Zero Waste Society
146 posts
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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How you can take climate change action from home by @wholesomeculture. . #bethechange #zerowastesociety #zerowastegoals
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Bring your own and choose to reuse! Bags, cups, containers, straws, utensils. We don鈥檛 need plastic if we get into the habit of carrying our own. . Learn to be eco-conscious do your part to protect our home. . Sign up as a Zero Waste Society Member today and let鈥檚 change the world together. . #zerowastesociety #StopPlasticPollution #zerowasteshop
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Voting for this truck at the 28th Annual Automobile Heritage Festival and Car Show in San Diego, CA. . #recyclingtruck #edco #carshow
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Simple steps everyone can take. We invite you to follow a few hashtags and become educated on this problem that affects everyone. #plasticpollution #plastickills #planetorplastic
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Visit our booth this Sunday, July 14 from 5 - 8 pm at Memorial Park in Chula Vista, CA. . We will have dozens of products from eco-friendly brands. . Stop by for a chance to win a free #zerowastekit. (at San Diego, California)
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Don鈥檛 get caught in the Upside Down. . You have the power to change the world. Choose to Reuse! . We got your back. Join Zero Waste Society and together we can overcome. #strangerthings #zerowastesociety #overcome #savetheworld
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Happy 4th if July from all of us at Zero Waste Society. . Please use reusable containers and be mindful of the waste you create. . Use code: happy4th for 10% our shop. Exp. 07-05-19. . #fourthofjuly #4thofjuly #lowwastebbq (at San Diego, California)
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
Good day to set up and promote ZW in San Diego, CA. Good music, good food, and eco friendly products. . Saving our future. Mine, yours, and theirs. . #Santana#zerowastesandiego #straws #noplastichere (at Chula Vista, California)
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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#PlasticFreeJuly is almost here it we are getting the party started! . Take 15% off all Digital Gift Cards now until the end of July. . The perfect gift for any occasion or simply to show your gratitude to a special someone. . If you know someone doesn鈥檛 really follow a low waste lifestyle currently now is the perfect time to introduce them to the many products on our site. . #zerowastegift #giftcard #plasticfreejuly2019
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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^^New Products^^ Join is in standing up for something bigger than us. We have partnered with @unselfiebands to bring you two awesome bracelets that give back $1 for each bracelet sold to a cause. . For every Olive Leaf Unselfie Band sold, $1 will be donated to the Sierra Club! . About @sierraclub Foundation To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives The Sierra Club Foundation promotes climate solutions, conservation, and movement building through a powerful combination of strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy. The Foundation is the fiscal sponsor of Sierra Club鈥檚 charitable environmental programs. . For every Just Keep Swimming Unselfie Band sold, $1 will be donated to! . About @water Access to safe water can protect and save lives, just because it's there. Access to safe water can turn problems into potential: unlocking education, economic prosperity, and improved health. Every human being deserves to define their own future, and water makes that possible. has transformed more than 17 million lives with access to safe water and sanitation, and together we can reach even more people. . In addition to supporting these two great organizations, Zero Waste Society also donates 5% of all profits to @conserveturtles. . #earthdayeveryday #waterislife #savetheturtles
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Music, Nature, Fun, and Plastic Free Products! . Zero Waste Society will have a booth at Market in the Park in Chula Vista, CA at Memorial Park on June 30th and again on July 14th. . Check us out for your Eco Friendly Alternatives and enter to win a ZWS gift. . #zerowastepopup #musicinthepark #zerowastemarket (at Chula Vista, California)
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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How many reasons do people need before they start to act? In one way or another single-use plastics affects everyone. . We have one world, let鈥檚 take care of it. . Pledge to be part of the solution. Join our movement at . #bethechange #ecoconsciousliving #zerowastesociety
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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$1 Zero Waste Society Straws. One Day Only Sale (06-08-19) in support of World Oceans Day!!! . Buy your reusable straw and start saving our precious ocean. 5% of profits from all sales also support Sea Turtle Conservation. . Join Our Movement at . Link in our bio. . Please share this post. . #WorldOceansDay #straw #onedaysale
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Have you taken a moment to appreciate your surrounding today? Can you feel the energy radiating from the trees and grass, the waves of the ocean, the breeze of the wind on your face? . We are grateful for our home and know we must protect it. Please consider everything you choose to use and think of where it will end up after your done with it. . We fully support the R鈥檚 of recycling and the most important one of all is Refuse. . Choose to refuse single use plastics, harmful chemicals, toxic products, and things that have lasting damaging impacts on our environment. . We are blessed to be given this home for us to tend to. So if you get a chance today, think of how you can positively contribute to keeping our earth beautiful. . Happy World Environment Day to all. . #worldenvironmentday #zerowastesociety #styngvi
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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^^NEW PRODUCTS^^ We now carry four of San Diego's Sunrise Soapworks Vegan Artisan Soaps. . We are currently carrying Tropical Lush, Rose Botanical, Peppermint, and Camp Darin. . Are you feeling more of the floral notes or woodsy scent? Whatever your style these beautifully hand poured soaps are a great addition to any home and safe for the whole family. . Visit our website for full descriptions of each soap. . Go to or click the link in our bio. . And remember that 5% of profits from your purchase go to protect and save sea turtles. . #vegansoapbar #sunrisesoapworks #zerowastesoap (at San Diego, California)
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Make the better choice. Choose to reuse. #zerowastesociety
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zerowastesociety-blog 6 years ago
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Congratulations to @sunedlight for winning our On-the-Go Essentials Zero Waste Kit (Earth Day Edition) Giveaway. . Thank you to everybody that participated and continue to support a Zero Waste lifestyle. . This Zero Waste Kit is available on our website for only $50. . Please remember that Every Day is Earth Day and that you can make a difference. #instawinner #instagiveaway #zerowastegiveaway
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