#phew what a long scene XD
blackjackkent · 8 months
OK. There are definitely a bunch of nooks and crannies to explore in Wyrm's Rock, but we're gonna go straight to the coronation and then explore after, because all of the Steel Watchers keep yelling at Hector that Gortash is expecting him and it's getting annoying. XD
So here we go!
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This feels like it must be very awkward to enter with everyone looking at them. XD We have to walk all the way down the red carpet to get to the quest trigger, too. The music here, though, is SUPER epic and intense, v much fitting with the feeling that Something Big is about to happen.
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"Kinspeople, Baldurians, and dearest Duke Ravengard. Thank you for joining me on this exceptional day."
Gortash stands at the far end of the hall in front of the throne, a casual, comfortable smile on his face. If he is aware of Hector's entrance with his friends, he gives no sign of it. At his side stands Wyll's father, Duke Ravengard; he stands straight and attentive, though Hector can discern a somewhat glazed expression in his eyes.
As they take their place among the crowd, Hector can feel the temperature around him rising; he can already guess the expression on Karlach's face before he turns to look at her.
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"It's him," she hisses. "Gortash." The rage in her expression is fiercer than he has ever seen it; seeing Gortash in the flesh has brought everything boiling to the surface. "This is it. I can practically taste his blood from here." The flames lick along her neck, up her face, through her hair as the engine in her chest begins to pulse more quickly.
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Wyll, on Hector's other side, shifts nervously. "My father's here, Karlach!" he mutters urgently. "Cool your fires - he must not come to harm."
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(A/N: One of Hector's dialogue options here is (to Karlach) "I couldn't stand to see the Steel Watch get their hands on you. Let's wait for a more opportune moment." Which is cute, and something he's definitely thinking internally, but not what he would actually say, I think.)
Hector can see Karlach scowl at the idea of caution, and it pains him to have to restrain her further, but he shakes his head. "Wyll is right," he mutters. "We attack Gortash and Ravengard falls too." Not to mention the vast crowd of innocent Baldurians also invited to this event, all of whom could easily be caught in the crossfire. No - Gortash needs to die, but it can't be here.
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"Fine," she growls. "I'll wait for now. But that prick Gortash is going to pay."
He will, Hector thinks firmly, catching her hand and squeezing it briefly. I promise you that, my love. Before this is over he will suffer for what he did to you - and to all of us.
They turn, hoping to conceal themselves behind a pillar or something to watch the situation unfold - but it's too late, and perhaps they had no hope of hiding anyway. Gortash has noticed them, and immediately he raises a hand and a hush falls over the room.
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"A moment please, my friends," he says, the cool smile on his face widening as if with delight. "An old acquaintance has come to pay her respects." His voice takes on a mocking note, his eyes narrowing; though the words are polite, the tone has an undercurrent of laughter. He can see her fury, and it amuses him. "Please, Karlach. Come and say a proper hello."
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"My respects?!" Karlach snaps. Her voice is loud in the suddenly quiet room, all eyes on them, but she doesn't care - and frankly, neither does Hector. "You're lucky I've agreed not to shove my boot up your--"
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"Ahhh... how I've missed your colorful turns of phrase," Gortash says smoothly, his eyes glinting with laughter. The disdainful, taunting smirk is carefully calculated; to the casual observer watching it might seem a polite grin, but Karlach knows - and Hector knows - that it is not. He believes he has all the power here, and that he can still treat her as if she is nothing.
"We must catch up," Gortash continues casually; his eyes flick to Hector. "Just as soon as I've had words with your... little friend."
Hector feels an uncharacteristic bloom of anger starting to grow in his own chest. How dare you? he thinks icily. How dare you treat her as you have, and speak to me like that?
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"As for you," Gortash goes on, seemingly unaware of the reaction he is engendering, "I understand congratulations are in order. Thorm's defeat hasn't gone unnoticed. You're *known* - for who you are, and for that Netherstone you carry."
He gestures Hector a little off to the side, lowers his voice until it is audible only to them and not the wider room. The veneer of pomp and circumstance vanishes abruptly, and Hector can see the jumped-up black marketeer underneath, speaking in plain, practical terms.
"The quakes are a clear warning," Gortash says coolly. "If nobody steps in soon, it'll free itself from the authority of the crown. I expect it'll start with turning the Sword Coast's infected - you among them. That Prism of yours won't last indefinitely."
He takes a slight step closer to Hector, staring him down. "Next, the Grand Design. The mind flayer empire reborn. If we're lucky, we'll become slaves. If we're unlucky, well... Not the most thrilling of prospects. But it's a fate that can be avoided if you and I come to an understanding." He folds his arms with a pointed glare. "Together we can still restore authority over the brain."
The Emperor's voice rings in Hector's head. "Of course... Gortash always did have an eye for opportunity..."
Hector feels himself smiling tightly, a sort of rictus grin of astonished rage.
Gortash said they are known. And in some ways it is true - Gortash clearly does know some things about them. He knows what they did to Ketheric, he knows about the Prism. He knows they stand against him, and that they have killed many of his cultists already.
But he doesn't know everything; that much is also obvious. He doesn't, for instance, know that Hector loves Karlach. He must not, because he is saying that he wants to cut a deal with Hector for control of the brain. And if he wanted that to work, he should not have mocked Karlach publicly in front of the patriars of the city before attempting it. He should not have sent Karlach to the hells, for that matter, to live or die under Zariel's whip.
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"You're a dead man," he answers coldly, his eyes not leaving Gortash's face. "I can't let you take over the city."
"Please," Wyll whispers anxiously. "Stay your hand. My father's life is at stake."
Gortash laughs softly. "Sage advice," he says, unconcerned by what he can see of Hector's tightly controlled anger. "My Steel Watchers take unkindly to threats - no matter how hollow. You are of little use to me dead, but dead is exactly what you will be if you arouse the ire of my Steel Watch."
Hector shakes his head. He has no intention of forcing violence here - but he will not say yes to this man's plans, no matter what. "I'm not interested in bargaining with the likes of you."
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Gortash shrugs. "The likes of you stand to benefit from the likes of me," he answers calmly. "There is an old wisdom - a brittle alliance can never be mended. It can only break. With Ketheric gone, Orin proved treacherous. Bhaal's Chosen wants the Netherstones for herself." A muscle in his jaw twitches. "She only cares for blood. And your blood and mine are of particular interest to her."
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True enough. Orin has already made it perfectly clear to Hector that she seeks only chaos and destruction - his, and the rest of the world's. "I'm not afraid of her," he says. But he is a poor liar, and he is sure Gortash can see right through this front of bravery. Of course he is afraid of her. He is terrified, in fact.
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Gortash's eyes narrow disdainfully. "You've met her assassins. Efficient killers, by all accounts. I know you survived previous encounters - but she won't relent. Orin changes shape faster than you and I change clothes. You know - she's tricked you before."
He tilts his head thoughtfully; the smirk slips just slightly. True fear? Or a calculated moment of weakness? "She's targeted me as well," he goes on. "I'm well protected, but she's extremely good at what she does. If Orin obtains all three Netherstones, she'll plunge the Coast into chaos and paint the city in blood. I can't let that happen. I want to lead this city to glory, not scorch its earth."
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Hector lips tighten into a sharp frown. "You want me to believe you mean no harm to the city?" he snaps.
Gortash spreads his hands in a welcoming gesture. "I'd like to propose a pact. A divine oath, sworn upon spirit and flesh. I do no harm to you, nor you to me. Furthermore, you'll have nothing to fear from my Steel Watch while our pact stands. Thorm's stone is yours to keep. When you slay Orin and take her stone, you bring it here, so the three are united once again."
His eyes light with an almost maniacal glint, and he brings his hands together with a sharp slap. "Together, we rule Faerun as kings. No - more than kings. Gods. We rule as the Absolute."
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Wyll has been listening in silence to all this, and now speaks, wary and soft. "And... my father?"
Gortash smiles. "Your father will do whatever you command him to, like any other subject in our kingdom."
Hector feels his neck prickle with discomfort at the mental image this calls up. He sees Wyll shoot him an alarmed look, a slight shake of the head.
Gortash returns his gaze to Hector, that smile still fixed on his face. "What do you say? Shall we be allies?'
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Hector flinches almost imperceptibly as the Emperor speaks again in his head. "I can detect no deceit," the mind flayer says thoughtfully. "This alliance could serve us well. And if it does not... well, we need not honor it."
Hector's jaw sets in a scowl. All of these people who would be his allies, and yet none of them know anything of him, or what it would take to make him agree. The Emperor claims they are comrades - but believes he would be willing to turn his back on a sacred, divine oath once sworn, as casually as breaking a business agreement. And Gortash... Gortash believes he would wish to stand over a whole city and command it like a beaten dog.
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Karlach, at his side, snorts in disgust at the offer being put to them. "'Let's be allies,' said the viper to the frog," she quotes with a sharp shake of her head.
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[MONK] "You seek to rule this city," Hector says firmly. He has control of himself again, now that he sees the full shape of the situation. Only his fists clenched at his sides still betray his anger, and his utter hatred for this man and everything he has done to the Sword Coast, to Hector, and to the woman he loves. "I seek to better its people. We shall not be allies, Enver Gortash."
Dismay flickers through Gortash's eyes, though his smile doesn't shift. "What a shame to refuse the power of a god," he murmurs. He tilts his head, eyeing Hector thoughtfully for a long moment. "Perhaps a demonstration of why you need my help will motivate you to make the right decision," he adds coolly.
He takes a step forward, rests a hand on Hector's shoulder, and his smile widens with sudden, gleeful cruelty. "Your camp is compromised. One of you is an imposter. A Faceless. Who, I can't say. I'd suggest a thorough investigation - you'll find I speak truth."
Hector goes very still. His blood runs cold. This is the thing he feared from the moment he learned that Orin was a shapeshifter - the possibility that one of his friends might be taken, replaced, and his trust in them used for the enemy's gain. But is Gortash telling the truth? Or simply trying to seed conflict between them?
"Take that with a grain of salt," Karlach mutters. "This is Gortash we're talking to."
Gortash shrugs. There is an unmistakable note of urgency in his voice, a little agitation not quite masked. "Let this be a warning. Orin is the spark in a powderkeg. We make an alliance, or the city is made ash. I will give you time to reconsider."
"Tread carefully," whispers the Emperor in Hector's mind. "Remember, you must do what it takes to survive. Even if it means striking a deal with the enemy."
