#pirates of the carribbean fanfiction
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socksracoon10 · 1 year ago
The Banter of Thieves
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader
Jack Sparrow was by no means your friend. He wasn't even an acquaintance. His mere presence irked you, caused you to vomit overboard and wipe the drool that dabbled your chin as you spat out the lovely painting your stomach decided to spew out. The entire Caribbean sea knew better than to mess with you; you were the jewel of the ocean, the only woman to have stood for so long on your feet without ever backing down. Once your crew was outnumbered by the British officers, but you bravely traversed the seas and implied that you had more guts than your opponents. Another instance was when you managed to have stolen an artifact aboard a merchant ship that costed you a good fortune. You were the talk of Tortuga for weeks on end - added to that were rounds of free rum with jealous ladies and ecstatic men surrounding your presence.
So it was of to no surprise that upon hearing your name being tossed around like a ball, Jack Sparrow would've felt a little bit of resentment. Well, not a little - it was a LOT. He was devastated, he was hurt. How could the people trample around singing your name when HE was the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow! THE Captain Jack Sparrow of THE Black Pearl! He couldn't handle it. He just couldn't sit there and watch you swinging your arms around with the other pirates, gleefully cheering on your success. Drink after drink, he noticed the amount of rum you were being passed. Some men forced a glass to you, and though you politely declined, he noticed the way you'd give in after the third persistent person chimed in with a 'please' and there the rum would go down. It would cascade down your neck, around your breasts and find itself sloshed on the ground; Jack hated it. He hated to see the sight of pure, good rum being wasted away like that. 
When you were passed out, slouched against a sturdy chair with the glass still in your hand, Jack had tip-toed to where you sat and stood over your sleeping form. You weren't a hideous creature; he'd seen much worse on his escapades. In his mind, he couldn't fathom to understand how a girl as beautiful and intelligent such as yourself could have the nerve to be a pirate and go against him? Him? Ugh, it made his blood curl at the thought. In any other circumstances, he would've tried to woo you or played some sort of game, but clearly those options were out the window. His eyes cast over to you once again, and he caught onto the tiny sliver of shimmering gold tucked away in your shirt against your bosom. Pursing his lips together, he grabbed a small dagger and carefully used the blade to hook onto the gold's chain; despite being a pirate, he still had SOME manners. Not all of them for a gentlemen, but at least enough so that he wouldn't have to be slapped by the rest of the women on Tortuga. Two was enough for him at the moment. Lifting the chain up into the air, his eyes flickered onto you for a brief moment; you stirred in your sleep, but not too much to indicate that you might be awake. He sighed in relief, holding the chain to the light as his eyes followed the path down to an intricately designed key. He narrowed his eyes at the design pattern, noticing a fresh emblem with the letters "C.D." inscribed. His eyes widened, bringing it closer to him. No, he couldn't believe it. How did she manage to find the key for The Cure of the Dead? Impossible! He pocketed the key, grabbing the glass of rum from her as she whined in her sleep. Chugging it down, he let out a hiss as the liquid flowed down his throat and marched out of the tavern with a new mission set on his mind.
"I'm going to cut off that dirty bastard's prying fingers," You growled, seated firmly in the cabin of your ship; when you had woken up after, you already knew what must've happened when the gold chain was missing and you cursed every God that existed in your mind to help you find Sparrow before he'd get his filthy, grubby hands on what you had desired. The Cure was no simple thing - no, it was not a simple little vial or a chest of wealth - it was much more. There was a certain ritual that was foretold in the legend; the one soul, after giving up four equal drops of blood, would be able to pursue the path of immortality and greatness. Your father had spent ages pillaging and tormenting anyone who proved to be an obstacle just to find the key. And now, under your possession - or well, was under your possession - you were extremely keen on protecting your father's legacy through the key, anxious to seek the glory in honor of your fearless father. At the present moment, that dream was starting to sink faster than a ship caught in a whirlpool thanks to the lovely Captain Jack Sparrow himself.
A few days had passed among the seas and your crew had slowly abandoned your ship, one by one. They knew it was going to be a very tiresome journey, but you should've known better that the slightest inconvenience would have them scuttling away back to their mummies. You cursed at them as they rowed away, swearing to enact your revenge one day if they ever dared to return to your captaincy. Your eyes shifted from them to the large island approaching your ship. You noticed another ship seated on the shore, some crewmen walking about the deck or on the sandy land. Assuming this was Jack's crew, you managed to park your vessel besides them and leaned over the deck to bellow,
"Oi! Is that Gibbs I see there?" 
The old man swiftly turned at the mention of his name, narrowing his eyes at you with a scowl.
"Aye it be, Captain (L/N)," He rolled his eyes, nudging Raggetti whose bulging eyes seemed to seep right through you. Grimacing at the sight of the skeleton-like man, you climbed down onto the beach shore and dug your hands in your pockets.
"Where is that scoundrel?" You snapped, marching forward as a hand rested on the hilt of your sword. Gibbs scoffed, 
"Bit of a strong word to use there, love," He paused for a moment, rubbing his nose before looking at you, "But if you must know, he went through the trees himself."
"Nobody else with him?" 
"Nobody else."
"Well, then, after I acquire what is rightfully man, you all will very much be welcome aboard my ship." You grinned, scanning Jack's crew.
"But we've already got ourself a captain," Raggetti scorned to which you quickly added,
"Not after I'm through with Jack, you won't."
You left the gaping faces behind as you marched into the leafy forest ahead of you. Stepping over a few roots, you noticed a distinct imprint on the mud just a few inches from where you stood; the fool must've slipped and fell on his own face. With a guttural groan, you pushed through and followed the signs among your surroundings, the very same that your father used to tell you. Remembering his tales comforted you immensely, and you wished he was here to see his little girl all grown up and ready to see the treasure he had wished for so long. He would be proud of her, he would've loved her. He would've... surely not expected to see Jack Sparrow stuck between the branches of a tree.
"Jack?" You cocked your head to the side, stepping around the tree to see his face. His features were all scrunched up as he tugged his body to the best of his ability against the branches.
"Those stupid roots!" He exclaimed in a muffled tone. He cried out in exasperation, continuing to tug himself as much as he could before shrieking, "Don't just stand there! Help me!"
You stepped forward, just about ready to push his face out but you caught yourself, hands still in the air as you raised an eyebrow, "Give me the key first, and then I shall help you."
Upon hearing your words, Jack huffed out in annoyance, "Darlin', I think there's something more important here than your stupid key. Help me, first."
"No," You hissed, "You give me the key, and then I'll help you." You extended your arm out, beckoning for him to hand over your prized possession. Jack glared at you, muttering some cursed under his breath; you could've sworn he had said "that insufferable wench" and you scowled at him.
"Listen, love... darling... sweetheart," He groaned between tugs, "If you help me, I swear I'll hand over the key to you."
"You swear? You swear on your ship?" You prodded, and unbeknownst to you, he crossed his fingers behind his back,
"Of course! Of course, my love! N-Now just g-get me out of this stupid mess!" He seethed. You rolled up your sleeves, and placed your palms against his face, beginning to apply pressure.
"Ow... ow, ow, ow, ow, that's my precious face! You're gonna mush my skull in!" Jack screamed, and your blood boiled at his ungratefulness, causing you to begin pushing harder. You tuned out his cries of pain, finally released him from the stockade-like tree, and watched him howl and roll around the dirt. You kicked the side of his body, extending your hand out again for the key. He groaned as he sat up, taking your hand to lift him off the ground.
"You idiot!" You hissed, swatting his hand away, "I want the key!"
Jack blinked a few times, biting the inside of his cheek, "And here I really thought you'd care for me."
Standing back up on his feet, he noticed the way your gaze never faltered on him. He gave a disgusted expression towards you, sauntering off towards the cave opening with a determined mission on his mind. He paused, looking back at you with your open hand for a brief moment, before instantly picking up his pace. Screaming in anger, you charged after him and hopped onto his back, tugging his locks of hair as he shrieked in pain.
"Ow! Ow! Off, off! Look, women aren't meant to pull on my hair unless we're laying in bed together!" Jack hollered.
