#planet of the apes x reader
inkmonster21 · 3 days
Hearts Across the Divide
17.) Remember Me
Noa x Fem!Human!Reader
Series Masterlist
The rest of the night is filled with fitful tossing and turning, your mind too occupied to allow you a peaceful slumber. No matter how hard you try to push the thoughts away, the strange ape named Noa remains steadfast in your mind, his presence refusing to be ignored. Every time you close your eyes, you see his face, hear his voice, and feel the ghost-like touch of his lips against yours.
The urge to see Noa grows stronger with each passing moment, a primal need that you can't ignore. You know that you have to see him again, to hear his voice, to feel his touch. The need is like a fire in your chest, burning brighter and hotter with every breath. It is a strange and powerful pull, drawing you to him like a magnet.
You lay there in your cot, the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. This camp, this strange and foreign place, does not feel like home. It feels cold and empty, lacking the warmth and comfort that you so desperately crave. But Noa, with his gentle voice and intense gaze, feels like home. He feels like the safety and warmth that you have been longing for.
As you emerge from your tent, your eyes immediately search the dimly lit space for the large cage where Noa had been imprisoned. Your heart sinks as you spot the empty cage, the absence of the ape sending a pang of disappointment through you. Where had he gone? Your mind races with worry and confusion.
You scan the area, your eyes searching the shadows for any sign of Noa or any clue as to where he could be. The silence of the night is broken only by the rustling of the trees in the distance, adding to the sense of urgency that you feel. Where had they taken Noa? And where could he have gone?
“Hey, you alright?” You jump at the sudden sound of Jack's voice, your thoughts interrupted by his presence. You turn to him, realizing that your frantic search for Noa must have been noticed by the human. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," you manage to respond, though your voice betrays the worry that you feel.
You glance back towards the empty cage, the sight of it only adding to the unease that you feel. Turning to Jack, you voice your question. "The Ape... where is he? Why is he gone?" Your words are laced with concern, the worry for Noa clear in your voice.
“Proximus took him.” The sound of Jack's response causes your heart to skip a beat. Proximus had taken Noa. Why? What could he want with the ape? A sense of dread fills your chest, the thought of harm coming to Noa causing your stomach to clench. "Why... Why would Proximus take him?" You ask in a quiet voice, your eyes still on the empty cage. Jack's brows furrow at your concern. “Why do you care?”
Your heart clenches at Jack's question, the hint of suspicion in his tone making you uncomfortable. You turn to him, meeting his gaze, trying to come up with a response that won't raise any more suspicion. "I-I don't know," you reply, your confusion clear in your voice. "I just... I just want to know where he is, why Proximus would take him."
Jack says, “Be best not to question him too much.” You frown at Jack's words, his tone cautioning you to remain quiet. It only fuels the flames of your worry and curiosity, making you want to ask more questions but knowing that you should probably hold your tongue. "Why not?" You ask hesitantly, unable to keep the question from spilling out.
Jack tilts his head. “Because he has his reasons. Why don’t you mind your own business?”
Your irritation flares at Jack's response. His words and dismissive tone only serve to make you more defensive. "My business is my own," you reply through gritted teeth, your eyes narrowing at him as you struggle to keep your temper in check. "And I have my reasons for wanting to know where he is."
Jack quickly became irritated. “He’s a stinky monkey. One less of them in the world.”
Your jaw clenches at his words, the casual way he speaks of Noa, reducing him to nothing more than a "stinky monkey," making anger boil in your chest. "He's not... he's not just a monkey," you bite back, your voice a low growl.
Jack scoffs, “Yeah?” He towers over you. “Then what is he?” You glare up at Jack, refusing to be intimidated by his towering presence. "He's a living being," you respond, your voice firm and unwavering. "He has feelings, thoughts, a right to live just like any of us."
Jack smirks, “Why the change of heart? They came here for you, to take you away. Now you feel sorry for them?” You wince at his words, the memory of the apes charging towards you replaying in your mind. It was true, they had come for you. But you had also seen the look in Noa's eyes when he looked at you. The compassion, the longing, the intense connection that you felt. "Maybe I do feel sorry for them,” you admit softly.
As you stalk away from Jack, your mind is consumed by a potent mix of anger and confusion. You storm through the camp, your hands balled into fists as you struggle to process your emotions. All the while, Jack watches you, his jaw clenched tightly as he contemplates the situation. He fears the possible consequences if you remember, the thought of Proximus' ire causing a pang of worry in his chest.
Noa grits his teeth as he struggles to haul the heavy load of weapons and supplies, his muscles straining under the heavy weight. Proximus stands nearby, a smug smile on his face as he watches the ape labor under the burden. The sight of Noa's struggle only seems to amuse him, his eyes taking in the sight with a sense of twisted satisfaction.
The other men of the hunting party notice as well, their gazes shifting between Noa and Proximus with a mix of amusement and disgust. One of them chuckles, "Looks like the ape is struggling to keep up."
Proximus' laugh is an ugly sound, sharp and cruel. He seems to relish in the ape's pain, his enjoyment of seeing Noa struggle obvious in the gleeful glint in his eyes. Noa tries to hide his discomfort, his face stoic even as his muscles strain under the weight of the supplies.
They see a large bore running along the grass. Proximus smirks, “Noa.” He points to the wild bore. “Kill it.” The order from Proximus is clear, and Noa's eyes follow the pointed finger to the large wild bore. The ape looks back at Proximus, a mix of anger and resignation in his eyes. He knows he has no choice. With a deep breath, Noa takes up the spear in his hand, preparing to take down the boar.
Noa bristles with anger as Proximus takes the spear from his hands. “No, no, no… I want I to see what the great Master of Birds can do… just hand to hand.” The ape lets out a low growl, his eyes flaring in frustration as he prepares to fight the boar hand-to-hand.
Noa slinks closer to the boar, stalking closely with a low, purposeful gait. His eyes are fixed on the animal, his entire being focused on the task at hand. Suddenly, he charges with a fierce holler, his body moving with explosive force toward the wild boar.
The battle between Noa and the boar is a fierce affair. Noa takes several hits from the animal's vicious tusks, the sharp points piercing his stomach and leaving deep gashes in his flesh. The ape grunts and growls in pain as he grapples with the boar, his determination driving him on even as the injuries slow him down.
Noa fights valiantly, his muscular arms closing around the boar's neck in a tight and painful grip. The animal struggles and thrashes wildly, its hooves stomping and kicking at Noa's body, but the determined ape refuses to let go. Slowly, with each passing moment, the boar's movements grow weaker until it finally falls still, succumbing to the pressure around its neck.
Proximus takes the boar, a cruel smirk on his face. His gaze drifts to Noa's wounds, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes at the sight of the ape's injuries. "I certainly hope… that is not life-threatening," he sneers, his tone nonchalant and uncaring. "Would be a shame if our precious Master of Birds was... taken out of commission."
The hunting party walks away, leaving Noa wounded and alone on the ground. The men pay him no mind as they banter and celebrate their successful hunt, their thoughts far from the injured ape. They likely don't care if Noa bleeds out, treating him as nothing more than a disposable tool for their purposes.
The thought of you runs through Noa's mind as he lies there on the ground, the clouds above him doing little to ease his pain. The idea of a life here with the humans, a chance at a future and a family for you. Maybe it would be better to die here. But there is a part of him, a deep instinct that whispers to him, that longs for something more, for you. To have you as his.
As he closes his eyes, Noa's mind drifts to the familiar sounds of the forest. The hum of the trees, the soft rustle of the leaves, the distant calls of the birds. A pang of homesickness grips his heart, the longing for the freedom of the wild a constant pull at his soul.
“There you are.”
Noa's eyes flutter open at the sound of the soft, unsure voice. His gaze turns to find the source, hoping desperately that he is not imagining things. Noa's eyes land on you, his gaze taking in your form. You are standing a few feet away, your voice tentative and uncertain.
“Noa?” You ask. “That’s your name isn’t it?”
Noa nods slowly, his confusion still evident on his face. Your repetition of his name and your statement, rather than a question, surprises him. How do you know his name? The question bubbles in his mind.
You let out a quiet huff as a sense of clarity washes over you. For days you've felt dazed, disconnected, and unsure of your bearings. But this moment, speaking to Noa, feels different. It feels almost...right.
As you lean down towards him on the forest floor, Noa's eyes widen slightly at your proximity. He holds perfectly still as your hands cautiously reach out to him, your touch gentle and comforting. He watches you, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion, as your fingers glide over his wounded stomach.
“I assume you know me too.”
Noa blinks at your question, his eyes searching your face intently. He doesn't speak, almost as if he's afraid that speaking might break the spell you seem to be under. But finally, his lips part as he answers in a slow voice.
"Yes… I know you." The words are soft but sure, a sense of recognition in his gaze.
Noa's voice is weak and hoarse, likely a result of the pain he's feeling from his injuries. He meets your gaze with a mixture of weariness and curiosity, watching your face closely.
“I’m going to help you.” You look into his eyes, “and then you’re going to help me.” The determination in your voice is unmistakable, and he can see the fierce look in your eyes. Slowly, he nods, his trust in you evident in his gaze. He knows that you're going to help him, and in return, he will do everything he can to help you.
You let out a frustrated huff as you look down at your dress, taking in the state it's in. The fabric is wrinkled, clinging to your form, and the missing patch has grown larger. What once was a dress is now little more than a scrap of fabric hanging off your body.
You grasp the bottom of your dress, the tattered fabric rough in your hands. With a determined look, you rip off a large strip, the sound of the material tearing filling the air. The fabric is now long and thin, able to serve as a makeshift bandage for Noa's wound.
As you lean in close to him, Noa's senses are overwhelmed by your presence. He can feel the heat coming off your body, and your scent fills his nostrils, a heady mix of sweetness and something else he can't quite place. The proximity has an intoxicating effect on him, and he leans into your scent subconsciously, his eyes fluttering closed as he inhales deeply.
Noa lets out a grunt of pain as you tighten the fabric around his wound, his muscles tensing involuntarily. “I’m sorry.”
"It is... okay," he manages through clenched teeth. When you lean back to inspect your work, he looks down at the makeshift dressing, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes.
You stare into his green eyes. Feeling the warmth and the magnetic pull between the two do you? “How… I know you… I just don’t know how.” Noa holds your gaze, his green eyes meeting yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
Noa hesitates, unsure of how to respond to your question. His mind races, pondering how much he should reveal to you, how many truths he should speak. The situation is precarious, and the last thing he wants is to shock or scare you.
Noa's movements are slow and tentative as he raises his hand towards your cheek, his calloused palm coming to rest against the soft skin of your face. It's a simple gesture, but the contact between you two feels electric, sending a jolt through his body. He gasps softly, the feeling of your skin against his sending a wave of unfamiliar and overwhelming sensations coursing through him.
You lean in closer to him, the distance between the two of you shrinking as the strange and unfamiliar sensations continue to swirl within you. You voice the question that's been lingering in your mind, your voice soft and laced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What is this?"
Noa's eyes are fixed on you, his gaze locked with yours. He can feel the pull between the two of you, the inexplicable connection that seems to exist. But he doesn't know what it is that's causing this feeling, this magnetic pull. Could it be attraction? Lust? Desire?
“Can I… show you?” Noa's question breaks the silence between you, his voice hoarse and filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. His breath hot on your face, he asks for permission, his eyes searching yours, waiting for your response.
Seeing your nod of assent, Noa's eyes grow dark with desire. He holds your gaze for a moment longer before his gaze drifts to your lips. With a deep breath, he slowly closes the remaining distance between you, his hand on your cheek guiding your face closer to his.
Noa brushes his lips against yours, the touch light and gentle at first. But the need growing within him is too strong, and the kiss quickly becomes more passionate, more insistent. His hand on your cheek moves, holding the back of your head, pulling you closer to him. The kiss is unlike anything either of you have ever experienced. Primitive and intoxicating.
You go to him, crawling over his frame with little control. Like you’d been starving and he was all that could fill you. Noa responds hungrily to your movements, his hands roaming over your body, holding you close to him as you crawl over his frame. There is a raw and primal need in the way he touches you, his hands caressing and greedy as if he's been dying to touch you. He pulls you closer, his lips never leaving yours as the kiss grows more heated and frantic.
You feel lost in the haze of desire, Noa's touch igniting a fire within you that you can't control. Each brush of his fingers against your skin sends shivers down your spine, fueling the growing need building within you. Every touch, every kiss feels like he's trying to claim you, to make you his.
As the kiss deepens, your mind begins to clear, a veil lifting. Memories long buried are coming to the surface, fragmenting the haze around you. Memories of a life lived with Noa come rushing back, bringing with them a wave of emotions. Feelings for Noa that you had once let go of now return to you fiercely, growing stronger with each passing second.
You pull away, the weight of the memories crashing down on you like a wave. Tears start to roll freely down your cheeks as you gasp his name. "Noa, " you breathe, your voice choked with emotion. You cling to him tightly, your body shaking with the weight of the returning memories.
The memories flood your mind in rapid succession, like watching flickering images. You remember the moment they were separated, Loui forcibly pulling Noa away from the village. Then the days of solitude, the aching loneliness and emptiness that filled the space where Noa should be. Then the final memory, the one that sends a chill down your spine. Running through the forest being chased, being roped, and falling. Hitting your head.
Your hand reaches up to touch the side of your head, your fingers gently brushing against the tender spot where the memory has left its mark. There's a scab there, no doubt a result of the fall you've just remembered. The painful reminder of how you got here, how you were taken from your life with Noa.
Noa sees your hand moving to touch the scab again, and he quickly moves your hand away. His voice is low and firm as he tells you not to touch it. "Don't touch," he says gently, his eyes fixed on the wound. He knows that touching it will only cause more pain, and he doesn't want you to hurt yourself further.
Noa holds you close as you lean into him, your foreheads pressed against each other. “Noa, I am so sorry.” The tears fall freely from your cheeks, rolling down your skin and onto his chest. He can feel the weight of your sorrow in the trembling of your body, the way your sobs echo in the air. "Shhh," he whispers, his voice gentle and reassuring. "You have nothing to apologize for… nothing at all."
Noa's words hang in the air, his voice filled with a resolute determination. "I will bring you home... to our own home," he repeats, his forehead still touching yours. He holds your gaze as he speaks, his eyes burning with a fierce light of determination. The strength in his voice leaves no room for doubt or uncertainty. Home. Back to the life you had once shared together. Back to where you both belong.
The question hangs heavy in the air, and Noa's expression falters slightly. The challenge of returning home, of finding your way back to the life you once shared, is not lost on him. But he takes a breath, steeling himself, before responding. "We will find a way," he says firmly, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that lies beneath. "I… will find a way."
The words seem to cause Noa physical pain as he utters them. His body tightens, almost as if he is bracing himself, and his hands grip you tighter as if he is reluctant to let you go. But he continues, his voice hoarse and strained. "You need to go back to camp. Do not act differently. Stay in the dark..." He pauses, his eyes flickering briefly to your face, before continuing quietly, "...stay close to Jack."
You shake your head, “I just found you. I can’t leave you.” Noa's heart thuds in his chest at your words, a mixture of hope and despair filling him. He understands your reluctance to leave him, he shares it. The thought of being separated from you again so soon after finding you again is gut-wrenching, but he pushes those feelings aside. "You must," he says firmly, his voice tight. "You have to go back. It's not safe here… and you need protection. Jack will protect you."
Noa sighs heavily, his resistance melting away beneath the press of your lips. The kiss is soft and yearning, a silent plea to stay. He lets himself savor the feeling of your mouth on him for a few moments, his hand coming up to brush your cheek tenderly. But then he breaks the kiss reluctantly, pulling away with a pained groan. "You have to go," he whispers hoarsely, his eyes fixed on yours. Noa tears the fabric from his stomach. “go.”
You turn reluctantly, your heart heavy as you force yourself to walk away from Noa. Every step feels like a piece of your heart is being torn out. You look back over your shoulder, watching as his figure grows smaller and smaller in the distance. Your chest aches with worry, and your mind filled with anxious thoughts. Please make it back. Please be safe.
You arrive at camp, your tattered dress and tear-stained face immediately drawing the attention of the apes around you. Some of them eye you with concern, others with confusion. Jack is one of the first to greet you, his face creased with worry. "Where have you been?" He asks, taking in your disheveled appearance.
“A walk.”
Jack's eyes narrow, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. He isn't convinced by your explanation, but he seems reluctant to push further. "A walk, huh?" He replies, his tone skeptical. "It must have been some walk. You look like you've been through a battle."
“I got lost.” You play into the role, “I was scared.” Jack huffs, but he seems to soften a little at your words. "Lost, huh? You must have been really frightened." Jack steps closer to you, his gaze flickering over your form, taking in the state of your dress and the tear tracks on your cheeks.
Jack's voice softens as he asks the question, a hint of genuine concern in his tone. "Are you okay?" He eyes you with a mixture of worry and confusion, his eyes lingering on the torn fabric of your dress, and the tear streaks on your cheeks.
You nod, “just… stay close.”
Jack's eyes flicker with surprise at your words, but he quickly nods, a hint of understanding crossing his face. "Of course," he replies, stepping closer to you. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch gentle but steady. "I'll stick close." Jack holds your gaze for a moment longer before glancing around the camp. "Come on," he says gruffly, "let's get you back to your tent. You look like you need to rest."
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
I SO badly need a part 2 to Customary with Noa x reader 😭 pretty please!!!
I'M ON THE WAY DEARIE. I am so sorry it's so long but pls enjoy! Reblogs/Likes always appreciated. Maybe I make part three if anyone is interested! Thanks!
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Title: Gone Hunting. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Mentions of blood, hunting game animals, animal mating. ) Words: 5.9K+ Pairing: Implied - Noa x Human! Reader. Summary: A week has subsided since you told Noa about the nature of romantic love. You wanted to avoid it, avoid him, but you had previously promised to go with him on a hunting trip. Was it a rouse for him to get you alone? READ THE SERIES HERE.
** Does Contain Mild Spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
-- -- --
It had been a week since your last in-depth conversation and you still found that you were unable to look him in the eye. Noa seemed to not notice, or maybe he did and just didn't care enough to do anything about it. After all, the seriousness of the conversation, the floating vibration that still cramped your fingertips when you thought about touching him, the hardness that found its way to your throat when you attempted any sort of conversation with him… It was disheartening to think, but you figured he just didn't care enough personally to pressure.
-- -- --
“Love doesn’t need to be understood,” You were talking to him in such a hushed tone of voice, something that wasn’t frequent with you and Noa turned his head to the side ever so slightly at the sound of it. Breathy, he would say it was… And very, very different from the self-assurance you often carried yourself with. Wavering around the corner of words as if you were unsure of what you were saying. You were avoiding eye contact again, Noa mused, half tempted to look over his shoulder at what you had locked your gaze on. Probably something off in the distance, a tree fluttering with the slight breeze that shuffled the fur on his body and the hair on your head. An Eagle maybe? Noa was consciously aware that his own feathery friend was sitting behind the two of you, unwavering in their loyalty to him. He wanted to be jealous of something you were looking at, but Noa found himself locked on to you, baited anticipation to hear that voice again, the way it was speaking to him. So soft, so gentle, so… so… Personal.
