#phoenix yaps
coming out as the number 1 monix monosix whatever HATER. THEY ARE 9 YEARS OLD AND THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS.
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feralforbeanix · 2 months
Manfred Von Karma did not burn Phoenix's letters to Miles.
Like, I'm not even saying this to defend Manfred's character (though the fanbase does get a little crazy with what he actually did and didn't do) I'm saying this because that's not canon. I'm not sure it was even possible in canon.
Phoenix didn't write letters to Germany. He didn't know Miles was in Germany, let alone Von Karma's address. He didn't even know who Von Karma was until Edgeworth told him about Manfred in Turnabout Goodbyes.
In the game canon, Miles just stopped showing up to school one day. All Phoenix seemed to know was that he transferred schools suddenly. He didn't know why or where to. Remember, Phoenix didn't even hear about DL-6 until Turnabout Sisters when Maya mentioned her family's involvement.
Even in the anime canon (I haven't watched the anime in a while so I might be off about this) where Phoenix and Miles get a chance to properly say goodbye, Phoenix still doesn't have a direct means of contacting him. His best way of doing so was dedicating a song through the radio using Signal Samurai codenames and hoping Miles would hear it.
Phoenix mentions trying to contact him several times when explaining their relationship to Maya, but this was after finding out Miles was this "Demon Attorney". Miles would have to be at least 20 at this point in time, living back in California with at least a few trials under his belt. With how young he reached success, it's not impossible Miles was living on his own at the time. Even if he wasn't, I doubt Manfred was going through this grown adult's mail.
No, what the game seems to be implying is that Miles ignored Phoenix. (Maya even says, "I guess he didn't want to hear from his old friends.") And I don't think this was out of hatred or anything, I think Miles just wanted to forget his past entirely because even the good memories of his childhood would be bittersweet at best.
And to be honest that makes it even more tragic to me. Why do we need Manfred to intercept their connection when Miles' trauma and guilt complex is already doing that?
I like to think Miles knew Phoenix would be asking questions if he ever responded to those initial attempts at contact. Questions he of course doesn't want to answer because they'd at best open old wounds or at worst risk his childhood friend finding out he might have committed patricide.
I also like to think he knew Phoenix of all people would stubbornly try to find the answers Miles wouldn't willingly give because he literally mentions Phoenix always being "single minded in his work" and "always seeing things through to the end". If anyone was going to press and bring those uncomfortable and painful memories out in the open for the sake of "helping him", it would be Phoenix Wright.
Why do we need Manfred to take away all that complexity and tragedy? That is such a waste!
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syngmanyeep · 8 months
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spiritual training under a waterfall
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 5 months
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Mf with academic validation issues who grew up in an emotionally neglectful family gets 1 compliment once
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Save my boy Deuce 🩵🩵🩵
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bagel-bird-ainsor · 1 month
Had a dream last night that there was a Pokémon/Ace Attorney crossover game (from what I remember it was pretty standard 3D Pokémon fare but AA characters were in it) BUT THE IMPORTANT THING is that I was just wandering around and there was a sudden quicktime event to kiss Phoenix Wright and I MESSED IT UP and immediately woke up due to the devastation.
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bemydeathcult · 2 months
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nortsauce · 1 month
I like your nonhuman phoenix headcanon because no one talks about the fact that he doesn't have a family. My headcanon for him is that he barely remembers any of his childhood except when he was friends with Larry and Miles in elementary school then moved away during middle school and the next thing he remembers is that he's waking up in a cornfield with millions of dollars, the deed to an apartment, and a college acceptance letter, so he just starts going to college and the reason he's so mentally young in his first trial was because he didn't have much of a childhood.
Also yeah its weird that Phoenix, someone who literally cannot stop talking/roasting the people he loves, NEVER SPEAKS ABOUT HIS OWN FAMILY.
This dude is so cagey when it comes to himself that it gets crazy. I imagine that his friends and found-family get so frustrated with his ass because when it comes to getting him a birthday present he will literally never talk about what he wants or likes.
Its like getting a guy a Christmas Present only to find out THE DAY OF THE GIFT GIVING that he might be celebrating HANUKKAH. AND THATS A /MIGHT/ BE.
But yeah i don’t have one set vision of Phoenix’s past. I just fully believe he’s a little weirder than we give him credit for.
