#pierced strickler>>>>>>
joethehoeee · 27 days
My last prompt from Stricklake month was a little...Angsty. So now I will give you some fluff.
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My sweet babys, I love them so much 😭🩷
For anyone who might ask "but Strickler technically can't walk under the sun- 🤓☝️"...SHUT-
Nooo. Valid Question...
There is a small ring on his finger...a certain object that was magically changed to allow him to walk amongst Humans in the sun.
I made it so that Barbara and Walter are bound together, she get's a longer life/his aging while He gets her ability to walk throu the sun/eat more human stuff. I personally didn’t wanna make him have his human form because...
Come on...We all know Troll Walter is supermercy and absolutly more attractive than human Walt...right?
Anyways...this is MY happy ever after AU and YES you will get a writing and possible art for their Wedding as well...and maybe the Wedding night...👀
But for now, enjoy my Art and fanfiction for it.
Fanfiction Link
Other Versions + Closeup:
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toodrasticallydumb · 1 year
*microphone is brought up to my face*
Reporter: “Excuse me there, are you normal about him?”
Me: “Of course! Absolutely!”
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“Not. Nope. Not at all. I am not.”
Reporter: 0-0
Me: -u-
Reporter: 0-0
Me: -u-
Reporter: 0-0
Me: -u-
This isn’t even all of ‘em.
If you couldn’t tell: I’m a wee bit obsessed.
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(Reblog or comment ur fav Strickler, bear in mind some of these are just doodles and practice to get his face right in my style)
Also: inspo for Strickler’s longer hair and piercings from @joethehoeee ‘s hcs of him because yes.
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Trollhunter! Nomura Au (part 3 (2/2))
the third part(1/2)<
the final>
This AU was made me and @enniyart
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Having come to the Order of Janus, Gunmar immediately receives instructions from Morgana, through a gramophone, to find the staff of Avalon. He sends several changelings with gumgums to Merlin's tomb. After some time, they successfully return with a staff.
After that, Gunnar receives an order from Morgana to capture the Trollmarket.
The first person to greet Claire after waking up was Jim. He informs her that everyone is very angry at her because of her act (and that it's better for her not to get caught by the Nomura right now). Claire goes to Angor to ask for his forgiveness for taking the staff without his permission, but he only says that since Enrique is saved, then Claire has no reason to stay here and that he will no longer teach her. As a result, Claire collects her stuff and leaves the Trollmarket.
Nomura is accused of allowing Gunmar to be released because she allowed him to take the amulet. Usurna, as in the original, puts forward a condition, either to give the amulet and leave the market, or to appear before the court. At this moment, the puzzle in the trollhunter's head develops and she realizes that it was Usurna who sent those changelings to the Trollmarket, Nomura also notices one inconsistency in the past: if no one but themselves can go down to the caves of Kruber, then how could Gunmar steal their children, it is obvious that someone voluntarily gave them (and even if Usurna really was on the side of the trolls, then she would not have tried to destroy the amulet, in fact the only weapon capable of killing Gunmar). Nomura tells the others her assumption about Usurna and they come up with a plan: Angor releases the hunter from prison with the help of a portal, and puts one of his golems with a mask capable of changing appearance in her place. Blinky and Aaargh go to Vendel and tell him the assumptions about Usurna. The elder says that he will think about their words (although he himself suspected the queen of something similar before).
Draal goes to the forest to check if Gunnar really got out then he is got taken under control. Blinky, Toby, Jim, Creepslayerz and NotEnrique remain to represent the side of the false-trollhunter in court, while Nomura, Angor and Aargh go to storm the Order of Janus as they assume that Gunmar will hide there. But to their surprise, they do not receive any resistance from the changelings, and Strickler himself comes out to the team of trollhunters. He says that Gunmar is storming the Trollmarket right now and that he has everything he needs to free Morgana, and Strickler also offers them an explanation, since he understands that after defeating the surface, Gunmar will immediately get rid of the changelings. As a sign of truce, he gives the hunter the eye of Gunmar and Nomura, Angor and Aargh go to Trollmarket, which is now under attack by Gunmar.
Claire is about to reach her house at this time, but suddenly stops abruptly. She understands that if Gunnar really got out through her fault, then she is obliged to help the others in the war against him. Claire, already standing on the threshold of the house, abruptly turns around and runs to the troll market.
After the end of the first act of the trial, Usurna, as in the original, tries to kill Vendel, but since he was warned about the queen, he does not hesitate to turn around with a hidden weapon and both trolls pierce each other at the same time. vendel dies with Usurna.
No sooner do those present in court ask where the two elders have disappeared than Gunmar, along with several gumgums and zombie Draal, enters the Trollmarket. The team of trollhunters reunites exactly at the very moment when the capture of the market begins. With the help of a whirlwind, they begin to evacuate the residents out of the Trollmarket. They begin to evacuate residents with the help of a whirlwind. At this moment, a zombie Draal appears, which takes our heroes by surprise. It is at this moment that Claire bursts into the battle and while the rest of the trollhunters are trying to revive Draal and fight off the advancing gumgums, she takes the shadow staff and with the help of a huge portal transfers everyone (including Draal) to a safe place.
Due to the recent "operation" and the creation of a giant portal, Claire loses consciousness.
Nomura tries to reach Draal's mind, but nothing comes out. Then she makes a desperate attempt, saying that she is sorry for what happened between them in the past and that she really loves him, kissing him along the way. At this moment, the magic of the amulet with Gunmar's eye embedded in it neutralizes the magic of the Decemar blade and Draal comes back to his senses.
Blinky becomes the new elder of the troll market. Nomura recalls Strickler's words that Gunmar now has everything to free Morgana, so they need someone who has already fought with the Elditch queen in the past.
The team is going to search for Merlin's tomb.
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rosemaidenvixen · 1 year
For the Halloween thing: not quite a crossover, but Strickler and Jim swap with Eda and Luz role wise in TOH , (not sure WHAT or who that would make Hooty and King in this AU) Jim doesn't know that Strickler is cursed, not until the elixirs Strickler uses run out. Jim thinks there's a monster in the house. And it's hunting him. (or is it?)
