#pk;m crow
if you tell someone with memory problems that they’re “too young” to have bad memory you are being ableist. end of.
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crows-templets · 9 months
Hello! Welcome to crows templates
We make templets for pk, simply plural, and anything else a system would need templets for
We’ll happily take requests! Please keep these rules in mind when requesting:
•it can take anywhere from a few hours, to multiple days to complete a request, please be patient. My queue is long and most requests aren’t posted until a month after the initial request
•please give us a theme and preferably a few emojis or symbols please give me at least 1 emoji/symbol to work with.
•on the note above, you can request from media (game, book, show, movie,ect), but I require emoji suggestions, this is a bit slippery on media I already know, but don’t assume I know any media
•only one request per ask. You can send multiple requests back to back though!
•Minor edits are allowed, please keep credits
•we can deny a request for any reason
•include in your request if there is any information you do or don’t want (introject info,subsystems,etc) I default to including a subsystem space, I do not default to including intorject information
•if you do not need a space for some information (subsystem, introjects) you are welcome to remove that info, do not remove credits
•include in your request if you want an alter or a system intro, if you don’t i will default to alter
•our bio will say if our requests are open, if our requests aren’t open do not request
•if you’re using one of our templates on tumblr I appreciate being tagged in the credits! It’s not required I just get really excited to see my templates in the wild!
•be polite when requesting. I am going to start turning down requests that are demanding. (A simple please or thank is enough I’m not asking for much)
Template master post part one
Part two
Part three
Collective intro templates
Types of templets we make:
•alter intro
•system intro
•singletsona intro (ONLY FOR SYSTEMS)
Templets we won’t make
•searching templets (source calls, partner calls,etc)
•display names
Please Dni if:
•pro endo
•pro ship
•basic Dni (homophobic,transphobic, racist, etc)
•believes in NPD-abuse
Welcome to interact!
•syscourse neural
•anti endo
•queer folk
•m-spec lesbians and other contradictory
Tag list: @404-systemnotfound @collective-stupidity @lovesomesys @constellation-sys @wretchedlittlebug @seraphim-coinz
The tag list is when requests open or close, if you want to be added send an ask or dm!
If our templates aren’t your style, our lovely(/p) friend bee-hive make amazing templates as well!!
WE HAVE A SERVER NOW! Made and moderated by us and @lovesomesys !! Here
We try not to use closed symbols, if we do *please* tell us so we can fix it
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thisurlplease · 5 years
Could you help this sad boi out? See reading all of these fanfics, I'm unsure to how Naru's Psychometry actually works. Some say he goes limp and he "dreams" the visions, some say he just closes his eyes and the visions appear very quickly. Does Naru's psychometry ever get detailed/explained in canon? Or if not, is there anything that alludes to how it *would* work? Thanks! m(_ _)m
I sure can! Naru’s psychometry gets explained in Vol 8 of the original novels. Later in the sequel novels, Naru actually uses his psychometry and we get to read all about it. The truth is, it varies and depends on how strong the emotion on an object is and how well Naru syncs with the subject. I talked a little about Naru’s psychometry in my post Possible Implications of Naru’s Vision of Gene, but I’ll go ahead and quote directly here for you as there is a bit more.
First, here in Vol 8, Chapter 12.4, Lin explains a little:
“Moreover, Naru is too capable. If the person he’s looking for is dead, it’s fine if he only sees it as mere information. But if the synchronization with the target is intense, he apparently experiences it as if it’s his own personal experience.”
Ayako and Masako looked back at me simultaneously.
“Mai had a dream like that once…”
Is it like that?
“Sometimes, in severe cases, he actually gets injured.”
‘Yes,’ Lin-san nodded.
“When experiencing a vision, a severe bruise is produced in the same spot where the person he’s synchronizing with was injured and a strong paralysis develops… Therefore, Naru will not use psychometry unless the situation is serious. He sent back all the letters without opening them.”
-GH Vol 8: I Don’t Mind Evil Spirits! Part 2, Chapter 12.4
Here is Naru talking about syncing with Gene in Vol 8 Ch 13.4:
“Gene left for Japan and was about half-way through his scheduled stay. When I borrowed his clothes, I suddenly synced with him.”
“To assimilate with the target person while using psychometry.”
“Like the dream I once had?”
I couldn’t stand experiencing that over and over again. I would certainly hate using psychometry.
“Suddenly? You didn’t do something trying to sync with him deliberately?”
“That kind of intention isn’t always necessary. Rejecting it requires will, however. ”
“I think the first thing I saw was a mountain. On that mountain during the day as I was walking there on the road, I heard a car coming from behind. As I turned around, I could see the car that had rounded the curve drive farther and farther toward the outside. It raced straight towards me, then there was an impact and I collapsed. As I was lying on the asphalt, someone got out of the stopped car.”
“It was a woman. I could only see her below the knee, though. She panicked and, after screaming, returned to her car. After a moment, I could hear the sound of the car moving and approaching me from behind…”
I choked back something bitter. If that’s the case, then that woman finished Gene off. Without a doubt… you could say he was murdered…
“From there on, the vision developed a green halation. That’s characteristic of when the target is dead. I was dragged along the ground and loaded into the trunk of the car. In a place somewhere like a garage, I was wrapped in a silver tarp. That was thrown into a lake from atop a boat—”
-GH Vol 8: I Don’t Mind Evil Spirits! Part 2, Chapter 13.4
And finally, here is his experience from Akumu no Sumu Ie, Ch 9.3:
Naru sat down on the floor and placed his back against the wall. He took several cards from inside the box. He concentrated his conscious onto his fingertips.
