#ph theories
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neversetyoufree · 10 months ago
Alright. Okay.
So the entire time I've been reading VnC, I've been assuming that Noé is the sole known survivor of the Archivistes in a relatively normal way. I've been assuming that something happened to the Archiviste clan within Noé's lifetime, just before his human "grandparents" found him in the snow. Obviously I wondered about what happened—who slaughtered them if they were killed and what else might have happened if they aren't all dead as we've been told, but I never questioned the timeline. I assumed that the Archivistes must have been alive and kicking until recently, even if Noé's last remaining family was living in hiding from the rest of vampire society or something like that.
But. We don't actually know that that's true. We don't know a single thing about the timeline of the Archivistes' extermination other than what Nox says about them having all died "long ago." Noé is nineteen years old, and we have no idea how old Nox is. Could the fifteen to seventeen years between Noé's first adoption and the present day be enough to count as long ago?
This is Jun Mochizuki we're talking about. There is extensive precedent in her work (by way of Pandora Hearts) for characters turning up seemingly out of nowhere, often with no memory, and in Pandora Hearts, these cases never had a simple answer. It was always caused by the time-bending properties of the Abyss.
It is entirely within the realm of possibility for the rest of the Archiviste clan to have died years, decades, or even a century or more before Noé was found by his human grandparents. We don't have precedent yet for anything that messes with time in VnC like PH's Abyss, so I don't know how this could have happened, but I don't think we can fully discount the possibility. The outer bounds of world formula rewriting as a power are yet to be fully explored, so it's hard to say firmly that anything's impossible. There might be a way for Noé to exist in the present even if the rest of his clan was killed well over nineteen years ago (be it by PH style time-bending or by some entirely different mechanism).
It's still possible (and even likely) that the Archivistes died or disappeared less than twenty years ago, but it's not quite the concrete fact that I've been thinking of it as this entire time. It's entirely possible that Noé's backstory contains Mochizuki Timeline Fuckery, and now that I've had that thought, I can't unsee it. The author of Pandora Hearts going out of her way to say that her protagonist was found mysteriously alone and crying with no memory of how he got that way is. conspicuous as hell.
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1000sunnygo · 5 months ago
Ok so sometimes I see people claiming Oda originally planned for Law to be evil. Did he actually say that? I can't find much on it
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This and "Law is Oda's wife's favorite character" ROFL
Videos like this might've been the culprit behind this rumor. Law being 'named after a brutal pirate and allegedly had terrible rumors about him', doesn't equate to "Law was meant to be evil." No matter how canon-coded it seems, something can't be called a "fact" unless there's a legitimate reference. So far, Oda has made no such statement about Law.
The video used a draft image to back the point that Law was depicted as "scheming and manipulative" during Punk Hazard, taken from OP magazine vol. 8:
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Sanji's dialogue, roughly: "Your strategy is to go head on against Doflamingo and Kaido, and to weaken Kaido's military strength, isn't it? And we're *in it together* because we believe the outcome benefits us, as well.
What are you planning?
I don't mind going ahead (to Zou), but I won't leave my friends in danger."
Law: Sharp at bargaining, aren't you...
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It's not from Punk Hazard, it was Dressrosa.
Not to mention in both draft and finalized versions, it was Sanji cornering Law, not the other way around. IMHO it didn't add or subtract much from law's character as we already know him.
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It's very likely that Law was planned to be (more) morally grey and manipulative. But inflating it as Oda's statement makes it a misinformation. This fandom sadly has a lot of these, thanks to engagement farming content creators.
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waywardmillennial · 28 days ago
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"ryan bergara SUX"
continuation of the board warnings from 7x02
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shookieshima · 2 years ago
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"Happiness is a curious thing"
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morimess · 1 year ago
Everyone makes fun of Linebeck for his crate. And I will agree, it's a ridiculous concept at first- a grown man hiding away in a crate to get away from his crazy ex-lover, while a random kid fights her.
But what if we're thinking about the crate all wrong. What if the original purpose of the crate is not for Jolene, but for miniblins?