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Hector feels himself begin to tremble. No. He can't make a deal with Gortash - he can't stand there and sign on the dotted line with the man who destroyed Karlach's life. He can't listen to the illithid in the Prism about the correct course of action. And he can't stand here idle while there is a potential interloper among them that must be rooted out.
"You're on your own, Gortash," he says hoarsely.
Gortash smiles again, recovering his composure at once, like a switch being flipped. "Oh, but I most certainly am not." He takes a step back, turns to gesture towards the throne, and the Duke, behind him. "Now come - be witness as I make history as the first Archduke of Baldur's Gate!"
Hector shakes his head once sharply, turns on his heel and begins to walk away. "I have no interest in this sham of a ceremony."
Before he can take another step, pain explodes through his head and he staggers, almost collapsing to the ground.
"Then allow me to pique it for you," he hears Gortash say behind him.
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Narrator: Your brain twists and stretches under the Watcher's gaze. The pain almost brings you to your knees... before fading.
Gortash watches Hector's agony impassively. "You will follow me," he says coldly. "And you will show due respect." He lifts his voice to the rest of the room. "Distinguished dukes, patriars, dearest Ravengard - I will heed your call. A new chapter begins!"
Without another word, he turns and moves back to the center of the room where Ravengard is waiting. Hector gasps for breath, trying to regain himself; he feels Karlach's arm tightly around his shoulders, steadying him.
He is only half-aware of the ceremony beginning, of Ulder Ravengard's deep, resonant voice speaking the prescribed words, echoing to the ceiling.
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"Enver Gortash. Swearest thou, by Balduran's blade, to defend the citizens of Baldur's Gate from enemies within and without?"
"I swear."
"Swearest thou true faith and fealty to the same, by word, deed, and decree, so that none may suffer?"
"I swear."
Ravengard's dark eyes, still with that almost imperceptible note of blankness, sweep the watching crowd. "Gathered guests, grant ye consent?"
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Say nothing.
Everything in him aches to lash out. Ketheric Thorm was a Sharran madman, but nothing in Hector ever desired his death half so much as he desires Gortash's at this moment. But Wyll is still right. This is not the place. They will have to find the right time. They have other concerns that must be dealt with first.
But we will stop you. I swear that by the Moonmaiden and every ray of her light. We will stop you, and we will end you, for good and all.
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"Enver Gortash, the Council appoints you Archduke of Baldur's Gate."
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"My friends - the Steel Watch stands ready. Let its blade fall on any who would diminish our city!"
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"And you, honored guest, will find me in my office above when you return. Do not come empty-handed."
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writingannyred · 2 months
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@gingerlegacy07 thank you for the tag, finally I am able to answer.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Four. My main fic, the addition to my main fic and two collections.
What's your total AO3 word count?
124,538 so far….
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Hogwarts Legacy, but sometimes also original one-shots. I plan on several original novels already, let’s see how that goes.
Top five fics by kudos?
Your goosebumps don’t lie (smutty collection)
Rise of the Lioness (my main fic)
Don’t go where I can’t follow (sfw collection)
The Badger and the Snake (an addition to my main fic)
Do you respond to comments?  
Yes! I love comments, and even if it’s just an emoji I react and comment.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My one-shot from the ‘Don’t go where I can follow’ collection definitively broke some hearts (mine aswell)
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Woah, for the main fic can’t spoiler you guys already. But some of the one-shots have several ‘happy endings’ if you know what I mean 😉
Do you get hate on fics?
No, not yet.
Do you write smut?
Yes, I do. My main fic contains smut and there is also my smutty one-shot collection
Craziest crossover?
None so far
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, not yet (and I hope that will never happen!)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I write my main fic in my native tongue and translate it into English.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The lovely @svmbino and I started writing a fic together, I hope we can proceed in the future
All time favorite ship?
Next to my MC and Sebastian it is Poppy and Ominis! Poppy and Omins are also the reason I got to know the lovely @gingerlegacy07❤️
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I thrive to finish all my WIP, but I have a Mattheo Riddle fic planned (in my head) that will probably never see the light of day xD
What are your writing strengths?
Phew, that’s a hard one. I would say writing dialogue, adding in a lot of details, the background info, historical correctness (I am a reenactor) and according to some my smut hahaha. But I am also a menace when it comes to planning and plotting. (My dear sanity ran away during my plotting time)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It’s ok as long as it’s just a couple of sentences. I used French during my first Epilogue.
First fandom you wrote in?
Since I am quite new in the fanfiction scene, Rise of the Lioness is the first fic I’ve written. A couple of years ago I started on a GOT fic (sort of) but I never published before.
Favorite fic you've written?
So far Rise of the Lioness. The MC is like my baby and I love her so much!
Thank you so much for whoever came up with the qustions! I also tag @sallowskeeper @svmbino and @galaxiasgreen
Have a lovely weekend!
(Also please notice my banner 😍😭😂)
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AAAHHHHHHHH it's happening :'DDD
Peteee I want him to be here 😭❤️🥺
When was Sassapis ordained lol
Awww :')))
AAAHHHHHHH they're all there aahh :'DD
Lol hi Carol
Jay just like yep :) okay :)
Love him xD
I miss Pete though guys 😭
He deserves to be here he would love it xdd
Alberta there are closer chairs xD
Oh right lol wait she's on Isaac's side xD
Eh xD
Well at least they didn't have the until death or as long as you shall live part lol
I swear if we end on a cliffhanger of them not getting married I'm gonna lose it
Did the basement ghosts help the puritan lady because they were upset 😭
Y'alllll I knew it's the seeds you sowed but I'm stressed 😭 don't care they don't deserve it xd
Awww he wanted to come home :'))
As soon as that scene ended he really went ". . Nah I wanna go home, bye :)"
He doesn't look in good shape though o.o
Awww :')) 🥰🥰
LOL sir xD 💀
Awwww okay good he's here :'D
LOL Jay like "oh nice :D"
He's not still rough is he- okay no just talking about his entrance
Awkward I think that's Nigel's side lol
Ahh yeah that lol
I mean we can explain later and delay with the emotional consequences of it all xD
Nah okay it's chill lol
We're going ahead xD
Oop yep o.o
Ahh nice it is just leaving not being happy :'D
Awwww 😭😭🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
AAAAHHHHHHHH y'all stop I love them and him so much 😭😭🥰🥺❤️
"Who's Donna??" XDD YEAH LOL
I mean we know but you know
Awww legally permissable kind :'D xD
LOL Carol o.o
AWWW :')))
Wait Isaac this better not be a realization but a reaffirmment
Just making sure xD
AWWW okay good :'DD 😭❤️
Thanks for coming in clutch and reassuring everything at the end Pete 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ the glue that holds everyone together for real <333
Aww yeah :') let's get them married <3
Although now I swear if they get interrupted by the ghost lady lol
It better happen later xD
AWW yeah :'))
Isaac I swear
Better say yes boy
I know you just got it reaffirmed so answer xD
Paused to save myself
Guys help
Guys help please
No guys please why would you do this to me xd
I think I'm talking to you guys guys help please 😭 xD
Making me go through this alone, not preparing me (I made that choice and I did not want to be prepared lol) xdd
Hold my hand guys 😭
Guys I SWEAR if you do not get married by the end of this episode
I just don't know about the likelihood of going back to the wedding again so I'm scared 😭😭😭
Like later in the episode I mean
Isaac I'm gonna kill you. I am gonna kill you. Just so you know.
Guys I can't take this. I can't take this
Sure have it be attempted revenge by the ghost lady 😭
Wait what if she's doing this o.o
Wasn't her power something funky? I don't remember if they said
Or also just like manipulating stuff somehow idk
Y'all I'm scaredddd
I need to unpause he's halfway through saying don't
Sick to my stomach
Guys help
Okay I'm doing it 😭
Jay XD
Wait no he must be seeing something else
Maybe something relating to the puritan lady?
Maybe he forgot something idk??
And as soon as he actually becomes an option Nigel decides he doesn't want him right 😌 right 😌
Guys I'm scared
Okay but an immediate reaction/other thing happening means a distraction so phew that's good that's easier
But hey Jay fits in for once xD
Jay I was counting on you 😭
SLFKFHS though xD
"Is this wedding voer yet" Jay 😭💀 XDDD
Real though lol
Me for real with this pain xD
Anyway you'll know when (well not anymore but yk) they start clapping lol xD
Explain the situation Sam o.o xD
Guys I don't deserve this
I don't
I'm going to kill you
"I really wanted this to work" BEATING YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A STEEL PIPE.
And here I thought
That revelation
A good thing
I have been caught a fool
After all the pain I'm desensitized to it at this point 😭
Also I think I still believe they're gonna be together xdd
I just gotta make it through this lol
And then even if it doesn't end up okay at least I'll have made it through it xD
I wish I was in more shock like with Asher's death at least then I wouldn't be pausing so much 😭😭
Also I mean the pain of so many of my shows this season xd
Okay okay okay hoo I got this
Something missing
Better than someone else :'D
Also maybe you're just overthinking it 🥰🥰 right 🥰 right 🥰🥰
Yeah Isaac exactly 😭
Guys I'm sick to my stomach
I'm gonna die
I swear if this ends on a cliffhanger
I know I have like 4 minutes left but xd
Which when you think about it is like a quarter of the episode so :D I've still got plenty of time
Even if this would be the climax and that would probably be the falling action :')) I do not care :'))
Guys get me through this xdd
I need to talk less and need this scene to end because I decided to make it all one post when I thought it would be a good thing and this is so long now 😭 xd
The humor comforts me :'))) it'll be alright right guys :'))) right :'))
I hope y'all aren't reading this and shaking your head in pity 😭😭😭
I'm gonna die
And bring Isaac along with me guys
Sorry not sorry
At least leave don't leave me standing here watching this
I swear it better be that ghost lady
Girl did she step out to warm up or something and missed what happened 😭
Goirl o.o
Hetty and Trevor's faces xDD but also they're really sad faces 😭
Have you not noticed that Isaac is not standing here 😭
And walked past you to leave xd
Imagine if the episode ended on this lol
Although with the actual length image her just singing the entire of the song and everyone just sitting there in silence like 😐👁️👄👁️ for 3 and a half minutes XDDD
Y'all I'm hilarious
Anyway help me 😭
Girl I need you to stop singing
You have a lovely voice but stop
Okay at least we got to cut away
Okay I do not like this wrap up feeling that's starting in half of the word "Well" and one strike of strings :')))
I SWEARRR we better get a cliffhanger of it was all that ghost lady's doing
WAIT maybe she'll kidnap Nigel and the Isaac will realize he does feel that way about him o.o cliffhanger or not idk
Like takes him into the dirt and Isaac decides to go after him or something 😭
Wait that sounds so dramatic (take him into the dirt)
Nigel and Isaac Orpheus and Eurydice parallel/moment 👀
Okay anyway I actually need to watch now xD
If that doesn't happen I might write it though lol
I just know this girl has to come up SOMEHOW
So far Pete was the unexpected guest, at the actual wedding xD
I did not want to be here 😭
Y'all they broke up didn't they :'))
Pleeease tell me they just took a step back
I know they probably didn't but please I'll take anything I can get xdd
Aww Trevor :')) 🥺
He is the sweetest <33
Yeah I imagine 😭 xdd
Deserved Isaac I'm not even gonna lie
Kind and understanding how are we broken up or not 😭
Flower I'mma need you to stop talking right now
Hear me out
Chris is helping him grow
And we move on from this tyvm
Ik it's not about him anymore but idrc
Jay just on his phone xD boutta hear a wild sentence lol
Though they probably filled him in
Okay yeah today that's okay :')))
So how about it the future
There's no coming back from a conversation like this is there guys xd too serious to backtrack form
Okay yeah Hetty but also like he's kind of always known 😭❤️ at the same time
Guys I don't like this serious genuine wrap up music
Also like. I'm not saying settle or anything he there are only so many ghosts on this property xd
Okay yeah and that guy xD
Aww ayy yeah :D she got it right :')))!!!