Jim sat huddled behind the couch, holding a hand against his mouth to prevent small sounds from escaping with a small imp-like demon pressed against his side. Both of them hiding from the much larger creature that had prowled in from the hall. Desperately hoping the beast couldn’t smell the sweat trickling down his neck or hear his booming heart.
How had he gotten himself into this mess again?
It had started when he’d accidentally fallen into a magical world while biking to school one morning. Then after breaking and entering and an impromptu prison riot he’d made the decision, admittedly terrible looking back now, to stay in said magical world over the summer so his mom wouldn’t have to pay for an expensive summer camp while she took classes in LA. Sure the ground had teeth and the fairies wanted to eat his skin, but staying with a witch he’d met, trading chores for magic lessons, hadn’t seemed like a bad idea.
Then said witch had turned out to be cursed, which did make things more complicated but still manageable.
Until they ran out of the potion needed to keep said curse at bay. 
So all that brought Jim to where he was now, hiding from a cursed witch stuck in beast mode while he rampaged through the house.
And to top it all off, he was trapped in the house with said cursed witch thanks to the boiling rain.
Boiling. Rain.
Yeah when he’d first seen this place that morning he should have just kept on biking.
A sharp poke in his side pulled him out of his thoughts. Looking down to see the small demon, Notenrique, glaring up at him. 
His teacher refused to describe their relationship with Notenrique as anything beyond roommates, even if that didn’t strike Jim as the full truth. Once he’d asked about the meaning behind the name ‘Notenrique’ only to have the small demon give him a ten minute rant about how stupid the name ‘Jim Lake Jr’ was. Since then he tried not to ask questions.
“Oy beanpole, you got a plan yet?” 
“Working on it,” Jim whispered.
“Well work faster!”
There was a creak of the floorboards behind them and they both instantly went still and silent. After a few seconds Jim risked a peek around the side of the couch. Only to see the doorway obscured by a towering figure. 
Nearly eight feet tall if they stood upright, although even hunched over they were still massive, pale green skin and long ivory horns. Large wings folded against his back and long tail thumping against the ground, giving him an overall draconic look, as he sniffed the air in the room. 
Glowing gold eyes pierced through the gloom, and even in the low light Jim could still see the rows of dagger-like teeth lining his jaw. Quickly ducking back behind the couch, Jim held his breath, beside him he could feel Notenrique doing the same, desperately hoping they remained undetected.
The beast gave the room another sniff and then mercifully started to retreat, moving through the doorway and heading further down the hall away from them. Jim didn’t move, he waited one second, two, five, ten. Only then did he finally allow himself to rela–
Jim jerked, stifling his scream into a strangled squeak and smacking his head on the side of a table. Notenrique shot straight up in the air and landed on the back of the couch, claws out and hackles raised.
“Hooty…” Jim clutched his chest, struggling to get his breathing under control. He was way too young to be having heart attacks “Don’t do that!”
“Yeah you dumb bird worm!” Notenrique glared at him, crawling from the couch back into Jim’s lap.
“Why the long faces fellas?” Hooty twisted his neck until he was staring at them upside down “Don’t worry, I brought you a present!”
His coils spasmed and he started to gag.
“Wait Hooty could you not do that right he–”
Hooty barfed up an owl pellet straight onto Jim’s lap, Notenrique jumping clear at the last second.
Jim grimaced, picking through the mess. Rat bones, twigs, a live bat that flew free up into the rafters, some unlucky person’s scroll–
And a glowing yellow bottle.
Jim grabbed the bottle, heart pounding, but his time from sheer relief “Is this the elixir? Oh man Hooty you’re a lifesaver!”
Notenrique scurried onto Jim’s shoulder “Bout time you made yourself useful,”
“Hey I’m always useful!”
“Then stop screeching at four in the morning!”
“It’s my duty as the owl house to ensure everyone’s is up on time,”
“On time for what? Our ears bleeding!?”
“Guys guys give it a rest!” Jim angled himself between them “We have bigger things to deal with right now,”
Notenrique glowered but stayed quiet while Hooty harumphed “I like the universe with Luz and King better,”
“I– wai– you what?”
“Beanpole do yourself a favor and don’t pay too close attention to Hooty’s nonsense,”
Jim shook himself off, he had the elixir they needed to cure him. Now all they had to do was get it to him…
“Alright guys, I think I have a plan,”
A pounding headache, so forceful it threatened to crack his skull in two, was the first thing he was aware of, the second was an unbearably dry texture to his mouth and a brightness behind his eyelids compounding his headache. Raising a hand to rub at his throbbing skull to try and aleve the pressure.
When it became clear that wasn’t working he reached out with his other arm, fumbling around until he eventually found the side of the nest. Forcing himself to ignore the pain and push himself upright only to get smacked with a wave of nausea.
Strickler groaned, leaning heavily against the side of the nest while rubbing his face. His entire body felt like cement, heavy and cumbersome and barely able to move.
From beyond him there was a soft scuffling sound.
“Hey he’s awake,”
Despite his head pounding in protest, Strickler forced himself to pry his eyes open, bright light assaulting his corneas, and pulled himself upright.
He was lying in his nest in his room, which was a disaster. Furniture torn apart and upended, random bits of debris scattered about. Jim and Notenrique were standing near the window, which it looked like they’d patched with a wooden board, instantly hurrying to his side.
Notenrique jumped from Jim’s shoulder to the edge of the nest “How ya feeling bossman?”
Strickler dragged a hand down his face “Like I got in a battle with a truck and lost,”
Jim winced, running a hand through the back of his hair and refusing to meet Strickler’s eye “Yeah about that…”
Strickler followed his line of sight to a license plate laying in the middle of the nest
All at once it came slamming back to him. Agreeing to take on a human student against his better judgment. Being distracted by Jim’s presence, neglecting to stock up in elixirs–
“My curse…”
“Don’t worry, things kind of got crazy-town-banana-pants for a while, but we were able to get you your elixir and calm things down,”
A sour taste rose up in the back of his throat “I’m so sorry Jim, and to you Notenrique,”
“Oh no don’t be,” Jim held up both hands “It wasn’t my truck, and it looks like you can digest metal ok,”
“No I– wait, I ate a truck!?”
