#piglin snort
piglinculture · 2 years
Do piglins speak one common tongue or are there more language families? if there are any similarities between the languages, what are they?
the nether is incredibly vast so theres more than one piglin language, but there is a common language for piglins that stems from one of the older piglin settlements that survived the war with the overworld. Snorts are almost impossible to miss in any piglin language, though due to our vocals we tend to have a lot of words that have sounds like “w”, “v”, and “ck” in them
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avemakuta · 19 days
Thinking about minecraft languages again I fear.
We know of at least two diagetic writing systems used in the world of minecraft— enchanting table language and some form of the Roman alphabet. We know that some form of the Roman alphabet is diagetic, because it exists in the world already before the Player arrives. Whoever built the desert temples assigned significance to the letters "TNT" enough to put it on their explosives. Pictographic writing also seems to exist, based on naturally-generating chiseled blocks, but that's harder to definitively state isn't purely decorative.
Villagers also presumably use some form of writing, given that they have librarians, but whatever that writing is, it doesn't seem to be legible to the Player, since we can't read books until we write in them ourselves.
The villager/illager species definitely creates symbolic art, given the use of banners by the illagers and of creeper face symbols on clerical robes. Piglins also use symbolic art, given the snouts carved into bastions, and it seems reasonable to conclude that they have some form of language.
This gives at least three languages in the world of minecraft— Piglin, Villager, and Desert Temple. Possibly a fourth, with Enchanting, but that could just be the writing system used by villagers, given that the Player doesn't seem to be able to read it.
What would those languages be like? What kinds of poetry are written in the Hnnngs and Hrrs of the villagers, or the grunts and snorts of the piglins? Could a piglin and a villager learn each other's languages, or are they too different not just in terms of vocabulary but in terms of the physical features required to communicate? Do piglins carry information in the flapping of their ears? Do villagers produce complex tones by resonance in their large noses?
And what about etymologies? For villagers, wool comes from sheep, but to a piglin, if wool exists at all, it's woven from strider hair. If the inhabitants of the desert temples had a word for gunpowder, was it related to their word for creeper? If piglins do, is it related to their word for ghast?
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royalarchivist · 1 month
Phil: Gee, I sure hope I'll get to go on many more adventures in the future! That would be incredible.
Phil: ...What's this like, heavy feeling in my chest, like I'm forgetting something? ...Chayanne? Tallulah?
Phil did NOT have to break out the QSMP angst in the middle of his anime-protag speech as a bit, that was foul 😭😭
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
[While the Minecraft song "Alpha" plays in the background]
Phil: Boop, there we go! [To Chat] Why are you staring at me? Why- why are you staring at me? I'm not gonna do it!
[Phil turns his camera off]
Phil: What's that, Piglin? You think I should go on an adventure? Wow! You know, I think I will! I think I will go on an adventure! I'll bring back so many treasures for you, you'll see! You'll all see! [Laughs] Here I go! Soaring through the sky! [Laughs] Gee, it reminds me of that dream I had that lasted a little while where I couldn't fly. Now I can! Oh, it was a terrible nightmare, terrible nightmare indeed. [Laughs] I sure do miss that wet cat. [Laughs and snorts] I wonder how he's doing! I'm sure he's gone on many adventures. Whee—!
Phil: [Temporarily breaking character] We gotta get some soul sand, hold on, this guy's a dumbass. [Thanks a sub]
Phil: Gee, I sure hope I'll get to go on many more adventures in the future! That would be incredible. ...What's this like, heavy feeling in my chest... like I'm forgetting something? [Quietly] ...Chayanne? Tallulah? No, it's nothing. No it's nothing, it's nothing, it's fine! Let's keep digging. I'll just keep digging and it'll be fine! [Laughs]
Phil: [Breaking character as he turns his camera back on] I can only be mean to you for so long, I can't keep a straight face saying that sht, oh my god, that– that was so foul. That was so foul, I apologize. [Cracks up again]
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drmslastmorning · 9 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream breaks Technoblade's trust in prison
A lesson on trust.
Characters: Dream, Technoblade
Words: 5.2k (one-shot)
Warnings: panic attacks, canon typical violence. nothing big.
During Technoblades stay in the prison, Dream gets a little desperate to prove that he is not to be trusted.
Being with Technoblade has lifted Dream’s spirits. It's lifted them a bit much for his taste, honestly. Considering everything the other has done has been quite simple: Exist, take up already sparse food, talk far too much bullshit and annoy the hell out of him. He's not a fan of how easily the piglin hybrid can read him.
Technoblade’s involvement itself is calculated: it's within the plan, it's accounted for. He hasn't accounted for the way he'd make him smile, and distract him from the hell that is the prison.
That shouldn't be a problem in and of itself, Dream measures. He can stay focused regardless.
He doesn't know if the company is within the plan. Of course, Technoblade would've been involved eventually: For the exchange of a favor. But he's been here for a few weeks now. At least, that's what Dream presumes from what little sense of time he's gotten left. He couldn't know for sure and the realization that he couldn't tell leaves his tail swaying nervously. It's somehow easier to sit with your thoughts on your own. Correction: it's easier to ignore them on your own. It's easier to dissociate when someone isn't constantly chatting or snoring your ear off.
Dream doesn't sleep. Technoblade does it far too much. He guesses it's how the other planned on passing the time, and it's not really a bad bet. It's not like there is much else to do. It gives Dream something to do: Study everything there is about Technoblade. Not really intentionally, of course. He's not intending to stare, but could you blame him, when he's the only positive interaction he's had in so long?
The piglin hybrid sleeps messily. Loudly . He eats a lot, and he knows just how to get on his nerves. Though, he guesses he was already well aware of the last two. They've shared a few meals and more arguments.
Dream's passed out only very few times in the time Technoblade has been here, to the point the latter is unsure he's seen it at all. He prefers it that way.
"What are you, anyways?" Rings the question and Dream knows the other didn't miss the way he flinches at the sudden sound. "W-what's that supposed to mean." He says it like a dismissive statement, much less like a question. It's clear he understood exactly what Technoblade means, but doesn't intend to respond unless further clarified. He knows he doesn't pry. "Y'know." Pink hair messily falls over his shoulder. He undid the braid a while ago, and redid it at least 20 times since then.
Dream does know. The pen slips out of his fingers and he curses under his breath as it draws a messy line across the paper, him desperately reaching for it not helping.
"I don't," he lies, "you're distracting me."
Technoblade raises an eyebrow, toys with a potato that he's sure is going to start growing mold within the next 24 hours. "Species-wise, of course." While Dream's gotten a very good look of the other, the piglin hybrid has been kept very.. in the dark, to say the least. Dream makes sure to hide his face, and Techno hasn't attempted to catch a glance whenever he was distracted enough. He'd feel like he's intruding, if he did. Surely there's a reason he always wore that mask, after all. It's rude, he's concluded. "You haven't really let me catch a glance."
"What's it matter to you?" He mumbles, retrieving the pen and annoyedly smudging at the ink that's now splotched all over the paper. Smudging it more isn't really helping, weirdly enough.
"It's something to talk about, Dream." 
"I don't feel like talking."
"I know. You never do. It's kinda your thing." He snorts.
"That's-- that's not true. You know that's not true. I just- You already made me ruin this whole page."
"Put that thing down for 5 minutes, Dream. I'm pretty sure we've got plenty of time for you to finish that."
It looks like he's right, but somehow, sometimes Dream fears, he might blink, and Technoblade might disappear into thin air. 
"Fine." Dream hisses through gritted teeth, closing the book to set it aside. He leaves the pen amidst the pages to keep note of where he was. "Your tail reminds me of Ranboo’s." Techno remarks, and as if on command, it whips against cold obsidian and then curls up to hide behind his back. "What- are you just going to- analyze things about me?"
"Well, you're not telling me."
"That's still, like, weird." Dream argues, shaking his head. Something about it makes him really uncomfortable. Something about it is something he didn't account for and it makes him nervous.
"Man, you've been eyeing me up and down the entire time and I can't even catch a quick glance." He snickers at the immediate physical rise he gets out of Dream. 
" WHAT?? " Oh, that blush is obvious. "I've- You're an idiot, I've literally-" Dream stumbles over his words, messy locks not disguising enough of his face to hide his expression. 
"You're- You're stupid. You're just- you're just saying things. That's not even true!" 
"I don't know bro, for an innocent man you're getting real defensive."
"I'm not-- That's not-- I literally have not been doing that." Defeatedly, Dream taps his foot against the obsidian, knees dragged to his chest.
"Uh-huh." Technoblade nods, beginning to redo his braid for the third time that day. 
"Fuck yourself, seriously, Techno. I don't even know where- where you got that from."
"Maybe from the guy who's been eyeing me up and down."
" I HAVE NOT??? " (Dream’s heart beats in his ears and it tastes bitter and it's uncalculated and it makes no sense and he has to remind himself to breathe.) And it beats. And it beats. And it beats.
"So, what are you?"
"You're not going to let me live that down, are you?" Dream responds, annoyed. "I'm curious and bored." Technoblade answers, too honestly. Too honestly for Dream’s taste. Dream hasn't planned for this. Dream doesn't like the way he sees through him. "The answer- the answer is going to disappoint you, then." He gnaws on his lip for a moment. "Because I don't- I don't actually know ."
Techno raises an eyebrow curiously. He snorts. "You seriously don't, huh?"
"Yeah- uh- why the hell- why would I lie about that?"
"Uh, I mean, you've got the same tail as Ranboo." Techno deduces. "And he's an Enderman. I think?" He shakes his head. "But you're also not really letting me see anything else."
"You're being weird." Dream pushes, hiding his face in his knees.
"Not any weirder than you."
"Can I see your face?" Techno asks, and is surprised by his own question.
"What???" Dream returns, almost instinctively letting more hair fall into his face. 
"Your face." He presses, shifting with his coat. "I wanna see your face. It's been so long since I last did."
"Curiosity." Technoblade shrugs, feigning disinterest. Maybe he's just curious. Maybe there's more to it. Dream hates the way he can't tell and he hates the way it makes his heart beat and he hates the way he squirms uncomfortably and he hates the way the proposed intimacy makes him feel and he hates it.
Dream catches his heart in his throat and chokes it with both of his hands.
"No." He responds, met by a dejected, "awwwh", from the piglin hybrid. "Just a quick glance."
"No." He repeats, with more tone in his voice.
"Just a quick one."
"I said no." Dream cringes, crossing his arms. "It's not like I've never seen it before." Techno shrugs.
"Be satisfied with that, then."
"What's the big deal?"
"We're not friends, Techno." His tone of voice seems insincere, but he wants it to be true. They aren't friends. This is purely transactional. Technoblade is here to rescue him on account of a favor. Something is going wrong with whatever he's got planned and now he's trapped here for the time being. It doesn't mean anything. 
"Ow." Technoblade shuffles, moves as if something stabbed him. It's dramatics, Dream reminds himself. He's being dramatic. "First off, that hurts." It doesn't, Dream reminds himself. It's theatrics. It's to pass the time, it's to make him feel secure, it's to fool him, it's to- he doesn't know. Make him forget the plan?
"Second off, it's rude. I thought we've been having a real bonding moment here." Technoblade doesn't mean that, Dream reminds himself. "Well- boohoo." He fiddles with his fingers, with the book in his hands. "We're not friends." He has to emphasize that. (lest he forgets. lest he forgets that that too, is part of the plan.)
"I thought we were." Techno reiterates. "I mean, you've been watching me sleep. Would be real weird if we weren't friends."
"Oh my God, Technoblade. I have not-" He cuts himself off, rolling his eyes. He gives up. It's obvious he's just trying to get a rise out of him. He doesn't understand the point. It's distracting. It's going off the plan. It defies everything Dream did this for. He feels dizzy.
"C'mon Dream, I know you're still grumpy I keep calling you homeless, but I'd say we're friends."
"I'm not- I'm not homeless." (you're the one who kept not believing me I've got a big house filled with Redstone.) The thought makes him laugh bitterly.
Techno raises an eyebrow at the clear silent conversation Dream just had in his head. Some voices tell him something, but they sound drowned. The lack of food is beginning to mess with him bad, Techno eats a lot normally, so while he's not opposed to the potato diet itself, he's really been trying to cut down. If not only to not take away the little food Dream has.
Techno really doesn't like the way Sam clearly doesn't mind feeding him as much - considering he literally even gave him cooked potatoes when he asked for it. (it's all to starve Dream.)
"I know, I know. We're roommates right now, remember?" He snorts, which leads into an amused grunt, then translates into him holding out a baked potato in Dreams direction. "You want some?"
"... What."
"It's baked. Should be better than uh, y’know, the ones you've been chowing down." He gestures at Dream’s stack, which is honestly beginning to show mold.
"Why- how is it- where did you-" Dream stumbles and he looks so extremely bewildered Techno can't help but sneak a little fond smile. (Dream doesn't recognize it as such. His gasping heart categorizes it as him making fun of him.)
"I asked and Sam gave them to me. Under the condition I don't give you any."
Dream frowns. Deeply. He shakes his head. "Under the condition you don't give me any." He repeats, in a tone that makes Techno sick. Wipes the smile off his face and replaces it with a frown. "Hey man, it's not like Sam's gonna know."
"He'll know ." Dream reiterates, shaking his head. He feels sick. Sick. Sick. Resisting everything in himself to not knock it out of Techno’s hand.
"I mean, I'm not telling him. Are you?"
"If- if he asks , if I-if." He stutters over his words, he despises the frown on Techno’s lips. He's not disobeying Sam for some stupid- some potatoes. He could handle himself. The clear favoritism gets to his head, and he needs to turn away so he doesn't just grab the potato and throw it into the lava. Or better yet, he's throwing himself in it next.
Techno sighs. "Alright, man. Just thought I'd offer." He rolls his shoulders, then wordlessly eats it. He's honestly worried Dream might just starve to death one of these days. He certainly doesn't look good.
Dream’s heart beats in his ears. He wishes he could bang his head against the wall until he made a big enough hole for it to escape. Wishes he could reach through his own mouth and pull it up by its bits and pieces and squeeze it until there is finally no feeling left.
In the end he does none of that. In the end he frowns at Techno and doesn't say anything else. In the end he reaches his hands into his hair and tugs until he feels a few strands coming loose. 
