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rollinginthedeep-swan · 5 months ago
Les créateurs photosensibles comme moi, est-ce que vous avez noté une tendance à créer des choses un peu "trop" sombres et à devoir souvent corriger votre taf pour apporter un contraste un peu plus "lumineux" (tout en gardant votre vibe sombre hein, on s'entend)
Je demande parce que j'ai le problème et j'ai, de mon côté, mis un moment à réaliser que mon taf était parfois plus "opaque" que ce que je pensais, étant donné que mes mirettes sont susceptibles.
Et que bosser sur du design clair, c'est un cal-vaire.
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saltypeanutnerd · 7 months ago
Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 16 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D devrait atteindre 2320 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 14,0% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 16 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Matériau de résine photosensible pour impression 3D comprennent Stratasys, Arkema, Wanhua Chemical, BASF 3D Printing Solutions, Henkel, Anycubic, Carbon, Formlabs, 3D Systems, Esun Industrial, etc. En 2023, les dix premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 53,0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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azzzryel · 2 months ago
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A force, Nor prend l'habitude de cacher la DS avant d'aller dormir
Et oui, Teylan doit porter des lunettes parce que jouer à la console dans le noir, quand on a des yeux photosensibles, c'est pas très malin :)
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annaxmalina · 1 year ago
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{2023} lumen & chemigram
read more about it here
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les-larmes-d-eros · 17 days ago
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Série Les Feuilles Mortes, anthotype par Naoual Peleau
Un anthotype est une image créée à partir de substances photosensibles provenant des plantes. J’utilise des feuilles de tilleul, leur forme étant celle qui ressemble le plus à celle de mon visage et mon corps. Le principe est de les exposer plusieurs heures au soleil. C’est sa lumière qui marque les parties exposées et révèle l’image.
Il s’agit d’une réflexion sur le temps qui passe et la peur de vieillir. J’ai envie de parler de sensibilité, de fragilité et du caractère éphémère de la vie.
Le temps est au cœur du projet ; l’important est la durée du jour et de l’été. Je suis pressée par la lumière qui décline et les feuilles qui roussissent.
Avec ce travail, je mets en évidence un rapport fusionnel avec la nature : ainsi exposée sur des feuilles, je ne fais littéralement qu’une avec elle.
Il en résulte des feuilles très fragiles et toujours sensibles à la lumière du soleil.
Si chaque exposition est unique, je peux reproduire l’image plusieurs fois. Selon la taille et la forme des feuilles, je peux délimiter mon corps entier ou le découper.
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pop-art-sixties-seventies · 10 months ago
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Dominique Champion - L'artiste altère la surface photosensible à l'aide de pigment et de colorant. Tirage contrecollé sur bois. Exposition de Paris, 1967.
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iamthekaijuking · 9 months ago
Gigabash character overview: Rohanna
Plant kaiju are kind of a rarity in the genre. Hell, I’m pretty sure there’s more animate object kaiju than there are plant ones. I suppose that’s cause the average viewer/reader of kaiju media would probably be more engaged with a more active animal-like kaiju than an immobile plant one (plants can actually move btw… just very slowly and they usually aren’t mobile). So I was quite surprised when Passion Republic Games revealed that a character in Gigabash’s roster was a plant monster! PRG got around this classic conundrum by simply… making her a mobile plant. She also covers the “nature’s vengeance” archetype popular in kaiju fiction… sorta. We’ll get to that.
Rohanna is, of course, also the only confirmed female kaiju in the original roster.
Rohanna is an agile, slight stunlock heavy, character with fast attacks, some of the slightly slower ones of which hit hard and/or are ranged. She even has a “teleportation” attack that is a little tricky to aim. She also has three quirky moves too. One has her summon a big thorny branch that knocks an opponent upwards, but she can also use it as a club like some of the infrastructure in some of the stages. Her other two moves each summon a minion for a short duration, one of which is actually her ultimate. These minions are respectively called Piki the Pear and the Royal Warden.
I normally play Pipijuras and another character, but if things get serious and I wanna win I bust Rohanna out.
