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franciscoarayapizarro · 1 year ago
UN ADELANTO DE…..Una Universitaria en el Planeta de los Simios
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Esta es una historia de ficción sobre una universitaria chilena en el Planeta de los Simios, inspirada en la novela de Pierre Boulle, El Planeta de los Simios:
En el año de 1976, en las instalaciones de la Facultad de Física de la Universidad de Chile, un grupo de estudiantes de esta facultad se reúnen, aparentemente y a juzgar por el momento, parece un meeting de estudiantes para organizar una manifestación contra el gobierno militar, bien las apariencias engañan, el grupo es demasiado pequeño para un meeting político, y el lugar tambien lo es, hay muchos aparatos electrónicos trabajando a tope, usando mucha energía eléctrica del lugar, los estudiantes discuten entre ellos, ven cuanto necesitan ajustar las piezas y los factores físicos, cálculos, todo para crear un "agujero de gusano" para probar las teorías de Einstein sobre el campo unificado, en el lugar se encuentra trabajando en el experimento clandestino, una joven, bella, morena, con la figura de una Miss Universo, con los rasgos típicos de la mujer araucana, pero con la mente de un genio de la física, esta prodigiosa joven se llama Ana Morales, en un momento, empieza haber una subida fuerte de voltaje y las maquinas destinadas a producir el agujero de gusano se alteran, abren un vortice que perturba el espacio en torno al recinto, en ese momento escuchan pasos de botas militares, es el indicio de una redada, a medida que pasa los segundos el espacio entorno al vortice se alterna mas, tornándose el tiempo mas lento en unos momentos y rápido en otros, después el vortice empieza a tragar cosas, se torna y mas violento, en ese momento, los militares irrumpen en el lugar extrañados por el fenómeno que ocurre, el cabo a cargo del grupo de militares los despavila y ordena arrestar a los jóvenes, el vortice derrepente se traga a Ana y después se empieza a tragar el recinto hasta que colapsa y explota, provocando una gran explosión destruyendo el recinto y dejando mal heridos a los estudiantes y a los militares…A la mañana siguiente, el Diario El Mercurio publica sobre un incendio del sótano de la Facultad de Física de la Universidad de Chile, adjudicando el incidente a extremistas, el cuerpo de Ana nunca fue encontrado.
Pero en realidad, Ana despierta en medio de un desierto, toda desorientada, mira para todos lados y no encuentra nada a un alrededor, camina un par de horas y se da una sorpresa abismal, encuentra esculturas en unos cerros con rostros de simios, después de una ligera sensación de pánico, por decirlo de una manera humilde asalta el corazón y la mente de esta universitaria….”¡¡ en donde diablos estoy!!”.
#ElPlanetadelosSimios #scifi #PierreBoulle #UniversitariaChilena #Simios #Wormhole #Vortice #desierto #UniversidaddeChile #facultaddefisica
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nerdtraveller19 · 9 months ago
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mikesfilmtalk · 6 months ago
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https://capitolamedia.com video production san francisco capitola media los angeles bay area #PlanetoftheApes #charltonheston #franklinschaffner #RoddyMcDowall #MauriceEvans #KimHunter #JamesWhitmore Producer #ArthurJacobs #videoproduction #losangeles #1968 #sciencefiction #PierreBoulle #dystopia #20thCenturyFox #directorofphotography #setlife #cameraman #LeonShamroy #crashlanding #georgetaylor #cinematography #scifi #bayarea #classic #capitolamedia #sanfrancisco @capitolamedia 🎥📸🦍 (at Capitola Media LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4I4_DbHuR8/?igshid=14ddgo2u1my9l
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pegoritti-blog1 · 6 years ago
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E chegou 1964! E com ele novas metas e desafios. Um deles é o #lendoSciFi com doze obras sensacionais dos melhores dos melhores no assunto. Qual a importância da ficção científica para nós? Ela tem o poder e o direito de exagerar a realidade e criar novas; cria-se outros seres, planetas, tecnologias e batalhas no espaço (que não produzem som no vácuo); assim ela pode examinar com maior precisão a vida em todos os seus âmbitos, por meio desses exageros, e fazer uma crítica social mais elaborada. A principal função da ficção científica, ao meu ver, é nos preparar para um futuro possível e que, aquele que tem acesso a essas especulações, podem passar incólumes pelas mudanças súbitas que se dá no mundo. Outra vantagem da ficção científica é que você pode reconhecer essas mudanças em tempo real enquanto você lê autores que "prevêem o futuro" em seus livros. Ainda dá tempo de entrar nessa maratona! Eu e a @soterradaporlivros estamos ansiosos por começar os debates e a troca de ideias que são tantas quantos são as cabeças. Vem com a gente nessa aventura!!! #aventura #lendoSciFi #ficção #ficçãocientífica #distopia #asimov #arthurcclack #ursulakleguin #keyes #octaviaebutler #margaretatwood #robertaheinlein #williamgibson #kurtvonnegut #pierreboulle #michaelcrichton https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEZh0wgIdt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9rinrc4dl5lq
