#pick a card 2023
ivesambrose · 2 years
2023 𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 🫧
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HAPPY NEW YEAR and my new year gift to you all. You thought I'd forget huh? 😉
Choose the gif / gifs you feel intuitively pulled towards the most ✨
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query 🌙
Services offered
Winter & new years readings
Thank you for the tip 🌹
Gif 1
Themes :
Expansion, learning and exploration.
Messages :
You'll be feeling a lot more youthful and playful compared to the previous months. Like you've been serious and taking things to heart for so long and feeling like Eustace Bagge from Courage the cowardly dog most of the time but now you feel more like Bugs Bunny. This is the best analogy I can give.
Its your turn to inspire the people around you or those who get to meet you this year.
Some of you might pick up cooking as a hobby or profession or would want to start experimenting with recipes at home or better eating in general instead of eating out.
You'll be showered with compliments a lot this year so if anyone tries to dull your shine you know it's irrelevant.
You'll have some decisions to make in terms of career / study opportunities and you will feel indecisive at first as to which is the better option but trust in yourself to choose the best one.
You'll be getting out more or would simply be on your way to something that leads to a lot of financial bliss.
Things will take off soon and suddenly maybe even sudden travel plans and receiving everything at once that might seem overwhelming and you might get anticipation anxiety, certain jitters or just worrying about what's ahead or even improper sleep. But things will be alright. Keep your focus on the bigger picture.
Make that vision board for the love of God.
Romantically you'll have really high standards. Yet I see you nitpicking yourself. Stop that! (pretty please) I do see you being offered love by someone head over heels for you but you'll take your time opening up and be fixated on yourself and your goals for the most part so perhaps a slow burn in that department or you'll just relish in finding a sense of yourself and the career you've always wanted this year.
Gif 2
Themes :
Dreams, imagination, subconscious, spirituality.
Messages :
You'll be focused on the positive and positive only. Seeing things in your favour. Feeling more optimistic, manifesting friends with the same mindset and in turn finding more clarity. I see that some of you have literally put your foot down and decided that, "nope. Show me how good it can get."
You've matured so much and are at this point rather unfazed by the ups and downs life throws at you. You've always made or will be making peace with yourself. That you don't need to plaster a label on your personality and niche yourself down to be more palatable. You're a mix and match of several things and that's perfectly okay.
You may inherent some wealth. Some of you might move to a new house or redecorate your house in a way you've always wanted. You'll feel like you've achieved something tangible this year that you're really proud of.
There may be a moment where you look back at the past and judge yourself harshly. Please refrain from dwelling in this.
You'll be educating yourself on a certain topic you feel drawn to. Possible topics I'm seeing : how your subconscious works, neuroscience, mythology, language, music, skin (dermatology or cosmetology)
I see you letting go of your sorrows because you have faith that what's yours won't pass you by.
A lot of vivid dreams and possible precognitions. Learning to lucid dream as well.
Romantically I'm sensing there's someone that matches your energy. They will end up being your muse or you'll end up being theirs. You'll grow closer when you least expect it even though you'll intuitively see it coming.
Gif 3
Themes :
Overcoming a dark night of the soul, curiosity, collaborations and connections.
Messages :
Oh you're walking away. Literally. People, places, situations, mindsets, mostly manipulation. It's like you finally decided to pack up and leave and the right opportunity showed up for you to do it. I see relief after grief.
You may be managing two jobs/income sources/multiple daily life things. At first it might be difficult but you'll soon get the hang of it and also find time for yourself.
I see some of you getting into skincare and wellness. Even fragrances? Things that make you feel calm and are therapeutic. You have neglected yourself for a long time so now that you've finally decided to make yourself priority little things like this feel like therapy almost. As if you're pretending to be in a vouge beauty secrets video just for yourself.
I would like to remind you, if no one has. I'm very proud of you.
There will be a lot of boundaries you'll establish this year. Be mindful not to end up being too sharp tounged to people who really do mean well. Not everyone is out to get you.
Things are changing this year and even if this change feels uncomfortable due to its newness. Its something you've been wanting. Also, improved finances. Sudden windfall even. Making the right connections that lead you to your own growth be it personal growth or growth in business or otherwise. By the end of the year you'll feel like you have more than enough. That you don't need to feel on the edge all the time. Like the bright sunny morning has finally come after a long stormy night.
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Themes :
Self expression, travel, foreign cultures and strength.
Messages :
I can hear Freddie Mercury sing, "I want to break free." loud and clear near my ears.
I see you rebranding and reconstructing yourself. It reminds me of Maxine looking at the mirror and saying, "I will not accept a life I do not deserve."
I actually see that something that has been challenging for you suddenly just being swept away. Like you really don't have to physically exhert yourself so much. Drop the baggage my loves. Not yours to carry this year.
Its okay to manifest or seek the easiest ways. Simplify things for yourself.
I see a lot of you just realizing your worth and falling in love with yourself. Looking the way you want, dressing the way you want, courting yourself and taking yourself out on dates to the point your standard is you yourself. Honestly? Truly? Love that for you.
You'll be very determined. Like nothing stands in between you and your desires. You know what is yours. Period.
You'll realize how a simple perspective shift and not forcing yourself to do something or reacting is the key to getting what you want.
Some of you will love to document moments for yourself a lot. Maybe invest in a Polaroid camera or digital or point and shoot camera for yourself.
There's so much creative spark around you, I just see you going at with no desire for perfection. Simply fun.
You'll reap your rewards especially monetary. And have several projects to look forward to. One symbol that might follow you are spiders or spider webs or little stars when something good is about to happen.
Romantically? Oh you will be pursued alright but why am I getting y'all just don't pick up on hints? I'm literally hearing the song Loco by Itzy for y'all. So you'll be having an impact on maybe many people but you'll be oblivious to it. I think you're choosing peace and harmony so you'll rather want to be around who feels the same and go with the flow.
If you're already taken I just see more harmony and cooperation in your existing relationship.
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hunniebunnietarot · 1 year
"When I First Saw You"
First of all, I apologize for the delay on this reading:( I've been so unmotivated and busy, but I got it up FINALLY! If you can please tell me what you think of this reading or if you have any other suggestions. Enjoy!
Tarot Masterlist
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I’m seeing this as a situation where you are in need of assistance because of something(or someone) that is bothering you. This could involve an older woman that is bothering you and your person steps in to help before it gets too far. It won’t be anything too serious, just a misunderstanding between you and this older lady, where she is the aggressor. This might take place in a work environment where your manager will be antagonizing you and they step in simply because they can’t stand to see someone be mistreated. It is also possible that your future spouse won’t step in to help you in this conflict. This could be the cause because they see how well you can handle yourself, so they kind of hesitate but still keep an eye out so that nothing goes too far. Now, this conflict could be a long time coming as you have bottled up your emotions thus far through all of the mistreatment and unfairness. The saying “The straw that broke the camel’s back” comes to mind.
Also, for very few of you this could be a misunderstanding between you and your fs in the first meeting.
This is just a confirmation of everything said before. You are feeling trapped in a situation with someone else and are being led to take action. You probably gave this person the benefit of the doubt so many times, but something just finally snapped. With that being said the months that are being highlighted here are November, March, and June.
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You might relocate due to a new job opportunity. I see you kind of getting back on your feet after some kind of loss. Specifically I feel like you’ll be moving somewhere that is known for its diversity. You will be wanting to nurture yourself after this hard time in your life, being held down by circumstances for so long. More specifically you could be going somewhere that is good for your spiritual/physical health, such as: a spiritual retreat, a temple, a spa, a resort etc. You could run into this person there. You will actually end up making friends with this person at first because you two may relate in some ways regarding your spiritual journey. You both could have a history of depression or anxiety, come from similar backgrounds, or be of the same sex.
You will definitely be coming out of a bad period of (possible) depression. The good news though, is that you will absolutely be thriving when this person enters your life. Although you may be a bit unstable still, trying to find your footing, you’ll be well on your way. For extra confirmation: you may be the kind of person that has that extreme view of having to completely uproot your life to “start over”. Some of the people in this pile may be recovering addicts and learning to trust themselves again. Months December, October and August are highlighted here.
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I think a friend will set you and your person up on a blind date. They might think that you work too hard even though you’re already successful. Around the time this happens you may express to them wanting to be in a relationship, but never actually taking action to do so. So they take it into their hands and offer their help, whether you want it or not (I see them as kind of pushy and excitable). Your friend reminds me of Elle Woods from ‘Legally Blonde’. This may be a blind date or them just dragging you out of your comfort zone to have fun out and about. I also want to point out that your future spouse could be someone that you already know, meaning they would have already been aware of you(and vice versa) because of mutual friends. You may just know or recognize them in passing.
Again, you will be experiencing a time of financial abundance. You will be guided to do something outside of your normal routine by a friend. You could be a workaholic and have one of those routines where you only go to work and then straight back home(same lol), so they suggest something different. The Summer months are highlighted in your spread: August, June and July.
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You will meet your future spouse through a family member, I think it will be someone from your father’s side of the family. It could be an emotional event, such as a wedding of one of your family members, and your person happens to be one of their guests. This means that they could be a friend of your family or the person they will get married to. Whatever this event is could take place in a different city, state, or even country then where you are on a daily basis(destination wedding). You could not get along with some of your family and have worries about your person being told bad things about you(really random but it's here). 
The months present are April, November, and September. This time of your life will be quite restless feeling. You could be stuck in a “I miss those days” kind of mentality because not much will be working out for you when this person comes into your life. You are not satisfied with your circumstances.
More coming soon, I promise lol
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thepinkscope · 2 years
PICK A CARD - 10 things you should do to become the person you want to be in 2023.
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PILE 1 //
You can explore your sensual energy.
Remimance on your pain in order to understand how much you have grown.
Enjoy your own star power (writing, singing etc.)
Moses Sumney has a song that says "Think about who gave them their definitions and rewrite those definitions for themselves". Sometimes what you think of yourself comes from someone else's wrong opinion of you - do the work to define you.
Learn more languages, interact with people from different cultures etc. (Make sure you're engaging with people outside of your bubble.
Be more direct, especially with your romantic interests and partners. I see more of "do you want this to be something more?", "how do you feel about me?"
FLIRT (check my flirting PAC on my master list).
Budget in such a way that you have some extra savings that will go toward life's pleasures; get that bag you want, go on a trip etc.
Say NO more - stand your ground and speak up for yourself. Your inner child deserves it. You deserve it.
Attend more live shows and concerts.
PILE 2 //
Take care of building your finances, school or work career - a major focus of the year.
Trust in your own feelings and instincts about other people instead of going with whatever people have to say.
Identify the bad habits you may have, compassionately release them and practice a new helpful habit.
You might struggle with your emotions, and to help you stabilize them, you need some tools. Whether that's having emergency affirmations, meditation, eft tapping, sleeping etc.
A lot of you are transitioning from youth into adulthood and I'm seeing that you need to focus on pushing yourself into the adult role. It'll help you with your responsibilities and socially.
Remain hopeful in love but take care of your feelings.
Instead of asking people for advice and validation, try to tap into your own inner power for the answers.
Prompt more conversations with other people. Get to know other people more. Be more curious - it's good for your own social growth.
Very specific but you may carry spiritual/religious trauma, release the resentment - PLEASE. It gets in the way of how you perceive yourself.
Give yourself credit often. Celebrate your wins. Don't just let life pass you by.
PILE 3 //
You're doing so well. Make some room for some fun - blast music, dance more etc.
You've been alone for too long - you need a kiss or two. Make the effort to date or manifest more romantic opportunities. You deserve it.
Shake off regrets and move forward owning your life and your power. This is your life.
Put more effort into your body and health. Walk more, yoga, weights etc,
Your doubts and fears are just a shadow of your old self. Do everything to maintain the new you. The ideal version of yourself. Stop falling for that trap.
Avoid your ex relationships (family or friendships) and if you can't, take care of yourself as you interact with them. It might set you back a lot. If you're with someone new (romantically or not), do not compare them to those ex relationships.
Doors are opening. Walk through them all.
This needs to be emphasized, you keep replaying bad memories with people from your past, please do the work to overcome this. Let it go. Cut those cords. It keeps you stagnant.
Latto says "Money talks and I speak fluent". Heal your relationship with money. Make space for more money.
Increase your productivity and do the projects, goals etc. you've always had in mind.
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lasirenatarot · 1 year
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💞What’s next for you when it comes to love? {until the end of 2023; prediction for singles}💞
« ‘cause I love to love, to love, to love you, I hate to hate, to hate, to hate you… »
Pick a picture:
*if traditional gender roles don’t apply to your situation convert the words to feminine & masculine energy*
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Pile 1:
Looooooovely pile!!!
