#plat national
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thaibypow · 9 months ago
Nasi Lemak
Le Sommaire Le Nasi Lemak est un plat traditionnel malaisien très apprécié dans toute la Malaisie et également dans d'autres parties de l'Asie du Sud-Est, comme Singapour, Brunei et le sud de la Thaïlande. Voici une présentation détaillée de ce plat emblématique :</p> <img width="1024" height="1024" src="https://thaibypow.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Nasi-Lemak-1.webp" alt=""…
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"this slow burn is gonna kill me" rip but I'm built different. sorry I can watch two characters who are friends that I know eventually date and think about yknow the entire current plot such as their whole friendship which is not sad does nor make me sad and does not kill me nearly as much as whatever the fuck the gods are doing. THOSE guys fuckign kill me.
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deepseamuse · 9 months ago
Honestly it being Beautifly's counterpart kind of makes it worse? It can already be hard just to get it bc of how Wurmple's evolutions are somewhat random, and then you get one and it's just. This
what is ur Least favorite pokemon.... Curious
I dislike Dustox very, very much.
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jadenvargen · 1 year ago
swedish-specific resources for palestinian local activism. please do share. 
Här kan man som svensk organisera sig för palestina. ibland kan resurser som sprids vara fokuserade på andra länder såsom USA, men här finns info på hur du som svensk kan organisera dig lokalt. 
Snälla feel free att lägga till eller rätta vadsomhelst, 1000% amatör, men vill samla ihop info till folk som kanske inte stött på det innan på denna hemsida.
https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ - organiserar sig specifikt i malmö gentemot ESC. har datum för planerade demonstrationer.
https://www.palestinagrupperna.se/ en huvudsaklig samlingsresurs för grupper i sverige att organisera sig med som är aktiv sen 70-talet. Här finns fakta, poddar, konsumentbojkotter, föreläsningar, insamlingar, osv. Palestinagruppen är mot apartheid fundamentalt utöver elduppehåll. De organiserar även Tuesdays for Palestine, för universitet och högskolor.
angående konsumentbojkotter i Malmö och Göteborg specifikt om ni köper second hand så stöttar björkåfrihet gaza, och säljer specifika palestinaimportprodukter såsom olivolja och kikärter.
Här finns kontakter och länkar till lokala organiseringar med Palestinagruppen:
Hässleholm / Kristianstad
Stockholm OCH http://www.palestinagruppenstockholm.se/
Uppsala - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-Uppsala-203271060501107
Västerås - https://www.facebook.com/Palestinagruppen-i-V%C3%A4ster%C3%A5s-850751518298673 
Gruppen är även organiserad i Varberg, Skellefteå samt Borås, men har där ingen sociala medielänk utan kontaktperson på hemsidan.
Israel i Eurovision song contest
SVT pekar mot EBUs beslut och att en stor del av osannolikheten av Israels uteslutning är att en huvudsponsor för ESC är ett Israeliskt företag.
i malmö har det i nuläget(02/22) bestämts att frågan om Israel i Malmös eurovision skall tas upp i kommande lokala kommunmöten. Man kan som medborgare ta del av dessa möten. I nuläget är det endast vänsterpartiet av regeringspartierna som driver frågan, men man kan ta kontakt med kommunrepresentant för att själv framföra frågan och ämnet. Man kan även fysiskt vara med under möte
Lista och Kontakt med Malmös kommunfullmäktige
mejladress tll styrelsen som helhet: kommunstyrelsen@malmo.se
mötesdatum: 6e mars, 10e april i statshuset 13:00
som tidigare nämnt organiseras protester i malmö lokalt under eurovisiondatumen bl.a på https://www.stoppaisrael.nu/ men det finns inom andra länkar i palestinagruppen också.
BSD i Sverige
Från palestinagruppen: "BDS National Committee rekommenderar riktad bojkott, fokus på ett mindre antal företag och produkter som bedöms vara strategiskt viktiga."
