abbynoella · 2 months
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catherineponder · 6 months
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Btvs and Philopsophy book loves using Faith as a guinea pig for their theories. Like using her arc to build up a point that you can only truly be happy in the buffyverse by pursuing morally good actions because even if evil pays, it leaves you empty inside - an idea that is heavily featured in Plato's Republic. But like 3/5 of the essays which I have read feature faith pretty heavily to make their argument.
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hello there! i’m reya, and one thing i’m very good at is giving advice.
and i’m really bored. so i decided to start this blog so you guys can anonymously (or publicly, whatever) drop in stuff you want advice about.
You can ask/vent about:
anything regarding friendships
crushes / love / heartbreaks
productivity / mental health
pretty much other stuff too!
but please remember i’m not an actual therapist and i don’t have the materials to help someone going through serious mental health issues. i’m allllso a minor so i’d appreciate everything on here being strictly sfw.
i might post a bit about philopsophy/just random advice as well
(ps; if you’re venting and not asking about advice, please mention that you don’t need a reply and you just needed to rant your little heart out.)
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fueledbytakoyaki · 1 year
Understanding the philosophies on aesthetics has been one of the imperative topics that I have comprehended because when the word "Aesthetic" is mentioned, what usually comes into my mind, is simply arts and designing stuff. However, as we dive deep into the topic, I learned that it also discusses expressing one's emotions.
The activity expectation versus reality allowed me to express and process the emotions I don't usually speak to others about; it helped me have closure with my overwhelming feelings and intense emotions, such as grief, sadness, and anger. Looking back at the process of sharing my life experiences made me realize that it was quite challenging to share it with others. The particular reason for that is I don't want people to pity me, and I am not the type of person that shares their story with people, whether it is my friends or someone close to me. However, as I read some of my block mates' stories, it gave me a boost like it's reminding me it's okay to be open about it; it somehow made me feel understood because while reading most of their works, I encountered some of their intense emotions to be heavy as mine. I felt a sense of comfort like they were telling me that "You are not alone," and with that, it gave me the courage to express and process my emotions truthfully.
Overall, the experience of sharing my overwhelming feelings and intense emotions made me realize that it doesn't matter what others might think of you because, at the end of the day, we all have battles that no one can see; this type of activity is just here to help us convey those emotions and let individuals comprehend that they're not alone.
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bouquetsystem · 3 years
Bruh philosophy class causing a fucking identity crises.
Who wants to tell me if DID is a split soul, a split mind or a split spirit?
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tessacoils · 4 years
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Another Redbubble design: Behold! A Man
“A Man is featherless Biped”
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w e l t s c h m e r z
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waltz-of-words · 4 years
“You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?”
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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abbynoella · 4 years
No you don’t understand. I am sobbing over Rocketman at 3am. The whole movie Elton John just wanted to be loved. He got the love he desired from no one until he gave love to himself. At the beginning of the movie, younger him asks his dad for a hug and his dad says no. At the end younger him asks again, and he says yes to himself and hugs himself. Take notes please. Love yourself as well as you love others and be loved by others.
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windowkind · 3 years
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blackzeldapiece · 4 years
The philosophical perspective of the self: A look into the creativity of the human perspective
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Humans have always been curious creatures
Even before the establishment of human civilization, humans have always felt the need to create an explanation for the nature of the things around us
The greatest scientists and philosophers were renowned as such due to their contributions to understanding the world that we live in
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While studying concrete and observable phenomena requires exceptional skills and intellect, analyzing the abstract is totally different 
The answer to the question “What composes the human body?” is totally different from “What defines the human entity?”
It takes a creative mind and wide perspective to understand what is beyond the physical and discernible
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Studying the different perspectives of philosophers regarding the nature of the self made me appreciate the width of the human perspective
These philosophers were able to create a structure in order to understand our being
You may or may not agree with these ideologies, but one thing is certain, the ability to create these definite explanations of a thing so abstract is impressive.
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While entering the minds of these philosophers, I realized that the human mind is truly vast and powerful
The ability of humans to see the world and create their own perspective truly is a phenomena 
Understanding the self in the perspective of these philosophers really made me realize that the mind is really capable of anything
The thing that separates us humans from other organisms is our ability to reason and think, and through philosophy I was able to really see that and would want to exploit this God-given ability
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caliphascheherazade · 5 years
“In 1894, a wealthy amateur astronomer named Percival Lowell built a telescope in Flagstaff, Arizona. He spent the next 20 years looking through it and finding things no one else could see: a series of canals extending from the poles of Mars, a network of spokes radiating from a hub on Venus. He took both as signs of extraterrestrial civilization. He was mocked. He kept seeing the canals, kept seeing the spokes. He kept insisting. Years later an optometrist solved the puzzle: The settings on Lowell’s telescope—its magnification and narrow aperture—meant that it was essentially projecting the interior of his eye onto the planets he was watching. The spokes of Venus were the shadows of his blood vessels, swollen from hypertension. He wasn’t seeing other life; he was seeing the imprint of his own gaze.
