#phan abuse
ahappydnp · 1 month
you ever have those specific moments/clips where you're reminded dnp are just some dudes bc this is mine
me (only child) back in the day seeing them (both grew up with brothers) rough house all the time and being like D:
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simplydnp · 5 months
hi so do reblogs count for the fandometrics or not? because i have seen people say they do and also others say they dont
reblogs count as interactions/notes on a post that is tagged phan, but tagging a reblog 'phan' specifically does not suddenly add the post to the phan tag. it does good for killing 'cringe bad' in your head, but reblogging & adding #phan doesn't help the numbers.
just like if i post with no tags, and you reblog it #dog, it won't show up in the main 'dog' tag because it wasn't 'labeled' as #dog to begin with
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freckliedan · 10 months
I’ve seen a few people in recent times being all like “don’t assume dnp to be anything but best friends unless they say it outright they’re a couple you’re making them uncomfortable” or whatever and I can’t help but think… switch out one of them for a girl. If this were a het pair we were looking at I bet these people wouldn’t hesitate to think differently.
Take all the 2009 tweets/dailybooths, the vday vid, the living together for years, going on vacations together, having all the traditions & jokes they have. All the times Dan goes to see Phil’s family. The fact they’ve never been around another human enough for anyone to assume they have a different partner (who they’d never have time for anyway when dnp literally make a big deal of how much time they spend together) Dan literally confirming their relationship was more than romantic (at least at some point) in his coming out video. The double dates they go on with other confirmed couples. How casually they’re talked about as a pair by other people/YouTubers. Slip ups confirming ‘the bed’ ‘the bedroom’ ‘don’t worry guys only I saw Phil’s butt in the mirror not the people on my zoom call” it being known they stayed in a place with 2 bedrooms with another couple in Australia. Posing for naked photos together. One being a literal biological uncle and the other one literally being referred to as a uncle too by the baby’s mother.
The genuine love and affection they have for each other. The way they can’t shut up about the other. Being each others biggest fans. The way they have talked hypothetically about getting a pet together (and had a bloody fish) and the main kicker…. Literally been thinking and designing a FOREVER HOME together since 2017 and now live in it. Together. 😱
If this was a girl & boy no one would think different but bc it’s 2 men people be like… we’ll actually they never said it explicitly so blah blah blah. What a weird heteronormative world some still live in
genuinely yeah. a huge part of it is just straight up homophobia, but i think the average person who doesn't really pay attention to them/is completely unfamiliar with them DOES actually look at all that and take away the idea that they're a couple at this point in time.
i think an aspect of it with people who are the most vehemently "they're just friends" is like. a lot of the time that's coming from people who did follow them at some point in time, who were involved with the fandom—and who now are acting from a place of shame and unfettered cringe over their past actions & making that everyone else's problem.
sometimes it is really funny to me when people Just Don't Get It though like... dan and phil aren't FOR them. it's not about people who don't get it and that's not the audience dan and phil are prioritizing. and i'm utterly fucking delighted for them that they've pulled off this level of ambiguity for so long even after coming out.
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emotoangel · 1 month
guys what do you even say at a m&g I’m losing my mind trying to plan in my head what to say to them but I feel like a huge downer being like “hey you don’t know it but I was a young abused kid and you saved my life” but hey what the fuck else do you say to the people that unknowingly saved your life u know ???
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phantomphangphucker · 6 months
Phic Phight - The Little Toaster Who Could, Is An Asshole
@lovelyunknown @princessfanonanona @fangirlwriting-stories @fentoaster @axion-labs @turtlesnails @littlebadger
Toaster powers go! Terrorise the half-dead teen that hates toast! He deserves it! According to Wes at least.
Wes glares at Danny, Danny stares back in unbridled glee.
Wes flips him off, Danny flips him off right back… before doing double finger guns and sticking out his tongue.
Wes slams down the notebook he’d been using in an attempt to ‘write down’ his ‘proof’, not that written shit counted for shit with any of this shit, pointing aggressively at Danny; Danny points at himself too just very mockingly.
“Would you two stop making all my staff laugh? They have jobs to do and you’re half way to me just kicking you out”.
Wes rounds on the manager or owner lady, “but he is dead! He threw eggs at me! Invisible eggs!”.
Danny’s grin from the front doorway is a bit manic, “where would I even get invisible eggs! Huh Wes! Ever think about that one!”.
“Fuck you!”.
“Fuck yourself!”.
“You dated a damn harpy!”.
“Are you saying I unalived my own eggs!”.
“Why are you censoring yourself!”.
“Because you’re a weak little baby boy bitch!”.
“We are the SAME AGE!”.
“Say that to time daddy’s face! I dare you!”.
The owner lady throws her hands up, snapping, “out! Get out!”, at Wes.
Wes looks afronted, because he is, “what? Just me?!”, gesturing at Danny aggressively, “him????”.
She sighs, “he’s not actually inside my store, you are. Out”. She’s thankfully when Wes actually leaves, even if the teen hurls his ‘research’ at the Fenton boy first and runs after the Fenton kid when said Fenton starts sticking the notebook in his mouth and shaking his head back and forth like a feral dog.
There was something very wrong with both of those boys. Something very very wrong. The Fenton boy was definitely not dead though, that would be far too normal for a Fenton so unhinged.
Wes grabs the end of his notebook, Danny does not stop shaking his head though, resulting in Wes’s lanky ass getting flung and smacked around. Danny intentionally makes his mouth frothy for added rabies effect. Making Wes have to shake off, and pull a tooth out of, his notebook once he does successfully rip it out of Danny’s mouth. “Your existence is a crime and affront to god”.
Danny open mouth grins cheerily, “I thought I already established that the day I was reborn into death”.
Wes immediately writes that ‘quote’ down in his book.
Danny stares judgingly, “are you writing all my word weavy bullshit down? Really? That’s kinda sad, man”.
Wes scowls back, “that’s the thirty-second different way you’ve described being dead, one day that will add up and people won’t be able to deny me”.
“You’re gonna be great for my Wikipedia article one day, when you work for me as my maid”.
“Fuck you”.
“It’s still easier for you to fuck yourself you know”.
Wes tackles him, “oh how I wish someone else had to see you and your bullshit!”.
Danny scowls with feeling, slapping Wes a couple of times as they roll around on the ground getting muddy as fuck since it was raining out, “why would you say that! The curs-ed word! Banishment to the sinner! Boo!”.
Danny snarls, “I’m going to break you like a toothpick”, and pins Wes down using more arms than humanly possible.
Wes wishes he had his camera.
Wes does not have his camera.
At least Danny’s stupid ass ain’t heavy enough to break his ribs. “You weigh less than a bag of potatoes, go ahead and try”.