Famously lol xDD
But yeah her too
XD yeah
Aww Sas and Isaac :'))
Ahh is Thor gonna do it too
Yep xd
Okay good glad we're being honest 😭
Kinda insensitive right now guys not gonna lie but congrats xDD
Also idk if it's gonna go well for the moment 😬
Awww Sam updating Jay :'))
Jay about to be like "?? isn't that kind of inconsiderate??" XD
Nah he'll probably congratulate them lol
And then we also have to be like "oh yeah and Isaac and Nigel (maybe) broke up" xD
Yeah big stuff going down xD 😭
Ayy the updates xD
Y'all are not gonna do this I swear 💀 xD
No offense but can we interrupt their wedding as well xD they literally just got out of a throuple they haven't even broken up with Nancy yet lol
Also Flower hasn't said that means she'll stay with him xD
I do not like Isaac's expression
AWWW yeah thank you Thor :')))
Also the way he said that just sounded so sweet and genuine :') 🥰🥰😭
Yeah Sas xD
They will I bet lol
Guys why xD
Isaac boutta be like "?? okay?? guys the frick???" XDD
"Yeha buddy good luck with that" SLFKDJS XDD
Jay having his world rocked right now like "who is this random guy you've mentioned??"
"He's very peripheral it doesn't matter" SLFJFHSKDJ AUVOEMSPEN??? XDDD
Well I mean he's getting married so it probably does xD
Please tell me this is before the wedding and we'll stop it
Agh gosh nope okay xD
Aww lol :)
Ope she's gonna mention the Puritan ghost lady and Sam is gonna know o.o
Yeeahh Patience her
OPE yeah 😳 she knows xd
This better set up a healing of their relationship xDD
It seems like it's just setting up a bad guy for next season though 😭😭
Ahh so Isaac is gonna get kidnapped
Maybe Nigel will go to save him and Isaac will realize how strong his love for him really is 👀?
Listen guys I really can't believe they'll leave them like this 😭 xdd
Also not them literally burying their gays 💀 xDD
Probably lol
I mean bc he's going into the dirt xD
Oh gosh Nancy xd
Why would you do this to me
Ahhh crap
We can't be compassionate a little bit and decide that since it didn't happen it doesn't matter xd?
I mean too late now really but you guys could at least feel bad and pull out of it while she kidnaps him lol
Wait this post is way too long one second o.o
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shibaraki · 1 year
Monty.... How do you do it? Seriously! It's like every time I read one of your fics and think, welp she surely couldn't write anything more perfect than this cuz I am already obsessed; giggling and kicking my feet re-reading the same fic over and over again like a lovesick fool AND THEN YOU COME OUT WITH THIS! THIS...this is the loveliest thing I have laid my eyes upon.
How did you read my mind tho? How did you know that I am hopelessly devoted to this peppermint man and that I yearn to see him happy and content; and in every fic I read I search for scenes of him spending time with his family (all of them who I wanna smother in love CUZ GOSH DARN IT FUYUMI SUPREMACY) (also can't help my bias since I am elder sister lol) ALSO! The sweet moments of his friends who are more like his family sprinkled within- Uraraka choosing the chair for his balcony, Momo listening to him so patiently and being so understanding, Bakugo's gruff teasing and clear love and concern for his friends AND OH MY GOSH THE KIRISHIMA SCENE HAD ME SOBBING! THAT MAN! Shouto dearie I would never be mad at you bidding for kiri CUZ I'LL BE FIRST ONE IN LINE XD ; Oh and just for good measure incase I wasn't already smitten you added nori too (ngl reading this made me sit staring at the ceiling abruptly aware of the profound lack of a cat in my life :( My mom won't lemme adopt one cuz she's afraid of them) ANYWAYS lmao something that I couldn't get out of my head was what if the reader liked shouto but told them they were kind of cautious getting into a relationship yk cuz the wildly different lives but shouto just pulls out nori and reader is like YES!YES!I'LL MARRY YOU! (Ik I would lol)
Sorry for this being so long but it's important to bring to your attention that this is not a fic but really a masterpiece that I will go back to when I am feeling down. This fic just seeped into my heart and now has made a home for itself there. I have been having a hard time rn cuz of how busy my life is and I feel like I am wasting my youth not doing anything fun, but shouto being a workaholic and regretting isolation but being content with his life at he same time gave me such a strange sense of comfort. No pressure, but please write for shouto again in the future. You do our husband justice. Ok phew I REALLYY should be wrapping up *mwah *mwah Goodnight <3
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p.s. here's a little treat and apology for coming and rambling your ear off in your inbox
ljsskjfskjfjd thank you for the crusty little kitty, first of all! they are so darling I must wrap them up!!!!
second, thank you so so so much beloved. I really do not know how I do it!!!! like you, I adore scenes which involve shouto being loved on, and I find it incredibly rewarding to explore those relationships even in fics that are x reader. I really wanted his life to feel full. I wanted you all to be endeared to him!! (moreso than you already were lmao) and it is such a relief to see everyone liking those parts.
please never feel like you need to apologise!! it’s asks like this that keep me motivated; that silence any and all of my worries about being indulgent!!! I appreciate you and I’m glad you felt connected to shouto here. I hope things ease up for you soon <3 please take care in the meantime!!
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heromaker-if · 2 years
Thanks for the kind words and quick reply, I slept for 4 hours or so with a heartbreak, thanks to someone :3 Now for the first part *cough*, firstly, I don't mind how long the demo was, it was actually great that it was that long, I love to read such a masterpiece :3 Secondly, I have scroll through your tumblr update and I am amazed by how fast you were writing the story, great work there, you are really amazing!!!! (●'◡'●) So with that, I want to ask about your upcoming dev plan, like how many book are you intending to write and how many chapters intended for the Book One? And do you have a plan to when you are going to finish this project?
Now for the other second part *look at my prepared list*, well, for once I finally understand why so many risk and do stupid things to bring back their loved one ಥ_ಥ Great, you have helped me realize my irrational and emotion-drived part .-. (Though if there had been a choice to kill my child along with myself there with Frey, I would say bye to the whole world future and die with him there, extreme yes but my best choice :) )
Next, can we have revenge against the Demon Lord please, pretty please 🥺Offff courseeee not the "kill in the most brutal way possible", pffft, I want to make him fall in love with me and then trample upon his love, in the most cruelest way possible. I will make him to bowl down to my spouse grave for what he has done, make him cry out of despair and guilt every single night, wow that would be great as hell. Hmm, I will curse him even in your epilogue haha, with the scene of me in the bed, dying of old age, whispering of hurtful words in his ears, how I will never forgive him and curse that he will be alone forever, yes I will spend all of my life hate him :)
Phew, sorry, that was longer than I expected, sorry XD But I just love the game so much there are so many things I want to talk about it!! Thank you for having read all of this, truly XD
PS: If we can meet Yennefer again, can we keep both her and Arthur? 🥺
Love this long ask! Thank you. I will put the rest below so I don't clutter people's feed.
I hope you get better sleep next time! But thank you. I hadn't realised the Demo was so long because I just get lost in it LOL
Glad you enjoyed it though.
And thank you! I am indeed a fast writer because I have an obsession with it 🧍‍♀️
Regarding my dev plan... it's very vague. But I'll let you know of what I have planned. I have two books planned, this one and the next one. And between 5-10 chapters. I don't know yet, I always end chapters when it feels right! So there could be more chapters than I predict, or less.
No idea when I'm going to finish though. I'm currently studying auto mechanics, and learning how to drive (aside from having a job as well), so I'm busy all the dang time 🙃
But I'll always have time for this story!
I am glad I managed to touch on the sheer desperation to bring someone back from the dead. Grief can be scary, and drive us to do crazy things. Whenever a piece of media gets me to feel like that, I always get so immersed, so I'm glad I was able to reproduce that!
Although your rendition of what would happen if you seduced the Demon Lord is amazing to read, things will definitely be far harder and less black and white than they seem, especially if we go down that route. I will say, I will add a way for you to gain the Demon Lord's trust, but he is also a manipulative and tricky demon, so... the MC might be betrayed before they can betray.
Don't worry about the long ask! I loved it and I love how interactive you are with the blog. I crave to form a community here so feel free.
And yes! I don't consider this massive spoilers so I will say, there are two ways to keep Yennefer, one of them you will have Arthur as well. 🥰
Thank you!!!!
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3milesup · 4 months
🛒 for the fanfic ask game :)
🛒 - What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery etc.
Phew, nice one! Let's see... oh the feels. i believe the main one is some kind of yearning. Ideally for what isn't coming back or has never been there at all. Someone once years ago defined the atmosphere of a story of mine as glowing imperfect nostalgia and the expression hasn't left my mind since. That is the sort of feeling i am the most comfortable in, despite the dull ache that comes with it, and that i try to translate into writing as well...