"I'm a pirate, you oaf, I can do as I please!" You bellowed, tugging harder and steering him away from the cave opening's keyhole. He stumbled backward and stood still for a moment trying to process something in his head,
"You mean to tell me you're not a woman?" He asked in a genuine tone of voice, before gasping loudly, "You deceitful bastard! You mean to tell me you're a filthy bugger impersonating a female?"
"Are you stupid?" You snarled, completely flabbergasted by his words. Not only was he the most aggravating pirate you'd ever met, but currently while on his back, he was definitely the stupidest one you'd ever come across. Jack trudged forward, trying his best to ignore the sharp pain of his hair practically ripping off his scalp as he shoved the key into its designated home. You cried out in frustration, watching the cave slowly open to reveal the circular stage under the beam of light. Upon seeing the glory in front of you, your head poked around his hair and leaned forward, completely in awe of its beauty. 
"You know, you can get off me back now," Jack smirked, turning his head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of you. You shut your gaping mouth and hopped off him, dusting yourself of any of his filth as you walked past him. It was almost a dance in the way you blocked his path towards the light, your back facing him as your foot extended outwards and your body swayed.
"Don't be a child," Jack mumbled, stepping back and forth as he tried to find a way around you.
"Shut up, you don't even understand the value of this discovery. My father had spent ages-" You began before being cut off,
"Oh, the same old wishy-washy, swishy-swashy story. We know the legend, we know the journey (Y/N)," Jack yawned, "Your father was a thief for stealing that from Davy Jones."
"Thief? He was a pirate, if anyone's a thief you're the thief! You stole it from me when I was asleep!" You roared. Jack chuckled at your answer when you turned to face him,
"Pirate," He gestured to himself, with his eyebrows raising in the process, "It's part of the job description. And now you're a thief for wanting to steal what's mine... especially after the hell you just put me through," He moaned, rubbing his scalp, gently.
"It's mine." You hissed.
"No, it's mine," Jack stated, pointing to the circular stage.
"Nope, still mine, darlin'."
"You buffoon! It's mine! I get to be immortal, not you!"
"Eh, I've escaped death more times than you have, it's definitely mine, love."
"Oi, don't raise your voice at me. My ears are a bit sensitive," Jack raised a finger, "Still mine, though."
"Now you're just actin' like a child, be a lady... if you even are one," He raised an eyebrow with a suspicious look on his face. That was it, you couldn't take this banter any longer. You lunged forward, tackling him onto the stage as his head scraped against the rocky material. He groaned in pain as he thrashed around, rolling over you. Your elbows brazed against the ground under you and you hissed in pain before grabbing onto Jack's neck and dragging him under you.
As the fighting ensued, you both were completely oblivious to the drops of blood that seeped into the cracks beneath you. You tossed a punch at his jaw as he pulled your hair roughly. The opening of the wall behind you two was overshadowed by the insults that were thrown around with the occasional scream tossed into the mix. It wasn't until the light above you shifted towards the treasure chest meters away did the both of you stopped fighting; you lay on top of him, your head snapping towards the direction of the light as he did the same.
"Is that supposed to happen?" Jack asked, frowning.
"I-I don't know. I never really thought I'd get this far." You replied, trying to make out the sudden shift of the light. In an instant, Jack shoved you off him and bolted towards the chest. His fingers wriggled excitedly as he had a playful smirk on his face. He wrapped his hands around the edges of the chest and brought it open, only to find a small sheet of paper with instructions. That was a whole lot of build-up to nothing.
Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed your unconscious form slouched against a stone. He winced at the sight, carefully walking over to you. He must've shoved you too hard against the rocky stone when he flew to the chest. He glanced back down to the instructions in his hand, before looking back up to you. He took a deep sigh, realizing what he had to do.
When you had woken up, you found your head bandaged firmly. You lay on a small hammock as Gibbs stood before you.
"Aye, you aren't too much of a bad shape. It's a lucky thing Jack managed to bring you in like that." Gibbs smiled, his fingers brushing against your head. You rolled your eyes,
"Let me guess. He must've taken the treasure and run off, didn't he? He must have immortality and the greatest glory to ever exist." You seethed, crossing your arms.
"What? No. Lassie, he left you a little note before venturing off on his own to Tortuga. He's entrusted you to be Captain of the ship for the time being." Gibbs exclaimed, holding a note for you to see, "There's more to this whole shenanigan than just immortality. Apparently both your bloods were combined at the cave... meaning you both are one soul. He's gone off to search for more clues. In the meantime he wants you to rest. He seemed rather worried when we were fixing you up, and kept asking questions as to if you'd be alright or not."
Your mouth slightly parted at Gibbs' words, completely in disbelief. "He was probably making sure I was alright to ensure he'd get his share of the treasure."
"Oh, it was more than that, love," Gibbs winked at you, "I'm sure of it. I've never seen Jack like that around any other woman. Now, enough with me rambling, get your rest. You'll be having lots of more adventures with Jack Sparrow soon."
And with that, he left you with the note and you couldn't help but somehow feel your mind slowly consider Jack Sparrow as more than a thief, more than an acquaintance... and certainly more than a friend.
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mimilind · 1 year ago
Never tried this before. :)
Here are my answers:
My favorite lesser known fic is Rose in the Caribbean. (Jack Sparrow x Rose deWitt Bukater, rated T) It’s a crossover with Titanic which could explain why it’s less popular than my other fics, but I was always very happy with how it turned out, and the overall themes of forgiveness and to define who is good/evil. Plus sober!Jack Sparrow was a treat to write!
No I don't think I have made myself upset. I tend to write happy endings that put a smile on my face. :)
My hardest scenes are all from Thranduil's Shadow. It's a Silmarillion-based fic (rated M) and the research I've done for it is massive, mostly because I needed to explain inconsistencies I've found in the canon material...
Ohh, hard one... I had a lot of fun writing Halbrand in my short fic Perfect Balance of Darkness and Light (M) but I also really enjoyed fleshing out my OC Kat in Cat of the Fellowship (T). And the OC/Reader in my short Thranduil-fic The Librarian and the Elvenking (T) was also so nice to write!
No, I generally put on the LOTR-soundtrack or sometimes the Vikings soundtrack or something else fantasy-ish. :)
Here are 3 fics I would like to recommend:
First of all I'd like to share my most recent completed fic: Boromir x Reader. It's 18K words so a pretty fast read. Hurt/comfort trope, works with canon even though Boromir survives in it. :) Bonus chapter is Explicit smut, the rest T-rated.
This fic I always recommend this time of year, it's a Halloween themed Thranduil and child!Legolas fluffy gen fic. :)
Finally I'll recommend my ongoing Matched From Birth, it's a Legolas x OC and Thranduil x OC, M-rated, with family secrets, secret Tolkien characters, drama, falling in love, pining, and how to make a relationship work. It's a WiP but almost completed, usually updates Sundays.
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Happy Monday, Fellowship! 💜
Here at Fellowship of the Fics, we want to get to know you as authors, just as we want to hear about your stories! Each month we will have five selected questions that we encourage you to answer as a way to help promote yourself!
Simply reblog this post and answer the questions provided. This is about YOU and YOUR creations! We encourage self-bragging as much as possible!
Here are the questions for October 2023!
What's your favorite story you've written that doesn't gain a lot of attention?
Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? Why?
What has been the hardest scene to write for [choose your fic]?
What character for [choose your fic] was your favorite to write?
Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
Now, share up to 3 of your fics you’d like to recommend to us and your followers!
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lilopossum-9 · 1 year ago
I just now watched episodes 6 and 7 (I held off because I was nervous about the effect they'd have on me (turns out that was justified)).
This show is going to kill me! Send help!! ☠️
Got to share my thoughts here (for therapy).
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Calypso's birthday was all my dreams come true. I thought they'd never in a million years do a musical episode - then Con O'Neill took one look at the drag makeup and said "hold my pride flag". 🏳️‍🌈 What a voice!
Ed leaping immediately to protect Stede is the most beautiful shot of the series for me, I will never recover.