Jim and Notenrique glanced at each other then flashed Strickler matching sheepish grins.
He glanced back and forth between them before letting out a heavy sigh “I’ve let you both down. My curse is my responsibility to manage and I failed to do so. Jim I’ll arrange for you to board somewhere else for the rest of your summer. All I ask is that you care for Notenrique–”
“Whoa whoa–” Jim held up both hands “I’m not going anywhere,”
“I can’t possibly ask you to stay after I lost control–”
“This isn’t your fault,” Jim came up directly to the side of the nest “You had a slip up, it happens. I’m not leaving you over one mistake,”
“But I–”
“No buts bossman,” Notenrique scrambled over to perch himself on top of his head “I don’t care if you hulk out every now and again, you’re stuck with me for life, so no take backs!”
Strickler leaned against the side of the nest, exhaustion weighing on him heavily “Boys I am heartened by your faith in me, but the fact of the matter is my curse is dangerous. And these events have proven that I am a threat to you both,”
No one said anything, the only sound the drumming of the boiling rain against the roof. Then after a long time Jim swung himself over to sit on the edge of the nest.
“Look Strickler I…I’m still learning about magic and curses, but I know a little bit about chronic conditions. And from what you told me it sounds like your curse isn’t something you can control, only manage. And for all the weeks I’ve been here you did manage it. I didn’t even know you were cursed until…”
Jim’s gaze drifted down towards the license plate before he shook himself off and continued “Anyways, this was just one slip up,”
“Yeah,” Notenrique spoke up from his perch on top of Strickler’s head “You managed it real good for years, I can’t even remember a time you went all hulky before,”
Blue eyes twinkled, legs thrown out into the nest with ankles crossed and arms folded across his chest “Point is Strickler, if you want to get rid of us you’re going to have to do better than hulking out on your curse and chasing us around the house,”
Notenrique jumped over to perch on his shoulder, matching his cocky look “Yeah, what he said,”
Strickler glanced back and forth between the two boys, a heaviness settling in his chest. He wanted to call them foolish and naive, he wanted to demand that they leave, forcing them out with an abomination if he had to. That’s what a good pa– a good teacher would do.
But instead Strickler stupidly, selfishly got to his feet “Thank you boys. Now I know the house is a mess but I am exhausted and I imagine you two are feeling much of the same, so what do you say we have some dinner and leave the cleaning for tomorrow,”
He stepped out of the nest, Jim following with Notenrique still on his shoulder, letting out a small chuckle as he stepped over a mangled stop sign lying in the doorway “Although from the looks of things I may have filled up on automobiles and street signs,”
“Nah that’s what beanpole used to smack you in the face so I could pour the elixir down your throat,”
Strickler whirled towards Jim, spotting the boy staring back at him with a nervous grin.
Despite himself Strickler felt a smile tugging at his own lips.
What a student indeed.
“Well then I’m sure you worked up an appetite,”
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allengreenfield · 8 months
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 3 years
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After God knows how long I've finally finished.
So have some full-troll, Warlord! Strickler from my Heart of Stone fic.
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nattikay · 5 years
People talk about how it’ll be hard for Jim to sleep on a pillow with his horns but honestly I’m more worried about Strickler lol
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karlyanalora · 2 years
Stricklake: Dragon & Knight
Strickler was a dragon in a world of drakes. Not a very big dragon and not as small as Blinkous, but small enough that finding a roomy cave should have been easy. But Strickler was also a changeling, which meant the mountain range thirty minutes north of Arcadia was off limits, and Bular had already claimed the sewers as his. Nomura had the lovely museum basement for a lair, making her nest among the hoard of stone bridge pieces she was tasked with guarding, but that still left Strickler without a lair. What self-respecting dragon didn’t have a lair? Even Not Enrique had staked his claim on the abandoned dog house in the Nunez’s backyard.
The others could mock him all they wanted, but his spacious library was lair enough for him. The two-hour drive to the mansion was worth it (and had been the unexpected boon of deterring Jim from bothering him most nights) when it meant he could sprawl out surrounded by precious tomes and magic artifacts. As a human, he could easily enjoy the rest of the mansion as well. This was his lair and fortress where none save the Dragonhunter dared disturb him. And even then, Jim had his mother’s health to think about.
Strickler ignored the crunch of gravel in his driveway and the banging of his front door being thrown open. If Jim wanted to have another yelling match, he would have to work for it. Apparently the boy was going for stealth this time, though why was lost on Strickler. At last, the door to the library was flung open and Strickler uncurled himself just enough to face his intruder.
“We meet again, Young Atals-” Strickler froze, his large orange eyes blinking in surprise. This was not the knight he was expecting, nor was she arrayed like one he had ever seen.
She carried no Sword of Daylight, but a humble rifle instead. In place of shining armor she wore a kevlar vest. Still, this red haired woman with glasses looked more terrifying than Gunmar himself with that rifle leveled at Strcikler’s head.
“You aren’t the Dragonhunter,” may have been some of the dumbest words Strickler would ever utter. He barely writhed out of the way of her first shot.
“He’s sixteen!” Barbara bellowed. “He shouldn’t be hunting anything.” She reloaded and fired again, Strickler barely yanking his tail out of the way, the bullet neatly piercing straight through the last remaining book on Alchemy. “He should be learning how to drive, not how to kill dragons!” She fired again, shattering a piece of corrupted Heartstone.
There were several exits out of the library, but Barbara was currently blocking the only dragon sized one. All the others required you to be running on two legs instead of four. Strickler briefly weighed the pros and cons of being human at the moment; smaller target, but no scales of armor to protect him. But there was no telling what kind of damage Barbara would sustain if she managed to hit him as a dragon, and current Dragonhunter aside, he found he could not bare the thought of that. However, if Barbara didn’t stop shooting soon, he’d have no hoard left to guard.
“Barbara, it’s me!” he cried as he transformed.
She did lower her gun for a moment. “Walt?”
Her confusion was quickly swept aside as her fierce protectiveness returned. She stomped right up to him and placed the tip of the barrel of her gun smack dab in the middle of his chest. “You have a lot of explaining to do, mister, so I suggest you get to it.”