Rohanna, despite being in a game heavily inspired by Ultraman, wasn’t actually inspired by their handful of plant monsters or even the most famous plant kaiju, Biollante. Instead, Passion Republic Games wanted to make something that represents their home country of Malaysia, and so based her off a Malaysian cryptid called the Sang Kelembai. This is a little ironic considering the creature is described as pretty hideous in legend and Rohanna is a beautiful flower monster, but her left arm (which grew back this way after being burnt away by a certain “dragon king” we’ll cover next) is purposely designed to be monstrous to reference the creature that inspired her. Further inspiration was taken from the Bunga Raya flower and the Malaysian tiger, the patterning of the latter was used for Rohanna’s S-class form. Rohanna has some concept art.
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Interestingly, Rohanna’s eyes are actually the green glowing slits on her chest, which is shared with the Royal Wardens. Her flower head merely has eye-like markings, although considering that she turns it to “look” at opponents it’s probably safe to say that it has some photosensing abilities too. The devs also said she can absorb the genome of any plant she comes across and can replicate it.
Rohanna is another one of the kaiju of Tarabak Island and one of the big three fighting for dominance. Her terf is specifically west of the dam that the fallen civilization of Tarabak built, and is defended by giant thorny vines and patrolled by Royal Wardens.
In the in universe book The Lost World of Tarabak by Petyr Faust, the same one that told us about Skorak, we learn a bit more about the civil war situation going on. I neglected to mention but one of Petyr’s party members, Doug, actually knew the language of the natives and so acted as a translator, and he also wanted to become a member of the Eyes of Skorak. In fact it was the sole reason he came on the expedition, and he ultimately stayed on the island and was enslaved by the followers of the “infamous dragon king”.
We learn from Rohanna’s followers that another reason people rebelled against the dragon was that aristocrats actually leveraged their guardian monster against anyone they didn’t like, which very quickly led to an authoritarian government.
When Skorak ate the dragon from the inside out, some people fled the city and eventually wondered into Rohanna’s territory. Luckily for them, Rohanna actually provided them with food and shelter, and still does to this day. Out of the three kaiju and their factions fighting for control over Tarabak, I’ve got to admit the followers of Rohanna do have it the best of the three. In comparison to the indifference of Skorak and the cruelty of the dragon king, Rohanna actually cares about her worshipers somewhat. However there is a catch; her followers must be unflinchingly loyal to her and support of another kaiju is met with death. This fate almost befell Petyr’s crew when Rohanna saw Doug’s Skorak mask, but they were saved by the Eyes of Skorak throwing stink bombs at her army, which also tells us that Rohanna’s kind have a keen sense of smell. Unusual for a plant.
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It’s Rohanna’s intolerance of people not worshipping her and a few other things that make me think she’s not actually a selfless being or even an embodiment of nature’s wrath, and in fact I think the only reason Rohanna was kind to the people fleeing from the collapsing civilization of Tarabak all those years ago was just so she could have worshippers of her own. Rohanna only ever leaves her territory unless another kaiju slights her or other humans take something from her, like her Pikis. There was one time Rohanna attacked Japan at the beginning of Thundatross’s story mode for reasons we don’t know, but since OtamaTEC researches kaiju and Giga Energy they might have actually taken something from her. It seems like Rohanna only ever plays the role of “natures wrath” when it directly benefits her, which I honestly think adds a cool extra layer of pathos to her character.
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Passion Republic Games made some art of her and a Piki for Mother’s Day.
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It’s really cute and sweet, but it also leads into something I’ve been wondering. Are the Pikis actually her children? Or do they simply see Rohanna as a mother figure? If they are her children, then are the Royal Wardens males? Or maybe a warrior caste like ants? Is Rohanna the queen caste of an eusocial species of plant kaiju?!
Also I don’t really know where to put this tidbit but one of Rohanna’s taunts is a reference to Filthy Frank. Do what that information what you will.
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gotta-pet-em-all · 9 months ago
are you photosensible? the final fight is a bit uh, creative with its presentation and as an abled person i'm not sure it's something that would hurt you
photosensible? is that like the opposite of photosensitive?
it might give me a headache at worst, but it won't put my health in danger. thank you for checking with me, anon.
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ccaptain · 11 months ago
while this is an headcanon of mine that was related to my big period of ''KAEYA HAS THE CURSE'', I will be adapting it to fit a more neutral narrative about it:
Kaeya suffers from a mild case of photosensibility.
