#Puppet History
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overlylongsentence · 9 hours ago
Ryan to that one fucker, The Professor
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Give me jelly beans you fuck head
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tolerateit · 3 days ago
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romance is not dead!
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crispycreambacon · 2 days ago
OKAY SO. Dr. Hoagy Sprat.
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Strange name, don't you think? "Hoagy" meaning a type of sandwich with a long roll and "Sprat" meaning a species of herring. BUT let's be real, Shane Madej didn't just pick that name out of nowhere though honestly it's also possible he just did for the funnies.
Well guess what, I plugged that name into an anagram solver, and
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— What could this mean? Theories under the cut! —
The most obvious answer is that Dr. Sprat is a reincarnation of Pythagoras especially considering the episode has a significant focus on reincarnation. This also pushes the idea that he is the ultimate mastermind behind everything even more. For instance, where could Elmer Walter Williams be getting the Phorgedytol supply? Who are the "fine folks" he always mentions? It would make sense if one of the smartest people in darn history is able to create a medicine that degrades your memory. Do you think he could be using the Phorgedytol to slowly take over the world and reassemble his cult?
For some less obvious threads:
Pythagoras sending one of his triangles to Purgatory isn't as nonsensical as you may think. For starters, cult leaders have a long history of killing their followers with the promise of a glorious afterlife which is exactly what Dr. Sprat did. Moreover, this could be a ploy to get the Triangle to indoctrinate the puppets in Purgatory and recruit more members in his cult.
Where did Estranged Producer Shane Madej go after he left the headquarters? His musing of death being at his doorway and warning of ominous forces plaguing the place may indicate he died on his way to the carriage. In that same episode, Pythagoras was alleged to be a murderer of one of his followers. Could Dr. Sprat be behind the murder?
The Professor mentioned that Pythagoras would probably be a coder had he been alive today. Could this imply the Substitute and Dr. Sprat working together, allowing the Substitute to go back and enact his revenge?
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ramavoite · 1 day ago
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aceforwhatevenisthis · 7 hours ago
with each episode i find myself more and more genuinely embodying "let's kill the horse"
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acespeon · 9 hours ago
I'm going to strangle Elmer Walter Williams with my bare hands
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puppet-purgatory · 9 hours ago
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"So what did you do during the puppet history hiatus???" I got really, REALLY into starkid's hatchetfield series. and i think these 2 should meet. never got around to fully rendering this, but bonus under tha cut
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i have a lot more lords in black drawings on my regular art blog @0yster-boy . i hate them dearly
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trashworldblog · 1 day ago
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yes!!! theres also something to be said about art being taken over by math or even ai ? and how that also impacts the audience because it isnt made with the audience in mind and is just created with selfish intent like how sprat only took over puppet history due to jealousy, not because he wanted to make a show or teach others in a fun way. the only reason ai is being rolled out is due to greed. they want to replace people and their wages. they arent coming from a place of creativity or a want to create art.
very intriguing! cant wait for s8 !!! :D
major puppet history s7 spoilers
these are my opinions and interpretations from the season. im not explicitly saying this was shanes intent, just some parallels! (but if this was his intent i think he nailed it and i love it a ton)
a big part of this season is phorgotital sponsoring the season, leading to the watcher office being drugged and taken over by pythagoras. one of the reasons watcher tv exists is so they didnt have to do these sponsorships anymore. We all know that didnt end up happening, and we live with one foot on each side, one on the streamer free from sponsorships and one on youtube, tied to sponsors, advertisers, and the algorithm.
There was a lot of backlash following watcher tv's announcement with much of the outrage unfairly landed on steven. shane was seen as "innocent" and ryan fell somewhere in between. Looking back at the season, im seeing some of these ideas come up.
Shane dies first right out of the gate and everyone freaks out. He's shot to death in the street like a dog. He was just getting to his car. Everyone mourns for shane, and ryan takes drugs to forget his death.
Ryan and the professor die second. They were planning on killing someone, elmer. But do i think that was actually evil? no! he literally was a killer! they wanted to stop a mastermind from drugging everyone, nonconsentually marrying dorthy ruth, and continue his murder spree. but they're caught up, they trusted sprat when they shouldnt have. the audience could see this as morally questionable or their death being partly their fault.
With shane, ryan, and the professor dead, puppet history dies with it, landing in the arms of pythagoras. cut to a mouse who is a fan of puppet history. the mouse hates puppet mathematics and has made a meuseum for puppet history from all the discarded puppet history props. and what does the mouse do with these props? bring back a fan favorite. cue substitute.
that bit is so interesting. it shows how when a show is taken over by a brand and strays from where it started, the fans abandon it. but they keep the love for the old show, and in this case, bring it back from the dead.
this is what i have so far feel free to build on this but keep it in replies and reblogs under read more so we dont go spoiling things. also keep it kind :3
i love how art lets us express things like this. and i love how our brains are able to connect things together like this.
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Anyways sending love to steven shane and ryan and everyone at watcher you guys are the best. <3
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rrat-king · 13 days ago
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you guys dont understand how happy i am to see brennan on puppet history. dude is finally in a place where his fun facts are appreciated
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artblogbyhailey · 10 months ago
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l0vedove · 10 months ago
Watcher google drive
i think the title is pretty self explanitory
Only ghost files on it atm but Mystery Files and Puppet History are next. Watcher has back pedalled on deleteing all their free content to lock it behind a pay wall but y'know what? maybe I just dont want to give them ad revenue anymore, which is evil but screw them. Also they may still back pedal on their back pedalling, which is to many pedals anyways.
As an update, I ran out of storage :3
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crowleys-right-eyeball · 10 months ago
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i lied abt only posting abt this situation once, i just saw this lovely person’s comment!! passing it on to tumblr 🫡
edit: SOMEONEE changed the password and ruined it for everybody :/ pls try this version instead!!
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crispycreambacon · 2 days ago
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I changed my mind I'm locking this in I'm locking it in it's my final answer
(Context for this post)
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It's the Substitute All Along!
— Disclaimer: As of uploading this, I have only seen up until Episode 3. This is just a fun theory more than anything. —
Peddling my "Dr. Sprat is the ultimate mastermind and is also the Substitute in disguise trying to enact his revenge" theory until the end. Either way, SOMETHING is up with this fella, and if I'm wrong, first of all, Shane Madej is wrong, but secondly, I guess that just means I'll have to write it myself ✍🏽😌
Honestly, no matter what direction this season takes, I'm just excited to be along for the ride!
— click below for the glitchless version & sketch! —
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wearewatcher · 29 days ago
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Hold onto your horses. Trailer tomorrow.
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punkslovepoints · 1 month ago
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montessori-grad · 10 months ago
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Watchergate: 4/19-4/22
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