#phoenix has a bit of a hair horn thing going on if you look at the general shape
wilted-woman · 1 year
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first day of law school
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that-basic-simp · 6 months
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 1.2k+
"Why are you dragging me along to this?" I asked Akemi.
"Who doesn't love a masquerade ball?"
"People who don't like dances and crowds," I said.
"You'll love it," Akemi said. "I heard someone you like is going to be there."
"More like someone you like."
"Taigen," she smiled. She's had eyes on him for the past few months and they even shared a class together.
"How come you haven't made a move on him?"
"Just want to make sure he's the right one."
"Akemi, you're not going to know if he's the right one by just ogling at him."
"You can never know until you try. Anyway, are you ready? Have your mask?"
"Yes," I showed it to her.
"Need me to tie it for you?"
"You can when we get there."
Leaving our dorm room, we headed down to where the masquerade ball was going to be. It was one last dance before the graduating seniors left. This is what they do for the seniors every spring. Reaching the building, Akemi and I walked up to a group of her friends. They welcomed me, since I was kind of lonely. I didn't mind her friends, but sometimes they were a bit too loud here and there. Before stepping into the room, Akemi helped me put the mask on and that was when Taigen and his friends walked by. Akemi, being Akemi, dropped what she was doing to stare at him.
The mask fell from my face and I fumbled to catch it. It fell onto the ground, bouncing slightly away from me. Sighing, I walked over and went to grab it, when someone already did for me. Following their hand up from their arm, I found the person who picked it up. They had on a typical suit, but without the jacket. White button down with a black vest and a dark blue tie. And their hair was pulled down into a ponytail that rested on their shoulder. What intrigued me was the mask he was wearing. It took on the typical appearance, where it only covered the eyes, but its design was completely different. Instead of intricate designs with lace and other fabric, and with feathers adorning it, this mask was painted to match a phoenix's feathers. And right at the top sides of the mask were horns jutting upwards. And the eyes were completely unseen. The only thing about their face I could see was their mouth.
"You dropped this," he said.
"T-Thanks," I said, taking the mask.
"You look," it looked like he eyed me up and down as his head tilted up and then down. "Stunning."
"Thank you. And you're handsome yourself."
He smiled before entering the room. Akemi came over to me, apologizing for stopping in the middle of tying the mask.
"Who was that? Do you know him?" I asked Akemi.
"Only his name. Mizu."
"Mizu," I repeated. It was like a stinging sensation on my tongue when I said his name. Intoxicating.
"Yeah. He and Taigen are on the fencing team and he has beat him numerous times," Akemi said with some spite in her voice. "And Taigen is the best."
"Clearly he isn't when Mizu has beat him over and over."
"It doesn't matter. Mizu isn't really a valuable member on the team since they hardly use him."
"Only unless they need to," one of Akemi's friends said.
"Ise!" Akemi scolded her.
"Wait, what do you mean by that?"
"There was a competition they were losing at. Taigen was growing frustrated and even had some penalties called on him. Their last resort was to put Mizu in. He won against every opponent and won for the team."
"And what did they do?"
"Just gave him a pat on the back and then celebrated without him."
"Of course," I whispered.
Once we all had our masks on, we walked into the room where the music was blaring, the lights were dim, and there were a number of people in there. Some were already on the dance floor while others were drinking and talking to their friends. There was a large balloon being tossed around.
I tried to find Mizu, but the room was so dark that I couldn't even tell where Akemi went. Wandering around, I eventually found her and her friend group at a table. I sat down with them and they began talking before getting something to drink. I let out a sigh, not wanting to be here and rather be in my room reading. Or something more productive instead of sitting here on my phone. A slow song came on and all the couples started to get onto the dance floor. Typical.
I picked my head up and watched as Akemi and Taigen walked onto the floor. Well, seems she made her move tonight. I smiled, happy for her. Her friends seemed to be happy as well as they were cheering her on. They formed a small circle and danced with one another. It reminded me of high school when those who didn't have dates would form a circle and sway with the music together. I was one of those people, of course.
"Excuse me."
Turning, I found it was Mizu standing before me. Reaching out a shaking hand, he bowed slightly.
"May I have this dance?"
"O-Of course."
I set my phone down and placed my hand in his. Standing up, we walked onto the dance floor and started to sway with the music.
"I apologize in advance, I am not the best when it comes to dancing and rhythm."
I smiled. Not only was he strong and powerful, but he was a dork. It made my heart flutter.
"Don't worry. Neither am I."
"So, what brings you out here?" he asked.
"Akemi wanted to go to this and kind of forced me to go. You?"
"As stupid as it sounds, I'll be getting extra credit for attending. One of the graduating seniors is on the fencing team. He is the one who organized the event. So our coach made us come here."
"And you'll get extra credit?" I chuckled.
"Something like that. I don't know how I'll be getting extra credit for a team sport."
"Your coach is kind of dumb."
"I know," he sighed. Even if I couldn't see his eyes, I could tell he rolled them.
"How come you hide your eyes?" I asked.
"My eyes are hideous and therefore, it makes me hideous."
"I doubt that," I said.
"Want to see for yourself?"
"Unless you turn me to stone, I don't want to," I chuckled.
He smiled, "I promise I won't turn you to stone. But we do need to head out if you want to see it with better lighting."
"There's no re-entry if we leave."
"And?" Mizu asked. "I was put down for that extra credit the minute I showed up. I don't need to stay here any longer than I have to."
"Then why ask me to dance?"
"Seemed lonely. And in need of someone."
I smiled softly at him. Once the song ended, I headed back to the table to grab my phone and walked out of the room with him. Now that I got him in better lighting, there was something oddly feminine about him. Maybe it was his waist and how it was kind of curvy. As I was facing his back, he reached up and untied the mask that was around his face. Turning around, I was met with the most beautiful set of blue eyes I have ever seen. They reminded me of the ocean and how mysterious it was, yet it was beautiful.
"They're blue," I said.
"Yeah," he lowered his head, looking ashamed of the color.
"They're beautiful."
Lifting his head up, his eyes widened.
"Um," his face flushed a light pink. "T-Thank you."
"You're welcome, Mizu."
"How do you know my name? I don't even know yours."
"Akemi knows of you. And my name is Y/N."
"Beautiful name," he said.
"Thank you," now it was my turn for my face to turn a light pink.
"Will I see you around?" Mizu asked.
I nodded my head, "I'm sure you will."
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So I just reread your unicorn/phoenix Malec and I have to say I love it. And while I really do want know everyones reaction to the new soulmate duo in town I had this thought that made me giggle: Alec and the other baby shadowhunters in a sacred ritual observed by their dotting parents/any curios shadowhunter (lots) soul searching their form and it being announced to a lot of clapping/cheering one after another. Then Alec with the cutest smile: Unicorn. Cue everyone freaking out. Panic.
so i already wrote a bit where he first shifts *he kills his dad and a bunch of others* and so that doesn't quite work? but i loved the prompt so i kind of used it? and i'm hoping you still enjoy this
Unfortunately for the rest of Alicante, Alec’s presentation and shift is kept as quiet as possible until Jia Penhallow can gather as many adult members of the clave to Alicante as possible.
It becomes routine and Maryse watches with a hardened heart as Alec slowly gores his way through executing over thirty nephilim adults.
It’s terrifying how many people Jia introduces him to and how many people he kills and how he only gets bigger and stronger each time his horn pierces a nephilim and executes their soul. His secondary form is twice as big as it should be for his age, but it’s not hurting him, and he barely tolerates her interest when it’s valid, so she does nothing.
Sometimes, her baby is merciful and only kills them, other times he gores them viciously, splintering apart the golden tendrils of their soul and severing their tether to Raziel.
It takes weeks for it all to end and it’s when Alicante is finally purged from the filth that Alec takes offense to, Maryse is begging Jia to follow through on the original deal. Maryse cannot stay in Idris with two children, not when one of them is being used as a divine sword of execution and angelic justice. Not if she wants anything of Alec, her baby, to remain or ever be salvageable.
It’s hard, taking Alec to New York and intending to leave him there while she finishes getting things ready, but she wants him out of Alicante. Where all the nephilim watch him with fear and awe alike.
“Maryse Lightwood.” The hunter says, cool and detached and utterly uncaring which means absolutely nothing.
“Trueblood.” Maryse corrects with a tight smile, because she won’t have Alec wear his father’s name when he killed the man. He’ll be her heir because he spared her, he found her worthy in a way that he didn’t Robert, for all that he avoids and is rarely near her. “My son has shifted and been given his first runes. By Jia Penhallow’s orders, he’ll be staying here at the Institute by himself until I and his sister arrive.”
The hunter gives her a dismissive look but then grits their teeth into a fake but not unkind smile and looks down at Alec with a grimace.
“So kid, you have a good form then? Going to be a hunter?”
Alec smiles up at them, his small face too sweet for the monster of justice that lurks beneath and Maryse shudders at the sight.
“I don’t have to hunt.” Alec says, looking at the grizzled hunter curiously. “My prey will always find its way to me.”
“Oh?” The hunter asks, clearly trying to play along with what they think is childlike nonsense. "What kind of animal are you?"
“I’m a unicorn.” Alec says with a smile and the hunter misses their next step, pallor draining as they look down and finally recognize the glint of Alec’s smile for what it is. “My prey will always find me when it’s time to be put down.”
Maryse swallows hard and reminds herself that she can’t run her fingers through Alec’s hair, or even face him when he smiles like he is now.
Not when he’s looking at the people around him with something both hungry and divine in his gaze.
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verdantflamingo · 1 year
5. day - favorite look(s)/costume(s);
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Jubilation Lee - I have zero relation to her, but I always liked her look, short hair and cool glasses, modern youthful style of dressing with streetwear elements. I especially love her yellow coat. That's why she's here. 
Kitty - As far as dressing goes, Kitty has been bland for a long time, or at least for me, but I really like this red coat and the overall style - I'm a pirate baby, you got a problem with that? I have a thing for stylish coats. 
Rogue - Her emo-goth style in Evolution is just perfect. That's all. I love the green.  
Magik - Or the stick-shaped, square-shaped Weirdness on her head? - No, okay, I'm kidding, but those weird double-horns fascinate me, but I think they add to her appearance. And they're the main reason they're on the list. Otherwise I like her outfit overall, she's a bit more modest than Emma and has a cool sword. 
And Emma Frost - Emma is of course famous for her dressing, but I have to say that I personally find pieces in her wardrobe that do not impress me at all. And there are not a few of them. For example, her sex outfit, in which she was once introduced to us. Yes, we all know what I'm talking about... Hell yes, it's sexy, but don't go out with it... On the contrary, I like her style of dressing, which they also used in "Wolverine and the X-men", in pants she looks more professional, but at the same time the top is sufficiently Forst "revealing", but at the same time decent. I usually enjoy her more covering outfits, but I have to give her shoes a break. But I like the ones she has on in the used picture, along with her dress code. I like it when she wears a jacket. I would also like to pick up the gold and white dress for the gala, she has a mikado, and her Phoenix-five outfit.
But this? Help.
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rain-on-wax-feathers · 8 months
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hi so. dsmp countries as countryhumans.
im not sorry this was funny
explanations of each design and also a bonus doodle under the cut (its arguably the best part of this)
okay first off the height was loosely based off of how big the actual countries are.
LMANBURG - i based it kinda off of the people lmanburg was for. fox ears for fundy, flower for tommy and also a homage to the whole tommy singing to flowers and that's how they got the national anthem. The glasses are for wilbur bc he kinda made the whole thing. the outfit is based on the lmanburg uniforms. the tail is because most of the people in lmanburg are hybrids so. also the hair felt hamilton-y to me and that was funny. the three hearts on the uniform is part of a headcanon im currently working on but basically its a war medal. oh btw i love the lmanburg flag its symbolic and nice and works very well.
GREATER SMP - i made the flag for this bc there isn't an official flag. the flag was based on dream obviously cause its literally his whole country. anyway the crown is because that's what the leaders wear. the under shirt isn't very fancy because none of the members wear anything fancy. the coat jacket suit thing feels very traditional and proper to me which is the same as the nation so. also i debated on what i should do for the ears bc i was thinking human ears but also like all of the people have pointed ears so i decided to go for that
MANBURG - uhm i love the manburg flag btw <3 its so good and representative of the administration and also it feels like very modernized and sleek and americanized if you get what i mean but its still very destructive and has strong "evil" connotations as well as being a mockery of the lmanburg flag. okay now on to the design. i promise promise there's a difference between the suit/hair/pants and the skin its just really slight. anyway i think it looks cool either way. the big tie gives off "false confidence / cocky / big shot" to me and i thought that worked well. the horns are there bc schlatt obviously and its almost touching the eyes bc manburg is very self destructive and will never last. the ears are human bc manburg also isn't super friendly to hybrids (headcanon??).
POGTOPIA - sorry guys but i hate the pogtopia flag it makes no sense and has no reason and also i just ugly. but alas that's the flag so ill do what i can. anyway pogtopia is very desperate and also an absolute mess so the outfit is symbolic of that. the beanie is for pogbur ofc. you cant really see it but it also has big eyebags. the fangs are half destructive and also half bc its for hybrids. the ears and tail as well are the whole hybrid bit. i think that most hybrids (if they could) left manburg which treated them badly and went to pogtopia which was for the hybrids. also the tail is kinda reminiscent of niki who to me feels like what pogtopia was for. if that makes sense.
NEW LMANBURG - i also really like the new lmanburg flag. i think its cool. anyway the eyepatch bc it looks cool and also i thought it was reminscent of how fucked up lmanburg was and how they rebuilt. the wings again are kinda phoenix-y and also peace and whatever. the flowers are again like rebirth and renewal and stuff. the tail and ears and such are again bc of the whole hybrid thing. also the outfit is like a suit-ified lmanburg uniform
BADLANDS - okay so admittedly idk shit about the badlands. so. the flag is pretty cool tho. i gave it horns like bbh and cat ears like antfrost and a mouth like sam / bbh. i did the cloak and scarf thingy bc both bbh and ponk have something like that so i figured that fit. sorry there's nothing really special about this
SYNDICATE - wooo boy theres a lot here. so the syndicate does not have a flag so i had to make one. i looked some up and there was a lot of red and black which i liked. red bc of like anarchy and shit and then black bc that's also pretty anarchy-y but also withers which. they do a lot. i put it like slashed bc its very "conflict opposing dangerous" and that works well with the syndicate. and then i saw one a long time ago that was based on their end portal table so i also added that with the border and the thing in the middle. then i added a bit of gold because i wanted to and i thought it looked cool and to me gold is a syndicate color. i gave them a crown bc both techno and ranboo have crowns so. they have a cape bc its like a secret organization and then i added fluff bc its cold in the artic. the outfit is supposed to resemble the type of outfits that techno and ranboo and somewhat niki ? so like older outfits with the corest and fancy sleeves. and then also like good boots bc they do like fighting and stuff. the hair is short as like a niki and phil thing. also the tail kinda looks like ranboo and that was kinda accidental but i like it. the ears are feathered for phil and also kinda niki and i didn't think wings fit. the clasp is an eye of ender bc of the end portal table. you'd think the syndicate would be tiny tiny but i headcanon that they have other lesser members everywhere (just random informants and such) so
SNOWCHESTER -snowchester's flag is pleasing. also i like the memes about it being close to the mlm flag. anyway the outfit is obviously inspired by ctubbos outfit but its cold and called snowchester so i figured it fit. the small horns are for ranboo. the flowers are for peace and healing and whatever and also a homage to the lmanburgs. the curling horns are not close to the eye but could grow to be bc of nukes and such. the tail and curling horns are both puffy and tubbo.
LAS NEVADAS - i love the aesthetics of the las nevadas flag its so so good. anyway the outfit is pretty self explanatory. the horns and devil tail is bc its a place of sin (casino and whatever). the only reference to the habitants are the feathered ears (quackity) bc its not reeeaaaally for the residents.
KINOKO KINGDOM - okay. okay. the flag is absolutely by far the most aesthetically pleasing flag. i love love off white its amazing and makes sense. i gave it a mushroom hat because. mushroom. the hair is a mix of tina's, sapnap's and karl's. the collar is for george, and the sleeves are for tina. the rest of the outfit is kinda for karl??? if that makes sense. and then the tail is for tina and sapnap
EGGPIRE - i also lovee the eggpire flag. it works well. anyway you may notice that there is literally no callbacks to the eggpire members. that's cause the egg literally does not give a shit about the members. its hair is long and kinda curls like the vines. the dress is about temptation and also like. not battle ready doesn't need to explore or anything just happens. if that makes sense. vines around the head and waist for the silly factor. vine tail because it looks cool
LIMBO - i just did limbo bc i didnt know what else to do. anyway limbo has a sweater bc i feel like ghosts get sweaters and then also is in grayscale because that's the commonality
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thank you for your time.
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Undertale AU
The Au is called Underwing. It's a bit more unique than other au's not just in how some characters look but also in how somethings are gone entirely. [see tags]
The monster's lost the war earlier than their other counterparts. After the monster's were sealed underground they explored their new home and discovered it was many degrees hotter than the above world. As the years went by they settled down until the first creature appeared. It viciously attacked the monsters causing them to flee. As more and more creatures appeared the monsters knew they had to adapt and as they did, so did their environment. The monsters grew giant trees which they then created homes around building bridges to connect them to one another. They also grew to have bird feathers on their clothes. Some became more bird-like than others. The culture also adapts with the monsters. After this the same timeline follows up until we get to Frisk. Frisk goes through with a Neutral run before going on to do a Genocide run. Raven is the only survivor and the Genocide run causes the world to glitch. Once Raven returns home, the AU is entirely empty. No human, no monsters, even the other human souls seem to be missing. The only living things around were the Creatures.
When Frisk first falls into the underground they land on a large suspended net. It has a couple of vines wrapped around the edges. Flowey is an Oleander flower instead of the regular yellow. Toriel comes and saves you, she has iridescent hummingbird feathers on her outfit. 
The Ruins are built into redwood trees and the occasional normal oak trees. The bridges are a deepish red like the trees and some seem to be the tree branches warped into bridges. Napstablook is still a ghost but as a Potoo. The Froggits have Frogmouth feathers along their backs, and Whimsun looks like a Humming-bird Hawk-moth, Moldsmal, Loox, Migosp, and Vegitoid are all the same and so is the spider bake sale. After leaving the Ruins Frisk falls again and lands on another net and are now in the Leaffall outskirts
Leaffall is the Snowdin of this place except there's no snow. It's all trees, Oak, Pine, and much more. Sans is a female but continues to go by Sans. She doesn't have any feathers when Frisk meets her and instead has down along the edge of her hoodie. Papyrus has Greater Bird-of-Paradise feathers along the end of his scarf. As Frisk travels instead of the normal piles of snow there'll be leaf piles. The Royal Guard is referred to as the Royal Flock. Snowdrake and Chilldrake both have Muscovy Duck feathers, Icecap has a Pileated Woodpecker feathers, Gryftrot has partridge feathers and his horns have vines growing on them along with a few tiny nests, Dogamy and Dogaressa have lovebird feathers. Doggo is a Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lesser Dog is a Treeing Walker Coonhound, and Greater Dog is a New Guinea Singing Dog. The Snowman is just a voice coming from a hollowed our tree and eyes. They give Frisk a pinecone to take. Grillby is a Phoenix. The other residents are the same. 
Next is Lavafall which takes the place of Waterfall. As the name suggests, instead of water it's all lava. The trees don't have any leaves and are all charred and some are on fire but don't seem to be burning. Most of the bridges still have some wood to them but there are parts that have been replaced by stone. The monsters that would usually be aquatic are now built to survive in lava. Monster Kid is now Monster Hatchling and has Kiwi feathers on his outfit. Undyne is an Osprey, Mad Dummy is a cassowary. There are no echo flowers in the area. Onionsan appears to be a fire bird from Russian folktales, Aaron has a tail of fire and Woshua instead has lava instead of water. Shyrien has Red-eyed Vireo feathers as a part of her hair. The Temmies have finch feathers except for Bob who has Waxwing feathers. Gerson is a Golden Eagle with messy feathers. 
Onwards is Sandland taking the place of Hotland. Before entering Frisk takes a pair of goggles and mask from a nearby box. Hotland is constantly having sandstorms with the bridges swaying while the trees built near them, Palm and Acacia, stay sturdy against the high winds. Alphys has Greater Horned Owl feathers on her lab coat, Mettaton has Peacock feathers and his Neo form is him as a full peacock, Muffet is a Goliath Birdeater, Royal Flock 01 and 02 both have armor with Greater Roadrunner feathers on their shoulders. Burgerpants is some sort of parrot, Bratty has Egyptian Plover feathers she added to her hair, Catty has Egret feathers she added to her nails. Instead of meeting amalgamations, Frisk would stumble upon some of the Creatures Alphas has and is able to drive them away. 
Last is New Home. It's a lot like the Ruins just minus the vines. Asgore has Philippine Eagle feathers on his entire cape and his trident is made of his feathers. Asriel would have Ivory-billed woodpecker feathers on his outfit.
Since all of the original residents are dead except for Sans/ Raven the AU has made some changes. The original house the skeletons had before was expanded and now houses Raven, Blackbird, Crow, and Robin and has a few extra rooms. The Library was torn down and expanded also. Most of the areas are left abandoned since the four live mostly in Leaffall and last parts of the Ruins. Parts of the bridges outside Leaffall have fallen in disrepair and the only way to get across is to have the ability to travel through air either through flying, floating, or riding something or be able to travel through the trees by climbing and jumping. The Core doesn't even work half the time so the few lights available are in Leaffall anyways and they're powered independently by a generator in the library.