“Love just needs to be embraced.”
Noa had his hand up to sign but you had turned to the side already, shuffling as quietly as you could. Quiet, but it was deafening to Noa. Every fall of your foot, every breath you were taking deep into your lungs and releasing quickly, tucking your hair behind your ear, the mere friction of that… All sounds were beating down on him like the fists of another Ape. Had he… Done something wrong? Asked something wrong? It was now very obvious that you were done talking, pushed against the wall metaphorically and had nothing else to say to him.
He’d encountered this countless times in the few months that you had been here. But, your inability to go on and explain further left Noa understandably frustrated this time around. Not at you, never at you… He curled his fingers at his side and sat back on his legs, almost burning a hole into the back of your head with his eyes. You were now moving to get the horse you came on prepped for the small journey back to the village. Not that you needed to, it was just something to keep yourself occupied, away from the thought that he was perceiving your words in the way he wanted to. You left it vague enough to leave it up to interpretation, by all means.
Turning his head to the side, he looked at his Eagle and pressed a curled pointer finger to their beak. It was not too far of a trek back, you didn't need to adjust anything with the horse…But it was far enough away that you felt comfortable to talk to him openly. It wasn’t that you wouldn’t with others around, he figured that Echo’s arrogance would run wild and you would want to boast to the Apes about how things were. How things were better for Echo’s than Apes but you never did that. He also heard another concept about Echo’s and that was privacy. And out of all things, Noa knew that privacy in conversations was important. He never understood why; Apes were social creatures and most likely knew everything ( or close to everything ) about their neighbors without plight.
Maybe that was why Noa was so drawn to… He stopped his thought process there and shook his head. He was quick to rationalize. No, there was no reason to be drawn to any of this, but he didn't want it to stop. Noa was even quicker to give into selfish ideology. He was holding his hand out there in the deep dark, hoping to the highest heavens that your hand would reach his.
-- -- --
Tilting your head to the side, a deep sigh left your parted lips. That wasn’t like Noa, though… He wouldn’t adversely reach out to you unless you were willing to reach out first. That’s how it’s been since the beginning and that’s how it remained, you never wanted to change it because it made you feel wanted… Wanted by him…
Your legs felt like they were going to fall off and that derailed your train of previous melancholy. There was a nice river he knew about, about three clicks away and Noa used the excuse of going hunting to drag you with him. You didn't necessarily want to go, you feared being alone with him for prolonged periods of time but surprisingly… It was a pleasant enough ride there on the back of your loaned horse. You believed it to be Soona’s, and you were fortunate that she let you use it occasionally. Not much was spoken, a few phrases here and there spotted between actually talking and Noa signing at you one handed as he kept another hand on the reins of his horse.
The sun was high in the sky, almost midday you figured, peering up at it through the thick branches of the trees. There was a thick smell of condensation clinging to the leaves of said trees; it had rained the night before and deliciously drenched everything. Ironically though, as that thought escaped your brain, your mouth went slightly dry as you looked ahead, only a few feet away from the rider in front of you. He seemed to enjoy the wistful silence that fell around the two of you, his eyes shutting for a brief second as he enjoyed the sensation of the sun peaking through the trees, blotching his body. You noted that his fur seemingly changed color at that. From a dark brown to an almost honey brown. What you would have given in that moment to see him fully bathe in the sun.
Grasping the reins tightly, you beckoned your horse a bit faster. There was a subconscious desire to be near him despite what happened. Hell, you thought to yourself and let a small blush take over your cheeks, you’d have ridden on the back of his horse if he had asked you. Of course, if he turned to face you and noticed your expression, you had a quick response. It was chillier than most days, and that was the smoking gun. You’d blame it on the cold hitting your cheeks. Simple.
But, with yourself already tangled in the thoughts, you proceeded on. You imagined that idea… Sitting so close to him, your chest to his back, heart beating quicker than you cared to admit. Your face resting against his shoulder to look forward, almost the same perspective as Noa himself… You desperately found yourself clinging to that aspect. To see what he saw, to know what he knew, to… To feel what he felt. Now, as you had gotten closer, you could see the evident water droplets lining along his broad shoulders. He must have bumped into a low sitting tree, maybe a bush, that distributed its lovely rain water against him. You could smell in your vivid imagination, how he must smell… Deeply ingrained dirt under fingernails, the Earth below your feet, toes curling into the sand, the brisk whisk of a hazy morning standing in a field of wheat by yourself, the allotment of sun brushing against delicate skin… That prospect alone left you feeling incredibly heady.
‘Here,’ He signed quickly, simultaneously slipping off his horse as he communicated. You were jealous of his ability to multitask like that, it was never your forte. But, Noa must have been doing it his entire life. He was taught to do that, taught from those around him… Observation was a good thing, you learned that from him. You knew that he liked to fidget things in his hands, but he was seamlessly able to sign in between that and not lose track of what his hands were doing before. You swallowed softly, being snapped viciously out of your fantasy.
Giving him a slight nod, you intently watched as he rounded his own horse and glanced up at you with those soft green eyes. Your interest was raised surely, but it was haltered when you got a full glance at him. He had his usual garb on; the cross-body sack, a few empty walnut shells tied near his shoulder with twine that would tickle his cheek if he looked over that twine encasing what appeared to be a leather band, worn from frequent use. He had it just in case he found something of interest to take back to the village, the band on his arm, yellow and orange in nature with a soft accent of tan, with adjacent and colorfully complementing feathers to show his status. They were strikingly blue and vibrant against the brown fur on his bicep, tightening anytime he would move his arm.
The band alone caused you to pause. Noa was large, larger than you by far. Not necessarily taller than any other Ape, but broad and encapsulating, and you found your eyes following him if you were in the company of others. He was the leader, and that band on his arm was more than a slap in the face at times. You remembered in most Ape clans it would be considered a luxury that he was the one personally taking you to go hunt. From the throes of hierarchy itself it was a privilege.
Noa’s eyes momentarily caught the sunlight, appearing more gold around his pupil before shifting back to their regular green as he pushed himself up to stand bi-pedal. They were gorgeous, even without the light hitting them.
‘Been here many times, with Soona and Anaya.’ Noa smiled fondly at that, letting his eyes shift away from yours to take in his surroundings. Wishing to do the same, you found yourself staring at him a moment too long before catching on that you needed to dismount your horse, needed to get your things together from the sack on the back of your horse. There was an assortment of berry bushes to your side, some appearing much more ripe than others. Black berries were sorely abundant and your eyes traced the light shapes of them against the green leaves that they were almost camouflage in. It was just now the beginning of spring, it made sense that some were ready and some were not. But, by your powers of deduction, you gathered that you were not berry hunting. ‘Easy hunting for an Echo.’
His silent words made you feel a swell in your chest. He was being… You didn't dare say considerate, but that’s what it felt like. Perhaps, more accommodating than anything else. After all, you were just a human to him, and he had nothing to gain from being considerate, but had much to gain by gaining your trust so he was more accommodating by nature. At least, that’s what you told yourself as you rested your hands on the base of the horse's shoulders, giving a sharp breath in as you hiked your legs over the side. If you were paying any attention to your surroundings instead of intensely focusing on not slipping, on not looking like a fool, you would feel a set of burning eyes watching. Observing… Obsessing…
Noa tilted his head with a gruff sound, too deep in his throat for it to be caught by your ears from the distance he held himself. Specked, almost amber-like gaze caught hold of your hands, how dainty they appeared to be compared to his own, your legs, how agile you were being, surprising for an Echo, he chuffed to himself. You were usually not like this, not balanced. He had once seen you slip on ice, which replaying inside of his mind was mildly amusing. He didn't help you up that time, and simply watched as you stumbled, trying to sign in between your slips. You could have asked for help, but you didn't. He wondered why from time to time until you explained to him embarrassment. Then it made more sense.
And ever since, he tried to keep a more mindful eye on you, on your movements; Of course, to make sure you didn't fall. He heard that Echo’s were not durable, not strong like Apes and a fall in the wrong way could cause intense problems. That’s just what he told himself though. If he were being more transparent, which he was not being, he’d have to succumb to the act that he needed to keep you protected out of his selfishness.
“Need help?” He verbalized, your feet dangling for a split second before you finally landed on the ground. A grunt left your lips with the action, your knees burning ever so slightly as weight was put back on them. Brushing your fingers along the side of the horse to calm them, you glanced over your shoulder at Noa, triumphant enough to gloat that you didn't need any assistance. “Just like Ape.” His signing was languid as if he were truly unsure if he was okay to make a comment like that towards you.
You grinned to yourself as you turned back towards the horse, shuffling to the side to get to your bag which was easy enough. Trying to ignore that sufficient pride that hit you like a moving horse due to Noa’s simple words, you dallied for a second longer than you really needed to, painting your fingers along the rough sew of your bag. He was just trying to get you to feel comfortable, it was nothing more than that. I mean… You thought to yourself with a snide chuckle. Was… Was flirting even a concept he was familiar with? Surely, they had to have some sort of form. You knew that grooming had to be a heavy part, it was a personal and intimate detail that often got overlooked when human’s thought about Apes and their threshold to be incredibly social with each other. You had seen it first hand, along with those tender moments of foreheads touching one another. Brow to brow, usually hands on the heads to keep each other near as possible, eyes closing as two slowly became one and---
You tucked your shoulders into your bag, more aggressive than you needed to and allowed the added weight to anchor you as you twisted to follow whichever way Noa deemed worthy. You also knew that they were quite sarcastic when they wanted to be, and you found it endearing at times. Especially when it was Anaya. In your head, you had dubbed him as the sarcastic one, Soona as the caring one, Dar as the motherly one, and Noa… was just Noa. No immediate words came to your mind when you tried to think about it. Maybe that was a good thing! Maybe, what was happening, what had been said, was just a crush and you were finally trying to blow past it.
He was staying on his legs for you, not wanting to move onto all fours as his pace would be too fast. Another accommodation, not a consideration. There was his heavy spear splayed across his back, being held by the strap of his bag. It swayed with his movement. Subtle, his shoulders would move ever so slightly as he walked. Following suit, it felt like you were playing a game as you grasped your own spear from your horse. It was smaller than Noa’s but just as effective and hunched it over your shoulder, holding it loosely as you took pace to match his speed. Noa was only a meter or two in front of you, leading, but you wanted to be right by his side. He looked back at you and you found your feet coming to a small stop before picking back up, a silent agreement being made there at that moment. You wouldn’t use words. You would only sign as to not scare away any potential kills.
-- -- --
“I don’t understand,” You muttered to him, your shoulders fraught with confusion. Noa’s green eyes swept from his hands over to you and longed to have it reciprocated. There was nothing though, you were pretty focused on the kill. He was holding a small rabbit who had no idea their demise had come at the hands of the Ape in front of you. It was roughly tied at the feet, binding it so he could keep it stored properly for the ride back to the Village. It was ignorant bliss that the rabbit truly lived in and now it was gone. You were envious of that - the ignorant part. Swallowing softly, you shifted your gaze to the side and pretended to be amused by the fire. He had been studying you, trying to gauge what your words were going to be. Hard, mean? Assuming something you shouldn’t have? You liked to do that and Noa liked to prove you wrong just as much. But, without any eye contact, Noa could not read you. Could not see your face, and could not make any judgments towards you as you asked him, “You--- you hunt?”
Noa knew you knew the answer to that but he obliged it anyway, “Small prey. Rabbit, usually.”
Simple enough answer, and you left it at that. And deep down, Noa’s accusation was correct. You’ve eaten fish frequently enough with the Clan. And as the sun began setting and dinner time rose, you sat quietly perched between Anaya and Soona, both talking over each other about mindless chatter and watched Noa eating a fish, dissecting it almost like he were a scientist of some sort, navigating around the small bones with ease and some sickening form of elegance. He had caught eyes with you then, a piece of fish sliding between his lips as he chewed it tentatively. The beam of the firelight in front of you was able to mask the disappointed look on your face as you realized that he was only looking at you because he sat across from you. Nothing more. Looking away quickly, you put much focus on your own fish, roasted to a tender crisp. Suddenly, Noa’s eyes were watching your moves instead of sinking into your gaze.
The way your fingers swept along the length of the fish, the way you muttered under your breath trying to get a mouthful of fish instead of bone, you felt too self-conscious to eat. You sat it down on a leaf in front of you. Another set of eyes were on you and before you could open your mouth to say something to the Ape leader in front of you, Anaya was signing, asking if he could have your remaining fish. You said yes, hastily looking away from Anaya after the confirmation but Noa was not looking at you anymore, preoccupying himself in conversation with his mother.
That same night as everyone was preparing to return to their own nests, Noa had found you. If he was seeking, you often left yourself open like a book if he wanted to come see you. It was very rarely at night though, and you took it in. Eyes glazed from the sky above, littered with all its tiny self-sufficient lights, boasted tonight by the moonlight, into green eyes that were almost too dark for their own good. You could have sworn there was something mischievous there but-- You pinned it on it being almost pitch black, a trick of the eyes. Of course, his pupils were dilated, there was no denying yours weren’t as well but you weren’t sure if you could justify yours being from the lack of light. He was on all fours as he approached you, your hands setting down the soft pelt that you had dubbed your favorite to use in your make-shift nest.
Nothing to write home about, a tanglement of tightly sprung together branches, padded by a few animal pelts. Off to the side,and tucked away safely, were your clothes. Only enough sets to keep you going. Two pairs of pants, three shirts, some undergarments… You could hear Noa and Anaya in your head at that thought. The day you were caught washing your clothes in the river, the curiosity they both had at that as Noa observed you wringing out the cloth between your hands. ‘Echo weird.’ Anaya signed to Noa as they let you be, turning to go down the river and fish. If you were observant enough, you’d have seen Noa turn back towards you, only for a split second before deciding to leave you to your duty. Which, Noa still didn't understand.
It was enough of a bed that it was comfortable and didn't leave you feeling like a wilted flower the next day. You wondered for a brief time what Noa’s must have been like and felt your shoulders dip in. You were ashamed of how yours must have looked compared to what was the norm. Was Noa’s nest comfortable? Was it warm? Could he look out and see the sky when he wanted to? You knew vaguely that his nest was perched above the rest, a right of passage that was torn between his mother and himself at the moment of his fathers death, at least until he found a mate and then it would ultimately become just theirs. You didn't even realize you were clenching your fists so tightly that your knuckles were turning mildly white.
“You want to go?” He asked, not putting in any context. He must have realized that, picking the conversation apart from earlier, before dinner. “Hunting with me.” He gestured towards himself with a hand in the natural form of a ‘C’. It pressed against his chest gently. He was gesturing to himself which made sense as he continued, “Usually go with Anaya and Soona but can take you alone. The season change, rabbits are more---”
He was murmuring which came to a slow stop, deep in his chest, it faded to the sound of an animalistic growl when you finally turned fully towards him. He was coming up with some way to get you to go with him, to be alone with him, you hadn’t given him barely the light of day since your conversation only a few days ago. Some pathetic attempt it was, Noa shouted in his head and dipped his head when you looked away from him. You knew how to hunt--- You wondered if Noa knew that. There were many times, especially recently as you had gotten disconnected from your fellow group of Humans, that you were forced to hunt. It was needed but not really your favorite thing. You learned quickly though with the Apes that often Females were left to forage for berries, vegetables, seeds and roots and Males were left to hunt actual game. Fishing was done communally, including the young as it was often their introduction to the world and concepts of hunting.
‘I’d just be in the way.’ You signed to him quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up with your tone. Noa huffed at that and tilted his head upwards towards you again. He was still on all fours, it looked like an almost defensive position like he wasn’t opening up to you completely. Bringing you bottom lip in, Noa once again as he so often enjoyed doing, watched. You nibbled once, then again this time harder than before. ‘Not very good.’
‘Better than Anaya, got scared of butterflies once.’ Noa joked, shifting towards you slightly. He looked at the pelt you had so delicately placed in front of you and for less than a split second, he lost control. Pull you towards him, push you down on that pelt and absolutely---
‘Maybe,’ You finally caved, snapping Noa back into reality with your hand moving. Hard. He kept himself grounded, hands resting roughly into the dirt below him. ‘When?’
He had just been hunting today. There was no logical way for him to explain that he wanted to go again to anyone around him. ‘Few days from now.’ He signed slowly.
-- -- --
A few days ended up being closer to eight, and you were left stuck. You had already promised to go hunting, but then the dreaded conversation seven days ago left you dispelled and not as eager to go. Crouched rather uncomfortably next to Noa, you watched him idly tie a knot around his spear. You could tell it got much use and that it was his favorite, though there were many other weapons the Clan could provide. As if he were controlled by another, he raised his arm without looking up. The eagle appeared without a sound, looking at Noa with small beady eyes that you couldn’t read anything from. But, from his reaction as he nodded to himself, raising his arm once again to dispatch his eagle brethren, he must have gotten information. It never ceased to cause you amazement that he was able to do that.
‘Close.’ He signed, drawing you back out of your almost hypnotic state. ‘Den nearby. Finished mating season,’ Noa didn't look at you with that sign, but it was different than his usual language. He was mildly stiff, shoulders drawing in together. You dared to say it was rigid, like he was unsure that it was the phrase he wanted to use. ‘Now many rabbits.’
Lips parting at that, you moved your feet to sort them away from turning numb. The crouching position was more comfortable for Noa, you decided. His spine was curved to sit like this for more extended periods of time, eyes gently grazing over his posture at that moment. He was surely comfortable as could be, shoulders hunching inwards ever so gently. There was a meager temptation from your part to move so you could be face to face with him but you doubted that he wanted that. You were fine next to him, you reassured yourself and swallowed hard. It was a sound that Noa noticed but didn't turn his attention to. Unwanted attention on you, in the past, has caused you to only run or flee from him. He figured he’d bid his time, patiently waiting for you. Your knees felt like they were on fire, calves were absolutely going to cause problems for you tomorrow. from sitting in the squat position for too long. You only lingered on that for a second though as his words finally hit you. ‘Babies?’
‘No,’ He was quick to respond, somehow knowing that his answer was going to calm you down. ‘Mature now, born few months ago. Fast development. Best age to hunt for them. Good meat.’
You nodded and processed what he was telling you. He was incredibly knowledgeable about this, showing off his skills at hunting with just words. How else would he know these things without actively doing it on a habitual basis? You swelled at that thought. That Noa was indeed a provider, a show off at times, but a provider none-the-less. Whomever he ended up with was going to be lucky to have that unwavering dedication which spurred your next inquiry. ‘Mate for life?’
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him when you signed that. Last time the conversation about mating happened, you ended up not speaking to each other for seven days. He was piqued in it regardless. Were you asking just to converse with him, or did you truly not know the answer? Either way, he considered himself invested and shut his eyes in thought. Tilting his head to the side, he sat his spear in front of him quietly, only cluttering as it shifted against the rock you two were perched on. You were just making a light conversation piece, Noa decided and he wanted to provide an honest answer.
‘No, many partners over time.’ He was using both hands to sign before he dropped his green orbs to rest on you. Not just on you, but it felt like he was crawling inside of your skin with his next set of words. ‘Not like Ape or Echo.’ Obviously, he meant it in the broadened terms. All Apes and all Echo’s. Not just the two of you. Shaking that idea out of your head, you nodded your head in understanding.