"You're- driving me crazy." He hisses. And it's unreasonable. And it's a weird mood swing from the Dream who was just confused then horrified and is now- maybe jealous isn't the right word, but he doesn't find any better ones to describe what he is feeling. Speaking of feeling, he hates the way his heart jumps in his mouth when Techno looks at him with that stupid snort. That stupid big nose ring, and those stupid big ears, and those stupid big tusks that hang upwards out of his mouth and-
Breathe. Breathe. "Man, I'm just being friendly." Techno says and it snaps a cord. "You're not! Friendly. You're A- annoying , you're, you're taking up already sparse food, you're, you're clearly being favorited by- mi- by the wa- by Sam -" He tugs and he tugs and he tugs and maybe this way he can get rid of this stupid long hair. "All this has achieved is- you're just stuck here now, too . Why the hell didn't you realize it was a trap? I didn't want you to get involved! You have- you- aaaaah!" He groans, frustrated, tired, exhausted, hungry, and for the first time in the while he's been stuck here he seriously wishes he had died already.
It's stupid. It's such a stupid thing to want to give up over. (was any of it even worth it? was any of it even worth it? was any of it even worth it? was any of it even worth it.) He thinks he hears Techno say something but it's dampened by the dread that's surrounding him. Maybe he's having a panic attack. Maybe he's having two. Maybe three. four five six seven eight-- he's been doing so well holding himself together but now he's crashing he's falling apart he's grasping at the pieces of a knocked over 3D puzzle and it does little to put it back together.
He's been doing so well smiling and talking with Technoblade whenever Quackity wasn't here he's been doing so well and he's been doing too well and it's exactly why he's tripping all over himself and falling and falling and falling --
It's a harrowing realization. That scaling any mountain is going to involve so much tripping and falling in the future. And it's more harrowing to him that he's decided to do it all alone. It's better that way, he tells himself, but for a moment, Dream would rather be dead than alone.
Maybe, if he gave up, while Technoblade, while Quackity- while it's- while he's not- while- while there's someone there- while he's not alone- while- if he gave up now, at least someone would be by his side while he did-
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. In, and out, and Dream hears a voice, guiding him, and he's breathing.
Breathe. Breathe. He closes his eyes. It's dark, and it's orange from the light of the lava and he's just barely catching himself. 
When he opens his eyes again, he can breathe again. He sees pink strands and his first instinct is to--
He reaches out and tugs on Technoblade’s already messy enough braid. "Ow! Is that the thanks I get????? Ow- ow- Dream that hurts-" And he tugs and he tugs and he tugs and it's enough Technoblade has to stop awkwardly hovering his big hands around Dream's and instead grab onto them, halting the other’s out-of-nowhere violence. " Good ." Dream hisses, and it's venomous, it's almost- uncharacteristic. Techno pulls his eyebrows together and frowns. "You good? You had a little- panic attack there. And now you're attacking me! Scandalous."
Momentarily, Dream is taken aback by the piglin hybrid’s antics. Only momentarily, because as soon as he manages to wipe the way his expression cringes at his own actions off his face, he's back to pulling his hands out of Technoblade’s, taking one, two, three, too many steps towards the lava and almost falling backwards into it. He stumbles, and has to catch himself on the side of the wall. The lava is sizzling so closely behind him he's unsure if some of his hair, or his clothes might already be catching fire. He nudges just a little bit away from it, although he really wishes he could just let himself fall backwards. 
He could, he reckons. No better time than now. No better time than when he's not alone with Sam and Quackity with the warden and sir with the violence and torture and-
His head spins. Technoblade says something again but hovers awkwardly out of his reach. Good. Good. This is better. That's how it's supposed to be. Transactional. As soon as they're out of here Technoblade will abandon him. That's how this was intended. He'll make himself heavy enough of a burden that even Techno will hesitate to dare put that strain on his back. That hesitation will be enough, he hopes. He is sure it will be enough. He closes his eyes, breathing. He should breathe, Technoblade is right. He opens his eyes again and his eyes search for Technoblade, who's looking at him with such a stupid expression of pity (and concern and worry and so many things Dream isn't sure he's identifying right and so many things that Dream hopes he is wrong about.).
Dream prays he is wrong about these things. Because God strike him down if he is right. God if he has to face that possibility.
He isn't sure how much time passes. He isn't sure how long they're just staring at each other. 
"You better now?", Technoblade says after a long silence, attempting to approach him. Very slowly. As if he's afraid Dream might just stumble backwards into the lava if he startles him like a scared deer. Bitterly, Dream laughs. "Yeah", he catches himself, "Sorry."
"Nah, it's okay. You have the strength of a toddler."
" WHAT??? " That gets to Dream’s head worse than Technoblade probably intends it to, when Dream stumbles over himself and almost catches fire on the lava. Techno snorts, lifting a hand to move it in a manner that's supposed to make him calm down but is only irritating him more. "You're- you're fucking insufferable, Technoblade ." Dream draws a breath through barely parted lips and for a moment he wants to cry. 
The piglin sighs. "You know, I've been really patient, but you're making me curious. What happened? Since when are you so-- dead set on pushing everyone away? I mean, I heard Punz betrayed you, which must've sucked- but, Dream, I clearly don't mean you any ha-"
"Fuck off, Technoblade."
"Fuck off." He reiterates, and he is so, so close to ending it all he needs to remind himself that part of the plan is that he stays alive. Part of the plan is that his heart keeps beating. Maybe he can respawn at least though. It's bitter. He threw himself in that lava a lot when there was nothing to do and the pain of burning alive was, funnily enough, the only thing keeping him sane. "We're not friends. We're not roomies. We're not- You weren't supposed to be here. You're so fucking- stupid- walking into that obvious trap."
Technoblade's vision swims, before it refocuses on Dream and he raises an eyebrow. "Dream- You do know I knew that, right?"
"Right. Right. And that's why you haven't gotten out. That's why you're still stuck here with me annoying me and trying to get under my skin all the goddamn time-"
"Well, I mean, some things went wrong. I'll be out here in no time, though."
(I, I, I, I, I)
I, I, I, I, I
It echoes in Dream’s head. He stares. " We ?" He whispers, it's hopeful, it's meek, and it's such a sudden change from the way he was just yelling.
"Uh, yeah. We. You're getting out of here, Dream."
They exchange looks. Stares. He's too busy reading every pore on Technoblade’s face to be distracted by the fact that he's doing the same to him. He stares at Technoblade’s pink eyes as if they have the answer to every question he's ever had. He hears his heart beat again and has such a visceral reaction to it; he bites down on his lip, balling his fists.
"I don't believe that. I don't trust you for a second."
The piglin hybrid sighs, toying with his coat to his braid, undoing it, since Dream messed it up anyways. "Right. I'm really beginning to believe that." 
Dream thinks he hears sarcasm in that tone but he's not sure. He's not sure of any emotion he reads on Technoblade and it horrifies him. Quackity is so much easier to read: and Sam isn't too difficult to read too, he'd say. They're pretty similar, he'd concluded a while ago. 
Quackity wears his heart on his sleeve. Observing him is like you're reading a picture book. Whereas with Technoblade he isn't quite sure he's got a heart in the first place. He isn't sure what he thinks of that conclusion. He isn't sure it's logical. Maybe it makes no sense to interpret it that way, he can't justify dehumanizing Technoblade to himself, but neither can he the way he got addicted to burning in the lava.
"What exactly am I supposed to do to make you-- ' trust ' me?" The Blade speaks up and Dream continues watching him for another roughly 20 seconds, not breaking eye contact. He's finally noticed that he's also eyeing him over and it makes something akin to horror crawl down his back. It settles on his spine and whispers to him. He can't make out exactly what it's saying but he knows it's gripping at the edges of his heart. It's digging its nails in and the only reason it's yet to bleed is that they are still in. Like a stab wound, it'll bleed so much more once removed. But it's bleeding either way.
Either way leads to death.
"Want me to prove I trust you? Do a little trust-fall?"
Dream’s face cringes at the way Technoblade snorts. "I- what - no way- I don't trust you and even if you trusted me, there's no way I can- catch you- in my current state."
"I'm going to be honest, Dream, I don't think you would've been very capable of it previously, either."
"You're----- You're really trying to make me hate you." Dream mumbles, kicking the floor, in a similar fashion as to he would before, and Technoblade takes it as a positive sign. He smiles fondly and it irritates Dream to no end.
The piglin hybrid shrugs. "Eh, sure. I'm not sure I can convince you otherwise, anyways." 
Something stings but Dream can't identify it. Briefly, he wonders if the other feels something like that, too. Then he crosses that thought out, because he knows that the Blade doesn't own a heart that feels. 
His brain rationalizes the dehumanization in a desperate attempt to drown his own feelings. It's not rational and he knows this, but he's horrified that if he looks at Technoblade like he's a person for too long he might forget the plan.
He wants to choke himself out for going down this path alone. But it's the only way to keep them safe. (dehumanizing Technoblade isn't keeping him safe. it's the very thing that's ended him up in this position. the very reason he can't just sit in his cabin and rest. The very reason he's right here and associated with Dream is because they're the same, the same, the same .) 
Dream can't read Technoblade. But maybe he just doesn't want to. Maybe the other is written in a foreign language that Dream couldn't possibly have knowledge of in his young and naive years.
The admin sighs tiredly. 
"You can't. I don't trust you and it's not like you truly trust me either." Dream huffs a laugh. "You trust me to keep you alive. For my own gain." He gestures at the lava, then at Technoblade. "Since I'm not going anywhere without you. But maybe you will just leave without me."
Techno frowns. Even to Dream it's obvious this conversation is getting tiring. Maybe he's beginning to regret getting under his skin, maybe he's regretting constantly running his mouth, maybe he's considering just going to sleep for the rest of his stay here. Dream doesn't know because maybe after all this time, he's finally forgotten how to read. He isn't even sure he can read himself anymore. 
"I mean, yeah, maybe I will. You're not really making it enticing to take you along." Techno exhales heavily, running a hand through his hair. "I'd say you should know I wouldn't actually do any of that, but maybe I misread you."
None of that sounds like anything Technoblade would say. Good, Dream thinks, he's listening. He's not completely dense. He's not completely naive. Of course, the plan is still for the other to take him along. "W-well, you've got a favor to pay back. Technoblade pays back favors."
"And that's all this is."
Dream can't decode the bitter way Techno nods. He doesn't understand the way his throat slowly closes up and he feels like he's choking. He concludes it's been plugged by his heart again and he hates the very way the Blade puts even his organs in a disarray. It's irregular. Makes no sense.
"R-right." He repeats Technoblade’s word, glancing away. 
"Hey, you let me see your face."
"No I didn't."
"You did." 
"I didn't fucking allow you to." Dream crosses his arms, frowns. Techno shrugs, looking at Dream again. The other doesn't look away. "Yeah, but you're still letting me look."
It's not fair. It's not. It's not fair. He can't even rebuke that one. He's tired.
"You've got a lot of freckles." Techno muses, with such a stupid, stupid fond smile. (this isn't part of the plan. Isn't part of the plan.) "Your cheeks are- fuzzy." He snorts and Dream wants to deck him in the face. ( shut up. Shut up. Shut up .) "And your eyes rat you out."
Don't get him involved. Don't get him involved. Stick to the plan. Don't do that to him. Stick to the plan.
It's not worth it. If he changes the plan now- he can't. The plan has to be the way it is. Punz is bad enough. This is bad enough. Dream suddenly feels so powerless that it's crushing.
"And what stupid things do you think they're saying?"
"I don't know." Techno shrugs now, taking a step towards Dream. Cautiously, as if he fears he might startle him and send him into the lava. "Maybe they're desperate." He guesses, stops just out of Dream’s reach. Dream bites his lip bloody.
"Yeah. Desperate to get you to shut up. Get things under control and get us out of here." He grumbles, fists balling. (for a moment, he imagines himself reaching his hand into the lava, cupping it, and then throwing it at Technoblade. He wonders if his hand would last enough for that, or if the lava would burn through quicker. He wonders if that could kill him.)
He wonders how much of it would hit Techno, or if he'd dodge. If he'd call him insane, or if he'd be worried. If he'd be worried for his own safety, or Dream's, or both.
"I'm at it! I'm at it. Someone's really impatient." Techno lifts his hands defensively. "You're the one who designed this thing so- inescapable." Dream licks the blood off his lips, tail flicking behind him. "It'd kind of defeat the purpose if it wasn't." 
The piglin hybrid only nods. Dream only returns a nod. They're silent, observing each other as if they are reading a book.
Dream decides he needs to rip his pages out of Techno’s book. He takes a deep breath, looks directly at the other’s face. 
"Come over here." He croaks out, embarrassed, clears his throat after. "Come here." He repeats, clearer now.
For a moment, Dream hoped he'd see hesitation in Technos gaze. He sees something, Techno does need a second to listen, but he doesn't see hesitation. He doesn't know what he's seeing. (Worry? Care? Concern?) Concern, for his own or Dream’s or both of their safety.
Technoblade listens and everything in Dream’s body was hoping he wouldn't. He'd hoped he wouldn't. But now he's standing in front of him, left of him lava bubbles. It's hot and unbearable to him, but Dream knows it's like second nature to the piglin hybrid. 
"Do you trust me?" Dream asks, it's flat. The croak in his voice disappeared, it's just cold now. He can't read the expression on Technoblade’s face. He doesn't like the way he frowns. He doesn't like the way he has to break his neck to look him in the face when they are so close together. 
"What's this?"
"No, shut up, answer the question." Dream shakes his head when Techno tries to gain knowledge on his intent. That won't work. That won't work. He made a plan and he's sticking by it.
Techno sighs. Rolls his shoulders. Then nods. Smiles. "Yeah, well, I do."
(I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do. It repeats in Dream’s ears until it turns to venom until it takes over every part of his brain until he can't hear anything else until it tastes bitter and bile and he wishes he could throw up.)
Everything in Dream hoped he'd say no. Everything in Dream hoped he'd say no.
He doesn't breathe for a good minute. Then he holds out his hand. His hand, small, burned, injured. There's little cuts and scars everywhere. He still has all of his fingers, but he is afraid he won't soon enough. "Okay. If you take my hand and close your eyes, do you trust me to not hurt you?" He continues, and his heart deflates when Technoblade listens. He hoped he wouldn't.