The AU itself is also hard to find. It seems to mostly be accessible to those who are running from something or looking for something. This may be a new home, a place to belong, or someone they know. Most people who do appear here don't stay since the AU is unforgiving in nature and takes more than it gives. The amount of skill needed to just travel to other parts of the AU and the general heat definitely has people thinking twice of staying.
I might do other post either about the culture of the au, or what the oc's I have are like, most likely Raven and Blackbird first. I'll definitely be doing post on The Under and the Creatures that live down there.
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solara-bean · 4 years
Hey so I read your Fic about Bruno and I was so in LOVE WITH EVERYTHING 😭💜 So I don't know if your requests are open because mobile tumblr sucks sometimes, so if its not pls ignore this : How about reader being soft and shy and they don't have a dragon but a huge phoenix and it gets all ruffled up when they blush and Bruno doubles his flirting game to see it?
I actually don't do requests but I LOVE this idea ( my inner child who's obsessed with Phoenix's and mythical creatures has be awakened once again!! ). I'm going to interpret soft as chubby if you don't mind. Feel like I went a bit off script with this hope you like it☺️.
(This is gonna be long, sorry😅)
Bruno x Chubby, Shy Reader with a Phoenix
Despite what some might think, there actually is a nineth division in the Top of Horns. A very small and quiet one that is. They're called the Scales, run by Ester Fae. She's an enthusiastic old woman with carmel skin, long beaded hair and pointed ears like that of an elf ( tho no one's sure of she actually is one ). Her division is so overlooked to the point where it's pathetic. No one takes them seriously because they care for and protect mythical creatures.
You'd think that would be important in a world like this, but considering that the more dangerous creatures are usually put down and or experimented on, not so much. So besides the dragons owned by high ranking Wing Bind officials, their most lethal case would be the blind griffin or the manticore with no teeth. All the other creatures were harmless, cute and even babies. Needless to say they were looked at as softies. Their logo being a heart shaped dragon scale didn't help.
" What's so great about the Scales? All they do is play with griffin cubs all day."
" Yeah. Bunch a slackers."
" Waste of funding if you ask me."
It all made Y/n boil with rage, although they'd never outwardly show it. They loved their job. How dare people undervalue it! Sure they played with griffin cubs but those things liked to bite dammit! Hell, they had the scars to prove it!! They had quite a few small scars actually. Caring for magical creatures wasn’t always fun and games. Thankfully they were able to befriend animals much easier than most. Thats why they were Ester’s star pupil. 
It’s also why they’d been sent to Top of Horns meetings in Ester’s place. The poor woman had gotten severely hurt during the capture of a very rare and powerful creature: a phoenix. It was about the size of an average dragon and just as lethal as one. Y/n, and even Ester despite her injuries, couldn’t blame it judging from the broken chains around its neck and its bloody feathers. Thankfully Ester pull in under a sleep spell before any more damage was caused. Now they all had to decide what to do with it.
Y/n was more than willing to help. It’s just that they were shy and skittish as hell, especially around powerful people. Calm a raging dragon? Sure no biggy. Say good morning to Sullivan Squire without squeaking?! Hell no. They stood off to the side for awhile, no seats were left. Then Bruno noticed them.
“ Why are you here?” he asked, it wasn’t meant to sound rude but it did all the same.
“ U-uh...you know..the phoenix...” Y/n managed to murmur.
He nodded, got out of seat, found another chair then put it next to his. They looked at him dumbfounded. Bruno Bangnyfe wasn’t known for being gentlemanly.
“ Well? Don’t just stand there looking pretty, get over here.” 
Their face instantly flared with heat. 
Y/n coming to the meeting at all was hard enough. Now they had to convince everyone to keep the phoenix alive and sit next to Bruno?! This was gonna be a long meeting. 
That was around five months ago. To Y/n’s surprise the Top of Horns not only spared the phoenix but also left it under her care. Ester was beyond proud. As expected, the phoenix was very hostile. Over time, however, she began to trust Y/n more and more. Within the fifth week, she let them pet her feathers while they sat next to her. She was still a bit weary around the other Scales workers, but she didn’t attack them anymore. Ester had come back too. The two got along as if the attack never happened, but Y/n expected that.
What they didn’t expect was Bruno continuously visiting them for “ check ins. ” It was nothing out of the ordinary. He’d look at the phoenix’s condition, see if she would attack him or not then leave. One day he brought his dragon, Rickenbacker. To both his and Y/n’s surprise the two became instant friends, chasing each other around the inclosure like a pair of puppies. This lead Bruno to bring Rickbacker over for playdates while him and Y/n talked. After a while Bruno started to grow on them, but they knew it was just a meaningless crush.  He had admirers all over Reverse London. There’s no way he’d like the awkward, potato-shaped Scales worker right?
Y/n came in early for their shift, throwing on their uniform lab coat and greeting the other Scales workers as they went by. They arrived at the giant inclosure and typed in the passcode. The inside was set to a moderately high temperature and was full of massive plants and flowers. The glass dome roof allowed the sunlight to pass through as if they were really outside. Despite how overlooked the Scales were, they did have good enough funding.
“ Topaz!” Y/n called out.
There was a strong gust of wind followed by a loud whoosh sound as the phoenix landed in front of them. 
“ Topaz! Oh I missed you. Weekends are too long.” Y/n cooed as Topaz chirped happily and leaned down to nuzzle into them.
Y/n gladly pet her fluffy feathers. The hue of them had improved drastically. Instead of a dark red they were now multiple shades of yellow, orange and pink blending into one another. 
“ Your flying’s improved a lot. You’re so fast that I could barley see you.”
Topaz’s now no longer cracked beak stretched into a smile. She loved compliments. 
The fun was cut short when the door unlocked. Behind them entered two familiar faces. Topaz let out an excited screech and instantly ran towards Rickenbacker, who did the same. 
“ Wait!” they halted.
Y/n pulled down Rickenbacker’s bandaged wing. They took some of the wrapping off to check the wound which had now began to scar over.
“ Ok you’re all good. Go play.” 
The two immediately ran off. Y/n began to follow them before a hand fell on their shoulder.
“ No ‘good morning’ for me, Y/n?” Bruno said with a frown.
“ O-oh, yes good morning. Sorry, I was bit distracted.” 
“ Oh..right. I was worried that you were still mad about...you know...”
Y/n’s heart sank.
“ I was...but I’m over it now. I know that you were just doing your job. Cinderella was a threat, dragon or not. I doubt we’d be able to take care of her anyway...”
“ Well,” Bruno sighed. “ I guess I brought this ‘please don’t hate me’ gift for nothing.” 
He pulled out a freshly baked cupcake from behind his back. They gasped.
“ My favorite!” they instantly took a bite and groaned. “ So good. Thanks Bruno.” They then noticed a slight blush on his face. “ Something wrong??”
“ Hm? Oh! No no. You know how hot it gets in here.”
They didn't question him and made their way to where the two were most likely playing, Bruno followed. They sat on a nearby bench and watched Rickenbacker and Topaz play with a few of the toys left in the inclosure. 
“ So,” Bruno said as he finished his own baked treat. “ Did you ask Ester yet?”
“ No.” Y/n sighed. “ You know how hard it is to claim ownership of a rare mythical creature. Not to mention getting clearance to ride one and learning how to on top of that.” 
“ You can't know if you don’t try. Besides, didn’t you say that Topaz has probably been in captivity all her life? Where else is she gonna go? She loves you more than anything so she might as well belong to you.”
“ I know but...” Y/n closed in on themselves.
“ You’re scared?”
Y/n nodded. They remained silent for awhile. 
“ I’d just need really good, solid proof that Topaz wants to be with me too. Without it, the file might never get approved.”
Bruno thought on that. Then he got an idea.
“ Now that I think about it, I remember reading a long time ago that a phoenix’s feathers will match its rider’s emotions.” 
“ Oh yeah! I think it was in an old fairytale, but I doubt its tru-” Their eyes widened when they looked back at Bruno. “ Why’s your shirt off???” 
Bruno gave them a mischievous grin.
“ What? I told you it gets hot in here. Besides, I’m wearing an undershirt aren’t I?” 
“ Y-yeah but-”
“ Uh-uh. I’m not taking judgement from a cannibal.”
Y/n’s brain nearly lost a screw.
“ A what!!” 
Bruno chuckled.
“ You heard me.” he said lowly, leaning closer to them. “ You devoured that cupcake as if you aren’t one yourself.”
Y/n’s entire being went ablaze.
“ I..I-I....I’m not..I’m not a-”
“ Sure you are,” he purred. “ So sweet and soft,” he emphasized his point by putting a hand on their side and giving it an affectionate squeeze, making them squeak in surprise. “ Not to mention that you always smell so good.”
They were so close that Y/n could feel his sugar coated breath faintly dust their cheeks.
“ Umm...t-thanks its the shampoo that I use. Would you like to try some-”
They paused once they noticed Bruno’s hands go on either side of the bench behind them, pinning them. 
“ Do you know what else I like about you?”
They gulped.
Bruno leaned in closer, if that was even possible. Y/n could see every shade of blue in his eyes. Were his eyelashes always that long? He’d look good with eye makeup. Actually he’d make anything look goo-wait no why are they spacing out this is serious!!
“ Despite how shy you may appear on the surface, I know you’ve got a fire in you. This burning determination to protect creatures that could take down cities if they wanted. I saw it for the first time at that meeting all those months ago. I’d never heard you speak louder than a whisper, let alone with such confidence. You even got Sullivan’s attention with that spark of yours.”
Y/n managed to look away.
“ I don’t have a spark. You’re being silly.”
Bruno gently took hold of their chin and turned their gaze back to him. They were stunned by the sincere, soft smile on his face.
“ Maybe I am. You have that effect on me. Cute things always did drive me crazy.”
Bruno thought they were cute!!!
Oh that did it! They have to make a move. This is their shot!
“ Bruno I-”
All of sudden he moved their face towards Topaz and Rickenbacker. Confused, they stared at the two and came to one hell of a sight. Topaz’s feathers had turned a soft shade pink and were also fluffed out like a scared cat’s tail. She didn’t react to the change, but Rickenbacker sniffed at them with concern then stopped when he couldn’t find a threat. 
Y/n merely gawked, unable to process everything. They hadn’t noticed Bruno putting his shirt and jacket back on.
“ Well that should be enough proof.” he gave them a solid pat on the shoulder, knocking them back to reality. “ Feel free to call if you need any good flying trainers.”
He called Rickenbacker and made his way to the exit. It dawned on Y/n what that whole flirting thing was for.
Of course it was that. He didn’t mean any of it. Dammit I nearly embarrassed myself back there! 
“ Wait I forgot something,” he jogged back to them and knelt down to their level. “ Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
“ Dinner?”
He nodded.
“ Oh! Yes! Dinner. I love dinner- I mean I’d love to.” they stammered out.
Bruno smirked at them then rested his thumb to the side of their mouth, flicking off a tiny bit of leftover frosting. He stared them right in the eye as he licked it off. 
“ See you then.” 
And he was gone.
And Y/n began to think.
Topaz, her feathers still pink, came to check on them and nudged their shoulder. After giving her a few pets Y/n marched to Ester’s office with a newfound confidence. Maybe Bruno was right about them having a spark. 
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swarmkeepers · 4 years
rickyesther 1 and/or figayda 21 for the prompt meme?
21. believing in you even when you couldn’t do it yourself + figayda (prompts linked here)
(some post-show hurt/comfort heavy on the hurt on the phoenix tour after sophomore year. thank you, anon, i find ayda very fun to write but this is my first figayda! i hope you like it. )
Fig knows she’s being unreasonable, knows that she’s being childish, knows that the skin-itchy hell-rumbling feels bad feels bad feels bad ripping through her mind right now is wrong and stupid and yet why can’t she stop thinking it.
That’s the thing about this particular kind of bad show—that she knows it was a bad show, and Gorgug knows it was a bad show, but if you hadn’t been listening to the same set for the days and days and days of tour for their second year now, you wouldn’t know. They keep the rebellious-happy smiles on their faces and they still jump and dance across the stage and the Infaethable Bass still makes glorious noise and Fig pours her heart out into a show even when from the very first chords she can feel it’s wrong, wrong, wrong. 
Fig doesn’t know if it’d be better or worse if no one else in the world knew it was a bad show, and she doesn’t know which one is true anyway. But inside her own head it’s grating and terrible and Fig barely held it together until they got up to the hotel room here before she let herself collapse, angry and upset and unreasonable and not caring or knowing about any of it. 
The roar of the crowd tonight felt like mockery when Fig could hear every ever-so-slight way her solos weren’t quite right, could feel her fingers scrabbling to turn a mistake into a riff when she screwed up, could feel the talk sets not quite landing even when she puts every point of her charisma into it. The stage spotlight effects were just the tiniest bit late, and it feels like a perfect and perverse kind of validation when Fig would rather have ripped their too-hot too-red glow off her face before they could highlight every mistake she made, every fake smile pasted on.
She’s being childish, but right now Fig has wedged herself under the desk in this hotel room that’s the same as every other hotel room for two years of tour. Her horns are scraping the underside of the desktop with an excruciating sound that just might as well happen, and her back is pressed into the mess of cords sprouting from the outlet under the desk, and Fig’s digging her pointed fingernails into her own knees as she hugs them tight and feels like a toddler in a tantrum, unsure if she wants to scream or cry or hide or demand attention or destroy things or walk out into the city and keep walking until she’s far far away. She kicked the rolling chair somewhere away and couldn’t tell you where it went for all the gold in Solace. 
Her bass doesn’t fit under here with her, and Fig’s tossed it on the bed with more upset carelessness than she’d ever usually show her instrument. Fig picks at the rips in her jeans and scowls out of the opening of her little desk den, an opening that feels too big, letting too much of the world in even when that world is just the bed across from the desk, with frumpy sheets and a bed skirt that’s the same as every other motel anywhere in Solace, which Fig knows from experience.
Gorgug knows it was a bad show, and Fig can faintly hear him in the bathroom on the phone with Zelda, quieter and lower than other nights on tour. He called his parents earlier, too—she heard him singing quietly to them over the phone. 
Ayda knows it was a bad show. Ayda was in the green room and in the audience tonight, watching Fig fall apart, knowing so much more than Fig knows all the time, deserving so much better than the mess that is Figueroth Faeth on stage and off. Ayda knows it was a bad show and she’s not even in the hotel room with Fig right now, having disappeared somewhere off down the hall. Fig was too angry and caught up in her own mind to pay attention, which is just another reason Ayda deserves better right now. Anywhere that Ayda is right now is somewhere better than dealing with Fig in all her skin-itchy unreasonable childishness right now.
There’s a little tic tic tic of giant talons on hotel carpet and a whoosh of fire-warm air as Ayda appears in the doorway, as infuriatingly and as luckily as if Fig had said her name thrice and summoned her. Fig keeps quiet and watches her girlfriend turn first one way, then the other, looking for her in a room with neither Fig nor Gorgug visible.
“I’m having a bad time, Ayda,” Fig says, voice quiet and hoarse both from the show and from whatever silent-sobbing-tantrum she’s been having under the desk. She doesn’t even know if she intends Ayda to hear it, but then Fig sees Ayda whip around and move towards the desk, even faster than walking as she beats her huge wings once to take a flying, bounding step.
Ayda doesn’t listen to any warnings Fig might try to give about how it’s “really a bad scene under here, you don’t want to see me like this” and just crouches down so she’s under the desk with Fig, spreading her wings to block out everything except the two of them in this ridiculous position. Fig can’t see anything except her girlfriend and her big concerned eyes darting around Fig’s face and her fiery wings blocking out the world for her. 
Fig doesn’t even say anything, just reaches out and scoots closer awkwardly on her butt on the floor in the small space. Ayda doesn’t need her to say anything, just tangles her legs with Fig’s and loops strong arms around Fig’s back, holding her close. Fig takes an angry, shaky breath and feels it push against Ayda’s arms.
“You’re upset,” Ayda says simply, fingers tracing a shape on Fig’s back as she waits to see if Fig wants to talk or just wants to be held. 
Fig hisses through her teeth, irritated but not wanting to take it out on her girlfriend who’s barely been here for half a minute and who’s already making her feel so much better. Ayda’s fiery hair and wings are the only light in this little space Fig’s wedged them into, and they’re casting bright bright light over the both of them. Fig reaches out and tucks her face right into the crook of Ayda’s neck, so close to the fire of her wings that she can feel their warmth. Fig can’t see anything except the curve of her girlfriend’s neck and a little bit of her back and flame, flame, flame. She wonders if there are tear tracks visible on her face. The nice thing about tiefling skin is that no one can tell if her eyes are red from rubbing at them; the nice thing about Ayda is that her girlfriend doesn’t need to be able to see them to tell something’s wrong.
“It was a bad show, Ayda,” Fig whispers almost too quietly to hear except that she’s doing it inches away from Ayda’s ear. “I hate this.”
“I’m not sure I understand?” Ayda says, fingers slowing on Fig’s back as she picks her words carefully. “You are the expert on this, and if you do not want to elaborate that is perfectly okay, but all of your shows are good ones to me.”
Fig turns her head so her cheek is resting on Ayda’s warm shoulder and says, “It’s just little dumb things going wrong. And that’s why I’m doing this dumb thing, which is sitting under a desk and thinking you don’t want to see me.”
Ayda’s fingers circle over the knobs of Fig���s spine through the leather jacket Fig hasn’t taken off. 
“That doesn’t seem dumb,” Ayda says. “I understand wanting to get away from the world when it feels like everything is going wrong. Under a desk is an excellent location, because it is dark and quiet and Gorgug is in the bathroom so you can have this space for yourself.”
“Oh, Ayda,” Fig breathes. Ayda keeps talking, and Fig watches just the corner of her jaw moves as she talks. Ayda talks to her gently, like you’d talk to a slightly skittish animal. Every part of Ayda looks soft and warm, including the fiery feathers tickling Fig’s face.
“Your lyrics are extremely meaningful. I have memorized many of them, but I am still impressed all the time that you have written all of them.” Ayda says it matter-of-factly, and Fig blames the way that the words make her want to cry on the fact that it’s just been an extremely emotional day. “You are a very accomplished musician, and an even better writer, and an even better person.” 
“You’re very smart, Ayda, but how am I supposed to believe you when I can’t even deal with one show going wrong?” Fig tries not to wail it. She doesn’t know if she succeeds. Ayda’s wings make a soft roar, the sound of air and flame, and Fig pretends that it’s loud enough to hide the tremor in her voice. The childish panic. 
“I do not need to believe in you. Belief implies that my trust in you is something constructed in my own mind, when it in fact is, as far as I have been able to tell, something I can back up with evidence and fact.” Ayda says, and Fig pulls back indignantly.
She whacks the back of her head on the wall behind her, but it’s worth it for the little smile she can see as she leans just a little away from Ayda.
Fig smiles back, and she believes it too. Or doesn’t need to. 
from the prompt list linked here! (i’m closing prompts from this particular list because i have so many ones to get through already, but thanks!)
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ponkho · 4 years
Dimitry Darrleeyia
The cold, serious and cryptid magician whos past is in flames
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Full name: Dimitry Keahi Darrleeyia
Meaning: Dimitry means "Earth-lover" and "Devoted/Dedicated to demeter" (greek mythology goddess of corn and harvest). Keahi is a boy's name of Hawaiian origin meaning "flames" . Darrleeyia does not have any meaning, it is there for backstory purposes.
Source 1 source 2
Pronunciation: Dimitry (Dim-mi-tri) Keahi (ke-ah-hí) Darrleeyia (Darr-lee-ih-ah)
Gender: Male, He-Him
Birthday: 15/9
Age: 28
Orientation: Pansexual
Magic: fire, Earth (rocks creation and manipulation)
Occupation: Magician, shop-keeper, fortune teller,
Familiar: Maxwell, the red panda. Cute boy, horrible personality
Love interest: Asra
Shippable? Yes! Absolutely!!
Theme song: Phoenix - Fall out Boy
playlist :)
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Major Arcana: The Moon
Upright: Unconscious, illusions intuition
Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
Minor Arcana: Ace of Swords
Upright: breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind
Reversed: confusion, brutality, chaos
— Magic —
Fire–- his habilities in general is around fire magic, such as creating a flame from thin air to creating massive explosions. If you manage to enrage him enough his hair will turn into flames and he will breath a black hot smoke.
Earth–- this magic is more on the rock solid part. He's not very good with nature and earth magic (since he tends to burn things down thanks to his fire magic) but he is actually pretty good at rock manipulation. He can creates hard rocks from the ground and create precious rocks even, his most precious rock he can create is diamonds, but for that he needs to have passed through a hard time of stress, sadness or any overwhelming bad feeling, and as a result, two horns made of diamonds will grow to defend himself and look threatening. (He feels embarrassed after, he thinks he was weak enough to let those feelings overwhelm him)
Others habilities: he can speak with animals, cooks amazingly good and he's good at only three weapons: daggers, katanas and Lances.
— Personality and Preferences —
Personality: he's cold, cryptid and too honest. He doesn't give a single shit about how you feel, most of the time, i mean. He is hard to befriend, and always is looking for some hidden lie under any word that comes out of your mouth, but once you get his trust he will still be very cold but he will start showing how he feels. Like, giving gifts, making things. Giving without wanting back.
He has a great talent of getting through lies, so if you really want to deceive him, you gotta be smarter than him. People tend to stay away from his path everywhere he goes, not because bad reputation, but for respect, he can look as calm and cool as he wants but he can and will put you to your place if needed. Dimitry, whenever he wants to impress, he'll act, doesn't know how to talk about feelings or anything, so if he know about something you really want or like he'll get it for you, but will never want to take credits for it, instead he will use the famous "I just happened to be there".