Ok, so- in game there are only 8 ships piloted by hylians. We have imposter wind-waker (1), brother of the imposter wind-waker (2), Beedle (3), Jolene (4), the old wayfarer (5), the merchants in the SE sea (6), the Man of Smiles (7), and the SS Linebeck (8). Everything else is pirate ships piloted by hordes of miniblins.
Most people will first see Linebeck use the crate as a hiding spot when you fight Jolene. And this is probably where the seed gets planted that the crate is solely for Jolene's visits comes from. But, he uses that exact same crate when the miniblins board your ship.
Now, you can beat the entire game (not at 100%, but still beat it) without ever once having the miniblins board your vessel, so I don't blame people for forgetting that this is a thing they can do- especially when you have to try to even get them to board your ship.
But I think even more telling evidence is what happens when you encounter a vessel that's been overrun by the monsters.
The most common vessel to see this happen is in the 2nd vessel mentioned. On this vessel, you board the ship to see miniblins abound, and the ship's captain face-down on the floor. After you defeat all the miniblins, you talk to the guy and find out he's-thankfully- still alive, and he may just give you a treasure or two for your troubles.
You leave, and forget about it- but if you ever sail back to that ship, you'll find it overrun again. And this dude is, once again, face down on the floor.
The point being- I think playing dead is a legitimate strategy that most of the people still sailing use to fool the miniblins into leaving them alone. Linebeck, however, has found a way to avoid the threat of pitchforks being jabbed at him if he accidentally moves, and has just started hiding in a crate.
This is in character for him as, even when you first start sailing with him, there is no offensive capabilities on the vessel, whatsoever. He just has a jump mechanic too help him run away more effectively. If Linebeck truly is more of a runner than a fighter, I 100% believe he would use the "play dead" method over fighting the things any day.
Now, most people think Linebeck is a coward who lets Link do all his fighting- and while the fighting part is true, I would like to remind everyone of the fact that only 8 vessels are still in the water, and his ship is one of them. He would not be one of the only ones left if he was just a coward and dumb. And I don't believe he's alone in the "play dead" method either.
I actually believe the only person actively fighting the miniblins is Jolene- everyone else either plays dead, has attack crows that stop any miniblins wearing anything shiny from boarding, or keeps them locked in a cellar for gods know what reason.
But, when it comes to Jolene boarding the ship- well, he already has a crate good for hiding in during most other pirate attacks, why wouldn't it work on his ex? You know, the girl who likes to dress up like a pirate.
And, I mean, it technically does work. It stops her from attacking him right away, and allows the player to distract her until she gets bored enough to leave. We only find out she caught on because she outright tells us she knows where he's hiding during the last encounter.
But this is just another thought on a growing pile of "Linebeck wasn't really cowardly, he was just a normal guy- if not smarter than average- who we were constantly told was cowardly by the literal Spirit of Courage, who was traveling along with the former holder of the Triforce of Courage. There could not have been a more skewed judge of his character."
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artterminalph · 2 years ago
Art Tip #1 - Color Theory: A Crash Course
Art isn't complete without colors, right? Unless you'd consider a blank white sheet of paper as art, then by all means...
In today's first stop at the Art Terminal, we will be learning how to use colors using Color Theory! Being knowledgeable about basic color theory can really help you develop your skills as an artist no matter what medium you'll be using - be it traditional art, digital art, or even a mix of both! It may seem confusing at first but with this guide, you'll be making well-coordinated compositions with flying colors in no time!
PART 1: How to use the Color Wheel
This infamous wheel by Isaac Newton helps you see the relationships between the colors.
Keep in mind these 3 categories:
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⓵ Primary Colors: Red┃Blue┃Yellow These are the first three basic colors - all other colors can be created by mixing them in different ways. Tip: mixing all three creates the color brown! ⓶ Secondary Colors: Purple (red+blue)┃Green (blue+yellow)┃Orange (yellow+red) If you've noticed, these colors are created by mixing our primary colors. ⓷ Tertiary Colors: Red-Orange┃Red-Purple┃Blue-Purple┃Blue-Green┃Yellow-Green┃Yellow-Orange As you might have guessed, we get these colors by mixing our primary and secondary colors.