‘Mating is fast for them,’ Noa went on, just desperate at this point to continue on the path of conversing. He knew it was making you nervous, he could hear your heart beating, he could smell the sweat build up on your forehead, on your palms. One part of him deceivingly liked it, the knowledge that he could get you like this, but then there was the other oblivious side of him that didn't counteract his thoughts and he found himself continuing. ‘Have seen it. Only seconds. Female…’ Noa only spared you a slight glance.
Just as quickly as his eyes met yours, they were gone and he was looking out into the dense forest. Not at anything in particular, but he was surely searching. If you didn't know Noa already, know the nature of his personality, you would almost wager that he finally picked up on the validity of the conversation and he was turning back into his usually reserved self. This was not a topic he’d have chosen to talk about with you. The mating rituals of a… rabbit. He couldn’t stop himself though. He wanted this, wanted you to know this. Maybe if he kept going, you’d ask another question and he’d give you another answer. It was rare when the conversations took a turn and Noa got to tell you about his own knowledge, he thoroughly enjoyed listening to you. But… This moment you found yourself in, you were carefully processing what he was telling you like you life depended on it. Like… You depended on him.
‘Female will sit and take it. Many times to ensure conception.’ You nodded again and felt a tingle run down your spine. You attributed it to being crouched still. ‘Male will fall off after. Anaya thinks from being tired.’
Biting your tongue to keep yourself from snorting, you found it comfortable enough to joke around a bit, ‘Male humans are the same way. One, two maybe three good thrusts then,’ You paused and weren’t sure how to conclude. ‘We don’t mate for life anymore.’
‘For what then?’
It was a legitimate question and it left you wondering if Noa would understand the reason, if he would be accepting of the reason. As a whole, he was still incredibly on the fence about humans and you knew that. You were careful in your answers when he wanted to know something, a meager fear that saying something too outlandish would cause him to go quiet without understanding the human element and he never pressed your answers when they were not something he wanted to hear. He’d sit, reflect and come back if he had any remaining questions. He deserved your honesty though, he would brashly give you the same without any hesitation. You sighed and flexed your back, trying to figure out a delicate way to put your answer.
‘Pleasure?’ Noa’s fingers moved fast. Your mouth popped open at his absolute audacity. You had to remind yourself that he had no clue that this was a very deeply private thing to talk about. You had explained to him privacy here and there, and while he accommodated it in most aspects like giving you your own small nest, giving you space to bathe, giving you space with him to talk, there were just some things that pushed the boundaries of what you wanted to tell him. And surely sex, mating like that, like he was implying, was pushing that and you were right up against it. Noa must have recognized that he fumbled asking you that, or at least, phrasing it so… so primally. He raised his hand to sign an apology, but you were faster than him.
‘Hardly,’ You signed that hastily, hands now resting on your kneecaps. You rubbed there, almost relishing in the way it felt. ‘Not many can have children. We do it out of survival.’
Noa’s face dropped at that, eyes flicking between the side of your face and your body language, trying to read the expression you had but he was having a hard time. Has he… Has he seen you make this face before? He racked his brain but nothing came immediately to mind. You looked like someone just told you terrible news. Your face was long with something Noa didn't understand. Your eyes were hooded, looking at the ground. Pressing your arms around your body, Noa recognized that as a defensive tactic. He pushed it. Foolishly. You weren’t going to talk to him anymore about it, about how it was for you before he found you, if you had… Had ever mated.
But, maybe that was for the best! Quash it before he knew the answer, before his curiosity got the best of him. It was for the best, he kept repeating inside of his head, that he didn't know. That you didn't tell him someone else laid claim to you already. Running his teeth along his sharp canines, Noa turned with thought. He had done it without care. Asking you such a stupid, pointless, meaningless question as if he himself knew pleasure like that. He didn't even know what he was talking about when he asked! He didn't…Even…. Know… Would he ever? He had to wonder. Know what he was talking about, the implications of what he suggested?
His stare rested on you, the side of your face as you were trying to process everything that just transpired. You were avoiding eye contact, a tell-tale sign to the Ape that you were done chatting. A soft breeze hit the air around you, Noa diving almost face first into the smell that wafted off you, the bouncing of the small baby hairs on the top of your head, not as long as the rest but trying to get there and the picking of your fingers at the fabric that had bunched around your knees. It was asinine to think that he would ever know with you. And he was even more so to think about asking let alone actually doing it.
What was he expecting? An answer? You so flatteringly telling him you had never been with anyone, that you opened your arms to him to lay claim? An Ape of all creatures. He chuffed at that and broadened his shoulders. But, the thought of you with another, any other, made him feel a surge of aggression, resting too uncomfortably at the back of his head like he had been crouching his head down to look at something for too long. Quicker than lightning, Noa bared his teeth and picked up his spear. With a free hand, he gave you only one command.
‘Let’s go hunting.’
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teojira · 4 months
[Light] [Noa x GN!reader oneshot]
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Summary: Noa wakes you up at an ungodly hour to go into the overgrown city.
Words: 2.5K+
Warnings: Mutual pinning (neither of you know yet), romance, Reader is insecure, self indulgence at its fucking finest. Gender neutral but Noa thinks you're pretty :)
A/N: I'm so in love with him it actually hurts LMAOO, literally a ache in my chest. I was listening to Light by sleeping at last while writing this <3 hence the title, I hope I got the energy right!
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You weren't quite sure what Noa was planning, he had woken you up early, maybe an hour or two before sunrise.
Groaning and rolling away from his poking, he moves to trail a hand down to your side, jabbing his fingers there.
Your eyes fly open with a yelp, staring daggers into his head. You turn to him, and he has a small smirk on his face, laughing silently about the pout of your face.
He's already dressed in his normal attire, his feathered adorned to his person, a sling wrapped around his shoulder as well.
Noa watches your face take him in, and he hopes to anyone who's out there, to Caesar you can't tell how flushed he gets under your gaze. It's bad enough that everyone in the clan side eyes him because they know of his feelings for you. He hasn't worked up the nerve to tell you himself. He doesn't know what to do. He's both simultaneously enamored with you and your differences, but in the same vein, you're so different.
Sometimes, a part of him wishes he hadn't fallen for you. It'd be easier. It's easier to just be your friend and your protector, but falling for you was as easy as breathing.
You move to stretch out our limbs, groaning as you twist and turn, eyes still half lidded. The noise gaining his attention, his previous thoughts disappearing.
You're pretty like this, he thinks. You always do though, no matter what you're doing.
"What the fu-
Noa shoves a finger against your lips, gesturing for you to be quiet.
'I need you to come with me, important.' he signs, moving to grab at your hand, pulling you up. He forgets his strength a lot and yanks you into his chest. Your head knocks into him, and you yelp. In his defense, he didn't mean to!
"Sorry." He sniffs, using a large hand to rub at your forehead to soothe the ache there.
"This better be worth waking me up."
"It will be, come on."
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Noa leads you down to the horses, a hand on the small of your back, pushing you to go faster.
"Noa, what is the rush? Is everything okay?" You dig your heels into the soft earth beneath you, looking at him with concern.
He's been unusually impatient.
It's early as hell in the morning, no one else is awake. Not even Dar is up and about and that woman is constantly moving.
"Everything is fine, you worry too much."
"I worry a normal amount, thank you very much." You stick your tongue out at him, moving a hand to rub at your eyes, to get rid of the crust lingering.
You both arrive at the hut where the horses are kept, you linger back as Noa goes inside to grab his. He's fast and efficient, checking the satchel strapped to the animal to make sure he has everything he needs for this impromptu trip he's taking you both on.
It's cute the way he gets in the zone, his eyes trained on his task.
Yawning, you're not processing Noa's words until he's right in front of you in the saddle. That was fast.
"Come, come. Do you want to ride with me or ride alone?" Noa always ask, and he knows the answer by now.
You always ride with him, just like you always go with him anywhere.
It's a running joke in the clan that you're Noa's shadow, always at his heels, asking if he needs anything or if there's something you can do in general.
You've come a long way since then, finding your place in the clan. Not needing to follow Noa like a lost puppy, but as it turns out, you can't shake the habit of being around Noa when you can. Without thinking, you find your way towards him.
A part of you is still insecure about your place among them, knowing just how different you are. Noa is your only true companion, you think. Dar is loving, but you're worried she doesn't like you, same with Anaya and Soona. No matter how much they say they love you, years of differences have made you insecure.
So you cling to Noa like a lifeline, despite knowing you shouldn't, surely he doesn't want to be around you all the time. It's not fair to him.
But Noa never let it show that he finds your differences bothersome, you couldn't lift what the others could? No worries, he'd adjust it for you, making you a pulley to help or helping you himself when he had the time.
Or if you didn't know how to fish or hunt, he'd take you and Soona, and Anaya would come with all three encouraging you and helping you learn. He'd ask his mother to teach you how to make garments and how to farm the earth. He always looked out for you, even if he wasn't around.
They never made you feel like a burden, Noa never made you feel like a burden.
How were you not supposed to love him? In every universe, you're sure you were to be in love with him in every single one.
"Help me up?" You ask sheepishly, lifting your arms up so he can grab onto you.
"Of course."
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It's been about an hour or two, give or take on the ride to the overgrown city. Not that you'd know. With the warmth of Noa against your back and the steady movement of the horse, you've fallen asleep again.
Noa snorted when he realized, your body slumped into his, your hand loosely holding the saddles horn in a feeble attempt to not fall off.
He has to wrap an arm around your waist to make sure you didn't fall off or that what he tells himself.
Noa would never admit it, but he cherishes how easily you trust him, how comfortable you are with him, it makes him feel important, makes him feel loved. He'll give you shit for it, but nothing makes him happier.
You're only asleep for the last hour of the ride, breathing softly as Noa leads you both past the overgrown city, the hooves of the horse being the only noise being made.
"Here, wake up." He slows down the horse, pulling to a stop in front of a looming building, covered in greenery. He has not so great memories of it. Almost falling to his death would do that to you. But he won't take you that high. He'd never put you in danger.
His arm slips from your waist, moving to rub up and down your side as he tries and wakes you up for the second time today.
You let out a grumble. He feels it in his chest, and it makes him chuff, but open your eyes, blinking rapidly to get the sleep out of them.
Once he's positive, you won't fall without him propping you up. He demounts with an ease, his feet hitting the ground in a soft thump as he turns around to face you, holding his hands up so you can use him to get down yourself.
You move to grab his hands with your own, ignoring the spark that runs down your spine at the contact.
There are so many differences between you and Noa, too many to even begin to count, but the way his hands are similar to yours, the way he immediately holds you so gently, makes them seem insignificant. Is this what love is? It's weird.
Noa sets you down on the ground, smiling softly at you, then moving to wrap the reins around a piece of metal protuding out of the ground to ensure the horse doesn't go anywhere. Something he didn't use to do, but after the events of the last time he came into the city, he's not going to have that mistake happen again.
"We'll start climbing here." You crane your neck and balk at just how tall the structure is, it's a good couple of stories up, he's insane.
"Uh, Noa, I don't think you remember, but I can't really climb that high."
"I carry you, like I always do." He says it nonchalantly, shrugging with a shoulder.
"Noa, I'm heavy, no." It's always embarrassing when he carries you. It makes you blush, and you're terrified he can hear your heartbeat.
The look he shoots you is devastating.
"You always say that, you are not." He argues, looking offended on your behalf.
There's no point arguing with him about this.
You sigh and gesture for him to turn around so you can climb onto his back.
He does just that, crouching towards the ground.
You're always afraid of choking him out when you get on his back, so you take extra care to gently wrap your around around his neck, sliding your legs around his waist.
"Are you ready? It'll be a bit of a climb."
You let out a 'mhm.' Your brain too occupied with taking in his warmth and his scent, mind all fuzzy at holding him.
"Hold on tight." He squeezes your thigh.
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The climb is uneventful, mostly you filling in the silence with what you've done in thr last few days, Noa nodding and offering a hum here and there.
He finally stops, jostling you a bit to look at what he's come to show you.
A smile creeps along your face. It's Eagle eggs, four to be exact.
Despite the Eagle clan hand raising plenty of the birds, they don't do well breeding with their intervention, so to see a clutch is rare.
"Pick the egg that speaks to you the most."
You stare at the nest of eggs, taking in each one's complexion. It's hard, you have no idea why you have to choose. You figure Noa just wants your input, so you take it seriously.
Within a minute, you decide to point to the biggest egg in the center. The eggshell is freckled, and it stands out the most among its siblings.
"I like that one." You say softly in Noas ear. He nods and scoops it up, taking care to put it in the sling.
"Was that it? Can we go home now?" You rest your head on his own, holding back from nuzzling into his soft fur.
"Yes, this is all I needed today."
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After making a slow descent down the crumbling tower, Noa helps you get back onto the horse, throwing himself behind you. He moves the egg sling to be on his back, in order for you to be comfortable. (He wants you to lay against him so bad again)
The way home is filled with a comfortable silence, only breaking when you see fit.
It's always nice to spend time with Noa, but this particularly feels different, like something is innately changed in your relationship. You're probably imagining things though.
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Noa stops shortly before the village, it not being more than an acre away.
Noa swings a leg off the saddle, falling down and reaching for your waist to lift you down as well.
He breaths out your name, continuing after a moment. "Before we go, I need to give you something. Close your eyes."
You lift an eyebrow at him, but do as you're told. It's Noa, you trust him with everything in you, so your eyes slide closed.
Noa ruffles with something, cursing quietly under his breath. It makes you giggle, you had been teaching him some human vocabulary, alot of curse words included.
You're a bit startled when you feel him brush your hair away from your face, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. The blush that threatens to overtake your face is insane, and you hope he thinks it's just because the sun is beaming down on the both of you.
You feel something be placed over your head, sliding down and stopping at your chest.
Noa takes a second to readjust it, making sure it's snug and resting comfortably on you.
"Open now."
Peeling your eyes open, you're greeted with a blinding smile by him, and your mouth goes dry for a second at it. Yes, he has always been handsome, but the way he's looking at you now, the way his eyes are shining with happiness, it's a lot to take in. He's so handsome and he doesn't even know it.
Noa doesn't notice your internal dilemma over him, nodding his head towards your chest, still beaming with pride.
You snap yourself out of your Noa fueled daze, eyes going down to your chest.
It's the egg you chose.
Confusion fills your brain for a second.
"This is your egg, why am I carrying it?"
Noa told you all about how his egg was crushed the first time he got it, and how a downward spiral that moment had lead to.
Even though he had Eagle son now, you had figured he still wanted his own, to say he had done it for his late father.
"No, this is your egg."
"Your egg, your Eagle to raise."
"Noa, nothing. You are part of us. You get an eagle."
"Noa, I'm not. This is special to your clan. Someone else should have my egg." You try and carefully slip the sling from your neck, but Noa beats you, his hands inclosing around your own to stop you.
"You are apart of the clan." He murmurs, pushing your hands down until they're at your side. His hands then come back to your face, holding your cheeks gently.
"You're not an outsider."
The lump in your throat is suffocating, your eyes well past the point of welling up. Salty tears having no consideration for how embarrassing it is for you to cry over this.
Noa hums, this thumbs coming up to brush them away, still smiling, his eyes willed with warmth and his smile just the more softer.
He pulls you in then, resting his forehead on yours, a hand against the back of your head.
You let out a shuddering breath, smiling so hard it starts to hurt.
"You're apart of me."
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"Noa! My Eagle hatched!" You're sprinting to him, he just got home from exploration with Anaya. You've missed him, even more than usual.
You move to grab his hand, trying with all your might to pull him off to drag him to the Eagle area.
Anaya shoots a look to Noa, a smug smirk on his face.
"Noa you go, your mate needs you." He teases, dismounting his horse, grabbing Noas reins from him.
Noa sputters, quickly signing that no, you two are not mates, at least not yet. He hasn't even asked if you liked him yet! He's told Anaya this on the trip, many times, after many rounds of teasing.
You don't understand their signing that well yet, so you tug at Noas hand again, intertwining your fingers.
"Noaaa, come on!" You whine.
Noa is sure he'd do just about anything you asked of him, and then some. So he gets off the mount and runs with you.
Anaya snorts, shaking his head good-naturedly.
"Not mates, as if."
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hornedstorys · 1 month
POTA Caesar x Reader - Mating Season - nsfw
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Warnings: Mention of breeding, mating behavior, courting, nsfw, primitive sex - Sage is my OC :)
Synopsis: The King of the Apes is in mating season, but since Cornelia's death, no ape is good enough for him except a certain human woman. - Plays before the second part, Blue Eyes is a baby.
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Caesar sat on a ledge and watched the colony, eyes straining. A cold breeze passed through his fur, but he skillfully ignored it. His fur was thick enough that he hardly noticed when it got a little colder, unlike you. His gaze slid in your direction and his eyes softened when he saw you, wrapped in furs and with Blue Eyes on your lap. You had been like a surrogate mother, as Cornelia had unfortunately not survived the birth, but Blue Eyes had. You were a great support because it wasn't easy bringing up a cub on your own and Blue Eyes was a really bright young ape.
And he loved to keep you on your toes when his dad finally had a break to catch his breath. Caesar loved his son, but he had many duties as monkey king and leader... And he was no female ape. These were the days when he wished he had someone to be by his side again and when he saw you there with the ape children that had formed a flock around you, his mind was made up.
He would court you in the next mating season and claim you for his own, at least he was going to try. He knew that humans didn't do that, well at least not in the way apes did. He had seen Will take his wife on 'dates', which was what humans called it when they did things together and got to know each other.
His eyelids drooped as he thought of what it would be like to woo you. He was missing another warmth in his nest and he had always been attracted to you. Your scent had burned deep into him and your smile made his heart beat faster, even if a smile among monkeys wasn't always the same as among humans.
He admired the way you dealt with the ape children, even if you sometimes felt overwhelmed yourself. But you did well, Caesar thought. He didn't know whether it was possible for an ape like him to father offspring with a human like you.
But the thought of having you naked beneath him and claiming you sent a deep pleasure through his body and his instincts screamed. Caesar knew that once he courted you, hardly any of the other male apes would dare to go near you.
Male apes were the most aggressive during this time. You didn't notice any of his thoughts, but two weeks later, a deer carcass lay outside your den and you looked at the lifeless body with wide eyes.
"Present," Caesar suddenly growled next to you and you were almost scared to death. Puzzled, you looked at him.
"Um... thank you," he almost sounded like a question. Over the next few days, Caesar kept giving you gifts. It was all sorts of things. Meat, flowers, berries. Even pretty stones lay in front of your dwelling and every time you asked yourself what was going on and why he was doing all this.
But one day, when you were just about to shake the berries you had collected with the other females into another basket, a monkey you didn't know came to your aid. He was a chimpanzee, dark fur and his eyes were as dark green as the deep forest.
You were embarrassed when he signed to ask if you needed help. You nodded, for it was a good amount of berries you had gathered.
His name was Sage, he had told you, and you honestly had to admit to him that you had never seen him before.
"I'm part of the hunting party and tend to stay in the background," he signed with his large hands. He had a similar human-like face to Caesar, but was not built like him, yet he had broad shoulders and his chest also seemed as firm as stone. You became more and more embarrassed around Sage and the thoughts you had and were not allowed to have.
