#pi software
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pisoftware · 2 hours ago
Elevate Your Company with SketchUp Studio – A Professional Guide | PiSoftware
Explore how SketchUp Studio can revolutionize your architectural designs with powerful tools and seamless workflows. Learn expert tips to enhance efficiency and precision in your projects.
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simplifypi · 2 months ago
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apriltempleos · 5 months ago
october 1st 2024: drafts!
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preacher: i'm attaching slightly improved versions of our original drafts, but i'll also include mine and scott's garbage sketches under the cut because i think they're a little bit funny
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(image id available through tumblr's accessibility options)
this is a slightly revised version of my original concept for "APRIL".
the main functionality i wanted for "APRIL" was for her to be able to read out words from the templeOS god word app, and ideally without needing keyboard input – hence the microphone. ideally all of her parts are going to fit inside a hollowed out mannequin or doll, which will probably just be the torso, so that she's more portable. for the same reason, i want her to run off a power bank – i want to be able to take her places!
if we manage, we're going to give her an animated LED face which moves to indicate when she's speaking. the way i first pitched it, i wanted it to also change a bit depending on how she "felt" – for example, frowning if the environment was hotter than ideal for the raspberry pi to operate on. but that's a bit beyond our current scope right now. i don't think we even ordered a thermostat.
scott drew the following wiring diagrams based off my original sketch. here revised digitally for readability's sake.
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(image id available through the tumblr accessibility options although i fear it's not very good in this case. feedback appreciated).
scott: I decided to go with the raspberry pi zero 2w because it's what I've got experience coding on, it's relatively cheap for the "brains" of the operation (heh) and can perform both tasks from the godword prophecy generation, speaker operation and led matrix operation simultaneously. Plus its small enough to keep the circuit lightweight and fit inside the initial mannequin design.
This drawing fits no kind of engineering standard by the way lol. It was an initial sketch closer to a wiring diagram to see how it'd physically setup and wrap my head around transforming it from mains power to being theoretically portable and running on powerbanks. Unfortunately the LED matrix is really fucking power hungry so needs its own power supply of really specific voltage and current draws hence all the converters.
Also because Im using the smaller and cheaper pi, as oppossed to a stronger system like the pi4, it doesn't have any audio out jack so I plan to use the micro usb for audio out which means yet again I need another adapter for a soundcard and usb to micro usb adapters and all that jazz. Usually sound out can be done through the GPIO pins but the LED matrix takes so many pins that I cant really take anything form them so I had to look for other ways of doing it. Plus this way I get to add a soundcard so if we wanna add microphone support or anything later on we can :)
(Also this is all a little obtuse because I'm trying to do it as much as plug and play and screw terminal style as possible rather than actually solder connections for ease of access and initial setup, but this also works for modular design and component swapping later too so its cool.)
preacher: another reason we're going with plug&play is becauuseeeeee i don't own a soldering iron 😭 it's ok. it's ok.
our silly initial drafts under the cut for your viewing pleasure.
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preacher: these were made around 2 weeks ago, so about september 15th ish.
as you can see the first "APRIL" drawing was beautifully drawn with my fat fingers in the facebook messenger photo editor. i think it holds up. lol.
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charlie-rulerofhell · 1 year ago
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Klaas Helmecke | Shock to the System
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laserlesbians · 8 months ago
sometimes you're fucking around with an rpi that you have for 'speriments and you find out bad enough that you need to OS the box and start over.
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Should I actually make meaningful posts? Like maybe a few series of computer science related topics?
I would have to contemplate format, but I would take suggestions for topics, try and compile learning resources, subtopics to learn and practice problems
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cerulity · 1 year ago
Making your own Home Assistant (theorising)
Disclaimer: This is all theory and speculation. I have not tested anything or made my own home assistant yet, I just looked around for libraries and hardware that are likely compatible. I have not fully tested the compatibility or quality of these, this is simply the first iteration of an idea I have.
I just got news that Amazon Alexa has lost 10 billion dollars because their business model failed. This makes me happy, and has also made me realise that you can make your own home assistant.
Here are some of the links to things (I am aware that some are amazon, but it's the most global I could find. I encourage you to find other sellers, this is just what you should need. If you find anything cheaper or more local to where you are, go for it):
Raspberry Pi 4: https://www.canakit.com/raspberry-pi-4-2gb.html (RAM requirements may differ, I may do testing to see what comfortably runs)
8GB MicroSD: https://www.amazon.ca/Verbatim-Premium-microSDHC-Adapter-10-44081/dp/B00CBAUI40/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3CTN6X9TJXRR2&keywords=microsd%2Bcard%2B8gb&qid=1699209597&s=electronics&sprefix=microsd%2Bcard%2B8gb%2Celectronics%2C91&sr=1-3&th=1
Microphone: https://www.amazon.ca/SunFounder-Microphone-Raspberry-Recognition-Software/dp/B01KLRBHGM?th=1
Coqui STT: https://github.com/coqui-ai/STT
Coqui TTS: https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS
If you have it set up correctly, you should be able to run both the STT and TTS in realtime (see https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS/discussions/904).
After all of them are set up, the only thing to do is bridge it all together with software. There are bindings to Rust for both Coqui libraries (https://github.com/tazz4843/coqui-stt and https://github.com/rowan-sl/coqui-rs), and all that's left to do is implement parsing.
The libraries can also be swapped out for different ones if you like. If you can find and implement a DECtalk library that works for the Raspberry Pi, you can use that.
If I ever figure out how to manifest this idea, I will likely make the project modular so that you can use whatever library you want. You can even fork the project and include your own library of choice (if you can bind it to Rust).