He discovered it when he was brought to the surface of Teyvat and left at the Dawn Winery when he was just a kid: the abrupt change from mild light underground to intense sunlight caused him to have a startingly debilitating migraine that greatly worried Crepus and the winery staff, until an healer managed to be called and give him a potion to keep the worst of it at bay until his body adapted to the change. Thankfully, Kaeya adapted quickly to it, but the potion's recipe was also given to Albedo to prepare for him ''just in case''.
Kaeya's black and gold eye became 80% blind upon Diluc's attack on him, and the constant motion of shadows mixing with his normal, unimpaired sight could sometimes be a trigger for a migraine, hence why his decision to keep it covered. 
While this got better as he kept growing, sometimes the problem resurfaces when there's an abrupt change as he moves environments a bit too suddendly. In my verse with @daybreakrising's Wrio, the shift between the surface and Meropide did ended up causing him quite an inconveniencing migraine that, thankfully, only lasted a few days thanks to him bringing the soothing potion with him and Wriothesley's stellar care of him.
With time, his eyes got used to the change, and Kaeya no longer had this problem, as he considers the Fortress a cozy place to stay and Wriothesley's quarters with soffused lights a good place to take a nap.
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equipe · 2 years ago
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psych-is-the-name · 2 years ago
ok so despite my attempts to make the shrek icon as photosensative-friendly as possible i was still getting a bunch of complaints
and since there's no way to turn off or avoid people's animated icons on your dash I decided to change it. it's still animated but now it just pulses weirdly :)
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x0401x · 2 years ago
Yes, please do a post after every Tsurune ep, reading them from your pov is amazing!! :D
Ask and ye shall receive. Here comes my opinion of episode 7. Really sorry for taking so long with this!
I usually begin with the positive points when doing these reviews, but I have to break this default here because I've never thought we'd come to this with KyoAni out of all studios. I almost fell off my chair with the horrible CGI in this episode. Yes, 3D and 2D walk hand-in-hand, especially for anime like Tsurune, but the viewers are not supposed to spot the 3D. I did mention before that the animation quality suddenly decreases at certain moments in this season, and this episode has been the worst example of that so far. This legit terrifies me and what makes it worse is that there are several causes for it. And again, this isn't just KyoAni. All Japanese animation studios have been seeing even if just a slight downgrade in overall quality for a few years now. We've just lost another one to this horrifying trend. I know it doesn't seem so bad and sounds like I'm exaggerating here, but this is unthinkable to the standards of such big-name studios. Unfortunately, the tendency is for it to continue, at least for now.
Another thing that bothered me is that this episode seems to be focused on long shots and showing the character's faces as least frequently as possible in order to mask the drop in quality. This is actually a commendable decision, since they're not just giving us static shots that feel a few seconds too lengthy, and instead are using these moments to explore the locations (gotta love that drawing of Kaito on the black board, for example). But it's hard to ignore the discrepancy in art style between said long shots and the contrasting close-ups.
Okay, enough about the animation and on to the story.
It's easy to tell from the first few minutes that KyoAni is still pushing Seiya as the MVP. Just as Seiya was the one who got Minato to realize where and how he had messed up in the tournament with the brilliant idea to record everything, and just as he was an indirect assistance to Kaito and Nanao making up not just by arranging for them to meet up at the dojo but also giving Kaito a prep talk, we have him being ahead of everyone once again in this episode. It's obvious from the beginning that, whatever the boys are trying to grasp here, he already has it all down and is just waiting for them to catch up to him. Yamamura Takuya might as well just make Seiya the protagonist at this point.
The whole deal here was about teamwork once again, but this time around, it was specifically about synchronization. Which, I must say, is one more thing that we should've had in S1 and are getting only now, therefore creating a disconnect between the level that this team should be and the level that it currently is. Just as I discussed in episode 6 that Minato shouldn't have to relearn everything from scratch because that's narratively inconsistent, the same applies to the way that the boys' team is relearning how to... well, be a team. They'd already been doing all of this for a while now, so it's kind of confusing to see them act like it's the first-ever time that they're trying it (not to mention it makes the viewers wonder how the hell they won the prefecturals when they can't even line up properly). Literally all of these movements and tips that they’re just figuring out are things they had been doing perfectly fine until this point and they wouldn’t even be able to participate in tournaments without knowing these basics in the first place. Yet suddenly they don’t. Make it make sense.
