#plance drabble
nicollini · 1 year
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Pidge fought dirty. She always did. Particularly while sparring with Lance. Taking him down was just too much fun not to do. Especially when they had an audience. This time she wouldn't even let him aim his bayard before going for his kneecaps. One yank with her cable and he went down with a panicked scream. A moment later she was already kneeing on him, threatening him with her own bayard.
"Now yield!" Pidge commanded, but Lance was only staring at her with big blue eyes. The bayard went off right over his abdoment and Lance let out a yelp of pain.
"Pidge is the winner!" Shiro announced from the far end of the training deck and the smaller Paladin lifted her weight off her team mate to join the team.
"Hunk! How long did I take?" Pidge yelled excitedly, while jogging over to the others. Lance didn't even hear his answer. He was too occupied by his racing heart.
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adobedragon · 1 year
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“Pointy chin?” Lance pulled Pidge close, puffing a tickling burst of air into her ear. “Who you callin’ ‘Pointy chin?’”
“Careful. You could put an eye out with that pointy chin,” she said between giggles. She prided herself in being the sort of woman who never giggled, but he always reduced her to this.
“So says the person who has to look up to look down.” His fingers were searching for a ticklish spot on her ribs.
“Short jokes?” She rolled her eyes. “That’s the best you can do, Spaghetti Legs? Short jokes?”
“Short people got no reason…” he sang.
“That song isn’t actually about short people but instead referring to—”
“Short people,” he sang. “They got grubby little fingers.” He squeezed her hand. “And dirty little minds.”
She giggled again. Dammit! “You love my dirty mind.”
“I do.”
Then he kissed her neck and she lost the clever retort poised on her tongue.
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dabiboy · 2 years
Maybe write about ragging on Dabi's cheap ass hair dye job fjdjdj
OMG HI! LONG TIME NO SEE, I REMEMBER YOU!!! How have you been?
I'll try with a drabble since I stopped writing for like a year... Hope it doesn't suck jsdkdk
"...Don't you think your hair dye color should... stick a little longer?"
"What do you mean?"
You smiled as Dabi turned around with furrowed eyebrows, as if he was offended.
"I mean... one single drop, and your whole vengance plance is going down the sink. If you wanna keep your identiy as a secret... its not kinda working" you added between giggles while watching dye his hair in... not the most professional way.
"Shut the fuck up. It's the best I can do"
"Try to get one that's... better quality, otherwhise you look like you don't shower and stink."
Dabi walked towards you, encolsing you between his body, and the cold bathroom wall just to whisper
"Do I really? That's not what you said"
You could feel his breath on you, the roughness of his exposed skin near your body. You would have kept your serious and flirty look if only, a drop of black dye wouldn't have fallen on the bridge of your nose.
"See what I meant?" You chuckled and walked away from his body prison. "Stay here. I'll go get you something better. I don't want to end up full of cheap hair dye."
"You're a pain in the fucking ass"
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bipallidan · 6 years
Plance prompt for @february-erika (I figured y’all would just send asks but bless your soul for linking the song in the reblog)
“We’re made from the same dust Like stars from the same dusk “Don’t dive in, it’s dangerous” Hold on, here we go”
— Distraction, M1LDL1FE
It seems the advice is endless. “There’s someone out there for you”, “You just have to wait”, “You’re not looking hard enough.” 
Ever since Lance could remember, he’d been bombarded with conflicting advice. It’s either that he has to keep looking or he has to stop trying so hard and just let love “happen” or whatever that means. There came a point where Lance became restless. If someone, anyone, could love him like that... even if it wasn’t perfect... it would be enough. So he tried.  He tried to find a connection, even the smallest one, everywhere he went. Maybe it did make him a bit of a flirt. Maybe it did make some of it seem disingenuous. 