He hoped he'd make a snarky comment and refuse. But he doesn't even give him a snarky comment. The piglin hybrid's hand almost completely engulfs his own and Dream feels so small and helpless and weak, all of a sudden. It's like Technoblade is unknowingly pulling the carpet out from under his feet. It's like the obsidian beneath him disappeared. (The hand-holding is weirdly comforting and suddenly Dream wants to abandon everything he thought of, everything he planned. if he could just fall forward and-)
He grips Technoblade’s hand. Harsh. He's not sure where he draws the strength from, considering he hasn't even eaten one potato today. And he isn't even sure he ate one yesterday. He squeezes it, and for a moment, it may come across comforting, or comfortable, or-
Then he violently tugs on the other’s hand. Then he draws both of them towards the lava. Then, suddenly, both of their hands are touching lava. (Dream's barely is. Technoblade’s hand engulfs his almost completely, but he's probably more fire resistant than he is. He braces himself, grits his teeth, burn, burn, burn, burn, everything in himself is screaming to take it all back, to reverse time, to-)
"Let this be a lesson not to, in the future."
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quotethemenevervore · 2 months
So uh, I’m back-
Like a seesaw that only goes down, chapter 3
Content warnings: g/t, vore, scars, talks of violence and characters having anxiety
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“How come Techno doesn’t come see you when you’re big?”
It was an innocent question, one that Tommy didn’t think was going to be anything big. It had been a few weeks since the first time the blonde came to see Wilbur when he was big, and Phil tagged along when he could. But there was always one person missing, and finally, it bugged him enough to ask.
He expected ‘Oh, he just doesn’t feel like it’, or maybe even ‘He just doesn’t like being around someone bigger than he is’. So when he asked that, and Wilbur’s eyes immediately cast down and away, he was confused.
“It’s… a little complicated with him. It’s not that he hates me being a shifter, it’s just.. yea. It’s complicated.” It was not a fulfilling answer in the slightest, but Tommy felt bad for making Wilbur feel bad, so he dropped the subject and brought up something else.
“Dad?” It had been a little bit since he’d officially been adopted, and he surprised himself at how natural it felt to call the avian dad. It always got a smile out of the older as well, eyes softening as he turned to face the other. “Yea?” “Do you know why Techno doesn’t like hanging out with Wil when he’s big?” His face scrunched up slightly, but it was in confusion rather than sadness. “To be honest, no. Neither of them told me what happened when Techno went to go see him when he was big. All I know is that it was only one time, and he hasn’t gone back since. It could have been like your situation.” The younger hummed in thought. “Techno doesn’t seem like the type to cower away, though.” “I don’t think it’s cowering away. I think maybe it’s a mutual agreement, Wilbur’s never seem saddened by it. But I don’t really know.” “Alright. Thanks anyway.” “No problem, mate. I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready, okay?”
“Okay, thanks.” There was one more person he could ask.
“Techno?” The door was slightly ajar when he went upstairs, the piglin sitting in a chair in the corner of the room reading a book. He didn’t catch a glimpse of the title, but based on what he knew of the man, he could guess it was some kind of ancient history. “Heh?” Tommy didn’t ask permission to come in, Techno had already granted it to him a while back so long as he made his presence known first. Flopping down on the bed across from the pinkette, he watched him put his book aside.
“Got a question for you.” “Okay. What is it?” “Did something happen with you and Wil?” He caught the miniscule flinch that Techno immediately hid. “It’s just, like you’re the only one who doesn’t go see him when he’s big so I’m just wondering-“ “It’s nothing. We just don’t really get along when he’s big. He gets too handsy.” He added the end with a snort, but Tommy caught on to how he was avoiding eye contact. “I mean, yea. But is that it?” He tried to push, but it failed. “Yea. That’s pretty much it. We agreed on it.” His brow furrowed, and he tried to think of something else to ask, but Phil’s voice carried from downstairs announcing dinner, and that was the end of it.
Dinner was.. tense, to say the least. Well, to Tommy it felt tense. Everyone else seemed fine, even his brothers were in a good mood and chatting about random things. He just couldn’t figure out why his brothers wouldn’t see each other when Wil was in his bigger form. Anything he tried to conclude fell flat on its face, so he begrudgingly set it aside. Anything he could think of he could probably think about on a fuller stomach.
But it didn’t help. Nor did trying to distract himself with a game of kart racing (which Tommy absolutely won, and techno didn’t, and if he says he did he’s lying-) and even laying down it tried to consume his thoughts.He groaned into his pillow, reminding himself that if they didn’t want him to know, he wouldn’t know. He shouldn’t push it.
It would be bad to have to see Puffy so soon.
With that thought in mind, he shoved the entire question as far away as he could, and relaxed, thinking about former trips with Tubbo, and some of the past nights with his new family.
~ ~ ~
The next time Wilbur grew, Tommy wanted to feed a different curiosity.
Anatomy classes could only do so much, and if he had the ability to see inside a person’s body, why wouldn’t he take it? He got permission, got a waterproof flashlight, and Wilbur happily gulped him down the next time he shifted to his full height.
Tommy wasted no time upon settling in and turned on the flashlight, waving it around to look at his surroundings. It was.. kind of what he expected- pink, fleshy walls. There was barely a puddle under him, probably the saliva that came down with him. It wasn’t really anything shocking, but his curiosity was satisfied anyway. He moved to turn it off when something caught his attention.
A long, jagged line, so deep that the walls seemed to cave into it. It was about as long as Tommy’s forearm, but despite it being on the inside, he knew what it was.
A scar.
Running his light across that wall, he found a few more, totaling it up to about six or seven. Six or seven scars.
His silence must have gone on a little too long, because his surroundings collapsed on him. “Tommy? Are you okay?” His brother called out, worry in his tone. “Wilbur, what the fuck did you eat? You have scars.” He couldn’t see the giant’s face, but the muscles freezing around him told him more than it should have. “Wil? What happened?”
It was silent for a good minute or two, and Tommy grew more worried. He tried to think of anything and everything his brother could have eaten to get those nasty scars- did he try to save a wounded animal? Did it get scared and start attacking him? Was it a stranger to him, a camper in jeopardy like he had been those weeks ago?
“It’s.. it’s fine. I don’t think it’s anything to worry-“ “Nothing to worry about my ass, Wil.” He meant to say more, but a heavy sigh from the other jostled his surroundings and interrupted.
“I didn’t even know I had scars. I didn’t even think about that when..” another sigh, a heavy air of sadness to it, cut through the silence he unintentionally left behind. Tommy leaned against the closest wall to him, running his hand along the flesh closest to him in an attempt to be comforting.
Whatever had happened, it must have been bad.
Finally, the giant broke the silence.
“When I stored you, you freaked out. You panicked because you thought I’d actually eaten you, because you didn’t know about giant anatomy.” “Yes..?” Tommy drew out, trying to encourage him to continue while drawing his own conclusion.
Definitely a camper, then.
Wilbur took a moment, a shaky breath, and continued. “Well, you aren’t the only person I’d swallowed that didn’t know. And.. it was to protect him, so I had no time to explain anything to him. I didn't know he was armed,” “Oh, Wilbur-“ “It’s fine.” He tried to reassure. “But… that person was Techno. That’s.. that’s why he doesn’t come visit me at this size.”
What? He must have said it out loud, because Wilbur hummed in agreement. “I didn’t really want to say anything, because I know Techno doesn’t like talking about it-“ “But- Did he ever apologize? Does he know about this?” Tommy understood, of course- the fear that coursed through him the day he thought Wilbur was killing him was awful, and he could believe that if he had a weapon he’d probably had done some damage as well. But if Techno didn’t know the damage he’d caused-
“He doesn’t know. Honestly? I.. didn’t know it had scarred either. We talked about it when I was smaller, and we came to an agreement that he just didn’t feel.. comfortable being with me at this size. It’s not out of fear, I don’t think. But it only takes one bad experience to… ruin things.” Tommy sighed. “Am I really the only person who didn’t hold this against you?” “Phil.” “He’s your dad. Of course he wouldn’t hold it against you.” “Well, not after he learned, of course. But..” Wilbur hummed, cutting himself off.
“We should probably head back soon.” It was a distraction. Wilbur was trying to pull him from these thoughts. He shouldn’t let it happen so easily, but.. it did seem like bringing this up has struck a chord in the giant, and he really didn’t wanna upset him any further than he was.
It would be hell if Wilbur tried separating himself from the family again.
“Okay.” So he relaxed, and waited, and planned.
~ ~ ~
“We need to talk.” It was the last thing Techno expected to come out of his younger brother’s mouth, especially with such a serious tone to it. He already had a feeling what it was about, too. He’d just been with Wilbur the day before while the shifter was giant, meaning it was likely the conversation from before. He kept his book open, but turned his head to the other as the blonde walked further into the room and sat on the bed to be opposite of him. “Okay. What about?”
“About you lying.” “What did I lie about?” “Wilbur.” Techno sighed, a mix of unease and exasperation. “I don’t really want to talk about it.” “Wilbur wouldn’t talk about it either. And I’m willing to bet neither of you have talked to each other.” “Then how did you find out?” Anxiety began to grow in the piglin, a heavy weight gnawing at him from the inside. Techno was sure that Phil didn’t know, so unless Wilbur had said something about what happened that day, which the blonde had said he didn’t, then there was no way for Tommy to-
“He has scars.” The book dropped to his lap, his fears confirmed, but Tommy didn’t stop. “From when you attacked him. He has like six scars in him. And, look, I get it, okay? Fear does some crazy shit to you. But- you don’t even know what you did! And I know he said that you guys talked but-“
He was abruptly cut off by the piglin standing up so fast the book spilled to the floor and being out the door before it ever hit. “Wh- Tech-!” Before Tommy could even catch up to him, the door to Wilbur’s room slammed shut right in front of him. Worry gripped his heart in an icy fist, and he warred between himself whether he should try to eavesdrop or go to his room and hope they sort it out. A voice in the back of his head nastily told him he’d done enough already, so he ducked his head and slunk to his room, hoping that his brothers would be able to figure it out and be okay.
~ ~ ~
“Techno!?” Wilbur jumped at the sudden door slamming, whipping his head around to see the culprit. “You know I prefer my door-“ “When were you going to tell me you had scars?” The piglin’s face was dead serious, borderline angry, and he had to blink at the sudden whiplash he felt. “I- what?” “When I..” he cut himself off with a harsh breath, the anger morphing to appear more distressed. “I left scars. Were you just never going to say anything about it?” “Tech- I-“ “I know that you were trying to spare my feelings, because of the whole situation, but that seems pretty important for me to-“
“Techno, I didn’t know!” He cut the other off.
“..what?” “I only just found out about the scars yesterday. Tommy found them. I had no idea. I didn’t even think I was going to scar because of it.” He sighed. “And no, I’m not trying to spare your feelings. I saw how you looked at me when we were together that next time I shifted. You think I want to see that? I feel enough guilt as is. I just thought.. and you agreed..” Techno thought over his words, speaking them slowly. “I agreed to not see you because I didn’t want to upset you. I thought you were upset with me.” “I was never upset with you. I’ve only ever been upset with myself.” Before the piglin could even get a word out, eyes widening at the realization before him, Wilbur continued.
“I scared you, and I scared Phil.. I’ve scared Tommy twice now.. I.. I never wanted to be like this, Tech.” He pulled his knees up to his chest, resting the side of his head over them. He was still looking in the piglin’s direction, but it didn’t really seem like he was seeing anymore. He didn’t want to confront these feelings, that’s why he had hidden away from them when his brother had proposed they not see each other when he was big. But they were on full display now, and despite everything he couldn’t reel the words back in before they were put in the open before the Piglin. “I don’t like the idea that I’m hurting the people I love. I want to be able to make friends and have my family close without anyone being afraid, or worried about me. I just..” he blinked, and only then did he recognize the sting at his eyes as tears began to drip down his face.
He felt pathetic. He bet he looked pathetic then too, curled up in front of his brother like this. If it were up to him, he’d rather disappear. At least if he could disappear, it would be a better ability than growing to a freakishly-
The bed dipped beside him, and he looked up to find Techno wrapping an arm around him, forcing his body to move and his knees to drop back down. His head now rested on the piglin’s shoulder, with the other’s head resting on his own. Delicately, as if he were made of glass, one of his hands reached down and picked up the brunette’s. It was slowly lifted until his fingertips rested against what could only have been one of the piglin’s tusks.
“You’re not the only one, Wil.” He whispered, letting go of the other’s hand. “Those alone caused me lots of grief in school. Everybody looked at me like a monster.” Wilbur let his hand fall, but only low enough to wrap the arm around his brother’s shoulder and pull him closer to him. “I didn’t feel welcomed until Phil brought me here. By then, I was out of school, and it was only us two. I learned I wasn’t a monster, I was just as equal as he was. And then we found you, and.. I guess the lesson got lost somewhere.” The brunette wasn’t sure when his brother had returned the hug, but he sank further into it as he began tracing shapes against his back.
“You’re not a monster, Wilbur. You’re just trying to survive in a world meant for humans. And you’re doing a lot better than you think you are.” And that was the straw that broke down Wilbur’s resolve. He began sobbing into his brother’s shoulder, clutching onto the fabric of his shirt so tightly as if he were afraid he’d disappear. He wasn’t sure how long they’d stayed like that, Techno gently rocking him while he let all his emotions finally run their course. Every time he’d tried to say something through his hiccuping sobs, he was gently shushed, so he gave up. Eventually, he felt like there were no more tears to shed, but he hesitated, worried that once he’d let go he’d still lose his brother. He’d missed him since the incident, even if they were still close outside of him shifting. He wasn’t given a choice, a small whine escaping him when the pinkette pulled away.
“I’m just gonna change my shirt.” Wilbur looked down from his face to the large wet spot he’d left on the shoulder, and he winced. “‘M sorry..” “It’s fine. I’ll be back. Want me to send the gremlin in while I’m gone?” The brunette rubbed at his face, trying to get rid of the excess tears. “If you want to.”
Techno had not left the room until he opened the door and yelled for the teen, Tommy rushing out of his room. “What happened? Is-“ “Keep him company until I get back. I won’t be long.” The block of ice in his gut grew tenfold at the sentence, and he quickly entered the room as Techno went down the hall to his own room. It took one look at Wilbur for his heart to sink into the ice in his stomach, and he froze in the doorway.
But then Wilbur smiled through his tears, opened his arms as an invitation, and he breathed a slight sigh of relief and walked to the offered hug.