The way Stede shoves Ed so roughly against the wall but then they just melt into each other, so full of love and gentleness, made me cry 😢
Ed making breakfast and panicking and putting unnecessary twine on the tray to make it nice enough for Stede is the most wholesome, Ed thing to do. 🥰
I love that Stede's immediate response to Ed telling him about the mermaid is "how'd I look?" 😆
Izzy waking them up with a line about docking was literal fanfiction 😂😂
And then Ed left and I think I stopped breathing properly.
I just love how they're both growing into truer versions of themselves and it's messy and hard and they're feeling their way in the dark (not a euphemism), but I wish they could do that together and talk to each other. They are utterly devoted to each other: isn't there a world where Ed can retire and catch fish and chill on Stede's pirate ship as he polite-menaces his way around the carribbean until they're both ready to open an inn?
I'm just now realising they're both triggered by seeing the elements of themselves that they're ashamed of in each other. Ed is ashamed of killing and hates his fame, and is upset when Stede embraces those parts of him. Stede has always been shamed as a coward for being sensitive or afraid, so lashes out and calls Ed a coward when he leaves.
I am scared of next week because what if they end up separated? How do we endure the heartbreak?
How am I supposed to go about my life until then when my heart is on the Revenge?? 💔
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bridoesotherjunk · 11 months ago
Tag Game
tagged by @symbiotic-slime -- finally getting to do this after working all day and then having to go out earlier, ugh.
Rules: answer + tag nine (or however many) people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
favourite colour: probably blue, i use it the most in my artworks and decorations. But i really do love red as well. I hope to have a red and yellow kitchen someday (if the housing market ever collapses)
last song I listened to: uhhhhh i listened to the Stardew Valley soundtrack at work today, does that count? I can't name the songs in it, but I listened to it all on loop.
last film I watched: Pirates of the Carribbean, At World's End. It was on tv and it sounded fun. been a little while since I watched it last. (I did just find a Kung Fu Panda dvd for two dollars, though, so that's up next!!)
currently reading: fanfictions, mostly. i have a new book that I want to start soon by a local author, called the Rosewood Haunt or Hunt i forget, so I'm hoping i get a free weekend to start it.
currently watching: Shogun. that's literally the only series I'm actively following right now, lmao. I mainly follow people on youtube, tbh.
currently craving: a fuckin NAP, i'm TIREDDDD
coffee or tea: tea. i genuinely cannot stand the taste of coffee. can barely tolerate the smell. tea, tea, tea, tea.
tagging (no pressure to participate if you don’t want to!):
@ludwigplayingthetrombone because why the hell not. I feel like I know some of your answers, but i'm gonna tag you anyway.
@lucianinsanity i seek knowledge!!!
@french-toast-enjoyer tell me things and stuff and things
@kittysuicoffee feel like it's been a while since i tagged you in one of these, so here's another one
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justafairytailofinnocence · 3 years ago
Headcanon: how the potc characters would react if you hugged them🫂🏴‍☠️
Jack sparrow
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Jack would be on the deck of the pearl trying to turn the wheel when you come up with a smile.
"Aye love, come up here to enjoy the view?".
You would run up to him gripping your arms around his shoulders.
Jack would stand stiff and become slightly confused but then later slowly hug you back.
He would stand there awkwardly "did I do something darlin".
You would smile and look into Jack's eyes saying "your the best damn captain there ever is".
Jack would smile to himself and hug you back before turning the wheel.
Hector barbossa
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So to say the least he isn't used to hugs, more or less any contact.
He would be in his cabin staring at the gold he got over the years.
You would come in with a smile "whatcha doin' smilin' lass".
He would be slightly confused but as you wrap your arms around him, he would stiffen.
"Uh...girly" he would be awkward to say the least.
You wouldn't care because this man meant so much to you.
Slightly he would pat your head and you would still smile "sorry cap'n your amazing".
He would smile softly but not before showing his tough exterior "ya best be off Missy, the deck ain't gonna scrub itself".
Will turner
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Will would be soft and passionate, he would be looking over deck while jack is keeping an eye out and Elizabeth is talking to the crew.
You would softly smile to will and wander up to him.
"Y/n, your safe" he smiled softly.
The next thing he knew was arms coming around him, you wrapped him around his shoulders.
Will would be more loose and hug you back thinking he's grateful to see you.
"Don't worry, your not a bad person y/n, your amazing".
Will would be more comfortable hugging you.
Henry turner
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Henry is super energetic and passionate, he was glad you agreed to help get his father back.
You were sitting on the side of the pearl while Jack, Carina and barbossa were off checking the area.
You come up to henry with a smile and wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"You alright y/n, don't worry the sea life gets better" he joked.
Henry would of course hug you back.
He would smile to himself as he hugs you.
James norrington
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He is very proper and hugging is slightly out of the mannerisms he's used to.
You would come up and wrap your arms around him.
He would be shocked to say the least and stiffen.
"Is there something you need my lady" he would question.
He would awkwardly bring his arms up and hug you back.
You would be glad to be in his grasp.
He would slightly smile to himself, he would finally find someone who could bring him happiness.
Davey jones
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So davey is cut off from human contact ever since he was cursed.
You would be a lost soul drifted at sea and he would slightly take a liking to you but he wouldn't show it.
If you wrapped your arms around him, he would stiffen.
It's been a while, he wouldn't know what to do other then think it's a joke.
"What in the seven seas are ya doin' lass" he sneered.
Davey would bring pat you slightly, it will take a long time to get used to.
Phillip swift
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You were captured and when Phillip was alright you would run up and hug him.
You wrapped your hands around his shoulders.
He would hold you in his grasp and basically do a passionate hold.
He would say "your gods gift to me".
He would at least be very warm and open to you hugging him.
Joshamee gibbs
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You saw Gibbs as a father figure ever since you joined Jack and the crew.
You felt like you could share your feelings with him and he would be sympathetic.
If you wrapped your arms around him, he would be shocked at first but then slowly warm up to you.
"Don't worry lass, things be gettin' better" he would smile.
He would be more fatherly and warm to you.
