#pikachu clone
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bird--egg · 4 months ago
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Ever since @084392 made a post about the Pikachu clones having evolves I've been unable to stop thinking about it. My favourite Pikachu clone is Emolga, so I figured I'd give their evo a shot!
It was super fun to design Ampyre. I think they go looking for strong electric types to drain the electricity out of them. In my head they're as tall as the average persons hip. I really wanted to make them Electric/ghost, but I didn't want to lose Emolga's immunity to ground, so I gave them levitate as an ability.
Go check out 084392's post here
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azusteve · 1 year ago
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Autumn flashback!
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mossybuttons · 8 months ago
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A mischief of electric rodents
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crimsonglow-art · 2 days ago
Welcom to the Sanova Region: Biobara
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I think admittedly the shiny fakemon here is the ugliest. He looks like a little clown but that is kinda cute idk. I think a capybara line would be super cute for pokemon. Since the Sanova region is about all #disneyparks, I wanted to also put Florida in there.
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redbird-art · 2 years ago
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Sometimes i think about those mice on little flowers, and then i thought. What if dedenne???
This was the result.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Will be available on my etsy!
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hemorrhage · 1 year ago
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nekokabuuuri · 1 year ago
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inkadoodlestudio · 1 year ago
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The Pikachu clone for the Rejon
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pokemoncatalyst · 2 years ago
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Izzzumimi, our pikachu clone, is here! Finally a break from the water types...for now...
It’s based on dormice, with the regular form being based on the hazel dormouse and the shiny being based on the edible dormouse. Back in the Roman Empire, poor edible dormice were eaten covered in honey, hence the shiny form’s bee-like fluff colours. The fluffy ball Izzzumimi is sleeping in, as well as the position and poofiness of the tail, are meant to make it look like a little teapot, referencing the dormouse from Alice in Wonderland.
Name inspiration: Izumi (japanese for mouse/rat) + zzz + “snork mimimimi” (snoring onomatopoeia)
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year ago
More Australian Fakemon
More Pokemon from by region based on Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand (mostly Australia though). This time I'm going to show off some (but not all) of the early game standards. Also, I have finally named my region. It will be the Goorda region, which is the word for "island" in the aboriginal Noongar language.
Previous entries: starters, regional starters, misc 1, and misc 2
The early-game mammal is Sleepossum, the sleepy Pokemon, normal type. It's based on a bush tail possum with some traits of opossums, the only extant marsupial of the Americas. Possums are a large group of arboreal marsupials and it's only fitting that such a common critter should be the Rattata equivalent of this region. Sleepossum spends most of its time asleep and has learned to fight and move even without waking up, though it prefers to flee. It cuddles its own tail while sleeping. Because they are cute and docile, they are a popular choice for new trainers. Its name comes from "sleep" and "possum". The sleeping trait is an exaggeration of the opossum adaptation of playing dead.
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Sleepossum evolves to Somnossum, the sleepwalker Pokemon, normal/psychic type. It spends its entire life asleep, but it dreams about the world around it, letting it move and act as though awake. Some say its dreams are connected to the dream world, allowing it to gain insight on the past and future. Its tail acts like a cushion for it to sleep on. Its name comes from "possum" and "somnambulist", which is the technical term for a sleepwalker. Sleepossum and Somnossum inherit the Comatose ability formerly unique to Komala.
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The Pikachu clone is Bilbolt, the bilby Pokemon, electric type. Its based on bilbies, a type of animal related to bandicoots that are endangered I mostly picked the bilby because it's cute. Bilbolt is very much based on Pikachu, mostly being "what if Pikachu were a bilby". Bilbolt is a shy and reclusive herbivore that can electrify it muscles to give itself a sudden burst of speed when in danger. Its fur channels a slight electric current, which can cause tingling and numbness if touched for too long. Bilbolt comes from "bilby" and "bolt".
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Since SV gave the green light for Pikachu clones to evolve, Bilbolt will evolve into Cerebulb, the mad scientist Pokemon, electric/psychic type. Cerebulb is very obviously based on a mad scientist, with its poof of Einstein hair, fur that looks like a lab coat, and eyes that look like big glasses. It is also based on the trope of a lightbulb appearing over someone's head when they get an idea. Cerebulb can electrify its hair to stimulate its brain, increasing its intelligence while decreasing its inhibitions and sanity. It will often perform strange experiments during this time. You can tell it's stimulating its brain because its hair will glow brightly like a lightbulb. Its name comes from "cerebellum" or "cerebral" and "lightbulb".
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For the early game dark type (think Poochyena, Purrloin, or Nickit) we have a regional form of Buneary, the rabbit Pokemon, dark type. Rabbits are one of the worst invasive species in Australia, ranked as most destructive in one study. Alolan Meowth and Rattata also set a precedent for Pokemon based on invasive species to be dark type. When Buneary were introduced to Goorda by foreign trade, they flourished in a land with fewer predators and started outcompeting native Pokemon, becoming an invasive species. They lost their timid and shy nature, instead becoming ruffians and bullies.
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Goordan Buneary evolves to Goordan Lopunny, the rabbit Pokemon, dark type. It takes command of gangs of Goordan Buneary, leading them to find food and bully other Pokemon. While it is a bully and a ruffian, it does care for its subordinates and seeks to protect them. It is based on sukebans, female gang leaders in Japan. Its design makes it look like it's wearing a long coat and sarashi, a design often seen in fictional sukeban. It being based on a Japanese concept is a nod to the Buneary line originating in the Japan-based Sinnoh region.
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mimikyu-oli · 15 days ago
The Beaver Pokémon
Electric/Water ⚡💧
HP: 70
ATT.: 60
DEF.: 80
ATT. SPE.: 100
DEF. SPE.: 80
TOTAL: 485
When hit by a water type move, the next electric type move the Pokémon will use will have double the power.
Thick fat
Hidden: Swift swim
One individual can create a massive dam that can block larges amount of water. People living near these dams coexist in harmony with the Biribiba that built it.
The movement of its tail act like a dynamo, generating electricity that can paralyze any predators that may come too close to its lodge.
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m00ntunaart · 2 months ago
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Something something Detective Pikachu but it's with Cody, and Obi-Wan turned into a shiny Luxio (because I'm the artist and Luxio/Shinx/Luxray are my favorite Pokémon).
Btw I know nothing about the Detective Pikachu games and only watched the movie once like 7 years ago. So this is mostly just me wanting to draw Obi-Wan as a Pokémon, and Cody's there too because I love him.
The plot is just Luxio Obi-Wan and Cody running around trying to figure out how to turn Obi-Wan back into a human and along the way they somehow uncover the Sith Plot and save the Galaxy. All while Obi-Wan doesn't have opposable thumbs.
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cryotters · 1 year ago
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darthkote · 3 months ago
Qui-Gon: Padawan, I need you to return to the Archives and- Obi-Wan [long drawn-out sigh]: Master Nu already said the holocrons and scrolls won't hold any information on Master Yoda's species. Qui-Gon: ... that's.. not what I'm researching. Obi-Wan: You can't live forever, Master. [breezing out of the room] Qui-Gon: watch me.
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crimsonglow-art · 7 days ago
New Fakemon for the Sanova Region
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I completely forgot I did this one and honestly I am still proud of our fakemon pikachu clone. Altrotter is such a cute little baby who's probably the biggest little shit you'll ever meet. The expression? Adorable. The tail? Adorable. The whiskers? super cute >w<
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spacebattleshippotemkin · 2 months ago
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Drew all the Pikachu Clones. But first here are the originals: Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu.
Oh no! Mice in the infrastructure :-O
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