Finally when he really likes someone, his behavior changes totally towards this person. He's calm, loving, sweet, measure his words with care to not hurt, loyal and becomes a little bit protective. He will smile more and if you're lucky, you can even get some chuckles out of his mouth, he'll even create jewels for you, "oh you like knives? Here's a diamond dagger I made."
Never talks about his markings. Unless you have a amazing relationship with him, but even so, he will only give hints and never the whole truth.
Likes: Cooking, talking with Max(well), reading, drawing, playing harp,(He plays it at his bedroom on the palace) silence.
Dislikes: loud people, disrespect, lies.
Fears: losing Max, cages and betrayal
Quirks: he can run extremely fast and thanks to his tail, he can make swift turns without losing much speed. His markings burn when he is enraged, and sometimes they will burn his own clothes.
Favorite food: Gingerbread
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate
Favorite flower: Gardenia
Favorite color: Mahogany
Most likely to: burn a city down because they messed with one of his friends
★— Appearance — ★
Height: 197 cm
Eyes: Burning orange transitioning to yellow
Hair: long Mahogany colored hair, two long bangs on the front, hair tied up on a bun.
Other: his hair is not originally mahogany, his hair color is the same as the tuff of fur on his tail, wich is, blonde.
Color theme: Mahogany, red, yellows and beige.
Family & Background
His current adoptive mother is a queen, or as they say, a Leader, wich would make him the next in line
Bianca Wood - biological mother - deceased // Relationship: none
Darek Wood - biological father - alive? // Relationship: Bad
Meghan Rook - adoptive mother - deceased // Relationship: bad
Andrew Rook - adoptive father - deceased // Relationship: horrible
Lys Rook - adoptive sister - deceased // Relationship: he was kind of her slave
???? Darrleeyia - Adoptive mother - alive // Relationship: motherly, friend, family
Sit down because it's going to be a long talk
He was born on a very poor little village and his parents never actually wanted kids, it's one more mouth to feed and they almost didn't have food for themselves, he was raised to work hard, he helped on home already at a age when he knew already what was happening around him. His mother never gave him a motherly love and his dad just talked to him to offend or to order him around, not that he cared about it, he thought it was how parents worked. One day his mother fell ill and died, at that age Dimitry was 6, he knew she wasn't coming back and his dad started to put the blame on him for her death, as if he could do anything. One day things got out of hand and his dad became alcoholic, then he started to owe money for people, and he couldn't pay it. So one day, when the opportunity came and he saw that Dimitry could use magic, he sold Dimitry to a couple that needed someone to cook, clean and entertain the guests of their bar on another village. They payed a good price and even more because of the magic Dimitry knew.
When he arrived he felt betrayed, left by his own father. So he thought "Well, he was an ass anyways. I'm sure I'll be better here" unfortunately, it was not what happened. They had already pointed out that they needed someone to cook and clean the bar, wich he already knew and was fine with it but then they started to abuse their power over him. His sister made him clean her bedroom, she would cut his hair just for "fun" and blame him for anything she had done, and of course her parents believed her and only her. He got spanked a lot of times and then he just decided he would never smile or talk again, because every word that comes out of his mouth turns against him, at this time he was 8.
One day a customer, different from all the others came directly at him. It was a woman, taller than everyone in that room, she used a hood and she had an air of superiority. She asked him why he was sad and why did he work so hard, he didn't answer, but she insisted on talking to him, she even invited him to sit on a table to talk with her but he refused since he was working. Then, she told him she had a way of saving him from that place, he was just like her, but because of always restraining his emotions and desires, he didn't look different from all the rest. She would come at night again to have one last talk and it was his choice if he wanted to go or not.
When the woman came back at night, she was without her hood and when she walked in, all the bar fell silent. He finally knew who that woman was. She was the woman from the tales, the legends, she was Darrleeyia, a goddess. She brings warmth, prosperity and happiness whenever she goes, and she was just there, on that miserable bar, just to ask him if he wanted to come home. After she made the question all the eyes fell on Dimitry, he felt anxious for the first time, but he knew she wouldn't be worse than what already was happening to him there, so he accepted her offer. She gave him her hand and they walked out of the bar without interruptions. What about the bar, you say? She burnt it down and she did not hide her satisfaction of it.
Together, they went got on a ship and she took Dimitry where he now can call home.
Five Facts:
Dimitry is allergic to shrimp. He discovered that when the Leader of the seas of the homeland gave him a shrimp as a treat for helping her out. The Leader got in trouble with Darrleeyia later on.
He is ambidextrous
He can purr, but it's rare. Extremely rare that only two people saw him do that. His mother and Maxwell
His body runs at a higher temperature than normal humans.
His diamond horns cannot be broken by anyone other than himself. If someone wants to take it out they'll have to crack Dimitry's skull.
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Art References:
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I got 99% inspired by @juliandev0rak's Cadmus bio soooo
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samshogwarts · 4 years
The Reunion
Ok guys ... I do. I publish a fan fiction of myself. And it's even a shipping story between Samantha and Charlie.
To be honest, I thought for a long, really long time whether I should do that. On the one hand because I think that I am not particularly talented when it comes to writing and on the other hand because I want to be careful with the subject itself.
I know Charlie's sexuality is sometimes a sensitive issue and there are also a lot of people who ship their MC with Charlie. Therefore, I would like to make it clear again that I do not see my shipping as the ultimate and, for example, like to read stories from other shippers myself. This is also how I understand when people say that Charlie is Asexual or Aromantic. Everyone can decide for themselves.
Well, since it's my first fanfiction, I'm really looking forward to your opinion and I hope you like it! So here we go.
(oh and before I forget: thank you @annabelle-tanaka-official and @mollydarling-hphm to encourage me to post it!!! 💙❤️💚💛 You are great)
The reunion light
Almost 7 years have passed since the Khana Circle graduated and went their own way. It's been that long since Charlie Weasley and Samantha O’Connell split up. At this time they promised to remain best friends. But the reality was different. The two never spoke a word to each other again. Since then, Samantha has never visited the Weasley family again too. It reminded her too much of the man she actually loves. And now the wizarding world was about to throw itself into another wizarding war. Two Years ago the Ministry finally realized that the Dark Lord Voldemort had returned. Harry Potter, his friends and members of the Order of the Phoenix fought against him. And last year Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts and killed Albus Dumbledore. And despite the difficult time, or rather because of it, Samantha was all the more surprised when she got the invitation from Bill Weasley. Bill is getting married! Samantha heard that Bill found someone and that made her very happy for him. He deserves it.
Arthur Weasley spoke to Samantha at the Ministry and Samantha promised to show up a few days in advance at the Burrow to help with the preparations. And so it was. Samantha arrived at the Burrow and met Ron Weasley's friends. Samantha had known the entire Weasley family for years and Ron was like a little brother to her. He proudly introduced his friends Hermione Granger and the legendary Harry Potter. Samantha liked them both, and it wasn't even a day before she noticed that Hermione was making certain preparations that had nothing to do with the wedding. Samantha only knew fragments of what was going on, as Tonks had told her a lot. Maybe it would have been her job to prevent the three of them from doing whatever they were up to, but Samantha felt she had to do the opposite. So she gave Hermione hints during the days that she would help her. Indeed, Hermione took advantage of her help.
Now it was only one day before the wedding. Meanwhile, Samantha got along well with Fleur Delacour, Bill's fiancé. She and Tonks even talked Samantha into going out and buying a beautiful dress with the wedding. Samantha was standing in the kitchen with Molly helping her prepare food for the wedding. Bill stood in the doorway and watched the two of them: "Does it just seem like that to me, or have you learned to cook better?" "Haha very funny. But yeah you are right. Dad found some old cookbooks from Mum. " “Samantha, darling. Bill is right. You really learned something. " Samantha smiled wryly. "There is nothing that she cannot learn." Samantha stopped instantly in position. It wasn't the voice of Bill or Molly or anyone from the Burrow. While Samantha turned around, she heard Molly: “CHARLIE! Sweetheart, you're finally here! " Molly hugged her second oldest son and he returned the greeting with a hug. There he was - Charlie Weasley. Samantha had completely forgotten that he was going to be Bill's best man. The last time she had seen him 7 years ago. His skin was tanned from the sun in Romania. Working with the dragons  made his arms and body more muscular, his long hair was tied in a ponytail and he wore a three-day beard. Samantha swallowed imperceptibly. God he looked good! 
Charlie and Samantha's eyes met briefly and immediately both looked in a different direction. Bill greeted his younger brother right after Molly and then patted him on the shoulder: “I'll bring your things to the room. After all, you've had a long journey behind you! " With one look at Samantha, Bill walked out of the kitchen: "Damn Bill." Samantha thought to herself and turned back to deal with the cake batter. “Charlie, darling. If you want you can rest in the living room. " “Thank you, but actually I would really like to move. I had to sit the whole trip. Where are the others? Maybe I can help build it up? " “Oh, they left some time ago and will probably be finished soon. Wash your hands and help me and Samantha help with meal preparation. " Damn Molly! Samantha began to knead the dough faster than she heard footsteps beside her.
Charlie stood next to Samantha without saying anything. What an absurd situation! But Samantha tried to concentrate on the dough: "Will you give me the spoon, please?" After 7 years of silence and so their first conversation began. "Yes of course." The eyes of the two met and this time they don't look away immediately. Samantha looked into Charlie's eyes and she immediately felt like she was sinking. Charlie looked at her too. What was going on in his head at that moment? Samantha had no idea. And so they set about preparing the meal. Molly asked Charlie about his work in Romania and Samantha listened in silence. Occasionally she couldn't help but also asked questions: "And you really tried to solder horn from the Romanian longhorn on?" "But the wing of the Norwegian spiked hump has healed again, right?" That was something Samantha had so much in common with Charlie. Their mutual love for dragons. After a while the two were even able to talk to each other normally and so the day passed.
The next day the time had come. The day of the wedding had come and if nothing has always been chaotic in the Burrow, that was definitely the case today! The whole family and all friends and guests whirled around and Samantha couldn't escape it either. Ultimately, however, she fell into the clutches of Tonks and Elaiza. The two had set it in their heads to fix Samantha's look for the Day. Charlie seemed to feel the same way with his mother. He's always wanted his hair to grow as long as Bill's, but Molly decided to cut it radically short. In the late afternoon the time had come and the celebrations began in the Weasley's garden. Everything was festively decorated and music could be heard through the whole tent. Everyone laughed and danced and it was almost as if the horror in the world did not exist for a while.
Samantha sat at a table and watched the people while she sipped a glass of wine. She had just danced with Fred and George. She was lucky that the two jokers finally gave her a break. Charlie sat down next to her: "Do you have a Glass for me too?" With a smile, Samantha pushed her glass over to Charlie's. Imperceptibly, she bit her lip lightly. God, that man in the suit looked so good! Samantha quickly tried to think of something else: “Nice party, right? It seems almost surreal when you consider what is currently happening. " Charlie leaned forward and leaned against the table: "You're right. Bill said that's why they should be celebrated. By the way ... do you want ... to dance? " Charlie looked back and forth between Samantha and the dance floor: “You? And dance? Voluntary?" Samantha crossed her arms and smiled wryly. Charlie was really what you would call a dance grouch: ”Well. I don't know when the last time my head was so light. Maybe I just want to take advantage of that. " Charlie turned his head back and forth to show his head of hair: “And with you I at least know that you can do it. So you will have to take the lead. But don't expect me to do this turn-around thing! " Samantha had to laugh: “Haha. OK. You got me. Fine Let us dance." Charlie and Samantha smiled at each other, got up and went to the dance floor. What they didn't know was that their friends were watching them.
Arriving on the dance floor, the two stood there and looked shyly at each other. There was one thing the two of them hadn't considered. Samantha put her hand on his shoulder and Charlie put his hand on her waist. Samantha held her breath and her heart was beating so wildly that she thought Charlie must hear it. But then the two began to move and dance to the music. It was a strange feeling. Suddenly everything around them seemed to disappear and Samantha looked Charlie in the eye and he looked into hers. He too seemed to be holding his breath too: "It was 7 years ago, wasn't it?" "Yes ..." "Time goes by really fast." "Yes…." Charlie didn't know what he was talking about at this point: “Listen, Sam ... If you don't want to talk, that's okay. I mean .. ” “I know what you want to say. But that's not it. It's complicated and, to be honest, I don't know what to think myself. " Charlie lifted his head briefly and looked into the distance with a crooked smile: "Yeah, it's definitely not easy to dance with the guy you dumped years ago." Samantha paused. What is that bitter undertone in his voice? And even if he did, what did he say? “I dumped you? Charlie, you were the one who went to Romania without asking. You didn't hesitate for a second." Now Charlie stopped and looked at Samantha confused: “Sam. I got an offer for my dream job. I thought if someone understands then you… ” 
Samantha shook her head:“ Of course I understood. Do you really think that's what this was about? Never, really never could I stand between you and your dream. But do you think I would have followed you and sat at home all day? Do you think I would let you carry the burden alone? I wanted to do an apprenticeship here in England and then I would have followed you to the end of the world!" Now Charlie seemed to lose all color in his face and Samantha could hear his heart beating. Hers too seemed to be pounding wildly on her chest. What was it that made her bring up all of this now? Even if so, Charlie must have been over their relationship for years. But why did it seem to excite him? He took a deep breath and put his hand on Samantha's shoulder: "Does that mean ...that you never wanted to break up?" The words struck Samantha like a knife in her heart. He thought she wanted to end the relationship then? But instead of an answer, Samantha managed just a slow shake of her head. All these years she thought he didn't want a relationship with her anymore. Charlie seemed to shake inwardly and his hand on Samantha's shoulder was trembling: "And what about ..." But before Charlie could finish the sentence, a white and blue ball of light shot through the tent roof and turned into a lux. It was the Patronus of Kingsley Shacklebolt. The whole tent fell silent and Kingsley's voice rang out:" The minister is dead. The ministry has fallen ... they're coming!" And with a soft hiss the Patronus disappeared. Instantly panic broke out among the guests. The first disappeared or ran wild. But there wasn't much time. Samantha and Charlie looked at each other briefly and in the next moment black clouds of smoke appeared in the tent and red flares flew through the area. The Death Eaters were there!
Samantha and Charlie just managed to avoid a curse by jumping backwards. Well, then it might be time to stress out a bit. Samantha's face turned rock hard and her eyes red as fire. Over the years she had learned to use and control her vampire skills. Immediately she heard the heartbeat and the flowing blood of everyone in the tent. She counted 18, no 20 opponents. But all just ordinary magicians. One was standing right behind her, raising his wand. But before he could even begin to cast a curse, Samantha turned and gave her opponent a targeted kick in the head. The Death Eater fell to the ground, unconscious. Very few wizards expected the enemy to attack physically in combat. And that's what Samantha had gotten really good at over the years. Still, she wanted to get her wand. It was lying in her handbag on the table where she was drinking wine with Charlie a few moments ago. Arrived at the table, Samantha could barely avoid an explosion spell and returned the attack by hitting the opponent with a chair. Using the table as cover, Samantha tried to get an overview of the situation. For a brief moment she saw Ron standing with Hermione and Harry Potter in disguise. Hermione and Samantha's eyes met briefly and Samantha nodded to her. With a fixed look Hermione returned the look and in the next moment all 3 had disappeared. There was no time to breathe, because Samantha had to avoid the next curses and Samantha saw Charlie running towards her. She ran towards him out of instinct, even if she didn't know what he was up to: "HOLD ON!" he just called and Samantha understood: "Charlie no wait!" Too late, Charlie had already wrapped his arms around her and disappeared with her to another place. The many lights blurred and it got darker, colder ... and wetter.
The two appeared on a street. By now it was getting late and dark and where Charlie had brought them it was pouring rain. Samantha didn't have to look around. She recognized the counter immediately. They were 2 blocks from her home in Ireland. “What are you doing there Charlie? We have to go back and help the others!" Still with red vampire eyes she gave Charlie an angry look. But without saying a word, Charlie took Samantha's hand and pulled her down the streets, "Charlie!" But he just stopped in front of Samantha's front door, turned around and took her handbag to look for the key while he said: “Listen. I think you are now so strong that you could have taken on the enemies alone. But if what Kingsley said is true, then you-know-who will hear of that and will send more. And if they don't defeat you, they will look for ways to weaken you. " Samantha exhaled heavily: "And then they will start to attack my friends and everyone close to me." Samantha looked at the floor with sagging shoulders. Her eyes returned to the color of the emerald green. She felt stupid because she couldn't think of it immediately. But when it came to her loved ones, Samantha quickly lost her strategic thinking. 
Charlie finally found the key and opened the door. Both entered and were already soaking wet from the rain. Charlie locked the door behind him and turned to Samantha: “Believe me ... I feel the same way. It ... it's my family after all. " Samantha looked into Charlie's eyes and could see his struggle inside. Then why did he stay here with her when he would rather be with his family? "Charlie ... if you'd rather go ... I mean, I'm safe here .." "No. I don't think either of us should be alone now. And I don't think they're hurting my family ... I mean, I think Ron and the others escaped. I ... at least I haven't seen her anymore and ... ” “Charlie. Ron and his friends escaped. I saw them disappear. And this Hermione ... I know she was prepared. She asked me to give her some books and potions." Samantha gently put her hand on Charlie's face: “And I gave it to her. And taught her a few protection spells. " Charlie's face seemed to relax a bit and he looked directly at Samantha: "Thank you." And so the two stopped. Charlie put his hand on Samantha's and began to stroke it lightly with his thumb. How good his skin felt on hers. Like an animal blinded by the light, Samantha could not escape it and seemed to forget everything around her. But a raindrop that ran down her neck brought her back and she also withdrew her hand: “I'll go get us towels. It’s enough that a war might break out soon. We don't have to catch a cold then. Charlie agreed with a smile and Samantha went to the guest bathroom.
No! She was not allowed to. She mustn't give in to her feelings. Secretly she was a ghost agent and she was forbidden to have feelings for a wizard! It was only putting Charlie in danger. Samantha came back with two towels in her arms. Charlie had now taken off his shoes and socks and Samantha threw the towel at him: “As soon as we're halfway dry, I'll get something else to wear. I should have some of Jack's clothes upstairs. " “Was your brother here? Your father allows him to enter the house? " Surprised and with a smile, Charlie looked at Samantha while he dried his head: "Gritting his teeth, yes. Jack was even allowed to stay a couple of times. We have been working on our relationship for the past few years. I think you can say that we made up again."
After the two of them dried themselves off and Samantha looked for new clothes for them, both changed (Samantha in her bedroom and Charlie in the bathroom). In the living room, Charlie made a fire in the fireplace and Samantha brought tea. They sat down next to each other on the sofa, but avoided eye contact. There they were now. Two grown people who acted like teenagers and didn't know what to say. Samantha sipped her tea nervously. Charlie was the first to find the courage to speak: “Listen, Sam. Because of the thing from before ... You mean you never wanted to end our relationship. And ... I didn't want that either. Then why did we do that?" With this question Charlie turned to Samantha and seemed to fix her with his gaze. "Honestly, I do not know. All these years I thought you didn't want me with you in Romania. That it would be too much for you." “And I thought all these years that it was getting too much for you. That you didn't want to be with me anymore But that wasn't true." Without realizing it, both turned to each other and looked directly at each other. Samantha's heart seemed to almost explode, almost aching in her chest. She hoped Charlie wouldn't complete his question from before, but it was as if he could read her mind:"How do you feel about me today?" Samantha took a deep breath and held it. That seemed like enough of an answer to Charlie. With his fingertips he first gently stroked her cheek, over her neck and finally he ran his fingers into her hair. God how good that felt. Their faces got closer and closer and when Charlie's fingers started to play with her hair, Samantha closed her eyes.
The next thing she felt Charlie's lips on her own. His warm and soft lips hugged hers tightly and Samantha kissed him back. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Charlie accepted this invitation immediately, put his free hand around her waist and pulled Samantha even closer. While Samantha ran her fingers through his hair and stroked his neck, Charlie briefly broke away from the kiss by a few millimeters. Samantha could feel his breath on her lips. Both opened their eyes briefly and all Samantha could see were Charlie's beautiful eyes. Eyes in which a fire burned as she had never seen it in any other person. Eyes so full of passion for life. Eyes that belonged to the man Samantha loved dearly. She could never stop loving him. Quietly, barely audible, Charlie breathed: "Sam ..." Then he kissed her again. More passionate, stronger and also wilder. However, as Charlie pronounced her name, it set off 1,000 fireworks in Samantha. Her whole body shook and tingled like she had never seen it before. Slowly her tongue penetrated his mouth and Charlie returned the game with his. With his left hand he held her head and buried his fingers more and more in her hair, which slowly opened further, with his right hand he ran along her back. She, however, continued to stroke his hair and with the other hand she stroked his chest. She could feel his muscles and his heartbeat under his shirt and she cursed every inch that was between them.
Through the movement Samantha's shirt had slipped a little and when Charlie ran his hand along her back, he ran it over her shirt and his hand now touched her bare skin. Now Samantha's mind is completely lost and this must also have triggered something for Charlie. They both paused for a moment and loosened their tongues. They both looked at each other again, but this time it was harder to breathe. Samantha lightly brushed Charlie's lips and cheek with one finger. The fireworks in her body just didn't stop. Charlie pulled his hand out of her hair. Her hairstyle was now completely messed up and her hair was hanging loose. Charlie took hers with his free hand and kissed first the fingers and then the inside. Samantha caught her breath. Then he ran his hand down the other side of her body until he was under her shirt with both hands. Again both paused briefly in their movement and looked at each other. There would be no step back now. 