Headcanon requests: open
Oneshot requests: open
Imagines: open
Matchups: open
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justafairytailofinnocence · 3 years ago
This is so sweet 😁
How Pirates Of The Caribbean Characters Hug
Jack Sparrow
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When you first hugged him he was stiff and awkward he’d never had this sort of contact though after a few more he actually started to enjoy it not to mention he gives the best hugs it’s like a hidden talent that he himself didn’t know he had
He quickly began getting really cuddly always being the first one to invoke the hug placing his arms around your stomach and pulling you away to his cabin to hug you for hours, kissing your forehead and looking at old maps together
If you need to get out of bed for any reason you can’t, Jack keeps a death grip on you until the point where you both really need to get up if you try to move he’ll pull you back down and keep you there kissing up your neck to get you to stay which always works
If ever you cry it makes Jack want to cry, you’re his treasure the most valuable of them all, he doesn’t care if it’s in front of his whole crew he’ll pull you forward into his chest and place a kiss onto your lips then take you to his cabin and soothe you to sleep whispering the sweetest things into your ear
Overall, Jack is an amazing hugger your often in his embrace and he does put a lot of affection into hugging you he can hug for a long time resting his chin on your forehead and weaving his fingers through your hair easing all your stress without knowing it
Will Turner
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He isn’t big on it but he doesn’t dislike it he’s sort of in the middle sometimes if you’ve done something really sweet or badass he has an urge to go up and embrace you telling you how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have someone as loving and daring as you
Hugging is often for if one of you is having one of those days where nothing is going right and the other will hold them until it’s all okay again, it’s also there in a situation where one of you is leaving to fight often as a comfort that both of you will come back to one another
There are sometimes where Will wasn’t in the mood and didn’t want physical contact it’s somewhat like a 50/50 split it’s used as an affection but you also lean to other displays of affection such as kisses or hand holding but if you really want it he’ll give it to you no problem
Often when your scared or in need of calming down you’ll just run into him arms open and whatever Wills doing he’ll drop and clutch you back whispering “I’m here it’s okay.” Before taking you somewhere private
All in all Will doesn’t mind at all he’s not huge on PDA but he definitely shows you off now and then he really loves you and would do anything to make you happy. Sometimes he even starts the hug and his hugs are always tight and meaningful
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Not really into it and it doesn’t usually happen often he prefers other pleasures such as map reading and sitting in front of the fire with you sometimes he pulls you into a side hug if he wants people to know your his or he wants your attention without making a scene
If you’ve come back mildly wounded not enough to need proper attention he’ll waste no time bringing you into a full hug wrapping his arms around your body pressing you to his chest he hugs like he’s afraid to let go like you’ll drift away if he loosens up
He’s rather stiff on any other occasion. He’s been on the seas for a long time, fighting people and loosing those around him he’s not used to it but if he senses you need it he’ll do his best to make you feel like he’s there for you
It’s rare to see you cry you’re strong and it worries him dreadfully. He’ll slowly pull you towards him knowing how much you enjoy his attention in this form and sit you down in his chair telling you stories and letting you fiddle with his rings and fall asleep tucked in his shoulder
Overall he’s not a bad hugger the stray ones he gives are mostly full of love even if he’s not vocal about how he feels it rubs off in these moments he tends to hold you comfortably not to tight but not loose enough to seem like he doesn’t care
James Norrington
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He loves hugs he’s always craving them from you, the second he passes the doors to privacy he’s all over you gently wrapping his arms around you leading you to bed where you exchange stories about your day just easing the knots in your muscles in his warm embrace
Infront of his men he doesn’t show any affection at all he’s an upper class citizen if he’s seen showing weakness he could be cut from his job losing him money and his house or worse having you taken away from him as you’re his biggest weakness
He’s been around you long enough to know when your upset or stressed and he knows exactly what to, he’ll carefully discard his hat, boots and sword and grip you tighter than normal whispering “It’s okay, my love rest I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He likes to hug in bed where he can wrap his body around yours enticing you with his fine clothing and brushing a hand through your hair. The pride and adoration he feels when you curl up to him is enough to make his heart burst he’s so happy he’s found you
James is a great hugger in private. Never making any part of it uncomfortable even going out of his way to make sure he’s extra gentle with you he loves you with everything he has and he will not ever let you go as long as he lives, hugs are a mere fraction of it
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
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Chapter 4: The brig.
Rosemary's POV
By the time I woke up I lay washed up on the beach, the sun was already shining bright.
I coughed up water I had swallowed and stood up. Looking at the port.
The Black Pearl was long gone. And I cursed under my breath.
'Shit shit shit they got Lizzy'
I ran up to the house but there was no one there. Only the servants were so happy to see me. But I waved them off and ran back to the port to see Will standing in front of Norrington and Mr. Swann.
'Mr. SWANN' I let out a huge sob and ran straight into his arms.
Everyone stood around me while I was sobbing against him.
'Th...They... They have taken.. Lizzy' I brought out in sobs and an enormous ugly cry,.
'We know Rose' Mr. Swann said and he rubbed my back.
'Are you all right Rose you're soaking! Where have you been'
I couldn't even catch my breath but I told them everything as soon as I calmed down enough.
'They've taken her.. with them. And I was stupid enough to want to fight with Barbossa so they threw me overboard' I hiccupped
'I wish they kept me not her' I said crying again.
'You're not the only one' I heard Norrington say as he was busy planning a voyage probably to save Elizabeth.
'Excuse me?!' I stood up. Throwing the jacket Will gave me off my shoulders standing in front of him in only my nightgown.
'Where were you when we both got kidnapped.
I STOOD BY HER SIDE JAMES! Where the fuck were you!' I cursed at him. Slapping him across the face.
Will pulled me off him.
'Let’s go Rose. He's not worth our time' Will said as he dragged me away from the port towards my shop. With a cursing me who was willing to fight Norrington over everything he had.
When we were in my shop I walked to the back to get more comfortable and dry clothes for myself.
Will explained that he had heard Jack Sparrow had mentioned the Black Pearl and probably knew more about it.
And he could maybe even lead us toward the Black Pearl and save Elizabeth.
While Will was explaining I was dressing myself in a pair of pants and a long blouse with puffy sleeves. And a brown under-bust corset. Which I actually synced myself.
And a pair of boots.
I walked out of the back of the store towards Will.
Who looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
'This is going to cause a fuzz you know that right?
'Yeah I know that's why I have this. ' I pulled out a dark green loose dress and threw it over my head. I synced myself but not as tight. So you would not see any lines of my pants or corset on it.
'I made this from cheap but good-looking fabric. I could lose it at any time and not even cry about it.' I said with a wink to Will.
'Let’s go! To the brig' I said while closing down my shop.
General POV
Will and Rose were off to the brig.
When wanting to enter they were stopped by a guard.
'What's your business here?' he said with a bit of fear in his voice.
'Nothing that you need to know about' Rose snapped back at him as she pushed him to the side and walked down the stairs of the brig.
Will followed closely behind her.
'I never knew you could be so scary when you want something Rose' Will chuckled at her.
When they entered the cellblock Rose went straight toward the cell where Jack was held.
'You Sparrow!' Will shot at him. Will passed by Rose in a matter of a second.
Well well, Rose thought to herself. Will wants this just as much as I do. Rose let out a small smirk.
'aye,' he simply replied while laying in the little bit of hay on the floor.
'You familiar with the Black Pearl?' Rose asked him while coming from behind Will.
She was looking him straight in the eye.
' Oh Rosemary' Jack said with a soft grin on his face when he crawled up from the ground to stand against the bars of his cell.
Rose rolled her eyes at him.
'Well. Where does she make berth?' Will asked
'Where does it make berth? Have you not heard of the stories?' Jack asked.
Both Rose and Will looked puzzled at Jack. To which he rolled his eyes.
'Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta.' Jack said mockingly.
'It's an island that cannot be found, except for those who already know where it is.'
'The ship's real enough.' Will said.
'Of course it’s real Will. I've been bloody on it remember' Rose said with her arms crossed still not looking pleased with this conversation.
'Therefore ' Will continued his sentence.
'its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?'
'Why ask me?' Jack asked while looking at his dirty fingers like he just had a manicure.
'Because you're a pirate' Will said almost with a bit of shame in his voice.
'And you want to turn pirate yourself. Is that it?' Jack asked still looking at his fingers.
Will pushed against the bars, his face just a few inches away from Jack's face. 'Never!'
Which made Jack look at Rosemary
'What about you love~ ' he said with a small smile on his face.
'You're not wearing such a dress without a plan. I can see your boots you know
That made Rose look down seeing them wearing knee-high boots under a dress. Wasn't maybe the smartest option she could have thought of.
So she rolled her eyes.
'They took Miss Swan.' Will said suddenly
Which made the attention Jack had on Rose turn back to Will.
'So it is that you found a girl.' He said with a smile walking back to the bars.
'I see. Well if you're intending to brave all hasten to her rescue, and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate.
I see no profit in it for me.'
'We can get you out of here' Will said looking him straight in the eyes.
'Will' Rose said to will laying a hand on his shoulder.
'Are you sure?'
' You were the one thinking of that' Will snapped back at Rose.
'Well yes. But that's because I will do anything to get back Elizabeth.
Even if that will make me a wanted man. I mean woman. ' she corrected herself.
'Well well well' Jack said slyly.
'Miss Rivers found a soft spot for me~ '
'You wish. After you threw me around yesterday. You need to get a whole lot more nice. To be on my good side again.' She said without even looking at Jack.
'But back to breaking me out' Jack said
'How can you do it. The key's run off'
' I helped build these cells.' Will replies studying the locks and doors of the cell.
'These are half-pin barrel hinges. With the right leverage and the proper application of strength'
Will got a bench of the ground and put it between the bars.
'The door will lift free.'
'What's your name?' Jack asked suddenly.
'Will Turner' Will replied looking at Jack sheepishly
'That would be short for William, I imagine.
Good strong name. No doubt named for your father, eh?'
'Yes.' Will replied while still looking at Jack.
'Aha' Jack said while thinking his plans through.
'Well, Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind.
If you spring me, I swear, on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black pearl, and your bonny lass.