He quickly sensed an irregularity. There was no need to exert himself at all.
– Is that so.
Naru secretly felt sorry.
– The owner is a child.
It was easy to synchronize with a child. Moreover, very strong emotions were inscribed into it considering how easy it was to go in.
– This is… … bad.
Before he knew it, he was tormented by the feeling of rapidly falling down. It was the sensation of crashing down into a deep hole, while at the same time losing that feeling temporarily, and then randomly returning to it as if being inserted like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle. There was not even one time to take a single breath.
The first thing he saw was a faint light tinged with green. That color was, as if he was wearing a color filter, a color that’s characteristic of the deceased.
– This child is dead.
-The House in Which Nightmares Dwell Part 2, Ch 9.3 (translation by @yonakayaku​)
Actually, here’s a bit more of him coming out of his vision in Akumu Ch 9.5:
“– Naru!”
He opened his eyes and sensed the tatami mat below his cheek. His eyesight was blurry. He had a terrible headache.
“Are you alright?”
“Just barely made it…” he said to himself.
“– Naru?”
“… … I’m fine.”
There was a hand on his shoulder, but when the fingertips lightly lifted up it got the better of him. It felt like he could throw up if he moved his body right now.
“No need to worry. … … My body just got shocked somewhat.”
After blinking a couple of times and waiting for his vision to clear up, he moved. Lin’s worried face was nearby.
“Naru –?”
“A child was killed here.”
-The House in Which Nightmares Dwell Part 2, Ch 9.5 (translation by @yonakayaku​)
That’s everything I can think of about Naru’s psychometry at the moment. Oh wait, there’s some mention in a short story. Let me go grab that, too.
This is from Confessions for a White Crow:
“Right. He willingly played the part of the clown; as if entertaining at a party, he would make a gentleman’s lighter move, or reveal the romantic past hidden within a lady’s accessory. Half of it would be the truth, and half of it would be trickery or made-up nonsense. He would do things like that without a care. And so, he gathered together an incredible number of supporters, pulled money from them, and began an exasperating form of ghost hunting.”
-Confession for a White Crow (translation by @csakuras)
Also, I like this part about Eugene showing signs of psychometry, but it was actually Naru sending him info through their bond:
“Eugene had shown an ability similar to psychometry. But Eugene always said that his ‘neighbor from the other side of the door’ gave him the information. For close to two years, we did not know that this meant Oliver.”“This time you all became obsessed with Oliver.”“That’s right. A powerful Twin Channel existed between the twins. Oliver was an exceedingly capable psychometrist, and what’s more, possessed PK. His PK ability was extraordinary, and using the Twin Channel as an intermediary, functioned in a way so curious as to be unprecedented.”
-Confession for a White Crow (translation by @csakuras​)
Okay, that’s it. Basically, it depends. Sometimes it’s just impressions, other times it’s really intense visions. And sometimes it happens without choice. I hope this helps!
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noluot3blog · 5 years
Film Review: To the bone.
“To the bone” , portrays Ellen 20 year-old anorexic girl who has spends the better part of her teenage years being shepherded through various recovery programs , only to find herself several kilograms lighter every time. Determined to find a solution, her dysfunctional family agrees to send her to a group home for youths , which is led by a non-traditional doctor. Surprised by the unusual rules. Ellen must discover for herself how to comfort her addiction and attempt acceptance.
An eating disorders are thornier issue, stranger, more uncontrollable. In my perspective the wider culture participates in perpetuating this illness, and so maybe that’s one of the reasons why Hollywood-a place filled with thin women –is hesitant to address the issue. Thinness is equated with beauty norms that it’s a culture wide propaganda bomb.To address anorexia , this would mean to look like.
The scenes in the film , which shows Ellen getting gradually sicker with a bruised spine( the result of obsessive crutches) , sunken cheeks , furry arm hair ( body’s way of keeping a thin body warm and concave stomach. Truly reveal the side effects of having anorexia nervosa. The part whereby the client has an “ outside-body experience”, where by the see themselves and how they look , and realise the need for intervention , for me is the best part of the film. As client finally gained emotional insight and came to the realisation that she needs help, and this was a big milestone as this would mean that client would be compliant to treatment.
As occupational therapy student in training , I wasn’t too sure what our role is in intervention with eating disorders , and after watching this film I was interested to finding more information about this mental illness. The article written by Klump (2008) explains how when malnourished and emaciated , individuals with anorexia nervosa ( AN) have alterations of brain structure and alterations. These alterations involve brain circuits known to module appetite , mood , cognitive function , impulse control , energy metabolism , and autonomic and hormonal systems.
Personally I feel that the film could have included more about the multi-disciplinary team approach ,and not just the doctor only being portrayed in the treatment of the individuals mental disorder. For instance as occupational therapist play a pivotal role , as individuals with AN have an occupational imbalance.According to Keel et al (2000) social adjustments tends to be impaired as social competence communication skills are poor and social networks tend to be small. Vocational and educational functioning in individuals with AN is below of that expected, with absences from work and school ( e.g , 5.5 months per year in school over a 2-year period) . Thus OT intervention would be ideal therapy.