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theoldandnewfirm · 3 years
The Wild Hunt
Fandom: Trollhunters (Tales of Arcadia)
Pairing: Barbara Lake/Walter Strickler (Stricklake)
Rating: Teen
Summary: The dark is home to predators. Tonight, he is among them.
(Or: I really wanted Strickler hunting Barbara, but you know. For sexy reasons.)
Above him, the moon hangs whole and bright. Below him, forest stretches to the mountains on the horizon; the woods are home to a thousand night creatures whose squeaks and skitters filter up to him through the canopy. The air is rich with tantalizing scents: wood smoke, behind him. Carrion, several dozen yards to his right. A herd of mule deer by the river.
And, piercing through it all, the trail that he’s been following for the last few minutes: briny sweat and sweet, milky lotion. The smell of his prey.
The dark is home to predators. Tonight, he is among them.
How long had it been since he last hunted like this? Not with gun or bow or knife, but with wing and talon and claw?
He misses his human form; he always will. But he can’t deny there’s something invigorating, something primal, about experiencing the world through the lens of a troll.
He dips lower, mindful to angle his path so that he's still largely masked by the canopy. It wouldn’t do to have his prey alerted to his presence by his silhouette crossing the moon, or his eyes glowing down through the branches.
Especially when the pursuit is so close to ending. From his vantage he sees what they likely can’t, between the dark and the understory: the tree line, and the meadow beyond it. A stretch of flat, featureless land where he’ll be exposed, but so will they.
With a snap of his wings, he speeds towards the gap, alights in the bare branches above, and waits.
Soon, his prey’s arrival is heralded by rustling brush and footsteps that come to an uncertain pause at the tree line. They sidle up against a broad trunk, clearly trying to use it for cover as they peer around, weighing their next move.
A burden they no longer have to worry about when, with a great crack of snapping twigs and dry leaves, he leaps from his perch and dives straight towards them.
Panic is a funny thing, in humans— while logic says the best escape route is one that presents plenty of obstacles between you and your pursuer, people nonetheless tend to choose the path of least resistance: open ground. In this case the meadow, which his prey bolts to with him close behind.
He has speed and momentum on his side; it’s no contest. There’s a shriek that’s half outrage, half laughter as he scoops the squirming figure into his arms and tugs them close before bearing them up into the sky.
“Not fair!” she says, swatting him on the chest for emphasis.
“In what way?”
“Obviously I can’t outrun you if you fly.”
“It’s not about outrunning, my dear; it’s about outmaneuvering.” He shifts her around so she’s more securely supported by his arms. “There are ways to escape a hunter, if you know their tricks and traits.”
“Probably helps if you aren’t tipsy,” she suggests, as she drapes her arms over his shoulders and laces her fingers against the back of his neck.
“Yes, sobriety is a rather important prerequisite.”
Though the aforementioned tipsiness is how she came to this idea in the first place, so he can’t truly complain.
“Well now that you’ve caught me,” she asks, her eyes half lidded, her voice low, “what will you do with me?”
He hums, as if considering. Then, he dips his head to her shoulder before baring his teeth, so that she’ll feel the press of them through the thin layers of her shirt and tank. She shivers, not with fear. “Why--devour you, of course.”
“Mm. Please."
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mysteriesmuse · 3 years
A/N: I am so HAPPY to be participating a little bit in Whumptober this year! I am really proud of this work and the prompts are just so inspiring! I hope y’all enjoy!! —————— No. 13: Catty Cauterization.
“Oh look at that, I’ve been impaled.”
Douxie can see your figure trembling like a leaf.
He can see Archies tail shaking and fur bristling in front of him.
He can hear the fight going on outside. . . The trollhunter, Claire, Tobias, Strickler. He can hear Arrrgh and Blinky too. The Tarons. Oh wow, he can here a lot of his friends fighting out there protecting the world.
Good on ye’ lads. keeping Nari safe from the Arcane order.
But for some reason Douxie can not seem to hear your voice. Its not like you aren’t right in front of him mere inches from his face.
Admit the clamor of swords and yelling Douxie seems to have lost track of the sound of your voice.
. . . Your lips sure are moving fast though . . .
You are shaking like you can not believe. It should be near 0 degrees for you to be shivering so viciously, you’re certain.
“This has been hurting, I know. I tell you- I promise, I know,” actually it was very cold where you were. Nothing colder than a barrage of deadly icicles upon arrival, “but I have to get the icicle out. We- Archie, we’re gonna have to get this removed out of him.”
Archies head whips around as you call his name beckoning him over.
“I- want do you want me to do Y/N?”
You’re not sure? The taste of pennies is brought to your tongue, so you relent your bottom lip that’s been captive between your teeth.
As the battle rages in the distance you look to Archie and then to Douxie with a shaky lips.
“ Archie, I think I know what I want you to do.”
Douxie can feel your hands pressing against either side of his leg. Your gorgeously messy hair is tickingly the side of his face.
Douxie croaks out, “Isn’t this the part where I say, ‘look at that. I’ve been impaled.’”
You give him a ghastly look of mortification, pausing to peer up from your work on his leg.
“Are you quoting Olaf from Frozen right now?”
Douxie gives you a sheepish smile and a shrug, “It seemed appropriate.”
You scoff turning to your feline friend, “Unbelievable. His’s absolutely unbelievable. Douxie, you are unbelievable, you know that?”
Douxie sighs watching you go back to staring at his leg. The dripping sound of melting, the sensation of wet denim, and heat like a blowtorch all meddle with his state of mind, boring him.
He needs to poke some fun at you.
Hisirdoux Casperan can not be expected to just sit here and do nothing as you and Archie, two of his best friends, sit here nursing him back to health.
He needs to know that you and Arch are gonna be okay taking care of him.
“Lovelies’, as you two are, I’m sure I’ll be fine and dandy by the morning.”
“Douxie I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” Arch states, “unless your definition of dandy includes a gouging hole in your leg than sure. We‘ll be just-“
Neither of you can do anything as Douxie wriggles his back in pain against the cement bridge you’re hiding out under.
Well, perhaps, you and Archie could sit here astutely watching your friend writhe in pain as you sit on you knees thrusting a jacket onto the bleeding wound in Douxie’s thigh. The release of the piercing icicle doing nothing but to agitate the progressive bleeding.