Shortly afterwards both of them gave themselves up completely and seemed to forget everything around them. For a brief moment there was no return of the Dark Lord, no wedding that was blown up, no 7 years of solitude. No matter what was happening in the world, it was only important for them that they still loved each other and that they had finally realized their mistake from back then.  They would never repeat this mistake.  From now on the two belonged together.  And they prove it to themselves. In the end, both of them were still wrapped in a blanket on the sofa. Charlie was lying on top of Samantha and playing with her hair.
After a few seconds Samantha began to scratch Charlie's back until he finally lifted his head slightly to look at her. His cheeks were fiery red, and Samantha must have looked the same. It was even cute to see him with those cheeks, his eyes bright with joy. "I never stopped ..." Samantha finally said. "Never stopped what?" Charlie asked curiously with a slight smile. "Loving You. Charlie Weasley, I never stopped loving you. And I don't think I will either…” Charlie stiffened for a moment and seemed to be holding his breath. So many emotions flickered briefly in his eyes that Samantha couldn't see them all. Did Charlie suddenly have tears in his eyes? With watery eyes he kissed Samantha gently but intensely and then said: “And I never stopped loving you. And I never will stop.  From now on, we will never part again." A single tear landed on Samantha's cheek and mingled with her own. All the years of their separation have been pointless. No one had ever ceased to love the other. Neither of them ever wanted to part. It was all because of a misunderstanding! If only they had said earlier what they felt! But what has been seen is seen and Samantha's chest overflowed with happiness because she was finally reunited with Charlie. She had never felt more happiness in her life until then. Charlie gently ran his finger over Samantha's face.
"Hey, are you hungry?" “Mmh .. food sounds good. Come on, I'll do something in the kitchen. " They both got up, dressed and went into the kitchen. It was as if the two were in another world where there was no evil. Samantha made a couple of sandwiches for the two of them in the kitchen and while they ate they told each other what they'd been up to for the past few years. Charlie mainly talked about his work and the dragons. And the Quidditch championship from 3 years ago of course. He wasn't surprised to hear that Samantha was there too. After all, Ireland played. But they did not run into each other. As Samantha started talking it got more serious. She didn't want any secrets from Charlie, so she decided to tell him about the ghost agents. For a moment, Samantha thought Charlie was going to break into the Ministry and blow up her superiors, but he managed to calm himself down. They decided it was a long day and they should go to bed. However, Charlie insisted on wrapping and holding Samantha in bed like a burrito. Which Samantha found very cute.
The next morning they both woke up arm in arm and it was one of the few times that Samantha wasn't in a bad mood in the morning. They were having breakfast together when Samantha started to get back to reality. They couldn't hide forever in their dream world: “When the ministry has been taken over by you-know-who, they will start enforcing their regime. That means all non-purebloods will be persecuted ... and those ... like me. " Charlie's eyes hardened. Even if Samantha's mother's family was pure blood, there w as still her vampiric family:“ Ok. And where do we hide best? Here and with my family they will look first." “Not us Charlie. I." Immediately Charlie understood what Samantha was saying and he got angry: “Oh no Sam. It is out of the question. After 7 years I finally have you back. I won't let you disappear in the  underground the next day and who knows how long won't see you again!" 
“Charlie, now think about it. If we both go it will only be suspicious! Then they will know that you have something to do with me after last night. And in the worst case, it falls back on Bill and the others. We can't risk that." Samantha was absolutely right about what she said. And Charlie knew that. Still, he clenched a fist on the table and looked anything but satisfied. But to his surprise Samantha smiled: “Do you think something I have no plan? Did you know that there are a lot of crows in Romania?" “What does that have to do with it now? Oooohhhh…” Suddenly a light came on Charlie and he understood:“ But Sam, you are a registered Animagus. They will know that you can turn into a crow." 
Samantha looked over her toast and raised her eyebrows:“ And you really think the dark lord and his arms will hunt all crows and ravens all over Europe? Just because of a runaway half-vampire?" “Who could potentially defeat half of all Death Eaters after what you told me yesterday. But well, point for you. And how does it continue?" Samantha and Charlie both folded their arms and Samantha took a deep breath:" I'm going to have to make preparations with my colleagues. I assume they will have similar plans. But I still have connections with witches and wizards which could be dangerous for them. I have to make the Death Eaters think I have no connection with the wizarding world. That's why it's so important to be seen in public without me for you. You have to tell people that I ran away yesterday evening." Charlie nodded briefly:“ That makes sense to me. And then? I will have to go back to Romania as soon as I know that my family is fine." "Yeah! That makes sense. Well and when you are back in Romania ... " 
Samantha leaned forward slightly and smiled playfully at her boyfriend: "Then keep one of your windows open. They say that when a crow flies through a window, it brings good luck." Charlie leaned forward with a smile too and kissed Samantha. When it came off he bit her lip lightly: "I can hardly wait."
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 37
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Book and charm in hand you led the way through your enchanted doorway back to the arches to head to Rivendell that way with both Lords, chest puffed out fully prepared to share their markers on the union with you.
Once in the main courtyard you glanced at the pair saying, “Where would Lord Elros be? I know like three places here.”
Thranduil smirked and eased his fingertips playfully along your wrist on the start of the stroll through the kingdom remembering his first meeting of you and how you got lost after having been sent to fetch him. A couple Elleths along the way gave better direction to the path. Inside a sitting room among the Feanoreans and Gil-Galad you found Elros who rose to his feet and bowed his head to Thranduil and Glorfindel with eyes shifting to you a moment when you came into view between them. “King Thranduil, my brother is on a border run although he should return in a few hours.”
Thranduil, “Actually the Wizard who was captured by Melkor and Sauron has given his account and the location he was held in sounds similar to Numenor.” That had the others shifting as he did on his feet. “My Queen has been given the charm withholding the voyage and imprisonment if you would be up to aiding in uncovering the location?”
“Charm, how might I assist you Queen Jaqi?” he asked now with eyes fixed solely on you causing your grin to flinch out.
“Well the charm makes it easy, we just step through and flash ahead to the end and maybe you can see where he went.” Any questions they might have asked stilled at the toss of the Mirror Glass Charm that expanded to the size of a door that with one foot inside you said, “You’re going to see an eyeless weird looking creature, he won’t move as long as I don’t eat or drink anything. Other than that perfectly safe. Just enjoy the show while I wander through or you can do something else if you don’t want to watch could get a bit tedious after a while.”
Once you had passed through the mirror Amrod said, “That is not comforting to hear when traveling to new lands.”
It was confirmed they could not pass through with taps of their fingers on the glass Thranduil and Glorfindel claimed an empty set of chairs with furrowed stares at the sight of you holding the guiding wheel shaped like a time turner. The moment your fingers touched it the mirror lit up and you were in the middle of Pumpernickel in the middle of Lockhart’s send off crowd that in a mist spreading from the mirror filled the room to give each Elf watching you feel that the images were expanding out of the mirror and they were in the memory. A slight turn of the knob on the guiding wheel and the world to them moved faster while you moved Lockhart forward. Days sped on until the spot where shadows engulfed him in a cavern and with your arms crossed over your middle watching the smoke column take Lockhart across the vast empty barren lands the Lords discussed possible markers along the way.
Deep in the dark palace the conspiring Melkor and Sauron leeching strength from Lockhart on the ground you strolled past to start looking through the shelves. Shuffling small objects and papers in the shelves, the audience fought to keep their eyes on you instead of the disturbing squirming of Lockhart. All through the room you moved and surprising to them you passed through the closed door sealed and without a handle, as were the other doors you approached. The lack of handles puzzled them as well as the odd pops of bubbles of lights on the ends of each lit candle and torch along the walls casting shadows over you but not anything else in the room. Without having to move they followed along with brows furrowing in confusion with Meadhros asking, “What is she looking for?”
Glorfindel, “I have no clue. Perhaps something useful. It is peculiar how this charm enables her to travel into these moments.”
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Thranduil stood up at the appearance of a naked saggy skinned creature with empty eye sockets and eyeballs on the palms of its raised hands along the wall as you dug through a bag. Thranduil’s eyes shot open wide in helpless fright and by the time he inhaled sharply Glorfindel was up on his feet with him. The appearance of the creature didn’t go unnoticed by you as they had assumed, you looked to the creature asking, “This is edible?” Tossing that over your shoulder you said, “Ugh,” Moving on to the next shelf in the move of the creature against the wall slowly fading into it.
Four more rooms were rummaged through when you crossed a hall and the Lords gasped at your startled squeak in a hidden hatch in the floor falling out taking the carpet with it into the dark chasm below. Above your head from your wand a red beam shot off latched onto the beam above that with a tugging charm you rose up from the hole to reach with a toe to work yourself back to the floor again.
Under your breath you muttered in sheathing your wand again the search continued on as you adjusted the controller on the chain around your neck ignoring the door being slammed open in Sauron angrily coming to inspect the hole in the floor he shot a fireball down to find it empty. The three cats that climbed out of a table along the wall that came to greet him won a sigh from the Maiar and were lifted into his arms starting his own muttering path to inquire more upon the location of the rest of his cats while you carried on. Nearly an hour had passed of dodged traps, near ambushes of the Maiar inspecting more noises form you, and a room packed with cats sleeping in a sunlit room you crossed on your toes stepping between them to get across the room. All the while lifting the confusion of the onlookers which now included the freshly returned Elrond and his sons who were floored on why you were searching and Celeborn on his way to join the audience.
From living spaces you seemed to be set on searching for something still and now had you delved deeper with glowing mice to lead the path ahead. Underneath chains looped across the ceiling you walked to a grated hatch at the end of a pitch black dead end hall that you lifted to climb down a spiral staircase. Hearing the sound of shifting water echoed in the distance. Deeper and darker only the bubble you were walking down the densely silent cave resounding with each step taken on the silt coated floor. Around the first corner however you shot back into the wall behind you with a startled shriek causing the Elves watching to jump at the body that collapsed from a ledge you didn’t see far above you. The shriek and thud traveled up to let you all know how far down you found yourself.
Panting softly in a trembling moment you muttered, “Don’t look up.” Simply over the body you stepped ignoring the eyeless fiend that appeared again that receded in your harsh whisper, “I don’t eat bones!” With a shake of your head after the glowing mice now over the body went ahead down the path closer to the water sounds. Right to the edge of a dead end walkway that emptied into a pitch black lake of water roughly two stories below your feet.
“Where are you going?” Thranduil whispered and lifted his hand to smooth over his lips in your jump off the ledge.
The light of the glow mice now horned serpents radiated the outline of your body showed where you were but not where you were swimming to as you dove and dove towards who knows where. Thanks to your gills on your neck and mermaid tail the distance didn’t bother you at all. Finally a row boat dimly came into view above a set of chains, a muffled knock on the boat had those chains shift unsettling the audience even more. Underneath the boat light traveled with you and sunk lower in a peek a foot came into view along with the startled dark haired Elf and giant wolfhound that had Maedhros gasp, “Fingon,” while Maglor said “Huan.”
Up underneath the boat full of a pocket of air the chained duo used to survive while the tide was in you eased startling the pair only seeing just a ball of silver glimmering light. Silently you broke their bonds and from around your neck the chain of the controller was stretched around their heads instantly frightening the duo that with a shove you pushed through the mirror gateway into the crowd of Lords. Right away Fingon was clung to by his kin to the startling spell to dry his clothes and hair along with Huan’s fur the both turned to watch you ease out of the ship that dropped to the ground, each Lord explaining exactly who you were and how he was saved. Faster and faster you swam shifting from mermaid to a phoenix to shoot out of the water back to the ledge that now in the relief of the tug you felt back up you went to Lockhart’s side where you spun the controller again to when Sauron and Melkor led the march to Gondor.
All around the still calming rescued duo mouths dropped as you locked the rotting dial and let them get a better look at the distant island. All of what you could see topped by  glowing white trees for the few moments until you had to let it fly and soar over the dark kingdom and broken Shire, the painful ruins from which had you turn and hop out of the mirror doorway. Right away Glorfindel drew you into his chest for a panicked hug tailed by a face cupping inspection of you, “Please never do that again.”
Softly you chuckled and leaned into Thranduil’s own worried hug then stepped back asking, “Any clue where that was?”
Elrond, “Those mountains on the way back were on the cusp of Orcarni, though I do not recall that palace you were searching.”
Elros, “The island is Numenor.”
“Ah, well that’s good. I guess. More room for you all.”
Hastily you wet your lips and Celeborn asked, “What were you searching for?”
“I don’t know, them apparently. Everything, most times I can feel memories trapped in things, but inside the mirror it’s muddled, so I knew there was something, did find these though,” you said pulling a pair of ring horcruxes from your back pocket they didn’t see you tuck away. “Even muddled I could hear these screaming.” From your office you called the jar with Durin’s ring you uncorked and added these to and corked again then lifted your left hand to catch the Mirror Glass Charm that folded back up again with the necklace inside landing in your open palm.
Elrond asked, “What was that doorway?”
A Wizard can carry this along and through it people can go back and travel through wherever they went. Not very reliable for the weak willed Wizard but handy in a pinch when you need some sleuthing time.”
Glorfindel, “Sauron did not see you when you were in the same halls.”
“No, he wouldn’t, turns the wearer into a sort of ghost.”
Thranduil quietly leaned in pressing his lips to the top of your head with his hand on your shoulder luring your hand onto his wrist for a calming stroke along his forearm that brought focus to the new rings on your hand now in view of the Lords that saw the rings on your husbands’ index fingers.
Celeborn asked, “Are you hungry? You were inside that doorway for four hours.”
“Ah, felt longer than that, I guess you’ll be wanting a doorway to the island too?”
Elros, “If you wouldn’t be too troubled by that. The charm must have been exhausting.”
“I’ve had sneezes more exhausting more than that. Just a bit of scavenging.”
Elrond, “We have a meal prepared for you, come and eat must keep your strength up for nursing.”
Gil-Galad, “What was that creature who kept approaching you?”
“Fairy Plague is the closest we have to a name. There’s rules with Mirror Glass Charms, including you can’t eat anything, in a sense when you enter you give off the same aura of a fairy and he eats fairies but he can’t touch you unless you eat or drink. They used to be in the wild but then a line of Pixies mingled with some Muggles and there was a huge scandal where the confused Plague were seen by Muggles, and you can’t attack those creatures or, well let’s just say the earth tends to tear open and it’s a world shattering moment. Ministries from all over the world managed to lure them into the world of the Mirror Glass Charms so that they could feed safely away from the Muggles.”
Thranduil, “These Muggles almost destroyed your world then?”
“Well the Wizards managed to contain it into what is now known as the Grand Canyon which stretches 1902 miles.” Dropping jaws on the Elf Lords walking around you, “They managed to charm those around the canyon to believe that it had always been there before the record of Man. Shifting water levels splitting the earth and such. It very much could have broken that country within an hour at the least. They really are normally docile except around Fairies then they get hungry, and when other populations are threatened by Fairies one of the Plague is released near their lands and then taken back again after they’re contently fed. Just be glad I didn’t sneeze or that would have set lose the Grump Bats.”
Gil-Galad, “I hate to wonder what those creatures might entail.”
“Probably best you don’t know.”
Around the table the group all gathered with eyes on you watching from a small portal a large snake that slithered out up your arm that into a cup of juice from the table you offered to Lord Fingon. More than a bit frightened the Lord hoisted up with arms on the shoulders of two of his relatives eyed the cup then you, “I pulled you out of a thirty foot deep lake in the bottom of a cursed palace just to kill you with apple juice. Makes perfect sense. It’ll help that fractured leg of yours so you can walk Sir Hop Along.”
Maglor couldn’t help it but he chortled and translated for you and Fingon accepted the cup and finished it off grimacing through it to hear you say, “You’ll need a day off it and another serving tomorrow I’ll have it ready for you at lunch.” Off the table to the hiss of the snake an orange was lifted and peeled magically that it swallowed whole and lured curious smiles form the Elves who watched its mouth twist up into a content smile in its path through the same portal back to its habitat.
Into the dining room however you grinned seeing Regulus there at Lindir’s side in front of your father and Remus. All smiling in Em’s hurried trot over from your uncle’s side to your arms where she was lifted announcing the elephant in the room to your family smiling even wider. After a kiss on her head and hug for you Em gasped saying, “Big puppy!” With a giggle you set her down and she sped around the table to lay against the giant exhausted dog now wagging his tail excited along with the Lords to see the small child that began babbling to him between sloppy strokes and pats of her hands all over his head and side.
Awkwardly you looked to your uncle passing over the jar as he said, “Neville let on you went into the Mirror Glass Charm. Found them all?”
You nodded, “Yup, the other four according to these are destroyed, they were in Mordor. Found another Elf Lord and the puppy.” Your eyes shifted to your dad and you said in his eyes detailing your new rings, “And, I sort of got married after work.”
Loudly Regulus laughed and Remus chuckled in a rub of his hand over his mouth to your dad’s chuckle. Lindir, like a deer in the headlights looked at your uncle only to hear him say to your off guard husbands. “Sorry.”
Remus said, “I told you she’d say that Padfoot.”
Your dad came up with arms lifted revealing the front of the sling under the side of his jacket holding your sleeping baby brother, “Your mum said the same thing.” Folding you into a hug, “Congratulations Pumpkin.” Over your head he looked to the two as behind his back Regulus lifted your hand to see your rings. “Welcome to the family,” when you pulled back he said, “I take it this means the boys are my grandsons now too?”
You nodded and Remus said, “Good, we will add their names to the birthday tree, for now, will you need a sub tomorrow?”
“Should be fine, and Thranduil said I could do the Pegasus flyover above Greenwood tomorrow so you can calm the creature department I’ll give Buckbeack a flight.”
Remus, “Very helpful indeed, so very helpful they do love to swoop on us. Now we just need to get Percy through the band of Sphinx to their new habitats from their safe island. They’re all demanding days worth of riddles for themselves.”
Regulus came for a hug of his own and said, “We’re glad you came back fairly early. Enjoy your supper, we’ll keep Em from stealing someone’s giant puppy.”
Thranduil said, “That’s alright, I am sure Em could lift his spirits greatly.”
Regulus smiled saying, “Good, private dinner by candle light for us,” easing his arm around Lindir’s back cuddling close with a peck on his cheek that spread a blush across his face mid congratulations to you three.
In his glance back your dad asked, “You haven’t happened to pump yet?”
“I did, few hours before this.”
“Oh that’s good,” he said settling his hands on the sling to Fin’s waking grumbles, to the boy he smiled saying, “Come on Fin let’s go get you some milk before story time.”
Into your seat you lowered at Glorfindel’s gentle hand on your side and again you grinned at the table of eyes aimed at you. Out from the entrances the servants came with trays of food they laid out for each of you, your plate luring Em over to see what she could take to feed the puppy who perked up with each morsel he carefully took from her open palm. Quietly you focused on Em and eating managing to get her to eat some bites of food as well to not ignore her belly for the starving giant puppy surely to be well fed shortly once the kitchens readied his share to eat and rest at his leisure. Fingon much more content savored the meal his kin added more of their helpings to for his strength to return, though you could tell the scars across your face had him muttering lowly to them about how they were inflicted.
A question however had Celegorm asking you, “Queen Jaqi, that snake venom is able to heal bones, I am curious, is there no tonic to heal scars?”
“There are several, depending on how deep the scar is.”
Caranthir, “Your scars, why keep them if there is a healing tonic?”
“I was given my mother’s face, she had her mother’s face, who had hers, and so on for twelve generations back, this is my face.”
Curufin asked, “Might I ask, on your kin’s claim of stardust in your veins, is there a source to that belief aside from that inherited claim?”
“Well, it’s, it sounds more like a bedtime story really than something based on fact etched in some tomb.”
Celeborn, “We would be honored to hear the tale all the same should you agree to share it.” He said adjusting Tin against his chest to burp her in Arwen’s claim of the bottle her aunt had just emptied to wash later in sitting to hear the tale.
Em back at your side popped up asking, “Story time?” Smiling in her climb onto your lap to settle in for the story.
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With a swipe of your hand above your head the roof above your head revealed the stars shining brightly above your head and a pair of misty figures formed above the table hovering on a cloudy earth both apart then joined together in a loving embrace. “Back to the days of the birth of the Noble House of Black was Major Ursa Black. A Wizard who was an expert on the stars and all matters Astronomy and Astrology with an ear for their whispers on the wind married the greatest Seer of their age. The what the signs had told shown their First born came a daughter even though her mother believed to have seen a son as their first grown child so they named their girl Ursa after her father.”
The two figures now played out the tale with a baby held between them in a golden aura contrasting their silvery blue ones. “One day little Ursa got sick and kept growing sicker bedridden for her whole life kept away from light as it hurt her eyes and pained her head.” Their lips parted seeing the girl now glowing inside the dark outline of a house while her body grew across a growing bed and in her father’s arms while his figure danced in a sea of music notes. “But her nights she knew because her father would come home and dance with her in his arms or standing on his feet singing with her to what he called the song of the stars. Years he shared all their stories those stars she never got to see and as her time grew short she wished for nothing more than to one day see a star.”
Her body grew sickly and their chests clenched to the tale’s turn. Suddenly in a slink out of his daughter’s room the father left the house and took a broom flying up into the sky near the roof until he was just alone in a sea of stars their eyes followed. “And so breaking the laws of nature he broke into the sky finding the pastures of the stars slipping past their keeper and snatched one, and people below saw it streaking across the sky, but you can’t outrun the gods as the keeper had warned them taking notice of the theft.” Down to the house he came again chased by angrily glowing figures much larger than him that stilled at the Queen’s calming. “Though the Queen of the Stars in all her fury and contempt for the only one to dare steal from her, her eyes fell on the child he led them to and she stopped the others who paused and slipped away letting that child enjoy that single star.”