1. Keel PK , Mitchell JE, Miller KB , Davis TL , Crow SJ( 2000) .Social adjustment over 10 years following diagnosis with anorexia nervosa.Int J EEat Disord 27:21-28
2. Klump.K (2008) Academy For Eating Disorders Position Paper : Eating Disorders are serious mental illness International Journal of Eating Disorders 42:2 97-103
3. de la Rie S, Noordenbos G , Donker M , van Furth E. ( 2000)The patien’s quality of life and eating disorders .Int K East Disord 40:13-20
Film: " To the bone" (2017) directed by Marti Noxon.Available from Netflix
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antimonybouquet · 5 years
M!A PK becomes half crow for a week
The urge for seeds is rising...
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erraticfairy · 6 years
Here’s Why Your’s & Elon Musk’s Lack of Sleep is Bad
If you wonder what lack of sleep looks like, look no further than Elon Musk’s erratic behavior over the past few months. From believing that he alone had the time and unique resources to save the Thai boys trapped in a cave to prematurely tweeting that he had “funding secured” (when he didn’t) for a private buyout of Tesla, his embattled electric car company, Musk has shown a troubling pattern of ignoring his own self-care.
So what does lack of sleep look like, and why is it so bad? Let’s take a look.
Sleep is vital to our body’s functioning, our mental and cognitive abilities, and our overall health. Research has shown that a person who constantly and consistently deprives themselves of a good night’s sleep can also have a shorter life expectancy. Lack of sleep can literally kill you sooner.
Most people put off these concerns with, “Well, I’ll sleep more when X is done,” or, “I’ll catch up with sleep on the weekend.” Not only do these things never happen, they can actually hurt. For instance, one study found that skimping on sleep and then trying to catch up on it later hurts both attention and creativity. But problems with lack of sleep don’t end there. Lack of sleep leads to increased anxiety — hardly something you want to be cultivating in your life.
Elon Musk’s Workaholism
Lack of sleep can be tied to workaholism, and an overarching belief that a person needs to continue working because only he or she can get the work needed done, done right, and done in a timely manner. In an interview with the New York Times published in mid-August, Elon Musk detailed the “excruciating” year he’s had as the chairman and chief executive of Tesla, the electric car maker.
He said he had been working up to 120 hours a week recently — echoing the reason he cited in a recent public apology to an analyst whom he had berated. In the interview, Mr. Musk said he had not taken more than a week off since 2001, when he was bedridden with malaria.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
This is concerning behavior for anyone. If a loved one started acting this way in our lives, I think we’d all be concerned and reach out to him or her to express our desire to help this person slow down a bit.
Most companies — even startups — don’t require or need their chief executive to work 120 hours a week. That’s not normal behavior for a chief executive. If he or she is working that much, that indicates a serious leadership and organizational problem within the company.
More concerning is that if Musk really is working 120 hours a week, that means he’s working an average 17 hours per day. That leaves only 7 hours a day for things like commuting, eating, and sleeping — not to mention his constant tweeting and conversations with others on social media. It’s no wonder a person in Musk’s position might feel overwhelmed, because that’s not enough time to actually engage — for most people anyway — the most meaningful part of our lives: friends and family.
Social connections define most people’s lives, they aren’t just an afterthought or something you have to schedule around your work. It would be concerning to me if a loved one was acting in this way, putting such an unnatural emphasis solely on work. Nobody is at their best when they engage 17 hours straight, 7 days a week, in activities requiring consistent and reliable cognition, attention, and focus.
Good Sleep via Ambien
Although Ambien (zolpidem) increases sleep quality and quantity in most people who take it (Huang et al., 2012), using it regularly to get a good night’s sleep is not usually recommended. Joshua Lio, MD, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School wrote a few years ago about the downsides of Ambien:
On one hand, sleep medications like Ambien can work, and work well. Insomnia can be debilitating. Many have used them safely and effectively, and some people swear by them. On the other hand, they can lead to dependence and worsen the mental clouding that many insomniacs already experience.
More importantly, by limiting discussions to specific medications and their doses, we miss a fundamental issue in treating insomnia: sleep hygiene. By focusing on “hygienic” habits around sleep (avoiding napping, not eating or drinking caffeine or alcohol right before bed, establishing regular bedtime routines, exercising, using beds only for sleep, etc.) many people can achieve better sleep. Adopting those habits can often mean that medications can be used more sparingly, and at lower doses, if at all.
Some research has shown that certain kinds of use of Ambien (zolpidem) can result in memory issues (Hall-Porter et al., 2014; Pompeia et al., 2004; Wesensten et al., 1995). A meta-analysis and review of the research of Ambien’s cognitive effects (Stranks & Crowe, 2014) found:
[T]he effect sizes calculated for each domain of cognitive functioning based on data of participants who ingested zolpidem prior to bedtime revealed that performance on attention, performance on verbal memory, and performance on psychomotor speed were each impaired as compared to that of controls, with attention and verbal memory both found to be moderately impaired.
Overall, this pattern of results indicates that the use of zopiclone has fewer deleterious effects on cognition in healthy adults than does zolpidem, which has additional specific adverse effects on attention and processing speed.
In other words, according to the research, use of Ambien impacts a person’s next-day cognitive abilities.