And then, somewhere along the line, he gave up. You could say things got too hectic with Voltron. Things got too dark. Other things became too thought-consuming. But the truth was he lost the hope all that advice gave him. He stopped thinking there was someone out there for him. He stopped thinking he was going to have that kind of happy ending.  It wasn’t until he was here, lying on his back under the stars. And she was there, sitting behind him just so, in a way that made the twinkling lights behind her look like a damn halo. And he began to think that maybe, just maybe, he had been looking too hard in all the wrong places. Maybe, just maybe, right behind him, right above him, was a girl who loved peanut butter and hated peanuts, who found it easier to befriend a robot than to befriend him, who fell asleep at the keyboard of a computer almost every night, who never stopped surprising him, and who just so happened to be the person.  Pidge looked down at him, her face now perfectly visible, glasses just hanging at the end of her nose, and asked, “What are you looking at? We’re supposed to be star-gazing, not Pidge-gazing.” 
He reached a hand up to touch her cheek. Her face felt warm. “I think I’d rather be Pidge-gazing.” 
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Pidges lets loose hernew Mobile security cameras in there testing phase and one wanders into lances bathroom...
It was a simple test of new technology. Minature drones designed to peek around corners and scout out hazardous terrain.
How was she to know Lance had been showering in the bathroom? How was she to know that she would be deeply affected by the trim frame of his body, leanly muscled, water and soap running down it as he lathered himself?
How was she to control her own raging hormones when the directed her to slide her hand into the hem of her pants and pleasure herself to thoughts of this idiotic man’s beautiful body?
She quivered as she came in time with the end of his shower and only had just enough time to pilot the drones back to her and avoid them being seen.
Pidge fell back into her chair and shut the cameras off once they’d returned to her room.
She needed a vacation. Or a valium, whichever was cheaper.
I need some Practice with Smut. Send me some smutty prompts and I’ll write something to go with it.
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starryarchitect · 4 years
The evolution of Lance and Pidge's relationship, told through a series of drabbles.
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as2015 · 4 years
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Mientras todos conversaban sobre sus aventuras en el universo, Hunk había dicho una última broma y la risa de Pidge había brotado de lo más profundo de su pecho, Lance se encontró así mismo admirándola, embelesado por el sonido, no se dio cuenta que se había callado abruptamente hasta que ella lo miró alzando una ceja.
No era común en el ex-paladín rojo el quedarse tan callado de un momento a otro.
Y es que justo en ese instante él se dio cuenta que, ella era la chica más bonita en todo el universo.
-¿Eh? ¿Pasa algo Lance?- preguntó ella mirándolo fijamente, él reaccionó instintivamente desviando la mirada a la dirección contraria.
 -¡No!...No es nada- su voz había salido más alta de lo que había querido.
¿De dónde habían venido aquellos pensamientos?
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numbah34 · 4 years
True Genius
A little Plance!family drabble, inspired by a quote from my own daughter
Her daughter had called her a genius.
“Mommy, you are a genius! You get a prize!”
Pidge didn’t know how to feel about this.
“Lance... what have I done with my life?” She lay on their couch, gazing at the ceiling contemplatively.
He considered for a moment, thoughtfully stroking her hair as he kept an eye on their brood, quietly (well... mostly) playing on the carpet. Dinner finished and dishes sorted, their family had settled into their usual post-meal evening routine.
“Do you mean apart from producing a gang of catastrophically precocious children?”
She rolled her eyes if only slightly. “Well of course that counts, but I meant more along the lines of... achievements.”
“Well, let’s see; I mean, there’s the obvious stuff, like piloting Green, and helping save the universe, but if you want me to name some more personal accomplishments...” he raised an eyebrow, casting a glance at his wife. She hummed in affirmation. He went on, “then there’s the time you created a television out of spare parts you found around the castle just so we could play a video game...”
“You would name that first,” she snorted, amused.
“Well, it personally affected me in a good way,” he smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “But going on, you also hacked I don’t even know how many robots, as well as one evil-cyborg-arm, that was pretty cool, too...”
“I’d be lying if I said I don’t still think about the moral implications of that last one, even though I’m glad everything more or less worked out in the end,” she sighed, “but continue.”
“You created and programmed Chip,” Lance turned his eyes to the corner of their living room, where the aforementioned Android was studiously playing their eldest in a game of chess. “And you finally convinced me that he’s not at all creepy,” he added.