And yes, i tend to lean into imagery. off topic but the last comment i received said i painted quite a picture and it made me think of a contest a couple years back, where you had to send in a drabble of 321 words and my brother couldn't wrap his mind around writing something so short. i literally told him "try to paint a picture, if that makes sense". He arrived a very close 2nd place. (my piece never made it into the final selection but i couldn't care less as long as lil bro almost won the national thing <3) so, that goes to say how much imagery means to me, it is such an integral part of the story's very core and i always try to incorporate it^^ i just go with whatever the vibe of the story/scene/character is, i don't really have a default metaphor theme or such, although there are always those which feel more vivid...
gosh this has gotten long and idek if it answers the question 🙈 i tried to cut it down a little, sorry abt this essay but... i've never taken any creative writing etc. so it's all pretty much just instinctive and it was fun to try to figure out what it is i'm doing with my writing, got a bit carried away, sry xd
Thank you so much for the ask!!!✨
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
Honestly if May did snap and go evil in movie au I can see monochrome just going ya know what good for her lmao XD like if you've pushed her to that point it's probably deserved
I have the fun mental image of like evil transformation sequence with black liquid forming extra spike horns like a crown and decorating her body hardening into armouring with fancy silky black fabrics wishing around whirling into fancy like accessory parts like an evil dress and evil long black sleeves look and I'm like oof queen. But also hm don't trust the sus black fluid lmao get outta here Intrusion REDACTED! Fuck off XD
Tho that sequence is probably actually just a movie scene and it's like cgi make up animated edited in ect with the fabric bits on invisible wires or being moved by psychic energy but evil transformation my beloved, Monochrome just like is it hot in here or phew, can you take that costume home or? XD
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jbreenr · 3 years
Duuude, I suspected that Tony was gonna die but not because he was murdered. Like, I was expecting it to be the palladium.
I loved seeing Tony and Nat together again, but I wish they were voiced by Robert and Scarlet. Though it was nice yk? Having Iron Man 2 flashbacks.
Now, Nat was being accused for murdering Tony like… what?! How on earth?
When Fury said that S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised, I totally thought that Pierce was the bad guy here and that he changed the antidote.
Also, i loved seeing S.T.R.I.K.E again!
Thor is gorgeous, according to Colson. He has great hair and well, we know he looks like the son of a Pirate and and Angel.
My thoughts on the very next part: bARTON SLIPPED? WTF WHAT IS GOING ON?!??! THAT WAS HIS ARROW!!
And thought we know he was innocent, he was on a cell, but he apparently took a cyanide pill. Makes no damn sense! He was killed as well!!
Betty Ross. That's it. That's the point.
“Who do I kill?” –Natasha Romamoff. I mean, did you see her expression when Fury told her about Clint? My poor little assassin baby.):
Uatu's image while Colson is driving. Am I just blind or is that the first time it happens? Like, in an episode.
Loki and Co. coming through the Bifrost looking for vengeance because someone killed his brother. I--
Now, Bruce's situation with Nat. Like his predicament was so alike The Incredible Hulk. I. Love. It.
+ Nat's pose when Bruce was transforming and she jumped out of there? Yes. A hundred times yes.
I, and I am still speechless, can't get over the fact that Bruce freaking exploded. I'm struggling to find words.
As well as Rhode, Colson has some good ass passwords. #SteveSteveSteveIHeartSteve0704. I'd use it if it was not that long. Xd
And Nat's dead. Just like that. WHYYYYY?
Hope Van Dyme died two years ago in that time line. TWO YEARS BEFORE THE EVENTS OF IRON MAN 2 AND THOR. You realize that branch was formed two years before it all? Wooooow.
And, she was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. She died doing S.H.I.E.L.D's work. Phew.
Now, I was totally not expecting Hank Pym to be the villain, but after assimilating it, it was soo cool to see him wearing the Yellow Jacket.
That scene, with dozens of Lokis looking like Furys and that smile before transforming. I want to watch Avengers now. Solely because of that.
Of course, he saves the day and decides to stay for a longer time on Midgard. What happens next? Well, he's ruling the world in a… more pacific way than the one we saw in the MCU before. It took him a day to accomplish that!!
Okay but, was I the only one who thought of Marvel Zombies with the coffins? I can't be the only one.
Now, Hank is dead, which means that he cannot kill Steve (yes, because Fury finds him). So he's still a part of the Avengers initiative, right?
And finally, Carol said “Where's the fight?” which may or may not be a reference to Bucky in Infinity War.
So, in conclusion, it was a busy week for Fury. Poor thing.
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[⚜️IkeVamp⚜️ Fic] Under the Table (Jean x Reader) {NSFW}
Please Read:
Ok I’m not sure if anyone has done this before but I’m a sucker (no pun intended) for imagining Reader give Jean a BJ under the table during dinner so I wrote a fic about it.
Also I started this fic a while before I began playing Jean’s route (which was literally around 14 minutes after it came out xD), and I’m not too far into his story yet, which means that I would appreciate if you didn’t include spoilers when correcting me about any inaccurate details, since I want to find out about them myself.
But anyways, hopefully you enjoy it! 💙💖
Word Count: 3k+
Tagging: @blu-tigerr , @delicateikemenmemes I hope you like it 👀💖
Two BJ related fics in a row too pHEW—
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One evening at around 8:30, peaceful silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps bouncing off the mansion walls as the residents hastily bustled into the dining hall. This wasn’t a rare scene during dinner time, since at this hour, many of the vampires were hungry and more than willing to eat a hearty supper. Sebastian was in the kitchen as expected, pouring drinks and preparing the feast as the others took their usual seats and began conversing amongst themselves.
However, something was out of the ordinary. Unlike on most evenings, Jean appeared to have arrived before any of the others had, a rare sight to behold. Though what seemed even more startling was that you were the absentee this time. Well, at least that’s how it seemed to the rest.
Unbeknownst to the others, you were most definitely in the room. Crouched underneath the table between Jean’s long legs, you eyed the prominent bulge in the midnight haired vampire’s pants. Your (color) eyes wandered up to his face from under the long table cloth that was oh so conveniently veiling you from anybody else’s sight, but gave you the best view of Jean from below.
For what reason were the two of you in this position? Ever since you and Jean had gotten together, you had been trying to get him to come out of his shell little by little. It eventually started off with baby steps, such as joining everyone during mealtimes or becoming more social with less familiar residents, and before you knew it, you had even managed to persuade him into attending a party. Even though he remained at your side the entire time, it was great progress nonetheless. Though while you cherished every second of this journey alongside him, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander into more… otherworldly depths.
Intimacy was something that both of you shared and enjoyed equally, but experimentation was a fairly new subject for both of you. However, you weren’t opposed to it at all, and Jean was always silently content with the subtle strings that you’d pull. It was only a matter of time before you came up with a terrifying yet absolutely brilliant idea: You were going to take a steeper step this time by deepthroating him under the dinner table.
Of course, Jean seemed hesitant at first, and you understood. After all, this was a huge thing for him, and he usually wasn’t a big fan of such intimately drastic measures. However, you were his everything, and he absolutely adored you with all his being. It didn’t take long for him to oblige to your request, cheeks flushed a darling pink as he pictured you beneath him under the table cloth, your lips wrapped around his member as you sucked him dry while he desperately held in his dirty moans, trying his hardest not to attract suspicion from the others…
And here you were, on your hands and knees beneath him, just as he’d imagined. You couldn’t help but grin up at him in excitement; this was absolutely thrilling, and the chances of getting caught were so scary yet arousing, and with Jean above you, so tall and mighty… you couldn’t help but melt under his gaze. His violet eye was hesitant, but you could tell that he wanted this as much as you did. Bliss.
Soon the room fell silent while the sound of steel wheels skidded across the floor. Sebastian stopped the cart and cleared his throat.
“Dinner is served,” he announced as he began setting the hot dishes on the dining table.
While Sebastian served the residents, Comte scanned the room, a look of concern evident on his usually calm face.
“Before we begin eating, has any of you seen (Name) anywhere? It’s unlikely of her to be this late,” he said, earning a slight hum of thought from the others.
Panic engulfed your mind as you stared up at Jean who grunted ever so slightly at the flaxen haired gentleman’s question. While he usually avoided speaking to Comte, he couldn’t afford to out you, especially in such an embarrassing position.
“She’s…” he began. “…not feeling too well. She told me that she has a stomachache of some sort.”
A concerned murmur filled the room.
“Stomach ache?” Vincent inquired worriedly. “Will she be ok?”
Jean nodded, ignoring the lump in his throat.
“Yes. I have given her medicine to help her feel better. She said that she’ll rest for the time being,” he responded.
Despite the pit of doubt in both of your stomachs, you and Jean breathed a sigh of relief when the others bought into that little fib.
As the chatter commenced again, scrumptious aromas that wafted in the air made your mouth water, but you had a job to do. A very important job.
You looked up to see Jean staring ahead at what you assumed was the food, and while you could tell that he was hungry, so we’re you. You lightly poked his bulge with your index, smirking when you felt him shudder. Jean’s little reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Mozart, who sat nearby with an eyebrow raised at his friend’s behavior, but decided to let it go and resume his feasting. Sebastian also passed by but only nodded at Jean as silent encouragement to begin eating.
Jean sighed in relief once more before looking it you with an almost pleading expression. You giggled into your palm before resuming playtime.
Bringing your fingertips to your mouth, you slowly slid your tongue along them, all the while gazing seductively at the man above you. He gulped at the naughty sight and you could’ve sworn that his pants seemed a bit tighter than they were a few seconds before. Eager to tease, you rubbed your wet digits along his clothed member and smirked when you felt his hips jerk.
The warmth of your saliva was almost too much for Jean, who practically had to grit his teeth in order to keep himself from groaning your name. He was so sensitive and you loved it. Without thought, you wrapped your fingers around the zipper of his pants and slid it down with a loud ZZZZIIIP!!!
Unfortunately the sound of conversation and the clatter of cutlery wasn’t enough to drown out the noise. You and Jean’s eyes widened when the room fell dead silent again. It wasn’t until Theo spoke that the tension rose ever so slightly.
“What was that noise?” He asked and looked around with narrowed eyes. “Did someone’s fly just open?”
“Beats me,” Arthur responded before immediately changing the subject. “But all I care about right now is eating until I’m stuffed. Hey Napoleon, could you pass the salt?”
“Of course,” replied the raven haired man, smirking to himself while he sneakily handed the pepper to Arthur, who unawarely sprinkled it onto his food.
While this was happening, Jean leaned a bit lower to speak to you.
“Mademoiselle, I would appreciate it if you were a bit more careful,” he said in a hushed whisper. “We were very close to getting caught, especially this time.”
You gently pressed a finger against his lips.
“Just sit back and relax Jean,” you cooed. “Let me handle this~”
The indigo haired male had no choice but to abide by your words. He inhaled shakily before sitting back in his chair, patiently waiting for your next move.