“Did everything work out?” “Yea. I think everything worked out.” He heaved out a breath, the ice quickly melting away from his veins as he pulled away from the hug. “Thank god. I dunno if I could handle you guys not talking about that.” “Well, I don’t think you should be telling people’s secrets.” Wilbur mused. “Well, I don’t think people should be keeping secrets. Especially not secrets like that.” The blonde stayed firm, crossing his arms over his chest. “But.. Do you think it’s okay now?” “I think we’ll be okay.” Techno was back in the room less than two minutes later, a new button up to replace the old one. “Do you own any other clothes, man?” “Yea? I prefer style.” He climbed back onto the bed, this time sitting up against the headboard. “I think that’s stupid.” “You think everything’s stupid, you gremlin child.”
Tommy huffed, clambering over Wilbur to get to Techno at the top of the bed. “I’m not a child! I’m a big man!” “So you are a gremlin, then?” “Wilbur!” “What? You didn’t deny it.” He shot back with a grin, bracing himself to catch the blonde as he launched himself at him. “Fuck off! I’m not a gremlin or a child!” A small tussle followed, Wilbur trying to get up to sit against the headboard with Techno and Tommy simply not letting him move. At some point, the brunette shot up around a foot or two and simply scooped the squirming teen in his arms, dropping him on the piglin and finally making it to the spot he desired.
The energy burnt out soon enough, and the blonde settled down sprawled across the other’s legs. Wilbur had shrunk back down to his human height, slumped back down against Techno’s shoulder. “‘M glad you guys talked it out.” Tommy mumbled. “I’m not glad you initiated the conversation like you did.” “Yea..” Wilbur sighed. “Sorry.” “Apology accepted, Toms.” “I’m sorry too, Techno.” The pinkette hummed questioningly. “I wish I’d had time to tell you you were safe that day.” “We’re past that, Wil. I don’t hold it against you.” “Still. I want to get it off my chest, at least.” “Then let me apologize too.” Wilbur looked up to the other from where he was curled against him, and Techno met his gaze fully. “I’m sorry for acting out like I did. And I’m sorry that I left scars in you.” An amused huff left the shifter, and he nodded. “Thank you. For what it’s worth, I don’t feel them.” A small huff answered him, along with a pat to his head, and Wilbur leaned more into his side, letting his eyes fall shut as he relaxed in his brother’s embrace fully for the first time since the incident.
~ ~ ~
When Phil came home from grocery shopping, he’d called out to the boys so they’d come and help him. When none of them had, he couldn’t help the small twinge of worry, the nagging voice in his head that made him run upstairs. He’d only had to search one room, finding the trio knocked out on Wilbur’s bed. Techno was still practically sitting up, Wilbur curled up beside him and the youngest flopped overtop of them both. With a fond, and relieved sigh, he set the letter from the mailbox atop the brunette’s desk and shut the light off.
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bubble-popping · 4 days
day 40! i couldn't stop thinking about soft punznoblade bc of this post so naturally i had to write for it <3
The fire crackles in front of them, gentle noises to fill the otherwise silence. It cast long shadows behind the two people, orange light dancing on their faces. A snowstorm raged outside, but its sounds were resolutely muted by the wood coverings Techno had long reinforced the windows with. That same storm that they had just escaped and caused the need for dedicated time by the fireplace. While Punz was fully preoccupied by warming up, Techno couldn't help but notice something.
Both sets of hands outstretched towards the flames, yet his own were considerably larger. Longer, thicker fingers, scars littered across the tanned surface, and calluses roughening the texture.
Free from their usual gloves, Punz's slender digits ended with short claws painted black. He wore a few rings, golden gifts Techno had given him--true intentions hidden by a simple "Got too many of 'em." Never mind how they fit perfectly.
"Such little hands..." Techno mumbled, not really meaning for them to hear it.
His ear flicked, disturbed by Techno's breath ghosting over the sand-colored fur. Their hair looked particularly lovely in this lighting.
"Not really," they replied. "Yours are just huge." Pale hands fisted and flexed, urging blood to run through them quicker. "Reminds me of something stupid Sapnap would say. Maybe you can confirm," he mused with a chuckle.
"And what's that?"
"Everything's bigger in the Nether?"
Techno snorted, shoulders bouncing as he laughed under his breath. "Never heard that one, but there's prolly some truth to it. Bigger animals, bigger plants, bigger structures..."
"Yeah, I think he just meant his dick, but all that works too."
The piglin hybrid scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Classy."
Wordlessly, Punz nestled closer, rubbing his hands together as he exaggerated a shiver. "Can't believe I let you convince me to stay in the Arctic. 'm not built for this weather."
"Ya get used to it. Here, lemme." Gently, allowing ample time for Punz to pull away, Techno encompassed their smaller hands in his and exhaled hotly on their still freezing skin. His hold was firm and caring, yet purposely non-restrictive.
If he looked hard enough, Techno swore he saw his cheeks tinge red. A muffled, shuffling sound started, a familiar noise that Techno came to recognize as a wagging tail.
"Any better?"
Punz jolted at the sudden question and cleared his throat. "My hands are fine, but..." He trailed off, gaze averting.
This guy probably thought he was so clever.
"Ya need another blanket? Mine's big enough for two," he offered, lifting his quilt.
They instantly filled the space, nuzzling against Techno's side with folded ears and a small smile. Techno draped the blanket and his arm around his shoulders.
He fit snugly in place, like he was always meant to be there. Or maybe that was just the hopeless romantic in Techno talking.
Punz propped his head atop Techno's chest and Techno turned to meet his bright blue eyes, causing their faces to be just inches apart.
"Tell me again why you let me in."
Techno knew what they were referring to. That night all those weeks ago, when they were little more than strangers, before Techno saw all the softness underneath their tough outer layers.
"Couldn't leave ya out there to freeze. I'd be a terrible host. I might destroy countries, but I treat my guests with respect."
They giggled, quiet and fond, eyes squinting from a warm smile. "That's all?"
"That and... I wouldn't have this." He leaned in to rub their noses together. That shuffling sound got faster.
Those hands, small and smooth and thoroughly blood-stained, cupped Techno's face as if he held the world in his palms. "Who would've guessed you're such a sap?"
Techno turned to kiss at their wrists, noticing the pleasant warmth they now exuded. "Ya gotta accept a lil responsibility there."
Punz scoffed, face only growing darker. "What, am I too 'loveable'?"
"There ya go. Yer gettin' it."
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swamp-chicken · 1 year
ethubs won against the ranchers in the shipping poll, so as promised here is a little ethubs somethin' somethin!' inspired very heavily by this insane video edit I made
your greatest fear, ethubs, 1657 words
It was full dark by the time Etho climbed out of the mines. Aside from an easily dispatched creeper lurking by the mine entrance, all was quiet. The boogey had already killed, and it was too early in the server for much chaos otherwise. Even the red name was likely engaged in domestic activities, building up his resources.
Etho took the stairs up to the base slowly.  Their morning in the Nether had taken a toll on him. First being chased by withers, then being chased by the boogey.
Etho had been on guard from the moment Scar approached, but Bdubs had no such instincts. He hadn’t even reacted when Scar started swinging. Instead, he had blinked at Scar in disbelief, confused and sick and fragile. Etho’s stomach dropped.
“He’s boogey!” Etho shouted. They ran. Etho shoved an ender pearl into Bdubs’ hand. “We have to do it,” he explained, and then he threw his own. 
There was the anxiety of throwing a pearl over lava, the brief ear-popping rush of nothing before he teleported to safety. But Etho didn’t stumble. He had his bow trained on Scar as soon as he landed. Bdubs appeared next to him with a crack. 
Etho shot, but Scar didn’t fall. “It’s all a big misunderstanding!” Scar called, his voice faint over the the sound of bubbling lava. 
“Wait— is he the boogey?” Bdubs asked. His face was pale. 
“He took two swings at me.” Etho said, catching Bdubs by the wrist. “We’re going.”
Etho hauled Bdubs to the portal as fast as he could, their feet dragging through the soul sand. 
Scar started pillaring up to them. “I swear, it’s all a miscommunication…”
Etho quickened his pace. He pulled Bdubs into the portal. The nether started swirling around them. Through the portal haze, Etho glimpsed Scar stumbling towards them, a piglin hot on his heels.
They were through.
“Move, move, move,” Etho demanded. His heart was pounding in his ears. Bdubs sprang away from the portal and Etho blocked it up behind him. “If he comes through, we hit his feet.”
“Seriously?” Bdubs asked, still a step or two behind. 
Etho’s hands were trembling where they held his sword. 
A long minute passed before Etho lowered his blade. Scar hadn’t followed. When he looked to his side, Bdubs was dutifully holding his own sword, eyes glassy with fever. Etho took a deep breath. 
They were alive. 
It had been too close a call for comfort, Etho mused, as he shouldered open the door to their fort. Bdubs was crouched in front of the stove, diligently feeding it wood. Etho set down his heavy pack with a thump.
Bdubs turned, already smiling. “Dinner’s almost ready!” he sing-songed. His voice was hoarse. “Successful mining trip?”
“Well… kinda,” Etho replied. He opened the pack and pulled out some gold ore. “For piglin trading.”
“No diamonds?”
“Didn’t have much luck,” Etho sighed.
“Listen, I know you’re old school, but you gotta try the lapis trick, dude,” Bdubs admonished, then started coughing.
“Hey,” Etho said. “Don’t cough all over our food. Let me take over.”
It was a sign of how poorly Bdubs felt that he didn’t even argue. He sat on the edge of the bed and Etho took over his place in front of the stove. The stew was bubbling nicely. Etho stirred it a few more times, then grabbed a pair of bowls and served up two portions, handing one over to Bdubs. 
Bdubs took the bowl but didn’t do much beyond stare at its contents. He was shivering, slightly. Maybe from the cold.
“Feeling okay?” Etho asked. There wasn’t anywhere to sit other than next to Bdubs on the bed, so Etho took the floor, awkwardly crossing his legs underneath him. 
Bdubs snorted, the sound thick with mucous. “Not really. Not much of an appetite, either.”
“You should eat,” Etho suggested. “Try and get your strength up. It’s been a stressful day.”
Bdubs spooned up a small amount of the stew, gingerly bringing it mouth and swallowing. “You can say that again. Couldn’t find any warped wart, Scar the boogey… oh, did I mention the worst alliance of all time?” 
Etho laughed. “They’re not that bad!”
“Sugarcane!” Bdubs wailed. “That’s what they’re bringin’ to the group, sugarcane?”
Etho laughed again, a deep belly laugh. It was nice, like this. Their warm little fortress. Bdubs all to himself. “But we’re the B.E.S.T., Bdubs.”
“Tango’s the best at being a pain in my butt, that’s the truth,” Bdubs griped 
There was a lull of silence, Etho happy to continue eating his stew. Bdubs didn’t touch his. The silence grew, extended past the time Bdubs would usually break it. Bdubs’ expression became more distant, a small furrow appearing in his brow. Etho cleared his throat. “Everything okay?” he asked.
Bdubs blinked, expression clearing. “What? Yeah, I was just thinking.”
Another beat of silence. Etho shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t like when Bdubs was silent. Usually he was open, easy to read. Except when he was the boogey. Etho frowned, pushed that thought aside. “Thinking…” he prompted.
Bdubs shrugged. “Yeah. Just… That was an interesting question you asked Skizz, earlier.” 
Skizz had showed up to their base, asking for an alliance, going on and on about loyalty. Etho didn’t know why the question had jumped into his head, but it had. 
“‘What do you fear the most,’” Etho recited to Bdubs, shoulders drawing up. He felt defensive all of a sudden. “He gave a good answer.” 
Bdubs hummed. He peered over at Etho. “It’s like a test, right? See how honest they are?” 
“Something like that,” Etho hedged. 
Bdubs scooped up some stew but didn’t eat it. He tipped the spoon and watched the stew fall back into the bowl. Etho watched with him, almost holding his breath. 
“What would be your answer?” Bdubs asked. 
Etho’s gaze darted back down to his own bowl. “What?”
“You know, the question you asked. What’s your greatest fear?”
Etho took a bite of the stew. It was a pretty good effort, considering the lack of ingredients on the server. Bdubs must have dug up some seasoning from somewhere. Etho savored the taste before he swallowed. “Like I said, I think most people would agree with Skizz.” 
Bdubs set his stew aside. “That’s not really an answer. What’s the matter, you don’t trust me?” He grinned at Etho, crookedly. 
Etho’s chest clenched in response.
Skizz had answered Etho’s question without hesitation. Bad things happening to the people I love. Etho’s had turned to look at Bdubs before he had even realized it. Only to find Bdubs already looking back at him, gaze warm and certain. 
Bad things happening to the people I love, Skizz had answered, full of assurance, raw with honesty. Etho couldn’t imagine doing the same. He was never sure of things, and even when he tried to speak the truth it came out of his mouth feeling like a lie. 
Bad things happening to the people I love. Etho had handed Bdubs the ender pearl, his hands shaking, so desperate he felt like his heart would shudder out of his body. 
Bad things happening to the people I love. 
Etho had never been good at saying how he felt.
Etho placed his bowl on the floor and stood. There was a blanket folded on one of the chests, rough-woven and full of holes. It was the best they had been able to scrape together, here in this remote, short-lived server. 
Etho unfolded the blanket and shook it out. When he turned back, Bdubs was watching him curiously, but without any sort of expectation. Without judgement. 
Etho swallowed. He leaned towards Bdubs and draped the blanket over his shoulders. “You’re cold,” Etho explained.
“A little,” Bdubs admitted, voice thick. 
Etho sat on the bed, positioned himself so Bdubs was pressed all along his side. “You should really try eating.” 
Bdubs huffed but leaned eagerly back into Etho’s warmth. “Fine.” He picked the bowl back up and tried another bite. “Wish I could taste it, though.”
“It’s good,” Etho assured.
Bdubs wiggled against him. “Of course it is! All due to my fantastic cooking prowess.” 
Etho wrapped an arm around Bdubs, pressed his face to Bdubs’ hair. Bdubs still smelled of home— of sunbaked earth, of moss, of long drowsy evenings full of laughter. His fragile little flower, sick and shivering but still brimming with life. 
Etho wasn’t good at saying how he felt, but maybe he should start trying more. For Bdubs. 
“Skizz’s answer,” Etho tried. “It’s the same as mine.”
It wasn’t much, but Bdubs still turned in his arms, looked up at him with a beatific smile stretching across his lovely face. “No wonder you were shaking like a leaf in the nether!” he crowed.
Etho willed down the redness in his face. “I wasn’t shaking,” he argued.