Now if Wes was a ghost, and thus could just reform a torn off limb, Danny would actually break his arm. But Wes is human and thus can’t do that. Meaning Danny can’t do that to him. Oh the woes of being morally in the right. If Wes were Vlad and a billionaire then Danny’d just burn down his house in recompense. Is he mentally using the word wildly wrong? Mostly likely, shut up Jazz.
Besides, Vlad would take the arson as a compliment and praise him.
Wes huffs, tired, “are you going to clean me off or not?”. Danny smirks and turns the teen intangible, all the muck falling through the teen… as well as all of his clothing except his underwear. Danny running off immediately while sticking his tongue out and cackling; all while Wes is scrambling up off the ground, wadding his re-soaked muddy clothes up, and hurling them after Danny.
They nail Danny in the head, making the stupid half-ghost face-plant into a streetlight. Wes shouting, “HA!”.
But Danny scrambles up himself, grabs the clothing, and holds them above his head, “mine now bitch! THE SPOILS OF WAR BELONG TO THE VICTOR!”.
Leaving Wes huffing, panting, by himself, slowly realizing that now he has to walk home muddy and practically naked… “Zone DAMN IT PHANTOM!”.
Danny, in distance, can be heard shouting, “GET WRECKED!”, by more than a handful of people. Everyone and their mother knowing that means the Fenton and Weston kids had gone at it again.
Danny floats down through the rarely used ‘attic’ grinning to himself, he felt like he accomplished a lot today. Looking around for an empty box, he is absolutely packaging up Wes’s clothes -without washing them- and mailing them through the post back to him. They were gonna be rank when the guy opened it up. Ha! What fun!
Transforming back as he finds a suitable box and some packing tape; dropping the clothing in unceremoniously with a feral grin.
Unfortunately it looks like today’s tomfuckery wasn’t quite done with him, as a voice he’s never heard (he thinks) shouts, “oh what the freshy fruity fuck!”.
Danny jumping up and spinning around, right, fuck, Wes saying a stupid wish. Fucking asshole! He should know better! And of course Danny would have been too distracted tormenting Wes to have noticed his ghost sense going off. Ancients end him entirely.
Thing is though? There’s no one. Like, actually no one, “what the?”. Oh is someone spying on him again? Someone who’s not Vlad?
And whom probably doesn’t have positive-ish motives for it?
That would be his luck after all.
The voice pipes back up again, “how the Hell do I! Me! Find this massive crap out! Are you always so pissy wissy with your shitty shit!”.
Danny starts pushing stuff around to figure out where the Zone the Voice is coming from.
It’s a fucking toaster???
The toaster seems disgruntled, the toaster flings itself at Danny’s face.
Danny promptly swats it into a wall.
Why is a toaster talking to him? How is a toaster talking to him? It attacked him! Sure that last part wasn’t super weird since Technus assaulted him with random appliances all the time, but still.
“Oh cool, a wall, as if being a toaster wasn’t hard enough”.
“Why are you talking?! How!”.
The toaster flops from side to side in a weird version of walking at Danny vaguely aggressively, “oh you know, only your happy pappy toasterifying me for the fuckin’ lolly lols or some somersault shit”, it uses its cord to throw a picture frame vaguely in Danny’s direction. Apparently the toaster had some pent up rage.
So did Danny.
Danny side steps the picture frame, “and when did he do this? How even? You are like a whole ass person in there?”.
The toaster seems infuriated, slapping its cord around, “of course I am, numbnuts! I wasn’t born as no tinker toy bullshit! Who the fuck would give birth to a toaster!”, the toaster spits toast at him.
Danny is highly offended. He really hates toast.
Like if the universe had created one true evil it would be in the form of toast and only toast. Always toast. “Don’t spit toast at me! You absolute heathen!”.
“I’ll spit what I diddly darn wanna! Fuck you! I’m your upperclassman any ways, Fenton! So deally wheelly!”.
Oh ancients his dad turned one of his classmates into a fucking toaster. A toaster that’s spitting more roasted toast at him likely out of spite. Danny impales a piece into the wall with an ice spear.
The toaster snares, “don’t abuse my creations!”.
“Like Hell I won’t! Fuck toast!”, Danny tries tackling the toaster, it uses its cord to grab on to a lamp and effectively flee from Danny’s would be constrictive grasp. Danny shouting, “do you want to be detoasted or not!”.
“Oh it’s too late for that, you douchey canoey! Your poopy poppy sold that ‘ish to a Cullen Family wannabe actor with rich sauce for flavouring!”
Fucking Vlad! Ancients. Danny swears that, the sometimes vaguely evil, ‘mentor’/‘uncle’ of his gets into more weird shit than Danny did. And Danny’s the one who more or less infected an entire town with death, so that’s a feat and a half. Danny grinning, “I know that cash money bitch, I can take you there if you!”, another piece of toast is fired off, “just!”, more toast spit, “stop!”, again! Toast!, “assaulting!”, more toast, “me!”, you guessed it! Toast, “with!”, annnnnnd TOAST, “toast!”.
The toaster growls, it sounds like the metal shit inside it is clanging around violently, but Danny does manage to tackle it and walk through the attic wall all while holding it at arms length like it’s a bomb.
More than a couple people see the Fenton boy just… walking down the street screaming shrieking practically incoherently at a toaster he’s holding as far away from himself as possible; the toaster is firing toast haphazardly into the air and shaking wildly every so often… as if there’s some kind of demonic possession fuelled conversation going on.
Absolutely no one approaches to ask. And that was only partly because a random construction worker got thrown by the toaster cord at one point.
One person did shout, “watcha got there?!?”, at the teen though. Who had just responded with, “A SMOOTHIE! AN ANGRY TOAST SMOOTHIE!”.
Wes saw a video of it, Wes cackled meanly. He might have had an embarrassing walk home but at least he had a new phone background photo.
Danny hurls the toaster at the door in lieu of knocking, at least his coordination does not suck and he catches the toaster as it bounces back at him. The toaster shrieking, “I will bake you like a crispy spaghetti bolognese!”.
“Are you a fucking toaster or an oven!”.
“I’m a McHeaty McMaddy bitch either way!”.
Vlad opens the door with, “‘Maddie’?”, he is clearly extremely confused.
Danny grumbling, figures, “of course you heard the ‘maddy’ part and no not mom, this thing just speaks like a fucking lunatic”, and practically shoves the toaster at Vlad’s chest, “here, I… I need your help. I have a sentient toaster, that knows I’m vaguely dead-ish, ‘cause I do not look out for fucking toasters when transforming and shit”.
The toaster vibrates against Vlad’s chest and fancy suit, “then you’re a stupidy stopidy bibidy bopidy fool!”. Vlad looks offended.
Fucking good, honestly. Danny huffing and continuing like he hadn’t been interrupted, “and apparently Jack toasterified this toaster that used to not be a toaster and instead be a person, and apparently mailed a ‘Cullen Family actor wannabe with rich sauce for flavouring’ -which must be you- the invention dad did this with because he no longer, and I quote, ‘trusty-wustied him selfie-welfie’. Please tell me you have more tolerance for toaster spit than I do”.