"Vill du undvika att köpa israeliska varor när du handlar så kontrollera varans streckkodsnummer, det s.k. EAN-numret. Israels landsprefix är 729. "
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här finns övergripande data på israels exportvaror till sverige
enligt https://trendeconomy.com är Israels främsta Frukt-o-grönt export som följer(som man kanske vill vara extra försiktig med, och rentav nämna till arbetare på din lokala matbutik- för deras mål är ju att sälja, inte bli bojkottade.) : Dadlar, fikon, ananas, avokado, guava, mango, citrus, nötter.
Sveriges regerings ställningstagande
Svenskt ställningstagande i “konflikten” är som följer:
Israel har en självklar rätt att försvara sig mot terrorism och urskillningslös raketbeskjutning.
Civila måste skyddas. 
Humanitärt tillträde är fundamentalt. (Jag vill belysa att regeringen här menar på att “ett stort ansvar för den humanitära katastrofen i Gaza vilar på Hamas som styrt Gaza sedan 2007” och även följande: “Sverige är en stor kärnstödsgivare till flera av de humanitära aktörerna på plats." Trots vad som står inom den fetade texten har sverige beslutat att stoppa bistånd till UNWRA. https://www.amnesty.se/aktuellt/sveriges-beslut-far-katastrofala-konsekvenser-miljontals-manniskors-liv/ )
Regional eskalering måste undvikas
En hållbar fred bygger på en tvåstatslösning.
Med grund av dessa uttalanden som bl.a direkt beskyller Palestiner för de över 30.000 dödade av den Israeliska militären är det inte överranskande att medier i sverige genast är vinklade, till ingens överraskning. Den senaste artikeln jag råkade ha öppen för att göra den här posten har språket
“Sydafrikas regering har anklagat Israel för folkmordsliknande agerande mot Gazas befolkning”
 “kriget i Gaza, som inleddes efter Hamas blodiga attack i Israel den 7 oktober. EBU har sagt att Israels public servicebolag inte brutit mot några regler och kommer att få tävla.”
Inga ord om att ICJ dömde Israel för detta “folkmordsliknande” beteende, eller vad som skiljer folkmord från “folkmordslikt”, medans attacken gentemot Israel är rentutav "blodig". På denna nivå överlag ligger journalistiken i Sverige. 
Det är viktigt att vi som medborgare belyser att Sveriges regering inte bara är åskådare utan är medbrottslingar i Israels fortsatta utrotningsförsök mot det palestinska folket. Vi bör vara väl medvetna om propagandan som inte bara kommer utifrån, utan inom sverige, och bekämpa denna.
snälla kom med egna tips, resurser, anmärkningar, kritik, whatever! ville bara ha en samlingsplats på tumblr för sätt i sverige att organisera sig lokalt, och vill verkligen bara att rätt ska va rätt.
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nikethestatue · 7 months ago
The Chair
The Scene We Need:
It's Solstice.
Elain is bustling in the kitchen, as usual, along with the twins, cooking and baking, preparing Feyre's birthday cake.
The twins are responsible for all the mains--roast beef, glazed ham, broiled salmon fillets, while all the sides are cooked by Elain.
There are more people than usual today invited to dinner--the Inner Circle, of course, are all there, but there is also Lucien, and Vassa too, and Varian as well. There are Nesta's friends, Emerie and Gwyn.
Once the party gathers around the festive table, Rhysand raises his glass, and begins saying 'From the blessed darkness," when suddenly, Azriel interrupts him,
"Wait. Not everyone is here."
Rhysand stops and everyone looks around, while Azriel goes to the kitchen and says, "Ladies, everyone is are ready. Please join us."
After a minute, Nuala, then Elain, and finally Cerridwen emerge from the kitchen. They are still wearing their aprons, and Elain is quickly fluffing her hair, and her sisters look shamefaced for forgetting about her, and for not inviting the twins.
There is an awkward silence, while Azriel fills three glasses with wine and hands them to the women. Rhysand waits patiently, and then resumes the Solstice prayer.
Once they toast, the twins and Elain hurry back to the kitchen and the rest of the guests gather around the table. Azriel, however, follows the three into the kitchen, and in ten minutes they all re-emerge carrying silver platters and porcelain bowls filled with food.
"Haha," Cassian cries, smirking, "Azriel is carrying the potatoes again! He is the Honorary Potato Carrier every Solstice."
Azriel doesn't deign him with a response, but places the platted with roasted rosemary potatoes in the middle of the table, as usual.