Part 2: What are the Color Properties?
Keep in mind Color has 3 primary properties:
⓵ Hue: the colors in their purest state - or in other words, a color's name.
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⓶ Saturation: the brightness or dullness of a color - the intensity or purity of a hue. Tip: High Saturation/Saturated = color looks very bright ┃ Low Saturation/Desaturation = color looks washed out or greyed out
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⓷ Value: the degree of lightness or darkness of a hue. Tip: There are 3 ways to change a color's value: Shade┃Tint ┃Tone
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Shade/Shading: a shade is a color that is produced by adding black.
Tint: a tint is a color that is produced by adding white.
Tone: a tone is a color that is produced by adding grey.
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PART 3: What is Color Harmony?┃What Color Combinations or Schemes can we use?
Go back to the Color Wheel as it is a good reference in helping you create appealing schemes. Here are 6 common combinations you can apply in your work:
⓵ Analogous: uses colors (around 2-4) that are next to each other in the color wheel - Match them!
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⓶ Complementary: uses colors that are opposite or across of each other on the color wheel - if you can't match 'em, clash 'em with their opposites! Tip: matching these colors creates great contrast and visual interest so they can overpower each other sometimes so keep that in mind.
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⓷ Split-Complementary: 1 base color then 2 colors adjacent to its complementary color - if the contrast too much, split them!
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⓸ Tetradic: uses 2 complementary pairs. This forms a rectangle on the wheel - if you need more variations go double complementary!
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⓹ Triadic: 3 colors that are evenly spaced out in the color wheel. You're free to choose from a variety!
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⓺ Monochromatic: uses different tones, shades, and tints of a singular color. Sometimes it just works!
PART 4: What is Color Temperature?
Ever wonder why some compositions feel cold or hot? It is a fact that color has the ability to evoke feelings or emotions. As such, color temperature is the one responsible for this - it is the "warmth" or "coolness" of a color.
Warm colors: Reds┃Oranges┃Yellows Generally seen as colors that are bright, cheerful, active, or happy
Cool Colors: Purples┃Blues┃Greens Generally seen as colors that are dark, mysterious, melancholic, or gloomy
And that concludes this stop for today! These tips are a lot to take in, we feel you, and that's alright - come back to this station when you need a quick reference. We hope you learned a lot from this and that you'll be able to apply them in your paintings or digital illustrations!
Now pack your art supplies and start creating! Safe travels~
– Post by Leonardo
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featheredquilt · 2 years ago
My theories/hopes for Purple Hyacinth Season 3 part 2!
(It’s 4am and my head is too full of jumbled PH thoughts to sleep, so here you go)
After the news of Lauren’s kidnapping drops, I hope we will get
A) a team-up of Will, Kim, Tristan and Dakan
B) a team-up of Kieran, Neyra and Belladonna (either where K and N break B out of the Tower or where she breaks out on her own and N convinces her to help them save Lauren)
as they work from different angles to try and find her.
Through these team-ups I hope to get more Kywi, Dastan and Bellarcy content (obviously) as well as platonic relationship development between Kieran and Bella as they observe the other be vulnerable for and around their respective partners.
These groups will hopefully then merge (most likely through Neyra or Kieran) and interesting revelations will be had (re. Neyra’s not being dead and/or Kieran’s serious ties to the PS).
If Lauren has been kidnapped by the 7th Apostle, that means he now has leverage over the Chief of Police, the King’s Right Hand and the freakin’ Purple Hyacinth, which will create some heckin good drama, especially if the Redcliff Ball is still going ahead and we have no real idea what his plans are.
Lauren will meanwhile have to come to terms with the realisations she made about herself at the end of the mid-season finale, including having to find an answer to “Dylan’s” question of “What will be left when this blind quest is stripped away from you?” I suspect these thoughts may put her out of commission for a little bit, but she will never the less use the opportunity of her imprisonment to learn vital intel and search for escape.