You’ve probably waited for such love for a long time. A new person might appear in your life, in your eyes s/he will be like a « knight on a white horse ».
If you DO meet this person during sept.-end of december time frame, you might meet them at work, at a bank, somewhere closely connected to money, or this person may be deep pocketed😂💰. They appear as the king of pentacles.
Something I also get is that you may feel small in comparison to them, they may be bigger in size, older or simply just way more accomplished than you which will make you have a lot of respect for them and kind of look up to them. This person may have a lot of dominant&masculine energy even if they are not a male.
The connection that appears in the cards is « beyond words ».. take this as you wish.
A lot of physical attraction is present here as well, maybe in connection with the person you’ll start a relationship with or in general, other people may be very attracted to you until the end of 2023.
You will pretty much have an open heart for new love related possibilities, you will be full of love and positive energy.
Even if you do not meet this person during this exact time frame, sth may happen that may lead you to this person later on.
The energy of this pile reminds me of pile 5 so check it out.
Messages for this pile:
- happiness;
- new possibilities when it comes to love;
- begginings; (of a new relationship, or proposal of your current partner, whatever it is it’s a beggining of a new era in love for you)
Pile 2:
Someone may try to win you over. They will view you as a “risk worth taking”. May be an ex of yours, or an ex fling, i’m definitely getting someone from the past. (Or may remind you of someone/sth old)
You may currently or during that time frame (until the end of 23’) be playing games with each other😂. Making the other a little jealous by making them know you have options,or making them see you with someone else on purpose.
Whoever this is they would want to prove themselves to you, prove that they are the best option possible- as a partner, in bed etc. They may be very competitive in nature.
They may give you gifts, help you with things (little acts of service), they are ready to do everything you need. They may act really gentle and loving towards you.
You may play hard to get with them for some reason, which may upset them, try not to overdo it, everyone has their limits.
Messages for this pile:
- sadness; (probably related to the old love)
- old love;
- pleasure; (probably $£xual)
Pile 3:
Okay so, the options are two: you either were in a serious relationship which you just ended, or you may end a relationship from september until the end of the year. This relationship may have been toxic for you. For some of you you may have a child with the other person and that may make you feel “tied” to them, which may make you doubt your decision to leave them. Or you may feel this way due to the memories you two share.
They may try to talk you out of this decision to end the relationship, they’ll try to make you stay. I feel like they may have cheated for some of you.👀
On one of the cards there’s that image where the guy pours a glass of wine in the woman’s mouth which I interpret as “feeding her” with lies& empty promises.
I think you will choose loving yourself and use your mind instead of your heart, as you’re portrayed in the cards as the queen of swords=logical, cold, does what she has to do. You will take this hard decision in order for your future to flourish.
Messages for this pile:
- an ending;
- serious relationship;
- affair;
Pile 4:
An ex might make a come back for some of you😂 this person probably wants only $€x from you, I heavily doubt they are coming for more as their coming up as the devil card, some of you may start “friends with benefits” relations with this person/ex.
I am also getting a second energy of a serious male energy, for which I am almost sure it’s a completely different person. You may want to start a serious committed relationship with them. You may feel a lot of emotions (love) when it comes to them. You two are presented here as the king and queen of cups, very emotional people.
You may finally feel “embraced”, confident in your body and truly loved during that time period.
Messages for this pile:
- new love;
- no strings attached typa relationship, nothing serious or simply you don’t intend to be serious with one another for the next few months;
- $\£x;
Pile 5:
You may have been in this “hermit mode” for a while and have waited for love to happen to you.
However, it will only happen to you after you heal and learn to be grateful for everything you’ve got, even the little things. ( tip from me: regularly write like a list of random things you’re grateful for in your journal or a notebook).
After this time of “loneliness” you may meet someone new. May be by DMs/texts/ some sort of written communication or at a party/social gathering. This person will feel like a new beginning in your love life, you’ve never had a person like that before, you’ll view them as your emperor. They will be very attracted to you physically. You may discover things about yourself you didn’t know you liked when you’re with them. This person would make you feel safe and protected. They have a very powerful energy.
You two will have a very “intimate” connection in every meaning of the word. The energy of this pile reminds me of pile 1 so check it out.
Messages for this pile:
- new beggining;
- meeting someone new;
thank you for reading! Hope it resonated, comment if it did.💞 Don’t forget to follow for more.
- La Sirena.💋
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Amor et Psyche’ oracle deck by Georges Barbier and Rachel Paul;
ALL pictures are from pinterest, I don’t own anything :))
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emidealia · 2 years
☆ timeless what's AWAITING YOU next month ☆
Hey lovelies! Bienvenue! This is a PICK A CARD tarot reading is about what you need to hear about your upcoming month, starting pretty much from where you are right now. Choose a picture from the top 1, 2 or from the bottom 3, 4. Be kind and take with you only what applies. Take a deep breath ...and enjoy!:)
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pile 1
Nurture your Goddess energy
Main thing you’ll focus this month is bringing back rosy feeling(fresh, sweet, gorg). You have a tendency to not feel like a boss a— bitch and this is rooted in trauma from home/finances and results in lack of trust, confidence in yourself. Perhaps not feeling “clean” or not having a romantic lifestyle like others around you and on internet. It is affecting how you express your mind, the way you present yourself etc. Because you don’t really believe in yourself you treat yourself as such. The way back from this is from outward actions too. This month you’ll start prioritizing having a put together bedroom, aesthetically pleasing desk and thought-out hairstyles, makeup and outfits. Healing feminine energy will be truly empowering for you. Look into that! When you act confident you start gaining back your power, truly believing and feeling worthy and divine.
Don’t deny it, there’s a lot you could do in your situation. There’s absolutely no point in sitting in your despair, hoarding sadness, feeling pathetic. Literally no one else cares, no one will come feeling sorry for you and no one but yourself can save you. Be known for having built yourself up or are you envisioning yourself in the same pile of pity years from now, only more bitter? If you can change it, stop whining and change. If you can’t, then there’s no point in whining either, it’s out of your control. But be honest.
Back to what you can do. What is it that creates a spark in you? Even the smallest of desires to get yourself together. For example late at night on pinterest or the right tiktok hitting the spot, maybe the right friend or seeing what your interests can accomplish. Journaling, vision boards, meditating, working out, waking up early, podcasts. Gather everything that sparks the motivation to start something, change sth about yourself, chase your dreams and such. Use these things to your advantage, learn what helps your mind to stay focused, body to stay healthy. Learning about the way you can motivate yourself with your actions, you’ll trick your brain into being more confident as the brain changes everyday according to your surroundings. I do recommend notion for putting down your plan to renew yourself, music, habits, dreams, routines etc. This month you’ll be in your element and succeed babe. Love the process, love yourself, you are so goddamn worthy of living as you desire. You are divine as fuck, you lack nothing!
pile 2
A long period came to an end. School term, finals, relationship, friendship, lease on sth or a project? Even though it’s over, rather than being grateful, glad, you visit the situation and feel a bit guilty, uncertain, could you have changed the outcome, said/done it better or been more present? Yeah, no, stop, it’s useless. Maybe you could have, how about that? Nothing to do about it anyways. Find peace for yourself human! You are in the now, it is certain that storm is over and be glad.
MOVING ON. Too much overthinking, man, this time about the future. You are tiring your mind, so much is going on, like the 13 open tabs and there’s music, screaming, a random question about lemurs and existensialism video essays. A lot of escapism, wishing someone would make the decisions for you or being far away from here, doing nothing. No no no. You can’t give away your oppurtunities and potential, you’ll learn a lot from this. You are destined for greatness. I’ll be honest this month there are a few days of feeling shitty but it’s in your control and nothing you couldn’t deal with. Also nothing you haven’t done before so this may be a reoccurring lesson. Main question is, how tf to sustain yourself? In healthy-ish coping mechanisms please. Learn to find something stable in your life that doesn’t fall apart if everything else does.
Main focus this month is about concious progress, intentional advancements. Things will get better, you’ll keep pushing forward, along with much success and enjoyment. You can shape your career, hobbies, plans in according to your own timetable, if you make the needed choices. In this upcoming period you need to be grounded and ready to jump at oppurtunities. You are ambitious, career-driven, but a step back does not kill you. It’s actually essential to sustain yourself. Your brain is a resource, for too long you have used it only for work, being in survival mode, resulting in feeling drained out of power.
I know how hard it is, but take a break, several breaks, a vacation even. Learn to do nothing more than just exist for once. Loving yourself for you, not just for your work validation. That’s also something you should tak einto consideration this month. Separating yourself from performance statistics in your job. If you give it so much control it can really eat you up and destroy you. But you are more than that, am I right? I bloody am, you are an amazing person. Reconnect with yourself, with more humanity. Get rid of the need to be perfect. You really don't need to. Truly okay if you couldn't do your best, or just didn't. It's okay.
Being mentally ready, feeling present and being truly glad to wake up to experience the world is pretty awesome. You’ll be ready for anything then. Love you for you!!! Kisses and hugs, muah :)
pile 3
Right away, when starting this pile I was full of the feeling YOLO, let’s do it :D. Spring is coming. Oh the cards made me smile right away. Attracting like a rose, receiveing abundance, you have a right to your joy. Screamiiiiing in joy. I’m obsessed. You have noticed how easily you manifest, right? The little things just flow to you. This is your time: vision boards, letters, writing down your wishes, affirmations, being grateful. You’ll receive everything you manifest right now.
Fall into the mystery, when you receive oppurtunities take them. Your manifestations come in different forms, what you might gain may be hidden but you will receive what you desire for sure. If an offer sparks feelings in you, the ,,what if ;)” type. DO IT! It’s your soul calling. If you want to advance creativity, learn new skills or gain a little money, you might do it in a different way you anticipated. I sense some workshops or little jobs, it might not be exactly what you thought about when manifesting but it’s like such a cute opportunity to also take some time off. It will be easy and safe to you, in a good way. Your boss or the manager and colleagues will be such great people, you’ll gain so many connections. I hear some teamwork is in order. I feel you will be receiving abundance in the form of what your inner child loved to do. You’ll be connecting to that forgotten side of yourself. I think you are aware of the hobby, but forgotten the potential of it, the joys it can bring you. This can turn out to be first of all an amazing way to connect to yourself, but also a way to gain mental well-being and little side cash. It will offer emotional and physical things, like the joy of creating art and having paintings in your home or selling prints on internet.
I just need to put this out there that it will be something you can connect over with your future significant other too. This shared joy for a hobby is truly pure, healing and sweet. You may even meet through this. Yep they are amazing, but don’t take your focus on romantic validation, you know better. There’s this beautiful saying. If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. If you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you. And if they don't come, then you still have the beautiful garden.
pile 4
I started the reading with bits of confusion and come clumsiness but in a free nonjudgemental chill way if that makes sense? Pfft oops:D anyways … You are the essence of confidence, self acceptance, at least you are perceived that way. You know your needs, you don’t resist when you need a break, you ask and you receive. Great standards, others must accept you like u do. Just like it should be. I am enchanted by your energy and I’m not the only one. This month you’ll keep on shining like you are, taking it to another level. Others will be greatly motivated by your ability to be in total control of your life, caring for your wishes and needs with trust. Main focus this month is advancing your everyday things: style may be the most prominent, also smaller things like a new type of go-to food or coffee you swear by. You’ll have great luck in finding new items for your wardrobe and new ingredients for recipes. So saying yes to going thrifting or buying mysterious exciting things will be rewarding.
Traveling to a neighboring city or country most likely alone. A great refreshment for you. I see you safely wandering in the evening, finding cool bars, cafes, museums, talking and hanging out with strangers but essentially making new friends and learning about people. This is something that really interests you, finding out about different subjects, talking to strangers, learning about different opinions and world views. At the same time, you will also develop your own hobby, photography or filmmaking, writing or doing remote work.
So to sum up, this month is about great curiosity, travelling, charming, communication with new people, developing your style and pursuing a hobby. Life is a grand adventure!