“I think I know what we have to do Arch . . .”
“And what is that Y/N?”
You shake your head pressing your arms against Douxie’s leg, “You’re gonna have to Cauterize his wound.”
“Alright Douxie, I’m going to blow fire on your leg, okay? Y/N’s gonna count it down for me.”
Douxie can see you nodding vigorously as you slowly release up on the weighted pressure against his lap.
He’s already been partly undressed, to the knee really, but how else were you guys gonna get a clean take at this?
It’s probably not the most mortifying day in his century of life. . . Oh boy it could sure come close though.
“Okay here we go.”
Fuzzbuckets, this laundry detergent taste terrible. I mean I guess that’s what he gets for a quality detergent and stain remover. By Deya’s grace at least he can bite down on the sleeve of a clean jacket of all things, whilst his best friends fret over cauterizing his wound themselves.
“Okay, here we go Douxie, here we go. Hold on, 1, 2, 3.”
The world is a flash of your face lighting up before disappearing behind a blast of blue flame.
It’s like Archie is just putting a torch blower’s flame to his leg. And there’s nothing more he wants then to gag: at the taste of this jacket and at the smell of his own burning flesh.
However, Douxie is absolutely grateful that this particular blue flame is always attached to his friend, coming to save his behind in moments of danger.
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eurazba · 2 years
WIP Folder
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Tagged by: @thosetrollkids and @autumnalfallingleaves (thank you I love talking about the million things I’m working on :3)
Now, I’m only gonna share stuff that I’ve worked on/touched in the last yearish (like 10ish months), because that’s about my mental timeline for what I consider a “current” or “active” WIP and this list would be unbearable otherwise.
-KIR Ch6
-Chapter 4 Arrival of a Shadow
-Josh’s Moving Lodge Ch 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7 & 8 (4 docs)
-Josh’s Moving Lodge Prequel
-Motherfuckin’ Assassin
-We Are Beings Ch 1, 2, & 3 (3 docs)
-Grandpa Douxie Au
-Time Lopop Ch 1
-Lyrics Lost in Translator
-Hammerhack Body intros
-The Santa Clause (but better)
-Stuck in Arcadia
-Over the Wall Au
-Sleeping Together Climbing Chrash
-Trobbit Au
-Jim the Unkillable
-Trollhunters Reboot
-Miraculous Ladybug Au the one with Jim & Strickler
-Binan Au
- Advisor Eret/Beefcake Astrid Au
-Good Place Au
-Aloece and Aieoh
-bee girl
-Big Hot Demon Lady
-la llrona
-Lunar Chronicals wing au
-New Magical girl concept dark
-oh little torch shine redesign
-orig expressions
-salacious sarvik
-starin’ Sarvik
-Sunbutt corruption
-The high Wizards
-Thief and princess horse
-Tim you know damn well I’m not talking about the smoothie
-a family of furries
-angle dviel wofe
-anime peryton
-banama bread
-books upon books
-Bronie Bee the HUmmingbird fox
-catch your lover
-i will protect you little warrior
-little hummingbird warrior
-trusona vs bronie bee
-Arcane Order redesigns/big focking bellroc
-catboy toby
-claire school picture
-dj kleb is in the house
-Lazy Lovers morning
-Paloma Pierce
-Sally Go-Chat
-Shakesperian Quotations
-toa ps5 animatic
-jml sketches
-poetic cinema
-the witch hannah
-until dawn kids renfest
-whatcha readin’
As you can see... I cannot tag as many people as I have WIPs... so I will tag a few people, who (as far as I’m aware) haven’t been tagged for this game already
I tag: @somethingscarlet13, @rockymaidenvixen, @love-fireflysong, @fiorephenomenon, @appendingfic, @babblish, & @elizabethemerald
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joethehoeee · 5 months
I am still alive and I brought you all a gift because it took me so long to post. (That definitely didn’t take long)
So this sound trends on tiktok and I immediately thought of those two. My brain just couldn’t bare the thought that they might never be drawn/edited like that...
but then I realized, I can draw...I HAVE THE POWER!
So I took it in my own hands.
Have fun with this, It might take a while until I am back...tho I do try to be more active. But for now, enjoy the love (and a bit of angst/past trauma.)
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Pretty obvious what I was trying to do, right?
It's kind of the fact that Barbara will always have this trauma, this pain that he caused. Even tho she can infact learn to love him again, there will always be this ever so small fear of getting hurt like he did before. She forgave him but she dosen't fully trusts him, at least not yet.
Also Walter reaches after her in his troll form but slowly stops in his human form. He let's her go, he let's the past go, his old self. He realizes that trying to appear more like human self is not the way and that she will only let him in if he is himself. If he is what he was forced and lived to become. A Changeling, tho not a Monster anymore.
I did try to include my headcanon Design for post-Eternal night. Obviously Barb is a little over the top (it's more a outfit for dates) and a new coat for Walter. I would say this takes place like 3-6 weeks after they defeated Morgana, so Walter dosen't really tried to ✨️express✨️ himself fully with his clothing...and i wanted to draw him in his old Design but also in MY and little new style so yeah. NO human clothes for my man. He has no shame, walking around half naked.🤭
Also small headcanon, Barbara likes him better with longer hair and his new style (mixing human/troll together). It makes him look and ferl like a new person and makes it easier for her bc she can see his true self, wich is a bit of both his forms. It's a reminder that not everything he said was a lie.
Do you all know this "She fell first, he fell harder"? Well I firmly believe it's them. Although Walter probably fell first AND harder.
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bklily · 3 years
The way i'd rewrite the Strickler sacrifice scene (because obviously) would be very simple (part 1):
He does take the bombs from Jim, but he's not dumb, he wont try to suicide bomb it. Instead he aims to scatter the bombs around the legs of the ice titan, to take it down long enough for jim and the rest to finish it off.
He's almost done circling the titan when his wings start to freeze over and Skrael notices his plan. He aims an ice beam at strickler that misses at first, allowing strickler to place the final bomb and start to fly away before they explode.