He’s such a chaotic good, in the sense where you share a sandwich with him one day in preschool and years later he’s defending you against a mob boss who wants your ass dead.
Clearly something is weird with him and i love it LMFAO it’s like he learned how to be human off of kids cartoons!
So whether he was made in a lab, spawned, created by gods, or even just a literal phoenix that reincarnates every 100 years (see: Ryunosuke Naruhodo) he’s weird and i love him.
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darkrooklobby · 27 days
🦜Apollo Justice trilogy (the rant/analysis)🎵✨
Welcome! Allow me to specify what this rant is about:
The game, Apollo Justice (2007 - 2008)
The characters (Apollo, Phoenix, and the Gavin brothers)
The wasted potential (i.e. the other games) (I'm most familiar with AA1-4 the others i've briefly looked at)
Just angry thoughts at 3am
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[also the ⚪bulleted points⚪ are facts, the rest is my subjective yapping]
Before I begin my rant, here's some basic information about the game's development:
It's the last game directed by Shu Takumi. The rest of the trilogy is directed by his assistant (Takeshi Yamazaki) meanwhile Shu was busy with the Professor Layton crossover + The great ace attorney.
Capcom literally demanded to insert Phoenix into the game. Shu was against putting Phoenix in, feeling that his story has already come to a natural conclusion, stating, "I felt that Phoenix's story had been told, and that the series should not continue. Knowing when to end a story is very important and I wanted to avoid dragging it out and having it become a shadow of its former self." (Takumi)
In the end, Shu was forced to put Phoenix in, and we got hobo Phoenix, or as I like to call him, Beanix.
Okay so, a brief pause. From what we already know, there is a conflict of interests during development. We have a small group of artists that did a small project called ✨Ace Attorney✨ and then the corporate realized they're sitting on a goldmine. Capcom did not want their mascot, their cash cow, Phoenix Wright, to go just yet. Shu (who wanted a fresh start, and creative freedom) was torn, his team was torn between letting Phoenix go and bringing him in, and you notice that in the game as it goes back and forth. It goes between Phoenix being a main character, interfering, or disappearing for long periods of time. It was on and off, just like their arguments - corporate vs. creative freedom, old vs. the new.
It creates an... odd atmosphere throughout the game. This indecision and forcefulness. Opinions vary 🙃
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The corporate unfortunately won. We had Phenix back, not in his former glory, but as a character. (Result? Apollo feels less like a protagonist, suffering, feeling irrelevant in his own game. Not always, of course! But most of the time...)
Facts continue! Apollo Justice (AA4) is the last game with 2D sprites, with some rare 3D elements. (Like Cheeto Klavier🧡)
btw, here's some name puns and meanings:
Apollo is literally named after the god of truth.
"Klavier" means "Piano" in German 🎹 - his Japanese name, Kyoya, means, "to echo/resound".
Kristoph's Japanese name, Kirihito (霧人), when reversed (人斬り - hitokiri) literally translates to "the killer".
Trucy's name pun, Trucy Wright, is supposed to sound like "see-through" (tru-through cy-see)
Lamiror = mirror, Wocky Kitaki = Walkie-Talkie, Drew Misham = Draw-me-a-sham, etc.
Okay, so. About the 1️⃣first case1️⃣: It's a widely accepted opinion that the first trial is the best one, and it's hard to disagree. It's a completely new thing (almost as if Shu was planning on starting an entirely new trilogy without Phenix Wright! Can you imagine?!--) and because the first trial is so good, with a great twist and a fun conclusion, other trials pale in comparison. Let's see, we have a new quirky protagonist (he's fine) a gentleman for a mentor (a character with depth, as we will come to know) a fallen attorney with shady history (Mr. Phenix Wright) along a complex, yet understandable, mystery. What is lovely about the first case is that it makes you think just enough, the trial flows nicely for the sub-plot to come out, and the twist is perfect.