Vlad sighs heavily, it’s both fond and annoyed. The man lets him and the toaster in at least.
Of course then the toaster instantly flees from his grasp. Like a dick.
Both him and Vlad just watch the thing fling itself around the mansion with its cord and ‘feet’. Vlad blinking, “this is somehow the strangest thing I’ve ever had to help you with”.
“I know right?”.
…”why is it a toaster?”, the toaster attempts to toast some of Vlad‘s paperwork, it unfortunately works. “I’ll admit to not believing that odd letter Jack sent about making a teenage toaster, I regret that decision deeply”.
“That’s fair”.
They both have to rush to put out the fire the toaster’s started, Danny shouting, “there is something seriously wrong with you!”.
Danny nods acceptingly while chasing the thing, “I’d cry”. It’s true. He would.
Vlad actually laughs while helping with the chase, “yes the horror of being something that near exclusively creates your one true hate and fear”.
“Says the alcoholic!”.
“I thought you liked drinking with me?”.
Danny stops and shrugs at the man, “I mean yeah, but you kinda got a bit of an issue that we should probably sort out some day”, eyeing the toaster sucking in one of the portraits Vlad had done of them together. Vlad was going to kill this toaster at this rate, and fuck Danny might let him. “Preferably not now though, Sweet Ancients”.
Vlad hits the toaster with a broom, “bad! No! You spit that out right now!”.
“It’s not a cat, Vlad”.
“Well then it should not behave like one”.
The toaster escapes from the broom, knocking over a fancy glass top table shaped like a jaguar.
Danny grumbling and slipping on some glass, “at least it can’t vomit a painting up like a fucking hairball!”.
“I would absolutely make you clean that up, consider it a lesson on responsibility”.
“I do enough chores at home, Vladdie!”.
“And how many times have I offered to come and help?”.
“And how many times have I told you the labs too dangerous?”. Danny glares at the toaster as it bounces up and down on a fancy keurig, “hey! Leave the superior appliance alone!”. The coffee machine blows up.
“Die coffeefee!”
Oh yeah, fuck this toaster majorly. It spits more toast at Danny as if hearing his mental insult.
Vlad rolls up his sleeves, hands glowing some and stalking ominous after the feral machine. Danny throwing a pillow at him and at the toaster, a couple cat toys going sailing as well; one goes right into the toaster even. “Don’t actually kill it! That’s a person! Unfortunately!”.
“Y’all couldn’t killy billy me even if ya tried anyway!”.
“Do you want to die!”.
Vlad frowns at Danny, “somethings do, in fact, deserve to die. This is one of them”.
Ah say hello to the one thing neither of them can ever actually agree upon. Meanwhile the fucking toaster jingles, cat toy must have had a bell on it then.
Maddie the cat comes out of nowhere and bodily tackles the toaster, batting at it wildly.
She desires her toy. It has her toy. It will now be her toy!
The toaster shrieks and waddles away on its ‘feet’ rapidly, Maddie the cat smacking the ground after it trying to attack its cord, butt wiggling and paws flailing.
Vlad looks incredibly proud, “atta girl, Maddie”. Hell, even Danny’s incredibly proud, what a good cat. Fluffy and ferocious.
Vlad absolutely punts the toaster into the corner of wall mounted oil candle when it tries to shoot Maddie the cat with toast. Snarling, “I will end you”. Unfortunately he’s not quick enough with the ecto-blast to even singe the thing. It was one fast toaster.
Danny putting his hands on his knees and wheezing, toaster assaulting the chandelier, “how, how are we, getting the runaround, by a, by a fucking, toaster?”.
Vlad huffing with his hands on his hips, “when is anything your father messes with easy to resolve?”.
“That’s what I thought”.
“Fuck, you”.
“I love you too Daniel”.
“Ancients you are, a weird uncle”.
“And you’re a weird godson”.
Which was probably the only reason this mentorship shit even worked at all. Both of them were way too fucking weird. Everything around them was always way too fucking weird.
Case and point?
The toaster managed to unhook the chandelier, which has now crashed down to the ground in a hail of tiny expensive diamonds.
But Maddie the cat is on a mission. A mission that shall not be deterred by any mess or wonton destruction. She bites the toasters cord and flings it around wildly like it’s a mouse she’s playing with.
A mouse she will keep playing with until it dies and stops moving.
She flings it up in the air and catches it by the cord again, regardless of the toaster trying to avoid that. “MAKE THE BATTY’S CATTY STOP!”.
To be fair, it was kind of hilarious. And Vlad and Danny were telekinetically moving anything sharp out of Maddie the cat’s way so she wouldn’t get hurt while she had her fun.
“Maybe I like being a toaster! Ever think about that!”
Both Vlad and Danny give simultaneous deadpanned, “why?”’s.
Maddie the cat flops herself on the toaster body, its cord still in her mouth, as she purrs happily and swishes her tail around lazily. She doesn’t look like she has any intention of releasing the toaster.
So the two halfa’s walk over and stare down at the toaster. The toaster pipes up dejectedly, “okay maybe that was a lie. I am angry and touch starved”.
“Fuckin’ mood”.
“That I can understand, to a degree”.
Danny and Vlad eye each other before both chuckling fondly.
Maddie the cat purrs loudly.
Vlad smirks down at the thing, “oh I don’t know about that, Maddie looks quite content were she is”.
“I concur”.
Vlad blinks and grins wide, “glad to see your vocabularies improved”.
“You hired me a tutor, how couldn’t it?”.
“Money well spent, then”.
Vlad makes a face, “I think you’d benefit from a tutor as well”, straightening his suit, and huffing, “but very well, I suppose”.
Danny chuckling, “I’ll keep an eye on murder mittens and her prey”. More so for Maddie the cat’s well being and not the toaster from Satan’s asshole’s well being.
Vlad gets the thing Jack mailed him, he never threw out anything Daniel’s parents sent him, in case he one day needed to use it to prove their neglect to outright abuse in a court of law. Someday CPS was going to have a field day with the case of a lifetime and then some.
Danny glances at the… rubber duck? As Vlad comes back over. “What?”.
Vlad rubs his forehead, “I was confused as well. It actually gets worse, some how”. Vlad bops the things on the head, causing it to inflate into a twenty foot tall rubber duck.
The toaster snarls, “damn you, ducky fucky! Damn you!”.
Danny picks Maddie the cat up off of the toaster while making ‘I’m watching you’ motions with his free hand at the toaster.
The toaster, knowing it’s beat and fearing the cat, does not move.
Vlad picks up the massive duck and drops it on the toaster, it absorbs the toaster and promptly spits a teenager out of its beak. The teenager landing on his back in a crumbled heap.
Danny blinks, “what the fuck dad? I have way too many questions”. The teen coughs up a jingly ball cat toy and Maddie the cat launches herself out of Danny’s arm at the ball as it rolls away; fluffy legs trying to carry her faster than she can go.