Do we have an accord?' Jack stook out his hand between the bars and waited for Will to shake it.
'Agreed' Will said and shook his hand.
' Agreed! Now get me out!' Jack said with a smirk.
And will pressed his foot on the wooden bench. Which made it lift up and lift the door right out of its pins. Will threw the door off him and helped Jack out of the cell.
'Ahem!' Rose coughed.
'Aren't you forgetting something?' Rose was pointing at herself.
'Rose you don't have to go with me.
It will be saver for you to stay here' Will said with a face of concern.
Which actually made him gain a slap across his face.
' Will you please shut the bloody hell up. Elizabeth is the most important person in my life. And its my fault she is all alone on that god forsaken piece of trash ship.'
Rose took a deep breath.
'Because I with my bad temper needed to get a sword and put it at Barbossa's throat. Which made them threw me overboard and left Lizzy all alone.' Rose breathed.
'So for the love of god help me out of this dress. And please tell me you got a plan.' Rose said with her hands up. And tied the string of the corset of her dress open. With which helped her pull it over her head.
Revealing her in the pants and blouse she had put on earlier.
'Well let's go' she motioned towards Jack and Will.
'Not without my effects' Jack said while running over to his stuff.
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imagitory · 6 years ago
OC asks, if you wish to...Rob 'Em Iwerks, 32 (as of post-fic) and 50!
For those of you who don't know my trash pirate son Robert "Rob 'Em" Iwerks, you may meet him through reading my Disney mega-crossover fic, TrueMagic: A Disneyland Fairytale!
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32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Well, of course while in the Kingdom of Dreams, Rob 'Em dresses like a pirate (tricorn hat, long coat, leather boots, and all). When he goes to Disneyland as a guest, his clothes are super casual and kind of worn. Jeans, well-fitted T-shirts, white undershirts, baseball caps, leather jackets, and flannel shirts are his Real World aesthetic; Rob tolerates sneakers and sandals, but he'll probably always be most partial to boots. He wears an eyepatch rather than his usual bandana while in our world, and he also often wears fake military dog tags around his neck: one of his "Friends" suggested them to him, so as to give other people less reason to question why he's missing an eye. Rob 'Em doesn't wear make-up, but he does have a pirate "P" brand on the inside of his wrist and a tattoo of a large sparrow on his shoulder (in honor of his not-so-great quasi-father figure, Captain Jack Sparrow). His hair and facial hair has always been shaggy, but since he became a Cast Member, he's had to keep both much more trimmed.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Rob 'Em never goes anywhere, whether in the Kingdom of Dreams or Reality, without his ship (which he can shrink to a small size and wear on a chain around his neck). While in the Kingdom, he always has his pistol and cutlass on him. Post-story in the real world, he'd bring the shield Merlin gave him (which can be shrunk to the size of a coin so he can carry it around in his pocket), his Cast Member ID, maps of both Disneyland and the Kingdom of Dreams, a compass, a calculator, and the pin lanyard Marcia bought him.
OC Ask!
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Does anyone have any good French fanfic recommendations? I‘m starting my semester abroad in France soon and I desperately need to practice (which I do best by reading😅) and learn some slang 😭
So any help is appreciated!! :)
Can be on any platform and have ship or no ship for lots of fandoms tho I‘ll list my preferred ones
- DC, especially Batfam (I won‘t read dick x tim tho)
-BTS (mainly yoonmin or yoonkook if ship-y, though I am open to some other ships)
-Star Trek (mainly Spirk)
-The Witcher
-Harry Potter
-Lord of the Rings (Le Seigneur des anneaux)
-Pirates of the Carribbean (Pirates des Caraïbes)
- White Collar
-Percy Jackson
-Kuroko no Basquet
-Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Can’t think of any more right now but I’ve been in so many fandoms over the years it would take forever for me to remember all of them and write them down
Recommandations de fanfiction français svp!! J’ai besoin de pratiquer mon français pour un semestre à étranger😅😭
En particulier pour les fandoms en haut mais il y a trop qui j’aime pour écrire touts
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nyctophicbtch · 4 years ago
Drabbles, Fanfiction, Headcanons
Requests are closed. I write for multifandoms so feel free to request any fandom. request rules
Realms Away - Loki Laufeyson
Detour - Peter Parker
Relation between Druig and the Maximoff twins
Being Nat and Steve's daughter - F!reader insert
Being a Maximoff and dating Bucky - Bucky Barnes
Dating Tony Stark - Tony Stark
Night Patrol - Peter Parker x DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader
Stubborn Speedster - Druig x Makkari
Artemis and Apollo - DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader insert
Grocery Shopping - Druig x Makkari
Beautiful, Dumb Makkari - Druig x Makkari
Artemis - DruigxMakkari!daughter!reader insert
Druig and Makkari as parents - Druig x Makkari
The Last Deviant - Druig x Makkari
Cure - Druig x Makkari
Taco - Peter Parker
Nails - Wanda Maximoff
Breakfast and Mornings and Things - Avengers
Jealous Pietro when someone hits on you - Pietro Maximoff
Needy Kisses - Pietro Maximoff
Midnight Fuss - Bucky Barnes
Is That My Shirt? - Pietro Maximoff
When they have a crush on you pt 2 - Avengers
When they have a crush on you pt 1 - Avengers
Brother's Betrothed - Loki Laufeyson
Interesting Activities - Theodore Nott
Being Harry Potter's twin sister
Being Ron Weasley's twin sister
Fred Weasley being in love with you - Fred Weasley
Winter, Books and Thestrals - Theodore Nott
Smitten - Theodore Nott
The King's Healer - Nikolai Lantsov x F!healer!reader
The Right Way - Ao’nung x f!Sully!reader
Wandering Human - Neteyam x f!human!reader
Sleep Deprieved - Tsu’tey x gn!avatar!reader
But We’re Different - Lo’ak x F!avatar/human!reader
Seeing Neteyam for the first time in years - Neteyam x F!reader
Courting Rituals - Ao’nung x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Should’ve Saved Me Sooner - Ao’nung x Gn!Metkayina!reader
The Spirit Tree - Neteyam x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Na’vi - Colonel Quaritch x F!Tawkami!reader
Not a Freak - Rotxo x F!Sully!reader
A Little Push - Ao’nung x F!reader
Being Ao’nung’s Sully mate - Ao’nung x F!Sully!reader
Neteyam with Tonowari’s firstborn daughter - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
Heartfelt - Ao’nung x F!Sully!reader
The Songcord - Neteyam x Gn!Omatikaya!reader
Neteyam with Tsireya’s sister - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
Being Ao’nung’s expected mate - Ao’nung x Gn!Metkayina!reader
Lo’ak with a Metkayina Mer - Lo’ak x Gn!reader
Outsiders - Neteyam x F!Metkayina!reader
I Love You - Finnick Odair
Oyster - Finnick Odair
Critters - Peeta Mellark
Human ATM - Nick Jonas x F!reader (The Jonas Brothers)
Why Hire A Model When She Has Me? - Joe Jonas x F!reader (The Jonas Brothers)
Dating Sapnap - Sapnap x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Prison Break - Dream x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Thunder - Fundy x Gn!reader (MCYT)
Halfbreed pt 2 - Orm Marius x F!reader (DCEU)
Halfbreed pt 1 - Orm Marius x F!reader (DCEU)
Dating Henry Turner - Henry Turner x Gn!reader (Pirates of the Carribbean)
Being Edmund's twin sister - F!reader insert (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Being the youngest daughter of the Bridgerton family - F!reader insert (Bridgerton)
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socksracoon10 · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Will Turner x F!Reader, Jack Sparrow x F!Reader (Platonic) Read The Second Part: Not Just A Pirate
That imbecile had left you with Barbossa, and the thought of having to deal with his monkey's stupid chattering had nearly driven you to madness. Seizing any opportunity available, you had found yourself a small boat and began your search for Sparrow. You weren't expecting much from him, considering you were technically a part of his crew - the rest were with Barbossa. Not that it made any difference, though, because at the moment you were without a captain and unfortunately in the eyes of a few redcoats who eyed you, warily. They drew their rifles closer to themselves, marching over with some fire in their eyes.