Of course, I imagine that Japanese players might have seen the twist coming a bit earlier, looking at Kristoph's name-pun, but all-in-all it's a great start! The question is - is it a great start for the new franchise that Shu wanted to make? Is it a great start for Apollo as an attorney and as a character? ...Or, is it a great start, for the old greedy company to push good old Phoenix back into spotlight and collect more money? 🤔🤔🤔
Here's some facts about the direction the game hoped to take:
The game delved into darker themes on purpose, like a "grown up" version of Ace attorney for the next generation. It was hoping to shift the tone from the previous three games more towards realism. (AA1 was a bit comedic, we cross-examined a parrot, the crimes were less complex compared to AA3. With AA4, the idea was to make AA3 but better.) It tried to set Apollo as a more independent lawyer, trusting no one, without any mentor (like Mia in previous games) coming back every other case.
With the first case, Apollo becomes independent in a sense, but... well.
Apollo basically third-wheeled in Phoenix/Kristoph divorce. That's basically what happened in that trial. Somehow, we managed to shift all the attention from Apollo's character growth into these two men. Apollo's independent now because he got left alone in the trash while the AA team tries to figure out what the fuck to do with Phoenix and how to shove the whole thing together.
The entire game was made with the idea of change, a fresh start & fresh blood in mind! We don't get much character growth from the main characters AT ALL because, at some point in development, there was a decision made: They thought they will make a sequel. AA games so far relied on story continuity, chronological events, time passing, characters evolving, events making an impact on the characters, etc.
Apollo Justice, a beginning game of a trilogy, was written specifically in a way to have a sequel. There were things left unanswered for a reason. They took things slow, and the idea of the sequel was planned to go more into the Gramarye troupe, Gavin brothers, and Apollo's family. (Shu even had an entire backstory written for the Gavin brothers, but it was scrapped by the new team) (I'll get into it later.) This was also the reason why the game had potential, but never went all the way. The plot was more complex, and was made specifically with a direct continuation in mind, which never came to pass. We instead got... an entire rework. (again, i'll get into it later 😂)
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Some art facts, since i'm an artist: They were thinking over a few variants of the character designs before they settled on the current ones. They wanted to have a protagonist more energetic than Phoenix, more blunt, an idealist, less bluffing, like a new generation kid kinda-thing. Apollo has distinct spiky hair, is different, is less tall, has a wide forehead... did you know, the design team had a few designs with different forehead wide-nesses? Wild. Apollo's color scheme is Godot's inverted, and as far away from Phoenix's dark blue design as possible (gee I wonder why...)
(Also, the Gavin brothers originally had two mirrored pointy hair-swirls, resembling pharaoh head covers, and I think that's dope as hell)
Either way, you must admit that the designs for this game are more detailed, colorful, animated, and beautiful. Honestly!!! 💖 The art direction did splendidly, and I'm glad at least that aspect wasn't affected by the disagreements of the company vs. writers :)
Fun fact: The game sold well, actually. Back in the day, people were into original ideas, instead of everything getting a live-action remake nobody asked for, an animated reimagining, and an unnecessary second part. (...Can you tell I'm dissing Disney? You can.)
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Now that I'm at a point where I can speak of continuations, let's see what happened: The game released as is. It had a story, sometimes a bit awkward because of the team vs. company disagreements being physically felt through the script. People bought it and the fandom was immediately split down the middle into various factions. (Again, I was young, but this point of contention is strong even today.)
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, and liked Phoenix Wright being there.
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, but disliked Phoenix Wright's presence. (my stance right now)
People who disliked the new things because they wanted the same old Phoenix Wright games. They wanted everything that has already concluded, to continue. (my stance 6 years ago - Since it wasn't believable that a guy like Phoenix Wright, with so many friends, would end up like this. It was so unrealistic to me, so odd, that I refused to see this game as canonical. Literal denial 🥲🥲🥲)
People who disliked the game despite being ready for new content, just because.
Next up, 7 YEARS PASS.
Yup. The disagreement, the dissatisfaction from the creators vs. company, split fan reactions, despite a fine profit, caused a change of direction, and a rift. Characters and story-lines forgotten. Literally.
The next entries after Apollo Justice don't mention the events of it -because of a company-enforced "no spoiler/connection" restrictions. Capcom created the restriction to appeal to new fans, while not spoiling previous games so they might be compelled to play them. (Again, corporate wins over… continuity, this time.) - Which means the bare minimum of character growth and history we could have seen IS NOW GONE and will never be brought into relevancy again. (unless I missed something from the 3D games, in which case let me know.)
