#persona 4 golden fanfic
manias-wordcount · 24 days
Hello, can I ask for the second part of Yu Narukami's story in Persona 4, the part about how their relationship will be after they confess to each other. I think you have a one-shot about Yu Narukami so you should know about it. And the last thing is can you do it as a one-shot?
Mess (Yu Narukami x Reader) PART TWO
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼!
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁: 𝗼𝗻𝗲 || 𝘁𝘄𝗼
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Things don’t just magically improve overnight. 
As much as you both want them to, it just doesn’t happen. It’s just not in the cards for you. No matter how much you both wish otherwise. Because most days, you still wake up in a puddle of your own guilt and anxiety and insecurity. It’s not the same river of negative feelings that used to drown and plague you every moment of the day. But an obstacle is an obstacle. And the chokehold those feelings have on you- it’s not to be taken lightly. When you’re not careful, it can keep you in cold, dark places for long, long times. When you’re not careful, it can consume your every waking thought. Fill every bone in your body. Paralyze you with feelings of self-doubt, self-hatred, and everything in between.
That said, you have many more good days. And they always start and end with him.
Some mornings, you’ll wake up to an email from your boyfriend. Something sweet and simple. A response from something you sent last night. A greeting hello. A reminder about something related to class. Or just a simple ‘I miss you’ when you were least expecting it. And some mornings, when you’re really lucky, you end up waking up with something a little more personal, like the sound of the ringtone you’ve set for him on your phone. 
“Good morning, my love,” He would say to you. Maybe you’d still be so sleepy and tired that you could just barely mumble a greeting back to him as you struggled to pull yourself fully from your sleep. Maybe you’d be more awake and ready to receive his call. Maybe you’d be a little something outside or even in between. It doesn’t matter really. Because all you know is that it’s something that you look forward to. Something that cherish and never want to go away. Something that improves your spirit. Something that brightens your day.
Something that makes you feel a little less like the mess of a human being that your boyfriend had to drag out of the shadows and into the light.
Still, it’s all a work in progress. And in the couple weeks the two of you have been dating, things have been getting slightly better. Throughout the day, you may experience an episode or two. A flare-up here. A moment of panic there. It’s truly something that you can’t escape. At least, not so quickly now that it has built itself up in your mind with a foundation meant to stay. 
But you’re working on it. And he’s helping you work on it too. Truthfully, you still haven’t found yourself feeling the way you used to be when things were fine and dandy unless you were
hand-in-hand with your boyfriend during lunch or tugged into his side after school while he talked to his friends. But you’re teaching yourself how to stop comparing yourself to all his female friends. And you’re reminding yourself that out of everyone he could have picked in this town- out of all the amazing, talented, beautiful people who he could have asked out in this town, he picked you. He asked out you. 
And that’s what makes moments like these absolutely and utterly too sweet. 
Moments where you get to spend the afternoons and evenings with each other. Maybe you’ll be at his place. Maybe you’ll be at yours. But either way, you’ll spend those moments together with your arms wrapped around each other. You’ll spend those moments lounging on top of each other’s futons, with your head in his neck and his arms wrapped loosely around you. Sometimes he’ll read out loud a few pages of whatever book he was reading the day prior. Sometimes he’ll urge you into talking about your day and your feelings. All of the good. All of the bad. 
But in these moments, you only think about him. In these moments, he’s the only thing that exists to you. Not your teachers. Not your homework. Not the looming threat of making sure you make it home to dinner in time to ensure that your family won’t make any fuss. Not the great, powerful, and pretty Risa Kujikawa and her usual antics of always getting a little too close to comfort with your boyfriend and always toying the line in a way that never failed to get you at least a little bit frustrated. Not the amazing, intelligent, and resourceful Prince Detective Naoto Shirogane. She admires your boyfriend in almost the same way you absolutely envy her. But at the end, of the day, you’re the one who’s lucky. You’re the one with something to be proud of.