You paused as the story changed in the little girl’s passing and arrival of the reaper. “And one day the King of the Dead came to claim her soul on the day her name appeared in his book of those to claim and her parents wept and her father swore in laying her in the earth he would never look up to the stars again. Though a silent offer was given to the child buried with that precious stolen star, an offer to come see those precious pastures and dwell there where she could always see her parents and smile down and sing for them.”
Once the story of the girl’s place up in the stars was shown a new child arrived between the mourning pair soon joined by others with alternating colored auras. “Their assumed only child soon had younger siblings beginning with a brother, Orion, every one of them named after the stars their father shared in mournful endless tales and songs but never looked to drinking himself deeper into his depression they were his stars now and he would never let any take them from him. Years and years her siblings swore they could see her and hear her singing each night and up until she came weeping to the King of the Winds who wed the Queen of the Stars she smiled at them trying to get him to look up to the girl whose voice always echoed in his ears each night. And the King of the Wind sent winds like never before blowing and blowing until he was forced to get out of the house to appease his terrified children to bolt the slamming shutters and tear the broken branches away from their house tapping without stop.” The storm was mimed after the tale of little Ursa’s failed tries to get her father’s attention.
“And those winds blew him off his roof until he was on his back and paralyzed by pain and his eyes opened and the winds died, and there she was, his Ursa. Clear as water he could see her and sing with her as he did every night after with his wife and other children. And while her siblings grew so did she, one of the lesser gods asked for her hand and she had a family of her own she showed off each night.”
A battle brewed clenching their chests after a moment of peace in the tale. “Then one day word came for warriors and their sons were too young for battle so Major Ursa picked up his sword in his old age in their place and he fell on that field having brought down fifteen times what any other had to endure so none stepped foot on their lands keeping his children safe. And he had just enough strength to roll over and watch his daughter come down at the King of Death’s request, his kindness after that long wait. And all his children didn’t need a notice of his fall because they could see him that night up there in the sky. Holding her and her babies close dancing to their song and every night after, one by one rising to join their kin. But the men needed a Keeper of the Stars, so naturally his son, Orion, took up his place as expert to the stars and upon notice by others of the new lights n the sky the son named their constellations Ursas Major and Minor, The Big And Little Bear.”
The story faded to the bright glow of the actual constellations in the sky stunning them to silence a moment with eyes settling on you as you shared where the moon was that Em’s name was named after earning a giggle from her. A turn of your head had the boys now in your sights snapped out of their daze who hurried to greet Huan as well luring Em back to the giant puppy again. To Celeborn you said, “Not the friendliest or happiest story.”
Gil-Galad, “We share that same tale. One of the Maiar. A mighty tale and well worth the boasting.”
“The one thing we can be proud of from our generations of hateful ancestors who latched onto corrupting ideals. But our house is going to be unquestionably Noble again one day.”
Gil-Galad, “Your House is unquestionably Noble. I am looking at the proof. None of us are without fault or a gloomy past.”
After a moment of silence and a nod you glanced to Huan, now on his feet to go and lay in the garden the children had rushed into seeing a group of ducks that quacked and let them gently pat them on their way to the lake again from their nests. “Why’d they chain the giant puppy?”
Celegorm said, “Valar King Orome gifted Huan to me in our friendship in my youth. He is a Maiar blessed with immortal life, however he was doomed to fall to Melkor in his wolf form. Lord Fingon and Huan must have returned close to their lair and were captured. Thank you, for saving them.”
“Well, there’s a very short list of people I’d have left down in that pit, conveniently they all are already dead from their idiocy.” Making the Lords across from you smirk. Each of the once venomous Feanoreans now able to see just how visible the pain you had endured was being shouldered and worked through with a façade they themselves knew was shattering to hold to support a nation of people. All of that and still while they had thousands of adults you had thousands of children to protect and had taken even more so upon the arrival of Estel and the twins on top of your own child you had shockingly young. Slowly they could see you weren’t as abrasive and hard to befriend as you put off, truly granting them a chance to change while you tried to change yourself.
A squeaking yawn at Thranduil’s side and his eyes lowered to Em in her lean into his side between you both and he twisted to pull her up onto his lap while Estel and the twins were climbing onto you and Glorfindel’s laps. All together in a break of the gathering the children were all taken to the boys’ room now like your dorm in Hogwarts with beds built into the wall above built in desks with plenty of shelving around a round lounge covered in pillows for story time. Draped on the lounge a second story once the kids were changed was read lulling the four to sleep to be put to bed, the boys in their new beds they loved and Em in her own room back in your house. Gently you kissed her forehead in her nestle under the covers to the star casting crystal by her bed that began to hum its song.
Up again you stood to Thranduil and Glorfindel adjusting the curtain around her bed and blanket across the foot of it leading the way back to the hall they eased the door shut once it was behind them. “I guess we’ll have to go over living arrangements.”
Glorfindel, “Our homes are linked, that can be settled in time.”
Thranduil, “Exactly, our people are still bonding, your family does still join together in your home for meals at least once daily. We join in on that.”
Glorfidel nodded, “Yes, and for us we do usually keep sons and daughters in separate rooms while they grow and often wives have their own beds if they do require solace.”
“So, just, keep doing what we do?”
Thranduil smiled asking, “Do you have a set plan you wish for us to lay?”
Haltingly you replied, “No.”
They both chuckled and Glorfindel guided you back to the archways that brought you back to Rivendell. Thanks to a memory from Elros the lot of you were able to pass through to the restored island that the Elves from Numenor were already had been readying to return to their former homes to clear the overfilled spare guest wings of Rivendell. While they explored your husbands smiled in audience to your stroll between the swaying glowing white trees dancing and singing in your arrival, each glowing brighter in your hands tapping the trunks with branches coated in blossoms that began to open to your touch.
Lowly beside your husbands Celeborn said, “We are gladdened in your news.” His eyes lowering to the spread of flowers that sprung out of the ground behind the path you took, small animals and birds from distant darker willow trees flew to the glowing forest with timid deer that crept out more across the island now full of chatter from the returned Elves that all greeted them fondly calming each of them. “Her light seems to be growing in the discovery of those rings from Sauron.”
Glorfindel, “There is a great deal of pain we now can shoulder along side her.”
Thranduil, “At least her family seemed quite pleased with our union as well. So there will not be tension concerning their worries.”
Celeborn, “Has Legolas been told yet?”
Thranduil, “Legolas is on his patrols tonight, I will inform him upon his return. The attentions Jaqi made to include him upon the design of the ring will be endearing to him I am certain.” He lifted his hand showing him the rings you had given them, “These stones on our wedding band symbolize our children, they grow to the size of the middle stone and gain emeralds around them as they reach adulthood with Legolas’ in the center of our brood.”
Elrond, freshly returned grinned claiming Glorfindel’s offered hand tilting it to get a full look at the identical set of rings saying, “These are quite lovely, these must have had a hefty cost for hiring this Master Craftsman.”
Glorfindel stated, “Jaqi crafted these from clumps of earth in front of us when we presented her our ring.” Parting their lips, “We were quite open to waiting for display of our bond until her customs had been honored with a ceremony for her family although she wished to honor our bond to our customs as well.”
Thranduil, “Yes, in fact stated for her people she may just claim to have eloped and simply have a dinner of sorts to celebrate the union. That seems to be an acceptable route for her impression. Although we do hope she changes her mind later on and we may celebrate her choice of us publicly for her people and family one day.”
A giggle from you turned their heads to find Huan in a playful trot around you, up to your shoulder melting into more pets and attention from the woman who saved him from that prison. Under the light of these trees he felt his strength returning a bit more and curiously he watched you crouch and stretch to inspect more flowers and plants you seemed to not know while they were quite common to and everyone else. Even without speaking to the Numenoreans or other Lords you turned to Glorfindel’s side, his smile split wide open to your hand on his arm in a lean into his chest. Right on your forehead through your curls his lips pressed and he hummed, “Tired?”
“Just think they might want some space,” you said in the rest of his arm around your back under your curls.
Elrond chuckled replying, “Merely I believe you are catching on that the songs are about to begin. However you are always welcome here, I trust you know that.” You nodded and he said, “We offer our congratulations as well for your union.”
“Thank you.”
Celeborn stated, “Your birthday celebration shall be all the more special welcoming you as Queen of The Greater Greenwood.”
Two pecks on Glorfindel and Thranduil’s cheeks had the grinning pair still with their friends on your way to get some sleep before the day ahead. A quick shower and after hearing a pair of cleaners cleaning in the apartment you climbed into your own bed for the night, drifting off to bed with a final glance at your wedding ring from the pair.
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78, @pastelhexmaniac
X Thranduil - @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf, @pastelhexmaniac, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore
Ridikulus- @long-cosmos-overhead, @partoftheminfamily, @alishlieb
19 notes · View notes
orderoftheavengers · 3 years
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Wanda’s Vision 
A Mysterious Package
As if losing her true love wasn’t cruel enough, Wanda Maximoff can’t even burry him. Instead, the chunks of Vision’s broken stone body are being studied in the Alchemy Department in the Ministry of Magic, as if he’s nothing more than a crumbled statue. Fighting back tears, she picks up her scarlet broom, and heads back to Hogwarts. Since helping to save the universe again, she’s been granted the chance to return and finish her schooling, But the Ravenclaw Commonroom feels empty without is Chimera Prefect.
Wanda should be in class, but instead she drifts up to her empty dorm. There, she finds a tall, tombstone-shaped package standing in front of her blue canopy bed, covered in brown paper. Tied to it is a simple, unsigned note: Enjoy!
Curiously, she takes off the wrapping, to find a tall mirror with an elegant golden frame. The curved top of the frame is engraved with the words:  erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi
Wanda’s eyes drift down to the glass. Instead of her reflection, she sees static, like on an old Muggle TV set. Then, the static clears, to a black-and-white sitcom. The Mirror of Erised broadcasts “WandaVision,” where she sees herself and Vision living an ideal life, in a setting reminiscent of the vintage Muggle sitcoms Wanda and Pietro used to watch with their parents.
The tears finally come. In her grief, Wanda slams her fist into the glass.
A normal witch or wizard could probably not damage the Mirror of Erised, but Wanda Maximoff is no ordinary witch.
Her grief turns to shock when her fist breaks through the glass, and a hurricane-like wind begins sucking her and everything around her into the mirror…
Next thing they know, Wanda and Vision are in their black-and-white Commonroom, getting ready for class. They don their robes, and get their chrome-covered wands and school bags. They head for the Great Hall for breakfast, accompanied by a laugh track. Once there, they have trouble finding the Ravenclaw table, due to the fact that all of the scarves, ties and tablecloths are in grayscale.
“Well, I don’t think it’s either of those,” Vision muses, gazing at two tables locked in a violent magical food fight. The Gryffindors and Slytherins are all Greasers; their black, leather, studded robes bearing large patches of lions or snakes depending on their “gang.”
The next table they look at is filled with beatniks, sharing poetry about peace and unity. “I think that’s Hufflepuff,” Wanda says, noting the badger in the middle of the table playing bongos.
The last table is full of nerds in bowties and horn-rimmed glasses. Figuring this is their stop, Wanda and vision have a seat and begin their breakfast. They’re almost immediately interrupted by the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Agatha Harkness. Wanda is clearly her teacher’s pet, and Agatha says she can’t wait to see what Wanda is capable of on the test later today. "Is my best student gonna Ace this exam, or is that a stupid question?" Professor Harkness gives an irritating "gossipy neighbor" sort of laugh. "Remember, we're doing Patronuses!" Agatha takes out her wand and says with a smile, "Expecto Señor Scratchy! ...Oh, bowtruckles and doxies...Scratchy sit!" Agatha excuses herself, to chase her silvery rabbit Patronus, which is now wreaking havoc across the table.   Wanda smiles and nods, secretly trying to remember this exam she hasn’t studied for.
To make matters worse, the school’s Head Girl and Boy, Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin, have decided to join Ravenclaw for breakfast. They ask Wanda and Vision where they’re from, when they began dating, and so forth, with the pair unable to answer.
“What year are you?” Teddy presses on, adjusting his cute wolf-themed sweater. “Are you Purebloods or Muggleborn?  Did you transfer from another school?”
“Any mixed heritage?” Victoire adds.
Wanda and Vision are saved from having to answer when Teddy starts to choke on a werewolf hairball; Vision saves him, using his phasing powers. The frightening moment passes, and suddenly breakfast is over.
“Oh, look at that, it’s time for the game already!” Teddy declares. “Come on!”
Very confused, Wanda and Vision follow the crowd out of the Great Hall and outside, across the gray grass, to…
The Quidditch Pitch
As they near the Quidditch field, the roar of screaming girls makes it nearly impossible to hear each other speak.  Wanda gets out her wand to attempt an ear-plug charm, and notices it looks different than before; instead of that slick chrome covering, her wand now is covered in psychedelic flowers.
When they find their seats, they notice that many of the girls have beehive hairdos, and many people’s cloaks have claps shaped like peace symbols and Yin-Yangs. Vision and Wanda move through the Hufflepuff box, where Teddy Lupin and his comrades have apparently traded their barrettes and scarves for beads and hippie hair. Next, they find a box full of nerds, that they hope is Ravenclaw; with everything still in grayscale, the only way to be sure is to look for an eagle crest somewhere. Vision and Wanda have a seat next to a friendly new girl with a beehive hair, introducing herself as “Geraldine.”
“To be honest I don’t know if I’m in the right box either,” Geraldine reassures Wanda.
“What House are you?” Wanda asks conversationally.
Geraldine’s face falls. “I…don’t know.”
The conversation is cut short when Madam Hootch, dressed like Ed Sullivan, announces the start of the game. The Gryffindor players all have moptops, and quip each other while during the game in thick Liverpool accents. The Slytherins are a bit rougher looking. Slytherin Seeker Albus Severus Potter comments about blowing up Moaning Myrtle’s toilet, and Scorpius Malfoy boasts about snorting his father’s ashes.
The Golden Snitch, for some reason, keeps flying past Wanda and Vision’s part of the stands. And something about the Snitch looks out of place. Wanda finally stops it in midair with her telekenesis, and summons it towards her for a better look. The Golden Snitch really is gold—it’s in color!—and there’s a red symbol on it: a sword, circled by two lions and a huge elegant "G."
“I think they need that!” Geraldine quickly snatches the Snitch from Wanda and expertly chucks it back into the field, as if pitching a baseball.
The Quidditch field is starting to look different. The Quidditch balls and hoops are morphing into colorful, psychedelic cartoons. As if trying to compete with the trippy animation, Al Potter takes out his wand and starts levitating furniture, toilets and animals from the castle to come flying into the crowd. This prompts the Gryffindors to make more awful puns at each other, while trying to retrieve the Golden Snitch from Ringo's nose.
“How is anyone getting through this sober?” Professor Harkness laments over the chaos.
Wanda excuses herself and makes for one of the restrooms in the Quidditch stadium. The toilets have all been blown up by Al Potter, but she doesn’t need to “go,” she just needs to think. In the restroom, she is confronted by queen bee Dominique Weasley, who seems to be implying that Wanda is guilty of something.
“I mean you no harm,” Wanda insists.
“I don’t believe you,” the young part-Veela replies, matching Wanda’s intense stare.
That’s when both girls are interrupted by a muffled voice, apparently coming from the mirror.
Superimposed over their reflections, Wanda can just barely make out the ghostly image of a young man, and hear his distant voice calling, “Wanda, who is doing this to you?”
The eerie message repeats, and Wanda’s anxiety rises, until the glass mirror suddenly shatters, startling her and Dominique. Dominique suffers a cut to her hand, getting some crimson blood on her Gryffindor scarf.
“Gosh,” Dominique says chipperly, as if their intense conversation never happened, “At least blood stains don’t show up as much against Gryffindor colors!”
The girls return to the bleachers, to find that the game has finished. It’s unclear who won, as both teams seem to be celebrating the game in their own way.  The Gryffindors give a cute, uniformed bow, while the Slytherins enthusiastically smash their broom sticks on the ground.
By the time the crowd is leaving the stadium, everything is now in color. Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have their long hippie hair flowing in bright mind green and shimmering Veela gold respectively. The flowers on Wanda’s wand are now bright shades of red and orange. But the biggest shock of all comes when she and Vision return to the Ravenclaw common room, and realize that Wanda is four months pregnant!
The moment is interrupted by a noise from outside the Commonroom. Peering into the hall, Wanda and Vision see a cloaked figure emerge from a secret passageway behind a gargoyle (shaped like a Blue Meanie). The figure turns around, and Wanda sees that sword symbol once again, on the back of his cloak.
“No,” she mutters, and with a flick of her hands, literally rewinds time.
…says Madame Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing. “You’re having a healthy baby.”
Vision stammers, “But isn’t this happening a little…fast?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, only Muggles stigmatize teen parents. Us wizards still live like it’s the Middle Ages, remember.”
Wanda tries delicately, “The baby having some Phoenix or Chimera heritage wouldn’t be affecting anything, would it?”
“I don’t think so. But you can check the school library for more information if you like.”
The soon-to-be teen parents decide to do just that.
Wanda and Vision enter the library to find themselves now dressed like Scooby Doo characters under their school robes, which have the cut of droop-sleeved Disco gowns.
Geraldine strides in, sporting a fro, with her Gryffindor necktie tied around her head like a scarf. Teddy Lupin and Victoire sit nearby, sporting a mint-green afro and a silverly shag respectively. Lysander and Lorcan Scammander are putting up a sign on the library wall, protesting the pollution of the Forbidden Forest. From the open window, one can see that a new Quidditch game is already afoot; the Gyffindors and Slytherins, in House-colored disco suits, violently toss flying disco balls at each other, while talking like Nick Fury.
No one besides Wanda and Vision seems to notice anything amiss. That is, until Wanda suddenly goes into labor, in the middle of the “P” isle.
Vision runs to get Madame Pomfrey, while Geraldine delivers the baby. Vision returns with the nurse just too late to see his son’s birth. This is remedied a moment later when Wanda goes into labor again! They end up with two healthy baby boys. Wanda and Vision decide to go the Weasley route, and give them simple names: Tommy and Billy.
Geraldine helps Wanda turn the trunk at the end of her dorm bed into a cradle for the twins.
“I’m a twin,” Wanda remembers. “I had a brother, named Pietro.”
Geraldine then adds slowly, “He was killed by Ultron.”
That was the wrong thing to say.
Wanda looks at her friend again, suddenly suspicious and angry. She notices suddenly that the patch on Geraldine’s robes does not depict the usual Gryffindor icon, but instead, that suspicious sword symbol. Ignoring Geraldine’s stammering pleas, Wanda sends the Gryffindor flying through the stone wall, out of the Ravenclaw commonroom.
Geraldine flies backwards down the hall, until she smashes through another stone wall.
She crashes through the wooden wall of the Quidditch pitch.
And finally, she crashes through a massive wall of glass, with a shattering sound that echoes eerily.
“Geraldine” lands on the wet grass. She pushes herself up, as Ministry wizards and witches gather around her. It is dusk, and they’re in the middle of an empty clearing in the woods. Not too far off, the Mirror of Erised magically repairs its own shattered glass.
Monica Rambeau sees the Mirror of Erised standing alone in the empty field, and it all starts coming back to her...
Here’s What Really Happened
...Monica Rambeau’s mother, Maria Rambeau, founded the Sword of Gryffindor: a division within the Ministry of Magic, tasked with threats by non-human magical beings. Monica, a recent graduate of Hogwarts, had just begun an apprenticeship under her mother, when she (Monica) was turned to ash by Thanos’s Dusting Curse.  After she “Blipped” back, and learned her mother had died in the summer she’d been gone, Monica needed work to keep her mind off of her shock and grief.
Her new mission concerned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which had seemingly vanished overnight—along with the lake, the Quidditch pitch, and even Hagrid’s hut. All that was left was the Mirror of Erised, standing alone in the empty field. And the Mirror seemed to be malfunctioning. Its gold frame was replaced with a chrome and neon 1950s juke-box aesthetic. It’s iconic message now glowed above the glass in the form of a cursive neon sign. All the Ministry workers strongly desired to see where Hogwarts had gone; but all anyone could see in the Mirror was static.
Jimmy Woo (a former Hufflepuff Prefect now with the Ministry) gave Monica a rundown of the situation. “The Ministry’s so desperate, they’re even bringing in a Muggle, to see if one of their ‘TV microwaves’ or something might be interfering with the Mirror’s magic.”
Dr. Darcy Lewis, one of the few Muggles allowed to not only know about the wizarding world, but work with it, finally arrived. Most of the Ministry folk scoffed at the Muggle. But after a quick examination, Darcy had an answer.
“Looks like someone or something has turned your Magic Mirror into an old TV set.”
The project’s supervisor, Director Blandonius Genericus Phucknugget, snorted. “Codswallop and hippogriff dung.  Your Muggle technology doesn’t work in areas like this, where there’s high concentrations of magic!”
“Wrong,” Darcy said, drumming her fingers on the Mirror’s neon frame. “Electricity doen’t work around magic. But you guys make cars and motorcycles fly with magic all the time. You even use cameras, for Treebeard's sake! So this TV-mirror isn’t plugged into anything, but it’s still running, probably on magic. If someone can enchant me a pair of old rabbit-ear antennae, I can probably get this show broadcasting for ya. And if one of you magic dudes can conjure me up some coffee, that’d be cool too.”
