#pie posts
evenmywordsare · 2 years
i think my favourite thing about undertale and deltarune characters taken as a whole is that you can genuinely feel the care and attention and love that these characters were created/written with. it’s so clear to me from everything toby fox puts out that he just loves all these little characters so much and it comes through in the games and lore and all the little extras. it really gives them all this special spark that i can’t always say i feel from other media. maybe it sounds silly but i’m honestly so grateful that, especially as of recently, he can share these characters with us and share his love for them with us in such an incredible and unique and immersive way.
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lazicepie · 27 days
Dad's back, means I'm constructing fresh memories of him again! Time to psychoanalyse him, knowing what I know now, knowing the conditions his brain is at raw, and now. Combined with his experiences in life which he brags about. I can know of his intent, his thought process... Hehehe, committing buffoonery.
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punkitt-is-here · 8 months
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got inspired to draw human pinkie pie
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skorpionegrass · 10 days
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the greatest spell you'll ever know
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forgotmysword · 3 months
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Doomed from the beginning
Unknown / Marguerite Duras / Blanca Varela / Ramona Ausubel / Anne Carson / Heather Havrilesky / Michael Cunningham / Lisel Mueller / Richard Siken x Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui
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foolpie · 2 months
Dibs on first post. Heehee.
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dapper-lil-arts · 17 days
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Ok NOW this might be the last one 🤣
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laplaces-angel · 1 month
mlp redesigns‼️
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(click for better quality!!)
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shyhandart · 2 months
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oh-wow-its-wordgirl · 3 months
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Friendship is pony….? My little magic!?
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lemonboyjosten · 4 months
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— the foxhole court (2013)
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— the sunshine court (2024)
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evenmywordsare · 2 years
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i miss her so much it’s unreal
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lazicepie · 2 months
Yeah right because three chairs clearly makes more sense than one chair.
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punkitt-is-here · 11 days
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rainbow dash thinks hard
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shummthechumm · 5 months
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didnt post my mane 6 redesigns here yet so...here they are!
(available on my shop now!)
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dapper-lil-arts · 26 days
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If Applejack had whatsapp 🤣🤣🤣
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