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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #reuse } || source: the.eco.warrior
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roes-in-the-east · 5 years ago
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My beautiful, talented, inspirational insta-friend Camilla from @conchuslife has just sent me one of her precious HUG soap bars. These bars are made up of little shavings of all her other soaps and they are donated to some amazingly worthy causes. I feel so honoured to have received one from her. As many of you know, my mother is dying of cancer and only has a few days-a weekish left. I've left my family in Suffolk to be with her and care for her with my dad, sister and brother in Somerset. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions and mental and physical fatigue like I've never experienced before. In these last days we've been able to ensure she has all the care and support teams in place to enable her to pass away at home surrounded by love. This gesture from a woman I've never met, whom I found through plasticfreejuly 2019, has meant to world to me! I started buying soaps and shampoo bars from Camilla and learnt she had experience of dealing with cancer patients and the friendship grew from there. Every time my mum needed something specific or fragrance free, Camilla advised and provided. Camilla's fragrance free lip balm is still the only one my mum will use, and our whole family use and love her soaps and shampoos. I can't thank her enough for being there for me. If you know someone going through a rough patch, don't underestimate what little gestures like this can mean to that person. To you it might be just a bar of soap, to me, it's a symbol that someone sees me, hears me and thought of me at this time, and that's so precious. Thank you Camilla 💕 . . . . #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfreejuly2020 #plasticfreejuly #kindgestures #kindheart #preciousgifts #dealingwithcancer #toxinfree #positivevibes #instagramfriends #hugbars #grief #dealingwithloss https://www.instagram.com/p/CCyZ-wbHB2y/?igshid=oeg0zfvilgk
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dashvegan · 6 years ago
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Please excuse the crazy lighting! (In case you haven't been inside our shop we have 4 different coloured tube lights and they cast crazy colours!) But we are just super excited to show you that we now have these fully compostable plant cellulose bags available for your purchases from our Scoop Store ... and also, very soon, our website too!!! The bigger bags hold up to 650g of rice, for example, and the smaller bags up to 300g of rice, for example, but are just perfect for smaller purchases of our super food powders such as Maca or Baobab or even our herbs and spices. . . . #plasticfreenottingham #zerowastenottingham #nottinghamplasticfree #nottinghamzerowaste #zerowasteshopping #plasticfreeshopping #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfreeshop #zerowasteshop #zerowastenotts #nottszerowaste #zerowaste #plasticfree #compostablepackaging #scoopstore #refillstore (at Dash Vegan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WhCqQJJKH/?igshid=13cc1r2snliv
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zalikasbathbeauty-blog · 6 years ago
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That’s right it’s is plastic free July and I am encouraging others to participate! It took me a long time to become 100% plastic free, however we can all do something to avoid a plastic purchase. It doesn’t even have to be a plastic free purchase. You could go to the beach or your neighborhood and clean the area from plastics. Whatever you decide to do, just know that you are helping our environment 🌎 Thank you for reading now go do something for the environment! ✌️ 💖 🌎 . . . . . . . .. . . . #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfree #plasticfreeproducts #plasticfreeoceans #plasticfreeworld #jointheplasticresistance #plasticos #juliosinplastico #plasticout #papernotplastic #papernotfoil #savethebees🐝 #savetheenvironment♻️ #saveourplanet #dotherightthing #oceancleanup #helpmehelpyou #plasticfreeforthesea #noplastic #noplasticstraws #noplastics #noplasticbags #noplasticjuly #environmentalcleanup #plasticfreelife #plasticfreemakeup #plasticfreebeauty #noplasticbathing #plasticfreelipbalm (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Buq_fBVp4/?igshid=17nm7ux729e8e
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artismelb · 6 years ago
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Swipe⬅️ 🌿Tiny acts have always made a difference. Everything starts small! —––————–—–———— Desliza⬅️🌿Los pequeños actos siempre han hecho una diferencia. Todo empieza pequeño!!! —––————–—–———— #zerowasteliving #zerowaste #sustainableliving #green #greengirl #comic #PlasticFreeJuly #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfree #environmentalist #imperfectenvironmentalist #ambientalista# ambientalista imperfecto #juliosinplastico #noexcuses #earth #artist #artivism #cute #digitalart #artedigital #noplastic #cutecomic #artivismo #artivismoambiental #zerowasteschool #reusables https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0_ODtg27A/?igshid=ha18doz0jicm
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finestfashionsite-blog · 6 years ago
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𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂!!! #plasticfreejuly #plasticfree #sustainable #sustainability #sustainablefashion #plasticawareness #clothbag #cottontotebag #sustainablefashionmeme #slowfashionmemes #ethicalfashionmemes #july2019 #makingtheworldabetterplace #earthday #challenge #plasticfreejulychallenge #plasticfreejuly2019 #plasticfreejulytips https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYR9Iyhp1g/?igshid=1es0nt8m1egfd
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narcolepsylucid · 6 years ago
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I seldom drink Moka, cause I’m always favour silky flat white. But sometime I order chocolate to get the marshmallow💖 #sweetooth #reuserevolution #deco #dessert #plasticfreejuly2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzVLATxpIry/?igshid=1357adcuhsq6l
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zerowastesociety-blog · 6 years ago
