#peter x chris
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twdxtrevor · 9 months ago
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God I fucking love these too so much it hurts, I need a friendship like this. Honestly jealous . .
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nightingaleofthemoonlight · 3 months ago
I want a Spin off of Chris Argent and Peter Hale after the movie please...
*Chris dangling from the tree because of a trap set by other hunters*
Peter: My, my... This must be my lucky day.
Chris: *unimpressed* Hale...
Peter: Argent...
Chris: Put me down
Peter: Hmm... Should I Christopher? I think I prefer you like this... vulnerable...
Chris: Peter! Put me down now!
Peter: *laughing while poking Chris' body*
*in short, Peter is having fun tickling the sh*t out of Chris*
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loganwritesprobably · 11 months ago
Didn't include this on my Peter headcanons post cause it deserves its own post
I'm so deeply attached and in love with the idea that a younger Peter Hale dated the grown Deucalion
I know it was intended and everyone sees chemistry between Deucalion and Talia but I'm sorry I think the blind man is gay
And the idea of Peter having a healthy younger person/older person relationship (all legal, thank you) and maybe Derek is the only one who knew about it (even if Peter didn't know that)
So when Derek gets with Kate.. he's like yeah.. this made uncle Peter happy I can be happy too
But also Peter having control issues when he was younger like Derek did and Deucalion becoming a more stable anchor for him after they start dating
But it definitely started as a sex thing
They never officially broke up either, Deucalion lost his sight and went batshit and just never spoke to Peter again
Before Deucalion Peter still dated Chris
Making Derek and Peter paralells
Chris/Paige, Deucalion/Kate
It's just way more tragic for Derek because I love a tragic man
And then as adults the two bond over it and Peter gets to be sorry that he was a bad example/didn't help like he should've in the past
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 9 months ago
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Hello! 🫡 32 F she/her pronouns searching for 18+ literate/semi-literate/rapid fire rp partner for:
Teen Wolf m/m Chris Argent and Peter Hale pairing. Ship: Petopher. Searching for someone to specifically play Chris Argent while I play Peter Hale.
A little about me: I’ve been rping since I was 13. I’m ok with pretty much anything when it comes to rping and we can discuss this beforehand to go into more details. I rp on discord and like to set up servers for us so we can have things organized. I want a partner I can have a friendship with where we can talk and get to know each other and send pictures back and forth of inspo or even if we just like them. I want someone I can squeal and cry with over our babies.
Looking for someone ok with rping NSFW, BDSM, angst, hurt, drama, domesticity, and fluff. I would like NSFW/Spicy themed with a plot. Preferably with Chris being the dominant one and Peter being the submissive. Something about a wolf submitting to a hunter just gets me. Like Chris calling him Pup. 🤌🏻 Peter fighting submitting to him and Chris has to put him in his place. 🤌🏻 More dominant submissive type relationship with some angst thrown in there. I am ok rping all over the spectrum when it comes to kinks that range from common to taboo so we can discuss that in private.
Please message me on here or add me on discord @the.Cheshire.collective and we can discuss things! 🖤
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jocollins · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Eli Hale (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Melissa McCall Additional Tags: Crack, Fun, Funny, Embarrassment, Second-Hand Embarrassment, wild family gathering, Family Drama, Family Bonding, Family Secrets, come to life, light - Freeform, Idiots in Love, proud idiots Summary:
Family talks about embarrassing tattoos, a lot of turning red and secondhand embarrassment. But it’s just so much fun! One of the wildest family gatherings imaginable.
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jollyrolls · 1 year ago
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Chris subtly showing off his mark to Peter. I cannot stop thinking about this scene from Silk for weeks now! The whole fic was sooo good!!
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rowinablx · 1 year ago
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If anyone needs me I'm gonna be on a date and then fucking a hunter
Teen Wolf + Ships
Petopher + First Date for @axelwolf8109
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Headcanon of the last minute.
What if Chris didn't want Melissa to know he was in town because the last time they'd spoken was when he'd broken up with her?
And what if he did it because he realized how much he felt for Peter and being a man of honor he decided he couldn't be with someone he didn't really love?
What if, once in Beacon Hills, he's nervous about being forced to team up with his ex-girlfriend and the man he left her for even though he knew he'd never be with him?
And what if he'd felt in competition with Peter because he subconsciously wanted to impress him and was jealous that the wolf was trying to impress Melissa instead?
And, again, what if, seeing Peter's interest in Melissa, he resigned himself, also remembering the soft spot that the man already had for her, and in the end, given Allison's return, he preferred to put himself aside to concentrate on his daughter?