“You agreed he was just as cool as Funsentry, as I recall.” It was Pidge’s turn to raise an eyebrow at her husband.
“Yes, yes, I know.” It was Lance’s turn to playfully roll his eyes at her.
“Anyway, you were saying?”
“...Do I really need to list all your accomplishments and accolades from the Garrison? We could be here all night.” He thought for a moment, then added, “...and on into the next day, as well.” He looked fondly at their children. “I think our little sprouts would be all too happy to take advantage of Mommy and Daddy’s distraction.” He cast a sidelong glance at her, “I mean, we only just settled things with the HOA after... last time.” A faraway look that was a combination of mild horrification and impressed wonder crossed his features.
“Fair enough,” Pidge sighed, reaching up to give his cheek an appreciative stroke. He caught her hand and held it there.
“Any reason you wanted me to recite the highlights from the ‘Pidge Hall of Fame’?”
She pulled herself up into a sitting position, turning her body so she was facing him. She gave him a serious look. “Our daughter called me a genius.”
Lance returned her look, then looked at their daughter, happily building with legos on the carpet. He noted, impressed, that her project of building the “tallest tower” had, somewhere in the last 15 minutes, turned more into a to-scale recreation of the leaning tower of Pisa. He looked back at Pidge. “I mean, she’s not wrong,” he said, gesturing to Pidge. “You definitely are; so what has you so concerned?”
Her mouth had pulled into a firm, flat line, and her eyes betrayed her feeling of consternation. “She called me a genius... because I put more watermelon on her plate.”
Lance, to his credit, managed (with near Herculean effort, he would tell Hunk later) to hold back the bark of laughter that begged to be released. He swallowed, succeeding in not guffawing, but having significantly less success with keeping the mirth from his eyes. “Well... she is four; her bar for what qualifies as ‘genius’ is going to be set a little lower.” He smiled. Pidge frowned slightly, a mixture of amusement and disgust. Lance pulled her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her hair. “Don’t worry, Pidge; she’ll know what genius means sooner or later, and then she’ll also know what I didn’t have to be a genius to realize.”
She pulled back enough to look him in the eye, a small smile playing at her lips. “Oh? And what’s that, Lance?”
His face lit up with warmth and affection. “That her mom is pretty amazing.”
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ellipsesarefun · 4 years
A/N: did not finish the series but this came out of the blue. some plance. mentions of allurance, sheith, hunkxshay. there’s no continuation of the sort, just self-indulgent stuff and meet again cute plance.
Now in AO3 
This is becoming a waste of time. Lance sighs the words out of his mouth, as his brain barely processes the lecture in front of him. If there was one thing he couldn’t get away with when sitting at the very first row, it’s falling asleep. Especially with a prof that whacks you in the head at the first sign of inattention.
He lets out a groan at the squeaky noise the chalk makes against the board. It’s a stark contrast from the advanced and quintessence-based Altean technology he’s witnessed and utilized during his time at the castle. There were touch screens, holographic images the float throughout the entirety of the room for everyone to see. There were people he couldn’t forget, people he couldn’t stay in touch...
People he lost. Or.. a person. A person whom he held close to his heart once.
Fresh out of war and everyone is off to places farther than a human eye can see.. Keith joined forces with the Blade of Marmora but is on vacation with Shiro at a nearby star system. Hunk and Pidge have been venturing to much farther galaxies, combining their engineering prowess for all the universe to applaud. Hunk is spending his sweet time with Shay, as seen from their recent video calls. Pidge, well. He hasn’t heard from her for a month, but that’s typical. Probably brooding mathematical equations he can barely comprehend in a lab somewhere. 
And Lance..? What about Lance..? 
He casts a heavy look at the empty notebook in front of him, his pen untouched and capped. 
He doesn’t know.
The school bell rings. The professor abruptly ends the lecture and the students rush out of the classroom. Typical lunch time. Lance arranges his things, his mind already thinking about what to eat. He shrugs off other intrusive thoughts and leaves the room with his stomach growling. 