Director Phucknugget begrudgingly adhered Darcy’s request. A retired Arthur Weasley was happy to donate some parts from his Muggle collections to the cause. Within the hour, everyone was watching what seemed to be an old Muggle sitcom play out in the glass… set at Hogwarts! Jimmy and Monica soon determined that, somehow, the castle and all of its inhabitants had become trapped inside the Mirror of Erised. Since Wanda Maximoff and Vision Banner-Stark were the stars, and Vision was supposed to be dead, it stood to reason that they had something to do with it.
Monica then made a bold, and arguably stupid, move. She blasted the glass with different powerful spells, until she managed to put a crack in it…and ended up getting sucked into the show.
While Jimmy, Darcy, and the others watched Monica join the main cast, the frame around the Mirror began to change. The jukebox aesthetic was soon replaced by a psychedelic pop art motif, resembling something you’d see on an old CD cover, or a “Yellow Submarine” poster. Monica, Jimmy and Darcy tried different ways to get in touch with Wanda. They tried sending an enchanted Golden Snitch into the Mirror, containing Mad-Eye Moody’s old eye, to survey the situation. Jimmy tried a mirror-enchanting spell, to send Wanda a message. But nothing seemed to work.
By midafternoon, the frame had changed again to a banded ‘70s border with rounded edges, it’s top lettering now spelled out like the opening credits of an “exploitation movie.” And the show was now in color. Soon after that, Monica Rambeau came crashing back through the glass, knocking Darcy, Jimmy and Phucknugget into the grass.
It has all come back to her now.
Lying on the grass in her Disco robes, Monica breaths, “It’s Wanda! It’s all Wanda!”
Care of Magical Creatures
The sky above the Quidditch Pitch is the color of Floo Powder, tuned to a dead fireplace. The frame around the Mirror of Erised is clunky robotic junk, smattered with flickering neon. The castle halls have become a glittery labyrinth, and echo with David Bowie music. Goblins from Gringotts are discussing business with Headmistress McGonnagall, demanding a baby as payment if they don't get their gold.
Billy and Tommy are old enough to start their first year at Hogwarts, even as their parents are still finishing up year Five. The boys adopt a cute three-headed Cerberus puppet (yes, puppet--The "Dark Crystal" kind) that they name Sparky. Everyone now has frizzy ‘80s hair, and wizard robes now have built-in shoulder pads.  Professor Harkness continues to give Wanda top marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, where students practice wizard duels in 80s workout gear.
Wanda finally “breaks the fourth wall” again, albeit less literally this time. Excusing herself from her family, she goes to the restroom, and looks directly into the mirror, at the Ministry wizards outside. For a few moments, they talk as if there is only glass between them.
“Is this yours” Wanda says, tossing the Golden Snitch back through the glass.
Catching the Snitch, Monica begs Wanda to listen to reason. But it’s no use.
Meanwhile Vision, is getting suspicious. He manages to free Lysander Scammander from Wanda’s control. The hysterical first-year frets that he hasn’t received an owl from his parents in what seems like ages, and that having Wanda in his head all the time is painful.
But just as Vision confronts Wanda, they get a surprising visitor: Pietro Maximoff! …or is it? Something seems off, but Wanda wants to believe it’s true.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
For their Midterm Exam in Defense Against the Dark Arts, everyone suits up. Vision dresses like a Mexican wrestler, while Wanda dons a red leotard under a red cloak and tiara.  Billy and Tommy are advancing in their magic classes with alarming speed. Pietro suspiciously looks, sounds and acts very little like the brother Wanda remembers. But how many other male part-Veelas can be out there?
Back in the real world, Monica, Jimmy and Darcy clash with Director Genericus Phucknugget. The three are eventually taken off of the project for not being big enough assholes, so they set out to break some rules. Darcy “hacks” into Phucknugget’s “files,” by which we mean, she swapped his Pensieve out with a chamber pot when he wasn’t looking. Around a camp fire in the Forbidden Forest, the trio examine the memories that their shady boss didn’t want them to see.  Turns out, he doesn’t have anyone’s best interests in mind, bar his own quest power.
Monica wants to try re-entering the Mirror, but there’s another problem.  
“You’ve gone through that class twice,” Darcy warns. “Your body is cursing with the magic of a Flaga.”
“How do you know about the Flagae?” Jimmy asks.  
“Muggles can read books too you know.” Darcy produces a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scammander.
Flagae are spirits that live inside magic mirrors, often acting as familiars for witches like Snow white’s evil stepmother. Darcy theorizes Wanda and Vision’s “Mirror children,” Billy and Tommy, may in fact by Flagae. And Monica is turning into one too. If she makes a full transformation, she might never be able to leave the glass again.
But Monica stands her ground. “I won’t stop until I help Wanda.”
Back in the Mirror, Vision investigates the edges of Hogwarts' grounds. He finds both the Forbidden Forest and the train platform inaccessible, blocked by a wall of shimmering magic glass.
Outside, the Ministry wizards see Vision begin to emerge from the Mirror. He pushes painfully, with his hands pressed against the frame, but some force is holding him back. Vision himself begins to shatter, as if he’s made of glass. Darcy, who has tried sneaking back onto the project, yells at someone to help him, as a Ministry Auror holds her back.
Billy, a Legilimens like his mother, senses his father’s distress and alerts her. To save her husband, Wanda creates a powerful wind to pulling Vision back into the Mirror…and takes most of the Ministry witches and wizards with him.
Modern wizards
When the winds die down, nearly all of the Ministry wizards are now inside the Mirror, and have been recast as House Elves, Leprechauns, and decorative Cupids.  Darcy is recast as a bespeckled House Elf in a blue bellhop’s uniform.
Wanda and Vision give interviews about their ongoing life problems, to no one in particular.  Vision finds Darcy, and restores her memories and human body, though she keeps the silly suit. Darcy fills Vision in on his life before the Mirror. Yet still, he can’t remember any of it. They ponder the possibility of a Memory Charm, or the simple resurrection amnesia that often plagues newborn vampires.
Monica and Jimmy remain safe outside the Mirror of Erised, but Monica is now adamant that there’s no other way to reach Wanda and stop their evil boss.
This third push through the magic glass makes Monica feel like she's shattering. All around her are the voices of her dead mother, and her absent “Aunt Carol”—Monica’s “Erised.” The temptation to just let herself melt into the glass and give up on reality is strong. But Monica is stronger. Monica finally emerges into Erised-Hogwarts, a new being. Her eyes glowing a spectrum of colors, Monica is now like a person jacked into the Matrix; the laws of physics in the world of the Mirror no longer apply to her.
It was Agatha All Along!
It’s supper time, but Billy and Tommy still aren’t back from Defense Against the Dark Arts. Wanda heads to the classroom, to find Agatha, stroking the silvery fur of her apparently corporal Patronus.
“Where are my children?” Wanda demands.
But when she attempts magic, she fails.
“Highest marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but an F in Ancient Runes!” Agatha taunts. “Only the witch who casts the runes can use her magic in the area. Every first year should know that!”
Agatha then forces Wanda to join her in entering a Pensieve, filled with all of Wanda’s worst memories. Yes, Wanda is now inside a Pensieve, while inside the Mirror of Erised. Agatha wants to know what makes Wanda’s magic tick, so she can harness it for herself.
Wanda sees her entire life play out. She and Pietro are children, living in their magically-hidden hole-in-the-wall apartment in Sokovia. Their father tries to make a living by magically burning vintage Muggle sitcoms into wizarding photos and paintings, that will play out the episodes, which he sells to wizard and witches that are Muggle enthusiasts. Then their home is destroyed, and their parents are killed.
Wanda sees herself in the dungeons of Durmstrang, approaching the glowing cauldron, and listening to her instructors tell her how to enter the experiment. She dips into the glowing cauldron like a bathtub, with the Mind Stone shining from the bottom like a light in a jacuzzi, clutching her phoenix-feather wand. There's an explosion of light, as she and her wand are fused together. And the premonition she sees of herself, as one of the most powerful witches alive... “There’s an entire Prophecy about you, in the Department of Ministries. Well, not anymore,” Agatha smirks, showing Wanda the ancient book she (Agatha) has stolen from the Ministry of Magic. "You're the Scarlet Witch!" She sees everything, from the death of her brother to the death of her lover. Finally, she sees and remembers how she ended up inside the Mirror of Erised, accidently sucking the entire castle in and casting a memory charm on everyone, including herself. And how from her emotions and memories, she accidently created a Flaga, in the form of her dead lover, Vision.
Wanda now realizes what she must do. It will be agony for her; but she cannot continue to imprison and torment her peers, just to keep her fantasy in the Mirror of Erised alive. And Agatha must be stopped.
The Darkest of Magic
The two witches start to duke it out in the sky above Hogwarts Castle, in a wandless witch's duel. Both conjure their Patronuses, straight from their hands. Señor Scratchy goes "Watership Down" on Wanda's firefinch, which retaliates in Hitchcock fashion. The corrupt Ministry wizard and his cronies make a bad situation worse, when they send their own twisted creation into the Mirror—the real body of Vision, now an unpainted white gargoyle, bent only on destroying its counterpart inside. But Erised-Vision knows that the best way to distract himself has always been philosophy, so he wins over his alter-ego with a lecture on the Ship of Theseus, some musings about the workings of Time Turners, and the parallels between Nargles and imaginary numbers.
Monica frees “Pietro” from the Imperius curse that Agatha has paced on him, and watches the Polyjuice Potion she forced him to drink wear off. Turns out, he’s just a Muggle named Ralph Boner.
Everything is going to chaos inside the Mirror of Erised (except for the two Visions, who are having a quiet discussion about the reliability of Divination, in midair in the Library). Wanda uses her recent lesson in Ancient Runes to incapacitate Agatha, and then dives into the older witch’s mind...
...Agatha is centuries old. Haling from the Salem Witch’s Institute, she was shunned by her Coven, and even her own mother, for “studying the Darkest of Magic.” Agatha then unleashed a Killing Curse on all of them. Once the heinous crime was done, Agatha’s Horcrux was made. She plucked the pendant off of her mother’s body, and pined it to her own cloak.
Agatha is brought back to the present, just in time to see Wanda’s firefinch devour Señor Scratchy. The scarlet magic shooting from Wanda’s hand briefly flashes bright green.
Hogwarts has been restored. Everyone is free from the Mirror, save three people: Vision, Billy, and Tommy. Agatha lies dead on the grass outside the Mirror of Erised—or at least, her human body does.  Using her powerful Scarlet Magic, Wanda fuses the pendant Horcrux into the golden frame of the Mirror of Erised, trapping what’s left of Agatha. From now on, Agatha can only exist in the role of other people’s fantasies, when they look into the Mirror. “No one will ever bother you here,” Wanda assures her enemy, through the glass.
Oblivious, the fraction left of Agatha’s soul smiles from behind the glass, in her 1950s getup. “Fabulous! See you in class, Sugar!”
Wanda apologizes to Monica, and all of her peers from Hogwarts, while Director Phucknugget is hauled off to Azkaban by the Dementors.
Headmistress McGonnagall assures Wanda that she is still welcome at Hogwarts, provided more precautions are taken with her powers. But Wanda chooses to leave the school.  Before leaving the castle, Wanda pays her family one last visit.  The Mirror of Erised stands in a large empty room. Separated by glass, Wanda tearfully bids goodbye to Vision, Billy and Tommy.
“Thank you for choosing me to be your mom,” she tells the boys, before they go to bed.
“Wanda,” Vision presses against the glass. “Darcy called me a ‘Flaga.’ Am I a ghost? Or just a fantasy?”
“You’re a spirit I created,” Wanda finally admits out loud. “You are my memories, and my pain. But most of all, you’re my love.”
For a moment they are able to kiss, as if the glass isn’t there. Then Wanda leaves the room, and doesn’t look back.  
Monica is still mostly Human, but like Wanda, she is now a hybrid—in her case, part Flaga. And it turns out, there is a battle being fought in the Mirror Realm, and Monica can help.
Wanda, meanwhile, creates herself a cabin in the woods, where she studies that Prophecy book—out of body. She is interrupted by the voice of one of her sons, calling from every mirror in the house, “Mom…!”
AN: An AU of an AU! Bloody hell.
This was a nightmare, both to "draw" and write, even with most of the work "cut out" for me. But worth it.
Because life is short, the images in this picture were largely traced, or straight up pasted clipart.
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l0vege0rgie · 4 years
warnings/tags: not a lightweight story. setting is ootp onwards. slow burn. angst with happy ending. major and minor character deaths. mutual pining. future warnings in future chapters.
posted in wattpad as well!
MONTHS HAVE passed since then. Adhara spent most of her time with her professor, Snape, in the dungeons, when she wasn't at the D.A. meeting. Not because she likes the long-haired professor romantically, but because she wants to learn more about potions.
It was her last year, and she didn't want to waste time moping around because a pink-addict hag was infiltrating the school. That would mean she will take her N.E.W.T.s this year.
Unlike some, she was an outstanding student in Hogwarts. Not as bright as Hermione Granger, but she topped her classes for most of her years. It was a relief she weren't in the same year as the brightest witch of their age. She enjoyed Potions and Charms and that was what she wanted to focus on for her N.E.W.T.s.
She wanted to become a Curse-Breaker in the future.
So she took up Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense Against The Dark Arts for her N.E.W.T.s. She didn't bother taking Arithmancy again because she already got an Outstanding for it during her O.W.L.s. 
Being a Curse-Breaker wasn't easy. She knew of that already. At first, her father, a co-owner of the shop "Burgin and Burkes", didn't accept her choice of profession. He told her that she would inherit the shop as soon as she graduate, and that she didn't need to go pick a job that would basically be her death sentence. All Adhara could say to her father was, "I don't want the shop, father. Besides, you and sir Burkin is still well enough to make the shop functioning very well. My job could help remove future curses that might be put in your shop. I could put protection spells."
Her father had sighed and just accepted it.
"Miss Burke," She heard a low voice called her. Adhara turned around and saw professor Snape with vials in hand. "Time for your tutoring," He said and walked dramatically, his cape flourishing over like the end of a wedding dress. 
For the past months, they agreed to learn potions alphabetically. Whether it was of N.E.W.T.-level or not. It was harder, but Adhara managed. They already passed the letters A, B, and C. Now Snape will be teaching her how to perfect the Draught of Peace. It was taught already during her fifth year since it was an O.W.L.-level potion, but she still insisted to learn it again.
Snape placed the cauldron neatly, "The Draught of Peace, as you know already, is a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation. Don't be too heavy-handed with the ingredients. You will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so pay close attention to what you are doing," He paused. "I'm not expecting you to fail a very simple potion, Burke." 
Adhara nodded and went to the shelves of the classroom. She didn't need to ask what ingredients were needed, it was like muscle memory already. Carefully opening the cabinet, she took a hold of moonstones, porcupine quills,  unicorn horn, and hellebore. Opening the next cabinet, she took vials, a mortar, and a pestle. Snape silently watched her movement.
There is no need in denying that the girl was fluid with her actions, as if brewing potions were something she was meant to do, or was born to do. 
"Are you sure you want to become a Curse-Breaker, instead of being a healer or potioneer?"
Adhara shrugged as she made everything except the hellebore into powder. Vigorously using the pestle, she answered without looking at the professor, "I could still do those while being a curse-breaker, except it isn't in a professional way. I could have side jobs in an apothecary. Or maybe help madam Pomfrey here when my schedule is free in the future. Being a curse-breaker isn't an everyday job, anyway." She put all the powders in different cups before extracting the hellebore plant. "Well, then I won't push you further. Answer this last question for me, though. Why do you want to be one so bad?"
She finally looked at him, raising a brow. "I didn't see you as someone who is nosy,  professor."
Snape scoffed, his lips twitching upward with a thin smile. "I suppose I'm not. You haven't answered my question."
"You know why, Snape. There is no need for me to repeat my answer." Adhara answered, now pouring the powdered moonstone inside the boiling cauldron. Snape didn't talk for the rest of the time. She waited until the concoction turned green. She proceeded doing the other procedures.
An hour and a half passed by, and the potion was finally emitting vapours of silver. She made a batch, giving half to Snape. It had been part of their agreement. Adhara will always give half of the successful batches of every potion she will brew. It was to keep Snape's inventory to last atleast two more years. Then Snape would give a quarter of it to madam Pomfrey whenever Adhara would brew potions that are needed for healing and in the clinic. "Spectacular as always, miss Burke. Now run along,"
Adhara almost memorized that phrase, it was always what Snape would say whenever the tutoring would end. She'd nod and exit the dungeon, casting a Disillusionment Charm on herself so Umbridge or the Inquisitorial Squad wouldn't catch her. 
It always worked.
Except now.
She was nearing the top of the spiral staircase leading to her House tower, when she heard a familiar voice. "Freddie, come on. Help me answer the riddle here," she immediately thought it was that pestering Weasley. George.
In panic, Adhara stepped on the stairs a bit louder than she planned. She saw the twins looking around hysterically, muttering curses to each other. "Stupid, stupid, you stupid ginger–"
"Shut up, you'll get us caught,"
"Why are we even here in the Ravenclaw Tower? Last time I checked we were Gryffindors. And our tower is opposite of this wing!"
"Fred–just shut up, okay? Let's just go here tomorrow."
Adhara was breathing heavily, putting a  hand on her mouth to prevent noise. She looked down and carefully went a few more steps.
When she was one step away from her tower, the eagle knocker beside the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw suddenly spoke, as if sensing Adhara. She quickly glued herself to a nearby wall. "Which came first, the phoenix, or the flame?"
"I don't know! Ask Dumbledore!" Fred, who Adhara assumed who he was, said angrily to the eagle knocker. "And why is it a different riddle this time?" Adhara rolled her eyes. She knew the answer, and if only the two fools would go away, she could enter her tower safe and sound. 
But they didn't budge. They were still there. George Weasley was thinking so deep it almost made Adhara think he would know the answer. She waited.
Except minutes later, Fred was still whisper-ranting, and George was still staring at the eagle knocker. So Adhara did the stupidest thing, "A circle has no beginning," she whispered, but it was enough for the eagle knocker to open its bronze knocker. "Who the fu–"
Before she could enter, she felt someone grab her by the arm. "Burke?"
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montaguehphm · 4 years
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Hogwarts Mystery Asks: Jacob Donohue
I decided to finally compile my answers for this lovely questionnaire by @batgirl-87 and @cptaincarswell and answer the whole thing so people could get to know my iteration of Jacob better. The original intention is for followers to send which questions they want answers, but I decided to answer everything now after doing some of the questions a few weeks ago with some changes here and there. So, here you go. Enjoy!
Full name & nickname(s)?
Jacob Erhard Donohue
When was Jacob born?
7th October 1963
What does Jacob look like? 
Jacob and Montague look very similar in that they both have thick eyebrows, round brown eyes, rich dark hair, and require glasses. Jacob, however, has darker skin, smaller eyes, cheekbones (like their father), and an undercut compared to Montague’s tan skin and messy hair. Nowadays, Jacob sports a nice clean beard and a messy bun with his undercut in an attempt to look like one of those “rugged hipster biker boys who work as historians”.
Do you two have any other siblings?
None other. The Donohue parents decided two children was enough.
What is your MC’s relationship like with Jacob?
Prior to Jacob’s disappearance, Montague and Jacob were always close. Jacob would send Montague owls every week about his school life and all the cool things that happened at Hogwarts. Montague, in return, would send Jacob drawings of his older brother and his best friend, Duncan Ashe, and a creative interpretation of the events Jacob mentions in his letters and all about the things he’s learning while their mother brings Montague to work. When Jacob became a third year, he would send Montague some Honeydukes sweets, specifically Peppermint Toads, along with his letters to him and his parents. In the summers, Jacob would even try to teach Montague some cool spells he learned over the course of his enrollment at Hogwarts.
The one topic Jacob never talked about were the Cursed Vaults, a secret he kept from his brother because he didn’t want to have Montague tangled with R like he was. When Jacob disappeared because of the Cursed Vaults, Montague was shaken to his core because his brother never told him about the Vaults. He believed it wasn’t true at first because he believed his brother would tell him everything, but at some point, he started thinking that maybe he doesn’t really know his brother at all. In fact, he even believed that everything his brother told him in all those letters were lies.
After Jacob was located and reunited with Montague after the former disapparated from the Portrait Vault, Montague lashed out at his brother for leaving him just when they finally found each other again, for keeping the Cursed Vaults a secret from him, for lying to him, and for everything he felt inside. Jacob understood the hurt and pain he caused Montague and his family for entangling himself in such a dangerously ambitious excursion, but managed to apologize to Montague for the pain and stress his dangerously foolish decisions have caused. He assured his younger brother, however, that he never once lied to Montague about anything in his letters (except for the parts about Duncan) and that he only kept the Cursed Vaults a secret from Montague and their family for their own safety.
They eventually made amends and became much closer than ever. When the war against R was won, Jacob attended Montague’s graduation party at The Three Broomsticks with his family and friends.
What is Jacob’s relationship like with your parents?
Jacob had a good relationship with his parents prior to his disappearance. Converse to Montague's close relationship with their mother, Jacob was closer to their father, who also would bring Jacob to his work in his earlier years. Seeing how passionate his father was about his job perhaps ignited Jacob's taste for danger. Mrs. Donohue, on the other hand, would worry a bit more about Jacob getting too passionate about things that were dangerous. She did take pride in how well Jacob excelled in school, given her children's natural intelligence and flair for academic excellence. Every year during the summer break, she would take Montague and Jacob to some Muggle attractions around London and they would have a grand time together, especially at their favorite bakery.