Because in these moments, you don’t even think of some of his truly close friends- Chie Satonaka and Yukiko Amagi. The selflessness the two of them show. Their poise, their confidence. Their joy and their bright spirits. All things you struggle with. All things you used to think you couldn’t achieve. But when you’re in Yu’s arms, you don’t think of them. You don’t think of anyone or anything. Except for your boyfriend, of course. Because in your boyfriend's arms, you can and could be anything. Because in your boyfriend's arms, you feel like a better person. One who has no need to compare themselves to others. One who could find their own happiness. Even if it comes shaped like the very person you’re laying on.
And sure, you still struggle sometimes within these moments. And you still come across the occasional negative feeling or thought and apply it to yourself tenfold- whether or not you actually believe that feeling to be true. You’re not perfect, you’re human. But with him? But with Yu, things start to become a little easier. Lighter on your soul. Brighter in the sky. Little by little. Day by day. 
So you’ll take these moments, and you’ll cherish them. Because just a couple weeks ago, you couldn’t even bear the thought of being around him or his friends. A couple weeks ago, 
A couple weeks ago, you were nothing. An insecure nobody. A big mess. But now?
You’re Yu’s girlfriend. And in the future, you hope to become more than that once again. In the future, you hope to not have to rely on your boyfriend for all your happiness and all your peace. You hope that all the negativity and all the bad feelings will one day go away. Or grow much more quiet. To the point where you can’t be sure they even exist at all.
But until that happens, you’ll take things slow. You’ll take the days one at a time. And you’ll hold dear every phone call and email and cuddle session and kind word your boyfriend sends our way. It’s all you can. It’s all you want to do. It’s all you can handle doing. It’s all you’re capable of doing. Because when cleaning up a big mess, you have to start somewhere. You have to start small. You have to start here. And for you and for him?
That’s more than enough. That’s more than enough.
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mibkid · 1 year
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"At some point he had glanced at Souji when he had broken his momentum of being lost in thought, Souji had had a smile on his face. It was adorned by soft eyes, staring at the scenery outside of the train. Calm, that is how he had felt. "
hiiiiii helloooooo nice too see you agaiiiinnnn with an actual art piece this time.
ok so technically this is fanart for my soyou fanfic. i have been working on this on and off for ... a month???? No actually since may.... listen it seems that this piece was a real struggle for me... and as you can see it went... ok... it's not bad by any means, but not my fave work either! (It'll grow on me prolly :)! or not who knows!)
(oh also this is indeed conected to that one little sketch of yosuke staring at someone haha)
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cr0wtherr · 10 months
Here’s a sneak peak of the first chapter of my zombie apocalypse au!! It’s a persona 4 story that is Adajima centric. I don’t have a name for the story yet.
April 23rd, 2022.
The day I was released from federal prison, after a ten year sentence. One count of first degree murder, one count of second degree murder. Originally it was longer, but good behavior and a lack of evidence warranted an early release. How lucky am I, right?
When I first stepped foot out of my home of ten years, I immediately felt the urge to beg them to take me back to the cages. I didn’t want to be a free man. I didn’t deserve to be a free man. No one in the whole of Japan wanted scum like me back on the street. What would I even do? Where would I work? I had learned to embrace the routine life of an inmate, but now, I wouldn’t have that. No schedules, no rules… well, other than being well behaved, of course.
Dojima- no… Ryotaro- is taking me in. He’s been talking about this plan for a few years now, always a what if scenario. “If you get out, you’ll be able to stay with me”, he’d say. I indulged in his fantasy, never believing it would actually happen. Flash forward to me standing outside of the gates, bag in hand, looking like a lost animal. I felt so stupid just standing there, with no clue what to do next.
All of it ceased to matter, though, when he scooped me in his arms so tight I couldn’t breathe, and all I could do was hug him back.
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Cuddling with their S/o headcanons pt.2
alr peeps who are even interested here's a part two with the rest of the playable cast excluding teddy cause who would date a inflatable looking teddy bear
For anyone looking for the first part with Naoto and Rise come get your food.
Warnings: Mentions of self image issues and Possible ooc but that's it
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi.
(if you all can tell i got more tired the more i wrote this no you can't-)
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Yu is relatively neutral towards cuddles, he doesn't exactly love them but doesn't hate them either. Don't get him wrong he adores having you close and being able to hold you in his arms but physical touch isn't really his love language.
However he'll gladly cuddle you anytime you want cuddles, he enjoys seeing you happy and thinks it feels slightly nice to have you this close to him.