He wasn’t sure if there was some cosmic universe who answered at least one question in mind but he spots a pair of round glasses and that awful, thinking pouty face. He knows that thinking pouty face from even a thousand galaxies away. 
“Oi Pidge!” He calls out. Immediately his voice pulls her out of whatever she’s crafting in her head and she turns to him.
“Hey Lance!” She responds with equal enthusiasm, approaching him with the familiarity of a friend. He might be overthinking it, but he hears a tone of affection in that typical Pidge voice. Ah, he must have missed her a lot. 
“It’s been awhile!” He says with a smile, rubbing a neck with his hand, “What brings you here?”
“Came to see my fam. Wanna come with me for a brief catch up?” She offers with a gesture towards the hall to the cafeteria. He doesn’t pause for a second when he accepts her offer, responding with his classic teases that riles her up. She doesn’t huff at him at all like he’d expect her to, and instead rolls her eyes playfully. 
Somehow that jolts his heart to a 100 bpm and he doesn’t know why.
“Come on. Let’s go before my brother orders ahead of me!” She says. And he follows, wondering if this would be the start of something new. 
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rainforestgeek · 5 years
Plance Fantasy AU - drabble
Wherein they’re both magicians: Pidge is an elementalist and Lance is an illusionist. 
First part on ao3
“What can I getcha, darlin’?”
“My companion and I,” Lance started, leaning dramatically over the bar, “would love anything fried that has meat in it.”
“Well I can surely russtle tha’ up for ya, honey.” Lance handed red-cheeked woman a couple of silver coins.
“Those better be real,” Katie muttered, after the barmaid had bustled to the kitchen to holler out some orders.
“Of course they’re real. You think I’d pay the lovely lady with illusion coins?” Lance murmured to her.
Katie started counting on her fingers. “Two weeks ago in that goblin village, last month at the pub in Frarlem Heights, the arctic mermaids - ”
He shut her up by grabbing her hands and planting a kiss on the back of each one. Katie’s tongue tied up. “You’ll notice, though, that I’m not disguising our faces. I’d never get us caught.”
She managed to croak out, “We’ve been caught.”
“But never recognized.” Lance released her and stretched his back, balancing precariously on his bar stool. “I swear on my mama’s life that’s legitimate currency.”
“Here ya go, darlin’s.” Two plates positively heaped with breaded food slid onto the counter, tickling Katie’s nose with the heavenly scent of hot oil. The barmaid - who, now that Katie got a look at her, looked slightly older than them - gave them each a mug of ale. She winked and twirled a lock of hair around her finger when she slid Katie’s drink toward her. “I gotcha some o’ the special draft, gorgeous.”
Heat rushed to her cheeks. Lance choked on the chicken leg he’d already begun demolishing. “You know I’m a woman, right?” she asked. She tried to strike a balance between coy and blunt. Lance just looked at her all bug-eyed.
“Don’t change how pretty ye’are. Enjoy.” She flounced toward a new patron at the opposite end of the bar. Lance took a deep gulp of his ale and Katie smirked.
“Jealous, Lance?”
He laughed nervously. “Of what?”
Katie sipped her drink. The taste was perfectly rich. “I make a hotter fella than you,” she sing-songed.
Surprisingly, his shoulders relaxed. “Thus forever protecting your maidenhood from any and all saucy suitors that pass your way.”
Just for that, Katie flicked her hand at his chicken leg, which promptly froze to his mouth and fingers.
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carlottastudios · 4 years
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Rolo has decided to open a sex shop in the Space Mall, the first of its kind in the universe at large since the war is over. Despite his optimism, Nyma is skeptical. However, a few gentlemen we know and love from team Voltron are interested in some of the products the ex-bounty-hunter has to offer…This is a very ridiculous story, I know! XD
Read on DeviantART: https://www.deviantart.com/carlottastudios/art/The-Sex-Shop-pt-1-The-First-Day-836107841
Wattpad: NA
Fanfiction: NA
Or Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23438140/chapters/56179168
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kazhavia · 5 years
Angsty Plance from List 3, Prompt 96?