Another thing I'd like to make sense of is... why is Eisuke poor in the anime? I get that KyoAni is trying to sell him as someone Relatable TM, but that's going a bit overboard. He already has biological disadvantages (photosensibility), mental disadvantages (claustrophobia), club-related disadvantages (no dojo, no coach) and even spiritual disadvantages (wrong mindset being a bitch in general). There's already enough to sympathize without actually rooting for him. The scenes of Eisuke working hard at a café and having no money to hang out with his colleagues coming right in-between Ryouhei visiting Shuu's extravagant estate are kind of... not a very good look. Eisuke's situation in the anime sort of validate his envy. Makes it seem reasonable, and the only motive as to why it's not truly reasonable is because envy is Bad and you shouldn't harbor it even when the world is so ridiculously unfair. Miss me with that bullshit. I want this little shit to be the spoiled brat he is in canon. Life gave him lemons and he decided to take them and throw on other people. No amount of handicaps can redeem him from the pettiness of having lost to his juniors one (1) time.
All right, now following in this reverse order, we have the good points coming up!
I quite like that this episode showed a side of Masaki we hadn't gotten to see in S1, which is the pure-hearted, childlike elation he displays at his disciples fumbling for solutions and working together to solve problems. S1 was hellbent on the weird revenge stuff and kinda forgot that this guy genuinely loves to see his pupils making progress. The whole point of Masaki as a character is that he doesn’t see himself as the best fit for the job, but he actually is. Because he actually cares about these kids. Because he isn’t using them for revenge in canon. Because that doesn’t suit his personality at all in any possible way. And apparently, KyoAni at last understands that now, thank you very much.
One more thing that got butchered in S1 and this episode finally gave to us was Masaki's second nickname, "pervy old man". I gotta say I was particularly pleased by the fact that Minato's face and voice when he said it were exactly like how I'd imagined it when reading the books, but I'm still not digging the way that this was framed to make Masaki look like an actual pervert for the things he says without thinking. I get that the animators are trying to go for some lighthearted comic relief here, but underneath the joke, it's evident that they're also using these tidbits to poke fun at anything that seems remotely not-heterosexual in the series.
Sounds like another exaggeration, I know, but looking back at S1 and then at this episode, it's easy to find a pattern where Masaki either spouts a double entendre or is caught performing an action that doesn't seem appropriate, and when confronted by anyone about it, he responds in either a desperate or exasperated manner in order to clear up the misunderstanding immediately. These double entendres or actions always frame Masaki as preying on the boys, which is, of course, something that would never happen, so it's all played as a joke. The message this sends out is that the other person is totally overreacting, because Masaki would never make advances on his pupils, except this card is only ever used on the boys, specifically. So what we get between the lines is that making presumptions about Masaki's reckless word choice is ridiculous not just because he clearly isn't into kids, but also because that would be gay.
It's a simple recipe. We viewers are shown ambiguity on purpose and yet we're treated like we're reading too much into it if we so much as assume that it's ambiguous in the first place. Because if we assume it's ambiguous, we're also presuming the presence of homoerotic subtext, which is then shot down as something far-fetched, if not near-impossible. You know those scenes in movies where someone’s trying to connect the dots and comes up with overarching explanations as to how A relates to B, only to be dismissed by other characters telling them that they’re watching too much TV or something? That’s the vibe I get from this cheap-ass narrative device. It’s almost as if KyoAni is speaking directly to us, like, “I know this seems gay as fucking hell, but how dare you assume it's gay! You're implying that this perfectly decent man is a predator!”
Don't get me wrong, of course Masaki isn't actually suggesting or doing anything other than what he's supposed to. But what rubs me wrong about this approach is the fact that it gets gayness and p*dophilia lumped together. That's how KyoAni subtly rids this series of any unjustified gayness (i.e. gayness where you can't pay the "they're really good friends" card). And this is probably the clearest example of the difference between how the anime handles the gay subtext and how the novel does it. The anime makes it come from Masaki, in ways that are wholly unnatural, mostly through word usage that anyone with the bare minimum of common sense would never go for. It then makes the kids react negatively so that Masaki can brush off the delusions of these silly teenagers, because just how far ahead of themselves do they have to get to assume that their coach would want anything of the sort with them!