He won't do anything special like kiss your forehead or run his hands through your hair but instead will just wrap around you. Like he's trying to protect you from everything dangerous in this world.
Since cuddles aren't really his thing unlike most of the others if he's exhausted most of the time he'll just ask to lean on your shoulder while relaxing on a couch or something similar. He would more of prefer putting a movie on while drinking tea to relax.
The quirk i mentioned earlier of Yu basically wrapping himself around you makes for great and warm cuddles though, so basically like naoto's cuddles but easily warm through a different way.
Surprisingly Yu falls asleep incredibly easy and soon enough he'll be smiling in his sleep, clinging tight to you.
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Yosuke in my mind is the pure definition of a loveable idiot and absolutely adores cuddles. He isn't embarrassed to show PDA in public and of his own accord will sometimes randomly grab your hand and show you affection infront of the rest of the group unprompted.
He's fine with being both the small and big spoon but heavily prefers being the big spoon more. He absolutely enjoys holding you in his arms and gets so excited about it that by the time you're cuddling he feels the need to shift postions every second.
After long days of fighting in the tv world or a long shift at junes whenever he's exhausted he flocks towards you. Whining about going home and cuddling. Even when exhausted he still usually is the big spoon, still mentally getting recharged no matter if he's being the one held or not.
However due to his self image issues every now and then the guy needs some comfort cuddles and needs to be the little spoon. It saddens you to see your partner looking down on himself again so kiss and cuddle those sad thoughts away!
Unlike the others Yosuke doesn't have some weird quirk with body temperature so it'll take the basic amount of time it takes for someone to get cold or warm while cuddling.
Yosuke funnily though will forget to take his headphones off, causing you to look up at him in confusion and giggle about it. Yosuke will nervously rub the back of his neck and remove the headphones, but happy this slight thing humored you. His arms tightly wrapped around you.
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Chie is another one of the characters that don't like or dislike cuddles, however that's only normally with Chie. After meeting you she fell head over heals in love with you and slowly started loving cuddles and legit one time out of happiness jumped on you as soon as you suggested cuddling.
She's fine with being both the small and big spoon and doesn't have preference. No matter if she's holding you or you're holding her, she's happy just being with you.
Due to her experience in fighting and higher stamina then the other group members it's slightly harder to get her exhausted. Whenever she does though she doesn't immediately go to cuddling, she usually does self care things such as taking a shower or eating a snack before asking.
She'll take the sports jacket she usually wears off due to not wanting to overheat whenever cuddling as she builds body heat quickly like some of the others.
She sorta extra when it comes to cuddles as she'll litter kisses everywhere she can but definitely not as extra as rise.
While cuddling Chie feels completely relaxed and at peace, it's almost strange seeing the normally boisterous and energetic girl so quiet. But at the same time it's not the unnerving kind, it's the happy kind as a smile is almost on her face 100 percent of the time with her eyes close and arms tight around you.
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Yukiko loves cuddles but not in the hyper way Chie, Yosuke, and Rise do. She more of views it as a nice and relaxing way to share affection with her partner and she's more then happy to do it.
She's fine with being both the big and small spoon and doesn't have a preference for either, she mostly just goes along with whatever you want to do unless she wants to play a specific role that day.
Her long black hair usually ends up over your shoulders or somewhere else as she's a bit of a restless sleeper and it's hard for her to get into a comfortable position so she shifts around a lot. Eventually when she does get into a comfortable position she's out like a light.
Unlike the others she's not incredibly busy outside of the tv world and her studies so she doesn't get as exhausted as the others but whenever she does if she feels it'll help she will politely ask to cuddle with you. Not soon after she'll be in your arms shifting around trying to find a comfortable position.
Before cuddling she usually changes into pajamas to be the most comfortable as she isn't bothered too much by heat and temperature in general.
Sometimes when she's already asleep she'll forget to take her headband off despite already being all dressed in pajamas, causing you to giggle silently as you either held her in your arms or she held you in hers.
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Kanji seems like he's a tough nut to crack, at first it seems like he dislikes cuddles but in reality he somewhat likes them. He likes being close to you and being able to hold you but isn't the best at admitting it.
