#peter rabbit record book
yourcoffeeguru · 4 months
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THE WORLD OF PETER RABBIT AND FRIENDS Beatrix Potter 3 VHS Tape Set Movies 1993
Peter Rabbit BABY Record Book Baby's SPECIAL First Year Memories
SWtradepost - eBay
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little-kotenok · 2 months
if u dont mind could i request either a wallter/pest regress thing? either like those outfits or hc things you do.. if you dont do it either way i still love your agere stuff, thank u very much for feeding the regretevator agere community
i'm in the mood for writing AND board making soooo u get both ! i saw you had some regressor wallter posts so i made this based off of personal interpretation and your headcanons ^_^
tried a new kind of moodboard look , hope you like it ! ! !
headcanons under the cut :3
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regressor wallter headcanons !
he's a very calm baby... he loves to read, play piano, journal, and curl up in soft fluffy blankets for a nice nap.
he has a music box he likes to have going in the background! it helps him relax. he also has a record player and likes when the vinyl crackles, it makes him sleepy.
he loves to read! he has picture and chapter books stored in a specific section of his home library for easy access! his favorite books are peter rabbit, goodnight moon, and the very hungry caterpillar.
he doesn't have many toys. he doesnt like toys that make a lot of noise so he just has a couple stuffies, but they mean the world to him. he'll sit them around him and read to them!
he likes to watch nature documentaries, especially about owls! he is also a frequent visitor to those bird nest livestreams.
favorite drinks are tea and warm milk!
he regresses a lot more around wintertime. the soft flurries that blow past his window and the unique way it piles around the landscape makes him so nostalgic. he'll sit by a window all wrapped up in his favorite blue blankie for hours at a time just watching the snow fall, trying to count every flake.
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2-guns-b1tch · 1 month
Talk To Me
Arkham! Riddler x FemaleReader
+18 Minors DNI!!!!
After 10 months I'm finally done with this chapter ! Sorry to leave everybody waiting, but I was having trouble writing this chapter, but it's finally here. Hope you guys enjoy it!
"What about this one?" Harley asks, taking the book off the shelf and showing it to you.
"I've read that one, but I didn't like it that much. Too many of sex scenes."
Harley rolls her eyes, huffing a laugh. "What did you expect? It's a Smut book!"
You shrug as you continue to scan over the books in the romance section. "I know, but there was no character development. And I was getting tired of reading about how the main guy had a huge cock and how wet the romantic interest was all the time.”
Harley returns the book back the shelf, shaking her head at you. "You're the only person I know who reads an erotic book waiting for plot."
Since it was your day off, you had decided to run some errands and, luckily, Harley had agreed to come with you. Going through your to do list could be boring sometimes, but Harley always managed to make things more fun. Plus, a little help never hurt anyone.
It was a particularly cold day in Gotham. Although it had rained earlier, the clouds were still dark and heavy with water, the wind howling through the busy streets. At least the bookstore you and Harley were in was warm. The smell of new books accompanied by the scent of freshly made coffe from the café on the back created a cozy atmosphere that made you want to stay a little bit more.
"Still on the topic of erotica,” She raises her eyebrows in a sugestive way. “How’s your romantic life going? Any lucky guys caught your eye?" Harley says while looking at the cover of a book with a shirtless muscular man holding a woman in his arms.
"I've been so busy with everything lately. I hardly have time for myself, let alone a relationship. But what about you? Are you seeing someone?"
"Well..." Harley bites her lower lip as she wraps a lock hair around her finger. "There's this guy I met."
You turn your full attention to her, smiling excitedly. "Tell me everything! How long have you been talking? Does he work at Arkham too? Do I know him?"
"Okay, calm down!" she giggles, looking around as a light blush covers her cheeks. "I met him at Arkham and we've been talking for the last few months. He's pretty funny."
"And what's his name?"
"His name is... Jack. You don't know him." She quickly turns back to a pile of books."What are we looking for again?"
"Edward finished the puzzle book I gave him, so he asked me to bring Frankenstein this time."
Harley laughs. "Okay, we're definitely not going to find that here. Let's look in the Horror section."
The two of you head deeper into the bookstore, the old wooden floor creaking beneath your feet. You loved being surrounded by books, so many amazing stories just waiting to be discovered. You remembered your childhood, how easy it was to get lost in words, every turn of page made the world a less scary place, your problems fading for just a few moments. You used to imagine yourself as one of Peter Pan's lost boys, or Alice falling down the rabbit hole to her Wonderland. Anything that distanced you from your own troubled reality.
You find the Horror section and you start browsing over the columns of the books in search of Frankenstein while Harley walked aimlessly between the shelves, looking for nothing in particular.
"Has the Joker ever asked you to bring him something?" The words left your mouth before you realise. You didn’t want to ruin the mood talking about work, and besides, Joker was Harley’s patient, not yours.
"Not really. He knows I'm not allowed to take anything into the maximum security ward."
It made sense. As much as Edward didn't have a clean record, he definitely wasn't as unhinged as the Joker. So he was allowed to interact with other patients and his cell wasn't as protected. Just the thought of being in the presence of the Joker makes you feel a shiver run down your spine.
Dracula. Carmilla. Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. You skim over the titles in the row of books arranged side by side. You've never been much of a fan of the horror genre. Gotham was dangerous enough and you didn't need any more paranoia in the middle of the night. Was that why Edward wanted a book like that? To some people he was like one of the monsters in those stories. Maybe he just wanted to see himself in a story where one of the characters wasn't so different from him, even if they were the villain.
You finally find what you were looking for. You pull the book, running your fingers over the dark green velvet cover. This edition looked older, having only the title and the author's name written in gold letters on the front. Edward would definitely like this one.
"You won't believe what I found." Harley's voice comes from behind you, pulling you from your thoughts. She’s holding a small book, a smile stretching her lips. "It's a joke book!"
Harley flips through the pages until she stops at something she likes. "A book just fell on my head... I only have my shelf to blame." She reads aloud.
"Oh, my God. That was horrible!" You cover your mouth, but it's impossible to hide the laughter that escapes you.
“That’s a good one. I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.”
"We're not going buy this one." You say, heading towards the cashier.
"Oh, we totally will." Harley speaks, following you.
You and Harley finish buying the books, and when you open the door to leave the bookstore, a gust of wind hits you. The clouds that were silent just a few minutes ago are now alive. A loud thunder crashing over the city noise.
You hesitate at the door, unsure whether you should risk venturing into this weather or wait for the threat of rain to pass. Before you can say anything, Harley pulls you by the hand, guiding you down the street. Halfway through, drops of water begin to fall from the sky. At first it's just a thin drizzle, but little by little the rain starts turning thick.
But you can't even get mad at Harley. While other people are trying to protect themselves from the rain, Harley jumps into the puddles of water in an almost childish way, not seeming to care that the two of you were soaking wet. She throws her head back in an laugh and you can't suppress the smile that forms on your lips.
At that point you decide not to worry about getting a cold or how your clothes would take hours to dry. Instead, you allow Harley's warm to pass through you. You just keep the book under your coat so you don't get it wet and let Harley guide you.
When you finally arrive in the therapy room, Edward is already there. You catch him hunched over the table with tensed shoulders for just a second before he snaps his head towards you and fix his posture.
"Good morning, Edward." You say as you walk around the table, sitting in your usual spot opposite him.
Edward watches you in silence as you grab your purse and take out your things to start the session.
"You're late." He notices, his voice quiet.
You check the clock on the wall. "For only 5 minutes."
"It still means you're late."
It’s not unusual for patients to be attached to a specific routine. This brings stability and security to them, so making even the smallest change in the pattern can easily bother them. But you expected a tic related to time would be Tetch’s thing, not Edward’s.
You smile apologetically. "The asylum is big and it takes me a while to walk here. But you're right, I'm late. I'm sorry."
You wait patiently for Edward to say something sarcastic or some comment about how important and smart he is to wait for people like you. But he just nods weakly, keeping his eyes on his lap.