Ambien & Odd Behavior
Ambien is a sedative hypnotic that binds selectively at the benzodiazepine site containing GABAA receptors. Because of it where it binds to other neurotransmitters in the brain, it makes a person more susceptible to things like sleepwalking and memory blackouts. It’s no wonder then that Ambien has been linked to some odd behavior in some people who rely on it regularly to get to sleep. John Cline, Ph.D., a sleep psychologist, wrote,
Over the past decade, I have worked with a number of patients who could probably sympathize with [Roseanne] Barr’s situation. I have, not infrequently, encountered people who have engaged in sleepwalking, sleep driving, and even criminal activity while under the influence of Ambien. I’ve heard sometimes amusing but more often frightening stories of people who have done things they don’t remember, such as making a purchase and driving to the store to pick it up.
While Roseanne Barr attributed her recent twitter behavior to Ambien, the most famous example of odd behavior while on Ambien takes us back to 2006. That year, Representative Patrick J. Kennedy of Rhode Island had a motor vehicle accident in Washington, DC, which he later attributed to Ambien use. Such odd behavior has been documented in the research literature as well (for example, Farkas et al., 2013).
From the NYT interview article, Musk also appears to be engaging in some odd behaviors of late, including the recent “funding secured” tweet:
[Musk] wrangled with short-sellers and belittled analysts for asking “boring, bonehead” questions. And after sending a team of engineers from one of his companies to help rescue members of a stranded soccer team [the Thailand cave rescue, which ultimately was done without Musk’s help], he lashed out at a cave diver who was dismissive of the gesture, deriding him on Twitter as a “pedo guy,” or pedophile.
To help sleep when he is not working, Mr. Musk said he sometimes takes Ambien. “It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
But this has worried some board members, who have noted that sometimes the drug does not put Mr. Musk to sleep but instead contributes to late-night Twitter sessions.
It should worry them, since the effects of Ambien are really unknown in any specific person unless that person undergoes neuropsychological testing or has been to a sleep lab.
The NYT’s article notes that for years, Tesla’s board has been trying to recruit a chief operating officer to help take some of the work off of Musk’s crowded plate. It’s unlikely anybody reasonable would want the job, however, because it would require the tunnel-vision dedication to work (“Willing to work 120 hours/week? Have I got the job for you!”) that most people simply don’t have. Not because they’re not dedicated to the work, but because it’s not healthy or normal to work that many hours at a job. For anything.
What’s normal is celebrating your birthday every year with friends and family. What’s normal is taking a day or two off to celebrate your brother’s wedding. What’s normal is finding a balance in your life between work and home. Musk hasn’t done these things, demonstrating traits that some may find attractive — but that most would find concerning, especially if they appeared in a loved one. We hope Musk finds that balance in his life and takes care not just of his physical health, but his mental health too.
  Conflict of interest disclosure: The author has no financial stake and holds no positions or interests in TSLA or any of Elon Musk’s companies.
Farkas, Ronald H.; Unger, Ellis F.; Temple, R. (2013). Zolpidem and driving impairment—Identifying persons at risk. The New England Journal of Medicine, 369(8), 689-691.
Hall-Porter JM; Schweitzer PK; Eisenstein RD; Ahmed HAH; Walsh JK. (2014). The effect of two benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics on sleep-dependent memory consolidation. J Clin Sleep Med, 10, 27-34.
Huang, Yuli; Mai, Weiyi; Cai, Xiaoyan; Hu, Yunzhao; Song, Yuanbin; Qiu, Ruofeng; Wu, Yanxian; Kuang, J. (2012). The effect of zolpidem on sleep quality, stress status, and nondipping hypertension. Sleep Medicine, 13, 263-268.
Pompéia, S.; Lucchesi, L. M.; Bueno, O. F. A.; Manzano, G. M.; Tufik, S. (2004). Zolpidem and memory: A study using the process-dissociation procedure. Psychopharmacology, 174, 327-333.
Stranks, Elizabeth K.; Crowe, Simon F. (2014). The acute cognitive effects of zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszopiclone: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36, 691-700.
Wesensten, N. J., Balkin, T. J., Belenky, G. L. (1995). Effects of daytime administration of zolpidem versus triazolam on memory. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 48, 115-122.
from World of Psychology https://ift.tt/2BG5rjP via theshiningmind.com
0 notes
Here’s Why Your’s & Elon Musk’s Lack of Sleep is Bad
If you wonder what lack of sleep looks like, look no further than Elon Musk’s erratic behavior over the past few months. From believing that he alone had the time and unique resources to save the Thai boys trapped in a cave to prematurely tweeting that he had “funding secured” (when he didn’t) for a private buyout of Tesla, his embattled electric car company, Musk has shown a troubling pattern of ignoring his own self-care.
So what does lack of sleep look like, and why is it so bad? Let’s take a look.
Sleep is vital to our body’s functioning, our mental and cognitive abilities, and our overall health. Research has shown that a person who constantly and consistently deprives themselves of a good night’s sleep can also have a shorter life expectancy. Lack of sleep can literally kill you sooner.
Most people put off these concerns with, “Well, I’ll sleep more when X is done,” or, “I’ll catch up with sleep on the weekend.” Not only do these things never happen, they can actually hurt. For instance, one study found that skimping on sleep and then trying to catch up on it later hurts both attention and creativity. But problems with lack of sleep don’t end there. Lack of sleep leads to increased anxiety — hardly something you want to be cultivating in your life.
