bettalatalpa · 4 years
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Happy: Siora Tebe, ma secondo lei il lavoro di scavi archeologici nell'area addetta alla nostra specie daranno i frutti sperati? Tebe: Zitta e scava, plebea maculata! Happy: Obbedisco! Questo divertente siparietto svoltosi qualche giorno fa tra Tebe e Happy per promuovere la nuova puntata di #bettatalks intitolata "Voglio esser come te" ovvero quando l'animale si fa uomo nella letteratura. Da King Louie a Cesare, da Quintilio e Moscardo a il Vecchio Maggiore fino alla Sig.ra Brisby partendo da Iofur Raknison, un viaggio fra i personaggi animali che del rapporto con l'uomo hanno fatto la propria principale caratterizzazione. Trovate come al solito la puntata su @spreaker @applepodcasts @spotifyitaly e tante altre piattaforme! #animali #animalrights #letteratura #literature #narrativa #orwell #richardadams #watershipdown #brisbyeilsegretodinimh #pierreboulle #philippullman #academiaedu #labussoladoro #kinglouie #reluigi #voglioessercomete #podcasting #podcaster #podcast #bloggeritalia #blogger #books #libri #librichelascianoilsegno #libridaleggere📚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHH9kaCnTRm/?igshid=r5yyilcb1i5f
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crtter · 3 years
i dont wanna fuck waluigi either but there is clearly someone at nintendo that does. and honestly he can get it in that pic…
He cannnnn and ngl I’m kinda mad about it. I’ve narrowly avoided being a Waluigifuᴄker all of these years, like not being into him was the ONLY thread that held me close to normalcy since I can’t see some mustache-twirling bastard without dreaming of kissing him under the moonlight and then Nintendo turns around and hits me with the dude looking like he’s in the WAP music video or something?
I wonder if they thought they were making him like, extra unappealing and THAT’S why I find it so... disturbingly hоrny. Like, were they going for “haha the gross guy in a sexy lady pose” because that’s exactly what I’m into and I’d appreciate a heads up before I get pandered to like that, thank you very much!
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Lo Stretto indispensabile #lostrettoindispensabile #mogwli #thejunglebook #wolfgangreitherman #baloo #bagheera #reluigi #sherekhan #kaa #mowgli #flaps #akela #junglebook ##canto #simonemartorana #like4follow (presso Bagheria)
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