When you do ease him into cuddling he's definitely a big spoon, he's basically never the small spoon and heavily prefers being the big spoon. If you do insist him being the small spoon he'll grumble about it but still let you spoon him.
He usually keeps his coats and stuff on while cuddling and sometimes wraps it around you, especially if you're still somehow cold.
He's larger compared to the other members of the group despite being younger then them so he's definitely the best to cuddle with out of sheer body weight and mass, he can completely encompass your body and make you warm in little less then 2 minutes.
Kanji is a master at knitting and has probably knitted blankets upon blankets that he'll gladly stack on top of you if you get incredibly cold. He isn't as busy as some of the others and spends most of his time doing his hobbies, so he doesn't get tired as often. But when he does he doesn't really mention anything about it unless you ask him about it.
Kanji doesn't fall asleep easy, so for most of the night he just holds you in his arms happily. Watching over you protectively.
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qiangweirosa · 5 months
I don't share a lot of fandoms with you, but i do like your writing so I’m going through your fics like a middle aged dad being introduced to his child’s blorbos. I wouldn't be opposed to reading some x readers from you if you wanted to entertain my request in the future, but i also won't push you to write sth you don't want to. If you don't want to do that, then could i humbly ask for some Chie x Yukiko? I love them sm i just want the girlies to get to be silly together without any murders in the background, they deserve that
relationships: yukiko/chie tws: none wc: 617 (its a short drabble, my apologies) extra: ty for the request!! thats so sweet of you, im really glad you like my writing that much. i've never written for persona 4 before despite it being my favorite persona game, so i hope i did these two justice! not beta'd so there might be mistakes
Life in Inaba could be so boring.
It was always the same routine: wake up, go to school, sit through class, hang out around town and go back home. And Chie hated boring routines.
Sure, it wasn’t all that bad. She liked being with her friends at school, even though she sometimes wished Yosuke would never open his mouth again - still, she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed their company. Unfortunately, she didn’t enjoy it enough for boredom to spare her.
Chie kicked the ground with her shoe. Her hands played with her jacket, stuffed in its pockets as she aimlessly walked around town. She didn’t really know where she was heading - honestly, anywhere would’ve been better than doing nothing. She really hated doing nothing.
She had thought about texting Yu to come hang out, but he unfortunately bailed on her to hang out with another one of his countless friends - seriously, how many friends did he have? - so Chie was stuck on her own.
She walked for what seemed like an eternity; she had probably gone all through the town by now. Every now and then she spotted someone she knew, yet nobody seemed to be free enough to quell her boredom. When she finally stopped, she found herself in front of a building; raising her head, she recognized the Amagi Inn at first glance.
…Well, she had considered calling up Yukiko to hang out. She just wasn’t sure if she was working today and didn’t want to bother.
But Yukiko wouldn’t mind if she showed up, right? Of course not!
And with that assurance in mind, Chie walked up to the door and rang the bell. The door was soon opened by one of the Inn’s houseworkers - her eyes lit up in recognition when she saw Chie, and she quickly ushered her in.
Chie was left in the entrance as the house worker rushed to get Yukiko. She awkwardly looked around, waiting patiently - as patiently as Chie could. Still, Yukiko came speed walking soon enough, throwing her arms around Chie’s neck in a tackling hug. Chie stumbled from the sudden force and fell on the ground with a yelp, Yukiko still on top of her.
“Wha- Yukiko, you can’t just jump on me like that!”
Her girlfriend laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I was so happy to see you here, I couldn’t stop myself!”
Chie blushed. She couldn’t possibly stay mad when Yukiko said stuff like that, especially with that huge smile on her face. She sighed in defeat, returning the hug until Yukiko decided to get back up.
Yukiko dusted off her clothes before looking back at Chie - her casual clothes, by the way. So she wasn’t working today. She smiled; Chie smiled back, the reaction coming naturally.
“What brings you here today?”
Chie shrugged, her gaze wandering around as she danced on one foot.
“Oh, not much, really… I was bored, and, uh, I guess I just ended up walking here instinctively? What I mean to say is- I wanted to see you.”