Elon Musk’s Workaholism
Lack of sleep can be tied to workaholism, and an overarching belief that a person needs to continue working because only he or she can get the work needed done, done right, and done in a timely manner. In an interview with the New York Times published in mid-August, Elon Musk detailed the “excruciating” year he’s had as the chairman and chief executive of Tesla, the electric car maker.
He said he had been working up to 120 hours a week recently — echoing the reason he cited in a recent public apology to an analyst whom he had berated. In the interview, Mr. Musk said he had not taken more than a week off since 2001, when he was bedridden with malaria.
“There were times when I didn’t leave the factory for three or four days — days when I didn’t go outside,” he said. “This has really come at the expense of seeing my kids. And seeing friends.”
This is concerning behavior for anyone. If a loved one started acting this way in our lives, I think we’d all be concerned and reach out to him or her to express our desire to help this person slow down a bit.
Most companies — even startups — don’t require or need their chief executive to work 120 hours a week. That’s not normal behavior for a chief executive. If he or she is working that much, that indicates a serious leadership and organizational problem within the company.
More concerning is that if Musk really is working 120 hours a week, that means he’s working an average 17 hours per day. That leaves only 7 hours a day for things like commuting, eating, and sleeping — not to mention his constant tweeting and conversations with others on social media. It’s no wonder a person in Musk’s position might feel overwhelmed, because that’s not enough time to actually engage — for most people anyway — the most meaningful part of our lives: friends and family.
Social connections define most people’s lives, they aren’t just an afterthought or something you have to schedule around your work. It would be concerning to me if a loved one was acting in this way, putting such an unnatural emphasis solely on work. Nobody is at their best when they engage 17 hours straight, 7 days a week, in activities requiring consistent and reliable cognition, attention, and focus.
Good Sleep via Ambien
Although Ambien (zolpidem) increases sleep quality and quantity in most people who take it (Huang et al., 2012), using it regularly to get a good night’s sleep is not usually recommended. Joshua Lio, MD, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School wrote a few years ago about the downsides of Ambien:
On one hand, sleep medications like Ambien can work, and work well. Insomnia can be debilitating. Many have used them safely and effectively, and some people swear by them. On the other hand, they can lead to dependence and worsen the mental clouding that many insomniacs already experience.
More importantly, by limiting discussions to specific medications and their doses, we miss a fundamental issue in treating insomnia: sleep hygiene. By focusing on “hygienic” habits around sleep (avoiding napping, not eating or drinking caffeine or alcohol right before bed, establishing regular bedtime routines, exercising, using beds only for sleep, etc.) many people can achieve better sleep. Adopting those habits can often mean that medications can be used more sparingly, and at lower doses, if at all.
Some research has shown that certain kinds of use of Ambien (zolpidem) can result in memory issues (Hall-Porter et al., 2014; Pompeia et al., 2004; Wesensten et al., 1995). A meta-analysis and review of the research of Ambien’s cognitive effects (Stranks & Crowe, 2014) found:
[T]he effect sizes calculated for each domain of cognitive functioning based on data of participants who ingested zolpidem prior to bedtime revealed that performance on attention, performance on verbal memory, and performance on psychomotor speed were each impaired as compared to that of controls, with attention and verbal memory both found to be moderately impaired.
Overall, this pattern of results indicates that the use of zopiclone has fewer deleterious effects on cognition in healthy adults than does zolpidem, which has additional specific adverse effects on attention and processing speed.
In other words, according to the research, use of Ambien impacts a person’s next-day cognitive abilities.
Ambien & Odd Behavior
Ambien is a sedative hypnotic that binds selectively at the benzodiazepine site containing GABAA receptors. Because of it where it binds to other neurotransmitters in the brain, it makes a person more susceptible to things like sleepwalking and memory blackouts. It’s no wonder then that Ambien has been linked to some odd behavior in some people who rely on it regularly to get to sleep. John Cline, Ph.D., a sleep psychologist, wrote,
Over the past decade, I have worked with a number of patients who could probably sympathize with [Roseanne] Barr’s situation. I have, not infrequently, encountered people who have engaged in sleepwalking, sleep driving, and even criminal activity while under the influence of Ambien. I’ve heard sometimes amusing but more often frightening stories of people who have done things they don’t remember, such as making a purchase and driving to the store to pick it up.
While Roseanne Barr attributed her recent twitter behavior to Ambien, the most famous example of odd behavior while on Ambien takes us back to 2006. That year, Representative Patrick J. Kennedy of Rhode Island had a motor vehicle accident in Washington, DC, which he later attributed to Ambien use. Such odd behavior has been documented in the research literature as well (for example, Farkas et al., 2013).
From the NYT interview article, Musk also appears to be engaging in some odd behaviors of late, including the recent “funding secured” tweet:
[Musk] wrangled with short-sellers and belittled analysts for asking “boring, bonehead” questions. And after sending a team of engineers from one of his companies to help rescue members of a stranded soccer team [the Thailand cave rescue, which ultimately was done without Musk’s help], he lashed out at a cave diver who was dismissive of the gesture, deriding him on Twitter as a “pedo guy,” or pedophile.
To help sleep when he is not working, Mr. Musk said he sometimes takes Ambien. “It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien,” he said.