You tap your pen a few times against your clipboard, trying to break the foreign silence that filled the room.
"Is everything okay? You're strangely quiet today."
Edward scoffs a laugh. "At least you're smart enough to appreciate what I have to say. Most people would rather I shut up."
"I always want to hear what you have to say. That's why I'm here."
Edward squeezes his lips into a thin line, looking disturbed by something. His eyes travel across the room for a moment before landing on you again. He swallows hard a few times, a light sheen of sweat forming on his forehead.
"I... I've got something for you." He babbles, the words coming out choked. "It's a... well, I- Oh dammit."
He lets out a frustrated sigh before putting something down on the table and retreating back to his chair.
The object Edward left on the metal surface of the table wasn’t some kind of riddle or puzzle. It was actually a small sculpture of a cat in a sitting pose that fitted in the palm of your hand. You pick it up, realizing that Edward must have made it from a bar of soap. Your fingers caress the delicate details, the small nose, it’s pointed ears, the tail that wrapped around it’s body.
"The details may not be entirely accurate, since I don’t know the exactly appearance of your cat and I didn't have the necessary materials and-" Edward starts chattering but you interrupt him.
"Is this Meg? I loved it!" You hold the sculpture firmly between your fingers, placing it against your chest. "It's perfect."
"You... Loved it?" Edward clears his throat, adjusting his posture. "Well, of course you did. I couldn't have expected any other reaction. I did an excellent job, even with the inadequate materials." A pink flush appears on his cheeks, spreading across his face and up his ears.
"Is this some kind of apology because of our last session?"
Edward adjusts his glasses over his nose. "You could say that my behavior was not entirely appropriate. I may have been a little rude. But don’t think this is an apology, I’m not nice."
"But where did you find the tools to do something like this? You're not allowed to be near sharp objects." You remember him.
"My abilities know no bounds, Doctor. Nothing can stop a brilliant mind like mine," after a second he adds. "I used a spoon."
A smile spreads across your face as you imagine Edward with his tongue tucked in between his lips, his brow furrowed in concentration as he methodically carved out the details in a piece of soap.
"Since we're exchanging gifts, I have something for you, too." You pull Frankstein's copy out of your bag, pushing it towards Edward.
"You remembered..." He comments as he strokes the velvety cover of the book, looking surprised.
"Of course I did. Did you think I would forget?"
"It’s not that. I just thought that because of the last session you might be... upset." Edward looks almost embarrassed, but it's still too early to know for sure if he actually feels any kind of remorse. One step at a time.
"I forgive you, Edward. Even if this is not an apology. I may have been a little harsh too, but now we're even."
You smile at Edward and for a second he surprises you with a soft smile of his own. It's not like the smirk he usually has on his face or the kind he reserves for his cruel comments. This time it's sincere. You think it suits him.
"Very well," you continue, checking your notes quickly. "Today I would like to talk about-"
This time, it's Edward who cuts you off with a groan. It looks like things are back to normal.
"This is so boring, can we talk about something else? I feel like my neurons are dying every day I spend in here." Edward complains, resting his chin on his cuffed hands. "Anything would be a more interesting mental stimulation."
"Do you think I'm going to change the session just because you gave me a gift?"
"Maybe?" He grins, his lips stretching like the Cheshire Cat.
You decide to give in this time, since Edward was in such a good mood. You place your notes on the table and lean against the chair.
"Well, what do you want to talk about?" You ask, placing your hands on your lap.
"Let me see..." Edward taps his chin a couple of times before speaking again "How's the weather?"
You huff a laugh. "Weather, really? Do you find this a more interesting mental stimulation?"
"You can see how desperate I am, can't you?" his foot nugdes yours under the table and you jump lightly, surprised by the unexpected contact. "Come on, tell me. I stay all day inside this building, I hardly see the sky."
"Well, it's been raining a lot these last few weeks. You know, the sewer system doesn't work so the streets are all flooded."
He sighs. "Gotham never changes. How about the renovation of Bleake Island's main avenue? Before I came here, they were still trying to finish it."
"Still going. Takes me even more time to get here because of it. They stopped because of a funding problem or something."
"At least I know that our dear mayor will never fail to let us down. And they still say I'm the villain." Edward gestures in an exaggerated manner, drawing a small chuckle from you.
"What do you miss most from outside?" That wasn't one of your prepared questions, but you've always wondered what it was like to be stuck in Arkham.
"I miss food. Real food. I've been dreaming of that Italian place on 19th Street." He leans back against his chair, an dreamy expression on his face. "And music, too. I'd kill for a radio in here."
In these last few weeks you had seen Edward bored, grumpy and even angry. But now he seemed relaxed, almost content to be talking to you. This sudden change in mood makes a strange feeling pass through you.
You clear your throat, straightening your back.
"What are you trying to do here, Edward?"
His smile dies a little and he tilts his head slightly. "What do you mean?"
“As far as I know, you hate our sessions and suddenly you just want to talk to me? What has changed?"
"Can’t we just have a good old-fashioned conversation? I'm known for my intelligence, but believe me when I say I can also be charming when I want to."
"I don't know if I buy it." You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at him.
Edward clicks his tongue, rolling his eyes at you. "All right. It may come as a surprise, but in this building full of imbeciles and lunatics, you are one of the few people that I’m able to have a normal conversation with. You should be proud, Doctor. Not many have this honor."
The look of surprise on your face must be apparent, since Edward snorts a laught at you, shaking his head gently. Maybe it was too early to believe that Edward trusted you, but at least he seemed to be starting to warm up to you. And in your book that was considered a victory.
The door of your apartment closes behind you with a small click. You go through your usual routine, first locking all the locks on your door, then taking off your coat and finally greeting Meg with a pat behind her ears.
The answering machine warns you that you have seven new messages, but this time you decide to delete them without listening. You were in a good mood and didn't feel like having your day ruined again because of a wrong message. Whatever it was, it could wait.
Meg follows you on the way to your room and you need to be careful not to trip over her as she snuggle against your legs. A sigh leaves your lips when your sinks in your comfy matress, allowing the stresses of the day to leave your shoulders. You decide to make a new entry on your recorder, it's been a while since you've done that.
"Fourth session with patient Edward Nygma. Ed showed a great evolution today," you say as you rummage inside your bag. "He exhibited violent behavior on our last session, but Ed seemed to feel guilty as we talked about it. He was also willing to engage in a normal conversation with me and even seemed to be interested in what I had to say. Maybe this is a form of manipulation, but I like to believe Edward is improving in his treatment."
You take the little cat statue out of your purse, placing it on your bedside table. You pet it carefully, almost as if it was a real cat. When you started talking again, a smile came across your face.
"We exchanged gifts today. I brought the book he asked me and he made a cat sculpture inspired by Meg. It's lovely. I wonder what Edward could do if he had the right materials and tools. His manual skills are... fantastic."
You find yourself remembering how nervous Edward was earlier. The soft pink flush on his cheeks, going all the way up his ears. His gentle smile. Meg's meows knock you out of your thoughts and you realize you've been staring at the cat sculpture for too long. You decide to end the recording and getting up to prepare your and Meg's dinner.