True enough, he would never want anything of that nature. The novel totally agrees with this. Except it doesn't laugh the gay away as a joke, oh no. The novel takes the gay very seriously. Which is why it gives the subtext from Minato's perspective.
Always from Minato's perspective.
Whenever we have anything coming from Masaki that looks or sounds like something else, it's from Minato's POV, 100% of the time. Not even other characters. Only Minato. And when it sounds like something else, it's usually Masaki being funny, but when it looks like something else, that's mostly Minato being confronted with something he wants that is directly related to Masaki, but that he can't have. Take the scene that this anime equivalent was based off as an example. Everybody (Seiya also tipped in) getting to have an exclusive lecture from Masaki, except for Minato. And there's great emphasis on the fact that everybody got to touch Masaki while Minato didn't. Plus the fact that even Shuu got to have his own share of it, despite him being from a whole different school. And Minato keeps sulking at how unfair all of that is, for days. He wanted to be there. Heck, he wanted to be the only one who gets this privilege. He has to hold it back and it gnaws at him. The pinning is real and it's never framed as negative, because it isn't.
When all is said and done, he manages to keep his ground. And in the end, he gets some sort of compensation for it, which always comes in the form of a private lesson and quality time. That's where he gets to have twice if not thrice as much of what he initially wanted. This is Ayano Kotoko working in accordance to Zen principles: you fight your inner demonds and desires, and for that, you get compensated with enlightenment. In Minato's case, he gets compensated both with that and... with Masaki. As far as plot devices go, that's just mandatory in the novel. It has both a character development and storytelling purpose and acts as a nod to Japanese archery and Buddhist ideologies, so removing that part is very much a disservice to the author’s intentions, but hey! KyoAni can’t pretend that it isn’t gay if it’s from Minato’s perspective. This would be just a kid having a puppy crush, which isn’t a crime and has no reason to be frowned upon if it’s unrequited. Ayano knows this and she makes conscious writing decisions based on that fact. So does KyoAni when reversing the positions.
Basically, KyoAni uses gay subtext in order to dismiss it in a total dick move. It's kind of their way of signaling, "Don't worry, snowflake audience who can't take anything that isn't cishet seriously, you can enjoy this show", and I find this kinda gross, to be honest. Meanwhile, the novel makes the subtext into the text itself, because Ayano Kotoko is powerful like that.
Anyway. I digress. Back to the good things.
The dedication to detail keeps delivering. I love the little things. The way Ryouhei goes back from school on a bus that is headed to a hospital. The knock on his door after he raises his voice that he knows is from his sister. The lush vegetation on the other side of the window looking like it's sprouting from Ryouhei when seen from behind. Shuu's reflex on the dojo's floor being tinted green. The way that a maple leaf falls on the pond and the ripples push away the other four leaves when Ryouhei starts talking about how far behind he is in comparison to everyone else in his team.
But I also love the big, in-your-face things. Ryouhei's shirt having no print except for the word "nice" in a small font next to his heart. Toujou serving cola in porcelain cups. Sae having the exact same reaction as Shuu when he drank it for the first time. The way that the light bulb lits up when Ryouhei talks about how Shuu's family is really supportive of him. The close-up on their wish slips.
My favorite has to be that fucking arrow casting a shadow over Ryouhei and Shuu. Second favorite those paper stripes. All of them represent not just the Kazemai boys' team, but also the girls' team, Masaki, Tomio, Shuu, Sae, Eisuke, Koushirou and even Minato's mom. I dare guess that one of them also represents Ryouhei's sister.
Honorable mention to the most obvious visual symbolism of this episode: the paintings. They sure were used a lot this time around. The painting in Shuu's study and the way his head fits perfectly under the crown in the center. When Eisuke is coarsed into hanging out with Koushirou after work, there's a painting of a grey dog being patted on the head beside him. When Shuu finally asks how Ryouhei and Sae knew each other, we see a painting of opening doors behind him. And goddamn. Goddamn. The way that the rest of the painting is revealed in the next scene. And the way the little boy looks like it's running from Shuu to Ryouhei. Fucking hell, what a good addition. If only KyoAni would put as much effort into the plot as it puts into this.