When Jacob disappeared, his parents were devastated. While their reputation in the Ministry was also put into question because of it, they were more concerned over the safety and well-being of their missing eldest, leading Mr. Donohue to request for several investigations into the Cursed Vaults, none of which were allowed for reasons the family couldn't understand. Mrs. Donohue had to keep a strong front, given her high-ranking position in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. At home, it was not as happy as it used to be, but they tried to keep it together for Montague, who understood and knew just how hard his parents took Jacob's disappearance.
When Jacob resurfaced, he was able to contact his parents but had to keep communication to a minimum for their safety. This lifted a great weight from their hearts, knowing that Jacob is alive and well, but worried that both their children are in grave danger. After the war against R was over, Jacob was able to reunite with his whole family, which ended in a tearful embrace and an exchange of stories over the events that transpired.
What is his wand?
Pine, Phoenix Feather, 14 ½ inches, Unyielding
Pine wands always choose an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including Garrick Ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young.
Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. A wand of this flexibility finely tunes itself to its original owner’s preferences and doesn’t stray from those preferences, even in the hands of a new owner; the new owner will just have to get used to it. It is particularly good for combative and healing magic.
Unyielding wand owners tend to be very confident in themselves and/or in the things they believe in. They tend to be intelligent, somewhat cynical, and usually have well-defined principles that they will not stray from ever. Sometimes, this combination can lead to arrogance because of them insisting on how right they are without considering other points of view or whether or not they might be wrong.
What is his favorite subject?
His best subjects were Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Herbology. Among those four, he had the deepest inclination to DADA, most likely because of his father's influence as an Auror.
What is his least favorite subject?
While the topic of history was interesting to Jacob, he absolutely hated History of Magic because of the ever-so-boring Professor Binns.
Who is his favorite professor?
Professor Filius Flitwick was not only Jacob’s Head of House, but he was also incredibly patient and paternal with Jacob, especially given how much trouble Jacob constantly got himself into during his time at Hogwarts. Flitwick was Jacob’s go-to professor for any concerns he had with improving on his magical abilities. In turn, Jacob excelled in Charms and even got an O in his O.W.L.’s and was even destined to excel in his Charms N.E.W.T. Flitwick did not want to see his star student face expulsion, but given the overwhelming evidence against Jacob, he had no choice but to let the expulsion happen.
An honorable mention for this is Professor Pomona Sprout, who noted not only Jacob’s adeptness for Herbology, but also how his kind and caring nature was an essential part of his success in the subject. Jacob successfully garnered an O in his Herbology O.W.L. and proceeded to N.E.W.T. levels. She was among the group of professors who didn’t want Jacob expelled, but had no choice as well.
Who is his least favorite professor?
Professor Cuthbert Binns. He was incredibly boring.
What House is Jacob in? (I know he’s supposed to be in your mc’s same House but is he really in the same house as your mc?)
Jacob Donohue is a Ravenclaw, but he was also a hatstall for Gryffindor, which somewhat disappointed Professor Sprout when she got to see Jacob's kind and caring side during her classes when Hufflepuff wasn’t even considered during Jacob’s hatstall. Jacob's most prized trait is his intelligence, a trait that Montague and Mrs. Donohue also prized. Jacob was also one of the most academically gifted students of his year, if not the most, excelling in every required class and elective he took.
Did he play Quidditch? Was he a fan of the game? Or not so much?
While he was actually a far better flyer than Montague, he never played Quidditch. He wasn't particularly close with the sport, but he appreciated it enough. He would even cheer for his friends who made the team. When he became romantically involved with fellow Ravenclaw Calum O'Connor, who was also the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain at the time, he gained more interest in the sport.
Did he have any pets?
He has a Great Horned Owl named Mercury and a Kneazle named Diana.
What are his top 3 positive personality traits?
Intelligent: Jacob prized his clever nature as he relies on this to help him ease through a situation, especially with the Cursed Vaults and earning O’s in all of his O.W.L.’s. He also attributes his ability to solve problems well to his out-of-the-box thinking and his quick wit.
Good-Hearted: Professor Pomona Sprout noted his kind and caring nature. Jacob has always been a kind and caring person, most especially to his brother, Montague. He was also noted for how much help he would give underclassmen when they were having academic troubles without anything in exchange.
Courageous: Jacob would basically do everything in his power to protect his loved ones, even if that meant sacrificing a bright future for himself to keep them safe from R.
What are his top 3 negative personality traits?
Stubborn: After his imprisonment in the Portrait Vault, Jacob became at times hardly dissuaded from his beliefs, a trait that Montague noted became much more event some time after the brothers reunited. His stubbornness led him to be quite secretive as well, refusing to give any information and preferring to do things on his own.
Arrogant: At times, Jacob’s ego over his smarts would get the better of him and would bruise him quite badly. His arrogance over his intelligence also would translate to a stubbornness to change his opinions over something, which could be quite detrimental.
Reserved: This isn’t necessarily a negative trait. Sometimes, being reserved allows Jacob to make rational decisions. In worse cases, however, he doesn’t acknowledge how he really feels about a situation till it’s too late and he explodes into a ball of intense reactions.
What does Amortentia smell like to him?
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What is his patronus?
Granian Winged Horse
“A Granian Winged Horse can represent an owner who is stronger minded, the owner of this patronus will never give up on there opinion no matter how much others try to change there mind. The owner of this patronus is also incredibly witty and intelligent much like Ravenclaw, who are witty and intelligent as well!”
(description from @hogwartswelcomesyou)
Fun fact: Both Donohue brothers had winged horse patronuses before Montague’s patronus became an occamy after his wedding. Montague’s used to be an Abraxan Winged Horse.
Is he an animagus?
No, he isn’t. He did think that if he could be one, he’d like to be a huge bird like a Philippine eagle. Also...
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What is his boggart?
Watching his family be executed by R, specifically by Patricia Rakepick, who would say that everything really is Jacob’s fault that everything turned out the way it did.
What were his career goals?
At first, he wanted to join his father and become an Auror. He thought it would be a fun idea to be a father-and-son duo. Later on, he decided to change course and become a Curse-Breaker.
What were his hobbies?
Like Montague, Jacob had a thing for the arts. He loved sketching, which was one of his favorite ways of recalling an event when he tries to put things down in his diary. He also enjoys cooking without magic because it gives him a sense of control and achievement when he’s able to do it without a help of a spell. He also loves a good book with a hot mug of cocoa by the fireplace (or the furnace in the tent, if he’s traveling) before bed.
Favorite magical creature?
As a child, he was a huge fan of Hippogriffs. He always wanted one as a travel companion to take to the skies someday. He also has a soft spot for kneazles, crups, and puffskeins.
Why did he get involved with the Cursed-Vaults?
Jacob’s involvement initially began as a curiosity that needed to be satisfied. The way his mind works is that the more he ignores something he wants to solve, the more desperately urgent it begins to feel that he needs to solve it. His curiosity and the involvement of his friends, Duncan Ashe and Olivia Green, drove him deeper into this obsession to prove the existence of the Vaults. His partnering and eventual manipulation by R turned the whole thing into a necessity for survival not only for himself, but for those he loved and held dearly.
In what state do you think you’ll find Jacob in? (alive, dead, death eater, etc.?)
Jacob is found alive and trapped in a portrait in the Portrait Vault during Montague's fifth year. They had a quick and joyful reunion before Jacob found out that Madame Rakepick lead them to the Portrait Vault. He decided to chase after her in an attempt to stop her while the trail was still hot, leaving Montague and his friends behind.
If Jacob survives, what future do you see for him?
After Montague's graduation, Jacob decided to take an indefinite break from anything dangerous and life-threatening and took up a more calm and cyclical lifestyle. He bought himself a small fairytale-like cottage somewhere in Surrey. He decided to live a more routinely life and become a Healer at St. Mungo's for patients who got into terrible and traumatic incidents. He found solace in caring for them because he understood these patients. Outside of St. Mungo's, he does a sideline of growing fresh potion ingredients and develop some quality fertilizer in his greenhouse, which delighted Professor Sprout. She would ask Jacob to do some guest lectures for her prior to her retirement. He also took up baking and floral arranging to help himself out when he can.
In regards to having a love life, he does eventually have one. Back in Hogwarts, Jacob dated Asher Davies, who was the brother of Montague's former prefect, Chester (yes, that Chester). Asher was a Ravenclaw prefect a year below him who did reciprocate Jacob’s feelings and dated him for six months, but mutually decided that it wasn’t going to work out between them. At some point as grown-ups, Asher spotted Jacob exiting a coffee shop in London one afternoon. The two shared a happy albeit awkward hug when the two saw each other. Asher invited Jacob, who was planning to head home after his shift, for a drink at The Leaky Cauldron to catch up. Jacob said yes. After a couple months of seeing each other, they decided to try their luck and become exclusive again. (I can write more about this if y’all want that.)
During the Second Wizarding War, he joins the Order of the Phoenix as a Healer and helping other Order members with debriefings. He was asked to consider being a Scout alongside Montague, but he convinced himself that he wasn’t ready for field work after all the things he experienced with the Cursed Vaults. He fought valiantly, however, at the Battle of Hogwarts and survived after dueling a number of former R members who've allied with Voldemort's forces. During the down time in between battles and after the second battle, he volunteered to assist Madame Pomfrey to help heal and comfort the injured.
After the war, Jacob resumed his life as a Healer at St. Mungo's, growing potion ingredients, baking, and floral arrangements. However, a few months after Montague and Barnaby's wedding, Jacob couldn't help but wonder what if he went back to the field and tried to become the Curse-Breaker he wanted to be till he could no longer resist the urge to do it.
He eventually decided to retire from St. Mungo's and began to offer his help to his little Curse-Breaker brother by supplying the research and co-planning the strategies whenever a big client came up. On his first mission since forever, he was a bit rusty with his defensive and offensive spells but managed to do well. He admits that it took him a while to get back into the groove because he was afraid of another R-like incident. It was then Montague's turn to help his brother in any way he could from helping him repolish his spellwork to helping him better manage his internal dealings. Eventually, the two brothers made a family business out of their freelance Curse-Breaker gigs. Barnaby, during his breaks from his research work, assisted on several missions from time to time, which the brothers deeply appreciate.
When Montague retired from Curse-Breaking to become a professor at Hogwarts and Barnaby followed suit on professorship, Jacob took over and employed a team of people (a healer, two researchers, a logistician, and an accountant) to help keep the new family business afloat.
Misc. - Any other Jacob headcanons you have OR asker’s choice - ask any question you have about Jacob not on the list =)
Jacob was also a Prefect during his time. Just like his brother, Professors Dumbledore and Flitwick thought that his academic achievements, his nurturing the Ravenclaw underclassmen, and his continued showing of Ravenclaw traits outweighed the amount of trouble he caused. They hoped that giving him the privilege of becoming a Prefect would help keep Jacob out of trouble. Flitwick and Dumbledore thought of applying the same principle to Montague when he was considered to become a Prefect himself. Up until Jacob’s expulsion, Jacob was a shining example of what a Ravenclaw Prefect was.
Jacob was one of the people who formed Montague’s taste in Muggle music, and introduced him to pop and rock music.
One of Jacob’s (and Mrs. Donohue’s) favorite places in London was the Tower Bridge on the River Thames because he enjoyed seeing London from such a high place. He finds the view rather calming.
Jacob loves chocolate. In fact, Jacob’s favorite Honeydukes sweets were all chocolates: Honeydukes Best Chocolate, Chocoballs, Cauldron Cakes, and Chocolate Cauldrons.
Jacob’s bisexual (male-leaning but bisexual nonetheless) ass had a number of crushes during his stay at Hogwarts. Some notable ones were the following: Duncan Ashe himself, who didn’t reciprocate Jacob’s feelings but stayed friends with him nonetheless; Sakura Inoue-Clarke, a Gryffindor prefect in the same year as Jacob who also couldn’t reciprocate his feelings because she was dating somebody else at the time; and, Asher Davies, a Ravenclaw prefect a year below Jacob and was one of his more serious relationships. Jacob’s longest relationship with a fellow student was with Calum O'Connor, the Ravenclaw seeker and captain during his fifth year, with whom he had a number of flings with before they eventually became romantically exclusive and steady before they mutually broke up prior to their seventh year.
So, that’s it on my iteration of Jacob. I hope you enjoyed this! Also, do let me know if you’re interested in me writing about Jacob Donohue’s love life. 👀
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tanzanite-zircon · 4 years
Collabwithmyself Chronicles: The Ace Powerpuffs Chapter 1
                             Chapter 1: Starting today, You’re a Father
Phoenix groaned as he regained consciousness. He fought to re-open his eyes, despite the pull to just lull back to sleep. He was finally able to open them to a squint. He could barely make out the night sky through his limited vision and tears. He grunted as he slowly pulled himself back to a seated position, rubbing the back of his head.
{Ugh, how long was I out? Ow, my aching everything.}
That made Phoenix’s eyes shoot open and his back straighten, ignoring the waves of pain that shot through his body as he did so. His eyes fell onto the child in blue. He wanted to protest being called daddy again, but he stopped as he met their eyes. They had heterochromia eyes, just like he did, but the positions of the blue and brown eyes were switched. Phoenix’s focus broadened as he took in the rest of the child’s appearance. They have brown skin and very curly brown hair. The blue color came from their clothes, which consisted of a blue dress with a black stripe around their waist. They also had white leggings and black shoes.
“We looked all over the house,” they mumbled, “but we couldn’t find anyone else in the there. Maybe your friend got out before we found you.” Phoenix felt his heart dip a bit in his chest.
{They couldn’t find Kristoph in the house. … THE HOUSE THAT IS ON FIRE! I LET THREE KIDS GO INTO A HOUSE THAT IS ON FIRE!} Phoenix’s heart and mind began to race as he struggled to get on his feet, but he couldn’t even manage to get into a kneeling position. His back protested in agony, but he had to make sure the other two kids were safe! Phoenix suddenly felt his body begin to lift. He turned his head to see Blue flying behind him and lifting him to his feet. All he could do was stare at the kid in shock and amazement as they began to steady him on the ground.
“Is that better Daddy,” they mused. Phoenix was just captivated by the child’s strength and adorable smile that he temporarily forgot about the house.
“Y-yeah,” he stammered, “T-thank you. That was … incredible! How did you …”
{THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE YOU IDIOT!} His brain screamed at him to snap him back to his initial task. Phoenix shook his head as he turned back to the house.
“N-never mind, you can tell me later! Right now, we need to get the other two out of the … burning … house?” The burning house … wasn’t burning. Actually, from the outside, you couldn’t even tell there was even a fire. The white, two-story house was spotless; there was no smoke rising from the open door or within the windows.
“W-where … where’s the fire?!”
“You mean that warm, reddish-orange stuff,” Blue pondered, “Red sneezed on the black stuff that came from it and one of the fires just went away. We saw that they didn’t like air stronger than them, so we blew the rest of them out!” More shock and amazement coursed through Phoenix’s body as he turned to look back at Blue.
“You … you three blew out a house fire!?”
“Yep! … Are you okay Daddy? Your mouth looks ready to fall off!” The instant they stated those words, Phoenix could feel his wide-open jaw threatening to lock up. He quickly closed his mouth, fighting the urge to rub his cheeks from the sudden and fast movement.
{Man, I’d hate to see what they’d do to birthday candles.}
“I-I’m fine,” he stuttered, “I … I just … This is just too much at one time.” Phoenix could feel his brain begin to ache from all the excitement he just endured. He didn’t get the chance to even attempt to process what was going on when Blue grabbed his hand and started pulling him into the house.
“C’mon Daddy,” they giggled. Phoenix could hear a high-pitched sound, along with his own terrified shriek, as the child literally flew both of them through the house and into the kitchen. Phoenix could only catch a brief glimpse of the living room and part of the upper floor as he was rocketed into the house, but he could see that the areas did not have any fire damage. It looked like the fire stayed within the kitchen. Phoenix could feel his feet touch solid ground as Blue let go of his hand. He stumbled from the momentum, but was able to keep himself from falling forward.
“Hey, you’re back!” Phoenix snapped his head down to where the voice came from. This kid was wearing the same dress, leggings, and shoes as Blue, but it was in yellow. Their skin was a more medium shade and their eyes were a soft, light blue color. They also had bright orange hair that was tied into a side ponytail by a bow the same color as their eyes. They flew up into the air and stopped once they reached his eye level.
“How are you feeling,” they inquired, “We saw you take a nap once we put out the weird, warm, orange thingies.”
“Daddy says it’s called fire,” Blue interjected.
“Oh, so that’s why you were trying to call a fire department,” Yellow declared.
{Can you please stop calling me daddy?}
“I still don’t see anyone.” Phoenix jumped at the voice behind him. As he turned around, he saw the last of the three kids fly into the kitchen. Same as the other two, they wore the same clothes, but theirs was in red, almost pinkish. Their skin was nearly the same color as Yellow’s, but was tanner. They had short brown hair with it styled to have two horns sticking up and their eyes were brown. They froze once they saw Phoenix.
“Oh,” Red gasped, “H-hey mister. … I’m sorry, but … we looked everywhere in this place like three times, but no one’s here but us.” Red rubbed the back of their head and averted their eyes from Phoenix’s. Phoenix couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt in his heart as he stared at Red. He remembered how worried this one looked when he mentioned Kristoph being inside when the explosion happened.
“Hey, it’s ok,” Phoenix reassured as he placed a hand on Red’s shoulder, “I can see that you all searched the house very carefully to find Kristoph. I’m just glad that you three are ok. … And so is most of his house.” Phoenix turned and took notice of the state of the kitchen. Some of the cabinets were just hanging on their hinges and their doors were splintered on the floor. The top of the stove was chard, but surprisingly still had the black cooking pot seated on top of it, Kristoph’s beakers and containers were broken on the floor, along with a few remnants of Phoenix’s cereal, and the walls were stained with the soot from the fire. But there was no sign of Kristoph anywhere. Phoenix could feel both relief and worry wash around in his heart.
{The kids said that there was no one else in the house and there are no Kristoph bits anywhere. They have to be right; he must’ve gotten out. … But where did he go? Is he okay? What on earth was he even making? Why did he leave me in here? Where did these kids even come from? How did …}
“Uhh, mister? Are you okay,” Yellow asked, “Your heart sounds really sad and confused?” Their voice snapped Phoenix out of his varying thoughts.
“Oh, uh y-yeah, I’m fine,” Phoenix stuttered, “I’m just trying to wrap my head around … wait, did you say my heart sounds sad and confused?”
“Yeah, I can hear it,” Yellow exclaimed, “It’s telling me you’re upset.”
“And we noticed you chewing on your lower lip and running your hands through your hair when you looked around the room,” Red added pointing to Blue, “We can see that you’re really worried sir.” Phoenix stared at all three kids with wide eyes, full of awe.
{… These kids can fly, are fire proof, can carry a full-grown man with ease, Red and Blue can read bodies, and Yellow can literally hear someone’s heart! This is insane! How did they get these powers? How did they even get here?}
“Daddy,” Blue called, “you’re doing it again.” Phoenix could suddenly feel his teeth on his lower lip and released it. He looked back to the kids and each of them looked concerned. Phoenix took a deep breath to calm his thoughts.
{Okay, I accidentally ruined Kristoph’s project, blew up his kitchen, Kristoph is missing, these three mysterious superpowered kids suddenly appeared, and Blue keeps insisting that I’m their daddy … Yeah, I have no idea how to put these together. … But maybe these kids can shed some light about what happened. Just take it slow Phoenix, you don’t want to make them more worried.}
“Umm,” he began as the kids looked on, “W-well, firstly, t-thank you getting me out of the house and searching for my friend. I really appreciate it.” The kids smiled, seeing that he wasn’t as jittery or sad as before. Phoenix continued, “This night has been … interesting to say the least. … I hope you three don’t mind, but I’d like to ask you three some questions about you and what happened when you found me. … Oh, and I guess I should also introduce myself. My name is Phoenix. Phoenix Wright.”
“Hello Phoenix Wright, it’s very nice to meet you,” all three kids beamed.
{Awww! I was too out of it to notice at first, but these three kids are adorable!} Phoenix couldn’t help but give a warm smile back to them.
“Heh heh. It’s very nice to meet you too … uh, wait, what are your names?”
“… I don’t know,” Yellow shrugged, “Do we even have names?” The other two shrugged their shoulders in response.
“You … you don’t have names,” Phoenix gaped, “But w-where did you come from?”
“From that,” Blue stated as they pointed at the black pot. Phoenix did a double take once they said that.
“W-W-WHAT,” he screamed, “Bu-but how?”
“We don’t know,” Red replied, “The last thing we remember was waking up above that thing and seeing you slumped by the wall.” Phoenix slowly walked over to the pot, the overly sweet scent slightly lingering around it. Phoenix thought back to what the pot was doing when his cereal fell into Kristoph’s concoction: the primary colored sparks that flew from it, the way it nearly bubbled over, the bright light that shown from it before it exploded.
{How did Kristoph make something so … dangerous? What was he even trying to do with it?}
“Kids,” Phoenix stammered, “Did you find anything while searching the house?”
“Well, the house was mostly empty, but we did find some books and a blue block thing in the other room,” Blue shared, “We put them in that box over there.” Blue pointed over to a medium sized cardboard box on the floor by the back wall. Phoenix carefully made his way over to the box with the three kids following behind, carefully stepping over the broken glass and bits of cereal oats and marshmallows. Once in front of the box, Phoenix knelt down and shuffled through its contents, briefly wincing in pain from his still hurt back. He stopped when he saw a familiar item, the blue box that Blue mentioned.