“I never thought you’d hurt me, but I was wrong.” Pidge’s stomach ached from writhing in pain and anger. Her throat closed in on her, making it harder to breathe. “You—You hurt me the most.”
It took every fiber in Lance’s being to remain rooted in his spot quietly behind her. No matter how badly he wanted to reach out and embrace her, or sucker punch her unfaithful boyfriend all the way to hell, he understood that she needed to face this confrontation alone.
“Why?” she asked, voice quivering and holding back tears at bay. “Just, why?”
When all her ex-lover did was shrugged, Lance snapped and connected his fist to the asshole’s face. The crowd around them went wild.
“Lance!” Pidge gasped and frantically grabbed his arm to pull him back. “Lance, no! You can’t do that here!”
“He cheated on you!” Lance seethed and glared over his shoulder. “I’m going to teach him a lesson.”
The second Lance’s eyes was off the man laying with a bloody nose on the ground, he took advantage of this opportunity to hook his ankle around Lance’s and pulled forward. Lance’s head hit the bar table as he fell to the floor. 
“Hey!” Pidge yelled and used her bag to swing at her ex. “Don’t fucking touch him!”
“Why do you care?” he demanded as he spat out blood and held his cheek from where she landed her blow. “You screwing him now? I fucking knew—”
“If I am, that’s none of your damn concern,” Pidge snapped and had half a mind to knee him in the jaw. She kicked his foot away from Lance’s legs and helped Lance stand on his feet. “Can you walk? How’s your head?”
“I’m fine,” Lance grumbled. “Let’s get out of here before I break a bottle use it on him.”
Pidge laced her fingers through his and they both walked out the bar in bristling silence.
Lance hissed sharply in pain and squeezed his eyes shut when Pidge gently pressed the ice pack on his head. He jerked his knee when another one was placed on his lower back.
“You were the one who was trying to get on the front page of Worldstar,” Pidge accused, remembering how some people at the bar had pulled out their phones to record them.
“You probably made it too,” Lance countered and fidgeted until he found a comfortable spot on the couch. “I saw you hit him your bag.”
“Well, he shouldn’t have made you fall,” Pidge muttered and allowed Lance to take hold of the ice pack resting on his head. “No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.”
“What the hell do you think I was trying to do?” Lance scowled. “I should go beat him at his own home.”
“It’s not worth it.” Pidge sighed and rubbed her forehead. “I’m so drained from all this drama that I just want to forget him and all of this.”
“If I tell the others what happened, they will want to join me. Good luck holding Matt, Keith, and Allura back, and I’m pretty sure Hunk will do something discreet like pop one of his tires.”
“That’s not discreet at all.”
“He would make it look like an accident, somehow.” Lance shrugged. “And Shiro would intimidate the shit out of him until he peed his pants for the next few weeks.”
As much as Pidge wanted to get payback, she was honestly tired of him. She had already spent enough time losing sleep over him; she doesn’t want to lose another minute to his ungrateful ass.
But before she could close this horrific chapter of her life, there was something she needed to know.
“Lance, how did you find out that he was cheating on me?”
“… I saw him at the club with a dancer. At first, they were just talking, but then she led him into the back and—Well, you can guess the rest,” Lance finished in a somber tone. He scrunched his face and looked at Pidge. “But, you didn’t seem all that surprised when I brought it up to you.”
“I had a feeling he was cheating on me,” Pidge revealed and sighed. She turned away and began playing with the ends of her high ponytail. “He didn’t come home until 5 am this morning, and then he smelled like baby powder when he went to bed.”
“Why didn’t you say something at the time? You never let shit like that slide.”
“Because… Because I didn’t know how to handle it at the moment. I was in shock, and I couldn’t—I didn’t—” She abruptly paused and used the back of her hand to wipe her eyes. She sniffled once, twice, then buried her face in her hands and began sobbing.
Lance immediately dropped the ice pack and shifted closer to Pidge to wrap his arms around her.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay,” he whispered, rubbing her back in soothing circles and rocked them side to side, resting his chin on top of her head. “You’re going to be okay.”