And we get a complete overhaul, while going back to the classic AA, but this time we get a new cast to focus on and begin again and we pretend Apollo Justice doesn't exist! (Rant number 4, here we go 🥴)
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My main rant so far would be about wasted potential and creative differences. Yes, they weren't strong enough to do a clean break from the past (Capcom forcing Phoenix back, not letting him "die" even though his story concluded) Yes, there's wasted potential because character growth of the protagonist is stunted by greed and confusion (Capcom demands? Fine. Phoenix must be here to appeal to all fans, for all the money. Ok. Cool. We can't be creative anymore and original ideas are shunned! 2008? Bah, nothing has changed in 2024!) and yes, the game's story suffers because of this, despite being very pleasing to look at (the sprites & animations don't hit quite the same anymore.)
I'm not even gonna go into how Apollo was forgotten and suddenly he has four backstories because he failed to establish himself solid in his introductory game without a planned sequel, and Capcom was like "Oh shit this guy exists, um, what do we do" - while also refusing to address and build upon plot points existing in the main game: Apollo had history in court. He had a character building event of incarcerating his mentor. Apollo already had family, which hasn't told him anything yet. He had Trucy. He had a courtroom rival, which he promised to rid of darkness. He gained a new mentor, a shady one, who he punched to the face! He saw the dark side of the law. He saw the "dark age of the law". He saw a better way to do things and fix the system with a jury, which was used once and forgotten about. He had a goal. He had potential... - but then he has been rebuilt and redesigned four times, given things he already had and replaced them and Capcom pulled a nonexistent best friend out of their ass out of nowhere just to give Apollo fake-depth and use (i had to look him up) CLAY TERRAN as A ONE-OFF PLOT POINT and I HATE BAD WRITING LIKE THAT, MAKING A CHARACTER that's just there for that one purpose and---🤬
I'm also not gonna go into the fact that a case-specific NPC gets more character growth than the main cast.
And I also won't rant about the 3D continuations of AA. All I'm gonna say is that, they shouldn't be under a name "Apollo Justice Trilogy" because, what the fuck happened to that guy. Who is he even? What? What game are you basing this on? Who?
The game was like a failed start to do something new... and not achieving it, stopping short of crossing the final line bravely.
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This was 3 am. yapping, I hope to inspire discussion, roast my opinions I love to argue over nerdy shit 💖🥰💖
(sources: Ace Attorney Wiki, VGfacts, NezumiVA, AA_Facts on Twitter)
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doopn00p · 5 months
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I feel like Ini and Acro get along well
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1onescu · 3 months
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𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
seventeen, lesbian, aubrey griffins and kahleah coppers totally real and legal wife, basic white girl music, t swift enthusiastic
! DNI list:
zionists, sexists, transphobes, racists, homophobes, ableist, mysognists, incest shippers, nazis, anti-he/they lesbians, anti-neopronouns and anything that sort !
music taste- taylor swift, frank ocean, beabadoobee, gracie abrams, future, phoebe bridgers, mitski, billie eilish, chase atlantic, noah kahan, beyonce, the goo goo dolls, lorde, justin bieber, lady gaga, megan thee stallion, kendrick lamar, travis scott, metro booming, the weeknd, salvia paith, lil peep, tate mcrae, asap rocky, yeat
daily click for palestine 🍉
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illamda-spaminations · 3 months
[Had to edit this post cuz I forgot the difference between waistcoat and blazer :,D I also fixed some errors I spotted]
The one thing I noticed when it comes to designs of the attorneys is their suits and how it relates to their careers.
Phoenix, during the PW trilogy [especially AA1], wears a coat while Miles wears a two piece suit. Phoenix, at this stage, is a rookie defense attorney, while Miles is an experienced prosecutor [his titles like 'the demon prosecutor' and 'guilty machine' or [something like that] in the anime confirms that he has more than a few cases under his belt]. Mia has this change as well [though it's not as obvious] cuz in T&T she doesn't have a grey waistcoat[? idk what to call it] under her coat. Kristoph as well since he wears a two piece suit in AA4 and his title 'the coolest defense in the west'.
This changes for Phoenix in AA5. He is more mature and has experience. He doesn't call himself a 'rookie' anymore. Now he wears a two piece suit, more akin to Edgeworth. Attorneys who don't have a lot of experience or are starting of either wear an coat or a waistcoat [examples being Athena and Apollo].
