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ecohomeapp · 6 days ago
Embrace zero-waste shopping with Ecohome
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Switch to zero waste shopping with Ecohome and make a positive impact on the planet with sustainable products. Download now! 
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erdaglobal · 1 year ago
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We added the flavour of coffee beans with other natural ingredients to create a unique blend of body polishers that will exfoliate and make you smell like coffee.
Amazingly exotic and truly sensational - that's the neighbour talking.
Get your cuppa polisher today - https://www.erdaglobal.com/collections/body-polisher/products/coffee-body-polisher
#bodypolisher #coffeebodypolisher #bodypolish #creme #bodycream #skincare #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincareproducts #natural #naturalbeauty #naturalproducts #naturalproduct #zerowastenz #zerowasteshop #zerowastelifestyle #ecofriendly
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donnanaturale · 5 years ago
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Coming soon in August...Donna Naturale's Non-Tox Eco Shop! . The Non-Tox Eco Shop will have BOTH digital and physical products to help you on your #sustainability and #zero-waste journey! . What are your #nontoxic, sustainable and zero-waste MUST-HAVES? What kind of digital downloads would you like to see added? Let me know in the comments! ✍ . #donnanaturale #nontoxecoshop #naturalhealthandwellness #sustainable #lesstoxicliving #lesswasteful #digitaldownloads #instadaily #gogreen #ecofriendly #nontoxicproducts #sustainablemomblogger #ecolife #cleanerandgreener #zerowasteshopping https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMZo6IHc-P/?igshid=19ybnaauywu8c
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eco-modern-city · 5 years ago
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Its frightening but its true . Follow @eco_modern_city . #reducereuserecycle #sustainable #plasticocean #zerowastetips #goingzerowaste #bringyourown #noplastic #noplasticbags #zerowasteuk #zerowasteshopping #cleanocean #trump #hatetrump #usa🇺🇸 #canada🇨🇦 #england🇬🇧 #economy #austria🇦🇹 #china🇨🇳 #greece🇬🇷 #czechrepublic🇨🇿 #france🇫🇷 #germany🇩🇪 #ukraine🇺🇦 #iran🇮🇷 #southkorea🇰🇷 #iraq🇮🇶 #qatar🇶🇦 #uae🇦🇪 #money (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iar5qna8Q/?igshid=1xcbg4b5zuzpp
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decadentkidjudgeneck · 5 years ago
Haus hack #1, keep your bamboo toothbrush in a dry place! ✨ #youhadmeatzero #youhadmeatzerowaste #zerowastelife #zerowastelifestyle #zerowasteliving #zerowastehome #zerowastebathroom #zerowastetips #zerowastejourney #zerowasteuk #zerowasteshopping #zerowastegoals #zerowastevegan #zerowastevegans #zerowastekitchen #zerodechets #zérodéchet #zerodechetfacile #vsco #vscocam #vscofilter #ig #fyp (à England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBAj4Q2HNd6/?igshid=cg6c9m5ke1tl
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woodlandsescapes · 5 years ago
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Personally, the biggest impact we make towards a Zero Waste society is by refusing plastic consumption. Additionally, we want to invest in our local gardeners and farmers market, buy unpackaged organic produce, integrate zero waste education at school, and at the city level. It is possible for majority of our city to come together and become a worldly example. We began Zero Waste The Woodlands because we believe in closing that loop in the rotting stage; we want to make sure we divert as much organic materials from hitting the landfill by providing residents in The Woodlands, Single Stream Composting. A bucket exchange program that allows you to discard of your food waste and compostables responsibly. Visit us at www.zerowastethewoodlands.com/services to choose the best option for you. #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastehome #zerowasteshopping #zerowastelife #zerowastetravel #zerowastelifestyle #zerowastetips #zerowastetexas #zerowastethewoodlands #lowwaste #lowwasteliving #lowwastelifestyle #compost #composting #compostpickup #foodwaste #foodwasted #nofoodwaste #houstongarden #thewoodlandsareafoodies #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #thewoodlandstexas #houston #houstontx #springtx #earth #giveback (at The Woodlands, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7NZAUjJ8kP/?igshid=1g3ujovnew7tx
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zerowastehomestead · 6 years ago
What's that junk inside yo trunk? (psst it's a zero waste shopping kit)
All zero wasting ultimately begins and ends with where you shop and the zero waste tools you have in your arsenal.  I’m definitely still honing my zero waste skills and have not achieved true zero waste yet, but every little bit helps.  What I find particularly helpful is always keeping this “zero waste toolkit” in the trunk of my car so I can never forget it when I go shopping:
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Ingredients: - A cute little basket for fun-sies (and to keep things a bit organized) - A mason jar (or two or three!) for bulk dry goods - Reusable shopping bags and produce bags - Glass milk jars (this might not apply to you, but our local dairy uses these refillable glass bottles.  Every time we run out of milk, we bring our bottles back for an exchange.  Super cute!)
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I write the weight of the jar plus lid on all my mason jars so the weight of the empty container can be subtracted from the weight of the full jar at checkout.
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I made these sweet little totes out of some secondhand cotton fabric about 6 years ago and they’re still going strong, despite me being a mediocre seamstress.
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I also made these mesh produce bags about 6 years ago.  If I made them again, I would not use nylon mesh (not biodegradable) but they have lasted very well and they are so light that they do not impact the weight of produce at checkout.  They have a white hemp drawstring at the tops and do a great job of keeping my produce neat and tidy.  I’ve also heard that the mesh produce bags that come on most bulk oranges and onions make great, lightweight reusable produce bags.