Pushing stray locks of hair behind your ear, you leaned down and pressed a kiss against his pelvis, trailing lower and lower until your lips touched his shaft, still clothed beneath the cotton of his underwear. You looked up at him yet again with that same glint in your eyes, the glint that he knew all too well. You were going to misbehave.
As he stared ahead in anticipation, Napoleon noticed the lack of food on his friend’s plate.
“Hey Jean,” he said. “Aren’t you going to eat?”
Jean flinched at the question and immediately sat upright.
“Y-Yes. I-I was just trying to decide on what to try first,” he responded, hastily reaching over to grab a serving of rotisserie chicken.
His green eyed friend blinked.
“Alright then,” said Napoleon, still a tad suspicious of Jean’s strange behavior as he eyed him for a little while before going back to conversing with Leonardo.
Jean was about to begin eating until he felt something warm and wet engulf his member. He inhaled sharply and flinched at the sudden sensation, awkwardly biting his thumb to stifle an embarrassing moan that threatened to spill from his throat. His eye flitted down to you and widened.
You were already taking him so well, with your mouth stretched out to fully wrap around his thick veiny cock while you rested your hands on his muscular thighs for support. But what really arose something in him was when your eyes finally met his. It was almost as if time stopped, and Jean couldn’t help but bite his lip in desperation. This was so sinful yet so… irresistible. It overwhelmed him immensely. Though Jean was stubborn, and was in no mood to give in to his carnal desires so easily. Putting on a stoical face, he grabbed his fork and knife and dug in.
The rotisserie was delicious, probably the best he’d ever tasted to this day. Though the movements of his hands as he cut the pieces with the fork and knife were very rigid, almost as if he was hyper-focused on making them look natural. His eyes were narrowed in concentration and his eyebrows furrowed as his teeth dug into his lower lip. This may have looked strange to those unaware of your little tryst, but you both knew the truth behind his peculiar actions.
Though despite his desperate suppression, he felt much more at ease with the lack of unwanted attention in his direction. His thighs eased ever so slightly and he eventually leaned back into the chair, hands relaxing onto the table while his eye glazed over as he relished your touch from under the table.
However, this moment of solace was soon interrupted by Leonardo’s voice, causing Jean to spring upright again.
“So Jean,” said Leonardo. “I hope you don’t mind me asking but what compelled you to join us for dinner tonight? Usually you stay in your room if (Name) is unable to tag along for some reason.”
His eyes could have been deceiving him, but Jean could’ve sworn that he noticed an almost menacing smirk on your face through his peripheral vision before you engulfed his cock with your mouth again. The lump in his throat only swelled as you quickened your pace, tightening your lips around his huge length to egg him on.
“I-I felt,” the blue haired man gulped. “I f-felt like I would be w-wasting… h-her effort if I didn’t do as I had p-promised.”
Leonardo raised a curious eyebrow.
“Promised?” He asked.
Jean nodded and sent you an almost unnoticeable glare with his lust-glazed eye before looking back at the inventor. This time he inhaled shakily to maintain his already cracking composure, subconsciously bucking his hips against your lips as you continued to deepthroat him.
“I-I had promised her that I would t-try my hardest to— to overcome my distaste f-for interaction with o-others… a-and that I-I would try to b-be more so—social,” he responded, toes curling in frustration.
While Leonardo seemed taken aback by Jean’s disposition, he could tell that the lesser vampire had no intention of explaining his situation any further. So, with a nod, Leonardo resumed his dinner, despite the evident curiousity on his handsome face.
Jean couldn’t help but scowl slightly. Of all the dinner times he’d spent with the other residents, why was was it tonight that his housemates found his actions and affairs so interesting? Perhaps it was because of his red hot cheeks, or his stuttered words, yet he couldn’t do anything about them even if he’d tried.
This wasn’t easy for you either. It was very difficult for you to stifle your gagging and panting, the wet sound your mouth made as it devoured Jean’s enormous throbbing cock like it was your last meal. Though it was so delicious and oh, so filling.
As you feasted on him, Jean closed his eyes and bit his lip, gripping the silverware tightly in his gloved palms, his cheeks flushed like roses. The sudden feeling of your teeth grazing against his long shaft sent a bolt of ecstasy down his spine, and it was only a matter of his sharp instincts that he stifled a gasp with his trembling hand while the other dropped the fork and clenched the table.
Comte looked up from his plate at Jean’s sudden reaction to lord knows what. Jean’s strange behavior hadn’t gone unnoticed by him, and despite the soldier’s unwillingness to cooperate with him, Comte couldn’t help the growing longing that urged him to find out what troubled him. Jean felt Comte’s gaze upon him and returned it with an icy glare that was intimidating enough to send a chill down anybody’s spine. Despite this, the golden haired man responded with a calm smile before returning to his meal.
While this happened, all you were focused on was bringing Jean the pleasure he deserved. Your fingers continued to add stimulation by caressing the base of his shaft and around his scrotum before trailing along his leather clad thigh, which only added to your frustrations thanks to your aching desire to see him fully bare in front of you. You watched him gaze absentmindedly at the food in front of him, fork and knife still in his hands as he shakily ate. It was clear as day that he had no intention of looking down; the scene under the table cloth would’ve been too much for him, and he obviously wouldn’t allow anyone to find you somehow. This was for him only.
It wasn’t long until he felt himself nearing his end, and without thinking, he put the knife in his right hand down on the table and brought his palm down to your head, burying his gloved fingers in your hair as he began thrusting in your mouth. You forced yourself not to choke on his hugeness as you swallowed him whole, looking up at him with teary eyes. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were just as moist as your own while he squinted down at the edge of the table, still unable to meet your gaze. The sturdiness of his strong feet was the only thing keeping the chair from rocking with each sharp thrust of his hips as his massive cock ravaged your throat.
You were so overcome by love and lust that you wrapped your arms around his waist, urging him to thrust even further into your aching throat. You shut your eyes tightly due to the mere forcefulness of his movements while all worries of being noticed by the other residents completely clouded with ecstasy.
Jean noticed this and felt his lips curl into a rare smirk, full of unusual pride about the effect that he had on you. As a result, he increased his speed, pushing your head lower so that your face was completely pressed against his pelvis as the thickness of his member abused your poor throat at a jawbreaking pace that made your vision go white.
This was your punishment for serenading him, and needless to say, no mercy was involved.
With each eternal moment, Jean grew nearer and nearer to attaining bliss, and eventually, after what seemed like hours…
Jean stifled a gasp through gritted teeth and clenched your hair tightly as his lava hot semen flooded your mouth and coated your throat. You clenched his thighs in response to his sudden release, seeing stars at the salty taste of his warm milk.
The soldier’s eyes remained screwed shut while he shakily gasped for air, gradually coming down from his immense high. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes that he noticed everybody’s perplexed gazes fixed on him.
“Jean? Is everything alright?” Asked Napoleon, concern lacing his voice.
Jean was too disoriented to react normally and merely blinked in response.
“You’ve been acting incredibly bizarre this entire evening, surely something must be wrong,” Mozart added while he eyed his friend skeptically.
The midnight haired man’s eyes widened and his heart began to race. Though, a silent caress of your hand upon his trembling thigh was enough to ease his mind, and he managed to subdue the anxiety that tread upon him.
“You misunderstand. I was merely holding back a sneeze, is all,” he responded. “I may have caught a cold myself.”
Dazai released a sigh.
“Ah, what a shame. First (Name)-san gets a mysterious stomach ache and now you have a cold,” he said wistfully. “It must be something in the air…”
“Or an odd coincidence,” muttered Arthur under his breath, averting his gaze from Dazai.
“But the bright side is that you and (Name) have eachother,” said Vincent. “With a bond as strong as yours, nothing can bring either of you down.”
Thanks to Vincent’s kind words and angelic smile, the tension seemed to ease at last, much to your relief.
“You’re completely right Broer,” Theo replied with a fond twinkle in his crystalline eyes.
Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by the sound of Leonardo’s chair being pushed back before he stood.
“Well, I’m done,” he said. “So I’m going to go sleep now. Goodnight.”
A few well wishes were heard as the tall vampire exited the room, followed by most of the other residents, until the only people remaining were yourself, Jean, and Sebastian. Of course, you were still concealed beneath the tablecloth, however to Jean, you were the only thing that he could see; to him, your beauty glowed even brighter than the moon in the sky. Your lips were still slightly parted due to how hard he’d facefucked you, and it didn’t help that the pleasure from it all left your vision clouded with ineffable lust. With the faintest of smiles, he reached down to cup your cheek in his palm and gently caressed your wet lips with his gloved thumb.
“You did so well mon amour,” he whispered in the most endearing tone that only made your cheeks flush a deeper shade of crimson.
You bit your lip and brought your hand up to rest upon his own. How could anybody be so perfect? You could never fathom it.
“Excusez-moi, monsieur Jean,” Sebastian’s voice caused both of you to flinch slightly in surprise. “Are you finished with your meal?”
It was then that Jean looked down at his plate and realized that he hadn’t finished the large serving of chicken that he’d so desperately tried to eat in order to mask his situation. Despite his low appetite, wasting it didn’t feel right to him, especially since he had only taken a few bites out of it.
Jean shook his head.
“I am not finished yet,” he said before picking up the cutlery in front of him.
Sebastian nodded and, after swiftly gathering the dirty dishes, he left the room, leaving you and Jean alone at last.
Before you could do anything, you felt your chin being lifted, and eventually found yourself staring up into Jean’s deep purple eye, dark as the night sky. After a few seconds it lowered and your (color) orbs followed it, only for your lips to release a soft gasp. His cock was hard as a rock once more, the veins so prominent that they looked like they had been carved out of stone, glistening slightly from the wetness of his previous release.
You reluctantly tore your gaze to look up at him once again and blushed even more at the sight above you. His lips formed that same proud smirk from earlier, and all you could do was listen to the deep baritone of his voice as he whispered his desires to you, his palm still cupping your cheek.
“Let us continue our feast alone.”
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fanfoolishness · 3 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
Tagged by @novantinuum, thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
242 works. The actual fuck??? Wow, me. Of course, this does span about 9 years, so I guess that's not that insane?
What’s your total word count on AO3
549,737! But that averages out to only 2271 words per story, haha. You got me! I think I have less than 10 fics that have more than 1 chapter. I love one-shots, what can I say?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh, you want to get into this? All right. We'll get into this:
The X-Files, proto-fandom, ur-fandom, first OTP ever... yeah, 15-year-old me went. WILD. Many horrible Mulder/Scully stories, and some Doggett/Scully and character study stories as well. Mostly not very good, but with occasional flashes of decent writing. Really had a difficult time writing romantic feelings between 30+ year-olds given a) I did not date in high school and b) was 17 and not an emotionally stunted FBI agent.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - not a huge volume of stories, but definitely some very angsty Spuffy and Spike tales.