You didn't realize how Caesar had been watching you from afar and his blood was boiling with rage, how dare that ape be so close to you. He could smell the change coming from you. You were aroused and embarrassed and it made Caesar furious that it wasn't because of him. Sage was also courting you and wooing you.
He tried to top Caesar in everything and be better. He was the only one brave enough to take on his leader, because Sage also had his eye on you and wanted to claim you. And both apes really confused you, so you decided to go to Maurice and ask him why they were behaving like that.
But nothing came of it when an angry Caesar grabbed you and pulled you with him. He could smell Sage all over you and you hadn't even mated yet, but this time it was over and he would take what was coming to him.
"Caesar?! What's wrong?" Startled, you let him lead you to a secluded clearing. He pushed you to the ground and growled: "Mine!"
Your eyes widened as you saw his erect cock pressing against Caesar's stomach. Gently but firmly, he took off your pants and the first thing he noticed was your intoxicating scent. You were aroused, he smelled it and he saw it too. You were already wet and it made him almost proud to see that he didn't even have to touch you to get you ready for him.
Before you could say anything else, you just saw Caesar's mouth land on your wet pussy and lick it greedily. He had never done this before, but his instincts drove him to want to taste and he let himself go. He didn't regret it, because your salty, sweet taste on his tongue made him growl.
Panting, you watched him eat you greedily, your legs were over his shoulder and you could feel the tips of his canines on your soft skin. You felt something building up inside you. All this aroused you so much that every little lick from Caesar brought you closer to orgasm. Your hand gripped his head and his green-gold eyes looked up at you. Pride welled up in him again as he noticed you grinding your hips against his face and your moans grew louder.
"Oh God, Caesar! ... Don't stop!" You moaned as his licking became faster and more intense. You looked at him with your mouth open, your eyes half closed and the next moment you threw your head back as your body shook. Your moans would be heard all the way to the village, you were sure of it. Your legs trembled and Caesar licked every drop from your labia and then pressed you closer to his erection with your pelvis. You licked your lips.
"You... Are... Mine!" He growled, his pupils dilated. Your juice still clung to his lips, making them glisten.
"I'm... better... Than... Sage," Caesar squeezed your hips and slid his cock up and down between your wet folds, growling at the sensation. Your eyes widened.
"Are you jealous, Caesar? You asked, and you could see his jaw tighten.
"You don't have to-", you started, but he interrupted you by starting to push his thick glans into you and you bit your lips and exhaled blissfully. It felt so good and you wanted him inside you. You wanted to feel all of him, so you thrust your pelvis towards him.
Caesar pushed his cock all the way into you and you clawed and gasped into his shoulders.His hips moved harder and harder against your ass, faster and deeper. His hands were firmly on your legs, which were over his shoulders, and a grunt came from his nostrils, which had already puffed out.
You realized it was a dominance game. Caesar seemed to have something against Sage and as he came closer to you, something burned through Caesar.
The clearing was filled with smacking noises and muffled clapping. Completely dazed, you were suddenly placed on Caesar's lap and he thrust back into you. But his eyes swung past your head as if he was seeing something and the next moment you were lying on the floor with your ass stretched out towards him.
Caesar hammered his cock into you so hard you thought you were losing your mind, when you turned your head to meet his gaze you saw that he wasn't looking at you, but at the edge of the forest. Gasping, you followed his gaze and your eyes widened when you saw it too.
Sage stood there bent over in the bushes watching you. He must have been looking, so he paused when he saw Caesar ramming his cock into you and claiming you. His eyes were dark with envy.
Caesar looked at him provocatively, running his rough hand over your ass, down to your back. He gently took your chin and lifted your face, his cheek grazing yours, his eyes remaining glued to Sage. The ape King's thrusts were hard and firm. He wanted everyone to see who you belonged to. He also wanted you to see it. Especially that you could see how Sage had lost. He was the leader and he got the female of his choice and that was you.
You were woozy with excitement and you could feel something tightening inside you. You would come again and Sage would see it. Caesar felt it and his hips slammed hard against you and his cock thrust deeper into you, making you think he was going to tear you apart. Then the heady feeling overcame you and your moans rang through the forest again as your wet, warm walls clenched around Caesar's cock and he growled wildly as he buried his seed inside you.
Sage left, he had seen enough and had given up. There was a smug grin on Caesar's face. He could feel the strong pounding of his heart deep in his chest and he could feel your legs trembling against his loins.He pulled out of you and watched his seed run down your legs. Exhausted, you lay down on the grass and tried to think clearly.
A cool breeze made you shiver and suddenly Caesar grabbed you again and took you in his arms as if he sensed you were fresh. Your eyes caught his and you honestly didn't know what to say.
"You would be... good mother... for Blue Eyes," he grunted, his rough hands gently stroking your, still warm, skin.
"Is that why you gave me gifts? And claimed me? Because you want me to be Blue Eyes' mother and your partner?" Your voice didn't sound reproachful, it was really just a question. Caesar lowered his eyes.
"Wanted you... Before Sage...-" his voice broke, but you understood and you were somehow honored that Caesar wanted you and saw you as a potential mother.
"You know I'm not sure I can give you children, Caesar," you whispered, your gaze lowering as well. But suddenly you felt Caesar's hand on your cheek.
"I don't... I don't care. I want you... No one else," his voice sounded firm and your eyes widened. He took a chance that Blue Eyes could be his only child just to have you.
Then he suddenly pressed his forehead against yours.
"You... belong... to me," he grunts, gripping the back of your head tightly as if he's afraid you'll suddenly vanish into thin air."Yes. I belong to you," you breathe and close your eyes.
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ohwaitimthewriter · 4 months
The Memory Keeper
Chapter 2: Puzzle
Pairing : Noa x human reader
Warning : None? Maybe just reader who speaks some bad words towards herself.
Summarize (please I'm so bad at writing these!): A woman, allowed to live as long as the virus keeps running through her body, living on autopilot for 260 years, is going to see her life takes a new turn, finding hope in something that might come to put an end to her wandering.
Words : 2.6k
A/N : Here we go for chapter 2! Enjoy your reading 😁
The Memory Keeper masterlist.
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“Echo, speak?”
Come to think of it, he wasn't just confused, he was almost… suspicious. You felt like you were going through a head scan, as his eyes were trying to decipher any logic to the words you'd just spouted. And you frowned, “echo”. It was a word you'd never heard before.
The saddle still resting on your arm was beginning to feel heavy, and the slight pain in the muscle supporting it caused your legs to turn around and place the saddle against the wall of your hut. After all, you always had to put away what you had taken out.
The movement almost startled the two apes who had rooted themselves to the ground, as if you'd been a child's doll with a recorded voice that had suddenly turned out to be very much alive. You would almost have smiled if you hadn't been so preoccupied with the sign the chimpanzee had just made with his hands as he watched you hobble home.
“Hurt,” he had signed to his friend.
At least, if your knowledge of sign language wasn't already rusty from all that time spent not using it. The next sign remained a mystery, but he seemed to be pointing at your hip. You cleared your throat quietly, your gaze again following the movement of your hands, which were busy setting up the saddle so as not to damage it against the wood. It was ridiculous enough for you to feel embarrassed that he had noticed your defective hip. And when you straightened up to walk towards them again, you put extra effort into trying to look more… supple.
“You can't stay here.” you simply said.
And their eyes fell on you again as if you'd just said an offence. Yet you hadn't put much effort into your voice. It had seemed rather monotonous, without any particular nuance, and after all, they were standing on your land. Your request certainly wasn't as off-the-wall as their dumbfounded expressions claimed.
“ Need... a horse. ”
The chimpanzee had insisted, his voice huskier than the first sentence he'd addressed to you. Was he trying to force his decision to take your horse on you? You narrowed your eyes again. If so, he had a lot of nerve.
However, you pointed south again.
“South, past the river. You emphasized, as if he hadn't heard you the first time. “Now go.”
You watched him grit his teeth before you saw even the shadow of his fangs. You could see the frustration in his eyes, and even though you sensed that an emergency was tormenting his stomach, you certainly weren't going to give up your horse. Having to look for another one wasn't going to happen for at least 5 rounds of the 12 categories of lists that hung on your living room wall. Staying that long without a horse would be very problematic, and with your hip, you always needed a horse to help you catch another.
As far as you were concerned, the discussion was over and silence fell again in the small clearing that served as your garden. There was a lot to do today, and the apes' intervention had only delayed your bedtime tonight.
The good thing was that you wouldn't need to hear more of your voice today. Your vocal cords were even tired from talking so much. It had been a long time… since you'd spoken so much. In fact, your hand was massaging the base of your neck just below your chin, trying to relax the muscles that hadn't worked so hard for… well, for a long time.
You were about to leave them to their activities, again listing in your head yours that awaited you when the orangutan hooted softly to get your attention.
“Maybe… we can help?” He offered, all the while surprising his friend who suddenly seemed to want to stop him at all costs, no matter what the latter had in mind.
Help with what? you asked yourself, without verbalizing it. You shook your head to prevent any other thought from interfering with your activities and your eyes fell on the rosebush, a few steps from where you stood. The rose petals had fallen because of the storm.
You fetched the petal jar and listened deafly to Raka, who seemed to have a very specific idea in mind. In fact, he had undertaken to follow your footsteps to the rosebush.
“Help… in exchange for the horse?” he explained.
Clever. And you rolled your eyes at your own thought. You delicately picked up the petals and slipped them one by one into the jar.
“I don't need any help.”
You formidably ignored the two apes who seemed to be sharing a conversation intrinsically involved in exchanges of glances and, occasionally, signs that were meant to be discreet. As if you were able to see what was going on behind your back. After all, you were a talking echo, so obviously anything was possible.
You seemed to give particular importance to each petal you slipped into the pot, and in fact, you paid no attention to the silent conversation going on behind you.
“There's no time to help.” The chimpanzee began. “We need a horse, human has one.” “Echo doesn't want to.” “ We need to persuade.”
The chimpanzee paused before starting again.
“Hurt. Echo won't agree.”
Raka watched you for a moment. On your knees, you were taking care of each petal, you could simply grab a good handful of them and put them without batting an eyelid in that glass jar you were holding, but no, you were taking them delicately, one by one, as if they were the most precious thing in the world. Then he signed.
“ Petals are important, it seems. ” “Whatever,” the chimp retorted, clearly annoyed by this situation that seemed beyond his control. “Human important to Caesar so if petals important to human, important to Caesar too.”
The chimpanzee almost rolled his eyes. Raka had given him a summary of who Caesar was, but in his eyes, Caesar was just the distant shadow of a mountain that had now vanished.
You froze as the orangutan's hand gently grasped a petal and gently placed it in your jar. What was he doing? You gave him a puzzled look and he pointed to the jar full of petals.
“Important…?” he asked.
Why had he asked? And why was your breathing becoming more erratic? Your lungs were progressively demanding more oxygen and you could almost feel your bronchial tubes dilating desperately to catch the slightest oxygen atom that would pass through the air you were breathing in.
A word, a simple word, spoken softly because he'd understood and swallowing had been a trial of strength. You could still feel your throat rolling with difficulty even though you'd already swallowed your saliva, and before your lungs decided to run a losing race, you suddenly closed the jar before standing up straight on your legs.
A long inhalation and exhalation later, you remembered your list. The petals could wait. A look devoid of intent came over the two apes as they scrutinized you, trying to solve a puzzle they'd never been trained to solve.
That expressionless, almost glassy gaze that Noa found hard to read despite his unsuccessful attempts to uncover your true motives. A look that seemed so… far away. The Echos he'd crossed paths with didn't have that look. It didn't make sense. You knew how to talk. You'd trained your horse. The land around you was cultivated and healthy. There was no logic to what he read in that inexpressive gaze. But he hadn't had time to examine further what was deep in your eyes; you'd already gone back to whatever it was you were doing.
Raka turned to him and began to sign.
“ Human complicated. Perhaps we should wait a little.”
Noa let out a snort. Waiting seemed pointless. This Echo was lost.
“No time. Tonight, when she's asleep, we'll take her horse and leave.” Noa signed in turn, still irritated that all this was taking so long.
Raka scoffed, almost shocked at his words.
“ Show mercy. Without her horse, maybe she won't be able to feed herself.” He paused for a moment, then continued thoughtfully. “She's limping. Maybe it's because of the apples you left outside her door.”
Touché. Still, your fall hadn't seemed very impressive, but maybe it was enough for an Echo to get hurt.
“What do you want to do?” He asked under his breath. “Wait. She's busy. We'll wait and when she's done, we'll talk and tell the truth.”
Noa groaned at this but didn't protest further. When Raka had made up his mind, it was hard to change it. Little did they know, however, that you were never done with these lists.
Watching you evolve in your environment was somehow endearing. You jumped from one activity to the next without ever looking at the position of the sun, never stopping to smell the scents the wind brought your way.
Your movements were millimeterized, no time was wasted or spoiled. Even tasks that required a little more physical effort, such as picking an apple from the tree behind your house, you seemed to know exactly where to push your horse's hooves so that he would place himself exactly under the targeted branch. You knew where to place your hands on his back and exactly how much pressure to exert on your legs to pull yourself up onto your horse. Noa watched you wobble on his back as you positioned your bare feet in strategic places that would keep you more or less balanced and able to pick that apple. He noticed it too at that precise moment. Your hip was giving you trouble keeping your balance. It seemed more… stiff. As if something was holding it to your pelvis and preventing it from moving freely. Your left hip made up for this lack of flexibility, giving the impression that your pelvis was shaking on one side only.
You ride down and your horse headbutted you. You immediately held out the apple and the animal tried to take a bite. You closed your hand over the base of the apple and the horse had to shake his head harder to detach a piece, which it chewed peacefully, blowing through its nostrils.
A smile.
Noa straightened up and intensified his contemplation. Why had you smiled? He'd been watching you for hours now, waiting for the slightest opportunity to get what he wanted all along, and not once had you smiled.
Echo didn't smile when you saw him and Raka setting up a small fire at the edge of the clearing.
Echo didn't smile when you pulled up the tall grass around your tomato plants.
Echo didn't smile when you washed your hands with water from a flask.
Echo didn't smile when you ate some berries.
And your smile faded the instant your eyes landed on him again, finding that emotionless gaze he'd never stopped observing. Echo would smile at a horse having trouble biting into an apple, but not at apes.
Did that mean you had an animosity towards apes?
No. It didn't make sense because it meant you also had animosity towards those rose petals that seemed so important. And then, even though you'd asked them to leave, you hadn't tried to chase them away, nor had you become angry.
In fact, could you really get angry? You seemed so… empty of emotion.
But you had smiled at your horse. It had even come up to your eyes for a brief moment, and Noa had thought he saw even a flicker of light in your eyes before it faded into oblivion.
A puzzle.
Raka sat down beside him and pointed at Echo with his hand.
“Still busy?” He said without bothering to sign. “ Still.”
He grumbled at that.
“Why was Caesar so interested in Echo?” Noa asked him, trying to find a missing piece to the puzzle in front of him.
Raka simply shrugged. Tales didn't tell the whole story, and there was never more information than the tales could give.
“I heard some humans raised him.” Raka replied.
Noa huffed at this, not wanting to believe it. And he hadn't noticed that you'd gotten close to them in your wandering, doing all sorts of things to keep yourself busy.
“He must not have been having much fun.” Noa replied sarcastically, glancing at you as you trimmed your rosebush with your bare hands.
He didn't know if you'd heard him at the time - you seemed too focused on your task to hear or see anything else - and yet, by sheer coincidence, he heard you hissing, drawing his gaze back to you.
What a dummy. You gently withdrew the thorn you'd just stuck in your finger. Probably from carelessness. You brought your finger to your mouth to remove the small trickle of blood that had run down and after a few seconds of rubbing the spot where the thorn had stuck, your skin healed.
That was always what you told yourself when something like this happened. A scratch? You'd blink and it would disappear. A partial cut? You'd fetch some water and by the time you'd closed the flask, it would be gone. You were no longer afraid of superficial wounds. They still hurt, of course, but you didn't need to worry about them. They always healed.
You looked up at the sky for the first time in the day. The sun was already on its way down. There wasn't much time left before nightfall and you still had to go to the river to catch a fish, fill your bottles with fresh water and wash up.
But they were still there.
And your horse had no problem grazing with theirs. Somehow, seeing him graze with a friend made you happy.
You let out a long sigh. You'd hoped they'd leave. You'd hoped they'd get bored. Or that the urgent matter that had led them to want to take your horse would catch up with them and they'd be forced to leave. But they were obviously determined.
You sighed again.
“What a bother,” you muttered, grabbing your horse's halter.
You had to get to the river and you'd get there.
Neither of them had seen you leave, partly because Raka had monopolized Noa's attention, preventing him from keeping an eye on you. Both had realized your absence when your horse gave a happy snort at having returned to its little clearing.
Perched on your horse, you were still doubtful. Why had you brought back three of them? They were perfectly capable of feeding themselves, so why, just as you were about to leave the river, had you decided to catch two more fish? It wasn't as if they were suddenly going to leave your clearing when you offered them something to eat. They weren't there for that. They were there for a horse. Your horse.
You felt like hitting your head repeatedly with your hand. It didn't make sense. A fish for the peace of seeing them go? It didn't make sense, just like the pile of apples in exchange for your horse. Maybe if you really gave in to this urge, you'd get some sense into that brain that's been asleep for so long it was making you do absurd things. But you didn't. And you asked your horse to move towards them before dismounting in front of their inquisitive eyes.
Without a word, you removed the bag from your horse's saddle and took out the two fish.
You set them down one by one in front of them.
Offering them food will only encourage them to stay.
You closed the bag and tied it to your saddle again.
Your glassy gaze landed on them before muttering a “eat... well”.
Now you're sure to see them off in the morning, well done you dummy.
And you walked away, leading your horse back to your hut, sincerely hoping to see them off in the morning.
tags list (I hope it will tag you properly!): @callsignwidow @youdontknowe @katzykat @koshi-sama
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a-boca-do-inferno · 3 months
blueberry (caesar x human!reader)
summary: Man is insecure and, perhaps not so surprisingly, so are apes.
warnings: angst, swearing, fluff
words: 3.6k
notes: can be read as a standalone or a continuation to alone. this is set somewhere between the events of wftpota but he is alive in my heart btw. enjoy x
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“I don’t care”, you sign and huff, glaring at him. You needed to hurt him; like he had hurt you just now. You point to the cave entrance. “Leave.” 
Caesar shoots you a desolated look, standing in the middle of the rain, completely soaked. He can’t speak. Not this time. He’d done it so many times before, repeating the same thing over and over again. I will change. I will stop worrying. I love you. And now you could see the truth: no matter how much he claimed to love you, his sorrows would always be stronger than his feelings and you just had enough. You were a tired woman. And he knew that, too. 
“Okay”, he mumbles at last with a brief sign as he watches his step and backs away. 
He leaves with his head down and disappears into the dark of the night. You’re only left with the sound of heavy drops smashing onto the floor. The ground now felt like opening up under your feet, but it wasn’t always like this. 
