#p4g fanfic
manias-wordcount · 24 days
Hello, can I ask for the second part of Yu Narukami's story in Persona 4, the part about how their relationship will be after they confess to each other. I think you have a one-shot about Yu Narukami so you should know about it. And the last thing is can you do it as a one-shot?
Mess (Yu Narukami x Reader) PART TWO
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼!
𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁: 𝗼𝗻𝗲 || 𝘁𝘄𝗼
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Things don’t just magically improve overnight. 
As much as you both want them to, it just doesn’t happen. It’s just not in the cards for you. No matter how much you both wish otherwise. Because most days, you still wake up in a puddle of your own guilt and anxiety and insecurity. It’s not the same river of negative feelings that used to drown and plague you every moment of the day. But an obstacle is an obstacle. And the chokehold those feelings have on you- it’s not to be taken lightly. When you’re not careful, it can keep you in cold, dark places for long, long times. When you’re not careful, it can consume your every waking thought. Fill every bone in your body. Paralyze you with feelings of self-doubt, self-hatred, and everything in between.
That said, you have many more good days. And they always start and end with him.
Some mornings, you’ll wake up to an email from your boyfriend. Something sweet and simple. A response from something you sent last night. A greeting hello. A reminder about something related to class. Or just a simple ‘I miss you’ when you were least expecting it. And some mornings, when you’re really lucky, you end up waking up with something a little more personal, like the sound of the ringtone you’ve set for him on your phone. 
“Good morning, my love,” He would say to you. Maybe you’d still be so sleepy and tired that you could just barely mumble a greeting back to him as you struggled to pull yourself fully from your sleep. Maybe you’d be more awake and ready to receive his call. Maybe you’d be a little something outside or even in between. It doesn’t matter really. Because all you know is that it’s something that you look forward to. Something that cherish and never want to go away. Something that improves your spirit. Something that brightens your day.
Something that makes you feel a little less like the mess of a human being that your boyfriend had to drag out of the shadows and into the light.
Still, it’s all a work in progress. And in the couple weeks the two of you have been dating, things have been getting slightly better. Throughout the day, you may experience an episode or two. A flare-up here. A moment of panic there. It’s truly something that you can’t escape. At least, not so quickly now that it has built itself up in your mind with a foundation meant to stay. 
But you’re working on it. And he’s helping you work on it too. Truthfully, you still haven’t found yourself feeling the way you used to be when things were fine and dandy unless you were
hand-in-hand with your boyfriend during lunch or tugged into his side after school while he talked to his friends. But you’re teaching yourself how to stop comparing yourself to all his female friends. And you’re reminding yourself that out of everyone he could have picked in this town- out of all the amazing, talented, beautiful people who he could have asked out in this town, he picked you. He asked out you. 
And that’s what makes moments like these absolutely and utterly too sweet. 
Moments where you get to spend the afternoons and evenings with each other. Maybe you’ll be at his place. Maybe you’ll be at yours. But either way, you’ll spend those moments together with your arms wrapped around each other. You’ll spend those moments lounging on top of each other’s futons, with your head in his neck and his arms wrapped loosely around you. Sometimes he’ll read out loud a few pages of whatever book he was reading the day prior. Sometimes he’ll urge you into talking about your day and your feelings. All of the good. All of the bad. 
But in these moments, you only think about him. In these moments, he’s the only thing that exists to you. Not your teachers. Not your homework. Not the looming threat of making sure you make it home to dinner in time to ensure that your family won’t make any fuss. Not the great, powerful, and pretty Risa Kujikawa and her usual antics of always getting a little too close to comfort with your boyfriend and always toying the line in a way that never failed to get you at least a little bit frustrated. Not the amazing, intelligent, and resourceful Prince Detective Naoto Shirogane. She admires your boyfriend in almost the same way you absolutely envy her. But at the end, of the day, you’re the one who’s lucky. You’re the one with something to be proud of.
Because in these moments, you don’t even think of some of his truly close friends- Chie Satonaka and Yukiko Amagi. The selflessness the two of them show. Their poise, their confidence. Their joy and their bright spirits. All things you struggle with. All things you used to think you couldn’t achieve. But when you’re in Yu’s arms, you don’t think of them. You don’t think of anyone or anything. Except for your boyfriend, of course. Because in your boyfriend's arms, you can and could be anything. Because in your boyfriend's arms, you feel like a better person. One who has no need to compare themselves to others. One who could find their own happiness. Even if it comes shaped like the very person you’re laying on.
And sure, you still struggle sometimes within these moments. And you still come across the occasional negative feeling or thought and apply it to yourself tenfold- whether or not you actually believe that feeling to be true. You’re not perfect, you’re human. But with him? But with Yu, things start to become a little easier. Lighter on your soul. Brighter in the sky. Little by little. Day by day. 