Harry Potter - just one published fic (Lupin grieving Sirius), and one with Snape and Harry having a heart to heart I could never quite get right.
Then came the dark times (vet school) where I was exhausted and hard at work for a few years and I thought, horribly, I might have outgrown fandom. Thank god for...
X-Men First Class and the undying love of Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr! I'd never fallen for a slash ship before but my god I fell hard for this one and wrote my first fandom smut and my first real AU (mutants with zombies) that I never finished.
Then.... let's see...
Quantum Leap drabbles!
Two Avatar the Last Airbender fics!
Agents of SHIELD fics, mostly focused on Coulson and FitzSimmons, and super angsty.
Bioshock Infinite sads (god I love writing the sad bad dad)!
And then the juggernauts of Mass Effect (my longest fic to date with 30 chapters!) and Dragon Age, which were endlessly productive and are still productive given the variety of different protagonists you can create, different choices, and different relationships to canon characters. I'm still working on a Hawke/Varric fic in the back of my mind here.
There's one random Gravity Falls fic (wish I could have got a little more obsessed with it, or gotten into it while it aired) of Stan sads, and one tiny Avengers ficlet of a sad Tony and Peter.
There's one Wheel of Time fic! Dammit I wanted Rand and Tam to reunite so much sooner than they did.
40-odd Steven Universe fics! So many SU fics!
One random Schitt's Creek fic of David and Patrick!
And finally, The Mandalorian, with 47 fics. Phew!!!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Invitation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin finds himself in dreams that seem realer than real, reminding him of his loss, but he begins to find a sense of hope again. A promise is kept.
2. The Outstretched Hand, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin is a man of action, but sometimes, the quiet finds its way in. Din reckons with the aftermath of the events of Chapter 14, the Tragedy. (My very first Mando fic!)
3. Not the Sentimental Type, Steven Universe. Priyanka Maheswaran has long prided herself on keeping her emotions in check. But a mother's love can only grow, and sometimes it expands to people she never anticipated. Like the Universe boy.
4. Translation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin was a man of few words, but many languages. Some might have thought the Child had no language at all. Din Djarin and the Child grow to understand each other.
5. Full Disclosure, Steven Universe. Just as the world begins to recover from Spinel's attack, Steven starts having nightmares. The more he ignores his fears, the worse they become, until he's left with no other choice but to ask for help. (My thoughts on what would drive Steven Universe Future, and I wasn't far off.)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Even sometimes years later if I realize I've missed some. I appreciate each and every one, and have definitely made friendships through comments <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, hell... I'm too lazy to link these but if anyone wants to read them let me know or find them on my AO3!
A Stopped Clock from Bioshock Infinite has Booker DeWitt ravaged by Korsakoff's amnesia from his long-standing alcoholism. Is Columbia real or imagined? Hard to say.
The Viscount's Way shows Varric Tethras having become his parent, and a cruel, hard viscount of Kirkwall.
Songs in the Key of Red shows how Cullen fared under the dark future in Redcliffe in DAI, and they write happy endings, don't they? shows what happened to Varric. Both horribly depressing in different ways!
Two by Two, Hands of Blue shows a not unexpected end to lyrium addiction :( Poor Cullen, he got a lot of angsty developments, didn't he?
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever written?
Never really got into crossovers or AUs. Just... meh for me!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I don't think so.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Charles/Erik, Shepard/Garrus, Shepard/Liara, Shepard/Tali, a mess of different f/f femShep drabbles, and most of my Dragon Age pairings have gotten sexytimes. On the other hand I helped start the NoRomo Mando tag for the Mandalorian to help find non-pairing Mandalorian content. Depends on the pairing and the fandom, for sure.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, thank goodness!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so! There used to be a Spanish-language wiki linking to some of my old X-Files stories XD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but friends and I definitely will beta each others' things to help with sticky points.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ALL-TIME? Just, why? So many ships I loved in years past turned out to have pretty damn problematic elements I didn't see at the time, so it's hard to say... Mulder/Scully actually has a ton of issues, Buffy/Spike obviously has issues... so maybe Hawke/Varric (except not canon!) or Garrus/Shepard or Brosca/Alistair.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Still need to finish my Hawke/Varric fic for after Adamant! I have 3 chapters written that I haven't posted. Maybe posting them will help inspire me....
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and POV writing from different characters; I feel fantastic writing Steven and Greg, though totally at sea trying to write from Connie's POV, randomly. But I think my dialogue and emotional beats are what people tend to tune in for. When I do write romance, it's usually very sweet and silly and pulled from life. I also love writing nature scenes and settings to help establish mood. Mood and emotion and catharsis are my bread and butter, and I like my poetic prose.
What are your writing weaknesses?
What the hell is a long, well-thought-out plot? Like what even is that???? My longest fic with 30 chapters is basically "Shepard has PTSD and hangs out with her crew. They have some funerals." THAT'S IT. How the heck people actually come up with plot that ties into the lore of a fandom I genuinely have no idea and it's the biggest thing that's held me back from finishing original work. I can come up with a setting and characters and then trying to make them do stuff that's more than just talking to other characters and deepening their relationships with them... how the fuck???
I also definitely have 10-20 words that I am in constant danger of reusing like every other paragraph, LOL!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't speak any other languages so I always avoid it as much as possible. I've seen people describe sign differently in fics and picked one way to depict it that made sense to me for Grogu, but that's about it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, of course!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Towards Another Day, the tale of how Cullen went from being a templar in Kirkwall to commander of the Inquisition, is definitely up there.
Reverberations is one of my rare multi-chaptered fics and one of my favorite for the catharsis at the end. It makes me tear up every time. 5 times Din and Grogu encounter the Dark Side, and one time they find the Light.
Either a world for the birds (Steven develops a closer relationship with his Uncle Andy, learning birdwatching along the way) or on the subject of rocks (Steven and Jasper finally reach a peace) might take the prize for favorite SU fic.
Tagging (if you’re super bored and would like a fun thing to do) fellow writers:
@lastwordbeforetheend, @runrundoyourstuff, @honestlyhufflepuff, @art3mys, and @fake-starwars-fan if you would like to play!
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Is it who I think it is
He's hallucinating
He HAS to be hallucinating
Yeah especially if it's Christmas!!
What the H E C K IS GOING ON
Is this some way he's justifying what happened and he did get stabbed??
Okay PHEW he didn't 😭
Oh gosh hey everyone :((
Okay okay good-
Ah crap yeah
OOH YES traffic cams Maddie you're amazing :O
Josh holding the train :) xD
LOL yep hi Sue xd she's not the problem
Well they're gonna end up with that home wedding, as I was thinking in that dinner scene xD
Agh there he is :((
Don't worry y'all he's okay <33
Oh NICE video of the bus :O
Awww yeah they see it :(( at least they know he's not running in his right mind <333
Yeah he does deflect :'(
NOOO honey it's not about you it was never about you 😭😭😭😭🥺💔❤️
Ohhh he's going to the place he used to work at isn't he :O o.o
Please somebody help him 😭
Yeah guy thank you :'D!
Ahh it's gone right o.o
Chimneyyy 😭
SIR call 9-1-1 pleeease 😭
Oh gosh :'(((
PHEW okay so they know
Oh gosh o.o yeah wait that is a long time 😭
Honeyyy y'all I'm nervousss xd
Wait he's not o.o
OHH on a call :O
LOL Buck xD
AH CRAP he just caught it from that guy didn't he o.o
Ahhh and he thinks they're engaged o.o 😬😬
Oof poor guy :(
Okay nice nice we're getting him out
Phew :)
OOP yep confirmed o.o
Agh gosh divorced 17 months ago even o.o missed the whole thing xD
Aww hey guys :'))
Yeah she doesn't wanna have to sit there the whole time <33
As they should be
Well I was kinda hoping he'd say they were worried about China but you know xd
I'll take it lol
Oop o.o 👀
Oh gosh yeah the guy :O D:
Uh ohhh 😬
OHHH Viral Encephalitis :O
Oh gosh okay o.o
Ohh no :((
Uh oh
Oh gosh he's dead 😭😭😭🥺💔
Ohhh nooo
Y'all I'm scared xdd
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hyunjinspark · 3 years
hi! I meant to send you my thoughts on the latest chapter but work and then comeback came (phew monster streamers) but I just wanted to say I loved the chapter! I've only read it till the part where they go home cause I can't digest smut but the parts which I've read seemed very dreamlike (and I mean it as a good thing). We finally get a chapter from Hyunjin's point of view!! Firstly, the way he waited for Seungmin to finish his work first cause he knew otherwise Seungmin won't come to the party was so sweet and understanding. I was actually moved by how nice he was to his roommate. And also helping him in his psych project! Best roommate ever in my opinion.
Then about the party, while I was reading it I could feel what hyunjin was going through (which is thanks to your amazing writing) and also how he kept searching for y/n, like how there's this one person he's tethered to and looks for her wherever he goes (also like how introverts stick to their extroverted friends at parties hahaha).
Also we finally got to know the 'Seonghwa's ex' story! Tbh I did not see that one coming. It's great that Seonghwa and Wooyoung would choose their friendship over a crush.
Yeji, dear Yeji. Drunk her is so cool bwahahaha! She noticed hj continuously staring at y/n and her advice was 👌🏼 Some of the lines about Yeji being drunk and draping herself all over Minho made me think Minho doesn't like her as much as she likes him which breaks my heart and I so don't want this to be true. When he offered to take her back home that was when I felt like oh maybe I misinterpreted the previous lines. I would've loved to see Minho being more affectionate and animatedly talking to her while he's drunk too hahaha. Tbh I really wonder what they were talking about. Also Minho clicking crazy selfies! Classic LeeKnow behaviour xD
There was a line where Chan says "hey hey hey" and I was like ayyye that's what Bang Chan does, I could hear his voice when I read that line xD And about Chan's art on the walls? Are those pictures or paintings?
The part where y/n and hj are in the balcony would make anyone swoon. You could feel the way they feel about each other and how warm and charming everything must've been even tho they were drunk. I mean I think some people are more open and romantic when they have a bit of alcohol in their body. That part especially seemed like it came from a dream/movie, where every other sound is drowned out and it's just the two of them in the whole wide world.
Also Han being such an understanding friend for y/n. When he greeted hyunjin, when they were talking about y/n's highschool past. And I'm glad hj's heart dropped when he heard the last part of the highschool story. Boi is finally realising that he does have feelings and is emotionally affected by y/n.