Bdubs chortled, returning to his stew. “No, no, certainly not. Not the great Etho! Well, you passed the test. You are an honest and true ally!” 
“And you?” Etho prodded. “What are you most afraid of, Bdubs?”
It wasn’t a question that Etho needed an answer too. He already trusted Bdubs too much. Illogically so. 
“Me? Oh, definitely endermen.” Bdubs answered, shoveling another bite into his mouth.
“You—oh?” Etho processed, then burst into surprised laughter.
“Wha’?” Bdubs mumbled, mouth full. He swallowed. “Why— Don’t laugh! I’m serious! One wrong look and they’ll kill you in two, three hits easy!” 
Etho laughed harder, pulled Bdubs closer to him. “You’re not afraid for me at all?”
“No, of course not!” Bdubs grumbled. “With your skills? You’d cut through all these guys no problem.”
Etho wanted to kiss the pout off Bdubs’ lips. He also didn’t want to get sick. He settled for pressing his lips against Bdubs’ flushed forehead. “I appreciate your faith in me,” he murmured, pulling back. 
“Yeah, well.” The corner of Bdubs’ mouth quirked up. “Thanks for keeping me alive so far.” 
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necro-love · 6 months
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𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘴 ıllı
Post made by necro.love
Pig(lin)/Piglin(s)/Piglin(s)self, Gold/Golds/Goldself, Net(her)/Nether(s)/Nether(s)self, Fang/Fangs/Fangself, Ingot/Ingots/Ingotself, Flame/Flames/Flameself, Pig/Pigs/Pigself Brute/Brutes/Bruteself, Axe/Axes/Axeself, Cross(bow)/Crossbow(s)/Crossbow(s)self, Hord/Hords/Hordself, Trade/Trades/Tradeself, Snort/Snorts/Snortself, Deal/Deals/Dealself, Pink/pinks/pinkself, undead/undeads/undeadself, hostile/hostiles/hostileself, hurt/hurts/hurtself, Zomb/Zombs/Zombself, Bastion/Bastions/Bastionself, Rem(anent)/Remanent(s)/Remanent(s)self, Barter/Barters/Barterself, Lava/Lavas/Lavaself, Treasure/Treasures/Treasureself Blackstone/Blackstones/Blackstoneself, Gilded/Gildeds/Gildedself, ✨/✨s/✨self
ghast/ghasts/ghastself, grey/grey/greyself, tear/tears/tearself, cry/cries/cryself, lava/lavas/lavaself, frown/frowns/frownself, fire(ball)/fireball(s)/fireball(s)self, fire/fires/fireself, float/floats/floatself, hum/hums/humself, meow/meows/meowself, net(her)/nether(s)/nether(s)self, sad/sads/sadself, fog/fogs/fogself, fly/flies/flyself, white/whites/whiteself, flame/flames/flameself, screech/screeches/screechself, kit/kits/kitself, yelp/yelps/yelpself, ☄️/☄️s/☄️self, 🦷/🦷s/🦷s
magma cube
magma/magmas/magmaself, cube/cube/cubeself, magma(cube)/magmacube(s)/magmacube(s)self, hop/hops/hopself, flame/flames/flameself, basalt/basalts/basaltself, sting/stings/stingself, lava/lavas/lavaself, jump/jumps/jumpself, ball/balls/ballself, boom/booms/boomself, merge/merges/mergeself, split/splits/splitself, splat/splats/splatself, hostile/hostiles/hostileself, bounce/bounces/bounceself, ☄️/☄️s/☄️self
pack made by necro.love
ask us to make pronoun packs :3
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20 notes · View notes
A Family Gathered
“Uh, Techno?” “I let them in.” Technoblade called back as he shut the door. “Surprise, we have a fourth kid now.” He added as he locked the door, turning and following the sounds and stepping into the living room. Tommy seemed interested in the new kid, Philza seemed perplexed, though he was quickly growing attached. Technoblade could already see that Tubbo was, having already plastered himself to the new kids side. Purpled seemed unamused as Tommy immediately started up a conversation with the new kid. “Is this what you felt when I brought Tommy and Purpled home?” Philza asked, alarmed confusion in his eyes. “Pretty much.” “I am so sorry.” “No you’re not.” There was a snort of laughter from somewhere. Techno didn’t care to look to see who had made it. For now, he just wanted to take a nap. It was nearly exhausting living in the tundra for him… and for Purpled, but Purpled had some connection with Tommy that negated his instinct for hibernation.
Content Warning's/Trigger Warnings: Surprise Child Aquisition, Mentioned/Implied Child Abandonment, Mentioned/Implied Child Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff?
Characters: Philza, Technoblade, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Ranboo, Kristin
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 5,811
Status: Complete
Fanfic Links:
|| Ao3 || Fanfiction Net ||
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“Why is it that every time something happens, it is always you two?” Kristen asked, laughing quietly as she eyed the small gaggle of children that her husband and best friend had accumulated. There was a small Avian child clinging to Philza’s cloak while a Piglin child sat on the ground beside the first, glaring at the floor in front of him. Attached to Techno was a small Enderian child and a Shulker hybrid child, the first hiding under Techno’s cape, just behind his legs, while the other sat just beside Techno’s feet.
“Because we are chaos incarnate?” Techno asked, voice monotonous with an air of sarcasm. There was a time where Kristen could never tell if Technoblade was joking or serious, she was relieved she could tell the difference now.
“You said I could adopt!” Philza responded, eyes bright. There was mischief there too, and Kristen could see it as much as she could tangibly feel it. She could almost feel Technoblade’s exasperation, and could see it in the deadpanned expression that was directed towards Philza.
“One child!” Kristen responded, laughter escaping her as she glanced down at the four children. The two by Philza looked as if they could have been twins if not for one being clearly older and the two being completely different hybrid species.
“You never specified that.” Philza shrugged, a smile on his face as he moved and scooped the look-a-likes up into his arms. The younger, the avian, giggled as his wings flared from his back before settling back down again. The other chuffed, hands coming up and gripping Philza’s cloak before settling.
“She shoulda’,” Technoblade gruffed, blinking in surprise when the Enderian was suddenly in his arms, a burst of purple particles that flurried around the child took a moment before they disappeared. Kiristen was sure that wasn’t normal, however she wasn’t sure. There was a moment before Technoblade moved and picked up the last child.
“Great! We can do introductions now!” Philza’s wings were fluttering slightly on his back, an excitement in his eyes that was infectious to Kristen.
“Alright,” She smiled fondly at her husband. He’d always wanted to be a father, even while they were simply courting, that had always been his wish one day. Kristen couldn’t give him a child to raise, and Technoblade had been too old to need a parent, or want one.
She was glad that he’d found the children.
“Kids, this is Kristen, she’s my wife.” Conveniently, Philza left out that she was also a goddess. That would probably scare the children, so she could see why he had. “Kristen, this is Tommy, and this is Purpled.” Tommy was the Avian child, while Purpled was the Piglin one.
“And this is Ranboo and Tubbo.” Technoblade tried to sound uncaring, but there was a look in his eyes, and his voice hadn’t quite reached the monotone that he normally carried. The enderian’s tail flicked nervously while the other kicked his legs as he blinked tiredly and laid his head on Techno’s shoulder.
“It’s very nice to meet you four,” Kristen smiled. “I’m sure Philza and Technoblade must have wonderful stories as to how they came to have the four of you and I would love to hear them.” A little pointed, but the two quickly understood what she meant.
“We need to get started on dinner anyways, why don’t you four go play, stay in the fenced yard.” Philza instructed quietly, a warning going in with his words as he let the two he was holding down. Kristen was amused by the immediately latching Tommy did to Purpled. It was nearly mimicked although not as obvious when Ranboo and Tubbo were set down just after them.
The children very clearly played favorites with one another, and with which adult they were closest too. She smiled as the four immediately took off towards the yard, which was noticeably in perfect view of the kitchen window.
Kristen followed the two inside the house and towards the kitchen, where Philza began his story of how he’d gotten Tommy and Purpled.
……… ……… ………
There was a child clinging to Philza’s cloak, shivering and shaking as they pressed tightly against Philza’s calf. Philza was confused, moving to take a step back so he could crouch down, but stopped when the child whined, clinging even tighter to Philza’s cloak and calf. It was then he could hear the quiet crying and his heart hurt.
“Hello?” Philza spoke quietly, keeping his voice even as he lowered himself to the child’s height. The child only moved to cling to Philza’s shirt, and Philza could feel the shaking of the child as they cried. “Hey, what’s wrong mate?” Philza wrapped his arms around the child, pausing as he felt something shift under the child’s shirt.
Philza was even more careful as he wrapped the child in a hug, letting them cling to him as he moved to stand, picking them up as he did so. His wings twitched with the urge to wrap around the child, to offer comfort in the only way his instincts knew how. He knew that was a bad idea, especially in the current town he was passing through.
“You don’t want to take that thing,” Philza turned his head, moving and noticing a local staring at the child in disgust. Philza felt the child start shaking a little harder, his arms tightening a little around the child to be as reassuring as he could without speaking yet.
“And why would I not want to take the child?” Philza asked with a tilt of his head, watching the local carefully. She scoffed, turning fully to face Philza as she pushed her son behind her a little, almost as if she was protecting him from Philza.
“Because, that thing is a hybrid.” The local’s voice lowered as her eyes darted around. The woman hadn’t been trying to protect her son from Philza, but from a harmless child that Phil couldn’t believe would be older than three or four.
“The child is not a thing, and there’s nothing wrong with being a hybrid.” Philza responded, voice turning a little icy as he turned to walk away. The child’s cries had started to quiet as Philza had defended them. He ignored the woman calling out to him aghast with shock. He moved quickly, ignoring the looks people gave him for carrying the child as he tried to locate the motel that he was staying at.
“They will never hurt you again,” Philza murmured as he walked. He was mentally making a list of everything he needed to get to raise a child, especially if he was correct on his growing hunch that the child was avian just like himself. The child cried a little more freely, moving and seemingly relaxing in his arms as Philza used one hand to pull his cloak to wrap around the child and him.
It was getting colder where they were staying, and unfortunately Philza was going to be here for another week before he could bring the child home. Something told him he was going to struggle getting clothing and food for the child unless he moved to a new village.
He hummed quietly as he watched his surroundings, feeling a sense of relief as he spotted the motel and moving towards it. He had plenty of food to feed both himself and the child for the rest of the week, but clothing was going to be his biggest problem. Maybe one of his shirts could work for the night, but after that he was going to have to figure something out.
He unlocked his motel room’s door, taking the both of them inside and shutting it behind him. Paranoia had him locking the door, he didn’t want to risk any locals deciding they needed to ‘help’ him by removing the child from him.
“Okay mate, we are going to have to figure out your name.”  Philza uttered softly as he moved around the room. He wouldn’t really need the bed, so giving it to the small child to sleep on was not going to be an issue. A perk of his abilities was not having to sleep as much as anyone else. Although he did have a limit of how long he could go without sleep, his maximum being nearly three weeks. “And how old you are.” Philza added after a moment.
He slept the night before so he was fine until he got home.
The child shook their head, and Philza frowned in confusion. Did the child not have a name? That was extremely damaging to children, and could cause problems later in life… Or did the child not know their age? He should also probably figure out the child’s gender.
He moved to the bed and carefully lowered the child onto the soft material. Although cries, panicked chirps, and warbles escaped the child who only clung tighter to Philza. Philza kept his arms around the child and stood back up, gently cooing and humming to calm them back down. Philza’s wings twitched again, but the windows weren’t covered yet. He’d left the curtains open to appear friendly to the locals, but he would have to shut them.
“Hey, you’re okay mate, you’re okay.” Philza cooed, warbling quietly. He could nearly feel the surprise as the child jerked in his arms, head coming up and Philza got his first good look at the child’s appearance. Pale with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, and extremely dirty. The clothes the child was wearing were more akin to rags, and Phil could definitely feel wings twitching through the material of the child’s shirt.
“Hybrid to?” The child whispered, eyes wide. Philza’s estimate of age jumped a couple years, and his heart nearly shattered. There was barely a slur to the child’s voice, making Phil wonder if the child was more four to five years old, maybe six if he really pushed his estimate.
“Yeah, I’m a hybrid too.” Philza murmured, moving and sliding the curtains shut. There were two windows in the room, one on either side of the door that took up most of the wall. It let in a lot of natural light, which Philza loved, however it was going to cause problems. The room was significantly darker now, so he moved to turn on the lamps in the room, as well as the room’s main light.
“I see?” The child asked, and Philza smiled down at them.
“Of course, can I set you down?” Philza asked. The child hesitated, a flash of fear in the child’s eyes before they hesitantly nodded. Philza moved and set them on the bed, letting them take the time to adjust before he pulled away. He removed his cloak, which revealed his wings to the child whose eyes were wide with fascination.
“Like me!” The child exclaimed, and Philza smiled. He was glad that the child wasn’t yet disgusted with themself over how they were born. Philza stretched his wings, letting his back pop slightly before pulling them back to his back. The child’s eyes were wide, and Philza smiled warmly at them.
“Yeah, like you.” Philza didn’t ask to see the child’s, he knew how personal one’s wings were when interacting with complete strangers and you were extremely young. He could remember never wanting anyone to see his wings, at least not until he’d reached puberty, and even then he was selective until he reached maturity. After that, he’d been able to defend himself incredibly well and didn’t care who saw them.
“Mine hurt.” The child’s speech was stilted at best, but there was a fluidness that told Philza that the child had enough practice with them.
“Can I help them?” Philza asked, crouching down as he watched the child carefully. They hesitated, but a glance towards Philza’s back had the child nodding. Philza purposefully made his movements obvious when he helped the child out of their shirt so that he could see their wings.
He moved to sit behind the child, and he was saddened by the way they tensed up, head trying to turn so that he could watch Philza’s movements. For the briefest moment, he was remembering a younger Technoblade after Philza had found him. Drenched in blood and on the opposing side to Philza, the two of them had ended up getting stuck in a caving system together, and they quickly learned that the other couldn’t die.
It was impossible for the other to die, but even knowing that information about themselves, Technoblade had been terrified of having Philza anywhere near his back. It took weeks and Philza getting surprisingly sick, before Technoblade had been comfortable around Philza. The two had bonded, and they’d been nearly inseparable since.
They two of them were feared by themselves, and nearly worshiped when they were together. The two tried not to be seen together unless it was in battle due to that reason.
Philza shifted so that he was more to the side of the child, letting the wing closest to their sight extend so that the child was reminded of why they were trusting Philza to look at their wings… And they were pretty bad.