But with his wings in that state he isn't very fast and Skrael sends an ice attack directly at his chest, piercing him and making him fall to the ground. Thanks to the fall and the fact his wings were ice solid, one of them breaks off almost entirely, leaving him permanetely damaged
However the bombs go off and the titan falls. An injured and freezing over Strickler tells jim to forget about him and go finish off Skrael, but jim refuses. He wouldn't abandon Strickler there injured and on the verge of death. So he turns and carries the injured changelling back to the flying camelot while the titan reformed in the background
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phoenixlionme · 2 years
My Favorite Fictional Couples Part 9
NOTE: Be respectful of my choices; the OTPs are not ranked, just of who I thought when making this list.
1. Disney’s Mulan: Fa Mulan + Li Shang = Mulang
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2. TLOK: Bolin + Opal Beifong = Bopal
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3. Marvel Comics: Kareem aka Red Dagger + Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel = Redmarvel
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4. Marvel Comics: Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel + James Rhodey aka War Machine = Carolrhodey
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5.  Marvel Comics: Adam Brashear aka Blue Marvel + Monica Rambeau aka Spectrum = Bluespectrum
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6. Dreamworks’ Tales of Arcadia franchise: Jim Lake Jr. + Claire Nunez = Jlaire
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7. Dreamworks’ Tales of Arcadia franchise: Walter Strickler aka Stricklander + Barbara Lake = Stricklake
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8. DC Comics: Anissa Pierce aka Thunder + Grace Choi = Thundergrace
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9. Marvel Comics: Peter Parker aka Spider Man aka Mary Jane “M.J.” Watson = Petermj
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10. DC Comics (YJ): Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy + Queen Perdita of Vlatava = Gardita
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f0xwrite · 3 years
The first of the snippets from WIPs (as promised!) I haven't been able to write since my mom passed, so I'm not sure if or when I'll ever get any of these done, but I thought I'd share some unfinished ideas!
This one is still in a dialogue-heavy format. I’ve tried to fill in context in parenthesis. For context, in this story, most of the babies that were taken from the cradlestone are being cared for by goblins at the old Janus headquarters, all overseen by Walter, but some are housed at the Lake residence.
(Douxie is walking out of a record store, humming a soft tune, when his phone rings. He answers. )
“Mr. Casperian.” Strickler's gruff voice floated out from the receiver. “I hope you don’t mind, but I got your number from Jim.”
“Uh, yeah, no it’s fine.” The wizard scratched the back of his head, raising a brow. “Who is this?”
“I’m Jim’s--an ally of the Trollhunter’s. Waltolomew Stricklander. ”
“Ah, yes, Merlin mentioned you a few times.”
“Good, then you’ll recall that I am in possession of all of the familiars—err, human children—who were formerly housed within the Darklands.”
“Oh that’s right! You’re the one with Dr. Lake. How’s that going for you?”
“Er—well, that’s the thing. It’s—we’ve run into a bit of a conundrum.”
“It would be best if you saw it in person. Do you know where Jim lives?”
“Yeah I do, actually." He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. “What’s going on again?”
“Waaalt, it’s not just those two.”Douxie heard another voice through the receiver.
“I have to go,” Walter’s voice was grave, “Erm, the faster you can get here, the better. We need a wizard.”
“Right then, you got it.”
(Later, at the Lake residence Douxie opens the door and his jaw drops. There are babies flying everywhere, and magic spells being cast to and fro, bouncing off of every wall. In the middle of it all, a haggard Walter and Barbara are trying to reign in the chaos. Douxie inquires about the Trollhunters, who could be there in a moments notice with Claire’s shadow magic.)
“Claire, Jim, and Toby are on vacation with the Nunez’s in the mountains.” Barbara explained.
“Young Atlas needs a break. They all do,” the changeling admonished. “I know Claire could be in and out quickly, but it would be best if we didn’t interrupt them. ”
“What on earth is going on with these babies?!” Barbara yelped as she barely dodged a ball of light being thrown her way. A crash sounded from the kitchen, and with a resigned huff, she strode off to discover its source.
“They’ve been exposed to Morgana’s magic for too long,” Douxie explained. “Creatures like that, like changelings,” he gestured towards Walter, “are naturally more inclined towards magic.”
“How do we keep them under control?” Walter’s voice was desperate. “This house, and the entire Janus base will be destroyed!”
“I don’t know!” Douxie exclaimed, “I’m not used to dealing with magic users this young. I’ve never even seen it. They have no idea what they are doing.”
“You were Merlin’s protege,” Walter growled as he tried to grab two babies that had landed on his horns. “Figure it out!”
“Waaaahh!” NotEnrique screamed from another room.
“Fire! Fire! Baby on fire!” Barbara came running down the hallway towards Walter, who grabbed the child before the flames could spread up the little one’s arms to burn her.
The baby itself giggled as the flames danced around Walter’s clawed and heat-resistant fingertips, seemingly unharmed. He sighed as the charred diaper fell away.
“This is madness!” Douxie held out his arm, and in a flash of blue, put out the flame. Grimacing, he pulled his phone from his pocket, running through his list of contacts. “We need back-up!”
Diaper-less, a stream of yellow came bounding out from between the baby’s legs, promptly splashing Walter’s face.
“Ugh,” he blinked and sputtered as he tried to clear the urine away, “and here I thought Battle of Marengo was hard.”
“Buh, buh, buh--” the baby tried to imitate him as he held it at arms length.
“Hello, Zoe, lovelet, I have an address I just texted to you, can you, uh--” Douxie held the phone to his face , trying to grab a different baby's leg as it floated by, "--do you mind popping by? There's a bit of a situation."
“What situation?” came her voice from the other end
The child escaped the Wizard’s grasp, babbling gleefully while wearing a tricorne.
“Waltolomew Jr, get over here this instant!” Barbara went chasing after the baby with outstretched arms.
“It’s a bit hard to explain…” Douxie’s voice trailed off as three other babies crawled after the doctor, sparks flying out from behind their knees like toy race cars.
“It’s mutiny, I tell ya!” NotEnrique came scurrying into the room, body covered in roots and flowers. “they’ve been savin’ it all for the big day! Oi, Jazz Hands, you mind givin’ me some help here?”