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strangersinthesamehouse · 6 years ago
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I know I have been studying way too much lately, but having exam stress always pushes me to write more and better as it’s a stress relieve for me! I know I’ve been bombarding everyone with articles but I can’t help it 😂 more cosplay posts coming soon, I promise! Today it was 17 years ago that Tim Burton’s Planet Of The Apes movie hit the theater. It’s not a very Burtonesque movie, but you can still see his personal stamp on this movie! Very underrated film if you ask me 🤚🏻 Read my article on @fanfestnews ! Link in my bio ❤️ #TimBurton #PlanetOfTheApes #PierreBoulle #Burtonesque #writing #film #movie #20thcenturyfox #helenabonhamcarter #markwahlberg #timroth #michaelclarkeduncan https://www.instagram.com/p/BnEz2k4gCTN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1099u3tsnd69b
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abraxas-libris · 3 years ago
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Le pont de la rivière Kwaï de Pierre Boulle au club des libraires de France, maquette de Pierre Faucheux, 1959. #lepontdelarivierekwai #pierreboulle #pierrefaucheux #clubdeslibrairesdefrance #thailande #birmanie #japon #secondeguerremondiale https://www.instagram.com/p/CV5r4Mtol5t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ana-mozqueda999 · 4 years ago
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20 de Febrero de 1912.— Nace Pierre Boulle, escritor francés, autor de novelas como El puente sobre el río Kwai o El planeta de los simios. #Efemerides #PierreBoulle #Literatura https://www.instagram.com/p/CLiShdeh3AQ/?igshid=122wn5g614cgv
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bettalatalpa · 4 years ago
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Happy: Siora Tebe, ma secondo lei il lavoro di scavi archeologici nell'area addetta alla nostra specie daranno i frutti sperati? Tebe: Zitta e scava, plebea maculata! Happy: Obbedisco! Questo divertente siparietto svoltosi qualche giorno fa tra Tebe e Happy per promuovere la nuova puntata di #bettatalks intitolata "Voglio esser come te" ovvero quando l'animale si fa uomo nella letteratura. Da King Louie a Cesare, da Quintilio e Moscardo a il Vecchio Maggiore fino alla Sig.ra Brisby partendo da Iofur Raknison, un viaggio fra i personaggi animali che del rapporto con l'uomo hanno fatto la propria principale caratterizzazione. Trovate come al solito la puntata su @spreaker @applepodcasts @spotifyitaly e tante altre piattaforme! #animali #animalrights #letteratura #literature #narrativa #orwell #richardadams #watershipdown #brisbyeilsegretodinimh #pierreboulle #philippullman #academiaedu #labussoladoro #kinglouie #reluigi #voglioessercomete #podcasting #podcaster #podcast #bloggeritalia #blogger #books #libri #librichelascianoilsegno #libridaleggere📚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHH9kaCnTRm/?igshid=r5yyilcb1i5f
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paperbacksciencefiction · 5 years ago
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Time Out Of Mind by Pierre Boulle $3 Signet Books (1969) A collection of 12 short stories ranging from the aftermath of a fascist leader, to the consequences of Eve refusing to eat the forbidden fruit. Cover art by Richard Powers. . Overall Good Condition, Good Spine With Creases, Binding Tight, Pages Look Good With Some Faint Pencil Underlines On Several Pages, Sticker On Top-Right Of Front Cover . . . #timeoutofmind #pierreboulle #paperbacksciencefiction https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjfI0vgPF0/?igshid=tmb9kk6y7gq3
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syndromeblue-blog · 5 years ago
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I love #planetoftheapes The book (especially the book), original films, TV Series, Tim Burton’s remake and the three newer films. Got them all. Got a few monkeys & ape toys too that friend’s have bought me over the years. Even a big ‘Evil Monkey’ from #familyguy - #apeshallneverkillape #caesarishome #nooooooo #pierreboulle (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_fEzAJlnF/?igshid=59nx5r4dthix
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gustavosanoli · 7 years ago
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#planetoftheapes #kindle #ebook #pierreboulle #instaboy #instablog #instablogger #instabook #planetadosmacacos #literaturefrancaise #french #francaise #literature #laplanetedessinges #book #read #travel #reading #vacationtime (em Avignon, Franche-Comte, France)
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tryingtogetbacktolife · 5 years ago