But this has worried some board members, who have noted that sometimes the drug does not put Mr. Musk to sleep but instead contributes to late-night Twitter sessions.
It should worry them, since the effects of Ambien are really unknown in any specific person unless that person undergoes neuropsychological testing or has been to a sleep lab.
The NYT’s article notes that for years, Tesla’s board has been trying to recruit a chief operating officer to help take some of the work off of Musk’s crowded plate. It’s unlikely anybody reasonable would want the job, however, because it would require the tunnel-vision dedication to work (“Willing to work 120 hours/week? Have I got the job for you!”) that most people simply don’t have. Not because they’re not dedicated to the work, but because it’s not healthy or normal to work that many hours at a job. For anything.
What’s normal is celebrating your birthday every year with friends and family. What’s normal is taking a day or two off to celebrate your brother’s wedding. What’s normal is finding a balance in your life between work and home. Musk hasn’t done these things, demonstrating traits that some may find attractive — but that most would find concerning, especially if they appeared in a loved one. We hope Musk finds that balance in his life and takes care not just of his physical health, but his mental health too.
  Conflict of interest disclosure: The author has no financial stake and holds no positions or interests in TSLA or any of Elon Musk’s companies.
Farkas, Ronald H.; Unger, Ellis F.; Temple, R. (2013). Zolpidem and driving impairment—Identifying persons at risk. The New England Journal of Medicine, 369(8), 689-691.
Hall-Porter JM; Schweitzer PK; Eisenstein RD; Ahmed HAH; Walsh JK. (2014). The effect of two benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics on sleep-dependent memory consolidation. J Clin Sleep Med, 10, 27-34.
Huang, Yuli; Mai, Weiyi; Cai, Xiaoyan; Hu, Yunzhao; Song, Yuanbin; Qiu, Ruofeng; Wu, Yanxian; Kuang, J. (2012). The effect of zolpidem on sleep quality, stress status, and nondipping hypertension. Sleep Medicine, 13, 263-268.
Pompéia, S.; Lucchesi, L. M.; Bueno, O. F. A.; Manzano, G. M.; Tufik, S. (2004). Zolpidem and memory: A study using the process-dissociation procedure. Psychopharmacology, 174, 327-333.
Stranks, Elizabeth K.; Crowe, Simon F. (2014). The acute cognitive effects of zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszopiclone: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36, 691-700.
Wesensten, N. J., Balkin, T. J., Belenky, G. L. (1995). Effects of daytime administration of zolpidem versus triazolam on memory. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 48, 115-122.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/heres-why-yours-elon-musks-lack-of-sleep-is-bad/
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maysoper · 6 years
Major Musicians Update
It's rare that I speak about anthem singers on here, but Boston's elimination from the playoffs resulted in Rene Rancourt finally entering the retirement community after he had announced earlier this season that this year would be his last with the Bruins. That prompted me to start thinking about musicians in hockey jerseys again, so let's have some fun with a major update to the Musicians In Jerseys database! There are many from this year's playoffs, we have a whole new crop of Vegas jerseys, and we'll see some musicians who seem to be on these updates more than I'd like to see. In any case, here are the newest additions! I'll start in Brooklyn where the New York Islanders play, and there's one man who has been synonymous with live concerts in New York City. That man is Billy Joel, and Joel received a New York Islanders jersey of his own this season! Speaking of legendary musicians, there will never be anyone like Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip ever again. Downie was proudly Canadian and I would have expected to find him in a Kingston Frontenacs jersey or a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey. Instead, here he is in full netminding gear while sporting a Buffalo Sabres jersey! Friend of the blog John M. sent along a beauty screen capture of Alice Cooper from a music documentary. I've never actually seen Alice Cooper in a New York Rangers jersey ever before, so this was a fantastic find by John! I was looking to see if Sheryl Crow had ever worn a hockey jersey before for any reason after seeing her recent anthem signing in Nashville, and it turns out she has! Here is Sheryl Crow wearing the jersey of the Bemidji State Beavers! Rogers Hometown Hockey has allowed Tara Slone to visit a number of amazing communities across Canada over the last few years, and she often gets involved in the community for the short time she's there. She was out in Charlottetown for an episode, and she dropped the puck at a QMJHL Charlottetown Islanders game while wearing the team's jersey! Tegan and Sara have been producing some rather great music for a long time, so I always found it odd that the Canadian twin sisters never donned a hockey jersey in any photo. Scratch that off the list, because they posted an image of Sara holding a Team Canada jersey with members of the National Women's Team! Tegan's in the photo, but the rules are you have to be holding or wearing a jersey to get credit! She tried to slip into a building without being noticed, but how does one not get noticed in an NHL jersey? That's Selena Gomez wearing a New Jersey Devils jersey as she follows Justin Bieber into a venue. Speaking of Bieber, here's the Biebs wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs Winter Classic jersey. Moving on. If there's one team that everyone should be behind at this point, it's the Winnipeg Jets. There aren't many additions to that group, but we can count Brad Paisley as having a jersey. The real question is whether or not he's cheering for the Jets right now! Sticking with the country theme, Vancouver welcomed Eric Church to their city a while back, and with that welcome came an Eric Church Vancouver Canucks jersey! I'm pretty sure he has a few jerseys in his closet now. I've never really listened to their music being that I'm not a country music fan, but Florida Georgia Line was in Jacksonville, Florida for a concert, and they