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spamhamandeggs · 1 year ago
Project isn't working
Connect oscilloscope to check if it's generating the signal you expect
See a signal that makes absolutely no sense
Now you're even more confused than before
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veuhoffblog · 1 year ago
Raspberry Pi 4 Video Looper (Videos in Endlosschleife wiedergeben)
In diesem Beitrag verwenden wir einen aktuellen Raspberry Pi 4 für den Einsatz als stromsparenden Video-Looper. Die Installation und Inbetriebnahme dauern nur wenige Minuten. Anschließend können wir beliebig viele Videodateien auf einen USB-Stick speichern...[Weiterlesen]
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pisoftware · 4 days ago
"Microsoft Products by PI Software – Your Trusted Microsoft Reseller in India"
"Explore a wide range of Microsoft solutions including Microsoft 365, Azure, Dynamics 365, and more, offered by PI Software. Benefit from competitive pricing, customized solutions, and dedicated customer support."
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the-demopan · 1 year ago
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cooking currently
don't know when I can actually begin construction
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apriltempleos · 5 months ago
october 8th 2024: so many updates!!
preacher: guyssssssssssss!!! APRIL is homeeeeee!!!!!
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we will post the contents soon. i already had time to open it and look over everything. the pi zero is so tiny and the raspberry logo decal is so cute 😭 i can't wait to post pictures.
unfortunately, the LED matrix is far bigger than we planned :/ there is no way it could fit in the face the way that i imagined. i think either we will end up installing it in the chest, or mounting it on the head in such a way that the top part is obscured but the chin and mouth are still visible? kinda like, angel halo style, idk... in any case we will figure something out.
also, scott painted the mannequin while i was at school!
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we're skipping the legs since we'll be chopping those off anyway. in any case, it already looks much better but we'll still be putting another coat of paint on top so that it's glossy. (we got radiator paint. it's the only kind they had. what can you do.)
also, also: the usb converter arrived yesterday, so we can post some more code later :P now that we can finally view it. lol
i'm so excited. we're soooo close to putting the whole thing together now!
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olivergisttv · 10 days ago
How to Build a Raspberry Pi-Powered Smart Mirror
Building a Raspberry Pi-powered smart mirror is an engaging project that combines hardware assembly with software configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your own smart mirror: Materials Needed: Raspberry Pi: A Raspberry Pi 3 or newer model. Monitor: A monitor with HDMI input; the size depends on your preference. Two-Way Mirror Acrylic: This allows the display to show…
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frog707 · 1 month ago
I maintain and publish a couple open-source libraries that are cross-compiled for 32-bit Linux-on-ARM platforms such as the Raspberry Pi. I think it's important to test the code I publish. Unfortunately, my test machine (a Pi 400) can't execute those binaries because its operating system is too old: in particular, its "stdc++" library isn't recent enough.
A colleague in Cairo, Egypt told me various ways to upgrade the library by installing a newer compiler on the Pi. I tried them last night without success.
My current plan is to install a newer version of the operating system. This involves downloading a disk image and writing it to the Pi's MicroSD card. To do that, I need a USB-MicroSD adapter for my HP laptop. They cost about $10 or $20 online, but I'd rather not wait for shipping. So I'm running out to Staples this morning to buy an adapter.
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simplifypi · 2 months ago
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bibleofficial · 2 months ago
i just think it’s funny that raspberry pi seems to plan their releases around that of apple’s
#stream#both cult followings ….#that im apart of ………#idk i’ve always been an apple fanthem i guess#perhaps it’s also due to me growing up poor & seeing it as a status symbol but by the time the 5s or so was released they had started being#subsidized for the poors following the monopoly breakup w at&t so i had an what was it it was either an 8 or 16gb 4s for 99c in#it was 2014/2015 or so i don’t remember i still have that fucking phone the back cracked bc my sexy fatass geometry teacher fucking stepped#on my binder on accident during a test u know when in school u had to put ur bag or binder at the front of class during tests#but i also got an ipod touch in like 2012 i think loved it it was green my mother got it for my brother & i for christmas#& that’s when i hopped on the Dual Phone Train#never grew out of it#i had an 14 & se 1st gen now i’m triple wielding bc i got robbed so ptsd ive got 12 mini 15 ? 16 ? idk i dont use it it just stays home that#the tx phone bc it doesn’t have a sim card slot as american so it’s esim only therefore literally an ipod#& that’s what i use it as - i also have my us whatsapp on there & i use it to call my banks#but that’s like once a month#so#triple wielding w the se#i hate the new ios like ios 18 it’s gotten too complicated#literally loved apple bc of its simplicity idk as if i didn’t get a pi to get into software & webhosting as was my dream as a child#literally in elementary school i wanted to build my own website so bad i literally went to the library & was reading books on how to build a#server then i asked my parents & they were like ‘wow that’s so cool :) we don’t have any money :) that’s why u were at the library :) & know#so much about libraries :) bc they’re free :) bc ur poor :)’ ALSKALSKALKSLAKSLALSASL#MORE PPL NEED TO USE LIBRARIES#blessed to live like down the street from a library#actually blessed to literally be living in a ‘15 minute city’#also accidentally ordered a compute module 4 so :/#i thought i was ordering the module 5 ALSJALKSLAKSLAKSLAKSLAKSLKSLA#RASPBERRY DROP THE 5S I KNOW U GOT STOCK FUCK U#i’m literally going to make a dual cloud hosting server & also a website host so i can finally provide my family back home w a website for#them to see when i take pics & stuff
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