Also, other than paintings, there was that hilarious coca cola poster behind Eisuke when he's meeting up with Koushirou. For those who couldn't read it, it says, "Beginnings taste good. Peak youth", and that's a referrence to what the characters are going through right now. We're onto a new phase and that's youth at it's max.
Speaking of coca cola, anyone else feeling like KyoAni's going a little overboard with the marketing? First it was the kyudo tools, which I don't really mind, but then the accessories and now this. It's one thing to promote culture and small businesses that keep it alive, but coca cola.......... was kind of annoying. Even more so when there are already so many shows that are basically just one big ad nowadays.
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une-touille-en-vadrouille · 2 years ago
Mesdames et messieurs, bonsoir!
Mes plans ont été un peu bousculés aujourd'hui, puisque j'ai appris qu'il s'agit d'une fête nationale : l'ANZA (pour Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), qui met à l'honneur les soldats tombés lors des différentes guerres mondiales/Vietnam, etc. Du coup, jour férié national ! (Ce qui explique pourquoi tous les hôtels étaient remplis hier soir) Mais uniquement jusqu'à midi, c'est un concept original. Je commence donc ma journée par une petite parade militaire, suivie de scouts qui massacraient la marche au pas avec gaieté, et tous les enfants des collèges/lycées privés du coin. Tous en uniforme du coup, c'était très chou 🥰
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Avant la parade, j'ai essayé de téléphoner au centre de gestion des grottes que je voulais visiter, ils s'annonçaient fermés, snif. Puis prise d'un doute, je rappelle vers 11h : vous vous souvenez du concept du demi jour férié ? C'était applicable pour mes grottes \o/ J'ai donc enfin pu visiter mes grottes à vers luisants (ou asticots luisants, comme dit par notre guide, mais "c'était quand même vachement moins accrocheur"), même si je ne peux pas les prendre en photo : photosensibles, ils réagissent aux flashs, s'éteignent, et meurent de faim... Oups.
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Je suis ensuite passée dans un centre de réhabilitation de la faune sauvage, où ils sauvent à peu près toutes les bestioles à poils ou à plumes qu'ils trouvent dans la région !
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On a eu le droit à un exposé super intéressant sur le diable de Tasmanie, dont j'ai enfin pu voir des spécimens ! Ils ont une technique de reproduction originale : les petits naissent alors qu'ils ne font pas encore la taille d'un grain de riz, ils sont entre 30 et 40, rejoignent la poche de la maman (le diable est un marsupial), et doivent se battre pour obtenir ... Une des 4 tétines disponibles. Un peu violent comme départ dans la vie !
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Les diables ont un gros souci qui est apparu récemment : une maladie est apparue dans la population et les décime. C'est un cancer contagieux (oui, c'est super bizarre) qui se transmet de sang à sang; si beaucoup de diables étaient au début résistants, avec la raréfaction de l'espèce et l'appauvrissement du pool génétique, ils sont de plus en plus sensibles à cette maladie. Tellement en fait que les diables reproduits en refuges ne sont pour l'instant pas relâchés, ils attendent d'avoir réussi à créer des lignées résistantes qui pourraient renouveler ledit pool génétique.
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Ils ont tout un tas de kangourous en liberté aussi, qui peuvent se balader soit avec les humains, soit aller se cacher dans une partie du parc où ils sont tranquilles...