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Books. Again. . . . . . . . . . 🇬🇧 I went out today to buy some things for my crochet. And ended up buying few books instead 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can't be trusted in a bookstore by myself... • The Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle : I've been eyeing this book for quite some times now and finally I found it in perfect condition ! • Rogues : I didn't know that G.R.R. Martin participated in a collection of stories by differents authors about the "bad guys" from the stories but it sounds particularly interesting. And well, who doesn't love some bad guy? ;) • Star Wars : Master and Apprentice, and Revan : And finally, I have been wanting to start reading the many Star Wars books that existed for a while and now I have two of them to get me started ! I'm so excited about those two ! And if anyone out there knows which other books from the Star Wars series I should read next, just tell me 😊 . . 🇨🇵 Je suis sortie aujourd'hui pour m'acheter du matériel pour mon crochet. Et j'ai fini avec des livres 🤷🏻‍♀️ On ne peut pas me laisser toute seule dans une librairie... • La Planète des Singes de Pierre Boulle : Ça fait un moment que je le zieute en librairie, et enfin je l'ai trouvé au parfait moment et en parfait etat ! • Vauriens : Je ne savais pas du tout que G.R.R. Martin avait participé à un receuil de nouvelles par differents auteurs centré sur les "méchants" des histoires mais ça à l'air particulièrement intéressant. Et puis, qui n'aime pas le "bad boy"? ;) • Star Wars : Maître et Apprenti, et Revan : Et enfin, j'avais envie de me lancer dans la lectures des nombreux livres Star Wars qui existent depuis un moment et maintenant j'en ai deux pour me lancer ! J'ai hâte de les lire ! Et si quelqu'un sait dans quel prochain livre Star Wars je peux lancer après ceux-là, n'hésitez pas 😊 . . . . #books #bookstagram #booklover #bookaddict #livres #livrestagram #livreaddict #starwars #grrmartin #planetoftheapes #laplanetedessinges #pierreboulle #revan #maitreetapprenti #masterandapprentice #claudiagray #drewkarpyshyn #mybookfeatures https://www.instagram.com/p/CAN1SdiHWM1/?igshid=1vu4v7ngowrxt
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henriete41 · 5 years ago
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Disney's Upcoming #PLANETOFTHEAPES Film Will Reboot the #Franchise . Link: https://t.co/8FY3TRGdJW https://t.co/K1xVOHNJ52 ..... Disney's Upcoming PLANET OF THE APES Film Will Reboot the Franchise by Joey Paur A couple of months ago we learned that Disney and Fox Studios were moving forward with plans to develop a new Planet of the Apes film. Maze Runner director #WesBall was hired to write and helm the Apes project, but we didn’t know at the time if it would continue the past franchise or report the franchise again. According to Discussing Film, the film will be developed as a #reboot and will not continue the story that was developed over the course of the past three films. I was actually kinda hoping that this new film would continue that story, but #Disney obviously has different plans. The report goes on to speculate that this film might just act as a reboot to the original 1968 film. The film is targeting to begin filming later this year, which likely will mean a 2022 release date. The original 1968 Planet of the Apes was based on a novel by #PierreBoulle, the story of which centers on an #astronaut who lands on a planet and discovers an advanced #civilization of apes ruling over primitive humans. In the big twist of the story, the astronaut learns he is actually on #Earth, which had suffered an #apocalyptic #nuclear #war. That was quite a mind-blowing ending! It was also reported that Daniel Dorrance has been hired as the film’s production designer. He previously worked with Ball on films such as Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials and Maze Runner: The Death Cure, he was also a part of the production design team for Wes Ball’s Mouse Guard film that was canceled following Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox. What do you think about this new Planet of the Apes movie possibly being a reboot? https://geektyrant.com/news/disneys-upcoming-planet-of-the-apes-film-will-reboot-the-franchise https://www.instagram.com/p/B8sF0ndDiZK/?igshid=jbeap5hvyuv
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cultfaction · 5 years ago
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#Repost @gettyarchive • • • • • �� Roddy McDowall keeps his cool while in heavy prosthetics on the set of the ‘Planet of the Apes’ TV series in Malibu, California. __ 📷: Bettmann/Getty Images | circa 1974 __ #roddymcdowall #planetoftheapes #onsetphotography #behindthescenes #galen #caesar #cornelius #pierreboulle #scifi #vintagescifi #bettmannarchive #cultclassic #culttv #1970s #throwbackthursday #archivephoto #photoarchive #gettyarchive https://www.instagram.com/p/B7J4RiHnD1x/?igshid=12w1bnbo04nbh
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filmartgallery · 7 years ago
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U.S. 1 Sheet for #PlanetOfTheApes (1968), based on the #RodSerling adaptation of the #PierreBoulle novel and starring #CharltonHeston
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