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saturnianprincess · 2 years
[𝐩𝐚𝐜] 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮
💗𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧💗
This is the first section of a collaborative reading on what does 2023 have in store for you. Please do read the other two parts linked below.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐲 @starb0t 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐲 @lueurais
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞: 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬. 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐧. 𝐀𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐲.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
The people who choose this pile have recently undergone a challenging phase in their life mostly emotional purging. You have shed your old limiting beliefs or people who don’t align with you anymore. You are enlightening yourself and your loved ones by broadening your horizons and knowledge. You have left those who are bounding you and hindering you from being your authentic self. I see a period of recovery and self healing. Maybe some of you had a bad break up or ending of a close relationship. A restoration of balance in your energy is what is happening for you this year. You are in full control of your life’s wheel. You know where you are headed and what you must to do to keep yourself on that path. I see spending time with your family or people who are like your family/close friends. A strong theme of reconnecting and strengthening your relationships. Some of you may find a new group of friends/community or even a partner. You are recharging yourself so that you can be fully present in your relationships, activities and life.
extra messages: girl/boy nextdoor, green landscapes, home-cooked meals, 444, shavasna yoga pose
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
I see someone entering your life in next few months. This person is definitely a soulmate or belongs to your soul tribe. They are very successful in their careers and have a lot of established wealth. They could also work in finance or business related fields. You could even meet them at work. Some people here could also end up in a business partnership with this person as well. A romantic individual at heart who will cherish you and your relationship with them. You will feel blissful with them. A few of you could even get married to this person quite quickly in your relationship. Alternatively, im picking up on a lot of stability and grounding from this person. You will learn a lot about yourself through this relationship. Your person will not ditch when it gets challenging instead they will strengthen their support to you. They could possibly have a lot of earth (Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn) placements in their chart.
extra messages: financial freedom, baby sprouts, love candy, 1010, 2222, beige blazers, office romance
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
Trusting people has always been a traumatic task for this group. I feel like some of you could have strong water sign placements specifically pisces or cancer venus. You are the type to fully trust the other person where you completely end up sacrificing yourself only to find out that they are backstabbing people. I know you are tired of hearing “establish better boundaries” and “don't look at them with rose colored glasses”. But it is so comforting to do exactly the opposite isn't it? Anyways you are headed on the path where you will eventually get your dreamy, safe and secure relationship but the universe is keen on testing you before this happens. You have the capability to see the person and acknowledge who and what they are. You are now well aware of what it is you seek from your romantic/platonic relationships. This year will be your final exam before you get your desired result. Stay put, you got this! Your person is waiting for you at the finish line.
extra messages: 100%, coffee, hand made ceramics, Neptune and Venus aspects, 1211, 555, life changes
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bitchy-craft · 2 years
What Skill Can Make You Famous | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find out what skill you possess that can make you famous. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people: therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
Using your words can make you famous, speaking out on your opinions and talking about the reasons and  consequences of things around the world. You can become famous by making a blog and talking about big issues around the world, possibly issues in your town or country. You’re great with words, you’re great with debating, and you have the intelligence to continue growing and making a living out of this.
Of course, something things may be difficult and not everything you can do is something you want to do, so don’t feel pressured by this answer at all, just know you have the opportunity and talent to achieve this goal. Your opinions are timeless, and as you learn how to explain things better, the more confident you’ll get with it.
Pile 2:
Your creativity and teamwork can make you famous. You have amazing ideas, amazing thoughts, and these can have a great impact on the world if you want to share them. You’ll make people enjoy your art, your creations.
The way you look at things is exquisite, the way you explain things is understandable, and you have much passion once something, like an idea, excites you. Of course, these skills are not easy to become famous with, to become known for, it will take work and it won’t be done in a week, but you have the ability and opportunity to succeed, nothing is impossible, and the talent to achieve you have.
Pile 3:
Bargaining. You are amazing at making compromises with people, influencing people by the way you speak and how you explain things, you’ll do amazing in politics. If you want to achieve something you can, and I believe you know this deep down to a certain degree, if not fully. To achieve this goal of being successful and famous you will need to make sacrifices, but you’ll also gain a lot back from it.
You can be graceful while demanding, kind yet powerful. You can make people do whatever you want when you simply speak and change the way they think, so use this ability, use it for your success and gain any position you want.
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crystals-cave · 11 months
PAC: Your November 2023 Reading🔮
Hey Everyone, I’m back again 😊
Here’s your November 2023 reading✨
As a treat, there are 5 piles for today’s reading!
Pick a pile that sparks a memory in you - it could be a person/place/music/ object etc. If more than 1 pile sparks a memory in you, pick the pile that evokes the strongest emotions in you. However, if you feel strongly for both, you may go ahead and read more than 1 pile.
As this is a general reading, do take what resonates for you and take the rest with a pinch of salt.
Note: all pictures used in this reading are taken by me
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Pile 1 | Pile 2 | Pile 3
Pile 4 | Pile 5
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Pile 1
3 of Wands (rx)
The Sun (rx)
Queen of Cups
Knight of Pentacles
Hello Pile 1✨
First off, I see that whatever has been troubling you for some time will be coming to an end now. If you have been facing troubles or disappointments recently, it will all come to an end in November 2023. You will also start feeling happier now that said trouble is gone.
November will feel like a fresh start for you as well. You will see the ‘death’ of your troubles and the start of your happiness. You will also notice a transformation in yourself before and after this period and realize how much you have matured from it.
From here, I see you all in Pile 1 becoming happier, wiser and more responsible in November 2023. You will notice that it’s not just your emotions that have become stable, but you have also become a more patient and reliable person.
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Pile 2
2 of Wands (rx)
The World
Queen of Cups (rx)
6 of Swords
King of Wands
The Sun (rx)
Hi Pile 2 🪐
There is a surprise coming your way in November 2023. I see that you’ll likely be travelling this month as well. Most of you will be travelling by flight and the remaining by water. Most of you also will have doubts if it’s really true that you’re travelling and this reading is a confirmation for you - yes, you are.
I also see that in November, you will also have the chance to meet your benefactor. For those who have lost their passion, this person will help find back the spark that you have once lost. For those who have yet to find theirs, this person will guide you to it.
By the end of the month, I see you happy with the events that have found you in November.
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Pile 3
The Emperor
6 of Pentacles (rx)
5 of Cups
Knight of Pentacles (rx)
Hey Pile 3 🍂
For the start of November 2023, I see that things will be stable for you. You’ll feel powerful and protected, with a strong unbreakable foundation holding you together.
However for the second half of the month, you’ll be prone to jealousy. This feeling will shake even the firmest of foundations and you’ll feel like someone has pulled the rug from under you.
My advice for you is to monitor your mental state in November. Pay attention to when you start having unneeded comparison, or when you start projecting negative thoughts about others. Meditate and remind yourself daily that you have everything the people wish for - stability, power, and protection. Why cry over something you don’t have when all you ever wanted is already in your hands?
As the second half of the month may be a vulnerable time for you mentally, be careful of falling for scams/fraud. Check through all your facts even if you don’t feel like it because there is a high chance that you’ll be swindled due to your vulnerability/negligence.
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Pile 4
The Star (rx)
5 of Cups
7 of Cups
9 of Wands
Knight of Cups
Hello Pile 4 🌊
My, my. I won’t be sugarcoating my words but at the start of November, I see that most of you are too proud to the point of arrogance. Becareful Pile 4, your hubris will likely cause you grief.
It is only around mid-November that you start reflecting on yourself. It’s likely that your lesson this month will be humility. Even when everything is smooth sailing, we have to remain humble. You can still be proud of your achivements yet be humble to remember what has brought you this far.
Towards the end of the month, there will be some sort of of lingering paranoia from the grief you faced at the start of the month. Despite all that, good news is promised to come soon.
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Pile 5
The World
Page of Pentacmds
9 of Cups (rx)
6 of Wands
King of Wands
Hey Pile 5 🍵
Right away; I see that success, stability and financial abundance are coming your way at the start of November. Congrats Pile 5!
You have likely come a long way before success found its way to you. It was not a perfect and smooth sailing path but along the way you have gained a loyal group behind you.
You will feel proud and liberated of your success this month. You’ll finally feel the stress sliding off your shoulders.
Towards the end of the month, I see you looking forward to your next project with hope that it may be successful like what you had just achieved. You’ll also be filled with passion and anticipation for the next big thing coming your way.
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What good things are happening for you in August?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Support: You will be receiving support. Only you know what kind of support you need and are seeking. This may be emotional support, financial support, advice, family support, friends, etc. But this month you will be receiving that helping hand from others.
Pile 2:
Adult Children & Take the next step now: I feel this means you will be taking the next steps in your adult life and dealing with childhood issues. You will begin to blossom from the past. For some with adult children, this means you will be advancing your relationship with them and getting closer.
Pile 3:
Hobbies: You will be diving more into your hobbies. Or you may be discovering and trying new hobbies. I feel your hobbies and passions will take off and bring you a lot of joy this month. You may even find a way to profit or make a job out of a hobby.
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alchemie-tarot · 2 years
2023: What’s on the horizon for you?
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Happy New Year, everyone! 🎆 Giving you all virtual high-fives and energetic hugs. I’ve been seeing in my timeline a lot that people are getting into their soft eras. I liked that so much, I picked out this set of purple-pink skies I captured that I initially had for a different pick-a-card topic. Makes you slow down and watch in awe.
May this year treat you beautifully. 💜
Feel free to choose the pile/s that call out to you. Some details may not resonate with you since this is a general reading. As always, nothing is set in stone, so please don’t take it too seriously.
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Pile 1
The Emperor (back of the deck), 6 of Swords, The Tower, 9 of Wands
2022 has been all about control and structure in your life. You've created a routine that enables you to complete your day-to-day tasks seamlessly. It could even be that you’ve perfected some kind of system for yourself. You’ve been handling things in a practical approach more than anything. Once you have set your mind to something, you don’t budge. 
None of the knowledge you have absorbed has gone to waste. You’ve learned so much because of this dedication. “Bulletproof” came to mind. Any attempts to thwart your plans probably bounce off you, as if you’re made of steel. I have a feeling that there was a need for you to instill such discipline in your life, but at this point, you may have been taking these rules a little too seriously. 
Seeing how you like to keep your feet planted on the ground, I believe you need to buckle up for a change, Pile 1. You may not be the type to shake things up from time to time, but there will be a lot of movement in your life this year. It may feel like a rug pulled from under your feet. There is an element of surprise. I feel that most of you may not like to hear that, and I apologize if it causes you distress. 
You must know that this change is inevitable and it will manifest one way or another. Despite everything, though, I can see you riding it out. You will make this transition, even if you had to endure some strong discomfort for it. I assure you that you won’t be alone in this. Please don’t be afraid. The ways of the past are about to crumble because they won’t work anymore in contrast to the blazing potential ahead of you. It’s time to learn how to use your determination and willpower without letting them get the best of you. I have complete faith in you, Pile 1. I never see you back down and that already speaks volumes. Hang in there.
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Pile 2
The High Priestess (back of the deck), King of Wands, 7 of Cups, Page of Cups, 9 of Wands
Splendid work getting to know who you are on a deeper level for the past year. It’s not an easy journey to go within but kudos to you, Pile 2, because I can see that you’ve learned to trust yourself and let go of the need to control every little thing. Balancing the burden of knowledge with self-compassion is key in this development. You may have spent a great deal in solitude, and look at you having thrived in it! Your Higher Self is radiant and they thank you for taking action, Pile 2.
Now, having shifted into the new year, your focus on your inner world is about to shift as well. The universe encourages you to get back out there. It’s time to get your head out of the clouds and come back down to earth. You know what you want now, having realized them during your period of reflection, and the next step is to turn them into a concrete action plan. I can see that manifesting them in a swift and bold way, owning exactly how you want things to be, is what would work wonders for you.
I really love your energy so far, Pile 2. Dazzling opportunities come your way precisely because they mirror you. There’s so many to choose from, all you have to do is take your pick. You’re a boiling pot of creativity and innovative ideas by yourself. 
It doesn’t even stop there because I can see you becoming a source of inspiration for many others. People who may have struggles that are similar to yours in the past will see how amazingly in touch you are with yourself now. What a balm to their soul. An embrace of assurance and a breath of fresh air. You have filled your own cup by putting yourself first. This has then enabled you to help others by sharing yourself, led by the right mind and the right heart.
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Pile 3
Knight of Wands (back of the deck), 6 of Wands, 8 of Swords, Queen of Cups, Justice
You’ve made 2022 your oyster, Pile 3. You worked hard and played hard– this would differ for each person, of course, depending on your definition of work and play. It doesn’t have to be related to your job or your studies. It could also mean that you have broken through your confines and started something new in your life, or pursued what you’re passionate about. Whatever it was, it has given you a lot of freedom. So much fearless exploration, and it’s like all those months flew by so fast. What a rich year it has been for you!