Mais comme nous l'explique le guide, ils ont bien compris que humain = gourmandises distribuées ! (Il y a des petits sacs de nourriture en vente à l'entrée)
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J'ai même croisé quelques mamans avec leurs bébés, trop chous 🥰
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On fait aussi la rencontre d'un wombat de dix huits mois abandonné très très jeune par sa maman blessée, et donc nourri et biberon et non relâchable : c'est un peu la mascotte du refuge maintenant. J'apprends au passage que le wombat a une énorme plaque de cartilage au niveau des fesses (ça fait "toc toc" comme du carton quand on tape dessus) : c'est un de ses moyens de défenses. Quand il est attaqué, il creuse d'abord pour mettre de la terre dans les yeux de son assaillant, puis il lui montre ses fesses pour que ce soit une zone difficilement attrapable, peu innervée et peu irriguée qui trinque, et si ça ne marche pas, il s'aplatit au sol, attend que son prédateur passe au dessus, et l'écrabouille contre le plafond en se redressant de toutes ses forces... Une des raisons pour lesquelles ils ne faut pas laisser chiens ou enfants s'enfoncer dans un terrier de wombat ! (L'autre étant qu'il croque dans cette carotte comme moi dans un macaron, ça a des sacrés dents cette bestiole)
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La journée se finit tranquillement devant un coucher de soleil magnifique (même si mon téléphone a du mal avec cette luminosité spéciale), avec vue sur les gorges de Alum Cliffs.
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Voilà, j'aime ma vie 💕
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loeilenchambre · 2 years ago
Harry Gruyaert - La part des choses au BAL
jusqu'au 24 septembre 2023
Harry Gruyaert, artiste photosensible, documentaire réalisé par Gerrit Messiaen (2018) sur arte.tv
disponible jusqu'au au 30/12/2023
Harry Gruyaert à la MEP (2015)
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je-suis-tombee-sur · 2 years ago
Coll. « Gothic Horror »  PENGUIN BOOKS
Royaume-Uni, 2008 Offset, 181×111 mm (71/8 × 45/8)
La collection rassemble dix classiques de la littérature fantastique et du « roman d’horreur » anglophone au format poche.  La ligne graphique a été conçue par la graphiste Coralie Bickford-Smith, qui a créé pour chaque couverture une image originale utilisant la technique du cyanotype, un procédé primitif de la photographie inventé en 1842 par le savant britannique John F. W. Herschel (1792-1871). Le caractère typographique employé est le Futura (1927) de Paul Renner (1878-1956).
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(1) Quelle relation établissez-vous entre le procédé iconographique employé ici et les romans rassemblés dans cette collection ? 
La technique employée consiste à exposer un objet sur un papier photosensible. Il faut d’abord, dans l’obscurité, laisser sécher le mélange photosensible appliqué sur le papier puis exposer à des rayons ultraviolets l’objet par dessus. Une empreinte en négatif de l’objet est alors révélée sur un fond très obscure en positif. Cette apparition fantomatique s’associe à l’imaginaire surnaturel du genre gothique de la collection. Dans les histoires gothiques, des fantômes, des monstres, des esprits surgissent dans le réel, à l’image de l’objet sur le papier.    Les empreintes en monochromie jaune, ou bichromie blanche, sont éclatantes. Elles entrent en contraste avec le fond noir. Coralie Bickford-Smith joue avec le principe de positif et de négatif, inventé par John F. W. Herschel suite à l’invention du cyanotype, et semble l’associer aux concepts de ténèbres et de lucidité qui sont des thèmes en conflit dans les oeuvres gothiques. De plus, cette contrainte d’une gamme colorée réduite , imposée par la technique, autorise une constance visuelle pour chaque titre ce qui renforce l’esprit de collection. L’emploi d’une triade chromatique est fréquent dans les collections de la maison. Dans « Mystery and crime » (1948-1961) le vert, le noir et le blanc interviennent, par exemple, de façon systématique sans faire intervenir d’autres coloris.    Chaque titre parvient néanmoins à affirmer son individualité. La variété des objets en couverture et le placement de ces derniers dans la page constitue un vocabulaire personnalisé pour chaque histoire. Les objets choisis sont des indices en lien avec l’intrigue de chaque livre de la collection. On peut deviner, dans The spook house, une accumulation de meurtres horrifiques puisque plusieurs couteaux recouvrent le livre. Dans The haunted hotel, on peut supposer que de multiples secrets sont à résoudre par la symbolique de la clé. La technique du cyanotype permet ainsi de produire des images logiques avec l’ histoire unique de chaque titre. La graphiste peut choisir librement le sujet photographié tout en conservant une gamme chromatique et une texture qui fait collection.  
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(2) Comment qualifieriez-vous le vocabulaire typographique (choix du caractère et de ses différentes variables, présence dans la composition) utilisé par la graphiste ?