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#PlasticFreeJuly is almost here it we are getting the party started! . Take 15% off all Digital Gift Cards now until the end of July. . The perfect gift for any occasion or simply to show your gratitude to a special someone. . If you know someone doesn’t really follow a low waste lifestyle currently now is the perfect time to introduce them to the many products on our site. . #zerowastegift #giftcard #plasticfreejuly2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzN5k_UhjlQ/?igshid=oesp1xwjkj8b
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flagshipframing · 6 years ago
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Today is the last day of #plasticfreejuly2019 and we’re just thinking about the small changes we’ve made this July to reduce our plastic usage further. We have started ordering our milk in glass bottles and have swapped to bars of soap, small steps but it all adds up! #everylittlehelps #reduceplasticuse
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ramyeonupdates · 5 years ago
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{ #reducereuserecycle } || source: the.eco.warrior
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fairywrencottage · 6 years ago
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#plasticfreejuly2019 There is a new blog post at fairywrencottage.com Two things: 1. One of the ways we try to limit plastics in our kitchen is replacing them with hand made. Michael & Lil made this wooden chopping board for me. 2. Another thing we do is look at the plastics we do use and think what would our Great Grandparent’s have used instead. More on the blog if you are interested, Jude x • • #greenliving #myopenkitchen #plasticfree #slowliving_create #foodtography #thefeedfeed #instafood #healthyfood #herbs #ourhandmadehome #woodenchoppingboard #livemoremagic #creativelifehappylife #creativeinthecountryside #wastefree #fennelseeds #fromthegarden #kitchenbench #countrystyleloves #inthekitchen #waysiwaspartofthechangetoday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/30Uw2RT
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ecoroots · 6 years ago
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✨ Sunday Mantra ✨ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Zero Waste Movement isn't about perfection, so don't let the fear of not being perfect hold you back from trying. 🙌🏼 ♻️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Start from somewhere - keep yourself motivated, do your best, even the smallest act can make this world a better place. 💚 🌍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #plasticfreejuly2019 #ecorootslife #zerowasteliving https://ift.tt/2GoMnGD
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dashvegan · 6 years ago
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Bamboo toothbrushes! Such an easy #plasticfreejuly swap - have you got yours yet? We have both @thehumble.co and Environmental toothbrushes in stock (plus a very small supply of @zerowasteclub replacement heads) in store and on our website too. Make the switch today and live your best #plasticfree life! ♡ . . . #plasticfreenottingham #zerowastenottingham #nottinghamplasticfree #nottinghamzerowaste #zeowasteshopping #shopzerowaste #zerowasteshop #zerowastenotts #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelifestyle #plasticfreebathroom #bambootoothbrush #plasticfreegirl #zerowastevegan #plasticfreevegan #plasticfreelife #plasticfreejuly2019 (at Dash Vegan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0THmQwJRCU/?igshid=1tl3k91cz2buk
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nimitack · 5 years ago
Let Me Tell You a Secret | How to Remove Deodorant Stains
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artismelb · 6 years ago
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⬇️scroll for English Uníte a la lucha contra el plástico este mes de julio (y el resto del año). Hay muchos movimientos, alternativas y soluciones para cuidar nuestro medio ambiente. ☠️El plástico es uno de los monstruos que literalmente está acabando con nuestros ecosistemas. 🌿Este monstruo de petróleo está incrustado en nuestros hábitos y vida diaria, pero todavía estamos a tiempo! Este mes quisiera (o al menos quiero intentar!) compartirles un poco de mis hábitos para ayudar al planeta, esperando que los inspire y se concientizen del impacto que tenemos individualmente como consumidores. Mientras tanto disfruten de esta imagen que me divertí mucho al hacerla! ———————————————— Join the fight against plastic this July (and the rest of the year!) Nowadays, there are plenty of movements, alternatives and solutions to take care of our environment. ☠️Plastic is one of the many monsters that literally is destroying our environment. 🌿This petroleum monster is embedded in our habits and our lifestyles, but we are still on time! This month, I would like (or at least try!) to share some of my habits to help the planet, hoping that it would inspire you and bring awareness to the impact we individually have as consumers. Meanwhile, enjoy this image. I had a lot of fun making it! ———————————————— #plasticfreejuly2019 #PlasticFreeJuly #plasticfree #plastic #juliosinplastico #juliosinplástico #plastico #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #noplastic #sustainableliving #environmentalist #artivism #artivismo #artismelb #noexcuses #earth #tryhard #greencomic #greengirl #green #comics #artistsoninstagram #art #digitalart https://www.instagram.com/p/BzgAqYGAS2t/?igshid=10uqj1hdohgco
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dashvegan · 6 years ago
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Plastic free (delivered to us in big paperlined cardboard boxes) gluten free vegan pasta which actually tastes nice too! Made from rice not corn. We currently have Macaroni, Lasagne sheets and Fusili but keep your eyes peeled for new additions arriving soon too! Perfect addition to your #plasticfree kitchen for #plasticfreejuly2019 and beyond! . . . #plasticfreenottingham #zerowastenottingham #nottinghamplasticfree #nottinghamzerowaste #glutenfreevegan #coeliacvegan #glutenfreenottingham #glutenfreeveggie #glutenfreedairyfree #glutenfreeplasticfree #plasticfreevegan #vegannottingham #plasticfreelife #plasticfreepasta #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreekitchen #plasticfreehome #zerowastepantry #zerowastevegan #veganzerowaste #plasticfreegoals (at Dash Vegan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3I68dp5KC/?igshid=z1d09zynwwrj
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