What if Peter didn't know that Chris and Melissa had broken up¹, or that the hunter was the one who broke up with her² anyway, and was showing off to Melissa and competing with Chris just to poke and provoke him (all the jokes about prey and predator, wolf and hunter)?
And what if Peter didn't make bolder moves with him because, even though he was jealous, 1) he respected Melissa and didn't want to make Chris feel uncomfortable by getting in the way of their relationship or 2) he thought that given Chris' nervous and competitive attitude, he was still in love with Melissa and in the end respected him too much to throw salt in a still open wound?
What if in order to convince himself to give up on Chris he needed to paint him again as the villain / he still wanted to redefine their roles by clearly opposing the Argents and using Allison as an excuse?
What if seeing them compete together Melissa, clever woman, understood that there was actually something between the two of them and connected the dots and guessed why Chris had left her and now felt like the mother of two hormonal teenagers (again)?
And what if, even though she didn't like Peter very much, she was sorry that the wolf seemed to reject Chirs and tried to console the hunter by agreeing with him and supporting him?
Some visual evidence:
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mindofmim · 2 years ago
Petopher (peter hale/chris argent)
Do I Ship It?
Yes!! 100% It's one of my top four Teen Wolf Ships
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I love the whole star crossed murder husband's vibe they have. How they overcome the I'm a hunter your a werewolf, and would kill for each other. But would also help the other kill or hide a kill. But I love when they are soft and being all dad to the pack.
What made you ship it?
Most of my introduction to shipping and shipping comes from fanfiction and gifs sets. I struggle to see things in the media myself. In particular tho, I think I was introduced to this ship through a fic (I can't find right now) Where they were a background ship (something about a siren I think). But your fics are my go tos for Petopher (not your average mid day swim is the first petopher taged bookmark I have)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't know if I have one...
Thanks for the ask!
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spikedluv · 2 years ago
Fic: the family you choose (Teen Wolf; Peter/Chris; PG13)
the family you choose (11295 words) by Spikedluv Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chris Argent/Peter Hale Characters: Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Abigail Argent (OC) Additional Tags: Appearance by Stiles Stilinski, Appearance by Eli Stilinski-Hale, Appearance by Sheriff John Stilinski, Appearance by Gerard Argent, Cameo by Derek Hale, Cameo by Talia Hale, background Derek/Stiles, Meet-Cute, Kid Fic, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - No Werewolves, Alternate Universe - No Hale Fire (Teen Wolf) Summary:
Chris Argent and his granddaughter Abigail run into Peter Hale at the coffee shop after they move to Beacon Hills. The two men become friends with the possibility of more. Things become awkward when Peter realizes that Chris is Gerard Argent's son, because he and Sheriff John Stilinski have been trying to find enough evidence to put Gerard in jail for years. But that doesn't stop the two from going on some dates. And it turns out that Chris has his own issues with Gerard; he thinks that Gerard had something to do with Allison's death and now Gerard has set his sights on Abigail. Chris is determined that Gerard won't get his hands on her, but knows that Gerard won't let the law get in the way of taking what he wants. Luckily Chris has Peter (and the entire Hale-Stilinski families) on his side.
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bloodyboi · 4 months ago
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nightingaleofthemoonlight · 3 months ago
Made a collage about my comfort ship from TeenWolf which is .... Petopher ( Chris Argent x Peter Hale)
I love it 🥹
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loganwritesprobably · 1 year ago
Little Lion Man - Teen Wolf Fanfic
Inspired by the song Little Lion Man
Chris and Peter are engaged to be married, and they've had a petty argument. Less than that, even. But nothing can ever go right for Peter Hale.
"But it was not your fault, but mine, and it was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?"
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 1 year ago
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Rp Partner Search
Searching for a rp partner for the ships Stargent and Petopher!
I am not getting rid of my current partners cause I love them so much just looking to explore these ships!
Searching for someone 21+ literate. Has to be ok with rping NSFW, hurt, angst, drama.
In Stargent I will play Stiles and Petopher I will play Peter so looking for someone who will play lovely Daddy Argent! He’s just so pretty and ugh I love him.
I’m open to canon as well as AUs. I want to find someone I can create a friendship with where we can throw ideas off of each other and create Pinterest boards and send pictures and TikTok’s to and just fangirl and squeal and cry over our babies.
If you are interested please comment on this post, DM me on here, or message me on discord at the.Cheshire.collective
I rp on discord so I can create a specific server for us so we have our own space 🖤
If you want to RP and just like this post I’m an awkward turtle 🐢 and don’t know if you actually want to RP or just like the post 😅 so please send me a message if you’re interested or comment. Cause I would feel super awkward messaging people if they just liked the post.
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bethsvrse · 1 year ago
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northernbluetongue · 1 year ago
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