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sconesfortea · 11 months
A look at the S2 title sequence:
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Crowley lights a match "Let there be light"
As with the first season, all (nearly all?) the faces of these figures are made up for David & Michael's faces
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Gabriel & his box
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We see Job's goats, his children's house, the permit, & crows with goat legs
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In the graveyard we see a tomb with 'Archer' on it, graves with 'Everyday', 'Peter Paintball', 'Jane Austen', 'Left early to avoid the rush', 'Here lies the former shell of Beelzebub', & 'Here lies Adam "I do not understand surely your very existence requires the ending of the world" '
In the last image from the graveyard you can see the blue lizard in the parade
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Gabriel's box can be seen again behind the cross on the left
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In hell we see the n**i eating spider, desks & office chairs, a pentagram, unicorn (?) skulls, a guillotine & buildings in the background
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In the bombed out London streets we see a gents toilet sign, an tube sign, a double decker bus with 'Wings For Victory' on the side, a 30 mph speed limit sign & a poster for 'Stairway to Heaven'
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In The Windmill theatre we can see the turnip in the background. It's raining rabbits & there is a large bronze rabbit on its side on the ground
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The backs of the seats have plaques with book titles on, they are: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Crow Road by Iain Banks, & Good Omens by Terry Pratchett. All of these books appear in Aziraphale's shop, being organised by Jim. There is also another bronze rabbit sitting in a seat & a green hat hanging on The Crow Road seat, this is the book we see Muriel reading in ep 6
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We see another bronze rabbit, this time in a spacesuit, as Aziraphale & Crowley dance around each other
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This is possibly Alpha Centauri between Crowley & Aziraphale, slightly closer to Crowley
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'Thy Kingdom Airways' and tartan grass
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Piles of records surround the coffee shop & jukebox, as it rains hearts that smash on impact with the ground. Some of the records have things visible on them but I can't make them out
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We see the parade pass lifts, with angels descending from heaven
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Leading the parade is Saraqael, followed closely by a dark figure carrying a giant coffee cup on their back. idk about the coffee theory but there's no denying that coffee cup [Edit: the coffee cup appears at least 3 times, only from modern times on though]
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Each episode the marquee and posters on the cinema change to match the episode title. The cinema is called 'The Parousia', parousia refers to the second coming
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Inside the cinema there is a duck playing the accordion (or possibly half duck/half accordion hybrid idk) under the seats, on the left. [ETA: as @straphangerr has pointed out this is a reference to Mr Brown's newspaper that's on the back of his clipboard throughout the series] There is also a duck headed figure in one of the booths in the wall. Above which there seems to be a Crowley/Aziraphale couple kissing (maybe?)
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Again we get a different screen for each episode here
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The ship below them here says 'P.A. Resurrectionist' on it. It is the same ship sticking out of the "mountain" as the title comes up
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All through the titles we see the parade carrying flags & banners
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
I was just going back through some Wonderful Wonder World/Alice in the Country of Hearts/Heart no Kuni no Alice stuff and I wanted to make a little post in case there’s anyone out there who doesn’t speak Japanese and is looking to get into the series with just what’s available in English but doesn’t really know where to start. This is going to be kind of an overview of what order I personally would go in with everything I’ve seen in English based on what’s good, what makes sense, and what flows well.
First off, I would strongly suggest skipping the base, main manga that’s just called “Alice in the Country of Hearts.” It’s the one that you’ve probably seen either in like a dozen small volumes or three really big ones and the thing about it is that it’s pretty long but it isn’t good and anyone who is at all familiar with the Japanese version can tell you how badly they butchered Blood’s character, which really matters since he’s the main love interest in this one. He was frankly infuriating to read and I hated him and the story and everyone I’ve seen talk about this subseries of the Alice manga agrees with me.
The other thing I would suggest is not watching the movie they put out because it’s honestly really confusing. Where I think they didn’t go in the best direction they could’ve and they really didn’t make a movie that’s watchable or at all understandable to people who don’t really know the series is that they conflated the different sequels and stuff and kind of jumped right into the Country of Joker. The other thing about it is that the pacing and the way they jump between scenes and how they go from flashbacks and dreams to the actual, current action is very confusing because there aren’t stark enough boundaries between those so you easily lose track of if you’re in a flashback or a dream or not. It might be on purpose because they thought it was a stylistic choice that would emulate the strange, confusing nature of the world, but it just makes for a confusing movie that’s really hard to follow, especially for anyone new to the series.
With that out of the way, this is the order I would read all the manga in. This is all manga that I’ve been able to either purchase in English or find translated online (Country of Clocks is amazing and @vocaotome has a wonderful, very extensive list of English translations of the Alice series stuff, if you want to go looking for any of it.)
Start with White Rabbit and Some Afternoon Tea. For the record, every Alice manga starts with a recap of her going down the rabbit hole and coming to Wonderland, so you get the background information no matter what you start with, but this one has the most about Alice outside of Wonderland aside from the main base series. Also, Peter makes for a very logical choice for a first love interest and this story in particular does a good job of really introducing the reader to the Country of Hearts and the characters and the worldbuilding and everything. This is also one I was able to get from Country of Clocks online.
Next for me would be Mad Hatter’s Late Night Tea Party. This one’s optional since I had to buy it and you can’t find it anywhere online, but I actually really liked it, which I wasn’t expecting given how much I hated the Alice in the Country of Hearts books that were also centered on Blood. However, while it is still through that same company that did that other horrid translation, I really think this version of Blood is infinitely better and makes for a great follow-up to that first introduction of White Rabbit. You also get some important plot and worldbuilding stuff with this one, which is why I have it listed second.
My Fanatic Rabbit. Like the previous one, this one is also two volumes but it’s about Elliot instead of Blood, which is honestly why I think it makes for a nice segue from a Blood-centered story, since it’s more of the Hatters. This also does get a bit more into Elliot and Blood’s backstory stuff and gives some more information there.
The Clockmaker’s Story and Love Labyrinth of Thorns. I can’t remember if these are online or not since I did buy them, but I personally really like and recommend them. Both are about Julius, and I think it makes sense to save them for last in the Country of Hearts stuff because, by now, you’ve seen Blood and Elliot and their perspectives on his character and all this stuff about him, which sets it up rather nicely. They’re both standalone, single books and I’m honestly not sure if it matters what order you read them in.
Moving onto the first sequel and the Country of Clover, definitely start Clover with Cheshire Cat Waltz since that is definitely the default and, unlike Alice in the Country of Hearts, it’s actually really good and I think it does a good job of introducing the new country and new characters. It focuses on Boris, so while Alice is reeling from suddenly landing in a new country and at first seeming to not have any of the people there with her from the Country of Hearts whom she’d gotten close to by then, he then comes in to be a familiar face and reassuring presence for her. It makes for a good dynamic and I think it helps with the introduction of all this new stuff while accurately dealing with and showing her emotions around it. You actually probably could find these at a library, too, since they’re really mainstream and did get widely published and everything.
Next up I think I’d do the ones with Ace, Knight of Hearts and Knight’s Knowledge. Similar in concept to the Boris stuff, he’s another familiar face in a new, unfamiliar place and they’re kinda just fun and short and, because it’s Ace, also pretty chaotic.
Definitely Black Lizard, Bitter Taste. This is also just my personal favorite of all the Alice manga and I love it SO MUCH. Alas, they never published an English translation so you can only find it online, but it’s sooooo good. This one is about Gray and does a lot more with the new characters from this country. 
The Lizard Aide, maybe. Super optional, I know I never really liked Job’s art all that much and it is just a little oneshot so I leave that up to you, but it’s also about Gray so I’d put it after the other one.
Nightmare. Keep in mind, this is the little standalone from Clover, not The Nightmare Trilogy from Joker. Tbh this one, in my opinion, has the best of the art I’ve seen from Job and it’s kinda fun. The other thing you need to know about Job though is that they write their stuff differently than the other manga people do, so where a lot of the other manga reads like it’s all supposed to be part of this same collection of manga that’s kind of standing in for the absence of the game, Job’s stuff reads a lot more like it’s supplementary to the game. It still makes sense and it still can be fun, but it definitely has a different vibe to it and I think that’s the most accurate way to put it. This becomes especially clear in the aforementioned trilogy in Joker which I will get into later. Oh, last thing is that I thiiiink you can find this online but I seem to remember it’s pretty difficult to find, so you might have to hunt a bit, same with The Lizard Aide.
March Hare and March Hare’s Revolution. These are both really cute little standalones that focus on Elliot and I honestly like them a lot more than My Fanatic Rabbit from the Country of Hearts stuff, even though I do also like those.
Bloody Twins and Twin Lovers are definitely optional. I personally don’t like them, they frankly make me uncomfortable but, if you want to read them, I would do them probably after Elliot but you could do them before if you prefer.