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I also hope we get flashbacks to the massacre at the print shop (my theories are that Thalia Lin and Annabelle March were both killed there but that it’s possible that Will’s dad saw Lauren’s parents there and chose to let them go, possibly after the argument he alluded to at their funeral).
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Also this may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Dakan may have ties to the Phantom Scythe (or at the very least, to the Snapdragon). I don’t know what it is about him, but he remains sus in my eyes. The words he spoke at the funeral of Lauren’s parents were just vague enough to not come off as lying, not to mention that the queen seems to seriously suspect him of something or other (putting aside the fact that she sucks, I don’t think she would be that hostile toward him for no reason).
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We also saw that Apostle 4 has bright blue eyes, though I think Dakan has a different shade (not to mention skin tone), so that’s neither here nor there.
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In any case, these are all just fun conjectures and thoughts that I think would be cool to see in part 2 of Season 3. Do you guys have some of your own😁?
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vonlipvig · 2 years ago
i'm new to pirating books but man has my journey started with a bang, cause i just finished reading this copy of nona the ninth and i kept wondering why my progress was at like 50% if i was in the epilogue, and it turns out it was at 50% because there was a whole 'nother book after it by what seems to be a conspiracy theorist? weirdest 2x1 ever.
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machiavelli · 8 months ago
It’s beyond me how people don’t know that pH adjusting products actually show up on everyone almost the same. Beacuse no, a different skin tone doesn’t have a different pH level. Every human adult skin has a pH level between 4.7 and 5.75.
They are scamming you when they say that I’ll give you “the perfect shade”. It’s just color theory.
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vanitasnocarteconfessions · 2 years ago
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“I have a feeling that Archivistes might be strongly related to the Jurors from Pandora Hearts. I don't know if Mochizun will go with the crossover route in VNC, but I'm all for it!”
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rayroseu-reblogs · 1 year ago
I want to skip studying today and just draw meleanor ajdhjshsjs
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stuffedsand · 1 year ago
four and sixteen for milgram? :3
4- what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Ok imma be real I've never blocked a person,,,,, I've blocked plenty bots tho
I've gotten reeeaaaallll close to blocking someone but like. I like seeing people's opinions even if I think they're unreasonable. It's a mix of a strange type of entertainment and kind of to keep me open minded? Cuz if I have to look at it and I wanna talk about it I gotta read it through in detail to make sure I'm reading them right so yeah I don't have anyone blocked 💥
16- you can't understand why so many people like _______
............ok I won't that theory because I have another ask that I'll do that for....
Maybe how some characterize yuno as just "girl boss" n not much else? Honestly jokingly it's totally fine but c'mon there's still a bit of girlfailure and inability to let others in there yk it'd be fun to talk Abt it more
Alternatively I do have things I don't understand about what people DISLIKE in this case es milgram I've talked to quite a few ppl (on disc mainly I don't think Ive seen it on tumblr much) who despise es and like!!!!! Bestie that's my silly lil guy you're talking about what'd they do to you!!!!!!!!!
I mean I understand why but also,,,,,they're just a lil creature man they're 15 and in a position of power with no memories of course they're gonna be a bit egotistic in this situation
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patchworkheartouija · 1 year ago
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Do not harass the rabbit. He’s sensitive.
(Poor quality)
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oujibaka · 2 years ago
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This movie is so scary
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eydi-andrius · 2 years ago
Sorry for being mia for a while. A scammer got ahold of my phone number and email that I usually use for personal transactions. Not sure how they got it when I have a separate phone, solely used for my privacy and banks. I've searched about it and victims claimed that it might be an inside job.
Anyway, I have to migrate my works from that email because even though it uses two authentication factor, I still don't feel safe.
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tasty-littl-snack · 22 days ago
Cant wait to see what ph plot twist will be there tomorrow
I think nothing will happen or be explained but I also think we might get into the puppet romance.
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