You’re coming out on top, and as the new year ushers in, your achievements will be in plain sight. You did it, Pile 3! You’re gonna make it! The world will see how you flourished and admire all the progress you’ve made. Bask in it as you deserve. Remember, though, that gratitude goes a long way in helping the seeds that you have planted grow fruit. Be careful not to let your confidence tip into arrogance.
There is a message here about you not being in touch with your intuition. You may have been ignoring something your gut has been telling you, or you may have deemed any time of quiet and introspection unimportant. Pile 3, it seems to be related to a big, unresolved aspect of your life that can have long-term consequences. I feel that many of you would rather not face it.
Alright, I know I said that things in your life are about to reach a fever pitch, but there is advice for you to pause and go inwards for a bit, or this excitement will risk some kind of explosion— a revelation you may not be ready for. Your inner compass seems to fluctuate more than it is stable. Your success won’t be going anywhere, you know, so don’t worry about it disappearing if you take some time away in order to reflect. Ease into it and remember to be fair to yourself. 
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Pile 4
King of Pentacles (back of the deck), The Empress, Knight of Swords, 8 of Pentacles Rx
I swear, this year has been all about the hustle for so many of you. If you felt like looking at Pile 1, its message has some similarities to this pile. Anyway, it goes without saying that you’ve been really getting that bread. Congratulations! In a fast-paced and competitive world where it’s hard enough to put one foot in front of the other, you got yourself out there with a discipline that wasn’t easy to cultivate, and you’re rewarded for it. Well done, Pile 4.
This year, it’s time for you to stop and take some time off to smell the roses. Go on a walk, eat something delicious that fills your stomach, and indulge in the luxuries you’ve set aside for so long. Create something with your hands that follows no criteria other than to please yourself. Relax! Relaaax. I say it like that because even though you’re fully entitled to this R & R, you still seem to be quite restless. Your guard is up as if you’re ready for some kind of combat. It’s like, you’re on your phone, waiting and mildly dreading the next thing to do even though it hasn’t come up yet, instead of clicking it shut and turning it face down.
Pile 4. You may have forgotten to live your life, but life hasn’t forgotten about you. You’re being called to freshen up and let your material pursuits and burdens take a rest for a while. Frolic into that imagination of yours and explore the more pleasurable side of your life. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. I bet you can get into the mundane and find the simple things that can make you smile, or remind you of the bigger picture. If it helps, you can still think of keeping your time of play and health in tiptop shape as a form of progress, too. Never mind if society tends to downplay it. Take it easy, Pile 4. You’ll thank yourself later.
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Pile 5
The Devil (back of the deck), Strength, Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, The Emperor, Ace of Wands
2022 may have been one of the most nerve-wracking years of your life. I’ll go ahead and say that for some of you, it may have even been the worst. In several ways, you’ve felt trapped, empty, and powerless to change it. You may have been just waiting for it to drag along, putting your hopes into the new year. I’m so sorry to hear that, Pile 5. All you wanted was a little peace in so much chaos. For some, this year you came face-to-face with your demons.
You handled it with so much courage, Pile 5. I can see it shining from you like a ray of light. From the dark night and into the bright morning, you saw your vices illuminated before you and then gently, but firmly, held yourself accountable to them. Working with blockages isn’t an overnight thing. Still, as the Strength card depicts, you tamed that lion not with force, but with grace. It wasn’t easy at all, but you did it. You have no idea how much progress you made. I’m so, so proud of you.
If only I could properly convey the magnitude of blessings coming to you, Pile 5. Whatever it is, it’s gonna make you so happy. I’m telling you, the goods will be flowing and your aura’s gonna shine. “Money can't buy happiness?” Not for you, because this will surely open doors for you. For a few, it doesn’t have to be about finances, but a state of being grounded and surefooted enough to let your hair down. If you think it’s too good to be true, the cards clearly indicate a stability that will take its sweet time, but it will ultimately ease you into experiencing, more easily, a renewed life force. Joy.
This pile is unbelievable. I only meant to pull three cards, but five fell and three of them are the big Major Arcana energies. Honestly so extra (and I mean it as a compliment). Going back. You’ll have the time of your life, but it doesn’t just stop there. You’ll be building such an enterprise for yourself, you will end up being the boss of something. I think that, when you’ve been revitalized, your visions and creative ideas will also be brought into the light. Promising action plans and strong executions. Hot damn, you’re on fire. You’ll probably surprise yourself a lot throughout this. Blaze that trail, Pile 5. Believe me, it’s happening.
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Pile 6
2 of Cups (back of the deck), Queen of Wands, The Tower, The Magician
You’ve found love this 2022. Whether it’s a romance, a trustworthy friend, a promising partnership, or an activity that makes you happy to be alive, you gained genuine connection with someone or something this year. This came at the right moment, when you needed it most, and brought you out of the dumps. A balance of give-and-take that you rarely encounter in your life. Your synchronicity with one another is effortless.
You make quite the force to be reckoned with together. I see that this connection encourages you to come out of your shell. The presence of the other party (whether an individual or an activity) strengthens your will to make a reality out of your wishes. You find new and surprising ways to make use of your resources, and your manifestation skills are skyrocketing. The possibilities are infinite. You may feel unstoppable.
This connection is not without trials and tribulations, though. There’s something significant about change here– not just a simple, day-to-day change, but radical change. For an individual connection, it could be that you’ve never been with someone like them. You may be different from one another in terms of culture and race. For an activity, you could have bonded with a craft that your peers would have found unexpected– not necessarily taboo, but quite peculiar. Either way, this connection is so fated, it can well shake your ground to its foundation. 
I really get the sense that pursuing this for the long-term could really change your life. Even if you decide not to, you still may feel as if nothing will be the same as before. What you must know, though, is that this seems to demand all-or-nothing, so you must prepare carefully should you decide to jump headfirst. I have to admit, I could sense all kinds of risks in this path, but make no mistake that there will be its share of rewards as well. Just always be discerning, Pile 6. Go for your beautiful, unpredictable, and powerful truth.
🎆 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎆
Thank you for taking the time to interact with this reading. Feel free to let me know how you thought of it! It really helps to hear about how it resonated, or not; the details that popped out to you. You are part of the magic, after all.
Stay safe!
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alyjojo · 2 years
PAC - Your True Soulmate 😍
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There is a LOT to unpack in this reading, we have 7 Piles to hopefully have a broad spectrum of different layers and personalities. I’m not personally a fan of small pile PACs like 3, it’s harder for me to resonate to when it’s so general, WHY make it easier? Go big or go home! Bahaha. I haven’t started yet, so by the end I’m sure I’ll regret this 😁 I’ve got color cards, charms, my new Creativity Oracle which I am just in love with, the whole shebang to get as many details as possible. Not everything will apply to any one person, so just take what resonates for you and leave the rest for whoever they’re for 🙏
Pile 1: Raindrops 🌧
4 Wands - Knight of Wands - Page of Coins
Regarding: 5 Pentacles
Dreaming Way: Dog rev & Ring
Oracles: Partnership, Push & Flash
Possible Signs: Taurus 💯, heavy fire 🔥 Capricorn/Aquarius with The World, Saturn & Star, Gemini with The Lovers, twice
Zodiac Message: North Node in Taurus
- Have faith in your beliefs by making the right connections.
- Do not worry about the costs of the idea in question.
- Now is the time to use the most direct way and get your ideas going.
Bat 🦇 on Flash
Rocking Horse 🐴 on 5 Pentacles
Saturn 🪐 on The World
Diamond 💎 on Salmon Chairs
Key 🔑 on 4 Wands
Color Card: Salmon Chairs 🌷
“Come sit in my chair and feel my love”.
People, places and events are being drawn to you beyond your wildest imagination. Aim higher, for you will draw even greater experiences into your life. It is time to step up to the next level. All “things” are energy and will be drawn to you when you allow your energy to grow. The Salmon Chairs is being brought to you as a gift, to raise your faith and self esteem. It is a gentle and profound change in the way one relates to themselves, and the world. We create the life we feel we deserve. Often we feel we must do something to prepare, yet Salmon Chairs says “Stay in the light of truth, meditate, and relax - if you drink in the light and allow spiritual wealth, you will be surrounded by material wealth.” This is about subtle action, and receiving is an action. You are being told to sit still and receive the bounty that is coming to you. Salmon Chairs can also signify a love relationship in the wings, it’s your choice to receive it. It may also be a present relationship that’s moving to the next level, both spiritually and physically.
This person has very heavy Taurus energy in this reading. Even Salmon Chairs describes the energy of an Empress, which also applies to Taurus, and the North Node described here. This person will have been through some trauma or traumatizing experiences by the time you meet them. With all of the Knight and Page energy, you could meet them young, or they experienced a lot of pain while young, there’s definitely some level of trauma in this person. I kind of expected that sort of personality to come out when I chose the rainy picture, and you also may be able to relate to this person in that way. There is some level of abandonment and loss with them, they may have lost a parent, a friend, a child…can be literal or they can’t access them somehow or they may have abandoned their own child, maybe put one up for adoption or has gone through abortion due to xyz reasons. It happened to them or they did it themselves not fully aware, either can apply here. This can also just describe childhood trauma, but the rocking horse here points out a child specifically. It’s possible they’re taking care of an older child that’s lost a job, or they’re living with a child for that reason. Struggles are where they are when you meet them or a big part of who & where they are & have been.
It’s possible this person is divorced or separated from someone when you meet them. With Dog 🐶 being rev next to Ring 💍 it shows a lack of loyalty, not being able to be trusted or to trust someone else. Someone was not faithful, possibly them. They probably married very young, if married at all, rushed into it, and back out. It’s also possible they’ve done this to you, 2 Cups comes out with The Lovers, and The Star is here, there is definitely a Twin Flame dynamic with this person for someone. If so, they may have lost your trust in the past and it’s valid, but yes they are your soulmate and yes they’re coming back around. With North Node being Taurus, South Node would be Scorpio, whether that actually applies or not, it shows that while young there was more of a death & transformation dynamic to this person, disloyalty, lies, leaving things behind and avoiding the long term, future planning, or solid & stable connections. The path they’re heading towards is Taurus, stability, family, security, the home, long-term. It’s been a long process of maturing/healing for them, or will be.
These are lessons this person has to learn. With Bat 🦇 on Flash, they’ll be tapping into their intuition and may not be able to explain how they know something, but they’ll know. You may move very quickly with this person, moving in together very soon, possibly even getting engaged quickly as well. The Key being on 4 Wands can be a home, it’s like once this person knows what they want, there’s NO stopping them. Diamond 💎 on Salmon Chairs shows them as receiving bounty, money, being very successful, which is something new to them and there could be traumas relating to that too, that are healing over time. They have regrets about the past, whether they did things or had things happen to them, they aren’t totally healed when you come in but they’re heading in the right direction. There is something here about them holding back where their dreams are concerned, you could be helping them “push” towards that too, or you inspire them to take action.
Pile 2: Sunset 🌅
Ace of Pentacles rev - 4 Wands - Ace of Cups
Regarding: The World
Dreaming Way: Clover & Mountain
Oracles: Accomplishment, Secrets & Recycle
Possible Signs: Sagittarius 💯 Pisces, Capricorn & Scorpio
Zodiac Message:
Sun - Sagittarius - 9th House
- The creation of insights to understand spiritual values.
- The gaining of respect for or from the wisdom of long-range thinking or travel.
- Things brought to life or light resulting from the understanding of what is to be shared.
Starfish ⭐️ on Wheel of Fortune rev
Sword 🗡 on Ace of Pentacles rev
Axe 🪓 on 7 Cups
Card Guard ❤️ on Knight of Wands
Sagittarius ♐️ on Sagittarius 💯
Rose 🌹 on Recycle
Color Card: Charmaine Chartreuse 🗣
“I never met a person I didn’t like.”
Charmaine Chartreuse suggests you begin finding the good in others. So much is lost when we do not appreciate those around us, for we lose the wonderful gifts of who they are. Appreciating differences will enrich your present situation. This can be a warning that you’ll lose a valued relationship if you do not appreciate what you have. Thinking the best of another person is more powerful than putting them down. Do not attempt to choose sides. Getting others to agree with you that someone else is wrong will also backfire, you may find yourself alone if you are not thoughtful. Wasting energy focusing on something you shouldn’t is also denoted here. Gossip is an indication you’re not focusing on your own life. What we think may not be the truth of the matter. Be aware now of how you speak of another, for the things you say will come back to you at this time. “Doing your own thing” may leave you lonely, and an aloof attitude may lead others to believe you don’t like them, when that isn’t true. If you’re feeling cut-off, consider that others may be waiting for you, and take a cue from Charmaine, being kind is called for from you, even if others are behaving in an inappropriate way.