Moving onto Joker, there’s only two things so definitely start with Circus and Liars’ Game because that’s all the main plot you’re going to get. Then, if you want to read The Nightmare Trilogy, go back in with that, and frame it in your mind as like if you were going to read some oneshot fanfic about Nightmare and the Country of Joker, because that’s definitely how it reads. Unlike all the others, this really doesn’t stand on its own and each of the three books are their own separate thing that don’t go together in one cohesive narrative. It’s honestly kind of weird and some of the things they decided to do in the story kind of annoyed me (like flagrantly throwing around and wasting massive McGuffins with enormous potential) but overall it is fun in the way that fanfic can be.
Love, Storms, and Flower Clocks. This is a good introduction to the crazy storm and the Twin World stuff and the mad eggs because it’s still mainly just about Alice living her normal life and, in this one, being with Julius, but while you have those familiar elements, this other stuff is then introduced as well.
Eggs of Love Come Rolling Down. This one is online only for English, and it’s just really about Humpty and Dumpty. This really should be read after the previous one I listed because it just jumps right into the mad eggs and everything and at least if you read the other one first you’ll have some concept of what’s going on.
Very optional Dia no Kuni fanbook stuff, and if you do decide that you want to start poking into that mirror world stuff, I would dredge up and look at as much as you possibly can because there’s so little of it that you really need all you can get just to understand the concept of it and what’s going on.
That brings me to my next point, which is that even though you can only get the fan translation of the first game in English, @vocaotome has detailed English summaries of a lot of the routes from all the games (except Spade) so you can kind of read through the routes and get the plot even if you can’t play the games. That being said, I have not done so myself but you absolutely can download and play Anniversary no Kuni in English on your computer if you want to do that as well. So anyway, hope this helps!
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scribbles504 · 2 months
I need to respond to something to set the record straight real quick. I lost the original post, but it was the one that was talking about cute, clothes-wearing, animals from children’s books and whether or not they’re pro-monarchy.
Peter Rabbit would not worship the monarch. He’s a devious little carrot thief. He’d bow to the monarch’s face and then turn around and steal all the carrots from their garden.
Did we even read the same books?
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I’ve had Cabin Pressure saved on my phone for fucking ages by now. I downloaded it back in early July, I think. I had the idea that I had gone through most of my list of things to watch/listen to, and I wanted some new long-running audio thing. I asked people what they thought I should pick, and had multiple recommendations for this show Cabin Pressure, which is not long-running, people just said it’s good and only 13 hours so I should do that first. I didn’t know much about it, I knew that John Finnemore is one of those guys who was Footlights and Radio 4 so probably does the kind of vaguely pretentious humour that I like, so I downloaded it and figured that once I finish everything else on the list, I’ll quickly do the 13 hours of Cabin Pressure before starting some new long-running thing.
…That was months ago. It’s now mid-November, because I kept getting recommended other things. I did a Lee & Herring rabbit hole, followed by going through a whole bunch of Stewart Lee things that I didn’t get to last year when I just did his TV shows + DVDs. A similar thing with Josie Long, when I got my ahdns on a bunch of her stuff that went beyond her recorded shows that I heard/watched last year. There was a bunch of Robin Ince stuff and Michael Legge stuff. There were lots of recordings from the 2023 Edinburgh Festival throughout August. Then there was Alan Partridge, I listened to From the Oasthouse and liked it so much that I had to listen to all three of his audiobooks before I could move on from that. Turns out I missed out on a lot by only doing the TV/radio things + movie on the first go of that stuff years ago, the books and podcasts are better.
There have been other things too. I kept finding more stuff, to add to my “Comedy --> New” working folder on my phone, with the folder labeled “Cabin Pressure” always there at the top, never touched. But this week, I finally finished everything else in that folder, and all the episodes on my podcast app and in my Downloads folder on my laptop, and opened up this new thing.
I realized I’d been expected it to be a show about people trapped in an airplane after a crash or something – some sort of horror scenario like that. So I was surprised to learn it’s just a sitcom about airline pilots flying planes, and I had to retrace my steps to work out where I got my expectation. I think it came from the fact that the only thing I’ve seen John Finnemore do was be the guy who flew the escape pod in Avenue 5, so I guess I just assumed anything he does with flying is a dystopia.
I’m now two episodes in, and it’s not a dystopian nightmare. It’s Butternut Cabbagepatch and Peter Manion from The Thick of It being sarcastic at each other, and it’s great. It makes me almost nostalgic, the way it so perfectly captures the essence of the Radio 4 sitcom, of the sort that my dad used to often play in the car when I was a kid. Biting, sarcastic characters all talking with perfect diction and dry wit being sardonically annoyed about things. A bit like The Department too (which is another example of how I think this the exact type of slightly pretentious humour that you get when you combine Footlights with Radio 4). I love that shit.
Unfortunately, however, I’ve been sidetracked again. I’ve heard a few things of Nish Kumar’s recent stand-up, some of which can be seen in a post that’s been going around Tumblr, where he thanks Russell Brand for never making anything of value that is now ruined by the recent news. I think the version that got filmed actually didn’t mention Arthur, but in some other versions, he has said he specifically appreciates that the Arthur remake was shit so it’s not like anyone’s out there saying “Oh no, I can’t watch the Arthur remake anymore.” I hope the fact that he didn’t mention it on NextUp doesn’t mean he’s cut that line entirely, because I think it’s a good example.
I haven’t seen the Arthur remake. But I have seen Arthur, several times, when I was quite young. To be honest I don’t remember a lot about it, except that it had a main character who was kind of a dick, with a dry-witted sarcastic butler who at one point said “I’ll alert the media” when Arthur said he was going to take a bath. I remember that part because it became a running joke in my family for years and years. It still is, actually. Ever since I was a kid, my family will say “I’ll alert the media” to each other as a way to sarcastically suggest that whatever they’re doing isn’t that important.
When I was a teenager, I used to write a parody newspaper that would publish an edition during every family reunion, because that’s the type of annoying teenager I was (I say, as though I don’t now have a blog for writing similarly annoying things). I remember that one time, at such a gathering, my father told me he was going to take a bath. “I’ll alert the media!” I said, very pleased to have had an excuse to use that reference in its original context. As soon as I said it, I realized I was the media, and considered myself alerted. So I wrote an article in the family newspaper called “Your Very Local News – What Is Going on in Your Bathroom Right Now” about how my father was taking a bath, and the whole thing was a joke about how the media has to be alerted when people take baths, and it was a reference to a movie that no one in the family besides my parents/brother and I had seen. I was about to write that that’s the sort of annoying teenager I used to be, but actually, I stand by that, I think it was hilarious.
Anyway. I haven’t actually seen that movie since I was young. I remember so little about it. I know it stars Dudley Moore. I remember my dad first got me interested in it by telling me it stars one of the Beyond the Fringe guys, since I loved the Beyond the Fringe CD that he used to play in the car a lot (when he wasn’t playing mildly pretentious Radio 4 sitcoms, or his Goon Show tapes – you can see how my childhood influenced my current interests). I remember finding it very funny.
So, when I heard Nish Kumar fairly recently mention the Arthur remake (for anyone who doesn’t know, the original movie is from 1981, while in 2011 Russell Brand starred in a remake, I have never seen that remake and have no desire to do so), it made me think I should re-watch that original movie. Then I listened to two episodes of Cabin Pressure, where one of the main characters is named Arthur, and every time they say his name it makes me think I should watch Arthur.
So the upshot is that I have downloaded the (original) Arthur movie and I’m going to watch that. But I will get back to Cabin Pressure soon! That show is definitely going in the folder of Britcom that I’ll give my dad for Christmas this year, as I’ve spent the last few years repaying him for raising me on this stuff by giving him back a stream of more comedy than he could ever watch or hear (don’t worry, I’ll get him a proper gift too). I am, to be honest, surprising myself a bit by how much I’m enjoying it.