“I’m a little busy at the moment.” Douxie said as he fiddled with the gauntlet. “C’mon, c’mon...” he grumbled to the mechanism. “Ah! There.”
Geometric shapes of light appeared along the floor, bursting out and upward in a cacophony of blue. The babies who were airborne dropped to the ground, and Douxie watched as Walter lunched to catch two or three with his wings.
A thud upstairs indicated that another baby had dropped, followed by a piercing wail.
“Hold this,” Barbara said, seeming to appear out of nowhere, and Douxie found himself with a sudden armful of Walt Jr. as the doctor bounded up the staircase, NotEnrique went scurrying up behind her, shedding petals and brambles in his wake.
“Ah, hello mate,” Douxie quirked a brow as he looked down to the child in his arms, “so you’re the chip off the old rock here.”
(Douxie tries to cast a few spells with some success. For a few moments, the chaos stops and all of the floating babies come back to the floor. Strickler filters back into the room.)
He heard Walter snort, and then yelp as the first baby lit itself on fire again. The children nestled in his wing began to cry at the sudden flash of light.
“I thought you put a stop to this.” Walter growled as he held the baby away again.
“There are limits to my powers,” Douxie asserted, “I’ve got the airborne babies under control, but the other one’s will take longer. “
The changeling grabbed a crystal from a pouch along his loincloth and held it to the baby’s chest, cradling the child in his arms while the others remained in his wing. He muttered something that sounded low and quick, like snapping coals, and extinguished the baby once more. Not seconds later, a different baby with bows in it’s hair shot a beam of frost towards Walter’s head, covering his hair and horns in snow. Uttering, he tried to shake it away.
“They all have different abilities,” Douxie remarked in wonder as he stepped closer to the changeling. “We have fire, frost, earth--” the lights flickered above them, “--electricity,” he added, “and who knows what else? Heaven help us if one of them is in tune with Shadowmancy.”
“Shadow magic I can deal with, to a degree,” Walter’s golden eyes fell on the boy, “I am a creature of shadow, after all. It’s the others I can’t handle.”
Douxie laughed, something wry and time-worn passing across his gaze. “You’re not made of shadow magic, pal.”
“Come again?” his wings tensed.
“You may have been exposed to it in the Darklands, but the creation of life...that requires light.”
Walter stared at him for a long moment, gaze flickering in the dim.
“Shadow magic is what Gunmar was using to create his mindless drones, you’re not that.” Douxie went on. “I may not be as all-knowing as Merlin, but I know that much.”
“Forgive me for having a hard time believing you.” A baby was pulling in his tusks. Gently, he patted it back down. “But I have known nothing else.”
“You’ll see one day,” Douxie offered pale and knowing smile. “I don’t doubt it.”
It was then that Barbara came back onto the scene, hair completely unraveled and soaked, toweling her face.
“Oh dear,” Walter quirked a brow.
“She’s in the bathtub, living it up.” Barbara sneered. “Imagine a baby with a super-soaker.” Water still dripped from her arms. “NotEnrique’s entertaining her for now. I had to change twice.”
The sound of a motorcycle entering the driveway caught their collective attention, and Barbara gave Walter a curious look.
“That’ll be Zoe,” Douxie explained as he headed for the door. The moment he opened it, the power went out, and with the sun setting, the house became shrouded with darkness.
“Fuzzbuckets,” the wizard moaned through the burbles and gurgles and wails.
(Zoe walks up, fascinated to know what the heck could be going on. There’s some light banter, then Douxie introduces them to Walter and Barbara, who are surrounded by babies.)
“Remember the Trollhunter?” Douxie gestured to the couple. “Well, these are his parents.”
Walter tensed, “Er, well, I’m not actually Jim’s--” his words trailed off when Barbara put an arm on his shoulder.
“It’s okay, honey.”
Looking between the two of them, Zoe cocked a brow. “Well, there’s a story." It was well known that changelings couldn’t reproduced and equally known that they didn’t pursue relationships with...well, anyone.
“One we don’t have time to unpack, I’m afraid.” Walter said, curling a wing into a makeshift hammock before adding three or four babies to it.
(And that’s all I had! Obviously there would have been a resolution, and I remember planning to have Steve show up at some point, but I hope you enjoyed the concept! Forgive any typos. Will post more int he next couple of days)
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escape-from-arcadia · 3 years
A Second Chance
This Action Will Have Consequences
Loop One - Tobias Domzalski
After resetting the timeline two years back, Jim feels certain that he made the right choice. He’s slowly readjusting to normal sixteen year old life, but when Toby comes to him with the amulet, he notices something strange.
Read on Ao3 | First Part | Next Part | Last Part |
CW: Discussions of canonical death, trauma (Jim needs therapy dammit)
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He made the right choice, Jim was sure of it.
When he woke up in his bed the other day, the alarm blaring at 7:00 AM and the motorbike magazine on his face, Jim bolted upright, staring at his hands and laughing in disbelief. “It worked! It worked!”
When he crept around his house, silent as a mouse, he looked in the master bedroom, where his mom, fresh off her shift at the hospital, was in deep sleep. Just the same as before.
When he walked out with his bike to clean up the knocked over garbage cans, he tackled his best friend, Toby, in a hug. You’re alive, Jim thought as he clutched his sweater vest, hardly believing he was real and terrified he would disappear. This isn’t a dream. You’re alive.
Walking around town that day felt like the strangest case of deja vu, and Jim had lived through one day over fifty times before. Being brought two years back to when he was just about to turn sixteen, was jarring. He was without the weight of the world on his shoulders, without the burden of great expectations, and without the heavy mantle of Trollhunter. Instead, there were everyday, normal teenager problems, like algebra and Spanish presentations. The school play and the rope climb at gym class. And of course, Claire.
Seeing her happy, unafraid, and without a sign of the pain she had to endure in those two years was almost bittersweet. He couldn’t invite her over to his house and he wouldn’t get surprise pecks on the cheek that would light up his day, but she wasn’t hurt. She was okay.
But the best part about all of this was being able to see Toby again. Just like Claire, his face carried no sign of anguish, only the bright energy he always brought to Jim’s life. His face wasn’t covered in ash and cut and scraped. His grip never loosened on the handles of his bike or Jim’s hands. He was there. Fully alive and well.