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earthysoph · 6 years ago
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Finally got my @keepcup ! ☕️
The barista at the store was so lovely and helped me get the colours I wanted ☺️ and I got a free coffee with my purchase which was hella strong hence me typing this from the treadmill 😂
This one is made from glass, cork and yes plastic, but the amount of single use coffee cups it saves is so worth it! 🌲
(Auckland, New Zealand)
Insta @ earthysophie https://www.instagram.com/p/BxoXEWIgb92/?igshid=rugcty16am98
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fatchange · 6 years ago
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homemadebettyorganics · 6 years ago
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Our large shopping totes are on sale!!! Grab them for $15 and save $5🌿🥦🥬🥒🌶🍆🍏🍉🍎🍒🍅🍐🍇🥕🥥🍈 #organictote #farmersmarkettote #vegantote #veganbags #zerowasteshopping #organicgirl #organicshopping #reusablebags #vegangirl #veganmom #veganshopping #greenliving #zerowastevegan #homemadebetty #zerowasteskincare #zerowastemom #zerowastestore #holistichealth #naturalliving #farmersmarket #eatyourveggies #savetheanimals #savetheearth #saveyourskin #bitchpeas https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTd_TkHCBN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cg41u7twneng
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dashvegan · 2 years ago
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Huge thanks to the wonderful folks at @ntu_sustainability who hosted three Sustainability Fairs this week - City, Clifton and Brackenhurst! We popped up at all three and had a fantastic time talking all things vegan, sustainable, plastic free, zero waste and the benefits of CBD too! I'm exhausted but so happy to have been part of this, especiallyas I'man NTU alumni! Thanks so much to everyone who chatted with me and bought things too! ♡ Sam ♡ . . . #ntusustainability #ntu #nottinghamvegans #nottsvegan #vegannotts #nottinghamvegan #vegantrader #sustainabilityweek #zerowasteshopping #zerowasteproducts #zerowastelife #zerowasteliving #sustainable #sustainablelife #sustainableliving #zerowastevegan #veganzerowaste #plasticfreevegan #ethicalvegan #grateful #gratitude https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEiF5Xqa07/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eco-minded · 7 years ago
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I'm happy to bike across town to take advantage of your #zerowaste shopping program @bulkbarnfoods. But damn, your stores could sure use some bike racks. I hope this is the next #environmentallyfriendly project you set your sights on. @brodiebikes #zw #waste #reduceplastic #plasticfree #zerowastehome #zerowasteshopping #bikecommuter (at Trenton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnH7AL0BQRD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ee70qjhctol1
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erdaglobal · 1 year ago
Our bath loofah are made suing natural loofah. We ensure these are dipped with benefits of orange to remove exfoliate as well.
Get yours now - https://www.erdaglobal.com/collections/bath-loofah
#bathloofah #loofahbathscrub #handmade #bathscrubber #natural #zerowastenz #zerowasteshop #plasticfree #zerowasteliving #zerowastelifestyle #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyproduct #recycledproducts #soapbars #sustainable
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eco-modern-city · 5 years ago
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Stop destroying the NATURE . ♻️Follow @eco_modern_city♻️ . #reducereuserecycle #noplanetb #sustainable #plasticocean #lessplastic #zerowastetips #goingzerowaste #bringyourown #noplastic #noplasticbags #zerowasteuk #sustainableliving #zerowasteshopping #cleanocean #canadalovers #architectures #austria🇦🇹 #australia #canada🇨🇦 #usa🇺🇸 #england🇬🇧 #germany🇩🇪 #greece🇬🇷 #china🇨🇳 #indonesia #france🇫🇷 #luxembourg🇱🇺 #iran🇮🇷 #jamaica🇯🇲 #soudiarabia . @artselected (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9iZ3rnnbHi/?igshid=1wn9d1lpqnidp
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theseasidesew · 3 years ago
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Just popping some colour into your bank holiday Monday…. I absolutely love creating these hobo bags it’s just joyous and quite therapeutic placing the pieces together, I love that each one is completely unique too. So my shop is now closed for a few weeks while I get some R@R …. I’m still busy sewing though 😜… getting things ready for the @sparkleloveshandmade event on Thursday. What are you guys up to today? Nice stuff planned? Have an amazing day, Much love, Jo x #theseasidesew #hobobag #leatherbag #usingupmyscraps #ecofriendly #mysmallbusiness #colourpopcollection #slouchbag #bagsofinstagram #bagmakersofinstagram #bagdesigner #tbch #thebritishcrafthouse #recycled #zerowasteshopping #uniquebags #bagswithattitude #bagswithsoul #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #bohostyle (at The Seaside Sew) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdC35IMsend/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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woodlandsescapes · 5 years ago
After all the leafs we picked up, I decided I’m going to make some leaf compost! This is just the very beginning, but the pile is primarily composed of oak, elm, maple, sweet grass, and river birch. I’m sure some other leafs were mixed in from shrubs and holly trees, and certainly pine trees. I am only going to be adding some ground fruit to it! I’ll keep you posted. #compost #composting #compostable #soil #humus #fertilesoils #foodwaste #houstoncompost #mastercomposter #thewoodlandsartscouncil #thewoodlandswaterwayartsfestival #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx #thewoodlandstexas #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #zerowastelife #zerowastejourney #zerowastehome #zerowasteshopping #zerowastevegan #zerowastekitchen #zerowastegoals #makingcompost #lowwaste #lowwaste #foodwastepickup https://www.instagram.com/p/B5zNCVDJDm3/?igshid=1qur3p6gvue1j
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