So you’ll take these moments, and you’ll cherish them. Because just a couple weeks ago, you couldn’t even bear the thought of being around him or his friends. A couple weeks ago, 
A couple weeks ago, you were nothing. An insecure nobody. A big mess. But now?
You’re Yu’s girlfriend. And in the future, you hope to become more than that once again. In the future, you hope to not have to rely on your boyfriend for all your happiness and all your peace. You hope that all the negativity and all the bad feelings will one day go away. Or grow much more quiet. To the point where you can’t be sure they even exist at all.
But until that happens, you’ll take things slow. You’ll take the days one at a time. And you’ll hold dear every phone call and email and cuddle session and kind word your boyfriend sends our way. It’s all you can. It’s all you want to do. It’s all you can handle doing. It’s all you’re capable of doing. Because when cleaning up a big mess, you have to start somewhere. You have to start small. You have to start here. And for you and for him?
That’s more than enough. That’s more than enough.
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nemaliwrites · 2 months
more of the siren au hehe!
You first hear about the dead body the next night.
Dojima is still at work; you'd wondered if that was a slight against you until Nanako told you that it was a regular occurrence. She, at least, seems thrilled to have you around, and it's easy for you to return the feeling.
It seems, though, that when evening falls, the only thing that holds her attention more than you do is the daily news. She sits inches away from the TV, eyes glued to it like she wants nothing more than to climb through the screen. You were surprised, at first - you hadn't expected a kid her age to be so interested in current events. Watching her, though, you realize she's far more interested in the words and letters displayed at the bottom of the screen.
It's part of her homework, she tells you, to practice her reading. She's about to say more when a Junes commercial comes on and she cuts herself off to sing along.
You understand what she doesn't say, though; you've seen enough of this little family to be able to fill in the blanks yourself. Practicing their reading is probably something the kids are meant to do with their parents by their side, to correct any words they get wrong or don't know. Too used to being here at home alone, Nanako relies on the news anchors to do that for her.
The ocean can be dangerous, Dojima said. If only he knew that loneliness can be, too.
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mibkid · 1 year
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"At some point he had glanced at Souji when he had broken his momentum of being lost in thought, Souji had had a smile on his face. It was adorned by soft eyes, staring at the scenery outside of the train. Calm, that is how he had felt. "
hiiiiii helloooooo nice too see you agaiiiinnnn with an actual art piece this time.
ok so technically this is fanart for my soyou fanfic. i have been working on this on and off for ... a month???? No actually since may.... listen it seems that this piece was a real struggle for me... and as you can see it went... ok... it's not bad by any means, but not my fave work either! (It'll grow on me prolly :)! or not who knows!)
(oh also this is indeed conected to that one little sketch of yosuke staring at someone haha)
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qiangweirosa · 5 months
I don't share a lot of fandoms with you, but i do like your writing so I’m going through your fics like a middle aged dad being introduced to his child’s blorbos. I wouldn't be opposed to reading some x readers from you if you wanted to entertain my request in the future, but i also won't push you to write sth you don't want to. If you don't want to do that, then could i humbly ask for some Chie x Yukiko? I love them sm i just want the girlies to get to be silly together without any murders in the background, they deserve that
relationships: yukiko/chie tws: none wc: 617 (its a short drabble, my apologies) extra: ty for the request!! thats so sweet of you, im really glad you like my writing that much. i've never written for persona 4 before despite it being my favorite persona game, so i hope i did these two justice! not beta'd so there might be mistakes
Life in Inaba could be so boring.
It was always the same routine: wake up, go to school, sit through class, hang out around town and go back home. And Chie hated boring routines.
Sure, it wasn’t all that bad. She liked being with her friends at school, even though she sometimes wished Yosuke would never open his mouth again - still, she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed their company. Unfortunately, she didn’t enjoy it enough for boredom to spare her.
Chie kicked the ground with her shoe. Her hands played with her jacket, stuffed in its pockets as she aimlessly walked around town. She didn’t really know where she was heading - honestly, anywhere would’ve been better than doing nothing. She really hated doing nothing.
She had thought about texting Yu to come hang out, but he unfortunately bailed on her to hang out with another one of his countless friends - seriously, how many friends did he have? - so Chie was stuck on her own.
She walked for what seemed like an eternity; she had probably gone all through the town by now. Every now and then she spotted someone she knew, yet nobody seemed to be free enough to quell her boredom. When she finally stopped, she found herself in front of a building; raising her head, she recognized the Amagi Inn at first glance.
…Well, she had considered calling up Yukiko to hang out. She just wasn’t sure if she was working today and didn’t want to bother.
But Yukiko wouldn’t mind if she showed up, right? Of course not!
And with that assurance in mind, Chie walked up to the door and rang the bell. The door was soon opened by one of the Inn’s houseworkers - her eyes lit up in recognition when she saw Chie, and she quickly ushered her in.
