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selenophobic-werewolf · 10 months ago
ok but learning signals and interacting with others of your species is peak euphoria for me at least. Someone let the cat in my bunny room and I thumped for bunny to run away and hissed at cat to fuck off and (>w<) they both did it X333333 THRY LISTEN TO MEE X3
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
Kin feels so hard you fly into the sun like icarus (I am pit from kid icarus)
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erik-powery-for-america · 11 months ago
The dopest song on "Hard To Earn" by #Gang #Starr
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arielleshaina · 1 year ago
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Pitkins the cat is the newest employee at Portland Row! She doesn't complain about the low pay and gets to moonlight as a mouser. George, however, says "But we already have a pet!" Skull is not amused, and he hates Pitkins; he's currently hissing at her 😂
The digital download is available in my Etsy shop! 🐈
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years ago
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When a new traffic light was cause for a big celebration: Brooklyn Democratic Party leader John H McCooey, Mayor Jimmy Walker, and Brooklyn Borough President James J. Byrne lead the parade marking the start of the new traffic light at Pitkin Avenue in Brooklyn, May 10, 1929.
Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images
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ruttotohtori · 6 months ago
Pitäis hankkii uus kännykkä ja oon kattellu YouTubesta eri puhelinten arvosteluja ja vertailuja ja e tiiä pitäiskö itkee vai nauraa, ku videos sanotaa, et "täs on vain 128gb muistia, mikä on tosi vähän" ja mun kännykässä on huikeat 64gb... tai valitetaa, et kännykässä on valmiiks asennettuna toisiks uusin Android eli pitää päivittää heti saman tien, mun kännykkää ei oo ees saanu päivityksiä enää pariin vuoteen...
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year ago
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Common Lobster (Homarus gammarus), St Abbs (St Abbs and Eyemouth Voluntary Marine Reserve), Berwickshire, Scotland, UK, October 2011. 2020VISION Book Plate. Did you know? Crustaceans have blue blood, which unlike vertebrate blood relies on copper to carry oxygen.
Photographer: Linda Pitkin / 2020VISION
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year ago
Tiedän että oon lähettänyt tän jo aiemmin, mutta lähetän uudestaan!
Blind Channel Linnan juhlissa -headcanon (laadittu heinäkuussa 2021)
-Joel pukee nahkamekon ja hihattoman puvuntakin kuten viisuavajaisissa, Nikolla on tukka kiinni ja ne syömäpuikot siellä -parin boolimaljallisen jälkeen Joel irrottaa ne syömäpuikot ja syö niillä porotartaletteja suoraan tarjoiluvadilta -Joonas tanssii kaikkien kanssa, myös kadettien ja Jenni Haukion -Joel pöllii jostain takahuoneesta bändin kitaran ja alkaa vetää omaa trubaduurisooloshow'ta jossain niistä salongeista -Tommi vetäytyy koko illaksi veteraanien salonkiin ja kuuntelee tarinoita kunnioittavaksi -Illan lähetessä loppuaan ne saa haalittua porukan kasaan ja soittavat ex tempore minikeikan kun varsinainen bändi on tauolla -illan päätteeksi annetaan sellainen haastis kuin se viisujenjälkeishaastis jossa kaikki on lörvat mutta ne joutuu puhumaan siitä mitä itsenäisyys niille merkitsee -Olli halaa Aleksia joka yrittää samaan aikaan juoda lisää ja pitää vaivihkaa pystyssä Nikoa joka kaulailee Joelia joka selittää jotain yhteen ääneen Joonaksen kanssa ja Tommi on että noni, mennään eteenpäin -jatkoilla Teatterin kulmalla Joonas lämmittää Joelia sylissään koska sillä on ulkovaatteena se himmee turkis ja Joelilla käsivarret paljaana koska se unohti takkinsa jonnekin, ja sit kun Seiskapäivän paparazzit saapuu paikalle niin kännisellä Joelilla menee hermot ja huutaa että tässä teille kuvattavaa perkele ja alkaa nuoleskella Joonaksen kanssa keskellä Espaa -Tommi ja Olli on jo Rautatientorin snägärillä ja Aleksi on huolehtinut Nikon hotelliin ja sänkyyn. -aamulla Joel ja Joonas on iltaläpsyjen kannessa, Ollilla ja Tommilla on hirvee krapula, Niko miettii koko päivän että mitähän helvettiä mä oikein hourin niissä haastiksissa eilen ja Aleksi vaan kittaa kahvia aamiaisbuffassa