Well, that's all I can think of rn. I know this is a very long ask, but the chapter was a monster chapter and we got so many good things and I had so many thoughts. All in all, I enjoyed reading it!
hellooo, sorry for the late reply, but here we go. thank you for being a streaming monster for our boys, i do my part as well but i can't all the time due to my work 😭
also sorry for the smut ah!!! i know what you mean but i hope you were still able to enjoy the second half of the chapter, excluding the sex scenes.
first, yes hyunjin's pov finally! writing his pov made me honestly so so soft for him, he's such a sweet boy and he's painted to be from a enemy perspective for most of the story. and yes that's what i aimed to show with his interactions with everyone, especially seungmin, how he's not a bad person but just a person yn didn't used to like.
second, yes he's tethered to her , that's such a cute way to say it, but that's what i was hoping to express in the scene at the party. 🥺🥺
third, yes that might have come off that way but minho and yeji have a two way relationship so don't worry about it, as you know minho is a typical 'tsundere' so his character might come off like that sometimes.
chan's art are paintings !
im so happy you loved the balcony scene 😭😭 it was my favorite to write.
thank you for such a lovely review and for taking the time to write every thought, i loved it so much.
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sophi-s · 4 years
Phew! It took a while but it's here!
In relation to this post and this fic+art (<-here, below the text under the cut, you can find my digital Destroyer it you hadn't seen him)
What can I say? I'm a bit obsessed with this AU. Also, I suddenly realised how potentially angsty this is and I'm loving it. Here's a couple of random scenes from it (+ some descriptions)
If I ever decided to make it a fic, this could go on a cover XD (for those interested, these writings are in Hebrew)
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Going against the malicious nature of the Destroyer wasn't an easy path. It put a horrible strain on Abaddon's mind. As long as the power from Lilith remains with him, so does the Destroyer. To put it simply, he's having a severe case of split personality. He stands in the middle of a battle between the angel he used to be and the monster he'd become. Sometimes he doesn't even know which one of them he truly is.. But that wasn't going to stop him.
The first step Abaddon decided to take was weakening his enemies. And he knew just the right way to do it. Take away the power that fueled them.
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To say Azrael was disturbed and confused would fail to describe half of it. But since it would mean freeing the tormented souls, he did as he was told. Did he keep the secret? Um.. I'm gonna say no. It was far too important to withhold.
Moving on.
During the final battle a demon knocked Uriel out and that leaves us at the next picture. If you try laying a finger on Uriel then you'd better immediately fukin' RUN, because you're about to get mauled.
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Later, even though Abaddon had fallen from grace, because of a few reasons, which I don't think I have to mention, aside from Uriel owing him her and her companions' lives (fic), she still decided to protect her former leader. Seriously. Come too close and she'll kick your ass and yeet it to the sun. She won't have him dying on her ever again.
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If you're wondering why he's on the floor all zonked out and stuff, then here's the answer.
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Lilith is having none of his shit (I'd be surprised if she didn't have a way of watching him, like through a scrying eye or sth). When she found out about Abaddon's "little" rebellion she got pissed. And once he gave up the Seventh Seal, he didn't have any more use to her. Lilith pulled any and all power she'd ever given him (along with the Destroyer form) out through his teeth. And it... Uh...
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Let's just say it wasn't a pleasant experience.. :O
It was disturbing, even for War's taste. Uriel is now traumatized for an eternity. And the Watcher was cackling and having a time of his life, I bet. The whole ordeal left Abaddon looking like a flat tire for the next few hours.
That'll be it (for now, maybe I'll have some other pics in the future). I'm gonna say that the Destroyer, even as hard as he is, is fun to draw once you simplify the design :D
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quilloftheclouds · 4 years
Quill’s STS Catchup
I’m playing catchup with STS asks! Some of these are... from well over a year ago. Oops. ^^’
Thank you folks for all sending such marvelous asks, and I’m sorry it took me so long to get to answering them!!
@ettawritesnstudies asked:
Hello there! For STS: what is your favorite type of sea creature that you wanted to put in OSS but weren't able to? If this doesn't apply, what are your top 5 favorite sea creatures that did make it into OSS?
I have an absolute ton of cephalopods that I wanted to put in but wasn’t able to! Like the mimic octopus, or dumbo octopus, or cuttlefish? I love them all so much but I just couldn’t find a place for them. ALSO SEA OTTERS. I really wanted sea otters. :c That said, a few of my favourite sea creatures I was able to base sirens off of! Like the firefly squid, a speckled flying fish, a leafy sea dragon, several betta fish, and a sailfish!
@musicofglassandwords asked:
storyteller saturday!! who's your most secretive OC and why is this? Do you have any OP characters and if you do, how are they OP? Favorite snack/dessert of your favorite OC?
I think Dione fits both the first and second question! She definitely keeps a whole lotta secrets, and mostly because one: she’s scared of what will happen if the truth gets out, and two: she’s protecting others from the truth! The reason she’s OP? She’s just. A heckin’ powerful three centuries old sea witch.
And Xuân’s favourite snack is munching on dried nori! I personally love this salty snack so much and if I can get my hands on it, it’ll disappear in less than a minute.
@ccwritesstuff asked:
happy STS! If your characters had to choose, what would be their favorite games to play, be it board, card or video games! ive been playing a lot of three houses recently so... yah. kinda inspired or stm like that
I don’t really know many board games that existed during the time of OSS! I’ll tell you that Emery, from my new wip CIRCUIT, absolutely loves UNO. He wins every time.
@maxgraybooks asked:
Happy sts! Who are your most eccentric characters?
Oh my good stars. Pretty much EVERY one of my characters is super eccentric! That’s just the way I am. XD I think Captain Xuân would be my most eccentric, though? Based on the way they act, plus the way they dress... they love to act especially weird, since they love being the center of attention!
@geth-consensus asked:
Storyteller Saturday! What's the most ridiculous scene you've ever written? As in what's actually occurring in the scene itself.
Probably when my two characters who are over three centuries old stick their tongues out at each other.
@livvywrites asked:
STS!! Do you have strong associations with any of your characters? If so, what are they? | What are your mains favorite weather conditions? | What originally inspired you to write One Siren’s Soul?? | Do you have any other large projects planned for the future??
Ohh!! I have a bunch of strong associations but a lot of them are spoilers, because I LOVE foreshadowing through symbolism! Let’s just say... storms play an important role for Celestine~
Favourite weather conditions! Celestine: Dry as a desert - Dione: Gentle snow - Caelin: Light rain that he can run around in - Phoenix: Clear night, somewhat cool, perfect for a bonfire
And original inspiration? I mean... I was obsessed with pirate and adventure stories for a while there... PoTC, Our Bloody Pearl, Treasure Planet? Plus then there was all the ocean stuff I was doing in biology at the time. ^^
And I have CIRCUIT and The Mirror’s Rifts that I’m also working on!
@ditzysworld asked:
Storyteller saturdayyy!!!! what colours do you associate with your main OCs and why?-ditzysworld
OH STARS. I love colours so much!!! I won’t explain why because that tends to be spoilerish, or really obvious!
Celestine: Dark blue, celestine blue, maroon.
Dione: Inky black, deep brown, pale green, vivid leaf green.
Caelin: Browns, beiges, dark blue.
@evelyns-spilled-tea asked:
Oh shoot it's that time already; Happy Storyteller Saturday! What're the differences between your characters and the idealized versions of themselves they wish they could be?
Celestine wishes she could get rid of her stupid fear.
Dione wishes she could be less of a coward, and could make up for the mistakes she did in the past. Also, she wishes she could control her temper.
Caelin wishes he would be less useless and oblivious.
Phoenix wishes she could be less scary.
@lordkingsmith asked:
story teller saturday trying again lol: what symbolism shows up in your works and what's your favorite to write about?
SYMBOLISM IS A MAJOR THING IN OSS. Some main things to look out for: Storms, ice, colours, and flowers! My favourite thing to write about? Uhhh... I really heckin’ love writing about geology and gemstones. I’m a Rock Nerd~
@lottieiswriting asked:
Storyteller Saturday but a day late (is storyteller Sunday a thing?) What would you say is the biggest flaw of your main character, and who would you say out of all of your characters has the worst / biggest flaw that causes the most problems? Hope you don’t mind my late ask!
Celestine’s major flaw is her inability to trust people! And Dione’s flaws, her selfishness, is the one that causes the most problems throughout the story!
@timefirewrites asked:
Happy Storyteller Saturday! I'm sure you know at least one scene where there's suddenly a clone/doppelgänger/etc. of a character and they have to convince their friends that they're the original. How would your ocs do that? Would they succeed? What's a dish related to your ocs? (Be it inspired by them, or relating to their story in some way or simply by being their favorite food)
alfkjsldgkjsdg I love this trope. I don’t think it pops up in OSS? But it does in CIRCUIT! But if Celestine had a doppelgänger: she would likely convince everyone it’s her by insulting people with the unique insult-nicknames she has for everyone. XD For example: she only ever calls Phoenix “idiot”! Poor Nixi. And Celestine’s favourite dish of all time is PANCAKES.
@ditzysworld asked:
happy storyteller saturday! do you have any WIP ideas that you never really ended up pursuing, and why didn't you? -ditzysworld
My first attempt at a major novel that actually got anywhere was Soul Tied! It was about shapeshifters and dragons and the chosen one trope, but with twins! Mainly, I never really had an idea of where the story was going to go, and my outlining skills sucked at that stage.
@aslanwrites asked:
STS!! Would you ever write a self insert? Which OC do you relate to the most?
I actually make a small cameo in OSS! The lighthouse keeper that tries to stop Phoenix from destroying their lighthouse is based almost completely on me~
And as for who I relate to the most: Caelin! Originally, Caelin’s character was a persona of mine!
@tragedyshow asked:
sts!! what would your MCs animgi forms be? Their patronus and boggarts?
I know next to nothing about Harry Potter, but let’s see! (I actually see their patronus and animgi forms being the same creature, so I’ll just be answering with two!)
Celestine: Magpie, a giant heckin’ tidal wave.
Dione: Stag, a giant fire creature.
Caelin: Puppy!! Pup!! He literally turns into a border collie in canon!! AND FREAKIN’ MANNEQUINS I HATE THEM.
Phoenix: Can I make it a phoenix? Is that allowed? And a zombie or other clearly undead thing!