Chie was left in the entrance as the house worker rushed to get Yukiko. She awkwardly looked around, waiting patiently - as patiently as Chie could. Still, Yukiko came speed walking soon enough, throwing her arms around Chie’s neck in a tackling hug. Chie stumbled from the sudden force and fell on the ground with a yelp, Yukiko still on top of her.
“Wha- Yukiko, you can’t just jump on me like that!”
Her girlfriend laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I was so happy to see you here, I couldn’t stop myself!”
Chie blushed. She couldn’t possibly stay mad when Yukiko said stuff like that, especially with that huge smile on her face. She sighed in defeat, returning the hug until Yukiko decided to get back up.
Yukiko dusted off her clothes before looking back at Chie - her casual clothes, by the way. So she wasn’t working today. She smiled; Chie smiled back, the reaction coming naturally.
“What brings you here today?”
Chie shrugged, her gaze wandering around as she danced on one foot.
“Oh, not much, really… I was bored, and, uh, I guess I just ended up walking here instinctively? What I mean to say is- I wanted to see you.”
She mumbled the last part, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. Hearing Yukiko giggle only heightened her blush, and she looked away, trying to hide her face from the girl who was currently definitely laughing at “how cute she was”.
“Oh Chie, you’re so cute!”
Knew it.
“Stop it, don’t say that…”
She heard more giggles, before Yukiko approached her and grabbed her arm, effectively pulling her after her.
“Come on, let’s do something together then.”
Yeah, Chie hated the routine that came with living in Inaba. But hanging out with Yukiko could never end up as a routine to her; she always appreciated every moment spent in her company.
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swordsfaires · 11 months
lightning straight to my heart
rating: T
pairing: Kanji Tatsumi/Naoto Shirogane
characters: Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane, Rise Kujikawa, Ryotaro Dojima
tags: Love Confessions, Fluff, Awkward Romance, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Idiots in Love, Gender Identity, Gender Issues, Genderfluid Character, Genderfluid Shirogane Naoto, Pansexual Character, Pansexual Tatsumi Kanji, He/Him and She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Shirogane Naoto, Declarations Of Love, First Kiss, Dorks in Love, Falling In Love, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Teen Romance
Naoto is about to leave for a months-long internship in Tokyo. Kanji has something to tell them before they go.
Naoto studied him out of the corner of their eye, noting how tense his shoulders were and how he began to chew on his lip. “Is that really what you wanted to talk about? Everyone leaving Inaba?”
Kanji stopped walking, and Naoto slowed to a stop next to him.
“You don’t miss anything, do ya? Though I guess that’s on me for askin’ to talk in private.” His laugh was nervous, and he started fiddling with one of the bracelets he was wearing. He blurted out, “I…I need to tell you something, and I’m hoping it doesn’t change anything between us. Will you hear me out?”
Naoto frowned, immediately concerned. “Certainly. Whatever it is, I promise it won’t.” She wagered there were few things Kanji could tell her that would change her opinion of him.
There were a long few moments of silence where Kanji simply nodded in response and cleared his throat, sounding as though he was working himself up to something.
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hello persona 4 enjoyers
it has come to my attention that many of you have not experienced the wonder that is this fic
(the events of persona 4 retold from the perspective of the guy on the security cameras at junes)
it's so fucking funny and still in progress soo go show some love
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Thank you to @sandglass-art​ for creating the cover image of my most recent fic!
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My Gaara x OC obsession will never die
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riewiggles · 10 months
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Life is Strange crossover Naoto from my crossover fanfiction.
I was looking at my old Fallout stuff and missed my old style.
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I come bearing a gift: soukan!!
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toasterimatoaster · 1 year
Hello hello! The fanfic is now posted! If you want to read Yosuke obliviously pine for 12 k words then this fic might be for you. 
Hope you enjoy! Also happy birthday to Yosuke! 
There might be some misspellings, but it was bound to happen bc it’s not Betad...
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neon1010 · 1 year
What is A New World Fool??
Have you ever seen posts in the p4 fandom about how 'Nanako should be the next protagonist for p6'? Basically I saw something like that on Pinterest and was just kinda like 'ok.' and didn't care about it until it somehow got a chokehold on me and now here I am making oc's and a whole ass storyline. Whoops.
I have started posting it and it is currently on ao3, but only the first three chapters are here on Tumblr. Here’s the ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52609336/chapters/133073878
So uh u know. In case you're confused as to what my art is from.
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Can I request Yosuke Hanamura being comforted by a fem!reader who tells him that he deserves to be loved? Maybe have it take place after the battle with his shadow? Please???