"Oh, curse me," You muttered underneath your breath, throwing your hat into the water below, before carefully stepping onto a dock. Your foot dangled helplessly onto the boat, almost causing you to lose your balance. Gesturing for a soldier to come help you, you grabbed hold of his arm and hoisted yourself up onto the wooden platforms and sighed in relief, thanking them with false kindness.
"Enough, enough," One of them grumbled, rolling his eyes. He sneezed, the droplets of his mucus flying past you as you cringed at the sight. Despite being a pirate, you still had at least a little bit of hygiene left in you during your days as a "proper" lady. "What brings a girl like you to Port Royal, especially in that poor excuse of a boat?"
You followed the soldier's fingers to the vessel, noticing the way a few splinters poked out from the oars. It was a ghastly sight and a miracle that it had managed to take you this far without sinking. Shaking your head, you came up with the best excuse you could think of,
"I was robbed by a pirate. I was hoping at least one of you would show some mercy and help me find that treacherous man." 
"Was it Jack Sparrow?" Another soldier chimed in, his voice so delicate as he uttered the name.
"Precisely!" You whispered, excitedly as you wriggled your eyebrows, "Have you seen him lurking about here? I ought to give him a piece of mind!"
"Now, now, listen here, you don't have to do anything," The third soldier cried out with an exasperated sigh, "As misfortunate as your encounter with Sparrow must be, I implore you to go find yourself an inn for the time being." He had this air of haughtiness in his voice, one that made your frown deepen into a snarl. Biting the inside of your cheek, you pushed any emerging ill comments at him down to your boots and merely nodded your head in response.
Pushing past the soldiers, you trailed up the staircase to the cobbled streets of Port Royal and found a group of more soldiers running down the streets from The Governor's quarters. Frowning, your faintly heard the mention of Jack Sparrow among one of the redcoats that passed by you and you instantly figured out what was going on.
Crossing through an alley, you found a familiar set of beads dangling from an individual's head, hiding behind a wagon; he occasionally lifted his head to peer for any danger, unaware of your presence behind him.
"AHEM," You crossed your arms, glaring at him. Either he was ignoring you on purpose, or he was incredibly deaf and stupid. Rolling your eyes, you slapped the back of his head and watched him hurl into the wagon with a yelp of pain. He turned around on his heels, swiftly, narrowing his eyes for a moment to scan your face. Upon recognition, he grinned and held his hands up in the air,
"(Y/N)! Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" He exclaimed, holding onto your hands. You wriggled out of his grasps, before slapping him across his face, sharply.
"You moron! You left me aboard Barbossa's ship! After everything we've been through, I thought you were a brother to me! Family! You've decided to lurk about and be the prying little-"
"Whoa... now, love, we don't have much time to listen to your usual rants, do we?" Jack interjected your thoughts, raising a finger up. He swayed towards you, looking over your shoulder to ensure that there were no redcoats nearby. His eyes then glanced back towards you, "Listen, I think we should split ways and then meet up back at the docks. What do ya say?"
"I say no," You hiss, "I don't trust your words. We go together, or I'll throw you to the soldiers myself!"
"Darlin', you're a pirate too. You're only doing yourself a disservice here," Jack scoffed, and you clutched onto his collar,
"Try me. You cross me one more time, I won't care if you're my captain or like a brother to me, I shall drive my sword through your head and watch you scream for mercy." You threatened him, before shoving him off. Jack dusted his coat, creasing out the new wrinkles you caused with what he assumed was an indifferent expression on his face - he couldn't hide the slight fear your words caused him. 
As you extended your hand out for Jack to accept, the thunderous footsteps of the redcoats just around the corner caused you both to pick your feet up and run. Jack had hopped over among the roofs, and you had run inside a blacksmith's keep. Grabbing a sword from the sleeping blacksmith, you were set to head back out when you had noticed a shadow emerge from the other side of the door. 
"Oh, bollocks," You whisper, in a panicked tone, leaping behind a wooden table somewhere far enough for cover. You heard the footsteps of someone patter across the room, shifting through some equipment before they loudly whispered,
"Not where I left you..." 
Ah, so it was a man. And judging by the sound of his voice, he was pretty young. You peered, carefully, from the table and noticed his ponytail, and his well-fitted yet a bit dirty clothes. He wasn't bad-looking, surprisingly. He tapped his foot, impatiently, before drawing out his own sword and turned to your hiding spot. Sighing in defeat, you stood up from the cramped place and stretched your arms with a lazy yawn, stalking over to him.
"You're a pirate," He spat, his sword dragging up and down the air as he gestured at you.
"I'm also a lady. Now, this can go two ways. Either you let me go and I find myself back to Jack Sparrow, or I kill you... and find myself back to Jack Sparrow." You reasoned, forcing a smile at him as you made your way to the exit. Within seconds, you felt the tip of the blade against your chin, turning your head to face him. He had a deathly glare on his face but his eyes spoke of something else. Seeing that there was no way out of this without blood being shed, you raised an eyebrow,
"Come now, love, must there be hostility? Fine then, have it your way." You spat, before dragging your sword and jabbing it towards his stomach. He deflected my attack, and swung his sword around towards your neck. Dodging backwards, you lunged forward and elbowed his gut before parrying the thrust of his sword. He fell back for a moment, catching his breath as he shook his head,
"That's cheating." He breathed out between pants.
"Well, that's life, and now help a lady out and let her escape." You snickered, prying his fingers off his sword.
"Ah, but that's where you're mistaken... you're a pirate." The young man smirked, and the front door swung open with Jack at the hands of the redcoats, a sheepish look attached to his stupid face. Glancing back to the now standing young man, you found yourself handcuffed and dragged off with Jack besides you. 
William didn't fail to notice your menacing glare as you were taken away and he let out a proud smirk at the sight. And yet, something felt wrong. In all the years as a blacksmith's apprentice, nothing had excited him as much as this encounter had. He turned to the burning furnace, his thoughts fixated on seeing you.
For one more time, at least.
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elizabeth-baelish · 4 years ago
When you see this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, and then send it to the last 10 people in your notifications🌞
Oh there are sooo many things, but I will try to pick a few!
1. I think the first thing which has never failed me is music! Literally, any kind of music, depending on my mood. If I'm sad, songs which are serotonin source, when I'm angry metal all the way, baby! 🤟🎵
2. BOOKS or just reading in general! Either it's a FanFiction or an interesting article, or a fantasy book they help me escape shitty reality and relax. 📖
3. My comfort shows and movies. Pirates of the Carribbean, Twilight, Hunger Games, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Game of Thrones and the list goes on! 🎬🎫
4. Spending time with my mom and my besties. Even if it's just a couple of hours. 👯
5. Listening to the rain, sitting by the window and just daydreaming 🌧️💤
Thanks for the ask 🖤
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betterbemeta · 6 years ago
I feel like in the past few years there has been a serious shift in how fandom sees fictional characters. Maybe it started with the backlash to Twilight, but I am not really sure. But it gathered speed around that time, and by now the major opinion about what fandom media is even for has drastically changed.
When random teenage (and adult!) fangirls in like, 2005, wrote smut about Captain Jack Sparrow, or whoever... I don’t think they were even thinking about him as a ‘real person.’ He was a character, a persona, a kind of essence that really couldn’t have an opinion about what kind of gaze he was subjected to. He wasn’t representative of real men. Very few people thought that you could divine what women thought of their boyfriends or real crushes-- or even attractive strangers-- by reading Pirates of the Carribbean fanfiction. And that was probably good because some of it would send real men running for the hills.
But now, it is the norm for almost all pairings to be analyzed assuming that a fictional character is a stand-in for a real person. A lot of voices today are convinced that you’re not actually writing about a fictional character in a fictional situation, but about what you want for real people with some traits of the fictional character to experience in their lives. If you’re writing about Captain Jack Sparrow, you’re not really writing about the fictional, emotional ghost that connected with your emotions or sexuality in some way, you’re assumed to be writing about what you believe about a real man that would be like him. And that real man could be disgusted by you, or hate your gaze in particular.