Everyone waits, knowing better than to start eating before Elain sits down--otherwise, there would be hell to pay from Azriel. No one questions why it's so important to him that she is seated at the table, but they know that it is. So they wait.
Azriel then looks at Mor, who is about to sit down and then says,
"Move. This is where my wife sits."
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In honor of National Potato Day
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dagonet · 1 year ago
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Kaamelott, Livre II, Le Plat national
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sloubs · 6 months ago
on parle pas assez de l'épisode du plat national honnêtement si j'avais joué dedans et qu'astier m'avait filé le script j'crois que je lui aurais roulé une pelle
"le crok, messieurs" mais épouse-moi toi et ton gros cerveau par pitié c'est du génie
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unsoundedcomic · 8 months ago
Do the Ald castes have any non-slur nicknames for each other? Like how Brits can be called limeys and Americans can be called yankees? (I know that's different because it's nationality not race/caste but still)
"Yankee" and "Limey" have fairly hostile origins, man :D I mean, they were killing each other in the 1700s. Even my Floridian ass calls northerners yankees when I'm pissed about all the transplants raising the rents. It ain't a term of endearment. "Transplant," too, is becoming a new insult down here. It's wild how that anger makes you reach to otherize people and come up with some new word that lets you do it. Tribalism is a helluva drug!
The caste names are themselves nicknames for the set of characteristics and attributes in these Aldish groups. Adding additional names on top of that seems unwieldy, and kind of unnecessary when they're used by weaker parties. How is a Bronze going to insult a Jet. Oh, you! You have to live for two centuries! I bet- I bet you're going to get so bored! And all that wealth and power and privilege your ancestors have amassed for you! I bet! I bet! I bet that just makes you question your own accomplishments! Born on third base and thought you hit a triple! Aha ha ha! Oh, see, I insulted you because your parents are... rich?
??? But the Jet can easily insult a Bronze as middens - just crossbred trash, mother was probably some whore mutt, father was too drunk to pull out, raised in a sewer, gut full of parasites, can't read, probably smells like cabbage and shit.
Plat? Meaningless mayfly dead by thirty, barely makes a ripple on the water, put into the world to serve others and be used up like a cheap paraffin candle, hardly worth educating, never more than a child.
Soud? (Notice they're almost never called "Gold;" that's seen as VITS propaganda and no one buys it). Pissmop Tains waiting for their betters to show their backs so they can steal a scrap of what their lazy, backwards ancestors lost. False Aldishmen, hangers-on, shadow-scroungers, Ssael's cast-off peoples, should be exiled to Anchert with the other traitors, or better yet, straight into the sea.
Copper? ...God, your women are huge. ...can I have one?
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exhaled-spirals · 1 year ago
« The Revolution swept away the prerogatives of the Crown associated with English land tenure in America. In America, ownership meant freedom from the meddling of nobles, the right to freely dispose of land by sale at a profit. . . American land law was predicated on the paramount principle that land was first and foremost a commodity for capital gain.
. . . Other Old World values toppled before this new system—for example, the idea of land as a physical container for community values. Nearly eradicated in the rush for profit was the concept of stewardship, of land as public trust. . . [T]he genius of American land law [...] "lay in its identification of land as a civil liberty instead of a social resource."
. . . A system was needed to divide [land] up for sale. The answer was the national grid. . . It was fair and square and easy to understand. The federal survey platted land into square units measuring six miles on each side. . . Over five million [family] farms were platted on public land between 1800 and 1900. Expeditious as it was—indeed, it is hard to imagine a more rational method—the national grid had some serious drawbacks. . . In terms of rural life, the grid institutionalized the trend toward scattered farms, rather than agricultural villages, giving physical expression to the powerful myth that only the individual mattered in America.