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aaaaaaahhh kiitos, ei tarvinnukaan ruveta kaivelemaan tätä arkistojen aarteista 😍 tää on edelleen niin hauska ja accurate että itkettää 😂 kapinalliset porvariston pirskeissä on niin herkullinen asetelma, mikä voiskaan mennä pieleen 😌
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firefly7probably · 6 months ago
“I met one guy I disagreed with on TikTok and I have extrapolated that his inadequacies apply to every revolutionary socialist ever” -_-
By your own admission, you spent several messages hurling insults at this guy. Why do you think he would have the patience to explain organizing to you? Why would he think that you were asking that question in good faith? I personally have a lot of sympathy for someone who is unwilling to debate with someone who insults them and claims that “organize” is a meaningless word! Heck—must every person who believes in revolutionary socialism be a master organizer, capable of spearheading the revolution? (obviously not, that would be absurd).
My preferred starting book for learning about organizing is No Shortcuts by Jane McAlevey. It’s a book about union struggles and what makes them work. The book On The Line by Daisy Pitkin is also great for learning about unions, and it’s a memoir rather than being theory. If you want something shorter and more focused, Labor Notes’ Secrets of a Successful Organizer and Vicky Legion’s Constructive Criticism are good short resources about the minutia of organizing.
If, instead, you want a starting point for history and the US’s role in it, I recommend my favorite book ever, Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano. If you want to read more about the history of the fight for socialism, I’d read The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins.
All of these books are fairly easy to read, not too long, and all but one were written in the last 50 years (Open Veins is a 1971 book).
If you want immediate, practical advice? Look into unionizing your workplace, or look into local socialist organizations with a correct (or close enough) worldview and see if you could set up a meeting with a member. Even if you can’t find a perfect organization, it can be helpful to join an imperfect one just to build up your communication skills. It’s okay if you don’t have more than a couple hours a month available for organizing work - life is hard!
And if you actually do want to hear what The Plan is, you can read the works of Lenin, Mao, and other people most famous for succeeding in overthrowing society. The societies they created were obviously imperfect, but they’re nonetheless good reads because they understand how to gain and maintain power.
I’m still reeling. I am BEGGING “revolution not reform” leftists to actually come up with a plan.
I got into an argument yesterday on TikTok (bad idea, I know), because I commented that instead of coming up with an actual solution, a lot of leftists will choose instead to just argue and piss all over themselves, or use buzzwords or fall for propaganda. Of course that made someone upset. So I asked him, “What is the solution? You want a revolution, what does that look like? What are we going to do?”
After several rounds of pointless insults, do you know what his answer was?
And when I asked him how we were supposed to organize (because that literally means NOTHING), do you know what he said?
“Google is free.”
The group of people that wants an AMERICAN REVOLUTION wants others to GO ONTO GOOGLE DOT COM and ask GOOGLE DOT COM how to overthrow the American government. As if that wouldn’t get my ass a knock on my door from the FBI immediately.
This is why people are not taking the idea of revolution seriously. It’s not that people don’t want a revolution, god knows we’re overdue. But the people that want to make it happen have actively no idea how. They’ve spent so long throwing around useless buzzwords that they don’t know what those words actually mean. You want to organize but you don’t know how to put anything together. You want community but you can’t even tell me the first thing about your actual real life neighbors. You tell other people to have a scrap of empathy but you have none yourself. And you think you can lead the people?