And I don’t know which is better, or worse, or if either could be better or worse. On one hand, a lot of fanfiction written a few years ago scans as cringe to us now because lust can run wild into situations that we’d find dangerous or inappropriate in our own personal lives, with the lens of realism or activism applied. But on the other hand, a kind of neopuritianism will reign when the most “appropriate” couplings in our society are still “people with absolutely harmonious social synergy, of the exact same age and social status, capable of householding and procreation”, or at least those who do not threaten such a paradigm.
I don’t know if it’s better to normalize art that expresses one’s inner desires and emotional impulses, at the risk of inappropriate or cringy fantasies... or to normalize art that is totemic for what we want for the real world at the risk of alienating counterculture or placing too many filters on ourselves. I just know that right now, the pendulum has swung far from where it was when I was adolescent. And when I am older, it probably will have swung again.
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weizhentian · 7 years ago
I saw a post on Twitter saying not to mourn the loss of Great Art because abusers made up, but to think of the victims who never got to make great art.
ANd I got so pissed off because
goddammit people are allowed to mourn the loss of art that helped them cope with being fucking traumatized themselves
how evil and cruel do you have to be to suggest otherwise
I mean...how many young women do you think found a support network in the Pirates of the Carribbean fandom?
you often see people say “this music saved my life” “I’m only alive because of this fictional character”
or “writing erotic [insert series] fanfiction helps me deal with all the terrible things that have happened to me”
or “thanks author, your erotic fetish fanfiction really helped me deal with the repercussions of my terrible childhood”
even if that’s dysfunctional......I don’t think you should throw around ultimatums
maybe I’m misreading
but I feel like I’m not allowed to like anything ever
I have anxiety about playing the Disney Tsum Tsum game or liking stuffed animals because Disney is bad and bad labor practices everywhere :(
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justafairytailofinnocence · 3 years ago
Davey Jones x first mate reader 🐙👧
The angel of the Dutchman😇
A/n: hello this was a request from @savvythepirate​.
Synopsis: the reader has an encounter with someone from her dark past and Davey tries to protect her from it.
Warning: death.
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The flying dutchman arose from the depths of the seas, a storm brewed across the sky as the cursed ship had risen. Rain poured over the front deck, sounds of screams could be heard as the upper crew whipped the lost souls. The captain of the ship was on top of the upper deck, his tentacle beard twirled in the rain. Davey Jones sailed through the storm like he owned it, the ocean was his. The crew had either feared him or respected him; he was the only one that could control them. Over the years barnacles and rotten fish parts had grown over the crew, that was except for one person. That one person being the only one who hadn’t had to suffer like the rest, the only person Davey saved instead of dooming.
Y/n was the first mate of the dutchman, she had sailed with Jones over the years and over those years he had grown close to her. Davey had never ever and would refuse to put a protection with just anyone, but y/n was a special case. The legends say, “if you plead to the angel of the dutchman, mercy will spare those in need”.
Y/n had lived many legends and myths, she was a living ghost, the mercy to the judgement, Jones’s good side. She was the only person that Jones’s would listen too, he would never let anything harm her and if the crew went behind her back, a sword would greet their fate. However even legends have unfortunate fates, terrible tales of heart aching pain they wish to forget.
Many have heard the story of Davey Jones but none of the angel of the Dutchman, y/n was set to be a sacrifice due to her father paying his debt through his daughter. Y/n’s father was a captain, he had no bravery nor generosity, y/n’s father paid anything to save his own skin including his daughters soul. Davey had agreed to take y/n’s soul, in turn the father would live to see another day. The thing is, he had never said anything about eternal life and therefore due to unfortunate events, passed during a storm leaving y/n on the dutchman.
Y/n earned her position through learning Davey’s story, she sympathized with him unlike most mortals. The first mate position was “previously” taken, but to y/n’s luck he had an opening.
“Captain Jones, I caught sight of a ship trailing our waters” y/n smiled.
Davey’s head turned to his first mate, he was prepared to torture those who haven’t fulfilled their debt or promise. “Those who trail the water’s of the Dutchman shall join the crew or die at the depths of seas” as the rules states.
“I believe we be needin’ more ta’ add to our crew” Davey laughed; he had changed course to track down the lost ship.
The flying Dutchman sailed through the storm to catch up to the lost ship, all the crew were changing course as screams of agony could be heard on the main deck. The dutchman was catching fast to the lost ship trying to sail away, the ship had no where to go as the dutchman pulled it’s canons to the side of the lost ship. Many sailors from the lost ship jumped overboard knowing they wouldn’t want to suffer a fate worse than Jones’s ship. The remainder had been captured and taken on board the ship of legends, the Flying Dutchman.
Davey had his pipe in hand and eyed up the new potential members of his crew, his tentacles curled in curiosity.
He approached one of the men “Do ye fear death” smoke blew out of his mouth onto the frightened sailor. “Y,y,y” the sailor trembled “yes-, Ah!” Davey’s crewmate plunged their sword into the trembling sailors chest.
The next sailor lost at sea had caught y/n’s eye, he looked familiar, yet she couldn’t pin point the exact person she remembered. “Do ye fear death” he spoke in a raspy voice.
The sailor eyed Davey “No, no I don’t” he replied coldly.
Y/n wasn’t expecting such a cold answer, this man had no fear. Y/n still wondered why the man was so oddly familiar, was he someone from her past life, was he someone who looked coincidentally like someone else.
The answers in her head were buzzing by until the sailor spoke of her name “Y/n, y/n l/n”.
Y/n wandered up to the man, she pushed past Davey’s crew to be standing before him. “Ye be the captain’s daughter, why aren’t ya’ dead yet” the sailor questioned “I be surprised the Dutchman still has ya’ alive, ye father betted ya’ off ta’ save himself”.
Y/n’s hands gripped together, she didn’t want to relive her harsh life, her father was a cruel man. The crew would often use y/n as a torment for their entertainment, she was never free on that vessel and her father wouldn’t bat an eye to save her life. Y/n had to learn how to survive, how to fight and how to thrive for her own life. The crew was wiped out thankfully to the Dutchman while y/n’s father begged for Jones to take his daughters life instead of his. The debt was paid but to a cost, y/n’s soul, she was neither dead nor alive, just someone trapped in limbo on the Dutchman.
Y/n grabbed out her sword and held it at the man’s throat, this was the first time Jones had ever truly seen y/n in a fury. “Ye be best keepin ya mouth shut or I’ll dig be diggin’ me sword deeper inta’ ya gullet” Y/n growled.
The sailor laughed, he wasn’t afraid of the girl, he wasn’t afraid to overthrow her and drag her to the trenches. “Ye have the same spirit as yer’ father, if ye not careful, ye will end up just like him” the sailor mocked.
Y/n pushed her sword further against the man’s throat, now it all came together, this man was from her father’s crew. She remembered the man smiling down at her torment, she remembered when he was standing by her father’s side. This man was her father’s first mate, he had escaped prior to the dutchman’s arrival and underwent a new name.
“An’ what business do ye have’ with me first mate” Jones crawled up beside y/n, he held his sword directly in between the sailor’s eyes. “Me business is here with the daughter of a coward” the sailor grinned, y/n felt her stomach twist, she was having flashbacks toward her past, her past she wished to forget.
Davey had seen the horror’s from y/n’s eyes, she had no business to be tormented by this man. A sound of laughter emerged from the sailors mouth, with that a sudden swing of the metal blade had plunged the sailor’s throat. The sound of laughter had turned into gurgling as the first mate had fell to the ground, a colour of red poured from the man’s body and mixed within the rain. Y/n’s eyes slowly closed; she felt a slimy hand touch her shoulder “tha’ man ain’t even a soul worthy of sailin’ with us”.
Y/n’s hand touched Davey’s in reassurance, she had realized, she had people who truly cared for her. Y/n had someone who took her on, he may not have been the kindest nor the most sympathetic man in the world, but he raised y/n to be someone of her own. She was thankful the captain had a soft spot for her, he protected her from terrible and terrifying things. A soft smile appeared on y/n’s face as she hugged the man who saved her from death itself.