The teen stands up, hunched over with his limbs all spread apart like he’s attempting to take a fighting pose while also being extremely grossed out.
Danny blinks, “sooooo, you gonna tell anyone?”. Vlad sighs in exasperation.
The teen slowly looks to Danny, who gives him a hopeful look. “Fucking why? I got turned into a toaster, accosted two deady teddy’s, beat up by a cat, and vomited out of a duck. Ain’t no one believing shit dick all”.
Danny chuckles, “that’s fair. Wes tries but everyone thinks he’s crazy and he ain’t claiming shit that weird”.
The teen raises an eyebrow at him, still having not moved any other part of him a single inch, “ya got another fucker who found out and is now trying to exposey woosey you? Ha! You suck”.
“Fuck you”.
Vlad ruffles Danny’s hair, “and my offer to sue the boy into silence or provide hush money still stands”.
“I’m kinda having fun with it honestly”.
“I’ve noticed, and support you terrorizing him entirely”.
The teen spits out a toast on to the floor, looks down and stares at it, then does it again. More toast flopping onto the floor, “huh. Yeah no. Fuck this shit I’m out”, and waddles back and forth out the front door like he still can’t move his legs.
Danny sighs slowly, “dad is so going to have to write an apology letter to that kid”.
Vlad rolls his eyes, “that man couldn’t be bothered to send me a single generic ‘get well soon’ card, you know he won’t do that”.
Danny absolutely has to get Jazz to write the apology letter, because Danny’s still to miffed about the toast assault to not come off as incredibly snide. Danny also collects as many toasts from Vlad’s place as he could and promptly dumped them on Wes in his sleep; he also finally mailed the box of muddy clothes.
The teen, meanwhile, absolutely spits toast at Jack the next time he sees the elder Fenton, it is absolutely caught on video. Said teen also turned out to be on the football team, which in typical Casper-high fashion, accepted him back on the team immediately. The Raven’s opponents were not prepared for the feral ex-toaster or his toast-related cruelty. Dash also later high-fived Danny, in the face, with a slice of toast as ‘gift’; Danny bit him without hesitation.
PRompts: Danny's identity is found out in the funniest way possible. "Whatch'a got there?" "A smoothie" An unexpected person finds out Danny’s identity. (By unexpected I mean less his parents or Mr Lancer and more like, Star. Or Aunt Alicia. The more out there the better.) "I..I need your help." BadgerCereal Maybe Danny had been having a bit too much fun taunting Wes and even transforming in front of him. It was definitely coming back to bite him now…To be fair though, no one knew Desiree was right there. Maddie (the cat) saves the day Anything Badger Cereal (Vlad and Danny platonic father/son , mentor/apprentice )
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 10 months
3 hours, medium psychological damage, and 1 klonopin later and i can proudly say i made it through that 32 minute video. there is nothing that you can’t achieve in this life 😤💪
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springybreak · 3 months
i’m not even gonna talk about the lamp he broke from being on the bed in the green room.
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(TW) Abusive Ex Masterlist
A Literal Pain in the Arse (ao3) - philsdrill
Summary: Late into the night, Dan’s boyfriend Steven takes an abusive turn. It’s up to Phil to rescue him and give him the aftercare and consolation he needs.
A New Normal - crescendohowell
Summary: Dan and Phil’s relationship through Phil having a verbally abuse girlfriend and Dan kicking her out.  They kinda have a thing both before and after.  Oh yeah, it ends in butt sex so there’s that.
Abuse and Comfort - venuslester
Summary: Phil was in an abusive relationship in the past, and even now that he has Dan, he still fears being hurt again.
All Better - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil run into Phil’s ex-boyfriend.
Call Your Wife (tell her it’s over please) - auroraphilealis
Summary: Phil doesn’t know how he ended up in a relationship with a married man, but he did, and the day Dan leaves his wife… well, Phil doesn’t know if it’ll ever come.
Division of Love (ao3) -TempestRising
Summary: It was all there, in that kiss; the Northern Lights and terrible boyfriends and cooking classes and bad days and mummies and bus rides and moors, the shows they saw and places they visited and things they tried together, choosing each other over and over again.
Or: Dan and Phil are getting good at navigating their new relationship, if only Phil's last abusive boyfriend would stop coming back to haunt them.
Fuck Away The Pain (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Phil’s boyfriend cheats on him leaving him a mix of sad, angry, and a million other unidentified emotions.
Luckily Dan was always there for him.
Give You All My Demons (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Phil didn’t know what was wrong with him, he could usually hold himself together better than this. He could usually double knot all his broken strings back together. But apparently not today, today all his double knots had come undone and he felt like complete mess.
or the one where Phil has a really bad day and an even worse night.
Give You All My Pieces (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Suddenly everything makes sense and Dan has never felt so sick in his life.
Growth of Plastic Flowers (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan is a famous musician who started out on Youtube all the way back in 2009, known for his dark lyrics that contrast with his closet of various pastels. Now, a trip to Japan for a music video shoot may lead to uncovering secrets from his past that he's desperately tried to forget for years.
This is the story of a boy who feared love and the other whom he fell for.
Heart Out - smokinbyelevn
Summary: for the prompt: person A has only been in abusive relationships and while hes on his first date with person B at person B's house, A accidentally breaks a mug or plate or something and his first response is "please dont hit me" B is confused at first but then makes A explain and comforts him and explains how he'd never hurt him.
I Wanna Be Yours - soillbeherethen
Summary: Phil grew up too fast. Dan didn’t grow up fast enough. But that’s just fine, because otherwise they wouldn’t have ended up next door to each other.
Or: Phil is recently divorced, Dan is a dropout, and both of them just need each other.
Nobody, Not Even the Rain - botanistlester
Summary: Dan is fine. It's what he's told himself all along. Even though it hurts when he has sex with his boyfriend, even though he shakes for no reason at all; he's fine. He's happy. But when he meets Phil, he learns about respect, trust, and how a relationship is truly supposed to be like. Most of all, he learns that maybe he's not doing so well after all.
This, Too (ao3) - TempestRising
Summary: In the process of looking for new apartments, Phil can't find any without bathtubs. This forces Dan and Phil to have a conversation they should have had years ago.
Or: Phil was in an abusive relationship. And then he met Dan.
Timid Heart, Hide My Scars (Make Me Stronger) - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan has trust issues thanks to his abusive ex-boyfriend. Then, he meets Phil by randomly bumping into him one day. Dan’s worried about Phil finding out about his past. Phil shows Dan that not every man is like Matthew.
Yet, Like A Dog - soillbeherethen
Summary: When Dan and Phil run into Phil’s violent ex-boyfriend, Dan has a hard time being civil.