In the meantime, though, I’ll let you all know if the Arthur movie is any good now that I’m over the age of about ten. Some things I enjoyed when I was ten have really held up, and some very much have not.
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hypnoticwinter · 2 years
I just finished reading Down the Rabbit Hole. You are very obviously a talented writer, so it really confuses me as to why you included so much sex in the story. It feels kind of smutty and cheap.
This is something I see people talking about pretty frequently in regards to Down the Rabbit Hole but nobody's ever actually came out and asked me about it before.
There are several reasons there's so much sex in Rabbit Hole. There's a character reason, a theme reason, and a genre reason. The character reason is that Roan thinks that she's going to die and she's self-medicating with as much carnal pleasure as she can think of before she croaks. First there's the chain-smoking, and then there's Elena, and if she had never gone to Gumption she probably would have moved on to binge eating at some point. This isn't really even a conscious thing on her part, she'd probably attribute it to nervousness or something similar, but on a subconscious level she's trying to comfort herself in the most immediate way she knows how.
The theme reason is that the story is basically about Roan regaining control of her life. At the start of the story she feels like she's totally powerless - first the diagnosis, the news that Thor did this to her and so on, then the chainsmoking that she slips into without really consciously meaning to, and so on. For the entire first half of the book, she's really more of a spectator in her own life, and the only choices she's making are insane overreactions, the results of her scrambling to try and regain some balance. I mean, really? She just happens to be allergic to HIV medication, so her first choice, rather than going to her doctor or doing research, is to assume that she's a dead woman walking and bet everything on some miracle Pit juice that she's only just heard of? She's stressed out of her mind and not thinking clearly, and making very poor choices.
She continues like this for the entire first half. Roan doesn't really become a character in her own story until Makado gives her a chance to go into the Pit, and then she meets Elena and she starts realizing that maybe she actually wants to live. It's not a mistake that most of the sex happens in the second half of the book, since Roan starts slowly realizing that she's not completely irredeemable and so on. Their relationship and the way that it grows mirror's Roan's relationship with her own life, and she ends up making actual choices and becoming an active player in her destiny rather than letting everybody else around her lead her around by the nose. I'm sure you can see how the sex comes in there; Roan is very passive to begin with but as time goes on and she learns more about Elena, she's more active.
Are there ways to tell that same story without including any sex scenes? Sure, absolutely. But humans are sexual creatures and completely ignoring a character's sexuality when you're writing is a good way to create a character that doesn't feel entirely human.
Finally, the genre reason is that this story is supposed to feel like a book by Michael Crichton or Stephen King, or maybe even Clive Cussler, and as such there's a certain level of seediness I wanted to aim for. It's why Peter and Makado make out on the fourth of July in the first flashback sequence, because of course they do. And you, the reader, are supposed to roll your eyes at this and go 'of course they do' and keep reading anyway because you're reading the literary equivalent of junk food and it kind of comes with the territory.
Now, to be fair, I did kind of drop the ball in this regard because by the second half of the book, it's more literary fiction than it is genre fiction, but I'm still happy with it.
I hope that answers your question. And for the record, I think the sex scenes in this book are on the tame side. I don't think you can call them smutty unless you're talking about the volume of sex scenes, which is...four? Five? In the whole book? That's like, one sex scene per 50,000 words.
I hope that answers your question.
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
Bold all that apply to your muse as a child. (In modern verse if you write a historical or fantasy character.)
FUTURE JOB  - ninja, pirate, vet, actor, astronaut, cooker, builder, knight, indiana jones, wizard, a parent, barbie, action man, writer, prince or princess, hero, villain, teacher, doctor, nurse, army man, rapper, singer, dancer, youtuber, twitch streamer, zookeeper, gardener, sailor, fisherman, carpenter, monarch, pilot.
FEARS  -  thunderstorms, strangers, space, abandonment, the dark, clowns, loud noises, dogs, spiders, masks, puppets, boys, girls, cooties, bugs, big objects, water, hell, being told off, police, new places, bullies, being wrong, ghosts.
PAINT YOUR  BEDROOM  -  pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, purple, neons, pastels, beige, mismatched multicolour, dark blue, wall mural, black, grey, white.
DECORATE YOUR BEDROOM  -  posters torn carefully cut from magazines, maps of fictional lands, books, cassettes or cds, lavalamp, minifridge, your very own tv, games console, teddies, pirate ship, floor length mirror, fairylights, funko dolls, vhs or dvds, dinosaurs, beanbags, animals, framed posters, stickers, pokemon, princesses, glow in the dark stars, corkboard full of photos, awards, your own art, disney princesses, marvel heroes, ben 10 theme, cartoon network show theme, animes, space theme, fantasy theme.
TOYBOX  - barbie, ken, action man, my first science kit, csi lab kit, tamagotchi, cuddly teddy, pirate ship, horse, lego, furby, easybake oven, archeology kit, pokemon cards, beyblades, disney princesses, baby doll, sword, gun, crown, recorder, spy gear, slinky, beanie babies, colouring set, paints, play doh, simpsons, disney princess dolls, marvel action figures, books, puzzle books, wizard broom, robes, dollhouse, space ship, ray guns, walkie talkies, craft kits, slime, fidget spinners, fake tattoos, football, basketball, skateboard, swings, mini ant farm, seamonkies, rock em sock em robots, stretch armstrong, he man, my little pony, care bears, girls world styling head, mostly broken, sticky, pristine, no batteries, perfect working order, crayons, sunbleached, well loved.
BOOKBAG  -  harry potter, bfg, the hunger games, wheres wally, winnie the pooh, the very hungry caterpillar, matilda, the cat in the hat, the lord of the rings, charlottes web, northern lights, lion witch and the wardrobe, goodnight moon, where the wild things are, the tale of peter rabbit, charlie and the chocolate factory, stuart little, alices adventures in wonderland, a series of unfortunate events, bridge to terabithia, diary of a wimpy kid, anne frank diary of a young girl, the outsiders, the jungle book, the wonderful wizard of oz, peter pan, the secret garden, the wind in the willows, how to draw.
WARDROBE  - tshirts with your fave cartoon characters, youtuber merch, scuffed jeans, plasticy fancy dress costumes, pretty dresses, button down shirts, woolen sweaters, floral skirts jean shorts, cargo pants, handmedowns, brand new, grass stains, mud stains, three days worn, clean on, all one colour, too many different colours, plain tshirts, hoody, custom printed novelty tops, bows, animal onesies, pufferjackets, bodywarmer, mittens, bobblehats, hats with ears, sunglasses, earmuffs, pastels, oversaturated dark colours, crinkled, ironed, smells floral, smells musky, animal print, sparkles, double denim, too big, too small, just right, karate uniform, scouts uniform, school uniform.
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ximena86 · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: My First Year: The Original Peter Rabbit Baby Record Photo Book By F. WARNE & Co.
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cleoenfaserum · 4 months
SHUJI TERAYAMA-10 Experimental Japanese Movies
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SOURCE: SHUJI TERAYAMA - 10 Avant-Garde Japanese Movies — GATA (gatamagazine.com)
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Here, we recommended you, 10 of the best Terayama’s surreal and eerie films that are a must-watch for any fan of groundbreaking cinema.
An imaginary world filled with dreams of erotic fantasy and escape.
1.THE CAGE (1962)
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Finished shooting in 1962, the movie’s cast was almost the same as its crew. With a bunch of experimental symbols such as skinny human body, clock and goat flow from one scene to another, the film explores the question of whether a man is a prisoner of time.
929-10-1 https://youtu.be/za3ExUFRjWo
A young boy is the emperor of a country in which children have overthrown the adults.
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Go to original blog at:
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Conditions have been better for the nameless protagonist: his grandmother is a shoplifter and his war criminal father and sister have an unhealthy, intimate relationship with the family rabbit.
929-10-3 https://ok.ru/video/1625530501742
4. PASTORAL: TO DIE IN THE COUNTRY (Hide and Seek) 1974
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A young boys' coming of age tale set in a strange, carnivalesque village becomes the recreation of a memory that the director has twenty years later.