@fair-folk-nonsense asked:
Happy STS! What are your character’s worst fears and how do they deal with them? ~fair-folk-nonsense
Celestine’s worst fear is water! Or getting close to someone only to lose them again. And they usually deal with it either by running away as fast as they can, or denying everything. :/
That’s 15 asks answered! Phew~ Tune in next time for even more. XD
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midzelink · 4 years
Well, this is certainly something that happened.  
In response to a post I made stating the various reasons I don’t like the Twilight Princess manga (which was in and of itself a response to some replies I got on this other post), I got a barrage of replies from a user (who will go unnamed, they’ve already been blocked) in defense of the thing - which, ordinarily, wouldn’t be a big deal!  People are allowed to have different opinions and I never once stated anyone who liked it should feel bad!  I started writing up a reply to them in the middle of this barrage, but their replies just kept coming and got subsequently worse, yet it was all...so bizarre to the point that it would feel weird to not address that it happened.  I’m putting all of this under a read more, because wow this is a wall of text, but also this is the kind of nonsense I want people to avoid having to read if it can be helped.  At any rate, this is what they had to say:
I don’t know, this really honestly feels like reaching. It feels like criticism for the sake of criticism without actual narrative flaws being shown, but your anger seems to stem from “This interpretation is different from what I thought even though I admit all official art shows the charachter this way” and “Link HAD to be raised in ordon because of one quote from the enclosed instruction book”. Twilight Princess was literally made to be “the edgy zelda” in reponse to fan overreaction to wind waker. This is undeniable. All official art depicts link this way. He turned into a freaking wolf in the middle of the twilight craze! but no, he *can’t* be like that because of random expressions he makes when holding pets or items? First of all, even in the manga he isn’t an edgeboy all the time.
Secondly, it feels like you're merely glossing over all that was added in terms of charachterization! In the original game, I felt nothing for Ilia. She showed up, yelled at link for maybe getting epona slightly hurt, and then got kidnapped. Maybe a bit of tsundere stuff, but seriously, Midna is literally the best tsundere ever. You can't out midna-minda in her own damn game. XD In the manga, Ilia and Link actually have a warm and very close relationship, you can see them through all the slice of life in the first volume. I really grew to like her and truly felt sorry for her when bad things happened to her. She actually gets far, FAR more respect as a person and charachter in the manga than merely a trophy for link to get back. But no, you're far too focused on subtle expressions and insinuations because that is literally all anyone had to go on for the longest time. In reality, Link, as has been said many times, is an avatar as much as he is a charachter. You can't gloss over his official art depicitons any more than I can random expressions he makes when finding a heart piece.
Not to mention, you call the blog midzelink yet you make zero mention of the super obvious wlw-as-fuck zelda flashback in volume 5? It's a sad thing that Shad being straight is something I have seen people complain about, yet Zelda and Midna's relationship getting such a huge focus passes without a peep. It's a disturbing trend I see in my fellow Fujoshi. And on the subject of Shad, his relationship with Ilia is far more likely something included to give her a happy ending, rather than just seeing link off into the sunset to try to find midna and live forever alone in ordon. On that note as well, Link not being from Ordon fits PERFECTLY with the ending, Link being the only hylian, link being from there, all of this is SCREAMING that that is the place he never truly belonged, the manga simply takes it one step further and in this version says he was never from there any way, cementing that. It gives the concept that Link was using Ordon as a place to avoid being who he was extra weight. And Honestly, it makes him less of a jerk in the end for leaving ordon, as he never truly belonged.  
And It's actually a narrative flaw in the original for Lanaryu to make mention of misusing the power of the master sword and then having nothing come of that warning later. If you're going to set chekov's gun down on the table, you better use it by the end of the play. It's simply capitalzing on something that the story actually set up, and playing into the tone of the story nintendo marketed it. But really, most of my annoyance dosen't come from the fact that you don't like the manga. People can dislike what they want. It's that all your grievances seem to come from stuff at the very beginning, and you liked it for so long, when they were there just as much as they are now. This kinda reeks of someone else slowly influencing you over time, rather than your own thoughts.
First of all, what the f**k, dude.  Who leaves this kind of essay in the replies of someone else’s post?
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(Note: a “fujoshi” is a woman who likes yaoi, usually used in a derogatory manner, but it seems to be self-proclaimed in this case.  That is to say, this person proudly announced they fetishized MLM relationships, and then proceeded to tell me my opinion was Bad and Wrong because I didn’t praise Himekawa for a scene that ultimately wasn’t WLW at all, even though I and a lot of other people liked to interpret it that way.  Do not give Himekawa credit for gay rep, ever.)
Again, I was going to reply to this person civilly...up until I read the Midzel/Fujoshi reply, which decimated me on impact. There’s a heckuva lot I could say in response to, well...everything else, but in the interest of making this post shorter, I’ll break it down into a bulleted list:
Link being raised in Ordon is not based on “one quote from the enclosed instruction book” - Ilia specifically states when she gets her memory back, “When we were young, you and I... You were always there... You were always beside me... Link.” (I already mentioned this in my original post, which they evidently neglected to read properly.) And this is to speak nothing of the familial bond between Link and all of the Ordonians that is fairly evident within the context of the game, i.e. Rusl trusting him to deliver a very important gift to the Royal Family, or all the children looking up to him as much as they do.
Saying “all official art depicts Link this way” in defense of his characterization in the manga being edgy (when his in-game persona is far-flung from that) is pretty shaky when you realize that the same can be said for Skyward Sword, which arguably has the most emotive and happy Link of any game. In all of SS Link’s official art, he is angry, mid-yell, or stone-faced.  That’s how character art works.  That’s how marketing works.  They wanted to market TP especially as a darker game, yes, in response to the critiques of The Wind Waker, but this is literally a man who smiles softly every time he picks up a dog or a cat. You can pet the goats.  You get excited about fishing.  If TP Link should be “edgy” because of his official art and no other reason, then SS Link should be, too.
it’s your own damn fault you felt nothing for Ilia, Ilia owns, suck it
MIDNA IS NOT A TSUNDERE, HOLY SHIT.  SHE’S NOT.  I WILL NEVER CONCEDE THIS. She doesn’t mistreat Link because she likes him, she mistreats him because he is nothing to her when they first meet, and this is a stance that slowly changes as they get to know each other!  She stops treating him like garbage when she stops seeing him as such, and her behavior throughout the game post-Zelda is a mixed bag of shame over how she treated him previously and a longing to make up for it.  How anyone can construe that as tsundere I will never, ever understand.
the Midzel comment is so wack I really can’t believe I had to read that shit with my own two eyes
no, Link likely isn’t from Ordon (again, already addressed in my original post, but again, I guess this person can’t read), but he was certainly raised there, see: the first bullet point
Lanayru never once mentions ANYTHING about misusing the power of the Master Sword, so that entire point is completely invalid.  I literally have no idea what they’re talking about here. Lanayru does have the famous line, “Those who do not know the danger of wielding power will, before long, be ruled by it,” but that’s in reference to the Fused Shadows, not the Master Sword.  Which, you know, you would know if you actually knew the source material as well as you claim to, dude.
Lastly, yes, I did like the manga when I first read it, but as I already stated, that was because I blasted through all four (available at the time) volumes in one sitting, and it was immediately after my hyperfixation for this game resurfaced (about a week or so before I made this blog!).  I was Starved For Content, and the manga was Content.  Now I’m not Starved, and two more volumes have released since, and guess what!  People’s opinions can change!  And my opinion is that the manga isn’t for me, and this entire, extremely accusatory essay of yours in the replies of a post I made stating my own opinion was entirely uncalled for and rather intrusive.  So, yeah.  Blocked.
This has certainly been a trip.
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Could I ask for CLZ for Corazon if that's at all okay 😭 🙏 thank you so much and if it's already closed thank you in general for having this event!!
Aaaaaaand this is the final one :D! Phew, I didn't think that this event would take so long but y'know, life and stuff can get in the way sometimes xD I hope you’ll like this loveHowever, I'm almost pretty sure that I had at least another request for it left in my askbox, but when I returned to check over the days, it was gone??? Was it in my fantasy??? Did tumblr mess around??? Aaaaahh I already had two people reaching out about their requests, but the asks never arrived in my inbox... So I'm really sorry if anyone send something in and it didn't get posted :/
Fluff Alphabet- Rosinante!
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C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Argh, so... many... conflicting... emotions!!! Rosinante is almost immediately overwhelmed when he spots you in a less than happy mood, and partially he's already wondering if it could be because of something he did earlier... In that case, he's sorry! How can he help you?! His thoughts are running wild already and unfortunately, his erratic behaviour probably won't help you feel better any time soon... so it would be for the best to first give him some moments to figure out the reason why you are so down, and from there on out he might be able to help in a more effective way! The Donquixote isn't really a huge people-person, but he's ready to try his best and cheer you up with a variety of jokes, fun gestures, and- most importantly- recalling some memories you might be fond of! How about diving back to the first time you two met? Or your first kiss? Your favorite snuggle sessions...? Rosinante would gladly try and recreate those special moments with you right now! It always makes him feel better to think about those good times, so perhaps it might help you as well!
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He's seen many things in his life, has overcome multiple fears and setbacks along the way... but, telling you about his feelings? That shit is scary, man... And to be honest, Rosinante probably wouldn't be able to pull this off by himself, and he knows it- but asking for help? That's just as embarrassing! ...Ironically though, he will be getting that help (whether he wants it or not)- from the worst person possible. Doflamingo ain’t no stupid man and of course he has long since noticed how his little brother is pining for you, so he simply decides to give him a little... 'push'. Although it's actually more for his own amusement rather than assisting his little bro
One day the younger Donquixote walks in on the worst scene ever- his older brother, seemingly trapping you between him and a wall... it's clear that Dofla is trying to flirt with you, and Rocinante is shocked as well as pissed. Within a few moments he is by your side, 'saving' you from his brother’s trap and dragging you into a more secluded room, where he uses his Devil Fruit powers for extra privacy and just... confesses everything. Well not everything, but his feelings for you! He's still visibly upset from what happened earlier, and all those impulsive emotions really give him the push he so desperately needed! And meanwhile Dofla is still in the other room, chilling with a large grin on his face. Yeah, his little brother can thank him later
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Definitely! Once Rosinante has grown really attached, he'd even be more than willing to even put his own life on the line for you. It almost sounds kind of casual when the pirate/marine declares his feelings to you, but if you look him in the eyes, you will find nothing but dead seriousness. Even if it might make you uncomfortable, there is absolutely nothing Rocinante wouldn't do for you if the situation required it- he would betray others, he would kill, he would die to save you or, at least give you a chance at survival. 
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