The new towns of the Midwest were more often than not laid out on grids that echoed the larger grid of the surrounding countryside, with some unfortunate results. The grid was primarily concerned with the squares of private property that lay within the gradients, not with the gradients themselves, or how the two related to one another. This dictated a way of thinking about the community in which private property was everything and the public realm—namely, the streets that connected all the separate pieces of private property—counted for nothing. This spawned towns composed of blocks unmodified by devices of civic art, checker-board towns without visible centers, open spaces, odd little corners, or places set aside for the public's enjoyment. »
— James Howard Kunstler, The Geography of Nowhere: The rise and decline of America's man-made landscape
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pupphe-additions · 1 year ago
✬Evie's Idol Profile✬
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Group: Stray Kids Stage Name: Evie English Name: Evelyn Kim Korean Name: Kim Nari (김나리) Nicknames: Eve, Lyn, Evie, Evs, Nani, Bear, Bug, Nini, Lovey, Vi and Ari Position: Dancer, Rapper, and Vocalist Birthday: July 6th, 1998 Zodiacs: Cancer/Tiger Birth Place: Sydney, Australia Ethnicity: Korean Nationality: Australian Languages:
English (native/fluent) Korean (fluent) Auslan (fluent) Auslan is Australian Sign Language Spanish (fluent) Japanese (learning/conversational)
Family: Grandma (Deceased), Grandfather (Deceased), Mother, Father, Older Brother, Younger Sister, a niece, and a nephew Instagram: skz.eve98
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Height: 152.4cm (5’0) Weight: 44.9kg (99 lbs) Blood Type: A Body Modifications: belly button piercing, triple helix (left ear), lobe and upper lobe (both ears) | two tattoos Face Claim: Soyeon (G)I-DLE Dance Model:  1M Dance Studio Yoojung Lee [x] [x] [x] Rap and Vocal Model: Dreamcatcher Dami [x] [x]
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
MBTI: INTP Positive Traits: Caring, open minded, loving, logical, empathic, intuitive, protective, and ambitious Negative Traits: Extreme stubbornness, perfectionist, jealous, can be rather moody and impatient Strengths: Open mindedness, curious, creative, talented, and passionate Weaknesses: Impatient, perfectionist, disconnected often, standoffish, low self esteem and self worth, and overthinks everything 3 Words She Would Use to Describe Herself: Hard working, loving, and open minded 3 Words STAY Would Use to Describe Her: Brave, caring, and understanding 3 Words Stray Kids Would Use to Describe Her: Rebellious, kind, and crazy
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Visual: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (8.5/10) Vocals: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (5.5/10) Rap: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (9/10) Dance:  ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) Choreographing: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) Stage Presence: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) Acting: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (4/10) Producing/Song Writing: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (6/10) Public Speaking: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (5.5/10) Other Variety: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (8/10) Total: 76.5/100 Special Stat (Flexibility): ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) Special Stat (Video Gaming): ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
✬Career Information✬
Stage Name: Evie Agency(s): SM Entertainment (former trainee) JYP Entertainment (current) Training Period: 2010-2019  (almost 9 years) Group: Stray Kids Debut Date: 01-24-2019 Position(s): Dancer, Rapper, and Vocalist Individual Fandom: Lily Pads Representative Emoji/Animal: Koala 🐨 Unit: Dance Racha
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
✬Romance, Simplified✬
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Ideal Type: “Someone understanding and someone I can connect with. Someone who will love and care for me, but also someone who will call me out on my bullshit. I think that would be my ideal type.” Commenter: What about gender? Do you have a preference? Evie: As long as they love me that’s all that matters no? Gender doesn’t stop love! 
Relationship Status: Single
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Evie has two dogs named Aurora and Luna and a macaw named Comet.
Evie's sister is named Chloe (2001) and a brother named Hudson (1996)
Evie was originally on the show with the other members of Stray Kids but she got eliminated very early on and didn’t get a second chance as JYP didn’t think she was ready enough at the time. Evie mentioned on vLive how that made her feel like she would never be good enough to debut.
She has a serious case of RBF.
She enjoys being alone after a long day.
She is a masters overwatch 2 support player, she is also in diamond as DPS, and plat as tank.
She really enjoys playing games competitively.
She is very close with her older brother and his kids and calls him everyday for at least an hour.
She can come off as cold and intimidating when you first meet but she's actually just a massive softy.
She is allergic to shellfish and also has seasonal allergies.
She likes to assign people in her life with colors.
She has a group of idol friends that she talks to regularly and she doesn’t like making new friends unless she is with the other members of SKZ.