received jerseys from the ECHL Jacksonville Icemen! This is the first time I've seen any band received jerseys from the Icemen, so tip of the cap to the FGL! One guy who has been spotted in hockey jerseys over his career is Dierks Bentley. Dierks accepted his punishment in losing a bet where he wore a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey in concert following Pittsburgh's victory over Nashville last season! Well done, Dierks, on accepting the punishment despite how good that jersey looks! Leanne Pearson is a country singer from Winnipeg. She might be the top musical Jets fanatic! Her social media posts about the Jets always make me smile, especially since most recently have been about her Jets adventure in Nashville! This one is a little dated, but there's no doubt that '90s boy band 'NSYNC stormed the nation, spawning the eventual career of one Justin Timberlake. They toured all over North America including Vancouver where the five men received their own personalized Vancouver Canucks jerseys! On a recent concert tour, the Eagles rolled through Raleigh, North Carolina where they played a date. The Eagles aren't known for their hockey jersey affinity, but Glenn Frey wore a few in his career. Unfortunately, we lost Glenn in January 2016, but his son, Deacon, has started touring with the Eagles in his father's place and it would be Deacon Frey who sported the Carolina Hurricanes jersey on their stop through Raleigh. Another guy who spent a night in Raleigh entertaining fans was Ed Sheeran who received his own jersey! Not only did he receive his jersey backstage, but Sheeran decided to give the crowd a thrill by wearing his jersey onstage! Doc Walker is a Canadian Country Music Award-winning band from Westbourne, Manitoba, so you'd almost expect them to have Winnipeg Jets jerseys at this point, right? They actually told a story on local radio that they almost became Nashville Predators fans after spending so much time in Music City, but the return of the Jets forced them into cheering for their local team once more! Atta boys, Doc Walker! Speaking of "atta boys", here are Doc Walker in Humboldt Broncos jerseys from the Humboldt Strong concert. They were one of the performers that night, and it was great to see them helping to raise money for the Broncos and the community. Good on you, gents! Ok, so the very first musician that I saw wearing a Vegas Golden Knights jersey was a mom at her son's hockey practice. It was a little shocking to see Canadian songstress Celine Dion sporting the Vegas Golden Knights' colours, but she certainly wouldn't be the last musician to do so this season! Another musician who showed up to T-Mobile Arena and got himself "Knighted" was Steve Aoki! Aoki's music isn't really my cup of tea, but it appears the DJ found himself a hockey team to support! With the loss of the Atlanta Thrashers, rapper Li'l Jon seemed to have given up on supporting a hockey team. It was a bit of a surprise to see him resurface as Vegas Golden Knights fan! Welcome back, Li'l Jon! After losing one Canadian to Vegas in Celine Dion, who would have thought we'd lose another? Musician Paul Schaffer donned a Vegas Golden Knights jersey this season as the Canadian singer and musician appeared at T-Mobile Arena! The entertainers who play Vegas shows regularly would be the ones that you'd expect to jump aboard the Vegas Golden Knights bandwagon. Wynn Las Vegas resident entertainer John Fogerty is one of those entertainers, and he's been cheering for the Golden Knights since the playoffs started! And just for good measure in this Vegas pack of photos, how cool is it to see the rockers ZZ Top sporting Vegas Golden Knights jerseys during a recent concert in Sin City? That's too cool! As I mentioned above, the Nashville Predators invited Sheryl Crow to sign the anthem for them prior to a playoff game against the Winnipeg Jets, and she got a Nashville Predators jersey out of it! Rascal Flatts did their patriotic duty in singing the anthem, and all three members got to wear the Predators' iconic yellow! I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but credit PK Subban for meeting one of the most iconic female performers that we've ever known. I don't know if Janet Jackson kept the Subban jersey from the picture, but how cool would it be knowing that Janet Jackson is a fan of you if you were PK Subban? I honestly can't believe it's taken this long to get her a jersey, but Faith Hill stands with her Predators, apparently. As for taking Shea Weber's number? I suppose that's alright. Chris Isaak was born in Stockton, California - home of the AHL's Stockton Heat - so I don't know what he's doing in Predators yellow when I would have thought he'd be cheering for the Sharks, Ducks, or Kings in these playoffs. I guess that goes to show that I don't really know Chris Isaak all that well. There are your updates for the last few months. It might have been even longer than that as I didn't go back to check when the last one of these updates was done, but it's now t-minus-zero-days and counting. If you want to see all the musicians who have been captured in hockey jerseys, please click here. I'm sure we'll get more over the summer, so we'll check back in soon! Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice! from Sports News http://hockey-blog-in-canada.blogspot.com/2018/05/major-musicians-update.html
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essayyard-blog · 7 years
Create an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) using the Crow's Foot Notations for the database created with Normalization assignment. The ERD must include the following: PK FK Types of relationships (1:1, 1:M, M:N???) Mandatory or Optional Relationships Cardinality
Create an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) using the Crow’s Foot Notations for the database created with Normalization assignment. The ERD must include the following: PK FK Types of relationships (1:1, 1:M, M:N???) Mandatory or Optional Relationships Cardinality
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support aromantics who feel romantic attraction or die by my fucking blade
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shiho-elliptic · 7 years
ASIS CTF Quals 2017 Writeup
scryptosで参加していました. 結果は6位, 3650pt(うち681ptを入れ, 176pt分手伝った)でした.