Caesar stared at you with widened eyes, not noticing your presence until you spoke up. A smile spread on his face and he shrugged off his worries, his frown fading gradually. “You… lifesaver.” He gesticulated toward the food you carried with a grateful look. It smelled so good and he didn’t hesitate to grab the bowl of soup, sipping on it and letting out a sigh of relief. “Thank you... for everything”, he signed with his free hand after a moment.
“You’re welcome, now what do you want?” You teased and ruffled his head lightly. Caesar had become a good friend over the past few months. It felt like you’ve known each other for a long time, even before the flu. “Or were you just that hungry?”
Caesar snorted, still drinking the soup. “Both… I think.” He swallowed before adding hoarsely, “sometimes I just need… to see you.” It sounded like a lighthearted comment, but he wasn’t smiling because deep down he knew it was true. You made him feel like he never did with anyone, ape or otherwise. He recoiled in his spot, watching you with attentive eyes. 
And you, to your credit, chuckled quietly with pink cheeks, “well, here I am.” You sat in front of him and leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees. “You know, Caesar, I’ve been thinking… Maybe you should come stay with me for a while.” 
You were well aware of his problem with loneliness ever since he lost Cornelia and couldn’t help but want to take care of him. Being a leader had its perks and many included a deep sense of isolation, especially when the very lives of a whole species depended on him to make it in this world. Humans were still a constant threat, even amidst the downfall of civilization, but you reckoned Caesar felt lonely long before the apocalypse from the few stories he’d tell you about Will. If anything, being surrounded by his own kind only alienated him more overtime due to the burden of the “crown”.
Caesar tensed up, his eyebrows raising at the unexpected offer. He stayed unmoving for a few seconds, however his demeanor eventually changed into one of contemplation. Perhaps it wasn’t such a terrible idea at all. He’d been greatly feeling the change in environment since they moved and doing things alone had always proven to be harder for him, if more familiar. Taking another sip of his soup, his thoughtful gaze traveled the ceiling. 
“Sure… you wanna live… with my drama?” He finally asked, with an almost amused expression.
“We can be dramatic together”, came the quick reply, as you carried a playful tone of your own. “But really, I think it’ll do you some good. It’s not permanent, I just wanna help you get a little more time to adjust while you sort things out with the council.” You grinned softly, “change is always overwhelming and some company might broaden your horizons, maybe even help with your decision.”
Caesar pondered your words, still with a humorous smile. “I could stay… for a while.” He added with some emphasis. 
“It’s settled then, you can move in anytime you want”, you stood up and patted his shoulder. As you noticed there was a hint of uneasiness lingering in his eyes, you hummed, “consider it my formal thanks to you for taking me in. Now we’re even.”
“Then I move in… tonight.”, he tried to play it off with humor, signing with a smirk. “Don’t like my place… anyways.”
In fact, deep down Caesar was glad to get away from there; especially because he was about to face the most challenging phase of leadership: letting go. By the end of the day, he was all settled into your home. He took your bed under your indignant protests that the floor was a “back killer”, in your own words. You had a way of making him sustain a smile for far longer than he was used to—which wasn’t often—and that was the sole reason for his compliance. 
As you were fluffing the makeshift pillows made out of animal skin, he organized his stuff in the small cabinet you made yourself. You were a handy carpenter. A quiet chuckle reached his ears and he shot you a glance. 
“I didn’t take you for the messy type, I thought all leaders were neat.”
Caesar rolled his eyes, closing the cabinet door. “I only clean… other people’s messes”, he signed with a wry smile. He turned around and leaned against the wall to face you properly, his grin fading into a sterner look. “I’m glad… you’re here.”
“And I’m glad you’re here with me, that way I don’t have to worry about your insomniac ass wandering in the cold”, you threw a stick at him, sitting on the bed with a small beam. “I really do worry and care for you, Caesar. I hope you know that.”
Caesar caught the stick with ease and met your gaze with warm eyes once again. He was clearly touched by your words and his shy grin turned into a real one, despite the tiredness on his features. He came over to sit beside you, much closer than before. 
“I know”, he replied huskily, gently caressing the nape of your neck with his thumb. “And I hope you know… I care about you.” You shivered under his touch and your lips reached for his rough palm as you kissed it. His breath hitched at the sensation of your smooth skin and he touched your foreheads, shutting his eyes.
It was now but a distant, bittersweet memory haunting you while you gathered your things and left your tent-like home with him, preparing to move in with Maurice. You had a close bond with the ginger ape due to his calmer nature; sometimes you even assisted in his classes, too, and he knew better than anyone about the shortcomings of your relationship with Caesar. This time was no different and he offered you shelter right away. He had always been supportive of you two, but never judging when you had a falling out with the boss.
Maurice knew better than anyone as Caesar got older, his stubbornness and overprotective nature only got bigger. You left out a humourless laugh, walking into your new home. Man is insecure and perhaps not so surprisingly, so are apes. And with insecurity comes obsession, along with an unhealthy need for control. Yet you always had too much understanding in your heart. Caesar just needed help, you thought, as you would peck his head whilst he slept soundly on your lap. It was so rare to see him that serene, and you cherished every second of it. 
He still had trouble sleeping; nightmares and such. Your heart ached with the ever present reminder that you just couldn’t make all his pain go away forever, no matter how hard you tried. And God, did you try. Rocking a grown chimpanzee’s body to make him go to sleep wasn’t exactly in your plans when he brought you into the colony, but you gladly took the task. You loved the guy, after all. 
And wouldn’t it be stupid to even doubt that? Still, that’s what Caesar did on occasion. He wasn’t easily upset, but when he was... It often got ugly. You were never a fearful girl, but seeing his angry fits deeply affected you. Soon talking to him became a constant walk on eggshells and if he noticed your change in behavior, he never really spoke on it, which was perhaps his biggest flaw; not communicating. But he was a leader, and a perceptive one at that. Even though he never said it out loud, it must have been clear that you couldn’t take it anymore. There was something telling about the way he simply let you go a few hours before, with no fight. 
“Comfortable?” Maurice eyes you carefully, bringing some blueberries with him to cheer you up. 
You can’t help but grin at the sight. “I am. Thank you.” You sign back and nod, taking a deep breath as you gaze around. “Caesar?” You hum, curious of where he might be. You hadn’t seen him since last night’s argument.
The orangutan shakes his head slowly, pointing at the forest, “he hunts… when angry.”
You snort. “Sounds about right.”
Maurice grunts in agreement, signing softly, “you two… end?”
You take a moment to consider his question. It looked like a break up, didn’t it? Although you weren’t sure if apes even used the concept of “breaking up” with their mates. Every couple you knew in the colony seemed happy together. No trouble in paradise. You shrug and look down. “Maybe.”
“Caesar is… difficult”, he rasps, causing you to smile despite yourself. That’s the understatement of the year. The ape adds, “you like blueberries… for a reason. They’re not… always sweet.”
You scoff at the comparison. No wonder Maurice was a great teacher. You sign with amusement, “except I can smash a blueberry if I don’t like it, but with Caesar, I can’t.”
Maurice laughs deeply. “Fair enough.”
As the night fell again, you watched the apes gather around the fire to hang out after another tranquil day from a distance. Since the war, things were slowly returning to normal and you felt a mixture of relief and anxiety every time the thought crossed your mind; growing accustomed to peace those days was dangerous. Hope could be a friend, but also a great enemy in the apocalypse. Caesar had taught you that through your many late night talks after you made love. A light blush came across your cheeks as you sighed and tried to shake off those memories. 
Dating another species was already a challenge on its own, now add being the leader of a colony on top of that, you were surprised you two had made it that far. When Caesar found you all alone hiding in a cave, struggling to survive on your own, never in a million years did you think that creature would become your closest friend and even lover. He didn’t like or didn’t see the point of those nomenclatures, sure, as he only ever referred to you as his family. If other apes outside Maurice and Blue Eyes knew about the implications of it, though, no one dared speak on it. Yet it didn’t make it any easier to digest whenever you stopped to think about it, even more so amidst his angry fits.
You finished preparing for bed and lay down in silence, staring at the stars. Another summer had begun with the difference of Caesar’s absence by your side as you tried to sleep. You took a deep breath and wiped away some stubborn tears, turning to face the wall. You closed your eyes for a brief second and when you opened them again, a large silhouette appeared on the stone surface and you slowly shifted back to find Caesar standing tall, eyeing you silently.
“Talk?” He signs hesitantly, his expression difficult to read in the dark. You only nod and he approaches you, and as he steps in an angle under the moonlight, you see he’s got a deep cut across his abdomen. You immediately sit up, looking alert. He smiles weakly and waves a dismissive hand, taking a seat beside you. “It’s… fine. Not… serious.”
You frown nevertheless, tracing his bruise and inspecting it. “What happened?”
“Bear.” He murmurs hoarsely, with an amused gleam in his green eyes. You grunt in displeasure and he asks with an almost mocking tone, “worry?”
“Of course I do, Caesar.” You huff indignantly and it only makes him smirk, but you keep glaring at him. “You think it’s funny?”
“Yes”, he says, reaching you to take your hand over his furry stomach. He comes closer, bringing his forehead to yours, “I’m… sorry.” You take a deep breath, closing your eyes. You’re not sure what to say, but he fills in the silence with a low sound, “miss… you.”
“You’re a stubborn old man”, you pull away to look him in the eye, albeit your voice stays tender. He looks humoured by your choice of words. “But I missed you too.”
Caesar’s expression softens significatively. He produces another coo, “forgive?”
You smile and bring his hand to your lips, kissing his knuckles. “Maybe.”
“Brought… present.” He rumbles after a moment and you watch him leave in silence, coming back shortly with a bowl full of blueberries. You grin and Caesar hoots quietly, feeding one to you. You blush and accept the gesture, causing him to nuzzle your face gently, “Maurice… advice.”
You roll your eyes. “That turncoat.” 
Caesar only snickers and shrugs, making a face as he tries a blueberry. He signs and pushes the bowl towards you, shaking his head in comic disapproval, “sour.”
It’s your turn to laugh.
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maarslovesmonkees · 2 months
Love your writing already and excited for your future works :)
Would you be able to do a nsfw piece for possessive/jealous Noa x female reader with some marking/claiming?
\The Bite On Your Neck\
Hii thank you, that means so much😭🙏 Ouuu I love myself some jealousy from my ape men <3 I Hope you enjoy,:D 💞
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Notes and warnings: Gender-neutral terms, Noa x Human!reader, Oneshot, NSFW, 1.2K words.
Noa wouldn't say he's a jealous man. He isn't the most confident in himself, sure but he does acknowledge his high status. No other ape would dare interfere with the bond you too share, s he never really had any thoughts to worry. Youve been part of the Eagle clan for more than a year now, or that's what you think. You don't really keep track of what day it is. Early winter is just settling in, and you were struggling as any other winter you've faced. Suddenly being insanely envious of the thick coat of fur the rest of the apes had. Over the past year, all the apes have warmed up to you, and have a good idea of echo customs; like freezing your ass off during winter.
You hang out with the sunset trio most days, specifically Noa, him being your mate and all. It was a surprising relationship blossom to say the least. Many were quite uncertain of how the relationship will turn out, but Anaya, Soona and Darr has always been supportive from the start and thats all that mattered to Noa.
You both try and spend as much time with eachother as possible whether is eating, sleeping, annoying him while he works with his owls etc. He loved spending quality time with you, just one on one.
“Help… with cold”, Anaya reached out a thick wool blanket for you to take. You took it gratefully wondering how he even got a hold of it. You quickly wrapped yourself around it, feeling bliss of the warmth it gave. You huddled close to the fire, as Anaya sat next to you. “Found when hunting”, He spoke as he chewed an apple, one of his favorite fruits. “Washed already…so not dirty”
“Thanks so much”, You smiled brightly at him. You then stretched your body, feeling the tension on your joints release as you’ve been huddled by the fire for a while. “I wish I had your fur so badly right night”, You whined.
You didn't notice Anaya not answering, as you felt hypnotized from the waves of the fire. You then felt a presence right behind you, then big furry arms go around your shoulders. You turned to see Anaya looking away, chewing his last piece of apple, seemingly nervous. Huffing a smile, you nuzzled up against your best friend.
“What it could feel…to have fur”, Anaya sat behind you, pressing his body against your back.
“You cuddle people for warmth a lot?”, I giggled and looked back to the mesmerizing fireplace.
“Not for warmth…Anaya likes cuddles”.
You felt your heart melt at your friends confession. You knew Anaya doesn't like being alone, and you felt a sort of pride being able to give him comfort. You were proud of the growth with your friendship with him, as he was very hesitant at the start, seeing his first echo and all. You became close friends with the goofball, seeing him as a brother.
A large thump of the ground, snap you out of your thoughts. On your left you saw Noa, staring at the fire irritaded, as Soona sat down right next to him, smiling at you.
Anaya let go of you, and proceeds to go and sit next to Soona. As the two talked, you shimmy your way next to your beloved boyfriend, snuggling close to him, resting your head on his broad shoulders. He put his arm around you, resting his head on to your, but you can tell he still seemed tense.
“Had a bad day?”, You sympathize with him as he's been doing quite a lot of errands for the elders. After his fathers passing, he has been held up doing a ton of eagle work.
He didn't answer, holding your body closer to him. Feeling the closeness gave you butterflies, then a great idea popped in your head.
You picked yourself up a little bit, then plopped down on his lap, resting your head on his chest. He took a second to react, but instantly put his arms around you, holding you nice and tight. He put his head down, nuzzling in your neck, deeply inhaling your scent. You shivered from the tickling sensation, giggling again.
“Noaaa that tickles”, You chuckled at him but you gasped as your body froze when you felt his teeth on your skin. It wasn't a bite, more like a nibble.
Your heart was thumping out of your chest as you looked to your side. Anaya and Soona still seemed to be distracted on whatever conversation they were having. You felt Noa sink his teeth gently in your neck, then licking the teeth mark that lightly showed.
Noa can already smell your arousal and stopped, trying to avoid the others getting suspicious. Noa nodded to the direction of your nest and you quickly understood.
“Oh fuck”, your voice muffled from the pillow your face was buried in.
Noa hips clashing into yours, his thick hands on your waist keeping you steady. Feeling your walls moving tightly around his cock, Noa couldnt conceal his groans of pleasure. You gripped the ground under you, then try to prop yourself up, feeling your back aching from the pose.
As you lift you head up, Noas hand covered your mouth, and you didnt have enough time to react as he bite down hard between our neck and shoulder blade, drawing blood. You scream into his hand, tearing up as Noa took his mouth off, licking the blood clean off your shoulder.
“You...are mine”, He grunted, his throbbing cock still thrusting into your puffy hole. “Noa's mate only”, you can feel him kissing the bloody mark, then sucking your neck.
Your tears falling down your face, as you felt your pleasure building up in your stomach, as you felt youself squeeze around him. He groaned from the sudden tightness, sweat falling off his forehead, he pulled you up and he finally climaxed inside you.
You felt his warm pool of cum get burried deep inside you, causing you to reach your high. Noa wrapped his arms around your body, slowly thrusting to ride out his orgasm. You shook in his arms, trying to regulate your breathing as you felt your entire body feel fuzzy and warm.
You rested your head behind you on Noas shoulder, finally able to catch your breath, as Noa slow thrusting came to a stop. You both kept kneeling in that position for a minute until Noa carefully layed you down next to him. He pulled you close, been cautious of the big bite mark, not wanting to cause you anymore pain. You buried your face in his chest and finally exhaling. You felt your mate caressing your hair gently, and exhaled a smile. You closed your eyes, feeling yourself drift off to sleep.
Noa looked at the artwork he made on your shoulder, feeling a sort of guilty pleasure forming around his stomach. He doesn't like hurting you, in fact he hastes it, but you were his and his alone. He knew it was irrational, but he couldn't help the feeling of possessiveness when anyone holds you close. Their face so close to your neck they seemed like they were about to mark you filled him with raging jealousy. Its time for everyone in the clan, including his best friend, to realize you're off limits. Youve been marked by Noa now, and your marked for life.
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shwaesar · 30 days
More Caesar x Reader HCs
Still SFW but gets suggestive near the end (I'm working up to it ok I'm nervous)
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You give him so many conflicting emotions and he never quite manages to come to peace with them. But he comes to peace with not coming to peace with them, if that makes sense.
He knows what he is and takes unapologetic pride in it. He's an ape. A creature forged by nature and nurture, a wild animal at his core, regardless of intelligence. Nothing can change that about him, and that's fine. He doesn't particularly want to change it.
But to love a human being feels almost like a rejection of all that. An ape can't love a human the way another human can. A human can't love an ape the way another ape can. So in a sense, you're both having to redefine your very selves just to try and make it work. To give each other what you want and need, while also adhering to your own wants and needs.
It takes a lot of time and patience to figure it all out, but you get there eventually. Or at least as close to there as you can get.
That thought still lingers in the back of his mind that he's not human enough for you, but on the rare occasion he lets those thoughts known, you're always quick to reassure him that you don't love a human. You love an ape.
'Love' is admittedly used in a nuanced way between the two of you. Love for humans means one thing, love for apes means another. But for you and Caesar, love means to choose one another, despite your many differences.
Maurice is honestly a life saver to have helping you both, educating you about ape romance and reassuring Caesar that his efforts in human romance are-..... well, it's the thought that counts.
He has no idea what he's doing but every now and then he'll pull something off that really cements his devotion to you. After all, he doesn't love an ape. He loves a human.
Flowers end up being his go-to gift, at least when he can get his hands on some. The forest is full of them if you know where to look, and he'll painstakingly pick the 'best' and bind the stems with twine before delivering them to you.
And you keep them in an old soda can filled with water, and about once every few weeks you'll have new ones to decorate your living space with, and Caesar can tell how happy it makes you so he keeps doing it and its honestly precious.
Gift-giving turns out to be a courtship ritual humans and apes have in common! But here's the thing-for humans, gifts are about sentimentality. For apes, they're about practicality.
Every now and then Caesar will bring you an 'ape' gift between more 'human' ones.
Once you've started eating more with the community and he doesn't have to bring you designated meals anymore, he starts surprising you with full on carcasses when he returns from a hunt. A testament to his ability to provide for you, at least in his mind.
They get progressively bigger too. Starts with a few hares. Then a boar. Then a stag.
He delivers you a fucking bear he found hibernating in the winter months, and you get a brilliant fur pelt out of it. Being able to keep you warm makes him swell with pride like nothing else, even if you can't help but feel a little bad for the bear.
You also receive a stone dagger after it's clear their usual weapons are too big and heavy for you. It's carved a bit clumsily, but the edge is sharp and there's a patch of rabbit skin wrapped around the handle to make gripping more comfortable. He feels a lot more confident in your ability to protect yourself once you have it, and seeing you use it is another thing that's makes his chest puff out proudly, because he has made sure you're safe, even when he's not around.
Of coarse, most of the time he is around.
And oh boy, when danger comes he is ready. Doesn't matter if it's a wild animal, another ape, another human- he will fuck a bitch up if they pose a threat to you.
The first time it happens is honestly a little scary. You run into a boar while foraging and it does not look happy, and neither does Caesar.