La collection « Gothic Horror », à l’image du lieu de naissance de ce genre littéraire, s’inscrit dans la tradition britannique en matière de composition. Cette tradition est d’ailleurs une des spécificités des premiers ouvrages de la maison d’édition anglaise Penguin Books. Toutes les informations relatives à l’oeuvre sont donc centrées. On note quelques exceptions, notamment pour le titreThe spook house de Ambrose Bierce dont la composition renversée à la verticale est sûrement plus appropriée avec l’inclinaison des couteaux. La graphiste applique donc, en principe, une répétition du modèle de composition mais s’autorise de légères variations lorsqu’il s’agit de crée un dynamisme propre à certains titres vis à vis de leur image singulière.    Coralie Bickford-Smith choisit de composer le titre ainsi que le nom de l’auteur en Futura et systématiquement en capitales. Ce choix fait référence à l’usage du Gill Sans dans les premiers livres de poches de Penguin. Elle rajoute de l’espace entre chaque lettres comme conseillé par Tschichold dans les Penguin Composition Rules (1947-1949) pour plus de lisibilité. Ce clin d’oeil à l’histoire de la maison d’édition permet donc de souligner sa propriété de la totalité des titres. Ce dernier est, par ailleurs, rappelé dans le coin gauche de chaque titre par l’emblématique logotype d’Edward Young. L’image est même systématiquement travaillée pour ne pas déborder sur cet espace. On peut, dans The beetle de Richard Marsh, voir que le scarabée est incliné pour laisser la place nécessaire au macaron Penguin Books.   On constate cependant que une difficulté d’accord dans la taille des corps et dans les espacements entre les divers blocs de textes. En effet, la technique du cyanotype ne permet pas de réduire la taille des objets exposés. Les éléments typographiques doivent donc s’adapter. Cela implique une réduction ou augmentation du corps et des placements variable pour occuper les vides inoccupés par l’image. Néanmoins, Coralie Bickford-Smith s’applique à garder une classification identique des éléments. On retrouve, dans l’ordre, le titre de la publication, le commentaire de la critique, en bas de casse, et enfin le nom de l’auteur. Seuls deux titres, The haunted doll’s house et The spook house, précédemment cité, optent pour un ordre différent. Le titre est placé au milieu des autres informations, plus en retraits, car l’attention du lecteur doit se porter en priorité sur cet élément. Ces deux ouvrages sortent du cadre pré-établi car leur titres semblent nécessiter d’une promotion focalisée sur leur individualité plus que sur leur appartenance à la collection. 
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(3) Comment évaluez-vous le degré d’originalité de cette ligne graphique en regard du genre littéraire considéré et de la forme visuelle sous laquelle il est généralement présenté ? De par les contraintes techniques, la proposition de Coralie Bickford-Smith semble en rupture avec la forme traditionnelle des livres gothiques. Du point de vue iconographique, la graphiste doit proposer un assemblage d’objets pour composer un motif en couverture. Cette proposition est bien plus symbolique et épurée que les formes visuelles traditionnelles employant plutôt des illustrations littérales. On peut constater, dans les autres collections, une tendance à représenter des scènes entre les personnages, souvent pris d’effroi, ou une représentation du lieu de l’intrigue, tel un manoir. Ici, Coralie Bickford-Smith fait le choix de rompre avec la fidèle traduction visuelle du texte. L’objectif est de laisser la surprise au lecteur tout en attisant sa curiosité. Elle mise donc sur visuel mystérieux et symbolique pour entretenir le suspens.    Typographiquement, il est d’usage d’employer des caractères stylisés et fantaisistes dans les publications de ce genre littéraire. On retrouve traditionnellement des formes très courbées, voire des arabesques aves des empattements ou l’emploi de caractères gothiques. Ici, le Futura reste muet face au genre. Il s’accorde avec l’image dans la sobriété géométrique de ses formes. Seule sa composition rappelle l’esthétique anglaise du genre littéraire.  
5000 types 16/ 04/ 2023
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arandom-bathtub · 2 years ago
Not photosensative but like yuh
um . warning now that tumblr is allowing gif pfps . PLEASE dont use gifs with flashing or eyestraining colours <3 since the gifs Cannot be turned off it WILL negatively affect photosensitive people
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