If you want to lead a revolution then lead.
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hamletofficial · 3 months ago
Such calm and mindless beauty was like a net to snare us— yet we came through, whole and refreshed and young, to sing with mirth, a crew made ready for any voyaging even return to the doomed cradle that its ghosts call Earth.
– Doris Pitkin Buck, No trading voyage. In Rediscovery: Science fiction by women (1958-1963), edited by Gideon Marcus.
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spilladabalia · 7 months ago
Fetchin Bones - (I Feel Like An) Astronaut
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
Haii hello!!! Waving from across the room!!! Was thinking about my best friend link a second ago so if theres any links out there hope you guys are having a nice day!! One of my memories with him was him hugging me and lifting em off the ground (it hurty my wings but not hurty bad so it was ok!) :] - Pit (Kid Icarus/SSBU)
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scififr · 1 year ago
Exit black, par Joe Pitkin (Blackstone, février 2024)
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Lors de l’inauguration du premier hôtel orbital le personnel et, surtout, les quelques milliardaires invités sont pris en otage. Mais c’est sans compter les ressources et le courage de Chloe Bonita, une biologiste qui profitait des lieux pour ses travaux…
Comme dit l’accroche de couverture : « Die Hard in space » ! En encore moins crédible, sans trace d’humour et en plus téléphoné… Et c’est quoi cette idée de mettre en prologue un des pics d’intensité de l’ouvrage à venir ? Serait-ce que l’auteur (ou l’éditeur) ait si peu confiance dans le texte qu’il se sente obligé d’ajouter cette incitation ?
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altaruwusmolboiz · 1 year ago
Ivy: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby. Dilly: What baby? Ivy, crying a bit: Me.
Chip: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it. Chip: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Ozzie: Gives a bouquet to Pitkin Pitkin: You know I'm allergic. Ozzie: That's the point.
Ivy, holding a rock: Gabey just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Chip: If you don't marry him, I will.
Chip: I told Gabey to grab snacks for everyone. Claire, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks? Chip, Gabey, and Hildy raise their hands
Gabey: Friendship is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling it brings.
Chip: I have very high standards, you know. Hildy: I can make spaghetti… Chip: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Hildy: Nothing in life is free. Chip: Love is free. Pitkin: Knowledge is free. Ivy: Friendship is free. Claire: Self-respect is free. Ozzie: Everything's free if you don't pay for it. The Squad: … Pitkin: Ozzie, that's illegal- Hildy: No, let him finish!
Ivy: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Gabey: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Ivy: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Hildy: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon. Chip: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic. Hildy: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Ozzie: Please, Hildy, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this. Ozzie: I’m sorry Hildy. Ozzie: I’m begging you. Don’t do it. Hildy: It has to be done. Ozzie: Hildy: Ozzie: Hildy: Places +4 Uno.
Dilly: And what did we learn, Gabey? Gabey: Tackling someone isn’t the correct response to being asked a simple question.
Chip: Mint is just cold spicy. The Squad: … Claire: What is wrong with you?
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irishgop · 1 year ago
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"Mose Tolliver (1925-2006) "Matt, One of the Best Exercise Men's of the World" 1987
House Paint on Wood Paneling 24" x 21" Collection of The Souls Grown Deep Foundation Photo: Stephen
Pitkin/Pitkin Studio"
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tulitie · 6 months ago
Turkulaiset tumblr-tyypit, oi käänteiskentaurin ja muiden epäpyhien risteytysten lipunkantajat ja pyhiinvaeltajat - ei me nyt anneta joidenkin ÄIJIEN voittaa POSANKKAA, tuota käänteiskentaurin prototyyppiä, suomalaisen taiteen kulmakiveä ja turkulaisten opiskelijoiden kasterööriä </3
SuomiPATSASturnaus: Kierros 2 • Äänestys 8
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Propaganda leikkauksen alla...
Lyhdynkantajat (Suunnittelija Emil Wikström)
– @naapurinkissa
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