929-10-4 https://ok.ru/video/1584031861358
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In the heady and extremist Japanese art scene of the late ‘70s, Terayama created a number of unforgettable and highly controversial short films. This is a short movie Terayama’s Experimental Image World.
929-10-5 https://youtu.be/_xFTQ139eF8
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Two men carry a portal door which leads to different realms.
929-10-6 https://youtu.be/2E0E0vYKA9Q
7. THE ERASER (1977)
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Visions of characters by the seaside from one’s memory are erased by the filmmaker’s hand.
9259-10-7 https://youtu.be/c4cSbZC0UPk
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A “reading film” of delirious image and text, Les chants de Maldoror takes its title and inspiration from Comte de Lautréamont’s 1869 proto-Surrealist poetic novel which, for instance, describes beauty as the chance encounter of a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table. In the novel’s six cantos, a young misanthrope indulges in depraved and destructive acts.
929-10-8 https://youtu.be/SLTj6ZsJN9Y
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A film composed of three stories. In the first one, a castaway arrives on a paradise island and finds a half-naked, playful and complacent woman. In the second, a teenager tries to remember the lyrics of a lullaby, which leads to sexual and oedipal fantasies. In the third, a rich man in 19th century Paris hires a prostitute for one night.
10. VIDEO LETTER (1982)
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Video Letter is a strange and unsettling film that records a correspondence by videotape between Shuji Terayama and his acquaintance, the famous modern poet, Shuntaro Tanikawa.
929-10-10 https://ok.ru/video/2856731413018
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yourcoffeeguru · 6 months
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Peter Rabbit BABY Record Book Baby's SPECIAL First Year Memories Keepsake Diary || SWtradepost - ebay
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littlebunnywitch · 4 months
Regressor Ask for Cal (I Dont Know If I Did This Right)
My first request form the Moon's Agere Ask game ~! Because I've only every talked about one Cal and you didn't state a specific fandom I'm just gonna assume you're talking about Cal Trask from East of Eden <3 If you aren't requesting him feel free to resend the ask with the fandom the Cal you meant is from~
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1) What age do they regress to?
While he is a permiregressor but he is a trauma/vent regressor oldest 5 year old youngest baby. He's fairly independent even in his younger ranges but is always rather quiet.
2) Comfort item(s)?
His biggest comfort item is Annabelle his Puppy Lovely. A homemade knitted puppy lovely. But, he also has a soprano recorder that he'll play when feeling conflicted.
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This is Annabelle. I made her IRL shes fully knitted and she has one dark blue button eye and one gray greenish button eye.
3) Is there anything that can make them instantly regress or that can pull them out of headspace?
Being called bad, evil or anything like that and Feeling rejected are two that can cause him to drop easily. Feeling threaten can pull him out of his younger headspace and will likely lead him to fleeing or fighting.
4) What's their ideal regression day like?
A lay back day with Abra (Most likely) with cuddles - playing with Annie and tinker toys - having Peter Rabbit read to him - arts and crafts - maybe going for a nature walk too.
5) Is there anything they do to get ready to regress (set up a space, change into comfy clothes, etc.)
Cal is most pron to hiding when he starts to feel like he's about to drop but once his CG or someone he trusts finds him he'll most likely become a clingy cuddle bug
6) Any special interests?
Peter Rabbit and Beatrix Potter other books in the series, Gardening, and Being in Nature
7) Random Headcanon!
He is a thumb sucker and a bit of a wander so CG(s) have to keep an eye out on him.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 1.10
Aerial Photography Day
Bangabandhu Homecoming Day (Bangladesh)
Common Sense Day
Cross the Rubicon Day
Dawn Appreciation Day
Dial 110 Day (Japan)
Fête du Vodoun (Benin)
45 Record Adapter Day (a.k.a. 45 RPM Day)
Gypsum Day (French Republic)
Houseplant Appreciation Day
Inner Wheel Day
International Take the High Road Day
International Tintin Day
Laughing Day
League of Nations Day
London Underground Day (UK)
Margaret Thatcher Day (Falkland Islands)
Martyrs’ Day (Panama)
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
National Day of Loneliness
National Guard Day (Kazakhstan)
National Police Day (China)
National Prank Day
National Shareholders Day
National Voodoo Day (Benin)
Peculiar People Day
Rasputin Day
Recorder Day (Germany)
Rubicon Day
Save the Eagles Day
Sinulog begins (Philippines) [Through 20th]
Sluzzle Tag (from “Gumball”)
Speck Day
Sturdy Flat-Heeled Shoes Appreciation Day
Unicycle Day
Working Journalists’ Day (Turkey)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bittersweet Chocolate Day
Champagne and Fries Day
Fritkot Day
Indian Tea Day (UK)
National Booch (Kombucha) Day
National Oysters Rockefeller Day
Where's the Beef Day
2nd Wednesday in January
National Take the Stairs Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Hanseatic and Confederate States of Achsen (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Majority Rule Day (Bahamas)
MYCUS Republic (Declared; 2018, Dissolved 2019) [unrecognized]
Thomaland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 10, 2024
Michigan’s Great Beer State Conference & Trade Show (Kalamazoo, Michigan) [thru 1.12]
Potato Expo (Austin, Texas) [thru 1.11]
Feast Days
Agatho, Pope (Roman Catholic)
Behnam, Sarah, and the Forty Martyrs (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Bodhi Day (Buddhism; China) [8th Day of 12th Lunar Month]
Doge of Venice (Christian; Saint)
Eldzier Cortor (Artology)
The Fairy Lunch (Shamanism)
Geraint of Dumnonia Feast Day (Wales)
Gonzalvo (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Nyssa (Christian; Saint)
Heinrich Zille (Artology)
The Hungry Family (Muppetism)
Ilithyia’s Day of the Midwives (Pagan)
Johannes Zick (Artology)
Leonie Aviat (Christian; Saint)
Mao Tse Tung Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Menu (Positivist; Saint)
Mid-Winter Festival (Ancient Rome)
Obadiah (Coptic Church)
Peculiar People Day (Pastafarian)
Peter Orseolo (Christian; Saint)
Pope Agatho (Roman Catholic)
Sacred Bath (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Vaudoun Day (Vodoo Festival; Benin)
William Laud (Anglican Communion)
William of Donjeon (Christian; Saint)
World Hindi Day
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat [29 Teveth-1 Shevat]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [101] (2 of 9)
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [6 of 32]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [5 of 60]
Alice the Golf Bug (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Arsenic and Old Lace, by Joseph Kesselring (Play; 1941)
The Back-Seat Drivers or Mashed Landing (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 13; 1960)
Baton Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Bullwinkle’s Water Follies or Antlers Aweigh (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 14; 1960)
The City and the Pillar, by Gore Vidal (Novel; 1948)
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine (Pamphlet; 1776)
Crying Wolf (Terrytoons Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1947)
Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (Animated Film; 2014)
Far From Heaven (Film; 2003)
The Feud (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Fraggle Rock (TV Series; 1983)
The Greatest Show on Earth (Film; 1952)
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (Film; 1992)
Her (Film; 2014)
Inherit the Wind, by Jerome Lawrence (Play; 1955)
Introducing… The Beatles (Album; 1964)
The Lamp Lighter (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Man and His Symbols, by C.G. Jung (Science Book; 1963)
Metropolis (Film; 1927)
The Missing Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
1917 (Film; 2020)
Paradise City, by Guns ’N’ Roses (Song; 1989)
Problem Pappy (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Recess: School’s Out (Animated Film; 2001)
Silly Symphony (Newspaper Comic Strip; 1932)
Silvertone, by Chris Isaak (Album; 1985)
The Snowy Day, by Ezra Jack Keats (Children’s Book; 1962)
The Sopranos (TV Series; 1999)
Timber (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1929) [Tintin #1]
Underwater (Film; 2020)
The Villain’s Curse (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
What a Little Sneeze Will Do (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Today’s Name Days
Leonie, Paulus (Austria)