"You Deserve to Be Loved" HCs (Yosuke Hanamura)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗵 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗮𝗱 𝗛𝗖𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗱𝘂𝗺𝗯 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽! 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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You weren’t there when it happened, but somehow you could tell something was wrong from the moment he called you and asked if he could come over
It was really late- much later than you had ever expected his parents to let him out but you just couldn’t say no to him
Especially when he sounded like that
Once he arrived at your doorstep, you managed to sneak him inside and up to your room without a problem but there was still the issue at hand
Why he called you sounding so…so defeated
But you got an answer pretty quickly
It started the moment you got him inside your room and locked the door behind you
In an instant, he just collapsed into your arms- almost knocking you off your feet
Somehow, you’re able to maneuver both of you onto your bed but he never once lets go of you
In fact, you must have spent an hour just combing through his hair while listening to him softly sniffle against your chest
When he finally does open up- it’s nothing but quiet murmurs of something that you know isn’t the full picture but the pain is more than evident in his voice as he asks you all kinds of questions
Do you think he’s worthless? Do you think he’s a pain in the ass? Do you enjoy being around him? Was he and his family and Junes the worst thing that happened to your home? Do you even like being his girlfriend? Do you want to break up? Is he even worthy of your love?
It’s heartbreaking to watch but you don’t press on his secrets- you know he’ll share what he wants when the time is right
So you continue to brush your fingers through his hair and you add on a few kisses to his forehead and his nose and his cheeks and his lips for good measure
And you tell him how much he means to you and to his family and to his friends
And how he’s not this cursed existence that he may think he is
You tell him that he deserves to be loved no matter what anyone else may say or think
And for the first time in the hours since he arrived at your house, you finally get a smile out of him
It’s lined with freshly shed tears, but Rome wasn’t built in a day
You’ll take it one step at a time- and you’ll do it all for him
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nemaliwrites · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 4 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amagi Yukiko & Tatsumi Kanji, Amagi Yukiko & Satonaka Chie Characters: Amagi Yukiko, Tatsumi Kanji, Satonaka Chie, Amagi Yukiko's Mother, Tatsumi Kanji's Mother Additional Tags: Male-Female Friendship, Childhood Friends, Friendship, Attempted Sexual Assault, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Rumors, i ignore canon in favor of Vibes Summary:
Your first friend is one you never forget. Yukiko and Kanji know this better than anyone.
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mibkid · 1 year
.... he has at least 4 pairs with different colors. you know exactly what i’m talking about, don’t lie. (yes, yes the shorts)
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I can draw whatever I want and I chose to draw this... I think it’s a pretty solid choice, my priorities are in the right place 
Click on pic for better qualityyyy
.... i still think i probably made his eyes to big... maybe his face too?? hmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh well there is always a next time drawing him!
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teddiesbestestpal · 1 year
While in the hollow forest Bunni the brown furred and light orangish red eyed rabbit with stitches on his ears with black and chartreuse green stripes on his body with stubby stocking like legs with the stripe pattern on it as well as segmented chartreuse green buttons in the front of his body and a light orangish red frilly neck ruffle on his neck as well as eyebags around his eyes, but they look better.
Currently Bunni is standing besides Teddie in the hollow forest.
“ Marie should be close.., I’m really worried about her..” Teddie laments. as Bunni puts his hand onto Teddie’s arm.
“ Don’t worry Ted I’m sure we can find her and bring her back to her senses.. I can kinda relate to her, being birthed from Adachi…” Bunni replies starting to sweat an little as all of a sudden he spots a crack in the sky of the Hollow Forest as it starts to crack Ameno-Sagiri appearing in the sky his multicolored camera lenses eye staring down at them.
“ Ameno-Sagiri?! Why are you here?! Speak now!” Bunni says aggressively Teddie panicking as Bunni’s Moon arcana card materializes as he gets ready to crack it before he is stopped by The eye speaking.
“ I’m not here to harm you, I’m here to tell you that you and Marie.. are connected.. similarly to how you are connected to me due to you being birthed from Adachi’s mind…. now take from this information what you will..” Ameno-Sagiri said before disappearing the Hollow Forest’s sky turning back to normal.
“ Bunni what was that?!!” Teddie says not having seen the eye god.
“ What was what.? you clearly saw him too right..?” Bunni replies trying to hide his surprise.
“ No?!! who is he?!!! I was just panicking because you weren’t responding! You looked like Yosuke when he’s looking at one of those pin-up magazines! Teddie replies as Bunni starts to lightly blush feeling embarrassed.
“ It’s not like that please!!” Bunni says sweating.
Eventually the two go on their merry way through the Hollow Forest, though Bunni couldn’t help this feeling that something is wrong.
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lunamura · 3 months
hey oomfie. can i get some p4 fic recs i miss the cast so much ever since i finished p4g (recommend literally anything since i basically never read fanfic lol)
hey dude!! most of the p4 fics i read are pretty shippy, but i’ll go through my list of some of my favourites later and drop them for you :D any ones in particular you’re like lookin for ?
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