This person is so clearly Sagittarius in energy that I’m kinda shocked to be honest. I knew that just with the tarot, three Sag cards, then came the zodiac message of the SUN in Sag and in Sag’s natural ruling house no less, and to top it all off, a Sag charm just in case anyone was confused 🤣 OK THEN. A major Sag placement 💯 There are other signs here, definitely more subtle, but this person *embodies* Sag energy in some way. I did notice Pisces here, slightly, but especially in this recycle card, the imagery is a Bird in the Sky and a Fish in the Sea, and I immediately thought of one of my favorite movies of all time, Ever After 🥰, and the line “A bird may love a fish sir, but where would they live?” It could be you that has Pisces placements, for some of you anyway. If not those specific signs, then the dynamic of one person initially doesn’t put many boundaries or standards in the first place, and the other person doesn’t know how to respect them even if there were, makes light of them or turns it into a joke. Initially.
This person pisses you off. You’ve wasted a lot of time on them, or you feel like you have. If they’ve tried to get at you before, you could feel they have, because forget it. In typical (not all) Sagittarian fashion, this is a typical (not all) “fkboy/girl” personality. They’re definitely a wanderer, they’ve traveled around a lot with whatever it is they do, maybe with their family. They could be foreign to you, a different skin color, nationality, speak a different language, something about them could be in stark contrast to whatever you are, which is something Sagittarius and the 9th rules. Culture! Long distances. Foreign contacts. If they’re not a Sag they could just be different. There is a feeling of freedom with this person, they won’t be tied down, no one has managed to…until you, and it won’t be easy. Or hasn’t been. One way you’ll know who this is, you’ve had to let them go before, or you did because you simply weren’t interested in all this.
Eight of Cups rev shows them making a return to your life, could be because they’ve lost a job, a home, an opportunity of some kind that’s out of their control (or destined). Wheel of Fortune rev can show bad luck, but they’ve got Clover here showing that’s not a regular thing and may be a destined/karmic event of some kind. Probably to get to you! Whatever *your* energy is, you don’t take this person at all seriously, they’re like a thorn in your side and you don’t trust them as far as you could throw them. Justifiably. But the passion is LIT 🔥 and the emotions are there, you want this person to BE trustworthy. This whole reading shows it takes effort, they’re a bit of a “project” emotionally and love is not really their forte, but they are your soulmate. They may have never even really been in love before you, or at least not in any similar sort of way. Love as a whole is not their first language.
Axe on 7 Cups is cutting off all of these other options they may have, ex’s that are “friends” or former flirty options, FWB’s, that sort of thing. The cute little Card Soldier on Knight of Wands is you having to be like absolutely not, you’re setting boundaries, and you’re not about to let this person near you period on some player bs. It turns them on, they like your boundaries, they aren’t threatened by your standards, it’s like a challenge to them & they know you’re right. Which is appealing, no? This person is going to change for you, or grow up more like. Maybe not the first time you interact with them, with there being an energy of “coming back”, but whenever they do, they’re ready for you to set your terms so they can follow along. It seems like they will only want you.
With Clover & Mountain this person could be pretty earthy and practical along with all of their natural luck, they are very clever at getting over or through issues that seem insurmountable, nothing seems to get them down or knock them out for too long, they’re a “winner” type of personality. Accomplishment reinforces that message, they could have several. Secrets feels more like past things they don’t want to talk about, not necessarily secrets *from* you. They’re just not interested in past stuff, they let it go so you should too, to them. Rose 🌹 on Recycle is them having made mistakes, broken hearts, losing and winning and learning their lessons. Starfish ⭐️ shows regeneration on a situation or relationship gone sour, it will get better. GREEN dominates the reading visually, it’s a color of grounding & practicality, and there are many plants being shown which all show growth. They’ve made mistakes, they’re learning or have learned, and will be ready for you when the right time comes.
Pile 3: Classic 🤓
Page of Cups - 8 Cups - 8 Swords
Regarding: Justice
Dreaming Way: Fish & Mountain
Oracles: Timing, Reflection, Time
Possible Signs: Virgo, Cancer & Pisces likely, Leo & Capricorn possibly
Zodiac Message:
Jupiter - Cancer - 9th House
- Learn or teach your feelings as if it or they came from God.
- Be positive about attitudes from the past about the philosophies and laws involved.
- Grow and expand, use your intuition and do it in a big way.
Dead Tree 🍂 on Demon Red Rainbow
Peace ☮️ on Justice
Stallion 🐎 on Mountain
Peridot 💚 on The High Priestess
Color Card: Demon Red Rainbow 👹
“The greatest adversary is the one living inside of me.”
If the Demon Red Rainbow speaks to you, it is an indication that you are starting to (or will) forge ahead on the path you have chosen. You are correct in thinking that this path is important. Demon Red Rainbow denotes miraculous changes which lay ahead but not without your dogged determination. If you are facing a hill that appears insurmountable, this card reminds us that most true adversaries are the ones inside of us. Life always turns for the better when we face our demons.
You are not to abandon your focus no matter what comes up. The direct route may be the best way to the other side of your fear. There is a crucial lesson here for us all. Know that Spirit always provides an ally when we face the Demon Red Rainbow. It will be clear to you who they are. You need not face anything alone. Spirit has chosen a very powerful lesson for you so that you may teach others what you have learned. A gift of this kind is never given without our ability to use it.
I was afraid of this one coming out, and with the classic image too ha, surprise! We follow no preconceived stereotype here, this person is the mess, at least out of the three done so far. And any of you dealing with them are a saint. Or maybe a Cancer, that’s the only sign that might put up with it 🤦‍♀️ No offense, it’s saintly in its’ sacrifice. For some of you, this person is locked up, in jail, for who knows how long? You might. For others, this person is a train wreck you’ve had to separate yourself from. Demon Red Rainbow comes out to show they are their own worst enemy, and the “dead” tree charm shows that so long as they’re standing in their own way, there can’t and won’t be any growth in this person. Mountain and Horse shows them as a wild personality, one that can’t be tamed or restrained, and they create their own Mountains, dig their own holes, which they later fall into and need help escaping. Presumably, from you. Similarly, the Fish next to this Mountain shows an addictive personality or someone who doesn’t know when to stop, they’re excessive with everything they do, however that applies to them.
The thing that will change this person, eventually, is probably spiritual in nature, but I don’t think you’ll have anything to do with this. And while this IS your soulmate, that’s what this reading is, this is the kind of personality that myself and literally any other tarot reader would tell you to just keep moving away from. There are other soulmates. Your personality and vibe is heavily that of a “fixer”, and these signs could even be your signs more than theirs. It honestly feels like a reading that is more “I see you & you are heard” but this person is a lot to deal with…
You cannot miss anything that is for you. Right now you are not speaking to that person and Justice is here showing it’s the right thing. They may have asked you to wait for them, or you’ve done this to them, and there is no energy of that happening. There is no progress, no movement, it’s very difficult and may last a very long time. Again for someone there’s an energy of actual prison time being done and if that’s the case, you’re not expected to wait. They did the crime, they serve the time, go live your life 🙏 ALL of their oracles are about time. And more time, and more time. The longer the two of you spend apart, the more they have to look at themselves in the mirror, reflect, and realize where they went wrong, how they need to change, all of the could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve energies that you need them to see.
They’re conflicted because there’s no communication. You’re conflicted over this same reason. Neither of you wants to be alone, but neither of you can grow how you need to without this separation. There is definitely a pull here, but the love is only a Page, it’s not the whole thing that you deserve. In time, they will heal, and change, and calm down. Mature. Grow up. In time they may be perfect for you, and this could definitely be a Twin Flame 🔥 sort of connection for those waiting around on the runner to stop running. Peace ☮️ on Justice is “someday”. 5 Wands with Justice is right now. When it comes to Twins I’m a fan of saying don’t wait, they’re a waste of time. It’s a cute dream, and a big maybe, but you’ve only got one life, many possible soulmates, and there’s always the chance of meeting someone brand new ❤️ As much as this person matches your heart & energy, only you match theirs too, it’s their loss. If you’ve picked another pile, please pay close attention to that one as well, from this point forward I’m calling this the “stagnant Twin pile”. Whoever you had in mind, whoever you know fits the bill. It’s a maybe, someday, if you still want it. IF. Yes they will change. With time. Time. Time. More time. Good grief. Lot of time. But so will you. How it stands right now, it’s like loving a wolf that means to bite your face off. You have to worry about you 💯 I hate that there’s a dud for an option, but some must need to see it, or it wouldn’t have come out.
Pile 4: Doorway 🚪
The High Priestess - Page of Wands - 9 Cups
Regarding: 4 Swords
Dreaming Way: Dog, Clouds, Snake
Oracles: Flash, Wish Granted, Truth
Possible Signs: Leo 💯 Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn, possibly Pisces with 9 Cups and all of this moon energy, the dreamy vibe is strong
Zodiac Message:
Jupiter - Leo - 5th House
- Learn or teach leadership with the trust of a child.
- Be positive about the creativeness of fun, romance, and making art.
- Grow and expand, do what you want to, and do it dramatically.
Fractal Moon 🌙 on Electric Blue Moon
Angel 😇 on Page of Wands
Leaf 🍁 on Truth
Pearl of Wisdom 🦪 on Ace of Swords
Sailboat ⛵️ on 6 Swords
Color Card: Electric Blue Moon 🌚:
“If I don’t take care of it, it’ll never happen.”
It is not time to force an issue. If something feels important to you, you may be jumping the gun. If you are impatient, you may block something wonderful from coming to you. Now is not the time for a rushed decision, even if you think you’ve given something “plenty” of time, give it more. You have made your needs known to Spirit, now leave it alone. If you try to force a situation, you may bind yourself to something you could come to know as a hinderance. Allow right action to happen in its own time.
Though Leo is the most obvious here, even with the oracles, it’s definitely muddied with water energy. Both 💯 The Moon is as magnified as The Sun. Actually more so, The Sun is reversed. This could be literally Leo with heavy 8th/12th House placements, especially The Sun, one that doesn’t “shine” so brightly because they’re very daydreamy and kind of lost in another plane, or very spiritual. Or have heavy watery placements. It may not be Leo at all and that sign is being shown as The Sun, this is this person’s identity & who they are. Leo shows up with the 5th House, it’s natural ruling house, showing this person as FUN, artistic, very creative, working with children possibly, regardless of sign. They’re not dumb, nor misguided, and they don’t need someone looking down on them. Who they’re meant to be IS a dreamer, a teacher, a spiritualist, possibly an artist, someone in the more creative fields. With Dog, Clouds, and Snake in that order, who they are is a very loyal, giving, loving, friend, a ride or die kind of person, they don’t see the dangers in other people, the “snakes”, and in this way their head is in the clouds. That’s where the Pisces energy is stemming from strongly, whether they actually have that or not, they are an idealist above anything else, but they’re not lost to reality either and with Ace of Swords are actually quite intelligent. Just not suspicious? They’ll protect someone else before themselves 💯 And because of that, are often taken advantage of, and it does not and will not change them.
This person has big dreams they don’t act on, and amazing abilities of manifestation that they don’t use. Not yet. They have many options and they know it, but they’re more of an indecisive type and aren’t in any rush with Temperance. This is a “create the vision in your head” sort of person, and while Page & Knight of Wands are both here, they do take action, it’s not until their vision is complete. Definitely an artist/creative mentality. With 4 Swords & The High Priestess, either you don’t yet know this person or you do but you don’t really talk to them. With 5th House being highlighted and a lot of this younger energy, 9 Cups, it’s possible this is a single parent or someone that has children already. Or that’s their job, maybe something they definitely want. 10 Pentacles being reversed here shows they are not a conservative sort of person, they don’t want traditional…anything. Marriage. Jobs. Life. It’s not their cup of tea 🍵 They could have already been there done that, and are divorced, or come from divorced parents that make them not interested.