F-4 Phantom (Crypto 176pts)
@_193sの手伝いをした. 大体探索とか計算は彼が進めてくれたので, 全体としてのWriteupを書く.
問題としてはある$$l$$-bitの素数$$p$$に対して$$p$$の$$k$$-bit目($$k\lt l/2$$)としてよい)と$$l-k$$-bit目を反転させ, next_primeを取る. 式にするとある$$x$$が存在して
$$$ \begin{aligned} p &= \mathrm{prime}\newline q &= p \pm 2^k \pm 2^{l-k} + x \end{aligned} $$$
となる. この$$p$$, $$q$$を使ってRSA暗号を利用するわけで, 今回はこれを素因数分解するのが目的. まずは$$n = pq$$を書き下すと,
$$$ \begin{aligned} n &= pq\newline &= p (p + \pm 2^k \pm 2^{l-k} + x)\newline &= p^2 + p(\pm 2^k \pm 2^{l-k} + x) \end{aligned} $$$
となる. これは$$p$$についての2次方程式と見ることができる. というのも, $$k$$, 符号, $$x$$についての総当りはそれぞれ$$l/2$$回, $$4$$回, $$0\leq x\leq 1000$$回等で抑えられ, これを総当りするのは難しくないため.
これを使って$$p$$が分かったとする. 今回の問題では必ず$$e | p-1$$になるようにされており, 普通にModular Inverseを取るだけでは解けないようになっている. そこで, $$q$$は特にそのような嫌がらせがされていないことに着目して複数の$$q$$について$$c^{1/e}\ \mathrm{mod}\ q$$を計算し, これらを中国人剰余定理で例えば$$\mathbb{Z}/q_1q_2\mathbb{Z}$$に引っ張り上げる事によって平文$$m$$を計算すればよい.
実際の計算やコーディングは@_193sがやってくれていた. 感謝
Flag: ASIS{Still____We_Can_Solve_Bad_F4!}
A fine OTP Server (Crypto 279pts)
一人で解いた. ある固定の平文$$M$$があり, これについて$$m _ 0 = M\times 2^k + x _ 0$$, $$m _ 1 = M\times 2^k + x _ 1$$とし, これをRSA暗号により暗号化したものとその公開鍵が渡される. ここから$$x _ 0$$, $$x _ 1$$を導出し, サーバーへ送信することでフラグが得られるという形.
通常Coppersmith's Short Pad AttackやFranklin-Reiter's Attackを用いるが, 今回は$$e = 3$$と小さいのもあってStereotyped-Message Attackを用いることにした. これは$$(M + x _ 0)^e$$についてCoppersmith's methodを適用することで$$x_0$$を計算するというシンプルな方法で, これを使うとすぐに解が出た.
Flag: ASIS{Great____As_you_have_found_This_is_Franklin-Reiter's_attack_CongratZ_ZZzZ!_!}
Secured OTP Server (Crypto 268pts)
First Solve. $$M$$が大きくなっているが, A Fine OTP Serverと全く同じソルバで解ける.
Flag: ASIS{gj____Finally_y0u_have_found_This_is_Franklin-Reiter's_attack_CongratZ_ZZzZ!_!!!}
unsecure ASIS sub-d (Forensics/Crypto 132pts)
First Solve. SSL/TLS通信がたくさん含まれているpcapが渡される. scapyで証明書を全て集めてgcdを取ると出てくる. 後は秘密鍵をWiresharkに投げれば解ける.
Flag: ASIS{easy_Common_Factor_iS_re4l1y_Forensic_N0t_Crypto!!!!}
Alice, Bob, and Rob (Crypto 202pts)
McEliece暗号. 最初はStern's Attackを実装するべきかと考えていくつか論文を読んでいたが, Goppa符号の生成行列$$G$$が$$G\cdot {}^t G = O$$を満たしている事に気づいたので, $$PK\cdot {}^t PK = O$$を用いて以下のようにして解いた.
暗号文$$C = M\cdot PK + e$$について, $$C\cdot {}^t PK = e\cdot {}^t PK$$を計算する. この時, $$e$$はハミング重みが1と小さいのでテーブルを作って$$e$$を計算できる.
$$C + e$$が計算できるので, $$M = (x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)$$と$$M\cdot PK$$の��応テーブルから$$M$$を計算する.
Flag: ASIS{new_ASIS_CTF_So_new_McEliece_Cryptosystem!!}
Old but interestingを解きたかった. Almost leetシリーズとCrows Know!も気になる.
David Wong. 2015. Survey: Lattice Reduction Attacks on RSA - https://doc.lagout.org/security/Crypto/2015_rsa_lattice_attacks.pdf
Christopher Roering. 2013. Coding Theory-Based Cryptography: McEliece Cryptosystems in Sage - http://digitalcommons.csbsju.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=honors_theses
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Jabberwock | Flip | Crow, Atlas | Shy
Picrew link
@klavierpanda @tealaubrey @vancrypt omori picrew! omori picrew!
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stop putting ace-only posts in the aro tags. i’m sick of it. aro and ace are not interchangeable
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have you appreciated autism today? reblog to say thank you to autism
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The world needs more non-binary villains
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don’t you just love it when you haven’t fronted for a few days but then the brain is like “how about we put him in front at 5am while sleeping in an unfamiliar bed” /s
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