Pidge wished she could believe it at the moment.
One day, Lance will be the reason why.
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adobedragon · 1 year
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Lance had stopped by the grocery store on the way home from work and consequently, Pidge made it to their apartment first.
After changing out of work clothes into a comfy t-shirt and shorts, she flung herself on the bed, surrendering to an adolescent sulk fueled by her brain’s irritating tendency to obsessively play the day’s events over and over.
Hearing him entering the apartment and moving about the kitchen, she considered rising to help unpack and put away groceries, but stubborn anger held her in bed, staring at the wall, quietly fuming.
“Honey, I’m home,” announced Lance in an overdone Cuban accent as he strolled into the bedroom.
She ignored him, eyes still on the bedroom’s wall, as the clomp of boots hitting the floor and squeak of drawers opening and closing announced his wardrobe change, probably into garb similar to hers, a t-shirt and shorts. The bed shuddered as he plopped down at her side.
“Okay,” he said with a note of pique. “What did I do?”
“Nothing.” She cursed herself for the stupid passive aggressive response, but honestly? He should've known damned well what he did.
“Then why the ice-cold shoulder?” He tapped her shoulder and then hissed. “Brrrr. Arctic.” At this, she growled and he chuckled. “And she’s growling. I must’ve really fucked up.”
“I’m a really perceptive guy, but I can’t read minds.”
Like an angry toddler, she squeezed her eyes shut and snapped, “I’m not helpless.”
“I know,” said Lance, tenor tones slightly higher in pitch with confusion.
“No, you don’t.” Her fists clenched around the bedsheets as bottled-up frustration rose in her throat.
“Of course, I do, what…?” Silence followed. “Oh, is this about today? At the lab? With what’s-his face, Buckley?”
“Well, d’uh,” she grumbled.
“He was being a dick and—”
“I had it under control! Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t fight my own battles.” Lance, of all people should have known that.
His sigh was a low gust of sound in the small bedroom. “Pidge, look at me. Please.” His hand wrapped around her shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze and then he tugged, trying to pull her towards him.
She stiffened, angry but as usual the heat of anger cooled and soothed by the comfort of his touch. Muscles still tight in protest, she allowed him to disentangle her fists from the sheet and turn her about to face him. When he tried to take her hand, however, she made a fist, resisting.
His slim fingertips moved to her wrist instead and he gently massaged the bony intersection of wrist to hand. “You’re the strongest person, I know, Paloma.”
“Damned straight,” she gritted out.
Clever fingers sliding over the back of her hand, his index finger then tapped the gold band on her ring finger. “For better or worse. Right?”
She grunted.
“We’re a team. A team of two, now. We help each other.”
“Help. Not take over and make me look…weak.”
His fingers went back to massaging her wrist and arm. “I’m sorry,” he said after a minute. “Talk to me. How can I fix this?”
“I don’t need rescuing,” she said, though much of her anger had faded. It was impossible to stay mad at the infuriating man.
“I need to help. It’s my thing.” His other arm was wrapped around her back, holding her to his side. “How about we work out a signal? One where I ask if you need help, and you signal back ‘yes or no’?”
“That could work,” she conceded. He was hopelessly trapped in hero mode, even now, a decade removed from his tenure as a Paladin of Voltron. Truth was, so was she. Once a hero, always a hero.
“But, could you do me a favor?” he asked. “Maybe, once in a while, let me be the hero. For the sake of my fragile ego?”
She watched his lovely hand, slender brown fingers moving gracefully as they rubbed circles on her freckled knuckles. “Okay,” she agreed. “Next time there’s a spider in the bathroom, you have to catch it and put it outside.” Pidge was the usual rescuer and relocator of errant spiders.
“Spider!” Lance’s horror reverberated through his chest and into her body. “I meant something easy like, like slaying a Robeast with my bare hands.”
Fingers unclenching, Pidge wiggled her fingers like arachnid legs and plunged them, tickling, into his armpit, her previous anger totally forgotten in the duet of their laughter.