Blocks off your body with his own, fur standing on end, snarling and hooting aggressively at the creature to try and scare it off. His mind is racing with primal instinct the entire time- he has to protect his mate, has to be ready to go for the kill if it charges at you, he can't let his human get hurt-
It's also the first time you get a good look at his chompers, his lips pulled back to show them off in warning, and it suddenly strikes you how easily those teeth could be used against your own delicate flesh if he so desired, how effortlessly he could maul you, bite your fingers off one by one, rip out your throat-
Let's face it though, it definitely awakens something in you.
When the encounters over he has a nasty cut on his thigh from its tusks, and you get him home to treat the wound as quickly as possible. He's apologising the whole time for loosing his usual self control, for potentially frightening you. But then you tell him it suits him, and lord have mercy, once he processes it, you've awakened something in him too.
But that's a conversation for another post uwu
Even before anything's official, it's a gesture of trust and familiarity between the two of you. But when you're his mate, the romantic side of it is delved into more deeply.
Cupping each other's faces to hold the position of your temples touching, intense eye contact, deep breaths. It's a kind of intimacy that really burrows deep into you. Without words, he's able to tell you; I'm here. I've got you.
Human kisses are a bit trickier. He's familiar with the concept, he's seen humans kiss, but ape mouths are a lot bigger than ours and have a lot of different things to work around in order to really kiss something.
He's content to just receive them initially. Your lips are so soft and warm and feel so wonderful pressing against the corner of his own, or to his cheek, or to his open palm. Getting such a human form of affection from you carries almost a level of sanctity for him. Only you have ever kissed him. Only you will ever kiss him.
He'll take it to his grave, but he practices on the back of his hand sometimes so he can eventually return the favour.
Until then, the closest you get is him pressing his closed muzzle to your skin and just... inhaling your scent,
He tells you humans have a distinct smell, but individual humans have their own, more specific smell. When you ask what yours is like, he admittedly has to take a moment to think about it.
"You smell.... like home."
Sweet, right? WRONG. He just doesn't want to admit that he's been subtly making you smell more like him. Gotta make sure his territory is clearly his, after all.
He doesnt dare try it at first, too aware of the risks. Human skin is much too thin and sensitive for him to indulge in such a a way, no, he just can't bring himself to potentially do you serious harm, regardless of how badly he wants to.
You'd have to be the one to initiate a conversation about it. You can tell he's restraining himself here and there, from the low growls that slip out when he's embracing you, and with how his tongue drags across his canines, it's not hard to tell what he's holding back in regards to.
So you ask him to bite you. If it's a request, he won't worry that you're just trying to appease him.
He'd still cautious, mind you.
"Are you... sure?"
He says it while all but salivating, eyes dilated as he subconsciously scans your body for a good place.
"Don't want.... to hurt you. It will hurt. You... know that."
With just a little more insistence, he all but pounces at the opportunity.
Apes bite each other affectionately quite a bit, little nips here and there, harder ones usually reserved between mates. It holds meaning for them, displaying trust in the other person. You trusting him like that? He's never been more in love with you than he is in that moment.
He goes for the space between your neck and shoulder, carefully avoiding any major arteries. You feel his breath there first, as he does his usual snuffing and growling.
Then his teeth sink into you. Slowly, his broad tongue pressing into the flesh between them.
And the sound you make-
He pulls back abruptly, releasing you with a hoot of distress and grasping your upper arms to look over the mark left behind. Panic jolts through every fibre of his being, he thinks he seriously fucked up. Apes don't vocalise like that-it must be in pain, yes-you're in too much pain-he should never have-....
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junkienet · 2 months
✱ AFTER DAWN CARESSES ? eagle master noa.
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fluff ⌇ cute time with a partner undertone ⸻ ﹙ 𝒜lt ﹒ universe ﹚ established relationships. 𝒻.ᐟreader
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LATE AT MIDNIGHT ◞ 09 : 27 o ' clock. ⸻ between entwined legs and arms.
underneath the canopy of bleak branches , the bubbling murkiness of the gelid grime ringlet your perspiring brow. you steep your corporeal weight on your hip—joint , stirring in the fathomless concave of the nest made of caramel—deerskin , shrubbery and withered leaf stalks. noa , master of birds , paladin of the eagle's clan , skates his elephantine thumb across the sun—peel of your cheek. the womb of his gloved palm in carved leather kneads the peach flesh , like seared bread. he whir's , gurgling beneath the thwack of accumulated drool under your tongue, the shore of your eye elongates and squash bellow the pumpkin—cushion of his fingers. you gulp the swell of saliva, cooling the structure of your larynx.
you rasp. " your hand is the same size as my cranium . " the ape crane his mandible , abstracted. his digits clatter on the beak of your head.
" cra—nee—um , hmm. " he scratches his throat, ambivalent.
you nod once , your fingernail galloping along the meadow of ochre fur that drenched the perimeter of his denuded , salmon—skinned ear. " cranium , yes. " you extol the arid tumult at the bottom of your dehydrated mouth. " you could crush it if you wanted to. " you babble in the cadence of a lonely nightingale.
the chimpanzee denies twice , muddling his snout , barbed of your human—kind ideality. he spits a smack of lips in the opposite route , undulating a drapery of your ravelled hair.
" i won't . " his shale timber of voice excavates into a nasal splutter.
you coil your head , distinguishing the crackle of the nest's teeny twigs. " but you could. "
" i won't . "
you broom the juncture of his scruff , blanding the pulsating pitter—patter of the crown of your skull as you perceive a scintilla of his viridian—green orbs , of wheat fields and groves , sumptuous. " i believe you . "
he sprain his upper—spine , the peak of his paw toes stroking the crook contour of his left kneecap . he panted a grunt , an abysmal clamor that hike's aerially , exultant .
" you have long nails . . . you could take my eyes out , " he glabber's with a sequence of drooped blinks. " if echo wanted to. "
you negate three times , slouching your forehead on his leafy , pompous bosom. " i won't. "
his herculean arm cascade parallel to an iron belt through the shoal arch of your waist , impelling you against his thorax.
" i believe you. "
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the-silverdew · 2 months
A/N: Some time ago i read something similar to this by @maarslovesmonkees that inspired me to write my own headcanons :)
Next part will be the characters from kotpota. I hope you all like this!
What do the Apes prefer? Pt 1
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Pairings: pota Characters x Human! Reader
Notes and Warnings: headcanons, nsfw, afab reader
–What do they prefer: breasts, ass or both?
Koba: the grumpy bonobo LOVES them, of course he is not one to voice these thoughts. He prefers to always be the one on top, but doesn't mind having you ride him just to have them in front of his face bouncing.
Also, imagining them full with milk while you carry his offspring just makes him burn with desire.
Blue Eyes: so you will have him playing with them often, liking or softly biting to see your nipples harden.
I feel that he would fall asleep grabbing them while spooning you.
Cornelia: she likes to hug you from behind and give them a light squeeze, caressing them so gently and peppering kisses all over your breasts.
Winter: definitely likes boobs a lot but is kinda shy to make a move to touch them so you could notice him looking at them when he thinks you aren't looking but once he gets the courage to initiate anything sexual be sure that he won't take his hands off them, gently massaging or fondling them but afraid he'll hurt you.
Luca: the gentle gorilla sits you in his lap and gives your ass soft pats or just rests a hand there. He adores how plump and soft it is, like a peach.
Ash: Like Luca, he likes it plump 👌🏻. He would playfully give you a slight smack or squeeze it when passing by.
Red: he stares at it when you don't notice. Everytime he's close to you, his hands itch with the need to grab your bottom until his fingers are marked into your skin.
Lake: this sweet girl definitely likes both, she finds everything in you pretty and soft, can't help but want to touch and touch, even tenderly nip at your boobs. Another thing she likes is to hug you to press your breasts together and resting her hands on your ass.
Caesar: as i mentioned in my previous post, Caesar loves every part of his beloved, and he is always so mindful of his strenght when lovingly running his warm and big hands all over you.
Rocket: he doesn't really care for one or the other specially, your curves are all tempting to him and when you're in the privacy of your shared nest he will make sure to show it.
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sivyera · 25 days
hi!! i loveee yr planet of the ape writings, blue eyes is literally my favorite!! but i was wondering if yu could do dating hcs for caesar?
thank yu so so sooo so much n i hope yu have a nice day/night!!
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dating caesar headcanons
planets of the apes caesar x human!reader
a/n: sorry for taking so long, haha! btw guys i'm trying to write all your requests, i was just little off motivation for the past few days, be patient with me... also i'm probably gonna rewrite the dating headcanons i have with Blue eyes, i wrote it like 2 years ago so i'm not satisfyed with it haha, hope you like it!
Caesar is extremely protective of those he loves, you are the love of his life so you can only imagine how much protective he'd be over you. he'd literally kill for you (which happened already but we are not gonna talk about that...)
when it comes to pda tho, it's something else. he usually keeps you close to himself but he isn't really touchy, maybe when Koba is around because he doesn't like the way Koba looks at you. so when Koba is around, he usually holds your hands or towers behind you
Marice is actually the only one who saw Caesar act all soft with you, because when the doors are closet and the two of you are alone, he's a whole different monkey
he keeps his hand on your lower back or brushes his fingers gently over your thigh, giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.
he has a huge soft spot for you like it's not even funny. Koba (or any other monkey) wants to go to the right? Caesar goes to the left. You wanna go to the right? Caesar goes to the right. and i'm just starting..
he always leaves you the best fruit or the nicest meat or the clearest water, he wants the best nutritions for you since you're much weaker than a monkey
he overall takes a very good care of you. he always makes sure you get enough and proper sleep, that you eat the best food, that you move through the day, etc..
he likes to watch you when you interact with the infants (baby monkeys) because they are always in awe when they see you and it's just so cute to him. see all those monkeys over you with their small hands touching your hair or fingers or ears, they love you and Caesar loves watching your smile
he usually keeps an eye on you through the day, even if he isn't near you, you can feel him and if anything happens, he's immediately by your side
i believe he doesn't sleep so good, he has a hard time falling asleep plus he's a very light sleeper so if you get him to fall asleep for at least few hours, consider yourself a magician
but even tho his sleeping is not so good, he loves to hold you. your presence actually calm him down so even if he's not sleeping, he's resting BUT he has to have you in his arms
when you're sleeping peacefully in his arms, he likes to watch you (it's like a habit already to him). he'd let his finger gently trace the outline of your earlobe while the moonlight shines on your pretty face and the only thing he listens is your steady heartbeat and soft breaths. he swears you're an angel...
he's very gentle with you overall, he knows how strong he actually is so whenever he's interacting with you, he's careful and gentle...
he lets himself be curious about you sometimes and even tho he lived with the humans and he knows them, you're different. you're his girl so he can touch you much more than he could touch Will
he'd explore your fingers, ears, hair, toes, everything and you swear that inside he's still a curious baby (only with you tho, no one else can see this side of him)
you teach him more words and he tries twice as hard with talking because he wants to communicate with you more, but sometimes he pretends like he can't understand just so he can hear your sweet voice
you're the only one that matters the most to him and he's able to start a war just to have you safe... and he's the peaceful guy
when he's not around, he let's Maurice to watch over you
whenever you make him something (like a bracelet or a necklace) he wears it all the time and refuses to take it off but there are times when that thing rips (because he was hunting and ripped it off by accident) and when that happens, he goes to you and tell you to make a new one. he doesn't want you to think that he doesn't value it...
no one dares to pick up on you, no one dares to touch you more than friendly, no one dares to flirt with you because Caesar is always behind you with his cold stare. so if any young males would try to hit on you, they'd quickly give up after they see their leader killing them with his stare
Koba of course isn't a fan of you since you're a human but he respects Caesar (till he don't) so till he lives with others in the colony, he tolerates you
Caesar tries to keep you away from any danger as long as possible but once again something happens, you're the first thing on his mind and he HAS to have you in safety
if he lost you, he'd go feral, literally. he'd kill every human on this planet even tho he's knew that it wouldn't bring you back...
sometimes his love for you scares him, because he was never this much in love but he loves every second of it
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inkmonster21 · 2 days
Hearts Across the Divide
18.) Alliance to Save Our Own
Noa x Fem!Human!Reader
Series Masterlist
Noa stumbles into the camp, his body bruised and bloody, his face a mask of exhaustion. He's unsteady on his feet, his legs shaking from the effort of walking, but he pushes onwards, his eyes searching among the gathered apes for you.
Noa's breath catches in his throat as he sees you. You're sitting on a log near a fire, your form illuminated in the warm glow of the flames. Jack is beside you, as he had promised, and Noa's eyes narrow at the sight of him. But his relief at seeing you unharmed outweighs his jealousy.
Noa can feel the weight of Proximus's glare on him. Proximus, a fighter by nature, eyes Noa with suspicion and hostility. Noa lifts his chin defiantly, meeting Proximus's gaze with a steady one of his own.
Rudy, the large male human, approaches Noa with a cruel smirk. He grabs Noa's shoulder roughly, and starts to lead him away from you, back towards the imposing cage.
You watch as Noa is led away, your heart clenching in your chest. You're safe under the guise of Jack's protection, but being separated from Noa feels like a fresh wound ripping open. You want to call out, to run to him, but you know this could lead to further trouble. You feel a mix of helplessness and frustration, desperate to be with Noa but unable to act.
With surprising speed, Noa seizes a small blade from Rudy's belt. The human is clearly intoxicated, his attention focused elsewhere, blissfully ignorant of the theft. Noa grips the blade tightly, its cool touch sending a jolt of adrenaline through his body.
As the door of the cage closes behind Noa, you catch his eyes. Despite his obvious pain and exhaustion, he manages to summon a small, weak smile for you. It's a silent, comforting gesture, one meant to reassure you that he's alright.
Despite his punishment, Noa finds solace in the company of his friends and colleagues. They surround him, offering words of comfort and reassurance. Even Loui displays a hint of relief at Noa's survival. The solidarity of his fellow apes provides him with a measure of comfort in this dark place.
Jack observes you closely, taking note of the way your gaze lingers on Noa. He sees the depth of emotion in your eyes, the silent longing that is visible in your expression. Jack's eyes narrow, a flicker of worry crossing his features. "You care for him." The statement hangs in the air, its simplicity disguising its impact. You're taken aback, but before you can muster a response, Jack continues. "It's obvious, you know," Jack continues, his eyes still fixed on you. "The way you look at him."
You lean a bit closer to Jack, maintaining the pretense of a private conversation. "Jack," you murmur softly, "you're a good person." Your words are sincere, a small attempt to placate the turmoil you sense brewing in him. You grasp his hands. “Have you ever felt love? Real love?”
Jack's eyes meet yours, and for a moment, he looks strangely vulnerable. His hands tighten around yours as he considers your question. "Love," he repeats, as if the word is a knufe to him. "maybe once." Jack holds your gaze for a moment longer, a flicker of sadness crossing his eyes. He hesitates before responding as if the memories are painful. "Her name was Sarah," he says quietly. "She was beautiful, strong. We were foolish."
“What happened?”
Jack's expression darkens at the question, and a shadow passes over his features. "Life," he replies, his voice growing quiet. "It had other plans. The world changed, and so did our relationship. We tried to hold on, but..." He pauses, his gaze drifting off into the distance.
Jack's eyes shift towards Proximus, a hint of anger flickering across his face. "Proximus," he mutters under his breath, his tone laced with venom. It's clear that Proximus's presence and actions are stirring up painful memories within him.
Jack's expression tightens as he looks at Proximus, his fear evident in the tension in his jaw and the slight stiffening of his body. For all his boldness and authority, there's an underlying sense of fear when it comes to Proximus.
“Jack, I’m begging you to please help me.”
Jack looks at you, taken aback by the desperate plea. He can see the desperation in your eyes, hear the pleading in your voice. For a moment, he hesitates, his mind weighing the risks and consequences of such an action.
Jack's hands slip out of yours, his expression hardening slightly. "You're out of your mind," he repeats, his voice filled with skepticism. "Do you seriously think you can get out of here?"
You bow your head, hiding your expression. You have a plan in mind but you're wary of sharing too much. If Jack doesn't agree to help, there's a chance he'll run to Proximus. So, you keep your thoughts close to your chest.
Jack's features harden, and his words cut through the air like a knife. "Move on," he says, his voice gruff. "We all have. Love gets you killed every time." There's a hint of bitterness in his tone, a harshness that comes from a broken heart and a lifetime of loss.
You look up at Jack, your conviction evident in your eyes. You know deep down that Jack's words may resonate for some, but not for you. You're hopeful, determined to find a way out, a chance at a different life. All you need to do is wait for the right opportunity.
You knew that the moment would come that night, at the darkest, quietest hour. The camp would be at its most vulnerable, asleep and unaware. This would be your chance, your opportunity. Moving silently, you crawl through the camp, navigating the space with care and stealth. You reach Rudy, who is clearly passed out and unaware of your presence. You carefully take the key to the cage from his pocket, making sure not to make a sound.
As you move to grab the key, you notice the pistol on Rudy's hip. Instinctively, you reach out and retrieve the weapon, holding it tightly in your hand. It's a risky move, but one that adds to your sense of security and control.
You freeze as Rudy stirs, your heart skipping a beat. You hold your breath, hoping he won't wake up. Thankfully, he doesn't fully rouse but remains asleep, blissfully unaware of your presence.
A small smile creeps onto your face as you stand there, the realization that you've successfully retrieved the key and the pistol sinking in. It's a small victory, but one that fuels your determination to continue.
You make your way to the cage, moving stealthily through the shadows. The camp is still and silent, and the darkness provides adequate cover for your actions.
You reach through the bars of the cage and gently shake Loui, trying to wake him up without making a sound. The cold metal feels uncomfortable under your touch, and the silence of the night is palpable.
Loui's eyes open, and he glares at you, clearly annoyed at being woken from his sleep. His expression is a mix of anger and confusion, probably wondering why you're there in the middle of the night. You smile at him playfully, “Oh come on now, brother. How about a smile when I’m saving your ass?”
Loui's expression softens slightly as he registers your words, and a hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
The sound of your name on Loui's lips is soft and full of surprise. The other apes begin to stir from their sleep, gathering near you. Noa is there as well, standing beside Loui, his gaze fixed on you.
Noa's voice cuts through the still air, his question tinged with worry. "What are you doing?" he asks, his concern for you apparent in his expression.
A collective gasp echoes through the cage as you hold the key up for all to see. The sight of it seems to bring a glimmer of hope to their eyes, and their gazes are fixed on you, filled with a mixture of awe and anticipation.
"We're going home," you declare, your voice filled with determination.
Noa stands there beside Loui, his eyes locked on you. The pride and admiration in his gaze are hard to miss – he's clearly impressed by your courage and determination. You sense his respect and love towards you, and it strengthens your resolve, knowing that you're doing this for more than just yourself.
Your moment of triumph is suddenly shattered as you're yanked back by your hair, and you're lifted off the ground in one swift motion. The key falls out of your hand, landing several feet away from the cage. Pain shoots through your scalp where your hair is being pulled, making you gasp involuntarily.
Proximus's laughter rings out loudly, echoing across the campsite, as he holds you high in the air like a prize. The other humans seem to wake at the commotion, but none dare to approach, fearing Proximus's wrath.
Noa and Loui frantically pull at the cage, their fingers gripping the metal bars tightly. Their expressions are a mix of anger and helplessness as they watch Proximus hold you captive. The desperation in their eyes is palpable, as they try helplessly to do something, anything to save you.