You Can't Keep Blaming Yourself. - phanilluminati
Summary: in which Phil gets abused by his ex and Dan helps him through it...
you should move on, too (ao3) - ordanary
Summary: dan writes a letter to his emotionally abusive ex boyfriend, riley. it’s scary, but phil’s right by his side and he needs to do this to move on. so he’ll be okay, right?
You’ll Be Okay, Bear - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil finally has enough and Dan’s laziness and starts yelling at him, completely forgetting that Dan has had an abusive past. Once he realizes, he feels bad and wants to make it up to Dan.
Your Freudian Slip (ao3) - TheOceanIsMyInkwell
Summary: “Why the fountain?”
“I don’t know. I guess I needed to feel something.”
“You feel a lot of things.”
“Not this, on most days. Not clean.”
Trans!ftm!Phil Lester is trying to start a new life at university away from his abuser, but the grip of his past seems impossible to erase. Though his best friend from online, Dan Howell, saves him from his thoughts by showing up on his doorstep one New Year's Eve, nothing is at it seems on the surface. Thrust together at the darkest time of their lives, Dan and Phil have yet to trust one another with their secrets. Then an accidental kiss, a crisis of sexuality and a subpoena for a court appearance all begin to unravel the web of pretense.
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jackalspine · 9 months
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(Sarah McLachlan’s In the Arms of an Angel playing~)
Some phans are tired of the irresponsible fridge-ing of their beloved Drs Fenton, and rightfully so!
The phanmarket is understandably saturated with tags of neglectful!parents, abusive!parents, and more notably- dead!parents. This of course, stems from the tones a lot of phans picked up from the source material, and which thus bred abundantly on fanfic.net as a convenient shift out of the status quo of the show and into that good ol angst fic goodness.
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Phandom nowadays has had much time to steep in the primordial angst goo of which it was birthed, and upon reflection offers a softer hand to our dear Drs.
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Now, we- The Drs Fenton Rehabilitation Program or DFRP recommend several ways of coxing your jacks and maddies out of your fic, without resorting to drastic measures!
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See more: @maniacwatchestheworld ‘s post
Or yknow. ol reliable.
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Whatever idk just,
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Somethign something euthanasia.
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glossysoap · 1 year
ready to comply viii - Ржавый
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Ржавый or rusted, is defined as:
deteriorate through neglect or lack of use.
warnings/tags: you are referred to as both “the asset,” “09012020,” and “you”. time skips, memory loss, dehumanization, abuse, hydra soldier being creepy but that’s as far as it goes.
notes: aforementioned creepiness will be indicated by red, bolded writing. the second red bolded writing will indicate the end of it! stay safe!
prev chapters here!
word count: 2,523
🏷️: @viylikescats @warenai @briacreations96 @fullmoon-94 @breadboyye @kiroshang @zvdvdlvr @lunitalloronaa @itzzjxlyn @lonely-ofc @m0rganit3 @badbishsblog @wolfyland07 @angelsdemonsmonsters @unkn0wnd3ad @itstokyo-cos @c1rice @venusianlustt @bugonawall @shadowycreatormentality @blackrose4242 @blackgaladriel @lilpothoscuttings @thvxr @tapioca-marzipan @nickangel13 @luvmeijii @atjamesbbarnes @h-leigh @writingmybeloved @chloeforde @divine--serenity @hunterbunter3000 @thriving-n-jiving @mar-mar-mel @namgification @ivymarquis @crazy-phan-girl13 @goodsoup03 @schaarfyx @rhyanna6012 @abbiesxox @kenz-ee @whateverwhocares6
Eight weeks have passed since (first name/last name) asset 09012020 was captured.
Eight weeks since asset 09012020 was incapacitated via blood loss after being fatally stabbed. Eight weeks since the asset was delivered to headquarters and underwent the beginning stages of experimentation.
Eight weeks since the asset’s left arm was amputated and replaced with a vibranium arm. The red russian star had tainted that arm ever since.
Eight weeks after being placed in a cryogenic chamber and frozen in time for two weeks.
Six weeks since waking up in a new room and seeing the new arm for the first time. Six weeks since the asset resigned to the fact that they were not going to be rescued.
Six weeks since the asset accepted that everything would be better that way.
Six weeks since the asset began experiencing isolation and dehydration.
Two weeks since the asset began exhibiting symptoms of extreme dehydration, isolation and deprivation. Two weeks since the asset began hallucinating. Two weeks since the asset hallucinated that their comrades, loved ones, brains splattered across the walls and their intestines pooled out of their mangled bodies.
Two weeks since the asset was dragged out of the room and placed back in that metal chair, shackled and chained up all over again. Two weeks since the asset was subjected to their first round of many electroshock treatments.
Two weeks since the asset was stripped of all memories and their brain was made to be a perfectly blank slate. The perfect tool for HYDRA to mould as they wished.
That first session marked the beginning of the assets’ journey to become the best, most skilled and efficient super soldier. Everything that the original Winter Soldier was supposed to be.
Two weeks since your identity as (first name) (last name) was stripped away from you and scrubbed out of your brain.
Two weeks since the asset first spoke the words, “я готов отвечать.” Ready to comply.
You were now property of HYDRA, Russian branch — subject participant of the Winter Soldier project. You were now known as ‘asset no. 09012020.’
In the two weeks since then, you had developed a new normal. You developed a routine here.
Every single day, you would be woken up at the crack of dawn in that same room you were kept in for weeks on end.
Only now, since that very first session, they left the vents to your room open. Instead of the sweltering heat that once overwhelmed that room, it was now the same freezing temperature that filled the rest of the HYDRA facility. The serum flooding through your veins helped you endure extreme temperatures, but you were still shivering all the same. You had resorted to taking the bed sheet off of that cot and using it as a thin, sad looking blanket.
Everyday, you would wake up by two sounds. Either the screaming that echoed throughout the facility, or by the scraping of the metal door against the floor as it opened.
The screaming you heard was brought on by the same torture you had endured over the past eight weeks. Being stabbed, beaten, and electrocuted. Bones broken and fractured, leaving splintered and shattered fragments of bone marrow. Bones would be left to heal incorrectly, leaving those subjects to have those bones forcefully broken all over again.
In similar cases to yours, where their limb injuries were too far gone, a bone saw would be used. Skin would be shredded and blood would pool from the affected limb, revealing the pink muscle tissue underneath savaged skin. The doctors would just keep sawing through the muscle and tendons, all the way until they hit the dull bone that held the limb together. Once they hit that, they would apply even more pressure in order to cut through the hard marrow. Pieces and shards of white would splinter off as the metal cut through the bone, the fragments of bone were reminiscent of shrapnel resulting from war. Once the saw cut through the bone, it was only a short matter of time before the saw would cut through the remaining flesh. About a minute, to be exact. And once that was done, the dead limb would fall to the cold, concrete floor.
Like a parasite cut off from its host.
Throughout all of that, the subjects would never be sedated or knocked out. Not until they passed out from the pain, of course.