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stephaneparede · 2 months ago
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Le couscous en berbère Seksu, est le plat national des habitants de l’Afrique du Nord ; c’est aussi leur plus grande et leur plus belle invention culinaire.
En effet, ils furent les premiers à faire cuire à la vapeur les semoules de blé et d’orge, améliorant ainsi le traitement des grains, jusque là utilisés seulement pour la confection des bouillies et des pains. Son invention remonte vraisemblablement à la fin de la période romaine.
Le couscous repose sur deux principes simples mais ingénieux :
Le mélange de semoule de calibres différents pour former les grains et la cuisson à la vapeur qui augmente le volume des grains.
Les sauces qui l’accompagnent sont très diverses, on en prépare avec des légumes frais, des légumes secs ou de conserves, de la viande de mouton, de bœuf ou de chameau au sud, de la volaille et dans certaines régions des abats du poisson.
Le couscous est ce plat de convivialité qui a gardé son histoire millénaire, celui de l’homme libre. Il est comme le burnous d’origine Amazigh et il a une généalogie maghrébine dans toute la profondeur de nos racines. Il est présent dans les noces, dans les circonstances de fêtes et de peines, le couscous s’est toujours entouré de rituel qui lui donne une certaine sacralité.
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petterbrorson · 2 years ago
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Tills nästa gång, akvarell, 17x12 cm
Förra helgen åkte jag och min fru till Fulufjällets Nationalpark. Det var första gången vi var där, så vi tog bara en dagstur för att få se lite hur det var. Det är en helt otrolig plats! Jag längtar efter att åka tillbaka och stanna lite längre än bara en dag.
Until next time, watercolour, 17x12 cm
Last weekend me and my wife went to Fulufjället National Park. It was our first time there, so we just made a day trip to get to see a little what it was like. It's an amazing place! I long to go back and stay for a bit more than just a day.
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codumofr · 5 months ago
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Un vase à dessin floral aussi vue comme une pièce de céramique de la Vaisselle de Cizhou. Les Vaisselles de Cizhou ou Vaisselle de Tz'u-chou est un terme générique qui désigne des pièces comme celle-ci produite entre la fin de la Dynastie Tang et le début de la Dynastie Ming. La Porcelaine sous la Dynastie Tang connu un "âge d'or" grâce au dynamisme et développant considérablement la "Route de la Soie", permettant un développement des relations entre Asie et Perse. Les céramiques de qualité en Chine sont dues à trois familles culturelles qui seront celles de Yangshao (4500 à 3000 av. J.-C), Cishan-Beifudi (vers 6500-5000) et Peiligang (7000 - 5000 av. J.-C) nous permettant ainsi de remonter le travail de céramique de qualité en Chine jusqu'à au moins l'an -7000 avant Jésus-Christ.
La Dynastie Tang s’étend de l’an 618 à l’an 907 après Jésus-Christ. Cette dynastie voit l’essor d’une façon fulgurante et très étendue de l’art tant pour la Calligraphie, la Peinture, la Céramique, l’Art du Métal et les Arts Bouddhiste. Nous pouvons ainsi retrouver de nombreux traités sur l’art chinois tels que le Traité sur la Calligraphie ( Shupu ) rédigé en 687 par Sun Guoting qui est un ouvrage majeur et théorique employant le style de calligraphie chinois Wang Xizhi. La mise en place et la finalisation des grands styles calligraphique chinois sont aussi de cette période, notamment avec la mise en forme de ses calligraphies. Nous pouvons retrouver une trace de Traité sur la Calligraphie au Musée National du Palais de Taipei tandis que des copies des œuvres de cette époque peuvent être trouvées au Musée du Palais de Pékin telle que laPréface au Pavillon des Orchidées de Wang Xizhi. La Peinture de la période Tang est l'œuvre d’artisans non considérés comme des lettrés par la société et par le pouvoir en place. Toutefois, une première évolution de la peinture est faite grâce à l’apparition d'ouvrages théoriques sur la peinture telle que le Xie He et c’est ce qui permet de l'élever au rang d’art majeur. À cette époque, l’archétype du peintre-lettrés commence à se développer et l’image même de cet archétype est Wang Wei est un peintre du Jinzhong. Cette période fut un des âges d’or de la céramique chinoise et dont le dynamisme ouvrit largement la Chine sur le monde ouvert grâce à la Route de la Soie. La Porcelaine Xing est une des quasi-porcelaines fines et translucides de cette période dont la surface qui se trouvait être lisse évoque la Jade et émettait un son musical au choc. Une