That doesn’t mean they’re opposed to love, they’re just not someone that’s locked in a box and expected to stay there, they like to move around and explore their endless options. Again, a dreamer. They’re very excitable, probably love to travel, and their dreams are more important to them than any “relationship” though that isn’t to be mean at all, I get no “mean” vibes from this person, they would probably encourage everyone to do the same. You want to go to Europe? Go! They have an encouraging & supportive energy, a hype person, a loyal friend 💖 The only thing that holds them back is a lack of confidence, and putting in the work necessary to achieve whatever their dream is. I don’t get they’re afraid of work or don’t work, I think their dreams change before they get there, and they switch tracks a lot. Or talk themselves out of things. It could be other people around them put them down or talk them out of things too, which is difficult for a loyal person like this, they may be losing opportunities or sitting on them due to negative people with no creative vision telling them they “can’t” when they absolutely can. The Boat on 6 Swords can show travel as part of their dreams or this may be how you know/meet them, they may travel or move unexpectedly, more than once even with 2 Pentacles, they don’t tend to stay put, and again 10 Pentacles is rev, they’re not the type to even want to. There’s always more to see & do.
The Fractal Moon on Electric Blue Moon shows something is in motion where their dreams are concerned, maybe meeting you is part of that, but there are a lot of options and details involved in what they’re doing, many layers, as also shown by 7 Cups. They’re waiting for something, patiently. Leaf on Truth and Pearl of Wisdom on Ace of Swords are very similar, they can dream a dream and get lost in the practicalities or reality of taking action, that may be where they’re stuck right now, but both of these charms are encouraging, they’re getting somewhere with what they’re doing. Growing & learning 💯 Flash and Wish Granted are also very encouraging, they will be inspired or get their answers, and though things may seem like they take TIME, once it’s moving it’s like lightning. Stop. Stop. Wait. BANG, and they’re there, they’ve done it, and no one was even paying attention. That’s a Uranian/Aquarian quality which is here lightly, which would support a Leo rising, or Uranus may be a strong placement, or conjunct something strong in your own chart. They will surprise you.
Pile 5: Hands 🙌🏽
5 Cups - The Emperor - The Empress
Regarding: The Hierophant
Dreaming Way: Coffin, Bear, Scythe
Oracles: Innovation, Obstacles, Details
Possible Signs: Aries & Scorpio 💯 Leo, Libra, Virgo, Taurus & Pisces
Zodiac Message:
Mercury - Aries - 10th House
- The awareness of energies to meet the challenges of your destiny.
- Many thoughts about or from your desires regarding where you’re going.
- Many words resulting from the honesty and strengths of your career.
Angel 😇 on Bahana Beige
Black Cross ✝️ on The Hierophant
Sword 🗡 The Emperor
Virgo ♍️ on The Empress
Starfish ⭐️ on 10th House
White Heart 🤍 on Knight of Cups
Axe 🪓 on The Hermit
Color Card: Bahana Beige 🎨
“I quietly listen, allowing you to color your own palate.”
If you are drawn to Bahana Beige, it is time to take an impartial look at your situation and drop the excuses. Your answers will come when you remain still. Take no action at this time. The action of Bahana Beige is to listen. Now is the time to consider the other side, because there may be some valuable insights in another point of view. This technique can help produce great strides in communication in your relationships. When we are fixed on a position (or opinion), we are not in the neutral space of Bahana Beige.
This is an opportunity to see who you are in a relationship. Ask yourself, “How does my present attitude or position serve me?” When you answer this question, you will begin to gain more insight into choosing what is for the highest good in any situation. Another way to position a question is in thinking from the other person’s point of view. Is there another way to see this situation? What do you see now?
This is a very difficult personality, but definitely worthwhile. They are very serious, intense even, in their seriousness, and STUBBORN. This by far is the broadest spectrum of signs and personalities, but Mars dominates, they are clearly the hardest workers, the strictly disciplined, the action takers 💯 This is a person who is either divorced when you meet them, married but on their way to divorce, or they’ve had pain in their life due to parental figures, possible divorce in that sense as well. The Emperor is highlighted in their own personality, and as someone demanding, dominating & commanding that’s *over* them in some way and has since been cut off. Probably a father figure. For some this is a job, not parents, and a boss that’s unfairly and suddenly cut them off or out. This person knows struggle and the need to stand up to some dominating person, whether at home or in career, and in some sense they also wear a mask of intimidating & dominating traits. A job is being highlighted as having some level of regeneration to it, with Starfish ⭐️ on 10th House, they could be shifting careers or someone that does this more than once, some of you could meet them at work, but career has been a struggle in its own way no matter what these Emperor/Empress energies are otherwise. Previous failures have left a bitter taste in their mouth.
But that is not who they are inside. They are disappointed by the hand life has dealt them, and they feel a sense of competition everywhere they go, again heavy Mars energy here. They’ve lost a few of those “competitions” and may have a large ego that kinda kicks them in the butt if they’re not careful. They tend to shift blame outward and skirt any accountability, even within reason. The most difficult thing about this person is the negativity in their perception. They do not compromise. Their way or the highway. Black Cross on The Hierophant, they’re probably an atheist, and could have very negative views on any number of things. Certain companies, marriage as a whole, spirituality, specific ways of doing things that are not in line with *their* beliefs…even if that is simply “how to cut an onion”, and it’s wrong but good luck telling them that. They will willingly DIE on a pretty stupid hill, even if they’re wrong. Fixed energy 💯 A lot of needless arguments accompany this person and it just depends on your own personality & story what those are. Part of them genuinely likes to fight. Good luck with that 😆🤦‍♀️
Underneath this person’s “tough” exterior is a big emotional baby, to put it bluntly. Not very “mature”, with ick emotions that accompany very negative beliefs and perceptions, they tend to overdramatize and their emotions spill out like a flood when they’re upset. But, as anger, not sadness. Again…Mars. This can really be any sign with heavy Mars energy tbh, that’s what I’m getting here. The positive side to that is when they’re sad, happy, angry, upset, they can’t hide it so there’s no question as to where others stand with them. 100% not a fake person, they don’t just slap on a smile because someone says so or expects one, no.
They’ve lost many people in their lives and are pretty closed off and Hermit-like in nature. They’ve experienced disappointments in all areas of life, work, love, family, friends, you name it & they’ve probably experienced it. Their perceptions of things are so negative because of this, and that’s something perhaps you will help to change. Bahana Beige shows Spirit working in their favor the most when they try to remain impartial. It’s like not even expecting a total change, just be open, that’s all that’s asked of them & they’re blessed. They get way too caught up in obstacles and details, their negative thinking tends to mess up their plans, not anything being actually “against them”. They envision roadblocks where there are none, and have very little if any faith. There is a lot of past pain in this person, and they’re also very nostalgic about happy times, friends, possibly ex lovers, childhood memories, they may romanticize how things were vs seeing the reality of the situations or how things have changed, maybe they just miss the old days in some way. It’s a process, but they may talk about these things at random, and those things are often on their mind. At heart, this person is deeply romantic and would like the fairy tale to exist how it should, it just hasn’t yet and they’re bitter. Their intentions are noble and pure, and they’ve got a heart of gold for the right person. Healing is a top priority for them. Or it needs to be.
Deep down, this person wants marriage, children, the perfect picture of how things “should be”, even down to the 1950’s style cards I’m using for this pile, that matches up perfectly. They see a picket fence and wonder why they don’t have the right person to fit this image. I don’t get a sense of illusions too much though, they just want their soulmate, but may be a bit of a perfectionist about ideals, they could need a dose of realism in that sense. It’s not 1950 so…within reason. For some, they may be very difficult to see as long term because they assume everything will end up like the past, so they push it away, and you’ll have to fight back in that sense, because you’re different. Once they find that right person for them, they’re very conservative, truthful, loving, romantic even, this is someone that expects to be courted or will court you “the right way”, very passionate and eager for love, they aren’t a game player and if/when they do love you this is one that lasts forever 🙏
Pile 6: Maze
6 Wands - Knight of Pentacles - 4 Wands
Regarding: Ace of Cups
Dreaming Way: Fox & Tree
Oracles: Intuition, Distractions, Success
Possible Signs: Aries, Gemini & Pisces, possible Taurus with Venus, 2nd House & Hierophant, but I’m definitely getting its more the behavior than actual signs with this one
Zodiac Message:
Venus - Aries - 2nd House
- Cherish your willpower patiently.
- Enjoy what you think you know about what you want.
- Charm, art, and beauty are the way to do it your own way and get what you need.
Red Moon 🌙& Bad & Boujee 😈 on Gold Coins
Child 👦🏻 on 10 Cups
Black Clover 🍀 on Distractions
Rose 🌹 on 6 Wands
Bunny 🐰 on 4 Wands
Bicycle 🚲 on Aries
Dolphins 🐬 on 6 Swords
Telephone ☎️ on Page of Wands
Color Card: Gold Coins 💰
“I only seek to give you what you ask for.”
Gold Coins gently asks you to look at your relationship with money. Money doesn’t care where it goes. It naturally goes toward appreciation and gratitude. What we do with our own abundance makes the difference. Are you blaming something on money? Are you running from it? Be wary of using your financial situation as an excuse to avoid doing something you love to do. Are you questioning a relationship or career that is hitting a rocky time? It may be time to look for the good in it. Remember there are two sides to every coin. What you desire may currently be manifesting. Great riches are waiting for you to use them. You can ask the universe for riches or poverty, the universe doesn’t care, only you can change your inner experience. “Things” only hold value when we think they do. If there were no money, it didn’t exist, what else would you do? What else would you focus on?
Two things are possible with this person. One, they may be already married or otherwise involved when you meet them. Possibly have children. Two, if they’re not, then they definitely want a marriage & children. This is almost a wolf in sheep’s clothing, especially with Fox here, and it’s not so much in a mean, conniving sort of way, unless they had a whole other family before you…possible. They may play this role to someone else, for you. But for most it’s in a financial way. They are very romantic, clever, charming, madly in love with sweeping someone off of their feet, and they do put in a lot of effort to keep their relationships happy, passionate, and stable. But when it comes to money, this person is almost dangerous in how reckless they can be. Venus is in detriment in Aries, and being 2nd House is telling as well. It’s not a soft & loving kind of placement, it’s notorious for independence and selfishness, in this case when it comes to personal finances and the things they own. Like a home, which is highlighted with 4 Wands here.
Gold Coins highlights the relationship with money, this is a major downfall to this person. Red Moon and the Bad & Boujee bottle, along with the Black Clover 🍀 on Distractions all show stupid impulses, “standards”, possible major issues with money. This could be a gambling problem, definitely a spending problem whether it’s shoes, cars, hair products, I don’t know the what except that it’s excessive and can cause major problems in their life. Probably already has. Fox with Tree can show them being financially bamboozled by a clever salesman type, or they could be that to YOU, putting their health at risk even, or things like insurance, 401k, long term stability that they don’t consider due to the need for convenience, impatience, or satisfaction right NOW. It is only money they are this way with. That I can see. Having Fox here, they will not be open and up front about these issues but will skirt them at every opportunity. Taking accountability means change, which they don’t intend to do.
Knight of Pentacles does show them to be a hardworking person. Not rich, not poor, they earn everything they have. They could be a sucker for a quick scheme, and if that’s the case it’s literally never worked out for them, so idk what the temptation even is there. For a very slight few, it’s possible the ex was this way and took them for everything they had, or they lost everything in a separation. If so, even kids. There’s a possibility of their children living far away from them as well and only really communicating by telephone. They’re the type to not pay child support, cash under the table, scheme scheme scheme. Only take that if it resonates, it’s for those leaving a family, and for that story that’s exactly what they’ll do…but you get the repercussions of all that. If you do not yet know this person, they’re definitely not the type to initiate, you’ll have to show interest, Phone on Page of Wands shows them waiting not initiating, they’re not the type for it. Or the connection starts as messages, not in person.
If not a family then this person may have once lived or traveled somewhere by the sea, with Dolphins on 6 Swords, and they keep in contacts with the friends from wherever they once were, or maybe go back and visit every so often. Could be where the money goes, in part. Distractions has the Black Clover on it and feels more like destructive hobbies that cost a lot of money, keeps them from getting ahead, and blocks success that’s available for them and ready for the taking. If you two have children together, they are a very loving parent. While present. If they have kids far away, they just don’t have them and can’t see a way out of that situation. This is a person that has overcome many difficulties and continues growing, they’re not forever stuck, but they do take a very long time. Or their job is one that isn’t the greatest, but it’s reliable, and saving up for something significant takes a very long time, even longer because there’s always some nonsense or excuse as to why money is missing. They’re responsible with your heart, not so much your wallet. There is a part of them that comes out as a Fox, they manipulate when they feel there is no other way…and they are selfish when it comes to doing what they want and how…just be mindful of that 🙏
I don’t get the best or worst vibes from this person, they just need someone that’s on top of everything to flat out be like “no” when it’s necessary, them leading the troops probably isn’t the wisest idea. But they are supportive, very loving, loyal in love at least so far as I can tell. Money is the issue. Some of them just come with money issues, child support, debt, bad credit, things like that. And they have the potential for success, plenty of money, they just also have the potential to blow it all in one day too. They like fancy things, and love to spend spend spend. It’s part of the deal with them. They could have a gifts love language. You must be the sort of person that’s on top of things to attract someone like this. Or you’ll need to be, they’re a clever one.