Whenever you heard their screams and wails of pain, a shiver would run down your spine. And you didn’t know why.
If you took one look down at the metallic arm you now sported, you could only guess that you had endured the same fate as the screaming subjects.
But you didn’t remember any of it.
If the screams weren’t from amputations, they were from the subjects’ brains being put in a blender. The screams were from being strapped in to a metal chair and hooked up to a machine that electrocutes their brain.
You had been strapped into that machine four times since that first session.
That same machine that tore apart your mind and put it back together in all the wrong places. Memories that were once dear to your heart and soul were yanked out and left empty, leaving your mind a blank slate for conditioning. Your mind was never the same. It was like a puzzle that someone tried to piece together with glue, yet a piece was always missing.
Something was always not quite right.
Your mind always swam, drowned, in unfamiliar voices cutting in and out. Their was always multiple voices —always male, and all of them held a certain twang. An accent that tied them to their birthplace, though you couldn’t place where. Two voices left you especially confused. The first was the gruff voice, one that barked orders and felt reminiscent to your handler. The second was the erratic voice, one filled with such excitement and adrenaline that was such a stark contrast to anything you’ve ever known. At least, anything you can ever remember.
You couldn’t place where the gruff voice was tied to, where the curve to his words originated from. You couldn’t tell where the erratic, rushed voice was tied to, especially with how his accent distorted certain words and vowels.
Those two accented voices would always say a word, shout it, even - voices painted with desperation and want.
Maybe it was a name? But whose name was it?
Foreign colors and hues burned at the forefront, seas of camouflage green and black running rampant. Yet, a flash of cerulean always stood out. Bright and electric. Whenever that vibrant blue crossed your mind, you felt something unfamiliar bloom in your chest.
Whenever you woke up, whenever you heard those screams, you were reminded of these thoughts and feelings that were so foreign to you. Reminded of the thoughts and feelings that you couldn’t place, voices that you couldn’t put a name to.
You were always reminded of the bitter truth — that your mind was just a broken puzzle, full of missing and misshapen pieces that would never fit.
A piece of you would always be loose.
If you weren’t woken by those bloodcurdling screams echoing through the facility, you would be woken by the door to your room opening. The clanging of the metal door and the creak of the steel scraping against the floor would ring throughout your room and make you jolt awake.
That was how you woke up today.
At the sight of men marching into your room, your heart skyrocketed from the calm, resting pulse and into a rapid panic. You curled into a fetal position, back against the cold wall and arms wrapped around your knees.
The first man was familiar to you, he was the man who kept you on a leash ever since that first session. He was the man who held all of the power over you. The man who controlled your every word and movement.
He was Brock Rumlow. One of HYDRA’s top secret agents and your handler.
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He wore a permanent scowl with a clenched jaw, and furrowed brows to match. Always stone faced.
His dark hair was always styled into a point, the color blending in with his black gear. He wore a black muscle shirt and a bullet proof vest, paired with a tactical vest. He wore black cargo pants and combat boots. Strapped into his vest were tasers and combat knives, as well as a baton. His pants were equipped with a holster, and slid into that was a fully loaded handgun.
Aside from the vest and the array of combat weapons, his gear was the exact match to what you had been changed into all those weeks ago.
Beside him stood two other soldiers, all dressed in dark combat gear and armed with assault rifles. Rifles that were pointed at you, safety clicked off and fingers resting on the trigger — watching for any wrong move or any hint of aggression.
They were there for Rumlow’s protection, not yours.
“Up, now. You have training.” Rumlow ordered gruffly, eyes trained on your frozen figure. Dark eyes almost daring you to disobey.
You weren’t sure whether you should dart out of bed to appease his orders, or whether you should slowly climb off of the cot in order to appear non-threatening. After tossing the two possibilities around in your head for only a moment, you settled on the latter. You maintained eye contact with Rumlow while you climbed out of your cot, making sure to avoid any sudden movements that might appear aggressive. Once you were standing, you straightened your posture and kept your arms at your sides. Head high, and eyes straight ahead at the concrete wall ahead of you.
The two soldiers approached you on each side with caution, still pointing their rifles at you.
“Arms up.” Rumlow orders you.
The daily pat-down.
Having underwent this routine inspection every single day since your first session, you were already prepared.
You raised your arms and widened your stance, leaving a space between your legs so they could pat you down for any contraband or smuggled weapons.
The two soldiers lowered their rifles and began patting you down. One soldier started with your right shoulder and moved down that arm. The other patted down your back and your waistband, feeling the fabric to make sure there were no shiv’s or makeshift weapons hidden there. Once that soldier was finished, he moved on to your legs. He carefully patted your left leg down first, ensuring to feel at your ankles to make sure you didn’t hide anything in your boots. He then moved on to your right leg and did the same on that side.
Eventually, the first soldier finished with your right arm and moved to pat down your chest. He started at the shoulders and moved down, feeling to make sure that there weren’t any bumps in the fabric.
Your jaw clenched as the soldier began grazing over the fabric of your muscle shirt, almost taking pleasure in the inspection, however brief it may be. Your eyes shot to his and narrowed into a sneer, daring him to go any further.
Without noticing, your metal hand formed a fist. Ready to smash their faces in without breaking a sweat.
The soldier at your chest only glanced down at your metal arm once, before glancing back up at you with a gulp.
“All clear, sir.” The soldier stammered, almost squirming under your glare.
The two soldiers stood and returned to their positions at Rumlow’s side, rifles pointed at you.
You walked to stand in your usual position behind Rumlow as he began leading you out of your room and into the hallway. You could hear the heavy footfall of multiple combat boots echoing the hall — from the soldiers, your handler and yourself.
You embraced the change of scenery, no matter how depressing the other cell doors might be or how the grey walls seemed to stretch on forever. It was still different from your own cell, so it would have to do.
As you were escorted from your cell, you heard many different sounds echoing through the hallways. Screams of the assets and barked orders of the soldiers. Metal hitting metal, metal hitting wood. Guns firing.
But you kept walking. Step after step. Eyes staring straight ahead, unseeing. Just thinking of all of the people cursed with the same fate as you. Getting cut up and fractured, getting put back together only to be broken all over again.
Soon, you had arrived to the training center. Rumlow stopped in front of you and pulled his keycard from his pocket, holding it out in front of him so the security camera could identify him. The doors unlocked and swung open.
Rumlow lead the way into the gym and ushered in the two soldiers to follow, before shutting the door behind him.
You swallowed before glancing around the large room.
The gym was large, with black mats covering the concrete floor and mirrors covering the walls. There were machines scattered throughout the room, mostly ones that helped built strength and endurance. Weights were stationed on both sides of the room, and treadmills were lined up on both sides as well.
A few beds were prepared off to the side with IV poles next to them, and bags of clear fluid were hanging from the poles.