The captain awkwardly froze in confusion, his claw hand patted the girl’s head gently. Y/n smiled to herself as the captain and the angel hugged in the rain.
Y/n was known as a legend of the Dutchman, a ghost that shed mercy toward those that needed it.
anyways that’s all I have for now:
Ta Ta✨
Oneshots: open
Headcanon: open
Imagine: open
Moodboard: open
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socksracoon10 · 5 months ago
Not Just A Pirate
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Pairing: Will Turner x F!Reader, Jack Sparrow x F!Reader (Platonic) Read the First Part: Pirate
"I swear if I hear you singing one more time, I will see to it that your execution will be the most grotesque, agonizing experience of your entire life," You seethed, teeth barring to see the lovely Jack Sparrow in the cell just across from you. He was on the floor, hands waving around as if composing an orchestra. It had been hours inside the gloomy place and as each second passed, you could feel your sanity slipping away. Jack shifted his neck to face your sitting form, legs sprawled out with your hands clasped around your ears to shut him out. He stopped his incessant humming and sent you a frown,
"Look, love, I say we get used to this. I mean, if we were to die, at least we died tog-" He began before being cut off by the roar of your voice,
"I would rather stick nails into my ears than hear your voice again!" You leaned forward with a scowl.
"Oi, quit it! 'm tryna get some sleep!" Another prisoner from down the hallway bellowed, and you groaned in response as you slumped your head downwards. You glanced up momentarily to see Jack propping his head with an elbow, eyeing you with a look of judgment.
"It's not half as bad as you make it out to be… it could be worse," He scoffed.
"How so?" You sneered with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, you could be stuck with that blacksmith," Jack pointed out, and you threw your hands in the air, immediately getting onto your feet.
"Don't even bother talking to me about him. That insolent, brainless, scummy, disgusting pile of-"
"Woah, woah, woah, now. Have some decorum," Jack snickered, but he instantly winced when he heard you kicking the metal bars of your cell. Pacing back and forth, all you could think about was the events of yesterday. Having been abandoned by Jack, you had finally found the idiot and then minutes later got arrested for piracy… and then of course, whatever stupidity happened at night. You had slept through the whole commotion, and as you best put it for Jack who kept trying to wake you up, you "couldn't be more bothered when death was waiting". Perhaps your outlook on the situation would've been different if you weren't confined in the tiny cell, you couldn't even use the bathroom in peace without having to yell at Jack to turn around.
"You're like my sister!" Jack had cried out, which was followed by,
"Even more a reason to turn your bloody head around!"
A quick nap would clear your mind - and also block out Jack's humming again - and so you laid down against the hay and closed your eyes, trying to tune out any noise at all. You rarely ever slept because dreams were something you feared. Jack had told you before that dreams always revealed your inner desires, but you knew very well that none of your desires could ever match the horrors you were seeing in your head. It was a strange place to be in, and your heart thumped against your chest when you saw the flicker of Davy Jones, his eyes boring into your soul. The connection still made no sense to you, and as you tossed and turned on the makeshift bed, you could feel your arms being tightened by an unknown being, one that intended for you to meet your doom sooner than later.
Waking up with a start, you panted heavily and clutched onto your head, feeling extremely lightheaded. The only that snapped you back to your reality was Jack exclaiming,
"Oh, my pretty princess has finally awoken!"
You grumbled at his words, hating the stupid nickname. It was a running joke at first because you had refused to sleep on the Black Pearl unless certain conditions were met, to which Gibbs had jokingly stated, "The pretty princess wishes for some beauty sleep!" and right then, your fate was solidified on board. You could feel the anger boiling within you and you rolled your eyes,
"Call me that one more time, I dare-" The words fell short when you noticed the man from earlier at the blacksmith's shop standing there with wide eyes. You glanced between him and then Jack, and then back to him before the memories of what had transpired because of him played back in your head. Within seconds, you had begun to claw at the metal of the bars, trying to grab him and bash his skull, "You idiot! You moron! You buffoon!"
Will took a step back, turning to Jack with a confused expression, "Are you sure you need her to get back Miss Swan?"
"Mate, if we don't bring her with us, she'll kill us before we even get to Barbossa," Jack exclaimed, shaking his head as he continued to watch your pathetic attempts at trying to get Will.
Will didn't like to openly ogle at women as much as the other men in Port Royal. He thought it was very rude and an unpleasant experience, nonetheless. He's seen the blacksmith swigging down a bottle of rum, a crude remark escaping his lips only to be met with the firm backhand of a woman walking down the street. He remembered wincing at the scene, quickly averting his eyes to perfect the sword in his hands. The last thing he needed was to get reprimanded for neglecting his work. His eyes, however, could not look at any other being except for you. The image of you towering above his form with a sword pointed just below his chin was forever engraved into his mind. It had been the very moment that he wondered if he could see you once more. His ego wouldn't accept his attraction to you, though, because you were, after all, a pirate. Jack Sparrow's companion, and by the shapes of it, his worst nightmare because you made sure to make his life a miserable hell with any given moment that you two were alone.
"I doubt the princess herself would wish for you to save her," You snorted, shaking your head as you pushed past some men on the streets of Tortuga. Will trailed behind, a frown etched on his features.
"Miss Swann is a childhood friend of mine. Friends will stick together, and considering who you have as company," He paused, jabbing his thumb towards the direction of Sparrow sauntering up to a woman, "I can see you know nothing about having a good friend."
You sneered at him, pausing in your tracks to poke his chest, "Jack is a brother to me, annoying as he is but he's a brother. We've fought many battles together, so it's best if you shut your trap before I cut that tongue of yours."
He smirked at your words, which made your face fall just for a brief second. He wasn't intimidated at all, and the intensity of his gaze made your breath hitch. You almost forgot that you two weren't the only ones in the street before you heard Jack cry out,
"Oi! You two! Enough with the sightseeing, we have a business to attend to!"
You glanced over your shoulder at Will who continued to stare at you, his lips slightly curved upwards. You merely shook your head, convincing yourself that your lack of sleep was getting to you and you scurried off to Jack, deciding to stick by him for the rest of the night.
"Ah, if it isn't the pretty princess!" Gibbs cheered as you entered the tavern. You groaned, rolling your eyes, especially since you could faintly hear Will snicker in the background. You shot him a quick glare before turning back to Gibbs,
"Alright, cut it out. Not funny," You hissed, seating yourself next to Jack as he began to ramble about the mission at hand. Against your own will, you shifted in your seat to get a better look at Will who was standing in the corner, observing his surroundings. Being around so many pirates was probably an overwhelming experience for him. Aside from that, you knew his stance on piracy; hell, it was the reason you were in that prison cell in the first place. You snuck off to where he stood, offering him a jug of rum but he politely declined, assuring you that the last thing he wanted to do was get wasted, especially when he had more prominent things on his mind.
"Like what?" You asked, taking a sip of the drink.
"Like how someone like you could possibly be a pirate," He responded with no hesitation. Your eyes widened, the rum still cascading into your mouth as you tried to come up with something snarky in response. What ever did he mean by that?
"You saying I'm incompetent to be a pirate?" You scoffed, noticing the way his brows furrowed,
"No. I say you have every skill, even more than Jack-"
"Don't insult Jack, you haven't seen his potential," You wagged your finger at him, "You don't know anything about him."
"I don't know anything about you either, but judging by what I've seen in the past few days, it's very clear to me."
"Yeah, what's clear?"
"You…" He paused for a moment before continuing, "You are the only good thing piracy has to offer."
"I thought you said you hate pirates," Your voice had gotten quieter, unsure if you wanted to continue this conversation or not. You had gotten so used to starting fights, looting, and arguing with almost everyone that hearing words like this made your head spin.
"I did. I hate most pirates… not all, though," Will responded, finally taking your cup to take a large gulp of the rum. He smiled at you, one that made your knees a little weak and made your heart flutter a bit more. He stepped out of the tavern, sending you one final glance for the night before leaving you alone to your thoughts. You looked down at the rum in your hands, admiring the way the liquid swashed around in the jug.
It was half full and you smiled to yourself.
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