Proximus dangles you in the air playfully, his voice filled with a condescending tone. "You humans... always so troublesome!" There's a hint of malicious glee in his eyes as he dangles you like a puppet, reveling in your helplessness.
Proximus looks at you, as if contemplating your fate. "What should I do with you? Hm?" he repeats, his voice tinged with a sinister edge. He seems to enjoy your predicament, savoring the sense of power he holds over you. It's clear he's taking pleasure in tormenting you, relishing the control he wields in this moment.
In a desperate act, you reach for the pistol, but Proximus is too fast. He seizes the weapon from your trembling hands, a smug smile on his lips. Proximus looks at the pistol in his hand, then back at you. A realization seems to dawn in his eyes as he speaks the words, "Ah." The implication is clear – he knows exactly what you had planned to do with the pistol and is amused by your failed attempt.
Proximus's gaze hardens, and he wraps his large hands around your neck, applying a tight grip. "Well then," he hisses through clenched teeth. The threat in his voice is clear, and the pressure on your windpipe begins to increase, making it difficult to breathe.
Noa watches in horror as Proximus's hands tighten around your neck, his eyes wild with anger. He slams against the bars of the cage, trying desperately to break free, like a wild animal trying to break out of its cage.
Suddenly, arrows fly towards Proximus, hitting him squarely in the back. He grunts in pain, his grip on your neck loosening slightly but not fully releasing you. A puzzled expression crosses his face as he tries to figure out where the arrows are coming from.
Eagles begin to descend from the sky, swooping down onto the camp. Their wings flap furiously as they dive towards the humans, creating chaos and confusion. The flapping of wings mixes with the panicked cries of men who try to fend off the unexpected aerial attack.
A new sound joins the chaos as hoots and loud gallops of horses can be heard from the nearby forest. The humans, already caught off guard by the eagles, are now further disoriented by the sound of approaching horses.
Jack moves quickly to the cage, his eyes focused and determined. He grabs the key and swiftly unlocks the cage door. As it swings open, he locks eyes with Noa, a silent moment of understanding passing between them. A nod that speaks volumes – a nod of respect.
With a brief moment of realization, Noa dives at Proximus just as an eagle strikes from the sky. The collision knocks Proximus back, who stumbles but quickly regains his composure. Jack, meanwhile, moves swiftly and catches you before you hit the ground, his strong arms preventing you from a painful fall.
From the trees, Wuka’s villagers swing in on vines, their bows and spears at the ready. They unleash a barrage of arrows at the humans, defending their own. On the ground, the Eagle Clan members ride in on horseback, their weapons raised and ready to defend their allies. It's a sight to behold – two tribes, once enemies, now working together as one against their common adversary.
Gemm swings in with a fierce yell, taking down men in her path with ease. Dar rides in on her horse, every bit as fierce and wild as her mount. Together, they form a formidable force against the humans and apes.
Noa, Loui, and Proximus are engaged in a fierce wrestling match, their movements fast and frenzied. The air is filled with the sound of grunting and growling as they slam each other into the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand.
Loui is hurled away from the fray, leaving Noa to face Proximus alone. With his imposing strength, Proximus begins to overpower Noa, his blows landing with a force that drives the wind from Noa's lungs.
Jack nimbly reaches for a mallet lying nearby, swinging it with a force that catches Proximus off guard. The heavy blow connects with Proximus's chin, knocking him off Noa and sending him stumbling backward.
Noa looks at Jack with gratitude as he struggles to catch his breath. The mallet in Jack's hand has given Noa a momentary reprieve, but the fight is far from over. Proximus, now enraged, wipes his mouth and glares at Jack with a look that could kill.
The fight now turns into a three-on-one battle, with Noa, Jack, and Loui teaming up to take on Proximus. The odds seem to be in their favor, but Proximus's strength and ferocity make the fight intense and dangerous.
After a fierce struggle, Noa, Jack, and Loui manage to subdue Proximus, pressing him to the ground with all their might. They hold him down, preventing him from escaping and rendering him immobile.
Proximus continues to struggle with all his strength, flailing his arms and grasping for anything he can use to break free. Every muscle in his body is tense, and his efforts to escape are almost primal, fueled by sheer determination.
Noa locks eyes with Loui, exchanging a silent nod. This is it; there's no turning back now. Noa grips the knife tightly in his hand, determination etched into his features. He knows what this means – he's about to end Proximus's life.
You watch from the sidelines, the scene unfolding before you with a mixture of horror and anticipation. You know that this is a pivotal moment, one that will have lasting consequences.
Gemm, your mother, senses your distress and quickly pulls you into her embrace, shielding you from the gory sight of what's about to unfold. She holds you close, protective and comforting.
Noa stands above Proximus, holding the blade poised and ready to strike. His voice is low and steady when he speaks, a hint of vengeance in his tone. "This is for my people, for my fellowship clan, and my mate," he says, his words filled with determination and anger. Then, in one quick move, he brings the blade down, burying it deep into Proximus's chest.
The air is thick with tension, but also with a sense of justice as Proximus lies there, the blade still embedded in his chest. Loui and Jack, both injured and exhausted, also look down upon Proximus with a mix of satisfaction and relief.
Out of what is left of Proximus's small camp, those who are severely injured have surrendered, not having the strength to continue fighting. Others have simply given up, realizing the battle is lost, and there's no point in resisting further.
Jack collapses onto the ground with a huff, his breathing labored and his shirt now showing a large stain of blood on his abdomen. Despite his exhaustion, he remains vigilant, watching over the surroundings with weary eyes. It becomes apparent that during the struggle to hold down Proximus, Jack had been struck by a stray arrow. The injury is now evident, with the blood staining his shirt and the pain etched on his face.
"Fuck," Jack mutters as he glances down at the injury. The pain must be immense, but he grits his teeth, hiding the full extent of his suffering. Loui kneels beside Jack, concern etched across his face. He assess the wound, "How bad?" He asks, his voice laced with worry.
Noa tears through Jack's shirt, revealing the depth of the injury. There's an alarming amount of blood already. Noa's expression turns grim as he looks at Loui and shakes his head slightly, silently conveying the gravity of the situation.
Jack lets out a laugh, but it's dry and devoid of humor. The pain and shock from the injury seem to be taking a toll on him, but he attempts to remain stoic. Jack turns his attention to Noa, a mixture of pain and admiration in his gaze. Despite his serious injury, he grins weakly. "She's one hell of a woman," he says, his voice rough. "You're lucky to have her."
Noa nods in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "She is," he says quietly, his gaze shifting towards you. He's thankful for your presence, feeling reassured knowing that you're safe.
Loui looks at Jack with gratitude and pride, his voice filled with respect. "Thank you… for your sacrifice," he says. There's a sense of admiration in his tone, recognizing the bravery and courage that Jack exhibited in their fight against Proximus.
As the last moments pass, Jack lifts his eyes towards the sky, a soft smile spreading across his face. His voice is weak but determined as he utters the words, "Coming home, love." It's a quiet acceptance, a farewell whispered into the sky, as he prepares himself for his final journey.
There's a profound silence that follows Jack's words, a solemn acknowledgement of his sacrifice. Noa clenches his jaw, fighting back the lump in his throat, and Loui stands quietly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
With a mixture of strength and support, Loui helps Noa to his feet. His grip is firm, steadying Noa as he rises, weary from the fight and the emotional toll of the day's events.
Loui extends his hand towards Noa, offering a gesture of surrendering respect. His eyes are filled with a mix of sadness and pride as he looks at Noa, acknowledging the bond they've shared and the battles they've fought together.
Loui's gaze softens as he looks at Noa, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "She is lucky… to have you," he reaffirms. There's a sense of admiration in his tone, recognizing the love and loyalty that Noa has for you. It's a simple yet heartfelt compliment, acknowledging the strength and commitment between mates.
As the dust settles and the victory is won, Dar quickly envelops Noa in a tight embrace. Her relief and joy are palpable as she holds her son safe and alive, glad that he has made it through the chaos unharmed. There's a mother's love and worry in her gaze.
Noa reassures his mother with a gentle smile, "I am fine," he says. Despite the exhaustion and the adrenaline slowly fading away, he takes a moment to hold her, allowing himself to be embraced in her protective arms. It's a brief but heartfelt moment between mother and son.
Noa turns his gaze towards you, seeing you enveloped in the warm embrace of your own family. Loui and Gemm hold you close, their protectiveness and love evident in their gestures. A mixture of relief and affection washes over Noa as he watches the scene, feeling grateful that you're safe and surrounded by those who cherish you.
“Is that her… my son?” Dar asks her son quietly as she follows his gaze. Noa nods silently in response to his mother's question. "Yes… this is my echo… my mate," he confirms. There's a hint of pride and possessiveness in his voice as he answers, a clear sign that he considers you as his own, just as his mother has inquired. “A fighter.” She smiles proudly at her son. Noa smiles faintly at his mother's observation. "She is," he agrees. There's a flicker of admiration in his eyes as he looks at you. "A strong fighter," he adds, the pride evident in his tone. Despite the weary state he's in, there's an undeniable admiration for your courage and resilience, a trait that he deeply values.
As you raise your gaze and rise to your feet, your eyes meet Noa's. There's a moment of intense connection as your gazes lock, a mixture of relief, admiration, and something deeper passing between you. Noa watches you with a weary but watchful expression, his eyes filled with affection and protectiveness.
Dar pushes Noa forward, a clear indication that she wants him to go to you. There's an unspoken understanding in her gesture, recognizing the bond between you and her son. Noa, despite his exhaustion, takes a few tentative steps towards you, his eyes never leaving yours.
With a weary but gentle strength, Noa pulls you into his embrace, sinking to the ground and bringing you into his lap. Your foreheads nuzzle together, a tender and intimate gesture, as he holds you close. The exhaustion is evident on his face, his body carrying the weight of the day, but there's a profound sense of comfort and reassurance in his arms.
Finally, the trial was over. The battle had been fought, and the victory won. It was time to return home, to the place where you and Noa would begin your own life together. The journey back would be filled with reflection and a sense of peace, the recent events leaving a profound impact on both of you.
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
Noa x human reader maybe reader is telling him about human customs
The slow burn queen reTURNS!!!!!
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Title: Customary. Rating: K. ( Super fluffy, we love. ) Words: 4.2K+ Pairing: Implied ! Noa x Human!Reader. Summary: Noa finds the concept of kissing interesting, he knew about it, has received his fair share from primarily his mother, forehead kisses here and there, scattered like leaves in his memory, but it was never the preferred way to show affection. ** Does contain mild spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes ** READ THE SERIES HERE.
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Noa, in his time knowing you, figured that pressing for explanations left him without them. Or at least, the imposing questions startled enough that you didn't quite know how to answer. Explaining to him that kissing was indeed a way to show affection, but it also had a deeper meaning, at least to you, proved a difficult task. He’s curious about it, you could tell as he was rocking back and forth in some anticipation of your words, but in his nature, he stayed quiet and looked at you, observing your expression and your demeanor.
Drawing your bottom lip in, you chewed it in thought before releasing it, completely oblivious to Noa’s eyes watching the movement with some sort of amusement. Why Echo does that, he did not understand. He chose not to, but would remain curious and accepting if you chose to ever explain it to him. He reached up and pressed the back of his right pointer finger to his lip, savoring the sensation for a few fleeting moments before dropping the hand again as you finally found your voice, “It’s… It’s a way to uh… I don’t really know how to…”
The change in your face as you trail off trying to explain, Noa looked at the crease between your eyebrows and mimicked the expression momentarily to remind himself that it was your inquiring face. He’d seen it so frequently lately, almost taking a sickening solace in it because it meant you would talk to him, it meant you would pay attention to him. Something in the pit of his stomach, as unsettling as it was, yearned to have you by him, scent, physically, mentally. Physical… Noa muttered inside of his head and let his green gaze fall to your lap, more or less to study your hands that collapsed there.
The fidgeting of your fingers was evident, twisting and picking at your fingernails. For a split second the Ape wanted nothing more than to grab them in some feeble attempt to keep you calm and focused but he refrained. Inappropriate behavior with an Echo, he was screaming at himself and raised his hand to touch the band on his arm; a habit he found himself doing now when he needed to be grounded. The blue feathers tickled him and he closed his eyes for a split second. A reminder of who he was and who you were in comparison. Next on the list of ailments were the hard swallows and your inability to look straight at him. That he did not understand. Why not look at him? Perhaps, looking at him would help you answer! Noa would encourage answers occasionally when you were in the mood, but never forced them.
He, for a moment in time, could almost feel your heart beating, or at least, he could hear it and the pace sped up. It was a strange sensation. Whilst he knew that time didn't speed or slow down, it felt like both were happening simultaneously. Like, he had climbed to the highest point possible and intentionally let go. That feeling where you’re caught in the air. Did your heart speed up? Noa tilted his head as you came to glance over his shoulder at the tall trees that happily boarded the village, any attempt at words now ceasing as you didn't know how to explain to him what a kiss meant to you. Maybe, he mis-heard.
“It’s romantic.” Finally setting on a word, you shifted on the log you had grown to enjoy from hours of talking to Noa. It was a term sometimes forgotten, especially in the state of the world. Humans who had the ability to breed successfully often did so out of necessity, never love or romantic intentions. You thought about that. Your parents did just that, you were a product of need, not love. In fact, thinking kisses were a romantic notion has always been brushed aside, many telling you it was merely a fever dream, an unrealistic goal and you needed to get your head of the clouds to focus on the bigger picture. Humans are denoted down to mating for need, not for want, pleasure and surely not for romantic gain.
“An expression of… love.” You went on to say, preoccupying your hands by picking at the log you were sitting on. A piece of wood splintered off and a deep part of you wanted to shove it between your skin just to get yourself out of the situation. Out of having to explain. Words escaped you again when he looked at you. Swimming in green eyes for a second, you swallowed hard and forced your eyes to look elsewhere, knowing that Noa was able to inadvertently get you this… Worked up with just a look was uneasy at times, especially when the two of you were alone. Oftentimes, at least since Noa found you, he left you feeling something inexplicable. Something almost, dare you say, primal. The want to touch him, the want for his attention. No, you whispered inside of your head, it was beyond that, but it was not possible for it to ever become a reality. It… was…You were shameful to admit what it was. The thoughts racked in your mind like a vicious attack. Not even wanting anymore, it felt like a need that was drawing the two of you together like magnets. Need to be near, need to hear him, need to smell him, to… Indulge in him.
Love itself was an understanding between the two of you, it was often brought up here and there when discussing bonds, usually between families. You had gotten quite a bit out of him regarding, especially when you were introduced to both Soona and Anaya. The three shared an intensely deep bond, reminiscent of love between siblings, including pestering, annoyance, admiration and teasing. When you explained that to Noa, he concluded that your comparison was very much on the nose.
He very seldom touched based on his parents; a very obvious fresh wound he never wanted to delve into and you never had it in yourself to ever ask flat out. He explained before many times what had happened, but only because you would get a part of the story before he trailed off to say something that would throw the conversation to the side. You’d ask again a few days later getting another slice of the story and through that you put your pieces together. His father was gone… Their village burned… Many lost, but many found. They returned, rebuilding now. His mother, still here and you had the privilege of meeting once, and through their time restructuring their clan, they mourned. A custom deeply ingrained in the Apes which you had no idea about until he explained in simple terms.
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‘Missing him’, he signed to you the day you asked about his father, about the relationship. Perhaps, a form of escapism. You never knew your father as well as you wanted. ‘Many days I spend thinking how it would be different if I were stronger, more able to save…’
“You did the best you could have, Noa.” You whispered to him out of empathy. It was evident in your voice, and Noa found it impeccably interesting just how easy it was to read humans. Their faces and their voices gave away so much of their inner thoughts, and it was truly no different with you. Though, there was something about you, off putting at times, that Noa couldn’t quite pinpoint. He shook it aside often as he figured maybe you were reserved and didn't want to talk, only letting it bother him in the late nights when he found it difficult to sleep, when he was fidgeting with something to fix. You were not telling him something, there was an obvious secret.
Obvious secret that came to fruition when he recognized you cared for him beyond that of any other social relationship he had. That was this moment when it got quiet between the two of you. No words, not even a sound coming from either of you as Noa peered into your eyes, his next string of signs coming off pseudo aggressive, but his intention was to impress. He would do this with a female ape he had piqued interest in. Boast of your accomplishments. Show you are the best or the best and are able to provide comfort and security. He indirectly did this towards you, ‘I am strong now,’ His signing was slow, languid as you were still learning. You found it endearing he was able to accommodate.
‘I understand…. Things I did not. Understand more now… About…’ He gestured at you instead of signing the word for ‘Echo’. He meant it as a personal statement, but your name was left out of it to keep some sort of distance. ‘I learn more because I have you.’
He saw a small smile creep on your lips, just enough to tease him with the image of a full grin. A full expression of glee. But, it was short lived as you wrapped your arms around yourself protectively and let your eyes fall to the side, “Thanks for giving me a second chance.”
Duel meaning with that, Noa huffed to himself. He had saved you once, shortly after returning home to rebuild. You were battered, bloodied and begged. Apes from the other Valley must have gotten their hands on you, having often used Echo’s to hunt for sport and leisure. At least, that is what he figured and he never pushed you to detail the events that lead you to the Eagle Clan. It took you a long time to warm up to him, to any of the Apes, but once you did, your value skyrocketed when Noa realized the potential he had to learn about Echo’s, about their habits and culture and how it may have differed from his own. He saved you both physically and then mentally by keeping these conversations going. You knew their purpose, he explained it in quite some detail. He was taking it upon himself to learn the ways of Echo’s as that is what Caesar intended. Raka intended. Maybe even what Noa now truly intended, no longer subsiding and explaining to himself that it would benefit the clan as a whole. As long as you selfishly benefited him, Noa was satisfied.
‘Ape and Echo…” He told you with a sharp intake of breath, moving just an inch towards you to captivate your gaze once again. ‘Human.’ He didn't correct himself and you knew what he meant by the word ‘Echo’, it was a courtesy now for him to call you what you would call yourself. A human… (Name). Noa didn't dare delve into that sort of familiarity yet and instead he loosely let his eyes fall into yours, defenseless in appearance and he could see your chest rising and falling out of the bottom of his vision. Echo’s were prone to nerves, often manifesting in heavy breathing, sweating and occasionally aggressiveness though Noa had yet to see that with you.
It was a quick analysis you did with him so near to your face. The creases between the bridge of his brows, the tiredness that leaked from under his eyes, his lips partially opened to display his canines. Not actively doing anything to be intimidating, he just naturally was. There was a gruff nature to his appearance, one that was slightly mysterious but oddly inviting, you wanted to run your fingertips up the broad plain between his eyes into what appeared to be coarse fur. Just to know what it felt like, just to say he allowed you to do that. Breathing in, Noa could see your rib cage expanding and then sinking back in. You were thinking. At least, so he thought. This was the closest he’s been to you, and while your scent was evident whenever you were around, it was almost overbearing now. Intoxicating and smothering. Noa would let you drown him if you pleased.