Soldiers were stationed at every corner of the room as well as the middle of the room, and the entrance. They were all armed with assault rifles and tasers, just like the previous soldiers you had already met.
Other assets had also filled the room. Plenty were already using equipment, whether it be lifting weights or running with the treadmill on high speed and incline.
Their faces were all hardened, clenched jaws full of pain or anger — or a mix of both. They would push themselves past their limit, desperate to avoid any punishment.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a loud whistle ringing out through the air.
The attention of every single asset in the room was drawn to Rumlow.
“It’s time for the first spar of the day. It’s down to … ” Rumlow glanced at his tablet. “Asset no. 09012020 and.. Asset no. 101943.” An uncomfortable silence fell over the room as soon as the words came out of his mouth.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you glanced around the room, looking to see who you would be up against.
Your questions were quickly answered when the sound of combat boots hitting the ground met your ears.
Your eyes dart to the source of the noise, to see a man stomping over in your direction. He was pale and muscular, and taller than you. He had shaggy brown hair that almost fell to his shoulders, some falling in his face. He had icy blue eyes and stubble that covered his jaw. He was also dressed in similar attire, a muscle shirt and cargo pants.
He also had a metal arm, just like you.
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next chapter
©️ glossysoap 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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phantomonabudget · 5 months
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We need to talk, Pham. Stop shaming Christine Daaé.
I have seen this behavior consistently for the 30+ years I have been a Phan. What's worse is that I see A LOT of it from grown women. I see posts calling her foolish for leaving Erik. Slut shaming her or calling her a gold digger. Calling her stupid, weak, or unworthy because a "real woman" (presumably the women posting these absurd notions 🙄) would have loved him better and been worthy of his awesome talent and capacity for love. 😳🤮
It's disturbing, disheartening, and disgusting. And it needs to stop.
First off, none of these characters are real, so perhaps let's take things a little less seriously in general. It's a fictional story. I get it: we all love it, and probably love the Phantom's character. That's fine....I've made a 20+ year career dressing as the dude, for crying out loud. 🤣 Maybe we all identify with Erik/The Phantom to some degree. Regardless of the version of the story, if the actors or authors do their job well, we *should* feel pity and compassion for him. But feeling compassion and completely ignoring the character's dangerous and abusive behavior are two very different things. It has the potential for some severe consequences in the real world.
By shaming Christine for leaving Erik at the end, you are potentially telling young people that staying in abusive relationships is the right thing. You make them think that if their significant other is talented, misunderstood, been abused themselves etc, then they should stay and love them into a healthy relationship. That if they just love their abusive SO harder, sacrifice themselves a little more or for a little longer, or keep putting that person's needs above their own, that the relationship will suddenly become this wonderful, euphoric experience. It won't. As a survivor of longtime abusive myself, I can tell you from experience: it doesn't happen that way.
Celebrate healthy relationships and enforcing healthy boundaries. Stop shaming Christine for fighting for and winning her life and saving the man she loves.
And please stop calling this a romance. It's the antithesis of romance.
I am sick of members of this Phandom completely ignoring Erik/The Phantom's behavior to justify their blind adoration. Erik is an abusive and dangerous character, and extremely toxic. He lies to and manipulates Christine using her trauma from her deceased father. He kidnaps her, multiple times. Threatens her and her colleagues. He extorts hundreds of thousands from the business managers. He endangers dozens of people with the chandelier crash, and effectively holds hundreds hostage for months or years at a time with his reign of terror at the Opera.
Then there are the murders. Several of them. Probably been at that for awhile so we can assume it's far more than the two we see in the show. We don't know his actual body count, but we do know he's adept and comfortable taking human life.
And yet, I see some mature phans out here completely ignoring all those things and still shaming Christine for leaving him. Why? Because he's "sexy" (author's note: PLEASE go re-read Leroux. Please). And he's talented. And has so much love to give. And is misunderstood. And society was terrible to him...so it's all fine. 😳🤮 She should have just stayed and loved him like he deserves to be loved. 🙄
Recently I saw a post shaming Christine and the justification was that Raoul was so much worse. He isn't. Is he a perfect character? No, not at all. Does he make mistakes and try to use Christine? In some versions, yes. Does he run around extorting, manipulating, threatening, and killing others? Also no.
Pleasw don't ever use LND!Raoul's character assassination as some kind of justification, because he's still the most sane, normal human being in that show, and Erik is still 1,000 times worse than Raoul in LND. Also, using LND as justification for anything makes for a very weak and uninformed argument.
"Hurt people hurt people." Ever heard that phrase? Abused people sometimes abuse others, especially if they haven't done the work to heal themselves. Their previous abuse does NOT entitle them to abuse others. That is always a deliberate choice and those choices have consequences. The dangerous, disgusting rhetoric I see in the Phantom community basically excuses toxic behavior because Erik was previously abused and nothing is his fault. That is simply not true. Those that abused me were previously abused. Didn't make my abuse hurt any less. And I made the choice to do the work so that the abuse stopped with me. Previous trauma is a reason for the behavior, but it is NEVER, ever an excuse.
And don't let the fact the dude can sing or that he's a snappy dresser blind you to his toxicity.
We can all enjoy the Phantom character's complexity and love him, while still acknowledging his flaws and holding him accountable for his deeply inappropriate choices.
We talk a lot more these days about trauma, toxicity, and self care. And yet, as a community, we still shame the character of Christine Daaé for doing the healthy, correct thing. The ONLY thing. And in doing so, we set a disturbing precedent for our young or vulnerable Phans who now might think that staying in toxic relationships in the real world is okay.
Please do better, Phandom.
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blossoms-phan · 2 months
going thru my youtube history and it's really funny so here's a rundown from a Certified Youtube Fangirl™ that no one asked for
first was o2l/connor franta/zoella/gmm (god i was so obsessed with o2l so nostalgic i acc cried the day connor left but that shi was probably terrible for his mental health lmao)
subscribed to pj first (what y'all know about being a tiny planet explorer) and then danisnotinteresting a week later (??)