She mumbled the last part, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. Hearing Yukiko giggle only heightened her blush, and she looked away, trying to hide her face from the girl who was currently definitely laughing at “how cute she was”.
“Oh Chie, you’re so cute!”
Knew it.
“Stop it, don’t say that…”
She heard more giggles, before Yukiko approached her and grabbed her arm, effectively pulling her after her.
“Come on, let’s do something together then.”
Yeah, Chie hated the routine that came with living in Inaba. But hanging out with Yukiko could never end up as a routine to her; she always appreciated every moment spent in her company.
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p6-rem · 5 months
Meet Rem! A mysterious bunny rabbit that the protagonist finds within the realm of shadows known as "INSOMNISPACE"
Rem the navigator for the party, and in the real world, she is an icon on the protagonist's phone, helping them with day to day life and battles within INSOMNISPACE. Rem's origins are currently unknown, but all she knows is that she was born in INSOMNISPACE, and that it wasn't always lurking with shadows before, that the shadows are some kind of sickness that infects the dreams of those residing in the protagonist's town.
Picrew link : Click here
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malpracticez · 3 days
YAY! souyo fic in the works!
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Reunions Post-Canon, Post-Game(s), Fluff, : Post-Persona 4: Golden, Persona 4: Golden, yosuke hanamura has gay panic and implodes: the movie
additional ships!
Naoto × Kanji, Chie × Yukiko
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swordsfaires · 11 months
lightning straight to my heart
rating: T
pairing: Kanji Tatsumi/Naoto Shirogane
characters: Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane, Rise Kujikawa, Ryotaro Dojima
tags: Love Confessions, Fluff, Awkward Romance, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Idiots in Love, Gender Identity, Gender Issues, Genderfluid Character, Genderfluid Shirogane Naoto, Pansexual Character, Pansexual Tatsumi Kanji, He/Him and She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Shirogane Naoto, Declarations Of Love, First Kiss, Dorks in Love, Falling In Love, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Teen Romance
Naoto is about to leave for a months-long internship in Tokyo. Kanji has something to tell them before they go.
Naoto studied him out of the corner of their eye, noting how tense his shoulders were and how he began to chew on his lip. “Is that really what you wanted to talk about? Everyone leaving Inaba?”
Kanji stopped walking, and Naoto slowed to a stop next to him.
“You don’t miss anything, do ya? Though I guess that’s on me for askin’ to talk in private.” His laugh was nervous, and he started fiddling with one of the bracelets he was wearing. He blurted out, “I…I need to tell you something, and I’m hoping it doesn’t change anything between us. Will you hear me out?”
Naoto frowned, immediately concerned. “Certainly. Whatever it is, I promise it won’t.” She wagered there were few things Kanji could tell her that would change her opinion of him.
There were a long few moments of silence where Kanji simply nodded in response and cleared his throat, sounding as though he was working himself up to something.
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princepqul · 2 years
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hello everyone!! with a very happy heart i can say that i can post my piece for the @souyozine zine!!! collabing with @pietmeon, we have a silly tale of souyo confessions. we hope you all love it as much as we did making it!!
link gehehe
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sparkykitsune · 1 month
Have this crack fic thing I wrote yesterday out of impulse after I rewatched Madagascar 2 combined with my vacation this weekend
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manias-wordcount · 3 months
haiii!! i really like your persona work and idk if requests r open atm but if so, id like to request a yosuke from persona 4 x reader where they’re like both in a band together (or at least trying to form one kinda) sorry if any of this doesn’t make sense 😭
Forming a Band Together HCs (Yosuke Hanamura)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Chances are, you probably taught him to play that bass he bought accidentally that one time 
But the two of you got to fooling around one day (after Yu left back for the city smh) and you mentioned one time in passing how you always wanted to start a band and rock out with your friends 
And then boom! Kanji is on drums, Chie is learning (and struggling) to play the keyboard, Yosuke is practicing his bass skills, and Rise sings (of course)
All while you play guitar (or whatever you want to play lmao as long as it makes sense)
It gives a couple of you guys something to do when there’s not much to do in Inaba
And it gives Yosuke an excuse to spend hours and hours with you - just practicing music and coming up with dumb lyrics together
Naturally, this little band of yours goes absolutely nowhere - but that’s to be expected
Really all you wanted was to have some fun! 