Pile 7: New Life 🌱
Page of Cups - The Star - 9 Wands rev & 8 Wands
Regarding: Knight of Cups
Dreaming Way: Book, Tree, Mountain
Oracles: Nurture, Collaboration, Dream
Possible Signs: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius & Aquarius, possibly Scorpio with Death & Topaz
Zodiac Message:
Uranus - Taurus - 7th House
- An unusual example of resources to maintain balance.
- A different way of looking at the practicality of cooperation.
- An unexpected change resulting from the productivity of your partner.
Taurus ♉️ on Topaz
Dancer 💃 on Collaboration
Moulin Rouge 💋 and Bad & Boujee 😈 on Knight of Wands
Cupid 💘 on Temperance
Color Card: Topaz 💛
“If I seek peace, I must embrace my fears.”
Topaz speaks: “To be enlightened is to realize that to gain peace, fear in the heart must be faced.” If Topaz has come to you, he is telling you that it is time to stop talking about what you intend on doing. You must just do it. Things happen for us when we take action, which is the only way to break through what is holding us back. The change that is called for here is surrender, which is an action in itself. No great tasks were ever achieved easily. Remember we do a lot to avoid what we feel will hurt us; you must understand that the pain will recede if you face your fears, allowing you to walk through to the other side. Topaz whispers “Pray for guidance and you will be assisted.” Do not despair, for if Topaz has come to you, relief awaits. By facing your fears, peace and enlightenment will be your reward. That is the gift. All you need to do is ask.
This is a very loving person, romantic, soft, dreamy, emotional, and very partnership oriented, they could be the sort of person that has only ever worked within partnerships, whether that’s love, friendships, family, they’re a “group-minded” and close-knit kind of person with 7th House highlighted. They could have a dominant 7th, possibly with the Sun or Moon there. Taurus also is a very domestic and family oriented sign, whether it actually applies to their chart or not, they are your family person. Nurture shows a picture of a Native woman with a baby on her back, Collaboration shows a pair of people, 10 Cups and 10 Pentacles are here showing groups of very close knit people make them happiest. The group is everything, family is everything, and they are a nurturing & giving type of personality, regardless of gender. Possibly a parent already, if so it’s a defining factor in who they are, or that’s definitely something they want later on.
This person has been through some difficult times in regards to some level of toxicity whether at work or in their family. Could be both. Moulin Rouge and Bad & Boujee show those being along a sexual or provocative nature, there’s been Death & major transformations in themselves regarding this, and it could be any number of things, some very traumatizing. Hugs to them. They may not have been an angel at one time, either playing the field, working in toxic/sensual types of conditions, possible addictions, but have learned and sacrificed for the family, children, there is an energy of sacrifice here which would match all of the Pisces energy coming through, whether it literally applies to signs or not. This may be someone else entirely in their environment or past that had to go. Death is attached to all of these things, it’s in the past.
This person has a lot of healing to do, but they’re happy to do it, a more optimistic and happy personality for sure even with the struggles they’ve been through. They are mature in their energy with Temperance, and The Sun outshines any Moon confusion they may have once had, this is someone aware of their manifestations, where they’ve been, what they want, and where they’re going. All with a very happy energy with this Sun, and a romantic & dreamy outlook on life in general with Knight of Cups. Cupid on Temperance shows them as mature, patient, and very accepting or tolerant of the differences in people, they don’t seem to mind yours if you don’t mind theirs. A very peaceful energy, and not one to rush into things, which if Taurus applies, they rush for no one ever 😆
Taurus being on Topaz could show a person with both Taurus and Scorpio qualities, or possible oppositions like this in their chart that equal a balance in this person’s personality. They’re more patient, fluid, go with the flow, and less stubborn. They may have been hurt in the past, love wise, and you could surprise them because they weren’t looking when you found them, or they didn’t know what they wanted until they found you. It’s a very sweet energy with them.
With Book, Tree, and Mountain, they could be a book worm or an avid learner of all of the things, and what’s highlighted is health obstacles they may have had to face, however that may apply. Self help books, meditations, yoga, anger management or any number of peaceful mind/body tactics may be something they’re into. Tree also pertains to the environment, this could be a very environmentally conscious person, a vegan or vegetarian, a compost creating gardener type, something along those lines. Mountain describes obstacles they’ve faced or are currently dealing with, some may have a long term illness of some kind or some sort of routine to deal with a particular ailment of theirs, like physical therapy, or holistic medicine for example. That won’t apply everywhere, or in any specific way for the collective, just take it how it resonates for you.
Dancer 💃 is on Collaboration, that could be some way you know them, they like to dance or you do this together, maybe take classes, or they have. It’s highlighted with their creativity in a very fun way, and this person seems most focused on the fun of situations, especially in groups of people. The more the merrier!
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ivesambrose · 1 year
Rest of 2023 Forecast 🎐
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1. 2. 3.
Just like that, it's already autumn 🍁
How was everyone's year so far?
Mine was rather eventful towards the later half.
But let's take a look into what the closing messages of 2023 are for you 🩵
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip
Picture 1
Realizing that you want to do and achieve certain things for yourself and not because someone expects way too much from you and you have to somehow gain their validation. However, you'll also come across people who inspire creativity in you and encourage you to step into your power, be more assertive without the fear of standing out.
Whatever labour you put in around this time will have it's turn out by next year. Stay patient, it will be rewarded.
You'll slowly see fortune turn in your favor, there might be sudden changes that push you to walk away from a certain place or situation but you'll be happy to do so. It's likely you were waiting for it for the most part of thr year and it's happening now.
Some of you might also hit the lottery, win a jackpot, receive unexpected money through your business, work or just randomly have it come to you.
You'll be making plans for the next year to venture out, manifest important connections, make travel plans etc you'll be looking forward to having fun and admist all the fun you'll see situations that earlier were out of control or stagnant, fall into place for you.
Be wary of certain manipulative people who seem all talk no show, they're just trying to dupe you into something. Trust your intuition here.
If you have a business or working on launching one, you'll find the right people and see a lot of growth. Have faith in your abilities.
Picture 2
Initially I see you being conflicted with something, being unable to decide with the number of options in front of you. You might also be picturing the possible ways certain things can or will play out in your life and trying to stick to the best case scenario. Eventually, you'll be able to focus. You just require some discipline.
You may also be unable to see the progress you've made so far or are making but it'll suddenly occur to you that you've indeed climbed to the top of the ladder and overcame a lot of obstacles, you're almost there, so it's best to simply enjoy the process and the journey since success is imminent if you don't stop.
There's a possible union with someone special or even celebration with your friends. Gifts being exchanged and a lot of financial prosperity coming your way.
I see by the end of this year you'll be feeling lavish and happy since something significant came through somehow.
I heard the words, "seems I'm lucky after all!"
Picture 3
It may have been a tumultuous year so far, good news is thar youre finally finding your center. Body and mind in sync, slowing down and offering a better perspective of things.
For a lot of you, I see that you had been struggling with your health a lot both physical and mental, you'll be seeing considerable progress. You might start getting into exercise again, likely lower intensity ones, it will give you better benefits as well as put you in a meditative state.
Your true glow up starts now. Instead of pushing yourself to break and grind in order get something you'll simply allow yourself to receive. You might feel creative and want to get back to the arts be in sketching, keeping an art book, makeup, even cooking or fashion/fashion design. You'll be feeling more beautiful inside and out.
You'll be excited to welcome the new year, a new chapter of your life is beginning. You'll be feeling more energised and hopeful. Attend more events, celebrate with friends, make new ones, travel etc
You have a lot of intellect and wisdom, there's a power in your words as well as your voice, you'll be influencing the right people who'd want to be around you or know you personally. Have discernment when letting anyone in, eitherway the right ones will stay and add value to your life.
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n3xii · 2 years
2022 wrap up- what you need to know
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This reading will explore what lessons you learned/need to learn, what energy to leave behind and what's coming towards you in 2023
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Pile one
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lessons you learned/need to learn-
You learned that ignoring and not utlizing the resources around you lead to inaction, delays, lack of progress. Specifically, you were not ultizing painful lessons from the past. I feel like a smaller energy I'm seeing here is that some of you learned that they must inact painful things in order to see movement in their life- Sometimes you have to separate from someone or distance yourself from situations in order to stop repeating cycles. But the bigger or overall enegy I'm picking up on is this pile needed to learn lessons from past pain, breakups, separations, traumas. You were letting those lessons go to waste because you felt they had nothing to bring you but more pain. You've repeated alot of cycles this year because you didn't want to examine the impact something had on you, but in reality you were just dodging powerful lessons. I feel like you guys also needed to learn that impulsiveness doesn't mean bravery or progress. This year you learned that the action you take needs to have a purpose, goal or a plan but this felt difficult to do because you felt insecure in yourself. You lacked the ability to believe in the goals and desires you already had. You know what you want you just didn't know you were able to accomplish those things. But I see you starting to step into that energy of bravery and self confidence, just make sure your actions have purpose going forward into 2023. Let your painful experiences teach you and not victimize you any further. Last but not least, some of you were attracted to reckless enegy but mistakened their enrgy to be brave and confident. Careless, impulsive and egotistical doesn't mean confident, and that was a big lesson you learned this year. People who are mean, pushy, bossy, or overpowering are actually more insecure in themselves. You may have tried to emody this energy or felt attracted to someone like this
What you're leaving behind-
I feel like people who chose this pile thought that over occupying themselves made them more mature, hardworking or efficent and you're actually leaving that behind. This left you drained. You're leaving behind the need to overcompensate for any failures or preconceived failures. I feel like people whose this pile feel like a disappointment, you think that if you take on more shit you will proove yourself to be a hard working, rational and responsible. You're leaving this behind or need to leave this behind in 2023. This is behavior of overcompensating and not self improvement. Your not a disappointment. Any setbacks or "failures" you had this year do not define your self worth but serve as lessons. Circling back to what I said about ultizing painful experiences as a resource, you need to look at any failures or setbacks you had this year as a lesson and not a punishment. Let go of overcompensating and learn from mistakes.
What's coming towards you
I feel like there was a petty, hostile or mentally distressing situation that you had to be around through obligation that is departing from your life. Online or irl situation, doesnt matter. I'm seeing you finally give up on trying to remain in this situation and holding back. It feels like you just give up on this entirely either because you're not obligated to be around it anymore or because it naturally dissipates. I see you finally being able to just relax and not have to be on guard anymore. Whatever this conflict was I'm seeing it leave and resolve in 2023. You no longer feel on guard or like you're gonna say the wrong thing and piss everyone off. You no longer feel like you have to stand your ground or fight for your place to be heard. This could have been a verbal bully, toxic reltionship/friendship, or just bad coworkers. Regardless this toxic and mentally distressing energy is leaving. If there isn't a toxic enrgy in your life that you can think of, this is you giving up on trying not to offend others or appease them. In 2023 you will be speaking your mind without feeling like you have to win every argument.
Pile two
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What you learned/need to learn
This pile needed to learn to listen to their intuition when trying to make descions. In 2022 you got stuck in stalemate with yourself because you couldn't decipher what to do or where to go. you were logically trying to figure everything out but you had so much spinning and going on in your mind that it made it impossible. The whole time, the answer was within you, quietly answering you questions. You didn't know how to feel or what to think when it came to important things in 2022 because you didn't quiet your mind and listen to the part of you that already knew. This process is very hard. Intuition itself is difficult. But overall you learned this year that the answer is not always found when overthinking and frantically searching for answers. You cant google your way into intuition lol. This year you got too caught up in your head trying to figure things out but your mind is so disenfranchised and disorganized that it only lead you deeper into confusion or stalemate.
What you need to leave behind
There has been alot of unfair shit said to you this year or even way before that. Unresolved conflict, unsaid things, wrongs never righted, leaving this behind will serve you, not hurt you. Maybe you never got the last word, maybe you never got the apology you needed, but moving on with your life is not dependent on those things. I'm being shown that whomever this is was never gonna give you the closure or remorse you deserve. People are just cruel. The people who said awful shit to you did so because they knew you well and what would hurt you. they exploited your vulnerabilities and took action. They were cold and calculated. Leave their ass behind. Leave your anger and need for resolution behind. You don't need it. Everyone thinks that clairty will help them move on but the clairty they need is that healing is not dependent on someone else's remorse.