There were many, many feathers missing. There were many scars, and scabs, and Philza could see that some spots were infected. And the bruises with the uncomfortable way the child’s wings were held… Philza could tell there were probably a few broken bones too.
Philza had the undeniable urge to wage war against the village for harming a child at all, nevermind to this degree. He swallowed as he gently reached out, brushing his fingertips along the base of one wing. He was gentle, and careful, but the child still flinched and tensed as if preparing for Phil to harm them.
“It’s okay, mate, I’m not gonna hurt them. I’m not going to hurt you.” Philza kept his voice even, swallowing to fight back the watering of his eyes. The child turned their head to stare at Philza, frowning slightly.
“They’re bad?” Philza nodded carefully. “I ever fly?”
“Maybe not anytime soon, but I’m sure once they are healed and you are strong enough too, you’ll be able to fly.” Philza assured. Flight was an Avian’s everything. He was once grounded for a month, and it felt like actual torture. He couldn’t imagine never being able to ever fly.
“I never heal…” The child frowned, brows furrowing as they turned their head to stare at their hands.
“You will, mate, I promise.” Philza assured. “I will see to it personally.”
“You’ll leave.” The child whispered, almost like they didn’t want to be heard in the first place. Philza moved to crouch in front of the child instead of sitting beside them.
“And you’ll come with me.” Philza met eyes with the child, who had tears in their eyes once Philza’s words were processed. Philza was surprised when the child rushed forward, clinging to Philza once more as they started to cry. Philza simply held them, rocking the child until they’d fallen asleep.
Philza’s mind was running with ways to tell Kristen about the village, maybe she’d be able to get revenge for him, because there was no way that he was separating from the fledgling. Maybe Technoblade would join her, or would do so himself. Philza knew that Techno didn’t like child mistreatment, nevermind if the child was also a hybrid.
But Philza also had to get the child to a doctor. While he knew enough first aid and had enough medical knowledge to take care of the child’s wings, the child was severely malnourished, and there were probably a couple health issues that even the child was unaware of. Maybe something hereditary that wouldn’t come in until later in life.
Philza swore to himself to get revenge on the village for the way they’d treated his child. But first, Philza had to plan on how to get the child into the bath, feed them, and dress them. He needed to worry about the here and the now for what he can do.
……… ……… ………
“Phil, why is there a child attached to you?” Philza blinked before smiling at Technoblade. He hadn’t been aware that Techno was going to be home yet. And he was staring at the child, who after a good wash and decent food looked much like Philza did. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and even some of their facial structure was quite similar… so Kristen said when she visited him during the night.
“This is my child now.” Philza nodded, a smile on his face as Techno met his eyes with the most deadpanned expression that Philza was sure that he could muster. “Kristen already met him and she approves.” Philza added. Technoblade sighed, running one hand over his face before blinking and staring at the child through his fingers.
The child stared back at Technoblade, clinging to Philza with the most adorable threatening face Philza had ever seen. The two had gotten surprisingly close in the two weeks since Philza had found him, and all Philza had learned was that the child was fiercely protective and could be down right feral at times.
Philza couldn’t wait for Technoblade to figure all of this out as well.
“Why is it that whenever something life changing happens, it’s always because of you?” Technoblade sighed, looking towards the sky. “Kristen was supposed to control you, I.. how did this happen?” Technoblade asked, looking back at Philza and sighing.
“He was terrified!” Philza responded, and the child warbled quietly as he turned and hid his face against Philza’s shoulder. “Techno, his wings are-”
“He has wings?” Technobalde’s eyes widened in surprise. Philza couldn’t fault him, Avian’s were one of the rarer species, and was only getting rarer every generation. Philza nodded, holding the child just a tad bit more protectively. “Runt’s your responsibility.” Philza brightened, a grin appearing on his face as the child chirped curiously. There was a moment before Technoblade chuffed back quietly, looking away as Philza chirped excitedly.
“Let’s get inside before one of us gets sick…” Technoblade paused, glancing at the child before looking back towards the house. “Or end in an even worse condition.” Philza followed after his friend, happy sounds escaping his throat despite his attempts at getting them to stop.
His face was red when they got inside and it was not from the cold or change in temperature.
……… ……… ………
Philza was being followed by a small child.
At first he hadn’t even noticed, too busy trading with Piglin’s for some ender pearls and enchanted books. And then he was trying to beat the incoming storm, something he had never experienced in the nether before. He really didn’t want to stick around for it, especially since the Piglin villages were locked up pretty tight.
But then he’d traveled quite the distance from any sort of village, looking for either his town’s portal, or one that was just nearby, when he noticed movement in his peripheral. He paused, turning his head and catching the sight of a figure ducking behind a cluster of rocks. It was a very small figure, which concerned Philza as the only reason a figure would be that small in the Nether would be because they were a child.
So he went to investigate, which led him to now being in an eye staring contest with a small Piglin child. The child seemed almost fearful of Philza, although he couldn’t fathom any reason as to why. He knew he was feared in the Nether, for entirely good reason, but he was most recognizable by his wings, which were covered for his own safety.
“Hello,” Philza said quietly, he was unsure if the child knew English. While a common tongue, most didn’t learn it until they were reaching puberty. The child stared at Philza apprehensively, taking a step backwards. Philza sat down, attempting to appear less threatening or intimidating. “What’s your name?” He asked, tilting his head just slightly to the side.
The child continued to stare at him, breathing a little uneven. Philza wondered if he’d startled them by approaching, if the child was fighting off the urge to run. Most Piglin’s would have attacked him by now, with him not wearing a single piece of gold. Even his earrings had been taken out due to his ears itching slightly. They were new, and a gift from Technoblade.
There was the sound of something firing and the child squealed, eyes wide with a hint of wild fear that Philza had only seen once before. He jumped up, spinning to look and finding that he’d been trailed by hunters… No… Philza wasn’t trailed, the small child was.
The small child who was now hiding behind Philza. There was always something about life and death situations that put your trust into people you feared, Philza supposed. He’d seen it with Technoblade, he’d seen it with little Tommy, and he was now seeing it once more in the small Piglin child.
There were more hunters than Philza felt comfortable fighting with the child around, so he turned, scooped the child into his arms despite the grunts and chuffs of fear, and pull his cloak around to wrap only around the child.
He spread his wings and took to the air.
Flying through heated air was always unpleasant to Philza. The heat was sweltering and uncomfortable normally in the Nether, but through the air was nearly five times worse. Flying above Lava had him unable to land for a maximum of an hour at a time, a minimum of twenty minutes if he was just hopping from land mass to land mass, uncaring of the bastions and fortresses that he would come across.
Carrying a squirming child made it a little harder.
“Careful, careful…” Philza was trying to stop the child from squirming, a fear of the child falling striking. He’d only ever dropped a child once, but that child had wings and had been learning how to fly anyways. This child didn’t have that ability.
Philza cursed when the child bit him and slipped from his grasp, beginning a descent that even Philza feared. He dove after anyways, avoiding the spikes with his arms reached out and eyes wide with panic. He could hear the child’s squeals of fear, could see the child kicking and flailing their arms.
He hated flying in the Nether, because it was so much harder to fly. The heat was making it nearly impossible to go the speed he needed to catch the child. His fear of the child dying was the only reason he was still trying to get faster.
It was by a miracle that Philza’s wings managed to catch just the right angle and he dove a little faster and had his arms around the child and was soaring back into the air. Philza’s wings ached, and not wanting a repeat of falling through the Nether he made his way to the closest land mass.
Both Philza and the child were shaking when Philza landed on the ground with a small tumble. Philza had a moment before he realized that he was trilling and warbling in fear, his arms probably tighter than necessary around the child. He was only soothed by the child holding just as tightly to him.
“You’re okay, mate… you’re okay…” Philza didn’t know if his words were even cohesive, with his instincts flared as high as they were. He barely even noticed his own wings wrapping around the child, nearly hiding the both of them from view completely. He swallowed as he rubbed the child’s back, tears in his eyes.
His communicator vibrating was probably the only reason he was able to move, and that was nearly an hour later. The child was only beginning to calm down, much like Philza himself, though still whined and moved closer as one of Philza’s arms moved to grab the device. He glanced at it, and sighed as he saw a picture of an upset Tommy.
He answered the incoming video call, a wince when he saw Technoblade looking nearly exhausted.
“Phil… Where are you?”
“In… the Nether?”
“Bruh…” Technoblade groaned, his head falling back to stare at the ceiling. Philza only smiled when Technoblade looked back at the screen to see the face of the child looking at him. The child was blocking most of Philza from view. “Philza!”
“What?” Philza responded, a pout on his face as he held the child a little tighter. There was another groan from Technoblade. Philza didn’t know what his problem was, the child was adorable, and could do with a bath after being in the Nether for so long. And some food that’s not dry with no taste.
“You’re bringing it home, aren’t you?” Technoblade tilted his head, staring at the child who was suddenly glaring at the screen. There were some chuffs from the child, and for a moment Technoblade looked offended. “It’ll fit in right with the other feral one.” Technoblade sighed as Philza brightened up. In the camera screen, Philza could see the look of offense on the child’s face.
……… ……… ………
Technoblade didn’t mean to stumble upon the child, really he didn’t. However he also had spent many centuries alongside Philza, and the man’s tendencies were like a virus.
While Technoblade mostly went to kingdoms to barter or trade, there were times he also went to completely annihilate them. If they were corrupt, they were gone within the week. If there was something to be fixed, Technoblade stayed until it was.
Now, this particular kingdom had been a thorn in his side for a while. He’d been unable to go home to Philza and the two runts he’d taken in for nearly a month now, and it was driving him crazy. The majority of the voices in his head were rearing to just go home, consequences be damned, but there were others more concerned about the consequences. Technoblade had a price on his head, any means necessary.
Which meant that he would put the children at risk. Philza adored the two, and was extremely protective even without the added case of being unable to leave them due to his instincts. Only person he’d leave them with is Technoblade, who can’t go home for previously stated reasons.
He sighed as the roaring in his head got louder. He was probably encroaching on some dangerous territory, and was about to turn to change direction when a quiet cry caught his attention. He paused, turning to look for whatever had cried. If it was an animal, he’d have to kill it. Suffering before death wasn’t something Technoblade was known for letting happen, for animal or man.
He hummed as he stepped forward with slow, measured steps. His sword was in his hand, though he hadn’t known how long it had been there. He was using it to push foliage to the side, eyes looking for anything that was moving.
Until he’d uncovered a small child with horns and a cloak that looked like it was caught tightly in a bush of berries.
“Heh?” Technoblade hadn’t realized he’d made a sound until the child’s head snapped up and he’d seen the tears in the child’s eyes. The child looked nearly relieved before their eyes landed on the sword and fear took its place.
Damn Philza for teaching Technoblade to have a heart.
He sighed as he put the sword back in its scabbard, moving just a tad bit closer and crouching down. He reached forward slowly, noticing that whenever the child moved, the cloak seemingly hurt them… No…
The child was a hybrid, that much was obvious. What hadn’t been, was what kind. But it was clear now that the child was a Shulker hybrid, the only species rarer than Avian. They were hunted for their cloaks. But children were to be left alone, that was a law everywhere.
Very few kingdoms and countries outlawed hunting species at all.
The voices in his head started making plans, begging Technoblade to make change in the world, and cooing over the small child.
Technoblade chuffed quietly as he brushed the child’s hair back with one hand, while the other began to gently untangle and unpinch the sharp thorns. The child whimpered and whined quietly, occasionally trying to just pull free. But that was next to impossible at the moment.
The voices cooed at how the child leaned into the gentle hand running fingers through his hair, eyes watering for a completely new reasoning now.
“Nearly done…” Techno could see all the scratches beeding up with blood, but as soon as the child was free, they were gone. Running off with a fear the Technoblade remembered from his youth. When he’d been too small to do much of anything.
It was nearly two weeks before Technoblade saw the child again, having nearly forgotten about the child. The voices of course hadn’t forgotten at all, having been wanting to go and find the child to bring them home much like Philza had.
It would be to shove it to the winged man, but he knew Philza would just adore the child the moment his eyes laid on the child. His mind and instincts would become protective within an hour, and Technoblade would find the responsibility taken off his hands.
Despite the fact that Technoblade was not good with kids, he found that he didn’t want the child taken off his hands by Philza. That was, if he’d even see the child again. Having said child crash into his shins while he was bartering with a blacksmith had not been what Technoblade had been expecting.
“Wha-” He heard guards clambering to get the kid, and he knew it was about the kid because this kingdom had dropped the price on his head. Seemed Philza had been fed up with Technoblade not being home. Protective about his flock.
Technoblade glanced at the incoming guards, quickly finished his bartering, and scooped the child up into his arms. He smirked at the guards, eyes nearly glowing with a rage that began to simmer, and took off running.
The voices in his head cheered as shrieks and shouts of outrage filled the air. Technoblade could only think one thought that was his own; the guards were lucky they weren’t dead. And it was only because Philza had made him promise no retaliation.
Technoblade wondered if the guards harming him would trigger Philza’s own retaliation, or if Kristen would take care of it this time. He knew that she’d wiped a village out some miles from the kingdom he’d gotten trapped around. He knew it was because of the mistreatment of Tommy, even if she didn’t know the child or his name.
A debate that he put an end to as he noticed a shadow flying overhead that interfered with the shadows of the trees he’d found himself running through. Philza was here and was following Technoblade closely. He ducked under a low hanging branch, and ran until he found a clearing. It was easy to lose the guards in the trees surrounding the kingdoms.
He smirked once he reached a clearing, felt the wind change around him, and then felt the ground disappear from below him as he was picked by his winged friend. The child in his arms shrieked when the wind changed around them, and Technoblade could hear the trill of confusion from his friend.
Later, he was surprised to find himself debating with Philza over the child, who’d managed to calm down enough to fall asleep in Technoblade’s arms during the flight. It was the first time his instincts had reared their head for a child, which awakened them for the other two children in the household.
Tommy had been excited for another ‘sibling’, while Purpled seemed hesitant and weary… and jealous that Tommy was spending time with another kid. Philza could deal with that inevitable fight whenever it happened.
……… ……… ………
Technoblade stared at the child on his doorstep, who had tears in their eyes and a tail that was wrapped around one of their legs. He blinked before sighing and pushing the door open further, letting the child scamper into the house. He could already hear Purpled’s surprised growling and a warble of confusion from Tommy.