Agaton, Aldo, Dobriša, Dobroslav (Croatia)
Břetislav (Czech Republic)
Paul (Denmark)
Talva, Talve, Talvi (Estonia)
Nyyrikki (Finland)
Guillaume (France)
Leonie, Paul (Germany)
Melánia (Hungary)
Aldo (Italy)
Dorisa, Karmena, Tatjana (Latvia)
Agatonas, Ginvilas, Ginvilė, Palemonas, Vilhelmas (Lithuania)
Sigmund, Sigrun (Norway)
Agaton, Dobrosław, Jan, Nikanor, Paweł, Wilhelm (Poland)
Antipa, Grigorie (Romania)
Dáša (Slovakia)
Gonzalo, Nicanor (Spain)
Sigbritt, Sigurd (Sweden)
Bethany, Darby, Derby, Dermot, Kermit, Kermore, Rhett (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 10 of 2024; 356 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 2 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 29 (Gui-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 28 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 10 White; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 December 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 10 Moses (1st Month) [Menu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 21 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Half-Month 2 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 1.24)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 1.10
Aerial Photography Day
Bangabandhu Homecoming Day (Bangladesh)
Common Sense Day
Cross the Rubicon Day
Dawn Appreciation Day
Dial 110 Day (Japan)
Fête du Vodoun (Benin)
45 Record Adapter Day (a.k.a. 45 RPM Day)
Gypsum Day (French Republic)
Houseplant Appreciation Day
Inner Wheel Day
International Take the High Road Day
International Tintin Day
Laughing Day
League of Nations Day
London Underground Day (UK)
Margaret Thatcher Day (Falkland Islands)
Martyrs’ Day (Panama)
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
National Day of Loneliness
National Guard Day (Kazakhstan)
National Police Day (China)
National Prank Day
National Shareholders Day
National Voodoo Day (Benin)
Peculiar People Day
Rasputin Day
Recorder Day (Germany)
Rubicon Day
Save the Eagles Day
Sinulog begins (Philippines) [Through 20th]
Sluzzle Tag (from “Gumball”)
Speck Day
Sturdy Flat-Heeled Shoes Appreciation Day
Unicycle Day
Working Journalists’ Day (Turkey)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bittersweet Chocolate Day
Champagne and Fries Day
Fritkot Day
Indian Tea Day (UK)
National Booch (Kombucha) Day
National Oysters Rockefeller Day
Where's the Beef Day
2nd Wednesday in January
National Take the Stairs Day [2nd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Hanseatic and Confederate States of Achsen (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Majority Rule Day (Bahamas)
MYCUS Republic (Declared; 2018, Dissolved 2019) [unrecognized]
Thomaland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 10, 2024
Michigan’s Great Beer State Conference & Trade Show (Kalamazoo, Michigan) [thru 1.12]
Potato Expo (Austin, Texas) [thru 1.11]
Feast Days
Agatho, Pope (Roman Catholic)
Behnam, Sarah, and the Forty Martyrs (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Bodhi Day (Buddhism; China) [8th Day of 12th Lunar Month]
Doge of Venice (Christian; Saint)
Eldzier Cortor (Artology)
The Fairy Lunch (Shamanism)
Geraint of Dumnonia Feast Day (Wales)
Gonzalvo (Christian; Saint)
Gregory of Nyssa (Christian; Saint)
Heinrich Zille (Artology)
The Hungry Family (Muppetism)
Ilithyia’s Day of the Midwives (Pagan)
Johannes Zick (Artology)
Leonie Aviat (Christian; Saint)
Mao Tse Tung Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Menu (Positivist; Saint)
Mid-Winter Festival (Ancient Rome)
Obadiah (Coptic Church)
Peculiar People Day (Pastafarian)
Peter Orseolo (Christian; Saint)
Pope Agatho (Roman Catholic)
Sacred Bath (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Vaudoun Day (Vodoo Festival; Benin)
William Laud (Anglican Communion)
William of Donjeon (Christian; Saint)
World Hindi Day
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat [29 Teveth-1 Shevat]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Binary Day [101] (2 of 9)
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [6 of 32]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [5 of 60]
Alice the Golf Bug (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Arsenic and Old Lace, by Joseph Kesselring (Play; 1941)
The Back-Seat Drivers or Mashed Landing (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 13; 1960)
Baton Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Bullwinkle’s Water Follies or Antlers Aweigh (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 14; 1960)
The City and the Pillar, by Gore Vidal (Novel; 1948)
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine (Pamphlet; 1776)
Crying Wolf (Terrytoons Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1947)
Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo (Animated Film; 2014)
Far From Heaven (Film; 2003)
The Feud (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Fraggle Rock (TV Series; 1983)
The Greatest Show on Earth (Film; 1952)
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (Film; 1992)
Her (Film; 2014)
Inherit the Wind, by Jerome Lawrence (Play; 1955)
Introducing… The Beatles (Album; 1964)
The Lamp Lighter (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Man and His Symbols, by C.G. Jung (Science Book; 1963)
Metropolis (Film; 1927)
The Missing Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1953)
1917 (Film; 2020)
Paradise City, by Guns ’N’ Roses (Song; 1989)
Problem Pappy (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1941)
Recess: School’s Out (Animated Film; 2001)
Silly Symphony (Newspaper Comic Strip; 1932)
Silvertone, by Chris Isaak (Album; 1985)
The Snowy Day, by Ezra Jack Keats (Children’s Book; 1962)
The Sopranos (TV Series; 1999)
Timber (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1929) [Tintin #1]
Underwater (Film; 2020)
The Villain’s Curse (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
What a Little Sneeze Will Do (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Today’s Name Days
Leonie, Paulus (Austria)
Agaton, Aldo, Dobriša, Dobroslav (Croatia)
Břetislav (Czech Republic)
Paul (Denmark)
Talva, Talve, Talvi (Estonia)
Nyyrikki (Finland)
Guillaume (France)
Leonie, Paul (Germany)
Melánia (Hungary)
Aldo (Italy)
Dorisa, Karmena, Tatjana (Latvia)
Agatonas, Ginvilas, Ginvilė, Palemonas, Vilhelmas (Lithuania)
Sigmund, Sigrun (Norway)
Agaton, Dobrosław, Jan, Nikanor, Paweł, Wilhelm (Poland)
Antipa, Grigorie (Romania)
Dáša (Slovakia)
Gonzalo, Nicanor (Spain)
Sigbritt, Sigurd (Sweden)
Bethany, Darby, Derby, Dermot, Kermit, Kermore, Rhett (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 10 of 2024; 356 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 2 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 29 (Gui-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 28 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 10 White; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 December 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 10 Moses (1st Month) [Menu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 21 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Half-Month 2 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 1.24)
0 notes
The Many Mystery Tours of Winnie the Pooh
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What do a Disney animated movie about a stuffed bear and a Beatles album have in common?
In some articles I wrote back in my WordPress days concerning the Disney "Animated Classics Canon", I talked about how The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - released theatrically on March 11, 1977, was more of a clipshow than it was a fully-fledged Disney animated feature.
Now, the bonus features on various home media releases of this 1977 compilation film have often insisted the opposite. Disney seems to want your average consumer and us semi-historians to know that the story goes: Walt Disney was unsure about American audiences' familiarity with A. A. Milne's bedtime stories and the stuffed animal characters within. Instead of making a feature film as planned during the early 1960s, Walt planned to make three separate shorts to get audiences acquainted with those characters... and then string those three cartoon featurettes together into a 70-or-so-minute movie later down the line...
This seems to be a well-backed up history, too. After all, the autobiography of brothers Robert and Richard Sherman, known for their many contributions to the Disney songbook including the songs for these classic Winnie the Pooh adaptations, states pretty much the exact same thing. This strategy was not dissimilar to the studio's piecing-together of the Davy Crockett episodes of Disney's anthology series (then known as Disneyland, in promoting the upcoming theme park of the same name), which spawned the 1955 theatrical release Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier and its 1956 follow-up Davy Crockett and the River Pirates... But I feel this is untrue, and has been shown to be so...