Even the other prosecutors in the main line games follow these rules. Simon wears a waistcoat underneath since he is an experienced prosecutor. Godot wears a waistcoat since his first trial is with the player [at least as a prosecutor]. Nahyuta wears a long-neck underneath his suit [this one is also more subtle, like Mia's [which makes me think any attorney with a religious background like to make their outfit more subtle in general]. Even Klavier has a coat, which shows that he isn't that experienced when we face of against him [his naïve trust in the legal system shows as much]. Franziska can also be said to not have a lot of experience, since she's like 17 in JFA, hence why she wears a waistcoat.
The only person who breaks this rule that I can think of is Grossberg, since he only wears a coat and he has a lot of experience, but I think that's because this rule became a design choice during T&T. Bratworth as well, since his suit here is like Manfred's and is therefore a two piece suit, but I think it's because he thinks of himself as a good, high and mighty prosecutor, having his pride be connected to his outfit and therefore make him look more.. Intimidating I guess is the right word?
I don't know if this is intentional or some sort of happy accident, just me rambling about suits and it's symbolism lol
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fiiiinally attempted digital it is SO MUCH EASIER. i drew one thing of my new oc and then realised theres more room on the canvas so more room for drawing... sighs... i already spent 5 hours on this last night time to spend all day on these stupid guys!!!!!!!
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feralforbeanix · 2 months
Thinking about how Trucy Wright seems to do her best to just...brush past all her trauma. And I don't mean this in a "it's bad writing" way, I mean that her way of dealing with things seems to be to mostly ignore it. To move on as quick as possible and try to ignore the more emotional implications.
Yes Zak Gramarye was her dad and yes he abandoned her but Trucy doesn't talk about it more than she has to. She just immediately accepts Phoenix's offer to adopt her, calling him Daddy as soon as he told her it was okay to. She even seems to take the Wright last name with no complaint, she even seems to take pride in it!
When Apollo finds out she's actually adopted and her real father was gone, this exchange happens:
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Yes Trucy is visibly sad here, but she just as quickly moves on from the subject
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When Apollo reveals to the court that Zak was the victim in case 1, he looks at Trucy. Presumably expecting her to be upset, cry, or something
Yet all she does is encourage Apollo to continue with his case
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I've seen people compare her to Maya, and while they definitely both have the "smile through the pain" thing going on, I do think there is a subtle difference. Maya downplays her trauma, but it seems Trucy doesn't like to let herself feel at all.
No, I think she acts more like Phoenix.
Phoenix, who is practically known for being cagey and as vague as possible about important events in his past. Especially in this game.
He doesn't talk about his ex girlfriend who framed him for murder, he just moves on to becoming a lawyer. He doesn't talk about Edgeworth "choosing death", he just continues trying to be a perfect defense attorney. He doesn't even talk about important details about his disbarment until he absolutely has to, when it's relevant for his jurist test.
Phoenix, who has been betrayed and left before, who desperately clings onto every person who shows him even a little kindness, who focuses on everyone else's problems and pasts before he acknowledges his own.
This is the man who adopted a girl who most certainly had abandonment issues, because chances are so does he.
He understands her better than anyone not just because he's her legal father but because it takes one to know one
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comicwaren · 4 months
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From X-Men: The Wedding Special Vol. 2 #001
“Something Borrowed, Something Blue”, by Kieron Gillen (W), Rachael Stott and Michael Bartolo (A)
“Wedding Gatecrashers”, by Tini Howard (W), Phillip Sevy and KJ Díaz (A)
“Get Mystique... a Gift!”, by Tate Brombal (W), Emilio Pilliu and Irma Kniivila (A)
“Épée Is Truth”, by Yoon Ha Lee (W) and Stephen Byrne (A)
“The Thief’s Surprise”, by Wyatt Kennedy (W), Jenn St-Onge and Brittany Peer (A)
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muri-ne · 23 days
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finally playing aa4 with friend so i can post some these after like a month bc she stalks my acc (looking at you nammy.) she really liked kristoph's design at first and is still mourning the loss of it being "wasted on him"
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v3nuskae · 2 months
Hey guys, guess what I'm fixating on now!
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Haha.... It's been weeks. These gay lawyers will NOT leave my mind.
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