“Uh, Techno?”
“I let them in.” Technoblade called back as he shut the door. “Surprise, we have a fourth kid now.” He added as he locked the door, turning and following the sounds and stepping into the living room. Tommy seemed interested in the new kid, Philza seemed perplexed, though he was quickly growing attached.
Technoblade could already see that Tubbo was, having already plastered himself to the new kids side. Purpled seemed unamused as Tommy immediately started up a conversation with the new kid.
“Is this what you felt when I brought Tommy and Purpled home?” Philza asked, alarmed confusion in his eyes.
“Pretty much.”
“I am so sorry.”
“No you’re not.” There was a snort of laughter from somewhere. Techno didn’t care to look to see who had made it. For now, he just wanted to take a nap. It was nearly exhausting living in the tundra for him… and for Purpled, but Purpled had some connection with Tommy that negated his instinct for hibernation.
……… ……… ………
“Why is it that whenever something happens it’s always you three?” Kristen asked, finally having found Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. It had quickly become commonplace for the kids to get into as much mischief as they physically could. Especially if one of the adults was not home for longer than a day, maybe two if they really tried to be good.
“Purpled’s here too!” Tommy responded, a tone of offense as he looked up into the trees. Kristen followed his gaze and found a surprisingly sheepish Purpled… holding a raccoon.
“Purpled-” Kristen cut herself off as she laughed lightly.
“Tommy wanted a raccoon… Philza said we couldn’t keep her…” Purpled responded, shrugging as if he didn’t care.
“You four…” Kristen laughed again, moving and reaching her arms up for Purpled to drop down into. “We’ll help make her a den somewhere near the house, alright?” Kristen asked, a mischievous smile of her own appearing on her face.
“Yes!” Tommy cheered.
“Oh that’ll be so much fun!” Tubbo added, jumping in place as Purpled jumped down. Kristen caught him, only thankful that the racoon didn’t decide to randomly attack either her or Purpled.
She followed the kids back towards the house, a smile on her face as the four all laughed together. Philza and Technoblade would most definitely have their hands full for as long as the kids lived with them. Maybe even afterwards, as she didn’t quite see them letting go of their pseudo parents any time soon.
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tinybuttonbugbox · 2 months
snowfilled symphony ❆ techza
a/n. they're old war buddies!! and they kiss each other!! if that bothers you please don't read :D
warnings: mentions of blood & killing, but otherwise fluffy :3
Scraping the dried blood off his sword, Technoblade snorted in frustration. Typically, Techno would be smug while wiping blood off his sword. He completed the kill. He won. So why is he sitting in the snow, crown slipping off his head and tears shining in the moonlight, simply wishing to not exist? 
From inside his house, a light flickered on. Technoblade’s fingers tightened around the hilt of his sword. A familiar shadow walked past his window and the world began to spin again. The snow fell once more. 
Before Phil would inevitably come down, Techno sniffled. Despite the fact that Phil had seen Tech at his lowest, it still pained his soul to present himself to Phil as anything but perfect. Phil deserved perfection. Phil deserved the world. Technoblade would burn the world for Philza.
The sound of a creaking door disrupted his muddled thoughts. 
“Tech? It’s three in the morning,” Phil’s voice sliced through the snow, robe wrapped tightly around him to prevent the cold from creeping in. His wings twitched under the confinements.
Technoblade dropped the sword into the cold and a shiver racked throughout his body. 
Philza called out once more, stepping out from behind the door. 
Instead of replying, the piglin hybrid opened his mouth and croaked out a sob. He roughly bit his tongue and grabbed fistfuls of stinging ice, unaware of his open wounds painting the snow. 
Phil’s gold necklace bounced as he quickly made his way down the frosted steps and into the snow, toes curling at its bite. Wrapping his arms around Techno, Phil guided Tech’s head into his chest, mumbling quiet whispers. The older man didn’t even flinch when the pig-man’s frozen nose touched his bare skin. 
Phil wished he could wrap his wings around his lover, enveloping him in a gentle heat and nurture him back to health. Phil wished he could kiss away all the bad thoughts. Phil wished he could take all of Techno’s pain away. Instead, all he could do was hold his hand through the journey.
“Inside?” he suggested. It was spoken in an airy breath, giving Techno the option to pretend he didn’t hear, even though the subtle twitch of his ears Phil had grown to know so well had betrayed his lover. 
With a sluggish nod, Techno agreed. Despite that, he made no effort to move. Each speck of snow seemed to weigh him down. 
Philza let out an endearing chirp and did his best to get the other man standing. Snow gathered by Techno’s feet as Philza stumbled towards the house, Techno perched on his side. Phil glanced up at him. His eyes followed along a wet, muddy line of dirt that had run down Techno’s face as he searched for cuts in the filth-painted skin.
In a blink, Phil maneuvered Tech onto the couch, making sure there were at least two pillows behind his head. He’d do the laundry later, he decided. Neither of the men had any inclination to house a dirt filled couch. 
As all this happened, Techno’s head simply buzzed. It wasn’t chat— they always quieted down when Phil was around. Well, the less pleasant ones quieted down. Chat was head over heels for Philza and could chant his name for hours, and to be honest, Technoblade never truly minded. Overtime, he found that he could as well. 
A damp warmth made itself present on Techno’s cheek, causing his eyebrows to furrow in shock. Tech’s eyes cracked open. He hadn’t even noticed they had shut. “Phil…” he mumbled, tattered ears turned down, heavy with exhaustion. The piglin’s mouth turned down into a tired scowl. 
The other man let out a sigh and pulled up a chair beside the couch. “I know, angel,” Phil sympathized, running a warm hand along Techno’s cold cheek, thumbs caressing the dirtied skin. Cupping both sides of Techno’s face, Phil spread his fingers to cover as much of the younger’s frost-touched face as he could. His thumbs rested under the cut of his lover’s jaw, rubbing a soothing pattern into the tense muscles. 
A sigh crawled from the back of Techno’s throat, passing through his blue, chapped lips and out into the comforting air of their living room. Phil’s heart soared when Technoblade’s shoulders began to involuntarily relax. No matter how many times Techno has put his guard down for Phil, the sentiment makes the older’s heart swell every time. It had taken many years for Techno to put his full trust into Phil, and not one day goes by where the older man forgets to cherish it. 
Out of seemingly nowhere, Technoblade took a sharp breath, and Phil’s fingers froze. 
“Tech?” the elder questioned, scanning over every feature of his lover’s face, eyes darting to and fro, like a flake of snow in a storm. When he didn’t respond, Phil tried again-- a single thread of concern laced into the comforting lilt of his voice.
A beat or two passed before Techno exhaled. “I’m not-,” another deep breath, this one accompanied by furrowed eyebrows and downturned lips, “Phil. I’m not weak.”
Another beat in their contemporary song seemed to lag behind, meter flawed. A crash of broken cymbals echoed throughout the avian’s chest. 
Technoblade started once more, words clipped and heavy on his tongue. His throat was filled with cotton. “I’m not weak, I’m not-” His broken mantra continued until an empathetic chirp interrupted him. 
Gentle hands set themselves onto Techno’s shoulders, tying him down to earth. Technoblade’s hands flew to grasp his lover’s forearms. Once more, Phil’s voice cut through the silence that roared so loudly in the back of Tech’s mind.
“Listen to me, mate. Emotions do not make you weak, but you have to understand that being weak is not a bad thing.”
An unstifled sob ripped itself out of the tired man’s throat, although he was too far gone to care. But Phil understood. Phil understood that this sob was not powered by anguish, only emotional release.  
It hurt. It hurt Phil to know that Techno needed to go through this pain alone. For each day that passed, he wished for the strength to help Techno with every inconvenience, no matter how miniscule, yet for each day, life simply gave him more dust in the space behind the fridge he simply could not reach.
Another sob snapped Phil out of his daze and he realized that one of his hands had been gliding through the crying man’s hair, skillful fingers unlodging branches and leaves from the abundance of pink. He cooed and chirped some more, simply comforting Tech as much as he could. His heart ached for his lover. 
Technoblade let out a frustrated growl. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t be feeling like this. He wouldn’t be feeling anything. Before Phil, that was his constant. But there is no more ‘before Phil,’ because Phil is not going anywhere. Weak or not, Techno knows the avian wouldn’t leave him. A pang of affection tremors throughout the sobbing man’s chest. In the moment, it is bittersweet, but such a pleasant feeling to bask in when in the right mind. 
After a while, a shuddering breath broke the air between the two, and the once unpredictable cadencing of Technoblade’s chest began following a steady rhythm. The hand in his hair gently scratched at his scalp, dull fingernails sending zips down his tired spine. 
Phil let his own shoulders slump down and relax. Although he had many thoughts on his mind, such as getting Techno clean and tending his wounds, he wished to wait until his songbird chose to speak-- if he chose to at all. Only time would tell, but in the meantime, Phil let his hands card through his lover’s hair as he trilled. 
Philza’s song filled the air alongside Technoblade’s quiet breathes. 
What could have been a moment or ten passed when a relaxed rumble came from Techno’s chest. 
Emotions were an infection. A sickness. Yet, emotions are what he feels when he’s with Phil. Philza makes him feel… love. This thought floats around in the War God’s head. Love is a weakness, he’s been told. It’s a liability that eats at you from the inside and compromises your judgement. 
Since it’s Phil, that's alright, though. It’s always alright when it’s Phil. 
Techno doesn’t even realize he’s muttered his lover’s name until he feels the gentle heat of a hand cup his face. A low purr vibrates deep in his chest. 
“You ok, mate?” 
Another lazy breath, akin to a snort graced the room. 
“Tuckered out?” 
An affirming breath. 
“Would you like to rinse off?” 
A reluctant breath. 
Another affirming breath.
“I know, mate, I know. But, you stink. And we share a bed… so.” 
A huffed breath of laughter. “I’m ok, Phil.” 
Technoblade knew it was a lie. A sour note in a symphony, and judging by the way Phil’s breath slightly faltered, he knew it was a lie too. “Ok, mate. Alright,” Phil sighed, running a hand over Techno’s tired face. Subconsciously, Phil hummed in agreement. He had, very well, been dragged out of bed when the crunch of snow echoed in his ears. 
Slowly, the angel began to stand, wings unfurling in an extravagant show. The wings seemed to stretch alongside the man as he reached for the sky, sighing as his back cracked. 
Techno’s eyes dreamily followed the way his lover’s shirt rode up his stomach. A hum reverberated through his chest. “Pretty bird,” he mumbled, eyes shining with adoration. 
Phil’s gentle sapphires met Techo’s blooming rosewoods as the angel let out a flustered laugh. “Stinky pig.” 
“Polly want a cracker?” 
Philza looked around for something soft to throw at Techno. “Oh, shut up!” Phil crowed, swinging over a throw-pillow. 
“You have to understand, Phil,” Techno started, pausing to grunt whenever the pillow hit his arm-shield. “It… It wasn’t me. It was chat! And-” 
Phil aimed for Techno’s stomach as he swung the soft pillow with teasing force.
“Heh, easy!” A playful lilt infected the Blood God’s plea. “Feeling a little disrespected here.” 
“You never...” Phil huffed, winded from waving the plush around, “had respect in the first place!” 
Scandalized, the pig-hybrid’s eyebrows shot up. “I plead the Fifth!”
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Headcanon about Piglins
Piglins wear gold because it blocks out the whispering of soul sand. It prevents the anguished cries of those condemned from leeching into their minds. The more gold you wear, the more protected you are from the shrieks of the damned.
They attack people not wearing any gold because "Holy shit, that person is completely unprotected. The evil spirits could be controlling them!"
Like, they fear soul flames, a fire made of the tainted sand. They see the evidence of Zombie Piglins, maybe assuming the plague and the soul sand whispers are interconnected.
c!Techno wears tons of gold to try to manage the whispers, with small amounts of success. And there are many reasons for why its not effective for Techno. Godly influence, for one. But another reason is discovered by c!Wilbur musing.
"Do you think soul sand tastes different than overworld sand?"
"Mate, no." Philza immediately turned from chopping carrots to stare in horror at the fistful of cursed sand in his son's hand.
"What? Like, they probably have a different texture, a completely different flavor pallette, a certain je ne sais quoi. I wonder which one would pair well with wine-"
"It's SAND! Neither are going to pair well because its fucking SAND."
"You've really got to get out of your old man mindset and think outside the box, Dadza. Sand is one of the best-"
"If you eat that, you'll be cursed," Technoblade drawled as he turned the page of his book. He sat, perfectly relaxed at the kitchen table.
"Cursed?" Wilbur doesn't look at Technoblade as he adjusts his glasses and squints at the sand, as if he could pick out evidence of a curse in the individual grains. Ignoring the fact that the glasses were only for show and didn't help him see any better.
"Yup," Technoblade grunted, reaching for his mug of tea without looking up from his book.
"Cursed how?" Philza frowned, drying his hands on a towel.
"I mean, if you eat it, you are going to have the voices of the damned demanding violence in your head for all eternity," Technoblade shrugged.
Wilbur hummed thoughtfully, pinching a small amount of the soul sand between his fingers. Philza stared at Technoblade, face scrunched in confusion before flickering into horrified realization.
"Mate, did you fucking EAT SOUL SAND???" Philza shrieked as Wilbur snorted with laughter, clutching his side as sand sifted through his fingers and onto the floor.
Slowly, Technoblade looked up. He stared at Philza, completely expressionless as he brought his mug to his lips and sipped obnoxiously loud. His eyes flicked to Wilbur.
"It pairs better with tea than wine."
Technoblade didn't bother to dodge the towel Philza threw at his face.
I want to pin this out and frame it on my wall, how did you straddle the line between comedy and angst so perfectly ;w;
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feeshybeach · 1 month
I've been brainrotting a rarepair/crackship the past couple of days. I fear it's terminal.. I can not get Scott Smajor/Technoblade out of my HEAD!! Despite this, I still can not think of a ship name for them. The funniest one I can think of is Majorblade. Thus, that's the one I'm going with.
Some highlights of what I've been thinking under the cut o7
Please ignore spelling errors. My phone is mean, and my eyesight is bad. 3:
First and foremost, thank u for looking at my autism fueled insanity! This is yours now.
Tumblr media
Scott and Techno have a pretty strong dymanic going for them. When you first see them together, you'd, probably, think the far larger piglin brute would be the most bloodthirsty of the two. While correct (blood for the blood god and all that), it's Scott, who's the most vicious during battle. It does not matter if the battle in question is one fought by words or swords - Scott will try to come out on top. Unless, of course, it's one of his friends, then Techno would likely have to step in so Scott doesn't do his classic move of suicide.