Sitting here in his room, working on his algebra homework after school, Jim almost felt like a normal teenager. But now, every so often memories from the past (or future?) two years crossed his mind, and it had quickly become much more difficult to focus on everyday, mundane things.
He looked up from his homework at the potted plant on his window sill.
“I never took you for the gardening type, Jim,” his mother, Barbara had teased the day before, when she came home to find him on the front lawn, digging up dirt and planting a seed.
“Eh, there’s a first time for everything,” he said casually, pouring water from a plastic bottle on it. “Besides, we could try growing fresh plants in our backyard. For cooking and stuff.”
He had thought of Nari, the Earth demigoddess who never left her little plants alone and chuckled. She’d probably be horrified by his actions and gently try to teach him how to properly tend to plants without using her ancient powers. But the cold horror of seeing the dagger of ice piercing her chest, as she stood frozen and unable to move, and her chilling scream. That haunted him. It had happened before. And she was out there now, unaware of what would happen to her in the future.
Jim shook his head and put his algebra homework away and opted to grab his history textbook instead. He searched through his bag and pulled out the book, a sticky-note with a phone number written in elegant cursive stuck on the cover. Strickler. Jim had set him and Barbara on a date that should have happened today. But there was the bitter wind. The faint beating of wings. The explosion. Barbara’s tears.
It took him a minute to realize the doorbell was ringing, very insistently. Jim snapped out of his thoughts and peeked out his window. Toby’s bike lay forgotten on the sidewalk in front of Jim’s house, and the doorbell just wouldn’t stop ringing. Jim pulled up the window and yelled, “I’m coming!” before slamming it shut and dashing down the stairs. When he opened the door, as expected and planned, there was Toby, bike helmet still on his head and completely out of breath.
“Jim! You were right! Something totally awesome sauce happened at the canal today, and you’re not going to believe what happened!” Jim stepped to the side as Toby walked into the house, taking off his helmet and tossing it on the couch. He headed into the kitchen and opened the fridge, rummaging around for something before pulling out the leftover meatloaf Jim made a few nights back. All the while, Toby continued talking, rapidly and seemingly without breath.
“So like I biked down to the canal like you said and there was this huge pile of rocks there and there was this really weird blue glow coming from it so I went up to it and it started saying my name, all like “Tobias Domzalski,” it was crazy, Jim, I’m telling you, and I looked through it and found this weird magic circle amulet thing-y and I picked it up and the thing started glowing and spinning like crazy and it looked like something out of Gun Robot 2 and now it’s just here in my bag, look!”
Toby pulled out the amulet, no different from the last time Jim had seen it (well, seen it fully intact that is). The daystone glowed with a shimming cyan light, and quietly began to tick in Jim’s presence.
“Now, look I know you might not believe me, but look at this thing! It’s. So. Freakin’. Cool!”
“No, dude! I totally agree!”
The new Trollhunter looked at Jim, mouth agape. “Whaaaaaat? Wait. Really?”
Jim shrugged, chuckling nervously. “Well. Yeah. I don’t expect you to lie about anything like that. It seems totally crazy, but...I have the feeling you’re right.”
“The weird thing is, Jimbo,” Toby said, as he looked over the Trollish engravings on the front of the amulet, “I feel like I’ve seen this thing before.”
“But that’s impossible! You-” He turned to Jim, who caught himself mid-sentence. “Youuuu’ve only seen this pile of rocks like today! And what’re the chances you’d forget about seeing a talking amulet? Unless you did some google searching on it in the past,” Jim nervously chuckled.
Toby sighed, taking a bite of his meatloaf. “You’re right, you’re right. Anyways, you recognize this? I can’t figure out what it’s saying. It’s like some weird hieroglyphic, runes, ancient language type shit.” Jim peered over Toby’s shoulder at the amulet, currently set to Trollish, and it began to whir. “Uhh, it hasn’t done this before.” The amulet continued spinning through language after language, some of which Jim recognized. Draconic. Akiridion. Latin. English.
“What’s it say?” he asked once the amulet stopped spinning.
“Pfft, you can read it, dude.” Toby squinted his eyes, his face an eerie blue in the amulet’s light. As he began to read, Jim backed away instinctually. “For the glory...of Merlin...daylight is mine to command?”
Small orbs of light came from the daystone and into an amazed Toby’s chest, where his heart was. He shuddered, and he began to levitate. The amulet, now on Toby’s chest and forming a dark underarmour on his body, created more orbs, each casting it’s brilliant blue glow all over the kitchen. Other objects in the house began to levitate, the wind outside the house picking up quickly. Jim watched the glasses rattle and the meatloaf begin to float, a bittersweet feeling in his chest, as he watched the pieces of armor begin to form. The lights flickered and Toby’s eyes widened. He turned his neck to look at Jim, laughing as armor of daylight far too big for him materialized, and he grunted as the levitation suddenly ended and he was standing in Jim’s kitchen. “Uh? A little help?”
The armor began to glow again and shrink to fit Toby perfectly; and in his hands the sword, Daylight, materialized into existence. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you, huh? Jim thought to himself, as Toby held the sword, a long drawn out “Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?” his only response for a moment.
“Oh my gosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh! I just had my own magical anime girl transformation! But I’m like a cool magic knight! Jim!”
He came to his senses and grinned, ignoring the pang in his heart. “Tobes! This is amazing!”
“It’s like you said, Jim! Something cool and interesting happened,” he laughed lightly. “It’s an adventure!”
The amulet chimed in response to Toby’s excitement and Jim’s quiet desperation. This is a second chance, it seemed to say. A chance for one to be the hero of the tale, and for one to be his guide. Be wary, Trollhunter. For your tale has only just begun.
> Author’s Note: The official beginning to my post-ROTT AU. Welcome to Loop One, where Toby becomes the second first human Trollhunter, and Jim is just trying his best.
I might actually group each loop into their own fic and just add chapters to the loops as I go, but with my chaotic desire to write everything out of order and inevitably get things mixed up, I think I'll stick with this format for now. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask. Just having you read this series is very much appreciated.
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