crabsticks->pj the kick-> danisnotonfire (so many ppl dgaf about second channels but i was loyal to them apparently lmao)
danandphilcrafts on april 1st 2015 iktr
lessamazingphil in nov 2015
danandphilgames in oct 2016 (this must be another yt glitch like the fact that it doesn't show my subscription to phil bc i have photo evidence of subscribing to the gaming channel the day it was announced)
that's enough of that lets move on to comments (there are literally thousands omfg this is a real ride including ones from smosh and other people i was obsessed with but but i'll choose what funny dnp ones stick out)
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first comment, don't hype him up too much
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chill girl omfg as you can see i abused the laughing emoji but dan and louise collabs really are the funniest
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so many comments like this on what are presumably phan edits on privated or deleted channels we've really lost the ancient texts + im real for that one still one of my fave videos
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boy do i have news for you
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jfc they should've been allowed to kill us
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first gaming channel vid requests you're welcome everyone
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why does this make me so emoo omg there was a time where i actually anticipated this video bc they probably tweeted about it or mentioned it in a liveshow and i watched it right when it was uploaded and have gone back to it ever single year since, over and over again and it's still one of my comfort videos :(( really grown up with them
ok imma stop there that's literally just stuff from 2014 there's SO much more im well aware most people were there and these aren't particularly special or funny and more cringe was just feeling a tb and now im going to fall down a rabbit hole of older edits/videos from this time im seeing now in the history that i haven't thought about in 10 years apparently (so many collabs and vlogs that have escaped my mind god they were soldiers for getting through the youtubers!!1 era it's all very nostalgic but can't imagine how draining it was once again grateful for where we are today)
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lesbianphan · 5 months
Sacrifice (painted in the red from our hearts)
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Crafts universe Phan (Crafts! Dan Howel/ Crafts! Phil Lester)
Warnings: Disturbing content, gore, violence, major character death, implied abusive relationship, cult stuff, reference to cannibalism, violence
A/N: thank you to my bestest bestie @femslashy for not only listening to my insane Phan rambles even though she doesn't go here anymore, but also being my beta and getting invested in this project after reading it. All remaining mistakes are mine trying to mess with stuff lol
"There's no fear in my lover's eyes, only trust in Him. Trust in me. I know what I must do: the ultimate sacrifice for Him. I must give Him what I hold most dear, the one thing I'd never part from. I must hold Philip's heart in my hands and offer Him what my lover willingly gave to me all these years ago.
If I love Him enough, my lover will come back to me. Reborn."
a.k.a the dark and raw 'DanandPhilCRAFTS - Slime' fic I was always meant to write.
Read it on AO3
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emotoangel · 3 months
now I’ve calmed down from the intense stress of trying to get tickets I’m so nervous to meet dnp like ,, what do people say and do at these things. I’ve never met them before I’m Aphraid
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Phic Phight - Parental Death
For: @thatstomorrowsproblem
Death can make you remember the things that really matter, for better or for worse.
The most important thing Danny got out of dying was remembering.
Remembering that they didn’t love him.
He told his friends he didn’t tell them immediately -or at all, in the end- because he was scared of their reactions.
But that wasn’t it.
It never was really.
Instead, he didn’t speak up, didn’t spill his truth, because you don’t spill your deepest guts and traumas to a stranger. And that’s what they were, they were strangers.
Landlords, perhaps.
Calling them parents or even friends wouldn’t even make sense. Parents and friends care, look after you, support you, comfort you, provide for you, have fun with you.
It was easy enough to not notice that his ‘parents’ didn’t do that over such a long period of time. Over a lifetime of time. But when everything flashes by you in rapid succession? When you see, feel, hear, everything that’s ever happened to you in seconds instead of in years.
Then suddenly the missed birthdays, ignored injuries, destroyed possessions, non-consensual experiments, and abandonment; stopped feeling like just occasional silly lapses in judgment that all parents surely must have. Suddenly they seemed more like a conscious pattern of behaviour.
Like that was just… how they were. How they felt about him.
How little they cared about him.
And then everything else in his life he remembered seemed so minor, so insignificant. For every little happy thing, for every telescope for his birthday or rollercoaster ride, there was something else to drag it down.
That telescope got blown up. His ‘parents’ replaced everything except the telescope. Plates, the pan, even Jack’s gloves; they replaced all that because it ‘needed to be’. They had to replace the spare stool; his telescope didn’t matter though… it wasn’t useful to them.
So his… Death, that flash of his whole life before his eyes, that kept him quiet. Maybe he would have told them immediately if that hadn’t happened.
If he hadn’t acutely realised that children were just free maids, test subjects, excuses, and future FentonWorks company owners; to them.
He’s thankful his friends gave him an excuse not to tell them. If they had encouraged him to tell his ‘parents’ he’s not sure what he would have done.
Then he met Vlad. He found out what they did to him. As much as he… dislikes the man most of the time, Vlad made it even clearer how little Jack and Maddie cared about anyone.
Meaning it wasn’t just Danny.
There was nothing wrong with him and they didn’t just dislike children.
Jack and Maddie.
His parents.
Were just terrible people.
Danny wonders how the heck Vlad could still be infatuated with Maddie. Does the man know what love is? What it isn’t? Danny knows the answers simply, ‘yes, of course I do, Daniel’, and denial though.
Danny, however, wasn’t in denial. Not anymore. Not about them.
He remembered, and that was enough.
Jazz knew too. She had for so long. His stupid younger self should have realised that ‘notebook’ of hers for what it was. Evidence.
Evidence and reminders. Reminders to be careful. They don’t love you. They’ll hurt you. They’ll hurt your little brother too.
She hated that she hadn’t been able to protect him, but he was… thankful for it.
He saw reality now. And he was free too.
He could fly, fight, explore. He could leave if he wanted. Go to space or roam an entirely different realm.
Physically he was more than he could have ever hoped or dreamed to be.
And mentally? He was free in the truer sense.
What reason did he have to be tied to people that didn’t love him, didn’t care for him, didn’t even know him.
He would stay until he didn’t need the landlords anymore. And after that, he was going to destroy them and everything they stood for.
The sacrifice of children and friends in the name of science.
The ectophobia and every piece of research tied to it.
The blatant disregard of everything around that wasn’t ‘for the cause’.
His ‘parents’ were a threat to him, yes. But more than that, they were a threat to an entire realm, an entire species, the world.
He would not be blind to that.
He would not ignore that.
He would not aid that.
Danny was a protector. He would protect. He would protect everyone and himself, from those that had and would hurt them.
His death had seen too that.
Thank everything it had.
Prompt: It was true- your whole life flashed before your eyes when you died. Danny remembered something very important when he had his accident
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cdaae · 9 months
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This is horrible marketing. Like are you actually calling Christine an “I can fix him girlie”? Your Erik is a sexual predator who assaulted her! She’s horribly betrayed by his deception! And she’s not an “I can fix it girlie” she’s a no-personality pick me that decides no one can teach her like he can so she’d better go back to her fucking abuser.
For the love of god, stop trying to romanticize your books where Erik is more of a predator than he ever is in Leroux or ALW or Cherik(the fact that you tell people you’ve written a Cherik-like Erik is also just… ridiculous). This is why you’re getting one star reviews- poor, false advertising.
You bitch about how “dark romance” gets a bad rep but you’re not brave enough to market your book as dark romance because you’d rather get reader’s money and cry over their bad reviews and how people just don’t get your book rather than make sure readers can make an informed and safe decision about reading your book. You might have less readers if you’re honest about the book content but that should be preferable than your current path of deceiving phans into reading a book about sexual assault. Of course, this is coming from the same woman who yesterday said that she makes Raoul “more an antagonist” as if making him racist and hateful doesn’t actually make him a bad guy, just bad-guy-leaning
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