When the two of them train together, it is insanely gay. Sure, it's artful, and it's like a classical oil painting from one of the great masters unfolding in real time. But I can not stress enough how homoerotic it is. There is strong queer tension between the two of them. This is an undeniable fact, and i refuse to accept criticism otherwise.
I think a pretty well accepted headcanon is that Scott Is Magical. In my daydreams of gay block men, I expand upon this. To me, It is a love language of Scott to use his abilities on you / for you. Magic takes a lot! It takes a lot of time, will, commitment, energy, and all that good shit. Most importantly, it takes a lot out of the caster - large bouts of magic inturn makes the user temporarily weaker. To willingly put yourself at a disadvantage in a universe where Things Try To Kill You, Often is a level of trust and love that is hard to properly put into words.
Despite this, Scott takes the time to painstakingly add enchantments to Technos items. There is, of course, enchanting tables and books, and then there is a master of their craft. It is like comparing a microwave meal of Mac and Cheese to a homemade five cheese Mac and cheese that's baked in the oven with bread crumbs on top. They're both Mac and cheese but ones definitely fuckin better.
I feel like Scott would intentionally add extra protection to Techno's fighting gear - add enchantments that enhance Techno's strengths while also trying to cover his weaknesses. For example, if Techno often leaves his sides unprotected during a rampage, Scott adds extra protection in those spots, so Techno is overall better protected.
For context, I'm a Bedrock Minecraft player. My piglin knowledge comes from primarily Bedrock. Okay? Okay.
Everyone knows that Piglins adore gold. They snort, chuff, wag their ears, and rush after gold once it's dropped. I like to imagine that it's very much a love language for piglins and piglin hybrids to exchange or generally gift gold to those they love and care for. Basically - Scott has an overwhelming amount of gold jewelry and items from Techno. He cherishes them all, recognizing it for what it is.
I have a personal headcanon that giving a piglin or a piglin hybrid a block of pure, overworld, gold is the same as a marriage proposal. I think it's really funny to imagine Techno giving Scott one of these blocks and Scott to be like. "Ah yes, this is a big gold thing. Thank you!" And Techno being like "??? :( babe...." The same could apply to Scott's habit of giving lovers Poppies. Scott giving Techno, not just one, but an entire stack of poppies only for Techno to say thanks. It leads to another moment of "??? :( babe...."
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misty-doodles · 3 days
Sorry had evil drunznoblade thoughts again.
Dream and Punz steal techno's clothes all the time. His cape? Oh well Dreams stealing it for his nest obviously. Its just a perfect blanket? His favorite button up? Punz is using it as a night gown and it's so big that is slipping off his their shoulder but it's so cozy and smells like techno so it's fine.
And techno? Is a flustered mess every damn time.
Drabble under cut
He couldn't find the damned thing. Techno grumbled as he dug through his closet for the 13th time. Yet, no matter how many hangers he pushed out of the way, the piglin still couldn't find his favorite blouse. It was supposed to be in the wash yesterday, and Punz usually got to folding and putting away the laundry before he could, but the fox hybrid never usually lost his things.
With a grunt, Techno grabbed a different, less ruffled button up off a close hanger and shut the closet door. Behind him, Dream warbled quietly and turned over in the nest, tugging the blankets higher over his head. He snorted and walked over quietly, smiling sweetly when he noticed one of his cloaks inerwoven with the many blankets and clothes that made up his nest. "Sleep well, nerd,"
He got an ender whine that loosely meant 'fuck off,' and Techno knew by now to obey the other when he wanted to rest.
He shrugged his shirt on and fumbled with the too small buttons as he made his way out into the main area of the house. He'd put on all his rings and earrings when he was actually ready to head out for the day and not just laze with his partners for an hour or two. Yet as he rounded the corner and entered the kitchen, he immediately knew where that blouse went.
Punz stood innocently in front of the stove, the morning rays falling across his back and illuminating him like an angel. Techno's favorite blouse hung off their much smaller frame, exposing the curve of their shoulder blades as they moved food around in the pan. Behind him, his snow colored tail swayed in contentment. Techno could feel heat blooming behind his cheeks, not for the first time grateful for his naturally flushed skin.
"Oh, good morning," Punz hummed as he looked up, eyes sparkling in the sun's light like a freshly cut diamond, something fond dancing behind them that had him grinning with affection. As the smaller man turned, the right side of the shirt slipped out of place, his shoulder peaking out for a moment before the fox was tugging the fabric back into place.
"hullo," he hummed softly, piglin purrs putting the other at ease as even the barest hints of tension seemed to bleed from their shoulders. When Techno came behind them, they easily leaned into his warmth, huffing out a quiet laugh as he nuzzled the base of his snowy ears. He could stop but rest his hands atop his hips, joining the gentle sway of the other as he turned back to his cooking. He didn't say anything about the shirt much too big that he wore, but he didn't have to.
Techno could always find a new favorite shirt.
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idkwatthehec · 10 months
Here’s the snippet I promised :))
The men came at sunset.
They came with guns and fire and bombs and they burned down the only safe place Tommy had ever known. He was tugged away from his house, only the most important things brought with him.
His pocket knife was in one hand. Wilbur’s fingers were clenched tightly in the other. This was all he could take.
What sounded like a child screamed behind him; a human scream tinged with the trace of animal. He tried to turn, to see, please don’t let it be- but Wilbur yanked him forwards. The meaning in the gesture was clear.
“I’m sorry, Tom, we have to run-” Wilbur gasped, breath coming short.
“But Wil what if-”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry Tommy-”
Wilbur stopped so abruptly that Tommy ran into his back, only keeping them both upright by beating his wings frantically. To their right was a flash of bright pink and gleaming silver. A figure was racing towards them and Tommy almost pulled out his knife before realizing who it was.
“Techno!” he cried out.
The piglin hybrid closed the distance quickly and Tommy quickly realized what exactly he was holding. The glimpse of silver he had seen was a blade, still glistening red. A black holster was strapped to his right thigh, the handle of a pistol peeking out, safety strap undone.
“Technoblade,” Wilbur started stiffly, stepping between him and the armed man. Wilbur’s shoulders were tense, shaking, and Tommy could feel his heart rate rabbiting through the grip he had on his wrist.
“Cut the bullshit, Wilbur. You know I’m not your biggest worry right now.” Wilbur bristled at that but Techno continued on before he could speak. “I’ve been lookin for you two. I have a way out.”
“How can I know to trust you?” Wilbur spat, a sneer painted across his features. The fire flickering in his eyes reflected the fire blazing around them.
Techno stepped even closer, now staring at Wilbur with his face inches away. Wilbur pushed Tommy back with one hand. The two men stared at each other, eye-to-eye. Techno was one of the few people in town who could look him straight in the eye, with Wilbur being as tall as he was.
“If you want your brother to live, you will follow me,” Techno said lowly, tusks jutting out from his mouth.
“Is that a threat?” Wilbur challenged, shoulders back. The hand placed on Tommy’s chest was trembling.
An angry snort. “Yknow what these men are here for, Wilbur. Either you both come willingly with me or I’m takin Theseus and leaving without you.”
Tommy grabbed the hand shaking on his chest before Wilbur could say anything else. Brown eyes met blue.
“Wil,” Tommy whispered. His hands were shaking as well. He saw the fear in his brother's eyes just as he knew it was in his own. “Please.”
He could see the possibilities running through Wilbur’s mind, played out and discarded as quick as lightning. His mind was always running, facts and words and paranoia all crowding around until he needed them to create a solution. Tommy saw the instant his thoughts coalesced into his conclusion.
Wilbur’s face hardened. “Fine,” he said, turning back to Technoblade. “Lead the way.”
Techno nodded and Tommy squeezed his brothers fingers tightly. Wilbur squeezed his back.
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box-architecture · 9 months
"I've got you, Dream." Techno said firmly. "I won't let anything happen to you."
Quackity scowled, but said nothing, lowering himself onto Dream's cock and startling a moan out of both of them. He fought the urge, dark and heavy as it was, to swipe Quackity off, snap his neck and leave his blood all over the guest bedroom floor. Dream had said yes, and as much as Techno wanted to kill Quackity for touching Dream, he couldn't make Dreams decisions and override his agency. Not when everyone else already had. He thinks it would haunt him the rest of his life.
Not that Quackity touching Dream didn't already haunt him. Quackity was a touchy guy, unfortunately, letting his hands roam over Dream's chest before settling on his shoulders for leverage. Dream leaned back heavily into Techno's chest.
"Techno…" He gasped. Immediately, Techno wrapped his arms around Dream's torso, letting Dream cling to him in any way he needed.
"I'm still with you, Dream. I'm always with you."
"oh." Dream tried to bury his face in Techno's arm as best he could. His hips rocked up gently into Quackity, allowing him to create a steady bounce that left the other man a slow wreck.
"That's it, right there." He panted. The flush on his cheeks from whatever beverage he had drunk before he had the courage- or audacity- to beg Dream to fuck out his latest relationship issues was prominent on his cheeks. Techno didn't know what the hell Wilbur did to make Quackity decide to get tipsy and beg for Dream to fix it, and frankly, he didn't care. He'd kill them both after this, if he had to.
He'd kill them for the way Dream bucked his hips and whined when Quackity clenched down. For the way Quackity's fingertips were just shy of leaving bruises in Dream's skin after all the work that had been put into letting him heal.
But most of all, he'd slaughter them for the way Dream had looked at him, glassy eyed, and told Techno if you want to leave me for this, it's fine.
Dream had held back his tears as he told Techno what he had agreed to when Quackity had found him, but Techno didn't even need to see his face to know. Dream trembled, unsteady, a wet note in his voice as he explained what Quackity usually needed from him when he was fucked up like this, and how he understood, it wasn't fair to Techno, he wouldn't make him put up with that. He'd leave, grab his cloak and be gone. He was sorry for making Techno go through all this-
No. Techno had said, pulling Dream into his arms and holding him up even when he buckled. I'm not going to leave you.
That had been his answer through all of Dream's protests, and it was his answer now, nuzzling Dream's hair and doing anything he could to reassure Dream that he was worth loving.
Quackity moaned again, and tried to search for areas around Techno's arms that he could touch Dream. He scowled as Techno tightened his grip, and finally reached out to grip Dream's neck.
As Dream whimpered and went limp, Techno growled, a deep, heavy noise that echoed throughout the room and made Quackity freeze.
"Let him go or the hand comes off." Techno warned. Quackity jerked back with a wild look.
"I'm just trying to get him off!" He snapped frantically. "I can't exactly do anything with you hogging him."
Techno bared his teeth, petting Dream's face with all the gentleness in the world. "The torturer suddenly feeling magnanimous?"
"I don't torture him during sex." Quackity snapped, as if that somehow made it more reasonable. "And it usually feels a lot better if both partners are into it."
"Of course, that's why you asked first before touching him." Techno snorted. Dream pressed his face into Techno's hands.
"I'm okay, Techno." He whispered.
"You're sure?" Techno asked. "I can still take off his hand."
Quackity went pale. Dream shook his head and turned to kiss the piglin's jawline.
"It didn't hurt. Just surprised me." He murmured, then hesitated. "Are you sure you're okay like this? I can get you off too. I don't mind, if it's you."
He shifted his hips on Techno's lap, making his cock brush against Quackity's prostate and causing the other man to whine. Techno couldn't say that he wasn't attracted to his lovers naked body pressed up against his own, or the noises that Dream was making. But it felt so hideous to fuck Dream while his torturer used him for his own pleasure that Techno wasn't sure he could begin to stomach it.
"Another time, just for us." He said instead. Another time, where he could pull this memory away from Dream and make a new one, with the love he deserved.
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bubble-popping · 1 month
day #2, continuation of yesterday
Since then, they'd all gained somewhat of a routine. Certain things were tougher than others, days where Dream wouldn't even get out of bed. Those days, Punz crawled under the covers beside him while Techno made soup and just sat it on the nightstand in case he changed his mind. As time went on, those days got fewer and far between, but Techno knew they'd never go away. Trauma never just went away. Lucky for Dream, neither would Punz or Techno.
On the other hand, the rest of the Syndicate was much less receptive to the idea of Dream staying than they had been for Punz. Techno expected a reaction along those lines. Dream was a controversial figure to most people, especially when he personally had a hand in destroying their homes and killing their loved ones. But, exactly as they had done for Techno, the others came to forgive and accept him as part of their community. (His membership in the Syndicate was still up in the air, but Techno was working on that, believe him.)
Techno only realized he'd somehow stayed awake all night thinking about his partners when he noticed a change in the room's lighting.
Rays of sun filtered into the room, striking the tops of blonde heads in a dazzling display of golden hues. It simultaneously created and satisfied an urge at the back of his piglin brain to see such resemblance to his DNA's coded favorite metal and to know, in a way, they were his.
Dream's hair, once it recovered from neglect in the prison, sat in fluffy curls all about his head. Barring the strands of white, Techno saw no difference between it and the plentiful Nether ore. In comparison, Punz's hair was a little more unique. They also had those silvery strands, but they were less obvious in his sandy blond hair. However, as it grew longer towards their shoulders, some chunks turned a cocoa brown color, creating stripes to match the kind of wolf they were a hybrid of. (Yes, Techno researched which wolf variant he was and how they differed from the Arctic wolves that Techno was used to. No, he would never tell Punz that.)
And speaking of the striped wolf hybrid, they were the first to wake up.
Punz shifted, arms and legs unfurling in a big stretch as they yawned--and Techno's stare definitely didn't linger on his sharp teeth, no sir, no way. They exhaled heavily, then sniffed and cuddled back into his previous position.
"How long ya been up?" He asked, morning voice a warm, pleasant rumble.
"Oh only a few minutes. Not too long."
"Wha-and how would ya know??"
"You're really bad at lyin'."
"Everyone's a bad liar to ya, man."
"Yeah. But, you're prolly the worst."
"I. I dunno whether to be offended or..."
"What kept you awake?" They questioned.
"Jus' thinkin'."
"About... about that crazy shot ya landed on Sam back then."
Punz snorted and nuzzled closer. Techno was sure he didn't believe him, but thankfully they went with it anyway. "Couldn't just let him kill Ranboo, revive book or not. That guy's fuckin' crazy, dude."
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