The natural world has always offered itself as a screen for human projection. The Romantics called this the pathetic fallacy. Ralph Waldo Emerson called it “intercourse with heaven and Earth.” We project our fears and longings onto everything we’re not—every beast, every mountain—and in this way we make them somehow kin. It’s an act of humbling and longing and claiming all at once.”
— Leslie Jamison, 52 Blue
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You heard it here, folks. atheism is steadily rising across the world. why is that? as we are rapidly becoming a world culture that is able to acquire vast amounts of information at our fingertips, we are lightyears ahead of our previous generations.
While our ancestors grasped for answers as to why things occurred, they began to craft mythos to explain ordinary things that we take for granted in our current world. they craved an understanding for why the sun rose and set, what the stars were, why the seasons changed and most importantly - what is the reason we are all here? there had to be some meaning to it all.
Religion offered that. religion also offered codes, sets of laws, moral behavioural standards. it’s easy to see why people clung to it, why they adhered so strictly when it seemed like their belief punished them more than praised them. they found meaning, and they found a social community. for all of this, historically, we must respect the place religion has played in our cultural development.
Yet, our culture is developing in a different direction. we have science, information, technology and so much more. our lives have meaning without any god or gods. we are able to think for ourselves, to question, to figure out our own identities and create our own social circles completely devoid of religion.
More and more, people are questioning the religion of their parents. they are finding it outmoded, nonsensical and in many cases, humiliating. there are entire cultural circles of people who have been shamed and excommunicated from religions the world over for simply being who they were born to be. as our world grows smaller and we are able to ask these questions and hear these stories, we’re finding that we believe in nothing.
It can be a frightening concept, to believe in nothing. after all, the sole focus in many religions is the comfort that death is only the beginning of a new path, that they have a better place than the suffering they may have endured in this world. to embrace the idea that death is simply the end is an existential nightmare. some fear secularism as they feel it will give them no cause to remain moral, but if that were the case why are there atheists who have higher moral standpoints than some of the most zealous believers?
Technology has a major part to play in this. it’s not just science, but the social aspect. people who in past generations had questioned these same paths are now able to speak up, to feel safe to challenge what might be considered stigmatic topics, to find others who feel and think the same things. previously, religion offered that social foot in the door that all social media can do regardless. there is a mass sharing of ideas, growth of the mind and the wealth of discussion happening all around the world thanks to social media.
Who is to say? secularism won’t push out any one religion. instead, it would be optimistic to hope for a future with more tolerance, more freedom to seek knowledge and more scientific advancements to better us as a culture. there could someday be a future for atheists in political seats of power, maybe.
Atheism can be learned or it can be understood even in a child’s formative years. are you an atheist? if you are, when did you know that you were? how did you now?
article by @rexmacabre
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bouquetsystem · 4 years
I sit down and time stands still.
It surrounds me on all sides. I can’t see it, I can’t hear it, I can’t taste it. But I know it’s there. Silent and motionless and dreadful.
I jump to my feet. I run and run and try to outrun it.
I act and the world moves on and I forget it exists.
But then all of a sudden, it surrounds me again.
There it is again, incorporeal and still and so, so heavy.
I have to get used to it, to its indifference and ubiquity.
It expands into infinity like a huge spider web.
Billions of tiny cocoons hang in its threads, a dog chasing its tail, a squirrel lying still on the road, a woman giving birth and a soldier dying, everything dead and everything living.
An enormous spider web that everything gets caught in.
A grey relentless web that holds every second of my life.
Perhaps it seems so terrible to me because it traps everything and doesn't let anything go.
Doesn’t let anything end.
But if time exists only in our heads…
Then when there is only one person left…
It will end with their death.
The thought makes me cheerful.
Someone has the power to kill time.
The giant web will tear and fall into oblivion.
We should be grateful for that, but no one will know after their death that they have killed time.
Infinity. Forever. Beautiful. Terrifying. Doomed.
- Kieran
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nubsmusings · 5 years
High Thoughts: Recipe for Fictional Prophecies
Re-watching Game of Thrones so that I’m refreshed for the new season, and it get’s to the scene where Melisandre is seeing Arya’s destiny or whatever the hell it is she predicts. Well this got me thinking it’d be kind of hard to write prophecies out of thin air and then build your story on it. So I came up with these three easy steps to making a fictional prophecy. 1. Have a vague Idea about what path you want your character to take. Ex. Arya learns how to change her face to be a better assassin.
2. Make it Vaguer. Remember if there are adjectives, Proper Nouns, or multiple nouns it’s not vague enough. Ex. Multiple colors of eyes were used, this leaves enough vagueness of weather she kills multiple people or.....(in the example there were lots of adjectives however they were only used on one topic) 3.(For Turing future vision into prophecy) Take your double Vague topic and spice up it’s language adding rhymes or dead words or both to really hook the readers and get them immersed. (sorry no example for this one the writer is starting to loose train of thought)
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