Familiarity with British characters was never a problem for Walt and his crew before, or characters from European stories in general. Mary Poppins didn't need a couple of shorts, or some episodes of a TV show to familiarize audiences with the titular nanny beforehand. One Hundred and One Dalmatians was, from start to finish, a feature film project that never detoured into short films prior to release. Peter Pan? Same thing.
Now, the Sherman Brothers autobiography states that the poor reception of Alice in Wonderland - a similarly episodic feature based on beloved and relatively plot-free British books - was what drove Walt to make this bizarre decision with Winnie the Pooh. That seems to hold some weight.
If this all was indeed the case, how come the third short - 1974's Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too - took so long to come to fruition? The third short, and the subsequent final third of the film, is very much a post-Walt affair. More than anything, it was a training picture for many of Disney's then-new animators, including a returning Don Bluth. You can tell Bluth's animation from a mile away when Rabbit gets lost in the woods, for sure, as he can't keep his tongue in his mouth. The story appears to borrow from various Winnie the Pooh story LPs that Disneyland Records released throughout the end of the 1960s. (Blustery Day also first came out in record form in 1967, a year before the animated featurette's December 1968 theatrical debut with the flop live-action film The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit.) It is unknown what the final third of Walt's unmade Winnie the Pooh film would've been.
Lastly, it is not as if Winnie the Pooh *wasn't* known by Americans pre-1966... So that seems to render the "Walt was unsure if American audiences would see a feature about that character because he wasn't well-known by Americans" claim moot. I firmly think the real story is, "Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh", was a lot like the original Leica reel for The Wind in the Willows that was put together in 1941. The Wind in the Willows, based on yet another British literary classic (Kenneth Grahame's story of the same name), could've been the next feature-length film after Bambi's release in 1942. Animator Frank Thomas, of course one of Walt Disney's "Nine Old Men", explained in an interview that the Leica reel ran roughly 48 minutes long and did contain story problems. That no doubt pushed it back, as did World War II's effects on the animation wing. Wind in the Willows eventually wound up as a roughly 35-minute segment of the 1949 package feature The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad.
Walt seemed to have found the Pooh stories to be too fluffy to sustain a roughly 70-minute movie, and figured releasing smaller films based on the stories was the better option. His Winnie the Pooh film was initially planned for a 1965 release, almost two years after The Sword in the Stone and two years before The Jungle Book eventually came out, which partially explains that four-year gap between those two pictures. Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree debuted in February 1966 ahead of The Ugly Dachshund, and was heavily marketed as a double bill, and to no one's surprise, the stuffed bear cartoon completely overshadowed the Dean Jones dog movie. I don't think a Pooh feature was in the cards after that, for the next film after The Jungle Book was The Aristocats, which Walt signed off on before his death in December 1966. Being short films, both Honey Tree and Blustery Day could be shown and shown again on television, which they were. They kept the character a household name, audiences didn't have to wait years for a re-issue like they had to do for longer Disney animated films.
For whatever reason the Walt Winnie the Pooh movie was cancelled, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is still a Frankenstein creation. The 1974 Tigger Too short is not from the Walt era and is its own entity. So in the Disney animated feature "canon", you have a film with 2/3s of it coming from an unmade Walt Disney feature released in two parts from 1966 to 1968, and another 1/3 of it from something conceived well after that. Then you have the "goodbye" ending, which reportedly was once meant for the Blustery Day short. John Walmsley, who voiced Christopher Robin in that portion, voices him here too, which seems to confirm that it was indeed meant for it. Plus, it reuses some animation from a scene in The Jungle Book, which - again - opened a little over a year before Blustery Day debuted. If Blustery Day had been the final cartoon with that ending, it would've been a fitting sendoff being Walt's final animated work that he was alive for most of.
Quite funny how this Winnie the Pooh film is a big honey clustercuss, with a strangely convoluted history... But it's always been thought that it all works together anyways, whether you know the history of the film or if you don't. Ex away the history and the Frankensteinian structure of it, it's a charming anthology of stories about these stuffed animals going on fun misadventures and a nice bittersweet ending to top it off. It works completely fine as a 74-minute animated feature film, and the stories' aimlessness make it work in its own fun way.
To make matters even weirder, in 1983, Walt Disney Productions let out another 25-minute Pooh featurette, Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore. You would think this one was meant to be a training vehicle for new animator hires, but weirdly enough, it was completely outsourced to a studio called Rick Reinert Productions. The new animators instead worked on the featurette Mickey's Christmas Carol, which debuted later that year.
It occurred to me that there's an album that I love whose assemblage is very, very similar to how the 1977 feature The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh came together...
The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour...
Magical Mystery Tour was a surrealist television film that was made in the wake of the death of The Beatles' manager Brian Epstein. Six songs were newly conceived for this 50-or-so-minute film, which would air on the BBC on Boxing Day 1967. (That's December 26th for any Americans reading who may not be familiar with such a holiday.) Coinciding with the release was a six-song double-EP set a few weeks prior. An EP - "extended play", typically, was the same size of a single: A 7-inch record. Singles had one song on one side, and one song on the other. A-side, B-side. An EP could contain up to four songs on the record, and The Beatles were no strangers to the EP format. EPs seemed to be a much more popular kind of record in the UK, too. The Beatles' American distributor, Capitol Records, felt a two-EP record set was not viable for the US market...
Capitol Records is best known by Beatles historians for their Frankenstein-like assembling of albums. A single album in the UK like Rubber Soul could have its tracks spread across, say, THREE albums in the US. All of this mangling would eventually stop by 1967, with the seminal LP (long-player) album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band being the first Beatles album to have the same tracklisting in both the UK and the US. (With only a minor little difference between the two.) In Beatles tradition, some songs were never meant to be anything but just singles. For example, in 1966, there was The Beatles album Revolver, and a single: 'Paperback Writer' b/w 'Rain'. Two songs meant specifically for that single 7-inch 45rpm record.
In 1967, The Beatles released three singles. The first of which was 'Strawberry Fields Forever' b/w 'Penny Lane', released in February 1967. Both songs had been conceived for Sgt. Pepper, but because of a relative lull in releasing anything (Revolver had come out in August 1966, and there was - unusually - no Christmas market single release that year), it was decided to have those two songs be a single instead of tracks on the upcoming album. Next was 'All You Need Is Love' b/w 'Baby You're a Rich Man', released in July 1967, nearly two months after Sgt. Pepper. Last came 'Hello, Goodbye', on the B-side they attached the Magical Mystery Tour song 'I Am the Walrus', which later appeared on the two-EP set.
In the US, Capitol Records had all six songs from the movie put on side one of their Magical Mystery Tour LP. Side two would be the five other songs that The Beatles released in 1967, in order: 'Hello, Goodbye', 'Strawberry Fields Forever', 'Penny Lane', 'Baby You're a Rich Man', and 'All You Need Is Love'. Altogether, this is a very strong 11-track sequence. No surprise, that album shot to #1 on the charts, and it even got imported to the UK in early 1968 and charted as high as #31 - despite the EP and the separate singles existing over there. It works so well as an album, and as an equally psychedelic sequel to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band... even if it was never conceived as such in the first place.
And the weirdest thing is, the Magical Mystery Tour MOVIE was never aired in America, even though the LP came with a picture story of the movie. The movie itself had gotten such bad critical and equally poor audience reception (I'd imagine a lot of the viewership was families tuning in on Boxing Day to watch something together, and they got a weird aimless psychedelic home movie that confused the hell out of them), that ABC opted out of broadcasting it in January 1968-ish. So, Americans wouldn't really get to see that film until midnight showings occurred in the mid-1970s, followed by belated TV airings...
Oh, and the Magical Mystery Tour movie, much like Many Adventures, is just a silly delightful parade of whimsical misadventures...
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