What's coming towards you
I'm seeing a sense of depression, displeasure or lack of purpose coming into your life because you might keep comparing your progress to other people's progress. I'm seeing you actually obtain alot of blessings and opportunities from your hard work next year, but never celebrating it or feeling good about it. You keep focusing on what you're doing wrong or what's not going right. In 2023 you have alot of success coming to you, you will build your own sanctuary and create alot of pathways towards success. You may be working independently, from home or generally by yourself and because of the solitary nature of your job, you feel sad and like you're not doing enough. Just know that it may because you're not around as much people. Depressive states are pointing to the possibility that you need to go out more and reconnect with people. you are enough. 
Pile three
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What you learned/ need to learn
The lessons you learned this year had to do with your emotional reactions to people and needing to know when to withdraw, set back and let your feeling settle. When you are in an unstable emotional state, when you feel urgent, angry, distressed, your mind goes frantic. You feel disorganized and confused even. You learned or need to learn that in order to react appropriately to situations you need to take a step back and withdraw so that you can mentally get in order. When you get riled up, angry, hurt and confused you say or do shit that causes more hurt. You may have anger issues, issues with emotional immaturity, and you learned how important it was to take a step back and reframe situations before immediately reacting to them.
What you need to leave behind
Codependency. Some of you need to learn independence and not relying on people to make you successful, you have to work towards your goals. you have to egnerate self love, not find it. take the wheel and be in charge of your life direction. Be the leader of your own life. Relationships, parents, friends, or even god etc whoever it is is not gonna make you successful if you don't take charge and act. Leave behind the need for praise and approval. You don't need validation from other people, apart of the reason you are co dependent is because you want their approval and validation. This is your life, your independence is what matters not someone's approval. Your worth is inherent. You are worthy of everything and more. Your attachment to someone else does not define your worth. Some people are co dependent on a God to give them approval of their life choices, others are co dependent on tarot, a relationship, their parents even. You litterally don't need anyone else's approval, take the lead over your life. You make shit happen not other people
What's coming towards you
Alot of achievement. Your reading had some brutal honesty but I hope you stuck through because your 2023 year will be amazing. The work and effort you put into shit will pay off and reward you. I'm seeing alot of flexibility come into your life as well, your adaptability helps you graduate into the next step in life. The type of achievement I'm talking about is graduation, spiritual maturity, certificates, getting a good job/internship, degrees. I'm seeing you be cut to the throat, straight forward and strategic in 2023. This energy is very mental, you may come off as cold or uncaring in this time. But it's just because you're investing in your own success next year. You're not playing games or getting distracted, but at the same time you're giving yourself the room to have ups and downs.
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thedivineart · 2 years
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one two three
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© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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In this month you need to be brave from whatever situation your going to deal with, this past few months you may have been feeling of stuck or stagnant and you feel frustrated and stress about it. The divine is telling you that if you want change to come from you then you must know how to step forward so you can move that's the only solution here. However, i see that you may be afraid or just stubborn that's why you feel stagnant, does your current situation serve you well? If not then when? Today you should try to decide what are your plans for the next month so you can move and change however faith and patience is needed hear too, it's doesn't swept it away really fast so you need to work hard for your situation you have so you can be able to be free and peace. You must believe in to yourself and what you can do, if you still thinks negativity then you won't attract the change you want. All the things or whatever situation you have — must deal it independently but remember if you find it hard you can ask help from the people whom you trust the most but doesn't mean you can rely it to them all. Be future oriented and think about your future and learn to let go the past will lead you from a better life living. Since you got the card of " Perfect Timing" here i feel the divine universe and all of the above give you a another month to prove you self, this is the one of the perfect month to move forward and change for the stagnant you feel from the past, if you have any ideas out there show them, if a opportunity comes for you grab it ! Believe in your self and to what you can do.
channeled song:
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pile 2 you may possibly attracted to pile 1 so read it too. you got two possible messages here, the first one is about you need to be brave or stand firm for whatever situationship that this upcoming month will be given to you. While the second one is about you are feeling stagnant or stuck to what situation you have right now, in that case the universe is telling you that is safe to move and don't worry what will gonna happen next cause that's your destiny, how's your life will run. If you really want your dreams and goals happen in next month, you should try harder, if you are doubting yourself - you are enough and capable of. Don't let your fear to hold you back cause we're talking about your future here, if you want a better life, go and make it true. This past few day( weeks/months) you don't actually feeling yourself or you keep pretending to people who surrounds you, probably you think that they wouldn't understand you? perhaps will judge you. Don't think too much and allow to free your true self to shine like a star at darkest of night, you are always amazing and awesome for being yourself. If you are someone who can't say no to someone favor even though you doesn't like it, allow yourself to speak up and tell them that you doesn't like it or just simply saying NO, remember only stand for what you want from you didn't want too.
channeled song:
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what are the things you want to release in this upcoming month? in the month of April you will be releasing some of negative situationship you been dealing with could be about the people around you and your circumstances, your job/career, your love life that aren't serving you well, a break up or a seperation, it feels like you wanted to release something that feels heavy and negative about you or something that makes you feel down perhaps being feel alone, sad, pain or even lacking of confidence yk. Take a time to release this situation you have at the present or from the past cause your spirit guides and the universe are confirming that it is safe to move on and let go the past. However i see that you may struggle to let go of this “situation” you have been deal with or you will have a hard time for the change you will going to enter, trust yourself and not the others cause you were the author of your own life, you will be the one who will decide your own path.
channeled song:
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Pile 1 - Two of Wands
||You have adventures awaiting you. Recent hopes and aspirations will reveal themselves in the forms of new options or areas of expertise. Make sure you have time on your hands to accept these new callings. This may be a good month to write down your goals and musings. A sweet, soft, and lavish reward awaits you at the end of June. Allow yourself to embrace a bold, courageous persona so you can look back and relish in the narrative you are creating.||
Pile 2 - Nine of Pentacles
||You have been working tirelessly, and June will provide you the release you seek. A spark of positive energy and light will find you during this month. Though life may seem to be just one burden after another, if you keep reaching for deeper meaning you will find the pleasures you seek. Trying again and redoing things is not just a mistake or loss: it is an opportunity to be fully present in that moment. Being attuned to your body is essential for energy and mental clarity. Search within your dreams, and don't be ashamed of what brings you joy.||
Pile 3 - Four of Swords
||Now is a time of repose. You may be facing burnout or sleeping more than usual. The beginning of June will bring you the calm you need to gather yourself. Little moments of beauty have been pushed aside and they are waiting to be welcomed back. Invite self-care and adornments into your daily rituals. Allow yourself to partake in things you might usually withhold from yourself, or save for a "special occasion". June has space for you in it, and you have every right to take up that space.||
$1 tarot readings || more pick a pile
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emidealia · 2 years
☆ how to LOVE YOURSELF more, what you need to hear ☆
hii beautiful! welcome to my pick a picture tarot reading. <3
this is about advice you need to hear to get it together and what is blocking you. self-love and improvement.
i used tarot, oracle and intuition.
take with you what applies, leave the rest.
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trusting your intuition pick a picture. top row 1, 2, 3, lower row 4, 5, 6.
pile number 1
Right away i see you need to trust your intuition more. You have trouble making decisions because of your role, you put others before you and that is what’s blocking you. It’s hard because others depend on you and obiously you have more pressure on you, also making you overthink and stress over decisions.
I sense the solution lies in being patient with yourself, don’t rush, don’t be scared of being selfish sometimes. There may be underlying insecurities stopping you from believing in yourself even.
But remember you are constantly attracting your desires and abundance. The universe has your back, don’t be fearful of being driven away from your dreams. There really are no wrong choices, different paths of course but it’s always what you make of what you have, if that makes sense. Trust the process and everything is happening as it should.
There are secret beginnings waiting for you and you will be in aligment once you learn to be more confident in your own mind, being aware of your needs and opinions and of course trusting your intuition. I feel there will be someone who will teach you more about your gut feeling. Have an awesome life love!
pile number 2
It seems you have frustrations and delays in your life, misunderstandings or struggles in communication. All of this affecting your mindset. But these things are happening because of your past, maybe even karma from ancestors. There are some lessons you’ve had to learn the rough way but now you’re having a tough time coming out of this loop of feeling bad and lazy and manifesting more of this.
This is about manifesting, attracting and perspectives. Thing that has helped me in these situations is saying affirmations, doing boards on pinterest about my goals, working out or being in nature- find out what gives you energy. But what drastically helped me was admitting the fact that if you can change something, there’s no reason to whine about it, change it. if you have no control over a situation, there’s also no reason to make yourself feel shitty, you need to move on.
It’s time to take your life into your hands again, in reality you live only for yourself. You cannot ever feel whole or satisfied by getting validation for having a shitty life. Strength, the sun and healing cards came up so you will most definitely come out of this slump and have more you could have wished for. You literally can manage!
pile 3
Wow you remind me of pinkie pie from my little pony haha sorry, i mean it in a good way. Immediately i felt an energy boost, and so many thoughts all at once.
You are such a life force, bundle of joy in people’s lives, you may not believe it though. At the moment are you overworking or just in a materialistic mindset?
Something happened, at school, work or in relationships, a conflict that has caused you much stress, because you feel you were a victim at defeat and you revisit this situation over and over. You may feel incredibly guilty for not having done better or having stood your ground. This is temporary. Four of pentacles show that tough times are over and you have recently or will find a position more stable and satisfactory. But it’s needed to rethink your plans if things got off to a false start. Turn to the joy and success you already have in your life as this will help you find relief, hope and accept the past.
A change might be needed. Don’t be so stubborn and want to have it all at once, you need to be grateful and appreciate your efforts. A big transformation, an end and a beginning coming your way in career matters. Keep your strength but get more in touch with your spiritual side. Grounding yourself, meditating.
Consider what helps you on your path and any issues that hold you back.
Even I keep coming back to your reading thinking aah is there anything else I could've done or said, but really it's time to make plans for moving forward and finding joy in the now. Let go, accept the past in order to move on.
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How can you love yourself more honestly, truly? Being mindful of your actions and communication with yourself and others especially. I feel like you may not have noticed the importance of beautiful connections to people, nature, art… Or how you interact with others through your platform, art, music or just conversation. There may be something off on your part. Do you tend to be a bit… something.
Find your silliness and honesty when expressing yourself to be more relatable, honest and to live in connection. You don’t have to seem perfect or have it all to be worthy of friendships, partnerships, connections in general.
Live in the moment. We really are all on our own paths and through vulnerability giving advice and receiving guidance is part of life. It’s not that serious.
There may be a partnership incoming with ace of cups and ace of pentacles being next to each other. Also a love, devotion, romance card. Whatever form this may come in, it’s a blessing most definitely.
Truly accept yourself in order to make meaningful connections and move forward in your career-hobbies and also in romance.
I’m hearing you do have a gift of expression, public speaking or art. What is it that you admire about others that do the same? Who inspires you and why?
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For you the path for healing your heart consists of inspiration to be in love with life, desire to be softer, get in touch with feminine energy. Be kinder and more honest to your mind, body and soul. You do deserve to be living your dream life and it will happen, it really really will.
There will be a lesson moment before the sun can shine, but this is a cycle of nature, destroy and repair. You are such a kind being and i feel for once you need to accept support from others as well.
You also will be exploring a bit in terms of what is right for you, what hobbies give you energy and motivation, it may be about people as well. Having this powerful joy in your day-today routine will provide you with more clarity and it’s a way of self care and healing.
Also, you have been desperately trying to find love, hoping it will heal you. Excusez-moi for such and overused comment but, extremely important you love yourself before loving anyone else. Give yourself love not because you have to but want to. Be sincerely kind towards yourself <3
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Take time off. Might have to delay something, postpone an event, plan. You may feel without support at the moment, but it could be more of an attitude than reality. Either way this is a time to focus on your well-being and confidence. It’s a good thing really.
You seem happy, you have it all and you feel unstoppable. You quite literally do and this is a divine plan, it is about your soul gifts and destiny. Your projects and relationships are flourishing.
There is a possibility to take the next step towards your dreams, a decision, moving or taking a risk in career. Also new amazing partnership may come in with good advice and love.
So this is really about stepping into your confidence, being refreshed, trusting your abilities. The high priestress card. Trust your own counsel. The blueprint is within you. You are 100% worth it but you must believe it too.
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love you! proud of you! have yourself a cosmic week!
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