“My phone,” Phoenix gasped. He snatched it up and quickly stood up, making another wave of pain shoot through his spine. He grunted in response, but quickly pressed the up-direction button, holding his breath to see if the phone was damaged and no longer usable. A sigh of relief exited his lungs once the light of his phone screen came on.
{Thank God, it still works!} He quickly selected his contact page and scrolled through the few names he had listed.
{C’mon! Mom … Dad … Miles … Larry … D-dahlia … Kristoph!} Phoenix quickly pressed the select button and called Kristoph’s number. He held the phone to his ear, listening to it ring and praying that Kristoph would pick up.
“Bring … Bring … Bring … Bring … Hello, this is Kristoph Gavin.”
“Kris,” Phoenix sighed in relief, “Oh thank God, I thought that you were …”
“You have reached my cellular voice mail. If you leave your name, number, and a brief message, I’ll see when I can get back to you.” The relief vanished. Phoenix could feel his phone leave his ear as he let his arm fall back to his side.
“… Mr. Wright,” Red cautioned. Phoenix turned back to the kids, sharing in their concerned stares. No one could muster up any words as the voice mail message sounded.
“At the tone, please record your message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press one for more options. … Beep.” After the beep sounded, Phoenix slowly returned the phone to his face, thinking of what words he should say.
“… K-kris, it’s Phoenix. … Uhh, good news! Your house is completely fine! … Well the kitchen will need some new cabinets … and probably a new stove top … and your chemicals will need to be replaced. …” Phoenix paused. He didn’t know what to say. What could he say? He looked back to the kids; the worried expressions still present on their faces. He breathed in and exhaled slowly, attempting to speak again.
“… Kristoph, I’m so sorry. Please … call me back to let me know you’re ok. There’s … a lot that I need to fill you in on. Something … amazing happened.” Phoenix gave the kids a soft smile, which the three returned. Phoenix turned off his phone and placed into the front pocket of his hoodie before returning his attention to the contents in the box.
{Calm down Phoenix. Just because Kris didn’t pick up doesn’t mean he’s … He’s gotta be okay.}
“Maybe something else in here can help us out,” Phoenix muttered. He slowly knelt down to the box and recognized some of the books as his old college textbooks, notebooks, and sketchbooks. Kristoph allowed to let him keep them at his house, as long as they didn’t take up too much of his space. Phoenix carefully shuffled through the books until he came across a notebook that he didn’t recognize. It was a plain beige color and had very neat handwriting. Phoenix gasped as he recognized the handwriting as Kristoph’s.
{These must be the notes he was talking about! Now we can know what he was working on!} Phoenix picked up the notebook, careful to not lose any of the note cards sticking out between the pages. He slowly stood up and read the cover of the book: “Project: Chemical X.”
“Chemical … X,” Phoenix questioned. Phoenix opened the notebook to the first page and began to read.
                                                   March 24, 2016
I have secured a benefactor to fund my research, and Wright has agreed to be my assistant. He is the only person in Los Tokyo who actually believes in my work and doesn’t refer to me as crazy. Quite ironic that an art major can recognize the brilliance of my work while the chemistry majors at Ivy University are blind to it. His enthusiasm and puppy-love state can be sickening at times, but at least I’ll have someone to run errands and perhaps provide some form of companionship.
I’m completely dedicating myself to perfecting the compound that I created during my experiments back at Ivy: Chemical X. My Chemical X is a powerful mutagen that can react with nearly any substance, albeit unpredictably. Its chemical reactions produce interesting result, be it completely destroying the substance or creating a new one. It is my current goal to perfect my recipe and make it more stable. With that in hand, I can test it against non-organic and organic materials. It is my hope that I can utilize my mutagen to be used for materials, medicine, or, if push comes to shove, weapons to use against the multitude of gangs and madmen running rampant in the city.
Phoenix paused after reading the first page.
{Chemical X is a mutagen! I can’t believe that Kris invented this stuff!} Phoenix turned to the next page to see if Kristoph wrote down another journal-like entry, but all he saw was a scribbled-out page with only a few substance names and amounts left alone. Phoenix could make out what looked like a recipe.
{Right, Kris wrote that he was trying to find the perfect recipe to make Chemical X. This must be a failed one.} Phoenix continued to flip through the pages, seeing mostly pages with angry scribbles covering them. There were the occasional sticky notes with bits of information on how the mutagen reacted to certain substances, such as one that stated “Sugars make Chemical X bubble.” Phoenix kept flipping the pages until he reached one that wasn’t scribbled out. Phoenix could read the latest recipe, but he could not understand what each substance was.
{This must be the current recipe! And this must’ve been what was in the pot when I … dropped my cereal …} Phoenix could feel his blood chill. Chemical X reacted unpredictably with any substance it came into contact with. And his cereal definitely caused an unpredictable reaction. But, could his cereal really have created these three kids? Phoenix looked to the floor, staring at the oats and marshmallows coated with the sugar and cinnamon.
{Did … did I really make these three kids with sugar, spice, and … marshmallow cereal?} Phoenix thought back to when he bought the cereal at the convenience store and remembered what the name of the cereal was: Everything Nice.
{Wait … sugar, spice, and everything nice. … That was a rhyme used to describe what girls were made of! … Oh my gosh, could I have really … But how can life be made from food?!} Phoenix went through the book again, reading each non-scribbled out word and sticky note to hopefully find an answer. He stopped at a page near the last one with a single sticky note on it which read: “Important note! Anything with DNA has been shown give the product of the reaction life or life-like qualities. In theory, when stable, Chemical X combined with any DNA will result in the making of a living thing of the DNA’s sample.”
{DNA … If memory serves me right, it’s the building blocks of life for everything on Earth. But, if Kristoph found that DNA really could produce life if added to the Chemical X …how did it get into …} Phoenix paused again as his blood cooled again. He realized how DNA could have gotten into the Chemical X: himself. Phoenix remembered when he first made that bowl of cereal, he had spooned some out into his mouth to taste it and had somehow decided that it wasn’t sweet enough. He put his spoon into the cereal as he went to add the sugar and cinnamon. His spit must’ve mixed in the everything that fell into the Chemical X, giving the concoction the DNA needed to make the three girls.
{I … I can’t believe it.} Phoenix leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from his realization.
“Mr. Wright,” Red cautioned. Phoenix once again met the eyes of the kids … his kids.
“You … you were right,” Phoenix stuttered, “I … I did make you. I … I made three little girls.”
“… I’m not a girl,” Red complained. That made Phoenix jolt out of one shock and into another one.
“Y-you’re not,” Phoenix questioned.
“No,” Red replied, “… At least, I don’t feel like a girl. I … think I’m a boy. Why did you say that Mister?”
“Oh! Uh. Well,” he sputtered, “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that there is an old rhyme about what girls are made of: sugar, spice, and everything nice. It was these things that combined with the Chemical X to make you three. I just assumed that’s what you three were.”
“… Well, maybe boys are made of the same thing,” Red asserts.
{… Is … is Red saying they’re transgender? … Well, that rhyme is pretty dated. And Red does not look comfortable when being addressed as a girl. I’d hate to make them feel more uncomfortable. … Well, if Red says that he’s a boy, then he’s a boy.}
“… Correction,” Phoenix replied, “I made two girls and a boy. … Uh, you two do feel like you are girls correct?” Red’s face brightened at Phoenix’s words while Yellow and Blue nodded in response. Blue suddenly gasped in joy.
“You made us,” she cheered, “so you really are our Daddy!”
“HUH,” Phoenix shrieked, “W-well, I uhh … t-that is …” Phoenix’s mind raced with all of the information that he had just learned and his body slightly shook and chilled.
{W-what am I going to do? What can I do?! I made three kids! With Kris missing and no job, how can I even provide for them, let alone myself? Am I even qualified to be a father? How can I …} Phoenix’s racing thoughts were stopped by something pressing against his chest. Phoenix looked down to see Blue hugging him, nuzzling her head against the fabric of his hoodie. Phoenix looked back up to see Red and Yellow. Yellow flew over and carefully wrapped her arms around him as well. Red was a bit more aloof, but Phoenix could make out a hopeful look in his eye and slight smile as he came closer and placed a hand on Phoenix’s arm. Phoenix could suddenly feel a warmth appear in his heart, and he could feel it overpowering the chill. Just seeing these three kids warm up to him so quickly and how kind and considerate they were made Phoenix’s nerves relax. He could feel a soft smile break onto his face as he stared at the kids with gentle and loving eyes. He carefully wrapped his arms around the kids, returning the hug. His mind still felt a few pings of panic, but he breathed in and out slowly to carefully think.
{… There’s no doubt about this anymore. I made them. I made three children. I … I’m a father. I’m a father. … Along with finding Kristoph, taking care of them is my new priority. I’ll have to name them and I need to find a job or two. I’m sure many places are looking for workers with everything going on. I’ll also need to enroll them into school. They look like they’re around six years old, so they should qualify for kindergarten. … Miles … Maybe he can enroll them into his class. … I’ll have to talk to him first. … I haven’t really talked to him much after what … she did to me. … I’ve been meaning to talk to him about that … and apologize for being so cold and distant. … One thing at a time Phoenix. I think the first thing I should do is give them names.”
Suddenly, a familiar jingle broke the silence of the room. All four of them jumped in surprise. Phoenix was quick to figure out that it was the Steel Samurai ringtone of his phone.
{It … it could be Kristoph!} Phoenix scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket and answer it. Ignoring the caller ID, Phoenix pressed the accept button and placed the phone by his ear.
“K-Kristoph,” Phoenix blurted, “Is that you? Are you ok? Where are …”
“WRIGHT!” Phoenix flinched at the screaming voice and thrust the phone away from his ear, somehow managing to still hold onto it. He could feel a cold sweat begin to drip from his forehead as he recognized the voice. Calling him was his shifty land lord, that shared a pretty scary resemblance to himself: Furio Tigre.
“M-Mr. Tigre,” Phoenix squeaked, “W-what a surprise! Is this about the rent? I already paid this month’s …”
“W-WHAT?! You didn’t say anything about that this morning!”
“IT DOESN’T MATTER! YOU’VE GOT AN HOUR TO GET HERE OR I THROW YOUR SORRY ASS ON THE STREET!” With that, the call ended. Phoenix growled under his breath. Furio Tigre was always doing things like this to his tenants, and Phoenix was one of his favorite targets. It seemed as if Tigre found a new way to make Phoenix’s life more hell every week, from suddenly raising his rent to withholding his water or electricity. To make matters worse, there was nothing he nor the other tenants could do. The city wouldn’t send anyone over to check the apartments, no matter how many times they complained. The crime wave stretched the police thin. Even if someone were to come, Furio could either scare them away or charm his way out of it.
“Who was that Dad,” Red asked.
{Well that was fast. The others are already calling me dad.}
“That … was my landlord,” he sighed, “I’m sorry, but we have to get going if we’re gonna make it to my apartment by midnight.”
“This isn’t your house Daddy,” Yellow puzzled.
“Well, no,” he replied, “This is Krisoph’s house.”
{Well, I guess it is partially mine, as I help with the mortgage when he forgets to do it.} Before Phoenix could explain any further, he once again noticed the state of the kitchen. He groaned at the mess. He didn’t want to leave Kristoph’s kitchen in this state. It was about a 20-minute bike ride from Kristoph’s place to his apartment, so if he hurried, he could at least sweep up the broken glass, cereal bits, and wood splinters off the floor tonight and finish the rest tomorrow.
“Kids,” Phoenix began, “as I said, we have to go. I just need to clean up the kitchen a bit.” Red, Yellow, and Blue looked around the room and nodded to each other.
“Don’t worry Daddy,” Blue grinned, “We’ll take care of it!” Phoenix’s vision was suddenly filled by streaks of Red, Yellow, and Blue light flying all around the room as the same high-pitched sound from before fills his ears. Phoenix squinted his eyes from the sudden bright lights, but managed to still see what the kids were doing. With lightning fast speed, the kids swept up the debris from the floor and even found a way to get the black stains off the walls. It looked as if the explosion never happened! Phoenix, once again, could only just stare on in shock and amazement. What would’ve taken Phoenix at least 15 minutes to sweep up the floor, the kids cleaned the entire kitchen in less than 15 seconds!
“Is this better,” Yellow inquired.
“Umm, y-yeah,” Phoenix stammered after a few seconds, “Th-thanks. … Uhh, well, I guess we should get going now. I’ll … just grab the box and we’ll leave.” Phoenix figured that he could keep Kris’ notes safe with him. It should be safer than just leaving it in the house when Kris wasn’t there, and not even knowing where he was. Phoenix began to kneel to pick up the box, but stopped as he winced in pain from his back. He could still feel the deep pain in his back muscles from when he was blasted back. Before he could even attempt to pick it up again, Blue flew by and lifted it up in her arms.
“I got it, Daddy,” she beamed. Phoenix jumped in surprise at her suddenly appearing in front of him, but before he could respond, he felt his body lift from the ground. He yelped in surprise and turned his head to see Yellow lifting him up with one hand.
“Don’t strain yourself,” she warned.
“You’re gonna hurt your back,” Red added. Before Phoenix could even attempt to reply, the kids began to move out of the house, with Yellow still carrying him.
“W-whoa, whoa, kids,” he shrieked, “W-what are you doing?!”
“You said that we had to go to your apartment, Daddy,” Blue declared, “So we’re going to your apartment.”
“Bu-but you don’t know where it is,” he gulped
“You can just tell us where to go,” Yellow said.
“But, w-what about my bike,” he quivered as the kids exited the house and stopped on the front lawn, “I’m sure I can …”
“I’ll carry it Dad,” Red offered, “Besides, we’ll get there faster this way.”
“Bu-but …”
“Trust us Daddy,” Blue gushed. Not even Blue’s hopeful voice could quell Phoenix’s nerves as the kids angled themselves toward the night sky.
“Hold on tight, Daddy,” Yellow grinned. With Blue holding the box, Red holding Phoenix’s bike, and Yellow holding Phoenix, the kids took off into the sky. The sound of their high-pitched flying and Phoenix’s terrified screams penetrated the quiet stillness of the night.
The new family of four took off, unaware of the pair of menacing eyes watching them from the back of the house. They have been watching them since Phoenix first entered back into the kitchen, seeing and hearing everything that had happened. The figure stepped out from their hiding place to watch the beams of the kids’ light fade away.
“… Interesting.”
                                                        Author’s Note
Here is the second story from the Collabwithmyself Chronicles. Collab has also written his vision of his au, so consider this my re-imagining of the au he has written so far. You can find his writing on his Tumblr page under the ppg au tag.
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heedra · 4 years
Exalted Secret Santa Journal: 2020
Apologies for the slight delay! My journal this year is going to be pretty much the same one as last year; I was working on an additional reference but it absolutely got away from me, so I’ll give it more time and save it for next year. Without further ado:
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Daia Shan- Serenity Caste Sidereal
Once just a troublesome junior bureaucrat in the halls of Yu-Shan, Daia truly gained infamy upon her selection to accompany a strike team of Exalted heroes on a mission into the depths of the worldbody of the Yozi Oramus, and her subsequent escape and return from that impossible prison, nearly a thousand years later. The experience left her profoundly changed; even now, the spite of Oramus hangs like a mantle around Daia, ensuring that the waking world she fought so hard to return to will never feel like anything more than a dream. And then, of course, there is the matter of the power she took from the Sevenfold Peacock willingly… and how that power might be changing her still.
Daia is a somewhat petite woman, belying an athletic build. She is ethnically from the Blessed Isle, with dark grey hair that she prefers to wear up, usually in a bun or a knot. Her face, which she tries but fails to keep free of stress and worry lines, is usually found bearing a smirk or an expression of dangerous faux-politeness. Her eyes bear the iconic starry blue of the Serenities caste, but are also shot through with bands of a strange prismatic iridescence. She bears a large pair of bull horns atop her head, a mutation received during her time inside the Worldbody. The nature of the power bequeathed to her by Oramus is such, though, that her very nature is beginning to blur around the edges, and it is not unusual for her day-to-day appearance to fluctuate strangely as mutations come and go like glitches. She is a bit of a fashionista, favoring blues, dramatic and sharp femme looks (she avoids ruffles and prefers sleeker outfits), and jewelry of all sorts (a lot of it). She rarely wears the same exact outfit twice, so do not feel obligated to stick to the reference- you can get creative! She wears makeup, but prefers cool colors and an understated application.
Daia’s most important accessory is her longfang, the Sevenfold Peacock’s Tailfeather. Forged from starmetal, orichalcum, and a crystalline shard of Oramic essence, the weapon contains knowledge of every martial arts technique known by every user to have ever wielded it, and seems to hunger for more to the point where its obsession has bled over into Daia herself. Even more potently, it bears deep within its core the secret to a martial art concocted by the Dragon of Not himself, whose charms grant the power to ignore the limits of impossibility at the cost of making the wielder more and more alien to the waking world. It is a temptation that Daia has drunk deep of, despite all signs pointing to that being a very bad idea. Daia sees the spear as a trophy stolen from her greatest nemesis, but it’s very possible the Yozi himself sees it as a clever snare for hubristic Sidereals. The blade of the weapon is prismatic crystal that resembles a jagged bird’s beak, the pole is jet black starmetal shot through with an orichalcum starmap of constellations, and the orichalcum pommel is fashioned to look like seven golden peacock feathers woven together into a sphere.
While her exaltation may brand Daia a chosen of the Maidens, the elder Sid is a loose cannon, an agent of Heaven in only the most general of terms. She is mercurial, theatrical, fond of causing petty chaos, and utterly disinterested in the politics of the Bureau, unless there is way for her to stir up drama. She has tendency to get ahead of herself with her schemes, and the vast majority of her ‘downfalls’ can be traced back to her own hubris. Beneath all that, she is a lonely woman who feels adrift in a world that no longer feels real to her. She’s a terrible flirt, a huge showoff (especially where martial arts are involved) and has a weak spot for dangerous women. She’s Creation’s wildest and worst gay aunt.
Side Note: Daia is partially deaf, due to an old and potent supernatural injury. She employs the use of what magic/technology she can to aid her, but relies as well on sign language and interpreters. She’s very used to it at this point.
here’s the link to a better-resolution version of this image bc tumblr kinda fuckt it
and here’s the link to her toyhouse page, which has further images and info!
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Avenging Phoenix- Dawn Caste Solar (Formerly Ravenous Vulture Picks Clean the Bones of Creation, Dusk Caste Abyssal)
Orphaned at an early age, Phoenix was adopted by a Guild mercenary and raised as such. He spent his later mortal life as a city guard captain in Thorns, where he exalted during the fateful siege itself, disillusionment and rage at the circumstances of his death making him an easy recruit for the Mask. His path has weaved far and wide since then, a slow painful crawl from rebellion to eventual redemption; a journey that ultimately gave him a place among the saviors of Creation. Along the way, he played a role in liberating a group of orphaned children from the clutches of the Dowager, and now finds himself settling into the role of an adoptive dad to them, hanging up his metaphorical (and literal) axe and trying to live a gentler life. It’s not always easy. Violence and trauma etched in that deep doesn’t just smooth out perfectly over time. On top of that, he has impostor’s syndrome when it comes to his redemption by the Sun, and still feels uncomfortable thinking of himself as a peer to the other members of the Solar Host. Still, as long as his soul is on this side of Lethe, he is determined to fight against the Void- not because he considers himself antithesis to it, but because he has known it and survived it. And while some days it’s hard, other days it feels like, maybe, fighting against the void can be planting sunflowers for your children on a sunny spring afternoon.
Phoenix is of Western descent, very short, fat, and beefy, with warm brown skin and a round, open face.  He keeps his burgundy hair closely shaved, not fond of dealing with the mess of wavy curls it becomes when allowed to grow out. His eyes are dark brown, almost black, the outside of the iris rimmed with the faintest edge of golden yellow. His nose looks like it has been broken multiple times in the past, and never properly healed. Due to unfortunate wyld misadventures his tongue has been mutated to resemble and function like that of a frog’s, though this is only really apparent when he opens his mouth to use the damn thing. Frogs and toads are a definite motif for him in general- small, grumpy-looking, and round as they are.
Phoenix’s casual clothes tend to be simple, comfortable, loose, and in sharp contrast to his prickly combat garb. He enjoys floral patterns, and the color pink. He’s got a very ‘open hawaiian shirt and flip flops dad’ vibe, basically. He does not dress fancily unless pressed to for big occasions, and in those cases usually grudgingly follows the fashion direction of the one twisting his arm. When he’s on actual exalt business, he’s most frequently found wearing his armor; black jade full plate embellished with cruel-looking spikes, and occasionally a shaggy grey fur cloak made from the pelt of some hunting trophy. A horned skull helm, made from the skull of a nephwrack’s war-body, often completes this ensemble. The helmet is a minor artifact: when worn, it causes his eyes to glow balefully behind its sockets and makes his voice gravelly with deathly menace. He is reluctant to take it off unless he feels at ease in a situation.
Phoenix is somewhat bumbling and gruffly soft-spoken, with tendency to look more tired than he feels. Beneath this is a talent for strategic leadership and a determination that gets fiercer as the going gets tougher. On the battlefield, he is utterly terrifying when he needs to be, but would much prefer to be at home in his garden than on a battlefield these days.
His anima banner starts as burst of gold-and crimson fire that solidifies into the form of a fierce and predatory-looking phoenix, with aspects of a garda bird and a lammergeier both. It moves as he does across the battlefield, swooping and rising with each swing of his axe, its fierce eyes focused on his opponent. Additional refs:
link to his toyhouse page, which has a TON more reference images
what he looked like as an abyssal | his grand grimcleaver looks like this except made outta fiery golden light | rough sketch of his skull helmet
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