description poétique de cette porcelaine était : l'éclat de l'argent et la blancheur de la neige. L’Art du Métal se développe durant cette période et c’est une des rares périodes où est développé un art en or et en argent de grande qualité. Les œuvres en métal ont été produites dans les Ateliers Impériaux de l’Empire. À l’origine située dans le nord pour la production, lors de la deuxième période Tang, elle se déplaça sur le Sud. Ainsi, nous pouvons voir des plats gravés en or dans le ArtScience Museum de Singapour ou même des œuvres en argent retrouver dans l’Épave de Belitung. Pour finir, l’Art Bouddhique qui rassemble l’architecture, la sculpture et tout autre art en lien avec le bouddhisme se développe, mais il ne reste pas grand-chose aujourd’hui de ce passage. Toutefois, deux temples de cette époque ont été préservés et se trouvent sur le Mont Wutai. Préservé et restauré pour garder une trace de cet art raffiné. Nous pouvons retrouver des temples sur le Mont Maiji tandis que des sculptures peuvent être retrouvées dans différents musées et muséum comme celui de Tokyo, celui de Baltimore, celui des arts Asiatique de San Francisco ou dans des grottes.
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al-n-cartoons · 2 months ago
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I like how Duane is shown running through multiple different avenues of focus (the distant battle, the speak of nationality, and his kiddo's doings) while Sette is stuck on just one (focusing on her doings, favouring their experiments and made uncomfortable when asked to engage with the others).
Sette doesn’t spend much time with others her age, yes? It's almost always adults with her, though the fact that she doesn’t age is a likely contributor (adults are subtler in their changes overtime whereas youths run through phases quickly). The kids her age are less filtered in their thoughts about her, refering to her not by name but by rude remarks to her physicality. Quiggles does as well but is less ongoing with his meanness about it— and frankly, his overall aloof and snide mannerisms make it stand out much less when he's rude to or about her specifically; he's rude about everyone.
(On the plat pair, I find them more fun to watch now that Matty has both spine and some authority, being recurrently insubordinate and outspoken of his displeasure when it comes to Quigely. Matty makes some efforts with Sette, at one point telling her that he can’t be friends with her if she's so hostile, and I respect that.)
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fishrpg · 3 months ago
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2024-12-26: South Carolina (Hex 26)
Cramped roads are surrounded by marshy forests, the trees draped in Spanish moss that give the limbs a bearded appearance.
Settlement: The Town of Erasmus
Erasmus is a community in a remote part of coastal South Carolina that has long been under the care of Gullah Geechee people. The Gullah Geechee are descendants of chattel slavery who lived on isolated plantations and managed to carve out a distinctive culture that incorporated many of the African traditions of their elders.
Nearly the entire population of Erasmus is Black, and most of the remainder being indigenous people from the Edisto nation/tribe (though it would be 1970 before they officially adopted the Edisto name). The community is defined by outsiders for its arts like basket weaving and textiles, as well as its delicious food.
Few people come this way because of how isolated it is, though more people are stopping by as awareness spreads of how reliably the settlement can be found on The Routes. Most of the travelers through these parts are people of color, though white folks are allowed as long as they don't try to start anything.
Many of the buildings are painted in bright colors, often with murals or patterns. Houses are on the small side (by modern sensibilities), and much of the infrastructure is forced to be simple, sparse, or improvised to cope with a prejudiced lack of investment by moneyed individuals from outside the community (and that's on top of the extra expenses that inevitably pop up when trying to complete any large project so far out in the boonies).
Hidden: The Developer Holdout
A modest house at the end of a long dirt road is the location of a place where the old traditions, stories, and history of the Gullah Geechee are taught. The house is owned by Thursday Molengo, and it is located on land that a developer is looking to acquire. So far Thursday has refused the developer's offers to buy the land, publicly stating that history and traditions matter more than money. Privately, he's willing to sell if the offer is high enough.
