#philip icon
foryouloveme · 2 months
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Eyewitness (2016)
icons by me
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otokeneko · 4 months
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Heheh more Double
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miranita · 1 year
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this meme was made for them
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maertyrer · 6 months
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Unknown Artist A rare icon showing the crucifixion of christ and the martyrdom of the apostles
russian, tempera on wood panel, 35.6 x 31 cm, ca. 1900
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alexbkrieger13 · 6 months
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gmzriver · 9 months
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Enchanted (2007) headers
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vgsedit · 5 months
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six (6) icons of trevor philips from grand theft auto v.
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rainintheevening · 5 months
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Okay, here goes.
The unicorn...
His name is Erah, or at least that's the most easily spoken version of his name
He can't talk, not human speech at least
He was born mute
He can talk horse, or the more complex dialect common among Talking Horses anyway
This is how he communicates
When they meet in Aslan’s camp, startling each other around a corner, Peter is honestly more struck by a creature who doesn't talk than he is by any of the ones that do
In all the fuss and hubbub, and with a sword hanging at his hip, Peter doesn't mind the unicorn's quiet
His eyes say plenty
Oreius translates for him
Philip also does this for Erah
Anyway Peter learns the unicorn's name, and that he thinks it would be the highest possible honour to be Peter's mount both in training and in battle
Unicorns do not let their riders fall
Except Erah does
He is horribly ashamed of this after the battle
Peter is desperately reassuring
"You got shot! You almost died! Lucy had to heal you with her magic cordial!"
Peter's never really ridden before
But on Erah's back he feels safe and strong and steady
On Erah's back he feels a lot more like the king he needs to be
When Erah first joined Aslan’s camp, along with his friend Philip the Talking Horse, he was planning to ask Aslan why he was born mute, why he'd been cursed in this way that had led to so much pain in the death of his dam and the sorrow of his sire
He wanted to ask Aslan to fix him, to make him like a normal unicorn
When Oreius brought him to Aslan, Erah could only whicker an approximation of the Lion's name, before he fell silent and trembling under the weight of that gaze, that saw every thought, and every suffering, and every way he felt inferior and broken, and... loved him.
And suddenly he didn't need to ask, he only knew that he was loved, exactly as he was, and oddly, that was quite enough of an answer
It became a blessing in one way, he later told Peter, as he would likely have left if Aslan had healed him, and then not met Peter
Peter learns him, learns every little way he communicates, the thousand different snorts and whickers and whinnies, the tilts of ears and head and back hooves, the shake of mane or swish of tail, the volumes read in his liquid dark eyes
They make their own language in a way, and Ed is fascinated by it, but can never really parse how they speak without words
So Erah the mute unicorn becomes High King Peter's battle horse
Legendary, iconic, the boy king of Narnia in his red tunic with the gold lion rampant, the silver sword called Rhindon, and the white unicorn he rides
No, riding a unicorn is not normal, but Erah doesn't care one whit, he wants to do this for Peter, his High King and his best friend, and Peter quickly comes to trust no other mount like Erah
Peter always leads the charge in battle, riding with the cavalry and the great cats
Edmund prefers fighting on foot, and often marches out with the foot soldiers
Philip is actually not fond of combat, and prefers it when Ed leaves him behind
Philip trains the girls to ride as well
Philip is also a great debating partner, and there is a running joke that Ed honed his conversation skills with his horse
Erah and Peter save each other's lives many times on the battlefield
Erah often takes Peter for a gallop when the High King is tired or discouraged or worried
Often Ed and Philip will join them, and the four are a beloved sight
Erah also likes being ridden by Lucy
She often tells him how beautiful and handsome he is until he would blush if unicorns could do that
Eventually Erah gets married to a sweet unicorn mare
Her name is Pearl
He still rides out to battle with Peter but doesn't live at the castle anymore
He doesn't want to have a whole herd like stallions normally would, one mare is enough for him, and he has to be there when Peter needs him
They've had three foals by the time the kings and queens vanish
No one knows exactly what happens
Philip is lost, uncertain, he spends days scouring the woods
Till he sees Aslan in a dream, and the Lion asks him why he mourns, asks Philip to trust, and tells him to 'be always ready for the coming of your king'