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
Do you take prompts? If you do how about Veronica thanking Shiro for taking care of Lance and then they start arguing over which of their respective little brother/figures is the one Allura likes. I head canon them as being classmates. Bonus add Matt with plance into the discussion. Please and thank you :-)
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
“But I thought she liked Lance. She told him to come backsafe and her voice was all sweet and fluttery.”
“That’s how she talks. She’s a walking Disney princess. Deerwould eat out of her hand if they could.”
“Oh, ok that makes sense now that you mention it because shetold me to have a lovely day once and then she smiled and it kind of made mefeel…you know” Veronica said.
“Oh I know. She’s charming as all hell” Shiro stated beforesnapping off a carrot stick in his mouth.
“And how are her eyes so damn sparkly?” She pounded a fistlightly on the table.
“I’m telling you, Disney princess.”
“What are we talking about?” Matt slid onto the bench andplaced his cafeteria tray on the table.
“The fact that Allura likes Lance.”
“She likes Keith” Shiro corrected.
“I’m telling you, I saw a blush.” Veronica’s voice was more insistent.
“I don’t care if her cheeks literally burst into flames. Iknow what I know.” Shiro shrugged.
“And what do you know?” Matt leaned in, happy to arrive justin time for gossip.
“I know Allura was a cranky, longing, heartbroken mess whenKeith left for The Blade. Didn’t come out of her room the rest of the day afterhe left, cares a little too much whenever he goes off someplace and there mayor may not be a certain red jacket in her possession that she swears up anddown she hasn’t seen whenever Keith goes looking for it. He thinks it blew upin the castle, but…” He trailed off in order to gobble down a large spoonful ofmashed potatoes.
“No way!” Matt’s mouth fell open.
Shiro gave him a look and that’s all Matt needed forconfirmation.
Veronica sighed and crossed her arms.
“Well does he like her back?”
Shiro nearly burst into laughter.
“Don’t even get me started. He’s a damn mess.”
Veronica pursed her lips.
“Lance is gonna be crushed” she said after a long pause,slumping her shoulders.
“I think he’ll fine. He’s already got other options.” Mattsmirked knowingly.
“The alien fangirls he loves to brag about are not options.”
“I don’t mean them, I mean Pidge.”
Shiro and Veronica snapped their heads in the rebel’sdirection.
“Hey don’t say that like it’s so hard to believe. You knowhow they are Shiro.”
Shiro stroked his chin and thought about it.
“He is really protective of her…and down to get intowhatever crazy adventure she is…and they spend hours together playing thatvideogame until they end up falling asleep in bed together.”
Matt nearly choked on his green beans.
“Wait they fall asleep in bed togeth-”
“But does Pidge feel the same?” Veronica cut him off. Thisnew prospect had her greatly intrigued.
“She does get super annoyed when Lance gushes over othergirls and damn near threw a parade when Allura got wrapped up with Lotor beforehe, you know.”
“How long have they been sharing a bed for?!” Matt’s voicepractically squeaked.
“Not now Holt,” Veronica waved him away with her hand, “soAllura and Keith like each other and Lance and Pidge like each other, but noone is fessing up?”
“Exactly” Shiro answered.
“Wow, this is like some angsty YA novel.” Veronica tappedher fork to her lips. “So how do we get them together?”
“Get who together?” Lance was suddenly standing by the tablewith his food tray in hand. Pidge, Keith and Allura flanked either side of him lookingto sit as well.
The older siblings flinched and looked at the quartet beforetheir eyes darted among themselves nervously.
“Nothing! Nobody!” Veronica cleared her throat loudly. “Justchatting about uh…”
“Quantum physics” Shiro blurted out.
Everyone turned and stared him down incredulously.
“Quantum physics?!” Matt hissed under his breath.
“I panicked!” Shiro whispered back.
“Anyway,” Veronica announced a little too loudly, “we shouldget going. You all can have our spot.”
The other two quickly hopped up and snatched their trays anddrinks and hurried away, huddling together in some sort of secret discussion asthey left the room.