All Yosuke wanted to do was get closer to you 
That’s what matters most hehe :)
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mibkid · 1 year
.... he has at least 4 pairs with different colors. you know exactly what i’m talking about, don’t lie. (yes, yes the shorts)
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I can draw whatever I want and I chose to draw this... I think it’s a pretty solid choice, my priorities are in the right place 
Click on pic for better qualityyyy
.... i still think i probably made his eyes to big... maybe his face too?? hmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh well there is always a next time drawing him!
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braxien12 · 9 months
Calling all Persona fans!! If you're a fan of the Lovers x Fools ships from P3 - P5 or even just one of them, feel free to check out my oneshot collection fic on Ao3 Fools Follow The Lovers!
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illusoryquixot · 1 year
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I've been meaning to draw some Yui for awhile, and here it is! 
Yui Narukami, based off Faerie_Maiden on Twitters fanfic "Doll X Anathema"!
Read “Doll X Anathema” over here - [Link!]
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Sorry for requesting so much 😭
May I please request headcanons for Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, and Kanji finding out about their female S/O training in mixed martial arts and being an accomplished fighter?
No need to apologize! You're basically the only one requesting for Persona 4 currently and it makes me happy that you enjoy my writing and want to request me this much! Hope you enjoy!
Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, & Kanji finding out their Fem!S/O is trained in mixed martial arts
Warnings: Mentions of fighting/sparring, mentions of water, possible ooc
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Yu Narukami, Chie Satonaka, Rise Kujikawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane.
(it's 1 am and i still can't sleep so i'm writing this help me-)
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While slightly shocked at first Chie is absolutely hyped once she finds out her girlfriend is skilled in mixed martial arts and is a accomplished fighter. Expect her to ask you like a million questions about the specific martial arts you've practiced in. She'll be bugging you with a ton of questions for awhile, incredibly curious and hyped about your combat abilities.
Since she trains quite often too make sure her kung fu skills stay in tip top shape she'll invite you to join her in the training. Secretly she wants to spar with you but also really hates the thought of hurting her girlfriend, watching how you practice and carry yourself in fights eases up the thoughts as Chie knows you can handle and protect yourself.
Once she does get comfortable enough to ask you to spar just know she'll be going full force!
After training sometimes she'll suggest you two go to the amagi inn and relax in the hot springs together to help ease your tired muscles. Chie holds your hand and practically drags you into the warm water, somewhat jokingly offering to massage your muscles if you want it. If you actually agree her face will light up slightly red as she laughs it off but gets behind you to massage your arms.
After Yosuke broke it Chie had to buy another copy of the trial of the dragon but will often sit down and rewatch it over and over. Because you two share similar interests she thinks you'll enjoy it! She'll feel slightly awkward if you don't but isn't mad or upset and will try to find a different movie to relax too.
Very supportive in your studies and would legitimately learn a specific type of martial arts you're studying as well just to be able to train and study with you.
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Honestly he most likely found out either through Chie blabbering it out one day, you casually mentioning it in conversation, or your fighting style in the tv world.
In all honesty he's pretty impressed and wants to learn more about your skills but in a more casual way compared to Chie's hyperness. He's amazed comparing his skills to yours, yes he knows how to swing and use a cool as hell sword but he's not able to ground pound and immobilize enemy's in 2 or 3 strikes.
Though he's slightly interested he's not the type to want to learn any types of martial arts and more of just sits by the side watching you train. Mentally thinking "wow... I have one badass girlfriend-" at literally any impressive move you do.
Due to knowing origami from the origami crane folder job he knows how to do origami and knows how to create a variety of things other then cranes. One time he was thinking of a certain move you were doing and decided to create a origami version of you in the pose. it took about a good few weeks of careful crafting but it eventually was done, using a massive variety of colors to create the origami sculpture.
He gave it too you during lunchtime at school, saying that you give him a lot of inspiration in his life and mean a lot too him. Being taken slightly off guard when you kissed his cheek as a thank you.
Also very supportive, while not being completely involved like Chie he'll cheer you on from the sidelines!