He clarified what he meant, ‘Side by side? Possible?’ Letting your breath go, Noa turned around and paced to his right. There was no reason to be so close, he figured. No reason at all.
‘Maybe.’ Was the garnered response he got from you when he peered over his shoulder, now longing to hear your voice as you had signed your answer.
-- -- --
Now, the word… Romantic… This was the first time Noa heard of this word. He understood now that it was a branch of love, but how far down did it go? Paternal? Maternal? Mates? Friends and acquaintances? No, no he thought to himself and shuffled to his feet. He took pace to the right and lightly placed his hand on his horse. Love between himself and his horse? They snorted in response, Noa dropping down to all fours and crawling to you.
You had watched his movements. He was contemplating and processing; something the two of you found yourselves doing the more frequent these conversations were. His deal was to pace, usually to the right of him. It shocked you that he had moved so fast towards you, it would only take you spreading your legs ever so slightly to allow him between them. To allow him to be as close to you as possible. But, you kept your knees together, keeping him at a distance. He sat back in front of you on his legs, eyes flicking between yours, reading the minute details on your face.
“Love between?” He signed that ever so slightly, grunting with the movement. It was fast, but you understood it enough to contemplate an answer. And there was only one, and you had hoped with it would come the end of the conversation.
It was now Noa’s turn to crease his eyebrows, this time out of bitter confusion. Romance and romantic endeavors were not completely lost, now that he understood what it fully meant. As opposed to Apes before the Rise, they now had the social ability for monogamous and romantic relationships. Noa knew of nothing else in his clan. You may love and like whomever you choose, a mate for life, though of course there was the occasional talk of who would be best suited for another. Marriage was an enlightened way of living, or so Noa heard from many around him. He felt destined at times, but never found anything beyond that.
Were… you implying based on your inability to say’ romantic’ off the bat, that Apes were not capable? Apes did not understand? That is where the question and tone that left Noa came from, purely from offense and defense at the same time, “Eagle Clan…” He paused to collect his thoughts to make sure you understood what he was saying and to change your conception. Your human ignorance. You couldn’t be blamed but it was still a frustration. “Do you not think we have?”
“I---” Feeling like a child being scorned for doing something wrong, you dipped your head and looked at your fingers again. Noa was stiff next to you, shoulder blades turned in ever so gently. It wasn’t apparent from a distance, but surely this close to him, you could see the change of his stance. It left you almost breathless but you shook it aside and muttered shamefully, “You do.”
“Many generations,” Noa stood up and you found your eyes following him. His hips hit your eye line first, they were right in front of you. Narrow, but muscular. Good for climbing. His chest, broad and strong, but you suspected that as he had gotten older, it became increasingly so, to the point where you just wanted to brush your fingers against him to see how the muscles would react under your touch. Your eyes lingered for a few seconds longer on his scar, encasing his right pectoral. Then his face. He didn't appear mad, angry, which is often why he would stand up. To avoid, distract, not answer. This was different though, the way he held himself up. You couldn’t pinpoint the sensation but it left you nearly dizzy looking into his eyes, foreloned like you ate a forged mushroom that wasn’t what it appeared to be.
“My clan has been through many generations, and I have known nothing other than… Than…”
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to offend---”
“Not offended,” Noa grumbled, touching his hand to the side of his head. His grasp was open, hand resting in a ‘C’ position as he did so, repeating the movement a few times to emphasize to you what he was thinking, “Confused why you think Apes do not understand.”
“I-I…” You struggled for some answer. You only made the assumption up based on what you were told by other humans. But, Noa questioned everything you knew. Noa himself made you question everything you knew. “I’m sorry.”
“Echo’s apologize for such useless things.,” He turned his back towards you and shuffled to the right, towards his horse but then passed it. Towards the embankment of a small stream he often visited as a child when he was in trouble. He smiled fondly at those memories. “You did not know, how would you? You are not Ape.”
Noa knew you would follow him down to the water. You were faster this time than you usually were, Noa’s ears picking up on the sound of you immediately standing up, some twigs falling under your feet and crunching from the pressure as you made haste. He was amused ever so slightly by that, the urgency he put you in. More intriguing though, was the question that spilled from your lips.
“Have you ever felt it?”
He feigned ignorance to that and questioned back, “Felt?”
“Romantic love.”
Contemplation. Noa dipped his left fingertips into the stream and let the water trail between his open digits. It felt good, relaxing and calming though inside, he felt anything but. How would he know what it felt like? Would it… Make him feel different? Put him in a stupor like he found himself with you more often than the last few meetings? Would it make him feel feral? The disgusting feeling he had deep in the pit of his stomach to smash in the face of anyone who got too near to you, especially a male. The lingering on his palms of his fingers digging tightly into his already hard skin when you got too close to him. Would it make him… Lose control? Bite your arm, bite the space between your shoulder blades, grab your hair and pull you to him, make you his in the only way that was fathomable to him during those late nights when he couldn't find sleep.
Or… Was it that sensation he got when you were looking at him, making the unsafe assumption that he would not notice? Not knowing that you were stretching out towards him silently? Ah yes, that was often his favorite thing to catch you doing. He’d preen himself at the thought when he was alone, but now he was thinking it right in front of you, your arm briefly rubbing against his own as you crouched to be next to the water with him, eyes following the movement of his hand as he dipped it further into the water.. He needed to answer before you asked again, a tendency you did when you knew he had an answer stashed away somewhere.
“I do not know.”
Fair, you thought to yourself and mimed his behavior. Your right hand dipped into the water, encasing the entire thing and cutting off right at your wrist. It was shallow, not quite a river, but with time, it surely would forge its way. You had no idea how it must have felt to them, the bonds you had with Humans were all beneficial by circumstance. Artificial at times, never natural. Apes, even now as they were before, were incredibly social. You envied that they stayed that way, you yearned to have something similar. Humans were hostile, especially towards other humans they saw as threats and you only had a place if you could help or advance in any way. Closing your eyes, you hand moved from side to side, feeling small pebbles right beneath your fingertips.
Brushing your thumb accidentally against Noa’s, you were afraid to even look at him through your peripheral. Mustering enough to do just that, your eyes slipped open and you were relieved to see that he hadn’t noticed. Or at least, he didn't react. Maybe you got lucky and he thought it was the rushing water. You stiffened regardless but didn't push your hand back or move away. Instead, you steadfastly stayed put and swirled your left hand back towards him.
“Have you,” He started, softer than he meant, knowing what just happened under the water. He reached his thumb out once more just to see. “Have you felt?”
Noa moved this time, shuffling on his feet to get into a more comfortable position. His hand paced towards yours. You knew and your heart skipped a beat. Noa was mildly passive at times, shy and reserved on the surface but passive to serve his curiosity. He’d rather sit and observe and only take action when it was needed. Was he taking action? You were unsure but may as well try… That was a lame excuse but you found yourself repeating it over and over. Following suit, you reached your thumb out. Brush. That was definitely a pebble. It was too sharp to be anything else. Brush again. Oh, a stick, you clenched your jaw. One more… One more…
One more…. “Yes.”
Thumb caressing Noa’s, you had a hard time figuring out how it felt as the motion was submerged. It was rough, sure. Calloused most likely from years upon years of climbing and holding onto rougher surfaces. Hot, especially against the cold water that flowed now around the embraced fingers. He wasn’t necessarily reciprocating, but he wasn’t pulling away either. A good sign, you soothed yourself and boldly let your pointer finger find his. Now, your hands were in the form of a triangle and Noa finally responded. You felt his pointer curl slightly, tracing the smoothness that was your skin, down, down to the palm. Nonsensically, he traced a shape there.
“How.. did it feel?”
“It feels… Confusing.”
Noa nodded at this and shut his eyes pensively, his finger still pressing into your open palm. You could so easily close it though and grasp him. How that would be perceived, you had no idea but it was at least a thought.
“Confused.” He repeated to you, only using the past tense of your adjective. Introspectively, you wondered if Noa caught the fact that you used it in the present tense but his reaction told you he didn't. “I have not seen any Echo confused. Usually, know-it-alls.”
That made you laugh audibly. Noa glanced at you in that moment, taking in the nature of your face. The lines of your smile, curl of your lips, the sun basking your skin, cheeks ever so slightly red. It was a mental picture he’d like to keep forever. He beamed at that, that he was able to garner that sort of reaction from you. He hooted out his own laughter, feeling your fingers leave his as you pulled your hand out of the water. Patting it against your thigh, water droplets seeped into your skin there and Noa felt… Envious of them for getting to peer into you deeper.
“We usually are.” You admitted without hesitation, grasping your thigh with vigor. “But… Not with this.” Noa could have sworn he saw you vaguely gesture between himself and you, but it must have been in his head as you were quick to stand next to him. You simply pushed on your thigh as leverage to get up, Echo’s has terrible balance when compared to Apes. He made up the other movements. Yes, yes, he chirped to himself. Made up.
‘Why?’ He signed silently, knowing you caught him asking that without fully looking at him. He pestered you at the beginning with a lot of ‘why’ because you were explaining human things that he didn't understand.
“I don’t… Fully understand it.” It took only a blink for Noa to stand, his hand now dripping water from the tips of his elongated fingers.
‘Thought you did,’ This time around, he used both hands to sign. ‘If you feel it, how do you not understand?’
That was a good question you found yourself longing for an answer to and you wished you could give him that answer. You tried to come to one rationally. Maybe, what you were feeling now, letting your eyes trail up Noa’s body only to rest back on his unwavering glance, was just passing and fleeting. A crush of sorts. But, often with you, those sorted themselves out. You didn't want the attachments, knowing what the world was like. You didn't want the burden of someone else to worry about when you exerted so much energy worrying about yourself and your safety.
But with Noa, especially these last few months of building a relationship outside of just Ape and Echo, his own words mind you, it was… Different. Your eyes scanned crowds to find him, your ears knew the sound of not only his voice, but his huffs and grunts, the snort that fell from his lips when he laughed, the gait of his walk. Steady and sure of himself. You enjoyed soothing afternoons in the sun with Soona and Anaya as Noa went off on a small tangent, explaining how he was going to fix something in the village to improve their lives. The excitement he had when he got on all fours to move quickly when he saw something he wanted, something he wanted to accomplish… You sunk into his eyes, almost the color of the tree leaves in the early spring.
“Love doesn’t need to be understood,” Whispering that to him, you looked over his shoulder that was eye level to you as you were both standing and tried to find the most elegant way to put your thoughts into words. Elegance though, to Noa, did not matter. You could be blunt and brash and he would still listen all the same, “Love just needs to be embraced.”
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teojira · 4 months
Really enjoyed your headcanons on Caeser and Proximus, do you mind doing the same with Noa?? 😊🙏
[Noa and day to day life with him!] [Headcanons!]
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Summary: Noa takes you back with him to his home, and the clan accepts you as one of them. Even if you're concerned otherwise.
Word count: 1k (Jesus christ)
Warnings: None that I can think of! Can be read as Platonic or Romantic! You and Noa are attached to one another. (Yes, this is me projecting.)
A/N: Noa is so near and dear to me, I literally did not mean for this to be so long, and I STILL cut myself off. This is 1k words worth of headcanons for him, and it is not enough. I'm Noa's #1 fan, I am sorry to all my friends and family who have to hear me talk about him constantly.. Ask me for Noa anything, and I will give you the world.
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Do me a favor and strap the fuck in for this it's alot.
I am so glad someone asked about Noa bc I got ALOT to say.
Noa has had it with humans, Mae put him, his clan, and countless others at risk, he should not trust humans, really he shouldn't, but he can't help it. She also betrayed you in the process, and now you're alone.
You agreed to help him and Mae against Proximus, you're the only one who actively goes up against Proximus as well.
Swinging and trying your best to try and get Proximus off of Noa, yelling and crying while the other apes just stare in fear. (Later on they apologize, but you don't hold it against them.)
It's a huge risk to invite a human with them again, but then he remembers Rakas words, Caesars words, and decides he can't told another's decisions over you.
So when he gently grabs your hand in his, looking down at you with a strained smile, blood seeping from his lips, you follow, back to his clans land.
Now on to the good stuff, it's kinda awkward finding your place among the eagle clan, the elders are gone, his father Koro is gone, there really is no guidance as to where to place you.
You drift mostly, either helping Dar or helping with the young ones, teaching them how to read and write, helping fish, farm, the basic tasks.
Dar loves you by the way, doting on you and making sure no one messes with you in a harmful way. She teaches you their customs and traditions, all the while playfully teasing you about Noa. She's a mom, she knows.
You're happy with your work, happy with your place among the clan. It's genuinely shocking how much they were willing to forgive and to not hold any grudges against humans after one ruined everything.
It helps that Noa takes accountability for you, somehow so trusting that you will not cause harm. His faith in you speaks volumes and you remind him everyday that it won't go to waste.
All he does is send you a sweet smile and ruffles your hair.
You find yourself helping Noa alot with crafting new tools and contraptions, being a second pair of eyes that can catch onto things he can't.
"Very smart." "Thank yo-" "For an Echo." and he does that stupid cute little sniff afterwards and it makes it tremendously hard to hit him.
He's such a little shit I fucking hate him.
You're his shadow when his duties permit, he's taken on a higher role of the clan, sometimes going out for days at a time but you're always at the edge of the Village waiting for his return, anxiously working your bottom lip until you see him in view.
You're both extremely attached to one another, Soona and Anaya become attached to you too, dragging you along in everyone's free time to go climbing, to eat, to hunt, just about any group outing has you as their fourth member.
Noa was worried about them accepting you, but they love you just as much as he does.
It makes his heart swell when he sees you and Soona together, giggling about something surely only you both understand while Anaya groans and complains about being left out.
It's like you've always been meant to be with them, to round out their group.
Soona and Anaya will offer to be the one to carry you this time, they do want to, genuinely, but Noa won't let them 99.9% of the time, He's used to your weight, he trusts that he can keep you safe the best. (Says the ape that literally almost died multiple times doing stupid shit)
"Noa worries too much, they will be fine." "Anaya is clumsy. Can't trust you to carry yourself, much less echo."
He tries not to carry you everywhere, but it is so much more convenient than waiting for you, so he scoops you up often enough that the stares don't bother you anymore.
Remember how in the movie, all the apes sleep together communally? Well you're at first extremely nervous about that, not wanting to ask what exactly are your accommodations because surely they don't want you there with them.
Actually, Noa does, so jot that down.
When you shyly move away, he raises his palm up at you, nodding to the space besides him.
When you don't move, he gently tugs you down, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. The clan hasn't really fully rebuilt and started to gather things needed for shawls and coverings, so it's not strange to him that you cuddle up to him to steal his warmth, peeking an eye open to see your face squished into his side, knocked out.
He wraps an arm around you, incasing you in more warmth.
This is a nightly routine until you finally take it upon yourself to throw yourself on him, he chokes out a breath as you make yourself comfortable.
Soona and Anaya usually join in, he cannot fucking breathe but he's so happy that it outweighs it.
When Mae inevitably shows back up, she sees you out in the distance, you look so genuine happy, so at peace with where you are. You even have some eagle feathers in your hair, integrated into their life that it shocks her.
It's enough to make her put the gun away, grasping at Rakas necklace like a lifeline, sucking in a deep breath to stop her from crying.
Maybe apes and humans can live at peace with one another after all. She hopes you prove her wrong.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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hornedstorys · 3 months
POTA Caesar x Reader - Jealous 1/2
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Warnings: Nothing, Just little shameless Toughts of Caesar
Part 2
German Version
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Caesar sat by the fire with a tense look on his face and stared over at you. You were sitting right next to his son Blue Eyes and it made the monkey king jealous, even if he didn't like to admit it. He had to watch his son being closer to you than himself and it made his blood boil. He wanted to sit in his son's place, next to you. He wanted to smell your scent in his nose and feel the warmth that your body radiated.
The Ape king saw you smiling at Blue Eyes and it made his heart flutter. Showing teeth wasn't actually a positive aspect of Apes, they only did it when they felt threatened or uncomfortable. But he knew what it meant with humans. He knew you were happy. But you weren't smiling because of him, you were smiling because of Blue Eyes and again the mighty ape tensed. There was a light drizzle and your form was wrapped in a bearskin. You were still not used to the cold and you would probably never get used to it. You didn't have fur like the Apes.
Caesar would love to keep you warm. He would love to just pick you up and take you to his nest. This thought sounded so immoral in his head, but that was what he was thinking.
He wanted to have you all to himself and claim you. His green golden eyes followed the raindrops that gently ran down your face and he would have loved to be in their place.
Even the rain was luckier to be close to you than he was. And even the wind blowing through your hair was so much closer to you and it only made him more jealous. He wanted to be so close to you too.
You had made the Ape King feel like a teenager and somehow he felt so weak around you. But he allowed it. He would be weak for you. He was known as the mighty Ape King of a large monkey colony. His features were rough, just like his hands. But you made him weak. As if all his strength had left him, but at the same time you made him feel even stronger.
Grumbling, the chimpanzee chewed on a berry and his best friend Maurice watched him with amusement. He had not missed the scenario, then he spoke in gestures: "What's going on?". But Caesar ignored it, even though he could see it clearly. What was going on? He was jealous! Jealous that he wasn't allowed to touch you and probably never would be. What were you supposed to like about him? He wasn't human, that alone should probably keep you away from him.
Just as the fact that you're human should keep him away from you. You didn't have fur or long pointy teeth like him. You were weak and vulnerable. As soon as the temperature dropped, you had to take refuge in your sleeping cave.
But none of this made Caesar feel averse to you. In fact, it made him rather curious. Curious about what it was like to touch your bare skin, to feel your curves and to have you close to him.
Then he saw it. Blue wanted to give you something to eat and his hand accidentally brushed against yours. This made Caesar's blood boil and a dangerous, animalistic growl emerged from his throat. All the monkeys around him flinched involuntarily and Blue Eyes looked up.
He looked at his father, frowning. You could see that he was confused. But then a light went on as he looked briefly at his hand. Blue Eyes stood up with the excuse that he had to go fishing. The last thing he wanted to do was mess with his father when it came to a female. Besides, it was none of his business.
Caesar huffed out loudly and his nostrils quivered. He could feel your confused gaze on him and with lowered eyelids he took the next berry between his lips. Fortunately, you couldn't understand such gestures. He wasn't proud of it, but the animal in him wouldn't let anyone else touch you. Even if it was his own son.
The rain had subsided and everyone had finished eating. The sun was shining and it was slowly getting warmer again. You stood up and stretched briefly. Caesar secretly watched your every move and his heart was now pounding harder in his chest again. "I'm going to go swimming," you spoke with your hands and stood up. Caesar's gaze followed you.
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ohwaitimthewriter · 4 months
The Memory Keeper Masterlist
Latest update : 08/09/2024
Pairing : Noa x human reader
Warnings : angst, fluff, mental abuse and suffering, mourning, sharing moments and emotional stuff (happy and sad), more?
Summarize : A woman, allowed to live as long as the virus keeps running through her body, living on autopilot for 260 years, is going to see her life takes a new turn, finding hope in something that might come to put an end to her wandering.
Chapter 1 : List.
Chapter 2 : Puzzle.
Chapter 3 : Frame.
Chapter 4 : Mend.
Chapter 5 : Legacy.
Chapter 6 : Cruise.
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