He comes home to Cair Paravel, and the worst part for him is having to tell Erah that Peter is gone
And Erah looks at him, and his eyes shine when Philip repeats Aslan’s words, because he'd heard the exact same thing in his own dream
'Be always ready for the coming of your king'
Back in England, the new school the boys get sent to has stables, and Peter is down there on the second day, talking to all the horses
He rides every chance he gets
The schoolmasters and boys who knew him before are surprised by how good he is
He's oddly regal in the saddle
Even more he often rides bareback
Ed rides too though not as much and only one particular horse
Edmund is a one horse boy
Peter gets very good with horses
They are much easier to talk to than his classmates
If anyone's having a problem with a horse, someone's gonna yell 'get Pevensie!' and more often than not, Peter can settle the animal down
But though he gets to know some of the horses quite well, nothing ever comes close to the bond he had with Erah, and as time passes and he misses Narnia more fiercely, sometimes riding is a painful reminder of what he has no longer
Now unicorns live long, and Erah lived near twice as long as most, saying farewell to many in that time, including his mare Pearl, and his beloved friend Philip, who also left many decendants behind
He never stopped waiting, never stopped looking for his king's return
Sometimes he would watch the sun set at the end of another day, and in the blaze of glory he would see Aslan’s face
He always wanted to ask 'why' but then he never did
He didn't understand why Aslan would take his beloved friend away, but he would never forget that he was loved, and Peter was loved, and they were all held between the great paws of the Lion anyway
Perhaps, he thought, near the end, King Peter had already gone ahead to Aslan’s country, and really it was Peter who was waiting for him
Erah did not see the Telmarine invasion
His great-grandsons fought in those bitter battles, and they suffered greatly in the losses
Unicorns were heavily persecuted as very obviously magical creatures and most of them fled north
North to the land that had been High King Peter's special domain
The legends of the high king and his white unicorn remained
It was a terrible blow to Peter, to return to a Narnia so changed, and to discover his old friend so long gone
Glenstorm knew the old legends, retelling several of them one night around the fire, while tears slid down Peter's cheeks, and Lucy curled close under his arm, and Caspian turned his head away, feeling like an intruder
Later, in a private moment with Aslan, Peter asked only one question: 'did he die at peace?'
Aslan said only (but very very gently), 'he waits for you still, son of Adam. Be at peace'
After they go back to England, Peter treasures his memories of Erah's friendship and loyalty, even writing a little memoir about the unicorn
He still rides whenever he can
He hopes he will see Erah again some day
In the end they are both rewarded
Erah finds he is mostly right for it seems he has no sooner arrived in Aslan’s country than there is the sound of much joy and the laughter of reunion
He sees two tall men, and he calls the blond one's name and Peter laughs, because, well, it's actually not surprising in the least that Erah should speak aloud, but it is still wonderful, and they run together
Peter wraps his arms around the warm neck, and Erah wraps his chin around Peter's back, and then Peter is up, astride him
Philip is talking next to them, and Ed is laughing and there is a whole wide open stretch of green in front of them, and the sweet smelling wind is singing their names with the Lion's breath
So they ride fast, and they ride free, and Erah and Peter are a king and a unicorn belonging to each other, and they follow the Lion wherever he goes
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lemondedelamode · 2 months
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purple MAGAZINE  — The New York issue #39 S/S 2023
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Using my commission art for good.
What I hear when I look at this edit:
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tiny-sassy-aggressive · 8 months
Phil kinda ate here. They were too nice in this video they had he had to level the field
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insolatingmyself · 10 months
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trashno0dle · 2 years
listen certain traits might not be hereditary, but the exception of this i believe is that eda's iconic “BYEEEEEEE” goes all the way back to caleb wittebane himself and it was just something that got passed down through the clawthorne line. starting with him, to his and evelyn's child and all the way to eda.
just imagine eda says it when facing belos and he gets instant flashbacks. not only does she look eerie similar to the witch that in his opinion “led his brother astray” but she also says THAT like he did, in the exact same way and oh god he can't do this anymore—
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g4yrfield · 11 months
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gen v (2023) maddie philips as cate dunlap icons
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Philips Xenium X606 (2010)
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romaelettuce · 2 years
Prince Philip: ...
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