Unfortunately for Thursday, no more offers are coming. The developer has struck a sweetheart deal with seize the land through eminent domain. A team of bulldozers are arriving soon to demolish the house, and Thursday would like the party to help hold off the bulldozers for a day or two so that a lawyer friend of his who specializes in fighting government land seizures that take land away from non-white communities. He will arrive in 1d3+1 days, because he is not terribly familiar with The Routes.
Encounter: The Surveyors
A team of three surveyors (Patrick Hughes, Glenn Wilson, and Roy Evans) from the Bureau of Transportation Standardization and Consistency is in the middle of an expedition to document some of the more dangerous sections of The Routes and ran out of food some time ago and are starving from their time being lost. Their car was abandoned some time back when they ran out of fuel. They have money to pay for food, but Patrick will refuse any food offered by or touched by a person of color.
Service Station: Singing Oak Fuel & General Store
In addition to providing gas and diesel to travelers, the Singing Oak is a convenient place for locals to get many of the supplies for daily life. Most of the locals come by on foot because it's so close, so there always seem to be many more people shopping and chatting in the store than there are cars outside. The main building is an older structure probably built during the Great Depression with several bottle trees (shrub-like sculptures with glass bottles covering the branches) guarding the perimeter to ward off malevolent spirits like the Plat-Eye (there are a bunch of different conflicting stories about the Plat-Eye, and I can't find my book of lowcountry ghost stories, so just pick a version that resonates with you and makes sense for your table).
The interior of the shop is lit by several bare bulbs that alternately cover the wares in bright light and deep shadow. The floor is wooden and extremely sturdy despite its age. A grandfather clock that no longer works is afforded a place of honor along one of the walls. Legend says that the clock stopped working the moment the local plantation owner died of old age.
For folks traveling by car, lost objects have a tendency to appear here. There is a 10% chance that a missing object appears in the glove box each time a car visits the store, though the object must be small enough to fit there.
Author's Note: I decided to name this community Erasmus in honor of the group behind Lowcountry Crawl, who have done a wonderful job of condensing the real history and folklore of this part of South Carolina into something that is both informative and fun to play. Although LC is set considerably earlier than 1966, much of the history and folklore still shows up in these rural areas (I speak from experience because much of my childhood was spent in the Lowcountry and the vibes of LC are spot on).
If you are curious about some of the historical Gullah Geechee communities that still exist, look up Hogg Hummock. Another note is about how names for people were chosen: Gullah Geechee names often reflect West African traditions like being named after the day day of the week when a child was born, or giving a child two names (a government name and a "basket name" or "house name" that was known only to family and friends).
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bluespring864 · 3 months ago
Tag 9 people you wanna get to know.
Thank you so much for the tag! @butterflyintochains and sorry for the late reply! This is always a busy time of year for me.
Last Song Listened To - I was listening to a Jaques Brel live album yesterday. The last encore on that is "Le plat pays", one of my favourite songs of his.
Last Movie You Watched - Don't watch a ton of movies either so I think it was probably Challengers in the cinema this spring... which is kind of a shame because I didn't even like it that much. I should watch some films over the holidays :)
Currently Watching - Nothing, really. I just finished Season 3 of Taskmaster Australia which was hilarious and I will catch up on Only Connect soon, I am somewhere halfway through the current series but set it aside because of too much work... Also I will definitely try to catch a bit of the Japanese Figure Skating Nationals over the holidays.
Currently Reading - Depressingly, I started reading numerous books months ago and haven't finished any of them yet. Have to finish The Most Secret Memory of Men by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr soon though because I really need to give it back to the friend I borrowed it from a year ago! Fanfic reading: obviously everything by our new Novandy anon <3 And I want to catch up on the rest of the tennis rpf tag on Ao3 soon, and the Tatort tag as well... I hope the holidays will be long enough for all of that!
Current Obsession - Tennis. It was when I replied to one of these tag games a year or two ago and it probably will be until the end of time :D
no pressure tags to:
@alacants, @crossedcourt, @lightsouttennis, @forty-lou, @michelle-ma-cherie
@dianashnaiders, @arfield, @iamsigningmylifeaway, @challengerers
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