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My guy is a blabbering stuttering mess, he already loved you but finding out you're also physically strong and adept at combat makes him fall in love with you a whole other level. A blush coats his face as he compliments you because ngl he finds the fact you can fight the way you do super hot.
Kanji is similar to Chie in that he's incredibly curious of your skills and abilities. Wanting to know everything he can about them and how they work, he may even ask to go into the tv world with you to go bully some random shadows together. It's mostly so he can see you in action and oh boy he's loving every minute of it and how cool you look.
While i wouldn't say Kanji has experience in any kind of martial arts he does know how to fight pretty well and honestly he may wanna learn. He finds watching you practice and train extremely fun and wants to learn the kind of things you are, so one day he may ask you if you can teach him.
Due to your reputation of a accomplished fighter bruises and injuries from training, spars, and other things can be common. For this reason Kanji always makes sure to have a medical kit easily accessible at his place and will often patch anything up for you. Reminding you to be careful but continue kicking ass.
Another very supportive boyfriend who will gladly kick ass with you
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At first Naoto was slightly worried but then she remembers how you kick shadows ass in the TV world and complete disregards those thoughts. On a logical stance she finds the skill of being a mixed martial artist useful and beneficial. But on the more emotional end of the spectrum she absolutely adores your fighting skill and spirit but more silently expresses it compared to the others.
Naoto out of the entire cast likes watching you train the most, barely outclassing Chie. While Chie is more of loud encouragement Naoto is more of shows her feelings through body language and those lovestruck eyes staring at you as you train. Of course not to stay Naoto won't compliment you with words, she actually does it quite often. But you almost can always she her gazing lovingly at you.
While she doesn't have any physical combat experience she can still decently hold her own especially with that gun of hers, but she may ask to try your fighting styles out and then almost back out cause you're extremely close to get and your hands are different places on her body to correct her stance. Naoto tries her best to stay composed though and knows you're just getting her into the right stance for the move but can't help but get flustered at how close you two are.
Naoto will often have bottles of water and a towel ready for you so you can rehydrate and wipe off any sweat from the training session. Saying that if there's anything else she can do, she'd be glad to help.
She's not as curious of your fighting abilities as the others but anytime she see's you use them she gets reminded of how much of a girl boss her girlfriend is and stares lovingly.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll back you up in battle no matter what! Even if brute force isn't her style.
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Absolutely amazed whenever she first finds out. To Rise it feels like she's fallen head over heals in love again with you. Like most of the others she'll be asking a ton of questions about where you learned it, when you did, what types of martial arts, etc.
Carry her rn, bridal specifically. She wants to be held in her girlfriend's strong arms and also just wants a chance too check out your muscles-
Rise ties for 2nd place with Chie in watching you. She's like the number 1 cheerleader and will have waters and other snacks nearby her for whenever you finish your training routine. When watching you she can't help but think, "how did I get so lucky with you?" Absolutely adoring you as you train.
Incredibly and I mean incredibly curious of your fighting abilities, she's basically asking questions everyday even if she's already asked them before. Wanting to know your progression everyday in your passion.
Rise gets really upset the second she see's a single bruise on you, worried her dear girlfriend could've gotten permanently injured. Rise is a bit overdramatic about this but after the wound is treated she becomes a cuddle bug and asks you if you won a fight or if the bruise came from training.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll be your number 1 cheerleader giving it her all!
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tyriq-edits · 2 years
Persona 4 - Haunted Class AU
Kanji Tatsumi Moodboard
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A deadly curse befalls a Highschool class in the town of Inaba.
Slowly one after another, the students end up dead in a row of freak accidents or suicides. Soon enough rumour has it that an evil spirit is haunting their very class and won’t stop until everyone among them is gone and that someone among them had been the one to summon the vengeful spirit. But can such a rumour actually be true? And if so who ever would put a dead curse on an entire class? Now, it is up to the Investigation Team to find out who is the culprit behind the hauntings of their class and put an end to this reign of terror.
Ships for this AU: Souyo (Yu Narukami/Yosuke Hanamura) Yukichie (Yukiko Amagi/Chie Satonaka) Kannao (Kanji Tatsumi/Naoto Shirogane)
Source for the cosplay used in this edit
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