“What was that about?” Lance asked as he popped the top of asoda can.
“I dunno but I don’t trust it. It’s like they’re plottingsomething.” Pidge eyed them suspiciously.
“What on earth would they be planning?” Allura chuckled asshe neatly organized her utensils on the table.
“Whatever it is I’m sure it’s harmless,” Keith mumbled, “Imean, what could they possibly do?”
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bipallidan · 6 years
Plance drabble for @theenthusiasticnihilist135
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming, "please don't leave me" 
Everything that happened before was more of a blur. 
“Lance!” Pidge had shouted. 
It was the only word in her head. The only word she could say. They could ask her how she was doing, and the only thing she could say in return was his name. She was doing how he was. Of all the times for something like this to happen, it had to be when they thought everything was over. They were back on Earth, dammit. They had saved it. Everything was supposed to be okay. Lance wasn’t supposed to get hurt. No one was supposed to get hurt anymore. 
Pidge’s hands were fists in her pockets. She wasn’t sure what they would punch. It’s not like that could solve anything. The chair in the hospital room was annoyingly familiar at this point. She’d spend as long as she could in here, even when they advised her to focus on something more positive for a while. 
She was there with him when he collapsed on the pavement. They said he caught something out there that his immune system wasn’t prepared to handle. He didn’t show symptoms until they got back to Earth. 
“I’m sorry,” said Lance. This was about the 100th time he had said this. 
Sorry he got sick. Sorry she skipped something to visit him. Sorry she had to see him like this. Sorry he had to stop talking so he could rest. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. 
It only made things worse. 
“It’s okay,” she responded. “ I didn’t have anything going on anyways.” 
Lance stared at the floor for a long moment. Then his eyes began to water, and just like that, they were spilling down his cheeks like a flood. “I don’t want to leave you. I want more time. I want to go on dates with you, real dates, and I want to invite you over for dinner with my family and go see dumb movies and eat too many peanut butter cookies and waste all my money on games we’ll play until we get sick of and— and I want to live longer. Of all the things I”ve been through, this— this can’t be the way that I go. It can’t.” 
Pidge couldn’t stop her own tears now even if she tried. She leaned over and buried her face in his side. The side of his hospital gown became soaked with her tears. 
“Pidge, I’m so—”
“Shut up!” she yelled. She raised her head to look at him, tears still streaming. “Stop saying you’re sorry! Stop feeling guilty about being in a situation you don’t deserve!” Lance had never seen Pidge so angry.  “You don’t deserve any of this! This is stupid! You’re so dumb and nice and sweet and cute and annoying and you’re going to live until you’re 100, damn it! Don’t you dare give up on yourself! I refuse to let you give up on yourself! You fought in a space war with me and came all the way back home and still saved the entire planet! THE UNIVERSE HAS TO OWE YOU SOMETHING FOR THAT. SOMETHING BETTER THAN THIS.” 
Lance tried wiping his cheeks with his hands but they just got wet again. 
“I love you, and you’re going to come home, and you’re going to do all of those things. Because you deserve it after all of this. If I have to make a cure myself I—” 
“I love you, too.” 
Pidge’s fingers dug into the sleeves of Lance’s jacket as it hung loosely over her shoulders. She had the same word on her midn again: “Lance.” 
He emerged from the hallway and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “Let’s go home.” 
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Plance!! (Please)
The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
When Lance had called Pidge to help him “Get comfortable” on his vacation, she had not expected him to give her directions to a mountain log cabin. Lance was always more of a beachfront kind of guy in her opinion.
She also wasn’t expecting the noxious miasma of stawberry scented candles to hit her smack in the face the moment she opened the door.
Or Lance to be laying sprawled out as if he’d tripped and fallen, a leg hung on the arm of a loveseat, wearing a red satin robe that was too short to be considered modest.
“Um... Hi, Pidge,” he said, an anxious smile gracing his features, “you’re early.”
Pidge nodded.
“Lance, are you trying to tell me something?”
Put a pairing in my asks and I’ll write a snippet for them
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