will be. He buys books with all the money he’s meant to be saving, to put them on his own shelf, so that Remus might browse and find something he likes. He just wants to please Remus. To make him happy. To make his life a little simpler.
“Oh, careful, it’s on the brink of falling-“ As Sirius stood back up with it, Remus kissed him. Very quick and very short but very on the lips, “apart.” Sirius squeezed out, “Oh.”
“Oh.” Remus muttered.
“Well…” Sirius swallowed, walking past Remus to put the book down on the desk. Because Sirius is respectful of Remus’ things, always has been, and what he wants to do to Remus right now is probably not very respectful. He turns back, and he grabs him, with everything he has, “You’re mine now.”
“Oh…” Remus mumbled as Sirius kissed him, pulling him down onto the bed, careful to help take the weight off Remus’ hip. Because he’s always thinking of Remus like that.
He lays them down, the way that makes Remus most comfortable, and he presses tight against him, and he kisses Remus with all the strength, and love, and devotion he has.
Sirius never stops buying books, and Remus pretends he never figures out what Sirius is doing. And in their own little house, when they buy one a few years later, Sirius fills a whole room with bookshelves just for Remus, and fills them until they’re overflowing.
He never gets tired of watching Remus read. And he never gets tired of seeing his own name written down in the margins of whatever love story Remus just finished reading.
★ ★ ★
This came to me in a dream. I don’t even know why. It was a vision and I just had to write it so… enjoy?
Also, I just had the image of the Ben Barnes fancast edits using the Dorian Grey clips in my head whilst writing this so I had to reference it. I’m pretty sure canonically Dorian doesn’t even look remotely like Sirius, and honeslty, that just makes Remus’ pining even more pathetic lamo.
Also, none of these books (besides Dorian) referenced are real. I wrote this between 2-4 am so I really had no brain cells left that could use real references lol. This was just fun.
If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it here <3
Wonderful Wolfstar lovers who were interested: @lemongrass77777 @weirdtinkerbellversion @lapassemirroir
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